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Farm Structure Notes

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Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

1 STUDY OBJECTIVES Understand the importance, benefits and design characteristics of farm structures Be able to explain the three approaches used to determine the economic feasibility of building investment Be aware of the building plans and specifications

CHAPTER 1: PRINCIPLES OF FARM STRUCTURES 1.1 Importance of farm structures

Farm structures form an important part of any farming enterprise and are required for the following: The farmer and his employees require dwellings. Farm animals, including poultry are housed part-time or full time in buildings. Buildings are required for certain activities such as shearing, milking, sorting and grading of farm products. Buildings are necessary for the storage of farming requirements and implements, farm produce, feeds and food. Buildings or rooms are necessary for a workshop and for office from which the farm is managed. Farm structures/buildings represent a production or storage cost. Just as a return from feed or labour cost is expected, a benefit from a building investment should also be anticipated. 1.2 Benefits that a building should provide: (i) Facilities for an efficient operation. (ii) An environment providing good health and sanitary conditions (iii) Comfortable surroundings for both stock and workers. (iv) Safe conditions for both stock and workers. (v) Desirable conditions for production and storage. Agriculture is not static. Changes and improvements in techniques take place continuously. Farm buildings also have to be continuously improved, altered and expanded to comply with the changing needs of agriculture. The modern farmer therefore, must have a sound knowledge of the planning, principles, layout, equipment and constructional requirements of the different kinds of farm structures/buildings. In addition, the farmer must be conversant with practical buildings. Even if he/she has not intention of expanding his/her farm buildings, the existing buildings require regular maintenance or improvements, which the farmer has to carry out or supervise.

oonenchan@agric.mak.ac.ug 09/U/289

Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

1.3 Planning, Design and Erection of Farm Buildings Buildings can last for 30 years or more. Errors in the planning, design or erection may therefore be a source of danger for many years. Faculty buildings will also push up the operational costs of the enterprise. The options of erecting buildings or altering existing ones, and the nature of such buildings, rest primarily on the shoulders of the farmer. Therefore, initially, the farmer must find out all he/she can in connection with the buildings he/she intends to erect or alter. Before embarking on the venture he should discuss it with his/her family and his/her neighbours and if possible, with farmers who specialise in his specific branch of farming. He must try especially to obtain information on costs and returns in order to determine the profitability of the project. The farmer should obtain answers to the following:(i) How much will it cost? (ii) Will funds for the project be readily available? (iii) Will the quantity and or quality of the product be increased as a result of the project? (iv) Will it save labour? (v) Will it make management easier? (vi) And most important, what net increase in income will be likely from the project? When constructing a farm structure/building, the expense must be justified. Effort should be made to estimate the cost and determine the feasibility of the investment. Three approaches used to determine the economic feasibility of building investment are:(i) (ii) Present practice theory:In which a building similar to others already existing in the area is assumed to be justifiable. Percentage of the gross income:If the cost of the proposed building is considered at a reasonable amount to allow for annual building cost then the investment is justified. Residual after cost theory: In which the cost of a building is provided for after all other costs have been deducted from the gross income.


Explanation: The 1st of these methods is likely to emphasize what the average farmer is doing or likely has done in the past. For instance an alternative building or system may actually have resulted in over-investment, thus making it a questionable example to follow. 2

oonenchan@agric.mak.ac.ug 09/U/289

Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

Thus the 2 and 3 suggestions relate building cost allotment to gross income. They imply that high income producing enterprises can and perhaps should be housed in more expensive facilities.
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1.4 Design characteristics of farm structures A number of factors must be considered in planning a building to obtain the greatest number of benefits at a reasonable cost. Some of these design factors are:1. The functional requirements for the enterprise e.g. space, temperature, light, physical protection, sanitation and safety. 2. The efficiency of the system including mechanization, centralized operation, circular travel, and bulk handling of materials. 3. Structural design adequate to sustain the loads to which the building will be subjected and one in which both the original cost and maintenance costs are reasonable and one, which will provide the desirable length of life. 4. The suitability of materials; including such characteristics as durability, fire resistance, cost, upkeep, ease of cleaning, insulating value and appearance. 5. Economy of construction. Costs are reduced by choosing module (standard) dimensions, standardize, material and components and profitable subassemblies. 6. Flexibility of design that will allow production methods for the proposed enterprise to be altered or a completely new enterprise to be established with minimum expense. Examples of planned flexibility include such features as large doors, level floors, truss construction and a large electrical service designed to allow the addition of several circuits. 1.5 Building Plans and Specifications A building usually starts with a drawing. The building plans are drawings necessary as an aid in locating, arranging and fitting out buildings and in estimating quantities of materials. Furthermore, building plans are essential in order to prescribe to the builder what is to be done and are always drawn on scale. 1.5.1 Scales The drawings are prepared according to scale. A numerical scale 1:100 means that 10mm on the drawing represents 1000mm or 1m on the ground or structure. 1.5.2 Different types of drawings In building construction, different kinds of drawing, each with a specific purpose, are used. The following types are in general use: 1. Locality plans or sketches These plans show environment, roads, farm boundaries and/or other buildings. The purpose is to locate the building site 2. Site plans oonenchan@agric.mak.ac.ug 09/U/289 3

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These plans show the layout of the buildings in relation to each other and to other objects. This type of drawing must be according to scale, it is essential for the proper planning and layout of the farmstead, and must indicate the positions of the existing and proposed:- roads, buildings, fences, watering points, pipelines, septic tanks, electric cables, telephone poles and trees. Site plans are important to; to show exactly where the proposed buildings are to be erected in relation to existing buildings; to indicate where builders have to proceed carefully near underground cables and pipes and/or to indicate where they may connect to existing facilities. - In addition, the following information is important: contours, true north direction of prevailing winds 3. Setting-out drawings These are the most important drawings because they show exactly what is needed. They show what the proposed building(s) will look like; how the various spaces within the building(s) are placed; the general construction; location of principal elements; components and assembly details. Very often they contain all the information that is required to erect the building(s) 4. Component drawings These are drawings of components or details of a building. They give more details on the nature of certain components and how they must be fitted into the whole and how they must be made 1.5.3 Specifications The instructions contained in the drawings must be supplemented by a written document called the specifications. The specifications state what materials and mixtures are to be used; how the materials are to be treated and applied; how the site must be prepared and left; time allowed for completion, etc.

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oonenchan@agric.mak.ac.ug 09/U/289

Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

STUDY OBJECTIVES Know the several factors needed to be considered in choosing the materials for a construction job Understand wood characteristics Be aware of defects in wood Know the different methods of seasoning timber Know wood/timber preservation and wood preservatives Understand the methods of wood preservation Be aware of manufactured Boards Know the various organic materials as building materials Know earth as a building material Be aware of different types of materials used for soil stabilisation Be aware of the suggested uses for various concrete grades and nominal mixes Know the ingredients of concrete Be able to calculate the amount of materials needed for construction Be aware of the test for silt and the slump test Know other building materials: metals, glass, plastics, paint

CHAPTER 2: BUILDING MATERIALS A wide range of building materials is available for rural building construction. The proper selection of materials to be used in a particular building can influence the original cost, maintenance; ease of cleaning, durability and of course, appearance. Several factors need to be considered in choosing the materials for a construction job, including: 1. Type and function of the building and the specific characteristics required of the materials used, i.e., great strength, water resistance, wear resistance, attractive appearance, etc. 2. Economic aspects of the building in terms of original investment and annual cost of maintenance. 3. Availability of materials in the area. 4. Availability of the skilled labour required to install some types of materials. 5. Quality and durability of different types of materials. 6. Transportation costs. 7. Selection of materials with properties dimensions and means of installation that are compatible. 8. Cultural acceptability or personal preference.

Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

2.1 WOOD Wood is a commonly used building material in many parts of the world because of its reasonable cost, ease of working, attractive appearance and adequate life if protected from moisture and insects. However, forests are a valuable natural resource that must be protected, particularly in areas with marginal rainfall. Thus, as good a material as wood is, there are regions where other materials should be considered first simply on a conservation basis. Wood for building is available from many different species with widely varying characteristics. Some species are used in the form of small poles for light construction while other species are allowed to mature so that timber (lumber in many countries) may be sawn from the large logs. The species that produce small inexpensive poles in rather short growing periods often grow in the fringes of agricultural land and can be used without danger to the ecology of the region. Hardwoods vs. Softwoods Wood cut from deciduous trees (those which drop their leaves sometime during the year) is spoken of as hardwood, while those that cut from coniferous (needle bearing) trees are spoken of as softwood.

2.1 Wood Characteristics Strength: Strength in wood is its ability to resist breaking when it is used in beams and columns. Not only is strength related to the species, but also to moisture content and defects. Strength is also quite closely related to density. Hardness: Hardness is the resistance to denting and wear. Hard woods are more difficult to work but are required for tools, tool handles, flooring and other applications subject to wear, or where a high polish is desired. Deflection/Bending: Woods that are stiff resist deflection or bending when loaded. Stiff woods are not necessarily very strong. They may resist bending to a point and then break suddenly. Tough woods will deflect considerably before breaking. Even after fracturing, the fibres tend to hang together and resist separation. Tough woods are resistant to shock loading. Warping: Warping is the twisting, bending, bowing distortions shown by some woods. The method of sawing and curing affects the amount of warping, but some species are much more prone to warping than others.

Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

Nail holding resistance: Nail resistance for hard woods is greater than for softer woods. However, woods that are so hard that they are subject to splitting when nailed lose much of their holding ability. Pre-boring to 75% of nail size avoids splitting. Workability: Workability such as sawing, shaping and nailing is better for soft, low density woods than hard woods but they usually cannot be given a high polish. Natural decay resistance: This particularly important in the warm humid regions of East and Southeast Africa. There is a wide range of resistance shown by different species. However, for all species, heartwood (darker center area of the tree) is more resistant than the sapwood (lighter outer area of the tree). In addition to selection for natural decay resistance, wood preservatives should be considered where contact with the ground is likely. Paint holding ability: This differs between woods, and as a rule this should be considered when selecting materials. 2.2 Defects in Wood Defects to watch for in selecting timber are: Brittle heart, found near the centre of many tropical trees, makes the wood break with a brittle fracture. Wide growth rings indicate rapid growth resulting in thin-walled fibres with consequent loss of density and strength. Wide growth rings indicate rapid growth resulting in thin-walled fibres with consequent loss of density and strength. Fissures include checks, splits, shakes and resin pockets. Knots are the part of a branch, which has become enclosed, in a growing tree. Dead knots are often loose thereby reducing the effective area, which can take tensile stress. Knots also often deflect the fibres reducing strength in tension. Decay, which results from moisture levels between 21 and 25% in the presence of air, reduces the strength of the wood and spoils its appearance. Insect damage caused by borers or termites. 2.3 Poles and timber Wooden Poles

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In agricultural buildings, wood is often used in the form in which it has grown, i.e., round poles. In some areas where enough trees are grown on the farm or in local forests, wooden poles can be obtained at very low cost. These poles have many uses in small building construction such as columns for the load bearing structure, rafters, trusses and purlins. Smaller dimension sticks are often used as wall material or as framework in mud walls. Round timber can generally be considered stronger than sawn timber of the same section area, since the fibres in round timber are intact. The pole is normally tapered and therefore the smallest section area, the top end, must be used in calculation of compressive and tensile strength. A great number of species can be considered when selecting poles for building construction, but only a limited number are available on the commercial market. Some species are more suitable for silviculture (growing on farms) and silvipasture (growing on pastures) than others, but must always be selected to suit local climatic and soil conditions. Some species will, in addition to building poles or timber, produce fodder for the animals, fruits, fuel wood, etc. Many species of eucalyptus, from which gum poles are obtained, are very fast and straight-growing hard woods. However, they warp and split easily. Dimensions suitable for building construction are obtained by harvesting the still immature trees. Gum poles provide a strong and durable material if chemically treated. In high altitude areas several species of acacia produce good building poles. Acacia melanoxylon (Australian Blackwood) is very resistant to attack by termites, but grows a bit slower than eucalyptus. In low to medium altitude areas with sandy soils and low rainfall, Casuarina Species produces straight and durable poles. Cedar posts for fencing are obtained by splitting large logs. The posts are durable, resistant to rot and attack by termites. They are also suitable for wall posts in building construction. In coastal areas, mangrove poles are widely used for posts in walls and trusses in roofs. Unprocessed round wood material can be joined by being nailed or tied with string or wire. A special connector has been developed to join round wood in trusses where several members may have to be connected at each point. Sawing Timber

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Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering,

The rate at which a tree grows varies with the season. The resulting growth rings of alternate high and low density form the grain in the sawed timber (lumber). The method of sawing has considerable effect on the appearance, resistance to warping, shrinking, and paint holding ability and wear resistance of the final piece. There are several methods of sawing a log into boards and planks giving different ways for the growth rings to relate to the surface, i.e., more or less parallel to the surface in plain sawn and at right angles in radial sawn. Radially sawn boards shrink less and are less liable to cup and twist and are easier to season. Unfortunately, methods of cutting which produce a high proportion of quarter-sawn timber are wasteful and therefore only used to produce material for high-class joinery work. See Figures 2.1and 2.2. Off cuts: Because the tree is tapered and cylindrical and boards and planks are rectangular, the outer pieces will come off with tapered edges and less than full dimensions throughout the length. Such pieces, called off cuts, can be sometimes obtained at low cost and used for rough building. 2.4 Seasoning of Timber The strength, stiffness and dimensional stability of wood are related to its moisture content. Hence, if wood is dried (seasoned) before use, not only can higher strength values be used in design, but a more durable structure will result. Timber must be stacked, supported and sometimes retrained so as to minimize distortion during seasoning. If drying is too rapid, the outer parts, in particular the unprotected ends, shrink before the interior, surface checking and splitting result, and ring and heart shakes may extend. Some timber species are more difficult to season satisfactorily than others. Air seasoning: Timber should be protected from rain and from the ground and stacked so that air can circulate freely around all surfaces. Thus the risks of twisting and cupping and attack by fungi and insects are minimized. In favourable conditions, thin softwoods can be air seasoned in weeks but in unfavourable conditions some hardwoods require a year or more. See figure 2.3. Artificial Seasoning Artificial seasoning can be either moderate or rapid depending on the temperature of the air injected into the chamber where the timber is piled, and the rate at which the air is circulated and extracted from the chamber. This method is expensive and can only be applied on small quantities of timber. 5

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Timber can be artificially seasoned from the green condition, but often hot air seasoning is used only at a later stage after most of the moisture has been removed with air seasoning. Smoke seasoning is a moderate process and involves placing the timber over a fire. It can take a month or two depending on the size and type of wood being seasoned. This method is considered to be both a seasoning and a treating method for timber. Presumably it protects the timber against pest attacks and increases durability. However, it is not very reliable and can lead to splitting of the timber because of lack of control of the heat from the fire. Care of Seasoned Timber: Timber should be protected from moisture on the building site. Close piling and covering with tarpaulins delays the absorption of atmospheric moisture, particularly in the interior of the pile. 2.5 Timber Grade Standards and Sizes Grades: Grades are established by various government agencies. Even within one country more than one grading system may be in use. For small construction jobs, the grade may not be important, but in large projects where materials are bought by specification, it is important to indicate the grade standard being required. Grades that provide specific information in structural design are most useful. Sizes: Timber in East and Southeast Africa is available in a number of S.l. metric sizes, but not all are available in all localities. The dimension indicates actual size as sawn. Smoothing will reduce the timber to less than dimension size. Timber Measurement for Trade: Timber is normally sold in metre (or foot) running length; however, the price may be calculated per cubic metre when sold in large quantities. Basic lengths are from 1.8 to 6.3m although pieces more than about 5.1m are scarce and costly. 2.6 Timber Preservation The main structural softwood timbers of East and Southeast Africa are not naturally durable. If used in conditions subject to fungal, insect or termite attack, they will fail after some time. To avoid this, the timber used in permanent structures should be treated with a preservative. Effective preservation depends on the preservative and how it is applied. An effective preservative should be; poisonous to fungi and insects, permanent, 6

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Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

Able to penetrate sufficiently, Cheap and readily available. It should not corrode metal fastenings The timber should not be rendered more flammable by its use.

It is sometimes desirable to have a preservative-treated surface, which can be painted. If a structure is correctly designed and built, and the moisture content of its timber does not exceed 20%, then a preservative treatment is generally unnecessary as protection against fungal attack. Where the above conditions are not present, however, there will be a risk of fungal decay, and proper preservation is recommended. 2.7 Wood Preservatives 1. Creosote: Creosote is an effective general purpose preservative, cheap and widely used for exterior work and to a lesser degree inside. It is a black to brownish oil produced by the distillation of coal-tar, and has many of the properties required of a preservative, but it increases flammability, is subject to evaporation, and creosoted wood cannot be painted. It should not be used on interiors if the characteristic smell would be objectionable. Unfortunately creosote has been found to be a carcinogen and must be used with caution. 2. Coal tar: Coal tar as a preservative is not as effective as the creosote produced from it. Tar is less poisonous, it does not penetrate the timber because of its viscosity, it is blacker than creosote and it is unsuitable for interior woodwork. 3. Unleachable metallic salts: These are mostly based on copper salts. A combination of copper/chrome/ arsenate is used. The copper and arsenical salt are the toxic preservatives which are rendered nonleaching (cannot be washed out) by the chrome salt acting as a fixing agent. A vacuum-pressure process impregnates the timber. Preservation by metallic salt is being increasingly used since the treated surfaces are odourless and can be painted or glued. 4. Water-soluble preservatives: These are not satisfactory for exterior use, as they are liable to be removed from the timber by rain. They are, however, very suitable for interior work, as they are comparatively odourless and colourless, and the timber can be painted. 5. Used engine oil: Used engine oil can often, at least in small quantities, be obtained free of charge. The oil contains many residual products from combustion and some of them will act as preservatives, but it is not nearly as

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effective as commercial preservatives. It can be thinned with diesel fuel for better penetration. 2.7.1 Methods of Wood Preservation To be effective preservation three main methods of preservation: 1. Pressure impregnation: The timber is placed in a horizontal steel cylinder is one of the best ways to apply preservatives into the wood. Creosote is the main preservative used, but unleachable metallic salts are also commonly applied by this method. Water-borne preservatives must be applied with the pressure treatment if the timber will be exposed to rain or ground moisture. Surface-applied water-borne preservatives quickly leach away leaving the timber unprotected. 2. Open tank treatment: This method is commonly known as steeping or soaking and is used for relatively small quantities of timber. (i) Hot and cold steeping: The tank with the preservative and timber is heated to nearly boiling, held for one to two hours and then allowed to cool. During the heating period the cells and the air in the cells expand and some of the air is expelled. As the timber and preservative cool the timber contracts and the partial vacuum created causes the liquid to be gradually absorbed into the timber. (ii)The timber can be steeped in either hot or cold preservative, but it is not as effective as hot and cold steeping. Creosote or metallic salts can be applied by these methods. 3. Superficial preservation: This method includes dipping, spraying and brush application. None of these surface treatments are as effective as the pressure and open-tank systems, as the preservative only penetrates the timber slightly. The wood must be seasoned and the surface should be dry and clean before application. Greater penetration generally results if the preservative is applied hot, especially if creosote is used. The timber should have two coats at least; the first coating allowed to dry before the next is applied. Creosote is the most common preservative used for this method. Superficial treatment with clear liquids is not recommended since the proper application is difficult to control. Manufactured building boards There are a number of building boards made from wood veneers or the waste products of the timber industry that are convenient and economical materials to use in building construction. In general, they offer excellent bracing for the 8

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building frame and a saving in labor because they are available in large sizes requiring a minimum of fitting. Some manufactured boards are designed with rather specific characteristics such as fire resistance, ease of cleaning, high insulating value or resistance to weathering. 1. Plywood: Plywood is produced by gluing together three to seven veneers that have been peeled from logs. The grain of each succeeding veneer is turned 90 from the previous one, resulting in a board that has considerable strength and rigidity in all directions. Waterproof glue is most commonly used giving a product that is highly resistant to moisture. Waterproof glue panels should always be chosen for farm buildings. As the wood itself is not waterproof, the panels are still subject to swelling and shrinking from moisture changes. See figure 2.4 Other Manufactured Boards 1. Blockboards and laminboards: These are made of strips of wood from 8 to 25mm wide, glued together and covered with one or more veneers on each side. At least one pair of corresponding veneers will have the grain at right angles to the grain of the core. Thus, if the finish grain is to run parallel with the core, there must be at least two veneers per side. The same appearance, grades and types of glue listed for plywood also apply to blackboards. Blackboard panels are often used for doors. 2. Particleboards: These are formed by pressing chips or flakes of wood between pairs of heated platens so that the particles lie in random fashion with their longer dimensions parallel to the surface of the board. Strength and rigidity generally increase with density, but that alone is not a measure of quality, as moisture resistance varies considerably and most particleboards should not be used in moist locations. See figure 2.5 3. Soft boards: Soft boards are made from uncompressed woodchips or sugarcane fibres mixed with water and glue, giving a density below 350 kg/m. They are inexpensive and can be used for wall or ceiling surfaces that are not subject to high moisture conditions. Soft boards have little resistance to rupture and must be supported frequently (300 to 400mm) when installed. The 2400 by 1200mm size is most common in thicknesses of 6.4 to 25mm. 4. Medium boards: They have density ranging from 350 to 800 kg/m. They are used for paneling, in particular those having a density at the higher end of the range. The 2400 by 1200 size is most common and thicknesses range from 6.4 to 19.0mm.

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5. Hardboards: Hard boards are made of wood fibres compressed to over 800 kg/m. They are usually smooth on one surface and textured on the other. The 2400 by 1200mm size is most common in thicknesses of 3 to 12.7mm. Other organic materials 1. Bamboo: Bamboo is a perennial grass with over 550 species found in the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones. It contains a large percentage of fibre, which has high tensile, bending and straining capacity.

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However, bamboos have some shortcomings which limit their application. The low durability of bamboo constitutes one of its most serious defects along with its flammability and its tendency to split easily, this usually prevents the use of nails. It is mainly used in building construction for wall poles, frames, roof construction, roofing and water pipes, and after splitting, to form flattened boards or woven wall, floor and ceiling panels. 2. Natural Fibres: Natural fibers have been used for building since ancient times. Fibrous materials can be used by themselves as roofing material or for walls and mats. Natural fibers can also be combined with hydraulic-setting binders to make various types of roofing boards, wallboards, blocks and shingles. Thatch: Thatch, whether grass, reeds, palm or banana leaves, is susceptible to decay due to attack by fungi and insects and to destruction by fire. Grass: The use of thatched roofs is common in many countries and suitable grass can be found almost everywhere. When well laid and maintained it can last for 10 to 20 years or longer. A good quality thatching grass must be fibrous and tough with a minimum length of one meter. Reeds: Reeds must be dry before use as building material and can be impregnated or sprayed with copper-chrome preservatives to prevent rotting. Ammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate are used to protect the reeds against fire. Reeds can be woven into mats for use as wall or ceiling panels, shade roofs, etc. The mats can be easily plastered. In tropical areas thatch from untreated reeds may last only one year, but if well laid, treated and maintained, it can last 5 to 10 years. Sisal Stems: Sisal poles have limited structural strength and durability, but are sometimes used for wall cladding in semi-open structures, such as maize cribs. The poles can be split and are joined in the same way as bamboo.


Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University

Sisal Fibre: Sisal fibre is one of the strongest natural fibres. It has traditionally been used as reinforcement in gypsum plaster sheets. Sisal fibres have the ability to withstand degradation due to bacteriological attack better than other organic fibres, but are attacked by the alkalinity of cement. Coir Waste: Coir is the by-product of coconuts. The husk is used for making coir mats, cushions and as fuel. It can be mixed with cement, glue or resins either to produce low-density boards having good insulating and sound absorption properties, or be compressed to make building boards. It is also used as reinforcement in cement for making roofing sheets. Elephant Grass: Elephant grass is a tall plant similar to bamboo, but with the difference that the stem is not hollow. The fibres of the grass can be used to partly or wholly replace the asbestos in net and corrugated roofing sheets. However the sheets are more brittle and have a slightly lower strength than asbestos-cement sheets. Straw: Straw, if supported by a framework of wooden poles, can be used to construct temporary walls. Straw has also been used as raw material for manufactured building boards.

3. Natural stone products: Natural stones are strong in compression and are generally extremely durable, although deterioration may result from soluble salt action, wetting and drying, or thermal movement. According to the manner of their geological formation, all stones used in building fall into one of three classes: igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. Igneous rock are mostly very hard and cliff cult to cut to size and shape. However, they are very durable; Sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and limestone are used extensively for building. They are not difficult to work and yet are quite durable. Coral stone is found in coastal areas where chips or small stones are used in mud walls. Coral stone is also cut into blocks, and although not very strong, can be used in foundations and walls in multistorey houses; Earth as building material Earth is one of the oldest materials used for building construction in rural areas. Advantages of earth as a building material are:

It is resistant to fire. It is cheaper than most alternative wall materials and is readily available at most building sites. It has very high thermal capacity that enables it to keep the inside of a building cool when the outside is hot and vice versa. It is a good noise absorbent. It is easy to work using simple tools and skills.


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These qualities encourage and facilitate self-help and community participation in house building. Despite its good qualities, the material has the following weaknesses as a building material:

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1. It has low resistance to water penetration resulting in crumbling and structural failure. 2. It has a very high shrinkage/swelling ratio resulting in major structural cracks when exposed to changing weather conditions. 3. It has low resistance to abrasion and requires frequent repairs and maintenance when used in building construction.

However, there are several ways to overcome most of these weaknesses and make earth a suitable building material for many purposes. Soil Stabilization: The aim of soil stabilization is to increase the soil's resistance to destructive weather conditions in one or more of the following ways:

By cementing the particles of the soil together, leading to increased strength and cohesion. By reducing the movements (shrinkage and swelling) of the soil when its moisture content varies due to weather conditions. By making the soil waterproof or at least less permeable to moisture.

A great number of substances may be used for soil stabilization. Because of the many different kinds of soils and the many types of stabilizers, there is not one answer for all cases. It is up to the builder to make trial blocks with various amounts and kinds of stabilizers. Stabilizers in common use are: Sand or clay, portland cement ,Lime ,Bitumen, pozzolanas (e.g., fly ash, rice husk ash, volcanic ash) ,Natural fibres (e.g., grass, straw, sisal, sawdust),Sodium silicate (water-glass),Commercial soil stabilizers (for roads),Resins, whey, molasses, gypsum, cow dung . Cement: Ordinary portland cement is the least expensive and by far the most widely used type of cement. It is suitable for all normal purposes. Rapid-hardening portland cement is more finely ground and thus has a faster chemical reaction with water and develops strength more rapidly. It has the same strength after 7 days that ordinary Portland cement has after 28 days. Early hardening may be useful where early stripping of form work and early loading of the structure is required.


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Low-heat portland cement develops strength very slowly. It is used in very thick concrete work where the heat generated by the chemical reactions in ordinary Portland cement would be excessive and lead to serious cracking. The finer the cement particles, the larger the surface area, which is available for hydration by water and the more rapid the setting and hardening, occurs. Cement is normally sold in 50 kg bags but occasionally is available in bulk at a lower price. In the process of hydration the cement will chemically bind water corresponding to about one-quarter of its weight. Additional water evaporates leaving voids, which reduce the density and therefore strength and durability of the end products.

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Pozzolana A pozolana is a siliceous material which, in finely divided form, can react with lime in the presence of moisture at normal temperatures and pressures to form compounds possessing cementious properties. Unfortunately the cementitious properties of pozzolana mixtures are highly variable and unpredictable. A wide variety of materials, both natural and artificial may be pozzolanic. The silica content constitutes more than half the weight of the pozzolana. Artificial pozzolana includes fly ash from the combustion of coal in thermo-electric power plants, burnt clays and shales, blast furnace slag formed in the process of iron manufacture, and rice husk ash and the ash from other agricultural wastes. It takes two to three times the volume of pozzolana required to make a concrete with the same strength as with portland cement and this adds to the cost for transport and handling. Replacing up to 30% of the portland cement with pozzolana will produce 65 to 95% of the strength of portland cement concrete at 28 days. The strength nominally improves with age since pozzolana reacts more slowly than cement, and at one year about the same strength is obtained. Concrete Concrete is a building material made by mixing cement paste (portland cement and water) and aggregate (sand and stone). The cement-paste is the "glue" which binds the particles in the aggregate together. The strength of the cement-paste depends on the relative proportions of water and cement; a more diluted paste being weaker. Once the initial set has taken place concrete cures well under water. Strength is gained gradually, depending on the speed of the chemical reaction. Admixtures are sometimes included in the concrete mix to achieve certain properties. Reinforcement steel is used for added strength, particularly for tensile stresses. 13

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Properties of Concrete

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High strength; hardness; Durability; Imperviousness; Mould ability; It is a poor thermal insulator; but has high thermal capacity; It is not flammable; has good fire resistance, but there is a serious loss of strength at high temperatures. Concrete is a relatively expensive building material for farm structures. The cost can be lowered if some of the portland cement is replaced with pozzolana. However, when pozzolanas are used the chemical reaction is slower and strength development is delayed.

Ingredients Cement Ordinary Portland cement is used for most farm structures. It is sold in paper bags containing 50kg or approximately 37 litres. Cement must be stored in a dry place, protected from ground moisture, and for periods not exceeding a month or two. Even damp air can spoil cement. It should be the consistency of powder when used. If lumps have developed the quality has decreased, but it can still be used if the lumps can be crushed between the fingers. Table 2.1 Suggested Uses for Various Concrete Grades and Nominal Mixes Grade C7 C10 Nominal mix Use 1:3:8 1:4:6 1:3:6 1:4:5 1 :3:5 1:3:5 1:3:4 1:2:4 1:3:3 1:2:4 Strip footings; trench fill foundations; stanchion bases; non reinforced foundations; floors with very light traffic; mass concrete, etc.

Cl5 C20

Foundation walls; basement walls; structural concrete; walls; reinforced floor slabs; floors for dairy and beef cattle, pigs and poultry; floors in grain and potato stores, hay barns, and machinery stores; septic tanks, water storage tanks; slabs for farm yard manure; roads, driveways, pavings and walks; stairways. All concrete in milking parlours, dairies, silage silos and feed 14


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C30 C35 1:2:3 1:1.5:3 1:1:2 C40 C50 C60 Aggregate Aggregate or ballast is either gravel or crushed stone. Those aggregates passing through a 5mm sieve are called fine aggregate or sand and those retained are called coarse aggregate or stone. The aggregate should be hard, clean and free of salt and vegetable matter. Too much silt and organic matter makes the aggregate unsuitable for concrete. Test for Silt is done by putting 80mm of sand in a 200mm high transparent bottle. Add water up to 160mm height. Shake the bottle vigorously and allow the contents to settle until the following day. If the silt layer, which will settle on top of the sand, is less than 6mm the sand can be used without further treatment. If the silt content is higher, the sand must be washed. Test for Organic Matter is done by putting 80mm of sand in a 200mm high transparent bottle. Add a 3% solution of sodium hydroxide up to 120mm. Note that sodium hydroxide, which can be bought from a chemist, is dangerous to the skin. Cork the bottle and shake it vigorously for 30 seconds and leave it standing until the following day. If the liquid on top of the sand turns dark brown or coffee coloured, the sand should not be used. "Straw" color is satisfactory for most jobs, but not for those requiring the greatest strength or water resistance. Note however that some ferrous compounds may react with the sodium hydroxide and cause the brown colour. Moisture Content in sand is important since sand mixing ratio often refers to kg dry sand and the maximum amount of water includes the moisture in the aggregate. Normal moisture content of naturally moist sand is 2.5 to 5.5%. Density is the weight per volume of the solid mass excluding voids. Normal values for density of aggregate (sand and stone) are 2600 to 2700 kg/ m3 and for cement 3100 kg/m3. Bulk density is the weight per volume of the aggregate including voids. Normal values for coarse aggregate are 1500 to 1650 kg/m3. and drinking troughs; floors subject to severe wear and weather or weak acid and alkali solutions; roads and pavings frequently used by heavy machinery and lorries; small bridges; retaining walls and dams; suspended floors, beams and lintels; floors used by heavy, small-wheeled equipment, for example lift trucks; fencing posts, precast concrete components. Concrete in very severe exposure; prefabricated structural elements; pre-stressed concrete.


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Completely dry and very wet sand have the same volume but due to the bulking characteristic of damp sand it has a greater volume. The bulk density of a typical naturally moist sand is 15 to 25% lower than coarse aggregate of the same material, i.e., 1300 to 1500 kg/m3. Size and Texture of Aggregate affects the concrete. The larger particles of coarse aggregate may not exceed one quarter of the minimum thickness of the concrete member being cast. In reinforced concrete the coarse aggregate must be able to pass between the reinforcement bars, 20mm being normally regarded as maximum size. Aggregate with larger surface area and rough texture, i.e., crushed stone, allows greater adhesive forces to develop but will give less workable concrete. The sum of the ingredient volumes will be greater than the volume of concrete, because the sand will fill the voids between the coarse aggregate. The materials normally have 30 to 50% greater volume than the concrete mix; 5 to 10% is allowed for waste and spill. The cement added does not noticeably increase the volume. Example 1 Calculate the amount of materials needed to construct a rectangular concrete floor 7.5m by 4.0m and 7cm thick. Use a nominal mix of 1:3:6. 50 kg of cement is equal to 37l. Total volume of concrete required = 7.5m x 4.0m x 0.07m = 2.1m Total volume of ingredients, assuming 30% decrease in volume when mixed and 5% waste = 2.1m + 2.1(30% + 5+) m = 2.84m The volume of the ingredients is proportional to the number of parts in the nominal mix. In this case there are a total of 10 parts (1 +3+6) in the mix, but the cement does not affect the volume so only the 9 parts for sand and stone are used. Cement = (2.89 x 1)/9 = 0.32m or 320 Sand = (2.84 x 3 ) / 9 = 0.95m Stone = (2.84 x 6 ) / 9 = 1.89m Number of bags of cement required = 320/37 = 8.6 bags, i.e., 9 bags have to be bought. Weight of sand required = 0.95m x 1.45 tonnes/ m = 1.4 tonnes 16

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Weight of stone required = 1.89m x 1.60 tonnes/m = 3.1 tonnes Maximum size of stones = 70mm x 1/4 = 17mm Example 2 Assume a 1:3:5 cement - sand - stone concrete mix by volume using naturally moist aggregates and adding 62 litres of water. What will the basic strength and the volume of mix be if 2 bags of cement are used. Additional assumptions: Moisture content of sand: 4% Moisture content of stones: 1.5% Bulk density of the sand: 1400 kg/m Bulk density of the stones: 1600 kg/m Solid density of aggregate materials: 2650 kg/m Solid density of cement: 3100 kg/m Density of water: 1000 kg/m 1 Calculate the volume of the aggregate in the mix. 2 bags of cement have a volume of 2 x 37l = 74l The volume of sand is 3 x 74l = 2221 The volume of stones is 5 x 74l = 3701 2 Calculate the weight of the aggregates. Sand 222/1000 m x 1400 kg/m = 311 kg Stones 370/1000 m x 1600 kg/m = 592 kg 3. Calculate the amount of water contained in the aggregate Water in the sand 311 kg x 4/100= 12 kg Water in the stones 592 kg x 1.5/100= 9 kg 4 Adjust amounts in the batch for water contents in aggregate. 17

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Cement 100 kg (unaltered)

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Sand 311 kg - 12 kg = 299 kg Stones 592 kg- 9 kg= 583 kg Total amount of dry aggregate = 299 kg + 583 kg = 882 kg Water = 62 kg + 12 kg + 9 kg = 83 kg 5 Calculate water- cement ratio and cement - aggregate ratio. Water - cement ratio = (83 kg water) / 100 kg cement = 0 83 Aggregate - cement ratio = (882kg aggregate) / 100 kg cement = 8.8 The water - cement ratio indicates that the mix has a basic strength corresponding to a C10 mix. See Appendix V: 12. 6 Calculate the "solid volume" of the ingredients in the mix, excluding the air voids in the aggregate and cement. Cement 100 kg/3100 kg/m = 0.032m Aggregate 882 kg/ 2650 kg/m = 0.333m Water 83 kg/ 1000 kg/m = 0.083m Total = 0.448m The total volume of 1:3:5 mix obtained from 2 bags of cement is 0.45m. Note that the 0.45m of concrete is only 2/3 of the sum of the volumes of the components - 0.074 + 0.222 + 0.370. Mixing Mechanical mixing is the best way of mixing concrete. Batch mixers with a tilting drum for use on building sites are available in sizes from 85 to 400 litre, see figure 2.6. Mixing should be allowed to proceed for at least 2.5 minutes after all ingredients have been added. For small-scale work in rural areas it may be difficult and rather expensive to get a mechanical mixer.


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A simple hand-powered concrete mixer can be manufactured from an empty oil drum set in a frame of galvanized pipe. Figure 2.7 shows a hand crank, but the drive can easily be converted to machine power. Hand mixing is normally adopted on small jobs. Mixing should be done on a closeboarded platform or a concrete floor near to where the concrete is to be placed and never on bare ground because of earth contamination. The following method for hand mixing is recommended:

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The measured quantities of sand and cement are mixed by turning over with a shovel at least 3 times. About three-quarters of the water is added to the mixture a little at a time. Mixing is continued until the mixture becomes homogeneous and workable. The measured quantity of stones after being wetted with part of the remaining water is spread over the mixture and the mixing continued, all ingredients being turned over at least three times in the process, using as little water as possible to get a workable mix.

All tools and the platform should be cleaned with water when there is a break in the mixing, and at the end of the day. Slump Test: The slump test gives an approximate indication of the workability of the wet concrete mix. Fill a conically shaped bucket with the wet concrete mix and compact it thoroughly. Turn the bucket upside down on the mixing platform. Lift the bucket, place it next to the concrete heap and measure the slump as shown in Figure 2.8. Placing and Compaction Concrete should be placed with a minimum of delay after the mixing is completed, and certainly within 30 minutes. Special care should be taken when transporting wet mixes, since the vibrations of a moving wheelbarrow may cause the mix to segregate. The mix should not be allowed to flow or be dropped into position from a height greater than 1 metre. The concrete should be placed with a shovel in layers no deeper than 15cm and compacted before the next layer is placed. When slabs are cast, the surface is levelled out with a screed board which also is used to compact the concrete mix as soon as it has been placed to remove any trapped air. The less workable the mix is, the more porous it is and the more compaction is necessary. For every percent of entrapped air the concrete loses


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up to 5% of its strength. However excessive compaction of wet mixes brings fine particles to the top resulting in a weak, dusty surface. Manual compaction is commonly used for construction of farm buildings. It can be used for mixes with high and medium workability and for plastic mixes. Wet mixes used for walls are compacted by punting with a batten, stick or piece of reinforcement bar. Table 2.2 Concrete Slump for Various Uses Consistency Slump High workability Medium workability Plastic 1/2 - 1/3 1/3 - 1/6 1/6 - 1/12 Use Method compaction of

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Constructions with narrow passages and/or Manual complex shapes. Heavily reinforced concrete. All normal uses. Non-reinforced and normally Manual reinforced concrete. Open structures with fairly open Manual reinforcement, which are heavily worked Mechanical manually for compaction like floors and pavings. Mass concrete. Non-reinforced or sparsely reinforced open Mechanical structures like floors and pavings which are mechanically vibrated. Factory prefabrication of concrete goods. Concrete blocks. Factory prefabrication of the concrete goods. Mechanical Pressure or


0 - 1/2



Curing Concrete: Concrete will set in three days but the chemical reaction between water and cement continues much longer. If the water disappears through evaporation, the chemical reaction will stop. It is therefore very important to keep the concrete wet (damp) for at least 7 days. Premature drying out may also result in cracking due to shrinkage. During curing the strength and impermeability increases and the surface hardens against abrasion. Watering of the concrete should start as soon as the surface is hard enough to avoid damage, but not later than 10 to 12 hours after casting. Covering the concrete with sacks, grass, hessian, a layer of sand or polythene helps to retain the moisture and protects the surface from dry winds. This is particularly important in tropical climates. Temperature is also an important factor in curing. For temperatures above 0 C and below 40 C strength development is a function of temperature and time. At temperatures above 40C


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the stiffening and hardening may be faster than desired and result in lower strength. Reinforced Concrete: Concrete is strong in compression but relatively weak in tension. The underside of a loaded beam, such as a lintel over a door, is in tension. See figure 2.9 for stresses in a concrete lintel. Concrete subject to tension loading must be reinforced with steel bars or mesh. The amount and type of reinforcement should be carefully calculated or alternatively, a standard design obtained from a reliable source should be followed without variation. Concrete floors are sometimes reinforced with welded steel mesh or chicken wire, placed 25mm from the upper surface of the concrete, to limit the size of any cracking. However, such load-distributing reinforcement is necessary only when loadings are heavy, the underlying soil is not dependable, or when cracking must be minimized as in water tanks. Metals Several ferrous metals (those containing iron) are useful in farm building construction. Steel consists of iron plus a small percentage of carbon in chemical combination. High-carbon or hard steel is used for tools with cutting edges. Medium-carbon steel is used for structural members such as "I" beams, reinforcing bars and implement frames. Low-carbon or mild steel is used for pipe, nails, screws, wire, screening, fencing and corrugated roof sheets. Non-ferrous metals such as aluminium and copper are corrosion resistant and are often chosen on that account. Copper is used for electric wire, tubing for water supply and for flashing. Aluminium is most commonly used for corrugated roofing sheets, gutters and the accompanying nails. Brass is a corrosion resistant alloy of copper and zinc, which is used extensively for building hardware. Glass Glass in buildings is required to resist loads including wind loads, impact by persons and animals and sometimes thermal and other stresses. Generally the thickness must increase with the area of glass pane. Glass is elastic right up to its breaking point, but is also completely brittle so there is no permanent set or warning of impending failure. The support provided for glass will affect its strength performance. Glass should be cut to give a minimum clearance of 2mm all around the frame to allow for thermal movements. Plastics: Plastics have low thermal conductivity and thermal capacity, but thermal movement is high. They resist a wide range of chemicals and do not 21

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corrode, but they tend to become brittle with age. Most plastics are combustible and may release poisonous gases in a fire. Some are highly flammable, while others are difficult to burn. Plastics are classified as: Thermoplastics: Thermoplastics which always soften when heated and harden again on cooling, provided they are not overheated. Polythene is tough, water- and oil proof and can be manufactured in many colours. In buildings it is used for cold water pipes, plumbing and sanitary ware and polythene film (translucent or black). Film should not be unnecessarily subjected to prolonged heat over 50C or to direct sunlight. The translucent film will last only one to two years exposed to sunlight, but the carbon pigmentation of the black film increases resistance to sunlight. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will not burn and can be made in rigid or flexible form. It is used for rainwater goods, drains, pipes, ducts, electric cable insulation, etc.

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Thermosetting Plastics: The main use of thermosetting plastics in buildings is as impregnants for paper fabrics, binders for particle boards, adhesives paints and clear finishes. Phenol formaldehyde (bakelite) is used for electrical insulating accessories. Urea formaldehyde is used for particle board manufacture. Paints: Paint preserves, protects and decorates surfaces and enables them to be cleaned easily. All paints contain a binder which hardens. Because of the cost involved, few buildings in the rural areas are painted. When paint can be afforded priority should be given to surfaces likely to rust, rot or decay because of exposure to rain or dampness and to rooms like a kitchen or a dairy where hygiene demands easily cleaned surfaces. White and other light colours reflect more light than dark colours and can be used in rooms like a sitting room or a workshop to make the room lighter. Painting: Adequate preparation of the surface to be painted is essential. The surface should be smooth (not shiny for this would not give good anchor), clean, dry and stable. Old, loose paint should be brushed off before a new coat is applied. Most commercial paints are supplied with directions for use, which should be read carefully before the work is started. The paint film is usually built up in two or more coats; Priming paints are used for the first coat to seal and protect the surface and to give a smooth surface for subsequent coats. They are produced for application to wood, metal and plaster. Undercoating paints are sometimes used to obscure the primer, as a further protective coating and to provide the correct surface for the finishing paint. 22

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Finishing paints are produced with a wide range of colours and finishes (e.g., matt, semi-matt, gloss). Some commonly used types of paint for farm structures are detailed below, but many others are manufactured with special properties like water and chemical resistance, heat resistance, fire retardant, anticondensation, fungicidal, insecticidal, etc.

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STUDY OBJECTIVES Be able to describe categories of applied loads Know different structural elements Understand the stability of farm buildings Know the different loads on building components Be aware of facings and cladding on farm buildings Know the footings, foundations and different types of walls in farm buildings, floors, roofs, doors, windows, stairs and ladders Be aware of electrical installation of farm buildings Be able to describe traditional and post tradition building Know the building life of farm buildings Be aware of farm building repairs and maintenance, insurance and taxes

CHAPTER 3: STRUCTURAL DESIGN, ELEMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING PRODUCTION Structural Design A structure is designed to perform a certain function. To perform this function satisfactorily it must have sufficient strength and rigidity. Economy and an attractive appearance are also of importance in structural design. The many building materials available differ greatly in their resistance to loading and in other characteristics that relate to their use in various building elements. They must be selected carefully to be suitable for the type or types of loading which are determined during the structural design procedure. Structural elements and loading Applied Loads This fall into three main categories: dead loads, wind loads and other imposed loads. Dead loads: These are loads due to the self-weight of all permanent construction, including roof, walls, floor, etc. The self- weights of some parts of a structure, e.g., roof cladding, can be calculated from the manufacturer's data sheets, but the self-weight of the structural elements cannot be accurately determined until the design is completed. Hence estimates of self-weight of some members must be made before commencing a design analysis and the values checked at the completion of the design. Imposed/Live loads: These are loads related to the use of the structure and to the environmental conditions, e.g., weight of stored products, equipment, 1

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livestock, vehicles, furniture and people who use the building. Imposed loads include earthquake loads, wind loads and snow loads where applicable; and are sometimes referred to as superimposed loads, because they are in addition to the dead loads. Wind loads: These are imposed loads, but are usually treated as a separate category owing to their transitory nature and their complexity. Very often wind loading proves to be the most critical load imposed on agricultural buildings. Wind loads are naturally dependent on wind speed, but also on location, size, shape, height and construction of a building. Dynamic loading is due to the change of loading, resulting directly from movement of loads. For example, a grain bin may be effected by dynamic loading if filled suddenly from a suspended hopper. Structural Elements Cable Cables, cords, strings, ropes and wires are flexible because of their small lateral dimensions in relation to their length and have therefore very limited resistance to bending. Cables are the most efficient structural elements since they allow every fiber of the cross section to resist the applied loads up to any allowable stress. Their applications are however, limited by the fact that they can be used only in tension. Column Rods or bars under compression are the basis for vertical structural elements such as columns, stanchions, piers and pillars. They are often used to transfer load effects from beams, slabs and roof trusses to the foundations. Ties and Struts When bars are connected with pin joints and the resulting structure loaded at the joints, a structural framework called a pin jointed truss or lattice frame is obtained. The members are only subjected to axial loads and members in tension are called ties while members in compression are called struts. See Figure 3.1. Beam A beam is a member used to resist load acting across its longitudinal axis by transferring the effect over a distance between supports - referred to as the span. The span that a beam can usefully cover is limited due to the self-weight of the beam, i.e., it will eventually reach a length when it is only capable of 2

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supporting itself. This problem is overcome to a degree with the hollow web beam. The arch can be shaped such that, for a particular loading, all sections of the arch are under simple compression with no bending. Arches exert vertical and horizontal thrusts on their supports, which can prove troublesome in the design of supporting walls. This problem of horizontal thrust can be removed by connecting a tension member between the support points. See figure 3.2 Frames These include portal frames, pole barns, and post and-beam. Portal frames may be made of steel, reinforced concrete or timber. With wider spans the structural components become massive if timber or reinforced concrete is used. Hence, steel frames are most common for spans over 20m. Pole barns are usually built with a relatively simple foundation, deeper than usual, and backfilled with rammed earth. Pole barns are braced between columns and rafters in each direction. The braces serve to reduce the effective length of compression members and the effective span of rafters and other beam members. This leads to a structure which a low cost form of construction. A shed type building is a simple construction consisting of beams (horizontal or sloping), supported at their ends on walls or posts. There may be one or more intermediate supports depending on building width. Purlins running longitudinally support the roof covering. Like the poles in the pole barn, the foundation can consist of a simple pad of concrete beneath the post, or the base of the post can be set into concrete. Stability Stability problems in a building are due mainly to horizontal loads such as those resulting from wind pressure, storage of granular products against walls, soil pressure against foundations, and sometimes earthquakes. Overturning of external walls is counteracted by the support of perpendicular walls and partitions. Note however, that not all types of walls, for example framed walls, are adequately rigid along their length without diagonal bracing. If supporting walls are widely spaced and/ or the horizontal loads are large, extra support can be supplied by the construction of piers, columns or buttresses. Diagonal bracing is used to make framed walls and structures stiff. Long braces should preferably transfer the load with a tensile stress to avoid buckling. Braces are usually supplied in pairs, i.e., on both diagonals, so that one will always be in tension independent of wind direction. 3

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Portal or rigid frame buildings are normally stable laterally, when the wind pressure acts on the long sides. However, when the wind loads occur at the gable ends, the frames may need extra support from longitudinal bracing. see figure 3.3. 3.2 Elements of construction The choice of materials and the manner in which they are put together to form building elements such as foundation, walls, floor and roof, depend largely upon their properties relative to environmental requirements and their strength properties.

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The apprehension of building construction thus involve an understanding of the nature and characteristics of a number of materials, of methods to process them and form them into building units and components, of structural principles, of stability and behaviour under load, of building production operations and of building economics. The limited number of materials available in the rural areas of east and south East Africa result in a limited number of structural forms and methods of construction. Different socioeconomic conditions and cultural beliefs are reflected in varying local building traditions. While knowledge of the indigenous building technology is widespread, a farmer and his family normally can erect a building using traditional materials and methods without the assistance of skilled or specialized craftsmen. However, population growth and external influences are gradually changing people's lives and the agricultural practices some traditional materials are getting scarce. Hence, better understanding of traditional materials and methods is needed to allow them to be used more efficiently and effectively. Footings and foundations A foundation is necessary to support the building and the loads that are within or on the building. The combination of footing and foundation distributes the load on the bearing surface and keeps the building level and plumb and reduces settling to a minimum. When properly designed, there should be little or no cracking in the foundation and no water leaks. The footing and foundation should be made of a material that will not fail in the presence of ground or surface water. Before the footing for the foundation can be designed, it is necessary to determine the total load to be supported. If for some reason the load is concentrated in one or more areas that will need to be taken into consideration. Once the load is determined, the soil bearing characteristics of the site must be studied.

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Soil Bearing

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The topmost layer of soil is seldom suitable for a footing. The soil is likely to be loose, unstable and contain organic material. Consequently, the topsoil should be removed and the footing trench deepened to provide a level, undisturbed surface for the entire building foundation. If this is not feasible because of a sloping site, the footing will need to be stepped. The footing should never be placed on a filled area unless there has been sufficient time for consolidation. This usually takes at least one year with a normal amount of rainfall. The bearing capacity of soil is related to the soil type and the expected moisture level.

Site Drainage It is desirable to site any building on well-drained land. However, other considerations such as access roads, water supply, existing services or a shortage of land may dictate a poorly drained area. If a building site with poor natural drainage must be used, it may be improved by the use of contour interceptor drains or subsurface drains in order to cut off the flow of surface water or to lower the water-table level. Apart from protecting the building against damage from moisture, drainage will also improve the stability of the ground and lower the humidity of the site Walls Walls may be divided into two types: 1. Load-bearing walls which support loads from floors and roof in addition to their own weight and which resist side pressure from wind and, in some cases, from stored material or objects within the building, 2. non-load-bearing walls which carry no floor or roof loads. Each type may be further divided into external or enclosing walls, and internal dividing walls. The term partition is applied to walls, either load-bearing or non-load bearing, dividing the space within a building into rooms. Good quality walls provide strength and stability, weather resistance, fire resistance, thermal insulation and sound insulation. Types of Building Walls There are various ways to construct a wall and many different materials can be used, but they can be divided into four main groups. 5

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Masonry wall, in which the wall is built of individual blocks of materials such as brick, clay or concrete blocks, or stone, usually in horizontal courses bonded together with some form of mortar. Several of the earth derived products, either air dried or fired, are reasonable in cost and well suited to the climate. Monolithic wall, in which the wall is built of a material placed in forms during the construction. The traditional earth wall and the modern concrete wall are examples. The earth walls are inexpensive and durable if placed on a good foundation and protected from rain by a rendering or wide roof overhangs. Frame wall, in which the wall is constructed as a frame of relatively small members, usually of timber, at close intervals which together with facing or sheeting on one or both sides form a load-bearing system. Off cuts are low cost materials to use for a frame wall covering.

Factors which will determine the type of wall to be used are:

The materials available at a reasonable cost. Availability of craftsmen capable of using the materials in the best way. Climate The use of the building - functional requirements.

Facings and Claddings Facings and claddings refer to panels or other materials that are applied as external coverings on walls for protection from the elements or for decorative effects. Facings or claddings are particularly useful for protecting and improving the appearance of the walls of earth structures which by themselves may be eroded by rain and become quite unsightly. Facings generally have little or no structural strength and must be attached to a smooth continuous surface. Plaster or small size tiles are examples. Cladding differs from facing in that the materials have some structural strength. Various shingles, larger size tiles, both vertical and horizontal timber siding and building boards such as plywood and asbestos-cement board are suitable for cladding. Corrugated steel roofing is also satisfactory. Floors Building floors may be as simple as the compacted soil present on the site before the building was constructed or as complex as attractively finished hardwood parquet. A well-chosen, well-built floor offers protection from vermin and rodents is easy to clean, dry, durable and is a valuable asset to a building. For

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special circumstances it may be designed to be washable, particularly attractive, thermally insulated, sloped to a drain or perfectly net and level. For farm buildings, including homes, simple floors offering hard, durable surfaces at ground level grade are probably adequate for the vast majority of situations. Floors may be built at ground level, i.e. on the soil within the building, in which case they are called solid or grade floors, or they may be supported on joists and beams in which case they are called suspended or above-grade floors. The finished level of a solid floor should be at least 150mm above outside ground level as a protection against flooding. The top soil should be removed and replaced with coarse material before the actual floor slab is constructed. Solid or Grade Floors Tamped soil is often satisfactory for the floors of animal shelters and perhaps the homes of subsistence farm families. They should be designed a little above the ground level outside the building and will be improved by being stabilized with ant-hill clay, cow dung, lime or Portland cement. Concrete makes a more durable, harder and cleaner floor. Properly constructed concrete floors can be made dry enough to be used for grain storage or the farm home. The polythene sheet prevents moisture from reaching the concrete slab and the layer of sand or mortar protects the sheet from being punctured. Construction of solid floors built at ground level. The concrete mixture chosen to be used in a solid floor will depend on the severity of use and type of loading. For a deep litter building or a subsistence farm dwelling a mix of 1:3:6 by weight may be satisfactory for the light service to which it will be subjected. Floors that will be exposed to heavy loads, as in a bag grain store or a farm repair shop, will need to be stronger. A 1:2:4 should be adequate over a good firm base. The floors in a creamery or slaughterhouse are subjected to acid erosion and require a richer mix of concrete (1:2:3) to give a durable surface. Suspended or Above-grade Floors Timber Floors Suspended timber ground-level floors are useful on sloping sites where a great deal of filling would be required to level the ground for a solid floor. Timber ground-level floors must be well protected against moisture, fungus and termites and must therefore be raised above the ground. The space under such a timber floor should be high enough to ensure good ventilation and to allow a person to crawl underneath for inspecting the floor. Termite protection is more likely to be effective if the floor is raised above the ground at least 45cm. 7

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The supporting piers are frequently built of timber but are better if made of stone, concrete or steel. Hollow concrete blocks reinforced and filled with concrete make a strong support. Metal termite shields should be fitted to the top of the foundation wall and to steeper walls and piers. Beams of steel, timber or concrete may be used to support upper floors when the span is over 5m. Suspended Concrete Floors The main advantage of a reinforced-concrete suspended floor is its greater fire resistance and better sound insulation than that of a timber floor, but it is generally too expensive to find applications in farm buildings. Roofs A roof is an essential part of any building in that it provides the necessary protection from rain, sun, wind, heat and cold. The integrity of the roof is important for the structure of the building itself as well as the occupants and the goods stored within the building. The roof structure must be designed to withstand the dead load imposed by the roofing and framing as well as the forces of wind and in some areas, snow or drifting dust. The roofing must be leakproof, durable and perhaps satisfy other requirements such as being fire resistant, a good thermal insulator or high in thermal capacity. Flat and pitched roofs: A roof is called a flat roof when the outer surface is within 5 of horizontal whereas a pitched roof has a slope of over 5 in one or more directions. Climate and covering material affect the choice between a flat or pitched roof. In hot, dry areas the flat roof is common because it is not exposed to heavy rainfall. In areas of heavy rainfall a steeply pitched roof drains off rainwater more quickly. Types of Roofs Flat Roof The flat roof is a simple design for large buildings. Simple beams can be used for spans up to about 5m but with longer spans it is necessary to use deep beams, web beams or trusses for adequate support. Because farm buildings often need large areas free of columns, flat roofs with built-up roofing are not common. Flat roofs are prone to leak. To prevent pools of water from collecting on the surface they are usually built with a minimum slope of 1:20 to provide drainage.

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Earth Roof

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Soil-covered roofs have good thermal insulation and high capacity for storing heat. The traditional earth roof is subject to erosion during rain, requires steady maintenance to prevent leakage. The roof is laid rather flat with a slope of 1:6 or less. The supporting structure should be generously designed of preservative - treated or termite-resistant timber of poles, and inspected and maintained periodically, as a sudden collapse of this heavy structure could cause great harm. The durability of the mud cover can be improved by stabilizing the top soil with cement, and it can be waterproofed by placing a plastic sheet under the soil. However, the introduction of these improvements adds considerably to the cost of the roof. The improved earth roof therefore is a doubtful alternative for lowcost roofing and should be considered only in dry areas where soil-roof construction is known and accepted. Mono-pitched Roof Mono-pitch roofs slope in only one direction and have no ridge. They are easy to build, are comparatively inexpensive and are recommended for use on many farm buildings. The maximum span with timber members is about 5m, thus wider buildings will require intermediate supports. Also wide buildings with this type of roof will have a high front wall which increases the cost and leaves the bottom of that wall relatively unprotected by the roof overhang. When using corrugated steel or asbestos-cement sheets, the slope should not be less that 1:3(17 to 18). Less slope may cause leakage as strong winds can force water up the slope. Double-pitched (Gable) Roof A gable roof normally has a centre ridge with a slope to either side of the building. With this design a greater free span (7 to 8m) is possible with timber rafters than with a monopitch roof. Although the monopitch design may be less expensive in building widths up to 10m the inconvenience of many support columns favors the gable roof. The gable roof may be built in a wide range of pitches to suit any of several different roofing materials. Hip Roof A hip roof has a ridge in the centre and four slopes. It is much more complicated in its construction. Four gutters are needed to collect the rain water from the roof, but that does not mean that there is any increase in the amount of water collected. Because this is an expensive and difficult way to roof a building, it should be recommended only where it is necessary to protect mud walls or

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unplastered brick walls against heavy driving rain and for wide buildings to reduce the height of the end walls. Conical-shaped Roof The conical roof is a three dimensional structure that is commonly used in rural areas. It is easy to assemble and can be built with locally available materials, making it inexpensive. It must be constructed with a slope appropriate to the roofing materials used to prevent it from leaking. The conical roof design is limited to rather short spans and to either circular or small square buildings. It does not allow for any extensions. If modern roofing materials are used there is considerable waste because of the amount of cutting necessary to obtain proper fit. Doors Doors are essential in buildings to provide security and protection from the elements while allowing easy and convenient entry and exit. Farm buildings may be served adequately with unframed board doors, while homes will need more attractive, well-framed designs that close tightly enough to keep out dust and rain and allow only minimal air leakage. Large openings can be better served by rolling doors rather than the side-hinged type. General Characteristics of Doors Size: Doors must be of adequate size. For use by people only, a door 70cm wide and 200cm high is adequate. However, if a person will be carrying loads with both hands, e.g. 2 buckets, 100 to 150cm of width will be required. If head loads will be carried, door heights may need to be increased to 250cm. Shop or barn doors need to be considerably larger to give access for tools and machinery. Strength and stability: Doors must be built of material heavy enough to withstand normal use and to be secure against intruders. They should be constructed of large panels such as plywood or designed with sturdy, well secured braces to keep the door square, thereby allowing it to swing freely and close tightly. A heavy, well-braced door mounted on heavy hinges fastened with 'blind' screws and fitted with a secure lock will make it inconvenient for someone to break in. Door swing: Edge hung doors can be hung at the left or at the right and operate inwards or outwards. Careful consideration should be given to which edge of the door is hinged to provide the best control and the least inconvenience. An external door that swings out is easier to secure, wastes no space within the building, and egress is easier in case of emergency. However, unless it is

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protected by a roof overhang or a verandah, it may be damaged by rain and sun. An inward swinging door is better protected from the weather. Weather resistance and durability: It is desirable to use materials that are not easily damaged by weathering and to further improve the life of the door by keeping it well painted. Special considerations: under some circumstances fireproof doors may be desirable or even required. In cooler climates insulated doors and weather-stripping around the doors will help to conserve energy. Types of Doors Unframed doors: Very simple doors can be made from a number of vertical boards held secure with horizontal rails and a diagonal brace installed in such a position that it is in compression. These are inexpensive doors and entirely satisfactory for many stores and animal buildings. Framed doors: A more rigid and attractive assembly includes a frame around the outer edge of the door held together at the corners with mortise and tendon joints. The framed door can be further improved by rabbeting the edge of the frame rails and setting the panels into the grooves 10 to 20mm. The door can be hung on strap or tee hinges, but since there is an outer frame the door can also be hung on butt hinges with hidden screws. If the inner panel is made up of several boards braces are needed, but if the one or two panels are made of plywood, no braces will be required. Large barn or garage doors will need the bracing regardless of the construction of the center panels. Flush Doors: Flush panel doors consist of a skeleton frame clad with a sheet facing such as plywood. No bracing is necessary and the plain surface is easy to finish and keep clean. Flush panel doors are easily insulated during construction if that is necessary. Double Doors: Large door openings are often better served by double doors. If hinged doors are used, the smaller double doors are not as likely to sag and bend and they are much less likely to be affected by wind. Usually opening one of the double doors will allow a person to pass through. Rolling Doors: An alternative to double-hinged doors for large openings is one or more rolling doors. They often operate more easily, are not as affected by windy conditions nor as subject to sagging and warping as the swinging doors. The rolling doors are usually mounted under the eave overhang and are protected from the weather when either open or closed. It is true that they require space at the side of the doorway when they are open, but there are several designs to suit a variety of situations. For example: 11

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1 One large door rolling one way from the doorway. 2 Two doors rolling in opposite directions from the doorway. 3 Two doors on separate tracks rolling to the same side.

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Half-Door or Dutch Door: Doors that are divided in half horizontally allow the top section to be opened separately to let in air and light while at the same time restricting the movement of animals and people. Windows Windows provide light and ventilation in a building and allow those within to view the surrounding landscape and observe the activities in the farm yard. In sitting rooms and work rooms where good light and ventilation are important, the window area should be 5 to 10% of the floor area of the room. Windows sometimes need to be shaded to reduce heat radiation or closed to keep out driven rain or dust. In addition screening may be needed for protection from insects. Shutters, either top-or side hinged, are commonly used to provide the needed protection. Sidehung glazed windows, glass or timber louvers are also used. Shutters: These are basically small doors and are constructed as unframed, framed or flush shutters. Because of the smaller size only two rails are required and the timber can be of smaller dimension. The principles of construction are the same as for doors. However, when the frame for the shutter is recessed in the wall, the sill must be sloped and extend out from the wall to let the water drip clear of the face of the building. The window shutter can be side hinged or top-hinged. A top-hinged shutter has the advantage of shading the opening when kept open as well as allowing ventilation while preventing rain from entering. Glazed windows: Glazed windows are relatively expensive but are most practical in cold areas. When temperatures are low, the window can be shut while daylight still enters the room. Frames for glazed windows are available in wood and metal, the latter being more expensive. Stairs and ladders The angle, as determined by height and the horizontal distance available, will determine the most suitable means of getting from one level to another. For a slope up to 1:8 (7), a ramp is suitable for both walking and pushing a wheelbarrow. For walking alone, a 1:4 (14) slope is satisfactory if it remains permanently dry. For slopes between 1:3 and 1:0.8 (18 to 50), stairways are possible, although 30 to 35 is preferred. Angles steeper than 50 require a 12

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ladder or ladder-stairway. Temporary ladders should be set up at 60 to 75, while a fixed ladder may be vertical if necessary. Ramps: Ramps may be made of tramped earth or concrete. An earth ramp should be made of a mixture of fine gravel and clay, the gravel to give texture for a no slip surface and the clay to serve as a binder. Stairs: Stairs can be designed as one straight flight, with a landing and a 90 turn or with a landing and a 180 turn. The straight flight is the simplest, the least expensive and the easiest on which to move large objects up or down. However, stairs with a landing are considered safer because a person cannot fall as far. Reinforced concrete is better suited for outdoor stairs than is timber. For timber ladders; the width of the ladder should be 350 to 500mm and the rise should be 230 to 400mm, with 300mm as the recommended value. Ladders which are moved from place to place should have hooks and pins so that they can be thoroughly stabilized at the bottom and top. Ladders mounted permanently should be firmly secured in their position, and if necessary, provided with handrails. Electrical installations Electrical energy can be put to many uses and an increasing number of farms will benefit from electrification as the electrical supply network is expanded in the rural areas or generators are installed at farms. Although few farms, in particular small farms, are connected to an electrical supply at present, everyone concerned with design and construction of farm buildings will need to have an appreciation of the general layout and function of electrical installations. Electrical Supply Electricity supply to a farm will normally reach it overhead from a local transformer substation where the voltage has been reduced to a three-phase, 415/ 240V supply. Lighting circuits, socket outlet circuits and appliances of low power rating are served with single-phase supply, but the various circuits are connected to different phases to balance the overall loading. However, sometimes small farms or domestic houses are served with a single-phase, 240V supply. In this case only two wires are required in the supply cable, one live and one neutral. The balancing of loading is effected at the substation, where the lines from several houses are brought together. The intake point for the main supply to a farm should be at a convenient place that allow for the possible distribution circuits. The intake point must provide for

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an easily accessible area that is protected from moisture and dust and where the main fuse, the main switch and the meter can be fitted. Earthing and Bonding Should a base live wire touch or otherwise become connected to the metal frame work of an appliance, a person touching this would receive an electric shock. A precaution against this is to connect any exposed metal work to an earth wire that is lead as an extra conductor in the supply cable and connected to an earthing connector, which consist of a number of copper rods driven well into the ground. An earthing wire will thus be carried as a third conductor in single phase supply cable and as a fourth or fifth conductor in a 3-phase supply cable, depending on whether the cables include a neutral wire. The neutral should not be used for earthing. Some appliances are, instead of being earthed, protected by being enclosed in an insulating cover. Bonding is a low resistance connection between any two point of an earthed system as to prevent any difference of potential that could produce a current and is an additional protection. If, for example, the metal furnishing in a milking parlour is electrically connected to the reinforcement bars of the concrete floor, the cows will be protected from electrical shocks, should for some reason the furnishing become charged by an earth-leaking current, that is not large enough to blow a fuse, since the floor will get the same electrical potential. Distribution Circuits Surface wiring is normally used in farm buildings. This implies sheeted cables laid on the surface of walls, ceilings, etc. and fixed with clips. Care must be taken that cables are not sharply bent, are protected when passing through a wall and are laid well away from water pipes. Conduit wiring, where the cables are drawn in concealed tubing, is too expensive and complex to be employed in farm buildings. Artificial Lighting In tropical countries with strong natural light even relatively small windows may provide' sufficient indoor lighting. Hence artificial lighting will mainly be required to extend the hours of light. Various types of fittings are normally available for both bulbs and tubes. While a naked bulb or tube may be sufficient in some circumstances, fittings that protect the lamp from physical damage and moisture penetration will often be required in farm buildings.

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Most agricultural production operations carried out in buildings can be performed quite satisfactory using natural light, but where artificial light is to be installed the standard of illumination should be related to the activities carried out. While the installation of 2.0 to 3.0W fluorescent light per square meter floor area will be sufficient for general illumination, work areas need more light, say 5 to 8 W/ m, and a desk or work bench where concentrated or exacting tasks are performed may need 10 to 15 W/m or more. Where bulbs are to be installed instead of tubes the above values will have to be at least tripled. Electrical Motors Single phase motors in sizes up to about 1kW have a wide range of applications, particularly for use in domestic appliances. While it has the advantage of being able to be connected to an ordinary socket outlet, generally, it can not compete with the performance and efficiency of a 3-phase motor. The 3-phase induction motor is the most common electrical motor at farms, where it is used to power fans, transport devises, mills, etc. Motors used in farm buildings normally should have an enclosure that is dust-tight and sprinkle-proof, i.e. it should not be damaged by being exposed to sprinkling of water from any direction. Building production Building production is the organization and management of the plans, equipment, materials and labour involved in the construction of a building, while at the same time complying with all codes, rules and contractual stipulations. The procedure should be designed to run efficiently, to keep the costs low and to allow returns on the investment to be realized as early as possible. The costs of farm buildings such as animal housing and stores for produce can be expected to be repaid in terms of increased production, improved animal health, reduced storage losses, and increased quality of produce and more efficient work performance. Other buildings such as dwellings are expected to be worth their costs mainly in terms of the standard of space, environment, convenience, construction and appearance they provide. The term "costs" in this context means costs over the whole life of the building, including operating and maintenance costs as well as an annual portion of the initial cost of construction, which in addition to building materials and construction labour, includes fees paid to consultants, architects and legal advisors as well as capital interest and any loss of production incurred during the construction phase. Building planning is thus concerned with economic building rather than with cheap building, i.e., with providing the required standard of facilities at the lowest cost. 15

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Methods of construction

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The method of constructing farm buildings refers to the way in which units and components of the building structure are produced and assembled. The manner of organizing this process differs from region to region and depends on the level of technology and the materials available. The operations involved in the construction of rural buildings of traditional designs are familiar to most rural people in Africa and small buildings on farms are usually constructed by the farmers and their families. However, where new methods of construction, materials or layouts have been adopted, as well as where there is an increase in the size of the project, the assistance of trained artisans will usually be required. Self-help projects for the construction of communal facilities such as village stores must be accompanied by a training programme for the people involved. Where most of the construction is done by employed building workers, the different contemporary building methods, which are described below, can be distinguished.

Traditional Building In traditional building, forms of construction are those evolved by the traditional building crafts, particularly those of walling, roofing, plastering, carpentry and joinery. This method is a process of combining many small units. Most of the fabrication and assembly takes place at the site and usually in the position that the unit is to occupy in the completed structure. Within each tribal culture, traditional building results in structures that are similar but differing slightly, depending on the specific requirements and site. The traditional craft-based building method is flexible and able to meet variations in the demand of the market on the work of the craftsmen more readily and inexpensively than methods based on highly mechanized factory production. This is because production is by craftsmen and there is little investment in equipment, especially mechanical equipment, and factory buildings. However, the proportion of skilled labour required at the site is fairly high.

Post-traditional Building


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The post-traditional or conventional method of building mixes traditional and new forms of construction, involving both the old crafts and newly developed techniques based on new materials. To some extent traditional building has always been in a state of change, but the introduction of Portland cement and mild steel has made it feasible to construct large and complex buildings and with this arises the need for efficient organization of the construction process. The amount of on-site fabrication has been reduced by the introduction of prefabricated, factory-produced components, especially in the field of joinery and carpentry (windows, doors, cupboards, roof trusses, etc.). Reinforced concrete and preformed steel lend themselves to off-site fabrication of parts and only their assembly on site. Post-traditional building varies from the traditional mainly in the scale of the work carried out and in the use of expensive machinery for many operations. The use of prefabricated, standardized components reduces the amount of skilled labour, but at the same time reduces the freedom of the designer in meeting varying design requirements. The scale of operation makes it necessary to pay greater attention to planning and organization of the work so that material and labour are available in a continuous flow, the mechanical equipment is efficiently used, and the construction can proceed smoothly. It is thus necessary to consider the production operations during the designing stage. Building Life (Depreciation Period) Physical Life All building components have a limited life. After a time materials will deteriorate to a point at which they can no longer fulfill their function. Repair, replacement and maintenance can extend the life, but eventually the overall deterioration becomes excessive. The life span of a building is influenced by its design and construction. In general, more costly materials such as steel and concrete are likely to last longer than timber and other organic materials. The physical life for agricultural buildings may range from two to five years for the simplest structures and up to fifty years or more for the more substantial ones. An average figure may be between 10 and 20 years.

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Economic Life

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Although a building may last for many years, it may cease to be economically sound at an earlier time for any of several reasons. It may be that the design has become obsolete and not suitable for new mechanization or perhaps it is too small because the farm has grown, or a new enterprise requiring a new layout or interior partitions and supports simply cannot be moved to accommodate the new requirements. General purpose buildings will therefore have a longer economic life than those built for a specific enterprise. Repairs and Maintenance All buildings will require some maintenance, but the cost will vary with the type of building, the climate and environment, the materials used in construction and the use of the building. Although the cost for repairs and maintenance will vary from one year to another and generally increase with the age of the building, it is common practice to assume a uniform annual allowance throughout the life of the building. One to three percent of the initial construction cost has been typically allowed for repairs and maintenance. While this is true in a monetary economy, it may not apply in a subsistence economy. Insurance and Taxes If an owner carries insurance on his buildings to cover the risk of fire and other hazards, then the cost of that insurance is included as an obvious annual cost. On the other hand, if the farmer does not choose to carry insurance, he is in reality carrying the risk himself and he should still include an annual charge for insurance. Insurance will ordinarily range between 1/2 to 1% of the original cost. In countries where an annual real estate tax is assessed, the taxes must also be included as an annual building cost. Taxes will range from zero where there are none, up to 1 to 2% of the original cost of the building. Building maintenance Buildings deteriorate due to age, weathering and use. This necessitates maintenance and repair to allow the building to retain its appearance and serviceable condition. Cleaning, repainting, re-roofing and replacing or repairing broken parts such as window panes, roof tiles, etc. help to maintain the original value of the building. Maintenance costs can be kept down by using materials suitable for the climatic conditions and with which local builders are accustomed to working. Furthermore, the building should be simple in detail, have easily replaceable parts and be free of unnecessarily complex or sensitive technical installations.


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The fabric of a building should be thoroughly inspected once or twice a year to assess the performance of different elements of the building. The inspection will result in a list of repair and maintenance jobs which should be carried out promptly, since insufficient or delayed measures will result in accelerated deterioration. The maintenance work is usually carried out by the farmer himself, but in the case of large repairs it may be done by hired building workers or a contractor. When a contractor is engaged, payment is often made on the basis of time and materials used according to an agreed schedule of prices.

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Know insulating materials, vapour barriers Understand ventilation and its method Understand air distribution and air inlets in farm buildings Be aware of cooling and refrigeration in farm buildings Understand the sound insulation noise control from room to room and within rooms of farm buildings Understand lightening conductors, sand and dust and earth quakes considerations for farm buildings

CHAPTER 4: CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL The quality of the environment in agricultural buildings includes such factors as temperature, light, moisture, air quality and movement, dust, odours, and disease agents. Environment affects animal comfort and health and ultimately production. It also influences the quality and longevity of stored products. From an engineering standpoint, environment can be closely controlled. However, economic factors often limit the extent to which control can be justified. The particular region of the nation and the resulting climatic zone will influence the manner in which environmental requirements are met. A humid area may require homes with open construction to provide continual ventilation for comfort, whereas an arid region may need buildings of great thermal capacity to protect against daytime heat, and night chill. Insulating Materials The choice of an insulating material will depend on the application, availability and cost. Loose granular materials work best when installed above a ceiling or poured into existing wall cavities. Reflective surfaces such as aluminium foil or paint are most effective when exposed and not in contact with other materials. They are also more effective in preventing the downward flow of heat and in relatively high temperature applications. Local natural materials such as straw, shavings, coffee hulls, etc., although not as high in resistance to heat flow as commercial insulations, may be the material of choice because of availability and low cost. A greater thickness will be required when using the natural materials and they may not be as fire and vermin resistant. Vapor barriers

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Any enclosed wall that has an appreciable temperature difference or humidity difference between the two sides for a substantial part of the time should have a vapour barrier installed on or near the warm or humid side. In cold climates this applies to the wall in any enclosed building that is heated or where the humidity is high. In warm climates it applies to air-conditioned or refrigerated buildings primarily. Probably the most effective vapour barrier that is also reasonable in cost is polyethylene sheet. The vapour barrier should be as continuous as possible. This can be achieved by using large sheets with well overlapped and sealed joints and as few nail holes as possible. Ventilation Ventilation is one of several methods used to control the environment in farm buildings where it fulfills two main functions: the control of temperature and the control of moisture within a building. Ventilation may also be necessary to maintain adequate levels of oxygen and to remove generated gases, dust and odours. There is a considerable range of ventilation requirements that depend on the local climatic conditions and the specific enterprise being served. The following examples will illustrate:

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A cattle shelter in a tropical climate requires little more than shade from a roof with the structure sited to obtain maximum breeze. A cattle shelter in a cold climate (frost occurs in season) may be open on the sunny side and provided with ventilation openings at the ridge and along the rear eaves. The temperature will be cold but condensation will be controlled. A poultry house (cage-equipped) in a cold climate, if heavily insulated, can be kept comfortably warm while mechanical ventilation removes excess moisture and odours. Potatoes that are stored in either a mild or a cold climate may be cooled by ventilation alone. Continual air movement is requisite to maintaining a uniform environment. The amount of insulation used will be dictated by the lowest temperature expected.

A great deal of research has been done to determine the ideal environmental conditions for various classes of livestock and types of plant and animal products. Within economic constraints, the nearer these ideal conditions can be maintained, the more successful the enterprise will be. That is, meat animals will gain faster and more efficiently, dairy cattle will produce more milk, and crop storages will maintain better quality and reduce losses. 1. Natural Ventilation

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Natural ventilation is provided from two sources - thermal convection and wind. Air which is heated with respect to the surrounding air is less dense and experiences - an upthrust due to thermal buoyancy.

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(i) Thermal Convection or Stack Effect Whenever a building contains livestock, the production of sensible metabolic energy is always available to warm the air entering from the outside. Provided there are two apertures with a height differential, convection currents will force the heated, less dense air out of the upper aperture to be replaced by an equal volume of cooler, denser air from outside. This is referred to as "Stack effect". Hence natural ventilation by stack effect can provide the minimum ventilation requirement under winter conditions. While this system may be less expensive than a mechanical system, it will also be less positive in action and more difficult to control. A building that is open on one side may be ventilated naturally by leaving the ridge open for an outlet and a slot along the rear for an inlet. An enclosed building may be more positively ventilated with stack outlets and correctly sized inlets. Natural ventilating systems may be non-adjustable, manually adjustable, or automatically controlled. In as much as natural systems are likely to be chosen for economy reasons where conditions are not severe, manual adjustment should be the method of choice in most cases. (ii) Ventilation Due to Wind As the wind flows around a building, gusts and lulls create regions in which the static pressure is above or below the atmospheric pressure in the free air stream. In general, these pressures are positive on the windward side, resulting in an inflow of air, and negative on the leeward side, resulting in an outflow of air. Pressures are generally negative over low-pitched roofs. 2. Mechanical Ventilation Compared to natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation with the use of fans is more positive in its action, less affected by wind, and more easily controlled. Initial installation will usually cost more and there is the added cost of operation. However, in many cases the advantages of mechanical ventilation outweigh the added expense. (i) Exhaust vs Pressure Systems

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There are two main types of mechanical ventilating systems, namely, pressure and exhaust. In a pressure system the fan blows air through inlet openings into the building creating a positive indoor pressure that pushes air out of the building through the outlet openings. In exhaust ventilation the fan expels air from the building creating a lower than atmospheric pressure inside the building. The pressure difference between outside and inside causes ventilation air to flow in through the inlets. For good air flow control is important that the building is tight. The exhaust ventilation system is popular because it is easier to control the distribution of the incoming air and is generally less expensive and complex than a pressure systems. However, there are situations when the pressure system (one that forces air into the building) performs better. These include:

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1 very dusty conditions that tend to load up the fans, 2 buildings with excessively loose construction (many cracks), and 3 when continuous recirculation is required.

Under some circumstances pressure systems may cause humid air to be forced into building walls and ceilings. This can result in condensation and damage to wood and other materials. A mechanical ventilation system is made up of three main components: fans, air-distribution system and controls to regulate fans Air Distribution In addition to ventilation rate, it is necessary to consider the distribution of incoming air throughout the building. This is particularly important in both livestock production buildings and product stores. When considering fresh-air distribution, two distinct temperature situations are involved. In areas with winter frost, outside air is cooler than that inside the buildings and fresh air must be delivered away from the stock so as to avoid cold draughts. In summer, however, the animals may be subject to heat stress and may suffer considerably unless cooling air currents are directed so as to remove excess heat from their vicinity. A good air-distribution system also ensures that the animals receive an adequate supply of oxygen and that noxious gases are removed. Air Inlets Compared with inlets, the fan outlets have a minor role to play in the distribution of fresh air in a livestock building. The effect of an outlet is to cause a general slow drift of air towards the outlet position.

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This drift is easily overcome by convection, animal movement or pattern of air movement established by the inlets. Only near the fan (within approximately 1 m) can a positive air movement be detected. This applies to outlets in both exhaust and pressurized systems of ventilation. However, it is recommended that no inlet be placed closer than 3m from a fan. Wind has a major effect on ventilation systems since it causes pressure gradients around buildings and directly impinges on components of the system. This pressure will cause problems of uneven air entry, with more entering on the windward side than the leeward side of the building. Wind blowing against a fan reduces output and hoods do little to alleviate the problem. Wind blowing across a ridge chimney-type outlet may cause overventilation. Wind effects can be reduced by the following steps:

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Orient building for minimum wind exposure Provide wind breaks Operate system at relatively high pressure

In situations where air must be distributed and wall or ceiling inlets are not feasible, polythene tubes punched with holes along their length work well. Usually two rows of holes are spaced at 600 to 750mm intervals along the tube. The total hole area should equal approximately 1.5 times the tube cross-section area. Ducts should be sized to provide 4 to 6m/ s velocity. They may be used either to distribute air in a pressure system or as an inlet for an exhaust system. Sizing is the same in either case. Cooling During high temperature periods, ventilation alone may be insufficient for maintaining satisfactory temperatures in animal buildings. The following cooling system can be effectively used in totally enclosed buildings. Evaporative Cooling The evaporative cooler operates on the simple principle of a fan drawing hot air from outside through a wet pad into the building. The hot air is cooled by evaporating water which changes sensible heat in the air to latent heat in the vaporized moisture thus causing a temperature drop. Air temperature reduction in buildings of as much as 11C can be achieved during hot periods with low humidity. In humid weather, the cooling effect is considerably reduced, but the system may be suitable for the greater part of the hot season in many areas.

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Evaporative coolers, which rely on wind pressure to force air through the wet pads, are less effective since the air flow is likely to be either too low or too high most of the time. While naturally ventilated evaporative coolers will require larger pad areas, the fact that no fan or power to drive a fan is required recommends these designs for small scale applications in rural areas. They can usually be constructed with local materials and be operated and maintained by the farmer at low cost. Evaporative cooling is much more practical in dry regions where the air can be cooled appreciably while the humidity is still low enough to have little effect on animal comfort. Refrigeration Meeting the temperature requirements for storing some products may not be possible with ventilation alone or with evaporative coolers. If the product has sufficient value to justify mechanical refrigeration, then nearly ideal conditions may be provided. Refrigeration Systems A refrigeration system is comprised of four main parts:

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a compressor a condenser an expansion valve or other restriction in the refrigerant line, and an evaporator.

When the system is charged with a refrigerant, operating the compressor reduces the pressure in the evaporator and causes the refrigerant to boil, evaporate and absorb heat. This causes a drop in temperature. At the same time the compressor is pumping the evaporated vapour into the condenser at high pressure. This causes the refrigerant to condense back to a liquid while giving up heat. The temperature in the condenser will rise. The receiver serves as a reservoir for liquid refrigerant. Obviously the evaporator is installed in the room to be refrigerated and the condenser is located where ambient air can readily absorb the heat produced. The expansion valve is the temperature control mechanism for the system. If it is adjusted to further restrict the refrigerant flow, both the pressure and boiling temperature in the evaporator will drop and within the limit of the system's capacity, the room temperature may be maintained at a lower level. The pressure on the condenser side is determined largely by ambient conditions. If the air temperature is relatively low, the condenser discharges its heat easily at normal pressures. 6

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However, in very hot weather or if the airflow through the condenser becomes restricted by dust or other debris, the temperature and pressure may rise to levels dangerous to the system, unless a high-pressure safety switch has been installed. Sound insulation - noise control From room to room: Sound transmission through a wall occurs as a result of the structural members being set into vibration by the sound waves, which in turn cause vibrations in the air on the opposite side. Therefore the heavier the construction the less easily it is set into vibration and the better its sound-insulating value. However, the sound-insulating value of a dense barrier such as a masonary wall may be seriously diminished if the sound is transmitted along structural members which link the rooms, e.g., ceilings, floors and plumbing lines. In addition, any openings such as gaps around doors or between ceiling and walls will allow noise to bypass a sound-insulating member. Noise from a roof due to the druming of rain and cracking of metal roofing can be reduced by installing a ceiling or panelling on the underside of the rafters. The sound insulating value of a ceiling is further improved by adding a layer of insulation which tends to absorb some of the sound before it is transmitted. Heavy construction will help to attenuate the sound.

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Within a room: Rooms having many hard surfaces tend to be very noisy and speech becomes distorted. This is because the sound is reflected and rereflected several times by the surfaces, thus creating an echo effect. Sound absorbents will reduce the time taken for the sound vibrations within the room to crumble. Fibre boards and other soft materials are very efficient in dampening high frequency sounds, but for low frequency sounds a thin panel covering an air space works best. Lightning conductors Lightning striking a building can cause substantial structural damage and a fire may be started. Buildings with thatched roofs located in prominent positions present the worst risk, while concrete and steel frame buildings offer a low risk. A lightning-protective installation has three major parts; an air termination, a down conductor and an earth termination and its function is to provide a simple and direct path for the lightning to discharge to the ground.

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The air termination consists of one or several pointed copper rods fixed above the highest point on the roof. One down conductor (e.g., 25 x 3mm copper tape) can serve a building of up to 100m. The earth termination consists of a 10 to 12mm copper-plated rod driven into the ground at least 2m. If the soil tends to become very dry at any time during the year, additional ground rods driven 2.5m deep will offer greater protection.

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Sand and dust In many dry areas sand and dust may cause considerable discomfort, eye irritation, problems with food preparation, increased wear of machinery and even damage to buildings due to erosion. Sand is carried by the wind and can be stopped by hedges, screen fences or similar semiopen structures that reduce wind velocity and cause the sand to come to rest. Dust is more difficult to stop, but tightly closing shutters will give a large measure of protection as will vegetation around buildings. Building shapes which create pockets or surfaces on which sand and dust may accumulate should be avoided since the added weight may conceivably cause structural failure. Earthquakes In areas where earthquakes occur frequently buildings must be designed to resist the stresses caused by the tremors. While the intensity of tremors can be much greater in loosely compacted soil than in firm soil or solid bedrock, one- and two-story buildings are at greater risk on the firm ground or bedrock because of the shorter resonance periods. Casualties are most likely to be caused by the collapse of walls causing the roof to fall, and the failure of projecting elements such as parapets, watertanks, nonmonolithic chimneys and loose roof coverings. The outbreak of fire caused by the fracture of a chimney or a break in the mains supply line presents an additional hazard. While small buildings, having timber frame walls or a wooden ring beam supported by the posts of a mudandpole wall, can resist quite violent earthquakes, the following measures will increase the resistance of a large building to collapse due to earth tremors:

Use a round or rectangular shape for the building. Other shapes such as "L" "T" or "U" should be divided into separate units. To be effective, this separation must be carried down through to the foundation.

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Avoid large spans, greatly elongated walls, vault-and dome construction and wall openings in excess of one third of the total wall area. Construct a continuously reinforced footing that rests on uniform soil at a uniform depth - even on sloping ground. Securely fix the roof either to a continuously reinforced ring beam on top of the walls, or to independent supports, which will not fail even if the walls collapse. Avoid projecting elements, brittle materials and heavy materials on weak supports. Avoid combustible materials near chimneys and power lines.

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Ductile structures have many joints that can move slightly without failing, e.g., bolted trusses. Such structures have a greater capacity to absorb the energy of earthquake waves. A symmetrical, uniformly distributed ductile framework and with the walls securely fixed to the frame, is suitable for large buildings. Masonry walls are sensitive to earthquake loads and tend to crack through the joints. It is therefore important to use a good mortar and occasionally reinforcing will be required.

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STUDY OBJECTIVES Know the aims of the planning strategies in rural areas based on political decisions Understand zone planning for farm structures Know the farm stead planning factors of farm buildings Be aware of fire protection, fire resistance in materials and construction of farm buildings, bush fires Know the special fire hazards and the suggestions on how buildings can be designed to resist fires

CHAPTER 5: FUNCTIONAL PLANNING The majority of African farmers are small-holders who have limited resources and income and thus a low standard of living. The primary goal for most of these farmers is to produce food for the family together with some marketable surplus that can provide the income for such things as children's education and goods for personal consumption. However, as urban populations increase, the demand for commercial crop production is turning many farmers to the goal of financial profit in operating their farm businesses. In any case, the farmer will want to make optimum use of his resources (land, labour, capital and fixed asset), in order to achieve the desired results. Functional planning is essential if this goal is to be realized. A good plan should provide an understanding of the situation and how it can be changed and thus assist the farmer to see his problems, to analyse them and to enable him to make soundly based decisions when choosing between alternative uses of his resources. While farm management planning helps the farmer to choose the type and quantity of commodities to produce, the advice from crop and livestock production specialists is required to help him decide how to produce it in an efficient way. When an enterprise requires buildings or other structures, the farm-building specialist will suggest alternative designs for efficient use of resources. The best plan for the whole farm operation will result from the various disciplines of farm planning being considered together. The great number of small farms in most developing countries makes it impracticable to devise a plan for each farm. Instead, a few case studies that are representative of farms in the target population should be analysed to produce guidelines that can be promoted among the farmers in the region by the extension service. 1

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When plans are executed and resources invested in a farm enterprise, the resources will be tied up and unavailable for alternative plans for some period of time. Since buildings are fixed assets that have a relatively long life span and consume a relatively large amount of resources for their construction, it is of special importance that they be planned for efficient and profitable use throughout their life. Planning done on paper is an inexpensive way and analyse alternatives and discuss the possibilities for satisfying the objectives as established by the farmer. Once a building is erected, however, it is expensive to make changes. Rural planning Clearly, a plan for an individual farm is influenced by a number of factors over which the farmer has no direct control e.g. as climate, soil fertility, government policies, state of knowledge about agricultural techniques, and value of inputs and outputs. However, since many African smallholders produce mainly for the farm household, they are only slightly affected by changes in policy and prices. Nevertheless, national and regional rural development plans should be considered as they may provide the basis for plans for a community of farmers or an individual farm. Rural planning is carried out in the national interest to improve living conditions, balance agricultural production to demand and conserve natural resources. Many factors in the national or regional plans may directly influence the choice of production at a farm and thus the requirement of buildings. The aims of the planning strategies in rural areas are based on political decisions. They can include:

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1 Provision of supportive services such as extension education, market development, processing and credit. 2 Development of infrastructure such as roads, electricity and water supplies. 3 Self-help activities to develop community facilities. 4 Increased non-farm employment opportunities.

An improved road network may, for example, make new urban markets accessible, thus making it feasible for the farmers to go into vegetable or milk production. This in turn may require housing for animals, stores for produce and feed. It would therefore be wise to investigate any plans for rural development in an area during the planning stages at an individual farm or an extension campaign promoting improved building designs in that area. Government policy is often an important factor in determining the long term market trends and thus profitability of market production, and is therefore of special importance when planning for production operations involving buildings. 2

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Farmstead planning The farmstead forms the nucleus of the farm operation where a wide range of farming activities takes place. It normally includes the dwelling, animal shelters, storage structures, equipment shed, workshop and other structures. A carefully organised farmstead plan should provide an arrangement of buildings and facilities that allows adequate space for convenient and efficient operation of all activities, while at the same time protecting the environment from such undesirable effects as odours, dust, noise, Dies and heavy traffic. Although the immediate objective of these plans may be the inclusion of a new building in an existing farmstead, provision should be made for future expansion and replacement of buildings. In this way a poorly laid out farmstead can be improved over the long term. Zone Planning Zone planning can be a useful tool, but it is most effective when planning a new farmstead. The farmstead is divided into zones 10 to 30 metres wide by concentric circles as shown in Figure. 5.1 Zone 1 at the centre of the farmstead is for family living, and should be protected from odour, dust, flies, etc. In Zone 2 clean, dry and quiet activities, such as implement sheds and small storage structures can be placed. In Zone 3 larger grain stores, feed stores and small animal units are placed, whereas largescale animal production is in Zone 4 and beyond. The advantage of zone planning is that it provides space for present farm operations, future expansion and a good living environment. However, in many African cultures the livestock has traditionally been placed at the centre of the farmstead. Thus the zone concept runs counter to tradition and may not be desirable. Farmstead Planning Factors Good drainage, both surface and sub-surface, provides a dry farm courtyard and a stable foundation for buildings. A gentle slope across the site facilitates drainage, but a pronounced slope may make it difficult to site larger structures without undertaking extensive earth-moving work. Adequate space should be provided to allow for maneuvering vehicles around the buildings and for future expansion of the farm operation.

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Air movement is essential for cross ventilation, but excessive wind can damage buildings. Since wind will carry odours and noise, livestock buildings should be placed downwind from the family living area and neighbouring homes. Undesirable winds can be diverted and reduced by hedges and trees or fences with open construction. Solar radiation may adversely affect the environment within buildings. An orientation close to an east-west axis is generally recommended in the tropics. An adequate supply of clean water is essential on any farm. When planning buildings for an expanded livestock production, the volume of the water supply must be assessed. Where applicable, the supply pipe in a good building layout will be as short as possible. Similarly, the length of electric, gas and telephone lines should be kept to a minimum. The safety of people and animals from fire and accident hazards should be part of the planning considerations. Children especially, must be protected from the many dangers at a farmstead. It is often desirable to arrange for some privacy in the family living area by screening off the garden, outdoor meeting-resting places, verandah and play area. Measures should be taken for security from theft and vandalism. This includes an arrangement of buildings so that the farm court and the access driveway can be observed at all times, especially from the house. A neat and attractive farmstead is desirable and much can be achieved toward this end, at low cost, if the appearance is considered in the planning, and effective landscaping is utilized. Fire protection Measures to prevent the outbreak of fire and to limit its effect must be included in the design of buildings. Fire prevention measures include the separation of buildings to prevent fire from spreading and to permit fire-fighting, and a farm or community pond as a source of water for extinguishing fires. Fire Resistance in Materials and Construction The ability of a building to resist fire varies widely depending upon the materials of construction and the manner in which they are used. Resistance to fire is graded according to the period of time that an element of construction is able to withstand standardized test conditions of temperature and loading. Bare metal framework and light timber framing exhibit a low order of fire resistance and both types of construction fail to qualify for a grading of one-hour fire resistance, which in many countries is the lowest grade recognized. In contrast, most masonry walls have good fire-resistance ratings. Timber framing can be improved with the use of fire-retardant treatments or fire-resistant 4

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coverings such as gypsum plaster or plasterboard. Steel columns can be protected with plaster or concrete coatings while steel roof trusses are best protected with suspended ceilings of gypsum plaster or plasterboard. Classification of Fire Hazards Some types of activities and installations in farm buildings constitute special fire hazards. Wherever practical they should be isolated in a room of fireproof construction or in a separate building away from other buildings. A list of special fire hazards includes:

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1 Flammable, highly combustible or explosive materials in excess of very small quantities, e.g. liquid and gas fuel, ammonium nitrate fertilizer, hay and bedding. 2 Hot-air grain drying also dust from grain handling may, in high concentrations, be explosive. 3 Furnaces and heating equipment; poultry brooder; fire places. 4 Farm workshop (especially welding) and garage for vehicles. 5 Electrical installations; continuously running mechanical equipment.

In addition, lightning, children playing with fire, smoking and lanterns are origins for outbreaks of fire. Thatched roofs are highly combustible and prone to violent fires. Fire Separation Fire spreads mainly by wind-borne embers and by radiation. Buildings can be designed to resist these conditions by observing the following suggestions:

1 Adequate separation of buildings by a minimum of 6 to 8 metres, but preferably 15 to 20 metres, particularly where buildings are large or contain special fire hazards. A minimum distance may be stated in the building code. 2 Construction using fire-resistant facing and roofing materials. 3 Avoidance of roof openings and low roof slopes, which can be more easily ignited by embers. 4 Use of fire-resistant walls which divide a large building into smaller fire compartments. To be effective, such walls must go all the way up through the building and root and any openings in the walls must be closed by a fireproof door.


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The dry season or any period of prolonged drought brings with it a constant fire hazard. Fanned by strong winds and intensified heat wave conditions, a large bushfire is generally uncontrollable. Firebreaks are an essential feature of rural fire protection and should be completed before the fire season starts. It is desirable to completely surround the homestead with major firebreaks at least 10 metres wide. Breaks can be prepared by ploughing, mowing, grazing, green cropping or, with great caution, by burning, and may include any watercourse, road or other normal break which can be extended in width or length. Shelter belts or even large trees are useful in deflecting wind-borne burning debris.

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Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering, Makerere University


STUDY OBJECTIVES Be aware of the requirements for safe storage Know the factors that govern the choice of a grain drying system and the categories of the drying systems Understand grain storage and the varying storage facilities available Be aware of bag storage for grains Know storage management for bag storage of grains Be aware of insect control measures in farm stores Understand rodent and bird control in stores Be aware of storage management, hygiene and safe in storage facilities Know semi perishable crops and their storage requirements Understand storage of semi perishable crops without buildings Understand storage of semi perishable crops in multi purpose buildings Know storage crops and their storage requirements Understand storage structures for perishable crops

CHAPTER 6: CROP HANDLING, CONDITIONING AND STORAGE Although in many parts of Africa some crops can be produced throughout the year, the major food crops such as cereal grains and tubers, including potatoes, are normally seasonal crops. Consequently the food produced in one harvest period, which may last for only a few weeks, must be stored for gradual consumption until the next harvest and seed must be held for the next season's crop. In addition, in a non-controlled market, the value of any surplus crop tends to rise during this period provided that it is in a marketable condition. Therefore the principal aim in any storage system must be to maintain the crop in prime condition for as long as possible. Crops grown for food fall into two broad categories, perishable crops and nonperishable crops. This normally refers to the rate at which a crop deteriorates after harvest and thus the length of time it can be stored. While some crops fall clearly into one or another category, others are less well defined. For example cereal grains can be stored for over a year and are considered to be nonperishable, whereas tomatoes are perishable crops and when picked fresh, will deteriorate in days. Tubers such as potatoes, however, may be successfully stored for periods extending to several months. Although there are methods for preserving many of the perishable crops such as canning, freeze drying etc., but these are normally industrialized processes and not found on farms. It is possible, however, to apply farm-scale methods of

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preservation to cereals (maize, wheat, rice, etc) and pulses (beans, peas, cowpeas, etc) and the less perishable crops such as potatoes. To do this successfully, it is necessary to know the ways in which a crop can deteriorate and hence the methods for controlling this deterioration. Crops may need conditioning at harvest time to get them into a storable state and they may also require periodic inspection and care during the storage period. Viability of seed must be maintained and susceptibility to damage by fungal and insect pests must be reduced. The storage and handling methods should minimize losses, but must also be appropriate to other factors such as labour cost and availability, building costs, and machinery cost. Requirements for Safe Storage Crops left standing unharvested start to show diminishing quantitative and qualitative returns through shatter losses, and attacks by insects, mould, birds and rodents. One of the most critical physiological factors in successful grain storage is the moisture content of the crop. High moisture content leads to storage problems since it encourages fungal and insect problems, respiration and germination. Moisture content, however, in the growing crop is naturally high and only starts to decrease as the crop reaches maturity and the grains are drying. Another major factor influencing spoilage is temperature. Grains are biologically active and respire during storage. One of the products of respiration is heat and reduction of the temperature of the crop can help to reduce the rate of respiration and hence lengthen the storage life by reducing the possibility of germination. Another major temperature effect is on the activity of insect and fungal problems. With a lowering of temperature, the metabolic rate is reduced and consequently the activity causing spoilage. A damp or warm spot in grain will increase the rate of respiration. In addition to heat, another product of respiration is moisture. The heat and moisture from such a "hot spot" can spread by convection encouraging moulds and bacteria which in turn respire and give off more heat and moisture. It thus becomes a self-generating process. Insect activity also increases with a rise in temperature. Grain will normally be harvested at moisture content between 18% and 25% (wb) though it can be substantially higher or lower depending on many factors (such as stage of maturity, season, weather pattern and drying facilities). Relative Humidity (RH)

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Relative humidity is a useful factor relative to grain drying. The relative humidity of ventilating air indicates how much, if any, moisture can be removed from the grain with unheated air and is a basis for deciding on ventilation rates and air temperatures. Grain drying Drying Systems Selection Systems for drying grains range from thin layer drying in the sun or a simple maize crib to expensive mechanized systems such as continuous flow driers. The choice is governed by a number of factors including: 1. Rate of harvest: the capacity of the system must be able to keep pace with the rate at which the grain arrives at the store on a daily basis. It is essential that loading and drying does not hold up the harvest. 2. Total volume to be dried: this may not be the total volume of the crop. If the harvest normally starts as a rainy period finishes, it may be necessary drying the early part of the harvest, but not the later part. 3. Storage system: In many cases, the storage system and the drying system may be the same structure. For example a ventilated maize crib (see fig. 9.5) used for drying the crop naturally, is likely then to be used to store the crop shelled in bags. Some bin drying systems have a similar dual purpose. 4. Cost: both capital cost and running cost should be taken into account. 5. Flexibility: the likelihood of different crops requiring drying should be considered. Drying Systems fall into two principle groups: Natural drying using ambient air temperature and either direct sunlight or natural air movement through the crops. Artificial drying using fan assistance to move air through the crop with the air either at ambient temperature or artificially heated. Additionally, drying can be considered in terms of the thickness of the bed of grain being dried, i.e. either shallow layer drying or deep bed drying. Natural drying requires the grain to be in shallow layers whereas certain fans can push air through grain several metres deep.

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Grain storage Parameters To be able to achieve these objectives, the store must satisfy the following parameters in so far as possible: the grain must be kept dry; the grain should be kept at a uniform temperature; c the grain should be protected from insect attack; d rodents and birds should be excluded.

It is evident that drying and storage are in many cases provided for in one structure. Combining these functions is economical and allows further conditioning at later stages if required. For example, if a hot spot develops in a storage bin, it can be easily ventilated again. It may also be possible to provide some low-volume ventilation in an otherwise pure storage system. There are however, situations when the storage is considered quite separately from drying, ranging from the storage of naturally dried crops, to the storage of grain from a continuous-flow or batch dryer.

The size and type of storage facilities is likely to be dictated by: Total volume of crop to be stored. The storage requirements for the crop to be stored. The unit cost of various types of storage. The form in which the crop is stored, i.e. cob maize vs shelled maize or bagged wheat vs bulk wheat.

Where drying is a problem bag storage has the advantage that it allows higher moisture content than bulk storage. For maize, the requirement for safe storage is maximum 15 and 12% moisture content respectively. In general terms the advantages and disadvantages of bag and bulk storage respectively, are: Bags Flexibility of storage Partly merchandisable Slow handling Considerable spillage Bulk Inflexible storage Merchandisable Rapid handling Little spillage 4

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Low capital costs High operating costs Easy inspection Storage Facilities Solid-wall bins Solid-wall bins and silos for bulk storage. Solid wall bins may be anything from a small plastered basket to large steel or concrete silos holding several thousand tons. The traditional bins used by the African farmers are small with capacity of up to 2-3 tonnes and include gourds, clay pots, mud plastered baskets raised off the ground and mud walled silos. Many of these have limitations, particularly in durability, protection against rodents and insects as well as moisture from ambient air. Solid wall bins or silos should only be used in areas where the produce can be dried sufficiently before storage. Several attempts have been made to improve on the traditional stores to make them more suitable for long term storage. See figure 6.1 Improved traditional bins Many traditional stores perform excellently in their appropriate climatic conditions and others can be made to do so with minor changes. Efforts should be made to prevent cracks in the surface of the walls and to seal the entrance to the bin. This can be done for instance by adding lime or cement to the mud (i.e. a stabilized soil technique) or by incorporating an airtight lining (e.g. plastic) in the wall. Figure 6.2 shows a woven basket made of sticks or split bamboo plastered with mud mixed with cement. The walls slope towards a covered manhole in the top and an outlet is near the bottom. The bin, which is placed on a raised platform, is covered by a thatch roof or hat. The major improvements are: Floor raised from the ground to avoid moisture Supporting legs of hardwood made 90cm long and equipped with baffles to keep rats away. Instead of mud the walls may be plastered with cement or mud mixed with cement/lime. Inlets and outlets should be made with airtight and lockable covers. Thatched roof to protect the bin from rain and strong sun. The area around the store is kept clean. High capital costs Low operating costs Inspection more difficult

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Underground Pits In a few countries, e.g. India, parts of Africa and Latin America, underground pits are claimed to keep grain without damage for many years. The pits keep grain cool, and some of them are relatively airtight. Grain on top and around the sides can however often be mouldy. There are several types of pits, most of them flask shaped covered with sticks, cow dung and mud, or a large stone embedded in soft mud. The area should be free from termites and relatively dry. See figure 6.3 Improvements of the pit may include:

Better lining of straw and mats, Plastic sheets and concrete or Ferrocement Use of plastic bags in the pit Improved covering Surface drainage

Brick-walled silo Brick walled silo or bins are suitable for small and medium size stores. The strengthening requirements make them uneconomical when the height exceeds about 7-8 m. The wall may be made of bricks or blocks of mud, stabilized soil, burnt clay, stones or cement. To withstand the pressure from the grain the wall will need reinforcement depending on the size and strength of the building materials. Reinforcement can be reduced and even omitted by building the walls thick and heavy (gravity walls). Walls made of bricks, mud or cement will absorb moisture from the ambient air. In areas with high relative humidity it is therefore necessary to protect the grain by adding a moisture barrier to the silo walls. It will help considerably to plaster the walls on the outside with a mortar of cement-lime-sand (1:1:5) for burnt bricks or cement, and cement-sand-mud (1:2:6) for mud walls. Then the walls can be painted with plastic paint or coal tar if better protection is needed. Reinforced Concrete Silos Concrete can take very little tension and needs to be reinforced when used for silos. Small silos suitable for farm level may be reinforced with chicken-wire

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Larger concrete silos are built by using a sliding mould which is moved upwards continuously or step by step. Reinforcement and concrete are supplied from the top Concrete silos can be made airtight if openings are properly sealed. Steel bins Steel bins ranging from properly cleaned-out steel oil drums to commercial stores with capacity of several thousand tonnes. In most cases steel silos are more expensive than concrete silos but have the advantage of being easy to erect, and for the small sizes, also possible to move. The welded steel silo is normally airtight if the openings are properly sealed, but even a silo assembled of corrugated iron sheets can be made air tight if all joints are sealed with rubber gaskets or bitumen. Bag Storage The most common method for grain storage in many countries is bag storage in a variety of buildings, e.g. stone, local brick, corrugated iron, and mud and wattle, with or without plastered walls and with an earth, stone, or cement floor and corrugated iron or thatched roof. As mentioned before, the form in which the produce should be stored will depend on the quantity, harvest method, handling method, moisture content and costs. However, if the grain is going to be kept for some time it is recommended to store the bags in a building. A simple store would be to use the ventilated maize crib that was used for drying, with the only difference being that the walls should be covered as protection against rain see figure 6.4. If the bags are stored in a multi-purpose farm shed or even in the farmers dwelling they should be kept out range from rats and mice. A raised freestanding platform equipped with rat guards will serve the purpose. For larger quantities a special building is recommended Figure 6.5 shows a small block-built bag store (20m) with the capacity of about 15 tonnes of cereals. Whatever the size, the floor should be of good quality concrete, the door should fit tightly to prevent entry of rodents, and ventilation openings should be screened to keep out birds. The gaps between the wall and the roofing sheets must be closed for instance with cement. If fine mesh is used to prevent insects from coming in through the ventilation openings it must be maintained regularly; dust should be brushed away and holes repaired immediately. Figure 6.6 shows a multi-purpose store with 90m (extendable) storage space suitable for cooperatives and villages.

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Storage Management

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Storage management is important for all types of storage. For bag-storage the four important points are: 1 Prevent damp from the floor and walls to reach the produce by stacking the bags on pallets off the ground and away from the walls.

Damp from the roof is avoided through proper ventilation and using damp absorbing materials.

2 Stack the bags properly to allow:

Optimal use of space Ease of sweeping the floors Ease of inspection of produce for rodents and insect Ease of counting the bags.

3 Control insects and rodents

Make sure the building is rodent proof Treat the building and produce against pests Keep the warehouse clean Close all holes at doors, roof etc., where pests can enter Repair cracks in walls where pests can hide Remove and destroy any infested residues that can contaminate newly introduced produce.

Bag stacks should be carefully constructed to maximize use of space, maintain hygienic conditions and to facilitate good management. If one lays the bags exactly on top of each other in successive layers the stack will be extremely unstable. Insect Control Losses caused by insects: Weight loss. Insects as they develop will feed on the produce. Losses vary with the commodity, for grain and legumes a loss in the range of 10-30% might be expected over the storage season. Loss in quality and market value. Damaged grains will have reduced market value. 8

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Promotion of mould development. "Respiration" water from insects will lead to mould-formation in poorly ventilated stores. Reduced germination in seed material. Many insects prefer to eat the embryo because it is the most nutritious part of the grain. Reduced nutritional value. Removal of the embryo of grain will reduce the overall protein content of the grain.

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Sources of infestation

The insects can survive from one season to the next in: Infested residues in the field, the structure of the store, natural habitats like natural vegetation Fresh produce can be infested by: Active migration to the crop in the field and store, Infested produce put into the store

Control measures A great variety of techniques are used for control of insect pests in stored produce, from sunning and smoking at the traditional farm level to irradiation in the largest scale bulk-handling. This concerns proven techniques, variously suitable for use in small to medium scale storage under tropical conditions. Specific recommendations are difficult to make, a technique must be tested for a particular situation depending on the value of the crop, occurrence and resistance of the pest, which farming system is used, and the availability of insecticides. When selecting a technique it is important to consider its effectiveness against the target pests; hazards to the farmer and the consumer, and will the result pay the cost of carrying it out? Insect control techniques:

Sanitation: Do not mix new grain with old. Old infested material should be removed or thoroughly fumigated. Clean the storage structures, machinery and disinfect bags and baskets by sunning or chemical treatment. Large structures will require chemical treatment while smoke may be adequate in small stores. Natural Resistance. Crop varieties differ in their susceptibility to storage pests. Traditional varieties are usually more resistant to storage pests than new varieties. For instance maize with good husk cover can reduce field infestation. Hermetic Storage. In airtight conditions, reduced oxygen and increased carbon dioxide will arrest insect and mould development. Chemical Control. The traditional method for preserving the crop in storage is to treat the grain with smoke and special plants or, when stored in closed containers, to mix the grain with ash or sand. The method is

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much used for small volumes like seed, but for larger quantities the method becomes cumbersome. Rodent and Bird Control in Stores Besides consuming large quantities of stored grain and food, rodents contaminate stored produce through droppings, urine and hairs, and may spread human diseases. Control of rodents requires an integrated approach since no single method is completely effective. It should be focused on creating an unfavorable environment and excluding rodents from stored grain. Methods used to minimize the damage caused by rodents include good housekeeping, proofing, repelling, trapping and poisoning. Keeping a cat around a grain store is another effective method of control. The requirement for good housekeeping is the same for rodent as for insect control; the store should be kept clean inside and outside and easy to inspect. In the following paragraph emphasis will be on how construction can be improved to keep rodents out. Birds are likely to be a nuisance in ware houses if no precautions are taken. Construction Details

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Local granaries, cribs and other small stores can be made rodent-proof if the floor is raised to a minimum of 90cm from the ground and if the legs are equipped with conical rat guards made of metal sheets All openings between the floor and the walls should be closed. This is especially important in warehouses with walls of corrugated iron sheets. The floor should be of strong concrete to avoid rodents from coming up. The door should fit closely to the frame and covered with sheet metal for added protection. Boards dropped vertically into slots on either side of the door, about 50cm high, will form a barrier while the door has to be kept open. Ventilators and windows should be covered with wire mesh with openings not exceeding 12mm. This will also form a barrier against birds. To keep birds out, other openings like the gaps between the walls and the roof should be closed or covered with wire mesh with 12mm openings and the door kept shut as much as possible. Ideally the proofing of large central storage depots should be considered during the planning stage; then it can be incorporated at every low cost in the construction of each building. Existing stores can in many cases be protected by means of a rodent proof fence at least 90mm high. This should be constructed of small-gauge wire netting topped by a horizontal metal sheet and should completely encircle the store. The bottom of the fence should be buried to a depth of at least 30cm.


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With the protective measures described above it is possible to reduce and even eliminate the rodent problem if the measures are properly maintained.

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Storage Management, Hygiene and Safety Condensation and Moisture movement If bins and in particular silos are exposed to direct sunlight or if the grain inside the silo is warmer than the external air, convection currents can be started. This result in the moist air being carried through the grain and where it meets a cooler surface i.e. the silo wall, the moisture will condense out and dampen the grain in the immediate vicinity. Clearly this can be a major problem with grain stored in steel silos in hot climates, particularly in areas where the sky is clear during both day and night. A clear sky results in high daytime temperatures and cool nights. For small silos the problem can be reduced by covering the silo with a roof or hat that prevents the sun from heating up the surface. For larger silos other solutions have to be found, either by ventilating the grain in the store or moving the grain from one silo/cell to another. This will mix the grain enough to even out the moisture content. If the moisture content is too high it will be necessary to run the grain through a drier. Hygiene Reference is made to what has been said about insect and rodent control for bag storage. However, it is essential that all types and sizes of grain stores the cleaning will have to be done when it is empty. If the insect population is building up, the whole store may have to be fumigated or sprayed. Safety Dust is stirred up when grain is handled. Inhalation can cause respiratory problems, especially if exposed to slightly mouldy grain. Breathing filters should be used. Since grain dust is explosive it is important to enforce the "No Smoking" rule and ensure that all light bulbs and electric equipment are shielded. Good ventilation is recommended. Falls: all catwalks where a person could fall more than 150cm should have guard rails 100cm high and a toes board of 15cm Machinery: all moving parts should have guards fitted and all wiring should be maintained regularly. 11

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Grain flowing out of a container tends to form a funnel at the centre. This highly unstable surface can stuck a man in, within seconds.

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Semi-perishable crops In contrast to grain, crops such as potatoes, yams, carrots and onions are more perishable and require carefully managed storage conditions to maintain top quality. While market value is seldom great enough to justify the expense of ideal levels of temperature and humidity control, the desired conditions will be discussed and then various methods of achieving levels as close as economically feasible will be described. Properties The properties of the many horticultural crops are far more varied than grains and pulses. This in turn results in highly varied storage characteristics. For example, yams and potatoes can be stored adequately for several months, while cassava can be kept for only a few days without deterioration if not processed. The initial moisture content following harvest is much higher in these mature crops than in grain. With grain, a loss of moisture is desirable for storage and does not affect the use of the crop. This is not the case with fruits and vegetables. Loss of moisture may cause the crop to become unmarketable. Yet with high moisture content, storage of these crops is more difficult since there is a greater likelihood of insect and fungal problems. The perishable and semi-perishable crops are living organisms and as such, continue to respire. Consequently any storage will need ventilation to remove the heat and moisture of respiration and to prevent condensation on cool surfaces. Fruits and vegetables are nearly always susceptible to physical damage such as bruising, cutting and cracking. Much of this results from dropping the fruits or tubers on to hard surfaces or on to other fruits and tubers as they are loaded into containers or bins. In many cases, 200 to 300mm is a maximum safe drop. Further losses can occur if the heat of respiration is allowed to cause a temperature rise. "Black heart" in potatoes, for example, is a serious problem resulting from high temperatures under storage conditions. In contrast, low temperatures approaching freezing produce a characteristic sweetening in potatoes.


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Losses can also be caused by disease. This tends to be worse if the crop has been damaged, thus allowing the disease organisms to enter through cuts and cracks in the surfaces. Removal of earth from the crop and careful loading before storage can help to reduce this problem.

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Storage Requirements for Potatoes and Other Horticultural Crops Potatoes are the most commonly stored root crop and the greatest amount of research has been conducted relative to ideal storage requirements. In general, however, very similar facilities and operating conditions are suitable for several other crops of varying perishability. The following sections will deal primarily with potatoes, but much of the information, including the storage facilities described, will be suitable for other semi-perishable crops. The relative humidity (RH) of the air in the store is of great importance. Low RH will lead to shrinkage and weight loss while too high RH will cause condensation on the surfaces. This is objectionable since free water on the potatoes greatly increases the possibility of rot and the spread of diseases. A potato tuber is about 80% water and strictly speaking, air is in equilibrium with the tuber at a relative humidity of 98%. However, in practice, to avoid condensation the relative humidity is kept between 90 and 96%. Storage without Buildings Delayed Harvest The simplest form of storage for some crops is to leave them in the ground and harvest them only as required. There is risk of pest and rodent damage, but the deterioration which may take place after harvest may exceed the field losses; hence delayed harvest is a reasonable choice. This is particularly useful for cassava where field deterioration is normally substantially less than post harvest losses due to even short term storage. On the other hand, some crops deteriorate substantially in quality if left in the ground beyond a certain stage. Clamp In areas that have low mean soil temperatures, a simple ground clamp (Figure 6.7) may be suitable, especially for potatoes. They are piled on the ground in a long row and covered with 150 to 200mm of straw or coarse grass. Chicken wire is put all around the base to resist rodents and then soil is dug out around the pile and placed on the straw. This store is not likely to be satisfactory for more 13

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than a month or two unless the soil temperature is near 10 C and night air temperatures are 10 C or less. To control soil pests the ground can be treated with an insecticide before the clamp is made. Covered Clamp Another simple store for short time storage is the covered clamp (Figure 6.8) consisting of a raised platform on which the potatoes are heaped and then covered with 10cm of grass or straw. Air is free to circulate through both produce and straw. A thatch roof above provides shade to help reduce daytime temperatures. Protection from rodents will be needed. Storage in Multi-purpose Buildings Slatted Boxes or Bins Square boxes of slatted construction, each holding about 1 m of potatoes offers a good possibility for small as well as large scale stores. The boxes can be larger but not deeper than 1m. If located in a well isolated building, the fluctuation of daytime temperatures will be reduced. The boxes should be raised about 250 to 300mm above the floor so that air can circulate freely. With little insulation and only natural ventilation this method is best suited to cooler areas and then for relatively short storage periods of 3 to 4 months. Smaller boxes can be handled manually, while the larger boxes of 1m and more can not be moved manually when filled. See Figure 6.9. Clamp on Floor Using a building similar to that shown in Figure 6.9 a clamp offers an alternative to boxes. To allow adequate ventilation with cool night air, a duct under the crop is included as shown in Figure 6.10. Naturally ventilated stores Figure 6.11 shows an example on how to build a potato store suitable for small scale production. The store, which holds about 1500 kg., is naturally ventilated and measures 150 x 160cm square. The walls are 1 50cm high and a slatted floor is placed 90cm off the ground to keep rodents away. The store shown in the figure is made of off cuts but other materials may be just as good. For insulation the walls have a 20cm thick layer of straw which will be compressed to about 10cm when the store is loaded. The floor should be covered with about 5cm of straw before loading and on the top 20cm of straw should be spread evenly to protect the potatoes from sunlight and drying.

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The method of operating the store is depending on the average temperature on the place. If the average temperature is above 20C it is necessary to extend the walls on three sides down to the ground like an apron. The forth side will have a flap that is kept open only at night in order to take advantage of the cooler air for the ventilation. For higher altitudes with mean temperatures below 20 C it is possible to operate this potato store with continuous ventilation and the apron and the flap can be left out. In this case the store legs should be fitted with rat guards. The ventilation should be just enough to remove heat caused by respiration without causing any excessive loss of moisture. Perishable crops Fruit and Vegetables The majority of fruits and vegetables are highly perishable commodities with a short storage life. The exceptions, including apples and potatoes can, if well stored, last for several months. Table 6.1 describes the primary differences between the non-perishable and perishable crops. Table 6.1 Comparison of Cereals vs Horticultural Crops Cereals and Oil Seeds Horticultural Crops * Low moisture content, typically 10% to * High moisture content, typically 70% to 20% 95% * Small unit size, typically less than 1 * Large unit size, typically 5g to 5 kg gram * Very low respiration rate with very * High to very high respiration rate. small generation of heat. * Heat production is typically 0.05 * Heat production is typically from 0.5 to megajoules/tonne/day for dry grain. 10 megajoule / tonne/day at 0C to 5 to 70 megajoules/tonne/day at 20C. * Hard texture * Soft texture, easily bruised * Stable - natural shelf life is from one * Perishable - natural shelf life is a few to several years days to several months * Losses usually caused by molds, insects * Losses usually caused by rotting and rodents. (bacteria, fungi), senescence, sprouting and bruising.

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Storage Requirements

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The major requirements for the storage of perishables are the need to lower temperature substantially and to retain moisture in the produce. Table 9.9 illustrates the storage conditions and storage life for a number of fruits and vegetables. Mixing Commodities: Some crops produce odours in storage while others emit volatile gases such as ethylene. Ethylene stimulates the ripening of many fruits and vegetables. This is negligible at low temperatures but may be a nuisance at higher temperatures. Consequently, even when two or three crops require the same storage conditions, it is not advisable to store them together.Products that emit ethylene include bananas, avocados, melons, tomatoes, apples, pears and all fleshy fruits. Lettuce, carrots and greens are damaged with stored with fruits or vegetables which produce ethylene. Even very small amounts can be harmful. It is recommended that onions, nuts, citrus fruits and potatoes each be stored separately. Storage Structures for Perishables A Low-cost Cool Store: A simple low-cost structure in which vegetables can be stored for the few hours between harvesting and transporting to market should be useful to growers of all sizes. The basic construction is similar to that shown in Figure 6.8. A simple frame is constructed with poles or other low cost materials. Covered with grass or other thatching material, protection is provided for the produce from excess temperature and moisture loss until it can be transported to market. Table 6.2 Ideal Storage Temperatures, Relative Humidities and Expectedly Storage Life of Fruits and Vegetables Commodity Beans (green) Carrots Cauliflowers Cucumbers Cabbage Chilies Eggplants Storage R.H.% Temperature C 5.0 - 7.0 90 - 95 0 0 7.0 - 10.0 0 7.0 - 10.0 7.0-10.0 90 - 95 90 - 95 90 - 95 90 -95 90 -95 90 Expected Storage Life 7 - 10 days 2- 5 months 2 - 4 weeks 10 - 14 days 3 - 6 weeks 2 - 3 weeks 1 week


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Okra Onions (dry) Potatoes (white) Potatoes (sweet) Tomatoes (ripe) Tomatoes (green) Watermelons Apples Avocados Mangos Pineapples 7.0 - 10.0 0 5.0 -10.0 12.0 - 16.0 7.0 - 10.0 12.0 - 20.0 4.4 - 10.0 1.0 - 4.4 4.4 - 12.5 12 7.0 - 12.5 90 - 95 65 - 70 93 85 - 90 85 -90 85 - 90 80 - 85 90 85 -90 85 - 90 85 -90 7 - 10 days 1 -8 months 2 -5 months 4 -6 months 4 -7 days 1 -3 weeks 2 -3 weeks 3 -8 months 2 -4 weeks 2 -3 weeks 2 -4 weeks

The wall should be extended to ground level on three sides but left open on the fourth (prevailing wind) side for ventilation. This allows for free air movement most of the time, but canvas flaps should be provided for closing the ventilation openings if desirable. The grass roof and walls can be kept wet with a sprinkler pipe-line, or if that is not available, the thatching can be hand sprinkled as required. The interior will be kept cool and moist with temperatures as much as 5 to 8C lower than outside. More important, produce harvested late in the afternoon can be cooled during the night with resulting temperatures the following noon as much as 10C below ambient. Commercial Cool Store As shown in Table 6.2, only a few crops, including potatoes, onions, carrots and apples can be stored for periods longer than a few days or weeks. However, the wholesale merchant will require short term refrigerated storage for his produce and as indicated, separate rooms will be needed for crops that are not compatible with each other in storage. As with refrigerated potato stores, attention must be given to adequate insulation, good vapour sealing and large size evaporators, which help to maintain high humidity.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES Know the general housing requirements for cattle. i.e. sunshade, yards, deep bedded sheds, loose housing, with free stalls Know housing for small, medium to large scale herds Understand milking parlours for medium size herds Understand feeding equipment, food and water troughs for cattle Understand the facilities for cattle dips Understand all pig housing structures and management of pig farming Know the general housing and environment requirements, and construction details for poultry housing Understand housing systems for layers Understand brooding structures for chicken Know the different equipment and other facilities in poultry housing Be aware of duck, geese, turkeys housing Understand sheep and goat housing/structures Be aware of farm machinery and equipment storage structures Understand green house structures on the farm Know the special requirements for farm dwellings, categories and types of farm houses

CHAPTER 7: ANIMAL HOUSING, SUNDRY FARM BUILDINGS AND FARM DWELLINGS The main purpose for man to keep livestock is to convert energy in feed into products which can be utilised by human beings, such as milk, eggs, meat, wool, hair, hides and skins, draught power and manure (fertilizer). Traditional, extensive livestock production involving indigenous breeds and low cost feeding will usually have low performance and can therefore only justify minimal, if any, expenditure for housing. However, where improved breeds, management and feeding is available it will usually be economically beneficial to increase the production intensity and to construct buildings and other livestock structures to provide for some environmental control, reduced waste of purchased feed stuffs and better control of diseases and parasites, but this rule is not invariable. The planning and design of any structure for a livestock production system involves many alternatives for each of numerous variables and can therefore be turned into a complex and theoretical subject, but is usually far simpler in reality. However, every facet of the design, be it the production system, equipment, building materials, layout or location, will play a part in determining

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the profitability of the production and any variation in one of them may significantly affect the profitability on the whole. One special difficulty when designing livestock structures for tropical climates is that most research and development has, been concerned with the conditions in temperate or cold climates. Any recommendations derived from such experiments and applied uncritically in warm climates may result in an adverse environment for the animals and in very high building and operation costs. Animal behaviour Understanding of domestic animal behaviour and man's relationship with farm animals may greatly contribute to increased economic benefit in animal husbandry and easier handling of the animals. The importance of animal behaviour aspects in the design of animal housing facilities generally increase with the intensity of production and the degree of confinement. Many modern farming systems greatly reduce the freedom for animals to choose an environment in which they feel comfortable. Instead they are forced to resort to an environment created by man. Animals that as far as possible can exercise their natural species-specific movements and behaviour patterns are less likely to be stressed or injured and will therefore produce better. In practical design of an animal production system and any buildings involved, many other factors such as feeding, management, thermal environment, construction and economics can be equally or more important, however. The life span of a building is usually 5 to 15 years and that makes it clear that even a small increase in production or decrease in frequency of injury and disease, in waste of feed or in labour requirements for handling of the animals will repay all the thought and care that has been put into the design, lay-out and construction of the building. Furthermore it may cost as much to construct a building that is poorly designed and equipped for the animals as one that works well. Animal Behaviour and Building Design Below are some examples of how animal behaviour can influence the design of structures. Cattle normally live in herds, but when giving birth, the cow attempts to find a quiet, sheltered place away from the disturbance of other cows and humans. The cow needs to be alone with her calf for some time after birth for the cow-calf bond to be established. A cow, confined in a loose housing system, who is approaching calving, should therefore be removed from the herd and put in an individual pen. Hens spend considerable time in the selection of a nest, which is on the ground. Nesting is characterized by secrecy and careful concealment. Hens in deep litter

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systems therefore, sometimes lay eggs on the floor instead of in the nest boxes, especially if the litter is quite deep or there are dark corners in the pen. To avoid this, plenty of fresh litter is provided in the nests, and they are kept in semi-darkness and designed with a rail in front so that birds can inspect the nests prior to entry. An additional measure is to start with the nestboxes on the floor and slowly raise them to the desired level over a period of days. Sows are nest builders and should be transferred to clean farrowing pens one to two weeks before giving birth, and given some bedding so that they can build a nest. Gilts and sows awaiting mating should therefore be kept in pens adjoining the boar pen. Cattle prefer to be able to see while drinking; therefore more animals can drink at once from a long, narrow trough than from a low round one. With cattle (and hens) feeding is typically a group activity; therefore space at the feed trough must be provided for all the animals at one time. At pasture, under sized feed or water troughs can result in inadequate feeding and watering of the animals which are lowest in rank, because these animals will likely be excluded from the trough, but they will still tend to leave with the rest of the herd after feeding or watering. To prevent waste of feed a trough should be designed to suit the particular behaviour pattern each species exhibits while feeding i.e. pecking in hens, rooting with a forward and upward thrust in pigs, wrapping their tongue around the feed (grass) and jerking their head forward in cattle. Artificially reared calves prefer the bucket instead of the cows udder, and this requires a sturdy holder for the bucket. The habit of suckling each other is a problem in dairy calves. The problem can be reduced by making the calves suckle harder and longer for their feed by using a rubber teat rather than a bucket and by giving them access to dry feed. Assuming intersuckling is not a problem, a group pen for calves is more natural than individual pens and helps ensure normal activity and resting. Sheep are vigilant and tight flocking, and respond to disturbance by fleeing. When designing handling facilities these characteristics should be taken into account. A race should be straight, level, fairly wide, without blind ends, and preferably have close-boarded sides. Sheep which are following should be able to see moving sheep ahead, but advancing sheep should not see the sheep behind as they will tend to stop and turn around. Sheep move best from dark into light areas and dislike reflections abrupt changes in light contrast and light shining through slats, grates or holes. Handling facilities should be examined from the height of the sheep's eye level rather than the human to detect flaws in the design. 3

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Housing for cows

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Cows play an extremely important role in most African cultures. The ownership of cattle will often be the deciding factor in a man's social position in the community because the herd may be the only practical way of accumulating wealth. However, of greater importance is the fact that cattle represent a source of high protein food, both milk and meat. Housing requirements needed for cattle kept primarily for milk production are discussed in this chapter. Little or no housing is required for herds maintained only for beef production. Experience has shown that cattle respond favorably to good management, feeding and hygiene all of which is possible in a system with suitable housing. Herd Profiles The composition and management of cattle herds vary considerably. At one extreme, nomadic herdsmen graze their entire herd as one unit. The small holder with only a few head may keep his heifer calves for replacements or sell them. The commercial dairy producer typically has about four-fifths of his cows milking and one-fifth waiting to calve, while heifers 10 months to calving age plus calves of various ages will approximately equal the number of milkers. Mature dairy cows are bred annually and are milked for 300 to 330 days after calving. At a closer examination it will be found that several factors influence the number of animals of various categories found in the dairy herd. In a herd of say, 24 cows, having calving evenly distributed throughout the year and a 12-month calving interval there will be, on an average, two calves born per month. The calves are normally kept in individual pens for two to three months; there is thus a requirement for four to six pens in a herd of 24 cows. However, the need for calf-pens is halved in herds where the bull calves are sold or otherwise removed from the herd at one to three weeks of age. A longer calving interval and high mortality among the calves will decrease the required number of calf-pens, while a concentration of the calving season in the herd will increase the pen requirements. If all calving is concentrated in six months of the year, the requirement of calf-pens will be doubled. In herds where cows are taken to a special calving pen during calving, one such pen per 30 cows is sufficient, since the cow and her calf will spend only a few days there. However, in herds where the calving is concentrated in a short period the requirement can increase to one calving pen per 20 cows. The pen should be at least 3.3m by 3.3m. General Housing Requirements for Cows 4

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As has been pointed out, cattle will be more efficient in the production of milk and in reproduction if they are protected from extreme heat, i.e. temperatures of 25 to 30C, and particularly from direct sunshine. Thus in tropical and subtropical climates shade becomes an important factor. If cattle are kept in a confined area, it should be free of mud and manure in order to reduce hoof infection to a minimum. Concrete floors or pavements are ideal where the area per cow is limited. However, where ample space is available, an earth yard, properly sloped for good drainage is adequate. Sun Shade With these needs in mind a shade structure allowing 2.5 to 3m: per animal will give the minimum desirable protection for cattle, whether it be for one animal belonging to a small holder or many animals in a commercial herd. The roof should be a minimum of 3m high to allow air movement. If financially feasible, all the area that will be shaded some time during the day should be paved with good quality concrete. The size of this paved area depends on the orientation of the shade structure. If the longitudinal axis is east and west, part of the floor under the roof will be in shade all day. Extending the floor approximately one third its length on the east and on the west as shown in Figure 7.1, a paved surface will provide for the shaded area at all times. If the longitudinal axis is north and south, the paved area must be 3 times the roof area i.e. 1/3 to the east, 1/3 to the west and 1/3 underneath. Obviously this means an increase in the cost of paving. In deciding which orientation to build, the following factors need be considered:

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With the east-west orientation the feed and water troughs can be under the shade which will allow the cows to eat and drink in shade at any time of the day. The shaded area, however, should be increased to 3 to 4m per cow. By locating the feed and water in the shade, feed consumption will be encouraged, but also more manure will be dropped in the shaded area which in turn will lead to dirty cows. With the north-south orientation, the sun will strike every part of the floor area under and on either side of the roof at some time during the day. This will help to keep the floored area dry. A shaded area of 2.5 to 3m per cow is adequate if feed and water troughs are placed away from the shaded area. If it is felt that paving is too costly, the north-south orientation is the best choice in order to keep the area as dry as possible. In regions where temperatures average 30C or more for up to five hours per day during some period of the year, the east-west orientation is most beneficial.

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Figure 7.1 shows shade patterns at various times and orientations. A gable roof shade is shown in Figure 7.2.

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Yards If space is severely limited and only 4 to 5m per cow is available, then concrete paving is highly desirable. If up to 40 to 60m per cow is available, then unpaved yards should be quite satisfactory as long as the feed and shade areas are paved and the yard is graded for good drainage. If the small holder is unable to afford an improved structure such as a shade or a paved area for feeding, then conditions can be prevented from becoming intolerable by building mounds of earth in the yard with drainage ditches between them as shown in Figure 7.3. From 20 to 30m per cow will keep the animals out of the worst of the mud. The soil in the mounds can be stabilized by working chopped straw or straw and manure into the surface. A number of trees in the yard will provide sufficient shade. Deep-Bedded Sheds In a deep-bedded system, straw, sawdust, shavings or other bedding material is periodically placed in the resting area so that a mixture of bedding and manure builds up in a thick layer. Although this increases the bulk of manure, it may be easier to handle than wet manure alone. This system is most practical when bedding is plentiful and cheap. Table 7.1 gives the space requirements for various ages of animals when there is access to a yard. By designing the building to be partially enclosed on the east and west, the shading characteristics can be improved. In as much as a well drained earth floor is quite adequate, such a building will compare favourably in cost with a shaded area which is paved. Loose Housing with Free Stalls (Cubicles) Although simple yard and a shade or yard and bedded shed systems are entirely satisfactory in warm climates, particularly in semi-arid areas, some farmers may prefer a system with somewhat more protection. A loose housing yard and shed with free stalls will satisfy this need. Less bedding will be required and less manure will have to be removed. Free stalls must be of the right size in order to keep the animals clean and to reduce injuries to a minimum. When stalls are too small, injuries to teats will increase and the cows may also tend to lie in other areas that are less clean than the stalls. If the stalls are too large, cows will get dirty from manure dropped in the stall and more labour will be expended in 6

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cleaning the shed area. A bar placed across the top of the free stalls will prevent the cow from moving too far forward in the stall for comfortable lying down movements, and it will encourage her to take a step backwards when standing so that manure is dropped outside the stall. The bar must, however, not interfere with her normal lying and rising movements. Table 7.1 lists recommended dimensions for stalls. The floor of the stall must be of a non-slippery material, such as soil. A good foothold is essential during rising and tying down movements to avoid injury. A 100mm extension at the back edge of the free stall will prevent any bedding from being pulled out to the alley. The number of stalls should ordinarily correspond with the number of animals housed; except that in large herds (80 or more); only about 90% of the animals need to be accommodated at one time. Figure 7.4 shows two free stall designs. Young stock may be held in yards with shade or in sheds with either free stalls or deep bedding. The alley behind the free stalls (cubicles) must be wide enough to allow the cows smooth passage and the Table 7.2 gives minimum widths that can apply Tie-Stall Sheds Only in the case of purebred herds where considerable individual attention is given to cows can a tie-stall system be justified in tropical areas. If such a system is chosen, stalls and equipment may be purchased, in which case floor plans and elevations may be available from the equipment supplier. However, if equipment is to be manufactured locally, Table 7.3 provides some typical dimensions. The tie and feed barrier construction must allow the cow free head movements while lying down as well as standing up, but should prevent her from stepping forward into the feed trough. Most types of yokes restrict the cow's movements too much. The feed barriers that best meet the requirements are shoulder supports and the comfort stall. Stall partitions should be used at least between every second cow to prevent cows from trampling each other's teats and to keep the cow standing straight so that the manure falls in the gutter. See figure 7.5a, b. Bull Pens A bull pen should have a shaded resting area of 12 to 15m and a large exercise area of 20 to 30m. The walls of the pen must be strong. Eight horizontal rails of minimum 100mm round timber or 50mm galvanised steel tubes to a total height of 1.5m and fixed to 200mm timber posts not more than 2m apart will be 7

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sufficient. The gate must be designed so that the bull cannot lift it off its hinges and there should be at least two exits where the herdsman can escape. A service stall where the cow can be tethered prior to and during service is usually provided close to the bull pen.

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Calf Pens Calf mortality is often high in tropical countries, but proper management and suitable housing that protects the calf from climatic stress, infections and parasites can reduce this. Individual pens for calves from birth to 2 to 3 months of age are often built with an elevated slatted floor. This floor, which is best constructed from 37 to 50mm by 75 to 100mm sawn timber boards leaving a 25 to 30mm slot between each board, will ensure that the calf is always dry and clean. The required minimum internal dimensions for an individual calf pen are 1200 by 800mm for a pen where the calf is kept to two weeks of age, 1200 by l000mm where the calf is kept to 6 to 8 weeks of age and 1500 by 1 200mm where the calf is kept from 6 to 14 weeks of age. Three sides of the pens should be tight to prevent contact with other calves and to prevent draughts. Draughts through the slatted floor may be prevented by covering the floor with litter until the calf is at least one month of age. The front of the pen should be made so that the calf can be fed milk, concentrates and water easily from buckets or a trough fixed to the outside of the pen and so that the calf can be moved out of the pen without lifting. Figure 7.6 shows a thatched shed with six slatted floor calf pens. This construction with a feed alley will be rather expensive but can be cheaper if calves are fed from outside. Calf pens are recommended where the cows are kept in a semi-zero grazing or zero grazing system. Another system that works well is the use of individual hutches as shown in Figure 7.7. The hutch must be thoroughly cleaned set up in a new location each time a new calf is housed in it. Plenty of litter is placed directly on the ground inside the hutch. Protection from wind, rain and sun is all the calf requires, but always moving the hutch to clean ground is the key to success. Housing for the Small Herd For the small holder who wants to make the very best use of his crop land and to provide his cattle with good housing that will encourage high production, a zero grazing system is recommended.

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Figure 7.8 shows perspective, elevation and plan views of a zero grazing unit for 3 cows, 2 heifers and a young calf. Additional stalls can be added up to a total of about 10. After that consideration should be given to two milking places and a larger feed store. Gum poles may be used instead of the cedar posts and sawn rafters, but any wood in contact with or within 5Ocm of the ground should be well treated with wood preservative. It is desirable to pave the alley, but if that is not possible, the distance between the free stalls (cubicles) and the feed trough should be doubled or tripled. A concrete pit or sloping slab in which to accumulate manure is essential. If the alley is paved, the pit can also collect urine. The circular manure tank shown in Figure 7.8 has a volume of 10m. This will be adequate to store the manure produced during one month plus any rainfall collected in the alley. If more stalls are added the capacity of the tank will need to be increased or the interval between the emptyings shortened. A water tank to collect water from the roof can be very useful unless there is an abundant supply of water nearby. Housing for the Medium to Large Scale Herds For the farmer with up to about 30 cows a yard with paved shade and feed area would be suitable. The yard and feeding area may alternatively be combined with an open sided barn designed for deep bedding or equipped with freestalls and where the herd consists of high yielding cows the milking shed may be equipped with a bucket milking machine. Some farmers with up to 30 cows may even consider using an open sided tie-stall shed. In general a medium or large scale dairy unit may include the following facilities: (a) Resting area for cows: Paved shade, or Deep bedding in an open sided barn, or Free-stalls in an open sided barn (b) Exercise yard (paved or unpaved) (c) Paved feed area:

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Fence line feed trough (shaded or unshaded), or Self feeding from a silage clamp

(e) Milking Centre:

Milking shed or parlour, and Collecting yard (part of the exercise yard), and Dairy including milk store, and 9

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Motor room

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(f) Bull pen with a service stall (g) Calving pen(s) (h) Calf accommodation (i)Young stock accommodation (yard with paved shade and feed area) (j) Bulk feed store (hay and silage) (k) Concentrate feed store (l)Veterinary facilities:

Diversion pen with Artificial Insemination stalls, and Isolation pen

(m) Waste store:

Slurry storage, or Separate storage of solids and effluents

(n) Office and staff facilities Each of the parts of the dairy unit may be planned in many different ways to suit the production management system, and the chosen method of feeding. Some requirements and work routines to consider when the layout is planned are as follows: 1. Movement of cattle for feeding, milking and perhaps to pasture. 2. Movement of bulk feed from store to feeding area and concentrates from store to milking shed or parlour. 3. Transfer of milk from milking shed or parlour to dairy and then off the farm. Clean and dirty activities, such as milk handling and waste disposal, should be separated as far as possible. 4. The diversion pen with Artificial Insemination stalls and any bull pen should be close to the milking centre as any symptoms of heat or illness are commonly discovered during milking and cows are easily separated from the rest of the herd while leaving the milking. 5. Easy and periodical cleaning of accommodation, yards, milking facilities and dairy, and transfer of the waste to storage and then to the fields. 6. The movements of the herdsman. Minimum travel to move cows in or out of milking area. 10

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7. Provision for future expansion of the various parts of the unit. Milking Parlour for the Medium Scale Herd For the farmer with 10 to 30 cows and a yard with a paved shade and feed area, the milking parlour shown in Figure 7.9 is of suitable design. Two stands will be sufficient where the herd number is 8 to 14, but more stands should be added as indicated when the herd number increases. Hand milking would probably be used for an operation of this size. A milk cooler will be necessary to cool and hold the milk for pick up. This and facilities for washing and storing the milking equipment will be accommodated in the milk room, while concentrates are kept in the store room. A milk room should face the prevailing wind to ensure good ventilation and to keep it as cool as possible, but any openings should be screened with insect mesh. Milking Parlour On commercial farms where several cows are milked at the time, a milking parlour becomes a feasible investment. Several types of milking parlours are in use in dairy regions throughout the world. Figure 7.10 a, b, c and d, illustrate some of the most common types. Any type of parlour should have a high quality concrete floor and metal railings for durability and ease of cleaning. Walls are not required, but if supplied they should at least be plastered masonry walls. The pit where the milker stands should have a floor level 900mm below that of the cattle stands for the most comfortable work position. The number of stands is determined by the allowable milking time of the herd or time taken to the concentrate ration. Abreast Parlour The abreast parlour allows cows to enter and leave individually. The main drawback with the abreast parlour is the relatively long distance to walk between milking points, and cows obstructing the herdsman, since they share the same floor space. The stands should be 1.0 to 1.1m wide when a bucket milking machine is used or when hand milking is practiced, while 0.7 to 0.8m is adequate when a pipeline milking system is installed. In both cases the width for the milker should be 0.6 to 0.8m. A two-level abreast parlour, in which the milker works at a lower level than the cows stand, is more difficult to construct and has no outstanding advantages over the single level type. Tandem Parlour 11

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The tandem parlour also allows for individual care of the cows. It is used mostly for smaller commercial herds and in particular, for herds with high yielding cows. The main drawbacks with this type of parlour are its larger space requirement and more expensive construction when compared to other types of parlours; of similar capacity. The parlour capacity in terms of cows milked per hour and labour efficiency can compare to that of a small herringbone parlour.

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Walk-through Parlour In walk-through or chute parlours cows enter and leave in batches. They have been used mainly for small herds. Their narrow width can be an advantage where a parlour is to be fitted in an existing building, but it is inferior to other types in most other respects, however, it is cheaper to construct than a tandem parlour. Herringbone Parlour The herringbone parlour layout results in a compact working area and allows feeders to be fixed to the side walls. Four stands on each side of the pit, as shown in Figure 7.10d, is the minimum size of this type for high labour efficiency. The popularity of the herringbone parlour is mainly due to its simplicity and its high capacity measured in numbers of cows milked per manhour. (A man-hour is the equivalent of one man working for one hour). However, the risk of cows kicking the herdsman is greater in this type than in parlours where the herdsman stands alongside the cow. Double 6, 8, 10 and even 12 stand parlours are used for very large herds. These larger parlours allow more cows to be milked per hour, but because of the need for more workers and the increased waiting time to allow all cows on one side to finish before they are released; the output per man-hour is usually less. Collecting Yard The cows are normally assembled in a collecting yard (holding area) before milking. This may be a portion of the yard that is temporarily fenced off with chains. The collecting yard should have a minimum size of 1.1 to 2.0m per cow. Large horned cows and a low herd number will require the largest space per cow. Provision must be made for water for the cows awaiting their turn to enter the parlour. The area should slope away from the parlour 20 to 100mm/m. This not only improves drainage, but also encourages the cows to face the entrance.


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The collecting yard should be paved for easy cleaning and to allow for sanitary conditions in the parlour. A roof is desirable for shade and to avoid wet cows entering the parlour in the rainy season and it will reduce the amount of rainwater that has to be stored in the manure pit. Entrance and Exit An entrance into the parlour that is straight (no turns) will ensure a smooth and convenient operation. Once trained, cows and heifers will walk readily into the parlour. A single step of about 100mm will help to keep manure from being carried into the parlour. An exit leading into an uncrowded area will facilitate animal flow. A straight exit is desirable but not as important as a straight entry. If exiting alleys are needed they should be narrow (700 to 900mm depending on cow size), to keep the cows from turning around. Feeding Equipment One advantage of loose housing of cattle is the opportunity to construct the feed trough in the fence allowing easy access for filling. However, cattle have a tendency to throw feed forwards while eating, but a wall in front, as shown in Figure 7.11, with dimensions for feed troughs shown in Table 7.4 will reduce this problem. The dimensions of the trough must be chosen to conform to the height, reach and required width of the feeding space for the animals to be fed, while providing enough volume for the amount of feed distributed at each feeding time. Although timber construction is simple to install, concrete should be considered because of its greater durability. When timber is used, the base should be well treated with wood preservative. However, the preservative should not be used on any surface, which cattle can reach to lick, as some preservative materials are toxic to animals. When concrete is used, it should be at least C20, or a nominal mix of 1:2:4; since a lower grade concrete would soon deteriorate due to chemical attack by feed stuffs and the cow's saliva. The cows will press against the barrier before and during the feeding so that the head rail must be firmly fixed to the vertical posts, which are immovably set in the ground. A simple roof constructed over the feed trough and the area where the cows stand to eat will serve as a shade and encourage daytime feeding in bright weather while serving to protect the feed from water damage in rainy periods. Water Troughs

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The size of a water trough depends on whether the herd is taken for watering periodically or is given water on a continuous basis. If water is limited, the length of the trough should be such that all of the cows can drink at one time. A trough space of 60 to 70cm should be allowed for each cow. For free choice, the trough should be sized for 2 to 3 cows at a time. One trough should be provided for each 50 animals. Figure 7.12a and b shows a well designed trough made of concrete. The length may be increased if necessary. A float valve installed on the water supply pipe will control the level automatically. A minimum flow rate of 5 to 8 litres per minute for each cow drinking at one time is desirable. To prevent contamination of the water trough with manure, the trough should preferably have a 300 to 400mm wide step along the front. The animals will readily step up to drink, but will not back up onto the raised area. An alternative is to make the sides facing the cattle sloping as shown in Figure 7.12c. Young stock held in a loose housing system requires one water trough for each 50 to 60 animals. A 60cm height is satisfactory. A minimum flow rate of 4 to 5 litres per minute for each animal drinking at one time is desirable. Dry Hay or Forage If an adequate supply of green forage can be grown throughout the year, then only temporary forage storage and space for chopping is required. On the other hand if a prolonged dry season makes it necessary to conserve dry forage, a storage method that will prevent spoilage is essential. A raised slatted floor with a thatched or corrugated steel roof will provide good protection for hay. A simple storage similar to the sunshade shown in Figure 7.2 will be adequate. Silage Good quality silage is an excellent feed for cattle. However, it is not practical for the small holder with only a few cows because it is difficult to make small quantities of silage without excessive spoilage. It takes a good silo to make good silage. The walls must be smooth, air-tight and for a horizontal silo the walls should slope about 1:4 so that the silage packs tighter as it settles. The forage to be made into silage should be at about 30 to 50% moisture content and must be chopped finely and then packed tightly into the silo. The freshly placed material must be covered and sealed with a plastic sheet. Failure at any step along the way spells disaster. The large commercial farmer, with well constructed horizontal or tower silos and the equipment to fill them, has the chance to make excellent feed. However, good management is no less important, regardless of size. Cattle Dips

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Ticks continue to be one of the most harmful livestock pests in East Africa. As vectors of animal diseases ticks have been a great hindrance to livestock development especially in areas where breeds of cattle exotic to the environment have been introduced. At present the only effective method of control for most of these diseases is control of the vector ticks. Dipping or spraying with an acaricide is the most efficient way of reducing the number of ticks. Siting a Dip The ground where a dip is to be built, and the area around should be slightly sloping and as hard as possible, but not so rocky that a hole for the dip cannot be dug. Laterite (murram) soil is ideal: The ground must:

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support the structure of the dip; be well drained and not muddy in wet weather, and be resistant to erosion

Cattle must not be hot or thirsty when they are dipped, so it is important to have a water trough inside the collecting yard fence. Waste Disposal and Pollution All dipping tanks need to be cleaned out from time to time and disposed of the accumulated sediment. It is normal for all the waste dip-wash to be thrown into a 'waste pit' that is dug close to the dip. In addition dipping tanks may crack with leakage of acaricide as a result. The siting of the dip and the waste pit must therefore ensure that there is no risk of acaricide getting into drinking water supplies, either by overflowing or by percolating through the ground. The waste pit should be at least 50 meters from any river or stream, 100 meters from a spring or well, and considerably more than that if the subsoil is sandy or porous. Figure 7.13a shows a typical site layout and describes the features in the order that the cattle come to them. Footbaths Footbaths are provided to wash mud off the feet of the cattle to help keep the dip clean. At least two are recommended, each 4.5 meters long and 25 to 30cm deep, but in muddy areas it is desirable to have more. Up to 30 meters total length may sometimes be required. Figure 7.13a The floor of the baths should be studded with hard stones set into the concrete to provide grip, and to splay the hoofs apart to loosen any mud between them.


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The footbaths should be arranged in a cascade, so that clean water added continuously at the end near the dip, overflows from each bath into the one before it, with an overflow outlet to the side near the collecting pen. Floor level outlet pipes from each bath can be opened for cleaning. If water supply is extremely limited, footbath water can be collected in settling tanks and reused later. Jumping Place This is a narrow steep flight of short steps ensures:

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that animals can grip and jump centrally into the dip, that their heads are lower than their rumps at take-off, that they jump one at a time, and that dip-wash splashing backwards returns to the dip.

The lip of the jumping place experience extreme wear and should be reinforced with a length of 10cm diameter steel pipe. Figure 7.13b shows the jumping place 40cm above the dip-wash level. While such a height is desirable to give maximum immersion, there could be some danger to heavily pregnant cows if the water level was allowed to fall a further 40cm. (The dipping of 1,000 cattle without replenishment would lower the water level to 60cm below the jumping place). Splash walls and ceiling are provided to catch the splash and prevent the loss of any acaricide. The ceiling will protect a galvanized roof from corrosion. The walls can be made of wood, but masonry is most durable. The Dipping Tank The dipping tank is designed to a size and shape to fit a jumping cow and allow her to climb out, while economizing as far as possible on the cost of construction and the recurrent cost of acaricide for refilling. A longer tank is needed if an operator standing on the side is to have a good chance of reimmersing the heads of the animals while they are swimming, and increased volume can slightly prolong the time until when the dip must be cleaned out. In areas with cattle of the 'Ankole' type with very long horns, the diptank needs to be much wider at the top. Poured reinforced concrete is the best material to use in constructing a dipping tank in any type of soil although expensive if only a single tank is to be built, because of the cost of the form-work involved, the forms can be reused.


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If 5 tanks are built with one set of forms the cost per tank is less than the cost of building with other materials, such as concrete blocks or bricks. A reinforced concrete dipping tank is the only type with a good chance of surviving without cracking in unstable ground. Catwalk and hand rails are provided to allow a person to walk between the splash walls to rescue an animal in difficulty. In addition to providing shade, a roof over the dipping tank reduces evaporation of the dip-wash, prevents dilution of the dip-wash by rain, and in many cases, collects rain water for storage in a tank for subsequent use in the dip. Draining Race The return of surplus dip-wash to the dipping tank depends on a smooth, watertight, sloping floor in the draining race. A double race reduces the length and is slightly cheaper in materials, but a very long single race is preferable where large numbers of cattle are being dipped. Side-sloping of the standing area towards a channel or gutter increases the backflow rate. The total standing area of the draining race is the factor that limits the number of cattle that can be dipped per hour, and the size shown in the drawings should be taken as the minimum. A silt trap allows settling of some of the mud and dung from the dip-wash flowing back to the tank from the draining race. The inlet and outlet should be arranged so that there is no direct cross-flow. Cattle Spray Race A spray race site requires the same features as a dip site and these have already been described. The only difference is that the dip tank has been changed for a spray race. The race consists of an approximately 6m long and 1m wide tunnel with masonry side walls and a concrete floor. A spray pipe system on a length of 3 to 3.5 m in the tunnel having 25 to 30 nozzles placed in the walls, ceiling and floor, discharge dip liquid at high pressure and expose the cattle passing through to a dense spray. The discharged fluid collected on the floor of the tunnel and draining race is led to a sump and re-circulated. In addition to being cheaper to install than a dipping tank the spray race uses less liquid per animal and operates with a smaller quantity of wash, which can be freshly made up each day. Spraying is quicker than dipping and causes less disturbance to the animals. However, spray may not efficiently reach all parts of the body or penetrate a fur of long hair. Hand spraying is an alternative method that can work well if carried out by an experienced person on an animal properly secured in a crush. The cost of the necessary equipment is low, but the consumption of liquid is high as it is not re-

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circulated. The method is time consuming and therefore only practicable for small herds where there is no communal dip tank or spray race. Pig Housing In many tropical countries pigs roam freely as scavengers or are raised in the back-yard where they depend on wastes for feed. Little attempt is made to obtain maximum productivity. However, a few simple management practices can help to improve the productivity and health of these pigs. They include: 1. Fenced paddocks with shade and water where:

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Pigs are protected from direct sun, which will cause sunburn, and sometimes sunstroke particularly with white skinned pigs. Pigs can be fed supplementary feed secure from neighbouring pig. Some basic measures to control disease and parasites are possible to reduce the often very high mortality rate and to improve the poor reproductive and growth performance and inferior quality of meat experienced in traditional pig production in the tropics. The paddock can be sub-divided into 4 to 6 smaller areas so that pigs can be moved from one enclosure to another at 2 week intervals. Sows can be bred to selected sires.

2. Simple semi-covered pens constructed of rough timber with a thatch roof and floor of concrete as shown in Figure 7.14. An earth floor can be used, but is more difficult to keep clean and sanitary. Several pens can be arranged in a row as required. The main disadvantage with this type of accommodation is the relatively high labour requirements for cleaning. 3. Wallows or sprinklers can be provided to alleviate heat stress. Being unable to sweat sufficiently pigs have a natural instinct to wallow to increase the evaporative cooling from the skin. While such improvements have the advantage of low investment in buildings and less need for balanced feed rations, they should only be regarded as first steps in raising the general level in present primitive systems. The raising of pigs in confinement is gradually replacing the old methods because of lower production costs, improved feed efficiency and better control of disease and parasites. Thus, the confinement system is usually advisable in circumstances where:

good management is available; high-quality pigs are introduced; farrowings occur at regular intervals throughout the year; 18

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land is scarce or not accessible all the year; balanced rations ate available; labour is expensive; parasite and disease control is necessary; the target is commercial production; herd size is reasonably large.

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Some systems keep only part of the herd in confinement. The order of priority for confinement housing for the different classes of animals is usually as follows: 1. Growing/finishing pigs (25-90 kg or more live weight) for higher control daily gain, better feed conversions and parasite control. 2. Farrowing and lactating sows, to reduce pre-weaning mortality and for higher quality weaners. 3. Gestating sows, to allow individual feeding and better control of stock.

Management Systems in Intensive Commercial Pig Production There is no standard type or system of housing for pigs. Instead, accommodation and equipment are closer to suit the type of management system adopted. However, there are certain similar principles and practices in most systems. These originate from the fact that most pig units will contain pigs of different ages and classes as shown in Figure 7.15. Space Requirement In intensive pig production systems all pigs should be raised on concrete floors to provide for a clean and sanitary environment. In semi-intensive systems a concrete floor is only used in the pens for finishing pigs and perhaps in the farrowing pens, whereas an earth floor or deep litter bedding is used in other pens and yards. Litter may or may not be used on a concrete floor, but its use is desirable, particularly in farrowing pens. Because of the cost of a concrete floor there is a tendency to reduce the floor area allowed per animal. However, too high stocking densities will contribute to retarding performance, increasing mortality, health and fertility problems and a high frequency of abnormal behaviour thus endangering the welfare of the animals. Increasing the stocking density must be accompanied by an increased standard of management and efficiency of ventilation and cooling. In particular, to aid in cooling, finishing pigs kept in a warm tropical climate should be allowed more space in their resting area than is normally recommended for pigs in temperate climates. Table 7.5 lists the recommended space allowance per animal at various stocking densities. The figures listed for high stocking density 19

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should only be used in design of pig units in cool areas and where the management level is expected to be above average. The dimensions of a pen for fattening pigs are largely given by the minimum trough length required per pig at the end of their stay in the pen. See Table 7.5. However, the width of a pen with low stocking density can be larger than the required trough length. This will reduce the depth to 2.0 to 2.4m, and thus the risk of having the pigs create a manure area within the pen. Furthermore, the flexibility in the use of the pen will increase and the extra trough space allows additional animals to be accommodated temporarily or when the level of management improves. Sometimes finishing pens are deliberately overstocked. The motive for this is that all pigs in the pen will not reach marketable weight at the same time and the space left by those pigs sent for slaughter can be utilized by the remainder. Such over-stocking should only be practiced in very well managed finishing units. General Requirements for Pig Housing A good location for a pig unit meets the following requirements: easy access to a good all-weather road; well drained ground; and sufficient distance from residential areas to avoid creating a nuisance from odour and flies. An east-west orientation is usually preferable to minimize exposure to the sun. Breezes across the building in hot weather are highly desirable. A prevailing wind during hot weather can sometimes justify a slight deviation from the east-west orientation. Ground cover, such as bushes and grass, can reduce reflected heat considerably, and the building should be located where it can most benefit from surrounding vegetation. A fairly light well drained soil is preferable, and usually the highest part of the site should be selected for construction. Pig houses should be simple, open sided structures as maximum ventilation is needed. A building for open confinement is therefore essentially a roof carried on poles. The roof supporting poles are placed in the corners of the pens where they will cause least inconvenience. A free span trussed roof design would be an advantage but is more expensive. In some circumstances it may be preferable to have solid gable ends and one tight side to give protection from wind or low temperatures, at least for part of the year. If such walls are needed they can often be temporary and be removed during hot weather to allow maximum ventilation. Permanent walls must be provided with large openings to ensure sufficient air circulation in hot weather. 20

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If there is not sufficient wind to create a draught in hot weather, ceiling fans can considerably improve the environment. The main purpose of the building is to provide shade, and therefore the radiant heat from the sun should be reduced as much as possible. In climates where a clear sky predominates, a high building of 3m, or more, under the eaves gives more efficient shade than a low building. A wide roof overhang is necessary to ensure shade and to protect the animals from rain. A shaded ventilation opening along the ridge will provide an escape for the hot air accumulating under the roof. If made from a hard material the roof can be painted white to reduce the intensity of solar radiation. Some materials such as aluminium reflect heat well. A layer of thatch (5cm) attached by wire netting beneath a galvanised steel roof will improve the microclimate in the pens. A roof of thatch is excellent in hot climates, particularly in non-confined systems, but cannot always be used because of fire hazard and because it is attractive to birds and rodents. The pen partitions can be made of concrete blocks or burnt clay bricks for durability or perhaps soil-cement blocks, plastered for ease of cleaning. Doors have to be tight fitting and any other openings in the lower part of the wall surrounding the building should be avoided to exclude rats. Apart from stealing feed and spreading disease, large rats can kill piglets. For all types of confinement housing a properly constructed easily cleaned concrete floor is required. 80 to 100 mm of concrete on a consolidated gravel base is sufficient to provide a good floor. A stiff mix of 1:2:4 or 1:3:5 concrete finished with a wood float will give a durable non-slip floor. The pen floors should slope 2 to 3% toward the manure alley and the floor in the manure alley 3 to 5% towards the drains. Housing for a Small Scale Pig Unit For units with 2 to 15 sows, specialized buildings for the various stages of production may not be practical or desirable. For the smallest units of 2 to 6 sows a kind of universal pen which is about 2.7m wide and 2.8-3.0m deep (including feed through) which can be used for: one sow and her litter, or two litter of weaned piglets, or 3 to 4 gestating sows, or 9 growing/finishing pigs of up to 90 kg live weight, or 1 boar

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This type of pen shown in Figure 7.16 provides a high degree of flexibility but usually does not allow as efficient a use of the building space as the more specialized pens. When used for farrowing, the pen should be adapted with guard rails 25cm above floor level and 25 from the wall to protect the piglets from being crushed as shown in Figure 7.16b. However, confinement farrowing is one of the most efficient ways of reducing piglet losses. An arrangement with fixed or removable rails, which divide the pen, as shown in Figure 7.16c, will offer some degree of confinement. In some climates it may be desirable to give sows with litter access to exercise yards. However, for the relatively short suckling period (6 to 8 weeks), it is usually considered best to keep the sows confined in pens with their litters. A creep for the piglets is arranged in one corner of the pen. It is recommended that a temporary ceiling (e.g. wire netting covered with straw) 50 to 60cm above the floor in the creep area be constructed to prevent draughts and to keep warmer temperatures for the piglets during their first weeks of life. Where electricity is available, heating with an infra-red lamp may be used instead. Piglets are fed in the creep area out of reach of the sow. Figure 7.17 shows a single row pig unit for 2 sows and fattening pigs, and Figure 7.18 shows a double row pig unit for 4 sows having a central feeding alley. The semi-covered manure alleys are arranged along the outside walls separated from the resting area of the pen. This arrangement will allow rain water to help flush away the waste to the drain channel and on to the manure store which has to have extra capacity for this water. However, in the 4 sow unit the furrowing pens have fully covered manure alleys for increased protection of the piglets. The roof may be equipped with gutters so that rain water can be drained away separately or be collected for use as drinking water for the pigs. Both buildings shown in Figures 7.17 and 7.18 can be extended to accommodate 2 to 4 more sows by adding 2 pens for fattening pigs at one end every time a farrowing pen is added at the other end. Housing for the Medium Scale Pig Unit In pig units for more than six to eight sows it becomes feasible to construct specialised pens for the various production stages, but these can still be accommodated under the same roof. A larger production volume can be accommodated by extending the unit shown in Figure 7.19 up to about 15 sows. A further increase should then be accomplished by building an additional

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separate unit of this type with up to 15 sows, as too many animals in one building is a potential health hazard. Housing for the Large Scale Pig Unit In large scale units special provisions must be made for efficient health control. This means not too many animals in one building; animals of approximately the same age housed together; using an all-in-all-out system with thorough cleaning and disinfection of every house between each batch of pigs; placing the buildings 15 to 20m apart and surrounding the entire site with a secure fence. Specialised pens in separate houses for the various stages in the production are normally feasible in units for more than 20 to 30 sows. Each type of pen can be designed with dimensions for the most efficient use of the building space, as they don't have to fit in a layout with other types. Farrowing House The type of farrowing pen shown in Figure 7.20 offers a relatively high degree of confinement in that the sow is restrained in a farrowing crate during farrowing. Five to ten days after farrowing the crate is removed or opened, to free the sow, as indicated in the figure. A slightly askew arrangement of the farrowing crate will allow for a longer trough for the piglets in the front of the pen, but is more complicated to construct. A reduction in space requirement can be accomplished by putting the sow in a farrowing pen, consisting merely of a farrowing crate with 0.5 and l.0m wide creep areas on either side, one week prior to farrowing. Two weeks after farrowing the sow and piglets must be transferred to a suckling pen equipped like the pen shown in Figure 7.17b but with the dimensions 2.3m wide, by 2.35m deep and with a 1.4m wide manure alley. Housing for Growing/Finishing Pigs Growing/Finishing pens 2.8m wide by 1.9 to 2.2m deep and with a 1.2m manure alley can accommodate the following number of pigs, according to their weight: up to 40 kg - 12 pigs 40 - 90 kg - 9 pigs over 90 kg - 7 pigs. Where it is very hot it is preferable to reduce the number of pigs per pen below the numbers given here. The manure alley must be well drained, preferably by a covered drain, but an open drain will also serve provided that it is outside of the pen to prevent urine from flowing from one pen to another. Housing for Gestating Sows

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Gestating sows are usually the last group in a pig herd to be considered for confinement housing. However, there are obvious advantages which could have a great influence on the production efficiency when sows are confined and controlled during gestation. As their litters are weaned, sows can be returned to the gestating sow structure and placed in one of the pens arranged on either side of the boar pens for easy management of sows in heat. After mating and the three week control period, the sows should be re-grouped according to the actual farrowing dates. The type of accommodation shown in Figure 7.21a will always have four sows per group as the gates in the manure alley are used to enclose the sows in their stalls while cleaning the pen. The stalls, which are used for both feeding and resting, should be 0.60 to 0.75m wide, depending on size of the sows. With the type shown in Figure 7.21b, the numbers in the groups can vary according to the size of the herd and farrowing pattern, but sows in one group should be in about the same farrowing period (within about 10 to 15 days of each other). The feeding stalls should be 50cm wide, and a bar should be installed which can be lowered after all the sows have entered the stalls. This arrangement will prevent sows from backing out of their assigned stall, and biting and stealing feed from other sows. When all the sows have finished eating, the bar is lifted and they can leave the feeding stalls. Behind the feeding stalls there is a manure alley with gates across and which can close the opening of the resting area in order to confine the sow while cleaning out the manure alley. The width of the manure alley can be increased from 1.5 to 2.5m if desired, so that cleaning out can be earned out by a tractor mounted scraper. In both types of pens, exercise yards when considered feasible, can be arranged behind the building. Special Arrangements for Warm Climates Many of the principles that have been discussed above apply equally well to both hot and temperate climates and are basic requirements for the housing of pigs. The open type of confinement system has its limitations, but applied in many warm areas leads to a major improvement in production. The complete control of the environment in animal houses is generally far too expensive to be feasible, in particular when considered in connection with non confined systems. However, provisions for shade, proper roof colour and material and controlled air movements, which have already been discussed, can be both practical and economic.

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Department of Agricultural and Bio-System Engineering,

A spray or a wallow can considerably reduce heat stress in pigs. A wallow can be anything from a water filled hole in the earth to a concrete trough. While wallows are effective and need not be expensive, they tend to become unsanitary if not regularly cleaned. From a hygienic point of view sprinklers, which spray water on to the pigs, are preferable, but water consumption can be up to four times as high as for a wallow. Water consumption is about 20 litres per pig per day for 10 hours continuous spraying, compared with 5 litres per pig per day using a wallow. However, a spray system can be operated intermittently by a timer, which can limit use to about 2 litres per pig per day. The spray should be directed on to the pigs and not into the air. The spray system can be effectively used with all categories of pigs, except very young piglets. A sprinkler in the manure alley of the farrowing pen, operated from the time the litter is about two weeks old, may help the sow to maintain her feed intake. Hosing pigs once or twice a day is a great deal less effective than a spraying system. Feed Troughs and Feed Storage A wide variety of feeding equipment is available for pig operations. The easiest to clean and sanitize are made from concrete, metal or glazed burnt clay. Concrete troughs are commonly used and can be pre-fabricated using a metal mould. The trough is often placed in the front wall of the pen as shown in Figure 7.22d, e and f. Although such an arrangement makes for a more difficult construction than to have the trough inside the pen it is usually preferred due to easier feeding and it also prevents the pigs from stepping into the trough. The wall above the trough can be made either solid or open and can be either vertical or sloping inwards to the pen. An open front improves ventilation in the pen but it is more expensive than a close-boarded wooden front as galvanised steel pipes have to be used for durability. In particular a sow confined in a stall of a farrowing crate will feel more comfortable if she is able to see in front of her. A sloping front will more effectively discourage pigs from stepping into the trough but it is more complicated and expensive to construct. Two piglet feeders for use in the creep area are shown in Figure 7.23. The same types can be used for growing pigs up to 40 to 50 kg, but the dimensions will need to be increased. Metal is preferred, although a feeder made of wood can be satisfactory if cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Watering Equipment

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Clean water must be available to the pigs at all times, including the piglets in a farrowing pen. Automatic drinkers are the most hygienic and can be used where piped water is available. There are two types, one that is placed above the feed trough and sprays into the trough when pushed by the pigs and the other type, which is operated by the pigs biting around it. This latter type is often placed in the manure alley or in the pen close to the manure alley to prevent the pigs from getting the resting area wet. Poultry Housing Poultry, including chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese, offers one of the best sources of animal protein, both meat and eggs, at a cost most people can afford. Chickens are the most widely raised and are suitable even for the small holder who keeps a few birds that largely forage for themselves and require minimum protection at night. At the other extreme, commercial farms may have highly mechanized systems housing thousands of birds supplying eggs and meat to the city market. In between are farm operations in a wide range of sizes with varying types of housing and management systems proportionate to the available level of investment and supply of skilled labor. No single system of housing is best for all circumstances or even for one situation. Some compromise will invariably have to be made. The needs of chickens and later other classes of poultry will be discussed and a number of housing systems will be described along with the principal advantages and disadvantages of each. General Housing Requirements for Chickens Proper planning of housing facilities for a flock of laying hens requires knowledge of management and environmental needs in the various stages of the life of the chicken. A typical life cycle is illustrated in Figure 7.24. The laying period may be up to 16 months, but in flocks held for commercial egg production the hens are normally culled after a laying period of 11 to 12 months or when the production has dropped to a point where the number of eggs collected per day is about 65% of the number of hens in the flock. It is true that the hens will come in to production again after a couple of month's moulting period, but the production is not as high and the egg quality is generally not quite as good as in the first laying period. Where prices of poultry meat are reasonable, it is usually more economic to cull all the hens after one year's egg production. Site Selection

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The best site is one that is well drained elevated but fairly level, and has an adequate supply of drinking water nearby. Regardless of the type or size of the housing system, the site for construction should be selected to provide adequate ventilation, but be protected from strong winds. An area under cultivation, producing low growing crops, will be slightly cooler than an area of bare ground. High trees can provide shade while at the same time actually increasing ground level breezes. Since all buildings used for poultry housing tend to produce odours, they should be located well downwind from nearby dwellings. If there are several poultry buildings in a group it is desirable to have them separated 10 to 15m in order to minimize the possibility of the spread of disease. Brooding buildings should be isolated from other poultry buildings by 30 meters or more and be self-contained in respect of feed supplies and storage of equipment. If the same person cares for both layers and growing birds, a disinfectant footbath at the entrance to the brooding area is an added precaution. All buildings should be constructed on well-drained sites where drives and paths between buildings will not become muddy even during the rainy season. Environmental Requirements The effects of temperature and humidity on the birds make it apparent that in most areas of East and Southeast Africa the principal environmental concern is to keep the flock as cool as possible. Shade, good ventilation with natural breezes, freedom from roof radiation and the indirect radiation from bare ground are all important. Only in a few high altitude areas does protection from wind and low temperatures become a significant consideration. Humidity seems important in only two respects. Very low humidity causes objectionably dusty conditions and high humidity combined with temperatures above 27C seems to interfere with the physiological cooling mechanism and increases the possibility of death. Day old chicks require a temperature of 33 to 35. This temperature is maintained for a week and is then gradually lowered to the ambient temperature by the end of 5 weeks. In addition to providing a good environment, the housing should offer protection from predators and theft as well as the exclusion of rodents and birds. These latter two not only carry disease, but they can consume enough feed to make a significant economic difference. The effect of light on egg production has been discussed earlier. Additional hours of light can be achieved by installing one 40W electric light bulb per 15m floor space in a position about 2.2m above floor level. 27

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More important than the hours of light, however, is the maintenance of the lighting schedule, since any sudden change in the length of the photoperiod is likely to result in a significant drop in production. Fourteen hours of light throughout the laying period is optimum. A schedule with gradually decreasing hours of light may be used in windowless houses for maturing pullets. This postpones laying, but results in larger eggs being produced from the start of laying. In warm climates near the Equator, houses are open for natural ventilation, however, and the day length is close to 12 hours throughout the year. The result is that pullets start to lie at 14 to 18 weeks of age and egg size, which is small at first, gradually increases during the first 3 months. Broiler houses are often lighted 24 hours per day to encourage maximum feed consumption and rate of gain. Proper design and management of the poultry house can effectively contribute to the prevention of disease in the flock. In general it is best if the litter is dry but not too dusty. If no litter is used, the floor and wall surfaces should be designed so that they can be easily cleaned between flocks and stay reasonably clean during use. Construction Details In most hot climates there will be many more days when a cooling breeze is needed rather than protection from a chilling wind. A wall construction consisting of a solid base, which protects from indirect radiation from the ground, and an open space covered with mesh above it, is therefore preferred for all four walls in most types of chicken houses. A hessian or reed curtain that can be dropped on the windward side will offer extra protection and, if installed on the east and west, it may also protect from direct sunshine. An arrangement where the top end of the hessian is fixed to the wall plate and the bottom end attached to a gum pole, around which it can be rolled when not in use, will provide for smooth operation. In high altitude areas off-cuts may be used on the gable ends, but 15 to 20mm spaces should be left between them to improve the ventilation. The width of the building should not exceed 9m for efficient cross ventilation. Lower Wall Design up to 1000mm of solid walls can be made of any available masonry units. Bag washing will give a smooth easily cleaned finish, but adobe blocks will require the extra protection of plastering to prevent the birds from destroying the wall by pecking. 28

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The Upper Wall Design to the total height of the wall, including the solid base should be about 2m. Gum poles treated with wood preservative and set 500mm deep in concrete are a practical means of supporting the roof and upper wall structure. 18mm wire mesh is small enough to keep out rodents and birds. A tight fitting door is essential. The floor in a poultry house may consist of gravel or well drained soil, but concrete is desirable because it is easily cleaned, durable and considerably more rat proof. A concrete floor should be 80 to 100mm thick and be made of a stiff mix, 1:2:4 or 1:3:5 concrete, placed on a firm base at least 150mm above ground level and given a smooth finish with a steel trowel. Roof structure with a free span is desirable to avoid any inconvenience caused by roof supporting poles inside the building. Corrugated steel sheets are the first choice for roofing material because they are much easier to keep clean than thatch. Insulation under the metal roofing will improve the environment in the house. However, a thatched roof may result in even better conditions and can be used on narrow buildings. The roof overhang should be 500mm, or more, in order to give adequate protection from sun and rain. A ventilation opening along the ridge is usually supplied in layer houses, but not in brooding houses. Housing Systems for Layers The pullets are transferred from the rearing to the laying accommodation at 17 to 18 weeks of age and start laying when they are 20 to 24 weeks old. At the time of transfer they should be grouped according to size and stage of maturity. There are five major systems used in housing of layers: Semi-intensive; deep litter; slatted or wire floor; a combination of slatted floor and deep litter; and cage or battery system. Having considered the factors that affect the comfort, protection, efficiency and production of the birds, it is also important to design a system that is labor efficient, reasonable in investment and easy to manage. How well each of the systems fills the needs of both the chickens and the people supervising the operation should be the determining factor in the selection of an appropriate system for a specific situation. Semi-intensive Systems Semi-intensive systems are commonly used by small-scale producers and are characterized by having one or more pens in which the birds can forage on natural vegetation and insects to supplement the feed supplied. It is desirable to provide at least two runs for alternating use to avoid build up of disease and parasites. Each run should allow at least 10 to 15m per hen and be fenced, but 29

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a free-range allowing 40 to 80m per hen will be required where the hens are expected to obtain a substantial part of their diet by foraging. A small, simple house, which allows 0.3 to 0.4m per bird, and which has a thatched roof a littered earth floor and slatted or chicken wire walls on at least three sides will provide protection from inclement weather, from predators at night and offer shade in the daytime. The shelter should be large enough to enter to collect eggs and be equipped with nest boxes, feeders, drinkers and perches. For convenience the house should be situated so that access to each of the runs can be provided with small outlet doors. Figure 7.25 shows another type of shelter for roosting and laying, which can be used in combination with daytime foraging by the hens. The legs of this structure have rat guards and ant protection and may be equipped with skids or wheels to make the whole unit easily movable between runs. Feed and water are provided in troughs outside the house. This system is low in cost, but growth of the birds and egg production are likely to be less than with systems offering closer confinement and better feed. Losses may be encountered by birds of prey and from failure to find eggs laid in bushy areas. The poultry run requires a considerable amount of fencing. A fold unit is a house and run combined, having part of it covered with chicken wire and the remainder with solid walls. The unit should allow 0.5m per bird and must be moved each day over an area of grassland. A unit 6 by 1.5m will take 16 to 18 birds and can normally be handled by one man. For larger flocks several such units will be used. Portable units are generally more expensive than permanent houses and may decay quickly because of the contact with the ground. The hens have reasonable protection against birds of prey and inclement weather, and parasites, if the unit is not returned to the same area within 30 days. In areas where grassland is limited a yard deeply littered with straw and allowing only 0.4 to 0.7m per bird will provide for an outdoor exercise area. This system is similar to the deep litter system, but requires more space, a considerable amount of litter for the yard and the fresh green food has to be carried to the birds. Figure 7.26. Deep Litter System Deep litter houses, Figure 7.27, confine the birds in a building that offers good protection with a reasonable investment. If well designed with low masonry walls set on a concrete floor and wire mesh completing the upper part of the walls, the building will exclude rats and birds.

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The principal advantages of this system are easy access for feeding, watering and egg gathering, good protection and reasonable investment. The principal disadvantage is the need for high quality litter. If the owner produces this, it is of little significance, but if it must be purchased, it becomes an economic factor. In either case, the litter and manure must be removed periodically. The deep litter house can be designed up to 9m in width and any length that is needed. Approximately 4 to 5 birds/ m of floor area is a satisfactory density. Slatted or Wire Floor System A small house of this type with slatted floor is shown in Figure 7.28. Alternatively wire mesh can be used for the floor. It is built on treated wooden piers 0.8 to 1m above the ground. Ventilation and manure removal are both facilitated, no litter is required and bird density can be 6 to 8 per m. Feeding, watering and egg gathering are all efficiently handled from the outside. Either a double pitch thatch roof or a single pitch corrugated steel roof may be installed with the eaves about 1.5m above the floor. If the latter is used, some insulation under the roof is desirable. The feed troughs should be equipped with hinged covers and rat guards should be installed at the top of each pier. The width of this type of building should be limited to about 2m to allow easy removal of manure and adequate wall space for feed and nests. The building should be oriented east and west and may be of any length. However, if it is more than 5m long, nests will need to be put on the sides and all remaining wall space on either side used for feeders in order to allow the required 100mm/bird. If using a slatted floor made sufficiently strong for a person to walk on, then a wider building is feasible as feeders can be placed completely inside where the chickens have access to both sides of the trough. The floor is sectioned for easy removal during cleaning out of manure. This type of houses is said to be cooler than other types, but the building cost is high and management is more complicated. Combination of Slatted Floor and Deep Litter A combination deep litter, slatted floor house, offers some advantages over a simple deep litter house, but with some increase in investment. Figure 7.29 shows a house of this type for the small producer. Approximately 1/2 of the floor area is covered with small gum pole slats or with wire mesh. This area is raised above the concrete floor 0.5m or more so that cleaning under the slatted portion may be done from the outside. Waterers and feeders are placed on the slatted area. This type of house is limited in width to 3 to 4m so that feeders and waterers can be handled from the litter area and manure beneath the slatted area can be easily removed from the outside without 31

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moving the slats or disturbing the birds. Although this system entails added expense for materials and labour to install the slats, the bird density can be increased to 5 to 7 per m, so there is little difference in the cost per bird. This system saves on litter, increases litter life, reduces contact between birds and manure, and allows manure removal without disturbing the hens. Ventilation is improved due to the slatted floor. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage is the limited width for convenient operation and the need for some litter. In medium to large scale houses of this type the slatted floor must be made removable in sections and at least part of it made strong enough to walk on. An increased building cost and a more complicated management will result, however. The house shown in Figure 7.30 has slats over 2/3 of the floor area. This is generally considered maximum for this type of house and allows for a stocking density of up to 8 birds per m. Automatic tube feeders are placed on the slatted floor. One such feeder, with a bottom diameter of 0.6m can serve for 60 to 75 birds, depending on size of breed. The water troughs are suspended from the ceiling. The nest boxes are doubled by arranging them back-to back and have one end resting on the slatted floor and the other suspended from the ceiling. Egg collection can be facilitated by the use of a trolley, which is supported on a rail just below the ceiling. Cleaning out between batches can be done by a tractor shovel, if all furnishings and part of the end walls are made removable. Cage or Battery Systems Cage management of layers in very large, well-insulated, windowless buildings has become the standard practice in much of Europe and the colder parts of the United States. With complete mechanization of feed, water, egg collection, manure removal and environmental control, two to three people can care for thousands of birds. It should be noted that a very large investment is made in order to obtain labour efficiency and ideal environmental conditions. East and South-East Africa has relatively low labour costs and a mild climate making a mechanized cage system in an insulated building unnecessary and impractical. Nevertheless, there are much simpler cage systems that may work very well for commercial growers in this region. These consist of rows of stair-step cages in long narrow shelters. Figure 7.31. The thatch roof or insulated metal roof shelter can be completely open on the sides with perhaps some hessian curtains in areas where cold winds are experienced. The buildings should be oriented east and west and designed to provide shade for the cages near the ends. A 3.4 metre width will allow for four cages without overlap and an alley of about 0.9 metre. While a concrete floor makes cleaning easy, smooth hard soil is less 32

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expensive and quite satisfactory. A little loose sand or other litter spread on the soil before the manure collects will make manure removal easier. The building posts should be treated with wood preservative and be sturdy enough to support the cages. Rat guards should be installed on the posts at a height of 0.8 to 1 m. A central alley, raised 20cm and cast of concrete is easily cleaned and keeps manure from encroaching on the work area. Feeding and egg collecting are easily done by hand while watering may be either by hand or with an automatic system. It is important that the watering trough be carefully adjusted so that all birds receive water. The simplest method of supplying water automatically or by hand at one end is to slope the entire building and row of cages 10mm/3m of length. The trough can then be attached parallel with the cages. Water must run the total length of the trough and it is inevitable that some will be wasted. Consequently a good water supply is essential. Even though feed is distributed by hand, feed stores should be built convenient to each building to reduce carrying to a minimum. Eggs can be collected directly on to the "flats" that are stacked on a cart which is pushed down the alley. The cart can be made self-guiding by means of side rollers that follow along the edge of the feed troughs or the raised central alley. Cage types that are equipped with pans to catch the manure are not advocated because they restrict ventilation. Previously used cages should be considered only if they are of a suitable design, and have been carefully inspected for condition prior to purchasing.

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Housing for Breeders Breeders must be housed in one of the floor systems since cocks need to run with the hens. One cock per 5 to l0 hens is sufficient. Special emphasis is placed on disease control, so frequently a partially or completely slatted floor design is preferred. Few commercial producers will breed their own replacements, but will instead buy day-old chicks from a commercial hatchery. However, most chicks of indigenous breeds are produced by natural incubation at small-scale farms. A hen sitting on some 8 to 10 eggs needs little feed and even less attention, but a cool, clean nest at ground level that is enclosed to protect the hen and later the chicks from insect pests, vermin and predators, and a supply of feed and clean water may improve the breeding result. 33

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Naturally hatched chicks are reared and protected by the broody hen and can be left undisturbed as long as their yard is protected from predators, is of good sanitary standard and has a supply of feed and water. Artificially incubated chicks must be started under gas or oil-fired brooders to compensate for the absence of a natural mother and to keep them warm without their crowding together. If electricity is available a 250W infrared ray lamp is a more reliable and comfortable solution, but is also more expensive. A cheap, simple but still efficient brooding arrangement that will serve for about 100 chicks is shown on Figure 7.32. The hover, which prevents the heat from escaping and protects the chicks from draught, is made from a halved oil drum and is equipped underneath with two heaters, e.g. kerosene storm lanterns protected by netting. The hover is suspended by chains from the roof structure and its height over the floor is adjusted according to the required temperature. A similar but larger brooder for 400 to 500 chicks has a hover made from two 3m long corrugated roofing sheets, is equipped with 6 heaters and has a proportionally larger area enclosed by the 60cm wall and is supplied with 10 water founts and 10 feed troughs. Housing for Pullets and Broilers In the past, poultry meat has been derived chiefly from culled layers. This is still the main source of poultry meat in most developing countries, although there is an increasing shift to rearing chickens specifically for meat. Broilers, the common term for meat birds, are fast-growing strains, which reach market weight of 1.6 kg in 8 to 12 weeks. The commercial production of poultry meat is now based primarily on broilers. In a semi-intensive system the growing pullets may obtain part of their food by scavenging for forage, seed, etc. A fenced yard allowing 5 to 8m per bird is preferable to open land. At least part of the yard should have shade cover and a simple building in which the birds can be enclosed at night will be required. The building should allow 0.2m per bird; have good ventilation, perches for roosting and offer protection against predators and inclement weather. The birds should be moved at regular intervals to a different yard in order to avoid a build-up of worm infestation. There is little difference in the rearing of chicks to become pullet replacements for the laying flock or broilers for market. The same environment and housing are suitable, so they will be considered together.


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Brooding and rearing are floor-managed operations. It is common practice to keep broilers or pullets in the same house from the time they are one day old, first on newspapers or thinly spread litter, and later, on deep litter. When broilers are marketed at 8 to 10 weeks of age, or pullets are transferred to the laying house at 16 to 18 weeks of age, the litter is removed so that the house can be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Therefore, the house should be designed and built to allow for easy and efficient cleaning. Pullets and broilers are not grown together because of the different length growing periods and differing schedules for artificial lighting. Chicks are started in a brooder, which may be of the type discussed in the previous section and remain there for six to eight weeks. During this time it is desirable to conserve heat and to prevent draughts, and in this, the building design can be an important factor. A method that is widely used in the United States called "end room" brooding works well and seems adaptable to warm climates as well. By taking advantage of the fact that chicks up to 4 weeks old require only 1/3 to 1/2 as much floor space as they will need later on, one end and enough of the adjacent sides are closed in tightly to provide 0.05m of floor space per chick to be brooded. Off-cuts, with low thermal capacity, are ideal for enclosing the wall. A hessian curtain makes the fourth (inside) wall to complete the temporary enclosure. The baby chicks can then be confined in the space around the brooder in the enclosed end of the house. See Figure 7.33. The balance of the walls are covered with 18 to 25mm wire mesh. At the end of the brooding period the brooder is raised to the ceiling for storage, the Hessian curtain is lifted and the chicks are allowed into the balance of the house, which should provide from 0.08m/bird for broilers to 0. 17m/ bird for pullets. Depending on the maximum temperatures expected, it may be necessary to provide some ventilator openings in the tight walls. An adjustable gable-end ventilator is particularly desirable as the roof will not have a ridge vent due to the brooding operation. If cool, breezy weather is expected, one or more of the screened sides may be equipped with Hessian curtains. Equipment and Stores In addition to what has already been described, any chicken house will require equipment such as waterers, feeders and a feed store and perhaps perches for roosting. Houses for floor managed layers or breeders will require nestboxes. A store for eggs may be required in any laying house. Feeders and waterers should be in sufficient numbers for easy access (particularly important for young chicks), be long enough for each bird to have its place and have sufficient holding capacity. 35

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Note: The cumulative feed consumption in pullets from one day to the point of laying at 20 to 24 weeks is 1012 kg. The rearing of one broiler from one day old to marketable weight (2 kg live weight) at 9-12 weeks of age requires 4 to 6 kg feed.

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Feeders Either trough or tube feeders are used for day-old chicks, growing birds and layers, but their size must be selected to suit the birds to be fed. The number of feeders should be such that the distance to the nearest feeder should not exceed 2m from any point in the house. A trough should not be too wide, be easily cleaned and have a design that prevents the hens from leaving their droppings in it. Figure 7.34a shows a good type of trough that can be made by the farmer. If used outside in a run the trough should be sheltered by a roof. Small trough feeders for chicks are used on the floor, but the larger ones are usually mounted on a stand to prevent the chickens from kicking litter into them and have perches where they can stand while eating, see figure 7.34b. The tube feeders, as shown in Figure 7.34c, are suspended from the ceiling and are easily adjusted for height (0.3m above ground is recommended for mature birds).

Drinkers An ordinary 10 or 15 litre bucket serves very well as drinker for layers. If it is sunk into the floor or ground so that only about 10 centimetres are out it may be used for chicks as well. Water fountains of the type shown in Figure 7.34d are available in sizes for all ages. Like feeders they are used on the floor for small chicks and on stands for older birds. The number of drinkers should be such that all chickens have access to one within a distance of 3m. Automatic drinking nipples may be used for layers in cages. There should be at least one nipple per every two hens. It is desirable that every hen have access to two nipples as clogging of a nipple is not always readily detected. Nest Boxes Layers and breeders, except those managed in cage systems, should have access to nestboxes in which they can lay their eggs. The nests can be such that they 36

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can be used by one or more birds at a time. Single nests commonly have the dimensions 250 to 300mm wide, 300 to 380mm deep and 300 to 350mm high, have a 100mm litter retaining board across the bottom of the opening and have a perch 150 to 200mm in front of the entrance. Communal nests should have a space allowance of at least 0.09m per bird. The top of the nest should be steeply sloped to prevent birds from roosting there. One nest should be supplied for every five birds in the flock. Figure 7.35 shows a nestbox arrangement. The bottom row of nests should be 450 to 600mm off the floor.

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Perches Chickens have a natural instinct to roost in trees at night. To provide for this perches are commonly installed in chicken houses from 6 to 8 weeks of age and after, in particular in semi-intensive systems. Perches for young birds should have a diameter of about 35mm and provide 0.1 to 0.15m space per bird, while those for adult birds should be about 5Omm diameter and provide 0.2 to 0.3m space. The perches should be fixed to solid stands, be 0.6 to 1.0m above the floor, be 0.35 to 0.4m apart and preferably be placed lengthwise at the centre of the house. A deck about 200mm underneath to collect manure is desirable. See figure 7.36. Feed Stores The feed stores for a small flock would be very much like those shown for food grains. For the commercial flock, the type of store depends on how the feed is handled. If it is purchased in bag lots, then a masonry building with an iron roof that is secure against rodents and birds is most suitable. If feed is delivered in bulk, then one or more overhead bins from which the feed is removed by gravity will be convenient and safe. The size of the store required depends entirely on the frequency and size of deliveries, but can be estimated as 0.0035m floor area per bird in the flock where feed is purchased in bags. If part of the grain is produced on the farm, then some long-term storage of the type shown grain storage will be required. Duck Housing Although ducks are kept for both meat and egg production, commercially there is much more demand for meat than eggs. On the other hand egg production does provide a valuable contribution to the family income and diet for the small scale farmer. Ducks lay more and larger eggs than indigenous chicken. Raising ducks is encouraged in African countries because they are hardy and easy to raise and manage. 37

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They can feed to a large extent on grass, vegetables and grains produced on the farm. Housing is also quite simple and inexpensive. Small-scale farmers would, for these reasons, benefit from keeping ducks instead of hens, which are more prone to disease and malnutrition. Brooding and Rearing Brooding is similar to chickens and the same temperatures are used, 35C for the first week and then reduced 3C weekly until normal air temperature is reached. Ducklings grow very rapidly, and floor and trough space on deep litter should be provided according to Table 7.9. Litter materials include straw, sawdust, shavings and sand. The large quantity of water that ducks drink produces wet manure that causes problems with almost any form of litter. A wire mesh floor therefore is a desirable alternative. The 12.5mm mesh of 8-gauge wire is suitable. Fresh air is important and ducklings can be let out in fine weather after a few days. They should, however, not be allowed to get wet before the feathering is completed on their backs at about six weeks of age. Ducklings should also be shaded during hot weather to prevent sunstroke. Housing Housing for ducks can be very simple. See Figure 7.37. The house should be situated on a well-drained, preferably elevated area. The floor should be raised at least 15cm above the surrounding ground level to help keep it dry. Ducks tend to be dirty and plenty of clean litter must be used in floor type housing. Although a concrete floor can be installed for easy cleaning, it is not necessary. If part of the floor is of wire mesh and the ducks have to cross it on their way to the nest boxes, their feet will be cleaned so they do not make the nests and eggs dirty. Solid walls 60cm high are adequate. They may be made from any material as long as it keeps the ducks in and predators like dogs, snakes, rats and wild birds out. The space between the wall and the-roof is covered with wire netting not larger than 25mm mesh. Total wall height does not need to exceed 150-200cm. Roof made of thatch is a fully adequate and inexpensive roof covering for a duck house. Metal sheets can also be used, but insulation should be installed under the sheets. 38

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Nest boxes 30cm wide, 40cm deep, and 30cm high should be provided for each four ducks. The front should be l5cm high. The nest boxes are placed either on the floor or 30 cm off the floor against a side or rear wall. Although nesting boxes off the floor release more floor space, the ducks may lay their eggs under the boxes. Run and Fencing should provide a minimum of 1 m per bird, but 2 to 3m or more, will keep the ducks cleaner and give more space for grazing. On open range pasture the ducks should be allowed 20m/bird. Feed and Water Equipment Duck feeders need to be somewhat wider than chicken feeders to allow for the "shoveling" eating habits. For the first two weeks the food is preferably given as crumbs or wet mash. Later the food is best given as pellets. Ducks of all ages drink large quantities of water. Waterers must be designed to allow easy access for the birds and easy cleaning for the caretaker. Ducks like to swim so if possible they should have access to a stream or pond. Contrary to common belief there seems to be little benefit in providing for swimming except that with water available the ducks are able to keep themselves cleaner and somewhat higher fertility of the eggs may result. Geese Housing Geese are foragers and can be allowed to graze on succulent grass as early as three weeks of age. Because of this there should be more encouragement for the development of the meat production from geese in East and South-East Africa. Unless there are a large number of geese, natural hatching will take place. A goose will sit on 10 to 1 5 eggs. The sitting goose should be allowed to use her regular nesting place for incubating the eggs. Rearing of goslings is relatively easy if proper care and attention is given. The goose should be confined to a clean coop for the first 10 days while the goslings have access to a small run. Chick mash can be fed for the first 3 to 4 weeks along with succulent grass. After 3 weeks of age the goslings will graze, but supplementary feed must be given if the value of the grazing is poor. Geese are selective grazers and will quickly return to grass newly grown after recent grazing. If the geese are herded, a much wider range of grazing is possible. Housing for geese is very simple, if any is required at all. In tropical areas geese appear to be quite content left outside at all times of the year. However, there 39

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is often danger of theft and attack by predators, so the geese should be herded into a shelter at night for protection. The shelter can be simple and cheap as long as it serves this purpose. A wooden framework surrounded by wire mesh is quite adequate. Wooden rails or bamboo can also be used in place of the wire mesh. The same materials can be used for the roof, as a waterproof roof is not necessary. There is no need for a floor, but the ground should be elevated to avoid flooding. Turkeys Housing In recent years there has been a steady increase in turkey production. The main demand is still at Christmas and New Year, but the better hotels and restaurants require supplies throughout the year. The demand is only for turkey meat. All the eggs produced are used for incubation by hatcheries. The production of turkeys should be confined to commercial enterprises. Chickens carry diseases that affect turkeys so they should not be grown together by the small farmer. Brooding and rearing methods for turkey poults are similar to those for chickens, but the brooding temperature is higher. The recommended temperature for the first week is 35 to 38C, after which it can be reduced 4C per week until ambient temperature is reached. At about 10 weeks of age, turkeys are put out on range in a fenced enclosure. In the interest of disease control, it is essential to use clean land that has not carried poultry, turkeys, sheep or pigs for at least two years. Approximately 20m of pasture should be allowed for each bird. A range shelter with 20m of floor area is suitable for 100 poults up to marketing age. Dry, compact soil is adequate for a floor. The frame should be made of light material covered with wire mesh so that the shelter can be moved to clean range each year. The roof, which should be watertight, can be made of thatch or metal sheets. Perches, made from rails 5 x 5cm or round rails 5cm in diameter, should be installed 60cm from the ground and 60cm apart allowing 30 to 40cm of length per bird. The turkey breeder flock can be confined in a deep litter house similar to the one for chickens. Early mortality in turkey poults due to lack of drinking or feeding is a constant problem and can only be prevented by good management and reliable equipment. Young poults must be coaxed to eat by making sure they have plenty of feeding places and can easily see the food. The same applies to water.

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It is important to keep turkeys from being frightened by people, animals or machines. When alarmed, turkeys have a tendency to stampede, pile up and smother. Sheep and goat housing Sheep and goats are important sources of milk and meat. Both readily adapt to a wide range of climates and available feed supplies. They also have similar housing requirements and will therefore be treated together. Management Systems Depending primarily on the availability and use of land, three systems of production are practiced:

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Subsistence, in which a few animals are tethered during the day and put into a protective shelter at night. Extensive, in which the flock/herd grazes over large areas of marginal land unsuited to agriculture. The flock is usually shut into a yard at night. Both these systems are practiced extensively in East Africa. Intensive, in which the animals are confined to yards and shelters and feed is brought to the flock. This system offers the greatest protection for the flock from both predators and parasites. Although it may make the best use of limited land resources, this system also increase labour and the capital investment required for facilities.

Housing Housing in tropical and semi-tropical regions should be kept to a minimum except for the more intensive systems of production. In the arid tropics no protection other than natural shade is required. In humid climates a simple thatched shelter will provide shade and protection from excessive rain. Sheep and goats do not tolerate mud well; therefore yards and shelters should be built only on well-drained ground. Figure 7.38 shows a sheep/goat house for 100 animals. Unless predators are a serious problem, gum poles can be substituted for the brick walls. If thatching is difficult to obtain, a lower pitch roof of galvanized steel is feasible, but some insulation under the roof is desirable. Where housing facilities are provided, it will be necessary to have in addition to water, feed troughs and permanent partitions, provision for temporary panels to


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help divide and handle the flock when necessary to carry on such operations as disease treatment, docking, shearing, milking and lambing. In temperate climates and at high altitudes a more substantial structure may be needed. An open-front building facing north provides wind protection and a maximum of sunshine. A rammed earth floor with a slope of 1:50 toward the open front is recommended. A concrete apron sloped 1:25 and extending from 1.2m inside to 2.4m outside will help maintain clean conditions in the barn. Slats shall be 70 to 100mm wide, 25 to 30mm thick and laid with 25mm spaces. Individual lambing pens should be 1.5m depending on the weight of the ewe and number of lambs expected. A feed trough should be 0.3 to 0.4m deep front to back and have a 0.5 to 0.6m high front wall facing the feed alley In areas of high rainfall it may be desirable to keep the animals off the ground. Stilted houses with a slatted floor, which is, raised 1 to 1.5m above the ground to facilitate cleaning and the collection of dung and urine are shown in Figures 7.39 and 7.40. Providing a platform along the feeding fence where the animals can stand while being milked from behind can facilitate milking. Such a platform should be 0.8m deep and elevated 0.35 to 0.5m above the floor where the milker stands. Sundry farm buildings Farm workshop facilities A workshop provides a focal point at the farmstead for the repair and maintenance of machines, implements and structures. It also provides a place where tools can be stored in an orderly manner, a store for supplies and spare parts, and a shelter where work can be carried out during inclement weather. A facility of this type should be available on every farm. The size and design of a workshop, however, should be commensurate with the size of the farm and the work to be done in the shop. The small holder may be adequately served with a tool storage cupboard that can be locked for security and a workbench with a simple homemade vice for holding tools while they are being sharpened or fitted with new handles. From this simple beginning a more complete facility may gradually evolve as the farm operation grows and more equipment is required. Since repair tools and supplies represent a considerable investment, most farmers will want to store them in a secure place. Many small scale farmers will not require a separate store for this purpose, but if stored together with hand tools and small implements, the number of items may motivate the farmer to build a storeroom by enclosing part 42

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of the workshop with solid walls. Figure 7.41 shows a simple work shelter and store suitable for repair work and the storage of small implements. Note that the doors to the store may be designed with racks and hooks to hold supplies and tools. Fuels and other combustible materials should not be stored with the tools. A simple workbench and vice can also be housed under the shelter. At the other extreme, a large ranch or commercial farm may need a separate building with extensive equipment for maintaining the farm machinery, tractors and vehicles. A farmer may also use his workshop to do routine repairs and preventive maintenance during the off season, to build or modify some of the equipment used on the farm and to prefabricate building elements to be used in construction projects. The workshop facilities should be cost effective. That is, enough savings should be realized from timely maintenance, repairs and construction projects to pay for the cost of the building and the necessary tools and equipment. Although it is difficult to put a monetary value on timeliness, there is no question that being able to make emergency repairs is important. Some farm operations (planting, spraying, and milking) are more sensitive than others to prolonged interruptions, and having facilities to complete repairs on the farm can reduce delays to a minimum. Other factors, apart from the farm size, which will influence the extent of the workshop facilities, are the number and diversity of machines, the availability of service from dealers, and the interest and mechanical skill exhibited by the farmer and farm labourers. If necessary, a skilled mechanic may be employed. Without qualified personnel to use the shop it becomes questionable in value and may even contribute to more frequent breakdowns and additional expense due to careless work. The workshop should be located close to the work center of the farm and convenient to the farm home on ground that is well drained and sufficiently level to allow easy maneuvering of equipment. Where electric power is available, proximity to the power source should be considered. In tropical climates the workshop may be a simple pole structure with a nonflammable roof. Unless dust is a problem, it may be feasible to leave the sides open to provide good light and ventilation. Heavy-gauge wire netting can be used to make the area more secure without reducing light or ventilation. A pole structure of this sort can be enclosed with off cuts or corrugated steel at a later time, but if this is done, there must be provision for several good-sized windows. While a simple earth floor is often satisfactory, concrete offers the advantages of an easily cleaned, level surface. To do a clean repair job, a clean work area is essential and this is particularly important when lubricated mechanisms are

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reassembled. The level surface is helpful in some assembly or alignment operations. The following additional features are important for a safe and efficient shop:

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Sufficient room for the largest machine that may need repair, including workspace around it. If the machine is large, truss roof construction may be needed to provide the required space without intermediate supports. An entrance that is both wide enough and high enough for the largest equipment that the shop has been designed to accommodate. If the building is enclosed with either solid walls or wire netting, a second door is essential for safety in case of fire. Some means of lifting and supporting heavy loads. When the roof span is 3m or less, a timber beam is often adequate. For larger spans or very heavy loads a truss will be required. Alternatively, a portable hoist can be used. Electric lighting and electrical service for power tools. A water supply for both convenience and safety. One or more fire extinguishers of a type suitable for fuel fires. Two or three buckets of dry sand are a possible substitute or supplement for a fire extinguisher. Storage cabinets for tools, supplies and spare parts. Sturdy doors can be locked for security and also provide space to hang tools and display small supplies for easy access. A heavy workbench attached to the wall or otherwise firmly supported. It should be 1 m high, up to 800mm deep and at least 3m long and equipped with a large vice. There must be sufficient clear space around it to maneuver work pieces and, if attached to a solid wall, ample window openings above it to provide light.

Flammable materials such as sawdust, shavings and oily rags must never be allowed to accumulate in the workshop since they represent a fire hazard, and fuels should be stored in a separate area. Generally good order and cleanliness in the shop makes for efficient work, convenience and safety. Machinery and implement storage On many small-scale farms in Africa all cultivation and transport operations on the term are done manually. The few small-sized hand tools and implements used in such farming can normally be stored in any multipurpose store at the farmstead. The store needs only to be secure for protection of the equipment from theft and vandalism, and dry so as to avoid deterioration of the metal and wooden parts. The tools will last longer if they are cleaned and working surfaces are greased prior to storage. The tools may be hung on rails or hooks on the wall


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or from the ceiling for order and convenience and to protect them from dampness penetrating an earth floor in the store. See Figure 7.42. Implements such as ploughs, harrows and cultivators are damaged little by rust when left outdoors. If they are properly cleaned prior to storage and metal surfaces, particularly all threaded parts used for adjustments, are greased, then a little rust is not likely to harm performance enough to justify the cost of a storage structure. A fenced compound can offer adequate protection against theft during storage. Although implements containing wooden parts are more susceptible to decay, those parts can usually be replaced at low cost. Tractors and other complex machines will function better when needed if they have been stored under cover and given a complete off-season check-up. An adequate storage structure for these machines is likely to be economically feasible. For most purposes a narrow open-side shed with a well drained, raised earth or gravel floor will be adequate for machinery storage. The sides of the building can be partly or wholly enclosed with netting or solid walls when security conditions make it necessary. The building must be high enough to accommodate the highest machine. A smooth, level floor makes it easier to attach and detach tractor-mounted equipment or to move other machines. The space required can be determined by obtaining the dimensions of all the machines and implements to be stored. Fire resistant construction is desirable where tractors, cars and other powered machines are stored. A pole structure with an earth floor, sheet metal walls, timber trusses and metal, asbestos-cement or sisal-cement roofing will offer adequate fire resistance. Machinery stores and farm workshops are constructed in much the same way and are usually placed close together for convenience. In fact, they may be housed in one building with a workshop section at one end and machinery and implement storage in the balance of the building. Greenhouses A greenhouse is a structure using natural light within which optimum conditions may be achieved for the propagation and growing of horticultural crops, for plant research, or for isolating plants from disease or insects. While in the tropical areas of Africa there are only limited applications, there are a few situations in which a greenhouse can be justified because of the optimum growing conditions required for a high value crop or a research project.

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There is a wide range in the cost of various greenhouse designs and a careful assessment to relate the requirements for a given enterprise to the cost of the house is important. For example, a greenhouse used for year long flower production can justify the cost of glass, while a house used for a month or two for starting vegetable plants can only justify a polythene covering. Site and Support Facilities Greenhouses should be located in open areas with no shading from trees or buildings and with access to roads. The land should be nearly level and well drained with a fall of 1 in 100 to 1 in 200 being ideal. If possible, the site should be sheltered from excessive winds. However, normal air movement is essential for natural ventilation systems and to prevent locally stagnant conditions. Good soil is essential, deep, medium-textured loam being ideal. Soils, which are less than ideal, should be worth improving. Very heavy soils are not usually satisfactory. A good, clean water supply is of paramount importance. A full crop system may require up to 8,400m per hectare (840/m) in a single year and the source of water must be able to supply all that will be required. Electricity will be required if ventilation is to be mechanized and if stationary machinery is to be used in the greenhouse. Design Parameters Light It is important that the crops being grown in a greenhouse receive the optimum amount of light, not only when the skies are clear (direct light), but also when it is cloudy (diffuse light). The shape and construction of the house should be such that it will allow the best possible entry of light. The two shapes coming closest to the ideal are: the single-span semicircular section covered with clear polythene film, Figure 7.43. the mansard profile, a framed structure in which the sides and two roof sections are sloped in such a way that a semicircular cross section is approximated, Figure 7.44.

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The size and cross section of all the load bearing members have a pronounced effect on light transmission.


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The gutters of multi-span roofs produce considerable shade, and likewise, in wide-span houses, the heavier roof trusses tend to cause more shading. Thus open trusses with narrow-section members are desirable. Light colors and reflective surfaces improve light transmission. In spite of a good design for natural light, artificial lighting may be needed for the production of photoperiod sensitive plants. Orientation Within the latitudes found in the tropics it is desirable to orient the ridge of greenhouses north and south to reduce the overall shading by the framing members. This is true for all types of frames including multi-span houses. Size While multi-span blocks of 3.2m each are least expensive to build, wider spans will allow somewhat better light transmission. Furthermore, the general management in wider houses (movement of machines, optimum cropping layouts, etc.) may justify the extra cost. As a general rule the cost is lowest when the length is four to five times the span width. This is particularly true with wide-span houses. Height The height of a greenhouse should be sufficient for the operation of machinery and the comfort of the workers. An increase in height improves natural ventilation during still conditions and the desired plant climate is more easily obtained. However, with very high roofs, maintenance becomes more difficult. Gutter heights of 2.8 to 3.0m are recommended for multi-span houses to allow machines to move freely. In single-span houses, eave height should be at least 2m to allow for unrestricted workspace.

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Materials Greenhouses are generally built of steel, aluminium or wood and are glazed with good quality glass, clear polythene sheet, or fibreglass-reinforced polyester panels.


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Steel must be galvanized after fabrication as any welding or drilling breaks the galvanized layer. Steel is cheaper than aluminium and is ideal for the main roof frame. Aluminium is very resistant to corrosion and is easily formed into complex sections. While it is expensive, it is most suitable for glazing bars. It cannot be economically welded and bolted construction is used. Wood is less suitable for the lightweight construction and the high moisture conditions found in greenhouses, therefore only top grade timber of the most decay resistant species that has been treated with a waterborne type of wood preservative should be used. Glass is expensive, but it is the most durable covering and transmits the most light (90%). However, the gradual build-up of dirt and algae along with surface etching eventually causes a reduction in light transmission. The minimum width of glass ordinarily used is 610mm. Also common is the 730mm width. Both of these are 4mm thick and weigh 2.8 kg/m. Polythene sheet is increasingly being used to cover relatively low cost structures. It has light transmitting qualities similar to glass but the material has to be replaced periodically as it deteriorates under the influence of ultraviolet light. However, the cost is much lower than glass and the roof framing can be much lighter, resulting in good economy. Fiberglass reinforced polyester panels are more impact resistant than glass and more durable than polythene sheet. Light transmission is about 85% but drops off appreciably unless the surface is cleaned and resurfaced with acrylic sealer every 4 to 5 years. It is intermediate in cost between glass and polythene. Farm dwellings The traditional life style of the farming communities of tropical Africa is undergoing many changes. People are becoming better educated, coming into contact with other cultures and technologies, and are gradually losing their knowledge of the traditional crafts and agricultural methods that were practiced by their ancestors. This is encouraging a change from the traditional way of life to a more modern, in some respects, westernized, mode of living with a desire for appropriate dwellings. Planning the design and construction of a farm dwelling requires decisions with which the farm family must live for a long time, perhaps a lifetime. These decisions are likely to be highly personal because of individual preferences, financial situation, family size, location and other circumstances. There are a

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number of factors to be considered and questions to be answered before building a home. This chapter presents information relating to space requirements together with ideas for planning farm dwellings. It leaves a great deal of opportunity for designs to evolve through the cooperation of the farm family, craftsmen and perhaps engineers and architects. The planning will involve careful evaluation of factors such as traditional family culture and social life, climate, government regulations, available materials and the skills of local craftsmen. The planning process will result in unique designs that may differ greatly from one area to another. However, only if the planning process aims at producing designs which within a cultural and environmental context are general in terms of layout, materials, construction and details, will they contribute to develop an indigenous building tradition that pursues the native architectural heritage. Space requirements In planning a farm home, adequate space must be allowed for each of the daily activities. This is not so much related to total space as it is to such things as door widths and heights, corridor widths, adequate space for a bed or a table and chairs, clearance for a door to swing open, etc. It is essential that these dimensions be checked in every design as very minimal changes can often make a considerable difference in convenience. Figures 7.45 as well as several figures in Section Functional Requirements for different rooms and spaces provide a guide to space requirements. Family cultural and social requirements Various tribes and ethnic groups with different cultural and religious background have developed distinctive customs and social requirements. An analysis of the farm family's daily life, including present requirements and future plans, will help in selecting the important factors for designing an appropriate dwelling house. A number of questions relevant to a farm home design are listed as follows: Family size: How many persons will live in the house initially and in the future? What are the family relationships - age, sex, and marital status? Sleeping: Are separate bedrooms and/ or houses needed for the husband and wife (wives)? Where do small children sleep - in parents room, separate room nearby? Where do the older children sleep - separate room, separate house? Are children of different sexes separated?

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Cooking/eating: Is cooking done inside or outside the house or in a separate structure? Are cooking and eating done in the same area? Is there a separation between women and men, children or visitors during eating? What kinds of water resources are available? Store: How much food is stored, where? What types of storage conditions are required? What other items need to be stored - fuel, water, implements? Resting/conversation: What kind of room is required for resting and conversation - outside, verandah or separate shelter, - inside, kitchen or living room? Are men, women and children separated during these activities? Special requirements of farm dwellings The farm family accustomed to working with nature has different needs in a dwelling than a family in the urban area. Although many of the basic requirements are the same for both rural and urban homes, additional factors must be considered in designing the rural dwelling. They include the following:

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A well drained site, but suitable for a well, and when necessary either a latrine or a septic tank and drainage field. A home should never be built on a flood plain. The relation of the dwelling to other farm buildings that will allow a view of the access road and the farmstead. The correct orientation of the house to give protection against sun, rain, odour and dust while providing for ventilation, a view and easy access. An east-west orientation to provide the most shading is a general rule. However, it may sometimes be desirable to modify this to take advantage of a prevailing wind for better ventilation or to have more sun penetration into the house in cool highland areas. A design, which will allow building the house in stages according to the availability of finances. Flexibility in the arrangement of rooms to allow for alternative use and future expansion. A kitchen large enough to allow for space-consuming activities such as cutting meat after slaughter, preparation of homegrown vegetables, etc. A separate entrance from the backyard into the kitchen area. A small verandah at the rear of the home where some of the kitchen work can be done and perhaps farm clothes can be stored. A verandah large enough to allow for activities such as eating, resting, visiting, etc. The veranda, along with windows and ventilation openings, may need to be protected against insects with mosquito netting.


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A separate office for larger farms, while a storage cupboard and the dining table will be sufficient for small farms. A place to store dirty farm clothes and shoes combined with washing facilities, if possible. A room for guests if it is likely to be needed.

Categories of farmhouses Farming communities may be grouped according to the type of agriculture practiced in the area: subsistence, emergent or commercial. The size of the home, materials used and the type of agriculture and the resulting income will influence the method of construction. The dwelling may range from a self-built structure using local, natural materials and costing little or nothing, to a contractor-built house using mostly commercial building materials and requiring a considerable income to finance. The improvement in layout, design, construction and building materials may allow further development of the farm dwelling and will help to extend the life span of the dwelling house and make life more comfortable. Function and communication schemes Good communications play an important role in the successful management of a farm business. Close supervision and control will help to maximize profits and keep losses to a minimum. Therefore, easy access to the ongoing farm activities is imperative. A functionally placed dwelling will serve as a communication center within the farmstead and will aid the farmer in supervising the farm operation. Human environment and the traditional social life strongly influence the functional arrangement of rooms within a dwelling. Traditional house design in East Africa may combine functional and communication requirements in one large multi-purpose house with one or several rooms, or in several small oneroom single-purpose houses. Three traditional plans are shown followed by four contemporary plans with varying degrees of privacy and security. Multi-purpose House with One Room Figure 7.46 shows this type of house, which is very economical in use of buildings materials and has good security because of only one entrance. Its disadvantages are a lack of privacy and a health hazard because cooking, eating, sleeping, meeting and even keeping of animals are done in the same room. Multi-purpose House with Several Rooms In terms of building materials, this type of house, shown in Figure 7.47, is less economical than the previous one. The security is good and the individual privacy has improved because of separation of the rooms. Health standards are still not 51

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good because of cooking, food storage, sleeping and keeping animals under the same roof. Single-purpose Houses with One Room This type, shown in Figure 7.48, is uneconomical in terms of building material and may not provide satisfactory security in some areas. However, privacy is very good and the separation of the houses will keep the health hazard to a minimum. Further expansion is possible and modification in use is simple. Further development of the traditional multi-purpose house with several rooms has lead to a more contemporary design, influenced by western culture and industrial building materials. These designs combine the advantages of privacy, security and improved health conditions without excessive expense for building materials or skilled craftsmen. Considering the arrangement and communication between rooms, these houses can be divided into four main types, each of which can be easily varied. External-access. Type All rooms have their entrances from outside. Security depends on several expensive outside doors. The lack of internal connection between rooms is often a disadvantage from the functional point of view, but the resulting separation can be advantageous in situations such as an extended family or a change of owner. See Figure 7.49. Courtyard Type This type, shown in Figure 7.50, resembles the previous design but the rooms have their entrances from an enclosed yard, which improves the security and privacy of the house. Corridor Type All rooms have an entrance from a corridor running through the house as shown in Figure 7.51. This type provides good security and privacy. A long corridor, however, often tends to be dark and may be thought of as wasted space. Central-room Type Instead of a corridor, a central room such as the meeting or dining room provides access to the other rooms as shown in Figure 7.52. Security is very good in this type of house, but the central room must be large enough to allow space for both circulation and the furnishings for its primary purpose. 52

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STUDY OBJECTIVES Know the simple earth roads on farmsteads Understand all types of fences and their construction on a farm Understand the wire application for various animals

CHAPTER 8 EXTERNAL FACILITIES This chapter deals with rural structures which are only indirectly related to buildings, but which are of great importance to the farmer. These include roads, farmstead courts, minor river crossings, fencing and animal handling yards. Rural access roads range from the simplest earth roads to bituminous surfaced highways. However, earth roads are normally the only type that can be justified for access to farmsteads. These roads, designated as unimproved earth roads, are generally suitable solely for light traffic, up to some dozen or so vehicles per day, and they often become impassable in the wet season. Heavy lorries, which sometimes need to have access to farmsteads, should only be allowed on this type of road after an adequately long dry spell. There is no need for actual structural design of unimproved roads, but there are some principles, which if followed, will produce a reasonably good road for the small investment that they justify. Road Location Some roads are built entirely new, but more often a sequence of communication routes evolves as the area develops. This may start with a footpath, which later turns into a track and, by gradual improvement becomes an earth road, which is passable throughout most of the year. It is therefore advantageous to choose a road line at an early stage in the planning which will allow for gradual improvement of the road without having to make long and costly diversions. A survey to determine the best location for a road line starts by identifying areas through which the road must pass, for example, a gap between hills, the best location for a river crossing, and points to be linked by the road. Places to be avoided include soft ground, steep slopes, and big rocks. In large scale road projects the terrain is viewed from aerial photographs, but for smaller projects this is too costly and instead an overview of the proposed road line must be obtained from adjacent hills. Such an overview provides valuable information on natural drainage, but should always be supplemented by a detailed examination on foot.

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Once the points through which the road must pass have been established, the road line is laid out to run as directly as possible between them. When possible, roads should be located on sandy soils in well-drained locations, avoiding wet and low lying areas prone to flooding. To take full advantage of natural drainage, it is practical to locate the road along the backbone of a watershed if it roughly parallels the road line. By doing so, the best possible drainage away from the road will be achieved and expensive bridge; culvert or drift construction may be avoided. However, an attempt to avoid all the difficult spots may result in a longer road and the additional cost of the construction and maintenance should always be weighed against the cost for a road built in a more direct line. Gradients A steep gradient not only slows down traffic and limits the load a draught animal can pull, but it also complicates the road construction and increases the cost since care must be taken to avoid erosion from storm water flowing on and along the side of the road. A gradient can be expressed in three ways:

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a units of rise relative to units of horizontal distance, (e.g. 1:40) b percentage, (e.g. 2.5%) and c angle to the horizontal (e.g. 126').

Road construction When the land has been surveyed and the most feasible road line has been found, the center line of the road is set out with pegs inserted at 15 to 20m intervals and tall enough to be clearly visible. Additional pegs may be installed to mark the width of the roadway, side drains and the area to be cleared. Stumping and Clearing To construct a simple earth road, trees and rocks must be cleared from the road line and well back from the road so that sun and wind can dry the road surface. In heavily wooded country, trees should be cleared from the road way a distance equal to the height of the tree cover or even one and a half times that height on roads with north- south orientation. Wider clearing ensures visibility through bends and road safety in areas densely populated with wild animals. Tree stumps can be removed by digging them out, burning them or by dragging them away with draught animals or a tractor. Rocks are either dug out and removed, buried, or broken down to ground level with a sledge hammer or by the hot-cold (fire-water) treatment. All holes are then filled and compacted and any bumps leveled. Stumps and rocks should be cleared well outside the roadway since the verges are likely to be used when vehicles meet. Any stones that cannot be removed and lie beside the roadway should be clearly and 2

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permanently marked with paint or a tall white peg. The final step in constructing a simple earth track is the building of diversion banks at suitable intervals. If the objective is to construct a high-level earth road, the work will continue with the construction of side drains. Road Maintenance The most important maintenance job on any type of earth road is to ensure that all drains work properly and that additional drains are installed wherever it becomes necessary. Secondly, rutted wheel tracks should be filled in with soil from outside the roadbed. If the road surface becomes badly deteriorated it will be necessary to resurface the road by adding more soil from the side drains. Never remove earth from the road surface since this will lower the road level and make efficient drainage difficult or even impossible. Soil should be taken from the side drains so that they are made wider rather than deeper. On crossfalls, soil should be taken only from the upper side drain. During the first years after construction it may be necessary to control shoots from tree roots. When vehicles start using the road, bumps (other than diversion banks) and holes will soon become apparent. These holes and any other unevenness should be repaired promptly by filling. Erosion of earth roads Soil is eroded from a road by traffic, wind and water. Depending on soil conditions, climate and volume of traffic, soil erosion may cause considerable deterioration of the road and increase the cost of maintenance. While erosion from wind and traffic is normally of minor importance, that caused by run-off water from heavy rains can, if uncontrolled by proper drainage and maintenance, cause deterioration, beyond what is worth repairing in only a few years. Properly installed drainage and road maintenance go hand in hand to insure the durability and carrying capacity of an earth road. If deep tracks are allowed to form, water will accumulate in them and since most roads have at least a slight gradient, the water begins to flow. As the volume of water increases either through intensity of rainfall or inadequate side drains, its speed and eroding action will increase. Side drains, if not properly installed, will also erode. It is obvious then that drainage of earth roads is of primary importance. It is essential to remove rainwater that falls on the road itself and to prevent that which falls on adjacent land from washing over the road. As far as possible natural drainage should be used to achieve these goals, but an engineered drainage system may be required to adequately protect the road. Rain water that falls on the road is shed from the curved surface (camber) into shallow side 3

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drains and diverted from there through mitre drains into the bush. Where necessary, catch water drains should be constructed which collect water flowing towards the upper side of the road allowing it to be directed across the road and back into its natural channel in a controlled way. Fencing The two main objectives of fencing on a farm are security and improved livestock management, but fences may also be used as windbreaks, to provide privacy and to improve appearance. The type of fence chosen for a specific situation will be determined by the objective or the combination of objectives for which it is built. Security People or animals often use fencing to protect property and growing crops from theft and damage. Where the objective is solely the demarcation of boundaries very simple structures may be sufficient. On the other hand, fences, which are designed to stop intruders from entering, must be high, dense, and sturdy and be topped with spikes or barbs. As secure fences can be quite expensive, their use is limited to enclosing particularly valuable property. The three most widely used types of fences for this purpose are:

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Round or square vertical bars of wood or steel secured to horizontal rails and fixed to posts set 2 to 3m apart. These are very difficult to climb. Chain link (diamond mesh) netting, about 2m high and fixed to posts set 3m apart. In both types, stays may be used for extra strength and a barbed wire top added for extra security. Thorny hedges.

Fencing is also used for protection around ponds, along steep slopes or in other hazardous locations. Types of fences Any type of structure which forms an effective barrier to livestock movements or which restricts human movements can be termed a fence. The following types are the most common on farms. Wire Fences such as:

Plain wire fences. Barbed wire fences. Suspension fences. Wire netting fences. 4

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Electric fences.

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Other Types of Fences such as:

Post and Rail Fences. Hedges. Log fences. Walls.

Wire Fences Types of Wire Plain or barbed wire fences are best suited for fencing of large areas. Plain wire is cheaper than barbed wire, but requires a higher standard of assembly and of construction for posts since the wires must be permanently strained to be effective. The thinner but stronger high-tensile steel wire is cheaper than plain wire but more difficult to install. Fencing wire is galvanised for corrosion protection. However, great thermal variations may crack the protective cover. The salt air in coastal districts or applications below ground level also reduces the effectiveness of the galvanizing. Barbed wire will generally rust faster than plain wire. High-tension wire will keep its tension longer than plain or barbed wire, but will rust faster than plain wire once the galvanizing is broken. Barbed wire may cause serious injury to animals resulting in lower pelt value. The most justifiable use of barbed wire is as a top wire above other types of fences to discourage stock from leaning over the fence and breaking it down. Even though fencing wire should be strained to be effective, care should be taken not to over-strain it. The elasticity of the wire will cause it to return to its original position after being stretched by the impact of animals or by temperature changes, provided the yield point stress has not been exceeded. Furthermore it will be difficult to maintain a very high-tension value over several years. Generally the elasticity will not be damaged and the fence will retain resilience and tension if the wires are stressed to about 30% of the yield point, or about l500N for common types of fencing wire. Wire Applications for Various Animals It is recommended that 4 to 5 lines of barbed wire or 5 to 7 lines of plain wire be used in a cattle fence. However, on large ranges with low stocking density, 2 to 4 and 3 to 5 lines respectively may be adequate. The top wire should be at least 1.2m above ground level. Fencing for poultry runs should be about 2m high. A thin gauged, hexagonal, relatively open mesh is adequate to control adult birds, but often smaller mesh 5

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netting, dug 20 to 30cm into the ground and with a total height of about one meter, is fitted at the bottom of the fence to prevent young birds from escaping and predators from entering the run. Barbed or plain wire can be used for pig fencing, but due to the small spacing of the wires required, in most cases it will be more economical to use a heavy gauge woven wire fence or a chain link (diamond mesh) fence. It is recommended that a mesh smaller than 15cm be used although 20cm mesh can be satisfactory for adult pigs in large runs. Where sows with litters are to be fenced, smaller mesh must be used at the bottom. The height of the fence should be at least 90cm. Unless the pigs noses are ringed it is difficult to make a fence pig-proof, but it will help to dig the bottom of the fence about 25cm into the ground. This will however, increase the maintenance cost due to rusting of the wires. Alternatively, a single line of barbed wire can be fixed at the bottom of the fence, just above the ground. Barbed wire is not considered suitable for sheep. A good sheep fence needs to be 90 to 110cm high depending on the breed. It can consist of either 6 to 10 lines of plain wire or woven fencing, 80 to 90cm high, and one or two barbed wires at the top to make up the height. However, sheep fences in small paddocks or yards may be built at least 2m high to keep out predators. The mesh should be 15 to 30cm. The larger mesh will prevent the sheep from getting their heads caught if they attempt to reach through, but may not be sufficiently dense for lambs and for breeds having a special liking for getting through fences. For plain wire fences, batten and wire spacing seem to be more important than tension in the wires. Wires spaced 15cm apart require battens at every second meter, whereas wires at 10cm can have battens spaced 2.5 meters. Fencing Posts Equally important as the wires in a fence are the posts, which hold them up. Strainer posts and corner posts need to be strong and faced firmly in position, since the stability of the fence and retention of tension in the wires depend on them. Intermediate posts, battens and wires may be replaced as necessary. Naturally durable and termite resistant hardwood or less durable wood treated with a preservative should be used for strainer and corner posts. Note that some wood preservatives may cause the wires to deteriorate quickly, especially in the atmosphere of coastal areas. Knots are potential sources for weakness. Sometimes galvanized steel or concrete posts are used, but they are generally more expensive than wooden posts. Concrete posts, although easily broken, are long lasting, fire and termite resistant and can be made at the farm using a simple mould. A concrete mixture 1:2:2 reinforced with four 6mm steel bars wired together at 50cm intervals is satisfactory. Strainer posts should be 20 x 20cm thick at ground level and other posts 15 x 15cm. 6

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Wooden posts may be set in dug or bored holes and fixed firmly with tamped soil. Alternatively they may be driven into the soil or into under-sized bored guide holes. Driven posts are generally 1.5 times as firm as posts rammed into over-sized holes, and will withstand greater lifting forces. A hand driver can be made from a 900mm length of 200mm steel pipe. The top end is closed with a steel plate while handles are welded to the bottom end. The total weight should be about 15 kg for a one-man driver and about 30 kg for a driver operated by two men. Driven posts should be pointed before they are given a preservative treatment. Intermediate posts should be set 40 to 60cm deep whereas strainer, corner and end posts requiring greater rigidity should be set up to 80cm deep. Metal strainer posts should always be set in concrete, and wooden posts are sometimes set in concrete for extra rigidity. Live posts consisting of trees growing on the fence line or specially planted posts are cheap and long lasting. Suitable species can also act as shade trees and provide browse. Live posts should be planted some time before they are to be used to give adequate time for rooting. It can be difficult to establish live posts in arid areas. Stapling is the most common method of fixing the wires to the posts. Alternatively they may be secured with 2mm galvanized mild steel ties. However, it is difficult to make such a tie secure against sliding on the post. When stapling, the wire should be loosely stapled to the intermediate posts. Staples driven too far will bend and hammer out the wire, thus creating a weak spot. Splitting of the posts can be lessened if the staples are driven diagonally into the grain. Wire Fence Construction The length of fencing required per hectare will vary greatly with the form and size of the fields. Square fields have the lowest fencing cost per unit area, and the larger the fields the lower the fencing length per hectare. Fence lines should be as long, straight and unbroken as possible, since corner posts and gateposts require bracing and thus add to the cost. When the fence line has been laid out, the ground area over which the wires will be stretched should be cleared. Next the strainer assemblies are installed. These will take the whole strain of the stretching of the wires and it is therefore most important that they are firmly set and well braced. Normally strainer assemblies are located next to corner and gateposts, but on long straight stretches of fence, additional strainers should be installed at up to 200m intervals if the ground is even, or at the top and bottom of each slope in hilly terrain.

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Three types of strainer assemblies in general use are shown in Figure 8.1a, b and c. The double horizontal stay strainer assembly is extremely rigid in all types of soil, but for most purposes the single horizontal-stay assembly will be sufficient. On firm but easily dug soil the traditional assembly with a diagonal stay will be adequate and the cheapest in terms of material. Corner posts should have a diameter of at least 150mm and be braced in the direction of both fencing lines. Corner posts, where the fence angle is less than 45, will be sufficiently rigid if braced with a single diagonal stay or diagonal tieback. Intermediate posts having a diameter of 75 to 125mm should be set exactly in line to avoid any horizontal forces due to strain in the wires. Where there is a pronounced low spot in the fence line, one or two of the intermediate posts in the low area may require extra security against uplift by being driven deeper or set in concrete. For a plain-wire cattle fence no battens are required if the intermediate posts are spaced no more than 3.5 to 5m but the posts can be set up to 15m apart if battens are used at 3.5 to 4m intervals. Woven wire fence requires intermediate posts every 4 to 5m and chicken wire every 2m. The wire or wire netting is then attached to the posts. Starting with the bottom wire, it is first secured to a strainer post, then stretched using a tackle-block stretcher, chain type stretcher or, for single plain or barbed wires, a simple wooden lever. When the wire has been stretched tight enough it is secured to the next strainer post by wrapping and stapling. The wire should be on the inside of all posts, and taken one turn around any corner post. After the fencestretcher has been released the wires are loosely fastened to the intermediate posts and finally battens are fixed as necessary. When the fence is erected all bits of wire, nails and staples should be collected to avoid "hardware disease" caused by the animals eating the scrap metal. Suspension Fences A suspension fence can be cheaper than a conventional plain or barbed wire fence since the number of posts is reduced. It will however require one or two more wires than the corresponding conventional fence. For its effectiveness it relies on the strain in its high-tensile wires, which causes them to vibrate when an animal nudges the fence. If an animal charges against the fence with a force that would seriously damage a conventional fence, the suspension fence heals over and returns undamaged to its original position after the animal has retreated or passed over. Strainer assemblies are set as for conventional fences, but intermediate posts may be spaced up to 40m where the fence line and contours permit. Wood or wire battens, which must not touch the ground, are spaced about 4.5m apart. 8

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Electric Fence An electric fence can be made from either plain or barbed wire. It can be simple in design, since it need not be a physical barrier to the animals, but instead relies on an electrical pulse sufficient to shock, but not kill. The wires are stretched between insulators at the strainer posts with intermediate posts spaced 12 to 15m for cattle or 7 to 12m for sheep and pigs. Battens are not needed. Barbed wire is often preferred since the barbs will penetrate the fur of animals and make good contact with the skin. However, plain wire is satisfactory in most cases. As the hot wires must be insulated from the ground, they are fastened to the posts with insulators and should not come into direct contact with weeds, grass or the posts. The most common type of energizer (controller) operates by charging a capacitor with electrical energy and then discharging it to the fence in the form of a pulse of high voltage. It can be powered from the mains or a battery. Solar recharging units are also available for battery-powered energizers. Temporary electric fences are often used for strip grazing within a permanently fenced field. These consist of a single hot wire at a level about three-fourths the height of the cattle. Two hot wires are provided for sheep and pigs. Electric fences rely on the soil to conduct the current back to the earth (ground) terminal on the energizer, but soil is a poor conductor under dry conditions. Therefore, in the dry season an electric fence may be ineffective since an animal may not get a shock because of insufficient current flow. Adding earth-return wires from the energizer to the fence will make it effective during dry conditions. This is also the typical arrangement for permanent electric fences, which have two hot wires, and one or two neutral wires spread between them. A single hot wire can also be used to increase the animal's respect for a conventional fence and to protect it from damage. The line can be carried on insulators in the fence or on outriggers. The recommended height is 60cm for cattle and 25cm for sheep.

Other Types of Fences

Post and Rail Fences Post and rail fences consist of wooden posts with wooden or split bamboo rails attached to them. They are mainly used to fence areas where the stocking density is very high, as in collecting yards and handling areas. They are also used 9

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in farmstead areas because of their attractive appearance and because they are easily crossed by humans. Their main advantage is that animals are unlikely to be injured by them, but to be effective as physical barriers for stock; they must be strong and properly constructed. See Figure 8.2 The posts should have a diameter of at least 125mm, be firmly fixed in holes 500 to 800mm deep and not more than 3 to 4m apart. Three to four 100mm rails are then fixed to the posts. Where post and rail fences are used in animal handling yards or other similarly crowded situations, for extra strength the rails should be joined only on posts, but not all rails on the same post. In a four-rail fence for cattle the rails are usually spaced about 125mm, 175mm, 225mm, and 275mm from the ground upwards. With 100mm rails, the top rail will be 1200mm above ground level. Single wooden rails are sometimes used at the top of barbed-wire fences where the stocking density on the pastures is high. The rail will increase the visibility of the fence and protect the wires from damage by animals leaning over the fence, without any risk of injury to the animals. Hedges Live fences have the advantage of low capital cost if planting material is available at the farm, but require labour for planting. In the humid tropics most species used for hedging grow quickly and may require cutting twice a year. Therefore, the maintenance work can require more labour than is available on the farm in spite of underemployment during part of the year. For a hedge to be shock proof it may be necessary to include one or more barbed wires in the fencing line. Although hedges require more space than fences and encourage weeds and vermin, they may preserve wild life, act as windbreaks and be an attractive feature in the landscape. Log Fences Where land is being cleared, thorn bushes or the waste from tree felling can be laid in a line to make a stock-proof fence that will last for some years. Piled logs and wooden palisades can also be used for fencing, but are quite wasteful of material. Log fences, unfortunately, are very susceptible to attack by termites and in humid areas, by rot as well. Walls Stonewalls are an attractive alternative in localities where wood is scarce and stones are plentiful. Construction is labour intensive, but maintenance cost is low. They may be constructed with stones placed in mortar as described in chapter 5 or by simply piling stones loosely in a wall 0.7 to 1.2m wide at the 10

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base. Adobe or stabilised soil blocks can also be used for low cost wall construction especially in very dry areas.

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STUDY OBJECTIVES Know the types of roof rain water catchment structures Understand rural sanitation structures

CHAPTER 9: RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION Water, along with food, is one of the essentials of life. Perhaps because of its importance and scarcity in many locations the use of water is encompassed with very strong cultural/social precepts in most societies. Hence the success of projects aiming at improved water supply and quality must be performed with the full participation of the village population, in particular the women as they are the main users of water. While relatively small quantities will sustain human life, much more is needed for cooking, personal hygiene, laundry and cleaning. Water for a sanitary system is desirable but not essential if it is scarce. Water is also required for livestock and perhaps for irrigating crops. Types of water for the farmstead: clean water for use in the home; reasonably clean water for livestock; Water for irrigation Types of Storage for Roof Catchments Granary Basket Tank (UNICEF design) is type of tank uses a granary basket of woven sticks as a built-in framework for a cement-mortar plastered tank. The cost of the framework is only the labor of cutting and weaving sticks into an open-weave basket. To improve strength and allow the construction of larger tanks, the outside of the basket can be covered with a layer of chicken wire after which barbed wire is wrapped with a 150mm spacing before the basket is plastered inside and out. A rich mortar of about 1:3 portand cement to sand should be used and mixed with just enough water to make the plaster easy to apply. Without wire reinforcement the tank size should not exceed a diameter of 1.5m and a depth of 2m. If it is reinforced with barbed wire it should not exceed a diameter of 2.5m and a depth of 2m. A cover is desirable and can be made of mortar reinforced with chicken wire. Large cement jar is tank is a large bag with framework made of cloth or sacks and stuffed with sawdust, sand or rice hulls. Mortar is then plastered on to the bag, chicken wire and barbed wire are tied on to the plaster and another layer of plaster applied. The bag is removed from the inside of the jar after 24 hours,

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and plaster is applied to the inside to make it waterproof. The bag can be used for many water jars making the cost per tank minimal. A 1:3 Portland cement to sand mortar is essential. The same size restrictions apply as for the granary basket tank. In both this tank and the granary basket tank the curved sides contribute to the strength and life of the tank. A cover is desirable. Concrete ring tank sections can be used to form water tanks of about 2,000 litres capacity. The small tank volumes are suitable for rain catchment from small roofs scattered on a compound and for areas with relatively even annual distribution of rainfall. A reinforced concrete cover should be installed. These tanks are particularly suitable where a form can be obtained for community use. With the casting done on site, expensive transportation is avoided. Concrete block tank must have steel reinforcing incorporated into the walls. Two barbed wires lay completely around the tank and imbedded in the mortar between each course of blocks is adequate. The blocks must be of good quality to be relatively impermeable and keep leakage and evaporation to a minimum. The site for a tank of this size must be on firm ground with a reinforced concrete base. If the original ground is sloping, it is necessary to dig out the high area but not fill in the low side. Corrugated galvanised steel tank is the quickest and easiest way of providing roof catchment storage is to buy and install a corrugated steel tank. The steel sheets are rather easily damaged, but if they are handled carefully and protected from corrosion by coating both the inside and outside with bitumen and then installed on a concrete base, they make a very good storage. Rural sanitation When dealing with the problems of poor sanitation in rural areas of developing countries, one is tempted to assume that improved technology is the answer and that new latrines will provide the "technological fix". But technology alone does not solve anything; for it has been found that new latrines when built are not fully used, and when used do not wipe out diseases that stem from poor sanitation. Good sanitation depends on people and how they organize hygienerelated activities. It depends on a large "package" of hygiene measures and latrines are only a part of this package. Technology does have a part to play and many rural communities need basic technical assistance. Latrines may not always be a practical solution but if they are, they must be carefully designed to match local cultural patterns. Pit Latrines

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There are many designs for latrines to be built in areas where more sophisticated sanitary systems are not possible. The simplest design is the pit latrine and there are certain characteristics that are common to the many variations on this design. A latrine should always be dug at least 30m downhill from a well if that is the source of the family water supply. However, in areas where the water table is very high the distance should be increased to 200m or more. The latrine should also be at least 10m from the nearest house or kitchen. A pit that is a little less than 1 m in diameter is sufficient, but a pit that is a 0.7m by 1.5m oval will provide more convenient space for the person digging. While a depth of 4 to 5m is the normal in stable soil, an increase to 7m will decrease the problem with flies. In areas with a high water table, the depth may have to be decreased, as the bottom of the pit should be not less than 1 m above the highest ground water level to avoid pollution. A pit, which has a diameter of 90cm and is 5m deep, will last for about 5 years if used by a family of 6 persons. The desired depth and the character of the soil will determine whether a stabilizing liner will be necessary. Most latrines should have a block or brick liner for at least the top meter. To install a stabilizing liner, a hole is dug a little less than 1 m deep and about 1 m in diameter and lined with concrete blocks or bricks. After curing for a few days, the balance of the pit can be dug out being careful not to get the diameter so large as to allow the blocks to sink. If the soil is sandy, then a complete liner may be necessary. Bamboo is one possibility for lining the remainder of the pit sides. The type of structure built above the slab to give privacy is largely a matter of personal preference. Bamboos, off cuts, concrete blocks or corrugated steel are all possibilities for wall construction. Corrugated steel or thatch may be used for roofing. A desirable feature to include is a vent pipe. A vent will not only reduce odours, but, if screened at the top, will catch numerous flies. The vent hole can be cast in the slab so that the vent is just outside the privy hut. To be most effective the vent should be located on the side with prevailing sunshine, be as large in diameter as possible and painted black, and have a screen over the top. This combination of design features tends to produce a significant air current that carries off the odors and traps the flies. Figure 9.3 shows a latrine of this type. The vent pipe can be made at low cost using hollowed bamboo, but other materials such as masonry; cement/sisal, reeds/mud, PVC or galvanised iron can also be used. A piece of glass fitted at the base of the vent pipe will provide light to attract flies away from the squatting hole and trap them in the vent pipe. Septic Tanks

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The septic tank is a large concrete or concrete block tank, the base of which is at least 150cm below the inlet and outlet level. The raw sewage flows into the tank through an open tee and the effluent leaves the tank through a similar tee. A wooden baffle that extends from 50cm above the bottom to 25cm above the sewage level divides the tank. A heavy scum forms on the surface and all digestive action is by anaerobic bacteria, i.e. bacteria that live and multiply without the presence of air. Figure 9.4 shows a cross section of a septic tank. Soak away Trenches The effluent from a properly operating septic tank will be almost free of solids and further biological activity in the soak away trench or pit will be aerobic in nature, i.e. some air needs to be present. Because of this, trenches with a depth of about 50cm are preferred over deep pits. Before a tank and soak away system are installed, it is important to check with local authorities concerning design specification requirements. If there are no specific rules, the information given in Table 9.1may is used. Percolation time is found by digging a hole 30cm square and 60cm deep. Fill the hole with water and let it drain completely. Refill and then measure the seconds/ mm rate at which the water level falls. The outlet from the septic tank should be approximately 50cm below ground level. However, site gradients and the need to install the tank low enough so that the sewerage lines will drain into it sometimes makes this difficult. The soak away field is ordinarily close to the tank but may need to be separated by some distance because of site conditions. The soak away trench should be approximately 100cm wide and 50cm deep and with very little slope. A layer of gravel or broken stone is placed in the bottom of the trench, and then 100mm clay tile or 100mm perforated PVC pipe is laid in the trench. The maximum slope of the soak away lines is 1:200. If, because of a sloping site, lines have to be installed at different levels, leak proof pipe or tile should be used to carry the effluent from one level to the other, but the seepage lines themselves should always be nearly level. Gravel or stone is added until the lines are covered. Hay, grass or newspapers can be put over the stones before backfilling to prevent the soil from filling the open spaces between the stones. See Figure 9.5. Septic tanks need to be cleaned out periodically, if they are built large enough, the period between clean-outs can be up to two to three years depending on how heavily the system is used.

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