Diesel Engine and Components: Series Paragraphs 51-53
Diesel Engine and Components: Series Paragraphs 51-53
Diesel Engine and Components: Series Paragraphs 51-53
Paragraphs 51-53
trance of dirt or other foreign material. Unbolt and remove exhaust manifold and water collecting tube from right side and inlet manifold from left side of cylinder head. Remove rocker arm cover, rocker arms and shaft assembly and push rods. Remove cylinder head cap screws and lift off cylinder head.
CAUTION: The injector nozzle assemblies protrude slightly through the combustion side of cylinder head. Be extremeiy carefui when removing or reinstaiiing cylinder head with injectors instaiied not to damage injector ends. DO NOT place cylinder head on bench with combustion side down.
Fig. 28011 pressure regulator valve is located in oil gallery at left rear side of engine.
When reinstalling engine assembly unbolt and remove clutch assembly and position it on transmission input shaft. Disconnect the linkage from clutch release shaft. Clutch can be bolted to flywheel after engine is installed by working through the opening at bottom of clutch housing.
NOTE: if fiywheei and ciutch piate balancing marks are indicated (dab of white paint), they must be aiigned.
When reinstalling cylinder head, use new head gasket and make certain gasket sealing surfaces are clean. Use guide studs when installing cylinder head. Tighten cylinder head retaining cap screws in three steps using the sequence shown in Fig. 29 for the three cylinder engine and Fig. 30 for the four cylinder engine. Tighten the cap screws to a torque of 30 ft.-lbs. in first step, 60 ft.-lbs. in second step and 90 ft.-lbs. in third step. Adjust valve tappet gap to 0.010 inch (intake) and 0.012 inch (exhaust) as outlined in paragraph 54. NOZZLE SLEEVES All Models 53. The cylinder is fitted with brass injector nozzle sleeves which pass through the coolant passages. The nozzle sleeves are available as service items.
R&R ENGINE ASSEMBLY All Models 51. To remove the engine assembly, first remove hood and rear side panels, drain cooling system and disconnect battery ground cable. Disconnect wires to alternator and wire to headlights. Disconnect steering lines and oil cooler lines and plug openings to prevent dirt from entering the system. Disconnect air cleaner scoop and radiator hoses. Support tractor under clutch housing, attach hoist to front support, then unbolt and remove front support, radiator, axle and wheels as an assembly. Shut off fuel and disconnect the inlet line at fOter base and the return line at the tee. Disconnect the fuel shut off cable at the injection pump and the wire to the ether injector. Disconnect electrical wires from engine, unclip harness and lay rearward. Remove the breather tube assembly from right side of engine. Disconnect temperature sensing bulb and oil pressure tube from engine, then disconnect throttle rod and tachometer cable. Attach hoist to engine, then unbolt and remove engine assembly.
Drain coolant, remove hood and disconnect battery cable. Unbolt and remove air cleaner. Disconnect upper radiator hose and by-pass hose and remove coolant temperature bulb from engine. Disconnect injector lines from fuel injectors and injection pump. Cap or plug all fuel connections immediately after they are disconnected to prevent en-
13 O O 12
O 9 8 O
o o
O 5 6 O
3 O
O 7 TO O
o o
Adopter OTC-12M 17/16 X 14 NO
Fig. 29Models 454, 494 and 484 cylinder head cap screws are tightened In the sequence shown. Refer to text:
14 18
O .^^
10 O "'^
12 0 /^^
^o^ 1 1
* ^
0 5
Fig. 30Models 574, 674 and 584 cylinder head cap screws are tightened In the sequence shown. Refer to text.
Fig. 31Use iH tooi No. FES 112-4 and slide hammer to remove inlector nozzle sleeves.
Paragraphs 54-55
To renew the nozzle sleeves, remove cylinder head as outlined in paragraph 52, then remove injectors. Use special bolt (IH tool No. FES 1124) and turn it into sleeve. Attach a slide hammer puller and remove nozzle sleeve. See Fig. 31. Use caution during this operation not to damage the sealing areas in the cylinder head.
NOTE: Under no circumstances should screw drivers, chisels or other such tools be used In an attempt to remove Injector nozzle sleeves.
Check the valves and seats against the following specifications: Inlet Face and seat angle 45 Stem diameter 0.3919-0.3923 in. Stem to guide diametral clearance 0.0014-0.0026 in. Seat width 0.076-0.080 in. Valve run-out (max.) 0.001 in. Valve tappet gap (warm) 0.010 in. Valve recession from face of cylinder head, Normal 0.039-0.055 in. Maximum 0.120 in. Exhaust Face and seat angle 45 Stem diameter 0.3911^.3915 in. Stem to guide diametral clearance. 0.0022-0.0034 Seat width 0.081-0.089 in. Valve run-out (max.) 0.001 in. Valve tappet gap (warm) 0.012 in. Valve recession from face of cylinder head. Normal 0.047-0.063 in. Maximum 0.120 in. To adjust valve tappet gap on D179 engine, crank engine to position number one piston at top dead center of compression stroke. Adjust the four valves indicated on the chart shown in Fig. 34. Turn engine crankshaft one complete revolution to position number one piston at top dead center of exhaust stroke and adjust the remaining two valves indicated on chart. To adjust valve tappet gap on D206 and D239 engines, crank engine to position number one piston at top dead center of compression stroke. Adjust the four valves indicated on the chart shown in Fig. 35. Turn engine crankshaft one (iomplete revolution to position number four piston at top dead center compression stroke and adjust the remaining four valves indicated on chart. VALVE GUIDES AND SPRINGS All Models 55. The inlet and exhaust valve guides are interchangeable. Inlet and exhaust guides should be pressed into cylinder head until top of guides are 1.154-1.169 inches above spring recess in the head. Guides must be reamed to size after jistallation. Inside diameter of guides should be 0.3937-0.3945 inch and valve stem to guide diametral clearance should be 0.0014-0.0026 inch for inlet ard 0.0022-0.0034 inch for exhaust valves. Inlet and exhaust valve springs are
When installing nozzle sleeves, be sure the sealing areas are completely clean and free of scratches. Apply a light coat of "Loctite Grade B" on sealing surfaces of nozzle sleeves, then using installing tool (IH tool No. FES 112-3) shown in Fig. 32, drive nozzle sleeves into their bores until they bottom as shown in Fig. 33.
NOTE: Injector nozzle sleeves slight interference fit In their When installing sleeves, make sleeve is driven straight with its have a bores. certain bore.
VALVES AND SEATS All Models 54. Inlet and exhaust valves are not interchangeable. The inlet valves seat directly in the cylinder head and the exhaust valves seat on renewable seat inserts. Inserts are available in oversizes of 0.004 and 0.016 inch. Valve face and seat angle for both the inlet and exhaust is 45 degrees. Valve rotators and valve stem seals are used on all valves. When removing valve seat inserts, use the proper puller. Do not attempt to drive chisel under insert or counterbore will be damaged. Chill new inserts with dry ice or liquid Freon prior to installing. When new insert is properly bottomed, it should be 0.008-0.030 inch below edge of counterbore. After installation, peen the cylinder head material around the complete outer circumference of the valve seat insert.
Fig. 3$" Drive nozzle sleeves into cylinfter head until they bottom.
Fig. 34~Chart shows valve tappet gap adiusting procedure used on Models 454, 464 and 434 three cylinder engines.
2 3
5 6
1 2 3 5
4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 3SChart shows valve tappet gap adiusting procedure used on Models 574, 674 and 584 four cylinder engines.
3 4
Fig. 32l
toot. Apply "Grade B Loctite" to seating surface of nozzle sleeve. Numboring sequnc ol volvt wKich corrifK>nd to chart
SERIES 454-464-484-574-584-674
also interchangeable. Springs should have a free length of 2.173-2.181 inches and should test 140-160 pounds when compressed to a length of 1.346 inches. Renew any spring which is rusted, discolored or does not meet the pressure test specifications. VALVE TAPPETS (CAM FOLLOWERS) All Models S6. The 0.7862-0.7868 inch diameter mushroom type tappets operate directly in the unbushed crankcase bores. Clearance of tappets in the bores should be 0.0005-0.0024 inch. Tappets can be removed after first removing the camshaft as outlined in paragraph 65. Oversize tappets are not available. VALVE LEVERS (Rocker Arms) All Models 57. Removal of the rocker arms and shaft assembly is conventional. To remove the rocker arms from the shaft, remove bracket clamp bolts and slide all parts from shaft. Outside diameter of rocker shaft is 0.8491-0.8501 inch. The renewable bushing in rocker arms should have an operating clearance of 0.0009-0.0025 inch on the rocker shaft with a maximum allowable clearance of 0.006 inch. Rocker arm adjusting screws are self-locking. If they turn with less than 12 ft.-lbs. torque, renew adjusting screw and/or rocker arm. Reassemble rocker arms on rocker shaft keeping the following points in mind. Thrust washers are used between each spring and rocker arms, and spacer rings are used between rocker arms and brackets except between rear rocker arm and rear bracket. To insure that lubrication holes in rocker shaft are in correct position, align punch mark on front end of rocker shaft with slot in front mounting 59. To check valve tinning, remove rocker arm cover and crank engine to position number one piston at T.D.C. of compression stroke. Adjust number one intake valve tappet gap to 0.014 inch. Place a 0.004 inch feeler gage between valve lever and valve stem of number one intake. Slowly rotate crankshaft in normal direction until valve lever becomes tight on feeler gage. At this point, number one intake valve will start to open and timing pointer should be within the range of 23 to 29 degrees before top dead center.
NOTE: One tooth "out of time" equals approximately 11 degrees.
Paragraphs 56-61
first remove hood, drain cooling system and disconnect battery cable. Disconnect wires to headlights, alternator and unbolt and remove alternator. Disconnect steering lines and oil cooler lines and plug openings to prevent dirt from entering system. Disconnect air cleaner scoop and radiator hoses. Support tractor under clutch housing, attach hoist to front support, then uni3olt and remove front support, radiator, axle and wheels as an assembly. Unbolt and remove fan, fan pulley, belt, cross-over fuel line and water pump. Then, unbolt and remove oil pan. Disconnect tachometer drive cable and remove tachometer drive. Do not lose the small driving tang when removing tachometer drive. Remove the three cap screws, flat washer and pressure ring from crankshaft. Tap pulley with a plastic hammer to loosen it, then slide pulley off of the wedge rings. Unbolt timing gear cover, then pull cover forward off the dowels and remove from engine. Reassemble by reversing the disassembly procedure. When installing the crankshaft pulley, place one pressure ring on the crankshaft with thick end toward engine. Install the wedge rings in pulley bore so that slots in rings are 90 degrees apart. Slide pulley on to crankshaft and align with timing pin. Install pressure ring, flat washer and three cap screws. Tighten cap screws evenly in three steps to a torque of 22 ft.-lbs., 44 ft.-lbs. and finally to 57 ft.-lbs.
NOTE: Some late production crankshaft pulleys use different number of wedge rings. Pulley may be equipped with three sets of wedge rings, two sets of wedge rings or one clamping ring.
bracket as shown in Fig. 36. End of shaft must also be flush with bracket. The rocker shaft clamp screws on brackets should be tightened to a torque of 10 ft.-lbs. Tighten the holddown nuts on bracket studs to a torque of 47 ft.-lbs. VALVE ROTATORS All Models 58. Positive type valve rotators are installed on both the inlet and exhaust valves. Refer to Fig. 37. Normal servicing of the valve rotators consists of renewing the unit. It is important, however, to observe the valve action after engine is started. Valve rotator action can be considered satisfactory if valve rotates a slight amount each time the valve opens. VALVE TIMING All Models
Readjust number one intake valve tappet gap as outlined in paragraph 54. TIMING GEAR COVER All Models 60. To remove the timing gear cover.
Punch mork must olign with slot and end of shaft must b flush with bracket
Fig. $$Align punch mark on front end of rocker shaft with siot in front mounting bracket. End of shaft must be flush with bracket.
shaft gear is a shrink fit on crankshaft. To renew the gear, it is recommended that the crankshaft b^ removed from engine. Then, using a chisel and hammer, split the gear at its timing slot. The roU pin for indexing crankshaft
Paragraphs 62-68
gear on crankshaft must protrude approximately 5/64-inch. Heat new gear to 400**F. and install it against bearing journal. Make certain all timing marks are aligned as shown in Fig. 38. 62. CAMSHAFT GEAR. Camshaft gear is a shrink fit on camshaft. To renew the gear, remove camshaft as outlined in paragraph 65. Gear can now be pressed off in conventional manner, using care not to damage the tachometer drive slot in end of camshaft. When reassembling, install thrust plate and Woodruff key. Heat gear to 400** F. and install it on camshaft.
NOTE: When sliding gear on camshaft, set thrust plate clearance at 0.004-0.018 inch.
shaft nut to a torque of 47 ft.-lbs. and three hub cap screws to a torque of 17 ft.-lbs. CAMSHAFT AND BEARINGS All Models 65. CAMSHAFT. To remove the camshaft, first remove timing gear cover as outlined in paragraph 60. Then, remove rocker arm assembly and push rods. Remove engine side cover and secure cam followers (tappets) in raised position with clothes pins or rubber bands. Working through openings in camshaft gear, remove camshaft thrust plate retaining cap screws. Carefully withdraw camshaft assembly. Recommended camshaft end play is 0.004-0.018 inch. Camshaft bearing journal diameter should be 2.2823-2.2835 inches. Install camshaft by reversing the removal procedure. Make certain timing marks are aligned as shown in Fig. 38. 66. CAMSHAFT BEARINGS. To remove the camshaft bearings, first remove the engine as outlined in paragraph 51 and camshaft as in paragraph 65. Unbolt and remove clutch, flywheel and engine rear end plate. Remove expansion plug from behind camshaft rear bearing and remove the bearings.
NOTE: Camshaft bushings are furnished semi-finished for service and must be ailgn reamed after installation to an inside diameter of 2.2844-2.2856 inches.
coat of sealing compound to edge of plug and bcre. ROD AND PISTON UNITS All Models 67. Connecting rod and piston assemblies can be removed from above after removing the cylinder head as outlined in paragra])h 52 and the oil pan. On Models 574, 674 and 584 also remove the engine balancer as in paragraph 76. Cylinder numbers are stamped on the connecting rod and cap. Stamp any new or unmarked rod and cap assemblies with correct cylinder numbers. Numbers on rod and cap should be in register and face toward the camshaft side of engine. The arrow stamped on the top of pistons should point toward front of enifine. Tighten 1 he connecting rod nuts to a torque of 61 ft.-lbs. PISTONS, SLEEVES AND RINGS All Models 68. Pistons are not available as individual service parts, but only as matched units with the wet type sleeves. New pistons have a diametral clearance in new sleeves of 0.00390.0047 inch when measured between piston skirt and sleeve at 90 degrees to piston pin. The wet type cylinder sleeves should be renewed when out-of-round or taper exceeds O.(iO6 inch. Inside diameter of new sleeves is 3.875-3.8754 inches. Cylinder sleeves can usually be removed by bumping them from the bottom with a block of wood. Before installing new sleeves, thoroughly clem counterbore at top and seal ring gj'oove at bottom. All sleeves should be free to rotate by hand when tried in bores without seal rings. After
Install camshaft assembly and make certain all timing marks are aligned as shown in Fig. 38. 63. IDLER GEAR. To remove idler gear, first remove timing gear cover as outlined in paragraph 60. Idler gear shaft is attached to front of engine by a special (left hand thread) cap screw. Idler gear is equipped with two renewable needle bearings. A spacer is used between the bearings. When installing idler gear, coat threads of special cap screw with "Loctite" and tighten cap screw to a torque of 67 ft.-lbs. End clearance of gear on shaft should be 0.008-0.013 inch. AHgn all timing marks as shown in Fig. 38. Timing gear backlash should be as follows: Idler to crankshaft gear. New gears 0.007-0.015 in. Used gears (max.) 0.027 in. Idler to camshaft gear. New gears 0.0035-0.016 in. Used gears (max.) 0.0226 in. Idler to injection pump gear. New gears 0.0021-0.012 in. Used gears (max.) 0.024 in. 64. INJECTION PUMP DRIVE GEAR. To remove the drive gear, first remove timing gear cover as outlined in paragraph 60. Remove drive shaft nut and washer and the three hiib cap screws. Attach puller (IH tool number FES 111-2) or equivalent to threaded holes in gear and pull gear and hub from shaft. When reassembling, make certain all timing marks are aligned as shown in Fig. 38. For D179 engine use timing dot next to number 3 and for D206 engine use timing dot next to number 2 and for D239 engine use timing dot next to number 4 on injection pump drive gear. Refer to paragraph 91 and retime injection pump. Tighten drive
Install new bearings so that oil holes in bearings are in register with oil holes in crankcase. Normal operating clearance of camshaft journals in bearings is 0.00090.0033 inch. Maximum allowable clearance is 0.0045 inch. When installing expansion plug at rear camshaft bearing, apply a light
Fig. 38 Gear train and timing marks. Use timing dot next to number 4 for D239 engine, timing dot next to number 2 for D206 engine and timing dot next to number 3 for Dl 79 engine on Iniectlon pump drive gear.
SERIES 454-464-484-574-584-674
making a trial installation without seal rings, remove sleeves and install new seal rings dry into grooves in crankcase. Wet lower end of sleeve with a thick soap solution or equivalent and install sleeve. NOTE: The cut-outs (n bottom of sleeve are for connecting rod clearance and must be installed toward each side of engine. Chisel marks are provided an top edge of cyiinder sleeve to aid in correct instaliation. Aiign chisel marks
from front to rear of engine.
Paragraphs 69-71
and that cylinder identifying number on rod and cap are in register and face toward camshaft side of enjfine. Connecting rod bearings are available in standard size as well as undersizes of 0.010, 0.020 and 0.030 inch. Check crankshaft crankpins and connecting rod bearings against the values which follow: Crankpin diameter 2.5185-2.5193 in. Max. allowable out-of-round 0.0012 in. Diametral clearance .. .0.0023-0.0048 in. Rod side clearance 0.006^.010 in. Rod bolt torque, ft.-lbs 61
If seal ring is in place and not pinched, very little hand pressure is required to press the sleeve completely in place. Sleeve flange should extend 0.003-0.005 inch above top surface of cylinder block. If sleeve stand-out is excessive, check for foreign material under the sleeve flange. The cylinder head gasket forms the upper cylinder sleeve seal and excessive sleeve standout will result in coolant leakage. Pistons are fitted with two or three compression rings and one oil control ring. Top compression ring may be conventional rectangular type or full keystone type. If full keystone ring is used proceed as follows: Prior to installing new rings, check top ring groove of piston by using Perfect Circle Piston Ring Gage No. 1 as shown in Fig. 39. If one, or both shoulders of gage touch ring land, renew the piston. It is not possible to measure ring side clearance of a full keystone ring in the groove. Check fit of top ring as foUows: Place ring in its groove and push ring into groove as far as possible. Check the
distance ring is below ring land. This distance should be 0.002-0.015 inch. Refer to Fig. 40 for view showing ring fit being checked using IH tools FES 68-3 and dial indicator FES 67. If rectangular top compression ring is used, check side clearance in conventional manner. If equipped with notch on inside diameter, install with notch to top. The second compression ring is a taper face ring and is installed with largest outside diameter toward bottom of piston. Upper side of ring is marked TOP. The third compression ring (if so equipped) is step cut on outside diameter and is installed with notch toward bottom of piston. Upper side of ring is marked TOP. The oil control ring can be installed either side up, but make certain the coil spring expander is completely in its groove. Additional piston ring information is as follows: Ring End Gap, Compression rings 0.014-0.025 in. Oil control ring 0.010-0.019 in. Ring Side Clearance, Top compression (keystone) ring drop 0.002-0.015 in. Top compression (rectangular) 0.0035-0.0048 in. Second compression 0.0030-0.0042 in. Third compression 0.0024-0.0034 in. Oil control 0.0014-0.0024 in.
Fig. 39Use Perfect Circle Blng Gage No. 1 to check top ifteystone) ring groove.
Fig. 40Top compression {Keystone) ring shouid be 0.002-0.015 inch below ring iand for proper fit
Paragraphs 72-76
Main bearing diametral clearance 0.0028-0.0055 in. Main bearing bolt torque, ft.-lbs. Necked down bolts, Marked 10.9K 80* Marked 12.9K 97* Pitch diameter bolts, Marked 10.9K 105* Marked 12.9K 141* *With lubricated threads. Necked down bolts have a shank diameter of 0.410 inch. Pitch diameter bolts have a shank diameter of 0.500 inch. Main bearings are available in standard size and undersizes of 0.010, 0.020 and 0.030 inch.
tachometer cable and wiring harness rearward. Shut off fuel and disconnect fuel lines. Remove temperature sensmg bulb from engine, then disconnect throttle rod, fuel shut-off cable and oil pressure line. Disconnect and identify the wires at starter, then unbolt and remove starter. Disconnect steering lines and oil cooler lines and plug openings to prevent dirt from entering system. Attach a hoist or split stand to engine and support clutch housing with a rolling floor jack. Unbolt the engine from clutch housing and roll rear section of tractor from engine. Unbolt and remove clutch assembly and flywheel. Then, unbolt and remove seal retainer and seal. Check the depth that old seal is installed in seal retainer. New oil seal may be installed in retainer in any of three locations; 1/16-inch above flush with retainer (new engine original position), flush with retainer or 1/16inch below flush with retainer. Location of seal in retainer will depend on condition of the sealing surface on crankshaft. Use new gasket and install seal retainer with new seal. Tighten retainer bolts to a torque of 14 ft.-lbs. Install flywheel and tighten bolts to a torque of 85 ft.-lbs. When recoupling the tractor, position the clutch assembly on the transmission input shaft. Disconnect the linkage from clutch release shaft. Clutch can be bolted to flywheel after tractor is rejoined by working through opening at bottom of clutch housing.
NOTE: If flywheel and clutch plate balancing marks are Indicated (dab of white paint), they must be aiigned.
Fig. 41^Expfod9d i9w of ustfd on Mod9l9 574, 674 and 584, Balancar driv9 gaar (2) Is W9ld9d to th9 crankahaft on aarly modals and a shrink tit on lata mod9l9.
1. 2. 3. 4. Crankshaft Balancer drive gear Idler weight assy. Drive weight assy. 5. 6. 7. 8. Weight shafts "0" ring Housing Double roll pin
SERIES 454-464-484-574-584-674
Weight gear operating clearance on shaft.. .0.0027-0.0033 in. Weight gear end clearance in housing 0.008-0.016 in.
NOTE: Weight gear bushings are not catalogued separately; if bushings show excessive wear, renew weight gear assemblies. NOTE: Whan backlash between weight gears (3 and 4) is correct (0.007-0.009 inch) and backiash between balancer drive gear (2) and drive weight gear exceeds 0.016 inch, then balancer drive gear (2) is excesslveiy worn and should be renewed. Refer to paragraph 77 or 78.
Paragraphs 77-79
OIL PUMP AND RELIEF VALVE All Models 79. The internally mounted gear type oil pump is driven from the crankshaft gear, and is accessible for removal after removing the engine oil pan. The pump is mounted to the front main bearing cap. Remove the cap and pump assembly (Fig. 43). Leave the bearing cap on pump when repairing oil pump. The cap can be clamped in the vise to support the pump. If removal of bearing cap is necessary, take off the bearing adjusting nut and tab lockwasher. Remove the idler gear to obtain access to the mounting bolts. Removing the relief valve is obvious after an examination of unit and reference to Fig. 43. Specifications far relief valve are as follows: Valve diameter 0.825^.827 in. Valve clearance in bore 0.003-0.007 in. Valve spring (USED) Free length 2.520 in. Test length 1.858 in. Test load 18-20 lbs. Valve spring (NEW) Free length 2.85 in. Test length 1.86 in. Test load 33 lbs. To disassemble the pump, remove the snap ring from rear end of pump and the cover nuts. The cover and body have dowel pins and will have to be tapped lightly with a plastic hammer. Remove the body gears and Woodruff key from the drive gear shaft. Inspect all parts for scoring, excessive wear or other damage. Check pump against the following specifications: Drive shaft end play (cover installed) 0.000-0.0020 in. Drive shaft running clearance (in bushings) 0.001-0.0032 in. Radial clearance (gears to body) 0.007-0.0120 in. Idler gear running clearance (on shaft) 0.001-0.0032 in.
When reassembling, make certain that oil passages in housing are clean. Lubricate shafts and weight gear bushings and place drive weight assembly in housing. Install weight shaft from roll pin side of housing, through the weight gear. Align roll pin hole in shaft with roll pin hole in housing and tap shaft into position. Install roll pins as shown in Fig. 42,
NOTE: Roll pins must be shorter than shaft diameter.
Install oil pan with new pan gasket and fill crankcase to proper level with new oO. 77. RENEW BALANCER DRIVE GEAR (WELD ON TYPE). To renew balancer drive gear (2--Fig. 41), first remove crankshaft from engine. Remove worn or damaged drive gear (gear must not be split to remove) and any burrs which might be present on gear mounting surface of crankshaft. Heat new gear to 200 degrees F., install timing roll pin in crankshaft and position the gear on crankshaft.
Install roll pins to a depth of 1-3/8 inches in roll pin bosses. Place idler weight in housing and with both CAUTION: Do not overtieat gear as weights down, mesh gear teeth so that thia wlii cauae diatortlon. timing marks are aligned. Install second shaft and secure with roll pin. Make sure timing marks are facing Using a dial indicator, check backlash between weight gears. Backlash should same end of engine as the timing be 0.007-0.009 inch. If backlash is marks on the balancer drive weight. excessive, renew weight gear assem- Using a low hydrogen electrode weld blies. gear to shaft at four places V to Vi2 To install the balancer assembly, inch wide spaced equally around gear. first rotate crankshaft to position No. 2 Weld must not protrude above finished piston at T.D.C. of compression stroke. surface on crankshaft. Place new "0" ring (6Fig. 41) in re78. RENEW BALANCER DRIVE cess on balancer. Then, with weights toward bottom of balancer housing and GEAR (SHRINK FIT TYPE). To reweight gear timing marks aligned, in- new balancer drive gear (2Fig. 41), stall balancer so that timing mark on first remove crankshaft from engine. drive weight is aligned with timing Remove worn or damaged drive gear, mark on balancer drive gear (2). Install by using a chisel and splitting the gear new **0** ring and oil suction tube as- and any burrs which might be present sembly. Using a dial indicator, check on gear mounting surface of crankshaft. backlash between balancer drive Heat new gear to 360-390 degrees F., weight gear and balancer drive gear align the single mark (below the tooth (2). Backlash should be 0.010^.016 inch. space of the drive gear) with the notch on the crankshaft flange. Make sure timing marks are facing same end of engine as the timing marks on balance drive weight.
Fig. 42Sectionai view of balancer weight gear, housing and shaft used on Modeis 574, 874 and 584 engines showing correct instai' iation of roil pins. Roll pins must iie shorter than shaft diameter.
Paragraphs 80-84
End clearance idler gear 0.002-0.0038 in. Oil pressure at rated rpm 40-60 psi When reassembling, the pump plate if removed, must be bolted to main bearing cap before idler gear is installed. Refer to Fig. 44, install idler gear and adjust the bearings to an end play of 0.000-0.002 inch. Install pump and main bearing cap on crankshaft and torque the bolts to values outlined in paragraph 71. Install oil pan with new gasket and fill crankcase to proper level with new oil. OIL PAN All Models 80. To remove the oil pan, place a jack under center section of tractor. Then remove lower six bolts and loosen upper two bolts in the front bolster to engine. Remove the pan bolts, there are three pan bolts partly hidden in between the pan and clutch housing. Oil pan can now be removed. Venturi Float Float needle & seat Model 454 (Late) Marvel-Schebler Model TSX-934 Gasket package Overhaul package Main jet Idle jet Idle needle Discharge nozzle Venturi Float Float needle & seat Models 464 &574 Marvel-Schebler Model TSX-959
405925R1 381962R1 392096R91 IH Part No. 398069R92 400429R93 405924R91 388587R1 69929D 69923D 405923R1 405922R1 381962R1 392096R91 IH Part No. 405873R93 Gasket package Overhaul package Main jet Idle jet Idle needle Discharge nozzle Venturi Float Float needle & seat 400429R93 405924R91 404156R1 69929D 69923D 405923R1 405925R1 381962R1 392096R91
Models 574 & 674 Zenith IH Part No. Model 267L10 535407R92 Gasket package 68441C1 Overhaul package 537885R91 Idle jet 384863R1 Idle needle 537009R1 Main jet & Discharge nozzle. .537884R1 Float 381027R1 Float needle ^ seat 405531R1 84. LOW IDLE ADJUSTMENT. Before attempting to adjust the carburetor, start engine and operate until thoroughly warmed. Then, adjust idle speed stop screw (21Fig. 45 or 46) to obtain a low idle engine speed of 625
Fig. 45^Exploded view of typical MarvelSchebler carburetor. Gasket Throttle plate Throttle body Plug Cup plug Strainer assy. Idle jet Gasket Float needle & seat Bowl gasket Float Venturi Choke plate assy. Spring Bowl assy. Clamp Bracket Idle speed stop screw 22. Packing I. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 27. 29. 30. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Spring Swivel Choke shaft Drip hole filler Fuel shut-off solenoid assy. Retainer Main fuel jet Discharge nozzle Gasket VentCup plug Float pivot shaft Spring idle mixture screw Stop pin Paclung Retainer Throttle shaft
Fig. 46Exploded view of typicai Zenith carburetor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Gasket Strainer assy. Spring Throttle bodv Throttle shaft Gasket Float needle & seat Float pivot shaft Float Main air bleed Fuel bowl Gasket Choke plate 14. Gasket 15. Main jet & discharge nozzle 16. Choke shaft 17. Bowl gasket 18. Throttle plate 19. VentuH 20. Idle jet 21. Idle speed stop screw 29. Fuel shut-off solenoid assy. 41. Idle mixture screw
SfMMAT rwif
fig, 44View showing assembling oil pump idler gear bearing cups.