Assignee Liability - Through The Minefield
Assignee Liability - Through The Minefield
Assignee Liability - Through The Minefield
~;"l:ene J. li:elk~ •.lr." a f'anllcr alltl C\~Chair John L. K\.pklIUd" :.I'a"ner in Ih<· I.lllg.:"'o" G,..,q:i" I.ogulhelis " a Iilij:mi"n ,\",,,·,me
of ,he Lillgallo" Group "I' AnI'!ein & Lchr LLP. Groopof AnlS'cin & Lchr tLP. Chica~o. where he at Am,tc;n & uhr LLI", Chicagu office. SIl<: i,
Chi,·ag". "here he ha' pr:.(lI~ed ,i'K"e 19f>ti. 1·1" ha' pr:K'!in'd ,mee 1973. I·;, Iiligaliun npcriencc a gr;.dll'ole of NOO1hea'H,m IlIin"i, U"I\e,-.,i,) and
area, or prne'ICe indllde hllga';"" and ,,"rll'" ",d"'k, ",,,,,onle,r fi'lall"c da~' :1<·lion. allii Im,1. [)cl':'lol llni'ersil> C"lkge "f L,,,,. The ,"'Ih"....
rale coun,.dillg, He h", t\1('",ivc C\Ili:ricncc III en' ,ro""lClIlal.nnd t,;nIllIHCI\',al (':'SC, ,n ,,,"'''',,,,,, ""prc'Cm"d deti,"dall" in /I"Id""", l'. Cil,. ell,.,.·
a bro:'d n"'gc of trinl, in\(.I''''g commercial ,tOIle and fedcml eUlln,. Mr ROP'C<J"e1 i, a g.,....dll:l'" rolel. B""t & G!:,O, "U,. 215 F3d 8~9 (7lh Cir
di,pn1c, and cO/"umer flllance. in ,t,"c alKl tet!- ofn", J"hn, l1op~i,,' Uni'c.... il} and Nonhwc,lcrn 200m; IIi/Iter ", \\;/lIrI('( Alii" S,lIn. 1,,<'.. I ~5
c",,1 ...",n, thougho"l Ihe eUlln11), 1\-1r Iselley " l:nl\'C.... 'I) Seh,,,,1 of L'''' IIc' '''lie, .ilId 'p'-'ah I' .~I ,)!7 (7,h Cir, 19')1'11; "'""/,/,,, IlllaiC,,',Ji,
a gr.•dllale ,,1 ,he l:"'''<'.... II) "f Notre Dame a"d fr"'luell,l) "u i"ue, "I\oi''''1; <'I"',lIoner nedll Fi'llltH'i,,1 Serl'i,"·.', It,,' .. 2~5 F SII!'p,ld MJI
Nonhwe'lcrn Uni"crsll)' $<:h",,1 uf L,\\ Ik i' dIs" :'e\;on'. e'ideI11i:'1) priv;lege. elhin (s.n.\\ \'a. 2(l()-,); J""~i,,, ... M",umli/r \Iorl'
a member of Ihe Go\Crning Commiuee of the and mhcr mane..... lie i, eo-au,hor of the two-"ol- ~lIee C".. lJI F SlIpp.1d 7J7 (:'<0 Ill. 20011;
Co"fer,'"ee oil COllwlIler Fillall~e La" and a ""'" It , ,...-", I'll "-1'1(', G, Ill,' 1',."",-" \I. I~J' M\. ;1 and Ir/,,.,Gret"ll< ", \' 0.1< .. /1/<'. 7'1 1', S"flp·2d
'I>caker f"r nun",n,," C""te",""" pr"j:m"". lie et>ntrib"tllno Ro,,'1 H& 1\-1." H__h, "'" I~ N'~" .• f>.'t, (LD. V". 20(M'). ""'"'If,"ed ,,' 'h" article,
has "I", lJ,.·cn all i",lnlCl(>r of 'he lilinoi' Inswllic and :III,h"r of ",,,,,,'roLl' an,~k, "' ,Il\" e",,,,,,",,,
ofCu"!lIIl1ing Legal hlllclI!ioo. the I'nu:ti<'inl: I""" Fi'l<"'re /."" QU"NCr/I' Her<m :lIId otllt"r public,,·
Ins1l!1l1e. a"d the An"'rican Bar A'''''''ia1ion, Ik li'llh. lie i, a member of tho: Go'''n,,"g. Comnm.
h;" served a, an ad"\llr 0" IlIifa1;On a",1 daill" Icc "f 1lit,; Co"lerc,".'e "n (.\I,,,,,,,,,r hna"ce l~,,,
for '<C\Cral pllblk enlille, and Wi""e ,",,"'~"'IC·,
I. Introduction
contrasts various liability theories which to limit civil liability for statutory pen- Despite this firmly established law,
assignees may fae<: in these situations. alties to only significant violations. 4 however, the limitation on assignee
Beginning in 1998, an unbroken line liability is not always absolute. An as-
II. TlLA Limitation On Assignee of U.S. court of appeals and federal dis- signee may lose the protection of sec-
Liability' trict court decisions has recognized that tion 164I(a) when other laws intervene.
an assignee is liable for the TILA disclo- Assignees should always beware of
The protection conferred on assignees sure violations of the creditor who origi- such "mines" lurking under the surface
by the limitation on assignee liability pro- nated the credit transaction only where of consumer credit transactions. Some
vision afthe Truth in LendingAct (TILA)1 the violations are "apparent on the face" of these mines are discussed below.
is a bulwark of assignee liability law that of the documents assigned. S The policy
largely prevents consumer disputes with behind these decisions was succinctly III. The Mines
the original creditors from affecting stated in [rby-Greene v. M.O.R., [nc.:
the fights of their assignees to enforce A. The Consumer Leasing Act
contractual obligations. But it may poten- This limit on assignee liability is
tially be undermined in several situations. sensible, as a duty to inquire be- The federal Consumer Leasing
The TILA was enacted "to assure a yond the assigned documents would Act (CLAY was enacted in 1976 as
meaningful disclosure of credit terms so impede commerce, which depends an amendment to the TILA. Like the
lhat the consumer will be able to com- upon the established practice of TILA, "the CLA is a disclosure rather
pare more readily the various credit terms assigning commercial paper at a than a regulatory statute."s The CLA
available to him and avoid the uninformed discount to financial institutions. broadens the reach of the TILA and
use ofcredit, and to protect the consumer In general, assignees are not in a applies to all leases for the use of per-
against inaccurate and unfair billing and position to know whether a given sonal property having a term exceeding
credit card practices.'" Significantly, price was set in violation of TILA, four months that have a "total contrac-
however, Congress deliberately limited as assignees often are not present tual obligation not exceeding $25,000.'>9
assignee liability when it amended the at the transaction (which may have As it did when it passed the TILA,
TILA in the early 1980s, to provide as occurred much earlier than the as- Congress delegated to the Federal Re-
foHows in 15 U.S.C. section 1641(a): signment), do not participate in the serve Board (FRB) the task of drafting
negotiation, and may not be aware regulations with respect to the CLA, giv-
Except as otherwise specifically of a seBer's mode of conducting ing it the authority to "update and clarify
provided in this subchapter, any business. Assignees are in a position the requirements and definitions applica-
civil action for a violation of this to examine the documents assigned tion to lease disclosures."'o Those regula-
subchapter or proceeding under Sec- for irregularities, and they usually tions are collectively referred to as Regu-
tion 1607 of this title which may be make pricing decisions based on lation M. The regulations, along with the
brought against a creditor may be those documents. Thus, 15 U.S.c. FRB Staff Commentary on Regulation
maintained against any assignee of section I64I(a) "enable[sJ an as- M, are codified at 12 C.F.R. section 213.
such creditor only if the violation for signee fO know with fa reasonable The FRB Staff Commentary states that
which such action or proceeding is degree of] certainty upon receipt "an assignee may be a lessor for the pur-
brought is apparent on the face ofthe of assigned documents whether it poses of the regulation in circumstances
disclosure statement, except where would be subject to possible liabil- where the assignee has substantial in-
the assignment was involuntary. ity for the actions of the vendor.'~ volvement in the lease transaction.""
Thus, the assignee can lose the protection
In enacting these amendments, of the limitation on assignee liability in
Congress expressed its purpose as section 1641 (a) where the assignee is di-
narrowing "considerably the potential rectly involved, in certain circumstances.
scope of assignee liability," to "make 4, Ramadon v. C!Iue Mon""... Corp.. 229 F,3<I 194.200 (3<1 The interplay between Regulation M
Ci,. 20(0). citinl S. Rep. Nc. 96·7) {1979J . ..(>t;ntod;n 1980
compliance easier for creditors" and U,S,(;.C,A,N.10.2.)(;.10.281. and section 1641(a) was brought into
~. Toyl'" v. Quoli', HfU"".i.loc.. l~ F.3<l689. 69S (7'h Ci,.
1993); W.lke, v. Wall..,. A,IO Sa.... Inc.. 1~5 F.ld 927, 9~
(JII, Ci,. 19'98); EHi. v. e-t>.1 _ Acce_ CO!]l.•
It\l,) EX! 703. 709 (11,h Ci·. 19'98); Creen v. I.A:vi. MO<OtS.
I. S<:e pI..",Uy Mu. B. o.p;",. ""S"" J. Kell<,. Jr,. Jolon Inc.. 179 E34 286. 29S (S'h Ci,.). ecrt. tknlod. S20 U.S, 1020 1 ISUSC.tll667c1kq
L. Ropieq....,.• 0><1 Cllri>topl>et». AssiS""" UtJbjHry (19\19): U.'<lerw v. e"y 0 ..,,","'. Bu ........ Ve<>. Inc.• l'4
Urnk,the TllA . Is ,he Ct>ndu;/ "T'ktMy R<t>lly 0<a<1'. :\4 F.ld 849. 853 (7th Ci,. 2(100): Ro,ntIIi<I". 229 F.ld ot 193: 8, Turne, >. C<""tOl _ Acce",an« Corp.. 180 F.Jd 451.
eon",..., F;n. L.Q. Rep. 242 (20001. t'Cpt';m<ttl;,' RO"M' '" hby.G,ee". v. M.O.R.. 100.. 79 E SUW. 2d 630. 633·).4 4~(2dCi,.199\I~
M'u..rl. T~" II' Ul<aotG' IHl6111 (2006 S"~,l. (B.D, va. 2QOO): K.. ~ >. AmeriCre<ll1 Fin.nci.1 s.",ie<.,
Inc.. 24S F. Supp. 2d 841. &4S (S.D.W. Yo. 20(3): Cole""," 9, IS U,SC., 1661(11.
2. IS US.C- , 1(,41(.1. TIt.A S«,..... h=in ore ",fe",need by >. G."....I MO<OtS ACC<ptO<Ce Corp.• 196 F.R.D. JIS (M.D.
d,.,lo... "'!lie UnilOd S..... Code mhet ""on to ,fie A... Te"n. 2QOO). 10. 1,1.' 16671(0)(1),
sharp focus in Kennedy \/. BMW Finan- the "grounds for maintenance of (a of the lease. "I' In reaching this conclu-
cial ~ervices, NAil There, the plaintiff civil] action" is provided by "[15 sion, the Kennedy court relied on Taylor
was a lessee who had entered into a m0- U.S.c. section] 1640 of [fILA}." v. Qualily Hyundai" and emphasized
tor vehicle lease agreement with an auto Section 1641, obviously, directly that BMW merely provided the forms
dealer which assigned the lease to BMW follows 15 US.C. (section] 1640, to the dealer. 1bere was no evidence of
Financial Services (BMW). He alleged and limits what claims under the for- any involvement by BMW in calculat-
that lhe lease agreement was inaccurate mer Section may be pursued against ing those fees, much less any evidence
on several points. claiming: (I) the agree- assignees. There is nothing to sug- of the "substantial involvement" reo
ment overstated the title. registration, gest that, in the context ofconsumer quired by [he Commentary to trigger
and license fees due on the automobile leases, a lessee may avail himself assignee liability. Accordingly, because
(resulting in an increased total payment); of the remedies provided by TlLA the miscalculations were not apparent on
and (2) BMW miscalculated the excess through [sectioo)1640 but ignore the the face of the assigned documents, the
mileage and sales tax at lease termina- restrictions of (section] 164I(a).16 court held that section 1641(a) shielded
tion. Based on these inaccuracies, the BMW from liability on that charge. 21l
plaintiff alleged that BMW violated the The Kennedy court went on to cite As to the miscalculation of excess
CLA. BMW claimed that it was immune the FRB Staff Corrunentary as support mileage fees and sales tax at lease ler·
from liability under the CLA because, as for its holding that section 164I(a) does mination, however, the court found that
an assignee of the original lessor. its li- not by its terms exclude lease assignees: BMW did indeed participate at such a
ability was limited by section 164I(a). level as to warrant treating it as a lessor
The Kennedy court began by exam- Nor does the staff commentary for Regulation M purposes. BMW "par-
ining the definition of a "lessor" under to Regulation M, to which courts ticipates in setting the mileage allowance
the CLA, which is "a person who is must defer in interpreting the and excess mileage charges for vehicle
regularly engaging in leasing, offering CLA, suggest that lease assignees leases thaI it assumes from a dealer," and
to lease, or arranging to lease under a are excluded from the protections "at the time of lease termination (when
consumer lease."I) Regulation M, the of (section] 164I(a). That com- these fees are calculated), BMW was the
court pointed out, defines an arranger mentary says that assignees who only lessor."11 Nevertheless, the plaintiff's
of a lease as one who "has knowledge are substantially involved in lease failure to plead this claim Jed the court to
of the lease terms and participates in the arrangements may be considered grant summary judgment dismissing it Zl
preparation of the contract documents lessors for purposes of regulation.
required in connection with the lease."14 See 12 C.P.R. [section} 2l3.4(h), B. Credit Cards
The FRB Staff Commentary also states Supp. I. That language implies
that "an assignee may be a lessor for the both thal it is nul mandatory for A similar theory was advanced unsuc-
purposes of the regulation in circum- substantially involved assignees to cessfully to try to circumvent the limita-
stances where the assignee has substantial be treated as such, and that assignees tion on assignee liability in a credit card
involvement in the lease trallsaclion."ls less involved in lease arrangements case, Neff v. Capital Acquisitions &
The Kennedy court noted thill BMW's should not be considered lessors. 17 Management Co?' The plaintiffs assetled
use of section 1641(a) as a defense in the that a purchaser of credit card debt from
leasing context was essentially an issue Having concluded that BMW could the original creditor was liable under the
of first impression. While the plaintiff ar- avail itself of the section 1641(a) defense TILA as a "creditor" for failure to issue
gued that section 1641 (a) was inapplicable in the lease context, the Kennedy court monlhly billing statements. Plaintiff
in the CLA context, the court disagreed: then examined BMW's level of partici- Neff had fallen behind on his credit card
pation to determine if it merited holding payments to Citibank. His account was
The CLA itself is enforced through BMW liable. As to the miscalculation of sold as a delinquent account to Capital
the larger statutory scheme ofTlLA. the amount due for title, registration, and One. In 1997, a collection agency sent
15 U.S.c. [section) 1667(d) of the licensing, the court found that BMW was Neff a leller stating that his balance was
CLA, discussing the civil liability "shielded from liability on these viola-
of lessors, specifically states that tions as an assignee, as BMW did oot
calculate these figures and any errors in
calculations were not apparent on the face I'. 1<1•• Ill.
12. :l6JF. $l>pp.2d 1I0CD.C.... J(lOiI 20. K.-dy. J6l F. s..pp.ld .. 119.
14. ~l F. S~pp.1d" 115.<fI""'i"ll 11 CFl\ f 2Il.1Chl. s~w. I, 16. Id... 116. 22. /d." 120.
I~. )6J F. S~pp,ld .. liS (o."pl",i, ,n 00,'""1), 2l. UJ F.:ld 1111(7l11Cir. 2(03),
SI,133 but that he could settle by pay- assignees of loans which come under the 164I(d) was to eliminate holder in due
ing $536. Neff paid that amount with a Home Ownership Equity Protection Act course defenses for HOEPA mortgages.)J
money order marked "payment in full," (HOEPA).l1The HOEPAcomes into play More recently. in DurlUJm Y. The Loan
For the next five years, Neff did not if the APR on a seoond·lien loan is more Store.Iru:.,3-I the court held that two suc-
receive any monthly billing statements. Ihan ten percentage points over the ap- cessive assignees of a HOEPA mortgage
and assumed that his Citibank debt was plicable U.S. Treasury security rate (the could be held liable for the original mort-
satisfied. But in 2002., he received a let- "APR trigger") or the points and fees paid gagee's HOEPA violations. The plaintiff
ter from Capiral Acquisitions & Manage- by the consumer are more than the greater alleged that the original creditor exceeded
ment Company (CAMeO), an assignee of eight percent of the principal amount the HOEPA threshold and thaI inclusion
of Capital One which had purchased his of the loan or $400 (the "points and fees of a HOEPA Notice to Assignee made
account, informing him that he owed trigger").2t If either of these tests is mel. it apparent on the face of the document
$2.835.32. Another plaintiff in the case special disclosures must be made and a se- that it was subject to the HOEPA. The as-
was similarly situated, claiming that, al- ries of statutory prohibitions will apply.29 signees therefore had no protection from
though. he settled his account, he received As floted. the limitation on assignee assignee liability under section 1641(a).3s
a letter from CAMeO years later de- liability under section 1641(a) of the
manding that he satisfy a debt of $7.000. TILA does not apply to HOEPA loans. D. TheECOA
The plaintiffs charged that by not Additionally. under section 164I(d). an
sending monthly billing statements, assignee is subject to all claims and de- Claims of race discrimination viola-
CAMeO violated the TILA. The trial fenses that theconsumercould assert with tive of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
court dismissed this claim on motion. respect to that mortgage against thecredi- (ECOA)lIi have made use of the broader
The Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Ap- tor "unless the assignee demonstrates. by definition of "creditor'" in the ECOA,
peals affirmed., reasoning that the "oor 4
a preponderance of the evidence. that a which includes "any person who regu-
mal rule" that the assignee assumes the reasonable person exercising ordinary larl y extends. renews. or continues credit;
duties of the assigning party does not due diligence. could not determine. any person wllo regularly arranges for
apply to obligations under the TfLA based on the documentation required by the extension. renewal. or continuation
because the TlLA and Regulation Z this subchapter. the itemization of the of credit; or any assignee 0/an original
specifically address the obligations of amount financed. and other disclosure creditor who participates in the decision
assignees. Any liability would have to of disbursements that the mortgage" is a to exrend. renew, or continue credit,"JJ
be asserted within theTILAframework. 2oI mortgage subject to HOEPA. Likewise. to avoid the limitation on assignee li-
Although the Neff plaintiffs claimed the consumer's right of rescission sur- ability in section 164I(a) of the TlLA.
thai CAMCO was a "creditor" so as vives assignmem. and can be asserted Assignees may fall within this defini-
10 avoid the application of section against any assiglll:e of lhe obligalion. JO tion by participating in the decision to
1641(a), the Seventh Circuit did noc In Mason v. Fieldstone Mortgage extend credit when they agree to accept
agree. The actions of the assignee did CO}I the assignee argued that it was a an assignment at the same time that the
not bring it within the definition of holder in due course and therefore could originating TlLA "creditor" extends
"creditor" under the TlLA since it only not be hcld liable because the plaintiff's credit. But an assignee call avoid this
purchased the credit card accounts. 2S fraud claim was not a claim "with re- trap by avoiding any such participation.
spect to" the mortgage. Citing the "plain An assignee can be excluded from
C. HOEPA 26 language" of seclion 1641(d)(I). the the ECOA definition of "creditor" and
court simply stated: "I find that it is:·n thereby avoid liability for discrimina-
For standard mortgage transactions. Similarly, in two other cases dealing tory acts or practices by the person
as discussed above. the assignee is liable with assignee liability. the couns found
only for violations that are apparent on that the "unmistakable effect" of section
the face of the disclosure statement, under
15 U.S.c. section 164I(a). However. this •. . . . . . . ood •. ~ Car;>.. SJ f. s."..ld 96S.
.. '''''
_ (W.o. Midi. 1999J: ..... -...,.. U9 8.ll. m (6.0.
protection of the TILA does nOl apply to
27. s... IS U.s.C.1 16011ld~
2l. ISU.s.ClltiCf!t.~TIoo_""""oo_ . .;..a..-. l$. "'.... J.
_ _ ...,....... n...... •...· _ ;...... _lriUU
Z•. 14... IIZ1.
..--_""",lw_,_s..._g_ :l6. ISU.s.C-Hlt9I .......
who deals directly with the consumer NOTICE between the parties, and indeed
under Regulation B only if it did not could not have been. It is part of
know or have reasonable notice of the ANY HOLDER OF THIS CON- the contract by force of law, and
original creditor's discrimination before SUMER CREDIT CONTRACf IS it must be read in light of other
it accepted the assignment.:l8 Although SUBJECfTO ALL CLAIMS AND laws that modify its reach. [cita-
this would appear on its face not too DEFENSES WHICH THE DEBT- tion omitted] We therefore reject
difficult to establish under most circum- OR COULD ASSERT AGAINST the plaintiffs' contract-based effort
stances, the "effects test" referred to in THE SELLER OF GOODS OR to side-step [section] 1641(a).44
a footnote to Regulation Bl9 has proven SERVICES OBTAINED PUR-
to be quite a (;hallenge for assignees. SUANT HERETO OR WITH 2, Holder Rule Cases Under
Many class actions have been filed THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. State Law
in recent years against deep-pocket as- RECOVERY HEREUNDER BY
signees of automobile retail installment THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT The holding in Taylor was followed
contracts, which do not even name the EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY in numerous other cases each time that
auto dealers who allegedly discriminated THE DEBTOR HEREUNDER. an appellate court considered the issue
against the protected classes as defen- of limitation on assignee liability un-
dants. All ofthe reported cases have now By its terms, this "Holder Notice" der TILA section 164I(a).4s However,
been settled for large amounts of fees paid would allow a consumer to assert many state court decisions which were
to the plaintiffs' attorneys, and benefits against the assignee all claims and de- decided prior to the seminal Taylor
of more dubious value to the class mem- fenses to which the Original creditor was decision applied the FTC Holder Rule
bers. Unfortunately, because they were subject. This creates a conflict between contract language without considering
settled rather than litigated to a conclu- the FTC Holder Rule, which states that the limitation on assignee liability in
sion, these cases give little guidance as an assignee is liable to the consumer, TILA section 164 I(a). For example, the
to what the ECOA requires of assignees. and TlLA section 164I(a), which pre- Alabama court in Eachen v. Scott Hous-
This subject and the ramifications cludes such liability for TILA errors not ing Systems, Inc.#' was faced with the is-
for future litigation against assignees apparent on the disclosure statement. sue of whether mobile home buyers could
are discussed at greater length in two However, this apparent conflict was sue both the mobile home manufacturer
fC(;enl artides by one of your authors. 40 firmly resolved in favor of limiting li- and the finance company to which their
ability by the line of cases considering retail installment contract was assigned
E. The FTC "Holder" Rule" the issue, starting with Taylor v. Qual- for breach of warranty. Instead of relying
ity Hyundai, Inc. 4l That case held that on section 1641(a) to defend the TILA
1. Federal Holder Rule Cases the language in the FTC IIolder Notice issues, the finance company argued that
cannot override the limitation on as- the FTC Holder Rule does not provide a
The FfC "Holder" Rule4~ requires signee liability in TILA section 164I(a): basis for making a claim directly against
that the following language be induded the assignee, but rather only applies if
in at least ten point bold type in all The plaintiffs initially argued that the plaintiff were defending a suit filed
consumer retail installment contracts: . the TILA actually has nothing to against it by the assignee. The Eachen
do with the assignee's liability court rejected this argument, holding
in these cases, because they are that the FfC Holder Notice language
bound under the terms of the con- imposed liability on the finance com-
tracts they accepted, wholly apart pany because it was a subsequent holder
:lll. 11 CFR • 201.1(1). Iu"""". 'ha;, """.'i...... C"1e<! .... from the statute ... .In our view, of the contract.·7 Similar rulings were
-multiple c<edi!¢<- ROle
however, this misconstrues the
39. 11CFR~m6(.).fOOlMl.2.
effect of the Holder Notice insofar
as it governs TlLA-based claims.
40. Jolm L R<:>pieqU<l.nd N.. O. I..undby. APR $p/il Cit",
,\<1...... Unde, t!le £q;Hl1 C,<Ji, Opport""i", Ad: TI.. £lid
0/1';'''''7<'.6 Teonsu""" ~;~. L,O. Rep. 49 {:lOCI?), Jo'm L
RopieqU<l .nd N.lIw> O. l.<>ndhy. tko/or RaI< P,,"idflO'.....
OW> .....'i"'" Um1<' ,!Ie £COA.; Ik"" II'< R<ach<d ,I>" &01 44. Id", 69),
,,/th. Rfl<Jfi!, 61 Bus. Law. 663 (:lOCI?),
4S. WIlke< Y. W.lloee "'U", S.,... I..... ISS F.ld 927. 93S (7'h
41. 5<1. A."""",1I,0 M.rt E. 0.,;.,. Eua"'" J. Koll.y. I,.. John The Holder Notice, even Ihough CO,. Im.'EII".,Ge"".. IMolon.'u:C<ptor»oC....,. I60F..Jd
L. R.,..,...,.,,,,,.••" On".-.pheo S, N"oj>. ",<.• i6"'" U"hilir. contained within the contract, 703. 709 (11th CO,. 1991); 0""• •. L<",i, M<>to«. h", .. 179
Un4" ,I,. TIUo.' I. ,10< C<>n4,,;' TIr<",,' R...II! l><a<I~. S4 F.3d 286. 29.\ (Sth Ci,.). «". d<ni<J. S20 U.S. 1020 (1m):
Coot...""" Fin. L.O. R<p, 24~ (ZOOll). ..pri"r<d iIP Roo...... &: was not the subject of bargaining R:LrN<bn Y. au.. M.nh..,.. C",p.• 219 F,Jd 194. 199 (3d
M,uH. To"," '" LENoo"'" 11.(16141 (lOO6 Su.....). Ci,. WOO): Bal<le"", •. C;'yCheY<oIeI. Buick &0 Ceo.I"".. 214
F.Jd 849. an P'hCu. WOO): lrby.o..-. Y M.OR.. In<. 79
42. '6CFR t 4)).2. Thi, i, """""""'y c.ll<~ ,he .. HQIde.... ",I. F. Sup{>. 2d 630. 63.1':16 (E,D, VI. 20(0).
becau.. i, arr""" It>e ,iShU of hoklets k..l....,ivoces) of e<ell;'
<o<>1fKU, ..", wo> ~i<e<:l<:<l i. "..~ .. P<CVCOl'inS holde, in duo #. 630 r. S"Pf'. '62 (N,D, AI•. ,98(;),
COUlt< "at",
u""", ,lie Uunif""" Com"",,,,i.1 Code WCC).
Su.•.,., UCC If 3·:102 ..105(h). ).J06. n. 1~F.:ld669(7'hCi" 1m). 47. Id." 164-6S
handed down in other state cou~ and Jersey Consumer Fraud ACI,SJ breach of had forged the plaintiff's initials on an
federal courts'"' in the yean preceeding contract, or money paid by an estate.S4 option to purchase credit life insurance.
the Tayibrdecision. However, these cases On the other hand, in Cavette v. On appeal, the Louisiana Court of Ap-
are called into question by the courts' MasterCard Int'l, Inc.,ss a federal peals followed Ramadan and Ale:ciou in
failure to consider the impact of TILA district court completely ignored the finding that the definition of "creditor"
section 164I(a), especially after Taylor. issue of federal preemption of conflict- and "extender of credit" under a state
Following the federal court deci- ing state law under the TILA. At issue statute could not extend liability to
sions in Taylor and numerous cases was whether the plaintiff's claim, that an assignee in contravention of TILA
subsequently confinning Taylor, there MasterCard's failure to disclose its cur- section 1641(a), and that the FTC
still remained the issue of whether the rency conversion fee violated the Ten- Holder Notice language in the contraci
same rule would be applied to state law nessee Consumer Protection Act,56 was in also could not extend such liability.61
claims. This issue was carefully ana~ conflict with the disclosure requirements One commentator has recently recom-
Iyzed by the Illinois Supreme Court in of the TlLA, which include no duty to mended that consumers rely on the FTC
an important decision, Jackson v. Soulh disclost:: such information. The court Holder Rule language to seek redress
Hofland Dodge, Inc. 5O In addition to fol- found that no federal question jurisdic- against both original creditors and as-
lowing Taylor on the issue of whether tion was present under the artful plead- signees for any type of claim that they
the limitation on assignee liability in ing doctrine, and remanded the case to may have." He advocates this since the
TILA section 164I(a) affects liability state court without reviewing the TILA's language in the FTC Holder Notice is
under state laws, discussed immediately requirements for open-end credit disclo- designed to make all subsequent as-
below at Pan UtE, the Jockson court ad- sures or the federal preemption issues. signees essentially "stand in the shoes
dressed whether the FTC Holder Notice In Psensky v. American Honda Fj- of the seller.'''''' However, in support he
language nevertheless imposed liability tlQIl,Ce Corp.. 57 the New Jersey Superior cited onJy pre-Taylor cases and cases
on a subsequent holder of the contract Court, Appellate Division, overruled involving rescission, a special circum-
Noting that all of the federal courts that an earlier decision)lj in which a lower stance discussed below in Part IlI.G.
had addressed the issue rejected that court had held that while TILA sec- He did not discuss Taylor or the cases
argument, the Jackson court likewise tion 1641(a) applies to TILA claims, following it Such arguments may sway
found that the FTC Holder Notice lan- it does not apply to claims under the courts that are unfamiliar with the now
guage could not impose such liability.51 New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act" The well-settled rule that the TILA section
Nonelheless,lhe trealment oflhe FTC Psensky court held that in the absence of 164I(a) limitation on assignee liability
Holder Rule in subsequent cases, both an allegation that the defendant assignee trumps tbe FfC Holder Notice language.
state and federal, has not always been actively participated in the wrongdoing This approach to the issue may have
consistent. For ex:ample, in Alexiou by the original creditor, in that case influenced the court in the recent case of
v. Brad Benson Mitsubishi,51 a fed- an auto dealer, the assignee's compli- Glovier v Barton Homes, lLC,65 finding
eral district court followed Ramadan ance with the TILA was "a complete that no federal question was presented
in holding that the New Jersey state law defense to the [related] state c1aims."6O in a situation similar to that presented
Holder Rule was·expressly preempted A similar ruling was issued in Vickers in Cayeae. The Gluy;er cast:: had bec:n
by TlLA section 1641(a) and therefore v.lnterstate Dodge, Inc." In Vickers, the removed to federal court on the ground
the Slate law could not be the basis trial court had found both the original that plaintiff's claim under the FTC
for imposing liability on an assignee creditor, again an auto dealer, and its Holder Rule presented a claim arising
for state law claims under the New assignee liable on a claim that the dealer under federal law. The Glovier court
ruled that bringing breach of contract
and other state law claims against an as-
signee pursuant to the FTC Holder Notice
4L S-. ~.. ~ - . _ s,-. •. Jeuop.. .... ,~ 14) II N.J.-.IVta.H560I-I ......
language did not create federal question
lAloob I9I:J);~
:z.l)ll (1..a. l~
_a T.- ..
no- ........ _
~ Jl4Sa.
CNdiI Coop.. ....
jurisdiction since the FTC Holder Rule
NcI. " " ' 617••19 ~ m
Cl9lIl; _ .. - . does not create a federal private righl
1.... 560t1i0""' Jd IQ565 N.E.2oIIott(llU),. "- 1:11 F_Soopp.2Jd '1),'19(N.0. T_1OO}~
.&t. s",. ~.._ ".",. •. _ ~ S<rvias. loe.. 951 F. S6. T.... CookNaH~1.1•. IOI .. _
Suw 010. 1)'1).16 (IoU). Ala. 1996): ~ •• Said.
911 F. Sopp. OllJ. loI01.f1) 10. KaL 1",1; Coa •• "...- n. m"'J.s..""'.nl.I7' ....2<I9)(lOll-SI.
N.._ . ~ of C"_ _ 6J} F s..w !:I6. Ull (S.D.
011... 1\1161. .sa. Soou •. ~_I_CGrp..)6Jl'U.s.--. 6l. u.• 12oIl.
145.')1 ....2-cl-S64 (2001).
'0. 1971U. ld)9. 755 N.E.ld061 (2OOb 6:1. Oo.vidA.SIwU. ~fTC -Hold<>-- 1I-k.60Conounoo.F...
-SIl. NJ. Sooo. "'nn, n .56:'·1 .. Hf. L.Q. R<fI.)61 (2006~
51. hi. • 53·55. 755 N.E.ld. 411-71.c~i... TQ._. ISO FJd 01
69'l-'l3: Em•. 160 F.ld .. 101-09; and e..-. 119 l'.:l<l M 60. )11 NJ. S"fl<'. 01231. 115 "',ld M196. c;l;ftIJ(>(;s.-. 75-S 64. Id.••• 1'fC 0'id<1...... 41 Fed. Rq.lOPl1.lOPl)
111 F. s"PI'.2d 557 (O.N.J.lOOOl. 61.
SS2So.2<l1136(L4....PI','2005}, 65.
(Ma, 1•• 1916).
of action.1It As in Cavette, the Gloviu Fraud Ad" where me auto dealer assign- disclosure requirements ofTILA is a
court gave no consideration to whether or violated the TILA by failing to disclose defense to the Consumer Fraud Act
the claims implicated me limitation on as~ that it retained part ofthe price being paid claim against Chrysler in this case. n
signee liability in TILA section 1641(a). for an extended warranty instead ofenter-
Whether thai issue will be raised after ing the full amount of the purchase price As noted above at Part lU.E.2., this
remand to state court remains to be seen. as an "amount paid to others" in the TILA holding in Jackson was followed in New
disclosure statement. This would present Jersey in Psensky v. American Honda
F. State UDAP Laws67 a TILA violation on the part of the dealer, Finrlnce Corp./J overruling the earlier
but under federal circuit court of appeals decision in Scott v. Mayflower Home
The FTC Holder Rule cases also deal decisions, an assignee who purchased Improvement Corp. I. The Psensky court
with the question of whether a consum- the retail installment contract from the agreed that absent some allegation that
er's claims against the original creditor dealer could not beliable under the TILA the assignee actively participated in
are preserved or extinguished upon as- because the violation was not apparent wrongdoing by the dealer that assigned
signment of the credit inslrumell{. If Ult~ on the face of the disclosure statement. the contract to it, so that only a failure to
claims are preserved, and are not other- Drawing on its earlier decision in disclose was present, there could be no lia-
wise preempted by federal law or barred fAnier v. Associates Finanr:e, Inc.,70 the bility, adopting the rationale of Jadson. 7)
by state law, they can be asserted against Jackson court found that the assignee: TIle same result occurred in California
the assignee. If they are extinguished or fully complied with its TILA obliga. in Silvas v. PTrOOe Mortgage Corp.76
barred by the assignment, they cannot be. tions by purchasing a contract that had In Silvas, the plaintiffs claimed that the
Such claims may involve the question of no TILA disclosure violations apparent defendant mortgage lender failed to
whether disclosures required by the TILA on its face." The court further found rescind the transaction after receiving a
have been given by the original creditor. that holding an assignee liable under the proper notice of rescission and violated
As discussed above, under section Illinois Consumer Fraud Act where the the TILA in other respects. They failed
164 I (a), TILA disclosure claims may TILA exempted it from liability would to file suit within the one-year statute of
not be asserled against an assignee violate the state's public policy because: limitations provided by the TlLA, so
unless they are "apparent on the face" they sued only under sections 17200 and
of the disclosure statement. A related If an assignee were liable under 17500 of the California Unfair Competi-
and significant question is whether the the Consumer Fraud Act, though tion Law (UCL), n which had a four-year
original creditor may have done some- exempted from liability under statute. 1be rnongage lender asserted that
thing underhanded or fraudulent that TILA, it would impose disclosure allowing the plaintiffs to prosecute claims
may subject it to liability under a state requirements on assignees beyond under the California statute when their
Unifonn Deceptive Acts and Practices those mandated by federal law. claims would be barred by the TILA
(UDAP) statute but which cannot be de- This would frustrate the overarch- conflicted with the TILA's federal
termilled simply by looking at the face of ing reasons put forth by Congress regulatory scheme. Thus, the state law
the loan documentation being assigned. in enacting the assignee exemption, claims should be preempted. The Silvas
Can such claims be brought against an i.e., to narrow assignee liability, to court agret:d that the VCL claims could
assignee under the UDAP statute, or make compliance easier for credi- not be brought where equivalent TlLA
does the limitation on assignee: liability tors and to eliminate confusion as to claims were barred because to allow such
in TlLA section 164I(a) also absolve the responsibilities of assignees. [ci. claims would defer to conflicting state
an assignee of liability for such claims? tation omittedl Thus, we conclude regulation of the defendant's activities
This was the most imponant question that an assignee is not responsible as to issues where federal law and bank-
that faced the Illinois .supreme Court in for the misrepresentations made by ing regulations occupy the entire field. 1I
Jackson v. South Holland Dodge, Inc." the dealer to the consumer outside
At issue was whether an assignee could of reviewing the face of me assigned
be held liable under the Illinois Consumer document for apparent defects. Ac-
cordingly, we will follow lAnier
and hold that compliance with the
n. )7!NJ.S........ lll.!1S ... .ldl9O(200S~
69. liS IlCS Xliii ...... l6. .~ I F Supp.2d III 5(S.O. Cal. 2llO6~
~ ~u-.s-u-~ '""'*- "" Sooodo
HolJanil DodIC>' S6 Fi•. LQ. R.... 16 (1OOll. T1. Cal. 8ool. .. hol.CodoH Inco. lnoo.
..,.- .. - . . a IotIua. T _ .. " - , 11.06lS)
11. 1911.. :101 ••1-&1. m f'(L1I<l. __ anooc.",..... 1:10 f.Jol "JI,. CPR I *..1. no.
.ll F. SIw.ld. 13:!O.Ooiooos I~ ~
.69I._,-'n9f.Jol.19'l.31l;Gtftow.I19f.Jol ~ ... kdmII_...-,._.-",,-... ~
• m-96: fllo. 160 f.Jol_ 709-10. TI~
The Silvas court distinguished a recent than derivatively liable for a UDAPviola- G. Rescission
California state court decision, Smith v. tion. The Knappcourt accordingly did not
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.,7'! because the dismiss the UDAP claim against the as- 1. Intr-oduction
Smith court dealt with "a different, signee, although it did dismiss the claims
narrower, preemption regulation, and brought against it under the TILA. 86 Where a plaintiff claims a right to
it also did not apply field preemption This issue was addressed more recent- rescind a credit transaction, the rules
principles. "80 Smith involved VeL claims ly in Cazares v. Pacific Shore Funding. 81 change. This is true in two different
concerning fees for ATM and check card The Cazares plaintiffs sued a mortgage respects. First, the FTC Holder Notice
overdrafts. The Silvas court stated that broker and its assignees under the UCl language will be given effect against an
Smith only involved a predicate act of for TIlA and HOEPA violations, alleg- assignee where the consumer seeks to
violating federal disclosure requirements, ing that the assignees participated directly rescind the transaction after receiving
but did "not involve or seek to impose any in the broker's loan transactions by dic- "little or nothing of value." Second,
state law [imitation or other state require- tating the mortgage broker's loan tenns, mortgage borrowers are given a statutory
ment regarding disclosure."s, The Smith financing the loans issued by the broker, right to rescind which is made expressly
ruling therefore did not conflict with fed- and paying a premium for including pre- effective against assignees under the
e~l regulations or implicate federal pre- payment penalty provisions that violated TILA,93 Both types of rescission have
emption of the state law causes of action. the HOEPA prohibition on such terms been the subject of substantial litigation.
Under these cases and others, it is in high cost mortgage loans. The court
clear that the limitation on assignee li- agreed that "secondary liability cannot be 2. Consumer Received No
ability in llLA section 1641(a) applies imposed under the UCL," but found that Value
to bar state law claims if the state law li- these allegations of the assignees' direct
ability is merely derivative of the original involvement in wrongful conduct were In the Taylor decision, the court stated
creditor's wrongful act against the con- sufficient to state a claim under the VCL. sa that it was not interpreting the limitation of
sumer. Forexample, the lllinois Supreme The Knapp plaintiffs also asserted that assignee liability in TILA section 1641(a)
Court ruled in Zekman v. Direct American the assignee was liable for the dealer's in such a way as to make the FTC Holder
Marketers, lnc. n that an assignee has no alleged violation of the West Virginia Rule a nullity. It took note of a line of
derivative liability under the state UDAP usury law. '9 Although the court found cases providing that where the consumer
statute for the act of another person who that there was no usury violation,90 such a has received "little or nothing of value,"
directly defrauded a consumer, even if the claim could clearly have created liability there is a common law right to rescind
assignee knowingly received the benefit for both the dealer and the assignee if it the transaction. The court therefore held:
of the other's fraud. 33 Derivative UDAPIi- had merit, since the TILA does not pre-
ability has also been rejected elsewhere. S4 empt this type of stare regulation. Under As a legally required part of every
If, however, the assignee can be found TlLAsection 161O(a)(1),91 theTfLAonly consumer financing contract, the
to have participated "directly" in the preempts state laws that are "inconsistent Holder Notice continues to perfonn
claimed wrongdoing, a UDAP claim may with the provisions ofthe rrfLAj and then an important function even in the
still be possible. For example, in Knapp only to the extent of the inconsistency." contracts between the plaintiffs and
v. AmeriCredit Financial Services, Inc.,8s Since the TILA docs not regulate interest their respective assignees. If the cars
it was alleged that the assignee's branch rates, this is one type of state law claim turn out to be lemons and they assert
manager conspired with an auto dealer that can clearly be brought against an as- a right to withhold payment against
to create false documents and to hide a signee as well as the original creditor. 92 the sellers, they may also assert the
finance charge in the vehicle price stated same right against the assignees. 94
on the retail installment contract. This
would make the assignee directly rather This ruling followed from earlier case
law which held that the FTC Holder
Notice language allows a consumer to
17. 2006 w~ 149I(1(;(C.0. Cal. Jon.). 2(06),
pursue affirmative claims, as opposed
19. 13SCal."~.41h 141\3. J8CaI.Rptr.3<16$3(2OOS\. II. /d. at '9.
to mounting a defense, "only if the
80. 421 F. SoW.24 .. 1320·21. 89. W, V:l. Cod< ~H6.0.·3·'OI '''«I' seller's breach was so substantial that
90. 245 F, S0I'l'.2d at 850·51.
82. 182 111.2<1 3S9. 69S N,E.2<I ISJ (1m). 9L IS U.S.C. ~ 1610(.~11. S.. "I", 12CFR f 226.28(a~I).
83, Id." J69.695 N.E.2d ot 159, 92. F<>r. o;><u.. ;on 01 federal pm:mption 01 OIO'y I.~ wilh
=POX! ,,, ""'""1"'< l<OO;nl. _ JoII" t. Ropi<qu<! ond Eo·
S4 h. ~-t:..
Ilon>e;< " ..·n., Coe"". 1)3 S.W.2d 134.
1)(i{Te<. 1987); H"""y •. r....-d Mo«>rC«di, Co.• 8 S.W.3d
30"" J. Kolle).J,__ Un,rySr.. i..,.
8",t, Ret·..., £J.<o.<k",,,,,,,,,
U"J" ,,,, 111•...,;-, I",~" A<I. 59 Coouom." Fin. LQ. Rep,
273. 275{Tenn. "'1'1'. (999). 118(2005); Jolin L Ropi<qlltlan<l EoiC"" 1. Kelley.J,.. Usury 93. S.. ISU.S.Cll64I«),
R<o-;,II«I: Th, /1/;"";> $up,..,,, C""" K;~h" 1M Sa/U'k', in
85. 245 F. S0I'l'.2<1841 (S.O.W. Va. 2OO3~ Mf,"....~. L<"Ji"~. 60 COloomorfin. '-.Q. Rep. 131 (2006). 94. 150F3rI.,693.
rescission and restitution were justified cause they allegedly did not receive the were not barred. IOl The court also found
under applicable state law principles. ~ requisite two copies of the disclosure that there was no basis to deny plaintiffs
Claims for rescission outside of lhe statement. even though they had signed the right to rescind the transaction. IOI
mortgage finance arena are unusual, a document indicating that they had re- In three recent cases, courts have
since TD...A plaintiffs typically seek only ceived them. 1lle court dismissed their found that the statutory right to rescind,
actual or statutory damages. Occasion- claim for actual and statutory damages when extended beyond the initial three-
ally, a TILA claim will be coupled with against the assignee because such a viola- day period by failure to make timely dis-
a claim under the Odometer Act. 96 For tion was not "apparent on the face" of the closures, will survive a refinancing of the
example. the plaintiff in Irby-Greene v. documents that were assigned. 103 Howev- loan. An earlier case from the Ninth Cir·
M.O.R.• /ru:. 97 claimed thal a 40,000 mile er, since their signatures on the document cuit U.S. Court of Appeals, King v. Slat~
odometer discrepancy entitled her to re- only created a "rebuttable presumption ofCalifornia, lOll held that rescission was
scission and restitution. While the court of delivery," which they might be able not possible when a mortgage has been
dismissed the TILA claim against the as- to disprove at trial, the court did not dis- refinanced because once the mortgage
signee, it did not dismiss the Odometer miss their rescission claim. t~ In another has been paid off, there is nothing left to
Act claim, although it did cast doubt on case, Oscar v. Bank One,I05 signing the rescind. The Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of
whether such a discrepancy could entitle disclosure statement at the loan closing Appeals took a fresh look at this issue in
the plaintiff 10 rescission in a decision on was sufficient for the court to grant sum- Barrett v. lP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. IIO
the merits of the case. 9I Similar rulings mary judgment dismissing the plaintiffs' After noting a split in the district court
have been issued in a few other cases." rescission claim since it was not rebutted. decisions subsequent to King, with some
The issue of damages in connection courts following it,ll I andsomenol, I12 the
3. TILA Statutory with a rescission claim arose again in Barrett coun emphasized the mandatory
Rescission Rights Belini v. Washington Mutual BanJc, F.A. 106 nature of the TILA requirement that the
In that case, the plaintiffs sent the as- right to rescind be disclosed in finding
The TILA permits a mortgage bor- signee bank a notice of rescission which that rescission rights survive refinancing:
rower to rescind the transaction for three asserted that lhe mortgage was subject to
business days after the transaction is con- the HOEPA and that the original credi- To the extent banks wish to avoid
summated or delivery of the material dis- tor had not made the disclosures that the a three-year window for bringing
closures required by lhe TlLA, whichever HOEPA requires. When the bank failed rescission claims. the Act offers
is later. IGO If, however, the creditor fails to return any of plaintiffs' payments or to them a fail-safe way of doing so: sat-
to provide the required disclosures or terminate its security interest, the plain- isfy the disclosure requirements. II)
fails to make them clearly and conspicu- tiffs sought damages for the monies that
ously, as the TILA requires, the right to were not returned as well as rescission. The Barrett court cautioned that there
rescind does not expire until three years The trial court found that the damage had still been no detennination on the
after the consummation of the transac- claims were barred by the TILA's one- merits, as to "whether the bank failed to
tion or the sale of the property, whichever year statute of limitations and that they make the required material disclosures or
occurs first. 10I A failure to comply with could not rescind becausc ofan exception failed to disclose adequately the Barretts'
these requirements can create substan- in the TILA with respect to their state. right to rescind, which are the types ofdis-
tial difficulty for mortgage lenders. The First Circuit U.S. Court of Ap- closure errors that must be present to trig-
Forexample, in Hammox v. Heartland peals reversed. It found that the one-year ger the three-year right of rescissicn.'·114
Home Finance, lnc.,I01. the plaintiffs statute of limitations underTILA section
sought to rescind the mortgage loan be- 1640 began to run from the "date of the
occurrence of the violation," which was
the date when the plaintiffs sent their 107. U•• 2S.
rescission notice, not the earlier date 10l. .w..n.
91. _ •. Las.-._UhV_.916F.s-.m.1'6).6f when the loan closed. The plaintiffs'
tN·D.IL 1996~
claims for damages for failure to com-
96. ., u..s.c. I :mm. ply with the rescission notice therefore Ito. 445 F.3d tl4 (... Or. :lOO6~
99. s...e.,.c" AItI..... - . . I..... 65F.SUPfl.2dlU. 112. s... e.... Mcl_ y.l<wio. u-.. Bonk a T..... 0... 215
19991: Ilaa« Y. t-is Roint$ - . . 1 .....
:lOP.S_2d919(S.D.W.Ya.I_l. 10). 1<1._'1. Marl,.,.
1'. ... 0. 26. Xl (D. 104.... 2OO1I: Par- Y. New C.......,.
Corp.• 2001 WL n]4911.... '2 _ .. I (N.D. Ill.
:lOOll: ""lpIlus •• s..ni_. 200) WL 19641JJ _ °11 (N,D.
100. 15 U.S.C f 16J5/.0' lOt. /d." '2. 11l.2OOl).
101. 101. f 16:15(0. lOS. 2lXI(i WL 4OllS.l (liD. Po. Fell. 17. 2OO6l, Ill. t1wrtll.445F.Jd .. UI·32
t02. :lOO5 WL IIJOJ471E.O. r ...n. M'r 1.l.2(05). 106. 412 F.3d 17{1 .. Ci<. 200.1, 114. 1<1... 882.I.........i. in onlioul).
Just nine days later, the California to rescind the lranS3Ction, not merely a rule and Regulation B "effects" test
Coon of Appeal declined to follow the right to rescind the security interest III have never been settled in this context
Ninth Circuit decision in King and in- On the other hand, and despite the Section 164I(a) protection has sur-
stead followed Barretl. in Pcu:ifi.c Shore "technical errors" admonition in Handy, vived claims under the FTC Holder Rule
Funding ",.l.o40.lUciting the Kingcoun's the courts do not always show an eager- that do not involve rescission, but there
lack of analysis and its failure to support ness to find in favor of rescission claims is always the danger that courts which
its decision by referring to the language where they are based on mere technicali~ are not made aware of the relevant
of the TILA and Regulation Z. which ties. In Mills v. EquiCredir Corp.,ln the federal case law will fail to recognize
contain "an enumerated list of events plaintiffs asserted that the defendant's that protection. Claims under other state
thai cut off rescission rights-and do nOI use of an incorrect disclosure form was laws may also circumvent the protec-
include lhe payment in full of the loan as a material misdisclosure that triggered the tion. Finally, rescission claims, while
one of those events."ll6 The Pacific Sfwre extension of their right to rescind beyond often difficult to substantiate, may have
court also distinguished King because, the three-day period. The Sixth Circuit vitality since they present yet another
unlike Ihe facts there, the Low plaintiffs rejected this argument and affirmed exception to section 1641(a) protection.
continued to hold title subject to a se- dismissal of their T1LA claims because So, assignees must walk carefully in
curity interest, so that "something does they received actual notice of their right this minefield. Direct participation in the
remain to be rescinded in this case."lI7 to rescind, as the TlLA requires, even if original creditor's operations can and
Finally, the Seventh Circuit U.S. an incorrect fonn was used. However, in does lead to liability. It should be avoided
Court of Appeals followed Barrell in Rollins v. Drive·] ofNorfolk. ]nc., III the wherever possible, because it may suf-
Handy v. Anchor Mortgage Corp. III fn court found that the FTC Holder Notice ficiently entangle the assignee to confer
that case, the original mortgage lender language in the mortgage documents assignee liability in one of the situations
provided two conflicting forms notifying formed the basis for an affirmative discussed above. Assignees should never
the borrower of her righl to rescind. The claim for rescission against the assignee take the protection from assignee liabil-
trial court dismissed the case on the basis even where the plaintiff failed to plead ity under section 164I(a) for granted.
that either one of the forms would have a claim for rescission, so long as suf~
given her notice of her rescission righlS. ficient facts were pleaded to justify it.
1be Seventh Circuit reversed because, al-
though one of the forms was the correcl IV. Conclusion
one and gave her notice that the entire
loan could be rescinded, the other form, The limitation on assignee liabil-
FTC Postpones
which was not the correct one for the ity in TlLA section 164I(a) has with- Prohibition...
transaction, suggested thatshe could only stood many attacks. It continues to
rescind the additional amount being refi- be recognized as affording broad and
nanced, $5.500 out of the entire $80,500 meaningful protection to all assignees.
loan. This was legally insufficient to give But there are exceptions, and these can
In the October, 2006 Notice, the
the requisite notice of right to rescind. 1I9 l,;reate a minefield of risks for assignees. FTC made several announ<:ements relat-
The court noted that "TILA does not The CLAallows an assignee to be tainted ing to the issue of whether prerecorded
easily forgive 'technical'errors."llOWith with the status of 3 "'essor," analogous telemarketing calls are subject to the
Telemarketing Sales Rule's regulation
respect to the argument that because the to the "creditor" under the TlLA, where
of "call abandonment" when there is an
loan had been paid off, rescission was there has been substantial involvement csllblished business reJaiionship between
not an available remedy, the court fol- in the lease transaction. And, while the selltt responsible fur the call and the
lowed Barrett because there is a right an attack on assignee protection was called consumer. In the October 2006 No-
tie:e, the FTC !Wed !ha£, begiDnirtg JanUill)'
rejected in an important credit card
2.1JXJ1, sellen would 00 Iongtt be able to
case, the protection provided by section take advantage of the safe harbor allowing
164I(a) is not available where HOEPA prem::orded Iekmam:ting messages based
applies. There is potential exposure on an eSlilblished business relationship.
II}. 1)1 Col""""'" lloll. ~ CaLRfI'LloI m {1(l(l6~ in an ECOA sening as well, although
In the December, 2006 announce~
ment, lhe FTC swed thaI il had received
116. u.• 1~l..1 C,UI"""Jd. 29ll. ciIioo:I Mtl-ar. •. I..... the parameters of the multiple creditor four petitions requesting Ihal the fTC
u."", B.._. T.... Co.. ll~ F.Il.D. l6.)1 (0. Man_
exlend the lYail.ibility dale of this safe
117. U.• 1]5).501••2 CoUlp"_:Jd. m.
harbor until the FrC completes its eum:nl
rule making proceeding regarding the ose
III. ~ F.:lcl 7fjl) (1th C;'_l_ of prerecorded telemarketing messages
based on an established busiroess relalion-
119. 1<1... 164. Ill. /d_ .. MS-66.<~;.1 BItT.... ,.us P.ld ,,'71, ship. The FTC granted these requesls.
11<1, Id.. <"i•• (;C>Wefl ". ",nk United of T..... fSB. 10 F,ld 122. tn Fed.AI'!"'. 6S2(6<h Ci,.F<b.l'.lOO6).
93', ""11"h Ci,. 199~1 (··hno<no<.... ;,;.Ii,~ ..i.n," in TlLA
<,.. s), 1U :!006 U.S. DiOl, Le.i, 61191 (E.O. 'IL AUI- 19. :!006,
"Assignee Liability: Through the Minefield," Consumer Finance Law Quarterly
Report 261 (Vol. 61, No. 2, Summer, 2007) (with Eugene J. Kelley, Jr. and Georgia