I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I am highly indebted to Mr Raj Kumar and Mrs Bhawana Gupta for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project. I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & my faculty for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to Amity University for giving me such attention and time. My thanks and appreciations also go to my friends and my family in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.
Aneesh Malhotra
I, ANEESH MALHOTRA, student of BBA 2010-13, hereby declare that the project titled OPTIMUM MANPOWER UTILISATION which is submitted by me in the partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of BBA is an authentic record of my work carried out under the guidance of Mrs Bhawana Gupta and has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title or recognition.
Date: signature:
Objective of Project
The objective of my project it to study the optimum manpower utilization in Britannia and its impact on organization. I n my internship I have learned about Britannia HR policy its manpower utilization factors my project report. I have also studied about its the mission, vision and objectives of Britannia.
I have collected this data of Britannia from various sources like plant visit, internet, took the guidance from my supervisor Mr. Raj and Mrs. Bhawana Gupta
1. Research Methodology 2. Introduction to Britannia 3. Business Vision 4. Management Team 5. History Of Biscuits 6. Competition 7. Quality at Britannia 8. Milestones 9. Products 10.SWOT Analysis 11.Optimum Manpower Utilisation 12.Biscuit Manufacturing Process 13.Optimum Manpower in Biscuits 14.Actual Manpower in Biscuits 15.Conclusion 16.Bibliography 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 20 23 24 25 27 34 47 48
Research Methodology
The data collected in both primary and secondary data. The secondary data has been collected through the websites and the learning manual book and the primary data has been collected through the process of questionnaire to the plant officer. There were 4-5 plant officers from which the data was collected and data was also collected from H.R officer.
Introduction to Britannia
Britannia Industries Limited is an Indian food-products corporation based in Kolkata, India. It is famous for its Britannia and Tiger brands of biscuit, which are popular throughout the country. Britannia has an estimated 38% market share. The Company's principal activity is the manufacture and sale of biscuits, bread, Rusk, cakes and products. The company was established in 1892, with an investment of Rs. 295. Initially, biscuits were manufactured in a small house in central Kolkata. Later, the enterprise was acquired by the Gupta brothers mainly Nalin Chandra Gupta, a renowned attorney, and operated under the name of "V.S. Brothers." In 1918, C.H. Holmes, an English businessman in Kolkata, was taken on as a partner and The Britannia Biscuit Company Limited (BBCo) was launched. The Mumbai factory was set up in 1924 and Peek Freans UK, acquired a controlling interest in BBCo. Biscuits were in big demand during World War II, which gave a boost to the companys sales. The company name finally was changed to the current "Britannia Industries Limited" in 1979. In 1982 the American company Nabisco Brands, Inc. became a major foreign shareholder. The beginnings might have been humble-the dreams were anything but. By 1910, with the advent of electricity, Britannia mechanised its operations, and in 1921, it became the first company east of the Suez Canal to use imported gas ovens. Britannia's business was flourishing. But, more importantly, Britannia was acquiring a reputation for quality and value. As a result, during the tragic World War II, the Government reposed its trust in Britannia by contracting it to supply large quantities of "service biscuits" to the armed forces. As time moved on, the biscuit market continued to grow and Britannia grew along with it. In 1975, the Britannia Biscuit Company took over the distribution of biscuits from Parry's who till now distributed Britannia biscuits in India. In the subsequent public issue of 1978, Indian shareholding crossed 60%, firmly establishing the Indianness of the firm. The following year, Britannia Biscuit Company was re-christened Britannia Industries Limited (BIL). Four years later in 1983, it crossed the Rs. 100 crores revenue mark. On the operations front, the company was making equally dynamic strides. In 1992, it celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. In 1997, the company unveiled its new corporate identity - "Eat Healthy, Think Better" - and made its first foray into the dairy products market. In 1999, the "Britannia Khao, World Cup Jao" promotion further fortified the affinity consumers had with 'Brand Britannia'. Britannia strode into the 21st Century as one of India's biggest brands and the pre-eminent food brand of the country. It was equally recognised for its innovative approach to products and marketing: the Lagaan Match was voted India's most successful promotional activity of the year 2001 while the delicious Britannia 50-50 MaskaChaska became India's most successful product launch.
In 2002, Britannia's New Business Division formed a joint venture with Fonterra, the world's second largest Dairy Company, and Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd. was born. In recognition of its vision and accelerating graph, Forbes Global rated Britannia 'One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World', and The Economic Times pegged Britannia India's 2nd Most Trusted Brand. Today, more than a century after those tentative first steps, Britannia's fairy tale is not only going strong but blazing new standards, and that miniscule initial investment has grown by leaps and bounds to crores of rupees in wealth for Britannia's shareholders. The company's offerings are spread across the spectrum with products ranging from the healthy and economical Tiger biscuits to the more lifestyle-oriented Milkman Cheese. Having succeeded in garnering the trust of almost one-third of India's one billion populations and a strong management at the helm means Britannia will continue to dream big on its path of innovation and quality. And millions of consumers will savour the results, happily ever after.
Business Vision
Create a business model that is hard to replicate Secure 1 or 2 position for all the brands of Britannia in chosen values spaces and markets Transform Britannia from bakery products to health snacks with an international presence Make Britannia the favourite food brand of a billions Indians & the best FMCG to work for and partner with.
Core Purpose
Help people enjoy life through healthy snacking Make enjoyable food , including beverages , healthy & accessible to people anytime , anywhere and everyday
Core Values
We have courage to shape better future for our shareholders
We hold ourselves accountable for consistent, sustainable result by focusing on opportunities & eliminating obstacles, internal or external.
The history of biscuits can be traced back to a recipe created by the Roman chef Apicius, in which "a thick paste of fine wheat flour was boiled and spread out on a plate. When it had dried and hardened it was cut up and then fried until crisp, then served with honey and pepper." The word 'Biscuit' is derived from the Latin words 'Bis' (meaning 'twice') and 'Coctus'(meaning cooked or baked). The word 'Biscotti' is also the generic term for cookies in Italian. Back then, biscuits were unleavened, hard and thin wafers which, because of their low water content, were ideal food to store. As people started to explore the globe, biscuits became the ideal travelling food since they stayed fresh for long periods. The seafaring age, thus, witnessed the boom of biscuits when these were sealed in airtight containers to last for months at a time. Hard track biscuits (earliest version of the biscotti and present-day crackers) were part of the staple diet of English and American sailors for many centuries. In fact, the countries which led this seafaring charge, such as those in Western Europe, are the ones where biscuits are most popular even today. Biscotti is said to have been a favourite of Christopher Columbus who discovered America! Making good biscuits is quite an art, and history bears testimony to that. During the 17thand 18th Centuries in Europe, baking was a carefully controlled profession, managed through a series of 'guilds' or professional associations. To become a baker, one had to complete years of apprenticeship - working through the ranks of apprentice, journeyman, and finally master baker. Not only this, the amount and quality of biscuits baked were also carefully monitored. The English, Scotch and Dutch immigrants originally brought the first cookies to the United States and they were called teacakes. They were often flavoured with nothing more than the finest butter, sometimes with the addition of a few drops of rose water. Cookies in America were also called by such names as "jumbles", "plunked" and "cry babies
Generally all organizations have competitors in the market. A particular organization always comprises with other same business and according to market share we clarify the brand of product is giving more challenge to my product. I found many products which can be compared with Britannia Biscuit. As conclusion I found that particularly in my provided area Britannia is really doing well and its performance is on surprising level. During the field work and after intensive study it was found that main competitor of PRIYAGOLD biscuits is BRITANNIA as the market leader. In my provided area the share of the market is as follows.
When we compared with other businesses then we follow the quality, price, distribution system, promotional strategy etc. of the competitors Britannia in this area is doing well. So this is the comparison with other biscuits brands. According to our findings we found that BRITANNIA is the market leader followed by BRITANNIA biscuits. These two biscuits company the lion's share in the 2,200 crore biscuits industry.
Quality at Britannia
With a vision of Tasty Yet Healthy, Britannia aims to dominate the food & beverage market through a profitable range of products by making every Indian a Britannia consumer. The company wishes to become the lowest-cost producer as well as the largest volume player in the market by improving internal processes & controls. Their corporate strategy reveals our new identity is to lay the base to project our future as a successful food company, a company that provides high quality & tasty, yet healthy foods & beverages. The term quality refers to an ongoing analysis of operation to verify that the goods and services meet specified standards, or to better answer customer complaints. In other words we can say that the steps taken to ensure that a companys products or services are of sufficiently high quality this is known as quality assurance. Rapid industrialization widens the range of competition to yield better customer satisfaction. The industries henceforth, spend a lot of money on quality assurance of their product. Today there are loads of food products and beverages being produced by various industries and are directly consumed by humans. So from the consumers point of view these products should be safe for consumption. It means quality assurance is vital to the beverage and food industry. Quality assurance includes all chemical and microbiological testing in the industries. Sanitation is an important part of the quality because it prevents the contamination in foods. Microbial contamination can be reduced to high degrees by the effective sanitation procedure. Both the incoming raw materials as well as the outgoing finished products are ensured for their quality. .
The Genesis - Britannia established with an investment of Rs. 295 in Kolkata
Imported machinery introduced; Britannia becomes the first company East of the Suez to use gas ovens
1939 44
Sales rise exponentially to Rs.16,27,202 in 1939 During 1944 sales ramp up by more than eight times to reach Rs.1.36 crore
Britannia Biscuit Company takes over biscuit distribution from Parry's Public issue - Indian shareholding crosses 60%
Wadia Group acquires stake in ABIL, UK and becomes an equal partner with Groupe Danone in BIL
Re-birth - new corporate identity 'Eat Healthy, Think Better' leads to new mission: 'Make every third Indian a Britannia
consumer' .BIL enters the dairy products market 1999 "Britannia Khao World Cup Jao" - a major success! Profit up by 37%
BIL ranked one of India's biggest brands No.1 food brand of the country Britannia Lagaan Match: India's most successful promotional activity of the year Maska Chaska: India's most successful FMCG launch
BIL launches joint venture with Fonterra, the world's second largest dairy company. Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd. is born Rated as 'One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World' by Forbes Global Economic Times ranks BIL India's 2nd Most Trusted Brand Pure Magic -Winner of the Worldstar, Asiastar and Indiastar award for packaging
'Treat Duet'- most successful launch of the year.Britannia Khao World Cup Jao rocks the consumer lives yet again
Britannia accorded the status of being a 'Superbrand' Volumes cross 3,00,000 tons of biscuits Good Day adds a new variant - Choconut - in its range
Re-birth of Tiger - 'Swasth Khao, Tiger Ban Jao' becomes the popular chant! Britannia launched 'Greetings' range of premium assorted gift packs The new plant in Uttaranchal, commissioned ahead of schedule. The launch of yet another exciting snacking option - Britannia 50-50 Pepper Chakkar
Britannia re-launched NutriChoice Hi-Fibre Digestive biscuits in an international large sized biscuit pack.
Britannia acquires 51% stake in Bangalore-based bakery foods retailer Daily Bread. 2007 Britannia industries formed a joint venture with the Khimji Ramdas Group and acquired a 70 percent beneficial stake in the Dubai-based Strategic Foods International Co. LLC and 65.4% in the Oman-based Al Sallan Food Industries Co. SAOG. Britannia NutriChoice SugarOut range introduced - 1st of its kind of biscuits to be be launched in India with "No Added Sugar" (Variants - Chocolate Cream, Orange Cream, and Litetime)
Britannia NutriChoice 5 Grain biscuits launched - Biscuits with the goodness of 5 health Cereals, and sweetened with Natural honey. Britannia Nutrichoice promised consumers "Bhook Bhagao, Kuch Healthy Khao" Britannia launched Iron fortified 'Tiger Banana' biscuits, 'Good Day Classic Cookies', Low Fat Dahi and renovated 'MarieGold'.
Britannia Launches ActiMind - A first of its kind milk based health drink for kids, which helps improve mental sharpness. Launch of ActiMind marked Britannia's entry into the beverage segment and has further extended its credo of 'Eat Healthy, Think Better' to 'Drink Healthy, Think Better' as well.Britannia NutriChoice Nature Spice Crackers launched Your favorite Cream Crackers, now made even more exciting with the addition of "Sabut" Ajwain and Jeera spices.Britannia takes full control of Daily Bread.Britannia Industries buys out New Zealand's Fonterra from existing dairy joint venture, Britannia New Zealand Foods (BNZF). BNZF became a 100 per cent Britannia subsidiary and was renamed Britannia Dairy Private Limited (BDPL).Recognizing the changing global trends & health benefits of removing transfats, Britannia is the first Bakery brand in India to remove transfats from its products.Wadia Group acquired stake holdings from Group Danone and becomes the single largest shareholder in BIL.
50-50 Maska Chaska was re-launched with a new masaaledar twist - a delightful blend of butter and imported flavours along with sprinkling of masala in September 2010.Tiger enters the Cookies category, with the launch of Krunch Cookies in October. These cookies are not only high on delight but also high on energy and have been created keeping in mind the needs of today's kids, These delightful cookies come in two exciting variants - Fruit & Nut and Chocochips and at an affordable price point of just Rs 5.Brand NutriChoice, in keeping with its track record of launching differentiated healthy snacks, launched Diabetic Friendly Essentials on 14th November, a day that is world over recognized as World Diabetes Day. The range comprised of 2 variants - Oats Cookies and Ragi Cookies - and is available in top Indian cities.Britannia was presented the Master Brand 2010 Award by CMO Council in November 2010.Rotary Club of Chennai awarded CSR Award to Britannia in November, for our work in nutrition.
Always committed to constant innovation, Britannia launched Britannia Healthy Start in Mumbai in January 2011. Specially designed with Indian tastes in mind, Healthy Start is a complete range of ready-to-cook breakfast mixes of Upmas, Pohas, Porridges and Oats that are healthy, delicious, and take just 5 minutes to cook! This is the only product range in its category that combines the natural nutrition of multi-grains, 100% real vegetables, pulses and nuts all in one pack.Britannia received the Most Respected Company Award 2011 from Business world. Bourbon received the Most Popular Confectionery Product Preferred By Youth (Biscuit) Award. Britannia further enhanced its foray into healthy milk based drinks by launching TigerZor Choco Milk & TigerZor Badam Milk in May 2011. These are delicious milk based beverages fortified with 5 active nutrients that help in the overall development of mind and body.
Tiger/Milk bikis
Energy & fun Like energy of Milk
Not just glucose or milk biscuits but kids health and development Not just a cream biscuit but the world of kids delight Not salty and salty-sweet biscuits but Snacking Not Marie and arrowroot but Health Not Danish cookies but Sheer Indulgence Affordable richness & goodness Beyond festive Breakfast/snack Special occasion & out of home Indulgence Filler in the morning & complementary in the evening tea
Light & easy start to a day The healthy way to live Sinful
Pure magic
Good day
Britannia has more than 150 products including biscuits, cheese, and bread.
Strength Fulfil one of our Basic Requirement among Air ,Water , Food, Shelter Widely accepted in all Generations Good quality of Goods Easily available in various forms Provide competition to foreign companies Provide good Instant Remedy for hunger in the form of readymade food Preserves the non seasonal food and makes it available all throughout the year Improve living standard Provide goods to nation at cheaper rate Inflow of foreign reserve and funds for the govt.(taxes) Weakness Decreases nutritional value Increases the cost of food product Industry and technology requires high investment Regular usage of processed food can cause alteration in health Threats Many companies are result oriented Increase in pollution Sometimes provide poor quality of product for more profit Lack of technology Unable to utilize all the resources efficiently Opportunities Increase economy of India Generate employment opportunity
When an organization is capable of identifying and attracting the best talent for the right remuneration and retain the same, the hr outsourcing of that organization can be judged to be successful. While the recruitment process may require adequate resources, financial difficulties or slowdown may result in weakening of the talent acquisition process of the organization. Retention of the proven talent is also equally important for efficiency and competency. Proper solutions are to be adopted to ensure the best processes and productive practices. The human resource planning process should be initiated with a proper understanding about the HR function. The reasons for hiring outside agencies for HR management are many and in the present scenario a specialized approach as well as handling of manpower resource has become all the more important. By hiring the human resource HR services, an organization can make substantial savings out of its resources. The service agency will help the professionals to acquire consistent work experience so that errors can be brought down to minimum levels. The professionals get the opportunity to devote their time and efforts entirely for the development of the organization instead of getting choked with routine works. Above all, in accordance with the market requirements, new and innovative process and procedures can be evolved and implemented. The efficiency and service quality of the HR organization are decisive factors in making the balance sheet of the company positive.
Grinder Sieve
Filter Sieve
Dough Feeder Sheeters Laminator Gauge Roller & Web For Hard Dough Varieties Layering table Gauge Roller and web Inclined web Three series of gauge roller & web Relaxing & recovery web Cutting roller and web Panner web Over section (ovens) Metal detector Stacker Packaging Storage For Short Dough Varieties
Mixing distributes ingredients evenly throughout dough. While this is the obvious reason to mix ingredients, other important events occur during the mixing stage. For example, during mixing, dough entraps air. In chemically leavened baked goods, acids react with baking soda, producing carbon dioxide gas. Both air and carbon dioxide gas lighten dough. This makes dough easier to mix and handle. More importantly, it provides air cells that eventually form the crumb of baked goods.
2 2 1 2 5 1
12 2 2 33 8 6 20 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 2 6 1 2 2 37 8 7 24
1 1 1 1
2 2 1 2 3 1
24 6 4 12 4
1 2 2 2
work location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mixing Seiving Biscuite Grinder Oven Forreing Reliver Packing Stacker Operator Reliver Taping M/C SUF Tray Filling Tray Shifting Tray open Packing Filled Tray on Pallot Extra CBB Shifting Deft Shifting Tray Arrange Pallot Transfer tray shifting JJ hot room tray cleaning jim jam dust shifting total
18 6
1 2
6 2 2
work location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Mixing Seiving Dust addition Biscuite Grinder Oven Forreing Reliver Packing Stacker Operator Reliver Taping M/C SUF Tray Filling Tray Shifting Tray open Packing Filled Tray on Pallot Extra CBB Shifting Deffect Shifting Tray Arrange n Cleaning Pallot Transfer Tray shifting JJ hot room Total Extra sugar addition milk spray shifting ATC printing Shifting jj hot room HVO manual Jim jam
18 6
1 4
work location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mixing Seiving reverse cn Biscuite Grinder Oven Forreing Reliver Packing Stacker Operator Reliver Taping M/C S&F Tray Filling Tray Shifting Tray open Packing DPO Extra CBB Shifting Deft Shifting Tray Arrange Pallate Transfer tray cleaning Total
24 2 4 3 12
1 1 1
work location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mixing reverse cn Seiving Biscuite Grinder Oven Forreing Reliver Packing Stacker Operator Reliver Taping M/C SUF Tray Filling Tray Shifting Tray open Packing Dispensor Taping dispensor filling M/C Extra CBB Shifting Deft Shifting Tray Arrange Pallot Transfer
2 1 1 1 7 1 20 2 3 4 2 8
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 1 Total
32 2 3
CBB Formation MPS Filling Exra Paking Machin Tray Filling Deffect Shifting Seiving Ingrident Flavour Store Requation 48 1
1 1
1 34
33 2 2
CBB Formation MPS Filling Extra Packing Machine Tray Filling Deffect Shifting Seiving Ingrident Flavour Store Requation 53 1
1 1
1 1
23 0 0
CBB Formation MPS Filling Exra Paking Machin Tray Filling Deffect Shifting Seiving Ingrident Flavour Store Requation Reverse Con. 35 1
2 2
Pallate reparing Tray/ Pallate Arranged Manual Coding Tray Shorting/Shifting Flour Manual HVO Manual 1 4 0 1
CBB Formation MPS Filling Exra Paking Machin Tray Filling Deffect Shifting Seiving Ingrident Flavour Store Requation Reverse Con. 26 1
Tray Arranged/ filled tray on pallat Manual Coding Tray Shorting/Shifting Flour Manual HVO Manual Tray Cleaning D.P.O JIM JAM Jim Jam Dust Shifting Water Distribution on gate ATC FILLING Kaizen Filter Shifter Cleanning Biscuite Checker ATC Printing STOCK CHEKING
1 4
2 2
Seiving Biscuite Grinder
CBB Formation MPS Filling Exra Paking Machin Tray Filling Deffect Shifting Seiving Ingrident Flavour Store Requation Reverse Con. 28 1
Pallate reparing / FILLD TRAY ON PALLATE Tray Arranged Manual Coding Tray Shorting/Shifting Flour Manual HVO Manual Tray Cleaning D.P.O JIM JAM PACKING Jim Jam Dust Shifting
2 10
ATC FILLING Kaizen Filter Shifter Cleanning Biscuite Checker ATC Printing STOCK CHEKING TQM Data Maintenance Extra SUGER ADDITION 2
CBB Formation MPS Filling Extra Packing Machin Tray Filling Deffect Shifting Seiving Ingrident Flavour Store Requation Reverse Con. 1 30 1
1 2
Tray Arranged Manual Coding Tray Shorting/Shifting Flour Manual HVO Manual Tray Cleaning D.P.O 1
19 2
CBB Formation MPS Filling Exra Paking Machin Tray Filling Deffect Shifting Seiving Ingrident Flavour Store Requation Reverse Con. 1 30 1
1 1
Britannia is a big brand in the daily products of biscuits. Working on this project and under the guidance of my supervisors that there is always some mismatch in Optimum manpower and the actual manpower used in the plant during a production process. The reason behind the mismatch could be 1. There is more of production of any product than optimum For eg When Bourbon Cappuccino was launched the production of the product is more so the manpower was used in the excess than the optimum. 2. When there is excess supply of any product and it demands decreases the production of the product decreases and hence the manpower used in plants decreases. 3. The actual manpower utilisation also depends on the number of workers send by the contractor on daily basis.
1. 2. 3. ACCELERATOR-Learning Manual 4. Plant officers in Britannia