GTU PHD Core Syllabus CMOS Analog Circuit Design
GTU PHD Core Syllabus CMOS Analog Circuit Design
GTU PHD Core Syllabus CMOS Analog Circuit Design
Unit V : Comparators
Characterization of a comparator, Two-Stage Open Loop Comparators, Other Open-Loop Comparators, Improving the Performance of Open-Loop Comparators, Discrete Time Comparators, High-Speed Comparators.
Text Books :
1. CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Allen and Holberg, Second Edition, Oxford University Press
Reference Books:
1. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Behzad Razavi, TMH 2. CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, R. Jacob Baker, Wiley, 2nd Edition
Sr.No. 1. 2. Student Regi.No. 4014 4045 Name of Student Gajre Rakesh Sudhakar Patel Subhash Jagdishchandra Name of Guide Dr. R.A.Thakkar, VGEC Chandkheda. Dr. R.A.Thakkar, VGEC Chandkheda.