Nutrac1 1
Nutrac1 1
Nutrac1 1
DTC Readout :
Start Time: Session ID: Work Order: User ID: Partner ID:
24/10/2024 05:41:06 B634796240540293 ttra XX78911 US300500
Engine ECU (MID 128) SID 18: Water in fuel drainage valve, FMI 5: Current Active 1 24/7/2024 11:08:00 24/7/2024 11:08:00
below normal or open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) SID 6: Injector #6, FMI 5: Current below normal or Active 19
open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) SID 6: Injector #6, FMI 3: Voltage above normal or Inactive 18
shorted high
Engine ECU (MID 128) SID 5: Injector #5, FMI 5: Current below normal or Active 36
open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) SID 4: Injector #4, FMI 5: Current below normal or Active 47
open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 386: Exhaust gas temperature sensor #1, FMI 2: Active 1 1/8/2024 12:05:00 1/8/2024 12:05:00
Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 124: EPG 1, FMI 4: Voltage below normal or Inactive 22 16/10/2024 11:19:00 23/10/2024 08:09:00
shorted to lower voltage
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 122: VCB compression brake status, FMI 5: Inactive 1
Current below normal or open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 122: VCB compression brake status, FMI 4: Inactive 33 16/10/2024 11:19:00 23/10/2024 08:09:00
Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 122: VCB compression brake status, FMI 3: Inactive 2
Voltage above normal or shorted high
Engine ECU (MID 128) PSID 102: Aftertreatment reagent hose heater 3, FMI Active 255
5: Current below normal or open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) PSID 98: Boost Air system, FMI 1: Data valid but Active 3 16/8/2024 04:49:00 19/10/2024 03:10:00
below operational range
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 342: Engine coolant pump, FMI 4: Voltage below Inactive 5 16/10/2024 11:19:00 22/10/2024 06:47:00
normal or shorted to lower voltage
Engine ECU (MID 128) PSID 72: Thermostat bypass valve, FMI 4: Voltage Inactive 22
below normal or shorted to lower voltage
Engine ECU (MID 128) PSID 42: Interruption of dosing activity, FMI 14: Inactive 6
Special instructions
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 278: Aftertreatment reagent level, FMI 5: Current Active 255
below normal or open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 274: Aftertreatment reagent tank temperature, Active 255
FMI 5: Current below normal or open circuit
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 273: Aftertreatment reagent pressure, FMI 7: Inactive 255
Mechanical system not responding properly
Engine ECU (MID 128) PPID 8: Piston Cooling Oil Pressure, FMI 2: Data Active 4 1/8/2024 14:55:00 22/10/2024 05:01:00
erratic, intermittent, or incorrect
FMS Gateway (MID 179) SID 250: SAE J1708/J1587 data link, FMI 9: Abnormal Inactive 2
update rate
FMS Gateway (MID 179) PSID 202: Data link, MID140, FMI 9: Abnormal update Active 15
FMS Gateway (MID 179) PSID 208: Data link, MID150, FMI 9: Abnormal update Active 12
FMS Gateway (MID 179) PSID 212: Data Link, MID220, FMI 9: Abnormal Active 4
update rate
FMS Gateway (MID 179) PSID 200: Data link, MID128, FMI 9: Abnormal update Active 3
FMS Gateway (MID 179) PSID 201: Data link, MID144, FMI 9: Abnormal update Active 4
Gear Selector ECU (MID PSID 9: Gear level position sensors, FMI 12: Faulty Inactive 6 27/7/2024 11:19:00 27/7/2024 11:27:00
223) device or component
Gear Selector ECU (MID PSID 205: Data link, MID130, FMI 9: Abnormal update Inactive 1 18/8/2024 13:25:00 18/8/2024 13:25:00
223) rate
Gear Selector ECU (MID PSID 200: Data link, MID128, FMI 9: Abnormal update Inactive 1 19/10/2024 06:29:00 19/10/2024 06:29:00
223) rate
Gear Selector ECU (MID PSID 36: Output actuator (REPS), FMI 12: Faulty Inactive 2 3/8/2024 10:58:00 3/8/2024 11:03:00
223) device or component
Gearbox ECU (MID 130) PID 33: Clutch cylinder position, FMI 12: Faulty device Inactive 1 15/10/2024 14:13:00 15/10/2024 14:13:00
or component
Gearbox ECU (MID 130) PSID 27: Clutch system, FMI 0: Data valid but above Inactive 6 25/7/2024 16:12:00 3/10/2024 11:56:00
Light Control Module PSID 16: Turn signal lamp right rear, FMI 5: Current Inactive 31 24/7/2024 17:25:00 19/10/2024 04:06:00
(LCM) (MID 216) below normal or open circuit
Light Control Module PSID 15: Turn signal lamp left rear, FMI 5: Current Inactive 255 24/7/2024 17:14:00 23/10/2024 11:01:00
(LCM) (MID 216) below normal or open circuit
Light Control Module PSID 11: Brake lamp right, FMI 5: Current below Inactive 255 24/7/2024 16:41:00 22/10/2024 15:24:00
(LCM) (MID 216) normal or open circuit
Light Control Module PSID 23: Parking light left rear, FMI 5: Current below Active 87 22/10/2024 03:33:00
(LCM) (MID 216) normal or open circuit
Light Control Module PSID 4: Low beam right, FMI 5: Current below normal Inactive 1
(LCM) (MID 216) or open circuit
Light Control Module PSID 24: Parking light right rear, FMI 5: Current below Inactive 76 24/7/2024 11:07:00 19/10/2024 04:06:00
(LCM) (MID 216) normal or open circuit
Light Control Module PSID 6: Fog lights, rear, FMI 5: Current below normal Active 1 24/7/2024 11:07:00 24/7/2024 11:07:00
(LCM) (MID 216) or open circuit
Light Control Module PSID 8: Reverse lights, FMI 5: Current below normal Active 1 24/7/2024 11:07:00 24/7/2024 11:07:00
(LCM) (MID 216) or open circuit
Radio (MID 206) SID 253: Calibration memory EEPROM, FMI 2: Data Active 1 24/7/2024 11:08:00 24/7/2024 11:08:00
erratic, intermittent, or incorrect
Radio (MID 206) PSID 200: Data link, MID128, FMI 9: Abnormal update Inactive 1 19/10/2024 06:29:00 19/10/2024 06:29:00
Radio (MID 206) PSID 10: CD, FMI 7: Mechanical system not Active 1 24/7/2024 11:08:00 24/7/2024 11:08:00
responding properly
Radio (MID 206) PSID 10: CD, FMI 2: Data erratic, intermittent, or Active 1 24/7/2024 11:08:00 24/7/2024 11:08:00
Radio (MID 206) PSID 1: Audio microphone, FMI 4: Voltage below Active 1 24/7/2024 11:08:00 24/7/2024 11:08:00
normal or shorted to lower voltage
Tachograph (MID 220) SID 251: Power supply, FMI 12: Faulty device or Inactive 1
Tachograph (MID 220) PSID 13: Drive without card, FMI 14: Special Inactive 1
Tachograph (MID 220) PSID 31: Tachograph, FMI 11: Unidentifiable error Inactive 1
Tachograph (MID 220) PSID 6: Pulse Generator COM, FMI 14: Special Inactive 1
Tachograph (MID 220) PSID 6: Pulse Generator COM, FMI 2: Data erratic, Inactive 1
intermittent, or incorrect
Tachograph (MID 220) PSID 12: Sensor power supply, FMI 5: Current below Inactive 1
normal or open circuit
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) SID 231: SAE J1939 data link, FMI 2: Data erratic, Inactive 1 21/9/2024 19:40:00 21/9/2024 19:40:00
intermittent, or incorrect
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) SID 250: SAE J1708/J1587 data link, FMI 2: Data Inactive 2 15/10/2024 15:56:00 15/10/2024 16:14:00
erratic, intermittent, or incorrect
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) PID 46: Vehicle wet tank air pressure, FMI 1: Data Inactive 2 24/10/2024 03:21:00 24/10/2024 03:34:00
valid but below operational range
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) PSID 230: Critical MSW Error or Improper Shutdown, Inactive 1 21/9/2024 19:40:00 21/9/2024 19:40:00
FMI 5: Current below normal or open circuit
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) PPID 312: Regeneration volume, FMI 0: Data valid but Inactive 1 22/9/2024 10:45:00 22/9/2024 10:45:00
above normal operational range
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) PSID 25: Air leakage, FMI 1: Data valid but below Inactive 62 23/9/2024 09:50:00 15/10/2024 18:49:00
operational range
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) PSID 200: Data link, MID128, FMI 9: Abnormal update Inactive 1 19/10/2024 06:29:00 19/10/2024 06:29:00
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) PPID 430: Regeneration volume, FMI 0: Data valid but Inactive 57 22/9/2024 10:44:00 24/10/2024 03:40:00
above normal operational range
Vehicle ECU (MID 144) PSID 214: Data link, MID249, FMI 9: Abnormal update Active 255 21/9/2024 19:40:00 24/10/2024 03:21:00
Fault Tracing : MID 128 SID 4, SID 5, SID 6 FMI 5, Injector 4,5,6
Start Time: End Time: Status: Work Order: User ID: Partner ID:
24/10/2024 05:33:53 24/10/2024 05:37:17 Unknown ttra XX78911 US300500
Session ID:
DTC Readout :
Start Time: Session ID: Work Order: User ID: Partner ID:
24/10/2024 05:28:53 B634796240528357 ttra XX78911 US300500
DTC Readout :
Start Time: Session ID: Work Order: User ID: Partner ID:
21/7/2024 14:53:59 B634796211443293 ttra XX78911 US300500
DTC Clear :
Start Time: Session ID: Work Order: User ID: Partner ID:
21/7/2024 14:53:39 B634796211443293 ttra XX78911 US300500
DTC Readout :
Start Time: Session ID: Work Order: User ID: Partner ID:
21/7/2024 14:43:20 B634796211443293 ttra XX78911 US300500