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2 1 - Abb 615 Series Technical Manual A

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Section 4 Protection functions

4.1 Three-phase current protection

4.1.1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection
PHxPTOC ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Three-phase non-directional
overcurrent protection - Low stage
PHLPTOC 3l> 51P-1
Three-phase non-directional
overcurrent protection - High stage
PHHPTOC 3l>> 51P-2
Three-phase non-directional
overcurrent protection - lnstantaneous
PHlPTOC 3l>>> 50P/51P Function block
A070553 V1 EN
Figure 8: Function block symbol Functionality
The three-phase overcurrent protection PHxPTOC is used as one-phase, two-phase
or three-phase non-directional overcurrent and short-circuit protection Ior Ieeders.
The Iunction starts when the current exceeds the set limit. The operate time
characteristics Ior low stage PHLPTOC and high stage PHHPTOC can be selected
to be either deIinite time (DT) or inverse deIinite minimum time (IDMT).The
instantaneous stage PHIPTOC always operates with the DT characteristic.
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In the DT mode, the Iunction operates aIter a predeIined operate time and resets
when the Iault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.
The Iunction contains a blocking Iunctionality. It is possible to block Iunction
outputs, timers or the Iunction itselI, iI desired. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection can be
described by using a module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained
in the next sections.
A070552 V1 EN
Figure 9: Functional module diagram. l_A, l_B and l_C represent phase
Level detector
The measured phase currents are compared phase-wise with the set 6WDUWYDOXH. II
the measured value exceeds the set 6WDUWYDOXH, the level detector reports the
exceeding oI the value to the phase selection logic. II the ENA_MULT input is
active, the 6WDUWYDOXH setting is multiplied by the 6WDUWYDOXH0XOW setting.
The IED does not accept the 6WDUWYDOXH or 6WDUWYDOXH0XOW setting
iI the product oI these settings exceeds the 6WDUWYDOXH setting range.
The start value multiplication is normally done when the inrush detection Iunction
(INRPHAR) is connected to the ENA_MULT input. See more details on the inrush
detection Iunction in the relevant chapter.
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A070554 V1 EN
Figure 10: Start value behavior with (1$B08/7 input activated
Phase selection logic
II the Iault criteria are IulIilled in the level detector, the phase selection logic
detects the phase or phases in which the measured current exceeds the setting. II
the phase inIormation matches the 1XPRIVWDUWSKDVHV setting, the phase selection
logic activates the timer module.
Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value oI
the 2SHUDWLQJFXUYHW\SH setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value oI 2SHUDWHGHOD\WLPH in
the DT mode or the maximum value deIined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.
When the user programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operate time
characteristics are deIined by the parameters &XUYHSDUDPHWHU$, &XUYHSDUDPHWHU
II a drop-oII situation happens, that is, a Iault suddenly disappears beIore the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The Iunctionality oI the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination oI the 2SHUDWLQJFXUYHW\SH,
7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH and 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the 7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH setting can be set to
"Immediate", "DeI time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"
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causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "DeI time reset", the reset
time depends on the 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-oII situation. II the drop-
oII situation continues, the reset timer is reset and the START output is deactivated.
The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user
programmable types oI the IDMT operating curves. II another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-oII situation.
The setting 7LPHPXOWLSOLHU is used Ior scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.
The setting parameter 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH deIines the minimum desired operate
time Ior IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.
The 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value oI the 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH setting. For
more inIormation, see the General Iunction block Ieatures section
in this manual.
The timer calculates the start duration value STARTDUR which indicates the
percentual ratio oI the start situation and the set operate time. The value is available
through the Monitored data view.
Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking Iunctionality. The operation modes
are controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting "&RQILJXUDWLRQ6\VWHP
%ORFNLQJPRGH" which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
oI the relay program. The inIluence oI the BLOCK signal activation is preselected
with the global setting %ORFNLQJPRGH.
The %ORFNLQJPRGH setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timers"
mode, the operate timer is Irozen to the prevailing value. In the "Block all" mode,
the whole Iunction is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the Iunction operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Measurement modes
The Iunction operates on Iour alternative measurement modes: "RMS", "DFT",
"Peak-to-Peak" and "P-to-P backup". The measurement mode is selected with the
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
Table 44: Measurement modes supported by PHxPTOC stages
Supported measurement modes
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x
P-to-P + backup x
For a detailed description oI the measurement modes, see the
General Iunction block Ieatures section in this manual. Timer characteristics
PHxPTOC supports both DT and IDMT characteristics. The user can select the
timer characteristics with the 2SHUDWLQJFXUYHW\SH and 7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH settings.
When the DT characteristic is selected, it is only aIIected by the 2SHUDWHGHOD\
WLPH and 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH settings.
The relay provides 16 IDMT characteristics curves, oI which seven comply with
the IEEE C37.112 and six with the IEC 60255-3 standard. Two curves Iollow the
special characteristics oI ABB praxis and are reIerred to as RI and RD. In addition
to this, a user programmable curve can be used iI none oI the standard curves are
applicable. The user can choose the DT characteristic by selecting the 2SHUDWLQJ
FXUYHW\SH values "ANSI DeI. Time" or "IEC DeI. Time". The Iunctionality is
identical in both cases.
The Iollowing characteristics, which comply with the list in the IEC 61850-7-4
speciIication, indicate the characteristics supported by diIIerent stages:
Table 45: Timer characteristics supported by different stages
Operating curve type Supported by
(1) ANSl Extremely lnverse x x
(2) ANSl Very lnverse x
(3) ANSl Normal lnverse x x
(4) ANSl Moderately lnverse x
(5) ANSl Definite Time x x
(6) Long Time Extremely
(7) Long Time Very lnverse x
(8) Long Time lnverse x
(9) lEC Normal lnverse x x
(10) lEC Very lnverse x x
Table continues on next page
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Operating curve type Supported by
(11) lEC lnverse x
(12) lEC Extremely lnverse x x
(13) lEC Short Time lnverse x
(14) lEC Long Time lnverse x
(15) lEC Definite Time x x
(17) User programmable x x
(18) Rl type x
(19) RD type x
PHIPTOC supports only deIinite time characteristic.
For a detailed description oI timers, see the General Iunction block
Ieatures section in this manual.
Table 46: Reset time characteristics supported by different stages
Reset curve type Supported by
(1) lmmediate x x Available for all
operate time curves
(2) Def time reset x x Available for all
operate time curves
(3) lnverse reset x x Available only for ANSl
and user
programmable curves
The 7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH setting does not apply to PHIPTOC or
when the DT operation is selected. The reset is purely deIined by
the 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH setting. Application
PHxPTOC is used in several applications in the power system. The applications
include but are not limited to:
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Selective overcurrent and short-circuit protection oI Ieeders in distribution and
subtransmission systems
Back-up overcurrent and short-circuit protection oI power transIormers and
Overcurrent and short-circuit protection oI various devices connected to the
power system, Ior example, shunt capacitor banks, shunt reactors and motors
General back-up protection
PHxPTOC is used Ior single-phase, two-phase and three-phase non-directional
overcurrent and short-circuit protection. Typically, overcurrent protection is used
Ior clearing two and three-phase short circuits. ThereIore, the user can choose how
many phases, at minimum, must have currents above the start level Ior the Iunction
to operate. When the number oI start-phase settings is set to "1 out oI 3", the
operation oI PHxPTOC is enabled with the presence oI high current in one-phase.
When the setting is "2 out oI 3" or "3 out oI 3", single-phase Iaults
are not detected. The setting "3 out oI 3" requires the Iault to be
present in all three phases.
Many applications require several steps using diIIerent current start levels and time
delays. PHxPTOC consists oI three protection stages:
Instantaneous PHIPTOC.
PHLPTOC is used Ior overcurrent protection. The Iunction contains several types
oI time-delay characteristics. PHHPTOC and PHIPTOC are used Ior Iast clearance
oI very high overcurrent situations.
Transformer and busbar overcurrent protection with reverse blocking
By implementing a Iull set oI overcurrent protection stages and blocking channels
between the protection stages oI the incoming Ieeders, bus-tie and outgoing
Ieeders, it is possible to speed up the operation oI overcurrent protection in the
busbar and transIormer LV-side Iaults without impairing the selectivity. Also, the
security degree oI busbar protection is increased, because there is now a dedicated,
selective and Iast busbar protection Iunctionality, which is based on the blockable
overcurrent protection principle. The additional time selective stages on the
transIormer HV- and LV-sides provide increased security degree oI back-up
protection Ior the transIormer, busbar and also Ior the outgoing Ieeders.
Depending on the overcurrent stage in question, the selectivity oI the scheme in
Figure 11 is based on the operating current, operating time or blockings between
successive overcurrent stages. With blocking channels the operating time oI the
protection can be drastically shortened, iI compared to the simple time selective
protection. In addition to the busbar protection, this blocking principle is applicable
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Ior the protection oI transIormer LV terminals and short lines. The Iunctionality
and perIormance oI the proposed overcurrent protections can be summarized as
seen in the table.
Table 47: Proposed functionality of numerical transformer and busbar over current protection.
DT = definite time, lDMT = inverse definite minimum time
O/C-stage Operating char. Selectivity mode Operation speed Sensitivity
HV/3l> DT/lDMT time selective low very high
HV/3l>> DT blockable/time
high/low high
HV/3l>>> DT current selective very high low
LV/3l> DT/lDMT time selective low very high
LV/3l>> DT time selective low high
LV/3l>>> DT blockable high high
In case the bus-tie breaker is open, the operating time oI the blockable overcurrent
protection is approximately 100 ms (relaying time). When the bus-tie breaker is
closed, that is, the Iault current Ilows to the Iaulted section oI the busbar Irom two
directions, the operation time becomes as Iollows: Iirst the bus-tie relay unit trips
the tie breaker in the above 100 ms, which reduces the Iault current in to a halI.
AIter this the incoming Ieeder relay unit oI the Iaulted bus section trips the breaker
in approximately 250 ms (relaying time), which becomes the total Iault clearing
time in this case.
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A070980 V1 EN
Figure 11: Numerical overcurrent protection functionality for a typical sub-
transmission/distribution substation (feeder protection not shown).
Blocking output = digital output signal from the start of a protection
stage, Blocking in = digital input signal to block the operation of a
protection stage
The operating times oI the time selective stages are very short, because the grading
margins between successive protection stages can be kept short. This is mainly due
to the advanced measuring principle allowing a certain degree oI CT saturation,
good operating accuracy and short retardation times oI the numerical units. So, Ior
example, a grading margin oI 150 ms in the DT mode oI operation can be used,
provided that the circuit breaker interrupting time is shorter than 60 ms.
The sensitivity and speed oI the current-selective stages become as good as
possible due to the Iact that the transient overreach is practically zero. Also, the
eIIects oI switching inrush currents on the setting values can be reduced by using
the IED logic, which recognizes the transIormer energizing inrush current and
blocks the operation or multiplies the current start value setting oI the selected
overcurrent stage with a predeIined multiplier setting.
Finally, a dependable trip oI the overcurrent protection is secured by both a proper
selection oI the settings and an adequate ability oI the measuring transIormers to
reproduce the Iault current. This is important in order to maintain selectivity and
also Ior the protection to operate without additional time delays. For additional
inIormation about available measuring modes and current transIormer
requirements, reIer to section where general Iunction block Ieatures are described
in the IED technical manual.
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Radial outgoing feeder overcurrent protection
The basic requirements Ior Ieeder overcurrent protection are adequate sensitivity
and operation speed taking into account the minimum and maximum Iault current
levels along the protected line, selectivity requirements, inrush currents and the
thermal and mechanical withstand oI the lines to be protected.
In many cases the above requirements can be best IulIilled by using a multiple-
stage over current units. Figure 12 shows an example oI this. A brieI coordination
study has been carried out between the incoming and outgoing Ieeders.
The protection scheme is implemented with three-stage numerical over current
protection, where the low-set stage PHLPTOC operates in IDMT-mode and the
two higher stages PHHPTOC and PHIPTOC in DT-mode. Also the thermal
withstand oI the line types along the Ieeder and maximum expected inrush currents
oI the Ieeders are shown. Faults occurring near the station, where the Iault current
levels are the highest, are cleared rapidly by the instantaneous stage in order to
minimize the eIIects oI severe short circuit Iaults. The inIluence oI the inrush
current is taken into consideration by connecting the inrush current detector to the
start value multiplying input oI the instantaneous stage. By this way the start value
is multiplied with a predeIined setting during the inrush situation and nuisance
tripping can be avoided.
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A070982 V1 EN
Figure 12: Functionality of numerical multiple-stage overcurrent protection
The coordination plan is an eIIective tool to study the operation oI time selective
operation characteristics. All the points mentioned earlier, required to deIine the
overcurrent protection parameters, can be expressed simultaneusly in a
coordination plan. In Figure 13 the coordination plan shows an example oI
operation characteristics in the LV-side incoming Ieeder and radial outgoing Ieeder.
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A070984 V1 EN
Figure 13: Example coordination of numerical multiple-stage overcurrent
protection Signals
Table 48: PHLPTOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
Table 49: PHHPTOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
Table 50: PHlPTOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
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Table 51: PHLPTOC Output signals
Name Type Description
Table 52: PHHPTOC Output signals
Name Type Description
Table 53: PHlPTOC Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 54: PHLPTOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.05...5.00 xln 0.01 0.05 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Operate delay time 40...200000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
2=ANSl Very inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
4=ANSl Mod. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
11=lEC inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
13=lEC S.T. inv.
14=lEC L.T. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
18=Rl type
19=RD type
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
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Table 55: PHLPTOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3
2=2 out of 3
3=3 out of 3
1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
Table 56: PHHPTOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.10...40.00 xln 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Operate delay time 40...200000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
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Table 57: PHHPTOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3
2=2 out of 3
3=3 out of 3
1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
Table 58: PHlPTOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 1.00...40.00 xln 0.01 1.00 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 20...200000 ms 10 20 Operate delay time
Table 59: PHlPTOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3
2=2 out of 3
3=3 out of 3
1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
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Table 60: PHLPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHLPTOC Enum 1=on
Table 61: PHHPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHHPTOC Enum 1=on
Table 62: PHlPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHlPTOC Enum 1=on
Status Technical data
Table 63: PHxPTOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
PHLPTOC 1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
1.5% of set value or 0.002 x l
(at currents in the range of 0.110 x l
5.0% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 1040 x l
Table continues on next page
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Characteristic Value
Start time
Minimum Typical Maximum
= 2 x set Start
= 10 x set Start

16 ms

11 ms

19 ms

12 ms

23 ms

14 ms
= 2 x set Start

22 ms

24 ms

25 ms
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Retardation time < 30 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode 5.0% of the theoretical value or 20 ms
Suppression of harmonics RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50dB at f = n x f
, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,
Peak-to-Peak: No suppression
P-to-P+backup: No suppression
1) Measurement mode = default (depends on stage), current before fault = 0.0 x l
, f
= 50 Hz, fault
current in one phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on
statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) lncludes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 x l
, Start value multiples in range of 1.5 to 20 Technical revision history
Table 64: PHlPTOC Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
C Minimum and default values changed to 20 ms
for the Operate delay time setting.
Minimum value changed to 1.00 x l
for the Start
value setting.
Table 65: PHHPTOC Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
C Measurement mode "P-to-P + backup" replaced
with "Peak-to-Peak"
Table 66: PHLPTOC Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
B Minimum and default values changed to 40 ms
for the Operate delay time setting
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4.1.2 Three-phase directional overcurrent protection DPHxPDOC ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Three-phase directional overcurrent
protection - Low stage
DPHLPDOC 3l> -> 67-1
Three-phase directional overcurrent
protection - High stage
DPHHPDOC 3l>> -> 67-2 Function block
GUlD-9EB77066-518A-4CCC-B973-7EEE31FAE4F1 V2 EN
Figure 14: Function block symbol Functionality
The three-phase overcurrent protection DPHxPDOC is used as one-phase, two-
phase or three-phase directional overcurrent and short-circuit protection Ior Ieeders.
DPHxPDOC starts when the value oI the current exceeds the set limit and
directional criterion is IulIilled. The operate time characteristics Ior low stage
DPHLPDOC and high stage DPHHPDOC can be selected to be either deIinite time
(DT) or inverse deIinite minimum time (IDMT).
In the DT mode, the Iunction operates aIter a predeIined operate time and resets
when the Iault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.
The Iunction contains a blocking Iunctionality. It is possible to block Iunction
outputs, timers or the Iunction itselI, iI desired. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI directional overcurrent protection can be described using a
module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
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GUlD-C5892F3E-09D9-462E-A963-023EFC18DDE7 V2 EN
Figure 15: Functional module diagram
Directional calculation
The directional calculation compares the current phasors to the polarizing phasor.
The user can select the suitable one Irom diIIerent polarization quantities which are
the positive sequence voltage, negative sequence voltage, selI polarizing (Iaulted)
voltage and cross polarizing voltages (healthy voltages). The polarizing method is
deIined with the 3ROTXDQWLW\ setting.
Table 67: Polarizing quantities
Polarizing quantity Description
Pos. seq. volt Positive sequence voltage
Neg. seq. volt Negative sequence voltage
Self pol Self polarization
Cross pol Cross polarization
The directional operation can be selected with the 'LUHFWLRQDOPRGH setting. The
user can select either "Non-directional", "Forward" or "Reverse" operation. By
setting the value oI $OORZ1RQ'LU to 'True, the non-directional operation is
allowed when the directional inIormation is invalid.
The &KDUDFWHULVWLFDQJOH setting is used to turn the directional characteristic. The
value oI &KDUDFWHULVWLFDQJOH should be chosen in such a way that all the Iaults in
the operating direction are seen in the operating zone and all the Iaults in the
opposite direction are seen in the non-operating zone. The value oI &KDUDFWHULVWLF
DQJOH depends on the network conIiguration.
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Reliable operation requires both the operating and polarizing quantities to exceed
certain minimum amplitude levels. The minimum amplitude level Ior the operating
quantity (current) is set with the 0LQRSHUDWHFXUUHQW setting. The minimum
amplitude level Ior the polarizing quantity (voltage) is set with the 0LQRSHUDWH
YROWDJH setting. II the amplitude level oI the operating quantity or polarizing
quantity is below the set level, the direction inIormation oI the corresponding phase
is set to "Unknown".
The polarizing quantity validity can remain valid even iI the amplitude oI the
polarizing quantity Ialls below the value oI the 0LQRSHUDWHYROWDJH setting. In this
case, the directional inIormation is provided by a special memory Iunction Ior a
time deIined with the 9ROWDJH0HPWLPH setting.
DPHxPDOC is provided with a memory Iunction to secure a reliable and correct
directional IED operation in case oI a close short circuit or an earth Iault
characterized by an extremely low voltage. At sudden loss oI the polarization
quantity, the angle diIIerence is calculated on the basis oI a Iictive voltage. The
Iictive voltage is calculated using the positive phase sequence voltage measured
beIore the Iault occurred, assuming that the voltage is not aIIected by the Iault. The
memory Iunction enables the Iunction to operate up to a maximum oI three seconds
aIter a total loss oI voltage. This time can be set with the 9ROWDJH0HPWLPH setting.
The voltage memory cannot be used Ior the "Negative sequence voltage"
polarization because it is not possible to substitute the positive sequence voltage Ior
negative sequence voltage without knowing the network unsymmetry level. This is
the reason why the Iictive voltage angle and corresponding direction inIormation
are Irozen immediately Ior this polarization mode when the need Ior voltage
memory arises and these are kept Irozen until the time set with 9ROWDJH0HPWLPH
When the voltage Ialls below 0LQRSHUDWHYROWDJH at a close Iault, the Iictive
voltage is used to determine the phase angle. The measured voltage is applied again
as soon as the voltage rises above 0LQRSHUDWHYROWDJH and hysteresis. The Iictive
voltage is also discarded iI the measured voltage stays below 0LQRSHUDWHYROWDJH
and hysteresis Ior longer than 9ROWDJH0HPWLPH or iI the Iault current disappears
while the Iictive voltage is in use. When the voltage is below 0LQRSHUDWHYROWDJH
and hysteresis and the Iictive voltage is unusable, the Iault direction cannot be
determined. The Iictive voltage can be unusable Ior two reasons:
The Iictive voltage is discarded aIter 9ROWDJH0HPWLPH
The phase angle cannot be reliably measured beIore the Iault situation.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
GUlD-718D61B4-DAD0-4F43-8108-86F7B44E7E2D V1 EN
Figure 16: Operating zones at minimum magnitude levels
Level detector
The measured phase currents are compared phase-wise with the set 6WDUWYDOXH. II
the measured value exceeds the set 6WDUWYDOXH, the level detector reports the
exceeding oI the value to the phase selection logic. II the ENA_MULT input is
active, the 6WDUWYDOXH setting is multiplied by the 6WDUWYDOXH0XOW setting.
The IED does not accept the 6WDUWYDOXH or 6WDUWYDOXH0XOW setting
iI the product oI these settings exceeds the 6WDUWYDOXH setting range.
The start value multiplication is normally done when the inrush detection Iunction
(INRPHAR) is connected to the ENA_MULT input. See more details on the inrush
detection Iunction in the relevant chapter.
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A070554 V1 EN
Figure 17: Start value behavior with (1$B08/7 input activated
Phase selection logic
II the Iault criteria are IulIilled in the level detector and the directional calculation,
the phase selection logic detects the phase or phases in which the measured current
exceeds the setting. II the phase inIormation matches the 1XPRIVWDUWSKDVHV
setting, the phase selection logic activates the timer module.
Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value oI
the 2SHUDWLQJFXUYHW\SH setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value oI 2SHUDWHGHOD\WLPH in
the DT mode or the maximum value deIined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.
When the user programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operate time
characteristics are deIined by the parameters &XUYHSDUDPHWHU$, &XUYHSDUDPHWHU
II a drop-oII situation happens, that is, a Iault suddenly disappears beIore the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The Iunctionality oI the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination oI the 2SHUDWLQJFXUYHW\SH,
7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH and 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the 7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH setting can be set to
"Immediate", "DeI time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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82 615 series
Technical Manual
causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "DeI time reset", the reset
time depends on the 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-oII situation. II the drop-
oII situation continues, the reset timer is reset and the START output is deactivated.
The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user
programmable types oI the IDMT operating curves. II another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-oII situation.
The setting 7LPHPXOWLSOLHU is used Ior scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.
The setting parameter 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH deIines the minimum desired operate
time Ior IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.
The 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value oI the 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH setting. For
more inIormation, see the General Iunction block Ieatures section
in this manual.
The timer calculates the start duration value STARTDUR which indicates the
percentual ratio oI the start situation and the set operate time. The value is available
through the Monitored data view.
Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking Iunctionality. The operation modes
are controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting "&RQILJXUDWLRQ6\VWHP
%ORFNLQJPRGH" which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
oI the relay program. The inIluence oI the BLOCK signal activation is preselected
with the global setting %ORFNLQJPRGH.
The %ORFNLQJPRGH setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timers"
mode, the operate timer is Irozen to the prevailing value. In the "Block all" mode,
the whole Iunction is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the Iunction operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Measuring modes
The Iunction operates on three alternative measurement modes: 'RMS, 'DFT
and 'Peak-to-Peak . The measurement mode is selected with the 0HDVXUHPHQW
PRGH setting.
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Table 68: Measurement modes supported by DPHxPDOC stages
Measurement mode Supported measurement modes
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x Directional overcurrent characteristics
The Iorward and reverse sectors are deIined separately. The Iorward operation area
is limited with the 0LQIRUZDUGDQJOH and 0D[IRUZDUGDQJOH settings. The reverse
operation area is limited with the 0LQUHYHUVHDQJOH and 0D[UHYHUVHDQJOH settings.
The sector limits are always given as positive degree values.
In the Iorward operation area, the 0D[IRUZDUGDQJOH setting gives the
counterclockwise sector and the 0LQIRUZDUGDQJOH setting gives the corresponding
clockwise sector, measured Irom the &KDUDFWHULVWLFDQJOH setting.
In the reverse operation area, the 0D[UHYHUVHDQJOH setting gives the
counterclockwise sector and the 0LQUHYHUVHDQJOH setting gives the corresponding
clockwise sector, measured Irom the complement oI the &KDUDFWHULVWLFDQJOH
setting, Ior example, 180 degrees phase shiIt.
Relay characteristic angle (RCA) is set positive iI the operating current lags the
polarizing quantity and negative iI the operating current leads the polarizing quantity.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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GUlD-CD0B7D5A-1F1A-47E6-AF2A-F6F898645640 V2 EN
Figure 18: Configurable operating sectors
Table 69: Momentary per phase direction value for monitored data view
Criterion for per phase direction information The value for DlR_A/_B/_C
The ANGLE_X is not in any of the defined
sectors, or the direction cannot be defined due
too low amplitude
0 = unknown
The ANGLE_X is in the forward sector 1 = forward
The ANGLE_X is in the reverse sector 2 = backward
(The ANGLE_X is in both forward and reverse
sectors, that is, when the sectors are overlapping)
3 = both
Table 70: Momentary phase combined direction value for monitored data view
Criterion for phase combined direction information The value for DlRECTlON
The direction information (DlR_X) for all phases
is unknown
0 = unknown
The direction information (DlR_X) for at least one
phase is forward, none being in reverse
1 = forward
The direction information (DlR_X) for at least one
phase is reverse, none being in forward
2 = backward
The direction information (DlR_X) for some
phase is forward and for some phase is reverse
3 = both
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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FAULTDIR gives the detected direction oI the Iault during Iault situations, that is,
when the START output is active.
Self polarizing as polarizing method
Table 71: Equations for calculating angle difference for self polarizing method
Used fault
Angle difference
A l
_ ( ) - ( ) - =
GUlD-60308BBA-07F8-4FB4-A9E8-3850325E368C V1 EN
B l
_ ( ) - ( ) - =
GUlD-9AF57A77-F9C6-46B7-B056-AC7542EBF449 V1 EN
C l
_ ( ) - ( ) - =
GUlD-51FEBD95-672C-440F-A678-DD01ABB2D018 V1 EN
A - B l
- l
_ ( ) - ( - ) - =
GUlD-7DA1116D-86C0-4D7F-AA19-DCF32C530C4C V1 EN
B - C l
- l
_ ( ) - ( - ) - =
GUlD-3E9788CA-D2FC-4FC4-8F9E-1466F3775826 V1 EN
C - A l
- l
_ ( ) - ( - ) - =
GUlD-EFD80F78-4B26-46B6-A5A6-CCA6B7E20C6E V1 EN
In an example case oI the phasors in a single phase earth Iault where the Iaulted
phase is phase A, the angle diIIerence between the polarizing quantity U
operating quantity I
is marked as . In the selI polarization method, there is no
need to rotate the polarizing quantity.
GUlD-C648173C-D8BB-4F37-8634-5D4DC7D366FF V1 EN
Figure 19: Single-phase earth fault, phase A
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In an example case oI a two-phase short circuit Iailure where the Iault is between
phases B and C, the angle diIIerence is measured between the polarizing quantity
and operating quantity I
- I
in the selI polarizing method.
GUlD-65CFEC0E-0367-44FB-A116-057DD29FEB79 V1 EN
Figure 20: Two-phase short circuit, short circuit is between phases B and C
Cross polarizing as polarizing quantity
Table 72: Equations for calculating angle difference for cross polarizing method
Angle difference
A l
_ ( ) - ( ) - = + 90
GUlD-4F0D1491-3679-4B1F-99F7-3704BC15EF9D V1 EN
B l
_ ( ) - ( ) - = + 90
GUlD-F5252292-E132-41A7-9F6D-C2A3958EE6AD V1 EN
C l
_ ( ) - ( ) - = + 90
GUlD-84D97257-BAEC-4264-9D93-EC2DF853EAE1 V1 EN
A -
- l
_ ( - ) - ( - ) - = + 90
GUlD-AFB15C3F-B9BB-47A2-80E9-796AA1165409 V1 EN
B -
- l
_ ( - ) - ( - ) - = + 90
GUlD-C698D9CA-9139-40F2-9097-007B6B14D053 V1 EN
C -
- l
_ ( - ) - ( - ) - = + 90
GUlD-838ECE7D-8B1C-466F-8166-E8FE16D28AAD V1 EN
The angle diIIerence between the polarizing quantity U
and operating quantity
is marked as in an example oI the phasors in a single-phase earth Iault where
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Technical Manual
the Iaulted phase is phase A. The polarizing quantity is rotated with 90 degrees.
The characteristic angle is assumed to be ~ 0 degrees.
GUlD-6C7D1317-89C4-44BE-A1EB-69BC75863474 V1 EN
Figure 21: Single-phase earth fault, phase A
In an example oI the phasors in a two-phase short circuit Iailure where the Iault is
between the phases B and C, the angle diIIerence is measured between the
polarizing quantity U
and operating quantity I
- I
marked as .
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GUlD-C2EC2EF1-8A84-4A32-818C-6D7620EA9969 V1 EN
Figure 22: Two-phase short circuit, short circuit is between phases B and C
The equations are valid when network rotating direction is counter-
clockwise, that is, ABC. II the network rotating direction is
reversed, 180 degrees is added to the calculated angle diIIerence.
This is done automatically with a system parameter 3KDVHURWDWLRQ.
Negative sequence voltage as polarizing quantity
When the negative voltage is used as the polarizing quantity, the angle diIIerence
between the operating and polarizing quantity is calculated with the same Iormula
Ior all Iault types:
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_ ( ) ( ) = 2 2
GUID-470263DD-C1D7-4E59-B011-24D8D35BD52A V1 EN (Equation 1)
This means that the actuating polarizing quantity is -U2.
GUlD-027DD4B9-5844-4C46-BA9C-54784F2300D3 V1 EN
Figure 23: Phasors in a single-phase earth fault, phases A-N, and two-phase
short circuit, phases B and C, when the actuating polarizing
quantity is the negative sequence voltage -U2
Positive sequence voltage as polarizing quantity
Table 73: Equations for calculating angle difference for positive sequence quantity polarizing
Used fault
Angle difference
A l
_ ( ) ( ) = 1
GUlD-4C933201-2290-4AA3-97A3-670A40CC4114 V1 EN
B l
_ ( ) ( ) = 1 120
GUlD-648D061C-6F5F-4372-B120-0F02B42E9809 V1 EN
C l
_ ( ) ( ) = + 1 120
GUlD-355EF014-D8D0-467E-A952-1D1602244C9F V1 EN
A - B l
- l
_ ( ) ( ) = + 1 30
GUlD-B07C3B0A-358E-480F-A059-CC5F3E6839B1 V1 EN
B - C l
- l
_ ( ) ( ) = 1 90
GUlD-4597F122-99A6-46F6-A38C-81232C985BC9 V1 EN
C - A l
- l
_ ( ) ( ) = + 1 150
GUlD-9892503C-2233-4BC5-8C54-BCF005E20A08 V1 EN
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GUlD-1937EA60-4285-44A7-8A7D-52D7B66FC5A6 V1 EN
Figure 24: Phasors in a single-phase earth fault, phase A to ground, and two-
phase short circuit, phases B-C are short circuited, when the
polarizing quantity is the positive sequence voltage U1
Network rotating direction
Typically, the network rotating direction is counter-clockwise and deIined as
"ABC". II the network rotating direction is reversed, meaning clockwise, that is,
"ACB", the equations Ior calculating the angle diIIerence needs to be changed. The
network rotating direction is deIined with a system parameter 3KDVHURWDWLRQ. The
change in the network rotating direction aIIects the phase-to-phase voltages
polarization method where the calculated angle diIIerence needs to be rotated 180
degrees. Also, when the sequence components are used, which are, the positive
sequence voltage or negative sequence voltage components, the calculation oI the
components are aIIected but the angle diIIerence calculation remains the same.
When the phase-to-ground voltages are used as the polarizing method, the network
rotating direction change has no eIIect on the direction calculation.
The network rotating direction is set in the IED using the parameter
deIault parameter value is "ABC".
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GUlD-BF32C1D4-ECB5-4E96-A27A-05C637D32C86 V1 EN
Figure 25: Examples of network rotating direction Application
DPHxPDOC is used as short-circuit protection in three-phase distribution or sub
transmission networks operating at 50 or 60 Hz.
In radial networks, the phase overcurrent relays are oIten suIIicient Ior the short
circuit protection oI lines, transIormers and other equipment. The current-time
characteristic should be chosen according to the common practice in the network. It
is recommended to use the same current-time characteristic Ior all overcurrent
relays in the network. This includes the overcurrent protection oI transIormers and
other equipment.
The phase overcurrent protection can also be used in closed ring systems as short
circuit protection. Because the setting oI a phase overcurrent protection system in
closed ring networks can be complicated, a large number oI Iault current
calculations are needed. There are situations with no possibility to have the
selectivity with a protection system based on overcurrent relays in a closed ring
In some applications, the possibility oI obtaining the selectivity can be improved
signiIicantly iI DPHxPDOC is used. This can also be done in the closed ring
networks and radial networks with the generation connected to the remote in the
system thus giving Iault current inIeed in reverse direction. Directional overcurrent
relays are also used to have a selective protection scheme, Ior example, in case oI
parallel distribution lines or power transIormers Ied by the same single source. In
ring connected supply Ieeders between substations or Ieeders with two Ieeding
sources, DPHxPDOC is also used.
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Parallel lines or transformers
When the lines are connected in parallel and iI a Iault occurs in one oI the lines, it
is practical to have DPHxPDOC to detect the direction oI the Iault. Otherwise,
there is a risk that the Iault situation in one part oI the Ieeding system can de-
energize the whole system connected to the LV side.
GUlD-1A2BD0AD-B217-46F4-A6B4-6FC6E6256EB3 V1 EN
Figure 26: Overcurrent protection of parallel lines using directional relays
DPHxPDOC can be used Ior parallel operating transIormer applications. In these
applications, there is a possibility that the Iault current can also be Ied Irom the LV-
side up to the HV-side. ThereIore, the transIormer is also equipped with directional
overcurrent protection.
GUlD-74662396-1BAD-4AC2-ADB6-F4A8B3341860 V1 EN
Figure 27: Overcurrent protection of parallel operating transformers
Closed ring network topology
The closed ring network topology is used in applications where electricity
distribution Ior the consumers is secured during network Iault situations. The
power is Ied at least Irom two directions which means that the current direction can
be varied. The time grading between the network level stages is challenging
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Technical Manual
without unnecessary delays in the time settings. In this case, it is practical to use
the directional overcurrent relays to achieve a selective protection scheme.
Directional overcurrent Iunctions can be used in closed ring applications. The
arrows deIine the operating direction oI the directional Iunctionality. The double
arrows deIine the non-directional Iunctionality where Iaults can be detected in both
GUlD-276A9D62-BD74-4335-8F20-EC1731B58889 V1 EN
Figure 28: Closed ring network topology where feeding lines are protected
with directional overcurrent relays Signals
lnput signals
Table 74: DPHLPDOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
SlGNAL 0 Negative phase sequence current
U_A_AB SlGNAL 0 Phase to earth voltage A or phase to phase
voltage AB
U_B_BC SlGNAL 0 Phase to earth voltage B or phase to phase
voltage BC
Table continues on next page
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Name Type Default Description
U_C_CA SlGNAL 0 Phase to earth voltage C or phase to phase
voltage CA
SlGNAL 0 Positive phase sequence voltage
SlGNAL 0 Negative phase sequence voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
lnput signals
Table 75: DPHHPDOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
SlGNAL 0 Negative phase sequence current
U_A_AB SlGNAL 0 Phase to earth voltage A or phase to phase
voltage AB
U_B_BC SlGNAL 0 Phase to earth voltage B or phase to phase
voltage BC
U_C_CA SlGNAL 0 Phase to earth voltage C or phase to phase
voltage CA
SlGNAL 0 Positive phase sequence voltage
SlGNAL 0 Negative phase sequence voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
Table 76: DPHLPDOC Output signals
Name Type Description
Table 77: DPHHPDOC Output signals
Name Type Description
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Table 78: DPHLPDOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.05...5.00 xln 0.01 0.05 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Operate delay time 40...200000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
2=ANSl Very inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
4=ANSl Mod. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
11=lEC inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
13=lEC S.T. inv.
14=lEC L.T. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
18=Rl type
19=RD type
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
Voltage Mem time 0...3000 ms 1 40 Voltage memory time
Directional mode 1=Non-directional
2=Forward Directional mode
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 60 Characteristic angle
Max forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in forward
Max reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in forward direction
Min reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in reverse direction
Pol quantity -2=Pos. seq. volt.
1=Self pol
4=Neg. seq. volt.
5=Cross pol
5=Cross pol Reference quantity used to determine
fault direction
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Table 79: DPHLPDOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3
2=2 out of 3
3=3 out of 3
1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
Allow Non Dir 0=False
0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
info is invalid
Min operate current 0.01...1.00 xln 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage
Table 80: DPHHPDOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.10...40.00 xln 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Directional mode 1=Non-directional
2=Forward Directional mode
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
Operate delay time 40...200000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 60 Characteristic angle
Table continues on next page
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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Max forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in forward
Max reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in forward direction
Min reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in reverse direction
Voltage Mem time 0...3000 ms 1 40 Voltage memory time
Pol quantity -2=Pos. seq. volt.
1=Self pol
4=Neg. seq. volt.
5=Cross pol
5=Cross pol Reference quantity used to determine
fault direction
Table 81: DPHHPDOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Allow Non Dir 0=False
0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
info is invalid
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Min operate current 0.01...1.00 xln 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3
2=2 out of 3
3=3 out of 3
1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual Monitored data
Table 82: DPHLPDOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
FAULT_DlR Enum 0=unknown
Detected fault direction
DlRECTlON Enum 0=unknown
Direction information
DlR_A Enum 0=unknown
Direction phase A
DlR_B Enum 0=unknown
Direction phase B
DlR_C Enum 0=unknown
Direction phase C
ANGLE_A FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase A
ANGLE_B FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase B
ANGLE_C FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase C
DPHLPDOC Enum 1=on
Table 83: DPHHPDOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
FAULT_DlR Enum 0=unknown
Detected fault direction
DlRECTlON Enum 0=unknown
Direction information
Table continues on next page
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 99
Technical Manual
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
DlR_A Enum 0=unknown
Direction phase A
DlR_B Enum 0=unknown
Direction phase B
DlR_C Enum 0=unknown
Direction phase C
ANGLE_A FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase A
ANGLE_B FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase B
ANGLE_C FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase C
DPHHPDOC Enum 1=on
Status Technical data
Table 84: DPHxPDOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current/
voltage measured: f
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x U
Phase angle:
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
(at currents
in the range of 0.110 x l
5.0% of the set value (at currents in the range
of 1040 x l
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x U
Phase angle:
Start time
Minimum Typical Maximum
= 2.0 x set Start
37 ms 40 ms 42 ms
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Table continues on next page
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
100 615 series
Technical Manual
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode 5.0% of the theoretical value or 20 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n x f
, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,
1) Measurement mode and Pol quantity = default, current before fault = 0.0 x l
, voltage before fault =
1.0 x U
, f
= 50 Hz, fault current in one phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase
angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) lncludes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 x l
, Start value multiples in range of 1.5 to 20
4.1.3 Three-phase thermal overload protection for overhead lines
and cables T1PTTR ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Three-phase thermal overload
protection for overhead lines and cables
T1PTTR 3lth> 49F Function block
A070691 V1 EN
Figure 29: Function block symbol Functionality
The increased utilization oI power systems closer to the thermal limits has
generated a need Ior a thermal overload Iunction also Ior power lines.
A thermal overload is in some cases not detected by other protection Iunctions, and
the introduction oI the thermal overload Iunction T1PTTR allows the protected
circuit to operate closer to the thermal limits.
An alarm level gives an early warning to allow operators to take action beIore the
line trips. The early warning is based on the three-phase current measuring Iunction
using a thermal model with Iirst order thermal loss with the settable time constant.
II the temperature rise continues the Iunction will operate based on the thermal
model oI the line.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 101
Technical Manual
Re-energizing oI the line aIter the thermal overload operation can be inhibited
during the time the cooling oI the line is in progress. The cooling oI the line is
estimated by the thermal model. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI three-phase thermal protection can be described by using a
module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
A070747 V2 EN
Figure 30: Functional module diagram. l_A, l_B and l_C represent phase
Max current selector
The sampled analogue phase currents are pre-processed and the RMS value oI each
phase current is derived Ior each phase current. These phase current values are Ied
to the Iunction.
The max current selector oI the Iunction continuously checks the highest phase
current value. The selector reports the highest value to the temperature estimator.
Temperature estimator
From the largest oI the three-phase currents, a Iinal temperature is calculated
according to the expression:

T =

A070780 V2 EN (Equation 2)
l the largest phase current
set Current reference
set Temperature rise
The ambient temperature is added to the calculated Iinal temperature estimation,
and the ambient temperature value used in the calculation is also available in the
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
102 615 series
Technical Manual
monitored data as TEMP_AMB. II the Iinal temperature estimation is larger than the
set 0D[LPXPWHPSHUDWXUH, the START output is activated.
&XUUHQWUHIHUHQFH and 7HPSHUDWXUHULVH setting values are used in the Iinal
temperature estimation together with the ambient temperature. It is suggested to set
these values to the maximum steady state current allowed Ior the line or cable
under emergency operation Ior a Iew hours per years. Current values with the
corresponding conductor temperatures are given in cable manuals. These values are
given Ior conditions such as ground temperatures, ambient air temperature, the way
oI cable laying and ground thermal resistivity.
Thermal counter
The actual temperature at the actual execution cycle is calculated as:

n n final n
e = +
( )

1 1

A070781 V2 EN (Equation 3)

calculated present temperature

calculated temperature at previous time step

calculated final temperature with actual current
t time step between calculation of actual temperature
W thermal time constant for the protected device (line or cable), set Time constant
The actual temperature oI the protected component (line or cable) is calculated by
adding the ambient temperature to the calculated temperature, as shown above. The
ambient temperature can be given a constant value. The calculated component
temperature can be monitored as it is exported Irom the Iunction as a real Iigure.
When the component temperature reaches the set alarm level $ODUPYDOXH, the
output signal ALARM is set. When the component temperature reaches the set trip
level 0D[LPXPWHPSHUDWXUH, the OPERATE output is activated. The OPERATE
signal pulse length is Iixed to 100 ms
There is also a calculation oI the present time to operation with the present current.
This calculation is only perIormed iI the Iinal temperature is calculated to be above
the operation temperature:
final operate
final n


A070782 V2 EN (Equation 4)
Caused by the thermal overload protection Iunction, there can be a lockout to
reconnect the tripped circuit aIter operating. The lockout output BLK_CLOSE is
activated at the same time when the OPERATE output is activated and is not reset
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 103
Technical Manual
until the device temperature has cooled down below the set value oI the 5HFORVH
WHPSHUDWXUH setting. The 0D[LPXPWHPSHUDWXUH value must be set at least 2
degrees above the set value oI 5HFORVHWHPSHUDWXUH.
The time to lockout release is calculated, that is, the calculation oI the cooling time
to a set value. The calculated temperature can be reset to its initial value (the ,QLWLDO
WHPSHUDWXUH setting) via a control parameter that is located under the clear menu.
This is useIul during testing when secondary injected current has given a calculated
Ialse temperature level.
lockout release
final lockout release
final n
ln =

A070783 V2 EN (Equation 5)
Here the Iinal temperature is equal to the set or measured ambient temperature.
In some applications, the measured current can involve a number oI parallel lines.
This is oIten used Ior cable lines where one bay connects several parallel cables.
By setting the &XUUHQWPXOWLSOLHU parameter to the number oI parallel lines (cables),
the actual current on one line is used in the protection algorithm. To activate this
option, the ENA_MULT input must be activated.
The (QYWHPSHUDWXUH6HW setting is used to deIine the ambient temperature.
The temperature calculation is initiated Irom the value deIined with the ,QLWLDO
WHPSHUDWXUH setting parameter. This is done in case the IED is powered up, the
Iunction is turned "OII" and back "On" or reset through the Clear menu. The
temperature is also stored in the nonvolatile memory and restored in case the IED
is restarted.
The thermal time constant oI the protected circuit is given in minutes with the 7LPH
FRQVWDQW setting. Please see cable manuIacturers manuals Ior Iurther details. Application
The lines and cables in the power system are constructed Ior a certain maximum
load current level. II the current exceeds this level, the losses will be higher than
expected. As a consequence, the temperature oI the conductors will increase. II the
temperature oI the lines and cables reaches too high values, it can cause a risk oI
damages by, Ior example, the Iollowing ways:
The sag oI overhead lines can reach an unacceptable value.
II the temperature oI conductors, Ior example aluminium conductors, becomes
too high, the material will be destroyed.
In cables the insulation can be damaged as a consequence oI overtemperature,
and thereIore phase-to-phase or phase-to-earth Iaults can occur.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
104 615 series
Technical Manual
In stressed situations in the power system, the lines and cables may be required to
be overloaded Ior a limited time. This should be done without any risk Ior the above-
mentioned risks.
The thermal overload protection provides inIormation that makes temporary
overloading oI cables and lines possible. The thermal overload protection estimates
the conductor temperature continuously. This estimation is made by using a
thermal model oI the line/cable that is based on the current measurement.
II the temperature oI the protected object reaches a set warning level, a signal is
given to the operator. This enables actions in the power system to be done beIore
dangerous temperatures are reached. II the temperature continues to increase to the
maximum allowed temperature value, the protection initiates a trip oI the protected
line. Signals
Table 85: T1PTTR lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable Current multiplier
BLK_OPR BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for operate outputs
Table 86: T1PTTR Output signals
Name Type Description
BLK_CLOSE BOOLEAN Thermal overload indicator. To inhibite reclose. Settings
Table 87: T1PTTR Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Env temperature Set -50...100 C 1 40 Ambient temperature used when no
external temperature measurement
Current multiplier 1...5 1 1 Current multiplier when function is used
for parallel lines
Current reference 0.05...4.00 xln 0.01 1.00 The load current leading to Temperature
raise temperature
Temperature rise 0.0...200.0 C 0.1 75.0 End temperature rise above ambient
Table continues on next page
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 105
Technical Manual
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Time constant 60...60000 s 1 2700 Time constant of the line in seconds.
Maximum temperature 20.0...200.0 C 0.1 90.0 Temperature level for operate
Alarm value 20.0...150.0 C 0.1 80.0 Temperature level for start (alarm)
Reclose temperature 20.0...150.0 C 0.1 70.0 Temperature for reset of block reclose
after operate
Table 88: T1PTTR Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
lnitial temperature -50.0...100.0 C 0.1 0.0 Temperature raise above ambient
temperature at startup Monitored data
Table 89: T1PTTR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
TEMP FLOAT32 -100.0...9999.9 C The calculated
temperature of the
protected object
TEMP_RL FLOAT32 0.00...99.99 The calculated
temperature of the
protected object relative
to the operate level
T_OPERATE lNT32 0...600000 ms Estimated time to operate
T_ENA_CLOSE lNT32 0...600000 ms Estimated time to
deactivate BLK_CLOSE
TEMP_AMB FLOAT32 -99...999 C The ambient
temperature used in the
T1PTTR Enum 1=on
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
106 615 series
Technical Manual Technical data
Table 90: T1PTTR Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
Current measurement: 1.5% of the set value or
0.002 x l
(at currents in the range of
0.01...4.00 x l
Operate time accuracy
2.0% of the theoretical value or 0.50 s
1) Overload current > 1.2 x Operate level temperature Technical revision history
Table 91: T1PTTR Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
C Removed the Sensor available setting parameter
4.1.4 Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time
constants T2PTTR ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Three-phase thermal overload
protection, two time constants
T2PTTR 3lth>T 49T Function block
GUlD-68AADF30-9DC7-49D5-8C77-14E774C8D1AF V1 EN
Figure 31: Function block symbol Functionality
The three-phase thermal overload, two time constant protection Iunction T2PTTR
protects the transIormer mainly Irom short-time overloads. The transIormer is
protected Irom long-time overloads with the oil temperature detector included in its
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 107
Technical Manual
The alarm signal gives an early warning to allow the operators to take action beIore
the transIormer trips. The early warning is based on the three-phase current
measuring Iunction using a thermal model with two settable time constants. II the
temperature rise continues, T2PTTR operates based on the thermal model oI the
AIter a thermal overload operation, the re-energizing oI the transIormer is inhibited
during the transIormer cooling time. The transIormer cooling is estimated with a
thermal model. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI three-phase thermal overload, 2 time constant protection can be
described using a module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in
the next sections.
GUlD-FF965F1C-6039-4A01-9A4F-B378F8356279 V1 EN
Figure 32: Functional module diagram
Max current selector
The sampled analog phase currents are pre-processed and the TRMS value oI the
phase current is derived Ior each phase current. These phase current values are Ied
to the Iunction. The max current selector oI T2PTTR checks continuously the
highest phase current value and reports the highest value to the thermal counter.
Temperature estimator
The Iinal temperature is calculated Irom the highest oI the three-phase currents
according to the expression:

T =

GUID-06DE6459-E94A-4FC7-8357-CA58988CEE97 V2 EN (Equation 6)
l highest measured phase current
the set value of the Current reference setting
the set value of the Temperature rise setting (temperature rise (C) with the steady-state current
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
108 615 series
Technical Manual
The ambient temperature value is added to the calculated Iinal temperature value.
II the total value oI temperature is higher than the set operate temperature level, the
START output is activated.
The &XUUHQWUHIHUHQFH setting is a steady-state current that gives the steady-state
end temperature value 7HPSHUDWXUHULVH. It gives a setting value corresponding to
the rated power oI the transIormer.
The 7HPSHUDWXUHULVH setting is used when the value oI the reIerence temperature
rise corresponds to the &XUUHQWUHIHUHQFH value. The temperature values with the
corresponding transIormer load currents are usually given by transIormer
Thermal counter
T2PTTR applies the thermal model oI two time constants Ior temperature
measurement. The temperature rise in degrees Celsius (C) is calculated Irom the
highest oI the three-phase currents according to the expression:




+ ( )

T e p
* *
1 1

T e





GUID-27A879A9-AF94-4BC3-BAA1-501189F6DE0C V2 EN (Equation 7)
calculated temperature rise (C) in transformer
l measured phase current with the highest TRMS value
lref the set value of the Current reference setting (rated current of the protected object)
Tref the set value of the Temperature rise (temperature rise setting (C) with the steady-state current
p the set value of the Weighting factor p setting (weighting factor for the short time constant)
t time step between calculation of actual temperature

the set value of the Short time constant (the short heating / cooling time constant)

the set value of the Long time constant (the long heating / cooling time constant)
The warming and cooling Iollowing the two time-constant thermal curve is a
characteristic oI transIormers. The thermal time constants oI the protected
transIormer are given in seconds with the 6KRUWWLPHFRQVWDQW and /RQJWLPH
FRQVWDQW settings. The 6KRUWWLPHFRQVWDQW setting describes the warming oI the
transIormer with respect to windings. The /RQJWLPHFRQVWDQW setting describes the
warming oI the transIormer with respect to the oil. Using the two time-constant
model, the IED is able to Iollow both Iast and slow changes in the temperature oI
the protected object.
The :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS setting is the weighting Iactor between 6KRUWWLPHFRQVWDQW

. The higher the value oI the :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS
setting, the larger is the share oI the steep part oI the heating curve. When
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 109
Technical Manual
0, only /RQJWLPHFRQVWDQW is used.
GUlD-E040FFF4-7FE3-4736-8E5F-D96DB1F1B16B V1 EN
Figure 33: Effect of the Weighting factor p factor and the difference between
the two time-constant and one time-constant models
The actual temperature oI the transIormer is calculated by adding the ambient
temperature to the calculated temperature.
= +
GUID-77E49346-66D2-4CAB-A764-E81D6F382E74 V2 EN (Equation 8)
temperature in transformer (C)
calculated temperature rise (C) in transformer

set Env temperature Set
The (QYWHPSHUDWXUH6HW setting is used to deIine the ambient temperature.
The temperature calculation is initiated Irom the value deIined with the ,QLWLDO
WHPSHUDWXUH setting. This is done when the IED is powered up, the Iunction is
turned oII and back on or reset through the Clear menu. The temperature is stored
in a nonvolatile memory and restored iI the IED is restarted.
The 0D[WHPSHUDWXUH setting deIines the maximum temperature oI the transIormer
in degrees Celsius (C). The value oI the 0D[WHPSHUDWXUH setting is usually given
by transIormer manuIacturers. The actual alarm, operating and lockout
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
110 615 series
Technical Manual
temperatures Ior T2PTTR are given as percentage value oI the 0D[WHPSHUDWXUH
When the transIormer temperature reaches the alarm level deIined with the $ODUP
WHPSHUDWXUH setting, the ALARM output signal is set. When the transIormer
temperature reaches the trip level value deIined with the 2SHUDWHWHPSHUDWXUH
setting, the OPERATE output is activated. The OPERATE output is deactivated
when the value oI the measured current Ialls below 10 percent oI the &XUUHQW
5HIHUHQFH value or the calculated temperature value Ialls below 2SHUDWH
There is also a calculation oI the present time to operation with the present current.
The T_OPERATE is only calculated iI the Iinal temperature is calculated to be
above the operation temperature. The value is available through the Monitored data
AIter operating, due to the thermal overload protection Iunction, there can be a
lockout to reconnect the tripped circuit. The BLK_CLOSE lockout output is
activated when the device temperature is above the 5HFORVHWHPSHUDWXUH lockout
release temperature setting value. The time to lockout release T_ENA_CLOSE is
also calculated. The value is available through the Monitored data view. Application
The transIormers in a power system are constructed Ior a certain maximum load
current level. II the current exceeds this level, the losses are higher than expected.
This results in a rise in transIormer temperature. II the temperature rise is too high,
the equipment is damaged:
Insulation within the transIormer age Iaster which in turn increases the risk oI
internal phase-to-phase or phase-to-earth Iaults.
Possible hotspots Iorming within the transIormer degrade the quality oI the
transIormer oil.
During stressed situations in power systems, it is required to overload the
transIormers Ior a limited time without any risks. The thermal overload protection
provides inIormation and makes temporary overloading oI transIormers possible.
The permissible load level oI a power transIormer is highly dependent on the
transIormer cooling system. The two main principles are:
ONAN: The air is naturally circulated to the coolers without Ians, and the oil is
naturally circulated without pumps.
OFAF: The coolers have Ians to Iorce air Ior cooling, and pumps to Iorce the
circulation oI the transIormer oil.
The protection has several parameter sets located in the setting groups, Ior
example, one Ior a non-Iorced cooling and one Ior a Iorced cooling situation. Both
the permissive steady-state loading level as well as the thermal time constant are
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 111
Technical Manual
inIluenced by the transIormer cooling system. The active setting group can be
changed by a parameter, or through a binary input iI the binary input is enabled Ior
it. This Ieature can be used Ior transIormers where Iorced cooling is taken out oI
operation or extra cooling is switched on. The parameters can also be changed
when a Ian or pump Iails to operate.
The thermal overload protection continuously estimates the internal heat content,
that is, the temperature oI the transIormer. This estimation is made by using a
thermal model oI the transIormer which is based on the current measurement.
II the heat content oI the protected transIormer reaches the set alarm level, a signal
is given to the operator. This enables the action that needs to be taken in the power
systems beIore the temperature reaches a high value. II the temperature continues
to rise to the trip value, the protection initiates the trip oI the protected transIormer.
AIter the trip, the transIormer needs to cool down to a temperature level where the
transIormer can be taken into service again. T2PTTR continues to estimate the heat
content oI the transIormer during this cooling period using a set cooling time
constant. The energizing oI the transIormer is blocked until the heat content is
reduced to the set level.
The thermal curve oI two time constants is typical Ior a transIormer. The thermal
time constants oI the protected transIormer are given in seconds with the 6KRUWWLPH
FRQVWDQW and /RQJWLPHFRQVWDQW settings. II the manuIacturer does not state any
other value, the /RQJWLPHFRQVWDQW can be set to 4920 s (82 minutes) Ior a
distribution transIormer and 7260 s (121 minutes) Ior a supply transIormer. The
corresponding 6KRUWWLPHFRQVWDQWV are 306 s (5.1 minutes) and 456 s (7.6 minutes).
II the manuIacturer oI the power transIormer has stated only one, that is, a single
time constant, it can be converted to two time constants. The single time constant is
also used by itselI iI the p-Iactor :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS setting is set to zero and the
time constant value is set to the value oI the /RQJWLPHFRQVWDQW setting. The
thermal image corresponds to the one time constant model in that case.
Table 92: Conversion table between one and two time constants
Single time constant
Short time constant (min) Long time constant (min) Weighting factor p
10 1.1 17 0.4
15 1.6 25 0.4
20 2.1 33 0.4
25 2.6 41 0.4
30 3.1 49 0.4
35 3.6 58 0.4
40 4.1 60 0.4
45 4.8 75 0.4
50 5.1 82 0.4
55 5.6 90 0.4
Table continues on next page
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
112 615 series
Technical Manual
Single time constant
Short time constant (min) Long time constant (min) Weighting factor p
60 6.1 98 0.4
65 6.7 107 0.4
70 7.2 115 0.4
75 7.8 124 0.4
The deIault 0D[WHPSHUDWXUH setting is 105C. This value is chosen since even
though the IEC 60076-7 standard recommends 98C as the maximum allowable
temperature in long-time loading, the standard also states that a transIormer can
withstand the emergency loading Ior weeks or even months, which may produce
the winding temperature oI 140C. ThereIore, 105C is a saIe maximum
temperature value Ior a transIormer iI the 0D[WHPSHUDWXUH setting value is not
given by the transIormer manuIacturer. Signals
Table 93: T2PTTR lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
Table 94: T2PTTR Output signals
Name Type Description
BLK_CLOSE BOOLEAN Thermal overload indicator. To inhibite reclose. Settings
Table 95: T2PTTR Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Env temperature Set -50...100 C 1 40 Ambient temperature used when no
external temperature measurement
Current reference 0.05...4.00 xln 0.01 1.00 The load current leading to Temperature
raise temperature
Temperature rise 0.0...200.0 C 0.1 78.0 End temperature rise above ambient
Table continues on next page
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 113
Technical Manual
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Max temperature 0.0...200.0 C 0.1 105.0 Maximum temperature allowed for the
Operate temperature 80.0...120.0 % 0.1 100.0 Operate temperature, percent value
Alarm temperature 40.0...100.0 % 0.1 90.0 Alarm temperature, percent value
Reclose temperature 40.0...100.0 % 0.1 60.0 Temperature for reset of block reclose
after operate
Short time constant 6...60000 1 450 Short time constant in seconds
Long time constant 60...60000 1 7200 Long time constant in seconds
Weighting factor p 0.00...1.00 0.01 0.40 Weighting factor of the short time constant
Table 96: T2PTTR Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
lnitial temperature 0.0...100.0 % 0.1 80.0 lnitial temperature, percent value Monitored data
Table 97: T2PTTR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
TEMP FLOAT32 -100.0...9999.9 C The calculated
temperature of the
protected object
TEMP_RL FLOAT32 0.00...99.99 The calculated
temperature of the
protected object relative
to the operate level
T_OPERATE lNT32 0...60000 s Estimated time to
operate in seconds
T_ENA_CLOSE lNT32 0...60000 s Estimated time to
deactivate BLK_CLOSE
in seconds
TEMP_AMB FLOAT32 -99...999 C The ambient
temperature used in the
T2PTTR Enum 1=on
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
114 615 series
Technical Manual Technical data
Table 98: T2PTTR Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
Current measurement: 1.5% of the set value or
0.002 x l
(at currents in the range of
0.01...4.00 x l
Operate time accuracy
2.0% of the theoretical value or 0.50 s
1) Overload current > 1.2 x Operate level temperature
4.1.5 Motor stall protection JAMPTOC ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Motor stall protection JAMPTOC lst> 51LR Function block
GUlD-FA5FAB32-8730-4985-B228-11B92DD9E626 V1 EN
Figure 34: Function block symbol Functionality
The stalled motor protection JAMPTOC is used Ior protecting the motor in stall or
mechanical jam situations during the running state.
When the motor is started, a separate Iunction is used Ior the startup protection and
JAMPTOC is normally blocked during the startup period. When the motor has
passed the starting phase, JAMPTOC monitors the magnitude oI phase currents.
The Iunction starts when the measured current exceeds the breakdown torque level,
that is, above the set limit. The operation characteristic is deIinite time.
The Iunction contains a blocking Iunctionality. It is possible to block Iunction
outputs, timers or the Iunction itselI, iI desired.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 115
Technical Manual Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI the stalled motor protection can be described using a module
diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
GUlD-93025A7F-12BE-4ACD-8BD3-C144CB73F65A V1 EN
Figure 35: Functional module diagram
Level detector
The measured phase currents are compared to the set 6WDUWYDOXH. The true RMS
values oI the phase currents are considered Ior the level detection. The timer
module is enabled iI at least two oI the measured phase currents exceed the set
Once activated, the internal START signal is activated. The value is available only
through the Monitored data view. The time characteristic is according to DT. When
the operation timer has reached the 2SHUDWHGHOD\WLPH value, the OPERATE output
is activated.
When the timer has elapsed but the motor stall condition still exists, the OPERATE
output remains active until the phase currents values drop below the 6WDUWYDOXH,
that is, until the stall condition persists. II the drop-oII situation occurs while the
operate time is still counting, the reset timer is activated. II the drop-oII time
exceeds the set 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH, the operate timer is reset.
The timer calculates the start duration value STARTDUR which indicates the
percentual ratio oI the start situation and the set operate time. The value is available
through the Monitored data view. Application
The motor protection during stall is primarily needed to protect the motor Irom
excessive temperature rise, as the motor draws large currents during the stall phase.
This condition causes a temperature rise in the stator windings. Due to reduced
speed, the temperature also rises in the rotor. The rotor temperature rise is more
critical when the motor stops.
The physical and dielectric insulations oI the system deteriorate with age and the
deterioration is accelerated by the temperature increase. Insulation liIe is related to
the time interval during which the insulation is maintained at a given temperature.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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116 615 series
Technical Manual
An induction motor stalls when the load torque value exceeds the breakdown
torque value, causing the speed to decrease to zero or to some stable operating
point well below the rated speed. This occurs, Ior example, when the applied shaIt
load is suddenly increased and is greater than the producing motor torque due to
the bearing Iailures. This condition develops a motor current almost equal to the
value oI the locked-rotor current.
JAMPTOC is designed to protect the motor in stall or mechanical jam situations
during the running state. To provide a good and reliable protection Ior motors in a
stall situation, the temperature eIIects on the motor have to be kept within the
allowed limits. Signals
Table 99: JAMPTOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
Table 100: JAMPTOC Output signals
Name Type Description
OPERATE BOOLEAN Operate Settings
Table 101: JAMPTOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Start value 0.10...10.00 xln 0.01 2.50 Start value
Operate delay time 100...120000 ms 10 2000 Operate delay time
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 100 Reset delay time
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual Monitored data
Table 102: JAMPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
JAMPTOC Enum 1=on
Status Technical data
Table 103: JAMPTOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: fn 2Hz
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
4.1.6 Loss of load protection LOFLPTUC ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Loss of load protection LOFLPTUC 3l< 37 Function block
GUlD-B7774D44-24DB-48B1-888B-D9E3EA741F23 V1 EN
Figure 36: Function block symbol
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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118 615 series
Technical Manual Functionality
The loss oI load protection LOFLPTUC is used to detect a sudden load loss which
is considered as a Iault condition.
LOFLPTUC starts when the current is less than the set limit. It operates with the
deIinite time (DT) characteristics, which means that the Iunction operates aIter a
predeIined operate time and resets when the Iault current disappears.
The Iunction contains a blocking Iunctionality. It is possible to block Iunction
outputs, the deIinite timer or the Iunction itselI, iI desired. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI loss oI load protection can be described by using a module
diagram. All the modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
GUlD-4A6308B8-47E8-498D-A268-1386EBBBEC8F V1 EN
Figure 37: Functional module diagram
Level detector 1
This module compares the phase currents (RMS value) to the set 6WDUWYDOXHKLJK
setting. II all the phase current values are less than the set 6WDUWYDOXHKLJK value,
the loss oI load condition is detected and an enable signal is sent to the timer. This
signal is disabled aIter one or several phase currents have exceeded the set 6WDUW
YDOXHKLJK value oI the element.
Level detector 2
This is a low-current detection module, which monitors the de-energized condition
oI the motor. It compares the phase currents (RMS value) to the set 6WDUWYDOXHORZ
setting. II any oI the phase current values is less than the set 6WDUWYDOXHORZ, a
signal is sent to block the operation oI the timer.
Once activated, the timer activates the START output. The time characteristic is
according to DT. When the operation timer has reached the value set by 2SHUDWH
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
GHOD\WLPH, the OPERATE output is activated. II the Iault disappears beIore the
module operates, the reset timer is activated. II the reset timer reaches the value set
by 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH, the operate timer resets and the START output is deactivated.
The timer calculates the start duration value STARTDUR which indicates the
percentual ratio oI the start situation and the set operate time. The value is available
through the Monitored data view.
The BLOCK signal blocks the operation oI the Iunction and resets the timer. Application
When a motor runs with a load connected, it draws a current equal to a value
between the no-load value and the rated current oI the motor. The minimum load
current can be determined by studying the characteristics oI the connected load.
When the current drawn by the motor is less than the minimum load current drawn,
it can be inIerred that the motor is either disconnected Irom the load or the
coupling mechanism is Iaulty. II the motor is allowed to run in this condition, it
may aggravate the Iault in the coupling mechanism or harm the personnel handling
the machine. ThereIore, the motor has to be disconnected Irom the power supply as
soon as the above condition is detected.
LOFLPTUC detects the condition by monitoring the current values and helps
disconnect the motor Irom the power supply instantaneously or aIter a delay
according to the requirement.
When the motor is at standstill, the current will be zero and it is not recommended
to activate the trip during this time. The minimum current drawn by the motor
when it is connected to the power supply is the no load current, that is, the higher
start value current. II the current drawn is below the lower start value current, the
motor is disconnected Irom the power supply. LOFLPTUC detects this condition
and interprets that the motor is de-energized and disables the Iunction to prevent
unnecessary trip events. Signals
Table 104: LOFLPTUC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block all binary outputs by resetting timers
Table 105: LOFLPTUC Output signals
Name Type Description
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual Settings
Table 106: LOFLPTUC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value low 0.01...0.50 xln 0.01 0.10 Current setting/Start value low
Start value high 0.01...1.00 xln 0.01 0.50 Current setting/Start value high
Operate delay time 400...600000 ms 10 2000 Operate delay time
Table 107: LOFLPTUC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time Monitored data
Table 108: LOFLPTUC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
LOFLPTUC Enum 1=on
Status Technical data
Table 109: LOFLPTUC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
Start time Typical 300 ms
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Retardation time < 35 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
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Technical Manual
4.1.7 Three-phase thermal overload protection for motors MPTTR ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Three-phase thermal overload
protection for motors
MPTTR 3lth>M 49M Function block
GUlD-1EEED1E9-3A6F-4EF3-BDCC-990E648E2E72 V2 EN
Figure 38: Function block symbol Functionality
The motor thermal overload protection Iunction MPTTR protects the electric
motors Irom overheating. MPTTR models the thermal behavior oI motor on the
basis oI the measured load current and disconnects the motor when the thermal
content reaches 100 percent. The thermal overload conditions are the most oIten
encountered abnormal conditions in industrial motor applications. The thermal
overload conditions are typically the result oI an abnormal rise in the motor
running current, which produces an increase in the thermal dissipation oI the motor
and temperature or reduces cooling. MPTTR prevents an electric motor Irom
drawing excessive current and overheating, which causes the premature insulation
Iailures oI the windings and, in worst cases, burning out oI the motors. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI the motor thermal overload protection Iunction can be described
using a module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
GUlD-1E5F2337-DA4E-4F5B-8BEB-27353A6734DC V1 EN
Figure 39: Functional module diagram
Max current selector
The max current selector selects the highest phase current and reports it to the
thermal level calculator.
lnternal FLC calculator
The FLC oI the motor is deIined by the manuIacturer at an ambient temperature oI
40C. Special considerations are required with an application where the ambient
temperature oI a motor exceeds or remains below 40C. A motor operating at a
higher temperature, even iI at or below rated load, can subject the motor windings
to excessive temperature similar to that resulting Irom overload operation at normal
ambient temperature. The motor rating has to be appropriately reduced Ior
operation in such high ambient temperatures. Similarly, when the ambient
temperature is considerably lower than the nominal 40C, it appears that the motor
is loaded beyond its rating. For calculating thermal level it is better that the FLC
values are scaled Ior diIIerent temperatures. The scaled currents are known as
internal FLC. An internal FLC is calculated based on the ambient temperature
shown in the table. The (QYWHPSHUDWXUHPRGH setting decides whether the thermal
level calculations are based on FLC or internal FLC.
When the value oI the (QYWHPSHUDWXUHPRGH setting is set to the 'FLC Only
mode, no internal FLC is calculated. Instead, the FLC given in the data sheet oI the
manuIacturer is used. When the value oI the (QYWHPSHUDWXUHPRGH setting is set to
'Set Amb Temp mode, internal FLC is calculated based on the ambient
temperature taken as input through the (QYWHPSHUDWXUH6HW setting.
Table 110: Modification of internal FLC
Ambient Temperature T
lnternal FLC
<20C FLC x 1.09
20 to <40C FLC x (1.18 - T
x 0.09/20)
>40 to 65C FLC x (1 [(T
>65C FLC x 0.75
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
The ambient temperature is used Ior calculating thermal level and it is available
through the monitored data view Irom the TEMP_AMB output. The activation oI the
BLOCK input does not aIIect the TEMP_AMB output.
Thermal level calculator
The module calculates the thermal load considering the TRMS and negative
sequence currents. The heating up oI the motor is determined by the square value
oI the load current. However, in case oI unbalanced phase currents, the negative
sequence current also causes additional heating. By deploying a protection based
on both current components, abnormal heating oI the motor is avoided.
The thermal load is calculated based on diIIerent situations or operations and it also
depends on phase current level. The equations used Ior the heating up calculations

r r
k I
k I
e p




( )

GUID-526B455A-67DD-46E7-813D-A64EC619F6D7 V2 EN (Equation 9)

r r
k I
k I




( )

1 100
GUID-9C893D3E-7CAF-4EA6-B92D-C914288D7CFC V2 EN (Equation 10)
l TRMS value of the measured max of phase currents
set Rated current, FLC or internal FLC
measured negative sequence current
k set value of Overload factor
set value of Negative Seq factor
p set value of Weighting factor
W time constant
The equation
is used when the values oI all the phase currents are below the
overload limit, that is, k x I
. The equation
is used when the value oI any one oI
the phase currents exceeds the overload limit.
During overload condition, the thermal level calculator calculates the value oI
background, and when the overload ends the thermal level is brought linearly Irom

with a speed oI 1.66 percent per second. For the motor at standstill, that is,
when the current is below the value oI 0.12 x I
, the cooling is expressed as:
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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124 615 series
Technical Manual


GUID-2C640EA9-DF69-42A9-A6A8-3CD20AEC76BD V2 EN (Equation 11)

initial thermal level when cooling begins
GUlD-A19F9DF2-2F04-401F-AE7A-6CE55F88EB1D V2 EN
Figure 40: Thermal behavior
The required overload Iactor and negative sequence current heating eIIect Iactor
are set by the values oI the 2YHUORDGIDFWRU and 1HJDWLYH6HTIDFWRU settings.
In order to accurately calculate the optimal thermal load, diIIerent time constants
are used in the above equations. These time constants are employed based on
diIIerent motor running conditions, Ior example starting, normal or stop, and are
settings. Only one time constant is valid at a time.
Table 111: Time constant and the respective phase current values
Time constant (tau) in use Phase current
Time constant start Any current whose value is over 2.5 x l
Time constant normal Any current whose value is over 0.12 x l
and all
currents are below 2.5 x l
Time constant stop All the currents whose values are below 0.12 x l
The :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS setting determines the ratio oI the thermal increase oI the
two curves
The thermal level at the powerup oI the IED is deIined by the ,QLWLDOWKHUPDO9DO
The temperature calculation is initiated Irom the value deIined in the ,QLWLDO
WKHUPDO9DO setting. This is done iI the IED is powered up or the Iunction is turned
oII and back on or reset through the Clear menu.
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Technical Manual
The calculated temperature oI the protected object relative to the operate level, the
TEMP_RL output, is available through the monitored data view. The activation oI
the BLOCK input does not aIIect the calculated temperature.
The thermal level at the beginning oI the startup condition oI a motor and at the
end oI the startup condition is available through the monitored data view at the
THERMLEV_ST and THERMLEV_END outputs respectively. The activation oI the
BLOCK input does not have any eIIect on these outputs.
Alarm and tripping logic
The module generates alarm, restart inhibit and tripping signals.
When the thermal level exceeds the set value oI the $ODUPWKHUPDOYDOXH setting,
the ALARM output is activated. Sometimes a condition arises when it becomes
necessary to inhibit the restarting oI a motor, Ior example in case oI some extreme
starting condition like long starting time. II the thermal content exceeds the set
value oI the 5HVWDUWWKHUPDOYDO setting, the BLK_RESTART output is activated.
The time Ior the next possible motor startup is available through the monitored data
view Irom the T_ENARESTART output. The T_ENARESTART output estimates
the time Ior the BLK_RESTAR deactivation considering as iI the motor is stopped.
When the value oI the emergency start signal START_EMERG increases, the
thermal level is set to a value below the thermal restart inhibit level. This allows at
least one motor startup, even though the thermal level has exceeded the restart
inhibit level.
When the thermal content reaches 100 percent, the OPERATE output is activated.
The OPERATE output is deactivated when the value oI the measured current Ialls
below 12 percent oI 5DWHGFXUUHQW or the thermal content drops below 100 percent.
The activation oI the BLOCK input blocks the ALARM, BLK_RESTART and
OPERATE outputs.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
GUlD-F3D1E6D3-86E9-4C0A-BD43-350003A07292 V1 EN
Figure 41: Trip curves when no prior load and p=20...100 %. Overload factor
= 1.05.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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615 series 127
Technical Manual
960 80 160 320 480 640
GUlD-44A67C51-E35D-4335-BDBD-5CD0D3F41EF1 V1 EN
Figure 42: Trip curves at prior load 1 x FLC and p=100 %, Overload factor =
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
160 80
GUlD-5CB18A7C-54FC-4836-9049-0CE926F35ADF V1 EN
Figure 43: Trip curves at prior load 1 x FLC and p=50 %. Overload factor = 1.05.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 129
Technical Manual Application
MPTTR is intended to limit the motor thermal level to predetermined values during
the abnormal motor operating conditions. This prevents a premature motor
insulation Iailure.
The abnormal conditions result in overheating and include overload, stalling,
Iailure to start, high ambient temperature, restricted motor ventilation, reduced
speed operation, Irequent starting or jogging, high or low line voltage or Irequency,
mechanical Iailure oI the driven load, improper installation and unbalanced line
voltage or single phasing. The protection oI insulation Iailure by the
implementation oI current sensing cannot detect some oI these conditions, such as
restricted ventilation. Similarly, the protection by sensing temperature alone can be
inadequate in cases like Irequent starting or jogging. The thermal overload
protection addresses these deIiciencies to a larger extent by deploying a motor
thermal model based on load current.
The thermal load is calculated using the true RMS value and negative sequence
value oI the current. The heating up oI the motor is determined by the square value
oI the load current. However, while calculating the thermal level, the rated current
should be re-rated or de-rated depending on the value oI the ambient temperature.
Apart Irom current, the rate at which motor heats up or cools is governed by the
time constant oI the motor.
Setting the weighting factor
There are two thermal curves: one which characterizes the short-time loads and long-
time overloads and which is also used Ior tripping and another which is used Ior
monitoring the thermal condition oI the motor. The value oI the :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS
setting determines the ratio oI the thermal increase oI the two curves.
The ":HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS to 100 percent", it produces a pure single time constant
thermal unit, which is used Ior application with the cables. As presented in Figure
44, the hot curve with the value oI ":HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS 100 percent" only allows
an operate time which is about 10 percent oI that with no prior load. For example,
when the set time constant is 640 seconds, the operate time with the prior load 1 x
FLC (Iull Load Current) and overload Iactor 1.05 is only 2 seconds, even iI the
motor could withstand at least 5 to 6 seconds. To allow the use oI the Iull capacity
oI the motor, a lower value oI :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS should be used.
Normally, an approximate value oI halI oI the thermal capacity is used when the
motor is running at Iull load. Thus by setting ":HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS 50 percent", the
IED notiIies a 45 to 50 percent thermal capacity use at Iull load.
For direct-on-line started motors with hot spot tendencies, the value oI :HLJKWLQJ
IDFWRUS is typically set to "50 percent", which will properly distinguish between short-
time thermal stress and long-time thermal history. AIter a short period oI thermal
stress, Ior example a motor startup, the thermal level starts to decrease quite
sharply, simulating the leveling out oI the hot spots. Consequently, the probability
oI successive allowed startups increases.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
When protecting the objects without hot spot tendencies, Ior example motors
started with soIt starters, and cables, the value oI :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS is set to "100
percent". With the value oI :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS set to "100 percent", the thermal
level decreases slowly aIter a heavy load condition. This makes the protection
suitable Ior applications where no hot spots are expected. Only in special cases
where the thermal overload protection is required to Iollow the characteristics oI
the object to be protected more closely and the thermal capacity oI the object is
very well known, a value between "50" and "100 percent" is required.
For motor applications where, Ior example, two hot starts are allowed instead oI
three cold starts, the value oI the setting ":HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS 40 percent" has
proved to be useIul. Setting the value oI :HLJKWLQJIDFWRUS signiIicantly below "50
percent" should be handled careIully as there is a possibility to overload the
protected object as a thermal unit might allow too many hot starts or the thermal
history oI the motor has not suIIiciently been taken into account.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
1 2 3 4 5 10 6 8 I/Iq
GUlD-B6F9E655-4FFC-4B06-841A-68DADE785BF2 V1 EN
Figure 44: The influence of Weighting factor p at prior load 1xFLC,
timeconstant = 640 sec, and Overload factor = 1.05
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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132 615 series
Technical Manual
Setting the overload factor
The value oI the 2YHUORDGIDFWRU allows utilization oI the entire thermal capacity oI
the motor. Typically, value 1.05 is used. The value oI the 2YHUORDGIDFWRU should
be high Ior a motor to take higher overload without tripping.
Setting the negative sequence factor
During the unbalance condition, the symmetry oI the stator currents is disturbed
and a counter-rotating negative phase sequence (NPS) current is set up. An
increased stator current causes additional heating in the stator and the NPS current
excessive heating in the rotor. Also mechanical problems like rotor vibration can
The most common cause oI unbalance Ior three-phase motors is the loss oI phase
resulting in an open Iuse, connector or conductor. OIten mechanical problems can
be more severe than the heating eIIects and thereIore a separate unbalance
protection is used.
Unbalances in other connected loads in the same busbar can also aIIect the motor.
A voltage unbalance typically produces 5 to 7 times higher current unbalance.
Because the thermal overload protection is based on the highest TRMS value oI the
phase current, the additional heating in stator winding is automatically taken into
account. For more accurate thermal modeling, the 1HJDWLYH6HTIDFWRU setting is
used Ior taking account oI the rotor heating eIIect.
Negative Seq factor
GUID-EA5AD510-A3CA-47FB-91F0-75D7272B654E V1 EN (Equation 12)
rotor positive sequence resistance
rotor negative sequence resistance
A conservative estimate Ior the setting can be calculated:
Negative Seq factor
GUlD-13CE37C5-295F-41D4-8159-400FA377C84C V1 EN
locked rotor current (multiple of set Rated current). The same as the startup current at the
beginning of the motor startup.
For example, iI the rated current oI a motor is 230 A, startup current is 5.7 x I
Negative Seq factor = =
5 7
5 4
GUlD-DF682702-E6B1-4814-8B2E-31C28F3A03DF V1 EN
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Technical Manual
Setting the thermal restart level
The restart disable level can be calculated as Iollows:

startuptimeof themotor
operatetime whenno prior load
= 100 10 % 00%+

GUID-5B3B714D-8C58-4C5D-910D-A23852BC8B15 V1 EN (Equation 13)
For instance, iI the startup time oI the motor is 11 seconds and the calculated
operate time oI the thermal protection stage with no prior load is 25 seconds, one
motor startup uses 11/25 45 percent oI the thermal capacity oI the motor.
ThereIore, the restart disable level must be set to below 100 percent - 45 percent
55 percent, Ior example to 50 percent (100 percent - (45 percent margin), where
margin is 5 percent).
Setting the thermal alarm level
Tripping due to high overload is avoided by reducing the load oI the motor on a
prior alarm.
The value oI $ODUPWKHUPDOYDOXH is set to a level which allows the use oI the Iull
thermal capacity oI the motor without causing a trip due to a long overload time.
Generally, the prior alarm level is set to a value oI 80 to 90 percent oI the trip level. Signals
Table 112: MPTTR lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A current
l_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B current
l_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C current
SlGNAL 0 Negative sequence current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
START_EMERG BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for indicating the need for emergency start
Table 113: MPTTR Output signals
Name Type Description
BLK_RESTART BOOLEAN Thermal overload indicator, to inhibit restart
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual Settings
Table 114: MPTTR Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Overload factor 1.00...1.20 0.01 1.05 Overload factor (k)
Alarm thermal value 50.0...100.0 % 0.1 95.0 Thermal level above which function
gives an alarm
Restart thermal Val 20.0...80.0 % 0.1 40.0 Thermal level above which function
inhibits motor restarting
Negative Seq factor 0.0...10.0 0.1 0.0 Heating effect factor for negative
sequence current
Weighting factor p 20.0...100.0 % 0.1 50.0 Weighting factor (p)
Time constant normal 80...4000 s 1 320 Motor time constant during the normal
operation of motor
Time constant start 80...4000 s 1 320 Motor time constant during the start of
Time constant stop 80...8000 s 1 500 Motor time constant during the standstill
condition of motor
Env temperature mode 1=FLC Only
3=Set Amb Temp
1=FLC Only Mode of measuring ambient temperature
Env temperature Set -20.0...70.0 C 0.1 40.0 Ambient temperature used when no
external temperature measurement
Table 115: MPTTR Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Rated current 0.30...2.00 xln 0.01 1.00 Rated current (FLC) of the motor
lnitial thermal Val 0.0...100.0 % 0.1 74.0 lnitial thermal level of the motor Monitored data
Table 116: MPTTR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
TEMP_RL FLOAT32 0.00...9.99 The calculated
temperature of the
protected object relative
to the operate level
TEMP_AMB FLOAT32 -99...999 C The ambient
temperature used in the
THERMLEV_ST FLOAT32 0.00...9.99 Thermal level at
beginning of motor
THERMLEV_END FLOAT32 0.00...9.99 Thermal level at the end
of motor startup situation
Table continues on next page
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Technical Manual
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
T_ENARESTART lNT32 0...99999 s Estimated time to reset
of block restart
MPTTR Enum 1=on
Therm-Lev FLOAT32 0.00...9.99 Thermal level of
protected object (1.00 is
the operate level) Technical data
Table 117: MPTTR Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
Current measurement: 1.5% of the set value or
0.002 x l
(at currents in the range of
0.01...4.00 x l
Operate time accuracy
2.0% of the theoretical value or 0.50 s
1) Overload current > 1.2 x Operate level temperature
4.2 Earth-fault protection
4.2.1 Non-directional earth-fault protection EFxPTOC ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Non-directional earth-fault protection -
Low stage
EFLPTOC l0> 51N-1
Non-directional earth-fault protection -
High stage
EFHPTOC l0>> 51N-2
Non-directional earth-fault protection -
lnstantaneous stage
EFlPTOC l0>>> 50N/51N Function block
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
A070432 V1 EN
Figure 45: Function block symbol Functionality
The earth-Iault Iunction EFxPTOC is used as non-directional earth-Iault protection
Ior Ieeders.
The Iunction starts and operates when the residual current exceeds the set limit.
The operate time characteristic Ior low stage EFLPTOC and high stage EFHPTOC
can be selected to be either deIinite time (DT) or inverse deIinite minimum time
(IDMT). The instantaneous stage EFIPTOC always operates with the DT
In the DT mode, the Iunction operates aIter a predeIined operate time and resets
when the Iault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.
The Iunction contains a blocking Iunctionality. It is possible to block Iunction
outputs, timers or the Iunction itselI, iI desired. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the 2SHUDWLRQ setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI non-directional earth-Iault protection can be described by using a
module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
A070437 V2 EN
Figure 46: Functional module diagram. l
represents the residual current.
Level detector
The measured residual current is compared with the set 6WDUWYDOXH. II the measured
value exceeds the set 6WDUWYDOXH, the level detector sends an enable-signal to the
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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615 series 137
Technical Manual
timer module. II the ENA_MULT input is active, the 6WDUWYDOXH setting is multiplied
by the 6WDUWYDOXH0XOW setting.
The IED does not accept the 6WDUWYDOXH or 6WDUWYDOXH0XOW setting
iI the product oI these settings exceeds the 6WDUWYDOXH setting range.
The start value multiplication is normally done when the inrush detection Iunction
(INRPHAR) is connected to the ENA_MULT input. See more details on the inrush
detection Iunction in the relevant chapter.
Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value oI
the 2SHUDWLQJFXUYHW\SH setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value oI 2SHUDWHGHOD\WLPH in
the DT mode or the maximum value deIined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.
When the user programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operate time
characteristics are deIined by the parameters &XUYHSDUDPHWHU$, &XUYHSDUDPHWHU
II a drop-oII situation happens, that is, a Iault suddenly disappears beIore the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The Iunctionality oI the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination oI the 2SHUDWLQJFXUYHW\SH,
7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH and 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the 7\SHRIUHVHWFXUYH setting can be set to
"Immediate", "DeI time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"
causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "DeI time reset", the reset
time depends on the 5HVHWGHOD\WLPH setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-oII situation. II the drop-
oII situation continues, the reset timer is reset and the START output is deactivated.
The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user
programmable types oI the IDMT operating curves. II another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-oII situation.
The setting 7LPHPXOWLSOLHU is used Ior scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.
The setting parameter 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH deIines the minimum desired operate
time Ior IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.
The 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value oI the 0LQLPXPRSHUDWHWLPH setting. For
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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138 615 series
Technical Manual
more inIormation, see the General Iunction block Ieatures section
in this manual.
The timer calculates the start duration value STARTDUR which indicates the
percentual ratio oI the start situation and the set operate time. The value is available
through the Monitored data view.
Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking Iunctionality. The operation modes
are controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting "&RQILJXUDWLRQ6\VWHP
%ORFNLQJPRGH" which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
oI the relay program. The inIluence oI the BLOCK signal activation is preselected
with the global setting Blocking moae.
The Blocking moae setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timers"
mode, the operate timer is Irozen to the prevailing value. In the "Block all" mode,
the whole Iunction is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the Iunction operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Measurement modes
The Iunction operates on three alternative measurement modes: "RMS", "DFT" and
"Peak-to-Peak". The measurement mode is selected with the Measurement moae
Table 118: Measurement modes supported by EFxPTOC stages
Supported measurement modes
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x x
For a detailed description oI the measurement modes, see the
General Iunction block Ieatures section in this manual. Timer characteristics
EFxPTOC supports both DT and IDMT characteristics. The user can select the
timer characteristics with the Operating curve type and Type of reset curve settings.
When the DT characteristic is selected, it is only aIIected by the Operate aelay
time and Reset aelay time settings.
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The relay provides 16 IDMT characteristics curves, oI which seven comply with
the IEEE C37.112 and six with the IEC 60255-3 standard. Two curves Iollow the
special characteristics oI ABB praxis and are reIerred to as RI and RD. In addition
to this, a user programmable curve can be used iI none oI the standard curves are
applicable. The user can choose the DT characteristic by selecting the Operating
curve type values "ANSI DeI. Time" or "IEC DeI. Time". The Iunctionality is
identical in both cases.
The Iollowing characteristics, which comply with the list in the IEC 61850-7-4
speciIication, indicate the characteristics supported by diIIerent stages:
Table 119: Timer characteristics supported by different stages
Operating curve type Supported by
(1) ANSl Extremely lnverse x x
(2) ANSl Very lnverse x
(3) ANSl Normal lnverse x x
(4) ANSl Moderately lnverse x
(5) ANSl Definite Time x x
(6) Long Time Extremely
(7) Long Time Very lnverse x
(8) Long Time lnverse x
(9) lEC Normal lnverse x x
(10) lEC Very lnverse x x
(11) lEC lnverse x
(12) lEC Extremely lnverse x x
(13) lEC Short Time lnverse x
(14) lEC Long Time lnverse x
(15) lEC Definite Time x x
(17) User programmable
x x
(18) Rl type x
(19) RD type x
EFIPTOC supports only deIinite time characteristics.
For a detailed description oI timers, see the General Iunction block
Ieatures section in this manual.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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140 615 series
Technical Manual
Table 120: Reset time characteristics supported by different stages
Reset curve type Supported by
(1) lmmediate x x Available for all
operate time curves
(2) Def time reset x x Available for all
operate time curves
(3) lnverse reset x x Available only for ANSl
and user
programmable curves
The Type of reset curve setting does not apply to EFIPTOC or when
the DT operation is selected. The reset is purely deIined by the
Reset aelay time setting. Application
EFxPTOC is designed Ior protection and clearance oI earth Iaults in distribution
and sub-transmission networks where the neutral point is isolated or earthed via a
resonance coil or through low resistance. It also applies to solidly earthed networks
and earth-Iault protection oI diIIerent equipment connected to the power systems,
such as shunt capacitor bank or shunt reactors and Ior back-up earth-Iault
protection oI power transIormers.
Many applications require several steps using diIIerent current start levels and time
delays. EFxPTOC consists oI three diIIerent protection stages:
Instantaneous (EFIPTOC).
EFLPTOC contains several types oI time-delay characteristics. EFHPTOC and
EFIPTOC are used Ior Iast clearance oI serious earth Iaults. Signals
Table 121: EFLPTOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
SlGNAL 0 Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Table 122: EFHPTOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
SlGNAL 0 Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
Table 123: EFlPTOC lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
SlGNAL 0 Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
Table 124: EFLPTOC Output signals
Name Type Description
Table 125: EFHPTOC Output signals
Name Type Description
Table 126: EFlPTOC Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 127: EFLPTOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.010...5.000 xln 0.005 0.010 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Table continues on next page
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operate delay time 40...200000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
2=ANSl Very inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
4=ANSl Mod. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
11=lEC inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
13=lEC S.T. inv.
14=lEC L.T. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
18=Rl type
19=RD type
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
Table 128: EFLPTOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
l0 signal Sel 1=Measured l0
2=Calculated l0
1=Measured l0 Selection for used l0 signal
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Table 129: EFHPTOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.10...40.00 xln 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Operate delay time 40...200000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
Table 130: EFHPTOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
l0 signal Sel 1=Measured l0
2=Calculated l0
1=Measured l0 Selection for used l0 signal
Table 131: EFlPTOC Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 1.00...40.00 xln 0.01 1.00 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 20...200000 ms 10 20 Operate delay time
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
Table 132: EFlPTOC Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
l0 signal Sel 1=Measured l0
2=Calculated l0
1=Measured l0 Selection for used l0 signal Monitored data
Table 133: EFLPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
EFLPTOC Enum 1=on
Table 134: EFHPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
EFHPTOC Enum 1=on
Table 135: EFlPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
EFlPTOC Enum 1=on
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Table 136: EFxPTOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
EFLPTOC 1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
1.5% of set value or 0.002 x l
(at currents in the range of 0.110 x l
5.0% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 1040 x l
Start time
Minimum Typical Maximum
= 2 x set Start
= 10 x set Start

16 ms
11 ms

19 ms
12 ms

23 ms
14 ms
= 2 x set Start

22 ms

24 ms

25 ms
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Retardation time < 30 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode 5.0% of the theoretical value or 20 ms
Suppression of harmonics RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50dB at f = n x f
, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,
Peak-to-Peak: No suppression
1) Measurement mode = default (depends on stage), current before fault = 0.0 x l
, f
= 50 Hz, earth-
fault current with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical
distribution of 1000 measurements
2) lncludes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 x l
, Start value multiples in range of 1.5 to 20 Technical revision history
Table 137: EFlPTOC Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
C Minimum and default values changed to 20 ms
for the Operate delay time setting
Minimum value changed to 1.00 x l
for the Start
value setting.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Table 138: EFHPTOC Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
B Minimum and default values changed to 40 ms
for the Operate delay time setting
Table 139: EFLPTOC Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
C Start value step changed to 0.005
4.2.2 Directional earth-fault protection DEFxPDEF ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Directional earth-fault protection - Low
DEFLPDEF l0>-> 67N-1
Directional earth-fault protection - High
DEFHPDEF l0>>-> 67N-2 Function block
A070433 V1 EN
Figure 47: Function block symbol Functionality
The earth-Iault Iunction DEFxPDEF is used as directional earth-Iault protection Ior
The Iunction starts and operates when the residual current and residual voltage (-
) exceed the set limits and the angle between them is inside the set operating
sector. The operate time characteristic Ior low stage (DEFLPDEF) and high stage
(DEFHPDEF) can be selected to be either deIinite time (DT) or inverse deIinite
minimum time (IDMT).
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
In the DT mode, the Iunction operates aIter a predeIined operate time and resets
when the Iault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.
The Iunction contains a blocking Iunctionality. It is possible to block Iunction
outputs, timers or the Iunction itselI, iI desired. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI directional earth-Iault protection can be described by using a
module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
A070438 V2 EN
Figure 48: Functional module diagram. l
and U
represent the residual
current and residual voltage.
Level detector
The measured residual current is compared with the set Start value. For directional
operation, the residual voltage (-Uo) also needs to be compared with the set
Joltage start value. II both limits are exceeded, the level detector sends an enable-
signal to the timer module. When the Enable voltage limit setting is set to "False",
Joltage start value has no eIIect and the level detection is purely based on the
residual current. II the ENA_MULT input is active, the Start value setting is
multiplied by the Start value Mult setting.
The IED does not accept the Start value or Start value Mult setting
iI the product oI these settings exceeds the Start value setting range.
The start value multiplication is normally done when the inrush detection Iunction
(INRPHAR) is connected to the ENA_MULT input. See more details on the inrush
detection Iunction in the relevant chapter.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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148 615 series
Technical Manual
Directional calculation
The directional calculation module monitors the angle between the measured
residual current and residual voltage (-Uo). When the angle is in the operation
sector, the module sends the enable-signal to the timer module.
For deIining the operation sector, there are Iive modes available through the
Operation moae setting.
Table 140: Operation modes
Operation mode Description
Phase angle The operating sectors for forward and reverse
are defined with the settings Min forward angle,
Max forward angle, Min reverse angle and Max
reverse angle.
loSin The operating sectors are defined as "forward"
when the mathematical expression has a
positive value and "reverse" when the value is
loCos As "loSin" mode. Only cosine is used for
calculating the operation current.
Phase angle 80 The sector maximum values are frozen to 80
degrees, respectively. Only Min forward angle
and Min reverse angle are settable.
Phase angle 88 The sector maximum values are frozen to 88
degrees. Otherwise as "Phase angle 80" mode.
The directional operation can be selected with the Directional moae setting. The
user can select either "Non-directional", "Forward" or "Reverse" operation. The
operation criterion is selected with the Operation moae setting. By setting Allow
Non Dir to "True", non-directional operation is allowed when directional
inIormation is invalid.
The Characteristic angle setting is used in "Phase angle" mode to adjust the
operation according to the method oI neutral point earthing so that in an isolated
network the Characteristic angle (
) -90 and in a compensated network

0. In addition, the characteristic angle can be changed via the control
signal RCA_CTL, in which case the alternatives are -90 and 0. The operation oI
RCA_CTL depends on the Characteristic angle setting.
The Correction angle setting can be used to improve selectivity when there are
inaccuracies due to measurement transIormers. The setting decreases the operation
sector. The correction can only be used with the "IoCos" or "IoSin" modes.
The minimum signal level which allows directional operation can be set by using
the Min operate current and Min operate voltage settings.
When polarizing quantity (residual voltage (-Uo)) is inverted because oI switched
voltage measurement cables, the correction can be done by setting the Pol reversal
to "True" which turns polarizing quantity by 180 degrees.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
For deIinitions oI diIIerent directional earth-Iault characteristics,
see the Directional earth-Iault characteristics section in this manual.
The directional calculation module calculates several values which are presented in
the monitored data.
Table 141: Monitored data values
Monitored data values Description
FAULT_DIR The detected direction of fault during fault
situations, that is, when START output is active.
DIRECTION The momentary operating direction indication
ANGLE Also called operating angle, shows the angle
difference between the U
(polarizing quantity)
and l
(operating quantity).
ANGLE_RCA The angle difference between the operating
angle and Characteristic angle, that is,
ANGLE_RCA = ANGLE Characteristic angle.
I_OPER The current that is used for fault detection. lf the
Operation mode setting is "Phase angle", "Phase
angle 80" or "Phase angle 88", I_OPER is the
measured neutral current. lf the Operation mode
setting is "loSin", I_OPER is calculated as
follows I_OPER = l
x sin(ANGLE). lf the
Operation mode setting is "loCos", I_OPER is
calculated as follows I_OPER = l
x cos(ANGLE).
Monitored data values are accessible on the LHMI or through tools via
Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value oI
the Operating curve type setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value oI Operate aelay time in
the DT mode or the maximum value deIined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.
When the user programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operate time
characteristics are deIined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.
II a drop-oII situation happens, that is, a Iault suddenly disappears beIore the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The Iunctionality oI the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination oI the Operating curve type,
Type of reset curve and Reset aelay time settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set Reset aelay time value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the Type of reset curve setting can be set to
"Immediate", "DeI time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"
causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "DeI time reset", the reset
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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150 615 series
Technical Manual
time depends on the Reset aelay time setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-oII situation. II the drop-
oII situation continues, the reset timer is reset and the START output is deactivated.
The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user
programmable types oI the IDMT operating curves. II another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-oII situation.
The setting Time multiplier is used Ior scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.
The setting parameter Minimum operate time deIines the minimum desired operate
time Ior IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.
The Minimum operate time setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value oI the Minimum operate time setting. For
more inIormation, see the General Iunction block Ieatures section
in this manual.
The timer calculates the start duration value STARTDUR which indicates the
percentual ratio oI the start situation and the set operate time. The value is available
through the Monitored data view.
Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking Iunctionality. The operation modes
are controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting "&RQILJXUDWLRQ6\VWHP
%ORFNLQJPRGH" which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
oI the relay program. The inIluence oI the BLOCK signal activation is preselected
with the global setting Blocking moae.
The Blocking moae setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timers"
mode, the operate timer is Irozen to the prevailing value. In the "Block all" mode,
the whole Iunction is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the Iunction operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Directional earth-fault principles
In many cases it is diIIicult to achieve selective earth-Iault protection based on the
magnitude oI residual current only. To obtain a selective earth-Iault protection
scheme, it is necessary to take the phase angle oI I
into account. This is done by
comparing the phase angle oI I
to that oI the residual voltage (-U
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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615 series 151
Technical Manual
Relay characteristic angle
The Characteristic angle, also known as Relay Characteristic Angle (RCA), Relay
Base Angle or Maximum Torque Angle (MTA), is used in the "Phase angle" mode
to turn the directional characteristic, iI the expected Iault current angle does not
coincide with the polarizing quantity to produce the maximum torque. That is,
RCA is the angle between the maximum torque line and polarizing quantity. II the
polarizing quantity is in phase with the maximum torque line, RCA is 0 degrees.
The angle is positive iI operating current lags the polarizing quantity and negative
iI it leads the polarizing quantity.
Example 1.
The "Phase angle" mode is selected, compensated network (RCA 0 deg)
~ Characteristic angle 0 deg
GUlD-829C6CEB-19F0-4730-AC98-C5528C35A297 V1 EN
Figure 49: Definition of the relay characteristic angle, RCA=0 degrees in a
compensated network
Example 2.
The "Phase angle" mode is selected, solidly earthed network (RCA 60 deg)
~ Characteristic angle 60 deg
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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152 615 series
Technical Manual
GUlD-D72D678C-9C87-4830-BB85-FE00F5EA39C2 V1 EN
Figure 50: Definition of the relay characteristic angle, RCA=+60 degrees in a
solidly earthed network
Example 3.
The "Phase angle" mode is selected, isolated network (RCA -90 deg)
~ Characteristic angle -90 deg
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GUlD-67BE307E-576A-44A9-B615-2A3B184A410D V1 EN
Figure 51: Definition of the relay characteristic angle, RCA=90 degrees in an
isolated network
Directional earth-fault protection in an isolated neutral network
In isolated networks, there is no intentional connection between the system neutral
point and earth. The only connection is through the line-to-earth capacitances (C
oI phases and leakage resistances (R
). This means that the residual current is
mainly capacitive and has a phase shiIt oI 90 degrees compared to the residual
voltage (-U
). Consequently, the relay characteristic angle (RCA) should be set to
-90 degrees and the operation criteria to I
sin() or phase angle. The width oI the
operating sector in the phase angle criteria can be selected with the settings Min
forwara angle, Max forwara angle, Min reverse angle or Max reverse angle. The
Iigure below describes how earth Iault current is deIined in isolated neutral networks.
For deIinitions oI diIIerent directional earth-Iault characteristics,
reIer to the Technical manual.
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A070441 V1 EN
Figure 52: Earth-fault situation in an isolated network
Directional earth-fault protection in a compensated network
In compensated networks, the capacitive Iault current and the inductive resonance
coil current compensate each other. The protection cannot be based on the reactive
current measurement, since the current oI the compensation coil would disturb the
operation oI the relays. In this case, the selectivity is based on the measurement oI
the active current component. The magnitude oI this component is oIten small and
must be increased by means oI a parallel resistor in the compensation equipment.
When measuring the resistive part oI the residual current, the relay characteristic
angle (RCA) should be set to 0 degrees and the operation criteria to I
cos() or
phase angle. The Iigure below describes how earth Iault current is deIined in
compensated neutral networks.
A070444 V2 EN
Figure 53: Earth-fault situation in a compensated network
The Petersen coil or the earthing resistor may be temporarily out oI operation. To
keep the protection scheme selective, it is necessary to update the characteristic
angle setting accordingly. This is done with an auxiliary input in the relay which
receives a signal Irom an auxiliary switch oI the disconnector oI the Petersen coil
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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in compensated networks or oI the earthing resistor in earthed networks. As a result
the characteristic angle is set automatically to suit the earthing method used. The
RCACTL input can be used to change the I
Table 142: Relay characteristic angle control in l
sin() and l
cos() operation criteria
Operation criteria setting: 5&$B&7/ = FALSE 5&$B&7/ = TRUE
sin() Actual operation criteria: l
sin() Actual operation criteria:
cos() Actual operation
Actual operation criteria: l
Table 143: Characteristic angle control in phase angle operation mode
angle setting
5&$B&7/ = FALSE 5&$B&7/ = TRUE
-90 RCA = -90 RCA = 0
0 RCA = 0 RCA = -90
Usage of the extended phase angle characteristic
In addition to the RCA_CTL input, the extended phase angle characteristic can be
used when the compensation coil is temporarily disconnected in compensated
networks. When the extended operation area is used, the operation area is wide
enough to detect earth Iaults selectively in compensated networks regardless oI
whether the compensation coil is connected or not. ThereIore, the RCA_CTL input
is not required iI the extended operation area is used.
Sometimes the distance between the start point and the IED is long which makes it
impractical to apply the scheme based on signal wiring between the relay and the
Petersen coil or the earthing resistor. This is the case Ior instance, when a
directional earth-Iault relay is used in an MV-switching substation some kilometers
Irom the HV/MV -substation in which the earthing Iacilities are located. Another
example is when HV/MV-substations are connected in parallel but located Iar Irom
each other.
It is easy to give the tripping sector such a width that all possible directions oI the
-phasors oI a Iaulty line are covered by one and the same sector. Thus, the
problem oI setting the characteristic angle according to the earthing status oI the
network is easily solved. There is no need to change any settings when a Petersen
coil or an earthing resistor is switched on or oII. Auxiliary switches and other
pieces oI extra hardware are no longer required Ior ensuring the selectivity oI the
directional earth-Iault protection.
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A070443 V2 EN
Figure 54: Extended operation area in directional earth-fault protection Measurement modes
The Iunction operates on three alternative measurement modes: "RMS", "DFT" and
"Peak-to-Peak". The measurement mode is selected with the Measurement moae
Table 144: Measurement modes supported by DEFxPDEF stages
Measurement mode Supported measurement modes
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x
For a detailed description oI the measurement modes, see the
General Iunction block Ieatures section in this manual. Timer characteristics
DEFxPDEF supports both DT and IDMT characteristics. The user can select the
timer characteristics with the Operating curve type setting.
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The relay provides 16 IDMT characteristics curves, oI which seven comply with
the IEEE C37.112 and six with the IEC 60255-3 standard. Two curves Iollow the
special characteristics oI ABB praxis and are reIerred to as RI and RD. In addition
to this, a user programmable curve can be used iI none oI the standard curves are
applicable. The user can choose the DT characteristic by selecting the Operating
curve type values "ANSI DeI. Time" or "IEC DeI. Time". The Iunctionality is
identical in both cases.
The Iollowing characteristics, which comply with the list in the IEC 61850-7-4
speciIication, indicate the characteristics supported by diIIerent stages:
Table 145: Timer characteristics supported by different stages
Operating curve type Supported by
(1) ANSl Extremely lnverse x x
(2) ANSl Very lnverse x
(3) ANSl Normal lnverse x x
(4) ANSl Moderately lnverse x
(5) ANSl Definite Time x x
(6) Long Time Extremely
(7) Long Time Very lnverse x
(8) Long Time lnverse x
(9) lEC Normal lnverse x
(10) lEC Very lnverse x
(11) lEC lnverse x
(12) lEC Extremely lnverse x
(13) lEC Short Time lnverse x
(14) lEC Long Time lnverse x
(15) lEC Definite Time x x
(17) User programmable
x x
(18) Rl type x
(19) RD type x
For a detailed description oI the timers, see the General Iunction
block Ieatures section in this manual.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Table 146: Reset time characteristics supported by different stages
Reset curve type Supported by
(1) lmmediate x x Available for all
operate time curves
(2) Def time reset x x Available for all
operate time curves
(3) lnverse reset x x Available only for ANSl
and user
programmable curves Directional earth-fault characteristics
Phase angle characteristic with an additional operating sector
The operation criterion phase angle is selected with the Operation moae setting
using the value "Phase angle".
When the phase angle criterion is used, the Iunction indicates whether the
operating quantity is within the Iorward or reverse operation sector or within the non-
directional sector.
The Iorward and reverse sectors are deIined separately. The Iorward operation area
is limited with the Min forwara angle and Max forwara angle settings. The reverse
operation area is limited with the Min reverse angle and Max reverse angle settings.
The sector limits are always given as positive degree values.
In the Iorward operation area, the Max forwara angle setting gives the clockwise
sector and the Min forwara angle setting correspondingly the anti-clockwise sector,
measured Irom the Characteristic angle setting.
In the reverse operation area, the Max reverse angle setting gives the clockwise
sector and the Min reverse angle setting correspondingly the anti-clockwise sector,
measured Irom the complement oI the Characteristic angle setting (180 degrees
phase shiIt) .
The relay characteristic angle (RCA) is set to positive iI the operating current lags
the polarizing quantity. It is set to negative iI it leads the polarizing quantity.
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GUlD-92004AD5-05AA-4306-9574-9ED8D51524B4 V1 EN
Figure 55: Configurable operating sectors in phase angle characteristic
Table 147: Momentary operating direction
Fault direction The value for DlRECTlON
Angle between the polarizing and operating
quantity is not in any of the defined sectors.
0 = unknown
Angle between the polarizing and operating
quantity is in the forward sector.
1= forward
Angle between the polarizing and operating
quantity is in the reverse sector.
2 = backward
Angle between the polarizing and operating
quantity is in both the forward and the reverse
sectors, that is, the sectors are overlapping.
3 = both
Directional operation is not allowed (the setting Allow non air is "False") when the
measured polarizing or operating quantities are not valid, that is, their magnitude is
below the set minimum values. The minimum values can be deIined with the
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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settings Min operate current and Min operate voltage. In case oI low magnitudes,
the FAULT_DIR and DIRECTION outputs are set to 0 unknown, except when
the Allow non air setting is "True". In that case, the Iunction is allowed to operate
in the directional mode as non-directional, since the directional inIormation is invalid.
The RCA_CTL input is used in compensated networks where the compensation coil
sometimes can be disconnected. When the coil is disconnected, the compensated
network becomes isolated and the Characteristic angle setting (RCA) must be
changed. This can be done automatically with the RCA_CTL input. Note that the
RCA_CTL input only works when the Characteristic angle setting is set to exactly
-90 degrees or 0 degrees. The value oI the input aIIects the Characteristic angle
setting in the Iollowing way:
Table 148: Characteristic angle control in phase angle operation mode
angle setting
5&$B&7/ = "False" 5&$B&7/ = "True"
-90 RCA = -90 RCA = 0
0 RCA = 0 RCA = -90
sin() and l
cos() criteria
A more modern approach to directional protection is the active or reactive current
measurement. The operating characteristic oI the directional operation depends on
the earthing principle oI the network. The I
sin() characteristic is used in an
isolated network, measuring the reactive component oI the Iault current caused by
the earth capacitance. The I
cos() characteristic is used in a compensated
network, measuring the active component oI the Iault current.
The operation criteria I
sin() and I
cos() are selected with the Operation moae
setting using the values "IoSin" or "IoCos", respectively.
In isolated networks, I
sin() does not diIIer Irom the phase angle criterion, since
the phase angle oI the operating quantity is Iairly close to -90 degrees.
Furthermore, in completely compensated networks the Iault current is usually
mostly resistive. ThereIore, the phase angle and I
cos() criteria are equally
sensitive. However, iI the Iault is in the background network, the Iault current oI a
sound and healthy line is almost Iully capacitive and its phase angle is close to the
operation area oI the component. ThereIore, the I
cos() characteristic is
recommended, since the risk oI Iaulty operation is smaller than with the phase
angle criterion.
The angle correction setting can be used to improve selectivity. The setting
decreases the operation sector. The correction can only be used with the I
sin() or
cos() criterion. The RCA_CTL input is used to change the I
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Table 149: Relay characteristic angle control in l
sin() and l
cos() operation criterion
Operation criteria: 5&$B&7/ = "False" 5&$B&7/ = "True"
sin() Actual operation criterion:
Actual operation criterion:
cos() Actual operation criterion:
Actual operation criterion:
When the I
sin() or I
cos() criterion is used, the component indicates a Iorward
or reverse-type Iault through the FAULT_DIR and DIRECTION outputs, in which
1 equals a Iorward Iault and 2 equals a reverse Iault. Directional operation is not
allowed (the Allow non air setting is "False") when the measured polarizing or
operating quantities are not valid, that is, when their magnitude is below the set
minimum values. The minimum values can be deIined with the Min operate
current and Min operate voltage settings. In case oI low magnitude, the
FAULT_DIR and DIRECTION outputs are set to 0 unknown, except when the
Allow non air setting is "True". In that case, the Iunction is allowed to operate in
the directional mode as non-directional, since the directional inIormation is invalid.
The calculated I
sin() or I
cos() current used in direction determination can be
read through the I_OPER monitored data. The value can be passed directly to a
decisive element, which provides the Iinal start and operate signals.
The I_OPER monitored data gives an absolute value oI the
calculated current. Otherwise, the value oI a current in a reverse
area is negative.
The Iollowing examples show the characteristics oI the diIIerent operation criteria:
Example 1.
sin() criterion selected, Iorward-type Iault
=> FAULT_DIR = 1
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GUlD-560EFC3C-34BF-4852-BF8C-E3A2A7750275 V1 EN
Figure 56: Operating characteristic l
sin() in forward fault
The operating sector is limited by Angle correction, that is, the operating sector is
180 degrees - 2*(Angle correction).
Example 2.
sin() criterion selected, reverse-type Iault
=> FAULT_DIR = 2
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GUlD-10A890BE-8C81-45B2-9299-77DD764171E1 V1 EN
Figure 57: Operating characteristic l
sin() in reverse fault
Example 3.
cos() criterion selected, Iorward-type Iault
=> FAULT_DIR = 1
GUlD-11E40C1F-6245-4532-9199-2E2F1D9B45E4 V1 EN
Figure 58: Operating characteristic l
cos() in forward fault
Example 4.
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cos() criterion selected, reverse-type Iault
=> FAULT_DIR = 2
GUlD-54ACB854-F11D-4AF2-8BDB-69E5F6C13EF1 V1 EN
Figure 59: Operating characteristic l
cos() in reverse fault
Phase angle, classic 80
The operation criterion phase angle classic 80 is selected with the Operation moae
setting using the value "Phase angle 80".
Phase angle classic 80 implements the same Iunctionality as the phase angle, but
with the Iollowing diIIerences:
The Max forwara angle and Max reverse angle settings are not settable but
have a Iixed value oI 80 degrees
The sector limits oI the Iixed sectors are rounded.
The sector rounding is used Ior cancelling the CT measurement errors at low
current amplitudes. When the current amplitude Ialls below three percent oI the
nominal current, the sector is reduced to 70 degrees at the Iixed sector side. This
makes the protection more selective, which means that the phase angle
measurement errors do not cause Iaulty operation.
There is no sector rounding on the other side oI the sector.
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II the current amplitude Ialls below one percent oI the nominal
current, the direction enters the non-directional area.
GUlD-EFC9438D-9169-4733-9BE9-6B343F37001A V1 EN
Figure 60: Operating characteristic for phase angle classic 80
GUlD-49D23ADF-4DA0-4F7A-8020-757F32928E60 V1 EN
Figure 61: Phase angle classic 80 amplitude
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Phase angle, classic 88
The operation criterion phase angle classic 88 is selected with the Operation moae
setting using the value "Phase angle 88".
Phase angle classic 88 implements the same Iunctionality as the phase angle, but
with the Iollowing diIIerences:
The Max forwara angle and Max reverse angle settings are not settable, but
have a Iixed value oI 88 degrees
The sector limits oI the Iixed sectors are rounded.
Sector rounding in the phase angle classic 88 consists oI three parts:
II the current amplitude is between 1...20 percent oI the nominal current, the
sector limit increases linearly Irom 73 degrees to 85 degrees
II the current amplitude is between 1...100 percent oI the nominal current, the
sector limit increases linearly Irom 85 degrees to 88 degrees
II the current amplitude is more than 100 percent oI the nominal current, the
sector limit is 88 degrees.
There is no sector rounding on the other side oI the sector.
II the current amplitude Ialls below one percent oI the nominal
current, the direction enters the non-directional area.
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GUlD-0F0560B7-943E-4CED-A4B8-A561BAE08956 V1 EN
Figure 62: Operating characteristic for phase angle classic 88
GUlD-F9F1619D-E1B5-4650-A5CB-B62A7F6B0A90 V1 EN
Figure 63: Phase angle classic 88 amplitude Application
The directional earth-Iault protection (DEFxPDEF) is designed Ior protection and
clearance oI earth Iaults and Ior earth-Iault protection oI diIIerent equipment
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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connected to the power systems, such as shunt capacitor banks or shunt reactors,
and Ior backup earth-Iault protection oI power transIormers.
Many applications require several steps using diIIerent current start levels and time
delays. DEFxPDEF consists oI two diIIerent stages:
DEFLPDEF contains several types oI time delay characteristics. DEFHPDEF is
used Ior Iast clearance oI serious earth Iaults.
The protection can be based on the phase angle criterion with extended operating
sector. It can also be based on measuring either the reactive part I
sin() or the
active part I
cos() oI the residual current. In isolated networks or in networks with
high impedance earthing, the phase-to-earth Iault current is signiIicantly smaller
than the short-circuit currents. In addition, the magnitude oI the Iault current is
almost independent oI the Iault location in the network.
The Iunction uses the residual current components I
cos() or I
sin() according to
the earthing method, where is the angle between the residual current and the
reIerence residual voltage (-U
). In compensated networks, the phase angle
criterion with extended operating sector can also be used. When the relay
characteristic angle RCA is 0 degrees, the negative quadrant oI the operation sector
can be extended with the Min forwara angle setting. The operation sector can be
set between 0 and -180 degrees, so that the total operation sector is Irom 90 to
-180 degrees. In other words, the sector can be up to 270 degrees wide. This allows
the protection settings to stay the same when the resonance coil is disconnected
Irom between the neutral point and earth.
System neutral earthing is meant to protect personnel and equipment and to reduce
interIerence Ior example in telecommunication systems. The neutral earthing sets
challenges Ior protection systems, especially Ior earth-Iault protection.
In isolated networks, there is no intentional connection between the system neutral
point and earth. The only connection is through the line-to-earth capacitances (C
oI phases and leakage resistances (R
). This means that the residual current is
mainly capacitive and has 90 degrees phase shiIt compared to the residual voltage
). The characteristic angle is -90 degrees.
In resonance-earthed networks, the capacitive Iault current and the inductive
resonance coil current compensate each other. The protection cannot be based on
the reactive current measurement, since the current oI the compensation coil would
disturb the operation oI the relays. In this case, the selectivity is based on the
measurement oI the active current component. This means that the residual current
is mainly resistive and has zero phase shiIt compared to the residual voltage (-U
and the characteristic angle is 0 degrees. OIten the magnitude oI this component is
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small, and must be increased by means oI a parallel resistor in the compensation
In networks where the neutral point is earthed through low resistance, the
characteristic angle is also 0 degrees (Ior phase angle). Alternatively, I
operation can be used.
In solidly earthed networks, the Characteristic angle is typically set to 60 degrees
Ior the phase angle. Alternatively, I
sin() operation can be used with a reversal
polarizing quantity. The polarizing quantity can be rotated 180 degrees by setting
the Pol reversal parameter to "True" or by switching the polarity oI the residual
voltage measurement wires. Although the I
sin() operation can be used in solidly
earthed networks, the phase angle is recommended.
Connection of measuring transformers in directional earth fault
The Residual current I
can be measured with a core balance current transIormer or
the residual connection oI the phase current signals. II the neutral oI the network is
either isolated or earthed with high impedance, a core balance current transIormer
is recommended to be used in earth-Iault protection. To ensure suIIicient accuracy
oI residual current measurements and consequently the selectivity oI the scheme,
the core balance current transIormers should have a transIormation ratio oI at least
70:1. Lower transIormation ratios such as 50:1 or 50:5 are not recommended.
Attention should be paid to make sure the measuring transIormers are connected
correctly so that DEFxPDEF is able to detect the Iault current direction without
Iailure. As directional earth Iault uses residual current and residual voltage (-U
the poles oI the measuring transIormers must match each other and also the Iault
current direction. Also the earthing oI the cable sheath must be taken into notice
when using core balance current transIormers. The Iollowing Iigure describes how
measuring transIormers can be connected to the IED.
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A070697 V2 EN
Figure 64: Connection of measuring transformers Signals
Table 150: DEFLPDEF lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
SlGNAL 0 Residual current
SlGNAL 0 Residual voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
RCA_CTL BOOLEAN 0=False Relay characteristic angle control
Table 151: DEFHPDEF lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
SlGNAL 0 Residual current
SlGNAL 0 Residual voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
RCA_CTL BOOLEAN 0=False Relay characteristic angle control
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Table 152: DEFLPDEF Output signals
Name Type Description
Table 153: DEFHPDEF Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 154: DEFLPDEF Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.010...5.000 xln 0.005 0.010 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Directional mode 1=Non-directional
2=Forward Directional mode
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
2=ANSl Very inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
4=ANSl Mod. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
11=lEC inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
13=lEC S.T. inv.
14=lEC L.T. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
18=Rl type
19=RD type
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
Operate delay time 60...200000 ms 10 60 Operate delay time
Operation mode 1=Phase angle
4=Phase angle 80
5=Phase angle 88
1=Phase angle Operation criteria
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 -90 Characteristic angle
Max forward angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Maximum phase angle in forward
Table continues on next page
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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Max reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Minimum phase angle in forward direction
Min reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Minimum phase angle in reverse direction
Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn 0.001 0.010 Voltage start value
Enable voltage limit 0=False
1=True Enable voltage limit
Table 155: DEFLPDEF Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Minimum operate time 60...60000 ms 1 60 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Allow Non Dir 0=False
0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
info is invalid
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Min operate current 0.005...1.000 xln 0.001 0.005 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage
Correction angle 0.0...10.0 deg 0.1 0.0 Angle correction
Pol reversal 0=False
0=False Rotate polarizing quantity
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
Table 156: DEFHPDEF Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.10...40.00 xln 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Directional mode 1=Non-directional
2=Forward Directional mode
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lEC/ANSl lDMT curves
Table continues on next page
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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
15=lEC Def. Time
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve 1=lmmediate
2=Def time reset
3=lnverse reset
1=lmmediate Selection of reset curve type
Operate delay time 60...200000 ms 10 60 Operate delay time
Operation mode 1=Phase angle
4=Phase angle 80
5=Phase angle 88
1=Phase angle Operation criteria
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 -90 Characteristic angle
Max forward angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Maximum phase angle in forward
Max reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Minimum phase angle in forward direction
Min reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 88 Minimum phase angle in reverse direction
Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn 0.001 0.010 Voltage start value
Enable voltage limit 0=False
1=True Enable voltage limit
Table 157: DEFHPDEF Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Minimum operate time 60...60000 ms 1 60 Minimum operate time for lDMT curves
Allow Non Dir 0=False
0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
info is invalid
Measurement mode 1=RMS
2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Min operate current 0.005...1.000 xln 0.001 0.005 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage
Correction angle 0.0...10.0 deg 0.1 0.0 Angle correction
Pol reversal 0=False
0=False Rotate polarizing quantity
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Table continues on next page
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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
curve Monitored data
Table 158: DEFLPDEF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FAULT_DlR Enum 0=unknown
Detected fault direction
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
DlRECTlON Enum 0=unknown
Direction information
ANGLE_RCA FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between operating
angle and characteristic
ANGLE FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between
polarizing and operating
l_OPER FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 Calculated operating
DEFLPDEF Enum 1=on
Table 159: DEFHPDEF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FAULT_DlR Enum 0=unknown
Detected fault direction
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
DlRECTlON Enum 0=unknown
Direction information
ANGLE_RCA FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between operating
angle and characteristic
Table continues on next page
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Technical Manual
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
ANGLE FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between
polarizing and operating
l_OPER FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 Calculated operating
DEFHPDEF Enum 1=on
Status Technical data
Table 160: DEFxPDEF Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x U
Phase angle:
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x l
(at currents in the range of 0.110 x l
5.0% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 1040 x l
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x U
Phase angle:
Start time
Minimum Typical Maximum
= 2 x set Start

61 ms

64 ms

66 ms
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Retardation time < 30 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode 5.0% of the theoretical value or 20 ms
Suppression of harmonics RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50dB at f = n x f
, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,
Peak-to-Peak: No suppression
1) Measurement mode = default (depends on stage), current before fault = 0.0 x l
, f
= 50 Hz, earth-
fault current with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical
distribution of 1000 measurements
2) lncludes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 x l
, Start value multiples in range of 1.5 to 20
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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176 615 series
Technical Manual Technical revision history
Table 161: DEFHPDEF Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
B Maximum value changed to 180 deg for the Max
forward angle setting
Table 162: DEFLPDEF Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
B Maximum value changed to 180 deg for the Max
forward angle setting.
Start value step changed to 0.005
4.2.3 Transient/intermittent earth-fault protection lNTRPTEF ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Transient/intermittent earth-fault
lNTRPTEF l0> ->lEF 67NlEF Function block
A070663 V1 EN
Figure 65: Function block symbol Functionality
The transient/intermittent earth-Iault protection (INTRPTEF) is a sample based
Iunction designed Ior the protection and clearance oI intermittent and transient
earth Iaults in distribution and sub-transmission networks. Fault detection is done
Irom the residual current and residual voltage signals by monitoring the transients
with predeIined criteria.
The operate time characteristics are according to deIinite time (DT).
The Iunction contains a blocking Iunctionality. Blocking deactivates all outputs
and resets timers.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
Protection functions
615 series 177
Technical Manual Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI transient/intermittent earth-Iault protection can be described by
using a module diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next
A070661 V2 EN
Figure 66: Functional module diagram. l
and U
stand for residual current
and residual voltage.
Level detector
The level detector module is used only when selected Operation moae is
"Transient EF". The module compares the measured residual voltage with the set
Joltage start value. II the measured value exceeds the set Joltage start value, the
module reports the exceeding oI the value to the Iault indication logic.
Transient detector
The transient detector module is used Ior detecting transients in the residual current
and residual voltage signals. There are predeIined criteria Ior I
and U
signals Ior
detecting transients and their direction. The Iound transients that IulIil the criteria
are reported to the Iault indication logic separately Ior I
and U
Fault indication logic
Depending on the set Operation moae, INTRPTEF has two independent modes Ior
detecting earth Iaults. The "Transient EF" mode is intended to detect all kinds oI
earth Iaults. The "Intermittent EF" mode is dedicated Ior detecting intermittent
earth Iaults in cable networks.
Traditional earth Iault protection should always be used in parallel
with "Transient EF" mode.
The Iault indication logic module checks that the detected transients match the
directional criteria set by the Directional moae setting. When the setting value
"Forward" is used, meaning that the Iault is in the Ied cable Irom the relay point oI
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
Protection functions
178 615 series
Technical Manual
view, the matching can be done only iI the direction oI the transients in I
and U
are both positive or negative. When the setting value "Reverse" is used, meaning
that respectively the Iault is in the background network, the matching is done only
iI the direction oI the transients is not equal (one positive and one negative). II the
direction has no importance, the value "Non-directional" can be selected.
The detected Iault direction (FAULT_DIR) is available through the Monitored data
view on the LHMI or through tools via communications.
In the "Transient EF" mode, when the start transient oI the Iault is detected and the
level exceeds the set Joltage start value, Timer 1 is activated. Timer 1 is kept
activated until the U
level exceeds the set value or in case oI a drop-oII, the drop-
oII duration is shorter than the set Reset aelay time.
In the "Intermittent EF" mode when a required amount oI intermittent earth-Iault
transients set with the Peak counter limit setting are detected without the Iunction
being reset (depends on the drop-oII time set with the Reset aelay time setting),
Timer 1 is activated. Timer 1 is kept activated as long as transients are occurring
during the drop-oII time Reset aelay time.
Timer 1
Once activated, the timer activates the START output. The time characteristic is
according to DT. When the timer has reached the value set by Operate aelay time
and in the "Intermittent EF" mode at least one transient is detected during the drop-
oII cycle, the OPERATE output oI the Iunction is activated. In the "Transient EF"
mode, the OPERATE output is activated aIter operate time iI the residual voltage
exceeds the set Joltage start value. The activation oI the BLOCK input resets the
timer and the START and OPERATE outputs are deactivated.
The timer calculates the start duration value STARTDUR which indicates the
percentage ratio oI the start situation and the set operate time. The value is
available through the Monitored data view.
Timer 2
II the Iunction is used in the directional mode and an opposite direction transient is
detected, the BLK_EF output is activated Ior the Iixed delay time oI 25 ms. II the
START output is activated during Block EF reset time, the BLK_EF output is
deactivated. The BLK_EF output is activated only in the "Intermittent EF" mode.
The activation oI the BLOCK input resets the timer and the BLK_EF output is
deactivated. Application
INTRPTEF is a dedicated earth-Iault Iunction to operate in intermittent and
transient earth Iaults occurring in distribution and sub-transmission networks. The
Iunction has selectable modes Ior corresponding Iault types. As the Iunction has a
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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615 series 179
Technical Manual
dedicated purpose Ior these Iault types, Iast detection and clearance oI the Iaults
can be achieved.
lntermittent earth fault
Intermittent earth Iault is a special type oI Iault that is encountered especially in
compensated networks with underground cables. A typical reason Ior this type oI
Iault is the deterioration oI cable insulation either due to mechanical stress or due
to insulation material aging process where water or moisture gradually penetrates
the cable insulation. This eventually reduces the voltage withstand oI the
insulation, leading to a series oI cable insulation breakdowns. The Iault is initiated
as the phase-to-earth voltage exceeds the reduced insulation level oI the Iault point
and extinguishes mostly itselI as the Iault current zero Ior the Iirst time. As a result,
very short transients, that is, rapid changes in Iorm oI spikes in residual current (I
and in residual voltage (U
), can be repeatedly measured. Typically, the Iault
resistance in case oI an intermittent earth Iault is only a Iew ohms.
A070759 V1 EN
Figure 67: Typical intermittent earth-fault characteristics
Earth fault transients
In general, earth Iaults generate transients in currents and voltages. There are
several Iactors that aIIect the magnitude and Irequency oI these transients, such as
the Iault moment on the voltage wave, Iault location, Iault resistance and the
parameters oI the Ieeders and the supplying transIormers. In the Iault initiation, the
voltage oI the Iaulty phase decreases and the corresponding capacitance is
discharged to earth (-~ discharge transients). At the same time, the voltages oI the
healthy phases increase and the related capacitances are charged (-~ charge transient).
II the Iault is permanent (non-transient) in nature, only the initial Iault transient in
current and voltage can be measured, whereas the intermittent Iault creates
repetitive transients.
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180 615 series
Technical Manual
A070976 V1 EN
Figure 68: Transient earth-fault situation and operation of lNTRPTEF during a
fault Signals
Table 163: lNTRPTEF lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
SlGNAL 0 Residual current
SlGNAL 0 Residual voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
Table 164: lNTRPTEF Output signals
Name Type Description
BLK_EF BOOLEAN Block signal for EF to indicate oposite direction
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual Settings
Table 165: lNTRPTEF Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Directional mode 1=Non-directional
2=Forward Directional mode, Non-directional /
Forward / Reverse
Operate delay time 40...1200000 ms 10 500 Operate delay time
Voltage start value 0.01...0.50 xUn 0.01 0.01 Voltage start value for transient EF
Table 166: lNTRPTEF Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation Off / On
Operation mode 1=lntermittent EF
2=Transient EF
1=lntermittent EF Operation criteria
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 500 Reset delay time
Peak counter limit 2...20 2 Min requirement for peak counter before
start in lEF mode Monitored data
Table 167: lNTRPTEF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FAULT_DlR Enum 0=unknown
Detected fault direction
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
lNTRPTEF Enum 1=on
Status Technical data
Table 168: lNTRPTEF Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy (U
criteria with transient
Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
1.5% of the set value or 0.002 x U
Operate time accuracy 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50dB at f = n x f
, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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182 615 series
Technical Manual Technical revision history
Table 169: lNTRPTEF Technical revision history
Technical revision Change
B Minimum and default values changed to 40 ms
for the Operate delay time setting
4.3 Differential protection
4.3.1 Line differential protection LNPLDF ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Line differential protection LNPLDF 3dl>L 87L Function block
GUlD-F7ECAC0B-14B5-444C-9282-59AC32380576 V1 EN
Figure 69: Function block symbol Functionality
The phase segregated line diIIerential protection LNPLDF is used as Ieeder
diIIerential protection Ior the distribution network lines and cables. LNPLDF
includes low, stabilized and high, non-stabilized stages.
The stabilized low stage provides a Iast clearance oI Iaults while remaining stable
with high currents passing through the protected zone increasing errors on current
measuring. Second harmonic restraint insures that the low stage does not operate
due to the startup oI the tapped transIormer. The high stage provides a very Iast
clearance oI severe Iaults with a high diIIerential current regardless oI their
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
The operating time characteristic Ior the low stage can be selected to be either
deIinite time (DT) or inverse deIinite time (IDMT). The direct inter-trip ensures
both ends are always operated, even without local criteria. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The Iunction can also be set into test mode by setting the Operation setting to 'Test/
The operation oI line diIIerential protection can be described by using a module
diagram. All the blocks in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
GUlD-44304073-30AC-4EEA-889C-2D9410DC1180 V1 EN
Figure 70: Functional module diagram. l_LOC_x stands for current of the local
end and l_REM_x for phase currents of the remote ends.
lnrush detector
The transIormer inrush currents cause high degrees oI second harmonic to the
measured phase currents. The inrush detector detects inrush situations in
transIormers. The second harmonic based local blocking is selected into use with
the Restraint moae parameter. The blocking Ior the low stage on the local end is
issued when the second harmonic blocking is selected and the inrush is detected.
The inrush detector calculates the ratio oI the second harmonic current
I_2H_LOC_A and the Iundamental Irequency current I_1H_LOC_A. The
calculated value is compared with the parameter value oI the Start value 2.H
setting. II the calculated value exceeds the set value and the Iundamental Irequency
current I_1H_LOC_A is more that seven percent oI the nominal current, the output
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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184 615 series
Technical Manual
signal BLK2H_A is activated. The inrush detector handles the other phases the
same way.
The locally detected transIormer inrush is also transIerred to the remote end as a
binary indication signal independently oI the local Restraint moae setting
parameter value. When the internal blocking oI the stabilized low stage is
activated, the RSTD2H_LOC and RSTD2H_REM outputs will also be activated at
the same time depending on whether the inrush has been detected on local or
remote end or on both ends.
GUlD-92818F6B-4FB7-4D5C-AF64-36786F31AED8 V1 EN
Figure 71: lnrush current detection logic
Differential calculation
The operating principle is to calculate on both ends diIIerential current Irom
currents entering and leaving the protection zone by utilizing the digital
communication channels Ior data exchange. The diIIerential currents are almost
zero on normal operation. The diIIerential protection is phase segregated and the
diIIerential currents are calculated on both ends separately.
GUlD-FD294556-1B8C-4054-ABF0-31DD6380BB56 V1 EN
Figure 72: Basic protection principle
The diIIerential current I (I
) oI the IED is obtained on both ends with the Iormula:
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
GUID-9C08695B-8241-4B74-AA2A-B64783F9C288 V2 EN (Equation 14)
The stabilizing current I
) oI the IED is obtained on both ends with the Iormula:

GUID-6014FAFC-12CB-4DB3-85A9-0EF254D1729D V2 EN (Equation 15)
Depending on the location oI the star points oI the current transIormers, the
polarity oI the local end remote currents may be diIIerent causing malIunction oI
the calculation algorithms. The CT transIormation ratio may be diIIerent and this
needs to be compensated to provide a correct diIIerential current calculation result
on both ends.
The operation characteristics related settings are given in units as percentage oI the
current transIormer secondary nominal current on each line end IED. For the actual
primary setting, the corresponding CT ratio on each line end has to be considered.
An example oI how the CT ratio correction parameter values should be selected on
both line ends in the example case to compensate the diIIerence in the nominal
levels can be presented. For example, 160A in the primary circuit would equal 160A/
800Ax100 20 as the setting value Ior IED (A) and 160A/400Ax100 40
Ior IED (B). The CT ratio correction setting parameter is provided in case current
transIormers with diIIerent ratios are used in the two IEDs. This has no eIIect on
the actual protection stage settings.
GUlD-646CC890-AEE6-4217-87FC-9D0BA06B207C V1 EN
Figure 73: Example of differential current during external fault
CT connection type is chosen based on two possibilities:
"Type 1" is selected on both ends when the secondary current direction Ior
local and remote secondary is the opposite (deIault). "Type 1" should be used
when the star point oI the current transIormer is located on the bus bar side on
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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186 615 series
Technical Manual
both line end IEDs or alternatively, when the star point oI the current
transIormer is located on the line side on both line end IEDs
"Type 2" is selected on both ends when the secondary current directions Ior
local and remote secondary is the same. "Type 2" should be used when the star
point oI the current transIormer is located on the line side on one line end IED
and on the bus bar side on the other line end IED
Fail safe function
To prevent malIunction during communication interIerence, the operation oI
LNPLDF is blocked when the protection communication supervision detects severe
interIerence in the communication channel. The timer reset stage is activated in
case the stabilized stage is started during a communication interruption.
GUlD-010E1FF3-D7B0-42C8-9179-09F753D7DFC3 V1 EN
Figure 74: Operation logic of the fail safe function
The Iunction can also be set into "Test/blocked" state with the Operation setting.
This can also be utilized during the commissioning.
The BLOCK input is provided Ior blocking the Iunction with the logic. When the
Iunction is blocked, the monitored data and measured values are still available but
the binary outputs are blocked. When the Iunction is blocked, the direct inter-trip is
also blocked.
The PROT_ACTIVE output is always active when the protection Iunction is
capable oI operating. PROT_ACTIVE can be used as a blocking signal Ior backup
protection Iunctions.
Stabilized low stage
In the stabilized low stage, the higher the load current increases, the higher the
diIIerential current required Ior tripping is. This happens on normal operation or
during external Iaults. When an internal Iault occurs, the currents on both sides oI
the protected object Ilow towards the Iault and cause the stabilizing current to be
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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615 series 187
Technical Manual
considerably lower. This makes the operation more sensitive during internal Iaults.
The low stage includes a timer delay Iunctionality.
The characteristic oI the low stage taking the apparent diIIerential current into
account is inIluenced by various Iactors:
Small tapped loads within the protection zone
Current transIormer errors
Current transIormer saturation
Small asymmetry oI the communication channel go and return paths
Small steady state line charging current.
The timer is activated according to the calculated diIIerential, stabilizing current
and the set diIIerential characteristic.
GUlD-C5DA7D40-A17A-473F-A73D-6B291716C4A3 V1 EN
Figure 75: Operation logic of the stabilized low stage
The stabilization aIIects the operation oI the Iunction.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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188 615 series
Technical Manual
Figure 76: Operating characteristics of the protection. (LS) stands for the low
stage and (HS) for the high stage.
The slope oI the operating characteristic curve oI the diIIerential Iunction varies in
the diIIerent sections oI the range:
Section 1 where 0.0 I
Ena section 1. The diIIerential current required
Ior tripping is constant. The value oI the diIIerential current is the same as the
basic setting (Low operate value) selected Ior the Iunction. The basic setting
allows the appearance oI the no-load current oI the line, the load current oI the
tapped load and minor inaccuracies oI the current transIormers. It can also be
used to inIluence the overall level oI the operating characteristic.
Section 2 where Ena section 1 I
Ena Section 2. This is called the
inIluence area oI the starting ratio. In this section, the variations in the starting
ratio aIIect the slope oI the characteristic. That is, how big change is required
Ior tripping in the diIIerential current in comparison with the change in the
load current. The starting ratio should consider CT errors.
Section 3 where Ena section 2 I
. By setting the slope in this section,
attention can be paid to prevent unnecessary operation oI the protection when
there is an external Iault, and the diIIerential current is mainly produced by
saturated current transIormers.
The operation oI the diIIerential protection is based on the Iundamental Irequency
components. The operation is accurate and stable and the DC component and the
harmonics oI the current do not cause unwanted operations.
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Technical Manual
Once activated, the timer activates the STR_LS_LOC output. Depending on the
value oI the set Operating curve type, the timer characteristics are according to DT
or IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value set with the Operate
aelay time in the DT mode or the maximum value deIined by the inverse time
curve, the OPR_LS_LOC output is activated. When the operation mode is
according to IDMT, Low operate value is used as reIerence value (Start value) in
the IDMT equations presented in the Standard inverse-time characteristics section.
A timer reset state is activated when a drop-oII situation happens. The reset is
according to the DT characteristics.
For a detailed description oI the timer characteristics, see the
General Iunction block Ieatures section in this manual.
lnstantaneous high stage
In addition to the stabilized low stage, LNPLDF has an instantaneous high stage.
The stabilizing is not done with the instantaneous high stage. The instantaneous
high stage operates immediately when the diIIerential current amplitude is higher
than the set value oI the High operate value setting. II the ENA_MULT_HS input is
active, the High operate value setting is internally multiplied by the High Op value
Mult setting.
GUlD-99000979-88BE-4A03-9F87-4A9608D91822 V1 EN
Figure 77: Operation logic of instantaneous high stage
Direct inter-trip
Direct inter-trip is used to ensure the simultaneous opening oI the circuit breakers
at both ends oI the protected line when a Iault is detected. Both start and operate
signals are sent to the remote end via communication. The direct-intertripping oI
the line diIIerential protection is included into LNPLDF. The OPERATE output
combines the operate signals Irom both stages, local and remote, so that it can be
used Ior the direct inter-trip signal locally.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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190 615 series
Technical Manual
GUlD-002B4F83-260D-4ADA-983E-9CB46DBF1228 V2 EN
Figure 78: Operation logic of the direct intertrip function
The start and operate signals are provided separately Ior the low and high stages,
and in local and remote.
Blocking functionality
There are two independent inputs that can be used Ior blocking the Iunction:
BLOCK and BLOCK_LS. The diIIerence between these inputs is that BLOCK_LS
(when TRUE) blocks only the stabilized low stage leaving the instantaneous high
stage operative. BLOCK (when TRUE) blocks both stages and also the
PROT_ACTIVE output is updated according to the BLOCK input status, as
described in the Fail saIe Iunction chapter.
The BLOCK and BLOCK_LS input statuses aIIect only the behavior oI the local
protection instance. When a line diIIerential protection stage (stabilized low or
instantaneous high) is blocked, also the received remote signals related to the
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
corresponding stage are ignored (received direct inter-trip signals Irom the remote
end). The binary signal transIer Iunctionality should thereIore be used Ior
transIerring the possible additional blocking inIormation between the local and
remote terminals whenever the blocking logic behavior needs to be the same on
both line ends.
Test mode
The line diIIerential Iunction in one IED can be set to test mode, that is, the
Operation setting is set to 'Test/blocked. This blocks the line diIIerential
protection outputs in the IED and sets the remote IED to a remote test mode, such
that the injected currents are echoed back with the shiIted phase and settable
amplitude. It is also possible that both IEDs are simultaneously in the test mode.
When the line diIIerential protection Iunction is in the test mode:
The remote end IED echoes locally injected current samples back with the
shiIted phase and settable amplitude.
The operation oI both stages (stabilized low or instantaneous high) are
blocked, and also the direct inter-trip Iunctionality is blocked (both receive and
send) in the IED where the test mode is active.
The remote end line diIIerential protection Iunction that is in the normal mode
(On) is not aIIected by the local end being in the test mode. This means that
the remote end Iunction is operative but, at the same time, it ignores the
received current samples Irom the other end IED which is in the test mode.
The PROT_ACTIVE output is Ialse only in the IED that is currently in the test
GUlD-8E76712C-5DA3-46DA-AC6A-3C05CDBAB5AF V1 EN
Figure 79: Operation during the normal operation of the line differential
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
GUlD-FC28C85A-6199-4249-8E01-C8693B005D3D V1 EN
Figure 80: Operation during test operation of the line differential protection Commissioning
The commissioning oI the line diIIerential protection scheme would be diIIicult
without any support Ieatures in the Iunctionality because oI the relatively long
distance between the IEDs. This has been taken into consideration in the design oI
the line diIIerential protection. The communication channel can be used Ior
echoing the locally Ied current phasors Irom the remote end. By using this mode, it
is possible to veriIy that diIIerential calculation is done correctly in each phase.
Also, the protection communication operation is taken into account with the
diIIerential current calculation when this test mode is used.
Required material for testing the lED
Calculated settings
Terminal diagram
Circuit diagrams
Technical and application manuals oI the IED
Single oI three-phase secondary current source
Single phase primary current source
Timer with start and stop interIaces
Auxiliary voltage source Ior the IEDs
PC with related soItware, a web browser Ior web HMI
The setting and conIiguration oI the IED must be completed beIore testing.
The terminal diagram, available in the technical manual, is a general diagram oI the
IED. Note, that the same diagram is not always applicable to each speciIic delivery,
especially Ior the conIiguration oI all the binary inputs and outputs. ThereIore,
beIore testing, check that the available terminal diagram corresponds to the IED.
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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Technical Manual
Also, the circuit diagrams oI the application are recommended to be available.
Especially these are required Ior checking the terminal block numbers oI the
current, trip, alarm and possibly other auxiliary circuits.
The technical and application manuals contain application and Iunctionality
summaries, Iunction blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting
parameters and technical data sorted per Iunction.
The minimum requirement Ior a secondary current injection test device is the
ability to work as a one phase current source.
Prepare the IED Ior the test beIore testing a particular Iunction. Consider the logic
diagram oI the tested protection Iunction when perIorming the test. All included
Iunctions in the IED are tested according to the corresponding test instructions in
this chapter. The Iunctions can be tested in any order according to user preIerences.
ThereIore, the test instructions are presented in alphabetical order. Only the
Iunctions that are in use (Operation is set to "On") should be tested.
The response Irom the test can be viewed in diIIerent ways:
Binary output signals
Monitored data values in the local HMI (logical signals)
A PC with a web browser Ior web HMI use (logical signals and phasors).
All used setting groups should be tested.
Checking the external optical and electrical connections
The user must check the installation to veriIy that the IED is connected to the other
required parts oI the protection system. The IED and all the connected circuits are
to be de-energized during the check-up.
Checking CT circuits
The CTs must be connected in accordance with the terminal diagram provided with
the IED, both with regards to phases and polarity. The Iollowing tests are
recommended Ior every primary CT or CT core connected to the IED:
Primary injection test to veriIy the current ratio oI the CT, the correct wiring
up to the protection IED and correct phase sequence connection (that is L1,
L2, L3.)
Polarity check to prove that the predicted direction oI secondary current Ilow
is correct Ior a given direction oI primary current Ilow. This is an essential test
Ior the proper operation oI the directional Iunction, protection or measurement
in the IED.
CT secondary loop resistance measurement to conIirm that the current
transIormer secondary loop dc resistance is within speciIication and that there
are no high resistance joints in the CT winding or wiring.
CT excitation test to ensure that the correct core in the CT is connected to the
IED. Normally only a Iew points along the excitation curve are checked to
ensure that there are no wiring errors in the system, Ior example due to a
mistake in connecting the CT's measurement core to the IED.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
CT excitation test to ensure that the CT is oI the correct accuracy rating and
that there are no short circuited turns in the CT windings. ManuIacturer's
design curves should be available Ior the CT to compare the actual results.
Check the earthing oI the individual CT secondary circuits to veriIy that each
three-phase set oI main CTs is properly connected to the station earth and only
at one electrical point.
Insulation resistance check.
Phase identiIication oI CT shall be made.
Both primary and secondary sides must be disconnected Irom the
line and IED when plotting the excitation characteristics.
II the CT secondary circuit is opened or its earth connection is
missing or removed without the CT primary being de-energized
Iirst, dangerous voltages may be produced. This can be lethal and
damage, Ior example, insulation. The re-energizing oI the CT
primary should be inhibited as long as the CT secondary is open or
Checking the power supply
Check that the auxiliary supply voltage remains within the permissible input
voltage range under all operating conditions. Check that the polarity is correct.
Checking binary l/O circuits
Binary input circuits
Always check the entire circuit Irom the equipment to the IED interIace to make
sure that all signals are connected correctly. II there is no need to test a particular
input, the corresponding wiring can be disconnected Irom the terminal oI the IED
during testing. Check all the connected signals so that both input voltage level and
polarity are in accordance with the IED speciIications. However, attention must be
paid to the electrical saIety instructions.
Binary output circuits
Always check the entire circuit Irom the IED to the equipment interIace to make
sure that all signals are connected correctly. II a particular output needs to be
tested, the corresponding wiring can be disconnected Irom the terminal oI the IED
during testing. Check all the connected signals so that both load and polarity are in
accordance with the IED speciIications. However, attention must be paid to the
electrical saIety instructions.
Checking optical connections
Check that the Tx and Rx optical connections are correct.
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Technical Manual
Applying required settings for the lED
Download all calculated settings and measurement transIormer parameters in the
Connecting test equipment to the lED
BeIore testing, connect the test equipment according to the IED speciIic connection
Pay attention to the correct connection oI the input and output current terminals.
Check that the input and output logical signals in the logic diagram Ior the Iunction
under test are connected to the corresponding binary inputs and outputs oI the IED.
Also, pay attention to selecting the correct auxiliary voltage source according to the
power supply module oI the IED. Also, pay attention to selecting the correct
auxiliary voltage source according to the power supply module oI the IED.
GUlD-F1F4E199-8B6A-4066-ACCB-07FE4F887417 V1 EN
Figure 81: Example of connections to test the line differential lED
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Secondary current injection
There are two alternative modes to check the operation oI a line diIIerential IED.
These are not exclusive methods Ior each other and can be used Ior various test on
the IED.
Normal mode
In normal mode, that is, the mode when the Iunction is on normal operation, the
local end IED sends phasors to the remote end IED and receives phasors measured
by the remote end IED. This mode can be used in testing the operating level and
time oI the low and high stages oI the local end IED. This is due to a test situation
when the remote end does not measure any current and thereIore, all the current Ied
to the local end current circuit is seen as diIIerential current at both ends.
Testing oI the line diIIerential protection is done with both IEDs separated
geographically Irom each other. It is important to note that local actions in one IED
cause operation also in the remotely located IED. When testing the line diIIerential
Iunction, actions have to be done in both IEDs.
BeIore the test, the trip signal to the circuit breaker shall be blocked, Ior example
by breaking the trip circuit by opening the terminal block or by using some other
suitable method.
When injecting current to one phase in the local end IED, the current is seen as a
diIIerential current at both ends. II a current I
is injected, L1 in phase L1, the
diIIerential and stabilizing currents Ior phase L1 are:
_ _ = = 2
GUID-B5B84B9B-B26C-421F-B4D0-E301EE4883F3 V2 EN (Equation 16)
The operation is equal Ior phases L2 and L3.
Verifying the settings
1. Block the unwanted trip signals Irom the IED units involved.
2. Inject a current in phase L1 and increase the current until the Iunction
operates Ior phase L1.
The injected operate current shall correspond to the set Low operate value.
The monitored values Ior IDIFFA and IBIASA should be equal to the
injected current.
3. Repeat point 2 by current injection in phases L2 and L3.
4. Measure the operating time by injecting the single-phase current in phase 1.
The injected current should be Iour times the operating current. The time
measurement is stopped by the trip output Irom the IED unit.
5. Disconnect the test equipment and reconnect the current transIormers and all
other circuits including the trip circuit.
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Phasor echoing method
The line diIIerential Iunction in one IED can be set to special test mode, that is, the
Operation setting is set to 'Test/blocked. When this mode is in use, the remote
end IED echoes locally injected current phasors back with the shiIted phase and
settable amplitude. The local end line diIIerential Iunction is also automatically
blocked during this and the remote end line diIIerential Iunction discards the
phasors it receives Irom the IED that is in the test mode
When the test mode is active, the CT connection type and CT ratio correction
setting parameter values are still used by the line diIIerential protection Iunction as
in the normal operation mode. These can be used Ior shiIting the phase (0 or 180
degrees) and setting the amplitude oI the echoed back phasors. For example, iI
three phase currents are injected to the local end IED which is also set to the test
mode, the selected CT connection type is "Type 2" and the CT ratio correction
setting parameter value is 0.500.
GUlD-6F26D761-CB1D-4D86-80AA-CEC95CEBC1A9 V1 EN
Figure 82: An example of a test mode situation where three phase currents
are injected to the local end lED
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GUlD-21BCDEC5-2A22-4AEE-831E-BC8A72E40A64 V1 EN
Figure 83: Local and remote end currents presented in a web HMl of the lED Application
LNPLDF is designed Ior the diIIerential protection oI overhead line and cable
Ieeders in a distribution network. LNPLDF provides absolute selectivity and Iast
operating times as unit protection also in short lines where distance protection
cannot be applied.
LNPLDF provides selective protection Ior radial, looped and meshed network
topologies and can be used in isolated neutral networks, resistance earthed
networks, compensated (impedance earthed) networks and solidly earthed
networks. In a typical network conIiguration where the line diIIerential protection
scheme is applied, the protected zone, that is, the line or cable, is Ied Irom two
GUlD-E9D80758-16A2-4748-A08C-94C33997E603 V1 EN
Figure 84: Line protection with phase segregated line differential lEDs
LNPLDF can be utilized Ior various types oI network conIigurations or topologies.
Case A shows the protection oI a ring-type distribution network. The network is
also used in the closed ring mode. LNPLDF is used as the main protection Ior
diIIerent sections oI the Ieeder. In case B, the interconnection oI two substations is
done with parallel lines and each line is protected with the line diIIerential
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Technical Manual
protection. In case C, the connection line to mid scale power generation (typical
size around 10 - 50MVA) is protected with the line diIIerential Iunction. In case D,
the connection between two substations and a small distribution transIormer is
located at the tapped load. The usage oI LNPLDF is not limited to these applications.
GUlD-64A6AADE-275F-43DA-B7D9-2B1340166A4D V1 EN
Figure 85: Line differential applications
Communication supervision
A typical line diIIerential protection application includes LNPLDF as main
protection. Backup over current Iunctions are needed in case oI a protection
communication Iailure. When the communication supervision Iunction detects a
Iailure in the communication between the protective units, the saIe operation oI the
line is still guaranteed by blocking the line diIIerential protection and unblocking
the over current Iunctions.
When a communication Iailure is detected, the protection communication
supervision Iunction issues block Ior the LNPLDF line diIIerential protection and
unblock Ior the instantaneous and high stages (instance 2) oI the over current
protection. These are used to give backup protection Ior the remote end Ieeder
protection IED. Although there can be a situation where the selectivity is weaker
than usually, the protection should still be available Ior the system.
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GUlD-01A2A41E-2813-448D-953F-F9690578DEDE V1 EN
Figure 86: Protection communication supervision detects failures on
Small power transformers in a tap
With a relatively small power transIormer in a line tap, the line diIIerential
protection can be applied without the need oI current measurement Irom the tap. In
such cases, the line diIIerential Iunction is time delayed Ior low diIIerential
currents below the high set limit and LNPLDF coordinates with the downstream
IEDs in the relevant tap. For diIIerential currents above the set limit, the operation
is instantaneous. As a consequence, when the load current oI the tap is negligible,
the low resistive line Iaults are cleared instantaneously at the same time as
maximum sensitivity Ior the high resistive Iaults are maintained but with a time
delayed operation.
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GUlD-F1B36FF9-7463-4D8D-8EDC-70A09B52CAE9 V1 EN
Figure 87: lnfluence of the tapped transformer load current to the stabilized
low stage setting
The stabilized stage provides both DT and IDMT characteristics that are used to
provide time selective protection against Iaults external to the instantaneous stage
coverage. The impedance oI the line is typically an order oI magnitude lower than
the transIormer impedance providing signiIicantly higher Iault currents when the
Iault is located on the line.
GUlD-F9600D18-75B9-4EA5-8F9B-656FCB1FC938 V1 EN
Figure 88: lnfluence of the short circuit current at LV side of the tapped
transformer to the differential current
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Detection of the inrush current during transformer start-up
When the line is energized, the transIormer magnetization inrush current is seen as
diIIerential current by the line diIIerential protection and may cause malIunction oI
the protection iI not taken into account. The inrush situation may only be detected
on one end but the diIIerential current is always seen on both ends. The inrush
current includes high order harmonic components which can be detected and used
as the blocking criteria Ior the stabilized stage. The inrush detection inIormation is
changed between two ends so that Iast and saIe blocking oI the stabilized stage can
be issued on both ends.
GUlD-0383F2EF-18CC-45A0-A9BC-E04658981495 V1 EN
Figure 89: Blocking of line differential functions during detected transformer
startup current
II the protection stage is allowed to start during the inrush situation, the time delay
can be selected in such a way that the stabilized stage does not operate in the inrush
situation. Signals
Table 170: LNPLDF lnput signals
Name Type Default Description
l_LOC_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A local current
l_LOC_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B local current
l_LOC_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C local current
l_REM_A SlGNAL 0 Phase A remote current
Table continues on next page
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Name Type Default Description
l_REM_B SlGNAL 0 Phase B remote current
l_REM_C SlGNAL 0 Phase C remote current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for blocking the function
BLOCK_LS BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for blocking the stab. stage
ENA_MULT_HS BOOLEAN 0=False Enables the high stage multiplier
Table 171: LNPLDF Output signals
Name Type Description
OPERATE BOOLEAN Operate, local or remote, stabilized or
instantaneous stage
START BOOLEAN Start, local or remote
STR_LS_LOC BOOLEAN Start stabilized stage local
STR_LS_REM BOOLEAN Start stabilized stage remote
OPR_LS_LOC BOOLEAN Operate stabilized stage local
OPR_LS_REM BOOLEAN Operate stabilized stage remote
OPR_HS_LOC BOOLEAN Operate instantaneous stage local
OPR_HS_REM BOOLEAN Operate instantaneous stage remote
RSTD2H_LOC BOOLEAN Restraint due 2nd harmonics detected local
RSTD2H_REM BOOLEAN Restraint due 2nd harmonics detected remote
PROT_ACTlVE BOOLEAN Status of the protection, true when function is
operative Settings
Table 172: LNPLDF Group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
High operate value 200...4000 %ln 1 2000 lnstantaneous stage operate value
High Op value Mult 0.5...1.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the high stage
operate value
Low operate value 10...200 %ln 1 10 Basic setting for the stabilized stage start
End section 1 0...200 %ln 1 100 Turn-point between the first and the
second line of the operating
Slope section 2 10...50 % 1 50 Slope of the second line of the operating
End section 2 200...2000 %ln 1 500 Turn-point between the second and the
third line of the operating characteristics
Slope section 3 100...200 % 1 150 Slope of the third line of the operating
Operate delay time 45...200000 ms 1 45 Operate delay time for stabilized stage
Table continues on next page
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Technical Manual
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 1=ANSl Ext. inv.
3=ANSl Norm. inv.
5=ANSl Def. Time
9=lEC Norm. inv.
10=lEC Very inv.
12=lEC Ext. inv.
15=lEC Def. Time
15=lEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve for
stabilized stage
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.05 1.00 Time multiplier in lDMT curves
Start value 2.H 10...50 % 1 20 The ratio of the 2. harmonic component
to fundamental component required for
Table 173: LNPLDF Non group settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on
1=on Operation mode of the function
Restraint mode 1=None
1=None Selects what restraint modes are in use
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 0 Reset delay time for stabilized stage
Minimum operate time 45...60000 ms 1 45 Minimum operate time for stabilized
stage lDMT curves
CT ratio correction 0.200...5.000 0.001 1.000 Remote phase current transformer ratio
CT connection type 1=Type 1
2=Type 2
1=Type 1 CT connection type. Determined by the
directions of the connected current
transformers. Monitored data
Table 174: LNPLDF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
l_lNST_LOC_A FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xln Local phase A Amplitude
l_lNST_LOC_B FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xln Local phase B Amplitude
l_lNST_LOC_C FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xln Local phase C Amplitude
l_lNST_REM_A FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xln Remote phase A
Amplitude after
l_lNST_REM_B FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xln Remote phase B
Amplitude after
l_lNST_REM_C FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xln Remote phase C
Amplitude after
lDlFF_A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Differential current
phase A
lDlFF_B FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Differential current
phase B
Table continues on next page
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Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
lDlFF_C FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Differential current
phase C
lBlAS_A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Stabilization current
phase A
lBlAS_B FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Stabilization current
phase B
lBlAS_C FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Stabilization current
phase C
l_ANGL_DlFF_A FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Current phase angle
differential between local
and remote, phase A
l_ANGL_DlFF_B FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Current phase angle
differential between local
and remote, phase B
l_ANGL_DlFF_C FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Current phase angle
differential between local
and remote, phase C
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
LNPLDF Enum 1=on
lL1-diff-A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Measured differential
current amplitude phase
lL2-diff-A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Measured differential
current amplitude phase
lL3-diff-A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Measured differential
current amplitude phase
lL1-bias-A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Measured bias current
amplitude phase lL1
lL2-bias-A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Measured bias current
amplitude phase lL2
lL3-bias-A FLOAT32 0.00...80.00 xln Measured bias current
amplitude phase lL3 Technical data
Table 175: LNPLDF Technical data
Characteristics Value
Operation accuracy
Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: f
2 Hz
Low stage 2.5% of the set value
High stage 2.5% of the set value
Table continues on next page
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Characteristics Value
Minimum Typical Maximum
High stage, operate time
22 ms 25 ms 29 ms
Reset time < 40 ms
Reset ratio Typical 0.96
Retardation time (Low stage) < 40 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode 1.0% of the set value or 20 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode 5.0% of the set value or 20 ms
1) With the symmetrical communication channel (as when using dedicated fiber optic).
2) Without additional delay in the communication channel (as when using dedicated fiber optic).
3) lncluding the delay of the output contact. When differential current = 2 x High operate value and f
50 Hz.
4) Low operate value multiples in range of 1.5 to 20.
4.3.2 Transformer differential protection for two winding
transformers TR2PTDF ldentification
Function description lEC 61850
lEC 60617
ANSl/lEEE C37.2
device number
Transformer differential protection for
two winding transformers
TR2PTDF 3dl>T 87T Function block
GUlD-134E8524-738D-4232-A6BD-4C9BD2A62F8D V1 EN
Figure 90: Function block symbol Functionality
The transIormer diIIerential protection TR2PTDF is designed to protect two-
winding transIormers and generator-transIormer blocks. TR2PTDF includes low
biased and high instantaneous stages.
The biased low stage provides a Iast clearance oI Iaults while remaining stable with
high currents passing through the protected zone increasing errors on current
measuring. The second harmonic restraint, together with the waveIorm based
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algorithms, ensures that the low stage does not operate due to the transIormer
inrush currents. The IiIth harmonic restraint ensures that the low stage does not
operate on apparent diIIerential current caused by a harmless transIormer over-
The instantaneous high stage provides a very Iast clearance oI severe Iaults with a
high diIIerential current regardless oI their harmonics.
The setting characteristic can be set more sensitive with the aid oI tap changer
position compensation. The correction oI transIormation ratio due to the changes in
tap position is done automatically based on the tap changer status inIormation. Operation principle
The Iunction can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "OII".
The operation oI transIormer diIIerential protection can be described by using a
module diagram. All the modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.
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GUlD-3A506E19-4E77-4866-8EDC-6264823E1090 V1 EN
Figure 91: Functional module diagram. l_x1 and l_x2 represent the phase
currents of winding 1 and winding 2
Differential calculation
TR2PTDF operates phase-wisely on a diIIerence oI incoming and outgoing
currents. The positive direction oI the currents is towards the protected object.
GUlD-DABAB343-214F-4A86-ADC8-BFD8E64B25A7 V2 EN
Figure 92: Positive direction of the currents
= + 1 2
GUID-0B35503B-CA7D-4598-A1E4-59C9AA66012D V1 EN (Equation 17)
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In a normal situation, no Iault occurs in the area protected by TR2PTDF. Then the
currents I1 and I 2 are equal and the diIIerential current I
is zero. In practice,
however, the diIIerential current deviates Irom zero in normal situations. In the
power transIormer protection, the diIIerential current is caused by CT inaccuracies,
variations in tap changer position (iI not compensated), transIormer no-load current
and instantaneous transIormer inrush currents. An increase in the load current
causes the diIIerential current, caused by the CT inaccuracies and the tap changer
position, to grow at the same percentage rate.
In a biased diIIerential IED in normal operation or during external Iaults, the higher
the load current is the higher is the diIIerential current required Ior tripping. When
an internal Iault occurs, the currents on both sides oI the protected object are
Ilowing into it. This causes the biasing current to be considerably smaller, which
makes the operation more sensitive during internal Iaults.
1 2
GUID-1403DDDA-D840-4746-A925-F426AC7A8608 V1 EN (Equation 18)
II the biasing current drops below 30 percent oI the diIIerential current or iI the
phase angle between the winding 1 and winding 2 phase currents is less than 50
degrees, a Iault has most certainly occurred in the area protected by the diIIerential
IED. Then the operate value set Ior the instantaneous stage is automatically halved
and the internal blocking signals oI the biased stage are inhibited.
Transformer vector group matching
The phase diIIerence oI the winding 1 and winding 2 currents that is caused by the
vector group oI the power transIormer is numerically compensated. The matching
oI the phase diIIerence is based on the phase shiIting and the numerical delta
connection inside the relay. The Winaing 2 type parameter determines the
connections oI the phase windings on the low voltage side
('y,, yn, d, z, zn). Similarly, the Winaing 1 type parameter determines the
connection on winding 1 (Y, YN, D, Z, ZN).
The vector group matching can be implemented either on both, winding 1 and
winding 2, or only on winding 1 or winding 2, at intervals oI 30 with the Clock
number setting.
When the vector group matching is Yy0 and the CT connection type is according to
'Type 2, the phase angle oI the phase currents connected to the relay does not
change. When the vector group matching is Yy6, the phase currents are turned
180 in the relay.
Example 1
Vector group matching oI a Ynd11-connected power transIormer on winding 1, CT
connection type according to type 1. The Winaing 1 type setting is YN, Winaing
2 type is 'd and Clock number is 'Clk Num 11. This is compensated internally
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by giving winding 1 internal compensation value 30 and winding 2 internal
compensation value 0;
1 2
2 3
3 1

GUID-633921A4-D973-4BD2-BFDF-E9FF73C3B9E3 V1 EN (Equation 19)

Example 2
But iI vector group is Yd11 and CT connection type is according to type 1, the
compensation is a little diIIerent. The Winaing 1 type setting is Y, Winaing 2
type is 'd and Clock number is 'Clk Num 11. This is compensated internally by
giving winding 1 internal compensation value 0 and winding 2 internal
compensation value -30;
1 3
2 1
3 2

GUID-41089920-D9BF-4574-96FB-0B1F48019391 V1 EN (Equation 20)

The "Y" side currents stay untouched, while the "d" side currents are compensated
to match the currents actually Ilowing in the windings.
In this example there is no neutral current on either side oI the transIormer
(assuming there are no earthing transIormers installed). In the previous example,
however, the matching is done diIIerently to have the winding 1 neutral current
compensated at the same time.
Zero-sequence component elimination
II Clock number is 'Clk Num 4, 'Clk Num 6, 'Clk Num 8 or 'Clk Num 10,
the vector group matching is always done on both, winding 1 and winding 2. The
combination results in the correct compensation. In this case the zero-sequence
component is always removed Irom both sides automatically. The Zro A
elimination parameter cannot change this.
II Clock number is 'Clk Num 1, 'Clk Num 5", 'Clk Num 7 or 'Clk Num 11,
the vector group matching is done on one side only. A possible zero-sequence
component oI the phase currents at earth Iaults occurring outside the protection
area is eliminated in the numerically implemented delta connection beIore the
diIIerential current and the biasing current are calculated. This is why the vector
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group matching is almost always made on the star connected side oI the "Ynd" and
"Dyn" connected transIormers.
II Clock number is "Clk Num 0" or "Clk Num 6", the zero-sequence component oI
the phase currents is not eliminated automatically on either side. ThereIore the zero-
sequence component on the star connected side that is earthed at its star point has
to be eliminated by using the Zro A elimination parameter.
The same parameter has to be used to eliminate the zero-sequence component iI
there is, Ior example, an earthing transIormer on the delta-connected side oI the
"Ynd" power transIormer in the area to be protected. In this case, the vector group
matching is normally made on the side oI the star connection. On the side oI the
delta connection, the elimination oI the zero-sequence component has to be
separately selected.
By using the Zro A elimination parameter, the zero-sequence component oI the
phase currents is calculated and reduced Ior each phase current:
I I x I I I
I I x I I I
L m L L L L
L m L L L L
L m L
1 1 1 2 3
2 2 1 2 3
3 3
= + +
( )
= + +
( )
= + +
( )
1 2 3 x I I I L L L
GUID-398EDAFF-4A32-4C39-AD75-1F6D19B8FF48 V1 EN (Equation 21)
In many cases with the earthed neutral oI a "wye" winding, it is
possible to make the compensation so that a zero-sequence
component oI the phase currents is automatically eliminated. For
example, in a case oI a "Ynd" transIormer, the compensation is
made on the winding 1 side to automatically eliminate the zero-
sequence component oI the phase currents on that side (and the "d"
side does not have them). In those cases, explicit elimination is not
needed. This is taken into account in the table where the supported
transIormer vector groups are listed and the need Ior explicit zero-
sequence component elimination is stated.
Compensation of tap changer position
The position oI the tap changer used Ior voltage control can be compensated and
the position inIormation is provided Ior the protection Iunction through the tap
position indication Iunction TPOSSLTC1.
Typically, the tap changer is located within the high voltage winding, that is,
winding 1, oI the power transIormer. The Tappea winaing parameter speciIies
whether the tap changer is connected to the high voltage side winding or the low
voltage side winding. This parameter is also used to enable and disable the
automatic adaptation to the tap changer position. The possible values are 'Not in
use; 'Winding 1; 'Winding 2.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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The Tap nominal parameter tells the number oI the tap, which results in the
nominal voltage (and current). When the current tap position deviates Irom this
value, the input current values on the side where the tap changer resides are scaled
to match the currents on the other side.
A correct scaling is determined by the number oI steps and the direction oI the
deviation Irom the nominal tap and the percentage change in voltage resulting Irom
a deviation oI one tap step. The percentage value is set using the Step of tap parameter.
The operating range oI the tap changer is deIined by the Min winaing tap and Max
winaing tap parameters. The Min winaing tap parameter tells the tap position
number resulting in the minimum eIIective number oI winding turns on the side oI
the transIormer where the tap changer is connected. Correspondingly, the Max
winaing tap parameter tells the tap position number resulting in the maximum
eIIective number oI winding turns.
The Min winaing tap and Max winaing tap parameters help the tap position
compensation algorithm know in which direction the compensation is being made.
This ensures also that iI the current tap position inIormation is corrupted Ior some
reason, the automatic tap changer position adaptation does not try to adapt to any
unrealistic position values.
GUlD-317C68F8-A517-458A-A5D0-32FCE6C5F547 V1 EN
Figure 93: Simplified presentation of the high voltage and medium voltage
windings with demonstration of the Max winding tap, Min winding
tap and Tap nominal parameters
The position value is available through the Monitored data view on LHMI or
through other communication tools in the tap position indication Iunction. When
the quality oI the TAP_POS value is not good, the position inIormation in
TAP_POS is not used but the last value with the good quality inIormation is used
instead. In addition, the minimum sensitivity oI the biased stage, set by the Low
operate value setting, is automatically desensitized with the total range oI the tap
position correction. The new acting low operate value is
Desensitized Low operate value = Lowoperatevalue ABS MaxWi + ( nnding tap Minwinding tap Stepof tap )
GUID-2E5AD399-D8DD-4F64-A194-7540D55DB8ED V3 EN (Equation 22)
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Second harmonic blocking
The transIormer magnetizing inrush currents occur when energizing the
transIormer aIter a period oI de-energization. The inrush current can be many times
the rated current and the halving time can be up to several seconds. To the
diIIerential relay, the inrush current represents a diIIerential current, which would
cause the relay to operate almost always when the transIormer is connected to the
network. Typically, the inrush current contains a large amount oI second harmonics.
Blocking the operation oI the relay's biased low stage at a magnetizing inrush
current is based on the ratio oI the amplitudes oI the second harmonic digitally
Iiltered Irom the diIIerential current and the Iundamental Irequency (Id2I /Id1I).
The blocking also prevents unwanted operation at the recovery and sympathetic
magnetizing inrushes. At the recovery inrush, the magnetizing current oI the
transIormer to be protected increases momentarily when the voltage returns to
normal aIter the clearance oI a Iault outside the protected area. The sympathetic
inrush is caused by the energization oI another transIormer running in parallel with
the protected transIormer already connected to the network.
The ratio oI the second harmonic to a Iundamental component can vary
considerably between the phases. Especially when the delta compensation is done
Ior a Ynd1 connected transIormer and the two phases oI the inrush currents are
otherwise equal but opposite in phase angle, the subtraction oI the phases in a delta
compensation results in a very small second harmonic component.
Some measures have to be taken in order to avoid the Ialse tripping oI a phase
having too low a ratio oI the second harmonic to the Iundamental component. One
way could be to always block all the phases when the second harmonic blocking
conditions are IulIilled in at least one phase. The other way is to calculate the
weighted ratios oI the second harmonic to the Iundamental component Ior each
phase using the original ratios oI the phases. The latter option is used here. The
second harmonic ratios I2HRATx are given in monitored data.
The ratio to be used Ior second harmonic blocking is thereIore calculated as a
weighted average on the basis oI the ratios calculated Irom the diIIerential currents
oI the three phases. The ratio oI the concerned phase is oI most weight compared to
the ratios oI the other two phases. In this IED, iI the weighting Iactors are Iour, one
and one, Iour is the Iactor oI the phase concerned. The operation oI the biased stage
on the concerned phase is blocked iI the weighted ratio oI that phase is above the
set blocking limit Start value 2.H and iI blocking is enabled through the Restraint
moae parameter.
Using separate blocking Ior the individual phases and weighted averages calculated
Ior the separate phases provides a blocking scheme that is stable at the connection
inrush currents.
II the peak value oI the diIIerential current is very high, that is I
~ 12 p.u., the limit
Ior the second harmonic blocking is desensitized (in the phase in question) by
increasing it proportionally to the peak value oI the diIIerential current.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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Technical Manual
The connection oI the power transIormer against a Iault inside the protected area
does not delay the operation oI the tripping, because in such a situation the
blocking based on the second harmonic oI the diIIerential current is prevented by a
separate algorithm based on a diIIerent waveIorm and a diIIerent rate oI change oI
the normal inrush current and the inrush current containing the Iault current. The
algorithm does not eliminate the blocking at inrush currents, unless there is a Iault
in the protected area.
Normally, there are low current periods in the diIIerential current during inrush.
Also the rate oI change oI the diIIerential current is very low during these periods.
II these Ieatures are not present in the diIIerential current, it can be suspected that
there is a Iault in the transIormer. This second harmonic deblocking method is
used, Ior example, in the case oI switch on to a Iault. This Ieature can also be
enabled and disabled using the Harmonic aeblock 2.H parameter.
Fifth harmonic blocking
The inhibition oI relay operation in the situations oI overexcitation is based on the
ratio oI the IiIth harmonic and the Iundamental component oI the diIIerential
current (Id5I/Id1I). The ratio is calculated separately Ior each phase without
weighting . II the ratio exceeds the setting value oI Start value 5.H and iI blocking
is enabled through the Restraint moae parameter, the operation oI the biased stage
oI the relay in the concerned phase is blocked. The IiIth harmonic ratios
I5HRATx are given in monitored data.
At dangerous levels oI overvoltage, which can cause damage to the transIormer,
the blocking can be automatically eliminated. II the ratio oI the IiIth harmonic and
the Iundamental component oI the diIIerential current exceeds the Stop value 5.H
parameter, the blocking removal is enabled. The enabling and disabling oI
deblocking Ieature is also done through the Harmonic aeblock 5.H parameter.
GUlD-A97464D1-3085-4F27-B829-11EEC47CA654 V1 EN
Figure 94: The limits and operation of the fifth harmonic blocking when both
blocking and deblocking features are enabled using the Harmonic
deblock 5.H control parameter.
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The IiIth harmonic blocking has a hysteresis to avoid rapid Iluctuation between
"TRUE" and "FALSE". The blocking also has a counter, which counts the required
consecutive IulIillments oI the condition. When the condition is not IulIilled, the
counter is decreased (iI ~0).
Also the IiIth harmonic deblocking has a hysteresis and a counter which counts the
required consecutive IulIillments oI the condition. When the condition is not
IulIilled, the counter is decreased (iI ~0).
Waveform blocking
The biased low stage can always be blocked with waveIorm blocking. The stage
can not be disabled with the Restraint moae parameter. This algorithm has two
parts. The Iirst part is intended Ior external Iaults while the second is intended Ior
inrush situations. The algorithm has criteria Ior a low current period during inrush
where also the diIIerential current (not derivative) is checked.
Biased low stage
The current diIIerential protection needs to be biased because the possible
appearance oI a diIIerential current can be due to something else than an actual
Iault in the transIormer (or generator).
In the case oI transIormer protection, a Ialse diIIerential current can be caused by:
CT errors
Varying tap changer positions (iI not automatically compensated)
TransIormer no-load current
TransIormer inrush currents
TransIormer overexcitation in overvoltage
UnderIrequency situations
CT saturation at high currents passing through the transIormer.
The diIIerential current caused by CT errors or tap changer positions increases at
the same percent ratio as the load current.
In the protection oI generators, the Ialse diIIerential current can be caused by:
CT errors
CT saturation at high currents passing through the generator.
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GUlD-0E927DF9-5641-4CAE-B808-0B75EA09EA95 V1 EN
Figure 95: Operation logic of the biased low stage
The high currents passing through a protected object can be caused by the short
circuits outside the protected area, the large currents Ied by the transIormer in
motor startup or the transIormer inrush situations. ThereIore, the operation oI the
diIIerential relay is biased in respect to the load current. In a biased diIIerential
relay, the higher the diIIerential current required Ior the relay to operate, the higher
the load current.
The operating characteristic oI the biased low stage is determined by Low operate
value, Slope section 2 and the setting oI the second turning point oI the operating
characteristic curve, Ena section 2 (the Iirst turning point and the slope oI the last
part oI the characteristic are Iixed). The settings are the same Ior all the phases.
When the diIIerential current exceeds the operating value determined by the
operating characteristic, the diIIerential Iunction awakes. II the diIIerential current
stays above the operating value continuously Ior a suitable period, which is 1.1
times the Iundamental cycle, the OPR_LS output is activated. The OPERATE
output is always activated when the OPR_LS output is activated.
The stage can be blocked internally by the second or IiIth harmonic restraint, or by
special algorithms detecting inrush and current transIormer saturation at external
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Technical Manual
Iaults. When the operation oI the biased low stage is blocked by the second
harmonic blocking Iunctionality, the BLKD2H output is activated.
When operation oI the biased low stage is blocked by the IiIth harmonic blocking
Iunctionality, the BLKD5H output is activated. Correspondingly, when the
operation oI the biased low stage is blocked by the waveIorm blocking
Iunctionality, the BLKDWAV output is activated according to the phase inIormation.
When required, the operate outputs oI the biased low stage can be blocked by the
BLK_OPR_LS or BLOCK external control signals.
GUlD-EAAB6851-B6A9-4A69-B962-1725A4928D54 V2 EN
Figure 96: Operation characteristic for biased operation of the transformer
differential protection function TR2PTDF
The Low operate value oI the biased stage oI the diIIerential Iunction is determined
according to the operation characteristic:
Low operate value Id1
Slope section 2 is determined correspondingly:
Slope section Id Ib 2 2 2 100 = / %
GUID-D1C2CAED-3D58-4405-A79D-17B203A8D3A9 V3 EN (Equation 23)
The second turning point Ena section 2 can be set in the range oI 100 percent to
500 percent.
The slope oI the diIIerential Iunction's operating characteristic curve varies in the
diIIerent sections oI the range.
Section 4 1MRS756887 A
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In section 1(where 0 percent Ir Ib End section 1, End section 1 being Iixed
to 50 percent Ir), the diIIerential current required Ior tripping is constant. The
value oI the diIIerential current is the same as the Low operate value selected
Ior the Iunction. Low operate value basically allows the no-load current oI the
power transIormer and small inaccuracies oI the current transIormers, but it
can also be used to inIluence the overall level oI the operating characteristic.
At the rated current, the no-load losses oI the power transIormer are about 0.2
percent. II the supply voltage oI the power transIormer suddenly increases due
to operational disturbances, the magnetizing current oI the transIormer
increases as well. In general the magnetic Ilux density oI the transIormer is
rather high at rated voltage and a rise in voltage by a Iew percent causes the
magnetizing current to increase by tens oI percent. This should be considered
in Low operate value.
Section 2, where End section 1 Ib/In Ena section 2, is called the inIluence
area oI Slope section 2. In this section, variations in the starting ratio aIIect the
slope oI the characteristic, that is, how big a change in the diIIerential current
is required Ior tripping in comparison with the change in the load current. The
starting ratio should consider CT errors and variations in the transIormer tap
changer position (iI not compensated). Too high a starting ratio should be
avoided, because the sensitivity oI the protection Ior detecting inter-turn Iaults
depends basically on the starting ratio.
In section 3, where Ib/In ~ Ena section 2, the slope oI the characteristic is
constant. The slope is 100, which means that the increase in the diIIerential
current is equal to the corresponding increase in the biasing current.
GUlD-739E1789-778D-44BF-BD4A-6BD684BF041D V2 EN
Figure 97: Setting range for biased low stage
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II the biasing current drops below 30 percent oI the diIIerential current or the phase
angle between the winding 1 and winding 2 phase currents is less than 50 degrees,
a Iault has most likely occurred in the area protected by the diIIerential relay. Then
the internal blocking signals oI the biased stage are inhibited.
lnstantaneous high stage
The instantaneous high stage operation can be enabled and disabled using the
Enable high set setting. The corresponding parameter values are "TRUE" and
The operation oI the instantaneous high stage is not biased. The instantaneous stage
operates and the output OPR_HS is activated when the amplitude oI the
Iundamental Irequency component oI the diIIerential current exceeds the set High
operate value or when the instantaneous value oI the diIIerential current exceeds
2.5 times the value oI High operate value. The Iactor 2.5 (1.8 x 2) is due to the
maximum asymmetric short-circuit current.
II the biasing current drops below 30 percent oI the diIIerential current or the phase
angle between the winding 1 and winding 2 phase currents is less than 50 degrees,
a Iault has occurred in the area protected by the diIIerential relay. Then the operate
value set Ior the instantaneous stage is automatically halved and the internal
blocking signals oI the biased stage are inhibited.
GUlD-A348745B-42CC-49C7-A27A-D36B426DCB2B V1 EN
Figure 98: Operating characteristics of the protection. (LS) stands for the
biased low stage and (HS) for the instantaneous high stage
The OPERATE output is activated always when the OPR_HS output activates.
The internal blocking signals oI the diIIerential Iunction do not prevent the operate
signal oI the instantaneous diIIerential current stage. When required, the operate
outputs oI the instantaneous high stage can be blocked by the BLK_OPR_HS and
BLOCK external control signals.
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GUlD-9AACAC66-BF72-430C-AAC7-2E52C3DC4487 V1 EN
Figure 99: Operation logic of instantaneous high stage
Reset of the blocking signals (de-block)
All three blocking signals, that is, waveIorm and second and IiIth harmonic, have a
counter, which holds the blocking on Ior a certain time aIter the blocking
conditions have ceased to be IulIilled. The deblocking takes place when those
counters have elapsed. This is a normal case oI deblocking.
The blocking signals can be reset immediately iI a very high diIIerential current is
measured or iI the phase diIIerence oI the compared currents (the angle between
the compared currents) is over 130 degrees aIter the automatic vector group
matching has been made. This does not, however, reset the counters holding the
blockings, so the blocking signals may return when these conditions are not valid
External blocking functionality
TR2PTDF has three inputs Ior blocking.
When the BLOCK input is active ("TRUE"), the operation oI the Iunction is
blocked but measurement output signals are still updated.
When the BLK_OPR_LS input is active ("TRUE"), TR2PTDF operates
normally except that the OPR_LS output is not active or activated in any
circumstance. Additionally, the OPERATE output can be activated only by the
instantaneous high stage (iI not blocked as well).
When the BLK_OPR_HS input is active ("TRUE"), TR2PTDF operates
normally except that the OPR_HS output is not active or activated in any
circumstance. Additionally, the OPERATE output can be activated only by the
biased low stage (iI not blocked as well). Application
TR2PTDF is a unit protection Iunction serving as the main protection Ior
transIormers in case oI winding Iailure. The protective zone oI a diIIerential
protection includes the transIormer, the bus-work or the cables between the current
transIormer and the power transIormer. When bushing current transIormers are
1MRS756887 A Section 4
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used Ior the diIIerential IED, the protective zone does not include the bus work or
cables between the circuit breaker and the power transIormer.
In some substations, there is a current diIIerential protection Ior the busbar. The
busbar protection includes bus work or cables between the circuit breaker and the
power transIormer. Internal electrical Iaults are very serious and cause immediate
damage. Short circuits and earth Iaults in windings and terminals are normally
detected by the diIIerential protection. II enough turns are short-circuited, the
interturn Iaults, which are Ilashovers between the conductors within the same
physical winding, are also detected. The interturn Iaults are the most diIIicult
transIormer-winding Iaults to detect with electrical protections. A small interturn
Iault including a Iew turns results in an undetectable amount oI current until the
Iault develops into an earth Iault. ThereIore, it is important that the diIIerential
protection has a high level oI sensitivity and that it is possible to use a sensitive
setting without causing unwanted operations Ior external Iaults.
It is important that the Iaulty transIormer is disconnected as Iast as possible. As
TR2PTDF is a unit protection Iunction, it can be designed Ior Iast tripping, thus
providing a selective disconnection oI the Iaulty transIormer. TR2PTDF should
never operate to Iaults outside the protective zone.
TR2PTDF compares the current Ilowing into the transIormer to the current leaving
the transIormer. A correct analysis oI Iault conditions by TR2PTDF must consider
the changes to voltages, currents and phase angles. The traditional transIormer
diIIerential protection Iunctions required auxiliary transIormers Ior the correction
oI the phase shiIt and turns ratio. The numerical microprocessor based diIIerential
algorithm implemented in TR2PTDF compensates Ior both the turns ratio and the
phase shiIt internally in the soItware.
The diIIerential current should theoretically be zero during normal load or external
Iaults iI the turns ratio and the phase shiIt are correctly compensated. However,
there are several diIIerent phenomena other than internal Iaults that cause
unwanted and Ialse diIIerential currents. The main reasons Ior unwanted
diIIerential currents are:
Mismatch due to varying tap changer positions
DiIIerent characteristics, loads and operating conditions oI the current
Zero sequence currents that only Ilow on one side oI the power transIormer
Normal magnetizing currents
Magnetizing inrush currents
Overexcitation magnetizing currents.
TR2PTDF is designed mainly Ior the protection oI two-winding transIormers.
TR2PTDF can also be utilized Ior the protection oI generator-transIormer blocks as
well as short cables and overhead lines. II the distance between the measuring
points is relatively long in line protection, interposing CTs can be required to
reduce the burden oI the CTs.
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GUlD-B326703C-3645-4256-96AD-DA87FC9E9C67 V1 EN
Figure 100: Differential protection of a generator-transformer block and short
TR2PTDF can also be used in three-winding transIormer applications or two-
winding transIormer applications with two output Ieeders.
On the double-Ieeder side oI the power transIormer, the current oI the two CTs per
phase must be summed by connecting the two CTs oI each phase in parallel.
Generally this requires the interposing CTs to handle the vector group and/or ratio
mismatch between the two windings/Ieeders.
The accuracy limit Iactor Ior the interposing CT must IulIill the same requirements
as the main CTs. Please note that the interposing CT imposes an additional burden
to the main CTs.
The most important rule in these applications is that at least 75 percent oI the short-
circuit power has to be Ied on the side oI the power transIormer with only one
connection to the IED.
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GUlD-799588E3-C63F-4687-98C5-FF48284676DF V1 EN
Figure 101: Differential protection of a three-winding transformer and a
transformer with two output feeders
Transforming ratio correction of CTs
The CT secondary currents oIten diIIer Irom the rated current at the rated load oI
the power transIormer. The CT transIorming ratios can be corrected on both sides
oI the power transIormer with the CT ratio Cor Wna 1 and CT ration Cor Wna 2
First, the rated load oI the power transIormer must be calculated on both sides
when the apparent power and phase-to-phase voltage are known.
GUID-B5467DB8-17EB-4D09-A741-1F5BB23466AA V1 EN (Equation 24)
rated load of the power transformer
rated power of the power transformer
rated phase-to-phase voltage
Next, the settings Ior the CT ratio correction can be calculated.
CT ratio correction =
GUID-F5F45645-C809-4F99-B783-751C8CC822BF V1 EN (Equation 25)
nominal primary current of the CT
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