Anecdotes for Reflection- Part 3
About this ebook
There are numerous ways for man to achieve guidance and emerge from darkness and move towards light.
Allah says in the Holy Quran in 41:53
‘Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth.’
Thus Allah uses different means to guide us to the right path; which can be termed as the ‘Light’
One of such methods is through stories.
The Holy Quran is full of stories of past Prophets and previous nations. In fact one of the chapters of the Holy Quran is called ‘Al Qasas’- The Narratives.
Through these stories, people can comprehend and distinguish the paths of progress and regress, and ascent and descent in every field, especially morals.
In fact, during the entire period of his prophet hood, the Noble Prophet , with regards to refinement of souls and perfection of morals, was an exemplar in speech and deed, and had (even) said, “I have been sent (as a Prophet) for (the purpose of) perfecting morals.”
Man’s problem lies in his disregard for virtues, acquisition of vices, and inclination towards lust and obedience to Shaitan. Some men stoop so low that they even lead their lives akin to animals. For the purpose of refinement and treatment of human morals, abatement of rebelliousness and controlling the natural disposition, the Noble Prophet spared no effort and mentioned all that was necessary in this regard.
Anecdotes of Reflection II is a continuation of the book Anecdotes of Reflection I
This book aims to outline different stories, which have a moral lesson for the reader to take benefit from.
It is hoped that the readers, after going through the stories and narratives, reflect upon and take lessons from them so that they are able to create within themselves, a new impetus towards perfection of morals; and God Willing, those who are endowed with laudable morals, should relate them to others, for rectification and remedy of the weaker souls.
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Anecdotes for Reflection- Part 3 - The World Federation
for Reflection
Part III
Copyright 2006 the World Federation of KSIMC
Smashwords Edition
Published by
The Islamic Education Board of the
World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities
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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
THE CONCEPT OF MORALITY has existed since the creation of mankind. In the old days, there was a clear distinction between ‘good’ morals and ‘bad’ morals although people did not always follow the former. During modern times, the distinction between good and bad has become blurred and morality has been significantly diluted. As a result, there is a danger that immorality will prevail over morality throughout the world.
There is no excuse for a Muslim to get caught in this quagmire. There is clear guidance from Allah through Noble Qur’an and the Prophets and Ma’sumin. Prophet Muhammad himself said, I have been sent for the purpose of perfecting morals.
One of the best ways of understanding morality is by studying practical examples from the lives of Prophets and Ma’sumin.
A few books have been written on moral stories emanating from the Islamic world, one of them being ‘Pearls of Wisdom’, published by the Islamic Education Board of World Federation in March 1993. Bearing in mind the importance of the subject of Akhlaqiyat, IEB-WF is publishing ‘Anecdotes for Reflection’ in 5 parts. The source of this publication is the book ‘Yaksad Mawzu’ wa 500 Dastan’ by Sayyid Ali Akber Sadaqat. The translation from Farsi to English was carried out by Shaykh Shahnawaz Mahdavi. IEB – WF would like to thank Sayyid Ali Akber Sadaqat and Shaykh Shahnawaz Mahdavi for their efforts and we pray to Allah to reward them amply.
May Allah accept this work as a further attempt by IEB – WF to propagate Islam.
Islamic Education Board
The World Federation of K S I Muslim Communities
Dhil Hijjah, 1426 / January 2006
41 – Supplication
1 – The Supplication of Mashlul
2 – Congregational Supplication
3 – Repelling Calamities
4 – Supplicating for Rain
5 – Supplication for the Dead
42 – Religion
1 – Religion is Dead
2 – The Religiousness of the Learned One from Dizful
3 – Religion Beside the Royal Throne
4 – The Religiousness of Abu Ja’far usaini
5 – Religion-Selling by Samurah
43 – Dhikr (Remembrance Of Allah)
1 – Remembering Allah when Confronting the Enemy
2 – The Enamoured One
3 – The Poor Ones Question the Noble Prophet
4 – Remembering the Beloved while in Comfort
5 – The Woman who Remembered Allah
44 – Sustenance
1 – They Should Witness the Wisdom!
2 – Incorrect Deduction from The Qur’an
3 – Sustenance in the Measure of Sufficiency
4 – Charity Increases Sustenance
5 – Wealth from Unknown Places
45 – Pleasure (Over Divine Acts)
1 – Complete Contentment with Allah
2 – Pleased with Three Calamities
3 – One of the Inmates of Paradise
4 – ‘Ammar in the Battle of Siffin
5 – The Best Creation
46 – Showing Off
1 – The Proud Monk
2 – The Congregational Prayers
3 – The Two Apparels
4 – The Dissembled Worship
5 – Informing People of Worship
47 – Fornication
1 – Five Fornicators and Five Rulings
2 – Interpretation of the Dream
3 – Prophet Yahya’s Murderer was an Illegitimate Child
4 – The Bath of Minjab
5 – The Noble Prophet and the Youth
48 – Generosity
1 – What Shall I Answer Imam al-Zaman?
2 – More Generous than Hatim
3 – Allah Loves Generosity
4 – Three Hundred Gold Coins
5 – The Extrememly Generous Companion
49 – Polytheism
1 – The Extremeist Who Considered Himself a Shi’a
2 – A Polytheist Turns Into a Believer
3 – Concealed Polytheism
4 – Disbelief and Polytheism
5 – Debate with the Polytheists
50 – Satan
1 – Prophet Nuh and Satan
2 – Prophet Musa and Satan
3 – Fir’awn
4 – Mu’awiyah
5 – Prophet Yahya and Satan
51 - Patience
1 – Survival of Religion Lies in Patience
2 – Ease After Patience
3 – The Patience and Fortitude of Bilal
4 – Patience is Better than Retaliation
5 – The Wedding Night
52 – Charity
1 – Auspicious and Inauspicious Times
2 – Hatim’s Mother
3 – In the Darkness of the Night
4 – The Mother of the Satans
5 – The Widely Respected Shi’a Government Minister
53 – Silah Rahim
1 – Plague
2 – The Imam’s Bonds of Kinship
3 – ‘Abbas - The Noble Prophet’s Uncle
4 – Non-Observance of Silah Rahim & Death
5 – The Painful Consequence of Breaking Family Ties
54 – Oppression And Injustice
1 – The Oppression of Dadhanah
2 – Working for the Oppressors
3 – Retaliation
4 – The Oppression of Dhahhak Himyari
5 – The Incident of Harrah
55 - Worship
1 – The Outcome of ‘Dry’ Worship
2 – Worship out of Love
3 – The Long Worshipper
4 –Iblees’ Worship
5 – Imam Sajjad
56 – Covenants And Promises
1 – The Noble Prophet and Abu Haitham
2 – The Conquered King of the Sasanid Dynasty
3 – The Oath of Fudhul
4 – Standing up for Islam until the End
5 – The Muslim Slave
57 – Justice
1 – Shadeed’s Governance
2 – Impartiality Between Children
3 – The Red Apparel
4 – Equality in the Spoils of War
5 –The Name of ‘Ali is Synonymous with Justice!
58 – Chastisement
1 – The Chastisement of the People of ‘ad
2 – Ibn Muljam and the Chastisement in the Purgatory
3 – The Recompense of Deeds
4 – The Cause for the Descent of Chastisement
5 – Chastisement of those who Conceal the Truth
59 – Forgiveness
1 – Beating The Servant
2 – Pardon for the Killer
3 – Freedom of the Slave-Girl
4 – The Son’s Pardon for the Killer
5 – The Conquest of Mecca
60 – Intellect
1 – Slaughtering the Gourd
2 – Mature In Intellect
3 – The Consequence of Foolishness
4 – ‘Ali and the Astrologer
5 – The Insanity-Exhibiting Wise Person
The method of transliteration of Islamic terminology from the ‘Arabic language has been carried out according to the standard transliteration table mentioned below.
THERE ARE NUMEROUS WAYS for man to achieve guidance and emerge from darkness and move towards light. Allah, for the prosperity of man and perfection of his morals, has created proofs, evidences and vestiges[1], so great in number that they are beyond reckoning and computation. For the guidance of mankind, He sent the Prophets with Clear Proofs[2], Books, Miracles and Signs so that, perhaps, the people might perceive the right path and attain prosperity and success.
During the entire period of his prophethood, the Noble Prophet , with regards to refinement of souls and perfection of morals, was an exemplar in speech and deed, and had (even) said, I have been sent (as a Prophet) for (the purpose of) perfecting the morals
Man’s problem lies in his disregard for virtues, acquisition of vices, inclination towards lust and obedience to the Shaytan. Some men stoop so low that they even lead their lives akin to animals. For the purpose of refinement and treatment of human morals, abatement of rebelliousness and controlling the natural disposition, the Noble Prophet spared no effort and mentioned all that was necessary in this regard.
Attainment of prosperity in this world and the hereafter is only accomplished under the auspices of a teacher and, at the same time, not every person can completely identify the two extremes of moral behaviour in order to demonstrate the moderate and balanced path. Allah, Who is the Absolute Wise, introduced all the Prophets, especially the Noble Prophet, as the ‘teacher and trainer’ of morals, so that the people, by following in his footsteps, distance themselves from vices and acquire the honour of the two worlds.
In the Qur’an, there exists a chapter by the name of (The Narratives), which itself is proof that man is in need of stories and narratives.
In many places in the Qur’an, stories of Prophets, kings and nations have been mentioned. In addition, Allah has presented issues pertaining to wars, peace, family, religion, society and other similar topics, in the form of stories and narratives. By reading these accounts, the people can comprehend and distinguish the paths of progress and regress, and ascent and descent in every field, especially morals.
The entire chapter Yusuf has been devoted to the story of Yusuf, Ya’qub, Zulaikha and the brothers. In the beginning of the Chapter, Allah says: We narrate to you (O’ Prophet) the most excellent of the narratives by (means of) what We have revealed to you this Qur’an.
While, in the concluding verse of this very chapter, He says: Indeed (there) in the histories of theirs, is a lesson for men of understanding.[5]
Indeed, one of the distinguished feats of the Qur’an is this very story of Yusuf , which it refers to as the ‘best of the narratives’, and at the end of which, it says: In these stories there is a lesson for those, who desire to take a moral and adopt the path of the Perfect Men.
In this regard, Amirul Mo`minin , in Nahjul Balagha, says to his son Imam Hasan : "Even though I have not reached the age, which those before me have, yet I have looked into their behaviour and reflected over the events of their lives. I walked amongst their ruins till I was as one of them. In fact, by virtue of those of their affairs that have become known to me, it is as though I have lived with them from