The Scroll
The Scroll
The Scroll
not only of this school but also of
Zambales Division and of the Central
School-Community Paper of San Miguel National High School Conference (DSPC), Oct. 8-9.
He outshone some 50 hopefuls
San Nicolas, San Antonio, Zambales
Luzon Region as well. who cartoonized the mockery of
Through the years, it has never Pinays by the Britons aired over
ceased bagging awards in the DSPC, BBC’s Harry and Paul, Sept. 26.
RSPC and NSPC. It has outbested “His work (in page 4) really
hundreds of school papers as far as stands out from the rest as he was
the national level. able to vividly capture the issue,”
To recall some of its awards, the commented Mrs. Ma. Lilybeth
first broadsheet issue in the year 2000 Bacolor, DSPC frontliner.
saw a good sign as it won second best
Manalabe said, “I will brace
school paper in the division. Its scribes What is right must be kept right; what is wrong must be set right. myself further for the RSPC with the
also bagged awards in the individual
hope that I could make it all the way
(The Scroll.../ Feature p.8) Vol. XI No. 1 June-December 2008 to the NSPC.”
Getting a share of 30.95% from the “Due to inflation, I really have a hard be united in combating the ills of the
210 student-respondents, inflation time budgeting the family income,” society, everything will be better than
ranked first among the worst problems she complained. ever,” asserted Torrefranca.
of the country as revealed by the One of the respondents, Racel “I bet, if graft and corruption
campus survey conducted by The Galamay said, “Inflation is the greatest will be eradicated, all problems will
Scroll, Sept. 30. problem occurring in our country. In be solved, but that would be next to
Poverty ranked next with 26.19% almost all products, there’s a price hike impossible unless all corrupt officials
followed by graft and corruption with and this greatly affects the satisfaction die with just a strike of a thunder,”
19.05%. The fourth worst problem is of our daily needs.” jeered Yasir Ahmed, a fouth year
the rice crisis with 14.29% then the peace “Poverty, as always, remains Pakistan-native student.
problem with 9.52% in the fifth slot. unsolved; it is a perpetual illness that Besides the problems cited in the
“Classroom debates prove tortures and kills many Filipinos and survey, the respondents also stated few
that inflation is felt by majority of it seems like there will be no end to more problems like unemployment,
the students in SMNHS and this is this because our government seems to rapid population growth, issues in the
reflective if the national picture where be blind and deaf with the real picture education sector, and inferior quality
majority of the Filipinos feel that life of the society,” explained Mr. Noel of technological machines in some
is getting harder every single day due Alber, Social Studies teacher. government agencies.
to the unceasing price hike of basic Some student-respondents, “Students feel the woes of the
commodities and services,” retorted including Ryan Jay Laurino and nation; thus their ‘voice’ always
Sign of poverty worsened by inflation. “Imprisoning” themselves in the bounds of Mrs. Dolores Piocos, Filipino teacher. Dave Torrefranca agreed that it is the counts so we publish them hoping that
the municipal plaza where they stay for days while far from their abode upland, Aetas She further stressed that she is in the problem about government leaders it would somehow catch the attention
find comfort amidst the public amenities and beg for mercy from passers-by as they same situation in which the majority of ‘mudslinging’ against each other that of those concerned,” exhorted Mr.
struggle with the day-to-day rising cost of living. Filipinos nowadays is suffering from. must be solved first. “If they will only Manolito Basilio, The Scroll adviser.
The SCROLL accepts contributions, suggestions, comments or opinions. Send them to
The Scroll
2 June-December 2008
The SCROLL congratulates Madam Luz C. Arriola for passing the Superintendency Test.
The Scroll
4 June-December 2008
Gracias Gobernador
S MNHS now has a covered court where school programs and activities
can be held. Thanks to Governor Amor Deloso.
Long before, important school gatherings were held under the shades
of the mango trees and more often than not, when meetings were called
at daytime, some of the partakers, usually parents, would have to bear the
unfriendly heat of the sun or the irritating drizzle when the weather was
not that fine. This was the usual scenario during school assemblies because
not all, like 300 to 600 parents, can be accommodated in a makeshift hall
which is a two-classroom-fusion with the partition detached. More than
half of the attendees would have to stay out of the jampacked hall.
The school, headed by the principal, Madam Linda T. Canonizado
never ceased looking for ways to remedy this problem. Together with the
PTCA steered by Pastor Danilo Ambayen, the school frontrunners found
their way to the office of Gov. Amor Deloso to lobby the request for a
covered court.
With the apparent earnestness in the entreaty of the PTCA, school
principal and faculty members after a series of follow up, the honorable
governor articulated his promise to grant the request.
In his visit to the school during the 2007 Commencement
e Exercises in which he was the guest speaker, he saw the need for
the realization of his promise. Although he discovered that SMNHS
d is just a humble school with not more than 600 student-population,
he immediately ordered for the speedy start of the construction.
i A good man really never breaks his promise. A man who
t gives true regard and priority to the needs of his people - that is
Vicki’s thoughts
that students don’t care? With these and all, they eventually understand that
they have to be resilient in hurdling the odds of today’s living. Point
Knowing that poverty (26%), graft and corruption (19%), rice crisis
(14%), and the peace problem (10%) are additional crosses beset upon the
shoulders of the majority of Filipinos nowadays, students are becoming Manolito B. Basilio
more responsible in using the resources or finances that they have and they
show increased awareness of the ills of the society which, hopefully, they
y former teacher now a co- 1. Teach today to be the favorite gift. Even if others don’t always
will in turn strive to make better for they are the inevitable heirs to it.
teacher lent me a book teacher tomorrow. understand your enthusiasim, rest
titled Apples and Chalkdust. 2. Give your best even when you feel assured that they’ll be pleased with
At first, I thought that she doesn’t like your worst. its results.
it but I dismissed the idea knowing 3. Take the time to get to know your 12. The teaching of children should not
that her only child (a certified peyups) students by heart, not by reputation. be sacrificed in favor of paperwork-
gave it to her; it must be a treasure! So 4. Stay healthy not just for yourself. ever!
I just convinced myself that she’s just Your absence affects a multitude! 13. Want your students to stick to their
S.Y. 2008-2009 lazy to read books at her age now. I 5. If you don’t have passion, find it! tasks and finish what they start? Make
was quite sure of it. Thanks Madam Only then can you light that same sure your own perseverance shines
EVIE B. RODRIGUEZ RACEL A. GALAMAY Jesyble. flame in your students. through!
Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor
Apples and Chalkdust by Vicki 6. Creative teaching doesn’t have 14. Being willing to give a little extra
RC RAUL P. CAÑEDA Caruana is a compilation of inspirational to cost a fortune. Look for ways to to help meet a student’s need is what
EDEN RODGRIGUEZ stories and encouragement for use the resources available to you to makes a good teacher great.
NIÑO LESTER B. DULAY teachers. As I began flipping through enhance your teaching. 15. Set your students up for success by
Section Editors the pages, I just found myself writing 7. There is more than one right way setting realistic expectations for them.
down some passages that captured the to teach. 16. Some of your students may not look
Cartoonist/Artist deepest recesses of my being. Some 8. If you set yourself up for success, like winners on the outside. So take the
reflections prick, others cut - deeply. you’ll also be paving the way for your time to find out who’s on the inside.
NICKO BELL FERNANDEZ, MARY JOY PARAÑAL, DANICA SERON Not that I feel guilty at the mirror book students to succeed.
CLARC JOERYL JIMENEZ, JESSICA CARIÑO, NADINE ZHAIRA CASANILLO but I could see many teachers around 9. Is electricity in the air in your best asset of any school is its dedicated
VALERIE NAPULI, JEFFERSON PAJELA, GEMMA FALCONIT, MARICEL SANTOS who need to have such reflections; that classroom? If not, check the power teachers. When people complain to
JESSA LEE DANCEL, JULIUS EDWARD AGATON, ALLAN GAMBOA includes me, of course. supply first.
you about what your school doesn’t
I would like to share some of these 10. In order for you and your students have, gently remind them of what,
Mr. MANOLITO B. BASILIO Mrs. LINDA T. CANONIZADO thoughts that Vicki wants us teachers to be communicating with each other, and who, it does have to offer.
Adviser Principal I to imbibe and would therefore make you both need to be on the same Nice thoughts, isn’t it
ES I English Schools Division Superintendent us imbue even just a little idealism in page. fellow teachers? Thanks for the
our chosen career: 11. The passion to teach is a unique enlightenment Vicki!
Congratulations to Jayvee Manalabe for winning first place in Editorial Cartooning, DSPC 2008!
The Scroll
June-December 2008 5
Evie Rodriguez
Education and price hike Dear Editor Mailbox
E Covered court granted
ducation is the best weapon up with their needs: food, school urged to look for remedies to prevent
against poverty. This does supplies, contributions, etc. inflation it might lessen the risk of
not seem to hold true these Education is at stake with the having a great number of illiterates.
days. I would like to establish a mere presence of these two inseparable The announcement of crisis in
connection among poverty, inflation problems. the financial status of our country is
and education. In the Philippines, 14% of the due to rapid downfall in the economic
population is functionally illiterate.
Dear Editor
Inflation is one of the major aspect of our nation. According to
reasons why poverty is intensely felt This means that even though some some, massive graft and corruption
n last years issue, I have read about the letter “Wanted: Covered
today more than ever. Some of my of them could read or write a little, among the elected government
court.” It expressed the dire need for a venue within the school
classmates would sometimes just sulk they could not use this to effectively officials is the main root of all these
communicate with others and gain wherein important occasions and programs can be held without
in a corner pretend not to be hungry problems.
during recess and lunch time. I can enough knowledge. Many students believe that if only delay or hassle because of space problem or weather condition.
feel their burden. They are financially Unfortunately, majority belong the administration would monitor the Now, at last, the wish is granted.
hard up. With this usual predicament to the low earner class of family who political system in the country, these Yes, I can still recall the speech of Gov. Amor Deloso during the
of students in school, how far can unluckily cannot afford to bring their problems, like poverty, inflation and 2007 Commencement Exercises expressing his desire to help our
true education go? Inflation makes it siblings in a quality school. illiteracy, could be band aided if not school. True enough, he is a man of word. It is not only the covered
hard for almost every student to cope If only our government could be totally solved. court that he fulfilled but also the repair of some classrooms. It
was indeed a blessing to receive these gifts from the government
hroughout nearly two years, with, to borrow the words of a famous Without doubt, since God wills activities, or even outdoor class sessions to break the monotony of
the condition of the school has Filipino fictionist, ‘navel gazing’ that everything as an instrument for the usual classroom atmosphere. And to top it all, Intramural Meet
radically changed. Some we cannot see anything else? preserving justice and restraining will never be the same again. Whatever the weather will be, it will
projects were fully accomplished while Eventually, we have become disorder, the school should urge her not stand in the way of pushing through every event. Basketball
some are still left undone like the more concerned with the situation members to engage in worthwhile games will no longer be played off campus.
covered court in the front ground of of the school and the students. We activities that would prod her to We just can’t wait to see it totally finished. Phase one though
the school. Indeed, we cannot just give service to the school while greater heights. It should utilize its is already done.
ignore problems. In fact, these are the establishing good and harmonious powers to beat the challenges of the Nevertheless, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to
challenges of our times - to go beyond. relationship with others. times so that students will witness the school administrators, the PTCA and the faculty for constantly
Sometimes there are arguments The litmus test of our school is its magic to transform not only in its searching for ways on how to give us, students, the best that they
which in turn become a barrier in its ability to deal with the financial physical aspect but also in affecting can offer. I know that there are still a lot of lacking facilities and
realizing the plans for the school. problem in order to sustain its needs the lives of those who are within her equipments but I am really glad to note that things are getting better
Credibility likewise almost touches and effectively continue its vital sphere of responsibility. in SMNHS as the years go by. We can not have all in an instant.
the ground and unity is obviously function in educating our children. My sincere appreciation to those To Gov. Amor Deloso, thanks a million. I am sure that he will
overlooked. Despite the odds, let us be firm who unceasingly give their support continue helping our humble school.
What really is our role in the in our resolve to make SMNHS a to all the programs, projects, and
In return, we will try our very best to take care of everything
school community? I hope we don’t better school now and in the years to other related endeavors of the PTCA.
that has been bestowed upon us.
become so narcissistic in our views come. We have to stand on guard on Special thanks to Cong. Antonio Diaz,
that we can no longer see beyond our whatever that may put the school into Gov. Amor Deloso and all the other James E. Robison
own school or are we so preoccupied the verge of erratic existence. benefactors of our students. God bless. SSG Vice President
Words Taking the other way Don’t litter
Dear Editor
Mdm. Linda T. Canonizado
ime and again, littering is hardly controlled within the school
Principal I
premises. The absence of appropriate sanction, constant
ne of the favorite places of Why are you late again? No project, no exam! monitoring, and implementation of policies concerning this
some students is in the If you are late next meeting you No participation, no points! problem could be the reason. And yes, the willpower to really put
internet/video center and it so might as well not enter the room, No research work, no grade! things in proper perspective counts most.
happened that I was with my friend, okay? Are these words from teachers One’s ways are reflective of his upbringing.
the proprietress of the center. Why are you not in uniform really irritating and tearing the ears of Why is cleanliness hardly maintained within the campus? Are
Nowadays,students wouldn’t mind today? the students? students in SMHS like jungle savages who throw their wastes just
where they are especially if they are with Where is your I.D.? Students also get tired hearing anywhere?
their peers. Some are funny; some are You , remove your earring! the same words again and again. See, Everybody knows that SMHS has no tidymen(janitors) who
weird; some others are insensitive. Why are you in slippers? You are many of them do not care anymore would look after the cleanliness of the school premises. The
Pretending not to mind them, I supposed to be in your shoes! You are whenever the teacher speaks. This is government can’t afford to give us one nor the school populace
focused my auditory sense on their not in proper uniform! alarming. can’t afford to pay one (for not everybody is open to collection of
conversation: Class,bring out a half sheet of paper My dear fellow teachers, fee for such matter). So, who should maintain cleanliness of the
“I’m tired!” and answer this! I know that you were born to be school surroundings?
“Naiinis na ako, lagi na lang akong Bring one whole sheet of paper and teachers - creative to your craft and While there are many students who observe the proper way of
pinapansin.” number your paper 1-25. Enumeration compassionate to your students. disposing trashes and take the initiative of picking up seen wastes
“Absent tayo ganun din lang ang type. One... Think of other ways to motivate your
around, there are still a few who recklessly throw their wastes just
gawain eh...” No cheating! learners for them to improve and be
anywhere and pretend to be unmindful of the eyesores around.
These are some of their comments Class, copy this in your notebook interested in their studies.
Insensitive they are.
(and sentiments) they keep on saying. and I’m going to check it later. To our beloved students, please
Go to the board and solve this! act like one and follow the school Oftentimes, teachers are heard saying to one or some students,
Implied from their conversation,
these are what teachers often tell them: Class, go out and have your P.E.! policies. Study hard. “Pakipulot mo/n’yo naman ang mga kalat, please?”. The nerve.
The shame. Do we still need to be told when what are obviously
seen around are pieces of paper, candy wrappers, and the like?
Feed thy Psalm 62:5-8 God: Our refuge Insensitive.
Our school is our second home. In fact, we consume most of
spirit... our conscious time here than in our own homes or anywhere else.
M y soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be
moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my
Isn’t it just proper for us to really make it clean all the time?
How about devising a scheme for zero waste management? Or
refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart garbage segregation? Or post reminder boards like “dispose wastes
The Lord keeps watch of us... before Him; God is a refuge for us. properly” in waste prone areas? Or to the least, impose fines to
“insensitive” students? Yes, everybody must have been informed of
ood command of English among students and professionals alike in the challenges of learning and on the importance of the ability to too! – Jerrica Espiritu
is barely observable in the world of communication today. I still more prepared in the world of higher speak English and helping them cope
remember the words of one of our good teachers here: He who learning and of work. Cognizant to with their difficulties in the language. Project PleaSE is not followed!
speaks English owns one-half of the world. this, teachers and student-leaders need Likewise, it encourages students Many students don’t care about it!
One of the problems confronting San Miguel National High School to work hand-in-hand to help students to speak English always inside the They say, “We are Filipinos so we
is about the students who can’t read and speak English adeptly. This is not begin to recognize the importance of campus thereby fostering a school speak Tagalog!”
only true in SMNHS but also in the entire public schools in our country. being able to express their thoughts and where spoken English is part of its - Valmae Ambayen
Why is this happening? ideas in spoken English. This is then culture.
Our grandparents can speak English fluently even if they have not in consonance with PGMA’s Return to Project PleaSE seems not to
finished the elementary level. I’m just wondering why many high school English Program and DepED’s efforts After barely three months be working well so we are going to
students and graduates could hardly express themselves in plain, simple (through the Mentoring Program of implementation, the reinforce its implementation!
English. Not even a simple, perfect sentence! I speak basing from my keen for example) to revitalize the use of project has received both –Ryan Jay Laurino
observation. I admit I too am one of them. English in schools. positive and negative
For me, the cause of difficulties of some students in speaking English “Project PleaSE” means Please I really don’t know what Project
comments. Students were PleaSE is all about! I cannot remember
is the lack of attention of some teachers in the elementary and high school Speak English. This project is based
levels. on teachers’ and student-leaders’ asked whether they find that the president of English club
When I was in elementary, I heard from one of my teachers that even reports and observation that many the project beneficial or implemented it! I really don’t know
if he/she does not teach us he/she will still be receiving his/her salary students find it really hard to express otherwise... it! –Marga Ayap
from the government. I think it is wrong. The government pays teachers’ their ideas in English especially during
services; therefore, they should teach the students well. Students flock class discussions in the subjects that I think Project PleaSE really Many students are very shy to
into the public schools because they can’t afford the high tuition fee in use English as medium of instruction helps us students in developing our speak English! -Novelyn Facun
the private school. But because students don’t pay tuition fee in the public (English, Math, Science, MAPEH skills in speaking English. These skills
school does not mean that public school teachers would turn a blind eye and TLE). Through Project PleaSE, will help us in the future. It prevents Project PleaSE was made for
on their most important function – that is to teach effectively. students will have the opportunity or the students from being ignorant with students improvement; since it is the
Let me not put all the blame on the teachers. The other side of the coin chance to use the language. Language regards to speaking English. universal language, it is the best way
is the students themselves. English pitfall basically lies on their attitude theories such as that of Giles’ – Rodel Manzano towards better communication with
toward the subject. Some would rather choose to play around with whatever Accommodation Theory, Schumann’s our fellowmen outside our country.
that pleases them than to develop or improve their skills in English. They Acculturation Theory, and Chomsky’s Even if it is a policy in English Let us continue supporting it.
seem to abhor the idea of speaking, writing, and reading in English. Universal Theory all boils down to class (no code-switching), I think it -Girlaine Sharra Gomez
Why? Because they hardly understand and they don’t dare exert effort to the notion that exposure to the target doesn’t work. Still students do not
understand! They are not active in class discussions because they are mum. language (English) is one of the best follow it. They’re so hard-headed. The English Club still believes
What should be done then? Is it too late to rectify the predicament? and fastest ways to learn the language. –Niño Lester Dulay that it will work. It all depends on the
The parents must advise their children to prioritize their studies. I In Project PleaSE, the English Club attitude of students and teachers. Success
‘Bayang Magiliw’ M
y family eats NFA rice. It is rice tariffs, increase food importation of rice farms to commercial uses and
much cheaper by 30-50% and pursuing reforms to liberalize conversion of crops from rice to export
than the commercial rice trading in the country’s main staple winners, which has put the country
bought in the market. My parents can by not subsidizing the agricultural in constant state of crises in its rice
s each word comes out of my mouth while singing the song of feel the pang and fang of rice crisis. sector. Policies of globalization on supply. Landlessness and the absence
the land, Lupang Hinirang with all my heart, I feel the blood Why is this happening? rice i.e. trade liberalization (allowing of government support through
running in my veins through my heart and brain; and I remember The present crisis on rice rice importers), privatization (clipping production and price subsidies leave
the efforts of our heroes who freed our beloved country from the cruelty production demands for immediate, NFA powers), and deregulation (lifting millions of Filipino rice farmers at the
of conquerors. sustainable pro-people solutions. of government production and price mercy of big land owners and traders.
“Ano ang ating Pambansang Awit?” my friend asked a grade five The government should immediately support), which the government That is why for a long-term solution to
pupil who, without any second thought answered “Bayang Magiliw!” and increase its support to the National started to implement in the 1980s, this predicament, a genuine agrarian
some others around agreed. It’s so disappointing to know that patriotism F o o d A u t h o r i t y ( N FA ) i n i t s has worsen the state of food security, reform must be implemented.
is not fully cultivated in the early years of formal schooling. This is even procurement of palay, dismantle the not only in the Philippines, but in the Furthermore, the government
aggravated by SMNHS’s practice of only-once-a-week-flag -ceremony. rice cartels and impose has practically stopped
In years of studying, I have learned so much. One important lesson a moratorium on the subsidizing local
that I have instilled in the deepest recesses of my heart and mind is to land-use conversion of The increasing inaccessibility of our agriculture for decades,
love our country not only in words but also in action. Yes, patriotism -
that is. The simplest way of showing it is by singing the national anthem
agricultural land, all for
the benefit of our local
basic staple has made the lives of and can be seen from
the meager budget
with pride, with correct lyrics and proper melody. It is annoying to see
some of my schoolmates who do not even respect the Philippine flag
farmers and the Filipino many Filipino youths and their families allocations received
people. - The University by the agricultural
and our National Anthem.
One time, I caught them laughing while singing the Lupang
Student Council-Diliman harder and the opportunity to make sector. Worse, the
(USC-D) funds intended for this
Hinirang; some were doing their own monkey business, and most of NFA, at present, is their lives better difficult to reach. sector and other social
them did not care to sing at all! I also will never forget my schoolmates importing rice because services are being
in gradeschool; I often heard many of them sang the National Anthem it has persistently failed to drain off to corruption.
not only in different tunes but also in different hilarious lyrics. perform even its minimal procurement rest of the world. Such schemes of The increasing inaccessibility of
Being Filipinos, we are responsible of what we are. It is our of 12% of the total palay production. deregulation also lead to the oil cartel our basic staple has made the lives
obligation to sing well and properly our National Anthem, to respect our NFA has only procured less than 1% of which continues to manipulate and of many Filipino youths and their
National flag, to remember our national heroes who did free us from our palay production in the last cropping bloat the prices of oil products. families harder and the opportunity
conquerors, to love our country, to protect our country’s heritage and to season, leaving most of the tradable Rice production remains to make their lives better difficult to
make every Filipino be united. rice into the hands of big rice traders, small-scale and productivity is reach. With the increase in the price of
Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Antonio Luna, Marcelo H. del Pilar particularly the so-called Big Seven low. Philippine average rice yield rice, other basic needs will relentlessly
are some of our famous heroes who showed love for our country in their cartel who now dictates the price of per hectare is stagnant. Since the increase in cost, thus making the lives
own unique ways, not to mention their lives which they willingly offered rice in the market. The reduced role 1990s, the country’s rice yield has of many Filipinos increasingly more
just to give us that sweet freedom we now enjoy. Thus we can also love and intervention of the NFA in the rice average at 3 metric tons per hectare difficult.
our country by taking full responsibility of being a true Filipino. market allows private traders to control even as it records yearly increases (Thanks to the following sources of
Kyla sang Lupang Hinirang very well prior to the Pacquiao-Barrera the trade both inputs and produce, thus in production. According to the information: The UP Diliman Student
match. She regained the faces of those who did the same job as she did. influencing the movement of prices in International Rice Research Institute Council, Asian Development Bank,
I am a little apprehensive as to who will sing in the Pacman-Dela Hoya trade and marketing of rice. (IRRI), the required production for the Ibon Foundation, International Rice
bout. But that’s another story, another chapter of this piece of writing. The USC added, ”We must resist Philippines to sustain food security Research Institute (IRRI) and the
My point is clear. Know more about Lupang Hinirang. Review impositions made by international is 5.4 metric tons per hectare. This World Bank)
Philippine History if you must. And then sing the Philippine National creditors like the World Bank and the situation is even aggravated by the Jennifer Rafanan, Danica Seron
Anthem by heart. I beg you, please! Asian Development Bank to bring down increasing instances of conversion Nadine Zhaira Casanillo
The SCROLL accepts advertisements to be placed on this portion of the pages. Text or call +639192435785
The Scroll
June-December 2008 7
Just be Hope
ready within Fieldtrip
I was out of the scene for a
Life gets harder with each
couple of months because
of health problem but I
passing day. People get
wilder, meaner, harsher, dilemma
opportunities really had a great time with
my self, family, friends and
all the people that matter to me. I am thankful I
rougher, lazier every day.
Money gets more powerful
Students are much agog
about the field trip espec-
now more than ever. We are really living cially those who are on
What is happenig to have overcome this test of life. God is so good! in a ‘dog-eat-dog-world’ where apathy and the verge of failure in their subjects. Their minds
our students? Where You too may go through what I’ve been. God selfishness dominate. But there is still hope. I are already set that it will be their saving grace
is discipline? It seems forbid! Be careful. Just be ready; you can never believe. -Mr. Manolito Basilio (to pass) that is why many are no longer meeting
that discipline is already tell. I’m just glad mine is over. Now I am well.
forgotten because no punishment is enforced the subject requirements. If this will be the trend,
Now I am back! -Miss. Venus B. Dumapay
everytime they are reported violating the school what is the use of giving students something to
rules or policies. Of course, in the real classroom accomplish when everything can be bailed out
there are many instances when students will
test the limits, break the rules or behave in
fare ride
with a trip to nowhere? I don’t want to buy this
idea the nth time around.I would rather stick to
ways that are inappropriate. These are valuable
opportunities for teaching them about what is freeze I rode a bus home which
was full-packed with
the subject requirements than to pass students
just because of the educational tour...
expected or what is the ‘right’ behavior. What’s happening with our -Mrs. Dolores Piocos
-Mrs. Josefina Jesyble De Leon tricycle transport system? passengers so I had to
Plain and
All we know is that the occupy the seat intended for the conductor
Teacher, price of gasoline went down beside the driver. To my horror, when we
and still going down. Logic reached the “zigzag”, the driver picked up his
says that tricycle fare should follow the trend of
gasoline price, if not freeze. What’s happening
cell phone and started texting while driving.
I immediately apprehended him! He simply
to the minds of the people behind the fare hike? replied, “Sinasagot ko lang!” The NERVE!! Economic problem is truly
Teacher, teacher how are Just asking. -Mr. Gerardo Balbuena GRRR!!! How irresponsible can a person affecting the world. Why
you? Most of the students are get!?! -Miss Leah A. Delos Reyes is life so hard now more
talking about you! than ever? Everyone can
feel it I suppose. Everybody is complaining
-Mrs. Fabia Balaoing
about prices of goods and services. Is there
still a chance for a return of the good old times
Home is
when life is just so plain and simple? I know I
can only wish... -Mrs. Leticia Alumpe
where... First,
I have been so disturbed
lately. I can not focus well
on my lesson. I nearly
have the feeling of being unwanted. After my I admit I sometimes find it
how many months of stay here in SMNHS, I hard to strike the balance
already am feeling at home. I like my environm- between school and family
ment and my working area. I may be uneasy with life but it doesn’t mean that I tend to give lesser
my hard headed advisory class but that can be eachers thoughts count much to The Scroll. Here is a special page attention or importance one over the other.
mended anyway. I was just a little upset when I that features mentors’ view on anything under the sun. Each School provides me “bread and butter” while
will have to go back to JESMAG where I come teacher in SMNHS was simply given a very general question to my family gives me the reason to go on. Both
from. It’s not that I don’t like it there but you answer: What’s happening? Teachers are very much filled with ideas to are indispensable; both are my homes –the only
know how it feels when you think you are not difference is that, one is first, the other second.
liked anywhere. I still am here now in SMNHS
share, basically on issues that they think are affecting the majority - family,
My priority follows the same ranking. How
waiting, hoping and praying that I wouldn’t be school, or even national issues! Read on what they want you to know about you? -Mrs. Margarita Lacuesta
transferred anymore. -Mrs. Aubrey Domingo straight from them. Teachers are indeed a great source of wisdom...
Great careful
Overtime Teach
Wall I am bothered about my
vocabulary Between
Glaciers Keyboard
the lines
Harassment, graft and
corruption, war and
price hike. These are the
scare mastery
happenings in our world What’s happening?
today. I am sure you know what happened to Knowledge in computers I don’t know!
Last night my daughter gives a student an edge over the Let me tell you a story…
Holly Ann Escobar, Meralco versus GSIS, the
was watching television. others. Most jobs require One chilly afternoon, a
fight between the government military forces
She changed the channel basic computer skills. If you are a high school man stumbled over a snake
against MILF in Mindanao, gasoline, rice and
and I overheard from the graduate, you can land a job as a call center agent lying almost lifeless on the ground. He decided to
flour(bread) hikes. Terrible problems abound.
kitchen the preview of the news of what is now in addition to having excellent voice projection take the poor creature home and place it before
What a noisy world. Is it still possible to have
happening in Iceland where glaciers are melting. and communication skills. But the most basic in the fireplace to save it. The farmer and his young
peace nowadays? Of course. We should not
I told her not to change the channel and waited computer literacy is knowing where the keys are son, watched as the snake slowly moved then
be overpowered by hopelessness for in every
for the news to return. The news was telling that and knowing which finger strikes which. I propose arched his body, ready to strike the child. In an
conflict corresponds a solution. Contentment is
the glaciers are melting a kilometer every year one meeting per week spent on typing tutorials instant, the farmer grabbed a piece of wood,
the answer. If we include this in our vocabulary
because of GLOBAL WARMING, and it means for second year students to prepare them for their struck the snake and crushed its head.
then maybe everything will be right. To be
danger and flood to the low places of the nearby junior years. This way, when they reach third year, If you know how to read between the lines…
contented means to be satisfied with what we
region or wherever. What can we do about this? they will be more abreast in striking the keyboard. that’s what’s happening!
have and stop craving for what we do not have
What if it really causes a great flood? Oh my. . . Teaching computer would be much easier and -Mr. Noel Alber
and can never have. -Mr. Francisco Apurit
I don’t know how to swim! more hands-on activities are done.
-Mrs. Aida Hibaya -Mrs. Rosario Ramirez
The SCROLL accepts contributions, suggestions, comments or opinions. Send them to
The Scroll
8 June-December 2008
Over-wired people
sports page, and second best layout/ In the RSPC, it landed sixth best world of well-informed people.
page design) In the same year, The editorial page. Nicko Bell Fernandez
or at birth; some at middle age, the rest so old. it doesn’t verybody wants to go to school because it is the key to
matter how long or short we live. it is in living the kind of life reach our ambition in life so that we can be successful
that we want that makes the difference. and eventually be able to help our family.
Before the school year opened, I was so nervous to go
at this point, i am in a quandary thinking how life to school because I couldn’t read, added the fact I was still
would be in this little world i am in right now. it is recovering from a car accident. But my father gave me the
so small that i can hardly breath and move. it seems strength to face this challenge.
like life is so shallow and ordinary. none. nothing. nil. “Don’t lose hope; study hard so that you can have a
better future,” father told me. That
empty. the routine makes me sick. with people who are
advice made me strong enough to “I was so
conceited and with small minds... huh, sorry for my
conquer any problem that will cross
meanness but it is just the way i feel appropriate to my path in life. I promised to myself nervous;
describe them. i think i am becoming one of them. fearful. that I will keep on doing what is right I couldn’t
afraid. apprehensive. frightened. terrified. worried. so that God will bless and guide me as
anxious. ME. I go on my way to pursue my dreams.
And so I just found my self in I was still
i want to explore. gain. again. but i still can’t get the courage to go on. i paused. i this school, enjoying the learning recovering
thought. a lot... life sets so many conditions. but it is like that. i know i have to live environment and the friends I’ve
the kind of life i desire. i have to go... living... not dying. found. I am really glad that I am here from a car
in San Miguel National High School accident.”
because I believe that the teachers
here are doing their best to prepare
It’s worth
the students cope up with the battles of life and help
them to realize their aspirations. Let me make my self
as an example of a student with true determination.
Despite of my being physically challenged, I
the while
don’t give up and I know that I too can become
successful just like anybody else. Remember that
Can’t go on any further,
life is full of challenges and we need to be firm in
seems so. spirit and be determined to reach the end of the
How I wish someone out
I feel pressured. road come what may.
James E. Robison It’s depressing.
there will come.
And yes, thanks daddy. I love you.
Rescue. Me.
I’m helpless.
o waste time for nonsense activities is a no- You know where
no for me. I love working on
You see me ok but oh...
yes, I am ok.
I am. Hand in my pocket
worthwhile activities rather than doing things You know what I do. I’m broke but I’m happy
I just have to do things
I wouldn’t benefit from. You think that I can. I’m poor but I’m kind
on my own
My favorite day is Saturday. Not that there are But you’re wrong. I’m lost but I’m hopeful
no classes but because I am being productive on this even if it looks like
Thanks. Baby! What it all comes down to is that
day. I, together with my cousins, go to the number I really can’t.
Everything’s gonna be fine, fine, fine
one resort in town, Punta de Uian, and pull out I’ve got one hand in my pocket
weeds and clean the surroundings there. Our Lola
Norma, the resort owner, in her desire to help us in
Skyskater ‘08 And the other one is giving a high five…
-Alanis Morisette
one way or another, would always want us to do
such work - to clean and beautify the surroundings,
and in turn, she would give us our weekly allowance in
school. Oh yeah, every now and then we clean the place;
Be aware
we are so happy. Our Lola
Norma always reminds us of the
Whatever Mama, you’re such a winner!
right things to do in order to be
More than anyone else, my mother is the most important person in my life next to God.
of the good. She told us that we should
be aware of the things happening
She raised us with all her heart. She is a woman of courage, compassion, humility and
punch files I
am a boxing fanatic. How I love manifestations help him see victory say, many of them are not as lucky as
to see someone’s face bleed when through and through. Boxing has Manny. Many have retired in their first
a big knockout punch hits a face made him an instant world celebrity. attempt while some others insisted - to
especially if it is a Filipino boxer Now, the boxer has turned into an the point of losing not only their own
who does it. It seems like a lift in in-demand, high-paying commercial hopes but of their family’s as well.
Compiled by Kristian Batac me knowing that a Filipino is bei- endorser, actor, and even a recording Death on the ring has been the fate of
ing hailed all over the globe for his artist! Lucky punch huh! His family many Filipino boxers and it appears
might, strength, and witty strategies is simply thankful of him. Now an air like none has been given justice. This
Gabriel “Flash” Elorde is regarded “the in putting down an opp- is the folly of boxing.
greatest world junior lightweight boxing ponent on the ring.Manny Yes, boxing, just like
champion in WBC history in 1974”; for
defending his title in 10 bouts for seven years,
Pacquiao made the Filipino
people known to the world.
Pinoy boxers think that it is a coin, has two sides.
A boxer may become
making him the longest reigning world junior
lightweight champion ever; and for being
He is trully an outstanding
example of that Filipino the only way out of poverty. rich or poor (or poorer
than usual), lucky or
inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame spirit of determination, not, dead or alive, and
and International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1993. resiliency, and wit. The what else?
He won a total of 79 bouts in his professional Mexicans are simply amenable to of pride and conceit emanates from How many more boxers will be as
boxing career. this claim. They could hardly defeat his personality. Well, that is inevitab- fortunate as Manny Pacquiao? Maybe
Filipinos on the ring that seems so ble for someone who has reached that in the years to come, one or two. Or
favorable and homely to Filipino far. Manny knows how to manage his none at all. And how many more boxe-
Pancho Villa is considered the greatest boxers. Is it really? Or is it just true blessings and his boxing-acquired ers will continue trying their luck with
flyweight of the century; for becoming Asia’s to ‘Pacman’? resources. the hope that they would also have the
first world champion in boxing; and for being No doubt, Pacquiao has turned to Now, boxing sounds like gold to same luck as Manny’s? Undoubtedly,
inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame a multi-millionaire after winning in a many Filipino boxers. Like a knight in many. Many Filipino boxers who
and International Boxing Hall of Fame. He was series of bouts. His determination is a shining armor, boxing is thought as an think that boxing is the only way out
one of only four Asians enshrined into the New out of question and so as with his faith avenue towards greatness and wealth. of poverty. And how many more will
York-based International Boxing Hall of Fame in God manifested by his signs of the Many Filipino hopefuls venture onto end their lives in boxing, not to ment-
in 1994. He was also inducted to the World cross and the rosary. Somehow, these the precarious world of boxing. Sad to tion on the ring? God forbid.
Boxing Hall of Fame.
he knocked out Fred Apostoli in New York.
He defended his crown against top rivals twice he conventional requirements decisions of the coach and/or referee; it. There really seems to be a problem
(Americans Glen Lee and Henry Armstrong) of polite behavior, properties of e) refraining from uttering offensive and something must be done about it.
before losing his title in May 1940. Before he conduct or good manners are words before, during, or after the games Ask this to yourselves athletes, “ Do I
switched to the middleweight division, Garcia attributed to this term called etiquette. and practices; f) knowing the complete have sports etiquette/discipline?
became a welterweight champion when he Just like any other field of human rules and mechanics of the game before By and large, etiquette is likely
knocked out boxing legend and war hero Barney Ross in 1937 and Henry Arms- interest, sports necessitates etiquette or getting into it; g) arriving in the venue to be taken for granted not only
strong in 1938. In 1977, Ceferino Garcia was inducted into the Ring Magazine to put it in a simpler word - discipline; of the game minutes before the game by the persons who are engaged in
Hall of Fame and into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 1981. and its counts most. It makes the starts; and above all, h) the gracious sports but also by those who are into
difference. different activities such
Simple ways of
showing sports etiquette
Sports etiquette is of great importance as the arts, academic
tourneys and the like.
For five years, Luisito “Lindol” Espinosa
are: a) being punctual not only to sports but to life itself. This reality is indeed
in practices to show very disheartening.
has held two different world-boxing titles: the
enthusiasm to improve the skills which acceptance of defeat to the losers while It is therefore imperative to revive
World Boxing Council (WBC) featherweight
need to be honed; b) avoidance of vices a toast of meekness to the victors. if not to re-orient ourselves with this
crown and the World Boxing Association
to restore and maintain the body’s Sports etiquette is an indispensable essential ingredient for it is of great
(WBA) bantamweight belt. He was feted the
good condition; c) giving each other factor that determines the value of importance and meaning not only to
“Athlete of the Year” award twice.
in the team a push or encouragement what we get out of the sweat that sports but to life itself.
to excel while keeping up the virtue comes out when we play. Sports Skills and talents are not enough
of humility and determination; d) enthusiasts know it but still, they to accomplish our goal, etiquette
obedience to the instructions and don’t put it into practice; they neglect completes it.
Gerry Peñalosa won the World Boxing
North American junior bantamweight title in
t is truly one of the most sought- clashed over the other and tried to and to know who has the ability to
Mississippi. Geronimo “Gerry” Peñalosa is a
after school events. Students get clinch victory. win. A phrase “sports lang” is often
Filipino boxer in the bantamweight division.
to unwind from the usual hustle The Blue Advocates were heard from those who are not lucky
He is the current WBO bantamweight
and bustle of academic strain within really great. Why do I say so? Great enough to win as well as from those
champion. He snatched the title via knock-
our four-wall confinement. But because they were able to clasp the who are lucky enough to win the favor
out win over a Mexican boxer at the age of 36 years. Peñalosa has never been
what really is Intrams for most overall champion title for the 2008 of the Olympian gods and goddesses.
knocked down in 60 professional fights.
students? Ideally, it is an event Intramural Meet. It was so hot and Whenever I heared this phrase, I
wherein students show their abilities terrible encounter yet a good fight could see that they were happy as
Manny Pacquiao, one of the finest Filipino in different sports categories. among the teams. No one gave up smiles and laughter radiated from
power punchers, is a former International But for the majority of their faces whether they
the school populace, won or lost in the games.
The spirit of ‘friendly fight’
Boxing Federation (IBF) world super
bantamweight champion and a former it goes beyond that. Sportsmanship lingers
World Boxing Council (WBC) flyweight F o r t h e m , I n t r a ms in the campus and the
champion. He is the current super flyweight
champion becoming the first Asian to win
mean opportunity to
strengthen bonds among
is very encompassing reason for holding this
school activity, as for me,
three championship belts in three different
weight categories. He was the first Filipino
schoolmates and/or team
mates for that matter
and engrossing. is 100% accomplished.
Good job for the people
to clinch a world boxing title at the MGM and the chance to reveal behind it, yes, the
Grand Garden Arena where he floored hidden skills in a particular sport of in the fights. All of the partakers in Sports Club headed by Mr. Romulo
Lehlo Ledwaba of South Africa in the interest. the event gave their best and team Canonizado, MAPEH Coordinator.
sixth round to bag the IBF super bantamweight title in June 2001. Before The events included in this year’s members were very supportive to Congratulations.
this, Pacquiao knocked out a Thai champion in the 8th round of their match Intrams were the team presentation, their respective bets. Shouts, jeers and Although the weather, seems like
in Bangkok on December 3, 1998 to win the World Boxing Council (WBC) Search for Mr. and Ms. Intams 2008 cheers were reverberating all around. always annually, unfavorable that
flyweight title. Its official, Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao is the greatest Asian and games featuring volleyball, sepak The spirit of “friendly fight” is very games need to be postponed one after
champ of all time. By knocking down David Diaz on the ninth round on their takraw, track and field, badminton much encompassing and engrossing. the other, one important lesson was
June 29, 2008 encounter in Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, Nevada and becoming the and chess. This year there were This sportsfest measures the talents learned by everybody: It is not the
new lightweight champion of the world, he now holds the record as the “First three teams (Yellow Smashers, Red of the students for them to know their winning or losing that matters; it is
Asian to hold 4 belt championships in four different weight categories.” Warriors and Blue Advocates) who limitations, to know who’s the best how you play the game.
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The Scroll
June-December 2008 11
Sprint champs to race
in Zonal Meet
Jefferson Pajela and Clarc Joeryl Jimenez
SMNHS’s champion runners Marivic racers. She started not so fast giving
Ramelo, Edchelle Fulguerras and the other runners get the edge but she
Marivic Ramelo: I will win life’s race! John Eric Caseres will advance to the released her momentum when she saw
Zonal Meet after leaving a big leap that they were losing their energy until
behind their contenders from T.R. they could no longer sustain to catch
Yangco Catholic Educational Institute, up with her. “I knew from the start
Luzon Technical Institute, Valiant that I will win because I have seen
Educational Institute and SMNHS so many techniques from my former
Extension during the District Meet experiences in the Milo marathon, and
at T.R. Yangco Memorial School, true enough, my strategy in this fight
Sept. 19-20. worked!” exclaimed Fulguerras. Squeezing brains out. The two checkmaters, Bryan Ringor and Jullar Sagpan of
Ramelo, Fulguerras, and Caseres Caseres competed in a series SMNHS prove their wits the best as they send other chess masters in the District into
-all fourth year students are consistent of rounds: 100, 200 and 800 meter- early doom.
Smashers mate
Extension in the championship game
during the District Meet at T.R. the Extension School players,”
Yangco Memorial School, Sept. 19- commented Mr. Gerry Balbuena,
foes in finals
20. The Extension school emerged SMNHS-Main sepak takraw trainer-
(from p.12) victorious making the Main School coach.
smaller fighter, in this case Council since there’s no title at stake. settle on the second place. The three, along with two others
Pacquiao, ends up victorious. The GAB is the government “Extension School players are from Luzon Technical Institute and
Racel A. Galamay “It is not the size that matters body regulating professional sports already former Zonal Meet players but seven from the Extension School
but the fighting heart,” wrote boxing in the Philippines, and included in its that was the time when they were still were chosen by Mr. Johnny Paje, the
Dave Torrefranca of the Yellow
analyst and North Cotabato Vice Gov. powers is the issuing of licenses with students of the Main School,” recalled Extension School trainer-coach.
Smashers outsmarted all the
Manny Piñol who went for a knockout the power to revoke, too. Ami. “So I still feel like the title did
aspiring checkers as he used his Pacquiao
Sicilian opening to beat Jonathan victory for Pacquiao. Keith Keizer, executive director Dela Hoya
Manalabe and Joey Santos, both Pacquiao, now in the US gearing of the NSAC, told www. inside-
from Blue Advocates in the chess up for the highly anticipated match that NSAC had “approved
finals, Sept. 20. that could gross $100 million in the fight” and is only body that has
Torrefranca, a senior, defeated earnings, couldn’t believe what’s “jurisdiction over the fight.”
his opponents with 18 moves as his going on. Keizer said any cancellation
Queen finished the business. “Are they only after the publicity?” of Pacquiao’s license will not have
Manalabe and Santos admitted he reportedly asked. any “effect or impact” on the NSAC
that they really had a hard time Pacquiao said he wouldn’t enter decision allowing Pacquiao to fight
putting Torrefranca down as his into a fight if he thinks there’s no chance Dela Hoya in Las Vegas
moves are hardly predictable. of winning, a sentiment being shared by Lawyer Rodrigo Salud, the WBC
“They are both good but they his trainers led by Freddie Roach. founding secretary-general, said in
need to eat a lot more rice before The Nevada State Athletic recent reports that the cancellation
they can beat me,” said Torrefranca. Commission is the only body that of Pacquiao’s license by the GAB
has jurisdiction over the fight, and not “cannot be done unilaterally and
“Joke!” he added.
the GAB or even the World Boxing without a proper hearing.” “It is not the size that matters but the fighting heart.”
The SCROLL accepts contributions, suggestions, comments or opinions. Send them to
Blue Advocates lead Intrams ‘08 with 645.2 pts
Accumulating a total of 645.2 points while the Yellow Smashers search for Mr. and Ms. Intramural ’08 anticipated most of Santos’ moves. the Advocates, their volleyball team
points, the Blue Advocates led copped 499.5 points landing second in which Yellow Smashers’ Leo Gerrad Jack Sardeña and John Rannel captain George Bautista with the
the overall standing among the and third great, respectively. Marc Lazaro and Sports Club’s Romalyn Agasa bagged the golds in high jump cooperation of his teammates walloped
three competing teams until the The Advocates’ victory started Aparri were adjudged winners. The and 100-meter run adding up hefty their way to the championship match
end of the Intramural Meet, Sept. with their grooves and moves in their Advocates’ candidates Criselle Lynne points for the Advocates chest. and thus brought home the victory to
19-20. team presentation in a dance remix in Macomb and Robert Aniceto settled Niniemei Rafon and Carmina their camp.
The Blue Advocates went which they showed different unique as 1st runner-up and as 2nd runner-up Fernandez trampled the Smashers The campus was field with noise
frantic upon being proclaimed as the moves with their ‘lucky charm’ named respectively; Macomb also captured the and Warriors duo in badminton girls as the advocates clapped and shouted
overall champion. Shouts and cheers ‘Tiling’ a.k.a. Christine Joy Borja. In Best in Talent award. division while John Rannel Agasa, that made the Red Warriors and Yellow
lingered in the school open field as their dance, they were able to please In the games, the Advocates’ Joey Ian Pascual and Russel Cariño moved Smashers deaf and mum. The overall
Mr. Romulo Canonizado announced the jury who arrived at a unanimous Santos tried all his known tricks to bring their heads and kicked all the barriers champion’s trophy was received by
the overall scores. decision in the Advocates’ favor. home the crown in chess match but up to the finals and won - additional Mrs. Josefina Jesybel De Leon, team
Mrs. Rosario Ramirez, one of However, their representatives he failed to beat the Smashers’ chess gold points for the Advocates. manager of first year Blue Advocates.
the Team Managers of the Advocates were not able to grip the crown in the master Dave Torrefranca who smartly In addition to the winnings of Other team managers of the Blue
said, “I have witnessed how they Advocates were Mrs. Fabia Balaoing
gave their best to beat the Yellow for second year, Mrs. Rosario Ramirez
Smashers and Red Warriors in for third year and Mr. Noel Alber for
almost all the events.” fourth year.
The Red Warriors bagged 607.5 Eden B. Rodriguez
- Pacman
originally scheduled prior to the
Intramural Meet, no one was yet
n the past Intramural Meets, of discussion in nearly every nook only a very few student-spectators
qualified to represent the school for
Manny Pacquiao was simply laughing basketball has always been and cranny of the school vicinity. could watch the excitement of the
the Mutya quest.
off what’s considered as a late, ill- played out of the campus Everybody seems to really love this clashing teams.
With this, Miss Intrams 2007
advised and desperate attempt to have because the school has no court game. It will be loved all the more in N o w, f r e t n o m o r e . T h e
Almira Anessa De Guzman, a fourth
his Dec. 6 fight with Oscar dela Hoya where the game could held. This SMNHS because students can play it covered court is here to shield
year student was chosen by the
in Las Vegas called off, Abac Cordero school year, basketball was not in the covered court every now and SMNHS from this deprivation.
teachers and principal to represent
of the Philstar News Service wrote in included in the list of games then, rain or shine. The school can now discover and
the school in the search for Mutya ng
his article. that were officially played sports Long before its produce the next top players in the
Palarong Pambayan at T.R. Yangco
for the annual Palarong construction, Intramural PBA or NBA for that matter. Who
Pampaaralan. Next year, editorial Meet officials had to make
“Are they crazy?” was Pacquiao’s Memorial School, Sept. 19.
immediate reaction, according to knows? It may be too ambitious
De Guzman’s personality and
someone very close to him, to those it will be one of the most request for permission to but dreams as they are can be
exposure plus a non-conventional
calling for the cancellation of his sought-after game. The first ever use a basketball court in a nearby plaza realized even by the ‘smallest’
talent via an interpretative dance to
boxing license. basketball tournament will debut or in the Youth Center. Then players, of all men. Just like the covered
the song of Joey Ayala titled Lumiyab
Rufus Rodriguez, a congressman in the newly constructed SMNHS along with the teacher-game-officials, court, it all started with a dream,
Ka were her most potent edge over
from Cagayan de Oro, suggested that Covered Court. had to go out of the campus for the a wish, an attempt, a request. Now
the other candidates representing the
Dela Hoya is just too big and too Basketball is considered as a game. What’s so unnerving is that, it is standing proud; its arms wide
three other secondary schools in the
strong for Pacquiao, and the lawmaker major event in the Intramural Meet. students could not feel the presence of open for students’ development.
is against the fight. Most of the students can relate the game during the Intrams because Thanks to the provincial
Judy Ann Canda from Luzon
Saying he was concerned with well when this sport is the subject government under the benevolent
Technical Institute was proclaimed
Pacquiao’s safety, he has asked the leadership of Honorable Amor
Binibining Palaro while SMNHS’ bet,
Games and Amusements Board under D. Deloso.
De Guzman, settled as second runner-
chairman Eric Buhain to try to stop the up. Her escort was Mr. Intrams 2007
fight by canceling Pacquiao’s boxing Manuel Garcia.
license. “My experiences in the previous
But it may be a little too late. pageants and the activities and shows
The fight contract has already like The Awakening in school helped
been signed, and tickets to the 17,000- me face bigger crowds like that of the
seat MGM Grand Arena being sold District Meet; it was a good source
out just hours after organizers started of strength and confidence which I
selling them. greatly need in my plan to join in
Dela Hoya, 35, stands 5’10 1/2 future beauty contests,” revealed De
and has a reach of 73 inches while Guzman a.k.a. Ara.
Pacquiao, 29, stands 5> 6» with “She did a good fight; as for me,
a reach of 67 inches, a very big she has the most beautiful face and
difference in boxing. body; she has to give more emphasis
It won’t be the first time however, on improving her projection and ability
such a disparity would be seen on top of to answer questions more fluently,”
the ring, and in some instances, the revealed Mr. Ricardo Evangelista, one
Are they.../p.11 of the judges.
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