Fibre Optic Brochure ENG
Fibre Optic Brochure ENG
Fibre Optic Brochure ENG
Fibre cables
There are a lot of different bre optic cable types available on the market to meet different installation requirements. Internal grade cable is constructed to be exible and lightweight and it may be coated to meet re protection codes. External grade cable is constructed to withstand immersion in water, exposure to ultraviolet rays and attack by rodents and birds. Fibre optic cable is constructed in several layers. The actual glass bre consists of a central glass core that is surrounded by a layer called cladding of a different refractive index. This causes the light to travel in a controlled path along the entire length of the glass core. The glass bre can be placed in a tight or loose buffer tube array, which is a protective covering that protects the bre from sustaining damage. It also prevents light from escaping the assembly, and is often colour-coded for identication purposes. This allows for the necessary management of bres due to the normally high counts contained within a cable. Tight-buffered cable is generally used in horizontal interior installations. The loose buffer tube array allows the glass bre to oat with considerable movement. As the bre cable is installed (in conduit, directly buried, or placed on a pole) the glass bres are not subjected to the forces of the pulling tension and therefore sustain minimal damage or distortion from stretching.
Wire Dielectric Strength Member Inner Jacket Buffer Tube Cladding Core
Produced by: Westermo Teleindustri AB Photo: Studio Roland AB Eskilstuna, Sweden Fotosearch Stock Photography Future Images Bank Tele & Datant AB rebro, Sweden BildN Vsters, Sweden Illustrations: Visual Information Sweden AB Eskilstuna, Sweden Printed by: Eskilstuna Offset AB Sweden 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice due to continuous product development and improvement. 2
The material used for the core and cladding differs on different types of bre. The most common material used is glass. The glass used is extremely pure, silicon dioxide (silica). Other types of cable are PCS (Plastic Clad Silica) with a core of glass and an outer cladding of plastic, or a plastic bre cable with both the core and outer cladding of plastic. Glass cable gives the best performance, but is more complicated to terminate. Plastic bre on the other hand is easier to terminate, but offers very short transmission distances.
A multimode cable has a relatively large diameter core (50 to 400 microns where 62.5 is the most common one) and a total diameter of 125 microns. Multimode cables are available in two categories; these are graded index and step index. In a step index bre, as modes reect through the cable, some have to travel further than others and in doing so the light pulse will spread. This is one disadvantage, which means the bre has a lower bandwidth. The solution to this problem is graded index. In these cables the refractive index reduces gradually from the cores centre towards the cladding. This means that a light beam travelling mainly in the centre of the cable. This means higher bandwidth and lower attenuation.
A singlemode cable has a small core (3 to 10 microns where 9 microns is the most common) that forces the light to follow a more linear single path down the cable, as opposed to the multipath reections of multimode cables. The singlemode cable has the highest bandwidths and distance ratings.
Attenuation / Wavelength
The attenuation in the cable depends on several parameters where wavelength, material and pureness are three important factors. The attenuation is measured in dB/km and can vary from 0.4 (singlemode) up to 1000 dB/km (plastic). The common wavelength is 650 nm on plastic, 820 1300 nm on multimode and 1300 1550 nm on singlemode cables.
10 Attenuation dB/km
Fibre optic transceivers usually include both a transmitter and a receiver in the same component. These are arranged in parallel so that they can operate independently of each other. Both the receiver and the transmitter have their own circuitry so that they can handle transmissions in both directions. The ODW-series has LC-connectors and the LR-series has ST-connectors.
LC-Connector Duplex connector used for single- or multimode cables on the ODW-series.
LC-Transceiver The transceiver used in the ODW-series is an SFPtransceiver (Small FormFactor Pluggable), which offers a flexible configuration. Its also available as a Bi-directional transceiver (full duplex on a single fibre).
Bi-di transceiver
1550 nm TX RX 1350 nm RX TX
Bi-directional transceivers offer the possibility of full duplex communication on a single fiber using different wavelength.
The end nish of the bre must be properly polished to minimise loss. A rough surface will scatter light and dirt can scatter and absorb light. Since the optical bre is so small, typical airborne dirt can be a major source of loss. The pictures show a multimode cable 200x magnication where the upper picture is clean, the one in the middle has dust particles and the one below is contaminated with liquid. Whenever connectors are not terminated, they should be covered to protect the end of the ferrule from dirt. One should never touch the end of the ferrule, since the oils on ones skin causes the bre to attract dirt. Before connection and testing, it is advisable to clean connectors with lint free wipes moistened with isopropyl alcohol.
Example: There is an installation to be made between two sites with a distance of 4 km (2.5 mi). What type of cable is necessary to be used, multimode or singlemode? A typical attenuation value on a 62.5/125 multimode cable is approx. 1.5 dB/km (1310 nm). The worst-case optical power budget on MM-LC2 is 11 dB (see table on page 19). There are no splices or patch cables so there is only need to consider the loss in both connectors (approx. 0.3 dB in each). The calculation would be as follows: Optical power budget in LC2 system 11dB Loss in connectors 0.3 dB x 2 =0.6 dB Attenuation in cable 1.5 dB/km Transmission distance 11 dB 0.6 dB =10.4 dB / 1.5 dB = 6.9 km (4.2 mi). This indicates it is possible to use a multimode cable in this installation. Note: In multimode systems the bandwidth also needs to be considered in some cases. The maximum transmission range is reduced at very high data-rates. The transceivers we use are classed LC-2 (2 km 1.2 mi) however this is only relevant at gigabit speeds. With the modulation we use in our bre optic modems (ODW) this bandwidth limitation is not an issue.
The ODW-series:
The natural choice for Reliable Fibre Optic Applications in Harsh Environments
The ODW-series are our new industrial designed bre optic modems. The ODW-series offers better performance then our previous bre optic modems. Higher data rates Longer distances Extended Temperature range Flexible Fibre Transceiver conguration Bi-Directional Fibre Optic Transceivers (Full duplex on a single bre, max range 60 km 37 mi) Redundant Power Supply Re-Timing and data synchronisation virtually no limit to units in a multidrop or ring application* All these features together with the advantages of using bre optic cable such as: total immunity towards electrical interference makes the ODW-series the perfect data communication solution in extreme harsh environments.
* Based on a maximum ring transit time of 10 ms (2000 km 1243 mi) some protocols may require faster response times please check with Westermo for larger applications.
Automatic data rate detection and re-timing All PROFIBUS DP data rates up to 12 Mbit/s 9-position D-sub PROFIBUS DP connection Redundant power supply inputs Status interface for fault indication Fibre link fault indication (Red) Design for harsh environments 40 to +70C operating temperature
PROFIBUS DP Point-to-point applications
The ODW-611 is a bre optic modem designed for point-to-point bre optic connections between PROFIBUS DP networks. The ODW-611 is designed for harsh industrial usage as well as road or railway installations meeting industrial level EMC specications and having a wide operating temperature range. The maximum distance of the bre link depends on selected transceiver and bre type. Fibre distances up to 80 km (50 miles) are possible using singlemode bre. The ODW-611 is able to automatically detect the data rate of the connected PROFIBUS DP network and hence needs minimal conguration prior to use. The unit also has a re-timing function that eliminates the problem of jitter and hence ensures reliable communications in all situations. The ODW-611 can also be used in start/end points in a multidrop application together with ODW-612.
PROFIBUS DP Redundant ring or multidrop applications
The ODW-612 is a bre optic modem that can be used to create either redundant ring or multidrop bre optic solutions for devices with PROFIBUS DP interfaces. The ODW-612 is designed for harsh industrial usage as well as road or railway installations meeting industrial level EMC specications and having a wide operating temperature range. The maximum distance of a bre link depends on selected transceiver and bre type. Fibre distances up to 80 km (50 miles) are possible on each leg of the ring meaning huge rings over 1000 km (621.4 miles) in circumference could be created. The ODW-612 is able to automatically detect the data rate of the connected PROFIBUS DP device and hence needs minimal conguration prior to use. The unit also has a re-timing function that eliminates the problem of jitter and hence ensures reliable communications in all situations. The unit has LED indication to display fault conditions as well as relay contacts that can be connected to a PLC or similar device to allow network problems to be diagnosed at a central point. It is possible to use the ODW-611 at start/end points in a multidrop application together with ODW-612.
Automatic data rate detection and re-timing All PROFIBUS DP data rates up to 12 Mbit/s 9-position D-sub PROFIBUS DP connection Redundant power supply input Status interface for fault indication Fibre link fault indication (Red) Design for harsh environments 40 to +60C operating temperature
Re-timing Data rate up to 250 kbit/s 9-position D-sub connector Redundant power supply inputs Status interface for fault indication Fibre link fault indication (Red) Design for harsh environments 40 to +70C operating temperature
RS-232 Point-to-point applications
The ODW-621 is designed for point-to-point applications between devices with an RS-232 interface. The ODW-621 is designed for harsh industrial usage as well as road or railway installations meeting industrial level EMC specications and having a wide operating temperature range. The maximum distance of the bre link depends on selected transceiver and bre type. Fibre distances up to 80 km (50 miles) are possible using singlemode bre. The unit also has a re-timing function that eliminates the problem of jitter and hence ensures reliable communications in all situations. It is possible to use the ODW-621 in conjunction with the ODW-631 to provide protocol conversion from RS-232 to RS-422/485 at either end of the optical link. The ODW-621 can also be used in start/end points in a multidrop application together with ODW-632 / 622.
RS-232 Redundant ring or multidrop applications
The ODW-622 can be used to create either redundant ring or multidrop solutions for devices with RS-232 interfaces. The ODW-622 is designed for harsh industrial usage as well as road or railway installations meeting industrial level EMC specications and having a wide operating temperature range. The maximum distance of a bre link depends on selected transceiver and bre type. Fibre distances up to 80 km (50 miles) are possible on each leg of the ring meaning huge rings over 1000 km (621.4 miles) in circumference could be created. The unit also has a re-timing function that eliminates the problem of jitter and hence ensures reliable communications in all situations. The unit has LED indication to display fault conditions as well as relay contacts that can be connected to a PLC or similar device to allow network problems to be diagnosed at a central point. It is possible to mix ODW-622 with ODW-632 in a network and hence have both RS-232 and RS-422/485 devices in the same network. It is possible to use the ODW-621 or ODW-631 at start/end points in a multidrop application together with ODW-622.
Re-timing Data rate up to 250 kbit/s 9-position D-sub connector Redundant power supply input Status interface for fault indication Fibre link fault indication (Red) Design for harsh environments 40 to +60C operating temperature
Re-timing Data rate up to 1.5 Mbit/s 4-position screw terminal connector Switch selectable failsafe/termination 2- and 4- wire applications Redundant power supply inputs Status interface for fault indication Fibre link fault indication (Red) Design for harsh environments 40 to +70C operating temperature
RS-422/485 Point-to-point applications
The ODW-631 is designed for point-to-point connections between RS-422/485 networks or devices. The ODW-631 is designed for harsh industrial usage as well as road or railway installations meeting industrial level EMC specications and having a wide operating temperature range. The maximum distance of the bre link depends on selected transceiver and bre type. Fibre distances up to 80 km (50 miles) are possible using singlemode bre. The unit also has a re-timing function that eliminates the problem of jitter and hence ensures reliable communications in all situations. It is possible to use the ODW-631 in conjunction with the ODW-621 to provide protocol conversion from RS-232 to RS-422/485 as well as the bre optic link. The ODW-631 can also be used in start/end points in a multidrop application together with ODW-632 / 622.
RS-422/485 Redundant ring or multidrop applications
The ODW-632 can be used to create either redundant ring or multidrop solutions for devices with RS-422/485 interfaces. The ODW-632 is designed for harsh industrial usage as well as road or railway installations meeting industrial level EMC specications and having a wide operating temperature range. The maximum distance of a bre link depends on selected transceiver and bre type. Fibre distances up to 80 km (50 miles) are possible on each leg of the ring meaning huge rings over 1000 km (621.4 miles) in circumference could be created. The unit also has a re-timing function that eliminates the problem of jitter and hence ensures reliable communications in all situations. The unit has LED indication to display fault conditions as well as relay contacts that can be connected to a PLC or similar device to allow network failures to be diagnosed at a central point. It is possible to mix ODW-632 with ODW-622 in a network and hence have both RS-232 and RS-422/485 devices in the same network. It is possible to use the ODW-631 or ODW-621 at start/end points in a multidrop application together with ODW-632.
Re-timing Data rate up to 1.5 Mbit/s 4-position screw terminal connector 2- or 4- wire applications Switch selectable termination or failsafe Redundant power supply input Status interface for fault indication Fibre link fault indication (Red) Design for harsh environments 40 to +60C operating temperature
Technical data
Power Rated voltage Operating voltage Rated current 12 to 48 VDC 24 VAC 10 to 60 VDC 20 to 30 VAC* ODW-611/621/631 300 mA @ 12 VDC 150 mA @ 24 VDC 75 mA @ 48 VDC ODW-612/622/632 400 mA @ 12 VDC 200 mA @ 24 VDC 100 mA @ 48 VDC Rated frequency Inrush current I2t Startup current** Polarity Redundant power input Isolation to Connection Connector size Shielded cable DC: 0 Hz AC: 48 to 62 Hz 0.2 A2s 1.0 Apeak Polarity independent Yes Serial port and Status port Detachable screw terminal 0.2 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24-12) Not required
* Not available on ODW-611/612 ** External supply current capability for proper startup
Status Port type Rated voltage Operating voltage Contact rating Contact resistance Isolation to Connection Connector size Shielded cable Signal relay, changeover contacts Up to 48 VDC Up to 60 VDC 500 mA @ 48 VDC < 50 m Serial port and Power port Detachable screw terminal 0.2 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 12) Not required
LC-connectors SFP (Small Form-Factor Pluggable) LC-2 Multimode LC-15 Singlemode up to 5 km (3.1) up to 15 km (9.3 mi) LC-40 Singlemode LC-80 Singlemode up to 40 km (25 mi) up to 80 km (50 mi)
RS-232 Electrical specification Data rate Data format Protocol Re-timing Deviation, Input data rate Transmission range Isolation to Connection Shielded cable Conductive housing EIA RS-232 300 bit/s 250 kbit/s 9 12 bits (Protocol dependent mode) Arbitrary (Transparent mode) Start-bit followed by 8 11 bits (Protocol dependent mode) Arbitrary (Transparent mode) Yes (Protocol dependent mode) Byte: 4%; Bit 49% (Protocol dependent mode) 15 m Status and Power port 9-pin D-sub female (DCE) Not required, except when installed in railway applications as signalling and telecommunications apparatus and located close to rails* Isolated to all other circuits and housings
* To minimise the risk of interference, a shielded cable is recommended when the cable is located inside 3 m boundary to the rails and connected to this port. The cable shield should be properly connected (360) to an earthing point within 1 m from this port. This earthing point should have a low impedance connection to the conductive enclosure of the apparatus cabinet, or similar, where the unit is built-in. This conductive enclosure should be connected to the earthing system of an installation and may be directly connected to the protective earth.
RS-422/485 Electrical specification Data rate Data format Protocol EIA RS-485, 2-wire (PROFIBUS DP) or EIA RS-422, 4-wire twisted pair 300 bit/s 1.5 Mbit/s, RS-422/485 9 600 kbit/s 12 Mbit/s, PROFIBUS DP 9 12 bits (Protocol dependent mode) Arbitrary (Transparent mode) Start-bit followed by 8 11 bits (Protocol dependent mode) Arbitrary (Transparent mode), RS-422/485 PROFIBUS DP (RS-485) Yes (Protocol dependent mode, RS-422/485) Byte: 4%; Bit 49% (Protocol dependent mode) One tbit tbit = 1 / Baud rate (Baud rate in bit/s) In accordance with EN 50 170, PROFIBUS DP < 1200 m, depending on data rate and cable type (EIA RS-485) 120 termination and failsafe biasing 680 , RS-422/485 None, external termination and failsafe biasing, PROFIBUS DP Installation Fault Tolerant (up to 60 V) Status and Power port Detachable screw terminal, RS-422/485 9-pin D-sub female, PROFIBUS DP 0.2 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 12) Not required
Transmission range Settings Protection Isolation to Connection Connector size Shielded cable
Dielectric strength
EN 60950
Optical Power Budget for the ODW-series The maximum supported link lengths as specified in table below should only been seen as indicative. The allowed link length is calculated from the Optical Power Budget (OPB), the available optical power for a fibre optic link, and the attenuation of the fibre, comprising losses due to in-line connectors, splices, optical switches and a margin for link aging (typical 1.5 dB for 1300 nm). The worst-case Optical Power Budget (OPB) in dB for a fibre optic link is determined by the difference between the minimum transmitter output optical power and the lowest receiver sensitivity. FX (Fibre) Fibre connector Fibre type SM-LC80 LC duplex Singlemode 9/125 m 1550 nm 5/0 dBm** 34 dBm 5 dBm*** 29 dB < 1 x 10-10 SM-LC40 LC duplex Singlemode 9/125 m 1310 nm 5/0 dBm** 34 dBm 3 dBm*** 29 dB < 1 x 10-10 SM-LC15 LC duplex Singlemode 9/125 m 1310 nm 15/8 dBm** 31 dBm 8 dBm 16 dB < 1 x 10-10 MM-LC2 LC duplex Multimode, 62.5/125 and 50/125 m 1310 nm 20/14 dBm* 31 dBm 8 dBm 11 dB < 2.5 x 10-10
Wavelength Transmitter Output optical power min/max Receiver Input sensitivity, max Receiver Input optical power, max Optical power budget, worst-case Bit error rate (BER) Transceiver type Laser class
* ** ***
Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) Multi-Sourcing Agreement (MSA) compliant Class 1, IEC 825-1 Accessible Emission Limit (AEL)
Output power is power coupled into a 62.5/125 m multimode fibre Output power is power coupled into a 9/125 m singlemode fibre The use of attenuation is recommended on short fibre lengths. 5dB (SM-LC80) and 3dB (SM-LC40)
O F F I C E Sweden
Westermo Teleindustri AB SE-640 40 Stora Sundby, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)16 42 80 00 Fax: +46 (0)16 42 80 01
S U B S I D I A R I E S Sweden
Westermo Data Communications AB SE-640 40 Stora Sundby Phone: +46 (0)16 42 80 00 Fax: +46 (0)16 42 80 01
Westermo Data Communications S.A.R.L. Bat. A, 9 Chemin de Chilly FR-91160 Champlan. France Tl : +33 1 69 10 21 00 Fax : +33 1 69 10 21 01
United Kingdom
Westermo Data Communications Ltd Talisman Business Centre Duncan Road, Park Gate, Southampton. SO31 7GA Phone: +44(0)1489 580 585 Fax: +44(0)1489 580 586
Westermo Data Communications Pte Ltd 2 Soon Wing Road #08-05 Soon Wing Industrial Building Singapore 347893 Phone +65 6743 9801 Fax +65 6745 0670
Westermo Data Communications GmbH Goethe Strasse 67 DE-68753 Waghusel. Germany Tel: +49(0)7254 95400-0 Fax: +49(0)7254-95400-9
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