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Math 2011

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Algebra and Trigonometry Precalculus Calculus Linear Algebra Engineering Math Discrete Mathematics Complex Analysis Advanced Mathematics Mathematical Modeling Geometry Numerical Mathematics Probability & Statistics 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12 13 14 15-17 18 19-20 21 22

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nEW FOR 2011 AnD FORThCOMInG New for 2010

Algebra and Trigonometry, 3e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 College Algebra, 3e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Trigonometry, 3e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews, 5e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications, 2e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Essentials of Discrete Mathematics, 2e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, 6e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Multivariable Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 A Journey into Partial Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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Algebra and Trigonometry

Third Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Jacqueline M. Dewar, Loyola Marymount University

Written for a one- or two-term course at the freshman/sophomore level, the third edition covers the principles of college algebra, trigonometry, and analytic geometry in the concise and student-friendly style that have made Zills texts a world-wide success. It includes all of the trademark features for which Zill is known including, lucid examples and problem sets, a rich pedagogy, a complete teaching and learning ancillary package, and much more. Throughout the text readers will find a wide range of word problems and relevant applications, historical accounts of famous mathematicians, and a strong variety Available with of modern exercise. With an emphasis on problem solving, the examples are designed to motivate, instruct, and guide students. The exercises then give students an opportunity to test their comprehension, challenge their understanding, and apply their knowledge to real world situations.

Key Features
Includes numerous examples to illustrate both the theoretical concepts and the computational techniques covered in the text. Students learn by doing. Therefore, in order to promote active participation in problemsolving, exercises are extensive and varied to include drill problems, true-false and fill-in-the-blank questions, applications, challenging problems, graphing problems, and more. Incorporates a concise, student-friendly writing style with numerous pedagogical elements that help students get the most out of their course. Notes from the Classroom are remarks aimed at students and address a variety of student issues, such as alternative terminology, reinforcement of important concepts, misinterpretations, common errors, and more. A full ancillary package includes WebAssign access, student solutions manual, instructor solutions manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and more.


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Table of Contents
Chapter R Review of Basic Algebra Chapter 1 Equations and Inequalities Chapter 2 Rectangular Coordinate system and Graphs Chapter 3 Functions and Graphs Chapter 4 Polynomial and Rational Functions Chapter 5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 6 Right Triangle Trigonometry Chapter 7 Unit Circle Trigonometry Chapter 8 Applications of Trigonometry Chapter 9 Topics in Analytic Geometry Chapter 10 Polar Coordinates Chapter 11 systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 12 Matrices and Determinants Chapter 13 sequences, series, and Probability

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5461-7 Hardcover 768 Pages 2012 Additional Formats: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: PP, sM, TB

Student Resources: sM, WA

40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


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Available with

College Algebra
Third Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Jacqueline M. Dewar, Loyola Marymount University

With an emphasis on problem-solving and packed with engaging exercise sets, College Algebra is the perfect text for the traditional college algebra course. Zills renowned pedagogy and straightforward style urges students to delve into the content and experience the mathematics first hand through numerous problem sets. This give students the opportunity to test their comprehension, challenge their understanding, and apply their knowledge to real-world situations.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts of Algebra Chapter 2 Equations and Inequalities Chapter 3 Rectangular Coordinate system and Graphs Chapter 4 Functions and Graphs Chapter 5 Polynomial and Rational Functions Chapter 6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 7 Topics in Analytic Geometry Chapter 8 systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 9 Matrices and Determinants Chapter 10 sequences, series, and Probability
ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0602-2 Hardcover 568 Pages 2012 Additional Formats: CourseSmart

Available with

Third Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Jacqueline M. Dewar, Loyola Marymount University

Designed for the one-term course in trigonometry, the Third Edition incorporates all of the many teaching and learning tools that have made Zills texts a resounding success. A rich pedagogy and an extensive supplements package make this text a must-have resource for students and instructors alike. Zill takes care to include a full set of engaging and motivating features for students including, a wide range of word problems and specific applications, historical accounts of mathematicians, and a strong variety of relevant exercises. These extensive exercises give students the opportunity to test their comprehension, challenge their understanding, and apply their knowledge to real-world situations.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Prerequisites for Trigonometry Right Triangle Trigonometry Unit Circle Trigonometry Applications of Trigonometry Complex numbers and Vectors Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 7 Topics in Analytic Geometry Chapter 8 Polar Coordinates
ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0604-6 Hardcover 416 Pages 2012 Additional Formats: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: PP, sM, TB Student Resources: sM, WA


Instructor Resources: PP, sM, TB Student Resources: sM, WA

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Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews

Fifth Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Jacqueline M. Dewar, Loyola Marymount University

Perfect for the one-term course, Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews, Fifth Edition provides a complete, yet concise, introduction to precalculus concepts, focusing on important topics that will be of direct and immediate use in most calculus courses. Consistent with Professor Zills eloquent writing style , this full-color text offers numerous exercise sets and examples to aid in student comprehension, while graphs and figures throughout serve to illuminate key concepts. The exercise sets include engaging problems Available with that focus on algebra, graphing, and function theory, the sub-text of many calculus problems. The authors are careful to use calculus terminology in an informal and accessible way to facilitate the students successful transition into future calculus courses. With an outstanding collection of student and instructor resources, Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews offers a complete teaching and learning package.

Key Features
Translating Words into Functions section illustrates how to translate a verbal description into a symbolic representation of a function and demonstrates these translations with actual calculus problems. The Calculus Preview, found at the end of each chapter, offers students a glimpse of a single calculus concept along with the algebraic, logarithmic, and trigonometric manipulations that are necessary for the successful completion on typical problems related to that concept. Includes a new section on simple harmonic motion in Chapter 4. A new section of parametric equations, as well as a new calculus preview of 3-space, has been added to Chapter 6. Numerous new problems have been added throughout the text. The final exam at the end of the text has been expanded.


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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Inequalities, Equations, and Graphs Chapter 2 Functions Chapter 3 Polynomial and Rational Functions Chapter 4 Trigonometric Functions Chapter 5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 6 Conic sections

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-1497-3 Hardcover 456 Pages 2012 Additional Formats: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: PP, sM, TB

Student Resources: sM, WA

40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Available with

Precalculus with Calculus Previews

Fourth Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Jacqueline M. Dewar, Loyola Marymount University

Building off the success of Zill and Dewars popular Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews, this text includes all of the outstanding features and learning tools found in the original text while incorporating additional coverage that some courses may require. With a continued aim to keep the text complete, yet concise, the authors include three additional chapters making it a clear choice for many mainstream courses.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Inequalities, Equations, and Graphs Chapter 2 Functions Chapter 3 Polynomial and Rational Functions Chapter 4 Trigonometric Functions Chapter 5 Triangle Trigonometry Chapter 6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 7 Conic sections Chapter 8 systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 9 sequences and series
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6631-3 Hardcover 544 Pages 2010 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Available with

A Functional Approach to Graphing and Problem Solving Sixth Edition
Karl J. Smith

The Sixth Edition prepares students for the concepts and applications they will encounter in future calculus courses. In far too many texts, process is stressed over insight and understanding, and students move on to calculus ill equipped to think conceptually about its essential ideas. This text provides sound development of the important mathematical underpinnings of calculus, stimulating problems and exercises, and a welldeveloped, engaging pedagogy.

Key Features
Street sign and warning sign icons point out common mistakes and pitfalls What is Wrong? problems help students see common mistakes and think critically. Modeling Application problems are found throughout the text to teach the modeling process. Problems From Calculus introduce students to problems they may find in their future calculus courses. Definitions, procedures, and properties are enclosed in color-coded boxes
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5177-7 Hardcover 704 Pages 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM, TB, PP Student Resources: WA, sR, CW


Instructor Resources: sM, TB, PP Student Resources: sR, CW, WA

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Early Transcendentals Fourth Edition

Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Warren S. Wright, Loyola Marymount University Appropriate for the traditional three-term college calculus course, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Fourth Edition provides the student-friendly presentation and robust examples and problem sets for which Dennis Zill is known. This outstanding revision incorporates all of the exceptional learning tools that have made Zills many texts a resounding success. He carefully blends the theory and application of important concepts while offering modern applications and numerous problem-solving skills.

Available with

Key Features
Introduces calculus concepts and topics in a clear concise manner for maximum student comprehension and retention. Straightforward exposition at a level accessible to todays college students. Includes examples and applications ideal for science and engineering students. Concise reasoning behind every calculus concept is presented. The Test Yourself section is a self-test consisting of 56 questions on four broad areas of precalculus , and encourage students to review essential prerequisites. Notes from the Classroom sections are informal discussions that are aimed at the student and discuss common algebraic, procedural, and notational errors.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Functions Limit of a Function The Derivative Applications of the Derivative Integrals Applications of the Integral Techniques of Integration First-Order Differential Equations sequences and series Conics and Polar Coordinates Vectors and 3-space Vector-Valued Functions Partial Derivatives Multiple Integrals Vector Integral Calculus higher-Order Differential Equations

*Chapter titles shown in blue indicate chapters found in Calculus of a single Variable: Early Transcendentals. Chapter titles shown in red indicate chapters found if Multivariable Calculus. Chapters 9 and 10 appear in both volumes.

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5995-7 Hardcover 1100 Pages 2011 Additional Formats: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM, PP, TB

Student Resources: WA, sR

40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Single Variable Calculus

Early Transcendentals Fourth Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Warren S. Wright, Loyola Marymount University

Multivariable Calculus
Fourth Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Warren S. Wright, Loyola Marymount University

Dennis Zills mathematics texts are renowned for their student-friendly presentation and robust examples and problem sets. The Fourth Edition of Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendentals is no exception. This outstanding revision incorporates all of the exceptional learning tools that have made Zills texts a resounding success. Appropriate for the first two terms in the college calculus sequence, students are provided with a solid foundation in important mathematical concepts and problem solving skills, while maintaining the level of rigor expected of a Calculus course.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4965-1 Hardcover 673 Pages 2011

Appropriate for the third term in the college calculus sequence, the Fourth Edition of Multivarible Calculus maintains studentfriendly writing style and robust exercises and problem sets for which Dennis Zill is famous. Ideal as a follow-up companion to Zill first volume, or as a stand-alone text, this exceptional revision presents the topics typically covered in the traditional third course, including Vector-valued Functions, Differential Calculus of Functions of Several Variables, Integral Calculus of Functions of Several Variables, Vector Integral Calculus, and an Introduction to Differential Equations.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4966-8 Hardcover 469 Pages 2011

Instructor Resources: sM, TB, PP Student Resources: WA, sR

Instructor Resources: sM, TB, PP Student Resources: WA, sR

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fo r2 01 1

Linear Algebra

Theory and Application Second Edition

Ward Cheney, University of Texas, Austin David Kincaid, University of Texas, Austin

Ward Cheney and David Kincaid have developed Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications, Second Edition, a multi-faceted introductory textbook, which was motivated by their desire for a single text that meets the various requirements for differing courses within linear algebra. For theoretically-oriented students, the text guides them as they devise proofs and deal with abstractions by focusing on a comprehensive blend between theory and applications. For application-oriented science and engineering students, it contains numerous exercises that help them focus on understanding and learning not only vector spaces, matrices, and linear transformations, but uses of software tools available for use in applied linear algebra. Using a flexible design, Available with it is an ideal textbook for instructors who wish to make their own choice regarding what material to emphasis, and to accentuate those choices with homework assignments from a large variety of exercises, both in the text and online.

Key Features
New General Exercises and Computer Exercises have been added to nearly all sections throughout the text. Thousands of exercises, both True/False and multiple-choice, are included online and within the Student Study Guide. The authors encourage students to learn one of the powerful mathematical software tools, such as Matlab, Maple, or Mathematica to assist in solving exercises. Numerous examples throughout the text show how problems from engineering, biology, natural science, and demography can be solved using linear algebra. A Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide provides worked solutions to selected exercises from the text as well as additional exercises.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 systems of Linear Equations Vector spaces Matrix Operations Determinants Vector subspaces Eigensystems Inner-Product Vector spaces Additional Topics

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-1352-5 Hardcover 648 Pages 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, PP

Student Resources: sR, WA


40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Available with

Available with

Linear Algebra with Applications

Seventh Edition
Gareth Williams, stetson University

Linear Algebra with Applications

Alternate Edition Seventh Edition
Gareth Williams, stetson University

Designed for the introductory course in linear algebra, this text provides a flexible blend of theory, important numerical techniques and interesting applications, making it ideal for mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and a variety of other majors. Offering 27 core sections, the material is arranged into three natural parts: Part 1 introduces the basics, presenting systems of linear equations, vectors and subspaces of Rn, matrices, linear transformations, determinants, and eigenvectors. Part 2 builds on this material, introducing the concepts of general vector spaces, discussing properties of bases, developing the rank/nullity theorem and introducing spaces of matrices and functions. Part 3 completes the course with many of the important ideas and methods of numerical linear algebra, such as ill-conditioning, pivoting, and LU decomposition.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8248-1 Hardcover 576 Pages 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

The introductory course in linear algebra can be taught in many ways and the order in which topics are offered may vary depending upon the needs of the students. Building upon the sequence of topics of the popular Fifth Edition, this text provides instructors with an alternative presentation of course material. In this edition earlier chapters cover systems of linear equations, matrices, and determinants. The more abstract material on vector spaces starts later in chapter 4 with the introduction of the vector space Rn. This leads directly into general vector spaces and linear transformations. This order of topics is ideal for those preparing to apply linear equations and matrices in their own fields.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8249-8 Hardcover 576 Pages 2011

Instructor Resources: sM, PP Student Resources: sR

Instructor Resources: sM, PP Student Resources: sR

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Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Fourth Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Warren S. Wright, Loyola Marymount University Now with a full-color design, the new Fourth Edition of Zills Advanced Engineering Mathematics provides an in-depth overview of the many mathematical topics necessary for students planning a career in engineering or the sciences. A key strength of this text is Zills emphasis on differential equations as mathematical models, discussing the constructs and pitfalls of each. The Fourth Edition is comprehensive, yet flexible, to meet the unique needs of various course offerings ranging from ordinary differential equations to vector calculus. New modern applications and projects, coupled Available with with a new statistics and probability chapter on CD-ROM, included with every new copy, makes Zills classic text a must-have text and resource for Engineering Math students!

Topics Covered
A new section on Greens functions for linear ordinary differential equations has been added to Chapter 3. Numerous new problems have been added throughout the text. Nine new interesting projects appear in the front of the text and include topics from physics, engineering, and mathematics. Enhanced full-color design and art program An additional chapter on statistics and probability for engineers is included on CD-ROM. A Student Resource Manual and Complete Instructor Solutions Manual are available.

Table of Contents
Part 1: Ordinary Differentials Equations. 1. Introduction to Differential Equations. 2. First-Order Differential Equations. 3. higher-Order Differential Equations. 4. The Laplace Transform. 5. series solutions of Linear Differential Equations. 6. numerical solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations. Part 2: Vectors, Matrices, and Vector Calculus. 7. Vectors. 8. Matrices. 9. Vector Calculus. Part 3: systems of Differential Equations. 10. systems of Linear Differential Equations. 11. systems of nonlinear Differential Equations. Part 4: Fourier series and Partial Differential Equations. 12. Orthogonal Functions and Fourier series. 13. Boundary-Value Problems in Rectangular Coordinates. 14. BoundaryValue Problems in Other Coordinate systems. 15. Integral Transform Method. 16. numerical solutions of Partial Differentials Equations. Part 5: Complex Analysis. 17. Functions of a Complex Variable. 18. Integration in the Complex Plane. 19. series and Residues. 20. Conformal Mappings

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7966-5 Hardcover 1008 Pages 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM, TB

Student Resources: CD, CW, sR, WA


40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Available with

Essentials of Discrete Mathematics

Second Edition
David J. Hunter, Westmont College


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Discrete Structure, Logic, and Computability

Third Edition
James L. Hein, Portland state University

This text is ideal for one-term discrete mathematics courses to serve computer science majors as well as students from a wide range of other disciplines. It introduces students to the mathematical way of thinking, and also to many important modern applications. The material is organized around five types of thinking: logical, relational, recursive, quantitative, and analytical. This presentation results in a coherent outline that steadily builds upon mathematical sophistication. Graphs are introduced early and referred to throughout the text, providing a richer context for examples and applications. Students will encounter algorithms near the end of the text, after they have acquired the skills and experience needed to analyze them. The final chapter contains in-depth case studies from a variety of fields, including biology, sociology, linguistics, economics, and music.

Thoroughly updated, the Third Edition introduces beginning computer science and computer engineering students to the fundamental techniques and ideas used by computer scientists today, focusing on topics from the fields of mathematics, logic, and computer science itself. Dr. Hein provides elementary introductions to those ideas and techniques that are necessary to understand and practice the art and science of computing. The text contains all the topics for discrete structures in the reports of the IEEE/ACM Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula for computer science and computer engineering programs.

Key Features
Expanded discrete probability to a full section in Chapter 5. Over 100 new examples and exercises have been added. Revised Chapter 6 on Formal Reasoning. Answers for selected exercises are provided as an appendix.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7206-2 Hardcover 1009 Pages 2010

Key Features
One-term focus. Early introduction to graph theory. A range of exercises designed to help students think mathematically, with over 100 new exercises. Careful attention to mathematical logic and proof techniques.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0442-4 Hardcover 480 Pages 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM Student Resources: LM

Instructor Resources: PP, sM Student Resources: WA Sign Up to Receive Updates and Special Offers: www.jblearning.com/eupdates



Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering

Sixth Edition
John H. Mathews, California state University Russell W. Howell, Westmont College


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A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications

Second Edition
Dennis G. Zill, Loyola Marymount University Patrick Shanahan, Loyola Marymount University

Intended for the undergraduate student majoring in mathematics, physics or engineering, the Sixth Edition continues to provide a comprehensive, student-friendly presentation of this interesting area of mathematics. The authors strike a balance between the pure and applied aspects of the subject, and present concepts in a clear writing style that is appropriate for students at the junior/senior level. New exercise sets help students test their understanding of the material at hand and assess their progress through the course. Additional Mathematica and Maple exercises, as well as a student study guide are available online.

Designed for the undergraduate student with a calculus background but no prior experience with complex variables, this text discusses theory of the most relevant mathematical topics in a student-friendly manner. With Zills clear and straightforward writing style, concepts are introduced through numerous examples and clear illustrations. Students are guided and supported through numerous proofs providing them with a higher level of mathematical insight and maturity.

Key Features
New and revised problems and exercise sets throughout. End-of-chapter materials include Computer Lab Assignments and a Chapter Review Quiz. Proof Problems offer an additional learning experience for students, who are supported through each step of the process by hints and guides.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5772-4 Hardcover 405 Pages 2009 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Key Features
New exercise sets help students work through and understand key concepts more thoroughly A chapter on z-transforms and applications provides students with a current look at digital filter design and signal process Applications outline how complex analysis is used in science and engineering
ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0445-5 Hardcover 640 Pages 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM Student Resources: sR

Instructor Resources: sM, PP Student Resources: LM


40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Elements of Real Analysis

Charles Denlinger

An Introduction to Analysis
Second Edition
Gerald G. Bilodeau, G. E. Keough, and Paul R. Thie

Elements of Real Analysis is a student-friendly guide to learning all of the important ideas of the subject, based on the authors many years of experience teaching typical undergraduates. It avoids the compact writing style of professional mathematicians in favor of a style that is more accessible to students encountering the subject for the first time, without sacrificing rigor or coverage. Using this text, students discover that real analysis is completely deducible from the axioms of the real number system. They learn the powerful techniques of limits of sequences as the primary entry to the concepts of analysis, and a key to understanding virtually all later topics. They become comfortable with topological ideas, and see how these concepts help unify the subject.

Completely revised and update, the second edition presents a concise and sharply focused introduction to the basic concepts of analysis from the development of the real numbers through uniform convergences of a sequence of functions, and includes supplementary material on the calculus of functions of several variables and differential equations. This student-friendly text maintains a cautious and deliberate pace, and examples and figures are used extensively to assist the reader in understanding the concepts and then applying them.

Key Features
Includes a new introduction to multivariable calculus with three new sections integrated into the development of the corresponding single variable material. Includes a new final chapter on differential equations. A wealth of exercises, varying in style and degree of difficulty, are found in each section and ask students to test their understanding of key material.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7492-9 Hardcover 333 Pages 2010

Key Features
Flexible in design, the text can be used in a one- or two-term course. Proofs are written in a style appropriate for undergraduates to emulate in their homework. Numerous examples throughout the book clearly illustrate the concepts at hand. Generous exercise sets help students develop confidence. Many project-type exercises guide students in exploring advanced topics.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7947-4 Hardcover 739 Pages 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM

Instructor Resources: sM Sign Up to Receive Updates and Special Offers: www.jblearning.com/eupdates



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Available with

Multivariable Calculus
David B. Damiano, College of the holy Cross Margaret N. Freije, College of the holy Cross

Written for mathematics, science, and engineering majors who have completed the traditional two-term course in single variable calculus, Multivariable Calculus bridges the gap between mathematical concepts and their real-world applications outside of mathematics. Using precise mathematical language, the ideas of multivariable calculus are presented in a context that is informed by their non-mathematical applications. The text incorporates collaborative learning strategies and the sophisticated use of technology, engaging students as active participants in the development of their own understanding of mathematical ideas, and encouraging them to communicate mathematically.

Key Features
Connections between mathematics and the sciences are central to the text. Selected applications appear in multiple contexts facilitating the use of different mathematical techniques to explore a physical model. Includes Collaborative Learning exercises to be used for in-class discussion or for extended modeling exercises. Numerous exercises incorporate Maple as a tool to explore a topic in-depth.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8247-4 Hardcover 544 Pages 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart

A Journey into Partial Differential Equations

William O. Bray, University of Maine

Ideal for the 1-term course, A Journey into Partial Differential Equations provides a solid introduction to PDEs for the undergraduate math, engineering, or physics student. The text focuses on the classical trinity of equations including the wave, heat/diffusion, and LaPlaces equations, discussing the concepts and methodologies of each. It provides careful treatment of the separation of variables and the Fourier method, motivated by the geometrical notion of symmetries. The author places emphasis on both the qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as geometrical perspectives. With hundred of exercises and a wealth of figures, A Journey into Partial Differential Equations proves to be the model book for the PDE course.

Key Features
Contains over 200 exercises and a wealth of figures for graphic illustration. Analytical methodologies and geometric perspectives are emphasized throughout. Offers an early introduction to. distributions/generalized functions and their use throughout the text. Mathematica notebook files are available on the texts Website.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7256-7 Hardcover 400 Pages 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM


40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Instructor Resources: sM

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Basic Real Analysis

James S. Howland, University of Virginia

Closer and Closer

Introducing Real Analysis
Carol Schumacher, Kenyon College

Ideal for the one-semester undergraduate course, Basic Real Analysis is intended for students who have recently completed a standard calculus course. James Howland proves the basic theorems of Single Variable Calculus in a simple and accessible manner. Based on many successful years of teaching real analysis, the text begins gently and gradually increases in sophistication as it progresses. Optional appendices on sets and functions, countable and uncountable sets, and point set topology are provided for those instructors who wish include these topics in their course.

Key Features
Provides the appropriate level of content for the one-term course that is student friendly and accessible. Paced at a level appropriate for a diverse group of learners. Ideal as a supplement to a standard calculus sequence for instructors who would like to increase the rigor of the course. Useful appendices cover material on (a.) sets and functions, (b.) countable and uncountable sets, and (c.) point set topology.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7318-2 Hardcover 232 Pages 2010

Closer and Closer is the ideal first introduction to real analysis for upper-level undergraduate mathematics majors. The text takes students on a guided journey through the often challenging world of analysis, providing them with the tools to solve rigorous problems with ease. The author achieves this with a student-friendly writing style, an active learning approach, and rich examples and problem sets, along with a unique two-part format. Core Chapters open the text and introduce the most important tools used in analysis. The Excursions then round out and complement Core chapters, allowing students to explore new problems on their own.

Key Features
Boxed asides provide tips on proof techniques, comments about the significance of theorems, and remarks about notational conventions. It bridges the gap between intuition and abstraction by including many easy exercises and examples that connect abstract concepts to the students own understanding of more concrete ideas. Explanatory notes accompany some problems and explain the context of the problem or invite the student to reflect upon the implications of the result.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-3593-7 Hardcover 438 Pages 2008

Instructor Resources: sM

Instructor Resources: IM, sM

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Mathematical Modeling for the Scientific Method

David W. Pravica, East Carolina University


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Mathematical Modeling with Excel

Brian Albright, Concordia University

This text is intended for the sophomore/juniorlevel student seeking to be well-grounded in mathematical modeling for their studies in biology, the physical sciences, engineering, and/ or medicine. It clarifies the connection between deductive and inductive reasoning as used in Mathematics and Science and urges students to think critically about concepts and applications. The authors goal is to be introductory in level while covering a broad range of techniques. They unite topics in statistics, linear algebra, calculus and differential equations, while discussing how these subjects are interrelated and utilized.

This text presents various methods used to build and analyze mathematical models in a format that students can quickly comprehend. Excel is used as a tool to accomplish this goal of building and analyzing the models. Ideal for math and secondary math education majors, this text presents a wide variety of common types of models, as well as some new types, and presents each in a unique, easy-to-understand format. End-of-chapter exercises ask students to modify or refine the existing model, analyze it further, or adapt it to similar scenarios.

Key Features
A user-friendly writing style makes the text appropriate for a wide range of students. Covers topics in a unique way by beginning each section with a theoretical derivation of a model scenario, then showing stepby-step instructions for implementing and dynamically analyzing the model in Excel. Includes an extensive section on simulation models.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6566-8 Hardcover 286 Pages 2010

Key Features
Asks students to think critically about the application at hand and work through multi-step, project-based problem sets. Introduces Statistics early on to bridge the gap between deductive and induction reasoning. Approaches the subject of Calculus intuitively through algebra and linearization. Scans a range of topics of modern interest to scientists.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7946-7 Hardcover 492 Pages 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM


40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Euclidean and Transformational Geometry

A Deductive Inquirty
Shlomo Libeskind, University of Oregon

Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology

Michael P. Hitchman, Linfield College

Ideal for mathematics majors and prospective secondary school teachers, this text provides a complete and solid presentation of Euclidean geometry with an emphasis on how to solve challenging problems. The author examines various strategies and heuristics for approaching proofs and discusses the process students should follow to determine how to proceed from one step to the next, through numerous problem solving techniques.

Key Features
Provides an in-depth exploration of planar Euclidean geometry, with many theorems and problems approached in various ways. Includes a large collection of problems at various levels of difficulty. The text emphasizes strategies and heuristics of problem solving, discussing how students will know where to begin and how to proceed, which approach is more promising and why, and whether there are different possible solutions to a given problem.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4366-6 Hardcover 371 Pages 2008

This text is motivated by questions that have ignited the imagination of stargazers since antiquity. What is the shape of the universe? Does the universe have an edge? Is it infinitely big? Dr. Hitchman aims to clarify this fascinating area of mathematics and focuses on the mathematical tools used to investigate the shape of the universe. The text follows the Erlangen Program, which develops geometry in terms of a space and a group of transformations of that space. This approach to non-Euclidean geometry provides excellent material by which students can learn the more sophisticated modes of thinking necessary in upper-division mathematics courses.

Table of Contents
1. An Invitation to Geometry 2. The Plane and Complex numbers 3. Transformations 4. Geometry 5. hyperbolic Geometry 6. Elliptic Geometry 7. Geometry on surfaces 8. Cosmic Topology
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5457-0 Hardcover 238 Pages 2009

Instructor Resources: sM, PP

Instructor Resources: sM

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Foundations of Topology
Second Edition
C. Wayne Patty, Virginia Polytech

A Gateway to Modern Geometry

The Poincare half-Plane Second Edition
Saul Stahl, University of Kansas

This text provides a user-friendly, clear, and concise introduction to this fascinating area of mathematics. The author introduces topics that are well-motivated with thorough proofs, that make them easy to follow. Historical comments are dispersed throughout the text, and exercises, varying in degree of difficulty, are found at the end of each chapter. Foundations of Topology is an excellent text for teaching students how to develop the skills for writing clear and precise proofs.

Key Features
Includes many exercises of varying degrees of difficulty. Organized in a flexible fashion allowing instructors to teach topics in the order they desire for their specific course. The background in Set Theory needed to work through text is available as an appendix.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4234-8 Hardcover 380 Pages 2009

Stahls Second Edition continues to provide students with the elementary and constructive development of modern geometry that brings them closer to current geometric research. At the same time, repeated use is made of high school geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus, thus reinforcing the students understanding of these disciplines as well as enhancing their perception of mathematics as a unified endeavor.

Table of Contents
1. Euclidean Geometry. 2. Euclidean Rigid Motions. 3. Inversions. 4. The hyperbolic Plane. 5. Euclidean Versus hyperbolic Triangle. 6. The Angles of the hyperbolic Triangle. 7. hyperbolic Area. 8. The Trigonometry of the hyperbolic Triangle. 9. Complex numbers and Rigid Motions. 10. Absolute Geometry and the Angles of the Triangle. 11. spherical Trigonometry and Elliptic Geometry. 12. Differential Geometry and Gaussian Curvature. 13. The Cross-Ration and the Unit Disk Model. 14. The Beltrami-Klein Model. 15. A Brief history of non-Euclidean Geometry. 16. spheres and horospheres.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5381-8 Hardcover 255 Pages 2008 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM


40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


Numerical Mathematics
Matheus Grasselli, McMaster University Dmitry Pelinovsky, McMaster University

Numerical Methods with VBA Programming

James W. Hiestand, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

This text presents the innovative approach of using numerical methods as a practical laboratory for all undergraduate mathematics courses in science and engineering streams. The authors bridge the gap between numerical methods and undergraduate mathematics and emphasize the graphical visualization of mathematical properties, numerical verification of formal statements, and illustrations of the mathematical ideas.

Key Features
Numerical examples and inline MATLAB codes provide convenient tools for classroom use. Provides a self-contained introduction and overview of undergraduate numerical analysis, including error analysis, computer arithmetic and detailed algorithms for standard numerical techniques. Includes discussions on key theoretical concepts in all major areas of undergraduate mathematics for science and engineering (scalar and vector calculus, linear algebra and differential equations) followed by step-by-step numerical implementation of milestone examples.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-3767-2 Hardcover 668 Pages 2008

This text provides a unique and unified treatment of numerical methods and VBA computer programming, topics that naturally support one another within the study of engineering and science. It incorporates realworld scenarios to motivate technical material, helping students understand and retain difficult and key concepts. Numerical examples are accompanied by closed-form solutions to demonstrate their correctness. Within the programming sections, tips are included that go beyond language basics to make programming more accessible. A unique section suggests ways in which the starting values for non-linear equations may be estimated.

Key Features
Student-friendly and class-tested, this text provides a unique approach to the study of numerical methods while incorporating VBA programming concepts. Flowcharts provide logical assistance to writing programs while leaving details of syntax to the student. All are language independent. Numerous appendices provide helpful information in a convenient place for readers.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4964-4 Paperback 304 Pages 2009 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM, PP

Instructor Resources: sM, PP Sign Up to Receive Updates and Special Offers: www.jblearning.com/eupdates



An Introduction
David Santos, Community College of Philadelphia This text provides the fundamentals of probability, requiring minimal algebraic and precalculus skills from the reader. It begins with an introduction to sets and set operations, spends time explaining counting techniques, and then presents probability in an axiomatic way, never losing sight of elucidating the subject through very concrete examples. The book contains numerous examples and solved exercises taken from various fields. A CD-ROM with computer code, project files, and thirdparty applications accompanies this text.

Key Features
Concepts are illustrated with numerous applied examples and exercises. Computer explorations using MATLAB or Maple are at the end of each chapter to illustrate various topics. Optional chapters in geometric probability, random walks, game theory, and Markov Chains.

Table of Contents
1. sets and Funtions 2. Combinatorics 3. Proababilty 4. Conditional Probability 5. Complete Random Variables 6. Densities

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8411-9 Hardcover 406 Pages 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: sM, PP

Student Resources: CD

Clinical Statistics
Introducing Clinical Trials, Survival Analysis, and Longitudinal Data Analysis
Olga Korosteleva, California state UniversityLong Beach

This text provides the mathematical background necessary for students preparing for a career as a statistician in the biomedical field. It explains the steps a clinical statistician must take in clinical trials from protocol writing to subject randomization, to data monitoring, and on to writing a final report to the FDA.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5850-9 Spiral 120 Pages 2009

Instructor Resources: sM


40 Tall Pine Drive | sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 | www.jblearning.com


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