Relations With The Orang Dampuans
Relations With The Orang Dampuans
Relations With The Orang Dampuans
W 1he Orang Dampuans or Men of
Champa are group o immigrants who
came in the Philippines rom Southern
Annam ,Modern Vietnam, between 900-
1200 A.D.
W 1hey established a trading post in Sulu that
resulted in a lourishing trade between Sulu and
Southern Annam. 1heir main interest is to hae
trade with aranuns ,People o Sulu,.
W 1heir increasing prosperity aroused jealousy
o the Baranuns who in it o anger,
massacred some Orang Dampuans.
W aing superior weapons, they took their bloody
reenge on the Buranuns and haing leeled the
enemy`s illage to the ground, sailed to their