China Western Mathematical Olympiad 2010 63
China Western Mathematical Olympiad 2010 63
China Western Mathematical Olympiad 2010 63
1 Suppose that m and k are non-negative integers, and p = 22 + 1 is a prime number. Prove
m+1 k
that (a) 22 p ≡ 1 (mod pk+1 ); (b) 2m+1 pk is the smallest positive integer n satisfying the
congruence equation 2n ≡ 1 (mod pk+1 ).
2 AB is a diameter of a circle with center O. Let C and D be two different points on the circle
on the same side of AB, and the lines tangent to the circle at points C and D meet at E.
Segments AD and BC meet at F . Lines EF and AB meet at M . Prove that E, C, M and
D are concyclic.
3 Determine all possible values of positive integer n, such that there are n different 3-element
subsets A1 , A2 , ..., An of the set {1, 2, ..., n}, with |Ai ∩ Aj | =
6 1 for all i 6= j.
4 Let a1 , a2 , .., an , b1 , b2 , ..., bn be non-negative numbers satisfying the following conditions si-
(1) (ai + bi ) = 1;
(2) i(ai − bi ) = 0;
(3) i2 (ai + bi ) = 10.
Prove that max{ak , bk } ≤ for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n.
10 + k 2
5 Let k be an integer and k > 1. Define a sequence {an } as follows:
a0 = 0,
a1 = 1, and
an+1 = kan + an−1 for n = 1, 2, ....
Determine, with proof, all possible k for which there exist non-negative integers l, m(l 6= m)
and positive integers p, q such that al + kap = am + kaq .
6 ∆ABC is a right-angled triangle, ∠C = 90◦ . Draw a circle centered at B with radius BC.
Let D be a point on the side AC, and DE is tangent to the circle at E. The line through C
perpendicular to AB meets line BE at F . Line AF meets DE at point G. The line through
A parallel to BG meets DE at H. Prove that GE = GH.
7 There are n (n ≥ 3) players in a table tennis tournament, in which any two players have a
match. Player A is called not out-performed by player B, if at least one of player A’s losers
is not a B’s loser.
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Western Mathematical Olympiad
Determine, with proof, all possible values of n, such that the following case could happen:
after finishing all the matches, every player is not out-performed by any other player.
8 Determine all possible values of integer k for which there exist positive integers a and b such
b+1 a+1
that + = k.
a b
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