The General Epistle of Barnabas
The General Epistle of Barnabas
The General Epistle of Barnabas
Barnabas was a companion and fellow-preacher with Paul. This Epistle lays a
greater claim to canonical authority than most others. It has been cited by
Clemens, Alexandrinus, Origen, Eusebius, and Jerome, and many ancient
Fathers. Cotelerius affirms that Origen and Jerome esteemed it genuine and
canonical; but Cotelerius himself did not believe it to be either one or the other;
on the contrary, he supposes it was written for the benefit of the Ebionites, (the
christianized Jews,) who were tenacious of rites and ceremonies. Bishop Fell
feared to own expressly what he seemed to be persuaded of, that it ought to be
treated with the same respect as several of the books of the present canon. Dr.
Bernard, Savilian professor at Oxford, not only believed it to be genuine, but
that it was read throughout in the churches of Alexandria, as the canonical
Scriptures were. Dodwell supposed it to have been published before the Epistle
of Jude, and the writings of both the Johns. Vossius, Dupuis, Dr. Cane, Dr. Mill,
Dr, S. Clark, Whitson, and Archbishop Wake also esteemed it genuine: Menardus,
Archbishop Land, Spanheim, and others deemed it apocryphal.
as one of you, will endeavour to lay and your appointed feasts my soul
before you a few things by which hateth.
you may, on many accounts, 8 These things therefore hath God
become the more joyful. abolished, that the new law of our
Lord Jesus Christ, which is without
CHAPTER II. the yoke of any such necessity,
That God has abolished the legal might have the spiritual offering of,
sacrifices, to introduce the men themselves.
spiritual righteousness of the 9 For so the Lord saith again to
Gospel. those heretofore; Did I at all
SEEING then the days are command your fathers when they
exceedingly evil, and the adversary came out of the land of Egypt
has got the power of this present concerning burnt-offerings of
world we ought to give the more sacrifices?
diligence to inquire into the 10 But this I commanded them,
righteous judgments of the Lord. saying, Let none of you imagine
2 Now the assistants of our faith evil in your hearts against his
are fear and patience; our fellow- neighbour, and love no false oath.
combatants, long suffering and 11 Forasmuch then as we are not
continence. without understanding, we ought to
3 Whilst these remain pure in what apprehend the design of our
relates unto the Lord, wisdom, and merciful Father. For he speaks to
understanding, and science, and us, being willing that we who have
knowledge, rejoice together with been in the same error about the
them. sacrifices, should seek and find
4 For God has manifested to us by how to approach unto him.
all the prophets, that he has no 12 And therefore he thus bespeaks
occasion for our sacrifices, or us, The sacrifice of God (is a
burnt-offerings, or oblations: broken spirit,) a broken and contrite
saying thus; To what purpose is the heart—God will not despise.
multitude of your sacrifices unto 13 Wherefore brethren, we ought
me, saith the Lord. the more diligently to inquire after
5 I am full of the burnt-offerings those things that belong to our
of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; salvation, that the adversary may
and I delight not in the blood of not have any entrance into us, and
bullocks, or of he-goats. deprive us of our spiritual life.
6 When ye come to appear before 14 Wherefore he again speaketh to
me, who hath required this at your them, concerning these things; Ye
hands? Ye shall no more tread my shall not fast as ye do this day, to
courts. make your voice to be heard on
7 Bring no more vain oblations, high.
incense is an abomination unto me 15 Is it such a fast that I have
your new moons and sabbaths, and chosen? A day for a man to afflict
the calling of assemblies I cannot his soul? Is it to bow down his head
bear with, it is iniquity, even the like a bulrush, and to spread
solemn meeting; your new moons sackcloth and ashes under him?
Wilt thou call this a fast, and an pass, we should write to you what
acceptable day to the Lord? may serve to keep you whole.
16 But to us he saith on this wise: 2 To which end, let us flee from
Is not this the fast that I have every evil work and hate the errors
chosen, to loose the bands of of the present time, that we may be
wickedness, to undo the heavy happy in that which is to come.
burdens, and to let the oppressed go 3 Let us not give ourselves the
free: and that ye break every yoke? liberty of disputing with the wicked
17 Is it not to deal thy bread to the and sinners; lest we should chance
hungry, and that thou bring the poor in time to become like unto them.
that are cast out to thy house? 4 For the consummation of sin is
When thou seest the naked that thou come, as it is written, as the
cover him, and that thou hide not prophet Daniel says. And for this
thyself from thy own flesh. end the Lord hath shortened the
18 Then shall thy light break forth times and the days, that his beloved
as the morning, and thy health shall might hasten his corning to his
spring forth speedily; and thy inheritance.
righteousness shall go before thee; 5 For so the prophet speaks; There
the glory of the Lord shall be thy shall ten kings reign in the heart,
reward. and there shall rise last of all
19 Then shalt thou call and the another little one, and he shall
Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry humble three kings.
and he shall say, Here I am; if thou 6 And again Daniel speaks in like
put away from the midst of thee the manner concerning the kingdoms;
yoke; the putting forth of the and I saw the fourth beast dreadful
finger, and speaking vanity; and if and terrible, and strong
thou draw out thy soul to the exceedingly; and it had ten horns. I
hungry; and satisfy the afflicted considered the horns, and behold
soul. there came up among them another
20 In this, therefore, brethren, God little horn, before which were three
has manifested his foreknowledge of the first horns plucked up by the
and love for us; because the people roots.
which he has purchased to his 7 We ought therefore to understand
beloved Son were to believe in this also: And I beseech you, as one
sincerity; and therefore he has of your own brethren, loving you
shown these things to all of us, that all beyond my own life, that you
we should not run as proselytes to look well to yourselves, and be not
the Jewish Law. like to those who add sin to sin, and
say; That their covenant is ours
CHAPTER III. also. Nay, but it is ours only: for
The prophecies of Daniel they have forever lost that which
concerning the ten kings, and the Moses received.
coming of Christ. 8 For thus saith the Scripture: And
WHEREFORE it is necessary that Moses continued fasting forty days
searching diligently into those and forty nights in the Mount; and
things which are soon to come to he received the covenant from the
Lord, even the two tables of stone, wicked, the reward of his
written by the hand of God. wickedness shall follow him.
9 But having turned themselves to 15 Take heed therefore lest sitting
idols they lost it; as the Lord also still now, that when we are called,
said to Moses; Moses, go down we fall asleep in our sins; and the
quickly, for thy people which thou wicked one getting the dominion
hast brought forth out of Egypt, over us, stir us up, and shut us out
have corrupted themselves, and of the kingdom of the Lord.
turned aside from the way which I 16 Consider this also: although you
commanded them. And Moses cast have seen so great signs and
the two tables out of his hands; and wonders done among the people of
their covenant was broken; that the the Jews, yet this notwithstanding
love of Jesus might be sealed in the Lord hath forsaken them.
your hearts, unto the hope of his 17 Beware, therefore, lest it
faith. happen to us; as it is written: There
10 Wherefore let us give heed unto may be many called, but few
the last times. For all the time past chosen.
of our life and our faith, will profit
us nothing; unless we continue to CHAPTER IV.
hate what is evil, and to withstand That Christ was to suffer is proved
the future temptations. So the Son from the prophecies concerning
of God tells us; Let us resist all him.
iniquity and hate it. FOR this cause did our Lord
11 Wherefore consider the works vouchsafe to give up his body to
of the evil way. Do not withdraw destruction, that through the
yourselves from others as if you forgiveness of our sins we might be
were already justified; but coming sanctified; that is, by the sprinkling
altogether into one place, inquire of his blood.
what is agreeable to and profitable 2 Now for what concerns the things
for the beloved of God. For the that are written about him, some
Scripture saith; Woe unto them that belong to the people of the Jews,
are wise in their own eyes; and and some to us.
prudent in their sight. 3 For thus saith the Scripture; He
12 Let us become spiritually a was wounded for our
perfect temple to God. As much as transgressions, he was bruised for
in us lies let us meditate upon the our iniquities, and by his blood we
fear of God; and strive to the are healed. He was led as a lamb to
utmost of our power to keep his the slaughter, and as a sheep before
commandments; that we may rejoice his shearers is dumb, so he opened
in his righteous judgments. not his mouth.
13 For God will judge the world 4 Wherefore we ought the more to
without respect of persons and give thanks unto God, for that he
everyone shall receive according to hath both declared unto us what is
his works. passed, and not suffered us to be
14 If a man shall be good, his without understanding of those
righteousness shall go before him if things that are to come.
old as a garment, the moth shall eat and possess it; a land flowing with
you up. milk and honey.
2 And again adds the prophet, He 9 Now what the spiritual meaning
is put for a stone of stumbling. of this is, learn; It is as if it had
Behold I lay in Zion for a been said, Put your trust in Jesus,
foundation, a precious stone a who shall be manifested to you in
choice corner-stone; an honourable the flesh. For man is the earth
stone. And what follows? And he which suffers: forasmuch as out of
that hopeth in him shall live for the substance of the earth Adam
ever. was formed.
3 What then? Is our hope built 10 What therefore does he mean
upon a stone? God forbid. But when he says, Into a good land
because the Lord hath hardened his flowing with milk and honey?
flesh against sufferings, he saith, I Blessed be our Lord, who has given
have put me as a firm rock. us wisdom, and a heart to
4 And again the prophet adds; The understand his secrets. For so says
stone which the builders refused the prophet, "Who shall understand
has become the head of the corner. the hard sayings of the Lord? But
And again he saith This is the great he that is wise, and intelligent, and
and wonderful day which the Lord that loves his Lord."
hath made. I write these things the 11 Seeing therefore he has renewed
more plainly to you that ye may us by the remission of our sins, he
understand: I For indeed I could be has put us into another frame, that
content even to die for your sakes. we should have souls like those of
5 But what saith the prophet again; children, forming us again himself
The counsel of the wicked by the spirit.
encompassed me about. They came 12 For thus the Scripture saith
about me, as bees about the honey- concerning us, where it introduceth
comb: and, Upon my vesture they the Father speaking to the Son; Let
cast lots. us make man after our likeness and
6 Forasmuch then as our Saviour similitude; and let them have
was to appear in the flesh and dominion over the beasts of the
suffer, his passion was hereby earth, and over the fowls of the air,
foretold. and the fish of the sea.
7 For thus saith the prophet against 13 And when the Lord saw the man
Israel: "Woe be to their soul which he had formed, that behold
because they have taken wicked he was very good; he said, Increase
counsel against themselves, saying; and multiply, and replenish the
let us lay snares for the righteous, earth. And this he spake to his son.
because he is unprofitable to us." 14 I will now show you, how he
8 Moses also in like manner made us a new creature, in the
speaketh to them; Behold thus saith latter days.
the Lord God; Enter ye into the 15 The Lord saith; Behold I will
good land of which the Lord hath make the last as the first.
sworn to Abraham, and Isaac, and Wherefore the prophet thus spake,
Jacob, that he would give it you, Enter into the land flowing with
milk and honey, and have dominion become perfect, that we may be
over it. made the inheritors of the covenant
16 Wherefore ye see how we are of the Lord.
again formed anew; as also he
speaks by another prophet; Behold CHAPTER VI.
saith the Lord, I will take from The sacrifice of Jesus, and of a
them; that is, from those whom the goat, an evident type of Christ
spirit of the Lord foresaw, their crucified.
hearts of stone, and I will put into UNDERSTAND then my beloved
them hearts of flesh. children, that the good God hath
17 Because he was about to be before manifested all things unto
made manifest in the flesh and to us, that we might know to whom we
dwell in us. ought always to give thanks and
18 For, my brethren, the habitation praise.
of our heart is a holy temple unto 2 If therefore the Son of God who
the Lord. For the prophet saith is the Lord of all, and shall come to
again, In what place shall I appear judge both the quick and dead, hath
before the Lord my God, and be suffered, that by his stripes we
glorified? might live; let us believe that the
19 He answers I will confess unto Son of God could not have suffered
thee in the congregation in the but for us. But being crucified, they
midst of my brethren; and will sing gave him vinegar and gall to drink.
unto thee in the church of the 3 Hear therefore how the priests of
saints: the temple did foreshow this also:
20 Wherefore we are they whom he the Lord by his command which
has brought into that good land. was written, declared that
21 But what signifies the milk and whosoever did not fast the
honey? Because as the child is appointed fast he should die the
nourished first with milk, and then death: because he also was himself
with honey; so we being kept alive one day to offer up his body for our
by the belief of his promises and sins; that so the type of what was
his word, shall live and have done in Isaac might be fulfilled,
dominion over the land. who was offered upon the altar.
22 For he foretold before, saying, 4 What therefore is it that he says
increase and multiply, and have by the prophet? And let them eat of
dominion over the beasts, fishes, the goat which is offered in the day
and birds. of the fast for all their sins.
23 But who is there that is now Hearken diligently, (my brethren,)
able to have this dominion over the and all the priests, and they only
wild beasts, or fishes, or fowls of shall eat the inwards not washed
the air? For you know that to rule, with vinegar.
is to have power; that a man should 5 Why so? because I know that
be set over what he rules. when I shall hereafter offer my
24 But forasmuch as this we have flesh for the sins of a new people,
not now, he tells us when we shall ye will give me vinegar to drink
have it; namely, when we shall mixed with gall; therefore do ye
only eat, the people fasting the the clouds of heaven), they may be
while, and lamenting in sackcloth amazed at the likeness of the goats.
and ashes. 13 Wherefore ye here again see a
6 And that he might foreshow that type of Jesus who was to suffer for
he was to suffer for them, hear then us.
how he appointed it. 14 But what then signifies this,
7 Take, says he, two goats, fair and That the wool was to be put into the
alike, and offer them; and let the midst of the thorns?
high priest take one of them for a 15 This also is a figure of Jesus,
burnt offering. And what shalt be set out to the church. For as he who
done with the other? Let it, says he, would take away the scarlet wool
be accursed. must undergo many difficulties,
8 Consider how exactly this because that thorn was very sharp,
appears to have been a type of and with difficulty get it: So, says
Jesus. And let all the congregation Christ, they that will see me, and
spit upon it, and prick it; and put come to my kingdom, must through
the scarlet wool about its head; and many afflictions and troubles attain
thus let it be carried forth into the unto me.
9 And this being done, he that was CHAPTER VII.
appointed to convey the goat, led it The red heifer, another type of
into the wilderness, and took away Christ.
the scarlet wool, and put it upon a BUT what type do ye suppose it to
thorn bush, whose young sprouts, have been, where it is commanded
when we find them in the field, we to the people of Israel, that grown
are wont to eat: so the fruit of that persons in whom sins are come to
thorn only is sweet. perfection, should offer an heifer,
10 And to what end was this and after they had killed it should
ceremony? Consider; one was burn the same;
offered upon the altar, the other 2 But then young men should take
was accursed. up the ashes and put them in
11 And why was that which was vessels; and tie a piece of scarlet
accursed crowned? Because they wool and hyssop upon a stick, and
shall see Christ on that day having so the young men should sprinkle
a scarlet garment about his body; every one of the people, and they
and shall say: Is not this he whom should be clear from their sins?
we crucified; having despised him, 3 Consider how all these are
pierced him, mocked him? delivered in a figure to us.
Certainly, this is he, who then said, 4 This heifer is Jesus Christ; the
that he was the Son of God. wicked men that were to offer it are
12 As therefore he shall be then those sinners who brought him to
like to what he was on earth, so death; who afterwards have no more
were the Jews heretofore to do with it: for the sinners have
commanded, to take two goats fair no more the honour of handling it:
and equal; that when they shall see 5 But the young men that
(our Saviour) hereafter coming (in performed the sprinkling, signified
eat of the hare. To what end?—To and watch that they may devour.
signify this to us; Thou shalt not be 15 Here you have the law
an adulterer, nor liken thyself to concerning meat perfectly set forth
such persons. For the hare every and according to the true
year multiplies the places of its knowledge of it.
conception; and as many years as it 16 But, says Moses, ye shall eat all
lives, so many it has. that divideth the hoof, and cheweth
8 Neither shalt thou eat of the the cud. Signifying thereby such an
hyena: that is, again, be not an one as having taken his food, knows
adulterer, nor a corrupter of others; him that nourisheth him; and
neither be like to such. And resting upon him, rejoiceth in him.
wherefore so?—Because that 17 And in this he spake well,
creature every year changes its having respect to the
kind, which is sometimes male and commandment. What, therefore, is
sometimes female. it that he says?—That we should
9 For which cause also he justly hold fast to them that fear the Lord;
hated the weazel; to the end that with those who meditate on the
they should not be like such command of the word which they
persons who with their mouths have received, in their heart; with
commit wickedness by reason of those that declare the righteous
their uncleanness; nor join judgments of the Lord, and keep his
themselves with those impure commandments;
women, who with their mouths 18 In short, with those who know
commit wickedness. Because that that to meditate is a work of
animal conceives with its mouth. pleasure, and therefore exercise
10 Moses, therefore, speaking as themselves in the word of the Lord.
concerning meats, delivered indeed 19 But why might they eat those
three great precepts to them in the that clave the hoof? Because the
spiritual signification of those righteous liveth in this present
commands. But they according to world; but his expectation is fixed
the desires of the flesh, understood upon the other. See, brethren, how
him as if he had only meant it of admirably Moses commanded these
meats. things.
11 And therefore David took aright 20 But how should we thus know
the knowledge of his three-fold all this, and understand it? We,
command, saying in like manner: therefore, understanding aright the
12 Blessed is the man that hath not commandments, speak as the Lord
walked in the counsel of the would have us. Wherefore he has
ungodly; as the fishes before circumcised our ears and our hearts,
mentioned in the bottom of the that we might know these things.
deep, in darkness.
13 Nor stood in the way of sinners, CHAPTER X.
as they who seem to fear the Lord, Baptism and the cross of Christ
but yet sin, as the sow. foretold in figures under the law.
14 And hath not sat in the seat of LET us now inquire whether the
the scorners; as those birds who sit Lord took care to manifest anything
made manifest in a type, and in the speaketh more clearly to his son
flesh. Joseph, saying; Behold the Lord
13 But because it might hereafter hath not derived me of seeing thy
be said that Christ was the Son of face, bring me thy sons that I may
David; therefore David fearing and bless them. And he brought unto his
well knowing the errors of the father Manasseh and Ephraim,
wicked, saith; the Lord said unto desiring that he should bless
my Lord, sit thou on my right hand Manasseh, because he was the
until I make thine enemies thy elder.
footstool. 6 Therefore Joseph brought him to
14 And again Isaiah speaketh on the right hand of his father Jacob.
this wise, The Lord said unto Christ But Jacob by the spirit foresaw the
my Lord, I have laid hold on his figure of the people that was to
right hand, that the nations should come.
obey before him, and I will break 7 And what saith the Scripture?
the strength of kings. And Jacob crossed his hands, and
15 Behold, how doth David and put his right hand upon Ephraim,
Isaiah call him Lord, and the Son of his second, and the younger son,
God. and blessed him. And Joseph said
unto Jacob; Put thy right hand upon
CHAPTER XII. the head of Manasseh, for he is my
The Promise of God not made to the first-born son. And Jacob said unto
Jews only, but to the Gentiles also, Joseph; I know it, my son, I know
and fulfilled to us by Jesus Christ. it; but the greater shall serve the
BUT let us go yet further, and lesser; though he also shall be
inquire whether this people be the blessed.
heir, or the former; and whether the 8 Ye see of whom he appointed it,
covenant be with us or with them. that they should be the first people,
2 And first, as concerning the and heirs of the covenant.
people, hear now what the Scripture 9 If therefore God shall have yet
saith: farther taken notice of this, by
3 Isaac prayed for his wife Abraham too; our understanding of
Rebekah, because she was barren; it will then be perfectly established.
and she conceived. Afterwards 10 What then saith the Scripture of
Rebekah went forth to inquire of Abraham, when I he believed, and it
the Lord. was imputed unto him for
4 And the Lord said unto her; righteousness? Behold I have made
There are two nations in thy womb, thee a father of the nations, which
and two people shall come from thy without circumcision believe in the
body; and the one shall have power Lord.
over the other, and the greater shall 11 Let us therefore now inquire
serve the lesser. Understand here whether God has fulfilled the
who was Isaac; who Rebekah; and covenant, which he sware to our
of whom it was foretold, this people fathers, that he would give this
shall be greater than that. people? Yes, verily, he gave it; but
5 And in another prophecy Jacob they were not worthy to receive it
pass in the last days, that the Lord himself dwelleth in us, and openeth
will deliver up the sheep of his to us who were in bondage of death
pasture, and their fold, and their the gate of our temple, that is, the
tower unto destruction. And it is mouth of wisdom, having given
come to pass, as the Lord hath repentance unto us; and by this
spoken. means has brought us to be an
16 Let us inquire therefore, incorruptible temple.
whether there be any temple of 23 He therefore that desires to be
God? Yes there is: and there where saved looketh not unto the man, but
himself declares that he would both unto him that dwelleth in him, and
make and perfect it. For it is speaketh by him; being struck with
written: And it shall be that as soon wonder, forasmuch as he never
as the week shall be completed, the either heard him speaking such
temple of the Lord shall be words out of his mouth, nor ever
gloriously built in the name of the desired to hear them.
Lord. 24 This is that spiritual temple that
17 I find therefore that there is a is built unto the Lord.
temple. But how shall it be built in
the name of the Lord? I will shew CHAPTER XIV.
you. Of the way of light; being a
18 Before that we believed in God, summary of what a Christian is to
the habitation of our heart was do, that he maybe happy for ever.
corruptible, and feeble, as a temple AND thus I trust, I have declared
truly built with hands. to you as much, and with as great
19 For it was a house full of simplicity as I could, those, things
idolatry, a house of devils; which provide for your salvation,
inasmuch as there was done in it so as not to have omitted any thing
whatsoever was contrary unto God. that might be requisite thereunto.
But it shall be built in the name of 2 For should I speak farther of the
the Lord. things that now are, and of those
20 Consider, how that the temple that are to come, you would not yet
of the Lord shall be very gloriously understand them, seeing they lie in
built; and by what means that shall parables. This therefore shall
be, learn. suffice as to these things.
21 Having received remission of 3 Let us now go on to the other
our sins, and trusting in the name of kind of knowledge and doctrine.
the Lord, we are become renewed, There are two ways of doctrine and
being again created as it were from power; the one of light, the other of
the beginning. Wherefore God truly darkness.
dwells in our house, that is, in us. 4 But there is a great deal of
22 But how does he dwell in us? difference between these two ways
By the word of his faith, the calling for over one are appointed the
of his promise, the wisdom of his angels of God, the leaders of the
righteous judgments and the way of light; over the other, the
commands of his doctrine. He angels of Satan. And the one is the
himself prophesies within us, he Lord from everlasting to