The nursing care plan summarizes the assessment, planning, and evaluation for a patient with hypertension. The plan involves educating the patient about hypertension and its effects, identifying modifiable risk factors like diet and stress, reinforcing treatment adherence, and suggesting lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to verbalize understanding of hypertension and planned treatment regimen.
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The nursing care plan summarizes the assessment, planning, and evaluation for a patient with hypertension. The plan involves educating the patient about hypertension and its effects, identifying modifiable risk factors like diet and stress, reinforcing treatment adherence, and suggesting lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to verbalize understanding of hypertension and planned treatment regimen.
The nursing care plan summarizes the assessment, planning, and evaluation for a patient with hypertension. The plan involves educating the patient about hypertension and its effects, identifying modifiable risk factors like diet and stress, reinforcing treatment adherence, and suggesting lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to verbalize understanding of hypertension and planned treatment regimen.
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The nursing care plan summarizes the assessment, planning, and evaluation for a patient with hypertension. The plan involves educating the patient about hypertension and its effects, identifying modifiable risk factors like diet and stress, reinforcing treatment adherence, and suggesting lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure. After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to verbalize understanding of hypertension and planned treatment regimen.
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KNOWLEDGE INTERVENTION Independent: HYPERTENSION High blood pressure After 8 hours of Define and state the Provides basis for After 8 hours of or hypertension nursing limits of desired understanding nursing Subjective Data: means high pressure interventions, the Blood pressure. elevations of BP, interventions, the “Bakit madalas ako (tension) in the patient will Explain and clarifies patient was able to mahilo?” arteries. Arteries are verbalize hypertension and its misconceptions and verbalize vessels that carry understanding of the effect on the heart, also understanding understanding of the blood from the disease process, blood vessels, that high BP can disease process and Objective Data: pumping heart to all treatment regimen kidneys, and brain. exist without any treatment regimen. the tissues and and the diet for her symptoms or even -Weak in appearance organs of the body. disease. when feeling well. High blood pressure - Dizziness does not mean excessive emotional Assist the patient in These risk factors BP: 140/100 tension, although identifying have been shown to emotional tension modifiable risk contribute to and stress can factors like diet hypertension. temporarily increase high in sodium, blood pressure. saturated fats and Normal blood cholesterol. pressure is below Lack of cooperation 120/80; blood Reinforce the is common reason pressure between importance of for failure of 120/80 and 139/89 adhering to antihypertensive is called “Pre- treatment regimen. therapy. hypertension”, and a blood pressure of Decreases 140/90 or above is Suggest frequent peripheral venous considered high. An position changes, pooling that may be elevation of the leg exercise when potentiated by systolic and/or lying down. vasodilators and
Christian, Mark Joseph S.
diastolic blood prolonged sitting or
pressure increases standing. the risk developing heart (cardiac) Two years on disease, kidney Help patient moderate low salt (renal) disease, identify sources of and low fat diet may hardening of the sodium and fat be sufficient to arteries intake. control mild (atherosclerosis), hypertension. eye damage and stroke (brain damage). These Caffeine is a cardiac complications of Encourage patient stimulant and may hypertension are to decrease intake of adversely affect often referred to as caffeinated drinks cardiac function. end-organ damage like coffee, sodas, because damage to teas, and chocolates. this organ is the end Altering rest and result of chronic Stress importance of activities increase (long duration) high accomplishing daily tolerance to activity blood pressure. REST periods. progression.