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9808 - Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations

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Doc 9808
Human Factors in
Civil Aviation
Security Operations
Approved by the Secretary General
and published under his authority
First Edition - 2002
International Civil Aviation Organization
o oAel o , ~
o -'1':
. S ! ~ -10
The issue of amendments is announced in the ICAO Journal and in the
monthly Supplement to the Catalogue ICAO Publications and Audio-visual
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No. Date Entered by

Foreword ................................. v
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
List of Acronyms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Chapter 1. Operators: Personnel Selection,
and Assessment, Retention ...... 11
I. I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-I
1.2 Personnel selection ................ , , ' I-I
1.3 and assessment .. , , 1-3
1.4 Personnel retention. .. ""........... \-6
Chapter 2. Technologies in Civil Aviation
Security Operations. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . 21
2.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2 New technologies. . . . . . .. ........ 2-1
2.3 enhancement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.4 Threat image projection (TIP). . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.5 Trace detection
systems (TEDS). . ........... . .. ,. 2-6
. 2.7
' .... " .. pU::. 3. Operational Environment
and Organizational Culture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2 Operational environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.3 Organizational culture ... , ... , . . . . . . . . 3-5
Chapter 4. Certification.................... 4-1
4. I Introduction... . . . .. . .......... ,. 4-1
4.2 Personnel certification ........ .
4.3 certification ........ .
4.4 Certification of companies
Chapter 5. and Future Directions. . . 51
5. I Introduction ...................... .
5.2 Future directions. .. . .......... .
5.3 Recommended practices
and conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Appendix A. System Usability
Evaluation Checklist for Human
Factors Engineers. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . AI
Appendix B. Training Media Optimization . . . . B-1
Appendix C. Course Outline: Human Factors
Elements for Civil Aviation Security Training. . . C-l
Appendix D.
Outlines for
~ a l r n p l l e Training Content
Appendix E. Bibliography................... E}
~ ..
The of the civil aviation system is the major objective
of the International Civil Aviation (ICAO).
While considerable progress has been made in this area,
additional improvements are needed and can be achieved. It
has been known that the vast majority of aviation
accidents and incidents result from less than optimum human
performance. indicating that any advance in this field can be
to have a significant impact on the improvement of
This was the ICAO Assembly, which in
1986 Resolution A26-9 on Flight Safety and
Human Factors. As a follow-up to the Assembly
Resolution, the Air Navigation Commission formulated the
following for the task:
To improve in aviation by making States
more aware and responsive to the importance of
Human Factors in civil aviation operations through
the provision of Human Factors materials
and measures, developed on the basis of
in States, and by and
appropriate amendments to material in
Annexes and other documents with regard to the
role of Human Factors in the present and future
operational environments. will be
directed to the Human Factors issues that may
influence the transition and in-service use
of the future ICAO CNSIATM systems.
One of the methods chosen to implement Assembly
Resolution A26-9 is the publication of guidance materials,
including digests and a series of manlJals, which address
various aspects of Human Factors and its impact on
aVIatIOn These documents are intended primarily for
use by States to increase the awareness of their personnel of
the influence of human on
The target audience of Human FaclOrs manuals and
digests is the managers of both civil aviation administrations
and the airline including airline safety, and
operational managers; bodies, safety and investi-
gation and training establishments; as well as senior
and middle non-operational airline management.
This manual is an introduction to the latest information
available to the international aviation community on relevant
Human Factors considerations in civil aviation security oper-
ations. Its target audience also includes senior training
and in industry and regulatory bodies.
The manual is intended as a living document and will be
updated by amendments. Subsequent editions will
be published, as new research results that reflect increased
knowledge on Human Factors become available and further
operational in to the control and manage-
ment of human error in operational environments is accrued.
Readers are invited to their comments, views and
addressing them to:
The General
International Civil Aviation Organization
999 University Street
Montreal, Quebec H3C 5H7
The threat of terrorist attack on civil aviation is an ever present
as was tragically demonstrated on 11 September 2001
the hijacking and destruction of four aircraft in the
United States airspace, where all on board were killed
with thousands on the ground. The
objective of the civil aviation system to
use all available resources (e.g. technology and personnel) to
prevent acts of terrorism as well as other acts of unlawful
intervention in the civil aviation system. In this civil aviation
system, the most critical component is the operators
who make the safety-critical decisions.
While the central of human performance (or
Human Factors issues) to many areas of civil aviation (e.g.
aircraft cockpit has been recognized for several
decades, the of Human Factors issues in
improving the effectiveness and efficiency of civil aviation
has only been It was not
ago that this Human Factors was applied
in civil aviation security operations, where the deployment
of increasingly sophisticated technologies against a back-
drop of growth in air travel has heightened and
intensified the demands on the human operators.
If we are to achieve the highest standards of security in
civil aviation, it is imperative that the Human Factors con-
siderations in relation to the civil aviation system are
addressed through concerted international efforts. One
mechanism fOf building international consensus and collab-
oration is the International Technical
(InterTAG) which coordinates the pVf'h,,'nop
development information relating to
Practices for Human Factors among all participating Stales.
the pressing urgency of this issue cannot be
overemphasized. Already, the securing of the air transpor-
tation system, which encompasses countless airports,
as well as 1.6 billion passengers (1999
and their accompanying
become an increasingly complex task. A single in
aviation security operations can result in huge fatalities, the
destruction of equipment and the erosion of the travelling
public's confidence in air travel. Essentially, it takes
presence of just one explosive device on board an aircraft
among a billion or more bags screened - to shatter the
credibility of the entire civil aviation security system.
For this reason, numerous authorities have
recently increased allocation of resources to address Human
Factors issues in aviation and security systems.
Through its Flight Safety and Human Factors Programme,
ICAO has numerous SARPs retlecting the
contribution of Human Factors in all aspects of civil aviation
and security. In 1997, the Commission
approved a proposal to include SARPs related to the role of
Human Factors in current and future operational environ-
ments in the following Annexes to the Convention on Inter-
national Civil Aviation: Annex I Personnel Licensing,
Annex 3 Meteorological Service international Air
Navigation, Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts, Annex 5 -
Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground
Operations, Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft, Annex 8
Airworthiness of Annex 10 - Aeronautical
Telecommunications, Annex 11 Air Traffic Services,
Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation,
Annex 14 Aerodromes, Annex 15 Aeronautical
information and Annex 16 Environmental
On the issue of civil aVIation security, the
of the Aviation Security Panel
23-26 May 1995) inter alia, the
of developing and in Annex 17
Security SARPs which address the role of Human Factors
in operational environments. Since AVSECP/8, devel-
opments within ICAO and among Contracting States vis-
a-vis research and consideration of Human
Factors issues in aviation have enhanced the
understanding of Human Factors issues related to civil
aviation operations.
C0I1Se(IUerltly, the AVSEC (AVSECPI10, Il-14 April
'.,2000) approved a proposal for the development of SARPs
te)ated to the role of Human Factors in civil aviation security
operations, to be included in Annex 17. The proposal includes
definitions of Human Factors and human nl'fTmn1_
(viii) Human Factors in Cil'il A viation Security
ance in 1; a Standard regarding human perfomlance
training for aviation security and a Recommendation
security aviation equipment in Chapter 3; and a
the assessment and effectiveness of
An "",,,,d,,,,,, of Human Factors considerations in civi.l
aviation operations is to make the aviation security
system resilient to the consequences of human error.
Human Factors achieve this objective leveraging
human capabilities and adaptabilities to enhance overall
system performance. This is done by matching the limi-
tations and capabilities of the operators to the
that support civil aviation security operations. A second
objective is to improve the of the overall aviation
system. in the system can be defined in
many different ways: how many screeners are to
screen all baggage, how much time is required to screen a
given number of passengers, how should the threat detec-
tion be evaluated, etc. Applied Human Factors
knowledge achieves these by:
a) defining regulation;
b) 'integrating Human Factors knowledge into the
and certification process of equipment;
c) procedures designed to
d) providing 1','"''0.,''''''' for the selection, and
assessment, and performance management of
security nP.,,,nnn,f'1
In response to recent in civil aviation
Contracting States have promoted Human
Factors research programmes that would be in the
development of new equipment There is also a
growing awareness among States about the need to
human training and to include this in the train-
ing programmes of civil aviation security personnel.
Increasingly, States have also considered the need to inspect
their security controls and to assess the effectiveness of the
controls from an systems States have
established aviation Human Factors programmes
- some over a decade ago with a view to developing
guidelines, specifications, and certification criteria for
system performance levels in civil aviation security
In all cases, the rationale is that, with the
of people and equipment into civil
aViation security operations, proper consideration of
Human Factors will ensure optimal safety and
efficiency. With this in mind, this manual presents various
aspects of the civil aviation that would
benefit from greater attention to Human Factors.
The purpose of this manual is to present recently
applied Human Factors in the areas of personnel
and assessment, new and
'Lauv"a. structures and culture. This infor-
mation is intended to support the implementation of SARPs
that are relevant to Human Factors considerations in civil
aviation operations as documented in Annex 17
Human Factors Framework
The structure of the manual is based on a Human Factors
framework which identifies four principal axes along which
available resources will be deployed to address relevant civil
aviation security operational and consider-
ations with respect to Human Factors (see Figure
As illustrated in 1-1, the first two axes, Axis I
Operators and Axis 2 Technology, are labelled as
requiring User Focus. Almost all of the resources have
been allocated to these two axes, specifically to Axis 2 -
It is therefore necessary to implement a more
balanced approach by increasing resource levels to Axis 1
- Operators. To date, however, the User Focus has been
almost entirely applied to Axis 2 - Technology.
The other two axes, Axis 3 Operational Environment
and Organizational Culture and Axis 4
have been relatively in terms of Human Factors,
even though they grew out of the Regulatory Focus. It is
important that greater attention and resources a
Human Factors perspective) be given to Axis 3
V/)'"J<c"":;,t<,, Environment and Organizational Culture. If
we are to reap the benefits of resources allocated to Axes I
and 2. Le. Operators and Technology respectively, then it is
necessary that organizations and
supportive policies, processes and (as part of
Axis 3). In addition, the standards and procedures for
Axis 4 Certification must be properly assessed for any
adverse implications in relation to the other axes.
Moving across columns, Axes I Operators and 3
Operational Environment and Organizational Culture are
grouped under the of Operations-based. This
grouping is important as it highlights the fact that oper-
ational realities are central to any application of Human
Factors. These two axes are concerned with
training and retention. Meanwhile, Axes 2 -
eCllnO'IOI'V and 4 Certification are grouped under the
Performance-based and are concerned
with the objectives that must be met by tech-
nologies in order to provide data for the certifi-
cation of personnel, technology and organizations.
1-1. A schematic representation of the Human Factors framework.
In this manual, Chapters I to 4 discuss comprehensively
the issues representing each of the four axes in accordance
with the Human Factors framework. They are:
Axis I Operators Chapter 1 Operators: Personnel
(including Selection, Training
supervisors) and Assessment, muJ
Axis 2 Technology Chapter 2 Technologies in Civil
Aviation Security
Axis 3 Operational Chapter 3 Operational
Environment Environment and
and Organization Culture
Axis 4 Certification Chapter 4 Certification
Finally, Chapter 5, entitled "Summary and Future
Directions", sums up key elements elaborated in the manual
and also raises some notable points for reflection with
respect to the future direction of Human Factors in civil
aviation security operations.
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Throughout this manual, the tasks and challenges
related to the screening of threat objects and threat pass-
engers are discussed extensively. For the purpose of this
manual, X-ray screener/screening is used as the point of
reference when elaborating on the four dimensions of
Human Factors in the context of civil aviation security.
This manual was prepared in cooperation with the Federal
Aviation Administration (FA.A) of the United States, the
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) of the
United Kingdom, and the International Transport Security
Human Factors Technical Advisory Group (InterTAG).
Special recognition is also due to Eric Neiderman, PhD,
United States FAA; Wayne Rhodes, PhD, Rhodes and
Associates; Andrew McClumpha, DERA of the United
Kingdom; and Larry Conway, Ecole Nationale d' Aviation
Civile of France.
Aviation Security
Centre of Human Sciences (previously part
of the Defence Evaluation and Research
of the United Kingdom)
Cathode ray tube
d or the normalized difference
between hit rates and false alarm rates.
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(United Kingdom)
Direction Generale d' Aviation Civile
European Civil Aviation Conference
Detection Systems
Elevated Podium for Integrated Checkpoint
Supervision States)
Error Reporting
Federal Aviation Administration
Fictional threat it.ems
Improvised device
Initial employment
lID Improvised device
IMS Ion Mobility
lnterTAG International Transport Human
Factors Technical Advisory Group
KOR Knowledge of results
skills and abilities
National Aviation
Notice of PrrmACAd
(United States)
On-the-job training
Probability of detection
Probability of false alarms
Screener assist technologies
TBD To be determined
TEDS Trace explosive detection systems
TIP Threat projection
TNT Trinitrotoluene
TRM Team resource management
Chapter 1
1.1.1 This deals with the first axis of the
Human Factors the Operators, and reviews
personnel selection, training and assessment, and retention.
The first component relevant to an operator is Selection.
The is to select the people who are most able to
perform well on the There are several factors to
consider, including the ability to deal with stress and high
workload, interact with different types of and use
diverse The selection of suitable, reliable
personnel for the tasks involved in civil aviation is
extremely important if we are to maintain and enhance
current levels of and security in the air transportation
1.1.2 The second component is Training, which usually
includes two major parts: initial employment training
and on-the-job training (OJT). IET is increasingly
complemented computer-based (CBT). on
the other hand, may be quite variable and its relation to the
initial training may not be optimal or obvious. A
critical component is Assessment which is necessary
for determining whether or not the training provided to
operators is valid (i.e. appropriate) and is of sufficient
and breadth to maximize the probability that each individual
operator will to a desired criterion level. A related
element requires an evaluation of operators who
should achieve, through a particular training programme,
some predetermined and level of nprlr.MTI<>n."p
nnu"',p,v',, that then has to be validated in the
environment. Once qualified npro",nn"i
selected, trained and assessed, numerous measures have to be
implemented in order to retain qualified np""Ann,,,,i
1.2.1 There is a lack of international standards for
the most appropriate candidates for civil aviation
security Selection procedures and
processes receive minimum attention because of the oper-
ational staffing requirements that must be met continuously.
In there is a lack of specific selection criteria for
screeners, a lack of properly validated selection
and a absence of any assessment.
1.2.2 It has been shown that the use of appropriate
and valid selection
ensures the recruitment of
the most suitable and able personnel for civil aviation
security operations in a fair and efficient fashion. Selecting
personnel will enhance on-the-job n<","IlI"'"
optimize the effectiveness of increase satisfac-
tion, and reduce staff turnover. There are several selection
tools that may be used to assess associated
with civil aviation tasks, primarily those of X-ray
1.2.3 The systematie in determining the
competencies needed to become a proficient
screener is to conduct a job analysis. A formal scientific
and systematic job can identify a comprehensive
list of the relevant requirements or the charac-
telistics of the job in terms of:
task requirements (i.e.
functions performed,
personal (i.e. skills, and
abilities), and
the organizational environment where functions are
to be performed.
This job can then be used as a basis for
the validity of the selection process, in terms of
and audit
1.2.4 One cognitive
model describing some of the
romrlf'li>nc,jp< required screeners include (refer
t. Cognition refers 10 how the human brain processes information
available in ils surrounding environment.
to to visualize in
three-dimensional space, the to discriminate core
target features (i.e. signal) from irrelevant background
material noise), and the ability to rotate objects.
Such attributes are not assessed and it
may be likely that some abilities are not assessed by currently
available commercial tests. Current selection practices tend
to be structured to provide an overall assessment of suitability
as a agent.
1.2.5 In spite of these a number of organiz-
ations are in the process of selection tests to
those candidates who possess, to a sufficient degree,
necessary to meet the task of
a civil aviation security screener. Selection tools include a
of methods, such as interest inventories and struc-
tured interviews. Some psychometric tests can be designed
and administered to provide additional information on some
of the perceptual and cognitive abilities required in X-ray
interpretation. A number of States are
standardized selection tests to help identify
aPlJllc:ants who have aptitudes for the task.
Maintenance of al1ention/arousal
Pal1ern integration
Feature extraction
Visual search
. basic features
. conjunctions
Arrows depict the typical flow of information.
Application 01
Gestalt principles
-Integration of
visual elements to
whole objects
-20 to 3D
transform ation
The dashed arrow tram Pattern to Decision
indicates thaI screeners may bypass
reclJgniflion and Classification.
Attention and Vigilance operate as supervisory
processes that monilor and influence other cognitive
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Operations
1.2.6 From a Human Factors it is critical to
the abilities required for interpretation
and to assess these abilities through selection tests.
Critical and perceptual abilities include:
generation, pattern
classification and decision making.
1.2.7 While there is a to focus on the cogni-
tive competencies, the Defence Evaluation and Research
(DERA) of the United is exploring the
requirements of screeners. An important aspect
of this work involves assessment which will
those screeners who "can do" the task and person-
tests which will identify those screeners who "will do"
the task. Furthermore, of selection tests may
be are validated
objective screener
1.2.8 Technical qualities are of utmost importance in
the development and use of a test. Two technical
Executive control of all processes
Object recogn ilion
menial rotation
and transformation
Match pattern to
internal representation
Decision making
Initiation action based
on classification
- no threat
Figure 11. A cOImllt.lve model of Xray " ... ,-",,,,ni11'O (From Neiderman and 1997)
Chapter I. Operators: Personnel Selection, Training and Assessment, Retention 1-3
requirements of lests are their reliability and their validity.
Reliability can be considered as the of the
results. For example, the same resull is obtained when a
particular individual lakes the test on two different
occasions. With respect to the most important type
is predictive validity which addresses the test's ability to
predict on the job. Without validity,
a selection test is of litlle use. Tests should show the corre-
lation of selection test score to on-the-job for
the tests to be considered useful and cost-effective. Much of
the information on test reliability and validity should be
available from the testing manual by the lest
publishers. For a commercially available test, it is critical
that the users of the tests should determine the suitability of
the test for a given situation.
1.2.9 Additional relevant qualities include item
nIT,nt\)<I< and fairness. The former allows us to determine
what factors affect error rates, item discrimination, and
quality. The latter is important in if a test has
any adverse on specific ethnic groups, and if so,
what strategies can be bias and
minimize the adverse
Commercially available tests
1.2.10 A recent review performed by the DERA in the
United Kingdom identified a number of
avai lable selection tests that may be appropriate for the
task. tests covered abilities and jJ' . ."JVUU"HY
characteristics. Some existing selection tests may offer some
value in predicting screener The predic-
tive validity of any test should be determined so that guidance
can be sought from test publishers regarding the appropri-
ateness of the test for screener selection and infor-
mation obtained on suitable normative data. It is to
note that it is not possible to a "perfect" test
battery for immediate use. Effective tests must be
operationally validated against performance on the job.
commercially available candidate tests require
and validation in trials.
1.2.11 When choosing tests, care should be taken to
ensure their technical quality and appropriateness to the
screener task. Operational considerations (such as cost-
should also be taken into account. Several
available tests may be appropriate for use in
the screener selection process; however, systematic and
thorough validation of these tests is necessary before
them in an aviation security context. Other issues
to consider include determining the relevance of speed
timed) versus a power test, the length and duration of the test,
a paper and pencil or web-based administration, and the
modification of test items. Those responsible for purchasing,
and feedback on tests should have
the necessary qualifications and
Test validation
1.2.12 It is
to compare the "'''Jl't'At1r"1pfnl' test
scores of candidates for
threat detection "p'rl .....,rrl'l':mr,.,.
environment. This can be accomplished through the use of a
Threat Projection (TIP) system (also refer to
Chapter 2) which in real time, virtual threat items
into an actual Studies using TIP technology
have provided valuable information in understanding the
between and
selection test scores. Data derived from TIP could identify
screeners who demonstrate high competence in completing
the threat detection task.
1.2.13 Other measures of performance can include an
assessment of walk-through metal detection
and trace detection systems. These data represent an
tive assessment of job and avoid on
existing job performance data in validating candidate selec-
tion criteria. With the additional use of covert testing
attempting to get prohibited items concealed in
through a checkpoint}, it is to
derive measures of convergent validity where the of
the selection tests are determined different evaluation
1.2.14 The use of early in the selection process
will allow for the identification of and
performance on the After suitable candidates have been
selected, the mandated initial training is required. The first
phase of is usually of the classroom type. In the
future, this may include the use of assessment centres where
candidates can be evaluated in a realistic yet controlled
1.3.1 Training needs
A job will indicate the type of training
needed to achieve a level of competency and
proficiency for the tasks assigned. Classroom instruction is
an important element of the and will typically
include the topics:
financial and human resource management;
recruitment, selection, and operational
surveys, inspections, and systems
contingency planning; and
management of responses to acts of unlawful
Some States require up to 99 hours of initial training for
security agents, covering topics such as security
objectives, and structures, the national
security and methods, and
of automated equipment (including
metal detectors, systems, and Detection
(EDS)). Classroom training is usually supplemented
(CBT) or web-based training
that may be more interactive.
1.3.2 Computer-based f .. ",;n;r.a (CDT) CBT involves the use of computer technology
to training material and feedback on performance.
One aim of CBT is to support learning activities through
the use of computer CBT may be a combi-
nation of computer-based instruction and simulation.
a) Computer-based instruction consists of tutorials
providing information on a particular topic area, with
and applied examples interspersed
a training session. This enables trainees to
check their understanding and learn feed-
back throughout the session. The main objective of
computer-based instruction is the development of
b) Simulation, on the other hand, trains the
skills of how to operate an X-ray system and
ml,'rnn"l the by providing the trainee
of their field task. CBT offers many opportunities to
and enhance training programmes in a cost-effective and
efficient way. The use of CBT however does not ensure
improvements in training What is critical is the
extent to which the principles of training and
instructional have been during the
of the technology and the way in which the
CBT is then used and coordinated within the overall
training programme. Several advantages of the CBT tec:hnoicigy are
noteworthy. In the case of baggage simulation
provides a way to expose screeners to threat images in a safe
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Operations
environment where can
skills. CBT can also enable
the individual
adjusting difficulty levels and by
and test their practical
learning and adapt to
of the trainee by
development. CBT has the to enhance
motivation in the task. It can provide a
means for standardizing and assessment and can also
provide detailed information to instructors on the training
units covered trainees as wcll as their knowledge and
performance levels. Aside from the trammg component, CBT
usually includes test items used to evaluate the knowledge
acquired by the trainees. It has been found that a
portion of the test items can be answered with
knowledge. Testers should be aware that when
multiple choice answer items should not allow for
easy identification of the correct response. Such questions
would contribute to the final test score and would
decrease the discrimination between good and poor
performers, it more difficult to assess the
contribution to performance on the It is important that
proper test construction procedures be applied in
any training content and that the validity, reliability and
impartiality of the test be demonstrable. As with other technology, CBT should
be based on a thorough analysis of the task as well as on the
knowledge of the operating conditions and the performance
standards to be met. Computer-based instruction should
mrorr)orale well-organized courseware with menus, modules
and units. The now of information should build and develop
knowledge in a order, including adequate
and elaboration of key facts. The lesson content should
provide the trainee with clear links between
illustration. An library accessible 10 trainees
and which includes threats and non-threats is a useful facility
available on CBT. A simulation of the X-ray task
should practice facilities which all
operationally relevant aspects of the task. Recent research has
been focused on a full range of vV''-''''ty'''
the research outcome in order to maximize skill acquisition.
1.3.3 Training: issues Along with the technical considerations in
a number of organizational issues should be
considered before using CBT: management of the CBT,
logistics of CBT use, of initial and refresher
Chapler 1. Personnel Selection, Training and Assessment, Retention 1-5
training, coordination and integration of CBT with the use
of other training media, and the fit of CBT into the overall
programme. An assessment of the
and abilities (KSAs) is important in determining the
content of the CBT required for initial In addition,
an assessment of the KSAs prone to will allow for
identification of the validity of CBT in refresher training.
Some CBT systems have specific to one
system manufacturer, whereas others may have
from a variety of systems. Currently, trainees can be
to work on several different types of X-ray
systems. It is however advisable that experience
and understanding of the differences among the machines
training so that can better cope with such
differences when encountered in the
environment. Within this state of affairs, there is the
potential for as well as transfer of
Similar elements among would lead to
positive transfer of while dissimilar elements lead
to negative transfer of It is also important to develop a
uniform computer-based assessment for the different CBT
Such an assessment should address three
a) the usability of CBT systems in
software, interaction
hardware factors as well as procedural factors that
all contribute to effectiveness;
b) evaluation
content of
the instructional
c) criteria used to the appropriate
media for particular KSAs. It is to judge if the
is acceptable in terms of the Human Factors
Appendix A a complete of
usability evaluation parameteli5. These include aspects
of data entry and data display, user guidance, health and
safety for display etc. CBT systems that are currently available were
to support for two broad
of learning, and skills. The
sition of declarative knowledge is by
information on the components of the task to be completed.
The development of skills or procedural knowledge is
supported through on the task. Recent studies
undertaken by the DERA Centre of Human Sciences (CHS)
of the United Kingdom have shown that the use of CBT can
have immediate on acqUIsitIOn;
however, the development of skills are found to require a
longer training that is equally distributed between
IET and OIT. There are a of different media which
can be used to train for the screening task. While
CBT can an important role in enabling screeners to
acquire the skills and knowledge for the task, other types of
training media have an important role to play. Appendix B
provides a complete description of the relative merits of
different media for training These
include classroom training, real
individual group Ul,''-U,>;>lIJII,
exercises, and operational training, etc. Classroom and CBT training are usually
followed by varying of OIT. OJT is provided to allow
for mastery of the tasks: walk-through metal
detector; hand-held consent search;
search; screening; and exit lane management. Civil
aviation authorities will typically establish the standards for
OIT which would define the that must be the
amount of time to be dedicated to each and the
evaluation process for the
1.3.4 Training rermilrenlent.<; The required to become a screener
can vary significantly among States, as illustrated by the
following examples:
The Netherlands requires screener candidates to train
and be certified as general security officers and then
undertake training and be certified 10
work as checkpoint screeners. The is
40 hours of training for screeners,
classroom work, CBT, and role playing.
This is followed by two months of OIT and 24 hours
of additional training to maintain certification.
In Belgium, the basic for certification as a
checkpoint screener includes 40 hours on aviation
issues, followed by training in various
civil aviation security X-ray system
operation) from 4 to 64 hours.
Canada requires 20 hours of classroom
followed by 40 hours of OIT. After successful
of the training, screeners are certified
The United States has required 12 hours of
classroom training and 40 hours of OIT. Recently,
they have adopted the Aviation Security Improve-
ment Act that mandates 40 hours of initial training
and 40 hours of OlT that are to be remunerated.
In France, screeners must complete 90 hours of
training followed by 20 hours of OlT, coupled with
tasks such as checking tickets and perfonning guard
duty. After completing the OlT, new screeners must
pass tests administered by the Direction Generale
d' Aviation Civile (DGAC) of France.
In the United Kingdom, following a week of
classroom training, screeners complete 40 hours of
OlT. The tasks covered in OlT reflect the tasks
covered in the classroom, including: general security
awareness; the airport security programme;
searching people; searching passengers and staff
baggage; conventional X-ray equipment; and
explosive detection systems (EDS). At least 15 hours
of the OIT is to be allocated to X-ray and EDS
technologies. Typically, during the OIT, newly hired
screeners will be supervised by experienced
screeners for a specified period of time. During this
time, trainees cannot make independent judgement
as to whether persons or property may enter a sterile
area or aircraft without further inspection. It is important that initial classroom training
and OlT include instructional and behavioural objectives
which describe the behaviours that a trainee must exhibit to
perfonn a task effectively. Such objectives provide inputs to
the design of the training programme and measures of
effectiveness by which the programme may be judged. The
objectives include observable behaviours at the completion
of training, the conditions under which the behaviour will
occur, and the criteria for acceptable perfonnance. The
observable behaviour consists of the actions the trainee is
expected to perform upon completion of instruction. Actions
such as identify, demonstrate, classify, or operate are used
since they portray observable behaviours that can be verified.
1.3.5 Cognitive component The decision-making objective of the security
screening task is to ensure that baggage are clear of threat
items. This goal-oriented behaviour is influenced by atten-
tion and vigilance levels, response bias, and operational
stresses. There are two levels involved in the identification
of threats within an image:
Human Factors in Civil Avi.ation Security Operations
a) Perception of the image. If the image is not clear
enough to make a decision, select an image
enhancement function and repeat until the image is
b) Assessment of the image. Compare the image of the
object to an inventory of objects in memory, classify
and then categorize objects within the image based
on object reference library that is held in long-tenn
memory and is built up through training. This analysis of human performance and
decision making demonstrates the importance of objectively
evaluating the mental (i.e. cognitive) strategies used by
operators. This is necessary for two reasons: a) Cognitive
errors can include improper judgement or decision making.
b) Although all operators may reach the minimal
perfonnance standard required, some operators may objec-
tively demonstrate significantly higher levels of proficiency
possibly due to the strategies used. It may then be possible to
feed back these strategies into the selection and training
procedures. Recent studies undertaken by the DERA Centre
of Human Sciences have used eye movement recording to
evaluate the cognitive strategies of screeners. These studies
have shown that over 60 per cent of the errors in threat
detection are errors of decision making. This implies that
screeners are generally looking in the areas where threats are
located but are failing to correctly identify the threat. It is
clear from this work that improved training techniques have
the potential to improve threat assessment. The incorporation of Threat Image Projection
(TIP) as an element of classroom training, CBT and OIT will
enhance efforts to make objective assessment of perfonnance
levels and its relation to earlier training programmes. This is
an important way to evaluate the effectiveness of training
programmes by unobtrusively assessing perfonnance on the
job. It is also possible to implement TIP off-line as a fitness-
for-duty test (Rhodes and Vincent, 2000 discussed the issues
surrounding fitness-for-duty evaluations). Comparable
assessment concepts should be developed for the other
security technologies.
1.4.1 Retaining highly skilled civil aviation security
personnel is a major problem in some countries around the
world. The State with the most acute problem is the United
States where rapid turnover has been a long-standing
problem that was fonnally identified in 1979. Available
turnover rates from May 1998 through April 1999 averaged
Chapter I. Operators: Personnel Selection, Training and Assessment, Retention

126 per cent at the airports, with five
reporting turnover rates of 200 per cent or more
and another a turnover rate of 416 per cent.
1.4.2 It should be noted that turnover rates among
aviation security personnel is also of significant concern in
many other States. In a sample survey of States, turnover
rates were about 50 per cent or with Belgium having a
turnover rate of less than 4 per cent. This phenomenon may
be attributed to several reasons. Security personnel have
repeatedly stated that low wages and minimal benefits, high
costs to and from the infrequent super-
visor feedback, combined with and stressful
conditions have caused them to seek
elsewhere. Indeed the level of and benefits can vary
greatly among States.
1.4.3 Experience in other States also indicates that
salary and benefits, more training, and frequent test-
of screeners results in lower turnover rates which, in
tum, may lead to enhanced screener performance. However,
this observation of enhanced screener performance should
be verified by the TIP.
1.4.4 The difference in performance levels was
underscored in a joint test where U.S. special agents .and
from an Union State tested security
personnel in their countries using the same
methods. On average, screeners in the EU State were able to
detect twice as many test threat objects as their U.S.
counterparts. A for this is that the EU
operators have greater on average than operators
in the United States. This outcome is also associated with the
EU security personnel
training combined with their
better social benefits.
significantly more
higher salaries and
1.4.5 Recently, the U.S. Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration and Northwest Airlines have undertaken to develop
and implement a series of iQcentives for screeners to
reward performance and foster positive team The
measures are closely related to the evaluation
and training evaluation standards as well as the utilization of
the information 10 (dis)incentives or increased
motivation through wages, training, and equipment.
This may lead to lower turnover rates,
allowing airport authorities to
and motivated
consequently, also
for longer periods and
1.4.6 High turnover rates contribute to high recruit-
ment and training costs. In addition, the attrition rates
during training and in the initial phase of the OJT are
high. To this can be added the costs of back-
ground, drug and fingerprint checks for job
<WI""'_'UI'''' that raise the of
companies. Better selection and
impact positively on such direct costs associated
with a high turnover rate. There is also the """_111'0'
indirect "cost" associated with providing
information to a number of people who no
have the need to know.
1.4.7 It is important to note that different States have
for potential applicants. For
screeners to be Belgian nationals. The
screeners to have resided in the country
for at least five years. France screeners to be citizens
of a European Union member nation. Canada
screeners to be citizens or permanent residents. The United
States only recently screeners to be citizens or
resident aliens.
1.4.8 There is increasing recogmtlon in the civil
aviation industry of the demanding nature of the roles and
These tasks
who are highly trained,
remunerated in order to help
possible security standards are
maintained in More action needs to be taken to
address the issues surrounding selection, and
retention that will optimize system effectiveness and
performance standards and thereby reduce the risk to civil
aviation and security.
Chapter 2
2.1.1 Over the past decades, the human elements in
civil aviation has been neglected as resources have
been focused on the development and deployment of new
technologies. This is a historical that
that ignoring the Human Factors
solutions is associated with
deals with
the second dimension of the Human Factors framework
Technologies and the issues associated with their
ment in the operational environment.
2.1.2 The review assesses available technologies used
in civil aviation operations. These include Screener
Assist Threat Image (TIP)
technologies for systems, Trace LAUR''''''''
\;"C""'''''C (TEDS), and bottle content
ergonomic design issues of these various '''f''nnA.r,'''H'<
their integrated in the airport environment are
also addressed.
2.1.3 Most States have a number of in place
to minimize the risk of attacks against commercial aircraft.
Among the most are the at airports
where passengers and their carry-on items are screened for
threat items. The United States first domestic
passenger in 1973 in response to increased
hijackings. The focus of the was to detect
weapons (e.g. handguns, knives) through the use of X-ray and
metal detection systems at checkpoints. This reduced
the number of incidences. Unfortunately, in the
1980s and the type of threat mutated, with aircraft
the use of small ex plosive
devices explosives that are more difficult
to detect. The traditional X-ray and metal detector
technologies have been supplemented since the mid-1990s
with new advanced screening technologies that are capable
of automatic threat detection.
2.1.4 The most difficult of the screener's task is
a correct interpretation of the image. The
reason is that threat objects can be difficult to locate and
non-threat can appear similar to threat items. We
know from a long history of research that operators are not
reliable at tasks that require sustained monitoring for
infrequently occurring events. The question remains: What
are the limitations and how can we best extend
their through fpc
2.2.1 Over the past several years, conventional tech-
nologies such as X-ray imaging and metal detection have
improved However, new technologies to
address the changing nature of the threat have not
yet been nor deployed. Such technologies would
include millimetre wave devices that are sensitive to threats
and pattern of threat that uses neural net-
works derived from an system linked to an
scanner. Nevertheless, there is a growing realization
of the criticality of human performance in civil aviation
based on the fact that, although engineering evalu-
ations could readily determine the physical of
equipment, the reasons that a threat item might
pass undetected during screening are "".",,,I,,,v
and go the factor
in the effectiveness of the screening process was
seen to be the ability of an operator to correctly and
threat objects embedded within X-ray
equipment will thus automate some aspects of the
inspection process and provide the screener with more
detailed and timely information.
2.2.2 The achievement of 100 per cent automated
detection in the absence of any false alarms is a laudable
objective and contributes to operating costs,
human error from the operating loop or P""-"''''''
Automated detection technologies have not been shown to
actually improve system (Operator + Technology) perform-
ance level s. Any potential improvements in performance will
be critically dependent on the levels of automated hi ts, false
alarms and nuisance alarms because a hi gh number of false
and/or nuisance alarms will lower the confidence of the
operators in the technology. In such cases, operators may
abandon, ignore or circumvent the system altogether, thereby
leading to high levels of error. Conversely, a high number of
hits can lead to a fal se lev I of confidence and an over reliance
on the technology. This in tum can lead to decreased hand
searches and decreased situational.awareness. Only high hit
rates combined with extremely low false alarm rates (i.e. high
d prime, esti mated as the normali zed difference between hit
rates and false alarm rates) may actually provide the necessary
conditions for improvement in system perfonnance and
thereby mini mize risk.
2.2.3 In general , inspection effectiveness will remain
dependent on the proficiency of the human operator. More-
over, it may be useful, and sometimes vital, to keep the
human in the decision-making process, especially if they
must respond during emergency or abnormal conditions.
Given these important issues, a compromised approac h has
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
emerged whereby the technology will assist the operator in
detecting threat items (e.g. automated threat alert).
2.3. 1 Because it can be readily programmed into
technology software, automated threat detection function is
now present in Screener Assist Technology (SAT) that is also
now widely available on X- ray systems. However, although
the X-ray system can be programmed to detect properties of
known explosives, it is of very li tt le use in countering the
threat from improvised explosive devices (lED). It may also
have a negati ve impact as it decreases the detection of other
threats. This automated detection feature is accompanied by
other image enhancement options.
2.3.2 Although numerous image enhancement and
manipulation functions are available (e.g. zoom magnifi-
cation, penetration levels. organic/inorganic stripping,
variable contrast, edge enhancement , inverse video, rotate,
etc. - see Figure 2-1 where the available options are
indicated along the right hand edge of the image), only a
Figure 2-1. Example of X-ray image enhancement and manipulation features
Chapter 2. Technologies in Civil Aviation Security Operations
few options (image magnification, black and white, and
colour enhancement) are used by X-ray operators in the
operational environment.
2.3.3 There is a very wide range of types of image
enhancement and manipulation options. This is associated
with very little standardization, increased technical specifi-
cations (where each manufacturer increases the number of
functions available in response to competition) and an over-
all utility level that is still undefined. It is necessary to
research Human Factors issues to determine which
enhancement options are necessary and can be used to
enhance threat detection performance.
2.3.4 Studies undertaken by tbe DERA Centre of
Human Sciences through the use of operational trials have
uncovered several important Human Factors issues requir-
ing attention. For instance, operators may lack the detailed
knowledge of the image enhancement functions available
for the enhancement and manipulation of on-screen image.
More importantly, they have an apparently limited under-
standing about the use of the enhancement functions and of
the type of image that those functions are useful in exploit-
ing. The use of image enhancement function is also not
consistent between different equipment types within and
across airport s. Operators do not apply any particular
criteria in selecting which image enhancement functions are
to be used on particular images.
2.3.5 The use of image enhancement functions to
optimize image analysis depends on the type of image
presented. There is room for some form of automated
image assessment and enhancement based on the particular
characteristics of an image before its display to the
operator. The DERA Centre of Human Sciences in the
United Kingdom has undertaken studies to determine the
most appropriate image enhancement functions for
optimizing screener detection performance. Their work has
shown that the most appropriate image enhancement
algorithm is critically dependent on the complexity and
content of a particular piece of luggage. It underscores the
fact there is no single algorithm that will be optimal for
every type of bag. Furthermore, the work has led to the
development of a prototype intelligent and adaptive system
which can recommend to the screener the most appropriate
algoritbm for enhancing and manipulating the image in
order to assess a piece of luggage. This is an example in
which the development of advice and support technologies
are adapted to the limitations and capabilities of the user. In
general, there is need for closer link between equipment
manufacturers, users, and Human Factors specialists in
order to tease out the use of image enhancement functions
on X-ray systems.
2.3.6 A recent U.S. FAA report has indicated that
screener performance in the interpretation of X-ray images
could be significantly improved through the use of auto-
matic threat detection technology that provides both detec-
tion and operator alerting. However, there are concerns not
only with the maturity of the technology, the variabi lity and
high false alarm rates required for an acceptable detection
rate, but also with the Human Factors issues related to the
introduction of automation into what is currently a pri mar-
ily human task of image interpretation. In addition, the
introduction of SAT to central search should be given
careful consideration because of a number of concerns
related to visual search, attention and object recognition. In
order to optimize SAT impact in the operational
environment , the image enhancement functions should be:
screener selectable during the threat assessment , or
applied as a default secondary search method once
the screener has cleared the image of threat s from
the assessment.
2.4.1 An important recent technological development
that provides continuous online refresher training and
assessment of the threat detection performance of screeners
is the development and implementation of Threat Image
Projection (TIP) technology. TIP allows the virtual
inclusion of threat images into the physically derived image
of scanned baggage, or alternatively, the system may
virtually include an image of a whole luggage containing a
threat. The image of the threat object is "false" only in the
sense that the object is not physically in the baggage.
However, the appearance of the "virtual threat object" in
the X-ray image is identical to the image from a real object
(see Figures 2-2 and 2-3). This was demonstrated in a
recent lab test of the TIP that was carried out to assess
screener performance by using real and TIP presentations
of threats and innocuous items. The X-ray screeners were
shown what they would see if a threat object were
physically present in the baggage. The results were that
both the physically present and virtually inserted threat
objects appeared identical to the screener. This TIP
technology therefore allows X-ray screeners to be
confronted with what they would see if the actual threat
item were in the pi ece of luggage, but without the dange r
of having a threat item be physically present in the luggage.
2.4.2 For this reason, one way to help regulators.
airport authorities and operators make an objective evalu-
ation of the threat item detection performance of X-ray
screeners is to require that all X-ray systems have TIP
2-4 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
figure 2-2. X-ray image with embedded virtual threat item
Currently deployed TIP systems conform to the functional
requirements laid down by the U.S. FAA in the early 1990s.
These functional requirements enable TIP to meet three
fundamental objectives: continual refresher training free of
down time, objective performance assessment (i.e.
estimation of the probability of detection, false alarms,
misses and correct rejections), and the maintenance of
operator vigilance. The TIP thus allows for the identification
and evaluation of the highest performing operators, and as a
result, the technology can be vital in the certification of X-ray
2.4.3 Other benefits of using TIP include:
Enhanced screener motivation.
Enhanced screener vigilance.
Exposure to and practice in detecting a wide range
of threats.
Practice in detecting threats under operational
Immediate feedback to operators.
Objective monitoring of threat detection
2.4.4 In the past, the only method available to assess
screener performance in the operational environment was
covert testing. Testing personnel in this way is highly
labour intensive and a screener would be tested only
infrequently (in terms of the number of baggage that the
screener sees in any given period of time). Moreover, once
a first infiltration had been carried out, it was generally
known throughout a duty station that testing was taking
place. Consequently, what is in principle a "closed" (i.e.
unknown) test is not so in reality. Wi th the advent of the
TIP technology, a false threat item image could be
projected to a screener as part of an objective performance
evaluation. At the same time, the number of resources
required in testing is reduced significantly even as the
testing is kept "open" (i.e. known).
Chapter 2. Technologies in Civil Aviation Security Operations 2-5
Figure 2-3. X-ray image with embedded virtual threat item
2.4.5 It is also possible to modulate the presentation
rate of test objects to a screener in order to increase or
maintain the level of screener vigilance. The following three
parameters can be manipulated:
a) The first is the bag ratio or one TIP image per
X-number of bags (e.g. 1 TIPI100 bags), making
the TIP image dependent on the passenger and
baggage flows.
b) The second is bag range or the bounds around the
bag ratio (e.g. +/- 20 per cent), to prevent screeners
from counting bags to predict the next TIP.
c) The third is a random ratio which allows for the
presentation of threat images at any time
(e.g. 10 per cent of all threat images) to keep
screeners vigilant immediately after a TIP image.
All operators can also be presented with a full range of the
most current and likely threat objects known.
2.4.6 The TIP system can calculate, score, store and
report screener performance. When a screener identi fies the
presence of a projected threat item, this event is scored as
a HIT. When a screener does not identify the presence of a
projected threat item, this event is scored as a MISS. When
a screener reports the presence of a projected threat item
when none was projected, this event is scored as a FALSE
ALARM. When a screener does not report a threat item and
none was projected, this event is scored as a CORRECT
REJECTION. These events are accompanied by immediate
visual feedback indicating whether screeners did (i.e. HIT)
or did not (i.e. MISS or FALSE ALARM) correctly report
the presence of a projected threat item. Through the use of
a unique identifier for each screener, combined with the
X-ray machine serial number, it is possible to obtain the
screener identification that can then be cross-referenced
with selection, training, work schedule/organizational, and
equipment data.
2.4.7. While the original U.S. FAA Human Factors
specifications provided the basis for the TIP systems, a
number of Contracting States are currently
second and third generation TIP systems which will have the
capability to present fictional threat items that have been
modified according to image complexity. ;::.eCOlrlo!!:enelratIIOn
TIP systems will include new features such as:
improved data management and intlerpretatil[)/ tools;
controllable transition and
orientation for each individual
improved image libraries;
images selected for automatic occurrence either
individually or in a series based on time of day,
checkpoint activity, or screener identity;
automatic modulation of complexity level;
rotation of threat items;
potential for 3-D images;
improvements to the content and quality of feed-
back for missed threat items; and
enhanced remedial off-line training through the
presentation of individual performance data and
previously missed images.
2.4.8 Third-generation TIP systems should be able to
automatically assess image complexity and adaptively
match the image with a fictional threat item (FTI) so that
the FTI is placed in the most suitable area in the
Furthermore, third-generation systems should be able to
diagnose individual performance levels and adaptively
support a screener's training requirements the
presentation of FTIs of appropriate The
incorporation of an objective complexity measure within
TIP systems will ensure that these systems are truly fair,
valid and reliable. This will then provide an effective and
accurate identification of the screener's and in
tum lead to valid screener certification and competency
assessment. Some of these developments are in an
advanced state, thanks to research pro-
grammes in the United and and may
potentially be operational in the near future, Such research
and development activities will have to continue and the
innovation made available to all States.
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
2.5.1 One of the most
the threat from devices
ae'vel'ODlment of vapour detection and
Trace Detection Over the past
30 years, a wide range of vapour sensors have
been The chemical detection of has
vapour pressures. The task today
more because explosives with
ex(;eeam,gly low pressure vapours have become more avail-
able and are much more difficult to detect through vapour
it has been shown that traces of
are present as particles and
can be collected and The term "trace" describes
the technology that can material in the form of
and/or vapour. Trace particle analysis is now
"""<::IJ''',;;U detection method. By the end of
1 000 TEDS used routinely in
2.5.3 Trace particle sampling is in principle the most
effective way of any type of if appro-
and are adopted. It should
be noted that the actual collection of a trace is the most
important and also the weakest link in the chain of tasks
related to the of collected trace particles. The traces
collected onto porous filters by or by
a or swab It has been learned that vacuums
are not used in the due to their
nP"""iw lack of power, and of passenger
the proper use of trace and swab
and is prone to human error
in ina:PPlfop,riate
is the calibration
numerous non-intUitive steps to the process
properly. It is necessary to document the calibration and its
results with an sure that feedback
from the
control aids for screeners and field
2. Techn%gies in Civil Aviation ,'\P,"IJ",tv Operations
2.5.4 The interface and display of TEDS
that attention be paid to Human Factors consider-
ations. It is important to display the and quantity of
the present; however, an open is the
level of infonnation that should be available to screeners.
Attention should also be to the
A fault condition has to be indicated in a way that can be
encoded, and the user and
that leads to proper compliant intervention the operator.
The system status display may also support the user by
indicating the potential causes and areas operator
2.5.5 Operationally derived data have demonstrated
that TEDS can be quite sensitive and reliable.
It appears
that TEDS may be able to provide the necessary conditions
for threat detection with detec-
tion levels. It should be noted however
that TEDS is only one piece of used at a check-
and that other technologies need to similar
levels in order for the system to minimize the
risk of a threat item going undetected. It should also be kept
in mind that the trace particle and X-ray image
are perfonned by human operators who are
somewhat less sensitive and reliable.
2.5.6 With recent improvements in trace collection,
trace detection walk-through are now widely used
and common in the marketplace. When through
such a the passenger will be to a controlled
airflow for a few seconds, and the
on to an Ion Mobility
for One such portal can detect and
30 different types of explosives RDX, Semtex,
and Ammonium Nitrate) and chemical warfare agents
tabun (GN), sarin (GB), soman (GF),
and methylphosphonothioate (YX) ). The nominal passen-
ger throughput of such portals is seven passengers per
minute. Regulatory authorities in the United States are
assessment of trace
and flammable materials may be concealed in
bottles in carry-on or checked Given the volume
L For example, in the United States, 400 IONSCAN units have
accumulated a sample base of more than 30 million
measurements, an operating time of 3,5 million hours with a
false alarm rate below 0.05 per cent and an average mean lime
between failure of 9 000 hours.
of passenger and the fact that bottles are often
elaborately packed or sealed, manual inspection of a
bottle's content is potentially ineffective. To improve the
screening of containers with unknown liquids, new tech-
nologies and devices are currently being to
screen the content of bOllles and other containers. It should
be noted that bottle content analysers are still in the
stages of and provide to
Irn."mlp,lup to design. Early versions of the
analysers were reasonably user-friendly and
minimal user intervention. Sample analysis times were
however (on average 1.5 minutes),
negatively passenger throughput
increasing the stress level of screeners and COllltrlOliltl
errors in the system.
Airline experts believe that tecnnolO'V
used in with passenger profiling.
method potentially
from other travellers. There are two general
a) One compares passenger demographic and other
data to historic or recent
derived "threat profiles".
b) The other is based on the screener's
assessment into aceount
or other characteristics.
Most systems use elements of both to
varying Automated profiling systems are
being developed. It is important that a Human Factors per-
be applied in the development, and
evaluation of human-centred or automated profiling
systems. This is especially important accept-
ance of technology, the environment
in which the systems are being and the potential
enhanced capabilities and future needs. All these tech-
need to systematically and
address and usability issues.
2.8. J Applying ergonomics to the
nology is important for the following reasons:
of tech-
The likelihood of operator errors is minimized.
The systems will be more usable.
The tec:hnolclgy will be appropriate for the users.
Transfer of can be
2.8.2 It is important to incorporate good
in the development of technology for civil
For this reason, it is vital to describe the
of technology in
to civil aViation security requirements. This
includes but is not limited to:
the properties of the displays used in
visual or auditory information (e.g. screen
distance, interlace, refresh rate, and
the nrF''''''''''''C of the or sound;
the controls and menus required to access the
necessary information, including their thcir
number, etc.;
how the interface is developed to take into account
that some operators using the equipment will have
had no prior exposure to computers colours
and graphical user interface);
the sampling method required of operators which is
critical in the us;: of
standardization of the ergonomic elements of
visual/auditory or silent alarms Of
how system status should be
indicate a fault condition; and
the steps required in calibrating a system.
so as to
Unfortunately, the consideration and integration of
Human Factors practice in the development of civil aviation
security technologies is still lacking.
the boring and rpn,,, ... ',,,,' tasks that
,,,,, ... 1',,,.,,, poorly to machines is an approach that can
reduce system errors. However, automated devices may inad-
create new sources of human error. For
Hunwn Factors in Civil Aviation ",,'l1r'1nl
excessive false alarms distract operators and
may lead to the device or deactivated. During
or emergency situations, the lack of in
many automated systems can be a severe limitation and the
human back-up may not be mentally situational aware-
or physically prepared to intervene.
2.8.4 In summary, it is important that operators are
able to read the displays easily and without error, interact
with the menus/options effectively and and
interpret alarms quickly and accurately. At a more general
it will become increasingly to integrate
technological systems to an overall and tactical
framework for security in In addition to combining
the operation of different from diverse, and
sometimes competing, manufacturers with the flow of pass-
engers, new technology must operate in a environ-
ment where and volume of
passenger traffic are
ation of importance is how to maximize the deterrence
of aviation security
2.8.5 What is currently known is that each type of
and its associated technology is unique and
requires different knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs).
For example, monitoring a portal metal detector requires a
limited understanding of the technology involved and does
not involve image interpretation.
TEDS is much more complex and
exercise independent judgement as
operators to
outputs that are all different These
scneening tasks require a different set of KSAs and
in order to optimize performance for a KSA set
that is related to the task dedicated At the
same the civil aviation community would like to have
maximum transfer of KSAs that have been developed
training to as many tasks as
2.8.6 InteroperabiliLy of technology is very important
and requires the standardization of interfaces, protocols,
and Standard Operating Procedures. New technology also
needs to be integrated into different tasks
bottle content analysers and automated in a
seamless and transparent fashion. A full system approach
grounded in Human Factors is the system
(human + technology) errors. Such an must take
into account the impact of thc """,ro,,,,,,,..
the organizational culture on operator """'Tn'nTl""r'".
relation to system errors.
Chapter 3
3.1.1 The third axis of the Human Factors framework
deals with the operational environment and organizational
culture. This topic does not have as a as those
described in the two previous chapters. Nevertheless,
personnel are part of an organizational culture,
work as members of a team, and are supervised within a
particular operational environment. All of these factors will
have a influence on the motivation,
and job satisfaction of the screeners and
passengers. It is therefore important to ascertain the
influence of these issues on successful
Selecting well-suited individuals,
designing their work environment and rotation
schedule to maintain the best performance, and
providing are fundamemal require-
ments for successful operations, of the type of
technology in The influence of management
"culture" on human as one area basic
research is needed has recently much prominence. If
the organizational climate conditions, quality
of wages, and and culture
shared attitudes, beliefs and do not allow an
individual or team to perform optimally, it would make
little difference on if the best were
if they received the most expensive and extensive
and if the were
3.1.2 Given the demanding work environment where
pressure from passengers, peers and various agencies is
present, screeners are actively from
false alarm rates since it slows the throughput of the
system and can be seen as a reflection on the
screeners' ability and efficiency. Time pressure to accept a
bag as safe to travel or to reject a for subsequent hand
search is considerable. For operational and motivational
reasons, the decision to a bag must nO! be perceived
Operators are typically required to carry out this
task for 20 minutes. At a maximum throughput rate, they
would have to make these complex decisions on over
300 bags. Numerous factors within the operational
environment will the ability to handle
this standard throughput rate.
3.2.1 General With respect to the operational environment,
the important factors include the physical aspects of the
workplace (e.g. dust, lighting, temperature, and
humidity). Recently, a number of States have increased
their interest in the ergonomic of the
checkpoint to improve threat detection and passen-
Any security should account
advances in conjunction with operational
requirements, while incorporating sound Human Factors
design principles. There are a number of
available workspace tools that may provide some of
the checkpoint but
none that would integrate the
team resource requirements for passenger activity and
security. Global operations and measures of
effectiveness will be influenced by variables such as
passenger volume and levels, and
deployed. An evaluation of operations should
focus on aspects such as flow, threat detection,
training, supervision, and screener communication. The
checkpoint operation can be subdivided into a set of
discreet tasks performed by screeners and to
support the overall mission of and
passengers and their Tasks to be
included are walk-through and hand-held metal detectors,
pat down, hand trace exit lane and
Performance and efficiency measures should
answer the following \.lUlO"",Vll".
Are effective procedures followed?
Are the
staff adequately trained to follow
Do the security staff communicate in
levels and staff vn,r\\l!'''141 (yp adequate to
tasks quickly" The criteria for measuring the
effectiveness of checkpoint VIJ\OHIIUV"" could be
of the
a) 'ass,enJ!;erfba,g,gll,ge throughput
Number of passengers and the average
amount of lime used to process with the X-ray
Number of passengers
amount of time required
metal detector.
and the average
in using the walk-
Number of passengers and the average amount
of time needed to process with the hand-held
metal detector.
Number of passengers processed and the average
amount of time needed to process with TEDS.
numbers as a function of flight
b) Threat detection
TIP performance probability of detection,
probability of a miss, probability of false alarm,
, and response bias).
(initial, OIT and recurrent) and
Incident reports.
Measures of with effective threat
3.2.2 Checkpoint
based will
have impact on the checkpoint of the future. One
example is the of the automated exit lane, with
doors that close automatically in the presence of a threat. A
project by the U.S. FAA is the Elevated
Podium for Checkpoint Security Supervision
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security
(EPICSS). This elevated platform will be present at each
checkpoint in an airport, an unobstructed
view of the immediate area to the supervisor. Such a set-up
may confer numerous
a) The platform will be somewhat removed from the
noise of the checkpoint.
b) The platform contains video screeners from
strategically located cameras which can show
output from X-ray systems.
c) Through radio-links, the various platforms can be in
communication with each other, increasing
communication and coordination and reducing the
sense of isolation that current checkpoints induce.
Such are now introduced for
do show strong potential. Some work completed by the
Direction Generale d' Aviation Civile of France
has introduced some modifications to the
that would improve passenger flow, security pft,('">nc',, and
a) The first element is how best to inform passengers
about items that they must on the X-ray
conveyor belt or in the bin in order to minimize
positive signals from the metal detector portal that
would require time and to resolve. This
study revealed that passengers do not read
near the however, when security personnel
specify verbally to passengers where to
various items portables, cellular phones, and
clothing) portal alarms are readily reduced by
approximately 30 per cent. This
the conditions of operators.
in the procedures, Le. having
explain to passengers, can
positively impact the of civil aviation
security operations. This process could be improVed
further with the use of a semi-automated system to
the tickets of passengers before
allowing them access to a checkpoint. This could
thus access to meeters and greeters.
b) The second element is a physical improvement that
was found to significantly reduce bottlenecks
around X-ray machines and The modifi-
cation requires the X-ray conveyor rollers
to a minimum of three metres, with a
partition preventing passengers from
their before the end point. This simple
3. OperatiolUll Environment and Organizational Culture 3-3
modification was found to ,mnrrwp the throughput
of passengers and received comments from
security personnel. All and physical
modifications are within a larger
organizational context.
!;' .. 'lU ..... ",." .. levels There are three
which the operational environment
national regulatory agency. the
levels across
is established: the
operator. and the air
The national regulatory agency is responsible for:
identifying and analysing threats to security.
prescribing security
enforcing the
standards, and
directing law enforcement activities under the
governing statutes and '<OI';UIC1U\J''';:'.
The airport operators are
secure operating environment
They are responsible for
with providing a
for the air carriers.
responsive security programmes and emergency
action plans are maintained and updated.
air operations areas are restricted and protected.
law enforcement support is provided in
response to various threats, and
physical measures for the are
The air carriers are for the most visible
security measures for safe and secure travel, which
screening passengers with metal detectors, X-ray
and other
inspecting carry-on DaJg,gllge
securing and cargo,
protecting the aircraft, and
maintaining programmes. It should be noted that air carriers, security
companies. and airport operators are not structured nor
resourced to perform Human Factors research and develop-
ment. Hence air carriers in many States can contract
security firms to perform most of their security functions.
However, within the system environment, it is
guard companies that
the tasks The reason is that
issues that are increasingly more harmonized
and that impact the and
3.2.4 Team issues Performance and issues are rooted
in the complex interactions of people and equipment within
the system, namely the institutional and organiz-
ational structures and that drive the
and management of aviation
there is a team of security pelrsonn;el
various functions. The team composition can from
day to it usually includes two to six individuals. Team
members rotate through the various X-ray,
hand wanding, and EDS) positions their shift. Oper-
-''''''-''J' personnel rotate many times during their shift due
in part to the issue of sustained at the X-ray
machine and to the need to maintain their proficiency in all
aspects of the checkpoint. Rotation also provides a degree
of relief from possible boredom and inattention caused by
performance of the same limited set of actions. Regarding the teams thai work a checkpoint,
we must be aware of the operational realities that can lead
to team function/dysfunction Establishing teams
is useful for solving cognitively
the demands associated with wCirl(Jlng
increase. Team tasks
"''''');U.J''v relevant cues, make
remember relevant information.
and solutions as an
decisions, solve problems,
plan, acquire knowledge,
unit. It has become
collected from different teams at
within one airport and among different Currently,
the system in general is unable to coordinate and
mtle,gr'ate information collected across time andlor space. Team issues may be the reason that some
aviation security personnel cannot effectively work with
others. Cultural factors and associated linguistic differences
can impact team and performance at
""'i<;''''''''. even to possibly risk levels. It may then be
valuable to apply team resource management training to all
personnel. Team training and team management have only
come under testing and evaluation a
few States. For example, in the United Kingdom, work by
the DERA Centre of Human Sciences has led to
recommendations for improvements to the management of
personnel at central search, thereby improving the
effectiveness of teams and interaction among team members,
in tum, has culminated in recommendations for the
of team skills, training for supervisors
and establishment of a performance
system. This is necessary in order to develop a ",,,,lh,,,ri,,I,,,..
and a system to evaluate the screening checkpoint's
overall team nPrtnrTn<>
3.2.5 Shift management Another element found to be critical in the
operational context of aviation is the increased awareness
related to shift management in order to help sustain
operator alertness and attention. Two primary faclors
known to affect a level of alertness are the time of
day with endogenous circadian patterns) and the
time since the end of the last sleep period. To these
can be added any sleep deficits/debts and time on task.
Time on task period) will have very acute effects
workload levels. These factors
individually levels of
alertness over a 24-hour Several best practices can be implemented to
minimize the adverse impact associated with fatigue on the
alertness of operators/supervisors. These include:
Proper design of roster to rotate forward to avoid
returns" inadequate rest
between consecutive duty
The shift system should rotate to limit the
number of consecutive night shifts.
Duty periods should be limited to hours.
Limits should be placed on consecutive of
night work.
Shift rosters should be by taking into
account periods of throughput.
Time on task should be limited as a function of time
and/or performance levels.
Task rotation should be maintained.
and duration of rest periods during each
period should be properly considered.
Adequate rest facilities should be made available.
Due consideration should be
to commuting
Human Factors in Civil A viation Security
Operators should be allowed some choices in
selecting the shift periods according to their
preference. The implementation of such recommendations
can also go a long way in turnover rates. The
recommendations can however only be implemented with
the support of management and in developing
appropriate policies and procedures within a supportive
culture. in the United
the national regulator has issued guidance material to the
industry on best practices for shift management related to
security personnel.
3.2.6 Disruptive passengers The presence of disruptive
passengers on board civil aircraft is contributing to
risk to safety and in civil aviation. As the number
of passengers continues to increase I, so will the number of
disruptive passengers. Research indicates that most
incidents of interference occur during international long-
haul A determined passenger who behaves in a
violent or distressed manner can be as serious threat as
the presence of an IED, a or a fire in the aircraft. There are numerous
to the increased rate of 1i"",,",,''''P
behaviour. The first is the more complete and
cited as
reporting of such incidents airlines and greater media
coverage. Other factors include: stress (e.g. fear of flight and
airport environment), alcohol/chemical consumption (includ-
medication), nicotine deprivation, aircraft environment,
lack of physical space, psychological of lack of
space, aircraft filled to capacity, mental/physiological
disconnect between the marketed images and the
reality of commercial and social factors. (An example
of one such social factor is to the in the
behaviour of individuals who, linked to a global network, are
accustomed to obtaining any information, product or service
at the touch of a few mouse clicks and whose unrealistic
of instant gratification are not Fear of flying is a Human Performance issue
unique to aviation. It affects a percentage of air travel-
lers and is accompanied by other phobias such as
acrophobia (fear of high places), claustrophobia (fear of
I. The number of scheduled passengers carried is forecast to
increase at an expected average annual rate of ),5 per cent and
from 1.6 billion to 2,3 billion passengers during the of
1999 to 2010 (Circular 281).
Chapter 3. Operational Environment and Organizational Culture 3-5
confined spaces) and agoraphobia (fear of large open spaces).
Research has shown that 65 per cent of fearful used
alcohol and drugs before and during flight to combat their
phobia. The disturbing incidents have highlighted the need
for improved understanding of passenger behaviour linked to
mental illness. What do security receive to
assist them in a preliminary assessment of passenger
behaviour? What, if any, signs may be observed at a
security checkpoint? A recent survey by the world's
airlines provided a of the causes of
behaviour by respondents: alcohol demanding
passenger, or intolerant personality, delays, stress of
travel, smoking cramped conditions in cabin, passen-
ger denied carry-on luggage, excessive passenger expec-
tations, crew mismanagement of problem, and passenger
denied upgrade.
3.2.65 Once an unsafe act has been committed on
board an aircraft, it then becomes an issue of how to deal
with the disruptive passengers and after the so
that their fundamental and freedoms are not compro-
mised. Proactively potentially passen-
gers from boarding an aircraft in the first may be a
civil aviation matter. One way to minimize the risk
of passenger disruption is through the of infor-
mation among airlines with regards to passengers who have
been warned or detained following unsafe acts aboard
aircraft. Such action may however have legal The integration' of Human Factors
will be critical in the specific
security personnel for the purpose of identifying passenger
behaviours that may be v'llid cues in identifying high-risk
passengers. Profiling technology will be unable to .... v ... Il'''''''V
such a task automatically; however, the technology may be
used as a database of disruptive occur-
rences. focused on human performance will also
be critical in the training of cabin personnel on with
a disruptive passenger (or a coordinated group of passen-
during flight. The success of a preventive strategy
relies on three conditions:
greater awareness among passengers of how the
airline will respond to acts;
the implementation of a zero-tolerance policy; and
the likelihood and type of consequences in response
to their disruptive behaviours. A well-designed, Human error-
reporting system that leads to an analysis of potential
causal factors is essential for operators and
authorities. The former are in a key to
analyse data from the airport and aircraft environments.
Enhanced training programmes based on the information
from the error-reporting system could help reduce
preventable incidents in the airport and on board aircraft. The first of civil aviation security
operations is still to prevent disruptive passenger incidents
with measures through aviation security pro-
cedures and personnel, and the second is to contain the
event after it has occurred through appropriate cabin safety
measures. In order to proactively prevent such incidents, it
is necessary to a clearer understanding of the causes of
behaviour. Data have to be about the of
passengers who commit such disruptive acts, travel con-
ditions, the nature of the disruption, the
outcome (e.g. arrest), and the impact on the passenger and
their family. The caused by passenger
behaviour may become the aviation safety
and security issue within the next five years.
3.3.1 General Other elements include: the
standards that have been implemented and
how they are enforced; how such standards mesh into the
processes, and procedures in within a
particular organizational culture; and how these standards
support optimal levels. For example, potential
errors can be forestalled by Standard Operating
Procedures, checklists and job performance aids for routine
and emergency tasks, by planning work shifts and assign-
ments that do not induce inattention and fatigue, and by
properly designing the work environment. As Professor
Earl Wiener, of the University of Miami, poimed
If Human Factors engineering is done
properly at the conceptual and design stage,
the cost is high, but only once. If
training must compensate for poor
the price is every day. The of proper Human Factors
at the conceptual and design stage also applies
to the management practices and procedures as they impact
on the entire aviation system. The system will be
of equipment (displays and controls), work-rest
schedules, work management
airport environment, the social and structure,
and the overall of the task. Any analyses or remedies
that look at isolated segments are likely to lead to isolated
and short-lived improvements, with the for
new problems elsewhere in the system. A Human
Factors culture should thus be instilled into civil aviation
security operations in order to
lasting solutions to
issues. Such a Human Factors culture the human
operator, rather than technology, at the core of all activities
to ensure that all operational and organizational aspects
(including policies, processes and procedures) are U"'''IS''vU
and implemented so as to support system
performance levels.
3.3.2 Human error and error management One crucial element of an organization's
safety and culture is the to deal with human
error. From an organizational human error
should be viewed as a symptom where operators are seen to
have been unable 10 achieve operational because
of difficult flaws in policies and
procedures, inadequate allocation of resources, or other
deficiencies within the system. Because of omnipresent
human error, unintentional deviations from established
norms (operational and will occur. Such
deviations provide a opportunity for
a process of error management. Effective error
management is based on the free exchange of information
about operational errors which lead to deviations. In the Operations
Audit 2001), Robert L. Helmreich of the Univer-
of Texas at Austin found that all observed errors could
be classified into five types:
Procedural errors, where personnel are to
follow procedures but execute them incorrectly.
Communication errors, in which information is
improperly or incompletely communicated, with-
held or misunderstood.
errors, where tasks are improperly
executed because of a lack of Knowledge, Skills
and Abilities (KSAs).
Decision errors situations not covered by
procedure or in which personnel take
actions that unnecessarily increase risk.
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Intentional non-compliance. when
knowingly violate company policy or
3,3.2.3 Error detection, classification. quantification
and reduction must be a priority for the organization. The
necessary processes and tools to detect, monitor and
counteract errors within the (including errors
in operations and management) must be developed, refined
and constantly tested to ensure the application of best
these errors involves determining
the risks by the errors, and the
corrective action required to ensure that the
minimizes error and is error-tolerant. A first step in understanding how errors
emerge in an operational setting is the implementation of an
error reporting system. where personnel can report any
errors to a trusted and impartial party who
and manages an error database. The reporting
process has to be completely confidential and structured so
that core data are collected in a user-friendly format, where
corroboration and contextual information are
included. It may be possible for some technology to
automate part of the data collection process. Analysis of the
error data using such an error-reporting system
powerful insights imo the nature of the errors, their causes
and their relationship to the error-supporting latent
conditions that were present at the time of occurrence. It
also allows for an assessment of how well the defensive
componems of the system work to prevent errors from
developing into unsafe conditions the
fault tolerance), Such an error-reporting tool is essential for
and the level of risk in the system.
any change in the level of threat can be
assessed with respect to the current level of risk. Error reporting underscores the need to foster
an operational environment and an culture
where aU personnel feel secure in forward and
observations on error-induced deviations. The
establishment of a and blame-free culture
should however still retain individual and organizational
accountability. Human Factors knowledge nr(lVI/11"<! the basis
for documenting and
related to error occurrences in order to improve civil aviation
security operational effectiveness number of threat
items detected) and (i.e. cost and time). Using the
errors-related information available from numerous
events would make it more likely to prevent caitasltroph,lC
failure in the system when a threat makes its way on
board an A similar has led to the
3. Operational Environment and Organizational Culture 3-7
development and implementation of flight data monitoring
and voluntary systems, where information from
recorded parameters and confidential reports are
collected and to enhance safety. Human operators will err and systems will
incur deviations of Errors made by oper-
from working
on rotating shifts or prolonged periods. Motivation to
complete the tasks effectively may be Jacking due to the
absence of incentives or teamwork. JYHUlU"' .... -
ment with respect 10 job levels
may be unrealistically low or high. such
conditions and making aplr>ropriale
will reduce the probability of error and deviations.
that secondary methods are to detect the
errors will reduce system risk. Error recovery methods are based on the
knowledge of what errors and deviations are occurring, under
which circumstances they are and how they are
mitigated by staff or other components of the system. Such
knowledge can be incorporated into the initial and recurrent
of personnel when redesigning technologies and the
work environment, and when modifying processes and
The source of error recovery information is best
derived from an Error Reporting (ERS). One such
ERS currently under development by ICAO and its airline
and academic partners is the LOSA. The conceptual
of LOSA could be modulated to an aviation
security operation. The question is to determine to what extent
the civil aviation operations can tolerate errors and
deviations while minimizing risk at the same time. When
errors are perceived for what they are, i.e. normal occur-
rences in the system, they can be usefully mined to improve
civil aviation operations by continuously providing
input for enhanced Standard Procedures and
processes, training and performance assessment,
technology and workplace design, and management In conclusion, with respect to
environment and organizational culture, a new Human
Factors-centred culture has to take hold within a very
operational environment. This culture would then
support the management of errors and deviations which
environment. Without a shift
in culture, however, the implementation of
any systems of tools to this endeavour are
unlikely to succeed.
Chapter 4
The fourth axis is comprised of elements related to aviation
certification issues. The process by which States
technology, and organizations should be
taken into account. it is important that regulat-
ory authorities develop Human Factors-oriented validation
and certification standards for civil aviation security per-
sonnel, and that will enhance both
effectiveness and operational
adequate health and
aviation personnel and equipment have not
received (and have not required) the same level of
regulatory and certification attention that regulatory
authorities have placed on flight crews, air traffic
controllers, maintenance and their
aviation equipment. '"'''aU''W'''
on the elements of the civil aviation system that are
essential to maintain flight safety. It is self-evident that the
of pilots and aircraft systems are critical for
safety; a failure could cause an accident. In
contrast, the performance of the civil aviation
system is critical - flight safety is at risk only when
performance fails at the same time that a threat is
present. the certification of personnel,
technology and security is mandated in
numerous States.
4.2.1 In most States, the regulatory authority will
certify the training programme, material and tests provided
to civil aviation security screeners. Screeners are then
tested and must meet some minimum score in order to
receive their certification. They are then retested period-
ically (usually through either the successful
detection of test items or infiltration tests normal
operations - in order to maintain their certification.
4.2.2 Several States are ae'vel,ODl,nQ
ments and guidelines for certification testing of security
personnel and in this area is scheduled in the
coming years. Other Contracting States have already
implemented screener certification programmes.
4.2.3 Type Certification. Once screeners are certified,
they can operate all screening technology deployed at a
checkpoint; however, with the increase in technology
and it is important to evaluate if type
certification is appropriate in optlmlZlng system
performance. Type certification will specify the equipment
that a screener is qualified to operate. There is now growing
awareness that type certification should also be considered
in the use of trace explosive detection systems or
other advanced and that it be accompanied by
more focused training and testing
of course, somewhat more cumbersome to
different who may have various types of
certification. It may compromise the ability to rotate staff
the different For this reason,
it is important that proper procedures and systems
be implemented to ensure thai records are accurate and up
to date. Nowadays, screeners are certified and assessed as
nrc,h.',p,,! to operate technology in the civil aviation
environment One benefit of such an approach is
the standardization of basic competencies across airports
and intemationally,
4.3.1 General When and metal detector technologies
were introduced, there was limited direct relevant
ence with respect to Human Factors. These
were also relatively simple to operate as to more
advanced systems such as aircraft cockpits and Air Traffic
Controller (ATC) consoles. The development of Human
Factors standards for was then a relatively low
priority; however, properly developed Human Factors certi-
fication standards for these would improve
system performance for civil aviation safety and security. In the past, were operated by the civil
aviation regulatory authorities of Contracting States, mak-
ing certification of technology systems unnecessary. Today,
as civil aviation authorities devolve airports to private
entities, il has become necessary 10
standards for civil aviation equipment.
Some States are in the process of developing standards for
all equipment that will be used in civil aviation
including to screen
instance, the United States has certification
criteria for detection systems (EDS), while the
European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) has developed
a test procedure for display quality. The certification and procurement process
ensures that the equipment can detect, under actual oper-
ational conditions, the amounts, configurations, and types of
explosives materials likely to be used in improvised
explosive devices The certification and procurement
standards the Iypes and of explosive
materials that must be the minimum detection rate
for each category of and the overall
detection and maximum false alarm rates. Essentially, the
standards specify the probability of detection [p(d)] and the
probability of false alarms [p(fa)]. In addition, the standards
define the mInImum automated system throughput
rate and have also been expanded to include
"effective throughput" as well as operator testing prior to
procurement and field implementation. However, few States
have developed procurement which include
extensive Human Factors design and requirements.
There is thus a strong need to develop Human Factors
standards for security technologies that would include
human engineering development and protocols for
testing and evaluation. Although several States do have Human
Factors and evaluation, these are completed after the
equipment has been and are often conducted
concurrently with the deployment of the tech-
nology. It is therefore recommended that a Human Factors
integration programme be established during the and
development of aviation security equipment so as to ensure
that effective Human Factors principles are embedded into
all future technology So far, such integration
exists in other areas of system procurement and should be
"PI""'''''''' in the civil aviation security environment.
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Operations
4.3.2 Equipment procurement
It is recommended that Human Factors be considered in the
purchase of aviation equipment. Generally,
equipment that is less costly, smaller and lighter is more
practical for use in airports than a system that is more
and heavier, especially if the installation
and/or operation of such equipment would separate
modifications to airport infrastruc-
ture. systems which are easy to operate and
maintain and are proven to be reliable will be more readily
than systems that require extensive specialized
training for operation, calibration and maintenance. Basi-
cally, these recommendations are based on Human Factors
considerations which should be systematically and
thoroughly evaluated before they are adapted to different
Recommendations on are related to
throughput rates which should exceed the minimum estab-
lished standard in order to avoid delays and congestion and
thereby meet the requirements for screening large numbers
of passengers in a short of time. Similar standards and
recommendations can be for other technologies:
4.4.1 General The most rule on
the requirements for companies is
documented a recent United States Notice of Proposed
Rule-Making (NPRM) which specified that the U.S. regu-
authority will require the certification of all screen-
companies that inspect, on behalf of air carriers,
persons or property for the presence of any unauthorized
material. would for screening
company certificates (valid for five years). The U.S. regu-
lator will however not propose a certification
of individual screeners, as is the case currently in other
States. It will nonetheless approvals of operational
specifications, including the location of screening sites, the
types of performed, the equipment and methods
used to screen, and screener curricula. It will also
requirements for companies
regarding training programmes and knowledge content
areas. Similar on security screening
are also provided by the U.S. Aviation Security
Implementation Act of 2001.
4.4. J.2 The U.S. NPRM also requires that aH screen-
ing personnel pass computerized-approved
based and interpretation tests before and after their
OJT as well as at the conclusion of their recurrent training.
Under the NPRM, screening companies have to adopt and
implement an programme that
includes functions (includ-
operating screener
test administration requirements; Threat Projection
(TIP) standards and requirements; data collection
methods; and performance standards. The proposed U.S. NPRM delineates the
responsibilities of the air carrier vis-a.-vis the
company. The air carner will continue to be for
proper equipment and will carry
primary responsibility in with airport operators on
issues regarding the locations of screening equipment in
airports. Most importantly, the earners will be
for overseeing the performance of the screening
to ensure they carry out their duties. Meanwhile, the screen-
ing will be for persons
and material. They will also be responsible for ensuring
that they use the equipment properly, staff the
locations train the screeners
manage the
4.4.2 Performance monitoring It is the of the individual
screener - as a result of tpe operational deployment of
TIP systems - that will be used to monitor the
of locations, companies,
and individual screeners. This operationally based data
will be analysed in order to focus resources on improving
threat detection by screening. TIP data can be used to
determine the nm,yt.."nN conditions that are associated with
better performance, on which the screeners require
further instructions, and the remedial measures or training
programmes that prove to be most effective. The performance of
locations can be accompanied by the establishment of
standards. The regulatory authority, through
of TIP can determine the range of
company/airport detection rates in the State. Subsequently,
it may then set minimum detection rates for each
company, authority, or air carner. However, the
actual metrics by which this minimum detection rate is
determined is still to assessment and validation. The
correct interpretation of TIP performance data is vital if we
are to ensure fair, valid and reliable assessment and sub-
sequent The use of TIP data is one of the most
relevant issues for regulatory authorities, since they can use
the data to their function in an unob-
trusive and cost-effective manner. The use of TIP data can the quality of
the personnel hired for positions, provide them
with better and offer more incentive for {"A ..... """.
to retain their best screeners in order to meet
standards. One of the potential benefits of
monitoring and certification processes and the
associated procedures is that it contributes to fundamentally
a1teri ng the institutional dynamics and the economic
circumstances of aviation internationally.
Chapter 5
5.1.1 The underlying of this manual is that a
holistic and framework is necessary to compre-
hensively address Human FaClOrs issues in civil aviation
security operations. This more framework could
be applied usefully to improve the 0'"'''''' ..... _,'''
ance of civil aviation If Human Factors knowledge
is applied in a manner, then the potential benefits
from this framework will not be realized. The attempt to
achieve a more on the critical Human
Factors issues relevant to aviation security operations will
require sustained activity the four dimensions
described in the chapters of the present manual.
5.1.2 In Chapter I, with respect to Personnel
Selection, tests are currently being developed to evaluate
the cognitive and personality competencies of screeners. It
is recommended that the results from selection tests be
correlated with from assessments, on-
the-job and Threat Projection (TIP)
data. In this way, a fully developed and validated selection
test battery can be recommended. This can only occur
through close international collaboration among States.
5.1.3 With respect to Personnel and
Assessment, there are three training components to be
and evaluated: initial employment
training, OJT, and recurrent. It is recommended that the
Skills and Abilities (KSAs) be
evaluated at the end of each component and that
these assessment test scores be correlated with selection
test results and on-the-job performance. It is important to
in mind that there variability among
different States in the programmes that they
develop and which they as Only
evaluation TIP will the international civil
aviation community be able to detennine the necessary
elements within each component that will
maximize on-the-job performance.
5.1.4 With respect to Personnel Retention, turnover
rates vary among the States sampled, ranging from 4 per
cent to over 200 per cent. Salary benefits and
conditions will all impact the retention of individ-
ual screeners. The between turnover rates and
threat detection performance is not known precisely, but it
can be assumed that high IUrnover rates will lead to reduced
threat detection performance. It is therefore necessary that
screeners be remunerated to a level that will maxi-
mile Pay rates may need to be regulated and
internationally harnlOnized in order to minimize turnover
rates and consequently, the risks to the system. The
increases in salaries and benefits would however be easily
offset by decreases in selection and training costs. It may be
important to collect data on this issue.
5.1.5 Chapter 2 expounds on how have
developed in response to the changing threat environment
and how they have made the screening tasks more complex.
Research has demonstrated the need to better
Human Factors into the and development
of new technology, instead of spending significant
resources on post-implementation evaluation and redesign.
A process should be developed to integrate the training
of these new technologies seamlessly into
training programmes. Before these technologies
'nt,porQt,.1i into the operational environment, a thorough
assessment of the impact on passenger flow and
personnel should also be undertaken.
5.1.6 The has the
greatest potential effectiveness
is TIP. Yet TIP is only available on systems. We are
still lacking the processes to objectively evaluate perform-
ance for all tasks Nevertheless, the
data derived from the development and deployment of TIP
systems will have a impact on civil aviation
c"r'PPlnmo- over the coming decade.
5.1.7 Chapter 3 discusses the potential impact of the
'L"UV;"U' culture and the operational environment on
personnel and technologies. It is often the case that the
implication of these issues on processes and
supporting the screener commitment, communi-
cation and coordination is not addressed. This is true across
all levels within an and among Or!:anlzatI011s
operators and air
carriers). In order to recommend changes to the
organization's processes and procedures within a
particular culture, it is to collect information on
5.1.8 Chapter 4 describes how various elements of the
civil aviation system technologies, and
companies) may be certified. The
certification will also directly the perform-
ance standards that must be met as part of the certification
process. The United States has established rules to certify
screening while other Contracting States are
certifying individual screenecs. of the
once these certification programmes will
have direct operational consequences that will require
careful monitoring.
5.2.1 General
With 27 acts of unlawful interference recorded in the year
2000 (including aircraft accidents caused by such acts), in
which 53 persons were killed and 46 were injured, civil
aviation security continues to be important, as was tragically
demonstrated on II 2001 with the hijacking and
destruction of four jet aircraft in U.S. airspace, killing all on
board along with thousands on the ground. The casualty
numbers are to increase the sustained
increase in the volume of passengers through the
world's airports. civil aviation security
must continually be able to screen an ever-
increasing number of passengers per unit of time (increasing
workload while still levels of
effectiveness and (i.e. tolerable in the system.
An increase in passenger throughput can be achieved through
improved selection and training methods as well as the devel-
opment of new technologies. There are however severe limits
to system capacity. It is to enhance oper-
ations the use of to augment the skills
and abilities of the human Expert systems that
<Tn . en'>PIl processing, can
Human Factors in Civil A viation Security
5.2.2 Expert Q"".""''''
Technology has enhanced the screening of passengers as
enter secure areas in an airport. In principle. automated
systems should be able to detect a likely process
and other outputs, comparisons with
known and novel threats, and a rapid and
accurate response to security personnel. Personnel would
stilt learn and apply procedures that would keep them
infonned of new and allow them to minimize
the risk of inappropriate reliance on the expert system,
thereby maintaining an appropriate level of situational
awareness. It is imperative that such expert systems be
developed within a Human Factors framework that will take
into account the operational environment and the
organizational culture within which such systems will be
5.2.3 Error recovery and tolerance It is important to keep in mind that in any
human-machine system, deviations (or will occur
that can lead to system failure. The central question for all
stakeholders of the civil aviation security system is to
assess the tolerance level of the system for deviations and
failure. The standardized use of valid selection appro-
priate combined with objective training assess-
ment, objective assessment of in situ levels,
and the development and deployment of human-centred
contribute to increasing the error
tolerance. Great progress has been made and will continue
in these areas with respect to Human Factors
considerations. The civil aVIation security system must also
have safeguards in to detect deviations and reduce
their - as do systems in aircraft. It is
therefore necessary to have a dedicated means of recor(lIng,
archiving, and analysing deviations and errors. This will
allow for the extraction of real world knowledge that will
reduce the impact of such deviations. with proper
pV''"'''''''. processes and procedures will errors be mitigated
in such a way as to minimize the impact of acts of unlawful
notwithstanding the anticipated continued
increase in passenger volume. Otherwise, the
absence of systems, policies, processes and procedures that
support this objective, combined with turnover levels
and low remuneration rates, will contribute to higher
overall risk level in the civil aviation system. Given that threat levels change dynamically in
different of the world, the of threats will be
I S " ' ' ' ' ~ " ' ' ' degree by the changing level of risk
5. Summary and Future Directions
in the civil aviation system. The outcome associated
with threats will be very associated with the risk level.
This risk level can be determined through an appropriate
organizational culture that supports the application of Human
Factors principles in error management.
5.2.4 End state of human factors
in civil aviation security the approach in civil aviation
has been to focus on technology, with the
of eliminating error removing the human operator from
the system. Some airport operators envisage screen-
ing that would be completely invisible to passengers and
others as they make their way a terminal. Such a
system would use sophisticated high-definition cameras for
facial recognition and profiling, contents of luggage would
be from a distance a laser system, and
explosive traces would be collected from dedicated portals in
the terminal. All of these would be completed with minimal
human intervention in order to get away from issues of
recruitment, fostering, etc. Apart from requiring
absolute detection rates, no false alarm rates and the
of systems, these scenarios could contribute to
the deterrence effect that the current security
checkpoints provide to the international civil aviation
environment. In a recent report entitled Potential
of Air/?ort Equipment by
P. Levellon and A. Chagani and which looked at the potential
for integrating security systems, the authors concluded that
integration is not expected to reduce the number of security
personnel at checkpoints because:
high alarm rates require physical inspection and
manual of passengers and carry-on items;
effective equipment use that bags be
apart and to maximize image size
and minimize jamming;
sufficient are to ensure that
suspect passengers can be detained with minimal
disruption to the continued processing of passengers;
clear signage at inspection points,
gers routinely neglect to remove metal
their person, thus requiring intervention.
from The
highlighted when an
States in 2000, seriously
human intervention was
hit northwestern United
the Seattle Tacoma Airport
and putting its checkpoint systems out
Only the timely and coordinated intervention of the
np,rCl1.nnPI made the maintenance of the sterile areas.
It is specifically under such emergency or abnormal
conditions that human intervention becomes critical. It is also to note that there are
functions and tasks that only human observers can perform
with any reasonable level of accuracy. One such task is
facial recognition. human visual system has evolved
over time to become effective and efficient at
facial recognition over stretches of time.) Other func-
tions include the deductive and inductive processes to
extract from information collected across time
and space and to learn from situations and of
different teams, and States. The effective integration of the different
systems applied in civil aviation security is another key
issue which deserves closer attention. For the
passenger identification system could be integrated with an
expert system to select a subset of passengers for in-depth
Further integration of detection systems with
passenger identification systems could a more
complete of each passenger that would be archived
and used later for other activities. 'will
also make possible the collection of statistical data on the
frequency of alarms and TEDS output. These data can then
be used to TEDS through the
selection of an optimal detection threshold. Summing up, the issues that affect effective
integration are numerous and complex, but through enhanced
international collaboration, it is possible to increase
knowledge transfer from different parts of the world. Other issues that further
efforts include the use of virtual environments for mode.l-
ling (e.g. for the rapid prototyping and evaluations of new
checkpoint web-based training and assessments,
and the inclusion of Human Factors considerations in the
maintenance of systems.
5.3.1 General This manual has attempted to demonstrate that
the relative of any component of the Human Factors
framework will lead to deficiencies in one Of more areas of
the civil aviation system. The reason is that the
impact of these Human Factors components do not occur in
a vacuum. The interact and the of one
will lead to deficiencies and inefficiencies within the entire
civil aviation security system. It should also be noted that new operational
requirements increased throughput) may also impact
the civil aviation security system in ways unknown. One
such new phenomenon is the presence of
tive passengers. This issue needs to be addressed in the
same perspective as other threats to civil aviation
5.3,1.3 Notwithstanding that regulatory authorities
need to take the lead in Human Factors security research
and development, this effort cannot occur in a vacuum and
should be carried out in conjunction with air carriers,
companies and Contracting States in order to
provide the and results covering a variety of
operational and regulatory issues. Air carriers and security
companies can provide access to equipment, data and
support, such as access to employees and operational
during operational trials.
5.3.2 Recommended operational practices The following recommended operational
practices are drawn from this manual. It is that an
action plan be to identify how best to develop these
Recommended Practices. This action plan should identify
areas for the development of SARPs. Further, it is proposed
that the action plan be developed through the auspices of the
existing mechanisms within the ICAO Secretariat. The recommended operational practices are:
explicitly and systematically integrate Human
Factors knowledge in all aspects of aviation
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Operations
p"''''U,,,,,,,,, and fund Human Factors research;
use formalized Human Factors plans and
as an part of the system
the operational environment and organiz-
ational culture within which personnel
their tasks;
develop systematic policies supporting processes
and procedures to collect, analyse and share infor-
mation and knowledge available from the examin-
ation of errors in the
aviation security system (i.e. a security quality
assurance programme);
establish and support a no-blame culture among all
civil aviation stakeholders; and
share best practices by promoting national and
international inter-agency collaboration through
conferences and seminars on Human Factors in civil
aViation operations. This may include
collaboration through the International Technical
Advisory Group (InterTAG).
5.3.3 Conclusion
Over the past several the greatest benefits in
civil aviation and other areas of human activity have been
most quickly and cost-effectively investing in
Human Factors rather than technology. The greatest oppor-
tunities for positive improvement in civil aviation security
operations will come with the evolution towards a Human
Factors culture which supports risk assessment through error
management. Given that human operators are unlikely to
disappear from future security systems, a more systematic
approach in the Human Factors aspects of civil
aviation is required through a commitment by the
international civil aviation community.
Appendix A
Training System Usability Evaluation Checklist
for Human Factors Engineers
[Reproduced with the authorization of the
United States Federal Aviation
I 8.
Human FaclOrs Principle Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
Users need enter data once.
Display feedback for all user actions
during data entry; entries
stroke by stroke.
Provide fast response by the computer in
acknowledging data entries.
When critical data are to be I'
require an 'Enter' action to
initiate the
Provide feedback for the completion of
data emry.
For position designation on an electronic
display, provide a movable cursor with
distinctive visual features (shape, blink,
Design the cursor so that it does not
obscure any other character displayed in
the position by the cursor.
Ensure that the computer will
acknowledge entry of a designated
position quickly.
Ensure that the displayed cursor will be
stable, Le., that it will remain where it is
placed until moved by the user (or by
the computer) 10 another position.
A-2 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Human Factors Principle ALLorubl"
I! ,hi,
10. When a cursor from one
to another, design the cursor
control to both fast movement
and accurate placement.
1 J Ensure that control actions for cursor
positioning are compatible with
movements of the displayed cursor, in
terms of control function and labeling.
12. If a cursor must be positioned
uentiallv in redefined areas, such as
displayed data entry fields, ensure that
this can be accomplished by user
13. When there are areas of a display in
which data entries cannot be made
spaces, protected field labels,
make those areas insensitive to
pointing actions, i.e., prevent the cursor
from those areas.
14. Ensure that display capacity, i.e.,
number of lines and line length, is
to support efficient
pcffv11U" .... " of tasks.
15. An UNDO action should be able to
reverse more than the most recent
16. Make field labels consistent;
the same label to indicate the
same kind of data.
17. Protect field labels from keyed entry.
18. Ensure that labels are sufficiently close
to be associated with their proper data
but are separated from data fields.
19. Choose a standard symbol for
fJlUII and reserve that symbol only
for that USe.
20. delineate each data field.
Appendix A A3
Human Factors Principle Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
21. Distinguish clearly and consistently
between and optional entry
22. Provide automatic justification in
computer processing; a user should not
have to justify an entry either or
23. Make labels for data fields distinctive, so
that they will not be confused
with data or other material.
24. In data fields, employ
descriptive or standard,
predefined terms, and/or
abbreviations; avoid codes.
25. Include in a field label additional cueing
of data format when that seems
26. When a measurement unit is
consistently associated with a particular
data field, include that unit as part of the
field label, rather than a user to
enter it.
27. Employ units of measurement that are
familiar to the user.
28. Order data items in the sequence in
which a user will think of them.
29. The order of data items should represent
a logical sequence of data entries.
30. When a form for data entry is displayed,
the computer should the cursor
automatically at the ht"Pinnim> of the
first entry field.
31. Design distinctive formats for column
headers and row labels, so that users can
distinguish them from data entries.
32. Ensure that column headers and row
labels are worded informatively, so that
they will help data entry.
A-4 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Operations
Htlman Faclors D" H'v'Y'v Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
33. During tabular data entry, allow users to
tab directly from one data field to the
next, so that the cursor can move
back and forth.
34. Provide users some means for
desienatiM and selecting
elements for
When a user has changed or altered a
displayed element, provide some
indication so that other users will be
aware of the consequences of that users
35. Ensure that every possible correct data
entry will be accepted and r
the computer.
36. If automatic data validation delects a
error, display an error message
to the user. If data validation from a
secondary source detects a probable
error, allow the primary user access to
all functions required 10 check data
37. When interface cannot
what default values will be
users (or a system
to change, or remove default
values for any data entry field.
38. On initiation of a data entry
display currently defines default values
in their appropriate data fields.
39. Provide users with some means
to confirm acceptance of a
default value for entry.
40. When data entries made in one
transaction are relevant to a Ibsl:!quen,
transaction, program the computer to
retrieve and display them for user
review, rather than requiring re-entry of

those data.
Appendix A A-5
Hunum Factors Principle .cceptable deficiencies 'II
1. Ensure that whatever data a user needs
for any transaction will be available for
2. Tailor displayed data to user needs,
providing only necessary and
immediately usable data for any
transaction; do not overload displays
with extraneous data.
3. Display data to users in directly usable
form; do not make users convert
displayed data.
4. For any particular type of data display,
maintain consistent format from one
display to another.
5. Allow users to displayed data or
enter new data when that is required by
a task.
6. When protection of displayed data is
essential. maintain computer control
over the display and do not permit a user
to controlled items.
7. Ensure that each data display will
provide needed context, recapitulating
prior data as necessary so that a user
does not have to on memory to
interpret new data.
8. The wording of .::;"p."J" .... data and I
labels should IIl'-V'I'V"uc familiar terms
and the task -oriented of the users.
9. Choose words and then use
10. Ensure that wording is consistent from
one display to another.
11. Use consistent structure
within and across
A-6 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Human Factors P;
deficiencies Unncceplable Comments ,
12. When abbreviations are choose
those abbreviations that are \.,VlUulvllIy
recognized, and do not abbreviate words
that produce uncommon or
13. Ensure that abbreviations are
so that abbreviations for different words
are distinguishable.
14. Minimize punctuation of abbreviations
and acronyms.
15. If abbreviations are used, a
dictionary/glossary of abbreviations
available for on-line user reference.
16. When a critical passage merits <OUI}lhasis
to set it apart from other text, highlight
that passage by bolding,

color coding, or some
17. Organize data in some I

order to facilitate scanning and
18. Display continuous test in wide
columns, containing at least 50
characters per line.
19. Display continuous text \.vllv\;;JH"mal
in mixed upper and lower case.
20. Ensure that displayed paragraphs of text
are separated by at least one blank line.
2!. Maintain consistent spacing between the
words of displayed text, with left
justification of lines and
margins if that is the result.
22. In display of textual
words intact, with minimal by
hyphenating between lines.
23. Use conventional, in
display; sentences should end with a
period or other }lUI
Appendix A A-7
Human Factors Principle
Unacceprable Comments , U<PC.CUL'"
24. In text displays, especially
text \,,uIllPU"o;;;u for user guidance, strive
for simplicity and of wording.
25. Put the main topic of each sentence near
the of the sentence.
26. Use short simple sentences.
27. Use affirmative statements rather than
negative statements.
sentences in the active voice
rather than passive voice.
29. When a sentence describes a sequence
of events, it with a corresponding
word order.
30. Format lists so that each item starts on a
new line a list should be displayed
as a sing column).
31. When a item in a list continues
for more than one line, mark items in
some way so that the continuation of an
item is obvious (i.e., so.that a continued
does not appear to be a separate
32. When listed items will be numbered, use
Arabic rather than Roman numerals.
33. Adopt some principle by which
to order lists. When no other principle

order lists alphabetically.

34. If a list is displayed in multiple columns,
order the items vertically within each
35. When words in text displays are
define each abbreviation in
following its first
A-8 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Human Factors Principle Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
36. When text is combined with graphics or
other data in a single display, thus
limiting the space available for text,
format the text in a few wide lines rather
than in narrow columns of many short
37. Separate the data in a table by some
distinctive feature, to ensure separations
of entries within a row.
38. In dense tables with many rows, insert a
distinctive feature to aid horizontal
scanning at regular intervals.
39. Ensure that row and column labels are
distinguishable from the data displayed
within tables and from the labels of
displayed lists, such as menu options or
instructions to users.
40. When rows or columns are labeled by
number, start the numbering with "l,"
rather than "0."
41. Show columns of alphabetic data with
left justification to permit rapid
42. Justify columns of numeric data with
respect to a fixed decimal point; if there
is no decimal point, then numbers
should be right justified.
43. Use consistent logic in the design of
graphic displays, and maintain standard
format, labeling, etc.
44. Tailor graphic displays to user needs and
provide only those data necessary for
user tasks.
45. When graphics contain outstanding or
discrepant features that merit attention
by a user, consider displaying
supplementary lext to emphasize that
Appendix A A-9
Human FaclOrs Principle Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Commems
46. When a user's attention must be directed
to a portion of a display critical
or abnormal highlight that feature
with some distinctive means of
47. a consistent nion for the
location of various display features from
one display to another.
48. Make the different elements of a display
format distinctive from one another.
49. Use blank space to structure a display.
50. Begin every display at the top with a
title or header, describing the
contents or purpose of the
51. Reserve the last several lines at the
bottom of every display for status and
error messages, prompts, and command
52. Ensure that are formatted to
group data items on the basis of some
logical principle.
53. Provide distinctive to highlight
important display items requiring user
attention. is most effective
when used
54. If is used to emphasize
important display remove such
highlighting when it no has
55. meaningful Of familiar
rather than arbitrary codes.
56. Adopt codes for display (and entry) that
conform with accepted abbreviations
and general user expectations.
57. consistent meanings to symbols
and other codes, from one display to
A-IO Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security UD'eTlJlnIflS

Human Factors Principle
!S Unacceptable Comments

58. Treat brightness as a two-valued
bright and dim, Le., consider by
difference in brightness for aoolications
that only require between
two categories of items.
59. Color code for relative values.
60. It will prove safer to use no more than
five different colors for
61. When selecting colors for
discrete categories of ensure that
those colors are easily discriminable.
62. Employ color coding
relatively few colors and only to
designated critical of
OIsPJayeo data.
63. Make color coding redundant with some
other display feature, such as
symbology; do not code by color.
64. When color coding is used, ensure that
each color represents only one category
of displayed data.
65. Choose colors for based on
conventional associations with
66. Use brighter and/or more saturated !
colors when it is necessary to draw a
user's attention to critical data.
67. Use saturated blue only for background
features in a display, and not for critical
68. When blink coding is select a
blink rate in the range from 2 to 5 Hz,
with a minimum duty (ON
interval) of 50 percent.
69. When data have changed, especially
following automatic display update,
consider highlighting those data changes
Appendix A A-ll
Human Factor" Principle Acceptable deficiencies Unacceplable Comments
1. Defer computer processing until an
explicit user action has been taken.
2. Employ similar means to accomplish
ends that are similar, from one
transaction to the next, from one task to
another, throughout the user interface.
3. Display some continuous indication of
current context for reference by the user.
4. Adopt consistent terminology for on-line
guidance and other messages to users.
5. Choose names that are congruent with
natural usage, especially for paired
opposites (e.g., UP I DOWN).
6. Ensure that the computer acknowledges
every entry immediately; for every
action by the user there should be some
apparent reaction from the computer.
7. Each menu display should permit only
one selection by the IJser.
8. When multiple menu options are
displayed in a list, display each option
on a new line, i.e., format the list as a
single column.
9. If there is no immediately observable
response when a user has selected and
entered an option from a menu, the
computer should display some other
acknowledgment of that entry.
10. Display an explanatory title for each
menu, reflecting the nature of the choice
to be made.
II. Design a menu to display all options
appropriate to any particular transaction.
12. Design a menu to display only those
options that are actually available in the
current context for a particular user.
A-J2 Human Factors in Civil Aviation .'Pi'U,/J"
Human FaclOrs ll ...... F
~ r deficiencies .y CommeniS
13. When menus are I"V'''::'''' in different
design them so that lists
are consistent in wording and ordering.
14. If menu options are included in a display
that is intended for data review and/or
data entry, ensure that are distinct
from other displayed
incorporate some consistent
distinguishing feature to indicate their
15. List displayed menu options in a logical
order; if no logical structure is apparent,
then display the options in the order of
their expected frequency with the
most frequent listed first
16. Format a menu to indicate logically
related groups of option". rather than as
an undifferentiated of alternatives.
17. When the menu selection must be made
from a long list, and all options cannot
be displayed at once, a
hierarchic sequence of menu selections,
rather than one long menu.
18. When hierarchic menus are used,
some indication of current
position in the menu structure.
19. When hierarchic menus are used, ensure
that display format and selection logic
are consistent at every level.
20. When hierarchic menus are used,
users to take only one action
to return to the next level.
21. When hierarchic menus are used, require
users to take only one action
to return to the menu at the top
22. Make available to users a list of the
control options that are """'''';
for any transaction.
Appendix A A-13
Human Factors '\ ,,"v'V Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
23. Offer users control that are
actually available for the current
24. When a user is ll"'''UUII1UI; an UP""lUUH
on some selected
that item.
25. the interface software to deal
with all
entries, correct and incorrect.
26. When a user "VillI""'"'' correction of an
error, the user to take an
action to reenter the corrected
use the same action for reentry that was
used for the original entry.
1. Design standard for
accomplishing similar, related
2. Ensure that only relevant data are
displayed by tailoring the for
any transaction to the Gurrenl
information of the user.
3. Create display formats with a consistent
structure evident to the user. so that a
particular type of data is
P''''''''''''"'U in the same
and in the
same way.
4. Format each different type of user
!mirlanee istentlv across
5. Label all displayed data
6. Ensure that "yull:iv,,, and other codes
have consistent "'''''"'''0'' from one
display to another.
7. Ensure that the names for functions and
data are consistent for similar or
identical functions.
8. familiar to users.
9. Adopt task-oriented
A-J4 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Human Factors Principle Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
10. Adopt affinnative rather than negative
wording for user guidance messages.
II. Adopt active rather than passive voice in
user guidance messages.
12. When user guidance describes a
sequence of steps, follow that same
sequence in the wording of user
13. Be consistent in grammatical
construction when wording user
14. Provide some indication of system status
to users at all times.
15. Ensure that every input by a user will
consistently produce some perceptible
response output from the computer.
16. Ensure that computer response to i.lser
entries will be rapid, with consistent
timing as appropriate for different types
of transactions.
17. Provide a unique identification for each
display in a consistent location at the top
of the display frame.
]8. When the computer detects an entry
error, display an error message to the
user stating what is wrong and what can
be done about it.
19. Make the wording of error messages as
specific as possible.
20. Make error messages brief but
21. Adopt neutral wording for error
messages; do not imply blame to the
user, or personalize the computer, or
attempt to make a message humorous.
22. The computer should display an error
message only after a user has completed
an entry.
A A-i5
Human FaclOrs Principle .LLL/"'"V.L deficiencies Unacceplable Comments
23. Display an error message a minimum of
2 to 4 seconds after the user entry in
which the error is detected.
24. As a "UVVIClIIcm on-line gui
include in the system documentation
listing and explaining all error messages.
25. In addition to P'U "'H"5 an error
message, mark the location of a detected
error by positioning the cursor at that
point on the display, at that data
field or command word.
26. When an entry error has been detected,
continue to display the erroneous entry,
as well as an error message, until
corrections are made.
27. Following error detection, require the
user to reenter only that portion of a
data/command entry which is not
28. Ensure that a displayed error message is
removed after the error has been
corrected; do not continue to a
message that is no applicable.
29. Display menu options in groups.
30. Provide a simple, standard action that is
always available to request HELP.
L Contrast: Sufficient contrast shaH be
provided between information
and the display to ensure
that the required information can be
perceived by the UI-lCIi:l.IUI under all
expected lighting conditions.
2. Location: Displays shall be located and
designed so that they may be read to the
degree of accuracy by
personnel in normal vpcrating or
without the
operator to assume an uncomfortable,
awkward, or unsafe
Human Faclors Principle
3. Orientation: Display faces shall be
to the nonnal
line of sight whenever feasible and shall
not be less than 3.14/4 rad from
the normal line of
4. Reflection: Displays shall be
constructed, arranged, and mounted to
prevent reduction of infonnation transfer
due to the reflection of the ambient
illumination from the display cover.
Reflection of instruments and consoles
and other enclosures shaH be avoided.
5. Frequency used most
frequently should be grouped
and placed in the optimum visual zone.
1. Viewing distance: A 400 mm (l6-inch)
viewing distance shall be provided
whenever practicable. When periods of
observation will be short, or when dim
signals must be detected, the viewing
distance may be reduceq to 250 mm
(10 should permit the
observer to view the CRT as close as
2. Reflected glare: Reflected shall be
minimized by proper placement of the
CRT relative to the light source and the
use of a hood, shield, or optical
on the CRT.
' ' ' ' ' J - ' ' ~ M ' Surfaces adjacent to
have a dull matte finish.
Where alphanumeric
'<11<'''''01'' appear on CRT-like displays,
shall allow discrimination
Human Factors in Civil Aviation
deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
Appendix A A-/7
Human Factors Principle
A ,n/"l./.
deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
i Audio Displays
1. Type of voice: The voice used in
verbal shall be
distinctive and mature.
2. Delivery style: Verbal shall be
p,,,,,,,,m.:;u in a formal, impersonal
3. Message content: In selecting words to
be used in audio warning signals,
priority shall be given to intelligibility,
aptness, and conciseness in that order.
4. Volume control (automatic or manual):
The volume (loudness) of an audio
warning signal shall be designated to be
controlled by the operator, the sensing
mechanism, or both.
Touch Screen
1. The dimensions and of
responsive areas of the touch screen
shall conform to S I, and 53 of
14, page 119, MIL5TD-1472D.
Equipment Labeling
I. Each control and display shall be labeled
according to function, and the following
criteria shall apply: (a) similar names for
different controls and displays shall be
avoided; (b) instruments shall be labeled
in terms of what is being measured or
controlled, taking into account the user
and purpose; (c) control labelin& shall
indicate the functional result of control
movement on, when
controls and must be used
together certain adjustment
labels shall indicate their
functional relationship .- the selection
and use of terminology shall be
A-i8 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Human Factors Principle Acceptable deficiencies Unacceptable Comments
2. Ease of control operation shall be given
priority over visibility of labels. Labels
would normally be placed above the
controls and displays they describe.
When the panel is above eye level, labels
may be located below if label visibility
will be enhanced.
Workspace Design
1. All cabinets, consoles, and work
surfaces that require an operator to stand
or sit close to their front surfaces shall
contain a kick space at the base at least
100 mm (4 inches) deep and 100 mm
(4 inches) high.
Seated Operations
1. A lateral workspace of al least 760 mm
(30 inches) wide and 400 mm (16
inches) deep shall be provided whenever
2. Desk tops and writing tables shall be
740 to 790 mm (29 to 31 inches) above
the floor.
Standard Console Design
1. Consoles which constitute operator
workstations should be designed to
conform with the dimensions shown in
Table XX and Figure 30, pages 154-155
2. The total required left-to-right viewing
angle shall not exceed 190 degrees (see
Figure 2, MIL-STD-1472D). This angle
should be reduced whenever possible
through appropriate control-display
Appendix A A-19
HUmlIn Factors Principle Acceptable deficiencies fll . .lb Comments
1. Structural members or permanently
installed equipment shall not visually or
physically obstruct i 1 ~
removal of
... ,""
equipment, or other required
maintenance tasks. Panels, cases, and
covers removed to access equipment
shall have the same access requirements
as replaceable Mounting
provisions shall be and
physical accessible by the maintainers.
No tools shall be required for
removal or r",,,1 unless
by security considerations.
2. items which are difficult to
remove shall be mounted so that they
will not prevent convenient access to
other items.
3. Sufficient space shall be provided for the
use of test and other required
tools without difficulty or hazard.
1. It shall be made obvious when a cover is
not secured, even it may be in
2. If the method of opening a cover is not
obvious from the construction of the
cover instructions shall be
permanently displayed on the outside of
the cover. Instructions shall consist of
symbols such as arrows or simple
words such as or "pull."
Appendix B
Training Media Optimization
[Reproduced with the authorization of the Centre of Human Sciences of the
and of the United
i) Content
I) How to visually
scan a bag and
strategies available.
2) The range of threat
and non-threat
items and their
components and
how they look
under the X-ray.
Appendix B
Training design features
Infonnation on different
strategies for scanning:
different perceptual
strategies and patterns of
visual search
Mistakes commonly
made and how to avoid
Features to look for
when searching for
electrical, organic and
Threat library containing
wide range of threats and
restricted items as listed
in the NASP including:
normal, opaque, obvious
and threats
Infonnation on the
features of threat and
non-threat objects: how
to identify and classify
them using criteria
and detailed
information on different
types of threat - liDs,
lEOs, knives, guns,
dangerous goods,
miscellaneous etc.
and detailed
information on restricted
and prohibited
and detailed
infonnation on
components of non-
threat objects
Objective evidence
Is there the opportunity to visual scanning
Are explanations given of a variety of different visual
cues and what they may indicate?
Are explanations provided of how it is possible to
miss threats through inadequate visual search and
how to overcome this?
Are trainees given detailed information on how to
detect electrical/dense/organic material and particular
advice on abnonnalities?
Are trainees given practice with a number of varied
examples for each of these rnl"",,,r;,",?
Is there a threat library available for trainees to refer
to for extra information 011 different items?
Does this include information on the features and the
components of the different types of threats and
meanings of combinations of features?
Are there photographs and X-ray images or live
examples of threat objects and opportunities to view
them under the X-ray?
Is advice available on how to identify and classify
different threats e.g. decision tree?
Is there the opportunity to relate objects to what is
seen on the X-ray image?
Is information available on non-threat objects; how
they look under the X-ray and any potential
confusabilities with threat objects?
Are there exercises which encourage trainees to
identify the different components of threat items?
Is understanding of how these components link
together developed and tested"
Suggested media
Classroom training
Group exercises
3) Colour and density
of Objects
4) Shape, size and
orientation (re-
5) Hand search and
Human Factors in Civil Aviation .'P,"UT"" Operations
Training design features
Information on the
differences between
black/white and colour
X-rays in terms of
representation and
Relationship between
density, colour and shade
Shapes of at
How the X-ray affects
the appearance of shape
Description and
demonstration of the
differences in shape
'"' to orientation
for range of items -
mapping of 10 the
X-ray image
Relationship between
orientation and
on X-ray
demonstrations of
confusability of different
objects at different
Overlapping objects and
combinations of objects
in bags (merging)
How to use visual
scaling techniques to
assess size
How the X-ray affects
the appearance of shape
Distortion of the image
Knowledge of hand
Description and
t;}\,OlUl''''' of different
concealment strategies
Link to bag profile -
which strategy for which
bag type
Objective evidence
Are explanations available of the significance of
, different tones and colours on the screen in
terms of material type and density?
Are the skills of for colour practised
and reinforced, is there feedback available? Are
trainees exposed to a variety of different objects with
a variety of different densities?
Are there exercises which and test the skills
of colour and density interpretation?
Are pictures of objects available from different
angles? (X-rays and photographs)
Are there exercises in the training which encourage
the trainee 10 focus on the of objects as they
are rotated?
Does the illustrate similarities and
differences in the representation of different objects
and materials on the X-ray screen? Does the training
examples of confusable objects?
Does the training demonstrate the differences in
apparent density of the under the X-ray
according to orientation?
Does the training illustrate the effects on the
of overlapping objects and combinations of
objects in bags?
Does the training illustrate use of known objects on
the X-ray screen 10 estimate object size?
Does the training encourage trainees to mentally
rotate objects and imagine the result on the X-ray
Does the training incorporate any visual
techniques (e.g. morphing, dynamic rotation) to train
the relationship between objects, their orientation, ,
size. shape and how they appear on the X-ray?
Does the training include exercises to encourage the
trainee to view images from a different
Le. different shapes and orientations?
Does the training include detail on the causes and
effects of distortions and how to interpret these
images? Is there information on ways of overcoming
Does the training include demonstrations of how to
hand search?
Does the training develop knowledge of the hand
search V"',"CUUJ, t;
Does the training provide explanations of different
types of concealment strategies? Does the training
outline the symptoms of concealment strategies and
how they work?
Does the training include exercises in which trainees
have to try to detect concealed goods using skills of
X-ray image interpretation?
Does the training contain examples of bag
types and concealment that might be used
for a particular bag type?
Are trainees encouraged to experiment with their own
ideas for concealment?
Suggested media
Classroom training
Group exercises
Classroom training
Classroom training
DEVELOPMENT Training design features Objective evidence Suggested media
6) Image enhancement

When to use Does the training provide dewiled descriptions of the Classroom training
functions enhancement functions image enhancement functions and their effects on the CST

Understanding of what visual image?
they do and how they Are the functions demonstrated in circumstances
affect the image appropriate to their use?

Effects on a range of Does the training provide explanations of when to
different objects at use the different enhancements?
different orientations and Are there practical exercises in which trainees use
with different densities image enhancement for purposes and receive

Use of enhancements for feedback and guidance on how to do this with
particular threat items maximum effect?
7) Explicit decision

Criteria for hold, reject Does the training >UvV' pv.a,v decision trees to aid Classroom training
making criteria and pass visualisation of the decision? Individual

Ex.plicit process through Are the criteria for decisions made explicit and exercises
which to eliminate understandable? Are practical examples given and
threats and strategically exercises with feedback in their use?
test hypotheses Are DETR and local airport

Knowledge of time for requirements "xnlain"rl and their purpose e,g, bag
task and proportions of search ratios, time spent per image?
bags to be searched Are the reasons for search made explicit 10 the

Knowledge of airport trainees?
procedures and actions Are trainees made aware of the consequences of their

Reasons for search to actions?
reflect changes Is understanding of their role developed and how it
i.e, random to reasoned fits with overall aviation security?

Consequences of actions
and understanding of
8) Use of other

Hypothesis about the Does the training include descriptions of different Classroom training
information in the theme of the bag bag themes and how to spot the unusual? Role play
decision making

Passenger profiling Does the training include techniques of passenger
process Knowledge of night profiling and making a meaningful link with a bag?
destination and origin Does training include information on how awareness
of flight destination and origin should be used to
interpret the contents of the bag?
9) Refresher training

Modules for refresher Does the refresher training emphasise the Classroom training
training providing new lllfr, occurring aspects of the job? Video
material and different Does the refresher find new and different CBT
examples means of presenting the material to maintain interest?
B-4 Human Factors in Civil A viatioll Operations
ii) Learning features
1) Structure

Modular training with Is the training organised inlo units with menus, Classroom training
menuslhierarchical modules and hierarchical slructure? CBT
structure Is the information introduced in a sequence which

Sequencing of leads to optimal learning i.e. are skills and
information and building knowledge developed in a logical order?
on previous lesson Are objectives for available and explicit to
content trainees as well as estimates for time allocation of

Explicit statements of the different aspects of training?
training objectives and Can instructors identify trainees for specific tests or
the knowledge to be practice sessions?
mastered (and an Can instructors check on individual progress?
estimate of lesson Are there facilities for controlling progress?

Instructor controls for
individual learning
2) Learning

Guidance Ilnd advice on Explicit information provided to the trainee on the Demonstrations
techniques the task subtleties of the task, advice for specific threat Group exercises

Provision of links objects or bag types. CBT
between theory and Does the training provide summaries of key
practice: worked important pieces of information for trainees to refer
examples, back to?
demonstrations Aids to visualisation of new/different

Interactive exercises and configurations of threats e.g. mental rotation
diagrams exercises, build or design a bomb exercises.

Practical exercises which Avoidance of lengthy and complex wrillen material
enhance understanding Are trainees shown demonstrations of the various
of theory of image points made in training in the form of images with
interpretation explanations, worked examples, interactive
exercises and diagrams? Practice to aid the active
_0 of information.
3) Feedback and

Multi-choice 'lilPolinn< Are there opportunities for trainees to test their Classroom testing
formative with immedia; knowledge levels and obtain simple feedback to CBT
assessment explanatory feedback facilitate Group exercises

Review of performance! Are there facilities for students to review their
progress across lessons performance and progress across the training?
Avoidance of a need for lengthy written responses.
4) Feedback and

End of unit knowledge Are there end of unit tests which have to be CBT
summative tests with feedback on Do trainees receive certification for the Classroom testing
assessment performance at the end necessary knowledge standard?

Appendix B 8-5
SIMULATION Training design features Objective evidence Suggested Media
i) Content
I) Visual fidelity of

Does the image Does the Clarity, quality and colours of the image Simulation
image accurately represent the match the real environment? Operational training
X-ray image in the
operational environment?
I 2)
Visual fidelity of

Does the image Is there the opportunity for ""'1'''' realistic Simulation
image enhancement accurately represent the training in terms of enhancement functions? Operational training
functions X-ray in the
operational environment
following enhancement
functions (such as zoom,
edge enhancement)?
3) Temporal and

Direction of conveyor Is there the opportunity for experiencing realistic Simulation
visual fidelity of

Movement smoothness training in terms of image movement speed and Operational training
movement of

Speed of conveyor belli direction?
length of time to make
4) Physical fidelity of

Accurate representation Is there the opportunity for experiencing realistic Simulation
controls of hold. search, pass and training in terms of the physical controls? Operational training
belt controls
5) Physical of

Accurate representation Is there the opportunity for experiencing realistic Simulation
enhancement of image enhancement training in terms of enhancement fllnctions? Operational training
functions functions and zoom
6) Wide range of

Different types of items Are there numerous examples of threat items Real equipment
threat and non- and how these look available to view as objects, photos or as X-ray demonstrations
threat items for under X-ray compared to images? CBT
practice and test real life Is there the opportunity to practise making Operational training

Obvious/possible threats. decisions with images of different types? .
non-threats, resrricledi Are there facilities to examine images of different
prohibited, opaque; hold, objects from different orientations to see the
reject and pass bags representation of the shapes formed and

Different densities, their apparent size.
shapes, sizes and Are there opportunities to try and find concealed
orientations of objects items on images and in practice?

Concealed items Are there facilities to practise image recognition

in isolation and skills with objects in isolation as well as in
embedded within bags combination with other objects in
7) Refresher practise

Practice with different Does refresher training incorporate practice of the CBT
examples of threat less frequent aspects of the task? TIP
objects Does the training present the task from a new and
different perspective?
B-6 Human Factors in Civil Aviation
ij) Learning features
I) Instructor controls

Instructor controls for Can instructor check and control individual CBT
individual learning progress of trainees? Classroom training

Instructor control for
demonstration purposes
2) Learning

Practice exercises for Are there exercises with immediate feedback in CBT
techniques identification and which trainees must and locate a variety of Group exercises
location of objects on the X-ray image: threat and non-threat?
reduction in Are there hand search exercises in which
cueing and help) the trainee gains experience of the task?

Difficu Ity of practice Are there different levels of available
graded in accordance which can be given to trainees based on previous
with the progress of the test performance?
individual trainee Are there adaptive learning facilities?
(different levels) Are there facilities to enable the over-learning of

Practice schedu Ie to skills in particular skill areas of importance?
focus on weak areas

Practice schedule can
enable over-learning of
the skill
3) Feedback and

Multi-choice lests with Are there opportunilies for trainees to lest their Classroom lesting
formative feedback and knowledge skill levels and obtain feedback to facilitate CBT
assessment of results immediately learning?
following or Are there facilities for sludents to review their
training sessions performance and progress across the

Explanation of errors Is there the provision of augmented feedback
made via review in during e.g. images with labels available,
which locations of threat poinling oul components and objects within the
objects pointed out image, and identifying distinctive visual cues?
(cueing) Is there a definition of the expected performance

Fixed mastery not fixed level?

Review of performance!
progress individual
and class comparisons.
Response time for each
answer, SDT theory, %
4) Feedback and

Tests to assess Are there tests with differential scoring systems Classroom testing
summative interpretation and based on the severity of the mistake? CBT
assessment decision making skills Are there certification systems for reaching the
facilities with UPt,.vp .. a , ~ time necessary performance levels?
pressures and restrictions

Differential scoring on
lests i.e. penalised more
for some mistakes
compared to others

Certification facilities
Appendix C
Course Outline: Hunlan Factors Elements for
Civil Aviation Security Training
I. Fundamental Hnman Factors Concepts
(for trainers and
A Introduction
B The definition of Human Factors
C Aviation security need for Human Factors
II. Human Factors, and Organization
(for trainers and management)
A Introduction
B From individuals to
C Resource allocation
D Management's contribution to security
E Management of error
III. Personnel selection, training, and
performance assessment
A Personnel selection management): Issues
Proper use of standardized and vaHdated
selection tests
Dr"tir"""'I"" level assessment
Standardized evaluation
Candidate selection interviews
B Training programmes
i) Initial programmes learned!
reviewed trainers initially, then deHvered to
screeners): Two components
Classroom component
Standardized course content
Practice sessions
Simulated procedures
Standardized and validated computer-based
proficiency level assessment
Computer-based training component
Interactive exercises on all procedures and
Mock situations for practice
Standardized and validated computer based
level assessment
delivered to
programmes (material
trainers initially, then
and benefits of
In situ practical on all procedures
and technologies, including:
Walk-through detectors
Hand-held detectors
Trace explosive detection systems
Standard Operating Procedures for:
maintenance and troubleshooting
evaluation of demonstrated
Relations with airport users
Prevention of and conflict management
iii) Recurrent and continuous learning programmes
I) Recurrent
coverage includes:
programmes: topic
refresher sessions for
(e.g. shift work aware-
ness, team resource management,
critical procedures, and fitness
for duty)
New threats
New or modified policies, processes or
procedures to effi-
cacy and efficiency levels
2) Continuous learning programme, includes:
Online real time training/assessment
through TIP.
IV. Ergonomics (materiallearnedlreviewed by trainers
initiaUy, then delivered to security officers)
A Introduction
B Basic facts
Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security
C Elements of technology ergonomics
Technology integration
D Elements of checkpoint ergonomics
Global performance measures
V. Resource management
A Rostering pralctlces
Rotation practices
Attentional and
B Performance management
Team resource management (TRM)
Three Cs: communication, and
Team performance evaluation
(threat detection)
.... ttlirlPnrv (time)
C Error management
Procedures amendment
Appendix D
Sanlple Training Content Outlines
for the X-ray Screening
[Reproduced with the authorization of the
United States Federal Aviation Administration]
Appendix D
MuJtimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: _______________ _ Date: _____ _
Module 1
Lesson 1
Unit: Introduction to
Uj)Qn completion of the "Screener's role and responsibility" lesson, the trainee will
cite the role and of the screener, as prescribed in the lesson.
To demonstrate the toll!owmg KSAs:
1. Knowledge of:
the role and H .. "pV".,HJU of the screener
2. Ability to:
respOI1SIIJIlIlleS of the screener
L Checkpoint
required to have a
their security
Federal Aviation Regulations and every air carrier is
program. Checkpoint screeners help the air carriers carry out
The role of the screener is vital to aviation
2. The role and responsibilities of checkpoint screeners include:
screening all passengers and other persons and all property intended to be carried past the
preventing or any incendiary, or other deadly or dangerous weapon
from being carried aboard '"'''''''"''' or past the checkpoint area.
ensuring that only persons authorized are permitted to carry firearms past the
ensuring that all persons the checkpoint are uniform, courteous,
and efficient treatment to the maximum extent practicable.
Trainee readiness
CBT, interactive multiple choice exercises with verbal response
D-2 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Operations
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature:
Date: _____ _
Module 1
Lesson 2
Customer Required
Unit: Introduction to Checkpoint '''''11TH'' and X-Ray uperanOllS
Lesson: X-ray machines and how work
After completing the "X-ray machines and how they work" lesson, the trainee will correctly
identify the following machine functions:
a tool to allow screeners to see the contents of
a device that displays X-ray
images that are different from normal photographs,
X-rays are absorbed differently by materials.
heavy elements, such as iron, and calcium are less
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
I of functions.
2. machine functionality.
1. "v,.n",""""V radiation, like light or radio waves.
2. X-rays are invisible.
move in straight lines.
may be reflected, refracted and polarized
lenses, and VV"''':L.\C'
materials such as mirrors,
absorbed by matter. Heavy elements, such as iron, and calcium
by Elements such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and
are easily by X-rays. In X-ray metal appear as
on the screen, while objects such as sneakers and clothing show up as light
Trainee readiness
Modeling/demonstration, simulatiOn/animation, interactive exercises
-------_ ..__ ._------------1
Appendix D D-3
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval u.E; .... ...
Date: ______ _
Module 1
Lesson 3
Customer Required
Unit: Introduction to Checkpoint Security and X-Ray Operations
Lesson: Machine Features
1. Given a simulated or real X-ray device, the trainee will operate the ON,
FORWARD, REVERSE, and STOP functions.
2. Given a simulated or real
each function.
device, the trainee will correctly
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
1. Knowledge of:
the purpose of
ON, OFF, FORWARD. REVERSE. and STOP functions of the device.
2. Skill in the ON, OFF, FORWARD, REVERSE, and STOP functions on the
X-ray device.
3. Ability to:
engage the ON, OFF, FORWARD, REVERSE, and STOP functions at the appropriate
times for purposes of bag movement and analysis.
I. The ON and OFF functions turn the power to the X-ray machine on or off.
2. The FORWARD and REVERSE functions move the conveyor belt forward or backward.
Use the FORWARD and REVERSE functions to position the bag in the tunnel for
the best view of a bag's contents.
3. The STOP function stops the conveyor belt. Use the STOP function to hold the in
the X-ray tunnel. Use this function for both observation, as well as of the
bag. if a threat is detected.
Massed transfer of training
simulation of conveyor belt and controls (medium
D-4 Human Faciors in Civil Aviation OperatioflS
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: ________________ _
Date: ..... ___ _
Module 2
Lesson 1
Customer Required
Unit: Image
Lesson: Identifying common carry-on objects
the trainee will correctly match
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
1. Knowledge of typical found in passenger bags.
2. Ability to match real objects with X-ray representations of the object.
(It is important that screeners learn to typical carry-on since their criteria for
classifying a is to be able to name the objects in it. Therefore, variations of this lesson
should occur throughout the training. Also, there are many "typical" carry-on objects. Many
may be familiar, but others may be unfamiliar.)
I. images allow a screener to see inside a without the need to open
physically each through the
'"'' '"NH . An analogy would be a doctor an X-ray to detect a broken bone. A
regular photograph allows a person to view the outside of an but does not
an "inside" view. Present examples of of and X-ray of
2. Match real (or photo with X-ray of object.
3. Match real object with X-ray of object in bag.
4. Match real object with image of object at various angles.
5. Match real with image of in bag with varying of clutter.
6. Some typical
jacket (suit and
include shoes. books/magazines/newspaper, clothing, notebook,
calculator, bath articles, laptop, hair dryer, n"",ch,,,,n,,;
iron, headsets. alarm clock, cassettes/CDs/video
ruler (metaVwoodlplastic), aerosol cans
spray, shaving creme), rolled up hangers, umbrella, jewelry, craft articles
(sewing, etc.), medications, technician equipment/tools, bag contents, meters/test
equipment, keys, baby bonles, camera (stilVvideo), toys, film, baby foodlspoons,
souvenirs, baby bottles, baby wipes, clothes.
graphics, photos, gaming, interactive exercises
Appendix D D-5
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: _________________ _ Date: _____ _
Module 2
Unit: Analysis
Lesson: How to look at an X-ray
Upon completion of the
1)1'"''-<OIUUI.<O for scanning a
unit, the trainee will be abJe to perform the correct
nrp'<::t',',tl/"(I in the training unit.
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
I. of image scanning procedures.
2. Skill in scanning
3. Skill in using the X-ray equipment functions to aid in interpretation.
1. Use the FORWARD, and STOP features of the X-ray equipment to aid in
the analysis. Use FORWARD to move the bag to the best possible location. Use Reverse
for same purpose. Use STOP to keep the bag in place for closer inspection.
2. Look for items that do not belong together or are out of place with the rest of the
contents. Some items could be part of a disassembled threat object. Other parts of the
threat object could be in other
practice - this concept will be reinforced in other units and lessons
high graphics, interactive exercises
D-6 Human Faclors ill Civil Aviation Operations
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: _____ _ Date:
Module 2
Customer Required
Lesson: Identifying common carry-on objects in X-ray images
Given a variety of real or simulated the trainee will
item type, shoe, clothing, toilet article) in carry-on
level of perfonnance in identifying objects in X-ray
environmental noise
time constraints
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
1. Knowledge of typical objects found in passenger
The trainee will maintain a high
of under conditions of
2. Ability 10 match real representations of the
3. to perform
4. Ability to perform
This builds on the Ah,prt,,,p _ now the trainee must name all the
under a of circumstances:
L will be packed with common carry-on objects varying of clutter.
2. will be with common carry-on - varying of environmental
noise (to simulate environment).
3. Bags will be packed with common carry-on objects time limit on naming objects.
interactive exercises
Appendix D D-7
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: ____________ ...~ _____ _
Module 2
Lesson 4
Learning Principles:
Unit: Image Analysis
Lesson: Image classification
After the "Image Analysis" training unit, the trainee will correctly name the three
image classifications (obvious threat, possible threat, no threat) used for <:"rI'p'nm
bags and other carry-on items.
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
L Knowledge of X-ray classification criteria (obvious possible threat, no
threat) used for and other carry-on
2. Ability to name classifications.
1. classification criteria are obvious threat, VV,,'U'J'v threat, pass.
2. Criteria for obvious threat: threat object can be identified.
3. Criteria for possible threat: shadows or prevents positive identi:nC!ltio,n or
in the cannot be identified.
4. Criteria for no threat: All items can be identified as non-threat or non hazardous.
Massed learning, KOR
fidelity graphics, interactive exercises
D-8 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: __________ _ Date: _____ _
Module 2
Lesson 5
To demonstrate the
the trainee will judge bags as pass
that could mask a threat
shadow or masked areas of an
3. Ability to determine whether a shadow area in a is large enough to mask a
4. whether a bag should be on the conveyor belt or physically
a masked or shadowed area.
1. Some
in a
density in an image can mask or cast a shadow on other objects
2. Some shadows may be to mask a threat
3. small shadows may not be large to mask a threat If all in
can be identified and the shadow does not interfere with the identification
process, the is "<>I",,,,,,,o'pl1 as meeting the pass criteria.
4. If there is any doubt about a shadow or masked area,
rescanning it. If all objects in the bag
for a check.
Appendix D D-9
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - . - - . - - -----
Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: ___ _
Date: _____ _
Module 3
Lesson 1
Unit: lED Conceptual Models
Lesson: lED components
l. After completing the "lED Conceptual Models" training unit, the trainee will correctly
name all components necessary to create an lED.
2. Given a selection of real or simulated components of lEDs, the trainee will be able to
correctly describe (verbally or by descriptors from a or audio list) the
characteristics of each category of components.
3. Given X-ray images of IEDs components, the trainee will identify each component from
a variety of angles and orientations.
4. Given images of assembled lEDs and lED components, trainees will match the
device components with the correct assembled device.
5. Given images of assembled lEDs and lED components, trainees will match the
device components with the correct assembled device.
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
I. of the components of IEDs.
2. Knowledge of representati()O of lED components.
3. Knowledge of the components of threat in relation to the assembled device.
4. Ability to name the components of an lED.
5. Ability to describe the characteristics of lED components.
6. Ability to identify X-ray of the components of an lED.
7. Ability to describe the characteristic features of X-ray images of lED components.
8. Ability to distinguish images of lED components from of innocent
9. Ability to match lED components with an assembled lED.
I. Review - IEDs have the following components:
power source
explosive material
These components are connected to form a complete lED.
2. Show simulated bags that have easily-detected, assembled IEDs (all parts are in close
proximity and plainly visible) and other objects in it. An animated screener
that is not quite right and identifies the lED.
3. After viewing a variety of each component type the trainee should be guided to articulate
common features of detonators, timers, etc. (salient Highlighting arrows may
be helpful to draw attention to salient features:
TImers: show a of clocks, altimeters, barometric switches - Timers a
to begin an action or process. They "tum the process on." Use analogies such as,
(a) when your alarm clock rings, you get up and start the day, (b) when you flip a switch,
you start a process that causes the lights to go on. Timers often
some sort of dial or display.
numbers or have
D-JO Human Factors in Civil Aviation Operations
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: __ ~ __ _
Date: _____ _
Customer Required
Initiators: cap - slim metal 1/8-1/4" wide, looks
somewhat like a pen or a narrow pipe.
Power source: show a of batteries.
4. Show lED components from a of in a carry-on bag. Use highlighting and
arrows 10 component.
5. Trainees select lED components from a simulated "build a bomb" kit, pack the
components into a then view the suitcase the lED component) from a
of A variation would be to have anolher trainee idenlify the component.
6. Trainees now relate the parts to the whole by building an lED
simulated explosive
7. Trainees will "pack" the lED into a suitcase with other items and find their lED in the
suitcase. Another strategy could be for one trainee to the and another trainee
find the lED.
KOR, relationship of parts to whole, gaming, simulation,
CBT simulation, animation, fidelity graphics
Appendix D D-J1
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: __ ...... Date:
Module 4 Unit: IED Detection Practice
Lesson 1 Lesson: Checkpoint Concentration
Given a of a carry-on the trainee will correctly match the photo with an X-ray
'''1'''''''''' ,,,
of the
Content Match photos of carry-on items with images of the same items.
Learning Principle: Review/practice/overlearning
Media: Gaming
Customer Required
D-/2 Human Factors in Civil Aviation Security Operations
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval Signature: ________________ _ Date: _____ _
Module 4 Unit: lED Detection Practice
Lesson 2 Lesson: Safe Skies
Objective Given a variety of X-ray images of passenger bags moving on a simulated conveyor belt,
trainees will correctly discriminate bags with IEDs from bags with no IEDs.
Content Improving speed of decision making (threat/no threat)while maintaining accuracy.
Learning Principle: Practicelreview/overlearning
Media: Gaming
Customer Required
Appendix D D-J3
Outlines Multimedia Courseware
Customer Approval ___ _
Date: __ ___ _
Module 4
Lesson 3
Unit: lED Detection
Lesson: lED detection with increasing levels of clutter, noise, and time constraints
l. Given X-ray images of uncluttered, moderately cluttered, and highly cluttered bags
containing IEDs and with no lEDs, the trainee will correctly the lED
Evaluation criteria will be statistically significant improvement over time without a
significant increase in false alarm rate.
2. Given cluttered, and cluttered
containing lEDs and with no the trainee will correctly identify the IED
under conditions of simulated checkpoint noise. Evaluation criteria will be
statistically significant improvement over time without a increase in false
alarm rate.
3. Given images of uncluttered, cluttered, and highly cluttered
containing IEDs and with no IEDs, the trainee will correctly identify the lED
under conditions of increasing time constraints (30 sec., 15 sec., 10 sec.).
To demonstrate the following KSAs:
I. Knowledge of the components of an IED.
2. Ability to identify the components of an lED.
3. Ability to discriminate between innocent objects and rEDs.
4. Ability to discriminate between innocent objects and IEDs under conditions of
increasing noise.
5. Ability to discriminate between innocent and IEDs under conditions of
time constraints.
checkpoint simulation with uncluttered bags. The is to reach
a TBD probability of detection with a TBD probability of false alarm. Ultimately this game
has.a number of levels and variables:
., No
., Yes
First, work only with uncluttered and unlimited then add checkpoint noise and
time constraints. Add procedures as an extra interest feature. As each variable is mastered,
the trainee is with an difficulty level.
Bonus points scored for lED detection.
Points for
Bonus points for correct ,nv","",,",
Missed lED - no points - highlight the fED. If probability of detection falls below a
TBD (adjustable) threshold, go to remediation track.
False alarms no points KOR (there is no fED in this bag). If false alarm rate reaches
a TBD (adjustable) threshold, go to remediation track.
D-14 Hunum Factors ill Civil Aviation
------------ ..... __ ..- ---------- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -
Customer Approval Signature: ________________ _ Date: _____ _
Customer Required
Remediation Irack for missed lEDs would include
each lED component in the bag. If the
would return to module 4.
the missed JED and
falls below a TBD
Remediation for false alarm rate would entail additional practice in
Also review criteria for pass, possible threat definite
the consequences of not or misperforming the are great.
and safety procedures are examples. a screener may never encounter an actual lED
on the job, the consequences of missing an lED are In the checkpoint environment,
another factor that must be considered is the need to passengers through the
A false alarm rate will slow passenger to unacceptable levels.
In this lesson, abundant is accompanied with immediate KOR, reinforcement for
correct responses, and remediation when levels exceed a specific threshold. The
while keeping P(fa) at an acceptable level
similar in resolution, size, and content to the Band
w used at the checkpoint. This should facilitate transfer of
Appendix E
Bor, Robert; Morris Russell; Justin Parker; and Linda Papadopoulos. "Survey World's Airlines Highlights
Various Approaches to Handling Disruptive " lCAO Journal no. 2, (March 2001): pp 21
29-30. Authors are from the London Guildhall University of the Kingdom.
Angela. Need to Turn More of Their Attention to Human Factors."
ICAO Journal 56, no. 5, (June 200 28.
John and David Martinak. "Rapid Evolution of Trace Detection Equipment A Key Development in
Against Terrorism" lCAO Journal 55, no. 5, (June 2000): I 25.
Helmreich, R. L. et al. The Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA). Paper ","'-,He,-,\,! at the proceedings of the
first LOSA week. ICAO, 2001.
International Civil Aviation Organization. Human Factors Digest No. 14 - Proceedings of the Fourth ICAO
Global Flight Safety and Human Factors Symposium, Chile. Montreal: ICAO, 1999.
Circular No. 277.
lnemational Civil Aviation Organization. Outlook for Air Transport to the Year 2010. Montreal: ICAO,
June 2001. Circular No. 281.
Vincent, Alex. Operators and Regulators Need to More Completely Address Human Factors
Issues." leAO Journal 54, no. 5, (June 1999): 18-19, 27-28.
Levellon, P., and A. Chagani. Potential System TPurnTT"" of ......... ,,,,,I .. :; Airport Equipment. Ottawa:
Canada, October 2000. TP 13686E.
Rhodes, W.,and A. Vincent. Assessment Technologies in Transport Operations. Ottawa:
Transport April 2000. TP 13589E.
M., and A. McClumpha.
)","1",,,,,...,.,., Evaluation and Research
HUl1UIn Factors in Civil Aviation .'PE'UrlTV
...., ... L"' .... Kingdom
Screener Assist Technology in Search.
2000. DERA/CHSIMIDIWP0000231l.0.
. UK
J.; N. A. McC]umpha; and R. Shadrake. The Utility of Image Enhancement
Functions Used by UK Aviation Screeners. N.p.: UK Defence Evaluation and Research Agency,
November 1997. DERAICHSIHS3/CR97146/1.0.
Kantowitz and Sorkin. Human Factors: People-System Relationships. N.p., 1
McCorquodale, B., A. Miles, and C. Gardner. the Luggage Screening Task in Aviation
Experimental Trial of Computer-Based Training. N.p.: UK Defence Evaluation and Research
]999. DERAICHSIMID/CR9901 .0.
Shuttleworth, A., and A. McClumpha. Work Organisation - Practical Guidance. N.p.: UK Defence
and Research Agency, June 1999. DERAICHSIMIDICR990235/l.0.
of the Environment and the Defence Evaluation
Notice 1/98. N.p.: DETR, 1998.
the Environment and the and the Defence and Research
Notice 2/98. N.p.: DETR, September 1998.
UK of the Environment and Regions, and the Defence Evaluation and Research
Transport Security Technical Information Notice 1/99. N.p.: DETR, July 1999.
Wil . P. Kent; V. Weller; and S. Mathew. An Assessment of X-Ray Image Processing
. UK Defence Evaluation and Research 2001. DERA/CHSIMID/CR01216/1.0.
Airport Improvement Act 2000. Public Law 1 U.S. Congress, n.d.
"Aviation Development of New Has Not Met Expectations," Chapter Report,
19 May 1994. GAOIRCED-94-142.
Foundation. U.S. Security Screeners Must Improve Performance at Airport Checkpoints.
D.C.: GAO, January-February 2001.
J. and C. Neiderman. The Training Development Process for Aviation Screeners. Washington,
D.C.: August 1997. DOTIFAAlAR-97/46.
and E. C. Neiderman. Validating the ,-"UffoL'lA
Washington, D.C.: DOT, March 1999.
B. A., and J. L. Fobes. Project Plan for the nfln"l,pnp
nU'lP'U",' Washington, D . C ~ : DOT, May 1999.
Training Process for Aviation
Neiderman, E. and J. L. Fobes. A Cognitive Model of X-ray Screening: Tests to
Applicants Core Aptitudes. . DOT, ~ e l J I e l m 1997. DOTIFAA/AR-97/63.
Neiderman, E. c.; J. L. J. M. Bamentos; and B. A. Klock. Functional Requirements for Threat Image
Projection Systems on Machines. Washington, D.C.: 1 DOTIFAAlAR-97/67.
U.S. Congress. of Technology Assessment. Technology Terrorism: Structuring Security.
Washington, DC: GPO, January 1992. OTA-ISC-Sll.
U.S. Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Certification of Companies.
1999. Docket No. FAA-1999-6673.
U.S. Department of Transportation. Aviation Administration. Final Criteria for Certification of
Explosives Detection Systems. Washington, n.d. Docket No. 28671.
U.S. House on Transportation and Infrastructure. "Aviation Security: Slow Progress in
Addressing Long-Standing Screener Performance Problem." Testimony Subcommittee on
Aviation. Washington, . GAO, 2000. GAOrr-RCED-00-12S. ).
Miscellaneous ... " ....... , .. ,
Air Safety Week. N.p., 21 December 1998.
Aviation Commission. Symposium Proceedings of the ECAC Symposium on Civil Aviation
to 24 May 1996). N.p.; ECAC, 1996.
R. L. "Human Factors in Civil Aviation in D. J. Garland, J. A. Wise, and V. David Hopkin,
eds. Handbook of Aviation Human Factors. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999.
M., et aL Rapport de l'experimentation concernant les postes d'inspection-filtrage. N.p.,
February 2000.
The following summary the status, alld also
describes in terms the contents of the various
series of technical publications issued by the
International Civil Aviation Organization. it does not
include publications that do not fall
specifically within one of the series, such as the
Aeronautical Chart Catalogue or the
Tables for International Air Navigation.
International Standards and Recommended
Practices are adopted the Council in accordance with
Articles 37 and 90 of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation and are designated, for
convenience, as Annexes to the Convention. The
uniform application Contracting States of the
contained in the International Standards is
recognized as necessary for the or regularity of
international air navigation while the uniform
of the specifications in the Recommended
Practices is as desirable in the interest of
regularity or of international air
Knowledge of any differences between the
national regulations Of practices of a State and those
established by an International Standard is essential to
the or of international air navigation. In
the 'event of non-compliance with an International
Standard. a State has, in fact, an obligation. under
Article 38 of the Convention, to notify the Council of
any differences. Knowledge of differences from
Recommended Practices may also be important for the
safety of air navigation and, although the Convention
does not impose any obligation with thereto, the
Council has invited Contracting States to notify such
differences in addition to those to International
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
are approved by the Council for worldwide application.
They contain, for the
regarded as not yet
maturity for adoption as International Standards and
Recommended as well as material of a more
permanent character which is considered too detailed for
incorporation in an Annex, or is susceptible to frequent
amendment, for which the processes of the Convention
would be too cumbersome.
Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS)
have a status similar to that of PANS in that they are
approved by the Council, but only for application in the
regions. are in consolidated
form, since certain of the apply to
overlapping regions or are common to two or more
The following are prepared authority
of the General in accordance with the
principles and policies approved by the Council.
Technical Manuals provide
information in amplification of
Standards, Recommended Practices
implementation of which are
guidance and
the International
and PANS, the
to facilitate.
Air Navigation Plans detai I requirements for
facilities and services for international air in
the ICAO Air Navigation ... ,,'''''''<
prepared on the authority of the
the basis of recommendations of regional air navigation
meetings and of the Council action thereon. The
are amended to reflect in
' ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ' A n t < and in the status of implementation of the
recommended facilities and services.
ICAO Circulars make available specialized
information of interest to Contracting States. This
includes studies on technical subjects.

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