Form SET O
Form SET O
Form SET O
Version 07/2012
Work permit holder
Employment not requiring a work permit Businessperson Innovator Investor Highly skilled migrant Highly skilled migrant under the terms of the HSMP indefinite leave to remain (ILR) judicial review policy document Self-employed lawyer Writer, composer or artist Tier 1 (General) migrant Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant, accelerated Tier 1 (Investor) migrant Tier 1 (Investor) migrant, accelerated Tier 2 migrant UK ancestry Ex-HM Forces Long residence in the UK Bereaved partner Other purposes/ reasons not covered by other application forms
If you do not already have these documents, you can get them from our website at Our application forms change periodically. If you obtain this form some time before applying, please check that it is still the version which must be used when you are ready to apply. To apply in person, you must make an appointment. Alternatively, you may wish to use the Settlement Checking Service operated by a number of local authorities which is generally a faster service than the normal postal application process. Please see the UK Border Agencys website to see if you can use this service when applying on this form. The applications which may not be made in person are those in the following categories/routes: businessperson; innovator; investor; self-employed lawyer; Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant; Tier 1 (Investor) migrant; Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant, accelerated; Tier 1 (Investor) migrant, accelerated, long residence in the UK. Certain applications may be delivered by courier - see the guidance notes. If you apply by post, you must send your application to the following address: U K Border Agency SET(O) Indefinite Leave to Remain PO Box 591 Durham DH1 9FS W O R KING TOGETHER TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC
This form is valid only for applications made on or after 9 July 2012
The fee If you are a single applicant on form SET(O) and no dependants are applying with you, the normal specified fees are 991 for applications made by post or courier, or 1377 for premium service (PEO) applications made in person in those categories/routes for which that service is available. The fees are different for nationals of countries which have ratified the 1961 Council of Europe Social Charter (CESC), ie Croatia, FYR Macedonia and Turkey, but only if they are applying in any of the following categories or routes: work permit holder, highly skilled migrant (of either kind), Tier 1 (General) migrant, Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant and Tier 2 migrant. The fees for such applications are 893 for applications made by post or courier, or 1239 for premium service applications at our PEOs. If one or more dependants are applying with you, the fee for each dependant applying is shown in the table below.
Number of applicants Yourself and 1 dependant Normal Normal Postal Premium 1487 2066 2755 3344 689 CESC CESC Postal Premium 1389 1885 2381 496 1928 2617 3306 689
each case. In the long residence in the UK category, the immigration rules do not allow dependants, so their application(s) are likely to be refused if they are applying with you. See the guidance notes for more information. hOW cAn YOU PAY? You must pay by one of the methods specified below. Cheque Postal Order Credit card1 - Visa (including Electron), MasterCard or American Express (Amex) Debit card - Delta, Maestro* (including Solo) Bankers draft (payable to the Home Office) * Maestro - we will accept any Maestro card if you are applying in person at a Public Enquiry Office but only Maestro cards issued in the UK if you are applying by post or courier. cheqUes And POsTAL Orders You must make the cheque or postal order payable to Home Office Leave to Remain and cross the cheque or postal order(s) A/C Payee only. Write the full name, nationality and date of birth of the main applicant on the back of each cheque and/or each postal order and keep the postal order stub(s).Make sure that the date and the amount (words and figures) are correct and that the cheque is signed properly. If applying by post or courier, attach your cheque or postal order(s) to the front of the application form. If applying in person at a Public Enquiry Office please check the UK Border Agency website for the payment methods available at the Public Enquiry Office you are attending as these can vary.
Yourself and 1983 2 dependants Yourself and 2479 3 dependants Fee for each additional dependant 496
For more information about the current fees, please see the SET(O) guidance notes - version 05/2011. Please note that your application will be rejected as invalid if you do not pay the specified fee. WhO MAY APPLY WITh YOU? You may include your spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner and/or children under the age of 18 if they are applying as your dependants. However, they must pay the full specified fee if they apply separately. Children aged 18 or over may not be included. They must apply individually and pay the specified fee in
1 Please note that when making large or multiple payments using your credit card, the anti fraud measures that banks operate sometimes stop the full payment being taken. This is because either the maximum limit on a single transaction, or the number of transactions allowed in a given period of time, has been exceeded. To prevent this you must ensure that you inform your bank of your intention to make large or multiple payments in advance so that your bank allows the full payment to be taken when you submit your application.
cOMPLeTIng The PAYMenT deTAILs PAge To ensure that your payment is processed without any delay please complete the correct payment details page and note the points below when doing so. 1-2 The address at 1 should be the contact address in the UK for any correspondence. If it is not your home address (eg a solicitor or other authorised immigration adviser may be submitting the application), give the contact name at 2. 3 This should be the full name of the main applicant as given in his or her passport or travel document. 4 Date of birth - for example, 3 January 1980 should be written 03 01 1980 in the spaces provided. 8-12 Complete only if paying by card. 11 The card security number is a three-digit security code known as the card verification value (CVV). It consists of the last three numbers on the signature strip on the back of the card as shown below.
4567 123
If you do not provide the CVV number, we cannot take the payment and your application will be rejected as invalid. 12 It is the cardholder as named on the credit or debit card who must sign and date.
Nationals of Croatia, FYR Macedonia or Turkey must complete this page unless they are applying as a work permit holder, highly skilled migrant (of either kind), Tier 1 (General) migrant, Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant or Tier 2 migrant. For applications in those categories, they must complete the payment details on page 5. All other applicants must complete the payment details on this page only. Please complete this page in block capitals and black ink after first reading the payment guidance. If you are applying as a highly skilled migrant (HSMP), are you doing so under the terms of the HSMP ILR judicial review policy document? See main guidance notes for more information about this.
1 Yes No
Day 4
Date of birth
Amount - please tick the amount you are paying Single applicant no dependants Main applicant and one dependant
Postal Premium
991 1487
1377 2066
Main applicant and two dependants Main applicant and three dependants
1983 2479
2755 3444
If more than 3 dependants are applying with you, please state the number in the space below and enter the correct amount in the appropriate box (as calculated in accordance with the payment guidance). Main applicant and .............. dependants
6 7
Postal order
- postal
- premium
Bankers draft
Which card are you using for payment? Please tick a box. Name on card Card number Card details Cardholders signature
Valid from
Visa / Electron
MasterCard / Amex
Maestro / Solo
11 12
Expiry date
(3 digit number or
4 digit number for Amex)
SET(O) Application form (Version 07/2012) - Page 4
Day 4
Date of birth
Amount - please tick the amount you are paying Single applicant no dependants Main applicant and one dependant
Postal Premium PEO Only
893 1389
1239 1928
Main applicant and two dependants Main applicant and three dependants
1885 2381
2617 3306
If more than 3 dependants are applying with you, please state the number in the space below and enter the correct amount in the appropriate box (as calculated in accordance with the payment guidance). Main applicant and .............. dependants
6 7
Postal order
- postal
- premium
Bankers draft
Which card are you using for payment? Please tick a box. Name on card Card number Card details Cardholders signature
Valid from
Visa / Electron
MasterCard / Amex
Maestro / Solo
11 12
Expiry date
(3 digit number
SET(O) Application form (Version 07/2012) - Page 5
If you are producing a double-sided copy of this application form, please include this page and make sure it falls on the reverse of the payment details page in the two-sided copy. For administrative reasons, its important that the rest of the form begins with Section 1 Applicants Details facing upwards.
Version 04/2012
1.5 1.6
Surname or family name Any other name(s) by which you are or have been known
Nationality Place of birth - town or city and country Passport or travel document number 1.10 Home Office reference if you have one 1.12 BRP Reference number
Postcode 1.14 Your daytime telephone number Your mobile telephone number if you have one
1.15 Your e-mail address if you have one 1.16 Name and address in the UK for all correspondence about your application if different from 1.13
Postcode 1.17 If you have completed 1.16 and the address is that of your immigration adviser, please state their Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) number
If you have a partner and/or any children under 18 who are living with you in the UK and who are applying for indefinite leave to remain as your dependants, this is where you give their details. Partner means your spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner. If more than 2 children are applying, please give their details on a photocopy of this page, enclose it with this form, and place the photographs in a sealed envelope attached to section 1 as instructed there. Children aged 18 or over must apply separately. The immigration rules for the long residence category do not allow dependants - see guidance notes. Your partners full name
Photographs You must provide two identical photographs of each dependant who is applying. Write the dependants full name on the back of each photograph and enclose them in an envelope attached to section 1 as instructed there.
Date of birth
Day Month Year
Relationship to you
- please tick Spouse Unmarried partner Civil partner Same-sex partner
Photographs You must provide two identical photographs of each dependant who is applying. Write the dependants full name on the back of each photograph and enclose them in an envelope attached to section 1 as instructed there.
Date of birth
Day Month Year
Photographs You must provide two identical photographs of each dependant who is applying. Write the dependants full name on the back of each photograph and enclose them in an envelope attached to section 1 as instructed there.
Date of birth
Day Month Year
If you have ticked the other purposes or reasons category, please explain briefly why you are applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK. You will also need to provide a letter explaining in more detail why you are applying.
Note 2 If you and/or your partner are claiming exemption, you must provide a doctors letter or similar evidence confirming that you and/or your partner are unable to take the test or do an ESOL course. An exemption will only be agreed exceptionally.
SET(O) Application form (Version 07/2012) - Page 10
a) owned by you?
any rent or mortgage for your home? Are you working in the UK?
Yes No
If so, how much do you pay each month? If so, what is your pay each month after income tax and other deductions? If so, how much do you receive each month?
The public funds which are relevant for the purposes of the Immigration Rules are listed below. If you have answered yes to question 5.5, you must tick the relevant box(es) to show which of these are being received. Attendance Allowance Carers Allowance Child Benefit Child Tax Credit Council Tax Benefit Disability Living Allowance Housing Benefit Housing or Homelessness assistance Income-based Jobseekers Allowance Income Related Employment and Support Allowance Income Support Severe Disablement Allowance Social Fund Payment State Pension Credit Working Tax Credit
You must complete ALL four of the boxes below if you are applying as a Work Permit Holder; a Tier 2 (General) or a Tier 2 (Intra Company Transfer) Migrant (Your employer will be able to provide you with these details) SOC code (or nearest applicable which best describes your employment) Current rate of Pay (as stated in the Codes of Practice hourly rate or annual salary) Current rate of Pay (as stated in the Codes of Practice hourly rate or annual salary) Number of hours this salary is based on Per hour
Per annum
If you are unable to meet the appropriate rate of pay because you are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave you should answer questions 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8. If this does not apply to you, please go to section 6.
5 . 6 Please give the start and end dates of the period of maternity, paternity or adoption-related absence (if you are still
absent from the workplace due to maternity or adoption-related leave, the end date should be left blank).
Day Month Year
Start date
Day Month Year
End date
5 . 7 Please tick the relevant box(es) below to confirm the documents being sent with the application as evidence of this
Childs birth certificate or certificate of adoption, as appropriate (this should be provided wherever one has been issued) Letter from employer confirming dates of maternity, paternity or adoption absence Payslips or other remittance advices covering: the month immediately prior to the period of maternity, paternity or adoption related absence, and the months during the period of maternity, paternity or adoption leave, including details of any statutory maternity/ adoption payments to which you may have been eligible Bank or building society statements covering: the month immediately prior to the period of maternity, paternity or adoption related absence, and the months during the period of maternity, paternity or adoption leave. Other alternative evidence of maternity, paternity or adoption absence
5 . 8 If the alternative evidence box has been ticked, please provide a full explanation of why the specified documents
You are not required to complete this section if you are applying in the ex-HM Forces or bereaved partner categories.
6 . 1 When did you (the main applicant) first enter the UK? This refers to the date of your first entry into the UK at the beginning of the period of stay on which this application is based.
6 . 2 Since then have you had any absences from the UK? If yes, give the dates you left and returned to the UK and the reason for the absence in the spaces below. List all absences however short and in date order. If you need more space, continue on a separate sheet and enclose it with your application.
Did you last enter the UK using a valid passport or travel document?
What date is your current leave (or permission to stay) /was your last period of leave (or permission to stay) / valid until?
Day Month Year
What evidence of leave (or permission to stay) stated in 6.6 has been provided? Passport
Travel Document
If you have answered yes to question 7.1 above, give details below for each criminal conviction and/or civil judgment, starting with the most recent one - but first see Note 3 about criminal convictions.
Note 3 Convictions spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 need not be disclosed. More information about the Act is given towards the end of this section. Name(s) of person(s) convicted and/or against whom a civil judgment was made.
Nature of the criminal offence(s) and/or civil action(s) -give details on a separate sheet and enclose it with this form if you need more space.
Details, including date(s), of the sentence(s) and/or civil judgment(s) - give details on separate sheet and enclose it if you need more space.
Country or countries where the sentence(s) was/were passed or the civil judgment(s) was/were made.
You must answer questions 7.2 to 7.7 below even if you have answered no to question 7.1. For help in answering these questions, please see the definitions on the next page.
Have you or any dependants who are applying with you ever been charged in any country with a criminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in court? In times of either peace or war have you or any dependants who are applying with you ever been involved, or suspected of involvement, in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide? Have you or any dependants who are applying with you ever been involved in, supported or encouraged terrorist activities in any country? Have you or any dependants who are applying with you ever been a member of, or given support to, an organisation which has been concerned in terrorism? Have you or any dependants who are applying with you ever, by any means or medium, expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? Have you or any dependants who are applying with you ever engaged in any other activities which might indicate that you may not be considered to be persons of good character?
SET(O) Application form (Version 07/2012) - Page 15
It is mandatory to provide the relevant photographs specified below. Please note that this application will be invalid if you do not provide them. The photographs must be in the format specified in the separate UKBA photograph guidance provided with this form. If they are not, they may be rejected as unacceptable and you will have to provide others which are acceptable. This will delay consideration of your application. Tick the relevant box(es) to confirm the photographs you are providing and enclose them in a small sealed envelope attached to section 1 as instructed there. Two recent identical passport-size photographs of yourself with your full name written on the back of each photograph. Please see the separate photograph guidance on the approved format. Two recent identical passport-size photographs of each dependant included in section 2 and applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK with you, with their full name written on the back of each photograph.
A3. Please tick the relevant box(es) below to confirm the documents being sent with the application as evidence of this period of maternity or adoption-related absence from the workplace: Childs Birth Certificate or Certificate of Adoption, as appropriate (this should be provided wherever one has been issued) Letter from employer confirming dates of maternity or adoption leave Payslips or other payment/remittance advices covering the period of maternity or adoptionrelated absence including detail of any statutory maternity/adoption payments to which you may have been eligible Other alternative evidence of maternity or adoption leave If the alternative evidence provided box has been ticked, please provide a full explanation of why the specified documents cannot be provided, and details of the alternative documentation being sent
details of earnings claimed earnings table A4. Please give start and end dates of the period(s) for which you are claiming previous earnings: Start Start Start Start D D D D D D D D M M M M M M M M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y End D End D End D End D D D D D M M M M M M M M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Please photocopy this page if additional space is required. A6. You should input your earnings into the Tier 1 (General) points based calculator and provide your total earning claimed in the box below:
* You can only claim points for earnings below 20,000 if you have had leave to enter or remain as a Writer, Composer or Artist, Self-employed Lawyer or a Tier 1 (General) Migrant; and that leave was granted before 31 March 2009. Applications for indefinite leave to remain where previous leave as a Tier 1 (General) Migrant was granted under the rules in place on or after 6 April 2010 25,000 - 29,999 30,000 - 34,999 35,000 - 39,999 40,000 - 49,999 50,000 - 54,999 5 points 15 points 20 points 25 points 30 points 55,000 - 64,999 65,000 - 74,999 75,000 - 149,999 150,000+ 35 points 40 points 45 points 80 points
supporting evidence for Previous earnings claimed You should be aware that at least two types of documentation for each source of earnings must be provided (Self-employed applicants must also provide an additional document as listed in Annex A of Chapter 6A Tier 1 Settlement of the Immigration Directorate Instructions). If earnings from any one source have been paid in more than one way (for example payment for a period of employment by means of a monthly salary and a dividend), two types of documentation must be provided in respect of each part of the payment claimed. The supporting evidence must be from separate sources and must corroborate with one another to clearly support the earnings claimed. Accountants providing evidence must be appropriately regulated, and evidence of the regulation must be provided.
now go to section B
Year of Award Y Y Y Y
Field of Study
You can only claim points for a Bachelors degree level qualification if you have previously been granted leave to enter or remain as a Tier 1 (General) migrant under the rules in place before 31 March 2009 or after 5 April 2010; or as a Highly Skilled Migrant, Writer, Composer or Artist or a self employed lawyer. Applications for indefinite leave to remain where previous leave as a Tier 1 (General) Migrant was granted under the rules in place on or after 6 April 2010 Bachelors degree Masters degree PhD 30 points 35 points 45 points
B4. Please tick to confirm the documents that you have sent as supporting evidence of the qualification for which you are claiming points. (You should refer to Chapter 6A of the Immigration directorate Instructions (Tier 1 settlement) to establish the circumstances in which documents other than the original certificates of award will be accepted.) Evidence is not required for current application because it was submitted for a previous Tier 1 (General) application
SET(O) Application form (Version 07/2012) - Page 23
Applications for indefinite leave to remain where previous leave as a Tier 1 (General) Migrant was granted under the rules in place on or after 6 April 2010 Under 30 years of age 30 to 34 years of age 35 to 39 years of age now go to section d d. continuous residence Assessment D1. Please confirm whether you have spent a continuous period of 5 years lawfully in the United Kingdom: Yes D2. Please confirm whether you have been outside of the UK for any single absence over 3 months or one or more absences which amount to more than 6 month in total during the 5 year period: Yes No Go to question D3 Go to section E 20 points 10 points 5 points
d3. If you have ticked yes at question d2, please explain in the box below any reasons for these absences.
9B TIer 1 (enTrePreneUr) MIgrAnTs Applicants should refer to paragraph 245DF of the Immigration Rules and Chapter 6A (Tier 1 Settlement) of the Immigration Directorate Instructions for further guidance on the points requirement for Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrants. Attributes regIsTrATIOn A. registered as self-employed or a director or a new or existing business within six months of entering category (20 points available) You must demonstrate that you registered as self-employed or as a director of a new or existing business within six months of specified date. A1. Do you wish us to take your date of entry into the United Kingdom as your specified date? Yes No go to question A2 go to question A3
A2. You must provide the following evidence to establish your date of entry to the UK (Please tick to indicate what evidence has been provided). Passport containing Visa which has been stamped on entry Flight tickets and boarding card Other If other give details:
A3. You must tick one of the following boxes. have you: Registered with HM Revenue and Customs as self-employed within six months of the specified date Registered as a director of a new or existing business within six months of the specified date go to question A4
go to question A5
Table B1a Table of evidence for the investment of funds into the UK.
You must complete the following table listing each specified document provided to demonstrate each investment. The first line has been completed as an example only. Date of investment in the format dd/mm/yyy Audited accounts provided. Yes/No. Unaudited accounts provided. Yes/ No. No No No Yes Yes Accountants certificate provided with unaudited accounts Legal agreement (for Directors loans only) Business Business Business premises Bank Ac- is subject count? to UK in the taxation? UK? Yes/No Yes/No Yes
Name of business
My company
You must complete the following table to confirm the evidence provided to demonstrate the minimum of two full time jobs, or ten full time jobs if you are applying under the accelerated route. The first line has been completed as an example only. Start date of period of employment in the format dd/ mm/yyyy End date of period of employment in the format dd/ mm/yyy HOURLY RATE in Pounds Sterling Total number of hours of employment Pay statements to cover total period of employment created for each worker. Yes/No. P11 provided for each worker, together with P45 or P46 if start and finish dates not shown on P11. Yes/ No Yes 1560 Yes
Name of employee
Name of employing Copy of document business showing nationality of person employed Yes/No 19/04/2008 19/04/2009 10.50
A. N. Other
For directors a copy of the Company Appointments Report from Companies House to show that you are/were a director of each business for the period. Yes/ No Yes
You should list the specified documents you have submitted to demonstrate that you have created the required number of jobs in Table B2a above. ii) You have established a new UK business that has had a gross income from business activity of at least 5 million during a 3 year period in which you have had leave as a Tier 1 (entrepreneur) Migrant. Yes go to Section C
If you are relying on income from business activity to show that you qualify for the accelerated route to settlement, you must provide evidence of this income. For guidance on specified documents, please refer to Chapter 6A of the Immigration Rules, (Tier 1 Settlement) Annex A. iii) You have taken over or invested in an existing UK business and your services or investment have resulted in a net increase in gross income from business activity to that business of 5 million during a 3 year period in which you have had leave as a Tier 1 (entrepreneur) Migrant, when compared to the immediately preceding 3 year period. Yes go to Section C
SET(O) Application form (Version 07/2012) - Page 30
9c. TIer 1 (InVesTOr) MIgrAnTs. A1. Applicants should refer to paragraph 245ef of the immigration rules and chapter 6A (Tier 1 settlement) of the Immigration directorate Instructions for further guidance on the points requirement for Tier 1 (Investor) migrants. 5 year route go to section B 3 year route go to section C 2 year route go to section D
5 YeAr rOUTe TO seTTLeMenT B. requirement to have 1 million under your control in the UK and to have invested not less than 75% of this money in specified ways (20 points available). B1. You must confirm that you still have 1 million in the UK, which is under your control. You must tick one box to confirm whether the money you have is under your control in the UK and amounts to no less than 1 million; which may be your own funds or money loaned to you, provided that it was loaned by a UK regulated financial institution. Yes - I have 1 million under my control in the UK which was loaned to me by a UK regulated financial institution Yes - I have 1 million of my own money under my control in the UK go to question B2
go to question B3
go to question C3
c2. If you have indicated above that the minimum 5 million under your control in the UK was loaned to you by a UK regulated financial institution, you must confirm that you own personal assets which, taking into account any liabilities to which they are subject, have a value of not less that 10 million. Yes
Your investments must amount to at least 3,750,000. If the value of these investments is between 3,750,000 and 5 million, you must confirm that you have maintained the total amount of funds in the UK at 5 million or more. go to section e AcceLerATed rOUTe TO seTTLeMenT 2 YeArs d. requirement to have 10 million under your control in the UK and to have invested not less than 75% of this money in specified ways (20 points available). D1. You must confirm that you still have 10 million in the UK, which is under your control. You must tick one box to confirm whether the money you have is under your control in the UK and amounts to no less than 10 million; which may be your own funds or money loaned to you, provided that it was loaned by a UK regulated financial institution. Yes - I have 10 million under my control in the UK which was loaned to me by a UK regulated financial institution Yes - I have 10 million of my own money under my control in the UK d2. If you have indicated above that the minimum 10 million under your control in the UK was loaned to you by a UK regulated financial institution, you must confirm that you own personal assets which, taking into account any liabilities to which they are subject, have a value of not less that 20 million. Yes
d3. You must establish that you have invested not less than 75% of your money in the UK by way of government Bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies.
Your investments must amount to at least 7,500,000. If the value of these investments is between 7,500,000 and 10 million, you must confirm that you have maintained the total amount of funds in the UK at 10 million or more. go to section e E. You must provide sufficient evidence to establish any balance of funds in the UK. Please tick the box(es) to provide details of the balance of funds and to confirm the evidence submitted. You have purchased assets in the UK and have provided documents confirming the purchase(s). You must list the assets purchased, the value and the dates of purchase.
List the assets purchased in the UK, the value of the assets and the dates of purchase here.
go to section f MAInTenAnce Of InVesTMenT F. Requirement to have maintained the full specified invested amount referred to in Table 9 of Appendix A of the Immigration Rules throughout the relevant specified period, other than in the first 3 months of that period. You have maintained money on deposit in the UK and provided account statements and/or a letter from an authorised person from a financial institution holding their funds confirming the balance held for the specified period. go to section g
If not enclosed then please state the location of Biometric Residence Permit Returned to UK Border Agency - go to question 3 Lost - go to question 4 Stolen - go to question 5 Other - go to question 6
3. If the required Biometric Residence Permit has been returned to the UK Border Agency, please give details of the reason and the date that it was sent to us
4. If the BRP was lost, please give the date this was reported to the UK Border Agency Card Management Service D D M M Y Y Y Y
5. If the the BRP was stolen, please give the police report number, crime reference number, the police station and the date reported to the police Police report number Crime reference number Police station Date reported to the Police D D M M Y Y Y Y
6. If the required BRP is not enclosed then please give details why you are unable to provide it
7. Have you had your fingerprints taken as part of a previous United Kingdom immigration application made in the United Kingdom or abroad? Yes - go to question 8
No - go to question 11
9. Give details where your fingerprints were taken, including the town or city and country
10. Give details of the British diplomatic post(s) involved if the application(s) was/were made abroad
11. Do you have a medical or physical condition which may require special arrangements for your biometric features to be recorded? Yes - go to question 12 No - go to question 13
12. Please provide us with the following documents: A letter from a treating clinician registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) giving details of the condition and/or special needs and explaining any arrangements that may be necessary. dependants and applicants under the age of 16 If the applicant or any dependant included included on this application is under the age of 16 please complete questions 13, 14, 15 and 16. If not please go to question 17. 13. Is the applicant/dependant 16 years old or more - go to question 17 Less than 16 years old - go to question 14 14. Give details of the person who will be accompanying the applicant/dependant when he/she attends their Biometric Residence Permit appointment 14.1 Name of reponsible adult
15. Is this person the applicant/dependants parent/legal guardian Yes - go to next section No - go to question 16
16. Please explain why a person other than the applicant/dependants parent/legal guardian will be accompanying the applicant/dependant
17. decLArATIOn
As required by the Immigration (Biometric Registration) Regulations 2008 (as amended) I confirm that I also apply for a biometric immigration document for myself and any dependants applying with me. If I am a sole applicant under the age of 16, or if any dependant child under the age of 16 is applying with me, I understand that the UK Border Agency may make enquiries about any responsible adult nominated to be present when my/their fingerprints and/or a photograph are taken. Signature
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
You must provide the documents specified below which are relevant to your application. If you do not, we reserve the right to decide your application on the basis of the information and documents provided. Tick the relevant boxes to show the documents you are providing. They must be originals. You should photocopy each of these documents and provide the copies in addition to the originals. You should also provide passport/s along with photocopies of any pages that contain personal details, visas or immigration stamps (foreign or UK). All applicants must provide the relevant documents specified in 11A. You must also provide the relevant documents specified in 11B to 11V for the category in which you are applying. Please note that in some cases, we may have to ask for other documents in addition to those specified in this form. Passports and immigration documents
All applicants
Your current passport or travel document. If you last entered the UK on a previous passport or travel document, please also provide this document if you have it. Any previous passports or travel documents you have held during your stay in the UK. The current passport(s) or travel document(s) for each dependant included in section 2 and applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK with you. If they last entered the UK on previous passport(s) or travel document(s), please also provide these documents if you have them. Birth certificate/s of any dependant/s listed in section 2 who were born in the United Kingdom. Your Biometrics Residence Permit if you have been issued with one since entering the UK. See Note 4. The Biometrics Residence Permit for each dependant included in section 2 and applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK with you if they have been issued with them since entering the UK. See Note 4. If you have a spouse or civil partner listed in section 2 of this application form who is applying at the same time as you, please provide documentary evidence of cohabitation since you were last granted leave (up to a maximum of two years). Evidence provided should cover the whole period and be in the form of official letters or documents, addressed to yourself and your spouse.
Note 4 Residence Permits have been issued to certain foreign nationals since 25 November 2008 when they have been given permission to remain in the UK. Unless reported lost or stolen, they should be enclosed with any application for further permission to remain in the UK. Your police registration certificate if you have been asked to register with the police. The police registration certificate(s) of each dependant included in section 2 and applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK with you if they have been asked to register with the police. Your Finances Evidence of your finances. If you have to complete section 5, bank statements, building society savings book(s), pay slips or other formal documents as evidence of your ability to maintain and accommodate yourself and any dependants without recourse to public funds. (See Note 5). Note 5 We do not accept internet or cashpoint statements as evidence of finances. If you claim that a relative or friend is providing you with financial support (see question 5.4), in addition to evidence of your own finances, you must provide bank statements or other documents of the kind described above as evidence of their financial resources. The documents showing the finances available to you and to any person supporting you should cover at least the last 3 months.
Knowledge of language and life in the UK ESOL with citizenship qualifications are only accepted for certain applicants, please refer to section 4 for further details. If you have to complete section 4 and you and/or a partner applying with you are aged 18-64, you must provide one of the following for each of you: A Life in the UK test pass notification letter; or A relevant esOL qualification, as described in note 23l-m of the guidance notes which accompany this application form, together with a letter from your college containing the information specified in note 23m of the guidance notes. A medical certificate or similar document if you and/or your partner are claiming exemption from taking the Life in the UK test or doing an ESOL course because of a medical or other condition.
1 1 B Work permit holder If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous stay
in the UK as a work permit holder, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following:
Document(s) confirming that you have spent a continuous period of 5 years in the UK: - either as a work permit holder throughout that period, or - as a work permit holder most recently, combined with previous permission as a work permit holder, highly skilled migrant, self-employed lawyer, or as a writer, composer or artist. A document from the employer named in your current work permit containing the following information: confirmation that you are still required for the employment in question, and the nearest applicable Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code which best describes your employment Your current rate of pay (this should be given in the same format as given in the codes of practice, for example hourly rate or yearly salary), and confirmation that this is at or above the appropriate rate for the job as stated in the codes of practice for Tier 2 sponsors. (See note 9 of page 41 of this form). In addition please provide; Your most recent payslip and your most recent bank/ building society statement. These must be dated no earlier than one calendar month before the date of the application.
1 1 C Employment not requiring a work permit If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5
years continuous stay in the UK in one of the employment not requiring a work permit categories listed below, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following:
Recent document(s) from your current authorised employer confirming that you are still needed for the same work and that your employment with them is continuing. Document(s) from your authorised employer(s) over the past 5 years confirming that you have been employed continuously in this work throughout that period. a) Minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order (see Note 6) b) Representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation c) Private servant in a diplomatic household (see Note 7) d) Overseas government employee e) Member of the operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline f) Domestic worker in a private household (see Note 7). Note 6 For ministers of religion, missionaries, or members of a religious order, the documents may be from the leadership of your church or the head of your religious order, rather than your employer. Note 7 For private servants in a diplomatic household or domestic workers in a private household, if you do not have payslips or a bank account to confirm employment over the last 5 years, you should submit an employers letter confirming that they are responsible for your accommodation, food and other living costs.
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1 1 D Businessperson If you are applying for indefinite to remain on completing 5 years continuous stay in the UK
as a businessperson, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following documents: Accounts. Audited accounts for the first four years of trading and management accounts for the fifth year (see Note 8).
Note 8 If you are unable to provide management accounts for the fifth year as required by the immigration rules, draft accounts should be provided along with an explanation as to why management accounts are not available. Investment. Evidence that you have invested not less than 200,000 of your own money in the business throughout the five year period. New employment. Evidence that you have maintained new paid full-time employment for at least two people settled in the UK throughout the five year period. In each case please give their name, position, salary, hours of work, date they started/ended (where applicable) and evidence of their immigration status, ie a copy of their birth certificate or passport (uncertified copies are acceptable in this instance). Profits. Evidence that your share of the profits of the business is sufficient to maintain and accommodate yourself and any dependants without recourse to employment (other than your own business) or public funds.
1 1 E Innovator If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous stay in the UK as
an innovator, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following documents: Accounts. Statutory accounts for the last 4 years and management accounts for the final year.
New employment. Evidence that you have maintained new paid full-time employment for at least two people settled in the UK throughout the five year period. In each case please give their name, position, salary,hours of work, date they started/ended (where applicable) and evidence of their immigration status, ie a copy of their birth certificate or passport (uncertified copies are acceptable in this instance). Shareholding. Evidence that you have maintained a minimum 5% shareholding of the equity capital for a continuous period of 5 years.
Investor If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous stay in the UK as an investor, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following documents: Assets in the UK. Evidence that you have maintained not less than 1 million of your own money under your control in the UK for a continuous period of five years; or that you own personal assets, taking into account any liabilities to which you are subject, which have a value exceeding 2 million. Investment in the UK. Evidence that you have invested not less than 750,000 of your capital in the UK for a continuous period of 5 years.
1 1 G Highly skilled migrant If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous stay
in the UK under the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) and other appropriate categories, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following:
If you are employed, document(s) showing your economic activity and your personal earnings during your stay in the UK. If you are self-employed, you should provide evidence of the progress of the business. If you were given leave in other categories leading to settlement before being granted permission to stay under HSMP and would like this stay to be taken into consideration in your application for indefinite leave to remain, you should provide details of the categories involved and the periods spent in each of them.
1 1 H Highly skilled migrant under the terms of the HSMP indefinite leave to remain (ILR) judicial review policy docu-
ment If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 4 years continuous stay in the UK under the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme and other appropriate categories, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following:
If you are employed, document(s) showing your economic activity and your personal earnings during your stay in the UK.
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If you are self-employed, you should provide evidence of the progress of the business. If you were given leave in other categories leading to settlement before being granted permission to stay under HSMP and would like this stay to be taken into consideration in your application for indefinite leave to remain, you should provide details of the categories involved and the periods spent in each of them.
Self-employed lawyer If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous stay in the UK as a self-employed lawyer, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following documents: Accounts. Audited accounts for the business for the previous year and an up-to-date balance sheet. Tax return for the most recent tax year. If you are a solicitor, an original letter from the appropriate Law Society confirming that you continue to be admitted to the roll of solicitors. If you are a consultant in overseas law, an original letter from the appropriate Law Society confirming that they have no objection to your continuing to practise as a consultant in overseas law. If you are a barrister, evidence that you continue to be admitted to the Bar and to have a place in chambers.
1 1 K Writer, composer or artist If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continu-
ous stay in the UK as a writer, composer or artist, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide:
Documents(s) showing that you have supported yourself and any dependants from your own funds without working except as a writer, composer or artist for the last 5 years.
1 1 L Tier 1 (General) migrant If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous
stay in the UK made up of leave as a Tier 1 (General) migrant and leave as a highly skilled migrant, work permit holder, innovator, self-employed lawyer or writer, composer or artist, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following documents:
Evidence specified in section 9A of this form For the period before you were granted leave as a Tier 1 (General) migrant, documents showing that you met the relevant requirements of the immigration rules.
1 1 M Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continu-
ous stay in the UK made up of leave as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant and leave as a businessperson or innovator, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following: Evidence that you are engaged in business activity at the time of your application and have been since you were given leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant. This should include one of the following documents:
5 year route: Evidence specified in section 9C/B of this form. 3 year accelerated route: Evidence specified in section 9B/B of this form. Evidence of the payment of Class 2 National Insurance contributions if you are self-employed. Such evidence should be one of the following: - Your National Insurance bill for the quarter immediately before this application if you pay quarterly; or - Your most recent bank statement showing payment to HM Revenue and Customs if you pay by direct debit; or - A Small Earnings Exception certificate issued by HM Revenue and Customs if you have very low earnings and have applied for the small earnings exception. - A current appointment report from Companies House if you are a company director. This report must be dated within 3 months of this application and must name you as a director of a business that is actively trading and not struck-off, dissolved or in liquidation when the appointment report was printed out.
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For the period before you were granted leave as a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant, documents showing that you met the relevant requirements of the immigration rules.
1 1 N Tier 1 (Investor) migrant If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous
stay in the UK made up of leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant and leave as an investor, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following specified documents: 5 year route: Evidence specified in section 9C/B of this form. 3 year accelerated route: Evidence specified in section 9C/C of this form. 2 year accelerated route: Evidence specified in section 9C/D of this form.
A portfolio of investments certified as correct by an authorised financial institution (one regulated by the Financial Services Authority) covering the period from no longer than 13 weeks after your permission to enter or remain in the UK in this category to the last reporting date of the most recent quarter of the year before the date of this application. The portfolio must: include the value of the investments show that any shortfall in investments was made up by the next reporting period show the dates on which the investments were made show the destinations of the investments (which should be UK companies) for loan funds only, include audited accounts or unaudited accounts with an accountants certificate for investments made as loan funds to companies, which must give full details of your investment show that the investments were made in your name or that of your spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner, and not in the name of an offshore company or trust even if this is wholly owned by you
show the name and contact details of the financial institution which has certified the portfolio as cor rect, with confirmation that this institution is regulated by the Financial Services Authority include the date that the portfolio was certified as correct state that the institution will confirm the content of the letter to us at our request. If you are unable to provide the evidence listed above for the period for which you were granted leave as an investor because you managed your own investments or had a portfolio manager who did not operate in the UK and was therefore not regulated by the Financial Services Authority, you must provide the following documents: certified copies of bond documents showing the value of the bonds, the date of purchase and the owner; or share documents showing the value of the shares, the date of purchase and the owner; and the latest audited annual accounts of the organisation in which the investment has been made. These accounts must show the amount of funds held in the investment; your name and/or that of your spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner; and the date of the investment.
Tier 2 migrant If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK on completing 5 years continuous stay in the UK and your most recent leave has been as a Tier 2 migrant, the rest of your leave for the 5-year period may be made up of leave in any of the categories listed below. In addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide the following specified documents:
For further information concerning the evidence required, please refer to the Tier 1 (Investor) policy guidance on our website.
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A document from the sponsor who issued the certificate of sponsorship that led to your last permission to stay as a Tier 2 migrant confirming that you are: - still required for the employment in question, and In the case of Tier 2 (General) migrants and Tier 2 (Intra Company Transfer) migrants this document should also contain: - confirmation that you are still required for the employment in question, and - the nearest applicable SOC code which best describes your employment - Your current rate of pay (this should be given in the same format as given in the codes of practice, for example hourly rate or yearly salary), and - confirmation that this is at or above the appropriate rate for the job as stated in the codes of practice for Tier 2 sponsors. (See note 9 of page 41 of this form) Your most recent payslip and your most recent bank/ building society statement. These must be dated no earlier than one calendar month before the date of the application. Note 9 Please read the guidance on the Codes of practice for sponsored workers which is contained on our website. For the period before you were granted leave as a Tier 2 migrant, documents showing that you met the relevant requirements of the immigration rules for the period in question as specified below: If you were a member of the operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline, documents confirming that you were in the employment for which you were granted permission to enter or remain in the UK throughout the period concerned If you were a minister of religion, missionary, or member of a religious order, documents confirming that you were in the employment for which you were granted permission to enter or remain in the UK throughout the period concerned If you were a work permit holder, documents confirming that you were in the employment for which a work permit was issued throughout the period concerned If you were a representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation, documents confirming that you were in the employment for which you were granted permission to enter or remain in the UK throughout the period concerned If you were a Tier 1 (General) migrant, evidence that you were economically active in the UK in employment or self-employment or both (see section 11L) If you were a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant,the documents specified in section 11M above If you were a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant,the documents specified in section 11N above. For further information concerning the evidence required, please refer to the Tier 2 migrant policy guidance on our website 1 1 Q UK ancestry If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on completing 5 years continuous stay in the UK in the UK ancestry category, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide: Your full birth certificate showing your parents names. Evidence that one of your grandparents was born in the UK or Islands. The evidence must be formal documents such as full birth certificates for your parents and grandparent and, where necessary to establish the relationship, marriage certificates and/or adoption papers. Document(s) showing that you are able to work and intend to take or seek employment in the UK. 1 1 R Ex-HM Forces If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain following your discharge from HM Forces, you must provide: Your Certificate of Discharge.
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1 1 S Long residence - after 10 years continuous lawful residence. If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain after completing at least 10 years continuous lawful residence in the UK, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide: All the passports you have held during this time. If you cannot provide them all, you must provide the passports you have together with any Home Office letter(s) or other document(s) granting you leave to enter and/ or remain in the UK. You should also provide documents of the type listed in 11T below to show that you were continuously resident in the UK during any period(s) for which you are unable to provide a passport.
1 1 T Bereaved partner. If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain as a bereaved partner, in addition to the
relevant documents in 11A, you must provide: Your late partners death certificate
Evidence that you and your late partner were living together as a couple from the time you were granted leave to enter or remain in the UK as his or her partner until his or her death, such as letters, bills and other correspondence from official sources addressed to both or each of you at the same address. Please provide as many as you can.
Other purposes or reasons not covered by other forms. If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain for other purposes or reasons, in addition to the relevant documents in 11A, you must provide: A letter or other document explaining why you are applying for indefinite leave to remain in the UK, together with any relevant document(s) in support of your case. Please list the document(s) you are providing.
If the account with the bank or utility company is in the joint names of the applicant and other people, each of those others should sign the following declaration : The above-named person (the applicant) has given the UK Border Agency (UKBA) documentation about his or her accounts with banks or utility companies (a company) so that UKBA can check that is correct. I am a joint customer with the applicant on some or all of those accounts. Information about the applicant may thus also reveal information about me. I agree to the company giving UKBA relevant personal data it holds about me in relation to the account. This only covers data about me as joint customer with the applicant (and not about any other accounts I hold in my sole name) and limited to what is necessary to confirm that the documentation the applicant has supplied is correct. If that documentation is not correct, the company may give UKBA details of any inaccuracies / discrepancies in the information that the applicant has provided, and may also disclose to UKBA the correct information that they have on record about the account. I agree that this information may be used as part of the decision making process about the application and may, if necessary, be disclosed to a court.
Name and address of joint customer
You must now read the declaration below and sign it. This must be signed by you (the applicant) and not by a representative or other person acting on your behalf. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian may sign. It is mandatory for the declaration to be signed. Please note that this application will be invalid if it is not signed as specified above.
I hereby apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK for myself and any dependants listed in this form. The information I have given in this form is complete and is true to the best of my knowledge. I confirm that the photographs submitted with this form are a true likeness of myself and any dependants who are applying with me, as named on the back of each photograph and that I have had the opportunity to see the UK Border Agency (UKBA) photograph guidance. I confirm that if, before this application is decided, there is a material change in my circumstances or new information relevant to this application becomes available, I will inform UKBA. I understand that all information provided by me to UKBA will be treated in confidence; that it may be disclosed to other government departments, agencies, local authorities, the police, foreign governments and other bodies for immigration purposes or to enable them to perform their functions; and that, if such bodies provide UKBA with any information about me which may be relevant for immigration purposes, it may be used in reaching a decision on my application. I understand that my details may in certain circumstances be passed to other people, including fraud prevention agencies, to prevent and detect fraud, money laundering and other crimes. I also understand that the UK Border Agency may receive information about me. Further details explaining when information may be passed to or from other people, including fraud prevention agencies, and how that information may be used can be obtained from the UK Border Agency website. I understand that documents provided in support of this application will be checked for authenticity; and that false documents will be retained and may result in my application being refused and in my prosecution and subsequent removal from the United Kingdom. I understand that UKBA may also use the information provided by me for training purposes. I am aware that it is an offence under the Immigration Act 1971, as amended by the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 and the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, to make to a person acting in execution of any of those Acts a statement or representation which I know to be false or do not believe to be true, or to obtain or to seek to obtain leave to remain in the United Kingdom by means which include deception.
Please complete this part of the form to help us check that we have received your photographs and documents. At A tell us how many of each of the listed items you are providing with your application. At B, list any other documents provided by you and state how many in each case. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary and enclose it with this form. All documents must be originals. You should photocopy each of these documents and provide the copies in addition to the originals.
A. Listed items How many? A. Listed items continued How many?
Photographs of yourself Photographs of any dependants applying Passports Travel documents Biometric Residence Permits Police registration certificates Letter/documents from your employer Birth certificate/s Life in the UK pass notification ESOL qualification Bank statements Building society savings books
Pay slips Previous passports or travel documents Documents to support your Tier 1 points assessment Evidence of maternity, paternity or adoption related leave B. Other documents
How many?
Please note that in some cases, we may have to ask for other documents in addition to those specified in this form.
To ensure that your application is complete, please make the following final checks. Tick each box that is relevant to your application.
Is SET(O) the right form for you and is it valid for use? See date and notes on front page. Have you ticked a box in section 3 to show the category in which you are applying? Have you provided the photographs specified in section 8 and are they in the approved format? If you are unable to send us any of the documents specified in section 11 which are relevant to your application, or if you are unable to provide originals, have you given an explanation and said when you will be able to send them?
Have you completed the appropriate payment details page and made the correct payment? Have you completed section 7 and the rest of the form as specified? Have you provided your current passport(s) or travel document(s) and all other relevant documents specified in section 11 and are they originals? (We also require photocopies of the same). Have you, or a parent or guardian if you are under 18, signed and dated the declaration in section 13?
Finally, please make sure that the application is addressed exactly as shown below if you are posting it. UK Border Agency SET (O) Indefinite Leave to Remain PO Box 591 Durham DH1 9FS
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