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3INGULAR2ECOLLECTIONv BY*AMYANG+HYENTSE7ANGPO THE VERY CONCISE METHOD OF ACCOMPLISHMENT OF SHRI CAKRASAMVARA A SINGULAR RECOLLECTION by jamyang Khyentse Vangpo The very concise method of accomplishment of the Shri Calrasamvara of Krisna, A S ingular Recollection. 'The method of accomplishment of Calrasamvara, this Single Recollection was comp osed by a follower of Krisnacarya, may the merit accomplish the two purposes. Vritten by Guru Manjughosha according to the intent of the holy words of Tsechen jSachen Kunga] Nyingpo (1092-1158) together with the Lineage Holders. May it be virtuous and good, mangalam. jVritten by jamyang Khyentse Vangpo (1820-1892). The Collected Vorls of the Grea t jamyang Khyentse Vangpo, vol.7, fol.215-22. Gyud de Kun Tus, vol.25, folios 11-19 . Abbreviated prayers and mantras have been extended. Translated by jeff Vatt, Oct ober 14, 1989, Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Rev. june 18, 1999. Edited by Lama Kunga Tharts Rinpoche and arranged for printing by Volfgang Saumweber, May 2003 (rev. 2/2004). This sadhana was ditributed to the paricipants of the Chalrasamvara Empowerment His Holiness Salya Trizin gave during his visit to the United States and Canada in summer 2003. 0RELIMINARIES /-36!34)3)$$(!In the completely frm fabric of the innate, Homage to the Guru Heruka - performing the vow. The method of accomplishment of the yoga of the Singular Recollection is explain ed. A practitioner having obtained the empowerment in the mandala of Shri Cakrasamvara and with pure pledges and vows, at the occasion of a beginner, learning the levels of the Generation Stage, unable to meditate on the complete circle of the mandala but wishing to m editate in a manner gathering the continuity of the yoga, should practice the yoga of the Sin gle Recollection in the manner of the three. preliminary, main section, conclusion. The frst has two parts. common and uncommon. #OMMON0RELIMINARIES 2EFUGEAND%NLIGHTENMENT4HOUGHT In pleasant surroundings imagine in the sky in front of you the objects of refug e - with Guru Cakrasamvara as the central fgure - and invite them. Imagine yuorself and o thers having gone for refuge through the three doors. Perform both the Refuge and Enli ghtenment

Thought, whatever is suitable, the extensive or concise. I ano otheis, all beings equal to space, Fiom this time foith until the heait of enlightenment is ieacheo; To the holy Root Guiu ano Lineage, Essence of all booy, speech, mino, qualities ano activities Of all tathagatas of the ten oiiections ano thiee times; Souice of the eighty-foui thousano aiticles of Dhaima Ano mastei of all the noble Sangha; To the gloiious holy Guiu I go foi iefuge. To the complete bhagavan Buoohas I go foi iefuge. To the holy Dhaima I go foi iefuge. To the noble Sangha I go foi iefuge. Recite as much as possible with folded hands. To the Guiu ano Thiee Piecious Jewels, I bow ano go foi iefuge; I piay, may you bless my continuum. Think. the source of refuge melts into light and dissolves into yourself. Foi the beneft of all beings I must obtain the state of complete buoohahooo; foi that puipose I piactice the methoo of the piofouno path. Recite three times the Enlightenment Thought. jTo elaborate, perform the meditat ion-recitation of Heruka Vajrasattva]. 5NCOMMON0RELIMINARIES The Uncommon Preliminaries have two parts, jthe accumulation of merit and the ac cumulation of wisdom]. 4HE#OLLECTIONOFTHE!CCUMULATIONSOF-ERIT /-!((5-(!(/(2)( Bless the 'inner offering - imagine tasting with the left ring fnger. 3(2)(%25+!!(!SHRI is non-dual wisdom. HE is the emptiness of causality. RU is free of accumul ation. KA is indeterminability - say and remember. In my heait fiom AH aiises a moon oisc, in the mioole is the mino - the essence of the fve wisooms - as a blue HUM. Fiom that, iays of light shine foith flling the insioe of the booy puiifying all sins ano obscuiations. The booy becomes a mass of light. Fiom a tiansfoimation of that, instantly I become Cakiasamvaia togethei with the Mothei. In the heait, fiom HUM iays of light shine foith to the Guiu ano hos t of Cakiasamvaia oeities, all gatheieo in the sky in fiont. /-6!*2!3!-!*!( Invite the assembly, .!-/'525"(9!( .!-!(3(2)#!+2!3!-6!2!-!.$!,!"(9!( with mudra. /-3!26!4!4(!'!4!3(2)#!+2!3!-6!2!-!.$!,! 3!0!2)7!2!!2'(!-0!$9!-053(0%$(50% !,/+%'(!.$(%.!)6)$9%3(!0$!!((5Offer thus. In the Thiee Jewels I go foi iefuge, Confessing inoivioually all sins; Rejoicing in the viitue of beings; Holoing in mino the enlightenment of buooha. In the Buooha, Dhaima ano Excellent Community, Until enlightenment, I go foi iefuge. In oioei to accomplish the beneft of myself ano otheis, I give iise to the enlightenment thought;

Giving iise to this thought of supieme enlightenment, I invite all beings. Peifoiming the pleasing piactice of the supieme conouct of enlightenment, May I obtain buoohahooo foi the beneft of beings. Recite three times. Think that the collection dissolves into oneself. 4HE#OLLECTIONOFTHE!CCUMULATIONSOF7ISDOM /-36!"(!6!3(5$$(!3!26!$(!2-!36!"(!6! 3(5$$(/@(!/-3(5.9!4!*.!.!6!*2!36!"(!6!!4-!+/@(!Meditate on all dharmas included in subject-object as the nature of emptiness an d clear light. -AIN0RACTICE The Main Section has two parts, I. Deity Meditation and II. Mantra Recitation. T he frst has four parts. 1. Approximation, 2. Near Attainment, 3. Attainment and 4. Great Att ainment. )$EITY-EDITATION !PPROXIMATION Fiom the state of emptiness, in the sky in fiont, is the essence of mino as a naoa, fiom that a binou, fiom that a moon, fiom that the heao of HA, the tiunk ano U, the syllable HUM is establisheo. Fiom unoeineath aiises a lotus, in the mioole, fiom RAM, comes a sun, in the mioole of that aie Yama ano Kalaiatii togethei as a seat. In the mioole, ciicling to the left, is the essence of the thiity-two majoi maik s of the Buooha: !!)))55(2)2)(,),)(%!)/!5!-!( Repeated twice. Fiom the oissolution aiises a moon as the miiioi-like wisoom. In the mioole, ciicling to the iight, is the essence of the eighty minoi examples of peifection : +!+(!'!'(!.'!#!#(!*!*(!.9!4!4(!$!$(!.!4! 4(!$!$(!.!0!0(!"!"(!-!9!2!,!6!3(!3(!3!(! +3(!(9!2!,!6!$!$(! Repeated twice. Fiom the oissolution aiises a sun oisc as the wisoom of equality. Between the two, fiom HUM ano AM aiise a vajia ano cuiveo knife, as the wisoom of oisciimination, maikeo with a HUM ano AM. Gatheieo in Fiom a complete tiansfoimation of that foim, the essence of the wisoom of the ohaimaohatu, I aiise as Shii Cakiasamvaia with a booy blue in coloi, foui faces ano twelve hanos. The main face is blue, left face ieo, back face yellow ano iight face white. Each face has thiee eyes ano foui baieo fangs. The fist two hanos holo a vajia ano bell embiacing the mothei. The lowei two holo an elephant skin out-stietcheo; thiio iight a oamaiu, fouith an axe, ffth a tiioent, sixth a cuiveo knife. The thiio left holo s a katvanga maikeo with a vajia; fouith a vajia lasso, ffth a blooo flleo skullcup, sixth caiiies the foui-faceo heao of Biahma. The iight leg is stiaight ano piess es on the bieast of ieo Kalaiatii; left bent ano piessing on the heao of black Yama . The haii is tieo in a topknot on the ciown of the heao; on the ciest a wish-fulf lling jewel oinament ano ciescent moon. The soft spot at the top of the heao is maikeo with a visvavajia. Each heao has a ciown of fve oiy human skulls; a necklace of ffty fiesh heaos ano six bone oinaments; weaiing a lowei gaiment of tige i

skin; possesseo of the nine emotions of oancing; giace, feailessness ano uglines s; laughtei, feiocity ano fiightfulness; compassion, fuiy ano peacefulness. In the lap is the Mothei Vajia Vaiahi, with a booy ieo in coloi, one face, two h anos ano thiee eyes. The left holos a blooo flleo skullcup embiacing the Fathei ano the iight a cuiveo knife in a thieatening gestuie pointeo in all oiiections. The haii is woin pileo on the heao; a ciown of fve oiy human skulls ano ffty oiy as a necklace. The left leg is stiaight ano iight bent, embiacing the Fathei. Both Fa theiMothei stano in the mioole of a blazing fie of piistine awaieness. 4HENCONCENTRATEONTHEFOURFACESCIRCLINGFROMTHELEFT /-35-"(!.)35-"(!(5-(5-0(!4 /-'2)(.!'2)(.!(5-(5-0(!4 /-'2)(.!0!9!'2)(.!0!9!(5-(5-0(!4 /-!.!9!(/("(!'!6!.6)$9!2!*!(5-(5-0(!4 4HEMANTRASPROCEEDFROMTHEFOURFACESANDTHENCONCENTRATEONTHEENTIREBODY /-$(!2-!$(!4536!"(!6!!4-!+/@(!2ECITE .EAR!TTAINMENT 0LACEEACHUPONMOONDISCS In the Fathei's heait is OM OM HA white Vajiasattva; on his heao OM NAMA HI yellow Vaiiocana; on his ciown of the heao OM SVAHA HU ieo Paomanaitesvaia; on his two shouloeis OM BOSHATA HE black Heiuka; on his two eyes OM HUM HUM HO ieo Vajia Suiya; on the eight main joints OM PHAT HAM gieen Asvapaiam. At the Motheis navel is OM OM VAM ieo Vajia Vaiahi; on hei heait OM HAM YAM blue Yama; on hei mouth OM HRIM MOM white Mohani; on hei ciown of the heao OM HREM HRIM yellow Kshobani; on hei top of the heao OM HUM HUM gieen Bhaiiavi; on hei eight main joints OM PHAT PHAT gieen Canoika. 3AY Non-oually at the Fathei's place is the Mothei ano at the Mothei's place the Fat hei. 3. Attunment At the Fathei's heait above a moon oisc fiom a blue HUM is Cittavajia; at his thioat OM HRIH HA HA HUM HUM PHAT ieo Vagvajia; at his foieheao OM SHRI VAJRA HE HE RU RU KAM HUM HUM PHAT DAKINI JALA SAMVARA SVAHA white Kayavajia. At the Mothei's heait is OM SARVA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA VARNANIYE HUM HUM PHAT PHAT SVAHA blue Cittavajia; at hei thioat OM CAURI HUM HUM PHAT ieo Vagvajia; at hei foieheao OM VAJRA VAIROCANIYE HUM HUM SVAHA white Kayavajia. Both the Fathei-Mothei have at the top of the heao as OM white Vaiiocana; thioat ieo AH Amitabha; heait blue HUM Akshobhya; navel yellow SVA Ratnasambhava; seciet maik gieen HA Amoghasioohi. 4. The Greut Attunment 3AYWHILEDOINGTHEmAMINGMUDRA PHAIM! Fiom my heait iays of light shine foith to the natuial abooe of all buoohas, boo hisattvas, viias ano oakas in the aspect of Cakiasamvaia Fathei-Mothei. PHAIM!

VAJRA SAMAJAH. OM SARVA TATHAGATA SHRI CAKRASAMVARA MANDALA SAPARIWARA ARGHAM PRATICCHA SVAHA, PADYAM PRATICCHA SVAHA, VAJRA PUSHPE AH HUM, VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM, VAJRA ALOKE AH HUM, VAJRA GHANDHE AH HUM, VAJRA NAIVIDYE AH HUM, VAJRA SHAPDA AH HUM. /FFERTHUS JAH HUM BAM HOH. $ISSOLVE0ERFORMTHELOTUSCIRCLING;MUDRA=ANDEMBRACE OM YOGA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA YOGA SHUDDHO 'HAM. PHAIM! Fiom my heait iays of light shine foith to the Five Families of Conseciation Dei ties ano the Sixty-two Deity Cakiasamvaia having aiiiveo in the sky in fiont. OM SARVA TATHAGATA SHRI CAKRASAMVARA MANDALA SAPARIWARA ARGHAM PRATICCHA SVAHA, PADYAM PRATICCHA SVAHA, VAJRA PUSHPE AH HUM, VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM, VAJRA ALOKE AH HUM, VAJRA GHANDHE AH HUM, VAJRA NAIVIDYE AH HUM, VAJRA SHAPDA AH HUM, Offer as from before. I iequest you bestow conseciation upon me. jThe tathagatas say.] 'Just as Buooha] was batheo by goos when he was boin, likewise, with puie watei of goos we will conseciate you.' Say. OM SARVA TATHAGATA ABHISHEKATA SAMAYA SHRIYE HUM. Watei fiom the conseciation vases flls the entiie booy puiifying obscuiations. The excess watei oveiows ano Akshobhya aooins the heaos of both the FatheiMothei. Meditate upon that. Then perform the ancillary offerings. OM SARVA TATHAGATA SHRI CAKRASAMVARA MANDALA SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUSHPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GHANDHE, NAIVIDYE, SHAPDA AH HUM. Consecrate the Inner Offering. OM SHRI VAJRA HE HE RU RU KAM HUM HUM PHAT, DAKINI JALA SAMVARA SVAHA, OM VAJRA VAIROCANIYE HUM HUM PHAT SVAHA. Think of the Father-Mother in a blissfully ecstatic meditative state and say. OM SARVA TATHAGATA ANURAGATA VAJRA SVABHAVA ATMAKO 'HAM. Say thus - the secret offering. The view of the divine pride of the deitys body i s to apprehend with the mind, single pointedly, the nature of clear appearance. ))-ANTRA2ECITATION Fiom the heait of the Fathei the mantia gailano aiises. It passes fiom the mouth into the mouth of the Mothei, ano oescenoing thiough the booy it exits thiough the lotus ano enteis the vajia of the Fathei. Passing thiough the booy it oissol ves in the HUM - ceaselessly ciicling. Rays of light shine foith inoucing ano stabil izing the piistine awaieness of gieat bliss. /-3(2)6!*2!(%(%2525+!-(5-(5-0(!4 $!+).)*!,!3!-6!2!6!*2!6!)2/#!.)9%(5-(5-0(!4 36!(! Recite the main non-dual essence of the Father-Mother. If desired recite the roo t and near essence mantras as known from the long sadhana.

To fnish, pray with folded hands. May all beings ano I be blesseo with the booy, speech, mino, qualities ano activ ities of all the sugatas. May we be blesseo to quickly obtain the accomplishment of supieme mahamuoia, the stage of Shii Cakiasamvaia. Perform the Hundred Syllable Mantra of Heruka to make frm the blessing. For the meditation of the Perfection Stage refer to the commentaries. )))#ONCLUSION At the places of myself, above moon oiscs aie: /-/-(!/-.!-!()/-36!(!(5/-"/3(!4!(%/-(5(5-(//-0(!4(!-/-/-6!-/-(!-9!-/-(2)-!-/-(2%-(2)-/-(5-(5-/-0(!40(!4 That is the armor of the Father-Mother. Together with mudras recite twice the Ma ntra of Four Faces to protect the environment, above and below, with mantra. /-35-"(!.)35-"(!(5-(5-0(!4 /-'2)(.!'2)(.!(5-(5-0(!4 /-'2)(.!0!9!'2)(.!0!9!(5-(5-0(!4 /-!.!9!(/("(!'!6!.6)$9!2!*!(5-(5-0(!4 Know the three - appearance, renown and conceptuality as the state of the deity, mantra and pristine awareness. Thiough this meiit quickly may I attain the stage of Cakiasamvaia ano place upon that stage all beings without exception. At the time of oeath, with a host of loios ano viias, oweis, paiasols ano banneis helo aloft, with the offeiings of pleasant music, cymbals, ano the like; may I be leo to the Realm of Khecaia. By the ieal goooess, ieal commitments ano also the ieal woios of Dhaima, by that excellent tiuth; may those goooesses take caie of me. Between sessions enter into the path of daily activities. #AKRASAMVARA-ANTRAS #AKRASAMVARA&ATHERAND-OTHER%SSENCE-ANTRA OM SHRI VAJRA HE HE RU RU KAM HUM HUM PHAT, OM SARVA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA VARNNANIYE HUM HUM PHAT SVAHA. &ATHERAND-OTHER.EAR%SSENCE-ANTRA OM HRIH HA HA HUM HUM PHAT, OM VAJRA VAIROCANIYE HUM HUM PHAT. &ATHER%SSENCE-ANTRA OM SHRI VAJRA HE HE RU RU KAM HUM HUM PHAT, DAKINI JALA SAMVARA SVAHA. &ATHER.EAR%SSENCE-ANTRA OM HRIH HA HA HUM HUM PHAT. -OTHER%SSENCE-ANTRA OM SARVA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA VARNANNIYE HUM HUM PHAT SVAHA. -OTHER.EAR%SSENCE-ANTRA OM VAJRA VAIROCANIYE HUM HUM PHAT SVAHA. -OTHER.EAR%SSENCE%SSENCE-ANTRA OM CAURI HUM HUM PHAT. 4HE&OUR$AKINIS-ANTRAS OM DAKINIYE HUM HUM PHAT. OM LAMAYE HUM HUM PHAT. OM KHANDAROHE HUM HUM PHAT. OM RUPINIYE HUM HUM PHAT. "LESSINGAND!CTIVITY-ANTRAS4HE-ANTRAOFTHE&OUR&ACES OM SUMBHA NISUMBHA HUM HUM PHAT, OM GRIHNA GRIHNA HUM HUM PHAT, OM GRIHNAPAYA GRIHNAPAYA HUM HUM PHAT, OM ANAYA HOH BHAGAVAN VIDYARAJA HUM HUM PHAT.

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