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Experiment Redox

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Experiment #2: Oxidation-Reduction Reactions FAB3, Group 7, Ms.

Fatima Joy Cruz

David, Reynaldo Jr. January 27, 2011
Padilla, Vince Lambert
Pesigan, Jane Mierial

Oxidation-reduction reaction (redox reaction) is a process in which there is a net movement of electrons
from one reactant (reducing agent) to another (oxidizing agent). This is also shown by a change in oxidation
number. Oxidation number method was used in this experiment to balance equations. In this experiment,
different reactants were combined respectively in four different test tubes to test if they exhibit the characteristic
of the redox reactions. The properties of compound before and after the reaction took place were observed.
Visible results of the reaction, such as color change, presence of precipitate, and evolution of gas were also
noted so as to identify whether redox reaction occurred or not. Based on the results, it can be concluded that all
reactions in the experiment exhibited oxidation and reduction.

II. Keywords: Redox Reaction, Oxidation, Reduction, Oxidation Number/State, Oxidizing Agent, Reducing

III. Introduction its O.N. is +1. (O is -2 in H 2O, -1 in H2O2,

Oxidation-reductions (shorthand: redox) +1 in OF2)
reactions are among the most common and 5. Oxidation number of flourine is always
important chemical processes that are of great -1 since it is the most electronegative
significance. Redox reactions are involved in a wide element.
variety of essential processes: from the formation 6. The sum of the oxidation numbers in a
and mobilization of minerals to electroplating. polyatomic ion is equal to the ionic
Reactions that generate electricity, combustion charge. (ex. S2O32- : 2[+2] + 3[-2] = -2 )
reactions, and even our own biological processes 7. The sum of the oxidation numbers in a
are engaged in redox reactions. compound is zero. (ex. Na2C2O4: 2[+1] +
Oxidation-reduction reaction involves a net 2[+3] + 4[-2] = 0; compound is neutral)
movement of electrons from one reactant (reducing 8. Alkali metals (Group 1 or 1A) have an
agent) to the other (oxidizing agent). Electrons’ oxidation number +1 in all compounds.
movement occurs from a reactant of less attraction 9. Alkaline earth metals (Group 2 or 2A)
for electrons to reactant of greater attraction for have an oxidation number +2 in all
electrons. Redox can be shown by the change in compounds.
oxidation number of two elements. Oxidation
number (oxidation state) is a number equal to the In redox reaction, oxidation is the loss of
magnitude of the charge an atom would have if its electrons and reduction is the gain of electrons. In
shared electrons were held completely by the atom the formation of magnesium oxide, for example, Mg
that attracts them more strongly. A few rules and O2 develop a change in oxidation number as
regarding the oxidation states of atoms are as the reaction occurred. From zero (0), magnesium
follows: acquires an oxidation number of positive two (+2)
while oxygen obtains negative two (-2). Hence, O 2
1. Oxidation number of elements in the oxidizes Mg and is the oxidizing agent, while Mg
free/uncombined/elemental state such as reduces O2 and is the reducing agent. The oxidizing
Fe and O2 is zero (0). agent, O2, is reduced because it removes the
2. For monoatomic ions or atoms with electrons. The reducing agent, Mg, is oxidized
charges, the oxidation number is the because it gives up electrons.
same as the valence of the ion. Indications of redox reactions involve:
ex. Fe (III) in the Fe2O3 molecule evolution of gas, formation of precipitate, change in
has an oxidation number of +3. color, light emission, and absorption of heat.
3. Oxidation number of hydrogen in The experiment aimed to identify the
compounds is always +1 except when function of each element regarding the changes in a
bonded with less electronegative compound as it undergoes certain reactions. Thus,
elements as in hydrides, where O.N. of H oxidizing and reducing agents were identified. In
is -1. (e.g., CaH2). this experiment, visible indications were observed
4. Oxidation number of oxygen is always as the different reactants were combined to form
-2 except in peroxides where its O.N. is redox reactions. Changes were noted as the
-1 and in compounds with flourine where process took place. Balancing of the equations
Chemistry 14.1, Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Page 1 of 4
through the oxidation number method was then
employed. Test Balanced Equation Observation
IV. Experimental
Colors of the following reagents used were A Cu(NO3)2 + Mg à There was evolution
noted before the reaction: Cu(NO 3)2 (Copper II Mg(NO3)2 + Cu of gas (formation of
nitrate), K2Cr2O7 (Potassium dichromate), H2SO4 bubbles). Cu(NO3)2 is
(Sulfuric acid), H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide), I2 in KI light blue and Mg is
(Iodine in Potassium Iodide Solution), Na 2S2O3 silver. As Mg was
(Sodium thiosulfate), KMnO4 (Potassium added to Cu(NO3)2,
permanganate), Na2C2O4 (Sodium oxalate). the mixture turned
Four test tubes, used as apparatus for into light green.
combining reagents, were labeled A, B, C, and D.
In test tube A, 5 drops of 0.1 M Cu(NO 3)2
was placed using a medicine dropper. A strip of Mg B K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 There was evolution
ribbon was added to the reagent. + 3H2O2 à K2SO4 + of gas (formation of
In test tube B, 2 drops of 0.1 M K2Cr2O7 Cr2(SO4)3 + 3O2 + bubbles). K2Cr2O7 is
was placed and was added with 6 drops of 6 M 7H2O orange. H2SO4 and
H2SO4, followed by 4 drops of 3% fresh H2O2. H2O2 are colorless.
Subsequently, in test tube C, 2 drops of 0.1 Color changed from
M I2 in KI solution was placed. Two drops of 0.1 M orange to yellow to
of Na2S2O3 was added. bluish green as
Lastly, 2 drops of 0.1 M KMnO 4 were reagents combined.
placed inside the test tube D. Six drops of 6 M
H2SO4 followed and to was the added with 6 drops
of 0.1 M Na2C2O4. C 2Na2S2O3 + I2 à I2 is yellow orange.
Visible results and observations such as Na2S4O6 + 2NaI Na2S2O3 is colorless.
changes in color, formation of bubbles, or presence Color changed from
of precipitate were observed and recorded after yellowish to being
every reaction was accomplished. colorless.

V. Results
D 2KMnO4 +8 H2SO4 There was formation
As the reagents were combined in the + 5Na2C2O4 à of bubbles. KMnO4 is
following reactions displayed in the table below, 2MnSO4 + 10CO2 violet. H2SO4 and
respective results observed were recorded. + H2O + 5Na2SO4 Na2C2O4 are
Balanced equations were also presented on Table + K2SO4 colorless. Upon the
1. addition of Na2C2O4,
there was a slow
change of color from
deep purple to being

Table 1. The table shows the balanced equations of the

reactions and the corresponding observations.

Table 2 below shows the elements’ and

compounds’ colors and oxidation states.

Chemistry 14.1, Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Page 2 of 4

reducing agent is H2O2. Chromium caused the
Element Compound/ Color Oxidation bluish green color. Due to the presence of O 2, there
Element State was formation of bubbles.
Cu Cu(NO3)2 Light blue +2 In test tube C, sulfur was oxidized and
Cu Brick red 0 iodine was reduced. These showed a change from
Mg Mg(NO3)2 Colorless +2 positive two (+2) to positive two and a half (2.5),
Mg Silver 0 and from zero (0) to positive one (+1), respectively.
Cr K2Cr2O7 Orange +6 Oxidizing agent is I2. Reducing agent is Na2S2O3.
Chromic Ion Green +3 There was a change in yellow orange to being
I I2 Yellow 0 colorless. I2 caused the yellow coloring.
Orange In test tube D, a change from positive three
KI Colorless -1 (+3) to positive four (+4) in carbon and from positive
O H2O Colorless -2 seven (+7) to positive two (+2) in manganese
H2O2 Colorless -1 occurred. In the reaction, carbon was oxidized and
S Na2S2O3 Colorless +2 manganese was reduced. Oxidizing agent is
Na2S4O6 Colorless +2.5 KMnO4.Reducing agent is Na2C2O4. There was also
Mn KMnO4 Violet +7 a change in color that occurred (from purple to
MnSO4 Colorless +2 colorless). The formation of bubbles was due to the
MnO2 Brown +4 presence of CO2 as one of the products.
precipitate From the results observed, it can be said
C CO2 Colorless +4 that an oxidation-reduction reaction took place in all
Na2C2O4 gas +3 the set-ups A to D. This can be supported by both
colorless quantitative and visible indications of the reactions.
Table 2. The table shows the color and oxidation states of CO2.
VII. Guide Questions and Answers
VI. Discussion
Based on the results of the experiment, 1. What are the visible indications that a redox
oxidation-reduction reaction took place as indicated reaction took place?
by the changes in colors of the mixtures and the  The visible indications of a redox
evolution of gas. Also, there were changes in reaction are the formation of gases
phases. and precipitates, change in color
Formation of bubbles appeared in most of and temperatures.
the mixtures. These were the gaseous products that
were produced by the redox reaction. Color change 2. Do all reactions involve oxidation-
is due to a compound’s absorption of a reduction? Why?
characteristic set of colors of light. Also, change in  No. Not all reactions involve the
temperature was observed. Energy is needed to changing of oxidation states. There
break chemical bonds. This energy is released are reactions that only involve the
when new chemical bonds form. When the reaction exchange of elements of the
involves more bond-breaking than bond making, the reactants. These are called
energy needed is often absorbed from the metathesis or double-displacement
surroundings, making them cooler. When there is reactions.
more bond-making than bond-breaking, the excess
energy is released, making the surroundings hotter. 3. Why must H2O2 be freshly prepared?
In test tube A, the oxidation numbers of  Hydrogen peroxide should be
magnesium and copper in the reaction changed freshly prepared since it
from zero (0) to positive two (+2) and two (+2) to decomposes or disproportionates
zero (0), respectively. Cu(NO3)2 is the oxidizing exothermically into water and gas
agent. Mg is the reducing agent. Theoretically, the spontaneously.
reaction must produce a colorless solution with 2 H2O2 à 2 H2O + O2
brick red precipitate. Cu2+ is light blue. In the Thus, hydrogen peroxide must be
experiment, free Cu2+ caused the solution to absorb in freshly prepared state so as to
light and shift the solution’s color to green. be useful for the characteristic
In test tube B, oxygen changed its oxidation reaction.
state from negative one (-1) to zero (0). Chromium
also changed from positive six (+6) to positive three VIII. Conclusions and Recommendations
(+3). The oxidizing agent is K 2Cr2O7, while the
Chemistry 14.1, Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Page 3 of 4
Based on the results and discussion, it is
therefore concluded that substances or elements Pesigan, Jane Mierial
which lose electrons and have an increase in
oxidation states after a reaction undergo oxidation
and are called reducing agents (Magnesium,
Oxygen, Sulfur and Carbon). Conversely,
substances which gain electrons and have a
decrease in their oxidation states after a reaction
are said to undergo reduction (Copper, Chromium,
Iodine, Manganese). They are called oxidizing
agents. The change in oxidation states could be
used to identify this. Different elements have
different oxidation states depending if they were a
part of a compound or not, and what reaction took
The combination of the two reactions,
oxidation and reduction, forms a complete reaction,
the oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction. Redox
reactions can be balanced using the oxidation
number method where the electrons gained and
lost are determined, inspection method and further
balancing are being used. Evolution of gas, color
change, absorption of heat and formation of
precipate were observed and are therefore
concluded to be the visible indications of a redox
Not all reactions involve oxidation-reduction
since metathesis or double displacement chemical
reactions do not display a change in oxidation state.
It is recommended that more experiments
be conducted to demonstrate more clearly the
results of redox reaction and to identify the visible
indications of these reactions.

IX. References

Silberberg, M. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of

Matter and Change, 4th edition.

Internet Sources:



I hereby certify that I have given substantial

contribution to this report.

David, Reynaldo Jr.

Padilla, Vincent Lambert

Chemistry 14.1, Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Page 4 of 4

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