Ciprofloxacin Cipro
Ciprofloxacin Cipro
Ciprofloxacin Cipro
Classification Dose Route Time/frequency antibiotic fluoroquinalone 400 mg IV Q 12 hr Duration Normal Dosage Range 12 hr 400 mg Q 12 hr For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and/or solutions Recommended temporary suspension of other fluids when administering Cipro.
Why is your patient getting this medication: May be used for intra-abdominal infections
Mechanism of action and indications: (Why med ordered.) Rx inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis by inhibiting DNA gyrase. Therapeutic effect: death of susceptible bacteria.
Nursing Implications (what to focus on) Contraindications/warnings/interactions Hypersensitivity. Geri: Increased risk of adverse reactions.
Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal medicines (ask patient specifically): MOM may decrease the absorption of Cipro
Common side effects: CNS: SEIZURES, dizziness, H/A, insomnia, acute psychosis, agitation, confusion, drowsiness. GI: PSEUDOMEMBRANOUS COLITIS, diarrhea, N/V, abdominal pain, increased LFTs. Derm: photosensitivity, rash. Endo: hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia. MS: tendinitis, tendon rupture. Misc: hypersensitivity reactions: ANAPHYLAXIS, STEVENSJOHNSON SYDROME Lab value alterations caused by medicine: May increase serum AST, ALT, LDH, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase. May increase or decrease serum glucose. Be sure to teach the patient the following about this medication: May take with food to decrease GI irritation. Take 1 hour before or 2 hours after dairy products. Encourage pt to maintain fluid intake of at least 1500- 2000 ml /day to prevent crystalluria. Report signs of superinfection; (furry tongue, loose stools.) Assessment Evaluation Why would you hold or not give this Check after giving med? Resolution of S/S of infection, No signs of superinfection. Signs of tendon pain, swelling, redness. Severe rash, pruritis. Severe diarrhea, signs of pseudomembranous colitis.
Nursing Process- Assessment (Pre-administration assessment) Vital signs, Observe for signs of anaphylaxis, tendon pain.