s) has said, when a person recites the following ten times before the sunrise and before the sunset every day, all his sins committed on that day will be pardoned:
La ilaha il Allaho wahdahu la shareeka lahu lahul mulko wa lahul hamdo yohi wa yumeeto wa yohi wa huwa hayyun la yamooto be yadahil khaire wa huwa ala kulle shaiyin qadeer
Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) has said, One who recites the Salawat on Mohammed and his progeny ten times at dawn and repeats the following words
Subhan Allah ( 35 times) La ilaha il Allah (35 times) Alhamdu lillah (35 times)
And repeats the same at dusk, then he will be counted as those who are busy supplicating to Allah throughout the day. And one who says allaho Akbar a hundred times at dawn and at dusk, he will get Reward equal to releasing a hundred slaves. It is narrated that the Prophet of Allah (a.s.) used to recite three hundred and sixty times every dawn and dusk the following Alhamdu lillahi rabbilaalimeen
He (a.s.) said that there are 360 veins in the human body. Of them 180 are mobile and the other 180 are static. If, even one mobile vein becomes static, or any of the static veins becomes mobile, then the person doesnt get the sleep and remains restless the whole night. He should therefore regularly recite the invocation mentioned above. Hazrat Ameer al Momineen has said that anyone who recited three times the following words every morning and evening, then Allah will certainly enter him into the Heaven:
Razaito billahi rabban wa bilislame deenan wa Muhammadin sal allaho alaihi wa aalehi nabian wa bil qurane balaghan wa be aliyin imaman wa bil ausiayo min wuldehe aayimatan
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (a.s.) has said that one who recites the following words 25 times every day, then Allah will write one virtue in the names of all the momins from Adam (a.s.) till the Day of Reckoning and to that individual he will Reward equal to that of all the momins:
Dua Jam'e (complete & concise) This is a complete & concise dua to be repeatedly recited for any need.
"Bismillahir rahmanir rahim Alhamdo lillahii ala kulle ne'matay,wa astaghfirullaha min kullay zambin,wa
asaluha min kulle khair,wa auzu billahi min kulle sharr" Thank you Allah swt for all the blessings ,Oh Allah Forgive all our sins,give us all that is good & keep us away from all that is bad
Small But complete dua
"Allahumma inne asaloka wal amaan e wal imaan fid dunya wal akhera"
Oh Allah I ask of you peace & faith in this world & in the hereafter Dua Ne'mul Badal Janabe Umme Salma was widowed in medina & in difficulty when she requested the Prophet(pbuh) for a dua. The prophet asked her to recite this Dua As a consequence she became the wife of the Best human being on earth! ,when there was NO hope of earning respect & a decent living.
"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raje oon .Allahummajalni farajawn wa makhrajan war zuqni khaira min haiso ahtasibo wa min haiso la ahtasib , be haqqe Mohammadin wa ale mohammad" ..Let my affairs be free from care & make them profitable & give me means of livelihood from my share & from where I have no expectation..
Miscellaneous Duas .. DU'A AT THE TIME OF DISTRESS
"Jazaakallaahu khairaa."
May Allah (SWT) return your kindness.
"Rabbighfir lii wa liwaalidayya wa lilmu"miniina yauma yaquumul'hisaab, Rabbirhamhumaa kamaa rabbayaanii shaghiiraa."
O Lord, forgive me, my parents and Muslims in the Hereafter. O Lord, show mercy on them as they have nourished me when I was young. DU'A BEFORE STUDYING
DU'A FOR KNOWLEDGE "Rabbi Zid-Nee 'iL-Maa" My Lord, increase me in Knowledge. Three Short Duas from Imam Taqi Al Jawad(as) Reference: Du`a Nos. 3, 15 and 5 respectively from As-Saheefatul Jawaadiyyah (A Collection of Du`aas from the ninth Imam Muhammad b. `Ali al-Jawaad). The above Saheefah is contained in As-Saheefatur Radhawiyyah Al-Jaami`ah, Muassis aImam al-Mahdee (a), Qum, 1420 1.When Invoking the Tawheed of Allah swt every morning and evening Allaahu, Allaahu, Rabbee, ArraHmaanur-raHeem, laa ushriku bihi
shay'aa Allah, Allah, my Lord, the Most Gracious [and] the Most Merciful I do not associate anything with Him. 2. When asking relief from every anxiety and grief
Yaa man yakfee min kulli shay' Walaa yakfee munhu shay' Ikfinee maa ahammanee mimaa anaa feeh.
O He who is sufficent from all things But nothing is sufficient from Him Be sufficient for me in what worries me in the state I am. 3. When thanking Allah for creating us and dignifying us (over other creatures)
AlHamdu lillaahil-ladhee khlaqanaa min noorihee biyadih waSTafaanaa mim bariyyatih waja`lanaa umnaa-ahu `alaa khalqihee wa-waHyih
Praise be to Allah who created us from His Light with His hand And digified us over His creatures And made us trustees of His creation and His revelation. Four Simple Effective Quranic Duas-
Imam Jafar e Sadiq (as) had expressed surprise ,that why when in need Momins DO NOT use the 4 SIMPLE EFFECTIVE DUAS AVAILABLE TO THEM .
These are quranic ayats ,immediately(fa) after these ayats follows that ayat which is the solution for the problem so we recite only the previous part of the ayat.(ie the transliterated part) 1. To overcome fear of Authority/ruler
Wa Ufawwizu Amree ilallaah inallaaha baseerun bil ibad (Ch. Al-Ghafir, or Mumin (40), vs. 44)
So you shall remember what I say to you, and I entrust my affair to Allah, Surely Allah sees the servants.
Mashaallahu laa Quwwata illa billah" (Ch. Al-Kahf (18), vs. 39)
And wherefore did you not say when you entered your garden: It is as Allah has pleased, there is no power save in Allah? If you consider me to be inferior to you in wealth and children
3. For Sorrows/sufferings
La ila ha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimeen(Ch. Al-Anbiya (21): vs. 87)
And Yunus, when he went away in wrath, so he thought that We would not straiten him, so he called out among afflictions: There is no god but Thou,
4. Other issues/Needs
There are some preconditions for it to be accepted ,eg:a person is to be married before he can pray & wish for a child.:a. Taqwa -Fear of Allah swt b. Efforts & Perseverance.Efforts like that of Hajra between safa & Marwah & Patience in not giving up & continuing upto 7 rounds c. Conviction that it can work & not an attitude of 'what can one line do' This will inshallah result in rewards beyond imagination ,like zam zam though what was asked was only a cupful!
DUA'A 66 According to Mulla Muhsin Kashani if the following du-a'as are recited, as mentioned for every day separately, there will be a noticeable increase in the means of livelihood. Recite each du-a'a 1000 times.
O Allah, send blessings on
There is no god save You, the true and manifest sovereign
Al-hamdu llilahi rabb il lamn wa salallahu ala saydin Muhamamdin wa al lihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Nawaytu al-taalluma wa talma wat tadhakkara wa-tadhkr wa nafa wal intif wal-ifdah wal istifdah wal-hath ala_tamassuki bi kitbillahi wa sunnati ruslihi wa du il al-hud wa dallata alal khayri wabtighha waj hillhi wa mardtihi wa qurbihi wa thawbihi subhnahu wa tala. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And salutations and greetings upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions. I intend to study and teach, take and give a reminder, take and give benefit, take and give advantage, to encourage the holding fast to the book of Allah and the way of His messenger, and calling to guidance and directing towards good, hoping for the countenance of Allah and His pleasure, proximity and reward, transcendent is He.
Allahumma Ameen.
1. Dua Before Studying:"Allahumma infa'nii bimaa 'allamtanii wa'allimnii maa yanfa 'unnii. (Oh Allah! Make useful for me what you have taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me) Allahuma inii as'aluka fahmal nabiyyen wa hifzal mursaleen al muqrabeen. (O Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers and those nearest to you. Allahuma ijal leesanee 'aiman bi dhikrika wa qalbi khashyatika. Innaka 'ala ma-
tasha'u qadeer wa anta hasbun-allahu wa na' mal wakeel. (O Allah! Make my tongue full of rememberance and my heart with consciousness of you. O Allah! You do whatever you wish, and you are my availer and protector and best of aid !)
Dua While Studying Something Difficult: "Allahuma la sahla illama ja-'altahu sahla anta taj 'alu al hazana eza ma shi'ta sahal" (Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy. If you wish, you can make the difficult easy)
Dua For Everyday Victory and Prosperity:"Ya Sayyedas sade te, Ya Mojeedbad da'vate, ya rafe'ad drajate, Ya Vali-yal hasanate, ya ghaferal khati'ate, ya motiyal mas'alate, ya qabi lat tavbate, ya same'al asvate, ya 'alemal khafiyate, ya dafe'al bali yate" (O' Cheifs of all chiefs, O Acceptor of prayers, O elevator of ranks, O' the master of virtues, O forgiver of sins, O' granter of the requests, O' excerptor of penance! O' hearer of all voices! O' the one who knows all mysteries! O' the remover of calamities.) Dua For Concentration: "Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa alaa-e Muhammed. (Blessings of God be upon Muhammad and his Progeny) Allahuma inni as'aluka yaa mudhakkira'l khyar wa faa'ilahu wa'l aamimira bihi dhakir ni maa ansaani hi shaytaan (O God!, I ask you, the one who mentions goodness and actualizes it and commands it, remind me of that which the shaytaan makes me forget)
[B]Dua Afer Studying:[/B]"Allahuma inni astaodeeka ma qara'tu wama hafaz tu. (Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied) Farudduhu 'allaya inda hajati elahi. (Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I am in need of it) Innaka 'ala ma tasha'u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na'mal wakeel. (Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid) Wa Salam.
Dua for Fear Allah Humma inni Aj Alooka Fee Noohoorihim Wa aaoo Zoobika Min Shooroorihim
To learn the holy Quran by heart (or remember its important verses) recite the following dua'a by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib written in Sahifa Alawiyyah O Allah have mercy on me to be able to leave disobeying you till I am alive. Show mercy on me by not imposing a troublesome and difficult task on me. Make me do good deeds that please you. Make me learn your book by heart, just like you have taught me.Give me the ability to recite it in a manner that pleases you. O Allah (through the quran) enlighten my wisdom, open the doors of understanding and liberate my heart. Loosen my tongue, let my body be active and give me strength for it. No one can help me save you. There is no god except you.
Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Allahumma inni as aluka yaa mudhakkira-l khayr wa faa ilahu wa-l-aamimira bihi dhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan.
[Upon saying, when leaving the house] "Bismillah tawakaltu 'ala Allah, la hawla wa la quwata illaa bilLah" [In the Name of Allah, I place my trust upon Alaah, There is no power nor movement except by Allaah].