Neko Monogatari
Neko Monogatari
Neko Monogatari
The tale is of me, Hanekawa Tsubasa, but it cannot be told by me. This is because I cannot define how much of me is actually myself in the first place. I am sure there had been a literary master who once wrote how, if one were to stretch out ones foot, one would not think of the toes as part of oneself, but in my case, I would not even need to stretch my foot, as I am doubtful as to whether this heart itself is my own. Am I me? What am I? Who am I? Who? I am me. What? I am myself. For example, could these profound thoughts on utter absurdities such as the above truly be called me? You might speak of it thus, if you were only to speak. However, this is simply a thought, a way of thinking, and while it may even be a memory, it is nothing more than the accumulation of knowledge, so to speak. If you were to say that it is my experiences that define me, then in that case, if there were a human being with the exact same experiences as mine, would it be just as well to call her me? Even if there were a me outside of myself, that is still me. If so, then would I disappear if I were not as myself? How would I think, what would my thoughts be? The name of Hanekawa Tsubasa is already unstable to begin with. I have changed my surname many times. That is why an identity cannot be hoped for from my name not in the slightest at all. The idea that the name is merely a symbol is one that I understand deeply, even physically, so to speak. In facing abnormalities, understanding the name of the subject is important above all else or at least the first step, so the big reason why I havent been able to face myself thus far is perhaps because I do not recognise my name as something of my own.
In that case, I should first know of my own name. I should know of myself as Hanekawa Tsubasa. It is only then that I will be able to define myself. Of course, when I think about how Araragi-kun would not be one to stop and nitpick about these things, the ridiculousness of my own standstill becomes laughable. I become embarrassed when I think about how Araragi-kun, even after becoming a vampire or becoming non-human or being dragged into the other world by various abnormalities, would always continue on as Araragi Koyomi, unwaveringly himself, unwaveringly his own man. Perhaps he does not realise this himself. Even though it can be seen, as clear as a flame, by those around him that he would continue on as himself in whatever the time and place, unexpectedly, perhaps he does not realise this. He has no need to realise it. Araragi Koyomi is, confidently, Araragi Koyomi. And that is why he can always tell his own tale. That is why I like him. Hanekawa Tsubasa likes Araragi Koyomi. In the end, in talking about myself, I can start only from there. That is the only part of me which is certain, strangely. Like how, for example, when I sit down to study by myself at the library, I would abruptly write such a name as Araragi Tsubasa in the corner. That is sufficient for my tale. In the sixty adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the great detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, there exist only two stories that were narrated not by his assistant Dr Watson but by Holmes himself. They are problematic works treated as spurious by Sherlockians, but in the beginning of one of the stories, The Blanched Soldier, Mr Holmes had this to say: The ideas of my friend Watson, though limited, are exceedingly pertinacious. For a long time he has worried me to write an experience of my own. Perhaps I have rather invited this persecution, since I have often had occasion to point out to him how superficial are his own accounts and to accuse him of pandering to popular taste instead of confining himself rigidly to facts and figures. Try it yourself, Holmes! he has retorted, and I am compelled to admit that,
having taken my pen in my hand, I do begin to realise that the matter must be presented in such a way as may interest the reader. As is the norm, I was enchanted by the degree to which Sherlock Holmes exceeded normal men, and would read about his acts with excitement, which is why I was taken aback by the sudden talk of his true voice. Frankly, I was disappointed. Why did he, a man who had displayed himself as terribly superhuman all this time, say something so human now? I felt something like betrayal. But now I know, of his humanity which could not bear the gap between himself and the superhuman which Watson spoke of. Of his wish to find excuses. In the end, the detective was told by his assistant to try it himself, and these two stories were published I will state at the beginning that, well, this tale is that kind of story to me. This is a tale to let you know that I, exaggeratedly spoken of like a historical saint or holy mother by Araragi-kun, am simply a human being. To let you know that I am a cat, and a tiger. And a tale to let you know that I am human, and a tale of utter disappointment, of betrayal. I dont think I can tell it as skilfully as Araragi-kun could, but I think I will leave it up to chance and try my best. After all, that is undoubtedly how anyone would tell of her own life. Now then. The time has come to wake up from the nightmare.
In fact, as is normal, I am totally jealous. Truly, I am. Just how many brothers in the world could be so dearly loved as to be woken up like that every morning? though in this case, perhaps the one I am jealous of is not Araragi-kun himself, but Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan who can see his sleeping face every day. Oh, I am so totally jealous. Truly, I am. Well, to talk of how I, Hanekawa Tsubasa, wake up; like Araragi-kun and his sisters, I am woken up every morning by Rumba. Rumba is, of course, not the name of the Hanekawa familys cat, nor my strikingly-named little sister Hanekawa Rumba, but a run-of-the-mill iRobot automatic vacuum cleaner, or in terms of model number, a Rumba 577. Its set on a timer to automatically start working at six every morning, and when said smart vacuum cleaner bumps into and pushes against my head, I wake up. How refreshing. Be that as it may, like all vacuum cleaners the Rumba makes quite a lot of noise as it cleans, so by the time it has crawled down the hallway and gotten close to me, I had actually already woken up and yet, the fact that I continue to lay in bed until my head is pushed, waiting with my eyes closed for the bump, is perhaps because I long for the sensation of being woken up by someone, and being woken up. Like Sleeping Beauty, poetically speaking. Well, not that it can be said to be poetic with the other party being a vacuum cleaner. Sleeping Beauty that was quite something, coming from myself. Even with regards to the Rumba, seeing as there is someone sleeping in the hallway as it cleans there, its probably a nuisance to it as well. Yes, I sleep in the hallway. I sleep in a futon laid out in the second-floor hallway of a detached house.
I had once thought that this was something normal and quite obvious, but apparently that was not the case. As such, ever since losing a friend with whom I talked to about this when I still had not known the truth, I havent talked about this in a particularly open manner. Not that I particularly want my own bed after such a long time. Its become natural. I dont want what is natural to change. Its not as though Id ever childishly thought of wanting my own room, and when I talked about this to the classmate I became friends with, Senjougahara-san, figuring she would be fine hearing it, Is that supposed to mean something to me? is what she said. My house doesnt even have a hallway to begin with. From the perspective of Senjougahara-san, who lived with her parent in a one-room apartment, this may seem like the worries of the ostentatious, and I wasnt worrying in the first place. Well. Perhaps thats wrong. I imagine that perhaps I do not want to make this house the place I belong to. Its something like the opposite of an animals marking perhaps I want to keep my distance from the house. As little as possible; I dont want any trace of myself to be left in this house. Perhaps that is why. Putting aside why I must make conjectures and suppositions about my own heart, or why I can only ever say perhaps. Well, no matter what I want, in a few more months it wont matter, so I shouldnt think too deeply about it. Speaking to myself, I folded up my futon. I dont have any problems getting up in the morning.
Or rather, I dont quite understand the sensation of being half-asleep. The on-and-off states of my consciousness are probably more distinct that they need to be. If only I could just sleep when I felt sleepy. Sometimes it makes me think that. Its probably because Im out of sync with other people with sensations like that. Araragi-kun tells me that a lot. The things you do that you think are natural are simply miracles to me and such but its going too far to call them miracles. My soliloquy continued. I dont do it when I am outside, but I cant help but frequently talk to myself when at home. If I dont, I feel like I would forget how to speak. I am not sure what to think of that. Just as I am not sure what to think of me remembering Araragi-kun during said soliloquy and then naturally breaking into a smile. Storing the futon in a closet, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. After that, I put in my contacts. When I was wearing glasses, putting a lens directly onto the eyes seemed so scary that I didnt even want to think about it, so of course, when I first started, I was so scared that I wanted to put the lens in with my eye closed (metaphorically speaking) but it was nothing special once I got used to it. You can get used to anything. Better yet, it took the burden off my nose and ears, so its more comfortable than glasses. It was just that, thinking of whats to come next year, both contacts and glasses felt like some sort of inconvenient companion, so now Ive come to thinking I might as well bring myself to get a LASIK surgery done during my school hours. Tidying myself up, I headed to the dining room. There, the ones whom I should call father and mother are, as always, sitting at the same table and eating breakfast separately.
They did not even look at me when I entered the room. I did not look at them, either. Simply entering my field of vision does not mean seeing, if the eyes in my heart and mind would always avert its gaze. If it is difficult to see with the eyes, then it is simpler to not see. Only the voice of the newscaster on TV, talking about the top news of today, resounded in the dining room. Why is it? Why is it that I feel closer to the far-away newscaster than the two in the same room as me? Truly, I wonder. I may as well say good morning to her. Speaking of which, I wonder how many years it has been since I last said good morning in this house. I attempted to search my memories, but I couldnt remember one time at all. I remember saying it to the Rumba about five times (as aforementioned, I said it not while halfasleep, but naturally. That vacuum cleaner feels strangely alive in its movements.) but I really cannot remember a single time I said it to the ones I should call my father and mother. Not once. Huh. Thats pretty shocking. Previously, I told Araragi-kun something along the lines of, I do plan on approaching my parents myself but it would seem that was different from the truth. Well, it isnt something new for my words to be full of lies. I am made of lies. A far cry from truth that is I, Hanekawa Tsubasa. Even my name is fake, after all. Closing the door without making a sound, I headed not for the table but the kitchen first. I had to make breakfast, but I cant say that it wasnt because I wanted to postpone the moment when I would have to sit with those people for as long as I can.
It was futile, or rather, empty resistance. You can forgive this level of resistance. It has yet to become a coup detat. In the kitchen of my home that is, the one I do not want to call the Hanekawa house in my mind there is generally speaking a lot of cookware. There are three cutting boards and three kitchen knives. Milk pans and frying pans are three apiece as well. At any rate, theres three of everything. As for the meaning of this, yes, it means the three people living in this house all use their respective cookware. There was an episode when I talked to and lost a friend over this as well. Having to redraw the hot water every time one of us takes a bath, doing the laundry individually; episodes like that are too numerous to mention, but its strange. I dont think of it as unnatural at all, and no matter how many friends I lose over it I never felt the need to make the Hanekawa house like other homes because of this. We more or less all leave the house at the same time, so we all happen to gather when we eat breakfast, but its similar to sharing a table with strangers at a cafeteria; there is no talk, and no one would do anything like incidentally making breakfast for the other two. Choosing my own cookware, I began the housework. Not that I plan on being elaborate enough in my cooking to deserve the term. After cooking up enough rice for one and preparing miso soup, fried eggs and fish, as well as a salad (I get told that I eat too much, but Im the type who stuff myself full at breakfast) I split the meal into three parts and carried it to the table. Finally, I have one more round trip to make tea. I wouldnt have to make four and a half round trips if I had some help, but of course, there are no helping hands in this house. Not even the Rumba can help me that much. Thinking how good it would be if Araragi-kun could help me, I reached the table. Thanks for the meal. After putting my hands together and saying this, I took up my chopsticks. I have never heard the other two saying something like that, but even if I dont say good morning and good night, I never leave out a thanks for the meal or Im done eating. I never leave them out, especially since after the spring break.
After all, they are words meant for the animals and plants which were alive before becoming foodstuff, which will become my flesh and blood. They are lives killed for my sake. I will accept them with gratitude.
In the end, Tyltyl and Mytyl realised that the Blue Bird of Happiness was in their own home, but where should the Blue Bird be sought for those without a home? Or do we seek for something else? Perhaps what we should seek for is not the Blue Bird, but the White Cat. Besides, to speak somewhat negatively, even if the Blue Bird of Happiness were to be in ones own home, that does not mean that a Beast of Misfortune does not lurk there in the same manner. I thought these things as I walked on, and my goodness, is that a twin-tailed girl who appeared in my way? Oh, my. Hanekawa-san? With that, the girl Hachikuji Mayoi turned around and clattered over to me, sweetly. Everything she does is just too adorable. How conscious is she of the fact that it is this loveliness of hers that drives Araragi-kun crazy? So youre going back to school starting today, Hanekawa-san. Yep, thats right. Devoting oneself to ones studies is quite an extraordinary endeavour, isnt it? Indeed, even I, as a primary-schooler, remember the days when I surpassed many trials and tribulations. The crushing amount of homework I had during summer break might well be called the records of my war. Huh The things she say just dont fit with the conversation when shes talking to someone other than Araragi-kun as I thought this, I responded. What are you doing here, Mayoi-chan? Im looking for Araragi-san. She said. Oh, my.
I should be the one saying oh, my. I would understand it if it was Araragi-kun loitering around and looking for Mayoi-chan, but it really was unusual for Mayoi-chan to be looking for Araragi-kun. Actually, speaking of which, didnt something like this happen before? Then, it was because Shinobu-chan was missing, wasnt it? Could it be that something like that has happened again? As though seeing through my expression and noticing my needless fears at once, Mayoi-chan said, oh, its not like that. Its not like something big happened. I just forgot something at Araragi-sans home and want to get it back. Forgot something? Here. Mayoi-chan showed me her back. At first I had thought that it was just a lovely back shot with nothing on it, but when I thought about it, it was strange for nothing to be on it in the first place. One of Mayoi-chans charm points lie in how she always wears a backpack, anytime and anywhere. Said backpack was gone. What happened? Wait, what? What did you just say, Mayoi-chan? You forgot something at Araragi-kuns home? Yes, I was taken away by him yesterday. Mayoi-chan said in a troubled voice, with her back facing me. That was when I carelessly forgot my backpack. Taken away? I was dragged away by him. Um, that sounds even more criminal.
If I ask again, the kidnapping might be escalated to assault, so I didnt dare press the matter. At any rate, Mayoi-chan left her backpack at Araragi-kuns home. Though it was rather bold of her to leave that behind. But, in that case, couldnt you just go to Araragi-kuns home? Her coordinates are completely wrong. Why is she here? I went to his house first, of course. But his bike wasnt there, so it seemed he had already left. Huh? Would Araragi-kun leave for school that early? I dont like spending even one more second in that house so I leave for school as quickly as possible, but in Araragi-kuns case, even if he did want to do that, since his sisters dont really let him out, to the point where you can call it a sort of lenient house arrest, it would have to be quite an important reason for him to leave his house that early in the morning Or, it could be because he hadnt come back yet from last night because he had to settle whatever his important reason was. So he didnt leave early. He just didnt come back yet. Oh, I didnt think of that. Thats just like you, Hanekawa-san. Youre like a great detective. Thats certainly possible. There might have been some dire situation after I somehow managed to escape Araragi-sans home. Lets ignore the disturbing part about how she somehow managed to escape, which seems pretty dire a situation in itself. I get the feeling that if I press the matter, various regrettable facts will surface. Well, in any case, seeing as he probably wouldnt head straight to school right now, Ive been industriously searching for Araragi-san in an arbitrary way. Youre not that good at looking for people, are you, Mayoi-chan? She is being too random. How does she plan on finding Araragi-kun by searching like that? She wasnt just feeling her way by a rope. She didnt even have a rope to follow.
Oh, no. Ive managed to meet Hanekawa-san, so my investigative abilities are not without worth. Youre very positive Well, not that I know whether meeting me is a stroke of luck for you, Hanekawa-san. Hm? Why not? Youre a lucky charm in this neighbourhood, Mayoi-chan. They say that something good will definitely happen that day for anyone who sees you. Please dont make up any weird legends like that The source is of course Araragi-kun. He is unrivaled when it came to spreading this sort of false rumor. He really does have the makings of a teller of ghost stories. Ill tell him youre looking for him, then, if I see him at school. Thank you very much. Politely bowing her head as she said this, Mayoi-chan clattered back in the direction she was walking, sweetly. Of course, she would not have a long talk with me like she could with Araragi-kun. I am envious of how Araragi-kun can talk and see eye-to-eye with such a cute girl, just as I am, after all, envious of how Mayoi-chan can talk endlessly with Araragi-kun. To Araragi-kun, it may be something which comes to mind as natural. But to me, that was far more of a miracle. Im jealous. Now then! Lets meet again sometime soon, Hanekawa-san! Turning back once more after taking some distance, Mayoi-chan waved her hand. I waved back at her. Yeah! See you later! The episode between Araragi-san and I will be in the next novel!
Its not foreshadowing if you spell it out. Its not even foreshadowing anymore. Its a promo. At the last, like how Araragi-kun does it to Mayoi-chan, I made a quip.
In other words, once that has entered the circuit of recognition in your head, that which you have always ignored up till this point will now easily surface on the vast river of information flowing into you every day. Abnormalities are everywhere. They cant be anywhere else. It is simply a matter of whether you notice it or not. That is exactly why the first is crucial. The very first time is most crucial. In Araragi-kuns case, a demon. In Senjougahara-sans case, a crab. In Mayoi-chans case, a snail. In Sengoku-chans case, a snake. In Kanbaru-sans case, a monkey. In Karen-chans case, a wasp. And in my case a cat. Well, as for why Im suddenly talking about this, its because thats what right in front of me at this moment. What is, you ask? An abnormality. Whoa Normally, someone meeting an abnormality would think thus: Ghosts cant possibly exist in this world, phantoms cant possibly exist in this world, what Im looking at right now is not an abnormality like that. They should think like that. But right now, I am wholeheartedly thinking the complete opposite.
I was truly wishing for that which was before me to be an abnormality. After all it was a tiger. A tiger. Right before my eyes, a tiger calmly walked. It had stripes of yellow and black. A tiger exactly as one would picture. I had just seen Mayoi-chan off as soon as I turned the corner, there the tiger was. So no, even putting it down as a sentence didnt make it smack of reality at all. Zero sense of truth. As it didnt smack of reality at all, it probably wasnt real. It was probably an abnormality. Rather, it would be troubling were it not an abnormality, in any sense of the word the distance between the tiger and me is less than five meters. It was so close I could probably touch its stripes with outstretched hands. If this tiger is not an abnormality but real say, a tiger that escaped from the zoo then my life will unmistakably end here. It wasnt a distance I can make an escape from. I will be eaten. My life will be accepted with gratitude. The baton of my life will be passed on. By the way, in the same way it is said that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, abnormalities which have progressed too far is indistinguishable from reality. This distinct animal stench and heavy sense of existence; both of these, while not smacking of reality, still felt realistic, and even if it wasnt real it certainly felt like a big chunk of reality, but it should be all right, as my dearly beloved newscaster hadnt said anything about tigers escaping from zoos. `` The tiger growled. It did not purposely roar with a -gao like the beasts you see in comics.
Stopping its feet, the tiger glared at me. Oh boy. Our eyes met. Regardless of whether this tiger was real or abnormal meeting its eyes was a bad idea. With a real tiger, that would of course be more than enough reason for it to pounce and with an abnormal tiger, just as I would recognize it, perhaps even more so, it would be aware of me. That was bad. I immediately averted my gaze. I removed myself from the tigers sight. This did not trigger the tiger to act, but even so, I could not move from this spot in the end, regardless of whether it was an animal or abnormal, I gave a half-cocked response. If only I could just run for it why arent I escaping from here? I could be saved if I escape. So, why do I not run? I wonder how much time had passed. It seems for times like these, expressions such as it seeming to take hours, or conversely seeming to take no time at all, are used, but to be honest, I was not so composed as to be able to think about such things. My mind is unexpectedly narrow. Unable to remain here yet unable to leave, I was like an abnormality myself and at long last, `Hmph. White.` it said. The tiger spoke.
Abnormality confirmed. `Bright white and brazen lies.` Saying this (and not attaching any -gaos to the end of its lines, naturally) the four motionless feet of the tiger swayed, moving slowly, and it passed by me. Having never seen the living being known as a tiger up-close, I hadnt managed to grasp at all the scale of what was five meters before me, but when it passed close-by, showing me that its torso was higher than my head, I once again realized that it was unrealistically enormous. I probably shouldnt have turned around. If it was willing to pass me by, I should have let it if it was willing to avert its gaze, that was all the more reason why mine should not seek it. However White. Bright white and brazen lies. I was ensnared by what the tiger said and, unthinkingly, without a single precaution, I turned around. What utter foolishness. The lesson I learned during the first trimester, including Golden Week, was practically nonexistent. I cant tell off Araragi-kun anymore. No, in my case. I did something far worse than Araragi-kun. Ah. But, fortunately, or perhaps that should not be said. Actually, it was clear that that word should of course not be used at all. But when I turned around, nothing was there not the tiger, not even a cat.
It was simply a street. The street where I went to school, the same as always. Well, this is a problem. I said this, not because the tiger had disappeared, but because I looked at the watch on my left wrist. Eight-thirty. It would appear that, for the first time since I was born, I will commit truancy.
While it had caused some quiet controversy among the classmates (perhaps even more than when I had cut my hair) the way I see it, a high-schooler calling someone a high-class daughter is infinitely close to an insult, so this might be for the better. You said tiger, Hanekawa-san? Not a cat? Nope. A tiger, not a cat. Not a tiger-striped cat? Nope. A tiger-striped tiger. Not a tiger-striped zebra? Thats just a normal zebra, I think, but no. Dont you think more people would like to be born under Libra if it were renamed Zebra? I dont. [1] Hmm Senjougahara-san nodded, Over here. and pulled at my hand. She brought me to a secluded spot. There was still a little time before homeroom lessons began, so she wanted to get us away from the crowd we certainly could not talk freely when the eyes of the class were on us. We were behind the gymnasium. Despite the description giving it a somewhat eerie atmosphere, the management of the area around the gym had been awfully thorough ever since the great success of the girls basketball team last year, so it was in fact an open and wholesome place. The weather was good as well, so it was a fitting environment for the flowers of a love story to bloom, but for us, there bloomed the flowers of a ghost story. Or rather, there the flowers withered. You saw a tiger? If its true, isnt that very serious, Hanekawa-san? I think so. Oh, but its not a real tiger. It was probably an abnormality. It talked.
Thats the same thing. It makes no difference. To a Japanese, even a real tiger is an abnormality. Ah. That was true. As always, Senjougahara-san was unabashed in her outlook. She was unapologetically realistic. If someone told me the panda was some kind of specter, I would believe it. Mmn, I wonder. Isnt a giraffe just a rokurokubi? So is a zoo like a haunted house to you? Perhaps, nodded Senjougahara-san. How frank she was. But Hanekawa-san, you really did run into something unexpected though excuse me when I say that its just like you to do something like that. A tiger, I mean. Really now. A tiger! Thats really too stylish. Crab, snail, monkey and Karen-san, a wasp, was it? That was the lineup weve had and suddenly, a tiger. Everyone had been running the same race, keeping level, watching out for one another and not rushing ahead, everything all nice and friendly, and now this. There should be a law for people who cant pick up on the mood as much as you. I hate to say it, but this might be even more wonderful than Araragi-kun and his demon. That sort of outlook is probably something unique to you, too Did it do anything to you? No, it didnt do anything I think. Its just that it would be hard for me to know by myself. Thats why I am asking. Is there anything strange about me right now? Hmm. Well, absence is one thing, but being late wasnt like you at all, Hanekawa-san. But thats not what you mean, is it? No. Excuse me.
Saying this, Senjougahara-san put her face close to me and looked up and down at my skin. She stared as though she was going to lick it. And far from just the skin, she examined my eyes, my nose, my eyebrows, my lips, part by part. When she was finished with my face, she took my hand again and scrutinized my nails and even the blood vessels appearing on the back of my hand. What are you doing, Senjougahara-san? Making sure theres nothing strange about you. Really? At least, that was my original plan. So what are you doing now? Enjoying the sights. I shook her hand off. As forcibly as possible. Senjougahara, with an Ah, looked at me with an expression of great disappointment well, she was probably joking. Surprisingly, Senjougahara-san quite liked her jokes. I hope she was joking. All the more after I remembered what Araragi-kun had finally told me about Kanbaru-sans preferences. Well? Its all right. Your skin will be smooth for another ten years, at least. Thats not what I meant. Theres nothing, from the looks of it there arent any tiger ears growing out of you, at least. Tiger ears?
Having experienced cat ears growing out from my head, this was not something I could pass off as a joke but, as an example, it was so realistic a possibility that I laughed as much as I could while nonchalantly confirming the area around my skull. Good. Nothing was growing out. But encountering an abnormality doesnt mean that something abnormal will immediately happen so its probably too soon to be relieved. Thats true. Its not impossible for you to wake up next morning having turned into a insect. Thats a bit too much of a leap, I think. We should at least keep it to tigers. People might figure out that we like Kafka. But, in this case, I think it would be better if you were to discuss this with Araragi-kun. Of course, I was afflicted with a crab abnormality and suffered through much for it but that doesnt make me any more knowledgeable on methods to deal with them. Well, yes, thats true. It was as she said. While you may become afflicted by abnormalities, it is not something you can develop experience for. Rather, it became more and more of a non-career the more you know of it. Even if I discuss this with Senjougahara-san, it would only bother her. Worse, I might even end up doing what amounted to gouging at her wounds. But Araragi-kun is having a day off today. What? Senjougahara-san tilted her head, looking blank. Was he not in the line during the opening ceremony? I didnt even realize he was gone when he really was gone. Thats worse than not realizing hes there when he really is.
She giggled. It gave me the chills. At times, the vestiges of what Araragi-kun calls her verbal abuse phase bleeds out. However, an unexpectedly large amount of poison had been drawn from her over the summer break, and it was clear that even her comments just now were jokes. People do change. I am happy to say that she is a true example of that. Well apparently, the attendance record isnt quite something to be bothered by anymore, but I wonder how my darling thinks about it? Dont call him darling. Thats too big a change. People wouldnt be able to connect your character with previous appearances. Speaking of which, I met Mayoi-chan before the tiger this morning. From what she says, Im guessing that hes doing something. Something, you say? Senjougahara-san shook her head, as though to say, My goodness. It was something of an oversell, but also a precise expression of disbelief. Perhaps that is typical of him. Maybe. After all, hes a man who can only see whats in front of him. Have you tried calling him? Or sending a message? Mmm, well, I probably shouldnt. I strongly feel that I shouldnt bother him, not when it was certain that he was in action. If hes at school, the first thing I do would be to discuss this with him, but I get that thought when I want to call him or write a message. It was less me being reserved and more me worrying about his safety.
I see. Senjougahara-san nodded. Though I think you should be a bit more bold. Bold? Or perhaps that should be shameless. That man would under no circumstances think it an annoyance to be relied upon by you. You know this much, dont you? Well, Im not so sure. I was perplexed by Senjougahara-sans words. Maybe I really dont know very much about this. Or are you being considerate for my sake? Of course not. Not at all. Thats good. Phew this time, Senjougahara-san sighed. A deep sigh. Well, its not certain that something will happen. And it doesnt do much good to be nervous it does more harm than good to worry, like a yandere. Though seeing as we cant confirm that the tiger wont attack somebody else, do you really think you have a choice besides talking to Araragi-kun? It doesnt matter if its a tiger or a lion, because just like me, you dont have the strength to fight the abnormality itself. Like me, you too have the knowledge but not the experience; enough to talk the talk, but still wet behind the ears. Thats true Her phrasing made it seem to carry a different meaning. It was a complicated line, and I couldnt tell if she phrased it on purpose. Araragi-kun would probably be able to see through it and make a wonderful retort. But I dont have the skill to do so.
Only Araragi-kun, who keeps a vampire in his shadow, can fight abnormalities well, Kanbaru as well when she feels like it, but I shouldnt make her do anything unreasonable. Right. I had heard about that, vaguely. The bandages on her right arm I think. In that case, the problem was not reservation but something more realistic danger. Though her problem with the abnormality had been resolved, Kanbaru-san lived as though she was carrying a bomb at all times. Or perhaps she herself could be called a bomb. Well, when I put it that way, then Araragi-kun is the same. That would be why I did not call him. I think. Though I know that that wasnt the reason. Ultimately, it was as Senjougahara-san had said. I could not bring myself to be bold when dealing with Araragi-kun. Most likely, the reason was stunningly clear Hanekawa-san, have you ever said, help me to Araragi-kun? Huh? The abrupt question brought me back to reality. I was surprised. What? Help me? I wonder. Its not really something that comes up in everyday conversations probably not, I think. I see. Me neither. Senjougahara-san looked up at the sky as she talked. After all, he saved us before we could say it while saying things like people just get saved all by themselves as though he heard it from somewhere.
It wasnt as though he heard it from somewhere, he really did hear it. That was the phrase that Oshino-san would constantly repeat. It wasnt just with the crab. Yes, the case with Kanbaru, with Kaiki, and many other things, he came to help me both openly and secretly. But, just because hell save you even when you dont say anything, doesnt mean you dont need to say anything. Hm? What do you mean? What I mean is, it could be that youre just expecting Araragi-kun to come save you even as you stay silent. Oh. Hmm. Could this be seen in that way? However, the sad truth was, that being said, I could not completely deny it. I myself do not approach. Instead, do I wait to be approached? Thats not who I am, isnt something I can say. There was a darker me within myself. Being within me, it was closer to me than anyone else. I think itd be better if you could rely on him without reserve. Thats what hes always wanted. If you had done that before during Golden Week, Then As she spoke Senjougahara-san stopped what she was saying mid-sentence. Perhaps she felt halfway through that she said too much. But she did not apologize, and simply looked uncomfortable though an apology would have been troubling as well. I did not deserve one. Maybe we should head back to the classroom now.
I said. I wasnt particularly trying to help her as she stood there awkwardly, but looking at my watch, it really was time for us to have to go back. We would have to run up the stairs. We should. Senjougahara-san nodded. I wont force you, but its not good to try to do something by yourself when anything happens. You still have a strong tendency to do that so if you dont want to trouble Araragi-kun, then drag me into it as well, though I wouldnt be much help. At the least, you have me to die together with. Saying these ridiculous things offhandedly, Senjougahara-san walked towards the school building. Though she had been rehabilitated, it felt as though her, how you say, great power in this area remained in good condition. Well. Frankly speaking, Senjougahara-san wasnt rehabilitated so much as she had simply gotten cuter. Especially when in front of Araragi-kun. Araragi-kun only knows about the Senjougahara-san who is before him, so it may take some time before he realizes this. Im in no hurry to tell him. Anyway. And so, the two of us went back to the classroom together at worst, we were in danger of homeroom lessons having already started, but on that front we were all right. Well, no. Hoshina, our homeroom teacher, was already in the room. By all rights, lessons should already have started but everyone, teacher and student, was pressing up against the window overlooking the grounds, and nobody was in their seats, so this wasnt a lesson but something else. What happened?
What were they looking at? Ah. Next to me, Senjougahara-san murmured. She was quite a bit taller than me, so she noticed it before I did strictly speaking, by the time I knew that everyone else was looking at something, she had taken off her shoes and stood up on one of the chairs. In contrast with her appearance, she was an unexpectedly active girl. Not being so courageous, I simply walked over, weaving my way through the gaps between classmates, and gazed outside the window. I knew instantly what they were looking at. fire. Thoughtlessly, I fell in a daze. I talked to myself something I rarely did outside the house. I watched the blazing fire, burning someplace so far away that it only appeared as a speck, but roaring so loudly that the sound reached us. And I said it. My house is on fire. I called that house my house. [1] This is a total rewrite but I couldnt think of any way to translate it. Hitagi asks Tsubasa if renaming Nerima-ku (a ward of Tokyo) to Shimauma-ku (shima-uma meaning zebra) would make more people move there, the two terms being the same except for the first character, and two fairly similar-looking characters at that.
Yes, that was the truth. Or was it a bad thing? Both seemed possible in their own ways, but at this point, it was too late for either. After all, it had already been lost. The house in which I had spent fifteen years, was now lost for eternity. Disregarding the fact that I had been late, I requested that I be allowed to leave early to Hoshina who of course approved and I ran home, despite not being Kanbaru-san, to find fire engines and spectators milling around the scene, the fire having already been put out. The fire had been extinguished. And everything was gone. Not having spread to the neighboring houses, the fire burnt the house to ashes with nothing left standing. This being extremely advantageous when collecting our fire insurance would be one cause for hope in this situation. It was unpleasant, but it was also the most important matter. Wait, thats not right. The most important matter was of course our safety but there was nothing to be concerned with on that front. I was at school, and it was highly unlikely for the other two whom I should call my parents to return home in the morning. Of the three of us, not a single one thought of this place as our home. It was a place, not a home. But I guess this means that the Rumba was burnt, and I mourned for automatic vacuum cleaner that had gallantly woken me up every morning. I mourned for it, more so than for the house.
Now, aside from the Rumba, quite a lot of things were burnt, or rather, everything was burnt, but, well, as I was nothing more than a mere high schooler, I had not owned much in the first place, so in that regard there was no reason to be bothered. I could say that all my clothes being burnt would be a bother, though. Or perhaps it was the same for the ones whom I should call my father and mother they probably had nothing important in the house, as well. They probably left the things important to them at their working place. I would think so. This house, was not a place to leave important things in. They would be defiled. Well, in any case, there were many things I had not known and there were many things that, after the house burnt down, I realized for the first time. Although I had not met him directly, perhaps this would be what that swindler, Kaiki Deishuu, would call a well-deserved lesson. I dont know. I dont care. It didnt matter whether I care or not the fact that I had been cast out into the streets was certain. And while there were places where I had gone to during days off, not because I wanted to but because I didnt want to stay in the house, it would be a true blessing now to find a place where I could spend the night in any case, thanks to this, the Hanekawa family will now have a family dialogue, something we have not had for a long time. Dialogue? No, even I can imagine that this sort of thing is not called dialogue in a normal family. This isnt anything like a family meeting. We exchanged our opinions.
It was not interaction. Naturally, many troublesome formalities resulted from our house having been just burnt down but as of right now, even the reason for the fire was completely unknown. Chillingly, even arson was being suspected this was a long-term problem, and there was nothing that a child like me could do, so what we discussed today was also the most pressing question at the moment, which was to say, where we were to sleep tonight. We had nothing like relatives on whom we could rely on living nearby so, of course, there should have been no room for discussion at all, and we should make our way to the nearest hotel but this in itself was a problem to the Hanekawa family. It was the biggest problem, or, you could say, the only problem. We had not slept together in the same room for a considerably long time. I of course slept in the hall, and even though they were husband and wife, they had separate bedrooms. A hotel room would already be quite expensive, and we would need to have a second and third Ill be all right. Ill stay at a friends place. Before the discussion could become too involved, I said this. I announced, Its a good chance for the two of you to have some alone time together, as a couple. I said, having already understood that my doing this, not out of principle but because of how I truly felt, was due to my terrible inhumanity during Golden Week, I realized that this was whats wrong with me. I did not want to spend the night in the same room as these two. Though I clearly understood that this was how I felt, I prioritized it as lowly as I could I knew, just how unnatural that was. It was barely within the scope of humanity that I could think of this fire as a good chance. That was what Araragi-kun and Oshino-san taught me. That was my lesson.
Of course, I stood where I was right now, not having made the best of said lesson at all but I felt that I should return the two of them to how they should be. I get that feeling. It would be fine if I could just give those two one last chance before I become an adult, after which they intended to immediately divorce. So I thought. Taking everything into account, it would taken several months to rebuild our completely burnt house, so in the few weeks until they can rent a house, with the fifteen years the two of them have had together things might work out. I think so. I get that thought. I want to think so. The two consented readily. They did not stop me from staying at a friends place. In fact, they were clearly delighted that I suggested it myself. Well, but of course. The two of them together alone was better than the three of us together alone, so perhaps they were thankful for this fire, in terms of how it got rid of a nuisance for them. They were delighted by what I had done. I myself must be quite insane to find happiness in that.
Having a somewhat problematic personality, I cant say I have a lot but, in my own way, I have built up a network of friends appropriate for the average student during my school life. Speaking of which, while Araragi-kun speaks of his lack of friends with not so much masochism as something closer to pride, on this point, allow me to testify that he is not speaking untruths. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has no friends. Or rather, he has for a long time been conducting himself so as to make as few friends as possible making friends lowers your strength as a human being, or so he says. He seriously thought, and said, this. Though this philosophy has already been abandoned, he was still undergoing rehabilitation, and I had never seen him talking to the boys in class. Actually, I had never seen him speaking to anyone other than Senjougahara-san and me. Did he know that, just as how Senjougahara-san used to be called a high-class daughter, he had been called a motionless mute? Compared to Araragi-kuns situation, I still had friends. Friends with whom I got along well with. But, when I thought about it carefully, I had never stayed at a friends place before. I had never experienced anything like staying over, as it was called hmm. Now that I thought about it again, I wondered why this was. Though I hated spending time at the house, I had never genuinely attempted the act of running away Araragi-kun would probably say something like, thats because youre an honor student, and while that might seem to be the truth, perhaps it was rather Senjougahara-sans view that was correct. In other words, Have you ever said, help me? It wasnt limited to Araragi-kun.
Perhaps seeking help from others was simply something I could not do I didnt like the thought of entrusting something decisive to another person. I didnt want to let go of my casting vote. I wanted to define my own life myself. That was why I became a cat. I became an abnormality. I became me. Well, I guess its all right. As luck would have it, I know where to go. To cheer myself up, I said this in a way that wasnt quite talking to myself, and set off. The only luggage I had was the bag I brought to school as it was the opening ceremony on the first day of the new trimester, it only contained stationery, notebooks and other such unimportant things, but right now, they were my only possessions. This feeling of being like Anne Shirley, with my single bag containing all my fortune, meant it was untrue that I wasnt cheekily enjoying the current situation, so I suppose that, as a person, I wasnt so serious all the way through and the place where I was going was, of course, the ruins of that tutorial school we all knew. It seemed to have been called Noble Minds Tutorial School when it was still in business. This was the place where Oshino-san and Shinobu-chan had lived for about three months and Araragi-kun as well during the spring break, so regardless of its ruined appearance, it should have the facilities for one person to stay for the night. That was how I read it. I would be thankful for a floor and a roof, at least. It would be pretty far going on foot, but as I wanted to start saving money from here on, I did not take the bus. In the past, Oshino-san had placed a boundary field there so you wouldnt be really be able to reach it even if you wanted to, but it was removed now. If you just walk along the route,
you should get there normally. Naturally, there was no electricity, so I had to make my bed while the sun was still up. Oshino-san and Araragi-kun made their beds by arranging the desks and chairs, didnt they? In which case, I should follow their example. Passing the fence and entering the ruins, the first thing I did was head up the stairs to the fourth floor I chose the fourth floor because I heard from Araragi-kun that Oshino-san often lived on that floor. Judging from the living patterns of its previous inhabitant, I guessed that the fourth floor would be easier to live in compared to the others I had put everything I had in this wild stab. Rather than hit its mark, it missed completely. The first classroom I entered on the fourth floor had a hole in the ceiling. The next one was lacking in floor. No floor, and no ceiling And something must have happened in the last remaining classroom, as though some sort of beast had rampaged around the room if I had to say, it was as though Araragi-kun and Mayoi-chan were allowed to run amok as much as they wanted. I felt some regret at my rashness. It wasnt supposed to be this damaged When I first declared that I would stay at a friends house, these ruins were actually already on my mind, but this might be a more severe environment than I had imagined. Forcing a smile and trying my best to raise my spirits, I went down to the third floor the first classroom I entered on this floor was lacking in both ceiling and floor. It would seem that the hole in the ceiling was connected to that classroom on the fourth floor I saw earlier what happened here, really? From the hue of the holes edges, it seemed to have been destroyed very recently The earthquake proofing of this building would be put in quite a lot of doubt, if this had collapsed by itself.
With my heart thumping I challenged the next case and, finally, I arrived at a classroom that maintained the normal appearance of its ceiling, floor and walls. But it was too early to feel relieved, and I immediately began working to make a bed. This feels a bit like going camping with the Scouts, I thought, but of course, I had never joined the Scouts. Knowing something means you only know it. It is not experience. It was as Senjougahara-san had said. It was as if I accumulated knowledge, and alongside it I accumulated meaninglessness. Actually, binding the available desks together to make a bed was, despite appearances, not a simple task. I had no rope to bind them with in the first place. I left the ruins for a moment and went to a nearby store to buy some things. All right, its done. Oshino-san used one more desk for his bed, but Im not as tall as him, so this size should be enough. It was enjoyable, though. Making something. I thought the bed I had created was quite a piece of work tempted to try it, I could not resist and laid down, still in my uniform. Whoa. This isnt going to work. As high as my expectations had been, the mental damage I suffered was extreme. It really wasnt going to work. I seriously felt let down. There was no difference between this and sleeping on the floor. My expression became rugged. Believing that a side-by-side test was important, I actually tried lying down on the floor, and it really didnt feel like there was much difference. No, in fact, with the number of joints in a human body, it was harder to sleep on the desks.
What a fearsome man you are, Oshino-san. He can probably sleep on a bed of nails. I tried thinking of how Araragi-kun and Shinobu-chan had done it, but seeing as Shinobu-chan was a former vampire and Araragi-kun had been a vampire when he lived here, it couldnt really be used as a reference. I hadnt the faintest idea of how a vampire would feel in sleep when they could sleep comfortably even in a narrow coffin. A futon. I need bedding Saying this, I left the ruins once again. I left, carrying my wallet which had a cash card inside it wasnt as though I couldnt go and buy things. Besides, there were many necessities which needed to be bought in the first place aside from vinyl cords, and it shouldnt take much time or effort it was just that, at this point, I had to cut down even on bus fares, so there was no way I could buy a something like warm Hanege quilt bedding, so I had to prepare some sort of replacement. On this topic, I read in some book that newspaper, magazines or cardboard were very reasonable for the purpose of warming oneself. I ought to be able to get cardboard at department stores for free. Considering the amount of this-and-thats which I had to buy, I would have to take the bus for the return trip, but on that point, I cleanly gave myself up. It was a bad idea to cut down on even the things I need. Poverty dulls the wit. How beautiful those words were. And that was why I walked. I walked, slowly. One step at a time, firmly. Foodstuff that could be preserved, and water, things like these were absolutely necessary. Ill use cardboard as the mattress and newspapers, not magazines, for the cover. Tearing the pages would be an essential task if using magazines, and I didnt think I could manage it. Even if I were
to use magazines, it seems I had some resistance to destroying reading material. On this point, newspapers are already undone to begin with. And clothes. I couldnt sleep in my uniform Araragi-kun seemed to began thinking that I didnt own a single piece of regular clothing, but this was not true, of course. Those two hadnt done a single parent-like thing for me, but they werent negligent, either. They did the minimum. They did it as though they were fulfilling some obligation. So they bought me clothes, at least it was simply that I didnt really want to wear them. Well, everythings been burnt now. After its been burnt, everything came to be nothing. It felt as though I had been reset. Yes though it was, in truth, imprudence on my part, I could not deny that I was in a brisk mood. Of course, said briskness was also in truth a trick. There had been no reset. This situation was nothing more than a temporary refuge. Something that was lost cannot be made into something that had never been. Walking around the mass retailers in the department store, I saw that clothes as a product was surprisingly expensive. I would have to take the bus, but maybe I should head to Uniqlo as I started thinking this, the neighboring hundred-yen shop suddenly came into my view. Actually, I thought as I approached it, I already had a hunch about coming here, and I was right. Of course, you would be hard-pressed to find pajamas (-style sweaters) for a hundred yen, but thankfully, underwear was sold for that price. I bought them without a moments hesitation and finished up my shopping.
As I thought about stupid things like how I really cant show off underwear I bought at a hundred-yen shop to Araragi-kun, I stepped onto the bus for the return trip as planned, and returned to the tutorial school. Oshino-san hadnt spoke of bothers like these when he had lived here, but as he was a human being and not a vampire, I felt a strange sense of admiration for him as I wondered if he had really went through three months of hardships like this. In the third-floor classroom, I began reinforcing the bed. Cutting the cardboard with a utility knife, I used packing tape to wrap together two layers on top of the desks. You may think that, no matter how much I worked on it, cardboard was still cardboard, but this was overwhelmingly more comfortable a bed. I wrapped another layer of cardboard just to be sure, and completed my bedding. As the amount of work so far had tired me out considerably, I had dinner. Preserved foods were all that I bought, so there was no need to cook anything. Of course, Thanks for the meal. I did not forget these words. Even if it was just preserved foods, once you trace it back to its source, it had been the sacrifice of some life, somewhere. At least thats what I believe, so, thank you. In fact, even if it wasnt a living being, it would still become a part of my blood, and my bones, so I will accept it with gratitude. Life is precious. Even if it no longer lives. However, as might be expected, having only this sort of food would be wearisome eventually, so perhaps I should buy a portable stove and pot sooner or later. Though this was supposed to be temporary dwelling until those two found a house to rent, as they are both busy with work, the situation might turn into one where I will live here for quite a long period of time. I can use the washrooms and showers at school if it comes down to it, I can recharge my cellphone at school as well. I can study at the library or reading rooms. As for whats left
Going over the various things that may become problems, I continued the task of inspecting them one by one I immediately found measures to deal with every single problem. It would seem that by doing this, I was not so much working out response plans due to the stress my life will be in from now on, but rather working hard to confirm that I was not troubled in any way by the burning down of that house. I did this, as though I was adjusting myself so to fit into the current situation. As though I was resolving a paradox. It really was quite like me to do this. That was delicious. Seasonally speaking, it was still the height of the summer so the sun should set fairly late, but it had become pitch dark before I realized, so I changed into the nightclothes and the underwear I bought at the shop, and went to sleep on the bed I had just made. Comfortably snug werent quite exactly the words I could use. Even so, it was a mysterious thing that I felt a sleep more peaceful than when there had been in the hallway at home.
The human body has something called a biological clock. The bio-rhythm permeating your body cannot be so easily broken. To say nothing of the fact that Im a person who doesnt even know the mindset of being halfawake though I had thought this way, the reality was different. I did not oversleep. Rather, I woke up before the time I had planned to and whats more, I did not simply wake, but was woken. There shouldnt be anyone who would wake me up now that the Rumbas gone Hanekawa-san! I was woken by someone pulling me up. Under my present condition, would an unbelievable sight suddenly pouring into me count as me being half-awake? so I blithely thought, as I waited until understanding could catch up to recognition. As I looked at Senjougahara-san before me, holding my collar, I thought, blithely. Are you all right?! Are you alive?! H-Huh? Wha? Gmorning? Still unable to understand the situation, I doing something I hadnt done for a really long time gave a morning greeting. I was bewildered as well. After all, that cool-headed Senjougahara-san was looking straight at me, her face bright red as tears fell. Are you all right?! Senjougahara-san repeated her question. Still having absolutely no idea of why she was so worried, Y-Yeah.
I nodded. I was crushed by her ardor. Following this, Senjougahara-san finally let go of my collar and bit her lip, looking as though she was holding back a teary outburst, and then Idiot! she slapped me. I was pulled up. And I was slapped. I might have been able to avoid it if I wanted to, but her appearance was so menacing that I simply allowed myself to be hit. No, maybe I really couldnt have avoided it. My cheek burnt and stung. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Not ending with simply the first hit, Senjoughara-san continued to slap me along the way, her hand broke down from a backhand to simply beating on my chest, like that of a child throwing a tantrum. It didnt hurt at all. But it was so very painful. A a girl! All by herself! Sleeping, in a, a place like this! What if something had happened?! Im sorry. I apologized. Well, perhaps I should say I was made to apologize after all, I didnt think there was any reason whatsoever to reflect on what I had done, or in other words, my little game of Scouts and the feeling that I was experiencing something rather interesting. But, even so,
there was no mistaking that I had made Senjougahara-san, that Senjougahara-san, so very worried about me Though imprudent on my part, I was a little happy, as well. I was happy. No. I wont forgive you. Ill never forgive you. Saying this, Senjougahara-san embraced me, as though snuggling up to me, as though clinging onto me, as though throwing herself onto me. As though she will never let go again. I wont forgive you. Not even if you apologize. Yeah I got it. I know. Im sorry. Im sorry. Even so, I continued to repeat these words of apology. I embraced her in return, and continued to apologize. In the end, it took about thirty minutes for Senjougahara-san to stop crying and by then, it was my wake-up time, just the same as always.
Really, she was just so adorable. It almost made me not mind the state my hair was in. I couldnt even imagine how it would feel to have your home burn down Id thought that maybe you wouldnt want anyone talking to you right now, so I had been holding back, but I was still worried so I made up my mind and decided to go ahead and call you anyway, but it wouldnt go through. Oh. Sorry, I turned my phone off. I said. I thought the living would be rough from here on, so I ought to be more frugal. I wasnt using the phone in place of my alarm clock because I had some trust in my own biological clock, but of course, there was also a more pragmatic reason. I couldnt be completely sure whether the school would let me use their outlets or not (my teacher would lend me one if I explained the reason, but ultimately, the use of cellphones was banned in school). My goodness, you are strait-laced you can just borrow the outlets here and there. Thats called theft. I had to run all over the city, thanks to you. I managed to learn that you were staying at a friends house after asking a lot of different people but no one told me who in the class you were staying with. How how many people? Everyone I knew. To Senjougahara-san, who once upon a time had risen beyond a mere fear of strangers and reached the epitome of human distrust, this was a growth. However, due to said growth, the news of my disappearance was now known to the class Well, great. Also, Im sorry. I met your parents as well.
Huh? That was a surprise. Does that mean she went to visit the hotel they were staying in? Well, I guess anyone with the patience and connections would be able to find them they werent exactly in hiding, and they had a postal address. In fact, Senjougahara-san probably visited them, assuming that I was following th that I was there. I see. So, you met Father, and Mother. Youve never actually called those people Father and Mother, have you? Senjougahara-san said nonchalantly. Even more nonchalantly than usual. She seemed displeased. In the past, you wouldnt be able to tell what she was thinking at all just by reading her expression, but emotions have been appearing on her face lately. Joy, and sorrow. And anger. It would seem that she had quite received quite the reception. Things would be so much easier if those two could just improve on their external displays Oshino-san also got a pretty horrible reception during Golden Week but I wonder if I were one to talk when I myself couldnt think of anything decent to say in the current situation. I just cant follow up on things like that. It seems much has happened. Not that I mean to pry. Unlike Araragi-kun, she knew very little about my situation, the discord and distortion of the Hanekawa family, but seemingly with no intention of becoming too deeply involved, she briskly returned our conversation to its original course. A show of skill from the Senjougahara-san I know.
I remember why I admired her. After that, I started looking around at random, and finally, I thought of this place just as it became morning. Well, I thought of this place from the very beginning, but I didnt even want to consider a girl of your age spending the night in a ruin like this but maybe, just maybe, I searched this place last. Huh. Huh? Wait, are you saying you stayed up the whole night, Senjougahara-san? I am saying I stayed up the whole night, Senjougahara-san. Staying up all night, what they call stay-upper for short. Thats why I got so excited when I found you and started crying, said Senjougahara-san. Thats a cute excuse. Staying up all night is an all-nighter, by the way. .A girl of your age wandering around the streets at night sounds plenty dangerous to me. I dont have any way to answer that. Im not really the thinking-ahead type, said Senjougahara-san. Now that I looked, she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, a very rough style. The way she was covered in sweat told me that, rather than wandering, she had been running about like Kanbaru-san. Thank you. I thanked her shortly, and as nonchalantly as possible, and then lowered myself from the bed. It didnt hurt. I didnt believe myself to be an excellent human being, no matter how much Araragi-kun may tell me so, but it would seem that I have some talent at bed making. I fancied myself becoming, perhaps, a bed maker in the future. Can you learn it by studying in Germany or something? Its all right, it was something I decided to do by myself and judging from your situation, it seems Ive done something rather fruitless.
Of course not. Not that youve mentioned it, I finally realized just how dangerous this was. They say fire can drive anyone into a panic, so it looks like that fire got me in a pretty strange mood. Perhaps. In fact, I hope that is the case you do some incredibly dangerous things even just naturally, did you know that? Really? Seducing Araragi-kun, for one. Hmph. A hmph was all I managed. I couldnt figure out a rebuttal. I havent been trying to seduce him at all, and yet I couldnt object. The theory that I was the one who made him the way he is, was unexpectedly persistent among the public. He really was very aloof back then when he first got involved with me. Theres barely any trace of that left now. Is it because of me? Well, there was the matter of the tiger, as well in any case, I certainly did worry too much. I apologize, I should have known better. Now, lets go. Go? Go where? To school? My home. Senjougahara-san said this as though it were obvious. I will say this one more time for your sake, but if you attempt to resist, a stapler will be going into your mouth, and it will close shut around the side of your neck. Anything to bring you with me, Hanekawa-san. Seeing as that was apparently what she actually did to Araragi-kun a long time ago, there really was no way for me to go against what she said.
much furniture, but, well, Senjougahara-san didnt seem like the type of person who would have many things in any case. I was sure that her father was the same. Despite appearances, I used to live in a manor back then, I would have let you have an entire room without batting an eye, but this is all I can do for now. Dont say it like Lupin. What would you think if I told you that I went around to different convenience stores and spent a total of 90,000 yen because I wanted to win Lupins Fiat in Ichiban Kuji that badly? I would think you have horrible luck. I sat down. And looked around the room. This place calms me down, in a way. Is that so? Araragi-kun always seems very ill at ease, though. I doubt theres a boy out there who can keep his cool in a girls room but its, well, nice here. Unable to summarize my thoughts, I simply said these things as they occurred to me. It feels like home. Oh? Senjoughara-san put on a face, as though she didnt really understand. She probably didnt. It was natural, as neither did I. Though I was the one who said it. As though talking to myself. What is home in the first place? I certainly did live for fifteen years in the Hanekawa house that was now gone, so of course, by definition, to argue the case logically, it was home, and, as I myself had said when I saw it burning, it was my house. But still.
Why is it that I feel more calm in this Room 201 than in the hallway of that house? Why does my heart feel at ease here? At the very least, I dont feel that its my house. After all, it hasnt been that long since I moved here. Senjougahara-san said. Well, of course, my previous home is gone as well. Of course. The house where Senjougahara-san had lived the house that had been known to my entire neighborhood, that truly justified the use of the word manor, was now an empty plot of land. No, it wasnt even that. Isnt it just a road, now? I wonder. I clearly watched my own house burn, even if it was from a distance how does it feel, for ones home to become something of the past? I dont know. I dont know so I stopped thinking about it. Yes. I wont be bothered by it anymore. I wont be bothered by my own calmness. Take a rest from school today, Hanekawa-san. Senjougahara-san said, taking off her sweat-drenched T-shirt. Saying this as one girl to another, she puts on an extremely good show when she, well, strips. It was worth admiring, even.
Ill be resting as well. Huh? Im tired. Naturally. Now that I looked closely, Senjougahara-sans eyes were rather bleary. I could fall into the embrace of my bed right about now. Thats a pretty amazing way to express it. I may be a former member of the track and field team, but its been too long. My legs are shaking. And you, Hanekawa-san, it looked like you made your bed well, but theres no way you could have slept well in a place like that. Well, thats true, maybe. And your hair looks horrible. Please dont talk about my hair. Flustered, I turned to face Senjougahara-san. But its only the second day of the second trimester, taking a break now is, You dont think its abnormal for someone whose house just burnt down to mosey down to school the next day like nothing happened? Insensitive is the word people use to describe people who think like you. Taking off her jeans, Senjougahara-san said this strictly, facing me in her underwear. Her stance told me that she would stubbornly refuse any disagreement. Though she was wearing so little, no one could appear more valiant. And no one could appear more sensual. Besides, youre not planning on studying further, yes? Then theres no reason to care about your attendance or student records anymore. Well, thats true, but
But theyre rules. I want to obey them. Because theyre rules. My goodness, just rest. If you must go to school, then youll have to defeat me first. Saying this, Senjougahara-san took on a stance from Chinese martial arts. A gratuitously perfect Praying Mantis. Shiiing. Please dont add your own sound effects all right, I get it. Ill do as you say for today, Senjougahara-san. And to be honest, I really do want to rest and relax. Thank you for making me do this. If you say so. Besides, minding other peoples business like this isnt like me Senjougahara-san said, somewhat embarrassingly, but I wonder. Personally, I thought this sort of officiousness was just like her. Oh. Oh, but, is it all right for you to take a break, too? Me? Well, as for me, I plan to go on to university based on recommendations. Regardless of my attendance record, damaging my student record would be hmm, thats right. Senjougahara-san seemingly worried for an instant, then immediately took out her cellphone. Just as I wondered who she was calling, Senjougahara-san pinched her nose, faked a hoarse voice, Cough, cough, oh, Sir? This is cough, this is Senjougahara. Ive caught the flu, it seems it might be the newest strain. Cough, yes? My temperature? Its averaging at forty-two degrees. I just broke my air conditioner with my fever. Theres no mistake, this is because of the heat wave this year. Im swimming in sweat. I feel like Im coming apart I might infect the whole class, but can I come to school? No? Oh, is that so, I understand. How unfortunate. I really wanted to hear your lesson. Well then said this, and ended the call. And, as though nothing happened,
Were good. she said this. We are not good. At all. The flu? Why did you have to lie about that? Whats wrong with just a cold? The bigger the lie, the harder it is to expose. Its all right. Theres a doctor who Ive known for a long time now, I can have him fake a doctors note. Theres no way hell help you with that. What kind of doctor would put his own career at risk for the sake of a high schooler and her sickout? Senjougahara-san was good at telling lies, and yet she wasnt. And can you please put some clothes back on now? Its really a bit awkward if you keep wearing nothing but that. Hm? But Im going to take a shower now. Oh, I see. Arent you going to, too? Oh. Yes, please let me borrow your shower. Now that she mentioned it, I felt like I was completely covered in dust. And I sweat a fair bit in my sleep, so the underwear I bought at the shop were in quite the sorry state as well. The size felt a bit wrong in the first place. But, you first, of course. Why are you being so reserved? Lets go in together. After my suggestion, she said this invitingly. And with a great smile, too. One that I doubt even Araragi-kun had seen before, a smile that shone like the Sun.
Were both girls, theres nothing to be embarrassed about. No, wait, stop for a second. Actually, just stop. That sounds a little inappropriate. Oh, Hanekawa-san, its not like I have ulterior motives. Or do you not trust your friend? If the friend could say something like that in a situation like this, then maybe Dont mistake me. Im not like Kanbaru. Senjougahara-san said this with a serious face. I just want to see you naked. Nothing more. It seems new character traits are being added to Senjougahara-san. I had previously heard about Kanbaru-sans preferences, but now I wonder about relationship of the Valhalla Combo when they were in middle school, and how it was perhaps not just a onesided affair. Please, Hanekawa-san, take a shower with me! This Senjougahara-san was just too new a character. Who would be able to follow this? If we work together, we can defeat Sengoku-chan! Didnt the story already establish that you dont know about her yet? And now metafictional remarks. I have to be careful. Just like how I have to be careful of Senjougahara-san. Well, all right. Were both girls, after all, so I dont really mind that much. Oh. Im surprised youd agree. Senjougahara-san returned to her usual self.
Im saying this as the one who invited you, but I would have thought that you were the sort of person who would have a line youd never cross, even with a friend. Ahaha, a line? What? Like someone who never lets anyone into her room, or never plays with anyone outside of school, people like that? Yes. I wont deny that. I have lines, too. Perhaps you could say that I disliked others rudely intruding on my affairs despite my doing the same in return my relationship with Araragi-kun was exactly like that. And why it ended up like this. But theres no reason to keep my distance and act aloof to someone who just slapped me while crying her eyes out. Hmph. Senjoughara-sans face became red. She pouted, as though she was sulking. She had been beautiful when she was expressionless as well, but this Senjougahara-san, her face filled with expressions, was also very beautiful. So much so that maybe I should be the one asking her to shower with me or is that saying too much? Ah. It was then that the phone in Senjougahara-sans hand rang. I thought that perhaps Hoshina did realize how unnatural Senjougahara-san had sounded and called to ask again, but that was apparently not the case. It was the ring tone for a new message, anyway. Who is it from? Araragi-kun. Hmm. From the contents, I think youll be getting the same thing. Huh?
Why dont you check? You can just use the outlet there. Dont worry, I wont ask you to pay for it. Adding that line actually makes you sound really petty Saying this, I took my cellphone out from my bag and plugged it in. Without waiting for it to ring by itself, I checked my mailbox. New Messages 957 Items. Oh, dont mind those, I sent those because I was worried. You sent 956 messages in one night?! Over half of the messages in my Received folder seemed to have been pushed out and was gone from the memory. Is this supposed to be my fault? Shouldnt I be asking for an apology for this? As I thought this, I hurried to check the latest message it really was sent by Araragi-kun. not comingback yet dont worry There was neither a subject nor a signature the message was so bare, calling it straightforward would be an exaggeration. It was an urgent mail, as though he was wrote it in such an emergency that he didnt even want to waste time with capitals, punctuate properly, or fix the spacing. Perhaps this is to be expected, but it seems Araragi-kun is at it again and this time, it appears to be quite serious. Senjougahara-san, having seemingly received the same message, said this, mixed with a sigh. She seemed astounded, even. I dont really know what happened then, but judging from the message, this sounds as bad as spring break, or worse. You think so too? Yes. Well, at least he took the time to send a message this time, so perhaps he has grown back then, he really couldnt see anything except what was in front of him.
Thats true. Does it have something to do with Mayoi-chan? Well, Mayoi-chan was only looking to have her backpack returned, and that was the only reason why she was looking for Araragi-kun, so she should be unrelated to what Araragi-kun was involved in right now But, for some reason, I felt that way. And with absolute certainty. Its no good. It wouldnt connect. At some point, Senjougahara-san tried to call him (and with so little hesitation in the act as well) and, with almost no hint of having done something audacious, she snapped shut her cellphone and put it in its charging stand. Well, hes a boy, so I suppose we dont have to worry for him it should be all right. Once he comes back, Ill brag to him about taking a shower together with you. I dont think hed be bothered by that. Hanekawa-sans body curves like this here, it goes like this there Stop gesturing. It wasnt indecent so much as it was alluring. But, this would mean that we have to deal with the tiger ourselves. The tiger? The tiger the one I saw when I went to school. The giant tiger. The talking tiger. Speaking of which, that was the reason that Senjougahara-san said made her worry too much But the tiger Hm? Id wondered if that tiger wasnt the cause of the fire was I wrong? Is the cause clear?
No, we still dont know It might have been arson. That was what the firefighters had said The tiger it was the reason we dont know. I see. Then it seems I should have put one foot in front of the other. As a track and field team member would. Please dont waste such a striking look on a joke of this level. Now, Hanekawa-san, its time. We should have our shower, for him as well. I dont think we need to do this for him. I will be looking at your nude body for him. Please just do that for yourself. Very well. Senjougahara-san promptly consented. Well, I wouldnt know what to do even had she resisted. Ah, yes, now that I actually think about it, Araragi-kun can no longer feel excitement from a naked girl or her underwear. Really? Yes. Hes risen in level after the experiences of these few months. As he tells me, just the act of wearing a skirt is erotic. From that point of view, there really is no way for a girl to protect her body. Oh man, just look at those hemlines waving in the wind, he says. So he doesnt even need to look inside them anymore, huh That is high-level.
Or, rather Yeah Well then, lets help wash each others breasts. You mean help wash each others backs, right? Hanekawa-san. Thinking that it wouldnt be good to stretch the conversation out any further, I hurriedly began taking off my uniform, but Senjougahara-san suddenly asked me a question. With a face that was neither smiling nor serious. Do you still like Araragi-kun? Yes. I still do. I answered her immediately.
Yes, feared. Just as I disliked being treated as an honor student, he disliked being treated as a delinquent, but, well, if there was a student who took days off as he pleased, attended classes and took tests halfheartedly, at times not taking them at all, then I couldnt possibly be the only one who thought of him in that way. After we became friends and I asked him, or rather, casually investigated about the details, it would seem that, in terms of what Araragi-kun did when blowing off school or neglecting classes and tests, it was pretty much the same as what he did during spring break or Golden Week. He became a vampire during spring break as though it was nothing. His life did not change completely because he became involved with the abnormalities, rather, he had been Araragi Koyomi all along. Even the acts of the Fire Sisters, Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan, of which he would bitterly complain about while wearing a terrible expression, were similarly treated as though they were nothing, nothing more than a rehash of his own time in middle school. No, from what those two tell me, when he had been in middle school Araragi-kun was much more dangerous. His extracurricular activities brushed against laws. No, it wasnt even an exaggeration to say that he fought against those laws directly. I could hardly believe he managed to live to become a high schooler, and it made my amazement evolve into admiration. Although it did seem to be true that, while Araragi-kun had done much the same thing in both middle school and high school, there was a great difference in the source of his motivation. What happened? On this point, he had obstinately refused to talk about it ever since spring break, and currently none of his friends, including me, knew, but it would seem that Araragikun had some sort of mental turning point when he was in the first year of high school. You could say it was the reason why he became a failure, as he would put it. He exaggerated it on purpose, so perhaps it was nothing more than the fact that he stopped studying. There was no law stating that a persons mentality could only change with great incidents. Whether he intended on changing or not, Araragi-kun was still Araragi-kun. Even if the aloof Araragi-kun I first met had been the result of said change, he was still himself. Regardless of how much he changed, he was still Araragi Koyomi.
So this was simply reminiscing on when Araragi-kun had been a middle schooler, when he had been more excitable, more active and hot-blooded something that he himself had already forgotten. In this way, perhaps him becoming a high schooler and settling down was something normal. Everything he did. Was just. Normal. Or perhaps. Spring break, and Golden Week. The cases with Senjougahara-san, with Hachikuji-chan, with Kanbaru-san, with Sengoku-chan, with Karen-chan, perhaps these were, to him, inconsiderable compared to what he had experienced in middle school. And even now, on this very day, he was acting on something. At some point, I fell in love with him when, exactly, would be a story for another time.
Well, it didnt particularly inconvenience me, so lets just move on it was past noon by the time I awoke. No one woke me up. As Senjougahara-san had said, I did feel like I slept more peacefully here than at those ruins, a quiet and deep sleep that felt like it eased away the layers of fatigue that had wrapped around my soul. Well, I was a little surprised at waking up and seeing Senjougahara-sans sleeping face, though. No, not just a little. I was honestly quite shocked. The only way to call it would be a spectacle. Her features were awfully fine apparently, a beauty with her eyes shut can carry an almost completely different air compared to when her eyes are open. In particular, Senjougahara-sans smooth features, so overly-fine it looked as though she had been crafted, as though she was made from porcelain, and yet she was undeniably bewitching in a way impossible for a work of art, so that even I couldnt help but feel my heart race. Bump-bump-bump-bump. My physical fatigue was gone, but I couldnt possibly stay half-awake after having my blood pressure raised precipitously so soon after opening my eyes. So Araragi-kun had always got to see this sleeping face all for himself, huh. With just the slightest bit of adult content entering my mind, I got my face red all by myself. Im acting like an idiot. Im being an idiot. ..Or, perhaps not. Not even Araragi-kun could have a monopoly on this, not yet Senjougahara-san lived with her father, after all. The one who had seen his daughters sleeping face more than anyone else. The one who watched over her more than anyone else. It could only be her father.
Well. Oh. Suddenly, Senjougahara-san opened her eyes. It felt not so much like waking as coming back to life. Or perhaps being switched on. Being activated. It seemed Senjougahara-san was also not the type to stay half-awake even though appearance-wise you would think she suffered from low blood pressure. Well, apparently there was no relation between low blood pressure and waking up in the morning, anyway. If I had to suggest something, then perhaps low blood sugar would be related. Good morning, Hanekawa-san. Good morning, Senjougahara-san. Well, so we say, but its probably not the time for that anymore. Thats true. Its not. What time is it? Umm, Turning my head, I once again checked the clock placed above the chest of drawers. One-thirty. A.M.? Or P.M.? P.M., of course. How long were you planning on sleeping? Begin flashback after that.
After that, Senjougahara-san and I really did take a shower together as it was my first time experiencing a shower with anybody else, I will simply report now that various embarrassing, awkward things happened. Due to this, the initiative was completely held by Senjougahara-san, who actually did wash me here and there. She seemed very used to it, and they were clearly the skilled hands of someone experienced in the act. She was used to playing around with girls! Thats what it made me think. I couldnt sit still and do nothing after having that much done to me, though, so I started washing her back here and there. In the bathroom that was not quite big enough, we were, literally, completely open with one another. Im not sure how I should express it, but I certainly feel like Ive crossed a line. If I had been facing a line, I certainly did cross it. You could say it was a turning point. At the very least, there was no longer any particular reasons to hold back when I was with Senjougahara-san, or so it felt. Truthfully, I had been forcibly brought here by her, and still felt some resistance to the idea of staying at someones home. But after being taken care of for just one day, I could think such things so honestly. That was the feeling I got. I honestly thought that. Speaking of which, that was something I had not done for quite a long time. What does it mean to be honest? What does it mean to think? It would just end up in incoherent rambling if I consider it too deeply. Though now that I thought about it, Senjougahara-san was also the kind of person who built firm walls around her heart.
Back when she had been mistakenly called a high-class daughter, she would never have done anything like letting me stay at her place or taking a shower with me, or even running around the city searching for me in the first place. I thought of the various things she must have overcome these few months, of their weight. How pathetic I must be that I should experience various things myself and yet, in the end, overcome not a single thing. Yes. I havent overcome anything. Even after the turmoil of Golden Week, or the day before the Cultural Festival. I havent grown at all. I havent changed. Thats why I am so very envious of Senjougahara-san and yet so very fond of her, and could never hate her. I honestly thought that. After playing around in the shower for about thirty minutes (no one was there to stop us) we left the changing room feeling refreshed. We wiped ourselves dry and put on our underwear. Of course, I assume youll be reluctant to try on my underwear, but at least take my pajamas. Senjougahara-san said. Ill just go and throw out those dreadful discount-shop sweats. You can choke a chorten with those. Huh? Are they that bad? Terrible. Senjougahara-san shook her head, seemingly irritated by her dripping hair. It was a very frank comment.
Clothes like that werent made under the assumption that people would wear them theyre for mannequins. Or to confirm the functionality of a coat hanger, perhaps. Was it that bad? As there had been no mirrors in the ruins, I never had a chance to check how I looked in those clothes but perhaps part of what made Senjougahara-san cry when she saw me sleeping in my self-made bed was because of I was sleeping in those clothes. Hmm. Well, thats not good. But, can I? Borrow your pajamas, I mean. Its all right. I have quite the wardrobe. In that case, thank you. I took out fresh underwear from the ones I bought at the shop. After that, I put on the sleepwear taken from Senjougahara-sans chest of drawers. It was a strange sensation, wearing someone elses clothes there was a sense of openness distinct from the act of wearing clothes. It felt as though something had been permitted. Though, as Senjougahara-san was tall and her clothes size bigger than mine, it felt looser than it needed to be. But of course, the area around your bust looks uncomfortably tight. Wonderful. No, its not really that tight Its just sleepwear. Thats normal. Its not a matter of course. After waiting for Senjougahara-san to put on her pajamas, we dried each others hair. That didnt take long though we had fairly long hair in the first trimester, by now the both of us were at the length of bob cuts.
We were soon dry. It made me feel as though something was missing. But Hanekawa-san, ever since you cut your hair after the Cultural Festival, youve been growing it out again, havent you? Hm? Oh, yeah. I havent been to a salon since then. Are you letting it grow again? Mmn I dont really know. I only really noticed after I cut it, but I didnt realize how much time it took to look after it if you keep it long dont you think so? Hmm. Well, you have a point, I suppose. Right? Like when you wake up. Right. Shes not letting go of that, is she? So Ive been wondering if its all right to let it grow after graduating or something like that. After graduation, hmm. Senjougahara-san repeated my words in a meaningful tone. To be honest, it still sounds a bit dubious to me. I certainly dont believe that you need tertiary education, but it isnt as though university is just a place for studying. As I see it, travelling around the world and going to a university are the same thing. This had been brought up as a topic of conversation many times now, but it made me think that, really, its because she could say things like this so clearly that I liked Senjougahara-san. Yes, I wouldnt be going to university. That was why I didnt need to worry about my attendance or student records.
I was set on travelling around the world for about two years once I graduate most of the planning was already done. Arranging too detailed a schedule would make it feel like a package tour, so I made a straightforward plan through-and-through. At this point, only Araragi-kun and Senjougahara-san know about this future course. The way he was, Araragi-kun did not attempt to stop me. The way she was, Senjougahara-san was quietly in complete opposition. Seeing the way you could sleep in those ruins without a care just makes me oppose this even more. Even more resolute, you could say. You do realize that not every country is safe like Japan, dont you? By the time anything happens, it would be too late, you know. All the men in the world would be after your skin. My skin? Just imagining your skin being sunburnt as you wander the tropics makes me truly feel despair. Senjougahara-sans face was one of true despair. Just why is she so attached to my skin? Really, perhaps I should just put a collar on you and confine you to a locked cage Senjougahara-san, Senjougahara-san. Youre suggesting doing horrible things to me in this safe country. Arent you just being stubborn? Senjougahara-san ignored my quip. Speaking of which, Araragi-kun told me that she also ignores many of his comebacks. Maybe shes just an airhead. Not that I would know who you are doing this against: Araragi-kun, Oshino-san, perhaps me or someone else. Those parents of yours, for example. That shut me up for a bit. It made me think.
Perhaps that was true no, its not. Im not being stubborn. I wouldnt decide my own future based on my own stubbornness. Really. If you say so. I just want something that can cover for what I dont have enough of oh, yes, as people like to say these days, a journey to discover myself. To discover yourself. Of course, I already met myself during Golden Week so maybe it would be more correct to say a journey to create myself and find a new me. Hmm. Well, I doubt I could overturn a decision you firmly swore to yourself. I may be resolute, but you are obstinate. However, Senjougahara-san said. Quietly. If you ever feel like not going, you can stop anytime you want. You can turn back even in the middle of your journey. We would never think it shameful. Yes, we. Its obvious that even Araragi-kun really does want to stop you. Does he? Absolutely. I was talked down. But I wonder. I didnt quite entirely know how Araragi-kun felt about me anyway, we finished drying our hair in the course of this not-really-a-girl-talk. Senjougahara-san then took out one set of bedding from the closet. There is one more set, for Father, but I dont know about that. I guess a high school girl would be reluctant to sleep in the beddings usually used by a middle-aged man into his forties. Yes, theres no choice, sleep together with me, Hanekawa-san. Now that was some snap decision.
Its all right, its all right, really! Dont worry! I wont do anything at all! Were only sleeping together! I wont lay a finger on you! It took quite some skill, the way she was able to appeal for trust and lose it at the same time. I wont treat you like a hugging pillow! I think I get why you go out with Araragi-kun now. The suspicion that it was possibly Senjougahara-san, and not me, who made Araragi-kun the way he is now quickly surfaced in my mind. And when I really thought about it, back during spring break, I remember that Araragi-kun was comparatively similar. Yeah, its not my fault, then. Okay, I get it. I wouldnt have worried even if you hadnt said anything. Is that so? Thank you. Senjougahara-san thanked me for some reason. She was a girl who ranked unnaturally high on the suspicion scale. Well, then use my pillow, Hanekawa-san. Ill use Fathers. ? Huh? Oh, right, why cant you just use your fathers beddings, then? At her age, a daughter would clearly feel some rejection towards her father, even if theyre family, or no, because theyre family, so she wouldnt want to use the same beddings as him was the reason I had thought of, but that didnt seem to be the case, not when she was fine with using his pillow. What? But if I use Fathers beddings, I wouldnt be able to sleep with you, now would I? I see. It was an extraordinarily logical reason. Very difficult for me to undermine. And since Im actually in love with Father, if I actually try using his bedding Ill be too aroused to sleep.
Youre baring too much to me. What kind of family is this? Well as I had absolutely no idea of what a family was, this wasnt a joke I could make at a moments notice. At any rate, every house has its own sort of familial relationship Araragi-kun and his sisters, for instance. Isnt their relationship clearly abnormal? Yeah, it is! Without a thought, I enthusiastically agreed. Plainly put, the relationship between those siblings was dangerous. It was something that had been in constant conflict with all logic, and worse, it recently began moving towards a total victory. The situation was extremely perilous. I was introduced to Karen-san and Tsukihi-san the other day, and the amount of respect in their eyes when they look at their brother compared to that, my feelings for Father are well within range of normal. Hmm. There was an undeniable sense that she brought up an even worse example to normalize herself, but lets not press the issue. Having lived in the same house, spent fifteen years together with those two, and yet unable to become a family with them in the end it wasnt something that I should press on. Even that house, was gone now. Without a house we cannot become a family. Now, shall we go to bed? Hanege no, Hanekawa-san. Its not actually possible to mispronounce Hanekawa as Hanege, you know.
The only common point is the part in the beginning, and the words are vocalized differently. It couldnt have been an accident, but ever since Senjougahara-sans expressions became more varied, it became wholly impossible to know how serious she was being just by her appearance. The time was 8 A.M. We could still make it to school in time if we made a dash for it now, but I meekly reported to Hoshina my intent to be absent. I tucked myself into bed with Senjougahara-san. Good night. Good night. Bidding each other a good night. Even this hadnt been done by me in a fairly long time, and it felt as though it were the first time I said it. After all, I would say good morning to Rumba, but I couldnt say good night.
No no. No hugging. Not me. Now then. Are you hungry, Hanekawa-san? I was thinking of making breakfast or rather, lunch. Oh, thats a good idea. Ill help. Is there anything you dont like to eat? Nothing, no. Okay. Senjougahara-san crawled out of the bed and headed to the dressing room. She probably wanted to hold the kitchen knife only when she had washed her face and was completely awake. She came back out, and went into the kitchen. I say kitchen, but given the size of the house, it was basically the same room. Hm-hm-hmm. Senjougahara-san hummed a tune as she put on her apron. She was in a good mood, for some reason. Perhaps she liked cooking. I remembered that Araragi-kun had previously lamented the lack of home cooking on the part of Senjougahara-san, though speaking of which, I hadnt heard anything like that recently. I wondered if that meant he had had an opportunity to taste his girlfriends cooking. Hanekawa-san, What is it? If I started slowly reducing myself to a naked apron right now, would you go moe? I would snap. Is that so, Senjougahara-san nodded, and began taking out food items from the refrigerator.
It seems we can settle this without aggravation. As I didnt really know how to snap at someone, that was rather helpful. By the way, Hanekawa-san, did you know that you write moyashi with the same character as moe? Ever since knowing that, I cant help but find eating sprouts delicious. Um, no, I dont think the taste of something will change just for that So, well? Senjougahara-san turned to face me with a strikingly posed look. Sticking the tip of the kitchen knife at me. Is it not, in fact, high praise to call someone a sprout?! A sprout To be honest, I didnt think it was that interesting, but with a kitchen knife waving in my face, I couldnt make any unwise objections. But she does look really fitting with a knife, doesnt she? (Several word-based puns incoming. I still havent figured out how to translate these. Sorry.) What kind of rice do you like, Hanekawa-san? Koshihikari? Or Sasanishiki? I guess its already decided that were having rice, huh. We call it morning rice (), afternoon rice () and evening rice (), after all. We would call it morning bread (), afternoon bread () and evening bread () if it were bread. That sounds pretty neat But we could just refer to them normally as breakfast (), lunch () and dinner ( ). Senjougahara-sans theory seemed to have quite a few holes. Hmm, yes. That you end up reading evening bread () as tablet () would be one of the holes in your theory.
No, there are bigger holes than that. So does your house always have Koshihikari and Sasanishiki? Of course not. We only have mystery rice. Mystery rice? Well, the word mystery () does include rice (), doesnt it? So what? So, maybe its not branded rice (), but blended rice (). That gag is about fifteen years too late. There had been a time when various problems concerning rice blends and brands had been the main topic of gossips. Of course, said problems werent gone so much as they simply were no longer a popular topic. Its all right. Father is rather particular when it comes to rice cookers. Its quite expensive, you know. Doesnt it look like it doesnt fit with the rest of this kitchen? Mmn, Thats true. I wondered why she felt the need about pointing this out, but it certainly seemed to have cost more than the monthly rent for this flat. The rice cooker of the Hanekawa house was quite advanced in years, so I was secretly looking forward to it. Do you cook, Hanekawa-san?" Yeah, I do. Answering too directly would involve the situation of the Hanekawa family and cause discomfort in others, so it was troubling just how much detail I should reveal, but seeing as I was here by her leave, I thought I ought to be clear to a certain extent.
In addition, Senjougahara-san had already met the ones whom I should call my parents, so there was no point in keeping up appearances on purpose. Besides, Ive talked with her about sleeping in the hallway before No. It wasnt about what I should say, or whether there was a point or not. I simply wanted to talk about it normally, with Senjougahara-san. I didnt want to hide anything from Senjougahara-san, who had been so worried about me. I make everything I eat. I see. I suppose thered been a period of time like that for me as well, said Senjougahara-san. I didnt get along well with Mother, after all. They, divorced, right? Yes. I havent met her since I wonder what shes doing now. Hopefully, shes happy. Despite the topic, her tone was not one of great concern the knife cutting the vegetables showed no sign of stopping. I couldnt say if that was natural or unnatural. Well, every house has its own story. Thats true. Perhaps she had carefully calculated it, but just as the rice cooker sounded that the rice was finished, Senjougahara-san turned off the stove, and started serving food for two from the pot. I asked her if there was anything she needed help with, but she refused, asking me to let her finish. She didnt want me to interrupt her pace, apparently. After that, we lined up the tableware along the coffee table I shared her load, of course. Thanks for the meal. Thanks for the meal.
Rice, soup and stir-fried vegetables with chicken. It made me curiously happy that she didnt attempt anything fancy and simply cooked daily dishes, but explaining that feeling would take a fair amount of effort, so I didnt say anything to Senjougahara-san. I started eating. Oh, its great. Really? Senjougahara-san appeared shocked. Araragi-kun never seems very happy with it. To be honest, I was expecting condemnation. Condemnation? So Araragi-kun isnt happy with this? Hmm. He really doesnt spend enough time with girls. Even if it wasnt something he liked, he should have at least pretended to be happy. Though I suppose this was also like him. I think its delicious. Though I guess there are personal differences in taste. So that would mean you and I have similar tastes. In food, and in men. The soup spewed out of my mouth. Terrible, terrible manners. Senjougahara-san you really are baring too much with me Oh, no, I thought maybe we should talk about these kinds of things as well. So that we can really open our hearts to one another. One wrong move, and the trench between us would get even deeper She is a challenger, isnt she?
Well, I felt glad as well that she would step up to me like that it was difficult for me to step into her business. Well, in that case, Senjougahara-san, why dont we just go all-out and talk about what we like about Araragi-kun? No. If we did that, even in the unlikely event that this conversation ever leaves this room, its quite likely that hell get too cocky. So we shouldnt. I see Senjougahara-san was strict when it came to her boyfriend. She had no intension of praising him, apparently. Then, what should we talk about? Yes, well, lets talk about what we dont like about Araragi-kun. Thats more like it! After that, we spent the next three hours in a lively discussion. I got so excited bad-mouthing someone
I mean, what you will do from now on, Hanekawa-san? Even if you stay for tonight, what will you do starting from tomorrow? Do you have a plan? I If I were to say, Oh, right, Ill go back to that tutorial school, then now, even as a joke, I would probably be hit again. Actually, I wouldnt be surprised if I was kicked. have no idea. I see. Senjougahara-san nodded solemnly. Her expression was so very serious, it was almost impossible to think it was coming from the girl who up till now had been wholeheartedly critizing her own boyfriends wrongdoings. It had been said that she had a wealth of expressions now, but this was more like two-sided character. To be honest, I want you to stay here starting from tomorrow putting you under my control would be most preferable. Control? Observation. That rewording doesnt really help There didnt seem to be much difference between the two. Well, what she wanted to say was, essentially, that she was worried, so she was probably being honest. But, as you can see, our home is quite cramped Father will be back tomorrow, and I of course cant have you sleeping and changing in the same room as him. Well, of course. That would be rather questionable. And it would be an unbelievable bother to her father for a classmate of his daughter to sleep in the same room. What if Father falls in love with you? That would be terrible.
Is that what youre worried about? The day might come when I would have to call you Mother. No. No, it wont. And why is that? Are you saying Fathers not good enough for you? Senjougahara-san glared at me rather seriously. What a troubling personality to deal with. It would seem that she really did love her father. Hmm. Due to this point actually, even without this point I couldnt have her allow my staying here after tomorrow. But then, what should I do? Well, we can make it work for a day or two. Ill have Father go outside when we change. I cant make someone elses father do that What kind of guest would I be if I did? By the way, Hanekawa-san, what do you think will happen with your family now? I doubt they, Thinking it no longer necessary to force myself to call them Father and Mother in front of Senjougahara-san, I chose to express it using they. I doubt theyll be living in a hotel forever, so theyll probably rent a house nearby. That would be most economical. We still have our fire insurance, so until the new house gets built with that money, theyll rent some place to live. How much will the builders need, I wonder? If its the same style of house, then probably about 30 million yen. No, not how much money. I meant how much time. Oh.
That was an embarrassing mistake. I thought of money first. Mmmn, itll depend on how they build it, but adding in all the formalities, itll probably be around six months. Six months In other words, said Senjougahara-san. You will have graduated and be traveling the world by then. Thats true. It wont be built in time. I still did not know what, exactly, it will or wont be in time for, yet. The house I had lived in for fifteen years had been burnt to the ground by the time it is rebuilt, it will just be another home. I had lost everything. Thats all there was to it. It didnt matter whether it will be on time or not in the end, it was just bad luck. Well, putting that aside, its certain that you will have a place to sleep if they manage to rent a place quickly enough, correct? Yep. Well, itll still be just the hallway, though. The hallway? Oh. Right. From her reaction, it would seem that Senjougahara-san forgot what I had told her before. But that was all her reaction amounted to. Well, theres always something in a home, I mean. Yes. Theres always something. In that case,
Senjougahara-san suddenly reached out, took her cellphone from its charging stand, and displayed the calender. The problem is where you will stay until they find a place to rent were your textbooks and notebooks burnt as well? Yep. I nodded. The only things I saved are the stationary and wallet I brought with me that day. I can probably borrow the textbooks from the teachers if I ask, though. I see. So on that front, theres no need to worry. As she spoke, Senjougahara-san did something on her cellphone with one hand I couldnt see what exactly it was from my angle, but judging by how quickly she was hitting the keys, she was probably not looking at the calendar anymore. Was she typing a message? I have a good idea, Hanekawa-san. Would you like to hear it? A good idea? You could call it a scheme, even. Im Hitagi the Schemer. A crossover you can only dream of from across universes. She calls it a crossover, but its easily just lifting elements from the other side. Itll probably be a week before your parents can find a place to rent well, we can probably manage that. Hmm. To be honest about how I felt, this plan or scheme or whatever didnt seem too attactive if I had to find a place to stay, even if worst came to wrost, I still just had to visit the hotel those two were staying at, and everything would be settled. Ultimately, it was just a problem of my own selfishness, and it wasnt something that Senjougahara-san needed to rack her brain and be anxious about.
That was why the actual details of the idea were of little importance. I was happy that Senjougahara-san would consider all this for me, I want to hear about it. Please tell me. and I said this. Oh, I dont know if I should. Maybe I will, maybe I wont. After her rehabilitation, Senjougahara-sans personality has gone from simply frank to slightly annoying.
thinking type, and stuff like spirituality doesnt mean much of anything to me, so I dont really know, but apparently, that thinking thing living beings do can be a pretty big load nyah. Thats why humans spend a third of every single day, a third of their entire lives, in the act of sleeping nyah. Everyone sleeps. Even Mistress sleeps. But this time, the so-called sleeping just isnt enough rest for her mind nyah its hard to say just how much Mistress realizes herself, I mean, Im stupid and even I know, Mistress is really just too slow when it comes to her own pain, so slow that she might as well not feel it at all, but seeing the house shes lived in for fifteen years burn down had a terrible impact on her mind, which is to say, her soul nyah. Thats why Im out and about nyah. The third appearance of Black Hanekawa. I guess with Golden Week, and then just before the Cultural Festival (wha?), this is my third appearance nyah. Anyway nyah, you could say the me during Golden Week, the me before the Cultural Festival, and the me right are different beings or as humans like to say, different people nyah. Nyah? Or should that be different cats? Anyway, just like how I cant tell different humans apart, to a human the individual differences between the appearances of the Hindering Cat of Black Hanekawa just isnt something they need to identify me, not when its all pretty much the same nyah. The point is, if we put it in terms of articles, wed only ever use an a, and never a the. Maybe its easier if I say we dont have a plural form, nyah? If a human sees three will-o-the-wisps, they wouldnt be Wisp A, Wisp B and Wisp C, just wisps. So Im not Hanekawa C, but Im not Hanekawa 3 either Im just Black Hanekawa nyah. Hope yall can keep that in mind nyah. Nyan-nyan-nyaaan.
I said this and headed to the changing room. And then I looked at the mirror. Hair transformed to pure white. Cat ears growing out from my head. Big, round cat eyes. When I first awoke in the ruins of that tutorial school, there hadnt been a mirror and all I could do was try to figure out what was going on (and though I totally trust Mistress, even without looking in the mirror, with these sweats, I could tell somethings not right with her fashion sense) and when I awoke this morning, I was still pretty sleepy and didnt do a thing, but cats are nocturnal nyah, my brain just doesnt work when the Suns up. So basically, this is the first time Ive looked into a mirror nyah. Mmmmn. Cat ears really look totally different with short hair nyah. I washed my face while looking over these very important things. People in this country used to say that a cat washing its face brings rain the next day, but this is totally unrelated nyah. I left the changing room and took the key on top of the wardrobe. Of course, its the key to the front door nyah. That shady human bastard Araragi Koyomi has probably thought before that Im so stupid I cant even use a key, let me tell you nyah, thats just a load of crap, I do too know use a key. Dont look down on us humanoid abnormalities nyah. Moving steathily steathily so that I dont wake up this Senjougahara Hitagi, whos some kind of friend to Mistress, I silently opened the door, and just as silently locked it again. Well, I say friend nyah, but shes supposed to Mistress enemy. Its probably weird for me to be so careful around her, then, but nyah, Im just following Mistress wishes. At least the Mistress, has never hated this woman. Not even once,
nyah. I didnt put on any shoes. Its hard to move in those things nyah. Id like to keep using my toes, thank you. Nyan-nyan-nyan-nyaan. By the way, theres probably some people worrying that, since Im out and about when Mistress is sleeping, doesnt that mean she isnt resting at all? Thanks for the concern nyah. But its all right. Its fine nyah. Im a balancer to Mistress mind, so to speak basically, it actually heals Mistress mind when Im out, even when Im doing nothing nyah. And its not a problem at all physically because this isnt tiring. Im an abnormality, so even when I use a human body, I move the flesh using totally different principles, so Mistress body is probably more restful right now than it is when she sleeps nyah. Besides, think about this for a second. No matter how good Mistress is at making beds, theres no way you can sleep well on a desk in a bundle of cardboard without aching all over that thing isnt a bed, its a hair-messer-upper nyah. And its all very nice and touching to sleep in the same bed as a friend who would cry for you, which granted is miles better than what she was sleeping in before, but its pretty normal to not sleep well with a new bed and pillow nyah. I dont mean to brag, but it not ending up like that, and Mistress getting her refreshing and healthy beauty sleep, is all thanks to me nyah. Im the incarnation of Mistress stress, in other words, the symbol of her tiredness, so by cutting me away like this, Mistress herself should get some peace and quiet. Though that may not be the whole story, the fact that Mistress doesnt know what being halfawake means is all thanks to me too nyah.
That human bastard compared me to a nightmare, but I dont know if thats a coincidence or hes really that sharp Im like sleep itself to Mistress. Her dreams nyah. But, well, when thats not enough to cover it, then like Golden Week, Ill just go around and use my Energy Drain on whatever humans I can find but dont worry nyah. Im not going to be doing anything so over-the-top this time. Theres no point nyah. Besides, like that human bastard says, the way I appear like this, Im like the after-effects of the abnormality, the echo of it in the end, Im just a phenomenon and nothing else nyah. Like el Nio, nyah. El Niyah? Theres not much I can do nyah. Just, make sure she doesnt get any nightmares. I cant do much except come out like this nyah. This is the best I can do to take care of Mistress mental side of things thats pretty much the same as doing nothing, though. But nyah, like Aloha says, every abnormality has its fitting reasons, so maybe, even if Im just an echo, just a hallucination, I still do have some meaning nyah. Well, you cant do what you cant do. Ill just do what I can. As much as I can nyah. Hmmm. Looking at it like this, the me right now and the me from before really are different beings I dont feel like making things work out or forcing things to get solved at all nyah. Looks like Ive gotten soft, if I do say so myself. But cats are soft, obviously. Nyah, thats not right.
Mistress the one whos gotten soft. We say abnormalities and humans, but ultimately, Mistress and I are the same being, so if Mistress softens up, then Ill curl up too. I dont need to wait for winter nyah. Dont even need a kotatsu to sleep under. Mistress has thought a lot about that Senjougahara Hitagi and her rebirth, and gets really excited about having that Araragi Koyomi bastard reborn (she got teased for her rehab program) but even Mistress has been reborn, I think, compared to before. Maybe not reborn, but restructured? I can watch Mistress from within, from inside her heart I know this well about her nyah. Well, her family situation was like that nyah. Itd probably be weird if she hadnt started going off in the wrong direction. Its just like Mistress for her wrong directions to lead to being an honor student though shes dropped her act as an honor student, too, cutting her hair and taking off her glasses. Theres been a lot of opinions about that from people around her, but to me, its nothing but a good thing nyah. I agree with Senjougahara Hitagi there. Ill completely disappear one day. Disappear, gone. This is a transition period nyah where Mistress is being completed. You could say that something like me is just a delusion of puberty nyah. No matter how long you wait until you go out to discover the world, by the time you do come back, everyone will have forgotten the imaginary friend they made up when they were kids, nyah. Well, itd be a lie to say its not a bit lonely, but this has been my role since the very beginning, and I wont go against the flow.
With every meeting comes a parting. Abnormalities are just the same. I just have to do what I can Nyan-nyan here? I didnt go down the stairs, but leapt onto the roof of this apartment, Warren Villa, and carefully watched everything in a complete circle around me. No here. Well nyah. If you ask me why I got out of bed and left the room what I was doing if I wasnt trying to Energy Drain someone, then, nyah, a walk at night, I guess? When I came out in the ruins, and this morning, this sort of action is really what I shouldve been doing right away, but even I need some time to prepare nyah. Now, nyah. Mmn. Mmmn. There we go nyah. It didnt take long for me to find my target as soon as I did, without a sound, I flew. Yeah, cats can fly nyah. Nyah, thats a lie. But the jumping power of Black Hanekawa can overcome mountains though I was being careful not to make a sound, so not this time. If I really jumped seriously, the apartment under my feet would collapse nyah. Still, this is enough for a five-hundred-meter jump. Theres no need to keep quiet after coming this far, so I landed with a boom, crashing straight through into the asphalt. It was a road, with not a single car passing by in the night. And right in front of me,
Theres a lot of different stuff, yknow. Even stuff like me nyah. `I see.` The tiger nodded. Not interested, nyah. Like something like me just isnt worth its time nyah. `Well, something like you is hardly worth my time.` It actually said it. Thats just annoying nyah. `Yet I must demand your purpose. As the same kind of abnormality, you must know the meaning of obstructing my path.` The same kind? This time, I cocked my head. Me and it, we should have totally different origins as abnormalities oh, thats not what it means nyah. Just, the same type of animal. Cat and tiger thats probably what it means nyah. Okay, okay. Nyah, I said. Of course I know Im not going to get in your way. Last thing on my mind nyah. Im not really the thinking type, but I know my place nyah. `You certainly are not the thinking type the doubt remains whether you understand your own position.` This tiger is being really rude. But it sure talks a lot for not being a humanoid abnormality nyah.
Actually makes me feel more uneasy. `Well, then why do you stand there?` Im just here to announce something nyah I dont care why you came to this city, or why youre here now. You should just do what you want, do whatever it is youre meant to do. Whatever thats supposed to be, nyah, thats not worth my time. Thats how we abnormalities are. But, I said. It shouldnt be called an announcement. It should be called a declaration of war nyah. If you try to hurt Mistress more than you already have Ill kill you nyah. `I see.` It accepted my words. The Tiger silently, in consent, it nodded. Digesting my words. Chewing them over really biting into the meat. It nodded. `I thought I recognized you from somewhere you. You are her. So you are you possessing that girl?` Im not possessing her nyah maybe if I were a real Hindering Cat. But Im like the person herself. The Tiger finally remembered who I am, nyah, who Mistress is, and I explained a bit. If I dont explain it now, it wouldnt understand nyah even that specialist Aloha doesnt know everything. No one knows the truth about abnormalities nyah. We became the same, nyah, its better to say we became one. I am Mistress, and Mistress is me shes the main personality, of course, but I actually have the initiative sometimes. Because Im the part that makes up her minds fundamental, primeval basis nyah.
`Hmph. That means nothing to me.` The Tiger said it again. I dont care if Im liked or not, but I do want this guy to pay more attention to me nyah. `An abnormality that supports a human. That is hardly rare. However, an abnormality like you should understand it best. The traits of an abnormality cannot be repressed. It is the problem of the one who saw.` `That Mistress of yours saw me that is all that matters.` The Tiger said, and glared at me. I jumped in an instant nyah. I thought something was wrong it felt like we were going straight into a fight. This guys terrifyingly violent terrifyingly short-tempered So I jumped. I jumped, and flew. I didnt just take a step backwards, but did something much bigger, a full-power jump like really flying, like really overcoming mountains. But, after five minutes of flight time, I made a rolling landing outside the city, and right in front of me, who knows how it managed to get ahead of me It was the Tiger. `Futile.`
`All futile. She that girl saw me. That is the only crucial point, that is the only important point. I have already begun.` If mine was a declaration of war, then the Tigers was like an ultimatum nyah.
I almost cant believe what Im hearing, so I told her about it. My special trait as a Hindering Cat is an Energy Drain thats permanently active. I just have to touch someone to absorb their energy theres no way were shaking hands nyah. Energy Drain. Ive heard of that before. Senjougahara Hitagi said this normally. But you wont absorb everything if we just touch for an instant, right? So we can shake hands, at least. I tried to say something and gave up. Doesnt seem like I can get her to quit no matter what I say nyah. So I didnt say anything, and just held her hand just for an instant nyah. Uu, And, for that instant, Senjougahara Hitagi gave a moan and did nothing else. The sense of fatigue assaulting her right now should be enough to drop her to her knees, but she doesnt even look like she was in pain nyah. My Energy Drain isnt powerful enough to make her faint in an instant, of course, but still, its not something that a normal human can stand nyah not only that, but I even shook her hand nyah. I guess you can say this isnt how I imagined it. But still, this is probably how Mistress feels a sort of feeling like, just as I expected nyah. Just as I expected. This woman is, just as I expected. Nyah. Its not like I and of course, not like Mistress,
wanted to see her suffer and be in pain nyah. But I feel a tugging at my heart from somewhere when I see no reactions from her at all. Pressing on, she Nice to meet you. And please, take care. said this, with a smile, in fact. Take care of Hanekawa-san.
Yeah I did actually rely on my biological clock to wake up today even though Senjougahara-san lived closer to school than I had, so I really could have slept in for a bit. Well, theres no loss in waking up early. But youre up too, Senjougahara-san. I go for a jog in the morning. Slowing raising herself, Senjougahara-san said this. I have to work quite hard to maintain this figure, you know my body turns everything I eat into meat. Turns everything to meat? Was that some sort of euphemism for getting fat easily? Well, it seemed that there had been some unique circumstances regarding Senjougahara-sans weight at one point, so conversely, perhaps she was truly sensitive when it came to controlling that part of herself. She wasnt even a model, so to be honest, I thought Senjougahara-san would look more charming if she put on a little more weight. Theres no need to have arms or legs that slender, is there? Its almost scary to see them, as though you could snap them apart. Im so jealous of how your body turns everything you eat into bosom Turns everything to bosom? What kind of constitution does that? I go through quite a lot myself, too, you know. Girls have it tough. Senjougahara-san washed her face, changed into shortpants and a T-shirt, and then started doing pre-run stretches. Wow
Shes so, soft It made me doubt my own eyes. The movements of Senjougahara-sans body were so smooth and slick, they looked like overdone CG. Amazing. Its like shes some kind of mollusca. Sorry, but can I touch you, just a bit? What? My right breast? Or my left breast? No, your back My right shoulderblade? Or my left shoulderblade? I dont have any specific fetishes like that She really is good at comebacks. Thats something I cant do. Thinking this, I circled around to Senjougahara-sans back, and pushed down on her as she spread her legs into a 180-degree split. Her body pressed onto the floor snugly. Zero resistance, and zero friction. There had been no need to push her down at all. How can you be so flexible? Isnt there something wrong with the range of your joints? Actually, its more like your joints are disconnected to begin with Mmmn, I just really like stretching in a masochistic way. Why did you need to add the second part? That grating, creaking feeling you feel inside is irresistable. It doesnt look like its giving you that much trouble, though. Ive gotten to the point where my body doesnt make any sounds at all. Its actually quite boring.
So its boring, huh Well, stretching is something that gives you better results the more you do it, after all. Perhaps this was the fruit or rather, the vestiges of her training from when she was on the track team. Will you run with me, Hanekawa-san? No, thank you, but Ill make breakfast while youre out running. Lets eat together when you come back. Do you dislike running? Not exactly. As a matter of fact, I liked exercise. A morning jog was something I did do habitually, though not daily. It was simply that, were we to run together, then when we return, it would likely end up with Senjougahara-san and I showering together again, and it didnt seem necessary to insert these service scenes all over the place. It would be dirty in more than one way. Actually, Senjougahara-san, why dont you skip it for today? You look pretty tired. I want to run because Im tired. You really are an athlete, arent you? As a former member of the track team, even her mental training was properly done. It didnt seem as though I needed to be unreasonable and force her to stay, so after assisting her with her stretches (though in the end, I couldnt help in any way that would justify the use of the term) I saw her off, and stood in the kitchen.
Hmmm, said this meaningfully. Um, Senjougahara-san Do you know what dressing is, Hanekawa-san? Huh? I was suddenly struck by a question. Well, yes, of course. Thats the stuff you put on salads once in a while, right? I see, I see. As though grasping the issue, Senjougahara-san nodded deeply. Whats your opinion on the three-way struggle between those putting Worcester sauce, soy sauce, or pepper on their eggs? Oh, Ive heard about people like that. They put things on their eggs. Oh, yes, yes. Senjougahara-san nodded more and more. As though a favorable result was coming from her experiment. Did you notice the butter and jam in the refrigerator? I did you brought it out yesterday, after all. Oh, sorry, do you usually have some? Hmm, However, Senjougahara-san did not leave her seat to get the butter, but tore the baguette apart and quietly chewed on the pieces. Silently. I have some more questions for you. Please, go ahead. About your eating habits, Hanekawa-san.
My eating habits? Its all really normal, though. How about sushi in soy sauce? I dont dip them. How about sauce on your tempura? I dont dip them. How about granules in your yogurt? I dont put them in. Do you write on your hamburger or omelette with ketchup? I dont write anything. What sauce do you put on your pancake? I dont put anything on. How about salt in your rice balls? I dont mix them in. What kind of syrup do you like with your snow cone? I like it plain. How much sugar in your coffee? Ill have it black, thank you. I see, and Senjougahara-san ended her questions. It felt as though I had received some sort of psychological test, but having reached this point, I understood what she was dissatisfied with. Oh, I see now. Im sorry, youre the kind of person who wants dressing on your salad, right, Senjougahara-san? Thats why you looked so strange. No, I didnt even realize until now that theres a kind of people who didnt want salad dressing.
Said Senjougahara-san. Its the first time Ive seen plain fried eggs as well, and the first time Ive seen bread being brought out as just plain bread um, Hanekawa-san? Do you have some sort of rejection against adding flavor in your cooking? Satisfied with the natural, unseasoned taste, perhaps? Uh? It took some time for me to understand what she was saying, and after troubling over it for a while, I answered, Oh, no. Thats not it. I just think that it tastes good and just the same with dressing, and it doesnt matter if its Worcester sauce, soy sauce, or pepper, I can eat eggs just the same, and I love both Kinoko no Yama and Takenoko no Sato. I wasnt talking about your taste in chocolates. Senjougahara-san snapped at me. Oh, thats wonderful. So that was worth making quips at. But, doesnt cooking taste just as good even without taste? A clincher appears. Huh? But Im just saying that its all the same whether theres taste or not, you know? This is what people mean when they say, letting the cat out of the bag yourself. Though I suppose the cat was already long gone before you even realized it, said Senjougaharasan as she put down her chopsticks. It was very much like her to steadily finish it all anyway without stopping. Im done eating. Having said that to begin with, What I said about having similar tastes with you is now null and void. she continued with this. I was voided.
Youre like the opposite of a picky eater, Hanekawa-san. But this is different from not having likes and dislikes as well. Im sorry, Senjougahara-san, I still dont really know what youre trying to say. Is it the taste of family, perhaps? Ignoring my question, Senjougahara-san said this, lost in her own reverie. Or no, perhaps you can simply accept any taste eating anything is fine as you as you gain nutrients from it, maybe, to put it extremely. No, even nutrients are unneeded as long as you can fill your stomach, no? Please dont talk about me like that, like Im some sort of old warrior. So the more tastes there are, the more of a bother it is. If you are not simply enjoying the natural taste then in the end, I guess you are simply a permissive person. Perhaps it is a luxury to be fussing over seasoning. Well, my common sense folded quite easily, said Senjougahara-san, and she looked hard at me, when I still had not finished my meal yet. But you know I wonder about that way of living, Hanekawa-san. This isnt just about your eating habits, you are just Senjougahara-san appeared to be choosing her words. How rare that was. accepting everything and anything, arent you? In the end, Senjougahara-san chose the words that she had used before. Is having something you dislike not just as important as having something you like? And yet, are you not just accepting everything and anything? Is it perhaps the same for me, and for Araragi-kun, as well? Hm? Did the conversation just change? Did the topic just switch? Did the scale of the talk just expand?
No that was not it. The conversation did not change, and the topic did not switch. The scale was just the same as before. This was about my living habits. The lifestyle of Hanekawa Tsubasa. Our tastes arent similar so much as that my tastes are simply included as a part of your tastes as well no, we cant call them tastes on your part, I think. It may be better not to call them as such. After all, liking everything and anything means finding everything and anything to be the same. Hey, Hanekawa-san, Continuing to stare right at me, Senjougahara-san said this. It was, just a bit. Just a bit like the flat tone she had once used in the past. Do you actually like Araragi-kun? And then, she asked once again. Can you tell me that you like Araragi-kun, one more time?
Now Ive got to stay quiet at home for a week Why did it come to this? It feels like being put under house arrest even when youve done nothing wrong. Although I called it a comical development, to the victim Senjougahara-san herself this appeared to be a serious situation and she looked very stressed, though seeing as lying was in and of itself a bad thing, this was probably within the scope of reaping what you sow. And similar to hoisted by your own petard as well. Father will be so angry with me She, a third-year in senior high, was afraid of her father being angry with her. Oh, thats adorable. But Araragi-kun isnt coming to school for a while, either, so this is just about right, isnt it? When I tried saying this, not so much as a source of comfort but out of in fact sarcasm, Also true. she quickly stopped clutching her head. Idiot couples truly are horrifying. Thus, I went to school by myself as I had expected, when I got there, a storm of questions was waiting for me. It couldnt be helped for there to be some degree of curiosity or spectator spirit among them, so I was just happy that everyone from the class would worry for me like this. Lessons began today. Flipping through the textbooks that I had borrowed from Senjougahara-san because I wont need them for a week anyway, I ruminated on what Senjougahara-san had said this morning. I had thought that a clever person like you, Hanekawa-san, would find the world very bland, you know you already know so much, so I thought, maybe you wouldnt ever feel excitement or anticipation, but perhaps that was only half-correct, and half-mistaken. There was no guarantee that we had the same interpretation of the term bland. Yes, my assumption had been incorrect in the first place.
I never imagined that someone like that could exist, said Senjougahara-san someone who felt no aversion towards the tedious or even the outright impermissible. Of course, I objected in a hurry. Oh, no, Ive never thought the world was bland before. I dont like tedious things, and if something is impermissible, I think its wrong. I wonder. It feels to me as though youre saying that just for the sake of saying it just thinking it. However, Senjougahara-san did not accept my explanation. I have thought about this before, you know. The difference between you and Araragi-kun both of you are so eager to sacrifice yourself for the sake of someone else, but from where I stand, it would seem that the two of you are completely different to the point that you are not alike at all. To put it simply, Araragi-kun appears to be an imposter, while you are the real original. The things that you do are the same, so I wondered why this was but, after tasting this cooking, I think I understand now. Understand? It does seem like a certain cooking manga, though, to know someones nature by tasting their cooking. Said Senjougahara-san. Like Oishinbo. Why did you name it right after avoiding it? You and Araragi-kun, your perceptions of danger are different. For example, if by the road there was the body of a cat ran over by a car certainly, the act of burying it would be correct. I believe that that is what you would do, and perhaps Araragi-kun would do so as well, grumbling about something or other as he did. Im sure, however, that the difference is that he would grumble if you were to ask why so many people had ignored the dead cat, passing by as though they saw nothing, then why, because burying it would be dangerous, of course. It poses a great risk, being known to be a good person by other members of human society the likelihood of being taken advantage of is extremely high.
Although children would purposely act worse than they truly were, feeling that doing good things is embarrassing, the reason is not embarrassment, but because goodness can only be a weak point, a weakness against the ubiquitous malice in the world said Senjougahara-san in a halting way. She laid out her own unique pet theory. Araragi-kun probably understands that acting badly is the safe thing to do he understands how much he risks by being a good person. He has repeated his acts as an ally of justice so very many times, understanding the likelihood of death, or at best, the likelihood of losing out. Thats how he was in middle school, and thats how he has been in high school. That was the cause of him failing at school, but he must have understood the risk of getting this result beforehand. He did it while understanding all of this well, I doubt his grasp of the situation allowed him to predict his own death and rebirth during spring break, of course. Spring break At that time he felt regret. It was no mistake that Araragi-kun had felt regret for the actions he had taken however, it was no mistake that he faced that regret. That was, unmistakably, just as what Senjougahara-san said. Compared to him, I Compared to him, you dont understand it at all or perhaps thats wrong. Even you must understand that risks exist. And yet you think nothing of them that is, most likely, the gist of the matter. You regret nothing. You act in defiance of all things malicious and impermissible. Or rather, you have accepted it all. I imagine all of that could perhaps be heard as some expression on how incredible you appear to be, but this is utterly different. I have always had the utmost respect for you, Hanekawa-san but now, that feeling has disappeared in an instant. In truth, as Senjougahara-san talked nothing she said felt like praise to me. I did not feel, even in the slightest of ways, that those were words of utmost praise. In fact, Senjougahara-san was angry. As she had been when she found me sleeping in those ruins this morning or perhaps even more so.
It shocks me how you can even tell me that my cookings delicious, with senses like those. That was more horrible than Araragi-kun, and he doesnt even bother pretending to be happy. Senjougahara-san For example, Hanekawa-san. What do you think of my livelihood? She said. Senjougahara-san spread her arms, drawing attention to Room 201 of Warren Villa. What do you think of my lifestyle? Of our unstable family of father and child living in a dingy one-room flat, my only salvation being not the bathtub but a shower that sometimes has no hot water, our kitchen actually being very meager with only a single stove, and the breaker going off if I so much as use a dryer while the washing machine is running? What do I think? You think nothing of it, yes? You dont feel pity or disgust, yes? Yes, Im sure thats very splendid. Provided that we are in some sort of novel or comic book or, if this were perhaps the story of some great historical figure, then it would be absolutely wonderful. I may even feel inspired. But you are a real human being, Hanekawa-san. Did you know that? Said Senjougahara-san. Although she had continued in her flat tone of voice it felt as though she was holding herself back with great effort, and if she were not careful, her wording would become harsher. After all, as the person concerned, I consider this lifestyle to be the absolute worst. Feeling that this is infinitely closer to living as a true human being compared to when I lived in a manor before my parents divorced Ive never once had any such flashes of enlightenment. Do you know, Ive never once thought that living in poverty would make me closer to becoming a human being? In fact, I think that poverty dulls the wit. And Father, he is working his hardest in order to settle our debts and break us out from our life here. He works with such abandon that it would be no surprise if he broke down eventually all of this is because of the sense of danger that he feels, that this cannot be allowed to continue. But you have no such sense of danger, said Senjougahara-san. You recognize that it is currently present, but you have no sense of the danger, not in the slightest. That was why you could spend an entire night in those ruins. But if you put it that way
That was weak. I could not object, even had I wanted to. Perhaps you are simply too pure as white as innocence itself. You do not understand your own heartlessness in condoning foolishness before a fool of a man, nor your cruelty in condoning inadequacy before a failure of a person much less realize that it is nothing but spite to refer to defects as virtues. You do not understand at all that affirming the negative is something that cannot be undone. You cannot simply accept everything. If you do so, no one would bother exerting themselves. The desire to improve and advance would be lost and yet, you have no wariness for foolish or impermissible things at all. Without thinking, you run along performing your good deeds, even though you know that you will be taken advantange of, and you treat it as logical when you become the maverick amongst the group. Can anything be so terrifying? Living on the cliffs edge like that, its a wonder you managed to survive so far with all your limbs attached, and for that alone I will admire you. In summary, you are not a good person, nor are you a saint or some Holy Mother you are simply dim to the darkness. In that case you are a failure as a living creature. Failure. As it was the first time I had ever been called that, I felt slightly depressed as well. In the end, as it was time for school, our talk came to a close at around that point, but along the way, and even now during my lessons, Senjougahara-sans words endlessly reverberated within my mind. You are not a good person, but simply dim to the darkness. Dim to the darkness. Failure, failure, failure in other words, white. Pure white. White as innocence itself. Bright white and brazen lies.
It was just, in terms of my present situation of attending my lessons, it was an undeniable feeling that all those words had become an exercise in futility, as my attention was drawn to the sketches Senjougahara-san had done in the blank spaces in her textbooks. Every page had an illustration of Hagaren on it. They were ridiculously good, too. And shes a high-schooler about to go into university?
Kanbaru-san was coming from the other side, heading in the opposite direction as me (but even though she was just walking along, she seemed somehow happy. At this distance, I could tell that she was humming a tune) so she noticed me at the same time. Ooh! Said she, in a voice that was unthinkably loud for the hallway, and she ran up to me, at a speed that was unthinkably fast for the hallway. An Instant Transmission-like speed. The two tails of her hair arrived after a short delay. Well, well, Hanekawa-senpai! Its been a long time, glad to see youre still well! Yeah. Shes very energetic, isnt she? It wasnt just cheeriness. Not knowing how to respond, I simply nodded. Judging from her reception, it did not yet reach her that there had been a fire at the Hanekawa house. Well, considering Kanbaru-sans personality, it didnt seem impossible for her to be this energetic even if she knew. She was courteous, but she had zero consideration for others. That was the personality of Kanbaru-san. Im heading to see Senjougahara-senpai right now, actually. Said the courteous yet inconsiderate Kanbaru-san. Is she in the classroom? Oh, um, This felt rather expected. She did not even need to say it.
It never crossed my mind that Kanbaru-san would race over in such a manner due to a pressing matter concerning me Kanbaru-san was essentially uninterested in anyone except Senjougahara-san. To the point where she had applied for this school, Naoetsu High, simply to follow her. Although Araragi-kun had apparently managed to widen that horribly narrow field of view of hers Well. I did feel quite envious of her forwardness. Or perhaps it should be called her single-mindedness. At the very least, Senjougahara-san would not feel frustrated with her. She was, strong. She was heartening would that not be how Senjougahara-san thought of her? Kanbaru Suruga-san Naoetsu High School, second-year. The underclassman of Senjougahara-san since middle school (in other words, a schoolmate of mine from the same middle school, but I had not been acquainted with her then. I had simply, one-sidedly heard about her) and together, they were known as the Valhalla Combo. They were the Valhalla Combo, due to the words god () in Kanbaru () and battlefield () in Senjougahara (), and the field () in both their names. I subsequently learned that Kanbaru-san came up with it herself. I had thought that it was quite a neat name, but after hearing that she named them herself, there was also the faint scent of disappointment. She was one of the celebrities here, by the way. At this Naoetsu High, a private school aimed at future university attendants where sports and club activities were pushed to the side, she was an astounding star who guided the girls basketball team all the way to the nationals (though, to speak the bare truth, the teachers had seemed quite bothered by this. As though they wanted to say, couldnt you see which way the wind was blowing?) But, of course as you could tell from the bandages wrapped around her left arm, she had already retired. Monkey.
For Kanbaru-san, it was a monkey, wasnt it? Even so, I thought. When she had been active, Kanbaru-san had a short haircut as befitting an athlete, but the Kanbaru-san before me now had hair as long as I once had, though not yet long enough to be braided. Putting aside the monstrous speed at which her hair grew Kanbaru-san had become more, girlish. Or rather, she became more charming. So I thought. The reason she became this way was the same as the reason Senjougahara-san became that way. It was likely because of Araragi-kun. Widening her field of view was it? Senjougahara-san is taking a break today she has influenza. Now I had become an accomplice. It was unavoidable, though. If you traced it back to the source, it had been a lie that Senjougahara-san told for my sake the only choice I had was to tell the same story. Perhaps it would have been all right to tell Kanbaru-san the truth, but honestly, she seemed like the talkative type. She felt like the kind of girl who was too candid and would let slip things that were best left unsaid. Worse, she would not show any remorse. She would not even bother to argue the point, but simply leave the door open behind her. Oh, influenza? Said Kanbaru-san, slightly shocked. So this is what people mean by the devil getting sunstroke, huh.
That was a horrible way to talk about a respected upperclassman. Courteous yet inconsiderate or rather, as Araragi-kun would put it, Kanbaru-san was courteous yet impolite, and this just now was an easy-to-understand example. Well, its likely that she was just simply using it as an expression (I doubt she understood the phrases true meaning). This would be the moment when Araragi-kun unreservedly made a cutting remark and corrected her mistake, but as I wasnt quite so intimate with Kanbaru-san, I simply returned a silent and vague smile. Smile! Oh, thats not right. She understood. It was a simple joy I felt. But, hmm, it was difficult to gauge the distance with the friend of a friend (both on the Senjougahara-san route and the Araragi-kun route). Although perhaps in this case, that friend being Kanbaru-san made it all the more problematic. Hmn, I see. So Senjougahara-senpai isnt here, huh. Well, what should I do now? I had thought for sure that she would turn on her heels and return to her classroom once she found out Senjougahara-san wasnt here, but Kanbaru-san instead folded her arms, appearing very troubled. If I didnt hurry to the cafeteria, the place would become crowded with the regular cafeteria students, but I couldnt just leave Kanbaru-san here like this. Do you need something from Senjougahara-san? If you dont mind, I can hear you out too. Mmn Kanbaru-san thought about this for a moment, Well, I guess youll do, Hanekawa-senpai. and said this. That was just plain rude.
She wasnt even courteous. I felt I really should call her attention to this, I got a message from Araragi-senpai just now, actually. but Kanbaru-sans forcefulness silenced me as she immediately showed me the display of her cellphone. Using cellphones in school, not turning it off while at school, or receiving a message just now, which would mean receiving it during lessons all these things I had wanted to bring up were suppressed. By the contents of the message displayed. Come alone to the classroom second floor at 9 tonight, I need to ask something. What do you think this means? What do you mean, what does it mean? There was no room for interpretation in such a short message it was unthinkable for there to possibly be any sort of code. The tone of the message was rough (it should be second floor classroom) but that simply meant he was in a hurry Doesnt it just mean that he has some questions for you, so he wants you to come by yourself to the second-floor classroom at nine oclock tonight? So that is what this is. Hmm, uttered Kanbaru-san. Her expression was serious. So I guess Araragi-senpai is going to be absent today, too, huh? Yeah I nodded. She was sharp in certain strange ways or rather, she was mysteriously pinpoint at grasping the key matter of a conversation.
Its really not something to be made light of. Although in his case, its probably not influenza hes been on break ever since the second term started. Just to be sure, I asked our teacher about this, and apparently he wasnt at school yesterday either. With Senjougahara-san, Araragi-kun and I absent at the same time, there had been a flurry of wild speculations among the class. Wild speculations I really wish they wouldnt. Please dont flurry things. Hmm, uttered Kanbaru-san once again. But this thing with Araragi-senpai is going to be a problem, too. Meeting in a second floor classroom is way too vague. Does he know how many buildings we have here in Naoetsu? No, not the school. He probably means that tutorial school. Oh, I see. Said Kanbaru-san, as though she realized this just now. She was dull in certain strange ways. But then, he could have just called me. Ive been trying non-stop to call him for a while now, actually, but it wouldnt get through. I stayed silent, of course, because I found fault with Kanbaru-san making callings inside school not. It was because, due to this new information, I now had absolutely no idea what situation Araragi-kun was in. I had thought that it was something related to Mayoi-chan, but why would he call Kanbarusan out? It wasnt just not like him It just didnt make any sense. So basically hes asking me out on a date! Hes not picking up, so he must be preparing some sort of surprise!
Judging from the contents, dont you think this is something a bit more serious? A suprise? Really? Her thoughts are so blithe. It was all the more surprising that she was being serious. How tiring it was just conversing with her! Ah, I see, I see. In that case, I understand. There was a book I wanted to read tonight, but if Araragi-senpai wants me, then there can be no other choice. I shall have to overcome all obstacles and answer his call! Overcome all difficulties? She said herself that she just had a book she wanted to read Her manner of speech was so exaggerated, not to mention so theatrical, that from the worst angle, the more serious she became, the more she appeared conversely to be mocking the speaker. Her personality was disadvantageous in that way. It wasnt frustrating. But this sort of single-mindedness was worrying. Um, Kanbaru-san Hm? What is it? I had thought of saying something, but in the end, I couldnt put the words together, and Be careful. and Please take care of Araragi-kun. were the only things I managed. All right. Now then. Thanks for teaching me so much, Hanekawa-senpai! Oh, no youre welcome. I heard about the fire at your place, so I thought youd be feeling down, but it doesnt look like thats true, so thats good! Just what Id expect from you, Hanekawa-senpai!
Huh? So she really did know. Amazing, the reception she gave me even while knowing this. Or, no. What do you mean, I dont look like Im down? Well, stay safe! Kanbaru-san raised one hand, and returned in the direction she had first come from. Not running, but walking. I had thought of warning her about running in the hallway again, but apparently, she did not always run. She possessed a troubling randomness. Seeing as Kanbaru-san was now gone, I should be hurrying to the cafeteria as under normal circumstances, I would also need to regain lost time but I did not take a single step from where I stood. What reverberated inside me was not the final words of Kanbaru-san. What entangled my mind was the situation Araragi-kun was in right now. It was no mistake that Araragi-kun was in some sort of dillemma that was already a definite fact. And yet, to call for Kanbaru-san in would mean that the thing he wanted to ask Kanbarusan was something necessary to escape from said dilemma. He was not simply requesting help. There was something much, much more serious. That was why I felt it to be so absurd. It must had been a necessity for Araragi-kun to send a message to Kanbaru-san, so to think that he would seek help, not from me, but from Kanbaru-san that was absurd.
But I wonder. The frustration that Senjoughara-san felt was something that I understood very well and was about to consent to but it was really completely unexpected for her to call me white because of it. Seeing as I felt envious of Kanbaru-san, who got a message from Araragi-kun. And I certainly was angry. I was angry that Araragi-kun did not send a message to me.
Alternatively, his image suggested an attorney, or a bureaucrat, or something to that effect but I knew differently. I had heard from Senjougahara-san. That her father was working as a consultant at some foreign-owned enterprise Pleased to make your acquaintance. and, he greeted me first. He had been sitting at the table, but purposely stood up and bowed. I am Hitagis father. Oh um, I was perplexed. In fact, Senjougahara-san had told me that her father would be coming back today, but I did not think that he would be back so early. As expected from someone working at such a company, he was not tied down by time, and I felt an absurd sort of amazement. Hanekawa Tsubasa. Excuse me, I took the liberty of staying at your home last night. I see. Senjougahara-sans father nodded. And then he became quiet he felt to me like a taciturn sort of person. He appeared to be an extremely, heavily silent man, though when I continued standing at the door without taking off my shoes, he gave me a glance, and Lets make some tea. headed to the kitchen. Then, he put a kettle on the stove. With his words, and his actions, all tensions eased, and I managed to take off my shoes.
Caught my breath. Without taking my eyes off her father, I sat down beside Senjougahara-san. Im sorry, Hanekawa-san. Father finished up at work quicker than expected, so he came back earlier than I thought he would. Said Senjougahara-san in a whisper. No, its all right. I was the one who intruded in the first place, I whispered back. But if thats the case, you could have just sent me a message or called me. Oh, well, I wanted to give you a surprise. Consider me surprised. To think that Araragi-kun had surprises like this sprung on him day by day, his life must be, despite appearances, quite challenging as well. Your fathers very stylish. I said. Not as simple flattery. I saw now, regardless of how serious she might have been, that Senjougahara-sans selfproclaimed love for her father made sense if you were to live together with such a father, all the males of your own age would probably appear as nothing but children. That Araragi-kun had managed to succeed against eyes of such sharp taste, well, it was a complicated feeling, but he really was amazing. It was common folklore that women fall in love with those who resemble their fathers, but in that sense, Senjougahara-sans father, who was preparing tea leaves right now, and Araragi-kun were completely unlike one another. They werent simply different types of people. You could even consider them of completely different dispositions.
Although Araragi-kun liked to maintain an air of coolness, and was even called a motionless mute, he actually quite liked talking next to Senjougahara-sans father, who was truly taciturn, they were two utter extremes. Furthermore tautological though this might be, Senjougahara-sans father, while stylish, was stylish in that dad-like way, the kind of father you could find anywhere, but not really as a man, so to speak. As for what that indicated No, no, I shouldnt. What could come of analyzing a friends father like this? I thought I had already given up on doing these things. Right. It would seem the abrupt appearance of the father had flustered me somewhat. I should have known better. Not, that I was so amazing a person that I could tell myself I should have known better. A normal girl I was not, but regardless. To begin with, of course I was flustered after all, I did not even possess this image of father, of a dad. There was one whom I ought to call my father. But one whom I should call Father I knew of no such person. I know nothing. Did anything out of place happen at school? As though declaring that the fact of her father being here was now closed for discussion, Senjougahara-san changed the topic of conversation. This sort of pushiness she had really was an example I ought to follow. Out of place? Did Araragi-kun come?
That was what she had wanted to ask, apparently. I was slightly lost, but feeling that it would be strange to hide anything, I told her of what happened at school. A message to Kanbaru? Yep. Looks like the issue hes dealing with right now needs Kanbaru-sans help at any rate, the message was too short, so I dont know why he needs to call Kanbaru-san out How unpleasant. Senjougahara-san was surprisingly frank, saying this together with an expression of displeasure. This wasnt just single-minded anger. This was rage. Moreover, she was enraged not by Araragi-kun, but by Kanbaru-san. The tip of the blade was aimed not at her boyfriend, but at her underclassman. I immediately regretted what I had said. What would I do if this caused a rift between the Valhalla Combo? Leaving me behind to get asked for help by Araragi-kun, whatever shall I do with that woman? First, Ill take her insides, Senjougahara-san, your personalitys going back to before your rehabilitation. Oh. Noticing this, Senjougahara-san pulled on her own cheeks and made a smile. How pitiful it was, to see a smile forced like this Theres probably a reason, I think for that, I mean. He said theres something he wanted to ask her, and besides, unlike the two of us, isnt there still an abnormality remaining in Kanbarusans left arm? Yes remain it does. The monkeys paw. Said Senjougahara-san.
In other words, rather than Kanbaru perhaps what he needed was Kanbarus left arm. Well, its just a guess. I doubted that it was something so simple, but as a general idea, this possibility was quite high. If he really did need to lend the combat strength of Kanbaru would that mean that things had unfolded into a battle yet again? Well, thats hard to say. But if were talking about combat strength, then Araragi-kun has Shinobu-chan right now its not set in stone that he needs her help in a fight. They were all simply guesses. Without knowing what situation Araragi-kun was currently in, Senjougahara-san and I would never be able to reach a conclusion no matter how much we talked. Well? What will you do, Hanekawa-san? What do you mean? Will you go to that waiting spot, or not? Regardless of his situation, if you go there, youll be able to meet Araragi-kun, no? I did consider that, but I dont think I will. I get the feeling that Ill get in the way if I do I see. Senjougahara-san nodded to my answer. Then I wont go, either. Really? Having been entirely sure that Senjougahara-san would insist on going herself, I had expected a very vocal argument, so rather than being unexpected, this felt more as though she had dodged my question. And I was already thinking of ways to stop the resolute, insistent Senjougahara-san from going, too. Ill take the lack of news as proof of his wellbeing anyway, unlike the time with Kanbarus monkey, it doesnt seem as though he is hiding anything. If anything, he is being quite upfront. If he sent a message to Kanbaru, he sent it knowing that she would tell the two of us.
That was true. However. Youre not going? Im not. Answered Senjougahara-san, to my pointed question. Just like you, Hanekawa-san. I doubt I can accomplish anything but get in the way even if I go and I feel that there are other things I can do, as well. The meaning behind the deep words she added was completely unknown to me but for the moment, it seemed that was how it would be. The lack of news was proof of his wellbeing. And a testament to her faith in him. Lets just leave it at these convenient explanations Though it would seem that it wasnt only Araragi-kun and Kanbaru with abnormalities remaining inside them. Huh? Who else is there? I tilted my head at her remark. Araragi-kuns demon and Kanbaru-sans monkey are the only abnormalities still around us, arent they? Thats right, nyah. For some reason, Senjougahara-san answered with the inflection of a cat. I felt like pressing the question a bit more, but at that time, Senjougahara-sans father brought us tea for three, so our whispering talk was brought to a close. Well, even had he taken slightly more time to brew the tea, the talk would likely have ended here regardless. For it was then that I heard a knocking sound on the door of Warren Villa, Room 201 they had no intercom, by the way.
Ah, it seems they have arrived. Seeing the way Senjougahara-san stood up, it would seem to be an expected guest. However, expected though they might have been, I did not know who they were, and my body stiffened slightly, but after Senjougahara-san opened the door and I saw the girls on the other side, I understood everything. What the scheme Senjougahara-san had spoken of yesterday was. It needed no further explanations. And them no further introductions. On the other side of the door were Araragi-kuns younger siblings, Araragi Karen and Araragi Tsukihi, the Fire Sisters.
Yeah. But you have really bad timing, Senjougahara-san. You probably wanted to see my brother by accident, but as luck would have it, hes out right now he went off somewhere just as the new term started. Well, Ive gone soul-searching a second time myself, too. He should be able to fire off a Kamehameha by the time hes back. Going on a journey to find yourself doesnt really involve that sort of training never mind. He should be able to fire off an Eva Ha by the time hes back. I doubt Araragi-kun has that kind of talent oh, speaking of which, I just suddenly remembered, by which I mean it is quite a surprise to me as well, but did you know that there was a fire at Hanekawa-sans house? Huh? Oh, Im so sorry, what a foolish question that was. Araragi Karen, ally of justice, the fighter of the Fire Sisters by whose sole efforts the peace of this town is kept, not knowing of such an enormous incident? Unthinkable. Uh? Oh, um, yeah, right. I knew that. Yeah, that was terrible. I was just thinking of maybe going to visit her and see how shes doing. Luckily, it happened while she was at school, so she wasnt hurt. However, since she was burnt out of her house, she doesnt have any place to sleep tonight. Huh? Really? Didnt you know? Oh, I know, I know. I was just thinking of bringing that up. Why did you say it first, Senjougahara-san? Im sorry about that. But how strange it is, really. A good girl like Hanekawa-san, with no bed for her to have a good nights sleep in, in the whole wide world? Nothing could be more outrageous. Really, if justice truly existed in the world, Id wonder what it was trying to do right now. Well, thanks to this so-called justice being all talk and no action, I actually took a day off from school today to help Hanekawa-san look for a place to sleep. Oh, speaking of which, you went to school just as normal, didnt you, Karen-san? Did you have fun while Hanekawa-san was suffering?
Oh my, Im sorry. Theres no helping the cause even if I talk to you about this. You may be Araragi-kuns sister, but youre just a middle-schooler, after all. It would be expecting too much for me to treat you like Araragi-kun. Onii-chan is Onii-chan, Karen-san is Karen-san. ! Yes, I really do have poor timing, dont I? Why, if Araragi-kun were here right now, he would never abandon Hanekawa-san. But, for the, oh, Fire Sisters (hah), well. (Hah)?! Im so very sorry, I know you cant do anything without your beloved brother around, so this sort of talk is just bothering you, isnt it? It wasnt my intent to trouble you, you know, not while you were enjoying life to the fullest, which is the exact opposite of what Hanekawa-san is doing right now. Its perfectly all right for Hanekawa-san to suffer, yes? Well, weve been standing here talking for quite some time, but I should take my leave now. Seeing as I now know that, just like Hanekawa-sans bed, justice no longer exists in this world. Hold up! Huh? What is it? Hanekawa-san does have a bed and justice does exist! Thus, Senjougahara-san dexterously maneuvered Karen-chan and succeeded in her scheme, or what have you not that I thought it was exactly dexterous. Rather, it felt something more along the line of picking up horseshoes for good luck during a lightning storm. If anything she did had been scheme-like, it was making the simple Karen-chan, rather than the planner Tsukihi-chan, her target. As such. I arrived at the Araragi house. In the living room of the Araragi house Well then, just treat this like your own place, Tsubasa-san.
Thats right. Just think of this as your own home. Think it all you like, Hanekawa-san. Said Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan as they got a drink for me. They managed it deftly without needing any prior arrangements, dividing the tasks between Karen-chan who took out some chilled barley tea from the refrigerator, and Tsukihi-chan who took glass cups from the cupboard. The teamwork of the Fire Sisters (hah) I mean, Fire Sisters was, as could be seen, quite impressive. They communicated without words. Ones own home huh. This was actually not the first time I had entered the Araragi house I had visited many, many times before. I still acted as Araragi-kuns home tutor (though we did not study in the house, but at the library) and in particular, when Karen-chan had collapsed in a high fever, I made myself comfortable and stayed here until late at night. However, how should I put it, late though it might be, this was the first time I was welcomed here as a guest. I felt a strange sense of nervousness. Or rather, I felt a strange sense of discomfort. Araragi Karen-chan and Araragi Tsukihi-chan. Araragi-kuns little sisters. The more I looked, the more they resembled him. You could even say they were his spitting image. Strange simile though it may be, they were like differently-aged triplets. Of course, their personalities, or rather character traits, were quite different Karen-chan was a combat sport enthusiast and boyish, while Tsukihi-chan seemed gentle, but was in fact very firm inside. What surprised me was that both their hairstyles had changed since I last met them.
Karen-chans characteristic ponytail had been cut off and now she wore a bob cut (she had straight bangs, like Senjougahara-san and I had had before) while Tsukihi-chan had her hair in a thick braid wrapped around her neck like a muffler (wasnt that hot, during the summer?) Anyway, youre just so icy, Tsubasa-san. Bringing only her own cup of barley tea, Kare-chan sat down on the sofa. By icy, she likely meant I was being reserved. If you didnt have a place to sleep, the very first thing you shouldve done was come ask me for help. I mean, really, I was just waiting for you to ask, Hanekawa-san. Well, I thought maybe itd be hard for you to say it yourself, so I brought it up myself. She still did not realize that she had been manipulated by Senjougahara-san. The lie, that she had known about the calamity at the Hanekawa house all along, was now more deeply believed by none other than Karen-chan herself. I wasnt worried about her future, but only because she was plenty dangerous now as a middle-schooler. Thats right. Karen-chan brought it up herself! Saying this, Tsukihi-chan came soon after bringing cups for both herself and me. It would seem that she, smiling as she sat next to Karen-chan, had accepted Senjougahara-sans proposal knowingly. Yes. She was quite devious, this one. Karen-chan is in her third year of middle school and Tsukihi-chan her second year, by the way. Sitting together like this and wearing the same clothes (the Tsuganoki No.2 Middle School uniform), they really did look like twins (though they had a height difference when they stood, so they no longer looked to be so.) By the way, this is called barley tea, right? Does it mean that if it works hard enough, it can become beer? Karen-chan suddenly threw off all reserve and began small talk. She must have an incredible sense of distance when it came to interpersonal relationships. It wasnt a talk we should be having five minutes after I was welcomed into her home.
Please let me ease my tension first. Tracing it back, the raw material of both was barley, but barley tea is roasted, whereas beer is fermented, so, well. Putting aside whether working hard was the correct expression, they certainly were relatives in terms of beverages. I had wanted to say that it was completely wrong, but, hmm, Karenchans question was unexpectedly to-the-point regarding the essence of the subject. Hmmm. So I guess its no wonder that drinking barley tea gets you in a great mood. A disappointing conclusion, however. Karen-chan gulped down the entire cup of tea in one go she was quite hearty. And actually, now that I looked at the cup closely, it was of a very high quality. Was that Baccarat glassware? Even if it wasnt, all the same, it was almost disrespectful to call it a cup. Moreover, judging from the way they were handled, Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan did not know of the value of these cups Could it be that the Araragi family was wealthy? Well, at any rate, Said Tsukihi-chan, casting a sidelong glance at Karen-chan. She seemed to be used to Karen-chans riotousness precisely because she was her sister. If you dont have a place to stay, you can stay at our home for as long as you like. Conveniently enough, Onii-chan is out right now. You can just use his room. Araragi-kuns room. Yep. Its pointlessly got this pointlessly springy bed. I knew that. Moreover, this was the essence of the scheme that Senjougahara-san had thought of. It was difficult for me to express this, but it was impossible not to feel more than just a little guilt about this scheme which took advantage of Karen-chans and Tsukihi-chans innocent
sincerity, as well as the Fire Sisters sense of justice however, seeing as the way they felt was entirely a result of their own affections, I could not remain so coldly reticent. Having thoroughly predicted how I would feel about this, Senjougahara-san turned this idea into her scheme without letting me know. So that, to the end, I would know nothing. She took it upon herself to bear the role of the villain. It was too much of a mystery to me, what kind of mental state she must be in having helped arrange for another girl (said girl being me, of all people) to stay at her own boyfriends home, but on that front, it was perhaps due to the intropunitive tendencies that she had had since long before and retained to this day. She endured the pain. That was what she had done for me. When I thought this, the words of Karen-chan earlier finally pierced my heart. Icy reserved. The first thing you shouldve done was come ask me for help. I was waiting to be asked myself. Just like when Senjougahara-san had me stay at her home, I did not seek help on my own surely, I thought, this logic was the complete opposite of what Oshino-san had said about people getting saved all by themselves. Yes. I had given myself up to despair, probably. I did not think of getting saved myself. It also made me remember what Senjougahara-san had said to me this morning. I simply accepted the lack of tastes. I was dim to the darkness. A failure as a living creature.
Tsubasa-san? Whats wrong? Youre spacing out. You got this really stupid look on your face. She really didnt hold back with her words, did she? What do you mean, a really stupid look? I guess its really a shock to have a fire at your place, huh? The only time Ive ever seen something like that before was Nagasawa-kun from Chibi Maruko-chan. Oh, no, Im fine. So I said. I said I was fine even though I couldnt possibly be. But, all right, Ill take you up on your offer and stay here until Araragi-kun comes home, at least. I didnt know when that would be but, well, it was simply a case of whether the ones whom I should call my father and mother found a place to rent, or that, would happen first. I had no clue for either of them, so it couldnt be helped no matter how deeply I thought about it. Thank you for this. Same for us! Lets have a good time with this. Somehow, it happened in the course of shaking hands. We managed to form some sort of ring. Are we going to do ballet, or something? I didnt know how Senjougahara-san had explained the situation with the Hanekawa family (actually, Senjougahara-san herself didnt know about the situation with the Hanekawa family) but I was honestly thankful that the two of them did not ask me about it. Lets have a pajama party, Tsubasa-san!
I wont be able to take you up on that. Then how about play-wrestling, or something! No, thank you. Oh, Im the oldest girl, so Ive always wanted a big sister, yknow? Can I call you Onee-chan while youre staying here? Karen-chan said something that sounded rather like what Sengoku-chan had done. Tsukihi-chan watched over Karen-chan with a smile who would be able to tell who the older sister here was? Then, I realized something. Or rather, it was something which I had thought of from the very beginning. Oh, thats right, seeing as Ill be here for quite a while, I really should say hi to your parents. In all the times I had visited the Araragi house before, it was by the intent of Araragi-kun, or Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan, and I had never met their mother proper no matter how much Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan wanted me to stay, if their parents refused, then I would have no choice but to leave. Hmm, I wonder. In dealing with a high school girl who slept here and there like some sort of refugee from the local net cafe, would the normal verdict of an adult with good sense not be to lecture her and persuade her to return to her parents home? It should be all right, I think. Said Tsukihi-chan. Papa and Mama are our parents, and Onii-chans parents, after all, so their personalities are pretty close to ours. Oh but, They both have a hot-blooded sense of justice, so they definitely wont tell someone in trouble to leave. Tsukihi-chan seemed very confident, for some reason.
Speaking of which, I had no idea at all what Araragi-kuns parents were like. Perhaps that was obvious, seeing as we had never met before, but it was telling that Araragikun had been reluctant regarding this topic it was part of a high school boys biological nature to keep silent about his parents, so I had never been particularly bothered and Araragikun did not seem to be good at dealing with his parents in the first place. But a sense of justice? Not to mention a hot-blooded sense of justice? How unnatural. Hey, Karen-chan, Tsukihi-chan. For future reference, you told me before that your parents work together, right? Yep. They nodded at the same time. They should be back at around six today. And what is it that they do? Their voices rang out at the same time. Theyre police! So this was why Araragi-kun tried his best to hide it, I thought, and at the same time, I felt that Hell had truly frozen over.
However, after saying it cant be helped if thats the case, they allowed me to stay in the end, more readily than I had expected, though certainly not enthusiastically. Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan also gave their best in trying to persuade them in that respect, they certainly did feel like the parents of Araragi-kun. They both resembled him, after all. On that note, while the resemblance among family was of course a matter of genetics, apparently, the indirect aspect of having the same living cycle was also quite a factor. Seeing as they live under the same roof, go through life at the same pace and eat from the same menu, their bodies were made from the same materials, so it was easy to understand the logic that the finished products were similar. In contrast, if the pace and menu were all different among individual members like the Hanekawa house, they would not resemble one another at all. That would be why its said that there was a certain sense of identity in a family whose members resembled one another in appearance and personality in that way, Araragi-kuns family was a healthy one. Seeing how they were during dinner, which they allowed me to take part in, made me feel it. What it was to have a family conversation. It was a very fresh idea, and I let myself become involved although I winced somewhat at being persistently questioned by Araragi-kuns mother regarding her only son. After that, it was time for a bath. Speaking of which, it had been three days since I used a bathtub. It had apparently become some sort of rule for them lately, but Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan came into the bath together it was really too tight! You really arent pretentious at all, are you, Tsubasa-san. This was the conversation we had in said bathtub. The three of us were tightly packed, like some sort of experiment in how many people one could fit into a telephone box, so in other words, it was far too cramped for any interpretation of sensuality, and within this space, Karen-chan said.
I mean, maybe its just because Im an idiot, but when I talk with smart people at school, a lot of them make me think, wow, youre really smart. Its like they go out of their way to string together really tough words, and bring up stuff that no one cares about. But youre smart, Tsubasa-san, and you talk to me from the same level. Thats just really great. Thats true. Tsukihi-chan joined in. Her hair was quite long once she unraveled for the bath. It would seem that the speed at which her hair grew was beyond Kanbaru-san. Truly monstrous. But apparently, thats how it really is, Karen-chan. People who really are smart actually, first-rate people who are good at stuff, whether its sports or whatever, sound surprisingly normal when you talk to them, and they totally lose that air they have. But its probably because theyre the real thing, so they dont need to put on an act. There was some unease as I felt I was being praised, though it was true what Tsukihi-chan had said about first-rate people having surprising degrees of normality, and she was correct in that regard, but in my case, that was not how it was. I was not normal. And I was not smart. I doubt anyone could be more pretentious, more embellished than me I realized this during Golden Week, and before the Cultural Festival. So much so that I wanted to refuse it. So much so that I felt hatred for it. Ive always thought about how things would look from a smart persons perspective. Said Karen-chan. Like how, even if you look at the same thing, you could see something different. I mean, to me, pis just a list, but maybe, to Einstein, its actually a beautiful sequence.
Oh, I dont know about that. I answered vaguely. The question was, in every way, difficult to respond to. In fact, the sense needed to realize the worth and meaning behind mathematical beautilities such as pi, or the golden ratio, only existed within a small part of geniuses however, I truly did not believe that cleverness was a requirement for it. Even among clever people, there must be those who see pi as nothing more than a list, I thought, and the opposite must exist as well. It was simply a matter of individual differences, and not a set condition. The difference between the perspectives of Karen-chan and Einstein, and the difference between the perspectives of Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan, probably did not have that great a difference in and of themselves. For example, say there is a novel narrated in first person. If you tell it from a different viewpoint, it will become a completely different story, I think. Its the same as how the Casebook as told by Dr Watson would feel quite different when told by Mr Holmes himself. Speaking of which, in the Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, a short story with an omniscient narrator also existed. However, as it was from an objective point of view, it was not quite correct to say that it was a world which possessed correctness. It was not necessarily true that God could not make mistakes. For example. He accidentally created humans. Although, now that I had had such intimate contact with the beauty of Karen-chans body, its muscles tightened by her training, and Tsukihi-chans lovely and contrastively younger figure, I began to wonder, does Araragi-kun always get along with sisters like these?, and could not help but gain something of an understanding into the reason behind his eccentricities. And so on and so forth. Then, I got up from the bath.
The underwear bought from the shop had been used up, and I thought I could live with reusing them for one night, but Karen-chan lent me a new pair of shorts. She lent me a set of pajamas, as well. It would be odd of me to act reserved now, so I meekly accepted both. Huh? But isnt this mens size? Hm? Oh, that. Its Nii-chans. Bwah. I just put on Araragi-kuns pajamas I looked at myself in the mirror. Whats with this feeling, like Ive done something I shouldnt have? On the other hand, if I were to take it off now, it would seem like I was strangely conscious of it or, no, that was just an excuse. Now that I had put it on, I felt some resistance towards taking it off again, Hmm, I see. The size is just right. and like so, I said something normal that couldnt be amounted to an attempt to hide my embarrassment, and began brushing my teeth before bed. Still, I really cant tell Senjougahara-san about this, can I? After that, with the two leading me on, we headed to Araragi-kuns room. Now that I actually thought about it (though it was something I already knew without thinking), I had invaded the Araragi house with absolutely no permission from Araragi-kun, borrowing his pajamas and his bed. It would not be an exaggeration to call me some sort of ruffian who just did as she pleased. Worse, he did not even know that I was here by permission of his family and his girlfriend. I did think I should at least send him a message, but under the present condition, with me having no idea what situation he was in, I naturally hesitated. Im wearing your pajamas right now, Araragi-kun.
If I did send him such a message, assuming he could even receive it, I got the feeling it would have a considerably negative effect on whatever serious situation it was that he had landed himself in. Besides, looking at the clock (I had noticed it when I was allowed in before, but Araragi-kuns room had four clocks, for some reason. He didnt strike me as that punctual a person) it was already past nine. When it occurred to me that he was meeting with Kanbaru-san about now, I, oh, hm well. I hesitated. Well, good night, Tsubasa-san. You can use anything you want in this room. Good night, Hanekawa-san. See you tomorrow. Said the Araragi sisters, and they went off, leaving me alone in Araragi-kuns room, not knowing what to do. Not that there was anything I could do besides sleep. Even if I wanted to do my daily studies, I did not even have textbooks they were lent to me by Senjougahara-san. As I thought about perhaps going to the library tomorrow to borrow some books for school, I found myself glancing at Araragi-kuns bookshelf. Although Karen-chan said that I could use anything in this room, I of course could not do as I pleased in Araragi-kuns room. However, I could be forgiven for looking at the books on his shelf. His lineup had changed quite a bit since the last time I was here he told me that he did not throw away books, so it would seem he was the type to put unread books on the shelf and finished books in the closet. There were many novels, surprisingly. From the way he usually talked and conducted himself, you would think he read only comic books. I took out a foreign novel at random and, afterwards, sat down on the chair facing the desk and read for about one hour. However, the feeling of Araragi-kun coming from the desk and chair meant the words did not enter my mind at all. By the time I turned off the light and laid down on the bed, it was past eleven.
Even so, after realizing that I was currently putting my head on Araragi-kuns pillow and sleeping in his bed while wearing his pajamas, it was impossible for me to sleep, and it was only after the hand had passed the hour mark that I managed to fall asleep. I should not blame Araragi-kun. It would be improper of me to think such a thing.
During Golden Week, I was pretty much just like Mistress, and before the Cultural Festival, I was so connected to Mistress you couldve called me her inner personality but this time, it looks like Black Hanekawa is almost completely cut off from her in terms of her personality nyah. Have I gained independence as an abnormality thanks to coming out so many times nyah? Im pretty bad in the head, so I dont really know, but if that annoying Aloha were here, hed probably have a different explanation. But the times when I come out sure are getting convenient nyah its actually flexible the way I only appear when Mistress is sleeping nyah. The last two times, he had to work pretty hard just to get me back inside. Nyahaha, he even needed help from that bratty little vampire nyah. And of whom do you refer to as bratty little vampire? Nyah?! Someone answered my monologue nyah. I can see it now, but, at some point or is it at some point? She was sitting in the room, no, on top of the room, on the ceiling, with her arms around her knees, like she had been there since before the universe began nyah. A little blonde girl. It was that Oshino Shinobu nyah. When I saw her before, she had a helmet with goggles on, but it looks like she stopped wearing it nyah. And on top of that. When I saw her before, plus that time during Golden Week, she was expressionless, but now how should I put it, shes looking down on me with a terrible smile on her face nyah. Even though shes got what passes for a smile now, I wonder why it was that she was cuter when she didnt have an expression on her face nyah. Hmph, The vampire went ahead and said. Shes totally puffed-up nyah.
Actually, Ive fought her twice and lost both times, so of course, she really can do as she pleases it doesnt matter whether Im Black Hanekawa or a Hindering Cat, because as an abnormality, I cant even reach the sole of her feet nyah. Long has it been, cat it is not known to me why you skulk in the chamber of my Lord, but to seek the reason behind the appearance of an abnormality would be tasteless, I suppose. I am not like that Aloha brat, said the vampire. Hmmmn. I thought about asking her, why are you here? but I guess that goes both ways nyah. Wait. Nyah? Werent you supposed to be locked up in that human bastards shadow nyah? Thats how it was supposed to be nyah. If Mistress recalls correctly. So, seeing as shes here, its strange for that human bastard to not be hes not sticking to the ceiling nyah. Im not seeing anything scary like that right now nyah. Correct but a slight irregularity has befallen me. Said the vampire sitting on the ceiling nyah. At this moment, the pairing between myself and my Lord in other words, between Oshino Shinobu and Araragi Koyomi has been severed. Been severed? Nyah? I tilted my head. Whats that supposed to mean nyah? By which I meant we have been returned to how we had been before the arrival of that Aloha brat no, things have worsened even further. Alas, I know not where my Lord is, nor of his condition. I am completely in the dark Stopping in mid-sentence, the vampire snorted and looked at me with scorn nyah. Confiding in you will make hardly any difference.
She just went and gave up nyah. Not that it wasnt the right decision nyah. I dont even understand conversations beyond three lines nyah. Anyway, it seems that human bastard is really in quite the predicament right now I mean, seriously, isnt he in a pretty serious situation if he got cut off from this vampire nyah? Like that time with the Monkey. Just what is going on with him right now? I havent got any reason to worry about him (actually, I hate the guy nyah) but if Mistress finds out, shell definitely worry nyah in that way, its pretty good timing that its me whos out, as in, while Mistress is sleeping, when this vampire showed up. It had occurred to me that perhaps my Lord would return home, but it was a faint hope. And now, to suffer your presence as well. Edo no kataki o Nagasaki de utsu. Even I know shes using that proverb wrong nyah. Though I get what shes trying to say nyah. Nyah, Im not built for this sort of thing, but lets see if I cant help her out. Not with correcting the proverb, but with the human. Your Lord or whatever should be at that tutorial school tonight, at around 9 oclock nyah. A meeting with that monkey woman nyah. A meeting? With the monkey? What purpose could she serve at such a late aah, I see. Yes, it is clear to me now that even my Lord possesses some presence of mind in this. Rather than choosing an abnormality, that lass is conscious of her own heredity. Her heredity? Well quite the news this is, what you have just told me. It was no fools errand, after all. You may receive my praise. I fancied sucking your blood to stave off the boredom, but as a symbol of my gratitude, I shall refrain. Shes got some outrageous thoughts going through her head nyah.
Close one nyah, close one. Or rather, would it not be well of me to do just that out of gratitude? You are her stress, and if I absorb you, it should provide her some reprieve in some measure. Hah. Ill have to say no to that nyah. Now that she mentioned it, that was exactly the case, and in fact, it was thanks to her sucking me out that Mistress got saved the last two times but things are a bit different this time nyah. The difference between the me this time and the mes from before. It must be the fact that I have a fully-fledged mission nyah not a reason, which would befit an abnormality, but a mission, something most unlike an abnormality. Not that I know what it is yet, though. But there must be something nyah. Hmph. I see. You are some new species of abnormality, something that neither the Aloha brat nor I are well versed in but let us give you a light evaluation, shall we? To wit, the you in the now and the you hitherto are similar to the Terminator and Terminator 2. That examples very easy to understand nyah, but is it something a vampire like you should use? She follows trends and fads. Surprising nyah. Did that human bastard let her watch it nyah? Well, whichever the case, my drawing of your blood is only a cure for the time being, or rather, something to tide you over, and nothing more. Not a hand you should be keen on using again and again. Thats true nyah. I agreed nyah. When it comes down to it, I of all people know best just how meaningless a cure for the time being, a brute force solution is nyah. Plus I musnt forget nyah.
Though Im coming out like this openly, Im nothing more than Mistress inner personality, so I shouldnt be so open. I should be scanty. And steathy nyah. Yet, the outside, and inside but two sides to the same subject, they are. Well, perhaps I overstate, but at the least, you are akin to a piece of reversible garb. You give me the impression of one performing a fools errand, much as my Lord does, or rather, two fools arguing in a circle. Hmn? Well, this is but a trite story, the kind your Mistress has naturally filling her databank with, but this is of my own recollection, with its own significance, so quiet down and listen. An anecdote of Napoleon I, this he slept for only three hours a day, says they. Ahh, True, that story is part of Mistress knowledge nyah. Actually, its so famous, its a story that anyone would know nyah even that illiterate human bastard would know nyah. Its actually pretty incredible, the way she said its of her own recollection nyah. So what nyah? Does that have anything to do with the way Im coming out while Mistress is sleeping nyah? No, I did not mean to join the two. But, listen all the same. Im listening nyah. Meanwhilst, the Emperor was famous for his love of baths. Spent more than six hours a day in it, says they. In this day and age, he would be Shizuka-chan. Weve gone from Terminator 2 to Doraemon nyah Somethings wrong with the way her knowledge leans towards one area nyah.
Of this matter much has already been said, but in time, even Shizuka-chan will be regulated actually, she is well and truly under regulation already. And now that we are on this subject, it makes me recall how risque the ED sequence of that nostaglic series, Perman was. Pako always had her panties out on full display but I suppose that at this point, though it was which I have just recalled, such spectacles as these were already being regulated, even before the proper laws were set. A sad tale, truly. Sorry to cut in while youre talking about this like its someone elses business, but its the ones like you for who regulations and laws are set nyah. Begging his pardon, but its probably not the time for her to be worrying about Mr Fujiko Fujio. True, true. Aye, but I ramble. Yep. If this is what you had me shut up to listen to, itll definitely get cut during the editing nyah. But still, I still dont know what this vampire is trying to say nyah. Its ??? to me nyah. How little the Emperor sleeps, and how long he bathes for, theyre both famous stories nyah theyre not quite anecdotes when you get right down to it. Well. When I came to know of these stories, a thought came to me. Said the vampire. In a very dramatic tone. Come now, surely he must be sleeping in his bath! Oh. I see, shes trying to connect the two anecdotes putting aside what the truth was (according to Mistress knowledge, the Emperor would work on his government affairs even in the bath) thats one way to see it nyah. Thus, by joining these two, in a way, unnatural inclinations and considering them together, one may reach an exceedingly rational conclusion. As one would add one minus to another to produce a plus, if you add one mystery to another, you may reach a proper conclusion. In short, what I am conveying is that the matters which you consider to be separate affairs could be
connected in unexpected ways there is no meaning in considering the outside and the inside separately. Yes, you are Black Hanekawa, cut off from the personality of Hanekawa Tsubasa, that is not incorrect but there is no marked difference between the two. Such is my belief. Said the vampire with a terrible smile. From my eyes, abnormalities and humans are not so unlike one another. I see. Hearing her say that, made me feel a bit at ease and very down nyah. Im the same as Mistress, huh. I already knew it, I recognized it, I even claimed it but, now someones actually saying it. But in that case, its turning out like a worse and worse idea to let you suck my blood nyah. That is true. Best of all is a natural death. Both from an experts eye, and the abnormalitys. So, vampire, I said. I thought of something after what the vampire just mentioned, I thought of something. If you want to thank me, how about answering one of my questions nyah? Hmn? I do not mind but do so with speed. I must hasten to return beneath my Lord. The clock strikes nine, but he may not remain in the same place quickly, lest the useless fool truly does get himself killed. She looked like she was taking it easy, but apparently even shes being driven up the wall nyah. So I did as she said and got to the point. Do you know a tiger abnormality? A tiger? Yeah, a tiger nyah
A tiger. Mammal of the family Felinae, order of Carnivora. Its prowling around town right now. Of tiger abnormalities, there are numerous. Quite a few even from my own knowledge, but with what the Aloha brat knows There are easily over fifty, said the vampire. Nyaah. Thats a problem nyah. I dont even know that number nyah. Nyah, I know what Mistress knows, too but in that case, we cant figure out which one it really is nyah. I know its a really bad one, but when it comes to its true identity, I cant think of anything Yes, to bestow one a name is to gain a hold on ones true identity be it I, Oshino Shinobu, or you, Black Hanekawa. Knowing not the name, seeing not its true form that is true terror. None can be more terrifying than the one who is none. Fear of an anonymous society, it did not begin in the present age. Are there no clues, besides being a tiger? Its a big tiger nyah. Most tigers are big. A small tiger would be more telling. Mmmmn, its really fast nyah. It got ahead of me in a flash nyah. Most tigers are fast. An unmoving tiger would be more telling. Mmmmn, and it talked nyah. Talked? The vampire reacted nyah. And very clearly nyah. A beast form abnormality, and yet it speaks that is, shall I say, rare. But I feel that hearing this has made its true form even more of a mystery.
The vampire said this, and stood up nyah. Her feet are stuck to the ceiling, so I guess stood up is a weird expression use. And I guess you can say it was lady-like, or something, the way she skillfully clamped down on her skirt with her thighs to stop it falling nyah. All her blonde hair got turned upside-down though nyah. To begin with, it cannot be that an unknown abnormality prowls this town without my knowing of it. Hmn? Thats true, now that she mentioned it nyah. She may let small fry like me do as I please, but if a really powerful abnormality like that thing was wandering around, theres no way it wouldnt catch the attention of this No-Life King nyah. This iron-blooded, hot-blooded and cold-blooded vampire. All abnormalities are just a supply of food for her, after all. But still, its not like youre still like that now, nyah? I dont really know, but since that humans in a tough spot, and your pairing got severed All the more so. In such a predicament as this, I could not possibly fail to notice an abnormality this is a bolt from the blue. Hmm, actually seen this tiger, have you? Um, Thats, not true. I did, but before Mistress saw it nyah. So I did too. Hence that may be the point of contention. In short, it was an abnormality beheld by none other than the two of you a tiger only the two of you can behold. A possibility. Forgive me for not being of help.
I shall consider again a way to show my thanks, said the vampire, who calmly walked along the ceiling and looked like she was about to leave the room through the window. Shes probably heading to that tutorial school nyah. .Hmph, I thought. She didnt manage to tell me that abnormalitys true form, so theres no reason to cosy up to her anymore, but nyah its true that I wasted her time nyah. On that front, I guess Ill return the favor. Its not for that human though. Hey, vampire. What is it, cat. Ill get you there nyah. Its just a skip for me to get to those ruins nyah. Dont be so cautious nyah. I know you cant fly right now and your jumps arent big enough to be close to flying nyah. Its not much truble for me nyah. But you can shave off thirty minutes. Hmph. The vampire. Although she hesitated for a second (actually, she just looked like she really didnt want to) she lightly fell from the ceiling and landed on the floor, or rather, the bed. It was really springy, so she ended up bouncing back up and flipping for no reason, but it was pretty amazing how she still managed to land properly nyah. Can I rely upon you? I thought that it was possible, very possible actually, that this proud vampire would reject my suggestion, but she pretty much made up her mind right away nyah. I guess thats just how serious things are nyah. Thats it nyah.
Now that I think about it although she told me about it right away, having her pairing with that human severed isnt just a big deal, its unbelievably bad news. I mean, doesnt this mean that humans lost his immortality nyah? Seeing as shes walking and sitting on the ceiling, maybe it means that, in reverse, her vampire traits are coming back but that bastard losing his immortality is really bad nyah. Isnt his immortality how he even managed to survive this long? Still. Yeah, you can rely on me nyah. I nodded. But only as close as I can thats how Mistress feels nyah. Even if that humans in a tough spot, she doesnt want to get in his way nyah. Oh? I cant say it is something that woman would have spoken, but that is a good decision. Aye, shes suffered her share of pain this spring break, once and twice thanks to her conceited and thoughtless actions, my Lord was plunged in even direr straits. Mmn I remember that too nyah. I didnt exist at the time, but I have that memory nyah. The way I see it, she didnt just plunge him into direr straits, but nyah, that was more or less it, I guess nyah. To learn from ones own mistakes is an unavoidable step. Do as you please. This is enough as aid. Okay nyah. I held the vampire. Carrying her like a bride nyah. As soon as I touched her, my Energy Drain activated, but the vampire didnt seem to mind nyah. What nerves nyah.
I opened the window and put my foot on the windowsill. Im barefooted as usual, but, nyah, I can just clean myself up when I get back nyah. Lucky enough, this room has some of those wet tissues that the human uses to clean the room nyah (he likes cleaning nyah). Now that I come to it, how did the vampire get in this room nyah? It crossed my mind suddenly, but I guess asking that about an abnormality isnt going to go anywhere so I didnt think anything, and just jumped. I flew. Heading for Noble Minds Tutorial School but, the vampire and I couldnt head for that building nyah although we could head for the place nyah. I actually did aim for that area and jumped nyah. Its just that, its just that we couldnt reach it. When we landed, arrived the building that should be there, the ruins of the tutorial school wasnt there. Theres only some burnt bits and pieces. The ruins of the tutorial school, where Araragi Koyomi and Oshino Shinobu had once hidden, where Oshino Meme had lived for several months, a place filled with memories for Mistress and Senjougahara Hitagi, for Kanbaru Suruga and Sengoku Nadeko were completely burnt down nyah.
I cant just let this one go! I cant, I cant! What on earth is going on while Im sleeping?! Just how big of an adventure was there for it to jump 25 chapters?! Thats a whole novels worth of plot not being touched on! And so on. Well, putting aside that sort of tongue-in-cheek fourth-wall perspective now that we had come this far, even I began to feel it unnatural. When I was in bed in those ruins, well, that could be forgiven. I felt that, just as anyone else would, I had a sense of attachment towards the bedding I worked hard to make, that overflowing sensation towards something homemade, and that helped me to compensate and sleep a deep sleep and it was not unthinkable that, as I had spent the day before in such severe conditions, being at Senjougahara-sans home had a reversing effect and compensated for it, allowing me to sleep a deep sleep. The former and the latter appeared to be contradictory, but when you consider them together, it was not impossible to consent to both points. Just like those two episodes of Napoleon. However, putting aside when exactly I had thought of those episodes of the Emperor (it felt highly unlikely for them to be of my own conception ) Sleeping soundly on Araragi-kuns bed? Me? Completely relieving me of all the days stress? Even mentally calming me down? That was just impossible. Not that I wanted to put it this way, but I felt tense as soon as I got into the bed shamelessly speaking, I was excited, and I could not sleep at all.
I was physically experiencing what Senjougahara-san had said about being unable to sleep in her fathers bedding, and so, I could not sleep comfortably at all not to mention that I was currently wearing Araragi-kuns pajamas. You could even say I was feeling Araragi-kun over my entire body. Speaking as a girl, the only deep sleep I could have like this would be one I never woke up from. It might be an exaggeration to say I was completely unable to sleep, but all the same, it should have been quite shallow. And yet this feeling of refreshment. An invigorating morning. It was clearly out of place. It was clearly suspicious, and strange. Clearly abnormal. .Hmmmn, I slowly rose and inspected myself if something had happened to me, there must be some traces left over. Was it just my imagination? Was I simply more unabashed a person that I had thought, or not I looked for some sort of proof. Something must still remain. And I found it immediately. First, the pajamas I borrowed from Araragi-kun aside from the soaking sweat that came from me during my sleep, there was a faint smell of earth. The smell of earth may be difficult to visualize, so perhaps it would be better to say the smell of the outside. Did I leave the house while I was sleeping? Like a somnambulist?
Muttering to myself, I bent down and sat in an improper, cross-legged posture, just like doing calisthenics before a jog, and checked my feet this time mainly, the soles. But there was nothing there. Just size 23.5 feet. Beautiful, pure things. But, Said I, and my eyes turned to the box of wet tissues on top of Araragi-kuns study desk (though it was likely a very recent event that it began to actually be used for studying). As expected, it was slightly off from its position yesterday. By about three millimeters. I got off the bed, and peeked into the garbage can next to the desk. As I had predicted, there were a few diposed, used tissues in it dirtied by earth and gravel and such. As such, I looked at my own hands. They were pure, just like the soles of my feet, but that was not the case in the gaps between my fingernails. A small amount of dirt was clinging to them. An awfully wild sort of nail art. They say the proof of a crime lies in the fingernails but this is no joke. Saying this, I then headed towards the window. Well, I could not be sure that I had left the room this way but thinking back to the incident during Golden Week, I doubt I would have took the effort to conscientiously exit through the hall, down the stairs, and out the front door. Being the closest exit, the window should be the most logical choice and this speculation was proven correct, though only by pure luck, as the crescent lock of the window was left open. I confirmed the night before that it had been locked, of course, before I went to bed. It was an obvious precaution, after I had experienced just how angry Senjougahara-san could get at me and yet, this.
In other words someone opened the lock to this window while I was sleeping, and seeing as there was no one in this room but me, the one who opened the window could be none other than myself. Putting aside whether Im a criminal or not, this does feel like Im some culprit being cornered by a detective. In the first place, the culprits who appear in detective novels would never leave bits of evidence all over the place so conspicuously not even the detective would be interested then. He would probably just leave the whole case to the officers of Scotland Yard although, unexpectedly, cases where the culprit was a Bakeneko were fitting enough for great detectives in the good old days so I thought. To deliver the final blow, I returned to the bed and held up the pillow. It was Araragi-kuns pillow though that made no difference in this case. If, when I had become that, I laid down for even just a moment There it is. The decisive piece of proof. I plucked out a single strand of hair from the pillow. Hair is something which is constantly regrown regardless of gender, so a few strands will always fall out during sleep though this was an obvious fact, the problem was that this strand was white. White hair. Or not perhaps, in this case, it should be called white fur? Yes, it was not like the hair from a human being, but the fur from an animal So thats it Im, turning again. Into the Hindering Cat into Black Hanekawa. I did not want to believe it or even consider it, but with the circumstances solidified to such a degree, it was pointless to escape from reality. It was no good continuing to deny the truth, as I had done on the day before the Cultural Festival, even when cat ears were sprouting directly from my head thinking this, the possibility suddenly hit upon me, and I confirmed my own appearance with the mirror on the desk.
Its all right, theyre not growing out. Not yet. I utterly digress, but it came to me that Araragi-kun, having a mirror equipped on his desk at all times, might surprisingly be something of a narcissist. What a strange boy. Well, pressing on. But, now that Ive considered everything in order besides the cat ears, this is pretty different from the time before, and the time before that. I didnt get those telltale headaches, and Im turning back to normal, even though Araragi-kuns not here It became all conjecture from this point on, but it was highly likely that, during the night I spent at the ruins, and the night I stayed over at Senjougahara-sans home, I took on my Black Hanekawa form it was all conjecture, but I was 90% certain that I was correct. Only this line of thought could explain my feeling of freshness, after all. And yet I was turning back. I turned back into myself. Maybe Im getting used to turning into Black Hanekawa just like how Araragi-kun learned to use his vampire immortality. Immortality I wonder why it was that some part of my mind got hung up on that word hmm, its not very clear. Honestly what had happened while I was sleeping? It was for certain that something had happened. Something, extremely important But I can imagine why Im turning into Black Hanekawa again The fire at my house. It could be nothing else.
Black Hanekawa was the incarnation of my stress my inner personality, embracing the emotions that I could not. Im not just rampaging about to release my stress if that were the case, the traces I left behind would be a lot more visible. I felt that this was just a hopeful observation, though. At any rate, it gave me a bad feeling that there were blanks in my own memory. Oh, no I wonder if Black Hanekawa-chan can take care of this stress. Playing the fool, I began to change. There may be no point in escaping from reality, but confirming the reality of Black Hanekawa did not change the other fact that nothing could be done from my side under the present circumstances, so I had no choice but to go to school. Neither Araragi-kun nor Oshino-san, the ones whom I ought to consult, were here. Due to the anxiety of having my home burn down, I could simply be absent again this did not escape me, but now that I had confirmed I was simply pushing said anxiety onto someone else, I found it difficult to do so. And, to be honest, I wanted to ask Kanbaru-san whether she had managed to meet Araragi-kun yesterday, and if he was safe not knowing her phone number or e-mail address, I had no choice but to contact her directly if I wanted to ask her anything. I guess I can ask her through Senjougahara-san as well but shes sharp, so she might suspect that Im turning into Black Hanekawa again. No. Seeing as its her, Senjougahara-san might already be suspecting it. I got the feeling she had insinuated something earlier Well. Just as I was finishing changing, Hanekawa-san ! I was shocked by Tsukihi-chans voice coming from the other side of the door.
Oh, no. Was I talking to myself so loudly, even though I was in someone elses home? Did she hear me? Though that did not appear to be the case, thankfully, Did you wake up yet ? If not, then wake up now ! Its time for breakfast! as Tsukihi-chan continued. Its a rule at the Araragi house for everyone to eat breakfast together ! Okay, got it ! I answered her. Its all right, Im up. Ill be right there. Okay ! Her lovely voice rang out, and I heard the sound of footsteps walking down the hall. Huh. That was something of a disappointment. Araragi-kun had always expressed his sisters morning routine of waking him up as beating him up, as though it was quite a bother, but what exactly was so bothersome about such a lovely act? Geez, he shouldnt do that. The way he put it, youd mistaken believe he was attacked with crowbars in his sleep. Thinking this, I confirmed my appearance with the mirror once again, with contact lenses in one hand for when I stop by the bathroom before heading down to the living room, and left Araragikuns room. Nyah.
I dont know how to put it, but Araragi-kuns mother she resembled him, but I felt that her eyes belonged to someone who had reached some sort of enlightenment. Like she had achieved something. I saw the way she was, and even taking away the part about being a police officer, I got the feeling I understood why he found it so hard to deal with his mother. Im sorry. I must have made you worry somehow but my family isnt too much of a problem. We just, well, you could say we dont get along well We were in discord, you could say. We were distorted, you could say. thats all. Parents not getting along with their child, thats nearly abuse in itself, you know. Thats why. Said Araragi-kuns mother. Always look for help whenever youre in trouble. It doesnt matter if its public service, or even Koyomi. He can be dependable in his own way. Yes I knew that. I knew very well, just how dependable Araragi-kun could be. I had always known and yet, I tried my very hardest not to depend on him. I got on without depending on him. Its not wrong to not have a family, but if you do, it should be something youre glad for. Thats what I believe. As a mother. As a mother. Hanekawa-chan, when bad things happen to people, its all right for them to run as far away as possible, but its not running if you just turn your eyes away from it. As long as you say that
your situation is fine, no one from outside can do a thing but how about you try just going for it first? With these words, Araragi-kuns mother showed me out it was quite a long, take care. Goodness. Powerful people, really, mothers that was the humorous impression I got. I felt like I had been beaten and bruised. But it was not a bad feeling. Mother, huh. That was something I had no concept of, even at this age. I wondered. What exactly had I been doing all this time? Not just at night but in the afternoon, in the morning. Turning my eyes away from it isnt the same as running away huh. Deep words. I felt completely moved. Rather than Araragi-kun, those words felt more like something Oshino-san would say. As such, I headed to school while continuing to contemplate those words but, along the way, I found myself face-to-face with a sight that, quite aptly, I wanted to turn my eyes away from. No, really, I almost wanted to turn around on the spot and walk back the way I came. A boy with golden hair and golden eyes was walking on the same path as mine from his height he seemed to be around the same age as me, but judging from his baby face, with some vestige of youth still clearly remaining but not enough to be described as child-like, he looked to be a middle schooler. However, for a middle school boy his eyes, those golden eyes that appeared to constantly be glaring forward, were far too ill-natured. Although perhaps, unlike spring break,
it was already an improvement, appearance-wise, that he was not shouldering a gigantic silver cross. Um, I really had considered changing my direction, but just before I could make the decision, he had noticed me. With a hmph. Those far too ill-natured golden eyes perceived me. Our eyes met, seeing each other perfectly. Whoa, whoa, you uh, what was it yeah, you were the one from a while back who nearly got killed by me. Heh heh that was hi-larious. He, the half-vampire vampire hunter Episode, said this, and pointed at me, looking overjoyed. Hello. I bowed slightly. Its been quite a long time Episode-san. He did not seem to be troubled by any of the conflicting emotions I felt but to me, this was very unpleasant, something which I could do nothing to help, and the tone of my words clearly conveyed this. But I suppose it was not surprising. As he said, it was just a while ago just during spring break, when I was nearly killed by him. Not that it would be an exaggeration to say that he did kill me he had blown away half of my internal organs, after all. Originally, he had come to this city in pursuit of Shinobu-chan, the legendary vampire, and ended up dueling Araragi-kun, who had become kin to Shinobu-chan it was a very painful incident.
It had been my fault, unapologetically intruding in a duel between two men, but he was rather unapologetic himself. I heard that you went back to your own country soon after that why have you come to this town again, Episode-san? I asked him timidly. It occurred to me that he might have come back in order to try and exterminate Araragi-kun or Shinobu-chan again that this could be cause for the trouble Araragi-kun was now embroiled in. Oshino-san, as the specialist, should have settled things on that end but Oshino-san wasnt all-powerful, either. He might have made a mistake somewhere and exposed the two of them but against my question, the half-vampire (fine even while under the sun, and able to move about in daytime) widened his grin, and, Thats hilarious. said this, laughing fiendishly. Dont call me Episode-san Im not the age for that kind of stuff, and not in a position to hear that kind of polite talk. Huh? But he was a vampire, even if just a half should his lifespan not be fairly long then? Just cause my lifespans long doesnt mean Im actually old, you know. Youre hilarious. Its actually a secret, but its pretty funny so Ill tell you. Youre actually a lot older than me by now, Id be six years old. Six?! My shock was clear. As though that was the response he had expected, Episode-san no, Episode-kun wore a happy expression. Its my birthday next month, so Ill be seven then my parent on my vampire side was a type of abnormality that matured really quickly, and Ive got traces of that.
Anyway, dont judge a person just by how they look well, not that Im a person. Episode-kun then brought the conversation to a close, so I had no way to confirm the authenticity of this. It just felt like he was playing with me. On the topic of not judging someone by how they look, though, I did not want him to explain his age, so much as I wanted him to answer why he was wearing a white, long-sleeved school uniform, just as he had done during spring break, despite the blazing August sun. Perhaps he could not feel heat, as a half-vampire. I see So he wasnt a high schooler or a middle schooler, but a grade schooler in terms of age, younger than even Shinobu-chan or Mayoi-chan It would not even be odd to call him Episode-chan rather than Episode-kun by mistake, so he didnt really have a baby face, but in fact looked older than he was. I could not deny feeling that a hidden character trait was just revealed at this late stage for no particular reason. Talk about your nonexistent youth. Oh, and why arent you carrying your cross? Huh? Yeah. Duh. Id kind of stand out if I walked around carrying that. Hmph. It would seem that he did have some mindfulness regarding this, in some measure at least. So, can you answer me now on why youve come to this town again? Huh ? Youre pretty fussy, arent you? Well, I do owe you one, so I was going to answer you anyway. Said Episode-kun. Apparently, he considered having tried to kill me as owing me.
I felt slightly relieved. But I dont even know why Im here yet. I suddenly got called out and just arrived by the night bus The night bus? That was oddly mundane of him. What was he, a tourist? Anyway, you said you were called out? Yeah, that happens too. Im more or less a freelance vampire hunter. Not like Dramaturgie or Guillotine-cutter. Im just a mercenary working for my own gains, and anyone who can pay can hire me. You take jobs without hearing the contents first? I get paid in advance. Besides, I couldnt refuse this time. Well, the contents of the job makes no difference. You leave someone to me, whoever he is, and Ill kill him so dead there wont be anything left to treat. So, would you take a contract to exterminate a tiger? A tiger? Surprised, Episode-kuns face went blank. Uh actually, Im a hunter specialized in vampires, so a tigers a bit what, did your general tell you to do something crazy? My general? Why did he know the story of Ikkyu Sojun? I suppose the anime, which was recommended by the Ministry of Education, was popular even overseas. Hmm. In the end, no answer came for my question (I had wanted to get an answer from him any way I could, but if he didnt actually know it couldnt be helped), although I did feel that it was surprisingly easy talking with him.
Much had happened during spring break between him and Araragi-kun, so even though we only came in contact for several minutes, I already had some impression of what kind of character Episode-kun apparently was in advance but now, meeting him under the sun, it came to me that he was this kind of person. This was what people meant by, something that appeared like ethereal, only to be whithered grass. He was an almost disappointingly normal boy. While it was impossible to see him as only six or seven years old, talking with him on the roadside like this really felt as though I was dealing with a younger boy. The white school uniform was just a kind of fashion, the product of his self-consciousness But, still. You, Hanekawa Tsubasa, was it? However, it would seem that, in his own way he had a similar thought to mine. Compared to before, its like you got really normal. Huh? His words, frank and without any embellishment, reveberated within my heart. Thats why, earlier, I even with the sight of a vampire, I couldnt tell who you were for a second. Not just how you cut your hair or lost your glasses or stuff like that, but something more deep down before, you felt really, how should I put it, really intimidating, or something like that. But its totally gone now, disappeared. Or maybe I should say it got cut off from you, without leaving any scars behind I knew what he was trying to say. It was something I had not considered until I had been told, though after all, the me that Episode-kun knew, was the me from spring break. It was the me from back when Black Hanekawa had not yet been born inside me the me from before I had cut that dark part of myself away as an abnormality. That was why but, wait.
Just hold on. Becoming normal, or becoming not intimidating, that sounded just like Speaking of which, I recalled what Karen-chan had told me in the bath yesterday. You really arent pretentious at all, are you, Tsubasa-san however, that was not because I did not pretend, but because I could not pretend I could not possibly pretend when I had already cut my own individuality away from myself, so it would of course stand to reason No, no. Thats wrong. Thats even worse. It would be a bad idea, to consider this further. Most likely this line of thought led to a truth that I would shield my eyes from Oh, As though what he had just said was something he just wanted to mention for no real reason despite it being a shocking statement to me, Episode-kun seemed to have lost interest in the matter and, looking over my shoulder, discovered something. With his vampire sight or whatnot, he saw someone behind me. Thats her, right there the one who called me out without even saying what it was about. Well, when I asked, it turns out shes the senior of that aloha bastard, that Oshino Meme guy, when he was in university seeing as we have a connection like that, I just couldnt turn her down And I turned around.
With those big clothes on her small body, she looked liked a lady just about worn out of shape of course, having failed to perceive Episode-kuns age just moments before, I no longer felt much confidence in making guesses on anybodys age. I would have believed it if I had been told that she was in her twenties, but if she really was Oshino-sans senior, then she must be over thirty at the least, though to be honest, she looked to me like she was in her teens. Actually, despite all that I have said, she seemed so full of composure that trying to determine her age seemed rather meaningless she possessed an air of aloofness. Imagine that, if an excellent work of art were plopped down before her, she would think it unrefined and meaningless to consider the time, era, place in the world it had been created in, or perhaps even who its creator had been she held that sense of resoluteness which permitted no dissent. As such, despite her clothes being worn out of shape, she appeared splendid while if a normal person tried wearing XL-size clothes on an S-size physique, it would simply give the impression of someone with a loose sense of fashion, frankly, it looked refined on her. Although she wore her baseball cap sideways and stomped on her sneakers like they were flats, it looked neither rough nor unrefined, but utterly as though it was an aspect of her personal fashion. Hey, Sode you never got to our meeting place so I came to pick you up. When I did, it turned out you were hitting on someone. Sorry for the interruption. That was the first thing I heard from her. She said this with a charming smile. The way she spoke felt very off like she was somehow providing a detailed exposition on her own actions. It felt like she was trying to cover this sensation with her smile. Hmmn? Oh? And this is? Then, she looked at me. Hanekawa, Tsubasa-san isnt it? Oh, yes
Being told this before I had even named myself I was taken aback. Of course, I had already been shocked after being taught by Episode-kun that she was Oshinosans senior and even if she did hear about me from Episode-kun or Oshino-san, there should have been no way she could have known I was Hanekawa Tsubasa now that I had cut my hair. Not without something like a vampires sight, at least. I am. My, my, this is unexpected. Thanks to me deciding on a whim to actually act for once, I got a chance to meet you. That makes me very happy, Tsubasa-chan. I doubt Meme said anything, but I am someone called Gaen Izuko. I was his senior. He called me Gaen-senpai. A lot of cases where Im called Senpai, me. Said she. She really did have a strange way of speaking, if I could put it that way. Actually, this was all-in-all a somewhat strange self-introduction. Dont saying Im hitting on her, Gaen-san I just saw someone really nostalgic and went for a stroll down memory lane with her. Said Episode-kun, appearing displeased (though it was surprising to me that he actually did just want to do that) but Gaen-san said, Well, that doesnt make any difference. It really did seem to make no difference to her. Once youre done that stroll or whatnot, what say we go were racing against the clock here, hour by hour. Yotsugi should be here before long, but we havent got time to wait. Yotsugi? Whos that? It doesnt matter to you, Sode. Though thats not the case for everyone, and its not the case for me. Well, to be honest, I thought that Meme or Deishuu would come. But those two just cant help being wanderers. I dont want Yotsuru here, by the way, not in the slightest. You really do only talk for your own sake, dont you dont just start talking like everyone already understands what youre going on about. Episode-kun did not attempt to hide his discontent but, as though this reaction were of no concern to her, Tsubasa-chan,
Gaen-san said to me. There was too much liberty in the way she talked. Normally, I would be trying to get myself involved into your conversation with Sode, maybe even buy you both juice from the vending machine if you were so inclined, seeing as Im the adult here, but the situation is as youve just heard. Sorry, but Ill be taking Sode with me. Oh right. I did not mind that. In fact, if she were to take him away, inside, I would feel like patting my own chest in relief all things being considered, he was still rather scary (actually, the memory of the moment when I had been killed escaped me, but my body remembered. My stomach hurt.) and I was in the middle of my way to school, which I still had to go to. It would more troublesome if she had offered me juice. So I cant give you any help on your tiger problem at the moment. Youll have to do something by yourself. Huh? My tiger problem? Wait why does she? She must have heard me when I was talking to Episode-kun from before no, that would be quite a contrivance, given her distance. It would be a contrivance though on somehow another level compared to when she had guessed my name before. And it felt different from mind-reading. I had not thought about the tiger while talking with Gaen-san, after all. Hm? Why the strange look? Its not that surprising that I know about the tiger, is it? Theres nothing I dont know. Nothing you dont know. Yeah.
She said, I know everything. brimming with confidence. As though she really did know As though she had a grasp on the entire story, she said. Well, youll be facing off against that tiger by today or tomorrow, Im sure. Soon, you yourself will name it, that abnormality with unprecedented, unparalleled power, the Inflaming Tiger. But no one will help you. You will be saved by no one. Because it is your own problem. It is not my problem, nor the problem of the boy you love. Wha I lost my words at what. The boy I love? I mean Araragi-kun. Youre not saying you dont know him, are you? Gaen-san said, as though this were something extremely obvious and part of common knowledge as though it were something anyone besides me would know. In fact, You really dont know anything, do you, Tsubasa-chan she said this as though she was looking down on me, as though she was scorning me. As though she pitied me as though she sympathized with me. As though she was looking at a pathetic child, she said. (I cant think of a way to translate the pun in the next line into English. Sorry.) You dont even know that you dont know anything. Youre ignorant ( muchi) to your own ignorance in being ignorant, I suppose. Ahaha, if I keep repeating ignorance like that, it sounds
like Im talking about your curvy and busty ( muchimuchi) body. Lewd, isnt it? Im the slim type, so its really something to be envious about. That being said, it would be better to not know than to know you dont know even the brainless scarecrow had lamented nothing could be more unbearable than knowing the truth that you were a fool. What do you, I said. My voice was shaking. I did not know why my voice shook. Even when I had been facing Episode-kun during spring break my voice, my body did not shake like this. What do you think you know about me? I know everything. And thats why, I know everything, repeated Gaen-san. Again and again. As though she had repeated that line many times before. As though she were simply saying good morning or good night or thanks for the meal or Im done eating. Repeating. Repeatedly. Repeating. I know that you dont know anything. But thats nothing to be ashamed of, because nobody in this world knows anything. They live on, lying while unknowing. You are not an exception, nor are you special. Not an exception not special. You like it when people tell you that, dont you?
Said Gaen-san. Of course, as though she was looking down on me. I know. And naturally, I know all about the ruins of that tutorial school, that memorable place for all of you including Meme, burning up last night ahh, and once again, I speak of information you do not yet know. Isnt that right, I-Know-Nothing Tsubasa-chan?
It is often the case that the same person can gain different reputations within different communities, but there is an immense difference between the image Kanbaru-san had and, above all else, the image we had of her. No. That was probably the way things should be. It would be strange for someone to look the same regardless of the observer, like something stamped out someone like me. It was not obvious. And it was not normal. Someone who appeared to be an honor student to anyone who was looking that was abnormal. Have you heard anything, Hanekawa-san? Being asked this, No. was the only thing I could say. Im sorry, I dont know anything. Those words seemed to have had a rather cold ring to them, as the girl looked to be in utter doubt, and I retreated from Kanbaru-sans classroom, feeling embarrassed. Due to this, unfortunately for my teacher, practically nothing entered my head during the second periods lesson I was worried, after all. Araragi-kun was, of course, absent as well. Just what had happened last night? Well, truthfully speaking, nothing entered my head starting from the first period after hearing from Gaen-san about Noble Minds Tutorial School burning down, I could not remain calm. It was unthinkable that the place we were so fond of, not to mention where Araragi-kun and Kanbaru-san were supposed to meet, would be beset by fire.
Naturally, after I had parted with Gaen-san and Episode-kun, I checked the news online on my cellphone and confirmed that it was not a lie. There was even an image attached. A photo of that bare concrete building collapsed in a miserable pile entered my view that memorable place where so much had happened. It was now completely gone from this world. I was wondering what Senjougahara-san would think if she found out about this, not to mention being taken by an extreme sense of the impermanence of the world, but on the other hand, when I took into account the current situation, it was clear that this was no time to be so sentimental. What on earth happened last night? Are Araragi-kun and Kanbaru-san all right? I was so worried that I could not sit still during lessons or recesses. And yet the fact that I was able to continue taking lessons for the entire day without leaving early meant that, somehow, I firmly believed the both of them to be safe. I found within myself the will to assert that those two were not hurt in the fire. At first, I had not been sure if I could trust this feeling. Perhaps I had simply believed in Araragi-kun and Kanbaru-san, that they could overcome any difficulties and, as such, did not need me to worry for them. But that was not the case. It was not even worth considering. Araragi-kun was simply a boy whom I could not calmly watch over from a distance in that way, as he was always involved in things possibly fatally dangerous, and he inclined towards not so much self-sacrifice as self-punishment. It was precisely because I knew him so well that it was hard for me to imagine him being safe in a situation like that. And Kanbaru-san, unfortunately, was not so close to me that I could just simply trust in her safety (and considering the case with Senjougahara-san, I might even be seen as an enemy). Why was it that I could be so sure of their safety at the very least, in terms of my conviction that they had not been victims of the fire,
Its because I know. I murmured. I was on my way back from school. Well, this was not the way back, to be exact I was not returning to the Araragi house, but making a side trip. Yes, because I know I know the fire that started had nothing to do with Araragi-kun or Kanbaru-san. I knew. I didnt know. But the me who wasnt me knew. It was most likely that, yesterday night when I had become Black Hanekawa, I had seen it, and I knew. I knew that the two of them were safe. I knew that after Araragi-kun and Kanbarusan had met, they changed to another location I knew that it was, more or less, an unrelated problem to the fire. It was as Gaen-san had said. This was my case. Besides, the fires something to do with me as well. Three days ago, the Hanekawa house burnt down completely. And yesterday, Noble Minds Tutorial School was in flames. In just three days two buildings that had been deeply connected with me had burnt down. It would be absurd not to think of these two events as being connected. Not to mention that both cases occurred immediately after I had seen the tiger I could not help worrying about that. Also, the cause of the fire at the Hanekawa house was unknown, and as far as I could tell from the news report online, the fire at the tutorial school was similarly of unknown origin. Seeing as they were both places usually without traces of fire, it was all the more reason to suspect arson
Arson huh. The worst possibility passed through my mind. The possibility that I, as Black Hanekawa, was the criminal. In other words, an arsonist. Thinking back to the outrageous violence committed by Black Hanekawa during Golden Week, it was a perfectly realistic possibility. To be certain, it was not true that I had not wished many times for the Hanekawa house to just disappear and in this situation, I could not deny that said wish had been granted. You might even say the possibility was quite high. However, I felt that this was incorrect. Not, that something like this happening was impossible but the part about this being the worst. I could not put it into words, but I got the feeling that an even worst conclusion was already prepared further along in this story. A conclusion that I had been turning my eyes away from as though it was relentlessly lying in wait for me, its jaws held wide open. Yes, the truth. An inconvenient truth was lying in wait for me. That was the path I now walked. Now would be the time to turn back, I guess. Right now. If I could close my eyes turn my eyes away just for a little while, if I could just make it to tomorrow, I would be able to go on without encountering the truth. Thing would be as per usual. I would be able to continue as the Hanekawa Tsubasa I had always been. As the best friend of Araragi-kun, as Hanekawa Tsubasa as myself, I would be able to remain.
Without any change. But, But. But, but. I did not know what Araragi-kun was fighting against right now. However, he was unmistakably fighting against something together with Mayoi-chan and Kanbaru-san, and lending the aid of Shinobu-chan, putting his life on the line as always. In that case, I too shall fight. If it did not mean running away, then I would not turn my eyes away, either. Now was the time to come face-to-face for me, and my own heart which had been cut off from me. This was probably that kind of story. Yes that tiger, It was on that day when the new trimester started. I was on my way to school when I saw that giant tiger. All of this started after I saw that tiger. That was the feeling I got. I could not be certain at all. But I was. I knew. Gaen-san called it the Inflaming Tiger, didnt she? That would be the first angle of approach. I had reached the library.
The task of converting entire book catalogues into digital databases, currently being advanced by various libraries, had not yet taken place here, meaning I had to investigate each book one by one. They were all of them books I had once read before, but not even my memory was perfect and, to begin with, my memory could not be relied upon in this case. After all, I was able to take things inconvenient to myself and cut them away from my heart. That was what I had done. To phrase it like Araragi-kuns mother, I would turn my eyes away from things as I pleased. Even the events of Golden Week, all those things I had done had been completely forgotten by me, and even now, I could not recall them entirely no, it was more likely because I did not want to recall them. I pushed these painful memories and tearful stress away from myself. I pushed them away onto Black Hanekawa. That was why my memories, my knowledge, and even my thoughts could not be relied upon at all still, if I wanted to do something about this, if I still wanted to continue my vain struggle, I had no choice but to go wall-to-wall like this. Line by line, word by word, without turning my eyes away, I had no choice but to read, to burn it all into my eyes. Mmn, However, despite lingering until nearly the closing hour of the library despite fishing through not just the first five, but in the end fifteen specialist works, there was not a single book that described the apparition, the abnormality called the Inflaming Tiger. Having considered that it might have been my own mishearing, I took care to watch for similarly-named phantoms for example, the Flaming Tiger, which seemed quite possible seeing as it caused the phenomenon of fire but that was a miss (I did find the related Water Tiger, but that was basically just a Kappa, which was of even less relevance). Hmph.
It had been done with the best of intentions, but ending up with results like these was truly pathetic. I had been entirely under the impression that I would be able to simply refer to a large variety of references, as suitable for the topic, much as Oshino-san would do but things did not go quite so smoothly. In fact, was it really so impossible that there had actually been a proper description of the abnormality, and I simply overlooked it? The possibility that it had been written there, but I, not wanting to know, had turned my eyes away from it But if I start thinking like that, I just cant trust anything, anymore. No. Me being the way I was, nothing about my state of affairs could be trusted in the first place. I was trying to do something about this trying to help in the midst of such a situation. If nothing could be trusted, then I could instead employ said untrustworthiness. If the library was of no help, I could try searching on the Internet, but to be honest, I was reluctant to attempt that approach. The Internet was an excellent medium for gathering facts on what was occurring right now, but there were far too many mistakes to be found when searching for information from the past. More to the point, it was weak in terms of tales of the abnormal. That being said, I might be able to find some sort of clue, and seeing as I had no other plans, there was no point in maintaining a prejudice against digital information it was an approach that Oshino-san, who disliked machinery, would be incapable of, after all. As I was inside a library, I had turned my phone off, but perhaps I could try searching once I got back outside. Having made a decision, I went to return all the books I had picked out. I did not know just how correct my own memories were, but this at least was a simple task, as though I had memorized the location of all the books in this library. Are you by yourself today, Tsubasa-chan? Along the way, another worker, not the one who had greeted me, said this. She had seen Araragi-kun and I together many times before, so that was probably what she had meant with the question. She seemed to be under the impression that Araragi-kun and I were a couple, and, well, Araragi-kun did not seem to notice, so I did not attempt to correct this.
Yes, Im by myself today. As noted previously, I had been here by myself many times before, but it would seem I had not been very noticeable then (to this persons eyes, at least). Hmm. Well, its almost closing time, are you done looking? Yes, Im done. There had been no results, but I certainly was done in terms of searching. The worker glanced at the books I carried which I was returning to the shelves, and said, that looks heavy. I suppose once digital books have spread, people wont have to worry about that weight anymore. Well, if it came to that, I suppose even the necessity of libraries would be in question. I dont know about that. I think itll be fine for now, as long as digital books never go beyond being computer images. Books are books, weight and all books arent flat, but threedimensional. Even if digital books do spread, just like how a collector of figurines would never say that its enough to have just the photos, its the bindings that truly makes the books, I think. The thought of digitalizing books was ridiculous. It would be better to consider books and digital books in the same way as one would consider books and films not as a transition, not as a progression, but in fact as a new species. Well, I hope so. As though she did not want to become involved in a deep discussion with some high schooler, the worker laughed lightly, looked at the titles of the books I was carrying, Are you interested in ghosts? and asked me, sounding mystified. Well, they certainly did not appear to be books a dainty high school girl would devote herself to reading, so perhaps it truly was mystifying. The more experienced workers were already aware of my (indiscriminate) tastes in reading, but the one before me was still a newcomer. Yes, somewhat its for a school project.
Of course, I could not explain everything, so I dodged the question with a vague, uninteresting response. In that case, theres something in the New Books section on that. Have you read it yet? No not yet. Not that she mentioned it, I had not checked there. Theres probably no time to read it now, but you can take it out. Yes, I think Ill do that. Although I said this, my expectations were low. It would simply be too convenient for information on the abnormality I seeked to be on the very last book which I was just about to overlook then again, as the saying went, it did not hurt to try. I borrowed the book recommended to me and left the library. Hm? Wait a second. A new book, huh. New book new species. When I put the borrowed book into my bag, it suddenly occurred to me wait, no, it would be strange to say it occurred to me. Gaen-san had said it at the very beginning, after all. The abnormality that I would myself name If there hasnt been a single hint, even after this much searching then what if, like Black Hanekawa, that tiger is a new species of abnormality
In fact, it was something I ought to have arrived at when I had first heard the words from Gaensan. Yes, I did not even need go to the library, as it was a piece of writing that could be found in middle school language textbooks an idiom that anyone would have heard of at least once. No fiercer a tiger than the inflaming of tyranny. A verse from the Book of Rites, Tangong 2. I doubt this is necessary but, to explain as a refreshment, here is the story. There was once a woman whose father-in-law and husband had been eaten by ferocious, maneating tigers, and then even her son was eaten. When asked why she would not leave this place, the woman answered thus: It is better to have fierce beasts, than a country dominated by the rule of tyrants tyranny here certainly meaning the unyielding rule of heavy taxation and conscription and such, or put simply, of tyrants. If things were as Gaen-san had said and I would name that tiger the Inflaming Tiger then that phrase would unmistakably be the source. This was because, when I first found out about those words as a primary schooler, I had strongly felt that it was not true at all, and could not quite understand them. Any sort of rule would be better than man-eating tigers so I had thought. It was not because I was a child who could not grasp the subtleties of the text. At the time, what I had found most unacceptable, the one thing I truly could not understand, were the feelings of the mother, the woman who would push her own ideology onto not only her fatherin-law and husband but even her own child. Of course, now that I have learnt about vicious forms of government far more cruel than tigers, it could not be said that I did not understand her feelings at all but the sensation, of not quite understanding her, remained. Thats why, I think, the Inflaming Tiger isnt just a simple abbreviation of no fiercer a tiger than the inflaming of tyranny, but actually a fiercer tiger than the inflaming of tyranny, making it is a tiger beyond tigers, like a tyrant of tigers. What do you think? Said I. Hearing my hypothesis at the other end of the phone, Senjougahara-san remained silent for a moment and then responded negatively with, I wonder about that. And very blatantly negatively, as well.
It just feels to me as though you are being led around by the nose. This Gaen as I hear it, it wasnt you at all who named the abnormality. It was obviously her. Yes, well, thats true. That was more difficult to explain. It did not seem to be in the nature of the person called Gaen Izuko, the one who had called herself Oshino-sans senior, to allow others to understand through her words to be honest, even I, who had seen, met, and talked to her face-to-face, did not fully understand her. I could not possibly explain it. However, there was simply no clear reason for her to lead me on at all unlike the clear reason with which Senjougahara-san had led the Fire Sisters on. To her, I was someone of no concern to be pushed to the wayside. How could we understand something like that? She might even be lying. There might have been some inexpressible reason behind it. Inexpressible reason? In any case, its likely that she is somehow related to Kanbaru. Huh? I was shocked. I did not think that Kanbaru-sans name would appear here. As I recall, Kanbarus mothers surname was Gaen. I heard this from Kanbaru during middle school that she used to be called Gaen Suruga. Incidentally, her mothers name is Tooe. Its nothing conclusive until I can ask her directly, but Id be quite taken aback if it was just a coincidence, or they were only distantly or not at all related. Thats true With Suruga, Tooe, and now Izu, it would be strange not to suspect a connection. They were not exactly common names. In short,
Besides, Kanbaru said she had inherited the monkeys paw from her mother in the first place the way I see it, that Gaen is quite suspicious. Yeah well, I cant say shes not suspicious, myself. That was how I truly felt. It was not only because of the way she seemed to be able to order Episode-kun around, or the way she correctly guessed various details about me without reserve. Theres nothing I dont know. It was that. That phrase pierced my heart. Like a thorn. Like a stake. Speaking of which, doesnt Gaen also mean fireman? Would it be so strange if she were the culprit behind the fire at your house, and at the tutorial center? In an ironic way. Um, probably not. In an ironic way? That wasnt a good line of thought. Oh, by the way, Senjougahara-san, did you try to get in touch with Kanbaru-san? Senjougahara-san did not known about the tutorial school burning down until I told her just a bit earlier, but she must be worried about the well-being of her precious underclassman. Seeing as she had had plenty of time to spare due to her influenza, there was no doubt that she had already tried to call her. I did. As expected, Senjougahara-san nodded. Thats the initiative of the Senjougahara-san I knew. But it didnt go through I was transferred to a messaging service, so it was probably because her phone was off, or somewhere that couldnt be reached. Of course, theres been no word
from their end, either they really are the kind of children that grow up to become university students who never come home, not even over the New Year. Thats in the very near future. Somehow, it even felt like it would likely be a future filled with livelihood for those two. I wonder if they can actually leave their homes, though? Araragi-kun, in particular. I got the feeling that his sisters would not let him go. If he ever told them he was going to move to a boarding house, I got the feeling he would be confined in a manner much like Misery. Well, if Araragi-kun and Kanbaru did manage to meet, I doubt they would do anything reckless but I wonder. Now that I come to it, the reason why Gaen-san is here in town seems highly likely to involve Kanbaru. In other words, there is also the possibility of Araragi-kun and that vampire-half boy meeting and battling again sigh. Just what is he up to, sighed Senjougahara-san. Hmm. I couldnt think of any words to comfort her with. While I of course had my own views on the two of them, this was likely to be more painful from the position of Senjougahara-san. Well, in any case. Although she said this, it seemed as though she had to hold herself back, swallowing the many things she had wanted to say. On that front, her capacity for endurance was truly as terrifying as her initiative. I suppose that was what you would expect from a girl who had accompanied an abnormality for a period of over two years. I am not too fond of giving up on things, but I am good at waiting so I will wait for their return, as a proper lady would. Huh Ill just have to take it out on them once theyre back. Huh?
Is that ladylike? It would seem that even if Araragi-kun and Kanbaru-san escaped the predicament that had befallen them, another one would have risen up for them to overcome. Putting that aside, we have a more pressing problem. Lets go back to the issue at hand. Said Senjougahara-san. They might be in a lot of trouble, but so are we the Inflaming Tiger, was it? Suppose that we take the risk of trusting that Gaen-san. The wariness with which she emphasized the word suppose was likely backed by her own experiences of having been deceiving by five swindlers before. Speaking of which, one of the men who had deceived her was Kaiki Deishuu who, like Oshino-san, would also be an underclassman to Gaen-san (More wordplay which I cant translate.) Personally, if you mention the Inflaming Tiger ( kako), I just get reminded of the past ( kako). The past? Yes that seems more likely than a flaming tiger ( tora), does it not? And we can also link it to trauma ( torauma). Trauma? Oh, no, Im sorry, that was just a bad pun Its not very original, said Senjougahara-san embarrassedly. While she would normally make puns like this unabashedly, as though there was in fact nothing else she loved more, if she really did say that just now on purpose, then that was just horrible. But I knew what she was trying to say. The past and the Tiger, huh. Well, we cant just sit here telling jokes. Not that anybody is laughing, said Senjougahara-san in an overly serious manner.
Naming aside, and ignoring the question of whether it is a new species of abnormality or not, isnt it actually quite dangerous? After all, unlike my crab, or Mayoi-chans snail, its intentions are aimed outwards rather than inwards, very similar to Kanbarus left arm Huh? What do you mean? What do you mean, what do I mean? How could you not know? Said Senjougahara-san with exasperation, but the truth was I really did not. What was she saying? I had called her simply to ask her about her overall thoughts on the naming of the Inflaming Tiger which Gaen-san had taught me (its formation being somewhat puzzling) seeing as Senjougahara-san became quite negative about this, I had in fact begun to calm down. No, not that. Both your house and the tutorial school have been met with fires one after another, no? Yes, thats right. Well, unfortunately, there hasnt been any proof linking what happened to those places with the Tiger yet It doesnt matter whether that sort of connection exists or not. Its simply that, aside from the macroscopic, long-term commonality of being places you know well, isnt there also another, more microscopic, short-term commonality as well? Huh? In spite of all that she had told me I still did not understand. No, it was likely that I did. But I, was turning my eyes away. Well, fire started in those places right after the day I met the Tiger No, not that. Said Senjougahara-san. She might find it difficult to say she might have wanted me to realize it myself wordlessly but she said it clearly.
Arent the places where you have slept immediately burning up one after another? ! In other words, if this continues, wont my apartment or the Araragi house also suffer fires some time tonight? Although she said this in a disinterested voice, truly, it was more real a threat that anything else.
too obvious an act and I had difficulty reaching this definition), at the very least, I ought to have thought of the ruins of the tutorial school as a place I stayed at last night. It burnt up because I had stayed while that was something I had not thought of, if the dates were off by just one day I could have been burnt to death that was the kind of fear I ought to have felt. And yet this concept had never entered my mind, not in the slightest, which seemed less like I had lacked the imagination and more like I was turning my eyes away. I turned my back on reality. That was perhaps what happened. That was likely what happened. Of course, be that as it might, I could not simply accept Senjougahara-sans suggestion could not accept it on faith, as there was far too great a lack of data to support such a conclusion. A logical conclusion cannot be derived from merely two samples. Then again, we could hardly wait for a third or fourth. Having ended the call with Senjougahara-san, I once again steeled myself, and headed for my burnt-down house however, contrary to my belief, there was nothing there at all. Once again, there was an astounding lack of anything. It was now devoid of any spectators, but it was not just a burnt field, looking as though it had always been so for the past fifteen years, nor was it like a crime scene, cordoned off by tapes and fences it was, as anyone would call it, a vacant lot. There was nothing and nothing could be felt. Although, at this moment, I could not entirely believe in this sensation of not feeling anything I had not simply lived on this plot of land, but in the house that was here, so I could perhaps accept about half of this sensation as truth. Yes, certainly,
there had been nothing here at all. Seeing as I would draw undue attention if I stood there for too long, I stayed for little longer than a minute and then removed myself hurriedly. Arent the places where you have slept immediately burning up one after another? In other words, if this continues, wont my apartment or the Araragi house also suffer fires some time tonight? Even after those burnt-down remains, I could not deny that these misgivings of Senjougaharasan felt rather forced however, those words had made another precedent come to mind. It was the story of Yaoya Oshichi. After falling in love with a boy she had met during a great fire, she attempted to burn down her own home so as to meet her beloved again although it was a terrible thought, one not to shiver in excitement but to tremble in fear for, I could not help feeling that sentiments like this were also quite typical of love. Oshichi was born in the year of the Hinoe Uma, the Fire Horse, and women born of this year tending to be strong-minded became not so much an abnormal folk story as a kind of superstition, or rather, simple prejudice. After all, such emotions could be possessed by anyone equally. It was a horoscope that anyone might fall under. Nevertheless in this case, the term Fire Horse had a deeper meaning. Well, to be honest, I knew it didnt really mean anything. Uma. It meant horse. It was very embarrassing allowing the word trauma to catch my imagination this way, much like Senjougahara-san and her pun, but nearly half of all folk stories were made up of wordplay in any case, much the same as how Hinoe Uma came from how a fire drives a horse mad. The tiger and the horse together, trauma. Damage to the psyche.
As far as possibilities go, it gives me a lot to think about but I cant make any conclusions yet. However, I got the feeling that I would be seeing one soon. The problem, then, was whether I could face that conclusion forced though those misgivings might have seemed, I could not help feeling unease after the implication that Senjougaharasans apartment or Araragi-kuns home could burn down. Yes, of course. It was time to put a stop to all this. To this story of fire this story of mine. Um, excuse me. The distance between the Hanekawa house (remains) and Araragi-kuns home was such that I could have taken the bus, but in the end, I walked back on my own two feet without using any public transport. Having been handed a duplicate key, I could enter without using the intercom (I was quite trusted) but I was naturally rather nervous about that. I could not conduct myself in that way even though I had been told to treat this place as my own home. After all my own home? I did not even know what that was. Worse yet, I did not even know myself. Besides, seeing as the places where I had slept in were going up in flames one after another, I doubt I should have even returned to Araragi-kuns home, but having already stayed here for one night, perhaps it was already too late making it all right to come back, the twisted logic that had taken hold within me said. But, the fact that I had required a logical reason in order to return to my own lodgings, the poverty of my own heart, made me want to die a little inside. Welcome back, Tsubasa-san. Youre pretty late! Whered you go off to?
As I was taking off my shoes, Karen-chan came out from the living room to greet me. However, I felt rather troubled that I had no words to reply to her welcome back. Just a park around here. I was there for a bit. Ooh. Has there been any contact from Araragi-kun? Nope, nothing. He just doesnt know when to quit wasting his life. When he gets back Ill kick the crap out of him. Hell go flying. When she said this, Karen-chan actually made a kicking motion. It was a needlessly splendid double kick. It would seem that even if Araragi-kun resolved his current case and returned safely, there would be more than one or two predicaments here for him to overcome. Well, I should not speak as though it did not concern me. I, too would very much like to voice my complaints to him, which was something that I could do only if I were to resolve my own problems beforehand. I, too, wanted to have a predicament for him to overcome. Well, who cares about that brother nobody cares about, anyway? Ive been waiting for you, Tsubasa-san. You could say I was getting sick of waiting. Or maybe I should say I was tired of waiting. Both mean pretty much the same thing, actually. Tsukihi-chans back too, so lets play something! Weve already got a deck of cards on the living room table. Cards? Not console games? That was rather unexpected. Oh, but Im sorry, Karen-chan, Ive got some things to think about by myself, in my room
Come on, forget about that. When I waved my hand in an attempt to reject her invitation, Karen-chan took my arm forcefully and began dragging me to the living room. But, I cant just Its better for people not to think about anything, you know. What kind of logic is that?! Logic and all that, it just makes your head hurt, dont it? So what if man is a thinking reed? Who says that we cant be an unthinking reed? Thats a very bold opinion! But an unthinking reed?! Wouldnt that make you just a reed? Youre fine with that?! Oh, come on, hurry. Dont think you can resist me! Wait, okay, I get it, I get it, just, just let me take my shoes off! Well play, well play cards! Yay! Karen-chan cheered. How innocent she was. There really was no time for me to enjoy card games, not when there were things I wanted to think about, or rather, things I had to think about so perhaps I should have rejected her regardless, however forceful the invitation might have been. However, I had not done so, because I realized the meaninglessness of thinking by myself not, of course, that I agreed with Karen-chans unthinking reed perspective. It would be horrible, being just a reed. But in much the same way, it was horrible that I was exactly the same whether I was thinking or not. After all, no matter how much I thought about it,
how much I were to think, or whatever I might realize when that something was inconvenient to myself, I could simply turn my eyes away, cutting it away from my heart, in the end forgetting it, and ultimately becoming unable to even recall it. In that case, just as how Senjougahara-san had done so for me before I could instead approach this with a clear head, waiting to seize on any hints in the midst of a conversation or dialogue. Sensibility told me that I ought not involve middle schoolers like Karen-chan or Tsukihi-chan, but seeing as I was already inconveniencing them at this very moment, any awkward reservation now would be contrary to the effort and most of all, if we were to discuss of fire, then in a sense, no one could be more suitable. They were the Fire Sisters of Tsuganoki No.2. It was right there in their names.
It pains me to say that this game was not fun at all. We were more or less playing with building blocks, and there was little room for creativity. At the very least, I doubt it was a game that people would gather to play together perhaps this was what they called the generation gap. Although in this case, as we were supposed to be playing cards together, I could not be negligent, so I began making a triangle shape with my cards as I questioned the two under the guise of idle chatter. In that case, what does the word flame make you think of? Hot feelings made even hotter! Declared Karen-chan. She really did not hesitate at all. Its justice. In a word, its justice. Mmmn, I see. I nodded vaguely. It was nearly a complete contrast, the way I myself began hesitating. At the very least, it was unlikely that the way I felt right now could not be interpreted as agreement. Is that why the two of you call yourselves the Fire Sisters? Yeah! Said Karen-chan emphatically. In other words, the Fire Sisters are the sisters of justice! Technically speaking, thats totally wrong. Tsukihi-chan, sitting beside her, readily refuted what Karen-chan just said. She refuted it with a smile. What mercilessness.
We were called the Fire Sisters just because we both had fire in our names. Its so normal that its sad, really. Weve been called that since we were primary schoolers. Even before we started working for justice. Was that how it went? Karen-chan tilted her head. Her memories did not seem to be very concrete. Well, the story was more or less as I had expected it to be, but seeing as they did not give themselves that name, I suppose it was still one step above than the Valhalla Combo. For me, by the way, fire or flame remind me of love, I guess. Love? That was true. As a matter of fact, the tale of Yaoya Oshichi, though having somewhat deviated in the course of its story, could also said to be based on love after all, was there not the expression, kindle the fire of love? On another note, Tsukihi-chan was building up her tower with incredible speed. She was simply incredible at fine works. She apparently possessed a kind of concentration that would casually surpass any opponent. I had actually begun this game of association beginning with fire by myself on my way back from the park but it bore no fruit when played only by myself. I could think of nothing besides words such as red, or heat, or civilization, all of which seemed to miss the mark. Attaining no results due to the limits of a single humans thought patterns the problem laying in my own lack of imagination those did not seem to be the generalized reasons why I had gained nothing. It was likely that I had been thinking about it while intentionally avoiding the decisive terms. My thoughts proceeded even as I avoided the hints.
That was why, rather than consider this by myself, I shifted to this method where I sought the answer while playing with Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan Love huh. That was, well, not a term that I had associated with fire in my mind not a term that had occurred to me even as the story of Oshichi floated in my mind but, as with justice, things did not seem to become immediately clear. It still felt as though the picture was out of focus. Yep! Tsukihi-chan gave me a cute little nod. You know, you might not know this, Hanekawa-san, but we Fire Sisters dont only work for justice. We accept requests for love consultations, too. Really? Certainly, it was the first time I had heard about this. Araragi-kun had always emphasized their ally of justice aspect, so I had been under the impression that that was their mainstay, but now that I thought about it again, seeing as they were rather influential among the local middle school girls (and that was amazing, truly) perhaps this type of work was more prevailing for them. Yep. Even Onii-chans come asking us for help, you know. Huh? Araragi-kun? I see. So youve asked your own sisters about your love life before, Araragi-kun Thats just sad. Oh, right. Now that you mention it, yeah. It was back around May. Hearing what Tsukihi-chan said, Karen-chan attempted to recall something. He asked something like, what does it mean to like someone, some juvenile question like that, I think. Oh so I guess that means hes discussed about Senjougahara-san with the two of you, huh?
Putting aside how accurate Karen-chans memory was, this would probably be the case if it had been around May. The two of them had started going out in that park just now on Mothers Day, after all although I assumed at first that they had begun before that. Hmm? Why did this feel so unnatural? I felt too at ease, as though my memories from that time were gone or rather, as though I had jumped onto a possible conclusion while all other thoughts were forcibly sealed off. Did I just turn my eyes away from something again? Mmn, I wonder about that. It was a while back so I dont remember exactly what Onii-chan said. Not even what answers we gave him. Tsukihi-chans tone was quite smooth for saying something so dry. However, from the way she spoke, it did not feel to me as though she had forgotten about it, but rather that she was trying to hide something. Actually, unlike Karen-chan, when she heard my question, a hint of suspicion appeared in Tsukihi-chans expression or perhaps that was overstating it, but it did feel as though she was puzzled. As though she were making some difficult measurement. Although it was not exactly unbidden certainly, if a person who had just been burnt out of her house came asking something like what the word fire brought up in their minds, it wouldnt take the planner of the Fire Sisters to find it somewhat mysterious. Anger feels like fire as well, but thats like what Karen-chan was saying about justice. To Karen-chan, justice is anger. Thats right! Said Karen-chan emphatically, once again. So emphatic was she that the tower she was building collapsed (though it was still only on its second level). It looked just like a building block tower tumbling down.
Basically, anger is a flame, and thats justice! In any case, I guess Karen-chan and I define fire as passion. Passion Hmmm. Of course, expressions like cold justice or freezing love would be on the same level as a chance meeting on the dissecting table, so at the very least, I could understand where Tsukihichan was coming from moreso than Karen-chan What was passion to me? Heat heated hot its no good. It felt as though I would never hit the mark. What do you mean, in any case? Passion equals justice, Tsukihi-chan! Karen-chan turned on Tsukihi-chans choice of words. Apparently, Karen-chan had the stronger admiration for justice normally, one would think that the younger Tsukihi-chan were the more enthusiastic with their acts but, if anything, it felt as though she was simply going along with her older sister. Well, a structure wherein the older sister held influence over the younger was quite easy to understand although, seeing as I had no sisters, this was still quite difficult for me to understand. Yep, thats right. Was that why she at first appeared to agree to Karen-chan, But you know, Karen-chan. What you feel for Mizudori-kun, thats passion but not justice, right? and then said this? Hmm, I guess. Sorry, I was wrong. She apologized. She was oddly submissive like that.
I understood why Araragi-kun worried about the way she readily complied it felt only obvious that Kaiki-san would be able to deceive her at his leisure. Oh, but, Mizudori-kun? Karen-chans boyfriend. When I asked, Tsukihi-chan told me this with no attempts at secrecy. Mine is Rousokuzawa-kun, by the way. Huh? Wait, do both of you have boyfriends? This truly was the first time I had heard of this. It was quite a shock. Ive never heard about this from Araragi-kun. Ah, Nii-chan just treats them like they dont exist. Said Karen-chan. I see. That was straightforward and easy to understand. In fact, it was too easy to understand. It was just so like Araragi-kun to do something like that after all, one way or another, he always doted on his two little sisters. This could be felt from the general tone of his remarks, and was exactly why he became so unimaginably enraged when Kaiki-san had deceived Karen-chan. Goodness, he truly was a big brother, wasnt he? What are they like, by the way? Said I. Although digging further on this end would be unlikely to produce anything related to my current problem, as I was merely curious about the boyfriends of the Fire Sisters, I asked them. However, finding out their answers, Like Nii-chan.
Someone like Onii-chan. made me regret it. These siblings, were they really? But, well, if that was the case, perhaps it could not be helped that Araragi-kun would treat them like they dont exist otherwise, he would unmistakably be tormented by hatred for his own kind. Just as it was for certain that Araragi-kun was negative towards the acts of the Fire Sisters due to his unmistakable hatred for his own kind or rather, I daresay, for himself. Yes. He fought, even as he hesitated, even as he regretted. Its just not working out. Karen-chan shook her head troubledly. We want to get Nii-chans official approval somehow, but he just doesnt want to meet Mizudori-kun or Rouzokuzawa-kun, ever. Hes so cheap when it comes to stuff like this. Thats true. And hes the one who put one over on us when he introduced us to Senjougaharasan. He really pulled the wool over our eyes. Ahaha! Thats cute, isnt it? My sincerest apologies for Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan, who seemed to be troubled in earnest, but this truly was amusing and so, forgetting the predicament that had befallen me, I laughed. I gave a genuine laugh. Doesnt that just basically mean that Araragi-kun, feeling his adorable little sisters are being taken away, is getting envious? Like they say, hes burning up with jealousy Snap. At my own words I snapped to. Burning up with jealousy? Burning?
Jealousy. Yes. I see it now. Was that not yet another keyword connected to fire that I ought to have thought of from the very beginning? Envy like the rising of a flame. Despite having been a joke, just as how Araragi-kun treated those two as though they did not exist, or to reword it, how Araragi-kun turned his eyes away from reality I was doing the same. That, at least, was the same with me. I turned my eyes away. Away from reality. To speak of what would cause such a thing, what else could it be but for one of the strongest emotions within a human being, one even counted among the seven deadly sins the feeling of envy? It was passion envy, which could light a fire inside you. That was why we burn with envy. Pierced so suddenly by the truth that I could not even turn my eyes away in time, my trembling hands brought the partly-built tower crashing down into a miserable pile.
I cut away my memories, and cut away my heart. It would be very easy to understand if you were to consider the most recent example, which would be my talk with Episode-kun this morning on the way to school remembering the happenings of spring break, I had, in my own way, been afraid of him even as I stood and talked, but it must have looked abnormal from the viewpoint of another. I was having a pleasant chat with someone who had tried to kill me. Could something be so unnatural? My finding him surprisingly easy to converse with was not supposed to be the point. Perhaps if I were a character in a comic book or television drama but, as a real human being, why would I do something some terribly abnormal? Was it not clearly unnatural? I myself was the only one who had not noticed it. Because I had forgotten. Of course, I had no memories of the moment when my insides had been blown away (I had thought that this was due to the shock but apparently it was not so) but I forgot the sense of fear I had for him then, the feeling of being afraid. The flesh might remember. But the heart had forgotten. No, surely even the flesh had forgotten as well. That was why, even after something of that level had happened to me, I could still live wholesomely every day Araragi-kun might live inflamed by his regrets every day, but that was not at all the case for me. I did not know when it began. I did not know when I became able to imitate a computer like this. However, based on my present condition, it must have been before I became Hanekawa Tsubasa I must have become able to do it, unconsciously, before I became old enough to actually understand, as otherwise the story would become incoherent.
I did not know why I became able to do something so convenient or perhaps even skilful, why I learned this abnormality-like ability. It was most likely that the trigger to all of this was the very first memory I cut away from myself. It was simple enough to imagine even before I met the abnormality called the Hindering Cat, I was already something like an abnormality myself. I finally felt the weight of Oshino-sans words, about how I was more spectral than anybody else, and that the abnormality had been nothing more than a trigger for me. No, perhaps even the Hindering Cat did not truly exist. Instead, Black Hanekawa might have always existed within me. And perhaps, the Inflaming Tiger had, as well. Regardless of how much we wanted to forget the past would always linger around the lives of human beings. It would always haunt us. And perhaps, that would never end. Oshino-san might have given me the age of twenty as a reference, but I did not believe even that number could be relied upon at the very least, as long as I continued to wish for this, as long as I remained as the way I was, then for all eternity shall I continue this way. Just as how Sherlock Holmes had not been allowed even to die, and forced to continue his efforts even after his retirement always continuing on. I would perhaps continue on. I would likely continue on. But this was the end. Let us end this.
There was no choice but to end it this was the limit. It would be ridiculous to be this way after fifteen, or even eighteen years. It was time to stop fooling myself. In the end, it was more ridiculous that such an absurdity had been accepted at all even though it could only ever end in failure. Deception would no longer work at this point. This was not my limit but my last stop. Afterwards, I continued my endeavor with the Araragi sisters in building our towers (in the end, Tsukihi-chan was the only one who won. I went as far as I could, but I just could not build up my tower. So even you have things you cant do, said Tsukihi-chan) ate dinner together with Araragi-kuns parents after they returned from work, and then shut myself in Araragi-kuns room on the second floor. Even though it was only my second day, I felt myself growing strangely accustomed to this room, though I suppose this was Araragi-kuns room, after all. The first thing I did was abruptly throw myself onto the bed, still wearing my uniform, and bury my face in the pillow. Phew I voiced my exhaustion. But I was not languishing. If anything, I was feeling tense. I might not see you again Araragi-kun. But nothing could be done about it. After all, if my deduction was correct and it was then the Inflaming Tiger had appeared in this city because Araragi-kun was absent. I sprawled myself on top of the bed for another five minutes or so. This was not meaningless. There was a meaning. This was a sort of animal marking I was leaving traces of myself on Araragi-kuns bed.
The traces I had not wanted to leave at the Hanekawa house. I was trying to leave them here in Araragi-kuns room. Surely, Araragi-kun would notice. Even if we were never again to meet, the next time he slept on this bed he would probably remember a little about me. I ought to be fine with that. I ought to be satisfied. Complacent. Even assuming that my deduction was correct, and furthermore, that everything I would do from now on went well I still would not be able to meet Araragi-kun again. Even if Araragi-kun returned safely and I was there to welcome him back by then, the me whom Araragi-kun knew would have gone. Just as how Episode-kun had said that the me from spring break and the me right now are like two different persons but even moreso, I would surely meet Araragi-kun as yet another me. That was what it meant to square away the past. To square off against the Tiger. Well. Im done here. In the end, I could not tell whether the scent I smelled had belonged to me or to Araragi-kun, but when the clock reached seven-thirty, I finally began to act. Oh, no. I have to hurry. I laid about for too long. Well, seeing as the Hanekawa house burnt up during the afternoon, there was actually little to support that the Tiger would be nocturnal like the Cat however, it was likely a good enough guess to reference. First, I took off my uniform and put it on a hanger. After that, I rummaged through Araragi-kuns hanging wardrobe, found something among his casual clothes that seemed easier to move about in, and put it on.
Although I had borrowed his pajamas before, I felt a bit uneasy taking out his street clothes without asking, but considering how much Araragi-kun had always wanted to see me wearing casual clothes, I suppose this might in fact be exactly what he wanted. Growing to feel somewhat mischevious, I started thinking that maybe I should take a picture of myself now and send it to him despite still not knowing what condition he was in. However, as it might bother him, I did not try to contact him though now that I actually thought about it, perhaps this was just a polite excuse. If I truly were worried, I would immediately make up my mind to contact him, just like Senjougahara-san had would that not be the human thing to do? So, I should be bold. I should send him a picture, as encouragement. The way I was now, I could still help him that much. I took out the phone from my uniform on the hanger and stretched my hand out, taking a picture of myself. Being a high school girl, I had been using a cell phone for quite some time now, but this was the first time I had taken a picture of myself. Despite failing several times, I soon got used to it, and managed to take quite a good picture, if I might say so myself. Having attached this picture, I sent the message to Araragi-kun without any text and turned my phone off. The next time I turned this phone, I would no longer be in this world. So perhaps this was not so much mischief as it was harassment. It was like sending a funeral portrait. It was a kind of bullying, coming from the one known for being an honor student. Cruel, in my own way. But now, there was no longer any regret left in my heart. I no longer had a heart to leave behind. I could open my heart and prepare myself.
Taking pen and paper from my bag, I sat down on the chair and faced Araragi-kuns desk. However, I was not revising todays lessons or preparing for tomorrows. Yes, I would write a message. I would pen a letter. I hesitated at the opening, but there was no point in standing on strange ceremonies at this point, To Black Hanekawa-san, and I simply began with this on line one. Perhaps this was not a neccessary step at all. Perhaps I was doing something pointless. I might not have any memories of myself being Black Hanekawa but surely, Black Hanekawa had memories of being me. Nevertheless, I wanted to express the feelings I had, as myself, to the I who stood apart from me, to her. I wanted to express to her to the one who had always taken my place, to the dark, black part within me, to she who had always shouldered everything for me my feelings of gratitude, and my last wish. And so,
It is likely that I will be putting you through much hardship once again. I am truly sorry for all the trouble I have caused for you. It has truly driven home that perhaps, when I buried you after you had been ran over on the road, it was only due to my own willful ego. I doubt that the onus on me, to whom you have been bound to, is not something I can ever make up for. And perhaps, therein lies the true meaning behind those words frequently spoken of by Oshinosan, that people just get saved all by themselves. After all, as I had not considered whether I could truly shoulder the bond I formed with you, or this onus, as it is, it was in all regards nothing more than a makeshift solution on my part. Just as how Araragi-kun bound Shinobu-chan to him in order to save her, I have shackled you to me as Black Hanekawa. And yet, unlike Araragi-kun, I was not worried in the slightest and continued to live in peace without a care in the world. How sinful I am. Therefore, I am actually not in any position to ask something of you, but if this continues, I will end up hurting my precious friends. The only thing I can do is rely on you. The only one I can rely on is you. That is why I will say this for the first time since I have been born help. Help me. Please, help me. I will not trouble you ever again, nor will I ever leave you alone again. Please. I beg of you. Perhaps you have no say in the matter as you have to protect me, so my saying this changes nothing, but please, I truly must ask this of you. It may be of use as a reference, so this time, I will write down everything I know.
Although you share my memories, it seems that this time, you are completely cut off from me (I can imagine the reason, as noted below) so it might be easier to understand if you read this information in text form. Unlike yours, my own memory is full of gaps, so I cannot say anything with certainty, but this is probably the truth. I dont know everything, just the things I know. Those are the words I use against Araragi-kun, like an excuse, but please allow me to say it to you as well. I will give you everything I know. Now, this is something that does not need to be said, something that you as an abnormality would already know without saying, but that gigantic tiger, the Inflaming Tiger, is like you, a new type of abnormality born from my heart. More precisely, it is an abnormality newly cut off from my heart. I can say this with certainty. The major difference is that while you were based on an old abnormality, the Hindering Cat, no such foundation, no such vessel exists as a base for the Inflaming Tiger. If anything, the base was you. As you are a Cat, so it is a Tiger. Something more primordially untamed. Following the Cat, I imagined a Tiger, a creature more primordial, a beast more fierce. The next in line, you could say. I should have noticed it sooner, but during these few months I have gotten too used to abnormalities, including you. He who has suffered the aberrant is drawn to it. Those were the words of Oshino-san.
Just as how Araragi-kun has been getting accustomed with utilizing his own immortality ever since spring break, I have gotten used to treating my own heart as an abnormality and cutting it away ever since Golden Week. Much like how I got used to wearing contacts you can get used to anything. And the result of my proficiency, was the Inflaming Tiger. I believe the reason for the various disparities between the you during Golden Week, the you before the Cultural Festival, and the you this time, are not so much individual differences but rather an expression of my proficiency. It was simply too opportunistic for an abnormality that Black Hanekawa would appear only during my sleep, release all my stress at this time, and return to me before my waking up or needing to be dealt with by Oshino-san or Araragi-kun and Shinobu-chan, and too convenient on my part. But it was a matter of course. You are, after all, an abnormality born from me, for my sake. Of course it was convenient. Perhaps this was something you have already noticed or rather something I had been mistaken about since the beginning, but in the first place, I called you out this time, obstinately, not simply to release the stress of the house burning down. Kanbaru-san had thought youd be feeling down, but it doesnt look like thats true, and that is thanks to you, of course but that is simply an incidental effect. It is unrelated with the fire itself the source of the fire is also the source. This is something I was not conscious of at the time, or rather something I had no memories of, so unfortunately I can only recount it as the third party, but it is likely that I relied on you as my safeguard against the Inflaming Tiger. Just as how I had always relied on you in the past, before I was ever hindered by the Hindering Cat. I depended on you yet again.
The condition known as a split personality by the public and dissociative identity disorder by experts is challenged in modern healthcare, and I am not someone who can affirm it, but even if it may not be the correct way to express this, I doubt there is an simpler interpretation of the kind of person I am. Some time ago, You scare me, you know. Araragi-kun said that to me. And, The way Class Rep act like a saint, its disgusting. Oshino-san said that to me. To be honest, I had no idea what they were talking about then. I am always simply myself, in my most natural state. If you were to ask Araragi-kun, he would say that I was trying too hard for a normal girl, that I was excessively logical, and though that deduction was quite close to the truth, it still could not provide an answer as to why I had become able to do something so inordinate. It was not something one could do simply by wishing for it. And yet, why it is that I can manage this? The reason is simple. It is because I have been turning my eyes away from inconvenient truths and cutting my heart away from myself ever since my youth. The day before yesterday, Senjougahara-san had said that I was dim to the darkness, which was absolutely true, but more than that, I was blind to it. I turned my back on malice and misfortune. That is not self-protection, but self-sacrifice, I think by cutting away the inconvenient me, I was preserving myself. Just as how I could not see my own house from the classroom window that day,
as soon as I see something disagreeable, I cut it away as an object unrelated to myself. Even when I suffer through pains, I cut it away as something unrelated to myself. As such, my personality would never become twisted. I would be free from worry. I would not even wise up to my mistakes. However, that twistedness is something required for survival by every human being, and I made all of it disappear from my sight. Of course people would be scared, or feel disgusted. Araragi-kun had argued that this was all too much to call a miracle because my way of being is not a miracle, but something much worse, the result of a bloody struggle. It seems that, when counselling a child who is not loved by her parents, or in other words, who has been abused during her upbringing, the most difficult task is first having that child admit that she has been abused. To admit the fact that she is being tyrannized. To accept that you are not loved by your parents is no easy matter. In most cases, the child will treat the truth of her abuse as not having happened. Perhaps by distorting the facts into some sort of explanation, or by simply treating the truth itself as not having occurred; there are many variations to the condition, but the point they all share is that they turn their backs on reality. Yes, I shall admit to it now. I was abused by my parents as I grew up. I was abused in each, every and all ways by my parents. Not once was I ever loved. Not for a moment was I ever loved. But I was never conscious of this.
I ignored my own pain, thinking that it happened in all families, to some greater or lesser degree. Even when I was struck on the face, I did not think that it was abuse. I did not think so. Just like that, I cut away this stress as the Cat, and treated it as though it never happened. In the first place, if you were to ask me to define the meaning of abuse, it would be extremely easy and, at the same time, extremely difficult. The act of abuse can be established even without violence. Taken to the extreme though this was in fact quite a common view spoiling is also a form of abuse. The abuse known as education. The abuse known as discipline. The abuse known as nursing. The abuse known as filiation. Perhaps even the opinion that anything a parent does to a child is decidedly abusive is ultimately feasible and, depending on the argument, not something to be completely denied, and but rather deserving to be heard. After all, we do not accept such logic as abuse not actually counting as such when approved of by the victim it is an ambiguous argument, but we simply cannot pass judgement without a comprehensive picture. That was the reason why I could continue to assert it. I could keep on turning my eyes away, asserting that I was not being abused. I was not being tyrannized at all. I was not being neglected at all. I could not recall anything like that ever occuring. They had done the minimum, as parents It is worse than sophistry. They had only done the minimum. The absolute lowest, that was all they have ever done. That was how I should have thought of it. I have been abused in the worst way, by not being loved and of course, they had their excuses. However, these excuses have nothing to do with the child at all.
Parents loving their child is not an obligation to be fulfilled, but an emotion, and if it cannot be done these two adults ought not to have gotten married or bore children. If you were able to exist without the feeling of pain and maintain a disconnection to sorrow, then you would be able to remain free of stress, constantly able to exhibit your highest performance whether it be in study, or sports, or logics, or morals. If one could exist without feeling the pressure of failure, the anxiety of possible further suffering, and the pains of both body and mind, then one would be a perfected human being in all regards. That is the truth of the honor student, Hanekawa Tsubasa. The worthless answer to the question of why I am the way I am. I can ignore the tedium. I can be this unfair because I can leave to others the darkness and pain that is borne by all humans. Senjougahara-san would be enraged if she heard about this. To think that she had suffered for two years her struggle over two years which existed only to bring her pain, and I, without suffering, without feeling pain, without a struggle, was able to put it all onto your shoulders. Frustration would fail to describe it. That I would create the form of Black Hanekawa after becoming involved with the Hindering Cat is of incredible interest, but as noted above, the abnormality was nothing more than a trigger for me. You are none other than yourself. Besides, this third you is much more deeply cut off from me compared to the last two instances. The reason, as noted above, is because I got good at it. When asking her what the secret to building a card tower was, Tsukihi-chan told me, really, its just a matter of getting used to it. Theres no technique, I just keep trying over and over again. Even youd be able to do it, Hanekawa-san, once youve tried it twenty times. which is a universal truth, and that is why I could cut you away from my heart more cleanly than the first time or the second. You have been established as an individual.
You might as well call it a mental breakdown. Terrible news. Actually, it is far worse than that. After all, you were not the only independent abnormality I cut off from my heart this time. Perhaps I should say that there is another amongst us. Perhaps I should say that there is another in the clowder. I cut away the Tiger first before I did so to you. If you are the incarnation of my stress then the Inflaming Tiger is the incarnation of my envy. Just as how I would never have reached the idea of a new type of abnormality had I not spoken with the library worker, I would never have reached this keyword had it not been for the talk with Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan, though now that I have realized what it is I am absolutely convinced it could be nothing else, so familiar is the word to me. Envy. Although to be honest, the word envy truly was foreign to me until the day before yesterday. It did not even need cutting away. I have never been jealous of anybody. After all, I am someone who can take on any task without any stress, with all my vigor, a sickeningly perfect honor student. I have never held a grudge against another. If anything, the feelings I had were closer to dissatisfaction; Why cant everyone work harder? If only they would make more of an effort. This is a feeling that Araragi-kun once scolded me for, something which, now that I thought about it, was very egoistic of me. Unlike me, everybody struggles against stress in their daily lives, and it is exactly because of the way I cheat that I have never been told this before. If you work hard, you can do anything. I turned my eyes away even from the feelings of Araragi-kun, who had told me off, someone who achieved all that she had precisely because she never worked hard or made an effort. That is why the word envy is foreign to me.
Well, I cannot say that I have never experienced it, but it is for certain that the accumulated amount of envy I have felt so far in my life is well below the average. The total amount of envy that was cut away from my heart is known to me. However, it was three days ago that this amount of envy leapt over its threshold. I remember now. It was on the day of the new trimester. Being woken up by the vacuum cleaner as usual, washing my face, dressing myself, and heading to the dining room for breakfast, I found the one whom I should call my father and the one whom I should call my mother already eating. I accepted the sight of this as though nothing were wrong, and began making my breakfast. But, just because I cut it away from my memory immediately, just because the memory was overwritten, does not mean that I did not witness it clearly. The two of them were having the same dishes. Although we all resided in the same house, we all lived separately, so how was it that one of the two clearly cooked a meal for both, and they ate it together? Now that I thought about it yes, of course. That morning, I had to choose my cookware when making breakfast that should not have been the case. After all, I must have been the last one to enter the kitchen, so there should have been no need for me to choose the other two sets should have already been used. In other words, this could only mean that one of them had cooked for the sake of the other it could only be that they were eating breakfast together. I became the outcast. And I felt my own jealousy clearly. It probably sounds ridiculous that I should even bother to care about whether or not these abusive parents of mine, who reside in the same house as me but cannot even be called family, have breakfast together.
But there is no logic to this. That illogicality is the explanation for why I felt such incredible rejection that I would burn down the Hanekawa house and force them to stay at a hotel. I did not want to be left standing alone in that small room. I did not mind being three persons, but I did not want it to be two people and one person. Not that I ever thought of becoming three I simply did not want to become two and one. I did not want to see that, even if I had to sleep in the open. I wanted to turn my eyes away. Those feelings of charity I had, that this could be a good chance for them to make small steps towards each other again, were in fact nothing but the complete reverse. They were not simply twisted. They were completely, utterly twisted. They were terrifying, disgusting and foolish. That I would not realize my own feelings, cut away what I had realized, and conversely wish for the two of them to reunite my heart was already not that of a human being. It should be that of an abnormality, instead. Ones true voice, rather than ones public face, is true because we avert our eyes inwards. Of course, I was the reason that their relationship became strained, and said reason would be leaving Japan in half a year, so perhaps it would not be strange for changes to occur in the relationship between the two who had been husband and wife in the first place. Or perhaps the trigger, not the abnormality, was set off during Golden Week when they were hospitalized together. But, in that case, it made no sense to become jealous of the two even though it would require a further reason on my part. That is why there is no logic in this. Even though I say that they might as well just separate,
even though I want the extinguished love to be relit, I did not want to see the two of them getting along, and no matter what, I was jealous of their reconciliation. I was jealous, from the bottom of my heart, of their attempt to rebuild their family after such a long time. I was burning with jealousy. That was all it took for my envy to cross its threshold, and for the Inflaming Tiger to be born. Just as how I gave birth to you during Golden Week, I gave birth to the Tiger in the new trimester. I was able to create a new, original abnormality without requiring a base like the Hindering Cat, which once again proves that you can get good at anything, as long as you repeat it enough times. As it were, that was where the phrase, no fiercer a tiger than the inflaming of tyranny came in, but as Senjougahara-san said, it also felt to me that Gaen-san had led me to this, somewhat. Additionally, I believe that if I had not met Mayoi-chan that day on the way to school, the Tiger would not have been born. It is due to my conversation with Mayoi-chan on the way to school that I found out Araragi-kun was currently away, meaning that I knew that he would not be here to deal with the Tiger, unlike your two previous appearances, which was why the it was born. Araragi-kun acts as something like the brakes to my heart. I had been looking forward to meeting Araragi-kun in the classroom for the new trimester that day, more than I had expected myself to. It was all simply poor timing. This was unmistakably the reason for the appearance of the Tiger immediately after parting ways with Mayoi-chan. In the end, the fault was mine. The Inflaming Tiger is a spectral transformation born from the brittleness of my own heart. The flame of jealousy which consumes all.
The reason for the burning of the Hanekawa house was of course jealousy towards my parents, and the reason for the burning of the tutorial school was similarly jealousy. The jealousy that I felt for Kanbaru-san, for being the only one Araragi-kun had asked for help. At that time, I was angry at Araragi-kun or at least, I thought I was, but in truth, I was likely greatly jealous of Kanbaru-san, just as Senjougahara-san was. That must have been the case. The envy I discovered for the first time was an emotion all too fitting for me. However, this emotion was soon cut away from me and removed to the Tiger. My jealousy already had the perfect outlet of escape prepared beforehand. Regarding the Tiger, I had expressed earlier that it was an independent abnormality like you, but perhaps it should be described as an autonomous abnormality instead. Unlike you, who is bound to my body, the Tiger is free to move and act. As a result, that memorable tutorial school has been reduced to cinders. Senjougahara-sans conjecture, that the buildings I have slept in immediately burn down, was ultimately off the mark, but considering the special trait of the Inflaming Tiger, things might have been much better off if that had been true. In short, the things I feel jealous for become targets for the Tiger to burn, one after another. It would be par for the course for Senjougahara-sans flat or the Araragi house to be burnt down completely at some point. Not because I had slept there, but because I was jealous. The memory may already be lost to me, but having curiously opportunely been able to observe from the inside the Senjougahara home, with its resolute bond of father and daughter, and the Araragi house, built by a family backed by mutual trust, it would be impossible for one such as myself, having known neither family nor home, to not become jealous. The way I turned my back on this jealousy, pushed it onto the Tiger, and then held such carefree thoughts as, it makes me feel happy to be treated as one of the family, made me want to put a curse on myself, but the curse I held was aimed at others. At this point, the only consolation is that, much like you during Golden Week, the Tigers targets for conflagration are limited to buildings and it does not seem to be an abnormality that targets
people. It seems that the value of not harming others is one that is clearly established within myself. Most likely, this is because I knew just how much Araragi-kun had suffered during spring break, torn between the life of one and the rescue of anothers. No, that was not it. That was just embellishment. During Golden Week, I more-or-less did not look to others, to victims, or to my parents at all, but simply turned my back on them and rushed to release my own stress, so their lives were no secondary concern to me (and in fact, I ended up early killing Araragi-kun) and I was acting only for myself. This time is no different. What I truly envied, felt truly jealous for, was not other people but places. Places fit to reside in. That is why my targets have been not so much buildings as they have been houses. Places where people lived with one another. It is precisely because I slept in the hallway and had no room for myself that the Hanekawa house, the tutorial school, that these places burnt down. That is the Tiger I have given birth to. Wanting to have some place to belong to, I became jealous of those who always possessed one as though it were only natural. That is why it burnt homes rather than people. It accepted all my destructive impulses which told me that houses like that should just disappear, and my envy beyond envies that was how much I had been set ablaze. That was how fiery my passion became. Yes, it was irresponsible of me to say that, like others, I had destructive impulses and thoughts such as, a house like that should just disappear. What does it even mean to be like others?
Just how painful was it to be like others? I never even bothered to find out. I thought that these washed-out destructive impulses, left over from all the cutting away and taking away, were emotions I was under the impression that I was normal. I was too protective of myself, almost as though I was abusing myself. Yes. More so than anyone else, I abused, and killed, myself. Most of this self-analysis is likely correct, but all the commonalities with Golden Week so far does not mean that there is no concern of someone possibly being hurt. It just so happened that there were no people inside the Hanekawa house or the tutorial school, and if there had been, they would have been burnt as well. If, for example, Araragi-kun or Kanbaru-san had been in the building when the Tiger was set in motion. I shudder at the possibility. And it is hardly impossible for the same possibility to soon become truth with Senjougaharasans flat and Araragi-kuns home. The relationship Senjougahara-san had with her father. The relationship the Araragi sisters had with Araragi-kun. I could not possibly say that I had never once envied them. It must have actually been a lie to say that I have never known envy. I felt envy for every single person I was jealous of. I wanted a father like that. I wanted to be woken up by sisters like that every morning. These feelings became a flame.
Perhaps it was absolutely correct that I have never stayed over at a friends house before. Or rather, perhaps I have always subconsciously avoided it. No, that was not it. If the Tiger got better at this if it repeatedly performed its conflagration and became proficient at it, then no home in the world would escape its flames, regardless of whether I slept there or not. Not even the school. Not even the library. Not even the park. Nothing would be left unburnt. That, was how much I envied a warm home. So much so that I wanted to extinguish its warmth with a blaze. To be honest, I do not know what values you, as in the abnormality Black Hanekawa, hold. Although you share my memories and knowledge, and face things that I have turned my back to, you and I are nearly completely different (there would be no point in having a split personality if that were not the case). As such, it is unclear to me what thoughts you hold regarding this conjecture, regarding the phenomenon of the Inflaming Tiger. Perhaps you do not see any particular problems with going along with this line of thought. At the very least, that probably is how it would seem from an abnormalitys perspective. Perhaps you will tell me something like, although arson is a great crime, this type of case is not punishable by law and, as such, I need not worry. It is just one viewpoint amongst many. Certainly, I would wish to accept those kind words. But it is time for me to end that, as well.
What would be a greater nightmare than to be able to sunder my heart at the slightest provocation, endlessly giving birth to successive abnormalities, leaving all responsibilities to others, and letting them meet horrible fates even as I continue to live on, comfortable and carefree, without realizing a single thing? Just how many human beings have I mangled, how much suffering have I spread since Golden Week, without even knowing it? It was as though I felt no pain even when my cheeks were being pulled. Does that not resemble the life I have led? It isnt as though I wish to be an exemplar, or a good person. No matter what morals or logics I possess, it is all meaningless if I myself am standing on the backs of others. I do not wish to live, while standing on the backs of you, or the Tiger. Even if this incident with the Tiger were to be resolved, might I not simply give birth to a lion or a leopard next, continuing on and on? But even if you all were to say to me that you did not mind, for that was what you were all born to do, my heart has already been set. This heart of mine, sundered so many times that not even its core remains, has been set. An end must be put to it all. No, it must all finally begin. I will turn my eyes forward, and face not only the Tiger, but you as well. I will open these shut eyes. The Sleeping Beauty who has been unconscious for eighteen years must now wake up. So, please, Black Hanekawa-san. Come back to me. Please, come back to my heart.
Come back, together with the Tiger. I beg of you. My heart is your home. I will never leave you by yourself, so please do not leave me by myself. If Oshino-san is correct, when I reach twenty or perhaps even before then, you and the Tiger may disappear. Perhaps, once the girl becomes of age, these adolescent fantasies will ceast to exist and disappear. Even now, you are likely nothing more than an echo. In time, you will likely disappear. That should be the way things are. But, please dont. Please dont disappear. Please dont go away. Please, come back. Lets stop living apart like this. My heart may be small, but we can live there together, horns locked, as a family would. I wont tell you to just go to sleep again. I swear to you now that I will love you in your entirety: the stress, the envy, the anxiety, the pain, the worst possibilities and the darkest darkness. It may be a brazen wish, but brazen shall I be. Araragi-kun will probably be disappointed. After all, the merit that he sees within me, or as Senjougahara-san called it, my white as innocence purity, is simply the void left behind by the untamed part of me.
That one point, at least, I will not attempt to hide. I dont want him to feel dejected. In the end, I have never once told him that I love him. I simply fell in love, and became lovelorn, all by myself. To be honest, it has always felt strange to me, the way I became so fascinated by him even though I had never spoken to him before spring break, and how, even now, I am still deeply, stubbornly in love with him, but I finally understand it now. He was such a radiant figure to me, because I knew of no one else who would face his own weaknesses so directly. He was so dazzling, I would be blinded if I looked straight at him. I still remember fondly that night when I bad-mouthed Araragi-kun together with Senjougahara-san although I had thought that she would be the same as me, the insults Senjougahara-san had for Araragi-kun were, in fact, all praising him. That he was too soft, for example. Everything she said had been along those lines. The anger she had for him was in fact the most honest of affections. The feelings I have for him are the only things I have not cut away. Even when I became you, I still deeply loved Araragi-kun. As he tells me, he saved the dying Shinobu-chan even as he cried in fear of death. If it had been me, I probably would have saved her with a smile. Yes, that was it. If there was one moment when I truly fell in love with him, it would be when I saw him fight Shinobu-chan to the death, even as he cried. Because I have never cried before. And so, I fell in love with the crybaby Araragi-kun. Episode-kun said that I had become normal, but if I ever lost any more of myself, if I ever ended up becoming me, Araragi-kun would likely cry again.
I truly did not wish for that. But I will no longer turn my eyes away from things I do not wish for. I wish to become one with both of you, even as I face the reality that it would disappoint Araragi-kun. And, this is so that I can continue to love him, as well. Black Hanekawa-san. Now that I think about it, that name is too cold. Me. Are you the other me within myself? That feels off the mark, as well. I am sure that, to me, you are something like a little sister. I thought so when I saw Karen-chan and Tsukihi-chan. I am a bad older sister. I am sorry. I am sorry for making you worry all this time. This is truly my last wish. This is the last time I will force you to take the most painful role. Please, save our other little sister. She has run away from home, lost in her mesmerizing game of fire, and I really dont know how to approach her at all, but I will wait for her return, no matter how long it takes. I will love you both, and love myself. Sincerely yours, PS: Please excuse my brevity. Well.
I finished reading the letter Mistress wrote just before she went to bed nyah. You have got to be kidding me nyah. Id always thought that Mistress was a clever one, unlike idiots like me nyah but it looks like she might be just as stupid, if not stupider than me nyah. Id thought that she wrote this letter because shes just smarter while Im stupid, but Im starting to doubt even that. Even if she hadnt left behind some letter to ask for help from a stray like me, Ive got no choice, character establishment-wise nyah, but to do as she wishes anyway in order to support her intentions if shed just gone to sleep as usual, I wouldve gone out tonight to beat the crap out of that tiger anyway nyah. Seeing as I share memories with Mistress, I wouldve realized the true nature of that tiger of the Inflaming Tiger just as she did, without losing anything in the process anyway nyah. No, Mistress already understood all that nyah thats what she wrote nyah. Does that mean this was something she had to ask for herself despite all of the above nyah? I guess you could call it being conscientious, but in the end, Mistress will never realize that its this sort of thing that makes her beyond ordinary nyah. Thats the biggest tragedy of all nyah. Nyah, I left the note on the desk. I actually have the memory of when Mistress was writing this letter, so there is in fact no reason for me to even read it nyah. So maybe Im not one to talk about Mistress when Im the one taking my time reading the whole thing nyah. In any case, Ive already got a grasp of the current situation nyah. The Inflaming Tiger. And the seat of the disease born by Mistress. Everythings been detailed nyah.
That said, it looks like Mistress has still got a few misunderstandings nyah though I suppose, seeing as she was conjecturing with a lack of data to base her decisions on, these mistakes couldnt have been avoided nyah. Plus, both the style and context of the letter are all over the place by Mistress standards it definitely wasnt something written while she was calm nyah. It isnt a situation to be hoping for full marks anyway, so getting an 80 for an A-grade is good enough nyah. But I just dont get this. Nyah, I mean, its like I kind of do. But it feels like the question of why Mistress, who felt so jealous for homes and houses that she starting burning up, wouldnt feel envious about Senjougahara Hitagi and Araragi Koyomi going out, just sort of sticks out nyah. The strongest emotion in Mistress is love nyah. It doesnt even need explaining, if you just think back to the transformation before the Cultural Festival nyah. Basically, the bastards younger little sister was correct in first linking fire to love. But in that case, the truth would be that the first thing Mistress ought to have burnt shouldnt have been the Hanekawa house or the tutorial school, but none other than Senjougahara Hitagi herself nyah Did Mistress not think of that nyah? That cant be it nyah. Was this what she meant by turning her eyes away nyah? But if Mistress is really not turning her eyes away from the truth anyway, but staring right back at it, then shell come to that reason eventually nyah. Though I wonder if she can bear it nyah. Bear that harsh reality when she can no longer cut away her own heart. Love us both and love yourself. I dont think she understands just how difficult that will be nyah. Mistress may be an extreme case, but everyone turns their eyes away from stress or envy to some degree nyah. Theres no such thing as a human being who can look straight at the world without turning away nyah. Why does Mistress have to be chained to these shackles all by herself nyah?
Why does she have to be chained to me and the Tiger? Cutting everything away from yourself, doesnt mean it doesnt still hurt nyah. In fact, can you imagine the pain of cutting at your own heart? The biggest misconception of all is calling something like me family nyahaha, Im just the house cat, yknow. No, Im just a stray. Besides, I was male when I was run over, so its weird to call me a little sister and in the first place, even though my base was the Hindering Cat, seeing as I was created by raw material cut off from Mistress, my gender isnt just vague, its undeniably a grey area between being a sister and being a brother nyah. Whats the point of asking an abnormality about its gender, anyway? And calling that gigantic tiger a little sister, thats really something nyah. You do realize female beasts tend to be the fiercer ones, right? It would have been fine if she just asked me to take it down or exterminate it, but its ridiculous asking me to drag it back to her heart nyah. So, its not even a Dead or Alive, just plain Captured Alive, right? Thats crazy nyah. I was planning on beating the crap out of it anyway. But now shes asking for even more nyah. Its kind of like what that Aloha specialist said: Dont think with violence. Abnormalities and humans have to coexist. That human bastard said stuff along those lines too nyah. Even though we are both new types of abnormalities born from the same Mistress, unlike me, it has no abnormality as a base it has no vessel nyah. In the end, Mistress just doesnt understand what that means, seeing as shes not an abnormality herself nyah. She doesnt understand just how free it is, to be an abnormality described in no text, found in no record, and unmentioned by the mouth of any human nyah. Frankly, I dont even want to imagine nyah. Simply put that Tiger has no blind spots, no weak points.
It would be tough just facing off against it, not to mention bringing it back nyah. I will have to face it directly, and crush its strengths nyah. Haaah. I sighed. Things feel really heavy on my shoulders nyah. They weigh like a ton of bricks on me nyah. Really, it doesnt matter to me. Im an abnormality who works only for Mistress, so to be honest, even if her parents house gets burnt, or some memorable place gets burnt, or a friends place gets burnt, or this house gets burnt, I really dont care. I mena, Id probably get a kick out of watching the flames go up. Fundamentally, there isnt much difference between the Tiger, the incarnation of envy, and me, the incarnation of stress nyah. It even said to me that we are the same kind of abnormality nyah so if anything, I understand how the Tiger feels. The other difference between us is that its independent from Mistress, whereas Im stuck nyah. In truth, I doubt there is any meaning to this. As Mistress knows well, an abnormality like me will go away someday, no matter what Im just an echo that will disappear in time nyah. Maybe the Tiger is like that too. Maybe if you leave it alone, she would be able to cut off all the flames of her emotions, and they will all extinguish without a trace so maybe there is no need for Mistress to burden herself with all this nyah. This isnt just something unnecessary. This might even bring about the opposite effect nyah.
Its definitely a load on her for me to come out like this, after all its not something to be accepted, but something to be erased. It ought to be terminated nyah. Its not difficult at all, and in fact very simple. As long as Mistress wishes for it, I will disappear nyah. But that was not the choice Mistress made nyah. Shes trying to take us back in, after cutting us away. Strange, isnt it? I mean, me and the Tiger, were just a nuisance to Mistress. Thats why she shouldnt just stubbornly accept it if Mistress really is clever, shed be able to do it Thats why theres no meaning to this nyah. Senjougahara Hitagi has changed. That human bastards changed too, I suppose. And Mistress has changed as well. But just because you changed yourself doesnt mean you change anything about the world nyah. Just because shes changed doesnt mean she can make the past go away. Just because hes changed doesnt mean he can make the past go away. It cannot be changed, cannot be replaced, cannot be faked. A man is himself for life nyah. Mistress might have created us during spring break, when she was wandering the town hoping to meet a vampire, but it didnt change anything which is why, the best thing to do is to just let us disappear nyah. That bastard, and the Aloha, that has to be what they want too.
Im a burden and a nuisance, and so is the Tiger. But, nyah. I did get asked nyah. I wonder what this feeling is nyah? Whether Im asked to or not makes no difference in what I am about to do so why do I feel so eager? The load on my shoulder should be just weighing me down. So why does it feel so comfortable? Why does it make me feel like I can do anything, just knowing that I am no longer aimless that I have a place, a home to return to? Its like Im actually happy nyah. Its like Im about to cry nyah. Still, you wont see any tears from me Im a cat. You wont see any tears, but youll definitely hear me cry nyah. Mee-ow. I purred and opened the lock to the window. My coming and going got found out by Mistress because Id forgotten to lock this window last night (though seeing as there was a lot of other evidence, I guess she would have found out anyway) but I wont be coming back to this room again as myself anyway, so theres no need to care about this now nyah. Apparently, Mistress picked the clothes I am wearing now because they are easy to move in, but to me, its easiest to move while I am totally naked nyah. But that wouldnt be good for Mistress (and I feel bad about going out wearing only her underwear during Golden Week) so I am just going to accept this favor of hers nyah. But Im still not wearing anything on my feet, thank you. Just as I put my feet onto the sash of the window though, I thought of something nyah. I suppose this is what people call a whim nyah.
Just like how Mistress will no longer be herself, I will no longer be myself no matter how this ends nyah. Im not just talking about the individual differences between the Black Hanekawas after this, I wont ever come out again. After all the postponing in May and June, the abnormality that I am will finally be resolved nyah. In that case, Ill leave behind a few lines too. Though I guess, in my case, its more like a will nyah. Nyah, never mind. Im not going to die or disappear. Im just going to go back home. Even though Im pretty late nyah. So, time to serve Mistress one last time nyah. I dont plan on writing anything long nyah. After quickly scribbling one more line after Mistress handwriting with a pencil, I finally leapt out of the completely open window and into the moonlit night. Im off.
The name of the Inflaming Tiger instead only troubles me. A tiger dies and leaves its skin, a man dies and leaves his name, or so they say, but being made only of dimness and darkness, and existing as though I was dead to begin with, I plan on leaving behind neither. I plan on leaving behind not even the trace of ash. Not a single pillar will be spared by the flames. Everything will be burnt. The only thing important to me is this searing sense of obligation that burns up within me. The Inflaming Tiger pays no heed to the past. It must be burnt. It must be burnt. What must be burnt? Everything must be burnt. The moment after I came into this world, I saw the mother who had given birth to me. Or perhaps she should be called my older twin sister. It would seem the flame residing in my heart comes from her my strong, firm, fearful, and fragile sister, the one of pure white. Pure, clean white. Bright white and brazen lies. My beautiful sister, quite unlike myself. She truly was beautiful. To think that I can support that beauty, that purity it fills me with pride. But it makes no difference. It makes no difference as to how the fire is lit. It makes no difference as to how the blaze burns. The only thing within me is a sense of obligation.
If I possess no sense of acting on her behalf, then what I do will not harm her, unlike what the cat also born of her had said. I have no establishing characteristics. You could say I am merely a flame. A white flame is what I am. I have been given neither consciousness nor will. It may appear that I am thinking and speaking right now, but it is simply an act, nothing more than a pretense. I am a natural phenomenon. I simply burn that which ought to be burnt. No. There is nothing in this world which does not burn. Everything must be burnt. I feel an envy for everything and anything within myself. For fathers. For mothers. For friends. For underclassmen. They should simply disappear. They should simply leave. They should suffer. Grieve. Fall into depression. They should mourn. Sink into the depths. Be overwhelmed. They should cry. Cry, as I have cried. And perhaps those tears can weaken, not the tyranny, but the flames. Now, let us set something ablaze tonight. Let us find something to throw into my fire. Although everything will be burnt one day, there should still be an order to things.
There should be due process. For now, it will be this building. As soon as I thought that, no, even before I thought that, I was already there. I have no will. I have no intent. That is what I am. I am that which is here now. I do not arrive before, nor do I arrive after. Wherever it may be, I will appear. Wherever it may be, I will spread my flames. Looking up at my target with deliberation, I surveyed it. Hmph. I see. It seems this will be easier to burn compared to that detached house or larger building. Well, it makes no difference whether the task is simple or bothersome. Now that my objective is fixed, hesitation is meaningless. It is all the same. I dont know everything. But I can burn everything. Baring my fangs, I open my mouth wide. And now, the flames. The flames, Nyah! but then,
in that instant, between me and my target there came a cat. A young silver-haired cat fell from the sky, as though having sprouted wings upon its back, and cut into my path.
Im drawing from the wrong fairy tale here, but I get the feeling that slipping into its mouth like Tom Thumb and beating my way out from the inside would be the right way to exterminate it. Nyah, maybe if I really were trying to exterminate it. But thats not what Im here for nyah. `Out of my way.` After keeping terribly silent for a while, the Tiger finally said this. `I am going to burn that over there. You are in my way.` Heh, I just, nyah laughed. It wasnt really a strained laugh, no, I just couldnt hold it in nyah. I wonder why; it looks gigantic, and I can just feel the intimidation coming off it, so the words just now felt very serious and the last time I met it, I was scared on the inside when I talked with it. But that was wrong nyah. Its not serious at all. Its just emotional. Like a newborn baby, it just hasnt mastered the skills of conversation and communication thats why we couldnt hold a conversation nyah. I say newborn, but of course, it really was only born a few days ago, so its only natural an original abnormality, huh. An original with no history nyah. Something Mistress cut away from her own heart. A new type of abnormality. Still, its actually not very rare to see original or independently created abnormalities there was once an artist called Yoriyama Sekien who made a living off drawing works depicting various spectres, but sometimes, among all these traditional phantoms, he would nonchalantly slip in a monster of his own creation nyah.
Thats because, whatever the time period, a creator always longs to indepedently create something that can rival the traditional nyah. Of course, making said something which could rival a traditional monster would take a ridiculously vast amount of talent, or rather, energy nyah. In Mistress case, that energy, would be her stress, or her dark emotions nyah its pretty ironic that the Tiger born from those emotions would come into this world lacking emotions, actually. Or is that wrong nyah? Maybe it doesnt lack emotion because it was just born, but because Mistress unconsciously, intentionally created the Tiger to be that way nyah. Its exactly because it is born of these emotions, that she gave birth to a tiger with its emotions carved away. Gave birth, to a wild beast. `It will be burnt. I will burn it. Out of my way. It is all too late. I will burn it all. First, I will burn that house.` Mistress isnt wishing for that nyah. `Hmph.` The Tiger dismissed my words with a sneer. No nyah. I dont think it even understands the meaning of my words. I doubt its as much an idiot as me, but it is even less flexible than me nyah. `I do not care what that girl does or does not wish for. It is your decision to call her Mistress, but to me, she is nothing. Nothing more,` Nothing more, than the fount from which my flaming impulse flows. Said the Tiger.
The fount from which your flame flows? Somethings not right with your wording there nyah. There wasnt much meaning to it, but I decided to make a quip anyway. Naturally, it didnt go across nyah. It really wasnt trying to say something funny. But, still, Shes not nothing, Tiger shes the parent who gave birth to us. `The parent who gave birth to us? All the more worthless.` The Tiger muttered emotionlessly. This isnt turning out to be a conversation at all nyah. `Does that girl not know more than anyone else just how worthless a birth parent is?` Oh, that might be true nyah Hit it right where it hurts nyah. Nyah, maybe its because it was born that way or because its that kind of abnormality, but I guess this shrewdness is proof that it is a monster born from Mistress fount. Maybe thats why Mistress called us her little sisters, not her daughters nyah. `Sisters ` Not that I know, but theyre apparently supposed to be moe, judging from what that human bastard taught me. Nyahaha, I laughed. That title might actually fit you pretty well. Youre a character that loves burning up nyah. `Hmph. I have no interest in titles. I am a natural phenomenon, simply burning what I wish to burn. As an automated mechanism would.` However, the Tiger, continued to remain obstinate.
`I am not moe.` I see. Hmm. Talking isnt going to work nyah. Still, I have tried my best nyah, I was trying pretty hard during that time before the Cultural Festival too, you know. It may be hard to believe, but I really do think I overdid it back during Golden Week. Thats why I wanted to settle this as friendlily as possible nyah but, putting aside that time before the Cultural Festival when I was facing that bastard, or in other words, facing a human, its actually pretty depressing that I cant even communicate properly with another abnormality, not to mention one that was similarly created by Mistress. I cant just push all the blame onto the Tiger nyah. Theres no way around it. Its not like Mistress ever thought that she would be able to persuade the Tiger with words, and right now, we basically have the right guy in the right place nyah. Its my job, to bring back the daughter who ran away from home nyah. Unlike me, the Tiger doesnt share memories with Mistress doesnt share her emotions. We may be the same kind of abnormality, but we are different types nyah. Thats why, even though I am supposed to get through with words Hey, Tiger. `What is it, Cat.` Ill make this clear first, but the way I see it, its not for me to say anything about what you have done so far nyah. Whether its burning down houses or burning up buildings, I wont hold them against you as crimes. Arson is just a human reason nyah.
And if we let those control us, over half of all abnormalities would be under crackdown, including the me during Golden Week nyah. Besides, there is quite a large number of tiger abnormalities, and fire abnormalities ridiculously more than that nyah. They might as well be limitless. Seriously, the world is so overflowing with fire abnormalities, you could be forgiven for thinking, arent all of these just, like, the same? You cant possibly come down on all of that. It would be the same as coming down on every single parking violation nyah. `Of course. Which is why,` But, I interrupted whatever the Tiger was trying to say. Interrupted and glared. I already told you nyah. I wont forgive you if you hurt Mistress. `Absurd.` The Tiger put on a dubious expression, not, apparently, because my words werent getting through, but because it really didnt understand nyah. `That girl is nothing to me as such, I have not even a speck of interest in harming her, but this feeling of wishing to burn this building flows forth from none other than your Mistress.` That was probably true. That was the truth, to this Tiger nyah. Or, no that would be the truth to anyone nyah. Mistress felt envy for the Senjougahara home. She was so jealous that she wanted to burn it to the ground. That is the truth nyah.
It is also the truth that she felt envy for those two creatures she called her parents whom I sent to the hospital during Golden Week, and that she felt envy for the monkey girl who was the only one that human bastard relied upon. But, nyah, Its just as much the truth that she was holding back that feeling youre ignoring that, Tiger. `More words. I myself am the abnormality that she gave birth to as a result of her perseverence. Now she reaps what she has sown. My flames will make no assumptions on her circumstances.` I will simply burn it. I will simply burn. As though washing it all away, letting it all flow away, I will simply burn it all I will make it disappear. That is all I do. The Tiger took a step towards me. Nyah. Surprisingly, it was the first to get impatient nyah, its origin is fire, after all. If its flames are kept in for too long, maybe itll be burnt black. As abnormalities go, youre right nyah. I said. That was something I had to admit nyah. I was the one doing something not befitting abnormalities in the first place, the creed of the Hindering Cat is to exact revenge, not return favors nyah. If we are talking about abnormalities wanting to harm Mistress, then I was the very first one nyah. Fickle as I am, Ive had a change of mind. And now I am working for the sake of Mistress. Of course it doesnt understand nyah.
Its almost as if, I were human. But the one who lives in that house youre trying to burn right now is a friend of Mistress nyah at this hour, theres no way it will be empty like the last two times. Shes probably just sleeping as usual nyah. She might have sounded uneasy when she said that her home or the Araragi house might be burnt down, but she had no scruples about going to bed anyway. If you trace along Mistress memories, you would understand why. You would know that was how much she trusted Mistress. Thats why I had to fight. As Black Hanekawa. As Hanekawa Tsubasa. And if she dies, Mistress will cry. I have to do whatever it takes to stop that nyah. `Hmph. I can assure you, that will not be the case.` Said the Tiger, not even caring for my words. `She will not cry. When she wishes to cry, she will cut away the part of her heart that wishes to cry. When she feels unpleasant, she will cut away the part of her heart that feels unpleasant. That is how she has lived for these eighteen years. Giving birth to me and you. No, this is how she will live, from now on ` Unto the end. Giving birth to many a monster. With only herself remaining pure white remaining beautiful. Hating and resenting none. Kind and loving towards all.
Living beautifully. Continuing on, as the real deal. Thats what the Tiger said. Thats not true. And then I, no, not me nyah not me. I, I, Hanekawa Tsubasa denied this. Ive decided to end all of that. I probably will hate. I probably will resent. I wont be able to be kind to everyone like Ive always done before, and I wont be able to love everyone. I might be hated, and I might be despised. I might get angry more easily, and I might not be able to forgive. I will probably be annoyed and frustrated, too. I might be so smart anymore. I might not be able to laugh anymore. I might not be able to stop myself from crying anymore. Thats right. This really will disappoint Araragi-kun. Unmistakably, I would not be able to overlook his mischievousness as I have always done but, considering the one we are dealing with, perhaps he would find that worth celebrating. Because thats the kind of person he is. Because he is kind. Oh I am so jealous. But thats all right. Im all right with that. I am sick of this. Of turning my back on reality, and pushing the role of the muddied villain onto the two of you.
Is that not the same, as doing to the two of you, what has been done to me? I dont want to be the real deal. I want to be a real human. Said I. I dont have to be beautiful. I dont want to be white at all. I want to be in the mud, together with the two of you. I cant remain forever as a girl who never knew of the mud I want to know. But I dont want to become black. I want to accept both black and white together, at the same time. I want to become a grey-colored adult. Not even crying when I got my heart broken I am fed up with living like that. Please come back to me. Its past curfew already. Lets have our meal together. Saying this, I stretched my hand out to the Tiger. I stretched my hand out to the past. `` More words. Saying this, the Tiger bared its fangs, and pounced.