Nutrition Month 2011
Nutrition Month 2011
Nutrition Month 2011
Cartolina Pencil Crayon primary colors only Pastel Marker/Pentelpen Ruler Cartolina Pencil Crayon primary colors only Pastel Marker/Pentelpen Ruler Props
Relevance 40% Creativity 20% Originality 20% Visual Impact 20% Total 100% Relevance 40% Creativity 20% Originality 20% Visual Impact 20% Total Relevance Creativity Execution 100% 25% 15 %
Interpretation 15 % Costume 15 % Total 100% Personality 20% Poise 20% Talent 20% Complete Health Record 30% Cleanliness & Neatness 20% Total 100% Nutrition Value 30% Palatability 20% Appearance 20% Table Set-up (4 servings) -10 % Low Cost 20% Total 100% Approved: IRENE G. PACIS, Ph.D. District Supervisor
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02 Division of Cagayan ALCALA WEST DISTRICT
The Teaching Force Alcala West District For your information, guidance and compliance. 1. District Nutrition Month Celebration When July 29, 2011 -8:00 A.M. Where Alcala West Central School Afusing, Alcala, Cagayan 2. COMMITTEE Committee on Stage Decoration Alcala West Central School Teachers Committee on Hall Preparation Alcala West Central School Teachers Committee on Printing of Programs Malalatan Elementary School Teachers Committee on Program Distribution Carallangan Elementary School Teachers Committee on prizes and Certificates District Treasurer Committee on Sounds Alcala West Central School Teachers Committee on Preparation of Leis and Corsages Abbeg and Cabuluan 3. FOODS Snack and Drinks to be shouldered by the district fund Lunch for 20 heads plus the number of teachers in a school 1 recipe Tamban 1 recipe Carallangan 1 recipe Abbeg and Cabuluan 1 recipe Malalatan and Afusing batu 1 recipe Alcala West Central School Rice (boiled) 1 gta per school
K. Intermission Number- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Select Pupils Carallangan Elementary School Part II CONTEST PROPER A. Reading of the Mechanics and Criteria - - - - - - - -William C. Florentino Head Teacher tamban A. Search for the A1 Child - (Grade I) B. Poster Making (Either Grade V or VI) C. Slogan Contest (Either Grade V or VI) D. Nutri Quiz - (Either Grade V or VI) E. Nutri Jingle -(Grade IV, V, VI) F. Cooking Contest - Malunggay-Based Recipe (Parents) Part III INDUCTION OF PTA FEDERATION OFFICERS - - - - - Irene G. Pacis, Ph.D. Inducting Officer Part IV DECLARATION OF WINNERS (Awarding of Certificates and Prizes) - - - - - - - - - Janette S. Bagain District Nutrition Coordinator