Gunship 2000
Gunship 2000
Gunship 2000
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Computer Simulation
MicroProse Software
180 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley, MD 21 030
(30 1) 771 -1151
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without permission,
with the exception of quoting brief passages for the purpose of review.
Printing History
First Printing 1991
Printing: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunship 2000 is MlcroPros e Softwa re's t rad em a rk for its s imu ia lion of Helicopter Com bat
IBM is a regis tered tra d ema rk of In te rna tion a l Business Machines. In c.
Apple a nd Macintosh are regis tered tra dem a rks of Apple Computer. Inc.
T an dy is a r egi ster ed lrad em a rk o f Tandy Corpo r ation
AdLib is a regi st er ed trad em ark o f AdLib In corporat ed
Ro la nd MT-32 is a r egister ed trad em ark of Ro la ndCorp . U SA .
JamesM. Day Michael Reis Cheri Glover Phipps
with Darrell Dennies Brain Martel Juanita Bussard
& Detrnar Peterke Patrick Downey George Gill
Harry Teasley
Detmar Peterke Jeffery L. Briggs Iris Idokogi
Susan Ullrich
Darrell Dennies Ken Lagace Stuart Stein
Jim McConkey
David McKibbin AI Roireau
ART CONCEPT/DESIGN James M. Day Quentin Chaney
Michael Reis Rob Snodgrass
WORLD GRAPHICS Sean M. Gallagher
JamesM. Day Dave Shaefer
EDITORS Doug Whatley
3 -D GRAPHICS Merry L. Day Nick Yuran
Max Remington III B. C. Milligan
Iris Idokogi Jack Kammer
The APR-39 is starting to chirp, and those blips on the threat display definitely aren't
fiiendlies. "Jack, select MPSM, " you call to your front-seater over the ICS. "All units, prepare
to unmask. Engage as they bear."
As you come up, the TADS paints a pretty picture of the target. There they are, big as
you please - SA-13's and ·Zoos'. But this is no time to admire the scenery, there's work to
be done. "Targets bearing 335! ", calls Jack, not all too calmly. "Weapons in constraints,
MPSM away!" you respond with equal gusto.
The rocket sub-munitions burst on the target with a tremendous white flash, followed
by a series of secondary explosions. "Those guys are toast!" you hear Jack call out to no one
in particular. So much for radiO integrity.
You've certainly got their attention now. The threat display is going wild; enemy units
are popping up at every clock position. The APR's radar warning indicator light turns a solid,
glaring red as the klaxon blares in your headset. You're being tracked!
"Jammer active, chaff out! Peg him, Jack!" you callout while quickly pushing the Apache
down and to the right. You glance over just as the enemy missile explodes harmlessly in the
chaff cloud. 'Tm on him . Switching to Hellfire," Jack responds. A short flash , and the Hellfrre
reaches out to fmd its target. Jack's head is glued to his display. He'll keep the target locked
in the sight until the Hellfire impacts. A bright light blooms off to the left as the target
evaporates from view. Scratch another one!
The ground explodes as rockets and Hellfrres slam into the hapless targets. You know
that it's only a matter of time. There's no hope for those guys; the surprise was too perfect.
Minutes later, not a single target is active. And, a good thing too as you've expended most
of your ordnance. It's time to pull pitch and head for home. "Zulus, form on me. Let's get out
of here. Well done!"
Back at the TOC you and the other flight commanders are preparing for the debrief.
As you sit and wait your turn, a smile slowly cracks across your face - just another success-
ful mission.
You knew it all the time.
Gunship 2000 is a detailed presentation of the art of present and near future helicopter
combat operations. You can control just one or up to five distinct helicopters. The current
and plarmed versions of the most prevalent U.S. Army helicopters are available for the
choosing. Not just a bystander, you actually pilot one of the Army's top helicopters.
You start out as a Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC) at the Army Aviation Center, Fort
Rucker, Alabama. Here you select your squadron and provide its nickname. More impor-
tantly, you get the necessary training to prepare you for the difficult challenge of helicopter
combat. You determine the reality or difficulty of the training. It can be as simple or as hard
as you desire; the advantage here, you can take your time and can't be damaged. Plus, you
can return to training at any time to brush up on your skills.
Upon completion, you are promoted to Warrant Officer (WOI), and move on to Single
Helicopter Missions. Here you command and fly a single helicopter, in one of two theaters,
against opposing forces in a variety of missions. The rank of a commissioned officer awaits
your success; and upon receiving your commission, the door opens to the endless variety and
challenge of Flight and Campaign Missions.
In the Flight Missions you are not only an active member of, but command a flight of
five helicopters. You determine the mix of helicopters and ordnance necessary to complete
the mission. How well you employ your own helicopter, plus command the other four
helicopters determines the success or failure of the mission .
The Campaign Mission places you in a situation of continuous combat where mission
after mission is thrown at you and your flight. While you can't win the campaign on your own,
your success (or failure) does have an impact on its ultimate outcome.
Gunship 2000 offers all the thrill and excitement of modem helicopter combat in a
visually accurate world of Topographical 3-D. Promotion, decorations and glory await you!
SORTING THE This Manual provides a tutorial for beginners, in-depth operating instructions, and a
MATERIALS wide variety of tactical, historical and technical background.
The Technical Supplement provides specific instructions for the installation and/or
loading of this simulation on your computer. it also acts as a complete reference guide for
all of the graphics and keys used in the simulation.
The Keyboard Overlay(s) visually represents all of the controls and orders necessary
for the operation of your helicopter and the computer itself.
INSTALLATION/ The Technical Supplement provides complete instructions about how to install Gunship
2000 onto either a hard disk (strongly recommended) or floppy disks. See the "Installation"
LOADING section for details .
In addition , the "Loading" section provides instructions for starting up the simulation.
You'll be provided the opportunity to tailor the software to your system, specifically the
controller type and sound options. If you have a joystick, we strongly recommend its use .
However, it's not required - the entire simulation can be controlled from the keyboard.
LEARNING THE The fIrst step is to become acquainted with actual helicopter flight systems. Read
SIMULATION through 'The Helicopter" (pages 66 - 87) . In this section, the theory and practical application
of helicopter flight is discussed. Those unfamiliar with any type of flight or familiar only with
fIxed-wing flight will fInd the information quite benefICial. With this information in hand , you
are ready to proceed to the tutorial.
This tutorial enables you to strap on the seat of a helicopter and begin flying without
digesting the entire manual . However, it neither provides you with the necessary insight to
skillfully utilize the various weapon systems available, nor details the multiple helicopter
operations. It familiarizes you with the basic controls and systems of the AH-64AApache
Gunship in a simple training flight against simulated opposing forces .
See the Technical Supplement for spe-
cific instructions for the installation, loading
and configuration of this simulation on your
DUTY ROSTER As a new pilot, your first step is to get your name up on the Duty Roster. As part of this
process, you also have the opportunity to select your squadron unit insignia and its nickname.
Position the cursor over the duty roster hanging on the back wall and press Selector # 1.
The "Duty Roster" screen now appears. .
By positioning the cursor over anyone of the six pilots, a detailed accounting of the flight
commander and flight members, if any, is displayed in the top section. For now, you just want to
get your name on the Duty Roster (for a detailed description of the Duty Roster, see pages 20 - 22).
Position the cursor over the "Erase Me" pilot and press Selector #2; then follow the instnlctions
to enter your name and select your squadron and its nickname. Leave the cursor positioned over
your new pilot (the corresponding data should be displayed in the top section) and press Selector
# 1. This selects that pilot and returns you to the brigade headquarters screen.
Notice that your pilot's name and unit are now listed at the top of the Duty Roster.
TYPE OF FLIGHT Now position the cursor over the duty officer's desk (he is sitting in the foreground) and
press Selector # 1. The "Type of Flight" screen now appears.
Since you're in training, position the cursor over the "Training" and press Selector # 1.
This places you in the training mode and returns you to the brigade headquarters screen.
Notice that the duty officer is now holding an envelope marked "Training"; this envelope
contains your orders for this training mission.
THEATER OF DUTY Now position the cursor over the world map located on the right wall and press Selector
#1 . The "Theater of Duty" screen now appears.
There are simulated training sites available for either of the two theaters - The Persian
Gulf and Central Europe. Select the Persian Gulf (you will eventually want to fly training
missions in both theaters) by positioning the cursor in the box outlining the theater and
pressing Selector # 1. You now return to the brigade headquarters screen; notice that the
Persian Gulf theater is outlined on the world map.
MISSION BRIEFING You are now ready to start the training flight. Position the cursor over the door marked
"Exit" and press Selector # 1. The Briefing screen now appears.
It's time to familiarize yourself with the Mission Orders. As you look out at the TF
Commander, the top page of your Mission Orders is just visible at the bottom of the screen.
Position the cursor on the page and press Selector #1. You are now looking down at the
top page.
Since this is a training mission, some of the data is in abbreviated form ; however note
two important areas.
First, are the "Primary Mission" and "Secondary Missions". Review the type or nature
of the missions. Additionally, the position of your base and FARP also indicated.
Second, position the cursor anywhere on the page and press Selector # 1. The next page
appears. This lists the support data about flight conditions and the S2's intelligence report.
Please note that the map coordinates are read military fashion, "right & up" . The flrst
number listed is on the horizontal scale, and the second on the vertical scale. For example,
00/16 is in the upper left comer. Remember that maps are never 100% accurate. This is
especially true when sighting mobile units.
Position the cursor anywhere on the page and press Selector # 1. The mission map appears.
This map indicates the relative positions of the different Primary Missions (P), your base (B)
and FARP (F). Additionally, the map details the major terrain features and other areas of
interest (for a detailed description of the mission map, see pages 33 - 34).
To review the Mission Orders, you may sequentially leaf through the pages any number
of times. After review, position the cursor over the envelope and press Selector #1 . The
Brieflng Screen now appears.
For this flight let's go with the armorer's recommended weapon load and begin the
mission. Position the cursor over the map and press Selector # 1. The Cockpit Switches nowappear.
COCKPIT SWITCHES When Gunship 2000 is flrst installed, all of the switches are set at the lowest difficulty
levels. Let's leave them that way for this flight. By positioning the cursor over a switch, a brief
description of its function appears in the "Data Display" at the upper right (for a detailed
description of the cockpit switches, see pages 28 - 30).
Located in the center of the screen is the "GPS Console". Position the cursor over this
area; the Data Display describes the Console's function and then displays the GPS Cipher.
You're shown a Squadron Insignia along with a flve digit number. These insignia and
numbers are found between pages 21 - 60 of this manual. Find the corresponding flve digit
Authenticator Code, and enter this number by pressing the appropriate numeric keys.
If the correct code is entered, the GPS Console displays "Signal Locked" . You're now
ready to start the mission.
If you can't flnd the correct code, you can still fly the miSSion, but the on-board GPS Map
is disabled along with your weapons. Basically, you're on a sightseeing tour, but at least the
view is breathtaking.
Now position the cursor over the "Aux Power Unit" switch. This switch starts the
helicopter's engines, which begins the mission. It has a safety cover so that it won't be
inadvertently activated. Press Selector # 1, and the safety cover flips up. Press Selector # 1
again, and the power winds-up - your mission begins!
AT THE Now you're on the ground at your base, at the controls of an AH -64A Apache. You have
CONTROLS a pilot's eye view of the world as you look out over the cockpit gauges and indicators. The
following is an abridged version of the flight controls; it'll get you started in your flrst
helicopter flight (for a detailed description of the flight and cockpit controls, see pages 38 - 41).
You start the training mission by taking off from your base, and end it by landing back
at your base.
At this point, it's agood idea to locate the pause (alt p) key. The frustration factor is much
reduced if you pause the flight, read a section, perform the actions, pause again and read
on further.
GETTING AIRBORNE Your engines are already on line (the APU provided the necessary power to fire them up) .
Now engage the rotor; press the Rotor Engage/Disengage (9) key. The rotor indicator light
turns from red to green, and the rotor starts to rotate.
Vertical movement is controlled by the Collective. Press the Collective Up Fast (Shift =)
key a few times until the Apache starts to gain lift. When the altitude reaches approximately
200 feet. press the Collective Down (-)key to stabilize the lift.
Horizontal movement is controlled by the CycliC. To move forward, push the Joystick
(up arrow) forward . You now start to gain speed. By pushing the Joystick fully forward, the
maximum speed for that altitude is attained . The Joystick need not be kept in a forward
position to maintain forward flight; it's self trimming when centered.
Next push the Joystick (right arrow) slightly to the right. You bank and turn to the right.
If you do the opposite, you bank and tum to the left.
MAP VIEW Press the Map View (FlO) key; the GPS map now appears. Don't worry, your Apache
doesn't crash while you're viewing the map - the action is suspended.
The GPS map displays the entire world in which you're flying . Notice that it matches the
map you reviewed in your Mission Orders. Your Apache is positioned in the center of the
map , and the Primary Objective is just to the north.
Let's use the Apache's INS System to navigate to the target (for more information on the
INS System, see pages 46) .
Press the F key to select the Fly To command. Position the cursor over the Primary
Objective, and press Selector # 1 followed by the Selector #2. This enters that position into the
INS System.
You can check the map at any time during a flight to verifY positions. For now, press
the Selector # 1 to return to the cockpit view.
The heading for the Primary Miss ion is displayed in the INS Indicator. More than likely,
your true heading is different from the INS heading. Bank the Apache towards the INS
heading indicator until the two heading numbers match. This new heading will take you to
the Primary Mission for gunnery practice.
WEAPON SELECTION Your Weapons Indicator (located at the lower left) should display "Cannon"; if not. press
the Ordnance Select (space bar) key until it displays ·Cannon". You've now selected the
Apache's M230 30mm Chaingun. It has a max range of 1,500 meters, but its optimum range
is 700 meters dead ahead and half that for a "deflection shot" to the side.
TARGETING Before you can frre at an opposing unit, the TADS must be locked onto the target. Look
at the Threat Display (it's located in the lower right hand comer) . If you're flying in the correct
direction, there should be a red dot directly ahead . If not, adjust your flight path. Check the
map to verifY the placement of your waypoint.
The TADS should be locked onto the target, a BTR-60 APe (the Primary Mission). It's
displayed, along with its identification, true heading and range data, in the MFD Oocated in
the center of the cockpit). If the TADS isn't locked onto the target, press the Acquire/Next
Target (selector #2) key.
When locked, a Target Diamond appears in your view along with the Reticle Ring. The
Target Diamond indicates the exact position and heading to the BTR-60. The Reticle Ring
is the aiming point of the cannon. To hit the target, the Reticle Ring must be superimposed
over the Target Diamond. Adjust your flight path if necessary. When superimposed, the
Diamond changes to a broken box.
TAKING THE SHOT When the BTR-60 enters maximum range for the cannon, the Target Box changes from
a broken box to a solid. This indicates that the selected weapon (the M230 cannon in this
case) is now "in constraints".
Keep the Target Box centered in the Reticle Ring, and let the range decrease. As the range
decreases the Reticle Ring increases in size, indicating an increase in weapon accuracy. As
you gain experience, you will eventually be able to determine weapon accuracy just from the
size of the Reticle Ring.
When the range reaches about 1000 meters, open fire by pressing Selector # 1. You don't
have to aim the M230 as it automatically tracks the target as long as the Reticle Ring is
superimposed over the Target Box. After a few rounds, the BTR-60 is knocked out; you'll see
its telltale explosion in the distance.
RETURN TO BASE Well that's probably enough action for this flight; let's return to base. Select the Map
View, and set the INS System for a heading to the base.
Fly the Apache to a position directly over the base. When in position, pull back on the
cyclic and allow your speed to drop to zero. Now press the Collective Down (-) key to start
a slow descent on to the base. It's of no consequence ifyour descent is too fast, you can't crash
on this flight. Perfect landings only come with practice.
Upon touchdown, press the Rotor Engage/Disengage (9) key (the indicator light now changes
from green to red), and the rotor slows to a stop. Answer 'Y' to "call it a day". This training flight
is now at an end.
Good luck on your future flights!
INSTALLATION/ See the Technical Supplement for specific instructions for the installation. loading and
LOADING configuration of this simulation on your computer.
MAKING Gunship 2000 provides for a large number of game options. These are presented in
SELECTIONS various screens in the form of "action areas" or in a menu format.
When a screen fIrst appears. the cursor will be positioned on the screen or over a menu
selection. You move the cursor or change the menu selection by using the Controller. Once
positioned over the desired option. it's se-
lected by pressing Selector # 1.
---- ---- - .- ",-- - -
If your controller is a joystick, moving
the stick up or down moves the cursor
For compatibility across a wide variety of computers
vertically; moving the stick left or right moves
and control mechanisms. standard terms are used
the cursor horizontally. Vertical and hori-
throughout. See the Technical Supplement and Keyboard zontal movement can be combined.
overlay to interpret each for your computer.
ACTION AREAS Most options are accessed via "action areas". These are placed at various positions
around the different screens. However, in some cases, menus are utilized where lists of data
options are more functional.
To select an option, use the controller to position the cursor over the deSired "action area".
When an "action area" is accessed, the cursor changes shape from an arrow to a bull's-eye and
the option's title displays at the bottom of the screen. Pressing Selector # 1 then selects that option.
Menu options are selected in a similar manner; the selected option is highlighted.
Whenever an option is selected in error, pressing the esc key cancels the selection.
BRIGADEHQ All action begins at Brigade Headquarters, located at your home base. From this screen,
the selections are made that determine the nature of your upcoming mission(s).
There are six "action areas" located at various positions around the screen, and these
are accessed to make the various mission selections.
DUTY ROSTER Position the cursor over the Duty Roster hanging on the back wall and press Selector # 1.
The duty roster is utilized to post the name of an active pilot. and flight members, if any,
for the upcoming mission . The name of the posted, or active pilot always displays at the top
of the Duty Roster.
What does it all mean: The Duty Roster is a detailed summary of a pilot's career
and the careers of his flight members, if he is also a flight commander. By positioning the
cursor over anyone of the six pilots, that pilot is posted and
a detailed accounting of the pilot and flight members then
displays in the top section.
Base Screen The pilot's name, rank, squadron insignia, squadron
nickname, decorations awarded (numerals indicate mul-
tiple awards), missions and campaigns flown and career
score(s) display. If the pilot is a flight commander, the flight
members are also listed along with their name, rank
and decorations .
Ranks: Throughout a career, a pilot, including flight
members, can advance though the ranks from Warrant
Officer Candidate all the way up to Brigadier General.
Ranks are indicated by a military abbreviation or by the
actual rank insignia.
The military abbreviations correspond to the following
ranks in order of achievement:
WOC: Warrant Officer Candidate
WOl : Warrant Officer, W-l
CW2: Chief Warrant Officer, W-2
CW3: Chief Warrant Officer, W-3
CW4: Chief Warrant Officer, W-4
2LT: Second Lieutenant
lLT: First Lieutenant
Ro ster Screen CAP: Captain
MAJ: Major
LTC: Lieutenant Colonel
COL: Colonel
BG: Brigadier General
•••iiiililii.".§..'"••• The following decorations are awarded for heroism and
valor, and are listed from least difficult to achieve to the highest:
ACV: The Army Commendation Medal for Valor
AMV: The Air Medal for Valor
BSV: The Bronze Star for Valor
SS: The Silver Star
DSC: The Distinguished SeIVice Cross
CMOH: The Congressional Medal of Honor
Career Records: There are three numerical values that summartze a pilot's career
records. They represent, from left to right, last mission, best mission and total career.
Status: Pilots, and consequently their flight members, are classified by the current
flight status. Only "Active" pilots can be posted for duty.
Active: Currently on active duty and good to go. You can have up to six "Active" pilots
on the Duty Roster.
Retired: If you are successful enough to achieve the rank of Brigadier General , your
country will ask no more of you . There's no more flying for you , and you'll be posted to a cushy
desk job at the Pentagon.
However, if you've flown 50 missions without achieving the rank of Brigadier General,
and very few do, you'll be retired from combat and posted to the Army Aviation Center at Ft.
Rucker, Alabama as a pilot instructor.
269 11 14 104
60267 032 79
MIA: If your helicopter goes down behind enemy lines , there's a chance you'll be lost or
150 54 0 662 1
captured . As a result, you'll b e classified as "Missing in Action".
78957 95892 KIA: Ifyour helicopter suffers a catastrophic crash there's a chance you won't walk away
72 4 63 39850 from it. As a result, you'll be classified as "Killed in Action".
Campaigns: If your pilot and flight are currently engaged in a campaign. that
information is displayed . Campaigns must be resolved before any other mission (except
training) can be flown .
New Pilot: If you are crea ting a new pilot. you must permanently erase an existing
pilot from the Duty Roster; so be careful who you select for erasure. An "Erase Me" pilot has
been provided for your first entry.
Position the cursor over the "Erase Me" pilot and press Selector #2; follow the in-
structions to enter your name and select your squadron insignia and its nickname. Notice
that your pilot's name and unit are now listed at the top of the Duty Roster. All new pilots
start out at the rank ofWOC .
Leave the cursor positioned over your new pilot (the corresponding data is displayed in
the top section) and press Selector # 1.
Existing Pilot: If you don't want to create a new pilot and want to continue the
career of an "Active" pilot, position the cursor over that pilot and press Selector # 1.
TYPE OF FLIGHT Position the cursor over the duty officer's desk (he is sitting in the foreground) and press
Selector # 1.
The open folder displays the available mission options:
•. g: These missions are conducted at the training center, and are constructed
to simulate the Theaters of Duty. The opposing forces are always positioned in the same
manner so that various weapons and tactics can be tested.
Training missions simulate all helicopter operations with the following exceptions:
No Damage: You can't be hurt, as all of the opposing shots are simulated, and you walk
away from all crash landings. However, the opposing weapons do behave normally, so you
can still practice defenSive measures.
Career Record: The Training mission does not count as a mission flown; you don't
receive any score, promotion or decorations for heroism and valor.
Training missions can be flown at any time during a pilot's career, and, in fact, are the
only alternative mission type that can be selected if a pilot is currently engaged in a
Campaign. New pilots are not required to select Training. but if you do , at least you'll receive
quick promotion to WO 1 and the NOS medal.
72 4 63 4 33 12
69 240 46149
976 62 9 17 16
2 69 11 4 46 3 7
8 5 9 24 3861 3
Single Helicopter: These missions send you out in a single helicopter against a
real opposing force . While any pilot can fly these missions, pilots of any Warrant Officer rank
are limited to Single Helicopter Mission s.
During Single Helicopter missions, you're assigned a Primary, and more than likely, a
Secondary mission. These missions can either be Point Attack or Search & Destroy.
Point Attack: You're directed to a specific target or targets with the objective to
eliminate the targets.
Search & Destroy: The specific location of the targets is unknown or the targets are
moving. You need to search the area described in your orders to find the target units with
the objective to eliminate them.
Flight: Once you have received your commission (ranks of Second Lieutenant and
above) , you are then eligible to command a multiple- helicopter fligh t . The other pilots in your
flight are assigned to you from the force pool, and stay with for the duration.
As with Single Helicopter missions, you're assigned overall missions. The missions include
the two described above plus Deep Strike , Tactical Support, Search & Rescue and Recon.
Deep Strike: You're directed to a target or targets deep in enemy territory, far from your
home base. We take care of getting you to the "passage point" , but you musttake itfrom there.
Tactical Support: You're called upon to pick-up or deliver troops or supplies to the
battle area. There may also be wounded in need of immediate evacuation. While these "beans
and bullets" missions may seem less sexy, they are none the less important. Besides, you
may h ave to fight your way in and out. A UH -60K/L Blackhawk must be on tap to successfully
complete these missions.
Search & Rescue: Friendly forces are in need of extraction, but must first be located. Not
unlike Search & Destroy missions, but don't take any shots at these guys. The UH-60K/L
Blackhawk must be on tap to successfully complete these missions.
Recon: The scouts lead the way here, as you're ordered to see what's out there. The OH-58D
Kiowa Warrior, AH-66A Comanche or AH-6G Defender must be on tap to successfully complete
these missions.
Campaign: This is a theater-wide commitment for the long haul. You're placed in a
situation of continuous combat where mission after mission is thrown at you and your flight.
Who knows how long it will last; there's no set schedule in combat. While you can't win the
campaign on your own, your success (or failure) does have an impact on its ultimate outcome.
If you are a new pilot, it's best to choose Training as your fIrst flight. In any case, position
the cursor over the the desired mission type and press Selector # 1.
49 758 3 5098
8 4870 03 058
568 24 44551
6 7 3 72 0 9355
59925 35356
THEATER OF DUTY Position the cursor over the world map located on the right wall and press Selector # 1.
At this time, there are two theaters of operation available:
Persian Gulf: No pushovers here. The Iraqis are a well equipped foe . They possess a high
degree of commitment and won't easily waiver. Additionally, flying in desert conditions
presents a whole different set of factors .
As an added attraction, you and your flight may be call upon to stage from AmphibiouS
Assault Ships located in the nearby waters. Your skill and special training aptly qualifY you
for this duty.
Central Europe: This region is the greatest challenge since you are up against the best
the Soviet Union has to offer. They may be down, but they're not yet out. The region remains
very unstable; the history books are yet to be written on what could transpire.
Additional Theaters: GWlShip 2000 supports add-on theaters and their related forces
and equipment. A number of potential areas are currently under consideration.
Make your selection by positioning the cursor in the box outlining the theater and press
Selector # 1.
SQUADRON ARCIfiVES While not an integral component of the mission selection process, the Squadron
Archives certainly come into play over the course of a pilot's career. These records are kept
in the filing cabinet located just beneath the Theater Map.
Mission Films: Position the cursor over the top drawer and press Selector # 1; this drawer
contains the saved mission replay fIlms. During mission debriefmg you're given the
opportunity to save the mission replay for later viewing.
Positioning the cursor over a film title and pressing Selector # 1, selects the film - press
play to replay the film.
You may also exchange mission films with your friends - this way you can show them
what real pilots do in their spare time.
Duty Roster: Position the cursor over the bottom drawer and press Selector # 1; this
drawer contains the pre-mission Duty Roster.
We've all been in the situation where a single mistake has resulted in a life-ending crash,
or at the very least fast-tracked our careers to oblivion. This always seems to happen when
we're just on the verge of a major promotion.
In the past, quick reboots or DOS copies of the roster were the only alternatives around
this dilemma. Now you can use this option to restore the Duty Roster to its state just prior
to the last mission flown. It's like the mission never happened - we all need a few breaks once
in a while.
One warning - you must actually fly the mission before you can restore the Duty Roster;
this doesn't save you from the stigma of refusing to fly a mission .
EXITING BRIGADE HQ You're now ready to attend the mission briefing. Before you leave, make one last scan
of the screen to verifY your selections; once you leave, you're committed.
When ready, position the cursor over the door marked "Exit" and press Selector #1 .
MISSION Depending upon the Theater selected, you now fmd yourself in simple surroundings
BRIEFING among the lush green hills of Central Europe or on the stark sands of the Persian Gulf. As
a matter of course in the Persian Gulf, you may also find yourself in the ready room of an
AmphibiouS Assault Ship .
There are three "action areas" located at various positions around the screen.
MISSION ORDERS The top page of your Mission Orders is just visible at the bottom of the screen. Position
the cursor on the page and press Selector # 1.
These four pages not only detail the upcoming mission, but also provide important
intelligence data about the opposing forces. It's very important to read your orders carefully.
Press Selector # 1 to leaf through the pages.
Call Sign: It's based on the phonetic military alphabet; you're always number "1".
Primary Mission: This is the "primary" reason this mission exists, and why you're being
sent out. Make sure that you understand the components of the primary and its require-
ments for completion. Its general location is indicated on the mission map with a "P".
Secondary Mission: More than likely, a "secondary" is also assigned; its presentation
is the same as your Primary. Although claSSified a Secondary Mission, it's still important.
You can complete it first, but don't forget the primary. The Secondary Mission's general
location is indicated on the mission map with an "S".
Base: This is where you will start and finish the mission. Its location is indicated on the
mission map with a "S" .
Note that on Deep Strike missions, your base is some-
where off the mission map . You start on the edge of the world
at the "Passage Point"; this is expressed as two coordinate
Tent Screen values. This is the only safe exit from the mission.
FARP: If"FARP" is available, its location is indicated on
the mission map with an "F". You may land at a FARP to
replenish fuel and weapons.
S-2 Report: The S-2 gives you his best estimate (guess?)
about the opposing force's eqUipment. Pay speCial attention
to the availability of opposing h elicopters.
Conditions: Th e meteorological section gives you a
brief report on the expected weather conditions in the flight
area. How these conditions affect flying is d ependent upon
the flight switch settings.
Mission Map: This is the flight area for the current mis-
sion. All of th e key pOints of interest are indicated on the map.
Please note that the map coordinates are read military
fashion, "right & up". The first number listed is on the
horizontal scale, and the second on the vertical scale. For
example, 00/ 16 is in the upper left corner. Remember that
maps are never 100% accurate. This is especially true of
ground unit and mobile base sightings. >
Decline Mission: In the event you really don't want to fly this mission, you can opt to pass
it along to someone else and request new orders. If currently engaged in a campaign, this page
provides the mechanism to suspend or abort the campaign and return to Brigade HQ .
To review the Mission Orders, you may sequentially leaf through the pages any number
of times. After review, position the cursor over the envelope and press Selector # 1.
OUTFIT The squadron armorer routinely places the recommended helicopters, with ordnance,
on the fligh tline. You can accept his recommendations or change any or all of the h elicopters
HELICOPTERS and ordnance. To review, position the cursor over the helicopters in the background and
press Selector # 1.
OUTFIT SUMMARY This provides a complete overview of the pilot assignments, helicopters, and their
respective ordnance. From this screen, you may shift the pilots and/or helicopters to other
positions and also assign section leaders.
Swap Pilots: Position the cursor anywhere in the first pilot's summary section and press
the p (Swap Pilots) key; the pilot's outline now starts to flash . Position the cursor in the
second pilot's summary section and again press the p (Swap Pilots) key. There's just one
restriction, you must occupy the # 1 position. After all, you're the flight leader.
Swap Helicopters: Position the cursor anywhere in the first helicopter's summary
section and press the h (Swap Helicopters) key; the helicopter's outline now starts to flash .
Position the cursor in the second helicopter's summary section and again press the h (Swap
Helicopters) key.
Duplicate Helicopters: Position the cursor anywhere
Pilots Screen in the first helicopter's summary section and press the d
(duplicate helicopters) key; the helicopter's outline now
starts to flash . Position the cursor in the second helicopter's
summary section and again press the d (duplicate helicop-
ters) key.
Section Leaders: Your flight may be organized or
"sectioned" into one section of five or into two smaller
sections. The section of three is the "Heavy Section" ; the
other section of two is the "Light Section". Sections fly as a
single group, which greatly facilitates flight command s.
You're always a section leader; the pilots occupying
positions #3 and #4 may alternately be assigned as a section
leader. Position the cursor anywhere in the pilot's summary
section and press the I (Assign Section Leader) key.
The Heavy Section is identified by a blue band and the
Light Section by a grey band.
Return to the Mission Briefing screen when satisfied
with the mix, but first, read on.
ARMING If you want to change a helicopter's ordnance, or change the actual helicopter, position
the cursor anywhere in the helicopter's summary section and press Selector # 1. The Arming
Screen displays the current helicopter along with its ordnance.
Weapons: A brief description of each weapon displays at the upper right; for a more
complete description see pages 53 - 54.
To select a weapon, highlight it and press Selector # 1 ; then select the appropriate option
among those available. Existing weapons can be directly replaced; the existing weapon
doesn't need to be first removed.
Most helicopter weapons are balance loaded; whenever you add or subtract a weapon
to one position, its twin automatically loads on the opposite wing. The Defender and Kiowa
Warrior are exceptions; their pylons can carry different weapons.
Fuel: Highlight "Fuel" and press Selector #1. Expressed as a factor of 100%, fuel is
increased or decreased as desired . While it's real tempting to trade fuel for weapons, don't
leave yourself short; it's very embarrassing if you have to walk back.
Ammo: This only applies to helicopters with integral cannons or machine-guns. Highlight
"Ammo" and press Selector # 1. Ammo is loaded to the maximum, or any lesser amount.
Chaff/Flares: Highlight "Chaff/Flares" and press Selector # 1. A mix of60 chaff & flares
are carried.
Load: All helicopters are rated for a maximum load capacity; this value is express as
a factor of 100%. Theater and weather conditions affect the maximum load capacity of a
helicopter. It decreases as temperature and humidity in-
crease, and is further reduced by low atmospheric pressure.
Load capacity is also reduced at higher altitudes as air
Ordnance Screen becomes thinner as altitude increases.
The load capacity is automatically calculated for each
helicopter, but of course, varies by the theater and mission
conditions. As you change weapons or increase / decrease
Fuel or Ammo (the chaff & flare mix doesn't impact load) the
load capacity changes. You can load ordnance in excess of
100% , but the load must be 100% or less before you exit the
arming sequence.
A load ofless than 100% is desirable since more reserve
power is then available.
Change Helicopter: Highlight "Change Helicopter" and
press Selector # 1. Select the new helicopter by highlighting
it and pressing Selector # 1. New helicopters always arrive on
the flightline "clean" (without ordnance).
EXITING MISSION You're ready to start the mission. Position the cursor over the map and press Selector #1.
BRIEFING Note that during campaigns, this map is used to advise you of the current state of a
campaign. The degree of victory or defeat is indicated by how far the blue side (friendly) or
the red side (opposing) has advanced beyond the original front line.
COCKPIT You preflight, or set, the Cockpit Switches to determine the overall "reality" or difficulty
SWITCHES of the upcoming mission. Many different switch combinations allow you to tailor the settings
to your own particular needs. You must also enter the GPS Authenticator Code to activate
on-board systems.
There are nine "action areas" located at various positions around the screen. The "Data
Display" in the upper right corner displays a brief description of each switch whenever an
action area is accessed. Change switch settings by positioning the cursor over the switch and
pressing Selector # 1.
CP /G CONTROLS This assign duties to your invisible CP /G, and enables you to concentrate on other activities.
Weapons/C.M.: The CP/G automatically fires all weapons . The CP/ G additionally
activates the appropriate counter-measures systems as needed.
C.M.: The GP / G controls just the C.M. systems.
None: You control all weapon/C.M. systems.
While the CP /G does an adequate job, you will eventually want to control all
systems yourself.
This determines the competence level and training of
Reality Switch Screen the opposing forces . It has a direct correlation with how
quickly an opposing unit can achieve a lock on your helicop-
ter, and the relative accuracy of its weapons. Units of lower
quality are also more reluctant to pursue an objective in the
face of stiff resistance.
Poor: These guys are best described as rabble . A civilian
force could probably do just as well. Not much to worry about
here, you can mop up these troops with no trouble . A good
first opponent for new pilots.
Average: These are your basic everyday troops. Certainly
not exemplary, but at least they're not the bottom of the barrel.
Crack: Now we're starting to talk competence. These
guys know their business, and are a real challenge. They are
aggreSSive and clever. Don't assume anything.
Elite: The best-of-the-best. Not much more need be
said about these troops. They go to any lengths to accom-
plish their objectives or to stop you from accomplishing
yours. You need to be exceptionally quick and skillful to get
the upper hand.
FLIGHT This switch sets the flight mode parameters of your helicopter.
Easy: The pitch, roll, altitude and airspeed of the helicopter have no effect on lift. No
matter how you maneuver the cyclic Uoystick), lift, and therefore, your altitude is unaffected .
The collective is th e only control that affects lift/altitude.
Realistic : Here the pitch, roll , altitude and airspeed affect lift as in a real helicopter.
LANDINGS This switch sets the difficulty level or "forgiveness" associated with your landing attempts.
No Crashes: All landings are perfect.
Realistic: Landings need to be within the design specifications of the helicopter; ifnot,
damage or destruction could result. Easy does it.
AVOIDANCE This switch turns the on-board collision avoidance system on or off.
On: The helicopter automatically avoids intervening terrain features, thereby preventing
instant destruction on hillsides. The system avoids the objects by gaining altitude, so don't
deliberately fly at tall mountains; it can't protect you from bullets.
Off: You're on your own, so keep alert. The radar altimeter is probably your best friend.
WIND This switch activates or deactivates wind effects.
No Wind: The flight conditions are calm and serene.
Realistic: The wind is blowing across the battle field at the velocity and bearing
indicated in the Mission Orders. Your helicopter displaces an equal amount to the wind.
VISIBILITY This switch's setting determines the probability of naturally occurring (fog, rain, etc.)
or man-made conditions (smoke) obscuring visibility or limiting the effectiveness of
visiononics eqUipment.
Clear: Visibility is unlimited.
Realistic: Visibility can be limited by battlefield obscurants.
DIFFICULTY The combination of theater, mission type and switch settings determines the overall
difficulty level of the upcoming mission. The higher the difficulty level, the greater the
challenge, but the potential reward is heightened.
The "Difficulty" indicator provides a visual gauge of the difficulty level. When fully
illuminated, the mission is of extreme difficulty. The indicator is unilluminated, regardless
of the settings, for Training Missions, as no score is awarded.
GPS SYSTEM Located in the center of the screen is the "GPS Console". Position the cursor over this
area. After the Data Display describes the Console's function it then displays the GPSCipher.
You are shown a Squadron Insignia along with a five digit number. These insignia and
numbers are found between pages 21 - 60 of this manual. Find the corresponding five digit
Authenticator Code, and enter this number by pressing the appropriate numeric keys.
Ifthe correct code is entered, the GPS Console will display "Signal Locked". You're ready
to start the mission.
If you can't find the correct code, you can still fly the mission, but the on-board GPS Map
are disabled along with your weapons.
APU Now position the cursor over the "Aux Power Unit" switch. This switch is used to start
the helicopter's engines and begin the mission. It has a safety cover so that it won't be
inadvertently activated; it requires two keystrokes to activate. Press Selector # 1, and the
safety cover flips up. Press Selector # 1 again, and the power starts to wind-up.
94144 78663
59925 28846
26911 67929
57925 3183 1
56824 96229
SIMULATION A number of commands are available to control "overhead" or various game functions.
While these commands can be utilized at any time, some relate to specific functions , and have
CONTROLS no effect.
PAUSE Press the Pause (alt p) key to immediately freeze the action. Some computers have
specific "pause" or "hold" keys. Depending on the internal design of your computer, these
keys may also work. Pause is only effective during flight .
JOYSTICK ADJUST Gunship 2000 supports either ajoystick or the keyboard for all game functions. If you're
using a joystick, the keyboard also remains active.
If your joystick seems to be "drifting", press the Joystick Adjust (alt j) key, with the
joystick centered, to re-calibrate.
DETAIL ADJUST If you have a s lower computer, you may use the Detail Adjust (alt d) key to access the
selection menu . The simpler detail levels increase the processing speed. The action is
temporarily suspended when making the selections.
QUIT TO DOS Press the Quit (alt q) key to immediately end the simulation and return the system to
DOS. No information, including current scores or settings, is saved to disk. Scores and
settings are automatically saved at the completion of each mission, so only the current data
is affected .
END MISSION Press the End Mission (alt e) key to end the current mission. The computer projects the
current situation into the immediate future, and determines the results. Therefore, you can't
use this key to escape from impending disaster; and the results do count as a mission flown .
VOLUME ADJUST The Volume Adjust (alt v) key accesses the sound effects selection menu . The action is
temporarily suspended when making the selections.
CO-PILOT SOUND Your invisible co-pilot communicates system status and threat/target information to
you via digitized sound. While these prompts are quite helpful, there's a price to pay in
computer processing speed. If you find your system slowing too dramatically, pressing the
Co-Pilot Sound (alt c)key turns these sound off.
LAST MESSAGE The other section leader or pilots communicate with you during the course of a mission .
These messages stay visible for only a short period of time. If for some reason you are unable
to review an entire message (you could b e busy with some bad guys of your own), pressing
the Last Message (alt m) key re-displays the text.
COCKPIT STYLE In addition to the processing speed gained by adjusting the detail, the style of the
cockpit can be adjusted to increase performance. Press the Cockpit Style (alt s) key to toggle
between the cockpit styles.
ACCELERATE TIME Press the Accelerate Time (]) key to increase the rate at which time passes, therefore
increasing the speed of your flight. This is a variable setting of 16 levels, Each successive
press of the key increases the speed one level. This function is best used in combination with
auto-pilot mode.
NORMAL TIME Press the Normal Time ([) key to immediately return to normal time; it can't reduce the
rate to less than normal time. Flight automatically returns to normal time (at 6+ time)
whenever a target is sighted or upon reaching the final waypoint.
SIMULATION Gunship 2000 offers a number of different pOints of view while flying . You can jump from
VIEWS inside the cockpit to a point of view outside or even ride a Hellfire into its target.
FROM-THE-COCKPIT These view~ are from inside of the cockpit looking out. These are your "true" views .
VIEWS Cockpit (Fl): This is your normal from the cockpit view. From this you see the gauges
and controls of the cockpit panel. When engaging in combat, this is the most advantageous
point of view, as you have the aid of the weapon targeting systems.
Mast (F2): The OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, MD530G Defender and AH-64B Longbow
Apache are equipped with mast mounted Sights. They're used to peer over the tops of
obstacles while keeping the body of the helicopter hidden and safe from opposing eyes and
more importantly, opposing weapons.
They're best employed from hover mode (the auto-hover mode holds your position), as
you really can't mask behind terrain in forward flight. When activated, the controller is
utilized to rotate the sight, left or right, through 3600 , not to control helicopter flight.
Left (F3): View from out of the left cockpit window.
Right (F4) : View from out of the right cockpit window.
OUT-OF-COCKPIT VIEWS As an aid to flight maneuvers and combat, a variety of external views are available. In
all of them, you're "out-of-the-cockpit" looking at your helicopters and/or the targets .
Chase (F5): You're positioned just behind your helicopter, looking past it at whatever
lies ahead. You maintain this perspective no matter how the helicopter is maneuvered.
Flight Chase View (shift F5): You're positioned just behind one of your pilot's heli-
copters looking past it at whatever lies ahead. You maintain this perspective no matter how
the helicopter is maneuvered . Press the key again to shift your view to the next helicopter.
Tactical View (F6) : You're positioned just behind your helicopter, looking past it at the
target. This view automatically rotates and pans to keep both the helicopter and target in view.
This view is helpful when engaging air targets, and is also useful if you want to return
for a second or third pass at a ground target. It's probably wise to return to the cockpit before
firing, so as not to waste ammunition.
Remote View (F7): You're positioned just off from your helicopter; your helicopter
continues its flight. This view automatically rotates and pans to keep your helicopter in view.
67372 5 3 143 It's not unlike the view of a radio-controlled flight.
97662 14806 Additionally, by pressing and holding Selector #2, you can maintain that point of view.
94144 17640
3 4620 10929
49758 9 3 721
Reverse Tactical View (F8): You're positioned just behind your helicopter's target.
looking past it at your own helicopter. The target can either be an air or ground unit -
whatever you're locked on. In either case, the target is in the foreground, and your helicopter
is in the distance. In fact, it may only be a dot in the sky. This view automatically rotates and
pans to keep both the target and your helicopter in view.
Experienced pilots find this a very dramatic view when making attack runs at ground
targets. It's a great view to show off, but keep in mind that your helicopter is still flying; don't
crash into a hill while admiring the view.
Missile View (F9): You're positioned directly behind the weapon just launched. This
view is very entertaining, as you follow the weapon directly into the target. If you're having
trouble understanding why
your weapons are missing,
High Scale Map switching to this view can be
very helpful.
The different terrain
Low Scale Map features are depicted on the
high scale maps. These come
in many shapes and sizes,
River Canyon Structures Fortification Gorge and vary from world-to-
Road world . Terrain is the number
Canyon one defensive measure . Get
Railroad familiar with the different
terrain types, and use them
Low Hill to your advantage.
Press the spacebar to
Tunnel switch to the low scale mode.
Wad i The low scale maps d epict
specific terrain features.
Road Where the large scale map
Divided indicates a mountain group,
Highway the small scale map depicts
the actual mountains of the
group. The displayed area is
Airfield scrolled by moving the Con-
troller in any direction . A
reduced version of the large
Hill Flat scale map displays in the
upper Iightcorner; theyellow
indicator "boxes" the display
De pression area. Press the spacebar to
return to the high scale map,
or the esc key to return to
Mountain Coastline Sea flight mode.
Map Icons
AA Unit
60267 06150
7203 1
69240 30445
FLIGHT A number of controls and flying aids are available to you as a pilot. The following
CONTROLS describes and defines how each works; but do not use this section as a guide to flying. see
"How to Fly". pages 43 - 47.
CYCLIC STICK Pushing the Joystick (up arrow) forward pitches the helicopter's nose down . Pulling the
Joystick (down arrow) back pitches the helicopter's nose up. Pushing the Joystick left (left
arrow) or right (right arrow) rolls the helicopter in that direction.
A downward pitch moves the helicopter forward ; a large down pitch causes a faster dive
in Realistic Flight mode . An upward pitch moves the helicopter backwards.
Rolling the helicopter left or right at extremely low speeds (under 10 knots) causes the
helicopter to rotate left or right. At low speed (under 40 knots). it causes a skid or "sideslip"
left or right. At medium or high speed, it causes a banking tum left or right.
The ArtifiCial Horizon Gauge shows the current pitch and roll of the helicopter.
COLLECTIVE Lift keeps the helicopter airborne. In level flight, increasing the collective causes the
helicopter to ascend, while deceasing the collective causes the helicopter to descend. The
current level of the collective is measured as "torque". When raising or lower the collective,
the engine torque/throttle is automatically adjusted.
To raise or lower the collective, press the Collective Up (=) or the Collective Down (-)keys
respectively. To raise or lower the collective fast, press the shift Collective (= or -)keys.
The Torque Gauge indicates the current level of torque.
GEAR Press the Gear (3) key (AH -66A Comanche only) to toggle your landing gear up or down.
Flying with the gear down not only reduces airspeed. it increases the radar cross-section.
The Gear Indicator Light is illuminated when it's down .
AUTOPILOT Press the Autopilot (5) key to engage or disengage the autopilot. When engaged, it flies
you to the "active" INS waypoint; if no waypoints are set, the autopilot doesn't engage. When
engaged, the autopilot locks in your current altitude and speed. However, if your altitude is
less than the Low Limit, the Auto-Pilot will not engage. If the cyclic stick is moved in any
direction, the autopilot automatically disengages.
The autopilot Indicator Light illuminates when it's engaged.
Warning: the autopilot doesn't avoid hills or obstacles (unless Collision Avoidance is
engaged); it flies a straight line from waypoint to waypoint.
NEXT WAYPOINT Press the Next Waypoint (6) key to immediately Switch to the next waypoint. This can
be selected while the autopilot is engaged.
PREVIOUS WAVPOINT Press the Previous Waypoint (7) key to immediately switch to the previous waypoint.
This can b e selected while the autopilot is engaged.
BAY OPEN/CLOSE Press the Bay Open/ Close (8) key (AH -66A Comanche only) to open or close the weapons
bay. The Comanche's internal weapons, except for the 20mm carmon, can only fIre when the
bay is open. However, when open, it increases the radar cross-section.
The Bay Indicator Light is illuminated when it's open.
ROTOR Press the Rotor Engage/ Disengage (9) key to engage the rotor (cause the engines to turn
ENGAGE/DISENGAGE the rotor). or disengage the rotor (cause the rotor to spin freely, unconnected from the
engines) When it's disengaged, the collective is automatically "bottomed" (set to zero).
The Rotor Status Light indicates if the rotor is engaged (green) or disengaged (red). The
light flashes red if you attempt to add collective with the rotor disengaged .
AUTO-HOVER When flying at a speed from + 10 to -10 knots, pressing the Auto-Hover (0) key auto-
matically places the helicopter in hover mode; your speed is automatically reduced to zero.
The collective controls can be used normally, but auto-hover doesn't allow the altitude to
drop below the Low Limit. Therefore, you can't land with auto-hover engaged. If the cyclic stick
is moved forward or back (you may still rotate left or right). auto-hover automatically disengages.
The auto-hover Indicator Light illuminates when it's engaged;it flashes when engaged
at too high a speed
Auto-hover is very useful to maintain a position during windy conditions or to unmask
and quickly mask from cover. You can drop altitude like a rock, since auto-hover holds you
at the Low Limit Altitude.
ONE OR LEFT MFD Press the One or Left MFD (z) key to change the information displayed in a single or the
left hand MFD. Helicopters with a single MFD have five possible displays : navigation (heading
& waypoint data) , low scale map, mission orders, weapons status or target camera. The target
camera automatically displays, overriding any other display, whenever a lock-on occurs.
RIGHTMFD Press the RightMFD (x) key to change the information displayed in the right hand MFD.
Helicopters so equipped have five possible displays: navigation (heading & waypoint data).
low scale map , mission orders, weapons status, or threat display. The threat display
automatically displays, overriding any other display, whenever a target is detected.
LOWLIMIT- Press the Low Limit - (c) key to decrease the low altitude limit by 50 feet; it can not be
reduced below 50 feet. Both the barometric and radar altimeters utilize the low limit setting
as the basis for low altitude warnings. Audio and visual indicators are activated whenever
the altitude falls below the low limit.
In addition to its function as a flying aid, the low limit is used to set the flying altitude
of independent helicopters and/or sections.
LOW LIMIT + Press the Low Limit + (v) key to increase the low altitude limit by 50 feet; it can not be
raised above 250 feet.
WEAPON A number of weapon controls are available. The following descrtbes and defmes how
CONTROLS each works . Do not use this section as a guide to combat, see "How to Fight"'. pages 48 - 57.
ROCKET SALVO Press the Rocket Salvo xl , x2 or x4 (1 , 2 , 4) keys to set the number of Hydra 70 unguided
Xl. X2. X4 rockets that will be fired from each wing pod whenever "rockets" are selected and Selector
# 1 is pressed. Rockets are fired symmetrtcally from both wing pods, except for the Kiowa
WarIior and Defender. The salvo mode is shown in the Weapons Display.
ACQUIRE/NEXT TARGET Press the Acquire/Next Target (back space) key to lock onto a target or to switch the
current lock-on . Normally, the targeting system automatically locks onto the nearest target;
this enables you to switch to an alternate target.
Uno other targets are present. the lock-on remains with the current target. The target
system toggles through the potential targets from nearest to farthest.
RADAR JAMMER ON/OFF Press the Radar Jammer On/ Off (n) key to toggle the radar on, if currently off, or off,
if currently on. When the radar jammer is active, a green light illuminates next to the "R"
warning indicator.
DROP CHAFF Press the Drop Chaff (m) key to release a chaff decoy.
IR JAMMER ON/OFF Press the IR Jammer On/ Off (.) key to toggle the IR on, if currently off, or off. if currently
on. When the IR jammer is active, a green light illuminates next to the "I" warning indicator.
DROP FLARE Press the Drop Flare (I) key to release a flare decoy.
SELECT ORDNANCE Press Spacebar to change the active weapon; the active weapon, along with the available
quantity, is shown in the Weapons Indicator.
FIRE WEAPON Press Selector # 1 to fire the active weapon. Most weapons are fired/launched singly;
each time Selector # 1 is pressed, one round is fired. However, rockets are flred in salvos and
carmons & machine-guns fire in multiple-round bursts.
85924 08334
6639 1 49 159
84870 80422
72463 70783
34620 39186
AH-64A/B APACHE This gauge, along with its digital readout, shows your horizontal speed through the air
AIRSPEED GAUGE in knots. A speed of 100 kts equals about 114 mph, or about 161 kph.
ALTIMETER GAUGE This gauge, along with its digital readout, is your barometric altimeter; it shows your
true altitude in feet. It's adjusted for you to compensate for ground elevation variances so
that "0" altitude is always at ground level.
ARTIFICIAL HORIZON This ball gauge shows your pitch (nose up or down) and your roll (left or right).
AUTOPILOT The "P" illuminates whenever the autopilot is engaged.
AUTO-HOVER The "H" illuminates whenever auto-hover is engaged.
COMPASS The analog compass, along with its digital readout, indicates your current heading. Note
that the compass shows the heading your helicopter faces. During skids or backwards flight,
your actual course is different.
CHAFF &: FLARE This indicator shows the number of defensive stores remaining. Its shown as chaff"CF"
INDICATOR and flares "FL". Each defensive unit is released as a group of three cartridges.
ENGINE GAUGE The left and right strips in the gauge marked "E" show the RPMs of the port (left) and
starboard (right) engines.
FUEL GAUGE The gauge marked "F" shows the amount of fuel remaining in all tanks.
HUD The HUD (head-up display) projects bright numbers and symbols ahead of your view
so that you can simultaneously read the display and look ahead.
The left scale indicates your airspeed along with a symbolic representation of the
artificial horizon.
. The right side scale combines the radar altimeter with the vertical speed indicator (see
below). The radar altimeter is probably the most important indicator you have, so pay close
attention to it. It indicates your actual height over ground. There's an important distinction
between this and the standard altimeter. As you fly over obstacles your true altitude remains
constant, but the height over ground changes. This can be the difference between crashing
or surviving. The red band at the lower end of the scale is low limit.
The top scale is your heading along with the INS and target lock-on pips.
INS INDICATOR The INS (Inertial Navigation System) indicator indicates your course to your current
waypoint. The top fIxed pip is your heading, while the bottom pip is thewaypoint. Ifit's right
of center, turn to the right; if it's left of center, turn to the left. The waypoint course is also
indicated digitally.
AH-64A/B Apache Cockpit Screen
MFD The MFD has five possible displays: navigation (heading & waypoint data), low scale
map, mission orders, weapon status or target camera.
ROTOR LIGHT The light is green when the main rotor is engaged. The light is red when the main rotor
is disengaged , i.e. spinning freely , unconnected to the engines.
SYSTEMS STATUS These light show the status of major systems on board your helicopter. They appear as
LIGHTS a group on your console and the helicopter schematic on the map screen. A green light means
the system is functionally normally (console only); a yellow light means the system is
damaged and malfunctioning; a red light means the system is knocked-out and off-line.
The abbreviations (schematic position) represent:
AVN: avionics (gauges, defensive measures), side view - tail boom
CAN: integral cannon, side view - nose
FUL: fuel tanks, side view - lower cockpit
Off: optics (targeting systems), top view - nose
fYfE: port engine, top view - left engine
P1W: port weapons wing, top view - left wing
RfR: main rotor, side view - main rotor
SBE: starboard engine, top view - right engine
SBW: starboard weapons wing, top view - right wing
TAL: tail rotor (flight stability), side view - tail rotor
THREAT DISPLAY This screen shows nearby targets that can potentially threaten your helicopter. Red dots
are opposing units, grey dots are non-threatening units or structures, blue dots are enemy
aircraft, and yellow dots are missiles in flight. This includes both opposing missiles AND your
missiles. The white flashing dot is your present target.
The threat display automatically scales from short to long range (short range will
override long range).
TORQUE GAUGE The strip shows the amount of torque in the turbine engine(s). This is proportional to the
amount of collective control and rotor lift. The higher you set the collective, the higher the torque.
VSI The VSI (vertical speed indicator) shows the rate you are changing altitude (ascending
or descending). If the needle is horizontal, you're maintaining a constant altitude. If the
needle dips downward, you're descending toward the ground; if it pOints upward , you're
ascending. The greater the needle varies from hOrizontal, the greater the altitude change.
WARNING INDICATORS The "R" warning light flashes red whenever a search radar "sweeps" overyour helicopter.
& JAMMERS When tracking (fIring) radar for either guns or missiles locks onto your helicopter, the light
turns solid red. If you turn on your radar jammer, the neighboring light turns green while
69240 09 160 the jammer is running. If the jamming is successful, the solid red warning light turns off.
26911 67975
Note: your jammer can't suppress radar searches, so flashing red warnings may
3 4620 665 16
60267 57 108
continue even ifyour jammer is active. If you leave the jammer active, they'll eventually "read"
6639 1 20 136
your frequency and overcome the jamming.
The "IR" warning light turns solid red whenever an infrared OR) homing weapon is
approaching your helicopter. Ifyou turn on your IRjammer, the neighboring light turns green while
the jammer is running. If the jamming is successful, the solid red warning light turns off.
While the radar jammer can remain on, the IR jammer eventually "times out" due to
heat. It must cool down to again become effective.
Note: there aren't any active IR search devices , IR search is passive, therefore there's
no flashing red "IR" warning.
The "L" warning light turns solid red whenever your helicopter is being illuminated by
a laser ranging or targeting device. At the present time, laser jammers are still on the drawing
boards. So, find the source and get it before it gets you or get out of Dodge quick.
WEAPONS INDICATOR The weapons indicator shows the active weapon, its position on the helicopter, and
quantity of rounds remaining. For rockets, it also indicates the current salvo setting.
AH-66A The Comanche cockpit is dominated by electronic systems, and aptly fits the trend
towards total digital display. The first thing you notice is the lack of analog indicators.
AIRSPEED & ALTIMETER The airspeed (ASI) and altimeter (AL1') data are both digitally represented. Next to the altimeter
is the VSI icon; it indicates ascending, descending and neutral altitude change modes.
GEAR The status retractable landing gear is indicated by the gear ("G") light; it's illuminated
when it's down. You can fly with the gear in the down position, but speed is reduced and the
radar cross-section is increased. Landings are impossible with the gear in the up position.
BAY The status of the weapons bay is indicated by the bay ("B") light; it's illuminated when
the bay is open. Internal weapons , except for the 20mm cannon, can't fire when the bay is
closed. However, when open, it increases the radar cross-section.
OTHER DISPLAYS The remaining indicators, displays and HUD function in a similar manner to the Apaches.
THE REMAINING Although their cockpit layouts differ from the Apaches, the gauges, indicators and HUD
HELICOPTERS in the other helicopters function exactly like the Apaches. Just familiartze yourself with the
unique layouts; the "look" of the gauges and indicators has been standardize for ease of use.
5 7925 56524
49758 34 578
78957 23866
84870 02538
94 144 29352
AH-66A Comanche Cockpit Screen
Autopilot Auto-Hover
Compass Rotor
Chaff &
Helicopters are very complex flying machines. One wonders how a machine so angular
and ungraceful could ever get off the ground. In flight, they look like a mass of whirling blades.
Yet, helicopters do fly - and fly well for that matter; but, the controls are quite different from
a conventional airplane.
It's often said that the real pilots fly helicopters; the other guys just dabble at flying.
Remember just one thing - DON'T OVERCONTROL! Helicopter controls are sluggish;
they react slowly. Even the most responsive helicopter (like the Comanche) takes a couple
of seconds to respond to your control movements.
Be gentle with the controls. After each control movement, watch for the result before you
do anything else. Numerous fast, radical control movements produce unexplainable results
and possibly a crash!
The most common error in helicopter flight is to over-control by pulling or pushing hard
on the cyclic or pressing too long on a key.
The emphasis is on realistic flight, since that's the most complex. If possible, learn to
fly in the realistic mode from the beginning; you can always fall back on the easy mode if the
frustration factor gets too high.
Helicopter Controls ENGAGE THE ROTOR
Your power is already on line; the APU
provided the power to start the engines.
Press the Rotor Engage/Disengage (9) key to
engage the rotor system. The rotor status
light turns green when the rotor is engaged.
The rotors now come up to speed (the sound
level increases) .
Press the Collective Up Fast (shift =) key
until the helicopter starts to ascend . The
torque gauge rises as you "raise" the collec-
tive. Press the Collective Down (-) key if the
ascent is too fast. The VSI indicates the rate
of your ascent (the indicator is above hori-
zontal). Let the helicopter ascend to about
100 feet.
Press the Auto-Hover (0) key anytime
your speed is from + 1 0 to -10 knots. It's very
useful to maintain a position during windy
condjtions or to unmask and quickly mask
from cover.
ROTATING IN IIOVER Push the Cyclic (left or right arrow keys) left or right to rotate the helicopter in that
direction. The speed of rotation is dependent on how far the Cyclic is pushed (multiple presses
of the arrow key). Center the Cyclic (press the opposite arrow key until rotation stops) to stop
the rotation. You can only rotate the helicopter at speeds under 10 kts.
FLIGHT Add a little more collective. As you begin climbing, push the Cyclic forward slightly to
"pitch down" the helicopter. You'll begin to move forward. At about 30 kts, you'll start to
TECHNIQUES climb. Your altimeter and VSI reflect this change in lift. This is because forward motion in
FORWARD FLIGHT a helicopter adds extra lift (termed "translational lift"), especially at 30-90 kts .
The further you pitch down, the more your speed increases. As your speed exceeds 100
kts, translational lift deceases . The VSI starts to move to the negative end of the scale. More
pitch downward will push you into a dive.
Easy Flight: Lift is unaffected by forward motion. Your altitude remains constant, and
is therefore independent of the cyclic.
LEVEL FLIGHT Move the Cyclic forward or back until the airspeed reads about 120 kts. Now check the
VSI. If you're descending (the indicator is below horizontal), add more Collective until the
indicator is horizontal. Alternately, if you're ascending, reduce Collective. When the VSI is
horizontal, you're in level flight.
Due to the slow control response, it's easy to over-correct and add or reduce the
collective too much. You'll constantly "chase the needle" , trying to stabilize your flight. After
each adjustment, wait a moment for the VSI to stabilize.
Easy Flight: These adjustments are unnecessary since lift is unaffected by forward motion.
CHANGING ALTITUDE When flying level (about 120 kts), the easiest way to descend is to push the Cyclic forward
(pitch down) into a dive. As you approach the altitude desired , gently pull the Cyclic back
(pitch up) until the VSI again stabilizes. Similarly, the easiest way to ascend is to pitch up
slightly, reducing airspeed below 100 kts. When you reach the desired altitude, pitch down
again until the VSI stabilizes. This technique is not unlike conventional airplane flight. You're
able to change altitude without adjusting the collective.
A second way to change altitude, applicable at any speed, is to raise or lower the
collective. When you reach the desired altitude, adjust an opposite amount of collective to
regain level flight. This is the only way to change altitude from a hover.
Regardless of the technique used , don't try to fly the helicopter by constantly
adjusting the collective. Learn to "feel" the correct collective setting, and then fly with
just your cycliC. This takes time, so be patient. Even real pilots must practice many long
hours before it's mastered .
Easy Flight: The collective must be used to change your altitude; it's just like choosing
the floors on an elevator.
LOW LIMIT The low altitude limit is a flying aid that warns you of close ground proximity. It works
in conjunction with the radar altimeter, and is displayed as a red band on the radar altimeter.
TURNING From a level flight (about 120 kts) , move the Cyclic slightly to the left. Your helicopter
rolls into a banking left turn. As you turn, observe the change in your compass heading. Move
the Cyclic further left and bank into a tight turn; you 'll now start to lose lift. Notice that your
altitude is dropping and the VSl is below horizontal. If you center the Cyclic and level out,
you'll return to level flight.
There are two methods to maintain altitude in a tight turn; this could be very important
at low altitudes. Add some Collective before you start the turn, then reduce the Collective just
before you come out of it.
Alternately, pull up your nose slightly as you enter the turn, then drop it back down as you
come out of the turn. With this method, you can make fast, banking turns without losing altitude.
At speeds below 40 kts, the helicopter will skid ("sideslip") in the direction of cyclic
movement, rather than bank into the tum; at this point, you're basically flying sideways.
Easy Flight: Altitude is never lost, no matter how tight the turn. However, the helicopter
will sideslip at speeds below 40 kts.
TURBULENCE When flying below 100', you may feel air turbulence. You'll sometimes bounce up and
down, or roll from side to side. The amount of air turbulence varies with altitude and speed;
the faster and lower you fly, the more turbulence you may experience.
AUTOROTATION Helicopter crewman can't eject or bailout in times of trouble . However, the total loss of
engine power means only one thing - they must ride the bucking bronco in.
Fortunately, helicopters have the eqUivalent of an conventional airplane's "dead stick"
landing. This unpowered method of landing is called "autorotation".
To begin an autorotation, disengage the rotor. In real life the pilot must also "bottom"
the collective (reduce it to zero), but the collective automatically bottoms when you disengage
the rotor. This must be done immediately, or the rotor will slow to a stop (remember it's still
engaged to the now-dead engines) . If the rotor stops, you'll fall like a baby grand piano.
Now adjust the pitch until your airspeed is about 70 to 90 kts (maximum translational
lift) . The rotor is now spinning freely because the airflow keeps the blades turning. The
descent will become quite fast, a bit frightening to the inexperienced. When you get close to
the ground, raise the nose and Simultaneously add Collective. The rotor blades will "bite" into
the air, giving you lift and slowing the descent. Unfortunately, as the blades start to bite, air
resistance slows them down.
You must time the "up collective" so that the helicopter lands gently (figuratively
speaking) before the rotor slows too much. If you raise the collective too soon, the rotor will
stall and you'll be playing the piano again. If you raise the collective too late, you won't slow
your descent and you'll crash. Nobody said it would be easy - it just takes practice.
Easy Flight: Auto rotation is not functional with easy flight. It's best to set "no crashes"
when in this mode.
FLIGHT ENVELOPE There are "unsafe" speed and altitude situations that, in the event of total engine failure,
will unavoidably result in a crash. These unsafe situations are considered to be outside of
the "flight envelope".
Hovering at altitudes from 25' to 500', or high speed flight below 20' to 30' will probably
result in a crash if engine power is lost. It takes a certain amount of time to convert from
normal flight to autorotation. In these situations, there just isn't enough time to gain control.
However, "unsafe" is a relative term. In combat situations unsafe flying is probably
"safer" than taking a hit. During combat, chances must be taken; evaluate the situation and
make the best decision.
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Everyone has rules they must abide by, and this is no different in combat. Helicopters
live and fight near ground level, as high altitude is only safe for the jet jockeys.
The high command wants to assure that you will have a long and distinguished career.
Therefore, your maximum altitude is restricted to 1500' in all situations. Any higher, and
you'd be a sitting duck.
NAVIGATION Pressing the Map View (FlO) key displays the high scale mission map. You can always
INS SYSTEM fly to specific points by dead reckoning or, more simply, you may input up to three waypoints
into the INS system.
To input waypoints, press the Fly To (F) key; a yellow crosshair appears over your
helicopter. Use the Controller to move the crosshair to any point on the map, and press
Selector #1 ; waypoint #1 is now marked. Press Selector #2 to stop with less than three
waypoints or continue to mark waypoints #2 and #3 . Press esc, at any time, to cancel the
waypoints. Existing waypoints are automatically cancelled whenever the Fly To (F) key is
pressed (esc will cancel the command).
Because the high scale map is only a representation of the actual terrain, you may want
to "fine -tune" the placement of the waypoints. After all, you wouldn't want to fly into a
mountain. Press the spacebar, the low scale map appears. Use the Controller to follow the
path of the waypoints (each waypointis marked with its number). To adjust a waypoint, press
its number. It's now centered in the map display . Use the Controller to adjust its placement;
press Selector #2 when fmished.
The current INS heading is the flight path to the "active" waypoint. The waypoint range
and heading can be displayed in the MFD . The Next Waypomt(6) and Previous Waypomt (7)
keys are used to change the active waypoint. To manually adjust your course, always turn
towards the INS pip.
Press the Autopilot (5) key at anytime to engage the autopilot. When engaged, it flies you
to the "active" INS waypoint.
WIND & WEATHER When flying during windy conditions, the same considerations that apply to an airplane
apply to helicopters. Namely, the wind will increase your speed, slow you down, and/ or push
you sideways, depending on your flight path in relation to the wind velocity and direction.
This is most noticeable on long distance flights .
Temperature also affects helicopter flight. As air gets warmer, it expands and becomes
84870 47758
67372 43311
th.i nner, providing less lift. If the air gets too cold , icing on the rotor becomes a problem.
81987 76273
Similarly, in humid conditions the air is composed of more water, reducing lift. Finally, as
97662 9 11 86 altitude above sea level increases, air gets thinner, reducing lift. For helicopters, ideal flying
5 7925 37345 conditions are 70° F (21 ° C) on a dry day at sea level.
LANDING The nice thing about helicopters is their ability to land without a paved airstrip .
However. they can't land on sloping ground . Any slope greater than 5° causes so much rotor
tilt that the helicopter flies, or skids away from the slope, making a landing impossible.
NEVER try to land on a hillside - you'll crash!
Ideally, all landings, and takeoffs for that matter, should be into the wind. As you
approach the base, lower your altitude to about 50' and reduce your airspeed to 60 kts by
pulling back slightly on the Cydie. You'll need to reduce the Collective to maintain your 50'
altitude. Your goal is to land in the center ofthe base. Just before you cross the outside edge
of the base, begin slowing down to a hover by pulling back on the Cydie. Note that as your
speed drops towards 0 your lift will decrease. Add some Collective to maintain your altitude.
The wind will tend to push you away from your present position; the Cydic should be
moved slightly toward the wind, producingjust enough skid to counteract the wind velocity.
This will maintain hover against the wind .
Reduce the CoUective (easy does it here) to begin your fmal descent. At about 20' you
may need to reduce the Collective further to achieve touchdown .
Easy Flight: The collective must be used to change your altitude; however, altitude is
unaffected by the cyclic controls.
FARPS Foward arming and refueling pOints (FARP) are highly mobile bases designed to support
helicopter operations. They are placed near or around the battle area, and are usually set
up to support a particular squadron or mission. They are well stocked with aviation fuel and
a full range of weapons.
Your mission orders indicate if a FARP is available for the current mission. If available,
you may land at the FARP just like any other base. The ground crew immediately refuels and
rearms your helicopter and your flight.
Unfortunately, they're not supermarkets - there's no shopping allowed . Your helicop-
ters are refueled and rearmed to match your start of mission configurations.
CARRIER LANDINGS You may ask what business the Army has at sea? As a member of a highly trained, elite
force , you are more than up to the task. Still, carrier-based landings are a little more
complicated than your everyday open-field variety.
The landing pad is smaller, and the carrier deck isn't at 0' altitude. The radar altimeter
is the key instrumentation; it indicates the proper approach altitude as you center your
position over the deck . The other steps are just like landing on the ground, but be prepared
to immediately max the collective if you've misjudged your approach.
SHUT DOWN When you have landed at your base (altitude is 0), disengage the rotor. "CaU it a day"
appears; answer " y" to end the mission or " n" to refuel and rearm to continue the mision.
15054 8669 ]
85924 73924
49758 60276
6639 1 6 1939
9 7662 69768
Helicopter combat systems have come a long way since the days of door mounted
machine-guns and wing and a prayer defensive measures. Contemporary helicopters
possess an extensive array of weapon and defensive systems. Each has been tailored to a
specific target type or purpose. It's important to become familiar with each system's
strengths and weaknesses. It'll be the difference between getting the target or the target
getting you!
FLIGHT PLAN Before you take off, re-examine the mission map, and decide on a flight path that will
take you to the primary or secondary. Remember, the most obvious route may end up being
the most disastrous. Bounding directly into the target at 140 kts and 500' of altitude may
work in training, but it's suicide against well-equipped troops.
A standard technique is to fly to the target in short dashes. Fly from behind one hill to
another, then hover and pop up briefly to scan ahead. Drop down, pick your next destination
and repeat the process. Stay as low as possible when dashing, and use intervening terrain
to mask your movement. It may sound boring, but you'll enjoy the results.
Fuel is a major conSideration; it isn't unlimited . Don't stretch yourself to the point you
can't make it back. This is espeCially important when flying over water.
Any success quickly turns to failure ifyou lose your flight to poor fuel planning. Always know
the position of your base and FARP. Don't hesitate to "top off" your tanks if there's any question.
THREATS As you fly, watch the threat display; the top of the display coincides with your current
heading. A red dot is an opposing ground unit. A blue dot means an opposing aircraft
(helicopter) is approaching. A yellow dot indicates a missile in flight. A yellow cross indicates
a missile coming your way. Note that the threat display can't distinguish between friendly
and opposing missiles. A grey dot is a friendly unit or a neutral structure.
When units appear on your threat display, they are also plotted on the maps. They appear
darker when they disappear from your threat display; that's their last known position.
Though virtually every opposing unit has some sort of gun or shoulder-launched
missile, the most dangerous are AA guns and vehicles and SAM vehicles .
WARNING INDICATORS Watch your warning indicators; they are the true measure of enemy activity. The "IR" ,
"R" and "L" indicators turn or flash red to indicate opposing search or tracking activity.
Additionally, the originating unit's dot on the threat display automatically changes to a cross,
thereby alerting you to the bearing of the most dangerous threat or threats.
JAMMERS When a warning indicator illuminates, the standard response is to turn on the
corresponding jammer; press the Radar Jammer (n) key or IR Jammer (.) key ("L" jammers
currently aren't available). A small green light beSide the warning light illuminates, showing
your jammer is active. If the warning indicator turns off, the jamming was successful.
Immediately turn onto a new course, as jammed missiles often continue on their old course.
Keep your jammer active until you destroy or flyaway from the threat. It's a good idea
to immediately activate both jammers if the threat concentration is high .
DECOYS If the warning indicator remains illuminated, try using a decoy; press the ChaIf(m) key
or Flare U) key to launch a decoy. The decoy indicator illuminates as long as the decoy is
active. The decoy should be drawing the missile or gunnery to its position.
Passive JR-guided missiles are the most common threat. Your IR waITIing indicator
illuminates when they approach. Use your jammer or flares to "confuse" the missile, but
remember to tum away so as not to collide with it. Sophisticated IR missiles probably have
visual or laser back up guidance; don't get too elated if you defeat the IR-guidance, there may
still be a nasty surprise in store.
While radar-guided missiles are primarily designed for use against conventional jet
aircraft, they still pose a serious threat. A radar beam reflecting off your helicopter gUides
the missile. This radar beam is what illuminates your radar warning indicator. Use your
jammer or chaff to "confuse" the missile, but remember to tum away so as not to collide with
it. Just like IR-guided missiles, radar homers probably have back up gUidance systems.
Therefore, defeating the radar is just the first step in defeating the missile .
Visually or laser-guided missiles are the greatest threats. You have no effective jammer
or decoy defenses; your only bet is evasive flying. Putting terrain between you and the missile
is the best bet. Flying into the dead zone is the only other hope . Remember, successful evasive
flying requires that you fly lower AND away from the launcher. If you continue flying toward
the launcher, flying lower may not be effective.
After all this, there is some good news. All missiles have one universal weak point - they
have a wide turning radius. If you can get one close, dart off perpendicular to its flight path;
it will be unable to tum fast enough to hit you. This tactic is easier said than done in a slow
moving helicopter (fast-movers swear by this maneuver). It takes enormous skill, and split
second timing to tum inside of a missile screaming in at Mach 3.
The Appendix includes a summary of the various AAA and SAM systems that await your
pleasure. A description of the search, tracking and missile gUidance systems is listed , along
with an estimate of their effectiveness.
Study your mission intelligence briefings closely. If necessary, reference the weapon
system to understand its use and effectiveness.
OUT AT SEA When out over the water, you have lost the best means of defense - terrain. You'll need
to stay extremely alert, since the opposing patrol craft carry a number of defense weapons.
Stay low or carry long range weapons, such as Penguin and Maverick.
DAMAGE If you're unable to "spoof' the threat, the gunfire or missile will probably hit your
helicopter. You'll see the shudder of your helicopter. Ifthe hit was severe, one or more of the
system's status lights will illuminate. Systems will start to malfunction or fail. You'll need
to evaluate the damage to determine ifyou can continue the mission or need to return to base.
If you are hit in multiple or critical systems, your helicopter will lose power. The only
way to survive this is to autorotate to a safe landing. The number of hits required for a general
systems failure varies; after four, you should expect the worst.
Your on-board targeting system is constantly scanning the forward arc; the system is
HELICOPTER limited to the front 180°. It can't scan to the rear, so pay close attention to your flight path,
WEAPONS and occasionally swing around to check your "six".
TARGETING The targeting system is line-of-sight dependent. As a result, the higher you are, the farther
it can "see". Of course, the higher you are, the easier it is for the other guys to spot you.
The targeting system automatically "locks" onto the closest target. A diamond appears
in your forward view, and an image of the target, along with its range and heading data,
displays in your MFD. You may switch the target lock, assuming others are in the area, by
pressing Selector #2. There may be a momentary delay; the targeting system must re-scan
the entire area for new targets .
When the locked target is within maximum range for the selected weapon, the target box
becomes a solid. This range varies from weapon system to weapon system, as maximum
ranges differ. If you rITe at a target before the target box changes, there's no chance of a hit!
MAST-MOUNTED SIGHTS The AH-64B Longbow Apache, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior and the AH -6 Defender are
equipped with a sighting system mounted on top of the main rotor hub. This system enables
these helicopters to "see" at greater ranges. Better yet, they may peer over the top of
intervening terrain without exposing the helicopter. Press the Mast View (F2) key to switch
to mast view; use the Controller to rotate your view.
FIRING Depending on the weapon selected, a reticle ring or a flxed crosshair appears in your
view. The reticle ring works with "guided" weapons, whereas the cross hair works with
"unguided" weapons.
The reticle ring must be superimposed over the target diamond to accurately engage the
target; adjust your flight path if necessary. It has a range of movement that represents the
angle of offset for the selected weapon. The reticle ring also becomes larger as the range drops,
indicating the "confldence" of the shot.
The crosshair is always positioned directly ahead. Unguided weapons always fly or fire
as you bear. Adjust your flight path to coincide with the target box. There's no question it's
a challenge to rITe ungUided weapons at long range. Aiming errors, no matter how slight,
normally result in a miss.
Pressing Selector # 1 rITeS the "active" weapon. Cannons and machine-guns fire in 20
round bursts. Rockets rITe in salvos of 1, 2 or 4. All other weapons flre singly.
WEAPONS The weapon indicator displays the "active" weapon, its position and rounds remaining;
rockets also indicate the current salvo setting. Press the spacebar to change the active weapon.
All rockets, both gun pods and the AH -6 Defender's integral gun are unguided weapons;
the remaining weapons are all gUided.
Certain weapons are only effective against certain target types. The Appendix includes
a summary of the weapon systems, including characteristics and effectiveness. Familiarize
yourself with these systems. There's nothing worse than blazing away at a target, wasting
round after round, only to discover that you're using the wrong weapon.
When you fIre a cannon or a guided missile, the helicopter bucks and recoils upward;
some altitude will be gained due to the loss in forward motion.
59925 51058 Note: this effect isn't experienced in easy flight mode.
579 25 3 0 823
60267 38076
4 9 7 58 67909
81 9 87 0 734 1
SECONDARIES If a locked target is part of the primary or secondary mission, a prompt appears in the
MFD along with the other target data.
Your invisible co-pilot/gunner (the front seater - back seater if you're flying the AH -66A
Comanche) assists you in two ways during the course of a mission. First, by communicating
important system status and threat/target information; and second, by assuming control
of part of the weapon systems functions . The degree of weapon system control is dependent
upon the CP/G reality switch setting.
ON THE The best thing about helicopters is their ability to approach targets undetected; they
OFFENSIVE literally live (from a survival standpoint) at nap-of-the-earth (NOE) altitude - about 100'. They
move in and out of the terrain like a jungle cat stalking its prey.
Sneak up on suspected targets, and use caution. Take a few extra minutes to evaluate
the situation . The pilot that plunges headlong into a combat situation will more than likely
retreat just as quickly with his tail between his legs. Leave the flamboyant entries to the jet
jockeys - they need more attention, anyway!
If possible, attack from the flank rather than the front; this is referred to as an enfilade
attack. You can engage targets in turn, while limiting the number that can spot you . If you
engage from the front, all of the targets can spot you Simultaneously.
Use long-range engagements; the further you stay away, the better. Most of your
weapons are longer-ranged than the opposition's - take advantage of it.
If you only remember one thing, NEVER overfly the target. If you didn't destroy the
target, you're giving away a free shot at your tail.
First and foremost, choose the right tool for the job. Evaluate your mission orders
carefully and outfit your helicopters with the most advantageous mix of weapons. For
example, if you're ordered to intercept enemy shipping, you may want to take a few Penguins
or Mavericks along for the ride.
3 4620 62968
15054 13293
57925 7602 4
85924 14616
67372 26707
Once in combat, make sure that the "active" weapon is the most effective choice. Don't
try to fIre Sidewinders at tanks or TOWs at jet aircraft.
Cannons: are close range weapons that are best fired straight ahead . Deflection shots
to the sides will consume more ammunition and reduce your chance of a hit. The Apache
A&C's 30mm cannons and the SuperCobra's and Comanche's 20mm cannons are essen-
tially guided weapons - they're aimed by your targeting system. The Defender's machine-gun
and pod guns must fire straight ahead .
Machine-guns: are very close range weapons, and can only be fired straight ahead . They
lack the penetrative power of cannons, and therefore are only effective against unarmored
targets .
Rockets: are available in three types. Each is best suited for a particular type of target,
but can be effective against other target types. They're unguided weapons, and are therefore
easier to fire at close range. However, they can be fired in salvos, and you can carry a fair
ATGMs: are also available in three types . They're powerful anti -armor weapons that can
be effectively utilized against structures, ships and even slow-moving aircraft.
TOW is a wire-guided weapon that's steered to the target. It's not as difficult as it may
seem. As long as the target is locked, corrections to the missile's flight path are automatically
calculated and transmitted to the TOW over the un-spooling wire. However, the wire is the
biggest limitation - it runs out at about 3,800 meters.
HellFire-A is a laser designated weapon that homes in on reflected laser light. It's much
longer ranged than the TOW and has a wider target envelope. Since the Hellfire "sees" the
reflected light, the designation can be switched to a different target; if it's within the target
envelope, the HellfIre will hit the new target. This allows for "ripple fire" tactics. Multiple
missiles are fired at short intervals; after the fIrst hits, the deSignator "spots" the new target,
and then gUides the second missile.
Lasers are not as effective during low visibility conditions. Rain, fog and snow can reflect
some or all of the laser light limiting range and hit probabilities. There's another disadvantage,
you must also expose the helicopter until the HellfITe hits the target.
Hellfire-B is the latest version of this effective weapon system. It's the primary armament
on Longbow Apaches; it can't be carried on Model-AApaches. It replaces the laser homer with
a fire-and -forget millimeter wave radar homer. All you do is find the target, and fire the missile
- it doesn't get any easier. This combined with the Longbow's mast mounted sight makes for
a potent. unbeatable combination.
Sidearm: is designed to home in on any surface radar emission source; therefore, it's
classified as an "anti-radiation missile". Its big brothers, HARM, Standard and Shrike, have
been utilized to great effect on conventional aircraft for years . Now, helicopters possess a
similar punch. You don't have to get a target lock to fire a Sidearm; just make sure to fire
97662 09708 it toward the radar source. Its fragmentation warhead and fITe-and-forget technology make
34620 69490 it one terrific "quick-draw" weapon - a surefIre way to permanently cancel that radar.
59925 5424 1
15054 05662
\\!Ii 84870 84952
The Big Loads: Maverick and Penguin are heavyweight special purpose weapons . Their
use in helicopters is shrouded in controversy; some argue they're not worth their weight. The
opponents feel that Hellfire is just as effective, and you can carry 4 Hellfires for every 1
Maverick or Penguin. On the other hand, Maverick and Penguin are both longer -ranged than
the Hellfire and are fire-and-forget weapons . The arrival of Hellfire-B makes the argument
even hotter - the decision is yours.
MASKING Not what you'll wear to your next costume party, it's the method ofterrain shielding often
called the "pop up". It's also where the auto-hover pays for its weight. It automatically
maintains your present position and altitude even in the face of a stiff wind .
Pull up behind a convenient hill position and drop your airspeed to 0 ; your altitude
should be about 100' - 150'. As your airspeed approaches 8 -10 kts (it must be 10 kts or less),
press the Auto-Hover (0) key; this immediately reduces your airspeed to O.
Now press the Collective Up (=) key to start a slow ascent. As you clear the crest of the
hill, stop your ascent. If your helicopter is eqUipped with a mast-mounted sight, stop the
ascent just as the s ight clears the hill. You're now in position to scan the surrounding area.
If you lock onto an important target engage it immediately, and then drop down below
the crest; press the Collective Down (-) key. Otherwise, drop below the crest and re-evaluate
the situation. If necessary, check the mission map. You may need to adjust your flight path,
or unmask again to engage the other targets.
As an alternative approach, rotate the helicopter left or right by moving the Cyclic left
or right. Then push the Cyclic ahead slightly to add a few knots of airspeed. Try to keep your
airspeed under 10 kts. As you clear the side of the hill, press the Auto-Hover (0) key, and rotate
back to the forward area. After scanning the area or engaging the targets, reverse the process
(with a little more haste this time), and duck back behind the hill. While this method of
unmasking limits the scanning range, due to low altitude, it's an excellent method of
engaging known targets - longer ranged targets probably won't spot you.
Remember with auto-hover active, you can qUickly drop altitude by virtually bottoming
the collective; it holds you at the low limit.
TARGETS Your missions present a number of target options, each with unique characteristics
requiring different tactics of engagement or weapon selection. Always look before you shoot;
the high command gets real upset when you start shooting up the friendlies.
AAA & SAMs: are your biggest challenge. These are the only targets that can fire back
with any real effect. Getting in the first shot is the key here. Both types have reaction times
of 5 to 20 seconds, depending on the sophistication of eqUipment and the skill of the crew.
If you plan your attack carefully, you can "take them out" before they even get a shot off.
Tanks & Light Vehicles: can be a turkey shoot. Attack helicopters, espeCially the
Apache, are made to destroy tanks and vehicles . The tanks don't carry anything larger than
63288 09762 a short range 14.5mm machine-gun; you can pick them off easily. IFVs and APes can be a
78957 5580 1 bit nastier; they carry shoulder-launched SAMs. Most of the other vehicles, such as truck
56824 3779 1 convoys, are totally unarmed.
6639 1 16234
8 1987 54867
This may seem too good to be true, but before you you think it's a cakewalk, the
opposition has also recognized these weaknesses. Groups of tanks and other vehicles
nonnally travel with AAA & SAM vehicles. Keep an eye out for these escorts.
Working on the Railroad: doesn't get any easier than this . Railroad "rolling stock" isn't
much of a challenge, but important none the less. You know where they are and where they
must go; it's just a matter of laying in wait and taking them out of action.
Naval Targets: can get quite pesky, and the opposition has a habit of placing armed
forces on their oil platfonns. Guided weapons are a must in these situations. They are better
suited to deal with the maneuverable patrol craft, and you need their punch to take out the
oil platfonns.
Infantry: are difficult to spot and root out. They're only armed with light weapons, but
most also carry shoulder-launched SAMs. Rockets and cannon/machine-gun fIre are a good
choice in this case.
Structures: pose problems similar to infantry. Although bigger and easier to spot, they
are seldom undefended. SAMs and all types of AAA guns are usually in the vicinity. If you
pick off the defenders first, the structures are then fair game.
Bunkers and bridges are especially tough nuts to crack. It may take more than one hit
to destroy them.
AIR-TO-AIR When helicopters were first envisioned as combat weapons, the importance of air-to-
COMBAT air combat was all but overlooked in the USA. Unfortunately, the Soviet planners were not
so shortSighted .
The Soviets have always placed a strong emphasis on air-to-air combat, and have made
concerted efforts to design this capability into their helicopters. Many in the US Intelligence
community consider the new Ka-34 Hokum to be a purpose built "anti-helicopter" helicopter.
Fortunately, the US military planners are no longer ignoring this all too important
technology. Air-to-air weapons have become a standard load when flying where air
superiority is in doubt. The new AH-66A Comanche is designed with a high degree of air
combat functionality; it's closer in concept to high-performance jet aircraft than past
helicopter designs.
In actual air-to-air combat, one facet that requires constant vigilance is a helicopter's
ability to spring from nowhere. It's on you before you know what is happening, snaps off a
missile and vanishes in the wink of an eye.
78957 122 11
66391 5 1322
269 11 68983
49758 85567
67372 6 4023
Helicopter borne air-to-air missiles are the primary threat. They come in all varieties of
homers, and are usually more maneuverable than ground based weapons. The helicopters
also carry machine-guns or cannons. Unit for unit. they can pack just as strong a punch as
the fiiendlies .
In Chapter 3, in the section entitled Helicopter Tactics, a number of the tactical
maneuvers key to air-to-air combat, are discussed and diagrammed, but it essentially boils
down to a few specific factors :
Altitude: Stay low! The enemy likes nothing more than to fmd a helicopter flying up
where only the eagles should dare. It's bad enough exposing yourself to the ground fire, but
it's suicide against helicopters.
Take the First Shot: If you can get the fITst shot in, you have the best chance of coming
out on top. Pay attention to the threat display, and stay ready to snap off a quick shot.
Range: Fire at the longest range possible. This gives you a chance to reposition and take
additional shots. Additionally, if they have ordnance in the air, it gives more time to counter
or evade.
Hold the Advantage: Get on the aircraft's tail or keep it to your front. NEVER lose
sight of the enemy! If they get on your tail , use a side flare or a horizontal scissors to
reverse the advantage . If necessary, use the Left View (F3) key or Right View (F4) key to
maintain visual contact.
There aren't as many decisions to make with air-to-air weapons. They are adaptations
of existing weapon systems. To date, the first purpose built helicopter AAM is yet to be seen.
Cannons: are the choice for close quarters. The Apaches, SuperCobra and Comanche
use their helmeted mounted sights to maintain lock-on during tight twists and turns . Fixed-
firing cannons can still be effective, especially with tail shots. Don't waste your time with
machine-guns; when you're up against gunships, their armor can't be penetrated.
Sidewinder: the father of the Sidearm, is one of the most successful and tested weapon
systems in service. It's a highly maneuverable, fITe-and-forget IR homer. It's long-ranged and
packs a potent warhead. Like Sidearm, you don't have to get a target lock; just make sure
to fITe it towards the IR source. Long range multiple engagements are a simple process; just
disperse the missiles so they don't home in on the same target.
Stinger: may be about half the weight of Sidewinder, but is certainly more than up to
the task. You can also carry twice as many Stingers as Sidewinders; you never know when
you may need those extra shots. While it may be shorter-ranged, it'll reach just about every
thing you can see. Some targets may take two hits, but those should be few and far between.
Helstreak: is a British import that's derived from the ground-based Starstreak SAM.
It's carried by the Longbow Apache and the Comanche. It's not a fITe-and-forgetsystem; laser
guidance must be provided by the launching helicopter. Therefore, a lock-on must be
attained prior to launch. On the plus side, it flies faster than Sidewinder and Stinger, which
reduces the exposure time . Its three element warhead covers a broad area, so close is
probably good enough. As an added advantage, it can also fire at ground targets . Its warheads
can pierce most medium weight armor.
TARGETS Helicopters: For the most part, Stingers and Helstreaks are more than adequate . It's
the rare case where one shot won't do the trick; Sidewinders may be overkill. Don't discount
Hellflres in a pinch. If the helicopter isn't moving too fast, you can reasonably maintain a lock,
especially from hover. When you get in close, switch to cannon and 'hose" them down. M255
rockets can also be a nasty surprise!
56824 0 1287
269 11 18484
94 144 50 173
85924 43942
84870 43260
The essence of Gunship 2000 is the multi-helicopter operations. Through this mecha-
nism, you direct the flying, combat and su pport functions of the other four helicopters in your
flight. It's a simple, straightforward, yet powerful process that's executed through a series
of single key commands.
After receiving your cOmmission, the door opens to this challenging and exciting process.
SYSTEM Press the Map View (FlO) k ey to access the flight commands menu. The commands are
SUMMARY listed across the bottom of the screen. Commands aVailable to the "active" section or
helicopter display "brightly".
As you toggle through the helicopters, information relating to the "active" helicopter
displays along the left side. The combat data link system automatically tracks key helicopter
systems and mutually transmits this data via its communication link to all helicopters in the
DAMAGE SCHEMATIC The schematic helicopter diagram graphically displays damage to helicopter systems.
A yellow burst over a system indicates damage; a red burst indicates system failure .
The rotor, tail rotor, left wing, right wing, left engine, right engine and cannon indicate
damage in their respective positions. Optics are located in the nose and/or mast mounted
sight; avionics are located in the tail boom; and fuel cells are
located below the cockpit positions. While these pOSitions
may not be true location in all helicopter types , the consis-
Map Commands Screen
tency helps speed recognition.
The helicopter's current orders and key system indica-
tors display below the damage schematic.
The command list is utilized to pass instructions to the
other helicopters in the flight. Commands given to a section
leader apply to all helicopters in that section. Helicopters in
your section always fly your course, speed and altitude
unless instructed to do otherwise.
All commands applicable to a section leader may also be
given to a single helicopter. In this case, the helicopter
deviates from the leader's control.
NEXT UNIT Press the Next Unit (n) key to toggle between the helicopters. If the helicopters are flying
as part of a single section, the helicopters display in numerical order.
FLY TO Press the Fly To (f) key to establish a flight path. Up to three waypoints can be placed.
This command is applicable to your helicopter.
HOLD POSITION Press the Hold Position (h) key to order the section to maintain its present position. The
Section maintains its current altitude and heading, but reduces its airspeed to O. This
command can be given to a section at any point; it doesn't cancel existing waypoints. Pressing
the key a second time cancels the hold.
Upon reaching its destination, the section immediately assumes a hold command.
SPEED Press the Speed (s) key to modifY the section's airspeed. There are three possible settings-
slow, medium and fast.
Slow speed is 50% of the possible maximum for the current altitude.
Medium speed (the default) is 75% of the possible maximum.
Fast speed is 100% of the possible maximum.
Pressing the key loops through the possible settings.
ALTITUDE Press the Altitude (a) key to modifY the section's altitude . There are three possible
settings - NOE, contour and low.
NOE altitude (the default) is 20' higher than your present low altitude limit setting.
Contour altitude is 150' higher.
Low altitude is 350' higher.
Pressing the key loops through the possible settings.
LAND Press the Land (1) key to order the section to immediately land. The section seeks out
terrain suitable for a landing in the immediate area.
RETURN TO BASE Press the Retum to Base (h) key to order the section to immediately return to base; all
existing waypoints are cancelled. If on a deep strike mission, the section returns to the
passage point.
The section initiates the default speed and altitude unless ordered otherwise. The
section takes the most direct route to the base, and lands upon reaching its destination .
This command is applicable to your own helicopter. It sets a single waypoint with your
base as the destination . You must initiate the autopilot or head towards the waypoint.
DISENGAGE Press the Disengage (d) key to order the section to immediately break contact and move
away from all opposing forces . Upon reaching a "safe" position , the section assumes a hold
command. This command cancels all existing waypoints.
The section disregards this command if not currently in contact with opposing forces.
REGROUP Press the Regroup (g) key to order a n independent helicopter to immediately rejoin its
section. It takes the most direct route, and initiates default speed and altitude settings. This
command cancels all existing waypoints .
WEAPONS FREE Press the Weapons F'ree (w) key to order a section to engage all sighted targets. The
section employs the appropriate weapons. if available. based on target type. Pressing the key
a second time returns the section's weapons to "hold". Helicopters on "hold" status fly directly
to their destinations.
The section freely employs defensive measures on either setting.
CARGO DROP Press the Cargo Drop (c) key to order the section's cargo carrying helicopters immediately
to drop their cargo. The section's UH -60 K/L B1ackhawks drop their cargo upon reaching the
primary / secondary. This command is applicable to your helicopter.
COMMUNICATIONS Communication is the key element to any successful operation. Since you're an active
pilot in the flight. not some desk jockey, you must rely on your pilots to keep you abreast of
Duling the course of a mission, your pilots communicate key information and status
updates. The messages include target sightings, reaching destinations and damage updates.
Their call sign appears on the screen, along with their message. This enables you to fly
your portion of the mission and not constantly check on flight status.
When important situations do develop, you can immediately access the Map view to
reevaluate and revise orders as necessary. You can also "jump on their tail" by pressing the
Flight Chase View (shift F5) key to directly view the situation.
If. for any reason, you are unable to read an entire message, press alt m to re-display
the last message.
STRATEGY It's probably easier to just say 'Til do it myself," but combat is a team effort. The
commander that best employs flight assets will be the most successful. You could always
keep the entire flight with you at all times, but that will limit your options dramatically. Give
the other pilots a chance; they'll give you their best.
EXPERIENCE Use your flight to the best of its abilities. Inexperienced pilots may not do exactly what
you had in mind. Developing skills and moxie takes time, just as you've probably found out
by now. Experience is a measure of rank and decorations . Your best pilot will have flown the
most miSSions, is one rank under you, and has a chest full of decorations.
This pilot is your best chOice for the other section leader. Avoid selecting that wet behind
the ears W-O 1, fresh out of flight training. Don't ask any of them to do more than they're
capable of accomplishing.
66391 06246
49758 17019
85924 97132
15054 3 2692
63288 35923
COMMANDS Try to envision yourself flying this leg of the mission ; what would you do if you were
there? Apply a command stream that accomplishes that image. If you give them poor orders,
they'll perfonn poorly. You're their commander; they look to you for the right measure.
The tactics described earlier still apply here. Fly and fight smart!
SCOUTS Scouts playa very useful role as independent helicopters. Send one on ahead to look
for enemy units and/ or to clear a safe flight path. It's no use sending loaded Blackhawks into
totally unfamiliar territory; their loads are just too valuable to squander away.
A Scout must be present to complete a recon mission .
AMBUSH With the opposing forces constantly on the move, it's easy to stumble across a force
occupying an area you thought was clear or just flew through a few minutes ago. It's usually
expedient to position a helicopter in covering terrain along any suspected movement paths.
Also, a helicopter can be positioned to watch your "back door". This way you can be
confident that your means of exit is clear of enemy forces when you need to get out quick.
SPECIAL Upon landing at the objective, UH-60K/L Blackhawks automatically drop off their
CONSIDERATIONS passengers. They also automatically pick up any passengers, if in the vicinity, when they land.
Cargo drops are also automatic. Of course, if the LZ is "hot", you may be forced to drop
the load and get out qUickly.
MEASURE OF You've landed , and are relatively safe and secure. The S2 now wants to run through the
SUCCESS debriefing. Never an easy read , you can't tell if he's pleased or disappointed . The mission
replay indicates how well you did this time out.
If you do nothing else , complete the primary and secondary missions, and return safely
to your base. If you can manage only one of the two, make it the primary. DestrOying
additional units is always a plus , but not at the expense of your missions.
Promotions and decorations are awarded for hitting the assigned missions and
returning an intact helicopter to base. Time is also a performance measure. You can't spend
the entire day Oyingjust one mission; you need to get in and get out as quick as possible .
Twenty minutes is a good milestone to target. There are only so many helicopters and
pilots available , and more than enough mission to go around.
DITCIfiNG If you land and abandon your helicopter, every attempt is made to pick you up, but you
may be captured by the opposing forces. Naturally, the chance of rescue increases if you're
near a base or FARP. The best bet is to make ~t back to base. It's better to return even if you
can't complete your missions. You can always return to fight another day.
CAMPAIGNS When a campaign is competed, you are advised as to the outcome. This shouldn't be
any surprise, you've known the progress all along. The campaign map is routinely updated
when you attend briefings.
PROMOTION Successful completion of your assigned mission improves your overall record. An
excellent record leads to promotion. However, even in combat, promotions take time. Don't
expect a promotion after every mission. As you increase in rank, promotions are even harder
to come by. After all, not everyone can be a Brigadier General.
A reprimand on your record makes promotion more difficult. Reprimands occur whenever
you decline a mission, abort a campaign, or fail to achieve either the primary or secondary. On the
other hand, decorations for heroism move you to the head of the promotion pack.
BATTLEFIELD The TF commander is always on the lookout for pilots with leadership potential. If you're
COMMISSIONS selected to receive a commission, you're approached by the TF commander. The choice is
yours to make; it's not required. However, accepting the commission does open the door to
the exciting world of multiple helicopter flight.
The TF commander is persistent. He'll keep after you even if you decline a commission.
If you continually decline the offer of a commission, CW4 is the highest rank you can attain .
DECORATIONS If you do exceptionally well on a mission, you may be awarded a medal for heroism and
valor. Unlike promotions, decorations are based purely on your performance during a single
mission. Your current rank and record have no effect on your chance of getting decorated.
In addition to the decorations for heroism and valor, two other decorations can be
awarded . The National Defense Service Medal is given for successfully completing train-
ing, and the Purple Heart is awarded for wounds received in combat.
MISSION REPLAY The mission replay summarizes the key events of your mission. It shows what went well
and not so well. It's a learning experience; the next time out apply the lessons learned from
this mission.
FILM LIBRARY Upon the completion of a mission, or if you access the mission films through the
Squadron Archives, the Film Library panel appears .
Here you select the film to view; the last mission flown is always titled "Last Mission".
To select a film , position the cursor on the title line and press Selector #1; the selected title
highlights . Press "Play" to begin the replay.
From this control panel, you may also rename and delete mission films . Remember, if
you wish to save the current mission, you must rename "Last Mission" or it'll be lost after
the next mission.
Once you fill the entire page. the slide bar to the right is used to scroll the film listing.
EXTERNAL VIEWPOINT In this, the default viewpoint, replay displays the actual combat films from your mission.
You are there again with your flight, with a "out of body" view of all the action. A short mission
summary is displayed at the top of the replay screen.
A running list of events is display on the panel. This way you can follow along with the
action as it happened.
CONTROLS Replay uses a "VCR" type panel to control the replay functions. During the Conventional
Replay , the Controller is used to position the cursor over a key; press Selector # 1 to activate
the key. As an alternative, the tab and shift tab keys can be used to position the cursor.
Position over and press the ( . . . . . . . ) keys (or press the directional keys) to adjust
the point of view.
Position over and press the ( I........ ) key (or press the r key) to rewind to the beginning
of the replay.
Position over and press the ( • ) key (or press the s key) to stop the replay.
Position over and press the ( • ) key (or press the p key) to start the replay.
Position over and press the ( •• ) key (or press the n key) to fast forward to the next
event. Upon reaching the next event. replay automatically shifts into the "play" mode.
Position over and press the ( • • ) key (or press theJkey) to fast forward .
Position over and press the (I, 2 , 3,4, or 5) keys (or press the respective numeric key)
to shift the view to that helicopter. If the mission type was "Single", only the ''I'' key is active .
Position over and press the (T) key (or press the t key) to shift the view to the target.
Position over and press the (RESUME) key (or press alt xl to resume the flight.
Position over and press the (DEMO) key (or press alt y) to activate the Demo Viewpoint.
Press alt y to return again to the external viewpoint.
DEMO VIEWPOINT The replay takes the "pilot's" viewpOint. In this mode, you view the mission from the
pilot's seat. All actions are replayed exactly as they occurred in the actual mission.
To exit the replay, press alte; this returns you to the game. To return to the control panel,
press alt y.
RESUME FLIGHT Replay offers one additional exciting feature. You can jump in a take over a flight at any
point during the replay! Position the cursor over the Resume key and press Selector # 1 (or
press alt xl .
This feature is an excellent combat tool for learning and developing tactics. You can re-
fly a tough mission, change your tactics, and observe the impact of a revised plan of attack.
Or, you can reenter another pilot's mission, and see if you can top their results. These "films"
are loaded via the squadron archives file .
When you reenter a mission, you are positioned in the # 1 helicopter and are now in
control with all game controls active.
The results of a reentered mission never affect your record, nor are the results of this
"mission" recorded for future viewing. The original replay remains intact.
To exit, press alt e ; this returns you to the game.Flight Promotions
FLIGHT The pilots in your flight are also eligible for promotions and decorations. The high
command makes recommendations as to who should be promoted and who should receive
PROMOTIONS decorations. As the flight commander, you're authorized to accept the recommendations
or transfer the awards to other pilots .
To change a recommendation, highlight the award and
press Selector # 1. The award is transferred to the next pilot.
Group Promotion Screen Promotions are automatically adjusted to the next higher
rank. A pilot can't be promoted to a rank equal to your
current rank. Decorations are awarded as presented.
When you concur with the recommendations or changes,
highlight the Accept key and press Selector # 1.
If you're ever faced with the unfortunate situation of
having lost a pilot in combat, you'll automatically receive a
W -01 replacement from the pilot pool.
If you're not satisfied with the replacement or you wish
to change an existing pilot, the pilot replacement screen is
provided to make these administrative changes. You may
replace the pilot, but the new pilot's rank and decorations
are comparable.
Highlight the pilot to be replaced, and press Selector #2.
Enter the name of the new replacement and then press
Selector # 1.
FATHER OF THE Leonard da Vinci is widely considered to be the "Father of the Helicopter." In the late 15th
HELICOPTER Century, da Vinci developed the fIrst theories of flight, and designed a screw-like rotary-wing
aircraft that operated on the principles he developed.
Da Vinci's Helix had a large, screw-like rotary wing. Da Vinci had theorized that air has
a "substance", or density, and that a lifting force could be generated by pushing down against
it: it would, theoretically, bore through the substance of the air like an auger bit through wood.
While a full-size version of da Vinci's Helix never flew, some small working models were
produced. The problems that faced da Vinci's craft would confront every would-be-inventor
of a self-propelled helicopter. The power plant and structure ofthe aircraft needed to be kept
low, the torque produced by the spinning propellers had to be counteracted, and the craft
had to be controlled.
THE HELICOPTER The next signillcant step toward rotary-winged flight occurred in 1783, at the World's
TAKES SHAPE Fair in Paris. Two Frenchmen, Launoy and Bienvenu, created a toy rotary-wing craft with
four feathered propellers. The propellers were placed on either end what was basically a stick,
and turned independently of one another in opposite directions.
The toy, driven by a wind-up bent-bow system, managed to fly up to altitudes of seventy
feet, and provided a great deal of inspiration for other inventors. But they still lacked a
propulsion plant strong enough to generate the lift needed to get larger craft airborne . It
would be nearly another hundred years before inventors would have any significant successes.
In 1862, another Frenchman named Ponton D'Amecourt developed a steam-powered
helicopter. The craft had coaxial propellers, counter-rotating wings spinning about the same
axis . The helicopter's steam engine was made of aluminum, and weighed only four pounds.
While the power-to-weight ratio of the craft was still too low for it to get airborne, it bobbed
and bounced on the ground on the threshold of flight. This alone encouraged inventors
to continue.
By 1870, an Italian inventor, Enrico FOrianni, met with some success. His steam-
powered coaxial helicopter weighed only six and a half pounds, but it managed to fly up to
heights of 40 feet and for a duration of 20 minutes. Rotary flight, albeit unmanned rotary
flight, was a reality. But the hurdles to manned flight - the power-to-weight ratio and control
of flight - still remained.
The first breakthrough in manned rotary flight would not come until 1907, four years
after the Wright brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk. The development of internal combustion
engines had finally produced a power plant with a suffiCient power-to-weight ratio to be effective,
and yet another Frenchman, Paul Cornu, set out to take advantage of that new technology.
His craft had dual rotors, one placed forward and the other at the rear of the fuselage.
Each rotor measured twenty feet in diameter. The rotors were connected by drive belts to a
24-horsepower internal combustion engine. For control of flight, Cornu had placed tilted
vanes below each rotor.
The belts slipped and the rotors spun unevenly, but Cornu's helicopter became
airborne. His flight was short, and he only managed to rise a few feet above the ground , but
he had flown!
Many other helicopter designs followed : but for the next ten years, few met with any
greater success than Cornu's. Control remained the greatest problem. And while World War
I had a drastic effect on the evolution of the airplane. it produced few advances in powered
rotary-wing flight.
The 1920s saw two major steps forward in rotary wing aircraft design. The first was in
1922, when Raul Pateras, an Argentinean, built (with the backing of the French military) a
coaxial helicopter with controlled-pitch propellers. The controllable pitch of the rotor blades
while in flight increased the maneuverability, and the craft also demonstrated the effect of
autorotation - allowing the rotors to spin freely in unpowered flight to slow descent.
THE AUTOGIRO The second major step forward came not in the form of a helicopter, but from an entirely
different aircraft. Juan de la Cierva, a Spanish airplane deSigner, decided to investigate
rotary winged flight in 1924, and soon after unveiled an entirely new type of aircraft - the
autogiro .
Rather than using a powered rotary wing for lift, the autogiro has a freely rotating
overhead wing that is allowed to windmill. The forward motion of the aircraft through the air,
generated by the thrust of a conventional propeller, causes the rotor to spin and generate
lift. Consequently, the autogiro cannot hover: but it can take off and land in a substantially
smaller area than conventional aircraft. In 1928, de la Cierva flew his autogiro across the
English Channel, attaining an airspeed of nearly 100 miles an hour.
The autogiro found its way into the hands of the military in limited numbers, mostly for
evaluation purposes. One was the first rotary aircraft flown off a ship, launched from the
carrier USS Langley on September 23,1931: another was evaluated by the Marine Corps
during operations in Nicaragua in 1932. Admiral Richard E. Byrd used an autogiro during
his exploration of the Antarctic in 1933 and 1934, and the Army tested several autogiros
between 1935 and 1938.
Autogiro Helicopter
./Axis of rota tion Axis of rotatio n
Angle of a ttack
Blade ch ord line~
li ne~
T ip path pla n Blade c h o rd
Tip p a th pla ne
Rela tive wi n d
Re la tive wind ,--~~
.... _ _ Ang le o f pi tch
Angle of a ttack
\\ Drag
Tip p a th p lane
But all of these craft were "off-the-shelf' civilian models , and little more was done with
the craft. Some military applications, such as antisubmartne warfare and artillery spotting,
were noted, but there was little real interest in further development; its low payload capacity
and its inability to take off vertically made it unsuitable for what the military had in mind .
WORLD WAR n The Second World War accelerated the development of helicopters dramatically,
especially in Germany. The first truly practical helicopter, the Focke-Achgelis Fa61, was built
for the Third Reich by Dr. Heinrich Karl Johann Focke, and flew for the first time on June
26, 1936 (even though he had been marked by the Nazis as being "politically unsafe").
The Fa61 was a single-seat aircraft, with side-by-side three-bladed rotors and a
conventional propeller for forward thrust. Both the rotors and the propeller were powered
by a single 160 horsepower engine.
The craft proved to be difficult to fly at first; eventually, it was mastered by Hanna
Reitsch, one of Germany's most respected test pilots. In February of 1938, she flew the Fa61
in the Berlin Deutschlandhall sports arena, demonstrating the helicopter's incredible
handling characteristics. She later described the experience as "intoxicating."
Reitsch and the Fa61 went on to set numerous world records for rotary flight between
1937 and 1939, proving the practicality and reliability of the helicopter once and for all.
Among its records were a top speed of 77 miles per hour, a distance of 143 miles, and an
altitude of 11,243 feet.
While Dr. Focke did not intend the
FA233 Drache helicopter for military applications, the Na-
zis had other ideas. Another German, Anton
Flettner, built what is considered to be the
world's first military helicopter - the Fl 282
Kolibri. The Kolibri had twin counter-rotat-
ing propellers that turned in synchroniza-
tion, their planes of rotation interrneshing.
Flettner's Kolibri flew for the first time in
1940, and by 1942 was operational on Ger-
man airships and escorts in the Mediterra-
nean , Aegean, and Baltic Seas. Eventually,
a modification of the Kolibri was used for
antisubmarine warfare.
Another Focke design, the Fa 233
Drache, was the world's first transport heli-
copter. The Drache, which carried six pas-
sengers and could carry a cargo load sus-
pended from a cable, was tested extensively
for use as a general purpose transport for
mountain troops. Allied bombing raids de-
stroyed all but seven, and by 1945 only three
remained serviceable. These were formed into the first (and only) WWII Luftwaffe helicopter
squadron, Transportstaffel 40.
While more Fa 233's were built, only one additional helicopter was ever completed. At
the end of the war, only two operational helicopters remained .
In the United States, Igor Sikorsky's Sikorsky Aircraft Company received a contract
from the U.S. Army for a two-passenger observation helicopter. Sikorsky had earlier
demonstrated a prototype helicopter, the VS-300, and the success of that aircraft had finally
drawn the interest of the Army back to rotary-winged flight.
In January of 1942, Sikorsky's Army prototype, the XR-4, flew for the first time . By the
time it was delivered to the Army on May 17, 1942, it had broken practically all of the existing
world records for helicopter operations. The U.S. military was now thoroughly convinced of
the helicopter's potential.
The R-4's design, like Sikorsky's VS-300 before it, utilized a single rotor with three
blades, and a tail rotor to counteract the torque of the main rotor. This design set the
standard for the great majority of American helicopters that followed it.
By the end ofWWII, over four hundred Sikorsky helicopters of three designs were flying
for the Army, Navy and Coast Guard, and for the British Navy and RAF. They served as
scouts, delivered mail to ships at sea, and served as rescue craft during carrier operations.
In addition, the growing need for antisubmarine platforms gave the helicopter an active
combat mission in fleet operations; with the advent of the dipping sonar in the mid-1940s,
the helicopter became a viable sub-hunter.
In 1944, the helicopter saw its first duty
Sikorsky R4 as a combat search and rescue (C-SARJ and
medevac craft, during operations in Burma.
In April of that year, Sikorsky R-4 helicop-
ters attached to the U.S . Army's First Air
Commando Group, based at Hailakandi ,
India, were fitted with fuel tanks from flXed-
wing aircraft to extend their range, and were
flown behind enemy lines to rescue the crew
and passengers of a light British medevac
aircraft. The mission was a success, and the
R-4 was called upon almost daily afterward
for other SAR missions.
The first real conflict in which helicop-
ters were used extensively was the Malayan
Emergency, a counter-insurgency war fought
by the British for twelve years beginning in
1948. By the time the Korean War began, the
British already had nearly forty thousand
troops fighting a guerilla war against Chinese-
backed communist insurgents. British forces
depended heavily on helicopte rs in this jungle war, for medical evacuation, troop transport,
observation and reconnaissance. The operational flexibility of helicopters, along with their
ability to deploy and retrieve troops in jungle terrain, proved their worth in combat beyond
a shadow of a doubt.
THE KOREAN WAR The Korean War was to U.S. helicopter aviation what the Malayan Emergency was to
the British. During the course of the war, the helicopter was used by all four branches of the
armed forces, and tactics were developed for their use .
While the helicopter was primarily used for transport, medevac, search and rescue, and
reconnaissance by all of the services, there was some unoffiCial experimentation with
gunship tactics. For the first time, helicopters became a threat to enemy troops.
The first shots fired in anger from a helicopter were from a u .S. Navy helicopter in
January, 1951. Lieutenant,j .g. John W. Thorton and his crewman, Petty Officer Whitaker,
experimented with light attack helicopter tactics by fmng .45 caliber pistols and carbine
rifles and dropping grenades from their H03S-1 on North Korean troops. If fragmentation
grenades were not available, LTJG Thorton would obtain percussion grenades and tape nails
to them, so they could "nail them to a tree."
These tactics did not endear Thorton to the North Koreans, nor to his fellow pilots. The
North Koreans quickly learned that the helicopter was a potential threat. and soon were firing
upon all they saw.
The H03S-1 had been the subject of another experiment in helicopter armament a year
earlier, at Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey. Mechanics at Helicopter Utility
Squadron One (HU-l) attempted to install swivel gun mounts with .30 and .50 caliber
machine guns in the doors of a helicopter. Unfortunately, the airframe wasn't strong enough
to support the guns, and when they were fired, they nearly ripped the sides of the aircraft
off. The experiment was only slightly ahead of its time.
The Army experimented with the idea of an armed helicopter during the war. The need
for armament aboard helicopters became apparent when the H -19 troop transport helicopter
was deployed to Korea - it proved to be extremely vulnerable during troop assault landings.
The Army tried mounting a bazooka on an H-13 helicopter in 1950, with little success; three
years later, the Army tried a grenade launcher, with the same result.
American experience with the helicopter during Korea led to the development of the "Air
Cavalry" concept. General Matthew B. Ridgeway, who had seen the importance of the
helicopter in Korea, reorganized Army aviation in January 1955, and laid the foundation for
the modem "Air Cav". Accompanying this new organizational concept was that of a
"helicopter gunship".
In 1956, the Army began testing various types of helicopter armament again, with the
goal of providing an effective means for providing suppressive fire during assault landings.
Air Cavalry units experimented with .30 and .50 caliber machine guns, rockets, and various
cannons. Eventually, these experiments led to the formation of an aerial combat recon
company in 1958.
The French would be the first to apply the gunship concept under actual combat
conditions. During the bloody French-Algerian War, the French Army and Air Force applied
the American experience with helicopter armament to their Vertol H-21's twin rotor
helicopters originally built for troop transport.
The French used several mixes of armament. from .30 and .50 caliber machine guns
to 37 mm rockets and 20 mm cannon in their war against the Muslim rebels. The French
also armored their helicopters, using self-sealing gas tanks, and fiberglass armor plating
around engine compartments and the cockpit. After adding weaponry and armor to their
helicopters, the French did not lose any helicopters to ground fire . The French also pioneered
the development of a helicopter-launched anti-tank missile, in 1958.
While the French had some success with the use of helicopters during the French-
Algerian War, in the end they were forced to quit Algeria, granting their former colony
independence. The helicopter alone could not win a guerilla war. Still, the uWity of the armed
helicopter had been proven, and important lessons had been learned about its employment.
But the real test of "Gunship" weapons and tactics would come with the escalation of
a war in another former French Colony - Vietnam.
THE VIETNAM WAR The Vietnam War has often been called the "Helicopter War" because of the pivotal role
that helicopters played in all aspects of the conflict. U.S. forces depended heavily on the
helicopter because of its utility and flexibility in an environment similar to that the Blitish
faced in Malaya durtng the early '50s. Duling the conflict, more helicopters, and more types
ofheHcopters, would be used than ever before. Some eighteen types of helicopters were flown
by U.S . pilots over the course of the war (many of which are still in service today in some
capacity). The war also saw the first widespread use of gas turbine-powered helicopters in
all facets of operations.
The frrst gas turbine-powered helicopter deployed to Vietnam became a symbol of the
war itself - the UH-l Iroquois, more commonly known as the Huey. First deHvered to the
Anny in 1959, the Huey was commonly referred to early on as the "helicopter ambulance,"
despite its multi-role design . The Huey was remarkably successful in all of its roles, and
eventually over nine thousand were built - many are still in service.
The UH-IB Huey became the first true helicopter gunship. It was built with universal
wiling and "hard points" for the attachment of various weapons systems. Three weapons
were used by the UH-IB: the XM-6 quad (four 7.62 mm machine guns and four grenade
launchers, mounted in pairs on each side of the ship). theXM -3 rocket pod system (two pods
of 24 2.75 inch rockets). and the SS-Il guided anti-tank missile (three guided missiles
mounted on each side of the helo) . While the XM-3 and SS-ll systems were not available early,
the XM-6 quad was almost universally in use as early as 1962, giving the Huey a lethal punch.
Huey lA's were also equipped with weaponry, though their lower turbine power and lack
of universal wiling limited the range of weapons available. They were equipped with two fixed
rocket pods and two 30-caliber m achine guns, mounted on the skids of the aircraft.
The first Huey lA's and I B's to arrive in Vietna m were organized into the Utility Tactical
Transport Helicopter Company (UTTHCO) . The IB's proved to be much more flexible in
meeting the needs of the local commanders. Almost as important as the IB's better
armament mix was its higher shaft power, essential for maneuverability in the high hUmidity
of Vietnam. The gunships provided Hght close-in fire support for assault landings of airborne
troops, and were essential to the evolution of the "airmobility" strategy of the U.S. Army.
The "ainnobility" concept emerged in the early sixties as a product of a study by a board
of Army officers convened by Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara. The Anny Tactical
Mobility Requirements Board, also known as the "Howze Board" (for its chairman, General
Hamilton H. Howze, an experienced Airborne commander). recommended the substitution
of helicopters for a large amount of the Anny's ground transportation. All Army units would
be equipped with 360 air vehicles to every 2 ,000 wheeled land vehicles.
The committee also recommended the formations of specialized, completely airmobile
"air assault divisions". The concept of the Air Assault Division was tested by a skeleton
division formed at Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1964. During exercises in North and South
Carolina, the division proved itself against the 82nd Airborne.
The Secretary of Defense recognized the effectiveness of such a unit , and gave the Anny
the approval to proceed with organization of the first aim10bile division. The division selected
for this honor was the famed 1st Cavalry Division . On July 28, 1965, President Johnson
ordered the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) to Vietnam .
As the war escalated, and helicopters took increasing amounts of ground fIre from heavy
antiaircraft weapons, it became apparent that a dedicated helicopter gunship was needed.
The UH-1 B, while highly successful, was limited in its capabilities - it was, after all, just a
modified logistics helicopter. Bell Helicopter had foreseen the Army's need , and was preparing
to meet it. In 1966, the Army ordered its first true gunship - the Bell AH-1 Huey Cobra.
The Cobra was based on the UH -1 B, but had some major innovations. The airframe was
narrow, presenting a very small head -on target. The very look of the helicopter suggested its
purpose - it was death from above for the enemy. The fIrst Huey Cobra went to Vietnam in
1968. Perhaps their most famous role in the war was the operations conducted by AH-1's
over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, ambushing North Vietnamese and Viet Cong supply trains. It
was during these ambushes that Cobra pilots developed tactics like "Cobra Stacking, " flying
one above the other to maximize the amount of ordnance delivered on a small area.
But theAH -1 s also earned their keep in the troop transport escort role as well , protecting
assault helicopter landings and providing "instantaneous fire suppression". The Marine
Corps found them vital to carrying out their mission.
With a broad range of weaponry, high speed and high maneuverability, the Cobra
proved to be a very important asset to American field commanders; its success insured the
long line of gunships that followed it. Many other nations have copied it. and the Army and Marine
Corps use modifications of the AH-1 (particularly the AH-1 W Super Cobra) to this day.
AFGHANISTAN Vietnam was the proving ground for American gunships; for the Soviets, Afghanistan
served a similar role.
While the Soviets had been pioneers in heavy lift helicopter design and construction,
and had been arming helicopters since the early 50s, their first helicopter gunship was not
introduced until 1972. The Mi-24 Hind-A was really a heavily armed and highly mobile
transport helicopter. It is believed that the Hind-A was designed to act as its own fIre support
during troop insertions; the Soviet staff believed at the time that they could not afford a large
number of single-purpose helicopters.
Soviet attitudes about gunships changed over time, and the Hind went through a series
of modifications. The Hind-D was equipped with a nose-mounted gatlinggun. Still, the Hind
retained its transport capability; the Hind-E, introduced in 1976, can carry up to ten troops
with its full weapons load. With its weaponry and heavy armor, the Hind is comparable to
a very fast and maneuverable flying armored personnel carrier.
In December of 1979, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan under the pretenses of an
invitation by the Afghani government. By mid-January, the Soviets had more than 75,000
troops in the country.
The Hind gunship was the workhorse of Soviet aviation in Afghanistan; nearly 200 of
them were deployed by January of 1983. The Hind served in a role similar to the Cobra in
Vietnam, escorting troop transports in assaults on guerilla concentrations. But like the
French in Algeria and the Americans in Vietnam, the Soviets faced an enemy that enjoyed
considerable freedom of movement. superior knowledge of the terrain and had the will to
fight. The Mujahadeen also had U.S. made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, a great threat to the
Soviet helicopter forces.
One Soviet soldier said after the war, "You could tell when a landing zone was really hot
by the number of assault troops they put on a helicopter. The more men a (Hind) had to land,
the longer it was vulnerable to guerilla fire. If you had four or five to a helicopter, it wasn't
too bad. If you had two or three to a helicopter, you knew it was really bad."
As the threat to Soviet helicopters increased, more and more infrared decoys (essentially
flares) were carried to draw away the Stingers of the Mujahadeen. And the SOviets also
reportedly deployed chemical weapons in large numbers from Hinds.
GRENADA - OPERATION In 1983, the U.S. and a coalition of Caribbean States invaded the isle of Grenada to
URGENT FURY overthrow the oppressive Marxist military junta that had recently taken power.
DUling the invasion, code-named Operation Urgent Fury, U.S. Army and Marine forces
met stiff resistance from Cuban "advisor" forces, and fought a heavily armed and fortified
force holed up in the island's fortress prison. AH-l Cobra gunships proved their versatility
and, unfortunately, their vulnerability during engagements with these forces. Army Cobras
and Marine SeaCobras provided close air support and assaulted the fortress with TOW
missiles, but two of them were lost to ground fire.
Other Marine helicopter forces were used in the mission to rescue American students
at the St. George's Medical School. These Marine Sea Knights were used as well for "vertical
envelopment" assaults on the island in the early stages of the operation.
Lasting only a few days, the operation is not considered to be one of the high pOints in
U.S. military history. It's generally felt that U.S. forces will ill-prepared for the level of
opposition, and rushed into the operation with too little planning. In any event, its effects
went a long way to shape the future of helicopter operations.
THE APACHE IS BORN In the early '70s, the U.S. Army sought a heavy gunship in the form of the AH-56
Cheyenne. The program was cancelled, however, and for the remainder of the decade, the
only heavy helicopter gunships in the U.S. inventory were on paper. The Cobra was called
upon to fill the gap.
The 70s saw an increased emphasis on the anti-armor capability of the helicopter
gunship. With the addition ofthe TOW missile to the Cobra (and later the SuperCobra), and
similar weapons to the helicopters of other nations, the gunship was becoming a real "force
multiplier", with greater anti-armor capability than most ground units.
In 1976, the Hughes Aircraft began design work for the all-weather heavy helicopter
gunship, the AH-64 Apache. It would be stuck in development for another six years before
the production line got rolling. In the meantime, the U.S. invaded Grenada in 1983. The
Cobra provided the only dedicated gunship capabilities available at the time.
Now fully operational, the Apache is the front-line anti-armor aircraft of the U.S. Army.
The AH-64 marks the true beginning of a new generation of helicopter gunships - highly
automated, heavily armed, and capable of combat in all weather, night or day. While the
airframe is essentially a conventional helicopter, the advanced electronic systems aboard the
Apache make it the link to future helicopter gunships. It is being considered for a number
of other mission areas, including anti- ship missions .
There is still a great deal over debate as to which type of helicopter technology should
be the basis of the next generation of gunship.
PANAMA - OPERATION In the early months of 1989, relations between the U.S. government and the regime of
JUST CAUSE General Manuel NOriega in Panama were rapidly deteriorating, and by the end of spring,
events had reached a flash-point. After a number of violent incidents, including the killing
of an off-duty American soldier by Panamanian Defense Force (PDF) troops, the crisis
escalated. and the United States mounted an invasion of Panama to remove General NOriega
and put the elected president orPanama in power. Operation Just Cause, as the invasion was called
by the military, lasted only a few days, but it demonstrated the lethality of modern weapons.
Operation Just Cause saw the first use of Apache helicopters in actual combat. AH-64A
Apaches were used in the attack on the PDF Commendancia in downtown Panama City - the
helicopters were used against targets on individual floors of the building. Ground based laser
designators were utilized to pinpoint the targets for the deadly accurate Hellfire missiles.
While, there was no opposition to U.S. helicopters during the operation, the Apache
proved itself an effective weapon nonetheless.
THE PERSIAN GULF - The Apache would get its first real test on the battlefield during the quick and bloody
OPERATIONS DESERT war with Iraq in January and February of 1991. On August 5, 1990, Saddam Hussein's army
STORM & SABRE invaded the city-state of Kuwait, and Hussein proclaimed its annexation. The United States
quickly mobilized a coalition of nations to come to the defense of Saudi Arabia, and began
putting pressure on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait.
By January, the United States had completed the largest deployment of troops since
Vietnam, and was ready to take back Kuwait by force. With the aid of the British, Italian,
French, Saudi and Kuwaiti air forces, an air offenSive was launched on January 16 against
Iraqi forces in Kuwait and Iraq. Apache gunships played a significant role in the early air
campaign, attacking Iraqi positions in Kuwait and Iraq.
The first mission for the AH-64 came during the first hours of the war. On the night of
January 17, Apaches were sent in to take out two Iraqi electronics installations near the
Saudi-Iraqi border. The Apaches launched Hellfire missiles at several targets in Kuwait and
Iraq, including mobile air defense sites and electronics sites. All objective targets were
destroyed. In some cases, it was reported that Special Forces troops provided forward laser
designation for Hellfires launched by Apache gunships.
The night -fighting abilities of the Apache were used heavily during the first phase of the
war. Apaches were used against a variety of fortified targets during night operations,
including Iraqi artillery batteries and and radar sites. Iraqi forces attempted to begin the
ground war on their own terms in early February, by invading the Saudi coastal city ofKafji.
Apache helicopters took part in a nighttime assault on the Iraqi armored forces there, and
during combat aCCidentally fired on U.S. armored vehicles, killing two American soldiers.
This incident highlights the hazard of the modern battlefield, where smoke, fire and darkness
can make it difficult to separate the enemy from friendlies on the ground.
With allied air superiority established, Apache gunships and other helicopter forces
raided the Iraqi rear at will . On February 20, OH-58D Kiowa Warriors and AH-64 A Apaches
destroyed "fifteen to thirty" Iraqi bunkers in Kuwait, and 421 Iraqi soldiers surrendered to
them. Only one US serviceman was killed in the operation.
In the early hours of February 24, a combined allied air-ground offensive began. The
operation, code named Desert Sabre, lasted 100 hours, and nearly completely destroyed the
Iraqi armed forces in and near Kuwait. Apache and Cobra gunships played an important
part in the offensive, taking part in some of the largest armored battles since World War Two.
In fact, the first shots fired during the operation were by Apache gunships .
The 1st Marine Division was assigned one of the more difficult missions of the offensive - a
frontal assault on Iraqi defensive lines in Kuwait. Mter punching through Iraqi fortifications ,
the division pushed on toward Kuwait City. In a battle with an Iraqi armored brigade and
mechanized infantry brigade near the Burquan oil fields, Marine AH -1 W Su perCobras and
ground forces destroyed about 30 enemy vehicles. This battle proved to be only a prelude to
the tank battle that would follow at Kuwait International Airport, where an estimated 310
Iraqi tanks were destroyed.
To the west, the 101st Airborne began a heliborne assault into Iraq, with over 460
Blackhawk, Apache and other helicopters. Their operation, nicknamed "Cobra", severed
Iraqi roads along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and cut off the only Iraqi escape route to
the north.
On February 28, the operation ended, having taken over 80,000 Iraqi POWs and having
destroyed or "rendered ineffective" at least 40 of the 42 Iraqi divisions. No US aircraft were
downed during the last phase of the war - a tribute to the level of organization planning
employed and to the men and women that took part in the operation.
The operation more than reaffirmed the role of the helicopter in modem combat operations.
THE U. S. ARMY Today, the Army deploys its helicopters as integral parts of nearly every type of division,
from light infantry to heavy armor. As a result, the battlefield commander of any Army
formation will have some "organic air support" within his assets. The highest concentration
of helicopters of all types is within the airborne and air assault divisions; within a typical
air assault division, for example, there is one full squadron of air cavalry and an aviation
brigade consisting of eight helicopter battalions.
The air cavalry squadron's primary missions are "airmobility" and reconnaissance , so
its aircraft will be of the troop transport variety - UH-60 Blackhawks and probably a few
UH - l Hueys. In addition, the squadron will have some AH-l Cobra gunships for escort and
air reconnaissance.
A squadron will usually have about 950 soldiers assigned to it: 70 commissioned
officers, 100 warrant officers and 780 enlisted men. These personnel are divided among the
squadron's four "troops" and headquarters "troop." A single troop of air cavalry will have
about 200 men assigned, with 15 commissioned officers and 32 warrant officers among them.
The aviation brigade within an air assault division is made up of some 1000 personnel.
and is broken down into four mission groups: assault, medium lift. command, and attack.
Two assault helicopter battalions are dedicated to the combat troop transport mission , and
are equipped with UH-60's. The medium lift helicopter battalion, equipped with CH-47
Chinook cargo helicopters, provides logistical air support for the division, while the
command helicopter battalion provides administrative, scouting. and command and control
support for the division commander with its UH-1 Hueys and OH-58 Kiowa scouts.
The other four battalions of helicopters in the aviation brigade are attack helicopter
battalions. These units are equipped with a mixture of aircraft, including AH-64 Apaches,
OH-58 Kiowas and probably some AH-IS SuperCobras. These units are manned by some
20 commissioned officers , 44 warrant officers, and 177 enlisted men per battalion.
In addition to these air assets, the division will also have an air ambulance company
assigned to its medical battalion, equipped with UH-60 and UH-l helicopters and dedicated
to air medical evacuation.
The number and type of helicopters that are assigned to a unit may vary with the theater
of operations that they are assigned to and their level of readiness . There are large numbers
of helicopters considered "obsolete" for front line troops that have been widely spread
through the Army's aviation reserve units. As demonstrated during Operations Desert
Shield, Storm & Sabre, these units may quickly find themselves on or near the front line of
any conflict of arms.
The number and type of helicopters assigned to a mission group during operations will
also vary widely, depending on the theater of operations, the mission objective, and other
forces deployed in the area. For example, a formation of Apaches may be supported by
Special Forces units on the ground (with laser designators for their Hellfire missiles), or they
may need a Kiowa scout configured for laser designation to accompany them if there are no
forward forces to support them. The terrain, battlefield conditions, and weather may all be
factors in deciding the number and type of aircraft to assign to any specific mission.
Flying a helicopter is a lesson in the physics of vectors. It places a great demand on the
ability of the pilot to simultaneously control each of the factors affecting the flight of his
aircraft. The following material only begins to scratch the surface of the intricacies of rotary-
wing fligh t.
THE BASIC FORCES The four basic forces, or vectors, that act on all aircraft are gravity (which pulls the craft
down), lift (which pushes it up), thrust (which moves the craft horizontally), and drag
(resistance against thrust). These four forces, and to what degree they act on an aircraft
determine if and how well it flies. Changing the weight, lifting surfaces, thrusting power and
airframe shape all change the vectors that act on an aircraft and, consequently, change its
fligh t characteristics.
LIFT, THRUST AND THE Helicopters and airplanes both get their lift from an airfoil - a shape that creates lift from
HELICOPTER relative motion through the air. An airfoil is shaped so that air moving across the top of it
must travel farther than air crossing along its bottom; this creates a condition known as the
Venturi Effect, in which an area of low air pressure is created above the airfoil. As a result.
the airfoil is drawn upward into the low pressure area, creating a lifting force.
Conventional airplanes depend on the relative motion of air across their fIxed wings,
caused by forward motion , to create the lift necessary for them to get and remain airborne.
As a result, lift for an airplane follows the thrust of its engines; the more thrust available.
the more lift an airplane can get out of its wings , or the less wing surface it needs to
generate that lift.
Helicopters, on the other hand, get all of their lift and thrust from one source - the rotor
b lades; these are the helicopter's "wings". Since the helicopter spins its lifting surfaces
through the air, it creates the relative motion necessary to generate lift without having to
move the whole helicopter through the air. This is why helicopters can hover and maneuver
at low speeds.
Unlik e the wing of an airplane, the blades of a helicopter's rotor are symmetrical - the
top and bottom of each blade is shaped the same. Thus, if they were allowed to spin perfectly
flat, they would provide no lift at all. The difference in surface area needed to create lift is
achieved by changing the pitch, or angle of the blades. By increasing the tilt of the rotor
b lades, a helicopter can essentially take a bigger "bite" out of the air and create more lift.
The helicopter's directional thrust - the force that moves it hOrizontally - is created by
tilting the plane of the rotor blades' spin. When the rotor is tilted, it pulls the helicopter in
the direction of the tilt, as well as providing lift.
There are four basic configurations for helicopter rotors. The most common is what the
British call "penny and farthing" - the single overhead rotor with a smaller stabilizing tail
rotor. The smaller rotor counteracts the torque generated by the main rotor. Another
common rotor configuration is the twin tandem - two rotors, one forward and one aft. The
rotors revolve in opposite directions to counter act each other's torque.
The twin side-by-side is not very common among mili-
Rotor Configuration tary helicopters. In this configuration , the rotors are mounted
on the side of the helicopter, and often intermesh. Several
commercial helicopters manufactured by Kaman used this
design. The coaxial rotor configuration is most commonly
used by Soviet helicopter designers, and can be seen in the
Hormone, Helix, and the new Hokum helicopters. Two
counter-rota ting sets of rotor blades revolve about the same
axis , counteracting each other's torque.
Since a helicopter's rotor blades spin about an axis, the
relative speed of air over the rotor blades is slower toward the
inside of the blade and faster toward the tip of the blade. This
m eans that a greater amount oflift will be created at the tips
of the blades, so the blades will tend to bend up at the ends.
This phenomena is known as dissymetry of lift.
Twin-Tandem Also, if the helicopter is moving forward, one side of the
rotor (the side spinning toward the direction of movement)
will have a higher relative air speed than the other (spinning
away from the direction of movement) . This effect is called
asymmetry of lift. The effect, first noted by Juan de la Cierva
during his development of the autogiro in the 1920s, tends
Twin Side- by-Side to make rotary-winged aircraft roll to one side unless it is
compensated for. In most cases, helicopter designers have
adjusted to this effect by hinging the blades, allowing them
to rise slightly while they spin forward.
Since the helicopter's rotor blades are spinning, another
force is exerted on the helicopter - torque. When a helicopter
has only one rotor, the torque generated by that rotor tends
Twin - Intenneshed to turn the helicopter in a direction opposite of the spin of the
rotor blades. This is counteracted in most helicopters by a
tail rotor, which pushes back against the torque. In helicop-
ters with two rotor blades, the rotors spin in opposite
directions and the torque is cancelled out.
Torque can also be used to the helicopter's advantage.
Torque, in conjunction with the tail rotor, can be used to help
turn the helicopter in flight, and pivot the helicopter about its
axis when it's hovering.
Blade Tip Speed There are two properties of helicopter flight which
signiflcantly limit the top speed of all helicopters. The first of
these is called blade stall. As a helicopter accelerates Its
forward flight. its rotor tilts forward. adding thrust. As it does
so. the angle of attack. or the angle of the blades in relation
to the direction of flight of the "retreating" blades becomes
steeper. When the helicopter exceeds its maximum speed.
this angle becomes too great. and the retreating blades stall
- they cease to provide lift - just as an airplane stalls when
flying at too Iowa speed.
The second speed-limiting factor affecting helicopters is
the compressibility of air. The faster the rotor spins. the
greater the airspeed of the advancing blades: when the
relative speed of the advancing rotor blades exceeds the
speed of sound. a wave of compressed air. known as a shock
-"" 420 wave. forms in front of the blades. increasing the drag on the
blades and possibly decreasing lift.
Region of
Collective / Cyclic A helicopter requires both hands (and both feet) on the controls at all
times. Helicopters are controlled in flight by three pilot "inputs": the cyclic
and collective sticks (which occupy the hands), and the rudder pedals (which
are controlled by the feet of the pilot).
The cyclic controls the "attitude" of the helicopter - its direction and
degree of tilt. This affects the horizontal direction and speed of flight. by
adjusting the direction of thrust from the rotor. Direction of flight as
controlled by the cyclic is independent of heading (the direction the helicop-
ter is pointing); this enables a helicopter to fly forward. backward or
The collective controls the lifting and thrusting force of the rotor blades
by altering their pitch - taking a bigger or smaller bite out of the air. While
the helicopter is in a hover. the collective controls the vertical thrust (lift) of
Flat Spin
the helicopter. The collective is often combined with . and always used in
conjunction with the engine throttle. to adjust the engine's power to the
demand of the collective.
The rudder pedals control the heading of the helicopter - the direction
it pOints in . Using the pedals, a pilot can tum a helicopter about the axis of
its rotor blades while in a hover. Using the foot pedals in combination with
the cyclic control when the helicopter is in forward flight enables it to make
a very tight tum.
To hover a helicopter, the cycliC must be held at center, so that the
helicopter does not gain airspeed in any direction. The collective controls
keep the helicopter at a constant altitude, while the rudder pedals keep the
helicopter pOinted in one direction. Since the air is a dynamic environment,
Collective Up the pilot must constantly adjust these controls to maintain the hover.
When a helicopter is in a hover or in slow forward flight close to the
ground. it creates an effect known as ground cushion. Air forced down by the
rotors cannot escape quickly and is compressed between the helicopter and
the ground . This, in tum. increases the efficiency of the helicopter's engine
and rotor blades.
To accelerate a helicopter forward from a hover, the pilot pushes the
cycliC forward and pulls up on the collective. More lift is generated by the
rotors as the collective is pulled up, and this lift is converted to forward thrust
as the rotor (and the helicopter) is tilted forward by the collective.
Cyclic Forward
As the helicopter shifts from a hover to forward flight, the helicopter settles toward the
ground. This is because of a slight loss of lift as some of the helicopter's lift is converted to
thrust, and as it "slips off' the ground cushion. But when the helicopter has gained some
forward momentum, it also gains what is called "translational lift" - the additional lift
generated by the relative motion created in horizontal flight. As the helicopter accelerates
forward, the translational lift grows. However, this additional lifting efficiency is cancelled
out by other effects once the helicopter reaches about 90 kts forward speed.
LEVEL FLIGHT When the helicopter is in straight, level flight, the cyclic controls airspeed for the most
part, while the collective maintains ' altitude. When climbing or descending, the cyclic
maintains the airspeed of the helicopter while the collective increases or decreases lift as
required. Since an increase or decrease in collective often corresponds with an increase or
decrease in throttle . the torque of the helicopter may increase or decrease during altitude
changes. This means the rudder pedals need to be adjusted constantly to match the torque
on the helicopter.
TAKEOFF AND Helicopter takeoff usually consists of two maneuvers - going into a hover, and forward,
LANDING climbing flight. First. the pilot lifts off the ground vertically using increased throttle and
collective, maintaining horizontal position as in a hover but adding more collective to pull
the aircraft upward. Then. the pilot pushes the cyclic forward and pulls up on the collective
to attain airspeed and climb to altitude.
Whenever possible. helicopter takeoff should be done into the wind. to prevent drift
during takeoff. The pilot should also pick some reference point on the ground to keep his
heading steady on during the initial acceleration .
Landing is essentially a reverse process - descending forward flight to a point above the
landing point, and a gradually descending hover to the ground . All descent should be stopped
when the helicopter goes into the hover.
The helicopter should not be allowed to drift horizontally while touching down, as it
could easily tip over. This could lead to the pilot and crew eating pieces of shattered rotor
blade. Also, it is important that the collective be handled gently during landing. as too rapid
a descent can prove dangerous . At best, a very expensive aircraft is bounced off the ground.
and several vertebrae are compressed.
"STEPPING ON THE There may be occasion where it becomes necessary to rapidly slow down horizontal
BRAKES" flight - a large. impassable obstacle ahead. or some other condition that might have a
negative impact on the service life of the helicopter. In such a Situation, care should be taken
by the pilot to maintain altitude and avoid wild changes in heading. Coordinated,
simultaneous use of the controls is essential.
To "put on the brakes ", the pilot lets down on the collective and pulls back on the cyclic
at the same time, while adjusting the rudder to prevent a wild swing in heading. As the
helicopter slows to the desired speed, the pilot levels the craft by pushing forward again on
the cyclic (to prevent the helicopter from settling tail-fIrst and hitting the ground) and
adjusting the collective (to maintain altitude) .
One of the great handicaps of helicopter combat is that there is nowhere to hide in the
sky. Anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) , surface- to-air missiles, enemy fighters and helicopters, and
ground fire from small automatic weapons can swat a helicopter from the sky. With the wide
proliferation of man-portable , high-tech weapons like the Stinger. SA-7 Grail, and SA-14
Gremlin missiles, the open skies are an even more dangerous place for slow-flying helicopters
than before. To survive, the pilot must be able to use the unique flight characteristics ofthe
helicopter to his advantage .
One of the most commonly used defensive maneuvers for helicopters is nap-of-the-
earth (NOE) flying. In this type of flying, the helicopter follows the contour of the earth, in
almost all respects becoming a ground vehicle. This type of flying demands a great deal of
skill. But if the pilot doesn't hit a tree or hill , he gains a great deal more security on the
battlefield from SAMs and AAA . Exposure to fire from enemy units is minimized because
the helicopter is masked by the terrain for a majority of its flight. and the helicopter gains
a degree of surprise.
HELICOPTER VS. TANKS The maneuverability of helicopters gives them the best of both worlds when it comes to
AND GROUND UNITS combat with ground forces: they can use the terrain to their advantage, and then fly above
it when it becomes an impediment. This ability gives the helicopter gunship the ability to
ambush enemy ground forces whenever the terrain permits.
Ambush tactics for gunships date back to the Vietnam
War, when Huey Cobras patrolled the Ho Chi Minh trail . The
Pop-Up most common ambush maneuver is the "pop-up" - the
helicopter masks itself behind a tree line, house, or other
terrain feature , and then "pops up" from behind its hiding
place to deliver the attack. The usual minimum number of
helicopters for an ambush attack is three, by NATO doctrine.
A "pop-up" is only necessary to use direct-fire weapons
- weapons that require the target to be in a line of sight. With
the Apache's Hellfire laser-guided anti-tank missiles , the
Apache does not even need to pop up. Another helicopter or
a forward observer can deSignate the target with a laser, and
the Apache can fire from cover.
Another weapon that offers virtually no exposure time
to enemy fire is the sub-munition-type anti-armor system
attack. This attack relies on a pattern of multi-purpose
bomblets from exploding ungUided rockets. The helicopter
makes its approach shielded by the terrain , then pulls up
and fires, and turns toward the rear. immediately returning
to NOE flight to avoid enemy fire.
HELICOPTER VS. The first all-helicopter dogfight on record occurred during the Iran-Iraq war, when an
HELICOPTER Iraqi Hind shot down an Iranian Cobra. Even before this event, it was widely assumed that
in any large-scale conflict of the future, helicopters would meet other helicopters in air
combat. The Soviets have even designed a helicopter for the single purpose of air-to-air
combat operations (the Hokum) .
Helicopter-to-helicopter combat tactics are an evolution of the combat tactics used first
by fighter pilots in World War One. The unique maneuvering abilities of the helicopter add
some considerations to the equation, but the old problems are essentially the same - how
to convert velocity and altitude into a shooting position.
If approached from behind , the first instinct of many helicopter pilots is to brake hard
to force the enemy to overshoot. To recover from an overshoot, helicopter pilots have
developed a maneuver known as the "High Yo-Yo." When the target brakes, the attacker pulls
up hard to avoid an overshoot, converting airspeed into altitude, and then maneuvers to the
"six-o'clock" position (directly behind the target) and drops down for the attack.
Rather than braking hard , a pilot finding himself in front of an oncoming attacker might
execute a maneuver known as the "Horizontal Scissors." In this maneuver, the pilot turns
hard to one side and reduces forward velocity. The attacker is forced to turn to follow, and
the pilot then turns hard in the opposite direction. The attacker is forced to reverse his tum
and is forced out in front of the defender, who is now in a position to take a shot.
When faced with an attacker in close proximity, a helicopter pilot can use a maneuver
developed by the U.S. Marines known as the "Side Flare Quick Stop." The pilot pulls up hard
and flares to one side, forcing the attacker to overshoot. Now behind the opponent, the pilot
dives down into the six-o'clock position and has the enemy in his Sights.
When meeting an adversary from an opposite direction, a pilot can use a maneuver
known as a "Stem Conversion. " The pilot accelerates and performs a hard , banking tum
called a "wing-over" (similar to the maneuver used in World War Two movies by pilots turning
out offormation for an attack run) . The pilot then performs a turning dive into attack position
b ehind the enemy aircraft.
As of yet, these tactics are fairly theoretical- none have been truly proven in combat. But
it is clear that pilots will use some derivative of them in any 'future conilict where helicopters
meet over the battlefield.
High Yo-Yo Horizontal Scissors
Attacker pulls
high to avoid an Attacker
overshoot maneuvering
for 6 -o'cJock
hard Helico pter
turns hard to
redu ce
forwa rd
Deceleration and
side flare starts Attacker climbs
. and accelerates
into 6-o'c1ock
Attacker Turning dive
,=============:::::::--poSitiOn accelerates
~ and performs
into attack
Threat position
overshoots wing-over
a pproaching
DATA FORMAT All are expressed in metric measurements. Metric measurements are used because
most annies, including the U.S. Army, utilize the metric system. Vehicles list fully loaded
LENGTH, WIDTH, combat weights. Aircraft list maximum take-off weights.
DIAMETER The "crew" is the normal fighting complement of the vehicle or aircraft - the men who
CREW/PASS remain aboard in combat situations.
While most all vehicles can cany passengers in some form or another, only those that
are specifically built for transport, or provide a modicum of cover, list passengers. The
"passengers" frequently dismount in combat.
ENGINE The horsepower (hp) and type of the main engine(s). Helicopter engines are rated in
"shaft horsepower" (shp) . Fixed-wing aircraft engines are rated in "pounds of static thrust"
(lb st). "AB" indicates afterburner capability.
MAX SPEED For vehicles, this is maximum rated road speed in kilometers per hour (kph). For aircraft
and ships. this is the maximum level speed in knots (kts) at sea level.
RATE OF For helicopters. this is the vertical rate of climb from hover in feet per second (ft/sec).
CLIMB In most case. the maximum rate of climb is about twice this value.
SERVICE The maximum attainable altitude with a nominal weapon load. The Rules of Engage-
CEILING ment (ROE) for a Theater of Operations frO) normally limit the maximum altitude to a much
lower value.
MAIN GUN The size and type of the main gun. if any. All guns are rifled unless USB" (smoothbore)
is indicated. For guns other than machine-guns (MG). the number of rounds carried (rds)
is also indica ted .
MISSILES The name and type of missile carried. Aircraft and ships will also list the predOminate
non-missile weapons. Please note that other weapon systems could also be carried.
WEAPON For aircraft. this is the maximum weapon load. More often than not. aircraft fly with less
WAD than their rated maximum load.
SEC GUNS Many vehicles mount one or more secondary weapons , usually machine-guns, for local
ground and air defense.
ARMOR Vehicle armor thickness is expressed as Heavy, Medium, Light or None.
WHAT'S IN You may wonder where the Soviets came up with all those weird names? Well , the names
A NAME listed for most of the Soviet equipment are in reality NATO designations, not the real Soviet
names . These NATO designations utilize the first letter of the unit's type to formulate the
name. That's why Soviet fighter aircraft have names begining with an "F", helicopters with
an "H", air-to-air missiles with an "A", and so on.
The reason is twofold. First of all, the Russian language is not that easy to read or
pronounce; secondly, the actual names are sometimes not known until years after the unit
has been spotted or released - afterall , you have to call it something.
AH-64A Apache Gunship In the mid - 1960s. after the AH -56 Cheyenne program failed to meet
required developmental specifications (too expensive and too com-
plex) . the US Army was left without an advanced attack helicopter.
At that time. the AH-l Cobra was considered to be only a near-term
step. The search continued . and the contract for the Apache was
fmal1y awarded in 1976; the fIrst Apache entered service in 1986.
The Apache is now considered to be the premier helicopter gunship.
Avionics: Includes a full suite of advanced commumication sys-
tems. navigational flight aids and survivability systems. The target
acquisition/designation sight and pilot's night vision sensor (TADS/
PNVS) are the heart of the avionics package. These \inked systems
include an auto-focus thermal imager. laser ranger /designatorand
1V camera. Both are integrated into a helmet-mounted sighting
system. IR signature is reduced by the Black Hole System. An
airborne target handoff subsystem (ATHS) data \ink is also included.
AH-64C Longbow Apache Gunship A natural follow -on to the AH-64A. the Longbow Apache will feature
a number of mid-life product improvements. but will be built
around the new millimeter-wave radar guided Hellfire weapon
system. This system includes an integrated mast-mounted Sight.
The MMW Hellfire is a true fire -and-forget weapon. Its seeker head
will guide itself to the target; a target designator is not required . It's
u also longer ranged. and suffers less degradation from rain. fog and
smoke than FUR's & thermal imagers. These upgrades will make
the Longbow Apache and the Comanche unbeatable stable mates.
AH -66A Comanch e Gunship/Scout Helicopter In 1982 the US Army invited manufacturers to submit design
concepts for its Light Helicopter Experimental (LHX) program. The
original procurement called for S.OOO units to replace UH- l. AH - l .
OH-S8 and OH-6 airframes; this was later revised to 2 .096 units
(the UH - l Huey follow-on was eliminated). The LHX. now designated
the AH -66A Comanche. will feature many advances in helicopter
technology. including all-composite airframe construction. advanced
beanngless rotor system. internal weapons bay and retractable
landing gear. Stealth technologies will b e employed where feasible .
Its tandem cockpit seats the pilot in the front seat. as inJetaircraft.
UH -60K/L Blackhawk Assault Helicopter As a replacement for the UH - l Iroquois Transport Helicopter (the
famous Huey). the Blackhawk entered service in 1979. Designed
primarily to transport 11 fully equipped trooi's, its spacious cabin
enables it to also be used , without modification , for medevac,
supply and command functions. The external stores support
system (ESSS) can carry a significant number of weapons. The "K"
& "L" models entered service in 1988.
M230 30mm Chaingun Primary annament on the Apaches. The chaingun is a single
barrelled, externally powered weapon that's driven by a simple
chain mechanism. The chain literally pulls the rounds of ammu-
nition through the gun, therefore greatly reducing the chance of a
jam. The chaingun configuration is lighter than gatling guns.
Weight: 55.9 kg
Rate-of-Fire: 625 rpm
Aiming Mechanism: Helmet Mounted Sight or Gunner's Sight
Primary Target: Medium annored or unprotected targets
~II I fender , and it's also the fixed gun weapon on the Defender. It
provides excellent area suppressive fire for a small cost in weight.
Weight: 147 kg, with 1,500 rds
Rate-of-Fire: 2,000/4,000 rpm
Aiming Mechanism: Direct fire along axis of flight
Primary Target: Unprotected targets
GPU-2/A Gun Pod The GPU-2/A is basically an M 197 20mm 3 -barrelled galling gun in
pod fonn. It's a totally self-contained unit with gun and ammunition.
It even has its own rechargeable power source. All the pilot needs to
do is aim and fire. It's available as a wing mounted pod weapon on
the Blackhawk. SuperCobra. Kiowa Warrior or Defender.
Weight: 270 kg. with 300 rds
Rate-of-Fire: 1.500 rpm
Aiming Mechanism: Direct fire along axis of flight
Primary Target: tightly armored or unprotected targets
Weight: 50 kg
Rate-of-Fire: 2.000 rpm
Aiming Mechanism: Helmet Mounted Sight
Primary Target: tightly armored or unprotected targets
Weight: 87 kg
Maximum Firing Range: 18 km
Guidance System: IR homing
Primary Target: All airborne targets
AGM - 122 Sidearm AGM The Sidearm system evolved out of the need to develop a low cost,
lightweight anti-radar missile. Unused Sidewinder AJM-9C's were
refurbished and brought up to AlM-9L/M standards. and a broadband
passive radar seeker replaced the existing seeker. It will be carried by
AV-88 Harriers, F-4G Phantom Wild Weasels, and helicopters.
Weight: 91 kg
Maximum Firing Range: 15 km
Guidance System: Passive radar homing
Primary Target: SAM & gun control radars
modeJ's millimeter wave radar seeker is a true fire -and-forget
CJII weapon system. It will be carried by the Longbow Apache.
Weight: 43 kg
Maximum Firing Range: 6 km (A), 8 km (8)
Guidance System: semi-active laser (A), MMW Radar (8)
Primary Target: Heavily armored targets & fortifications
Weight: 22 kg
Maximum Firing Range: 4 km
Guidance System: Command to Line-of-Sight via Wire
Primary Target: Heavily armored targets & fortifications
Helstreak HVM AGM/ AAM The Helstreak High Velocity Missile (HVM) system is based on the
British Starstreak SAM. It's laser guided warhead contains three
highly accurate darts that independently home in on the target. This
makes for a wide coverage pattern. which is important in the air-to-
:B" ~lUI-nl_ _ _---L[Jr=rr air role. With HUMs, exposure time is reduced.
Weight: 40 kg
Maximum Firing Range: 7 krn
Guidance System: semi-active laser homing
Primary Target: Medium armored ground & air targets
c _____-->O warhead for use against armored targets. The M255 has a flechette
warhead for use against unarmored targets or Helicopters.
Weight: 9 kg
Maximum Firing Range: 2-3 km
Guidance System: Unguided
Primary Target: Varies by Warhead Type
The mend lies and not so friendlies. These are the predominant vehicles, aircraft and
ships you'll cross paths with throughout your missions. While you'll certainly come across
many other units (e.g. trains, trucks, buildings, bridges, oil tanks and airfields). they're just
too numerous to mention.
AMX-30 Main Battle Tank A French design, the AMX-30 entered production in 1966. Empha-
sizing the predominate European theories of the time, its design
embraces speed and firepower. as armor was conSidered a second-
ary factor. TheAMX-30 is also fielded by a number of Middle Eastern
C! nations including Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle Born out of a British study conducted in the 1950s. the Scorpion
entered British service in 1972. Its excellent cross-county perfor-
mance and high speed make for the ideal rec on vehicle. The
Scorpion's basic design has spawned 7 follow-on vehicles. It's also
fielded by Saudi Arabia. UAE and Oman.
Weight: 8.1 tons Main Gun: 76mm. 40 rds
Crew/Pass: 3/0 Missiles: None
Engine: 190 hp petrol Sec Gun : oneMG
Max Speed: 81 kph Armor: Light
M998 "Hummer" Utility Vehicle The multi-purpose "Hummer" entered service as a replacement for
the famous and ubiquitous J eep (M 151). The Hummer fulfills many
roles, serving as an APC , Scout, TOW platform and fire s upport
vehicle. To date, over 100,000 h ave been ordered for various
branches of the US Armed Forces.
Weight: 2.3 tons Main Gun: 12.7mm MG
Crew/Pass: 2/4 Missiles: None
Engine: 132 hp diesel Sec Gun : None
Max Speed: 105 kph Armor: None
LHA Tarawa Class Amphibious Assault Ship The first ship of this class has been in service since 1976. The LHAs
are intended to combine the capabilities of LPH (helicopter carriers)
and LPD (amphibious docks) into one ship. Four landing craft are
carried in its deck. Its boilers are the largest ever installed on a US
ship. It has a complete 300 bed hospital.
'/ Weight: 39,400 tons Main Gun: 3x127rnm
Crew/Pass : 1014/1924 Missiles: Sea Sparrow SAM
Engine: 70,000 hp Aircraft: 38 he licopters,
Max Speed: 24 kts or 20 AV-8/B Harriers
L: _~
frame. The Harpoon SSMs are fired from the forward mou nted
ASROC launcher. The originally fitted Sea Sparrow SAM system,
are being replaced by the Vulcan/Phalanx 20mm system.
,---J_i _
' lCl
_ t !D;.
, Weight: 4,250 tons Main Gun: lx127mm
Crew /Pass: 2 75/0 Missiles: Harpoon SSM ,
Engine: 35,000 hp ASROC anti-sub
Max Speed: 27+ kts Aircraft: 1 helicopter The Op
T-80A Main Battle Tank The Soviet T-80A is thought to have entered service in 1983. It has
closer developmental ties totheT-64 then to theT-72.It'sconsidered
to be only an evolutionary design, although the gas turbineengine
is a radical departure. The AT-8 Songster was added to provide long
range capability, as the 125mm S8's accuracy is poor.
T-62E Main Battle Tank The Soviet T-62 was developed from the earlier T - 54/T-55 series.
and entered service in the early 1960s. It was the first tank to mount
a smoothbore gun . Its low ballistic shape was a plus. but otherwise
it was mediocre. The "E" model features add-on "horseshoe" turret
armor and a laser sight. It's also fielded by Egypt, Syria and Iraq.
Weight: 41.1 tons Main Gun: 115mm SB, 40 rds
Crew/Pass: 4/0 Missiles: None
Engine: 580 hp diesel Sec Gun: two MGs
Speed: 50 kph Armor: Heavy
''' ~
gun. and its high ly sloped armor provided then unheard of protec-
tion. Yet still. it's slow and relatively clumsy. Iraq does field a large
force . but acquired them as war booty from Iran and Kuwait.
Weight: 55 tons Main Gun: 120mm. 64 rds
Crew/Pass: 4/0 Missiles: None
Engine: 750 hp multi-fuel Sec Gun: three MGs
Speed: 48 kph Armor: Heavy
BMP-l Infantry Fighting Vehicle The Soviet BMP- l caused quite a stir when it entered service in
1967. This revolutionary design was the first to combine cannon,
ATGM and a full infantry squad with under armor fire capability. Its
73mm gun has poor long range accuracy, and the one-man turret
is inefficient. It's also fielded by Egypt, Syria and Iraq.
Weight: 13.9 tons Main Gun: 73mm SB, 40 rds
Crew/Pass: 3/S Missiles: Sagger, 5 rds
Engine: 300 hp diesel Sec Gun: oneMG
Speed: 70 kph Armor: Light
BRDM-2 Reconnaissance Vehicle The Soviet BRDM-2 replaced its predecessor. the BRDM- l . in the
mid- 1960s. Its also used as a command or an observer vehicle. It
has become outclassed by more modern vehicles. and its 14.5mm
gun is outdated and ina d equa te. It's also fielded by most of the
middle eastern nations.
Weight: 7.0 tons Main Gun: 14.5mm. 500 rds
Crew/Pass : 2/3 Missiles: None
Engine: 140 hp petrol Sec Gun : oneMG
Speed : 100 kph Annor: Light
2S6 30mm/SA- 19 Self-Propelled AA Vehicle The Soviet 2S6 was first seen in 1986 in then East Germany. It
appears to be a very capable gun & missile system. Its four 30mm
guns. although much longer. probably share ammo with the BMP-
2. The SA- 19 SAMS are laser homers and probably have a range of
10 km. It has separate search and track radars and a laser ranger.
Weight: 18.0 tons Main Gun: 4x30mm. 2000 rds
Crew/Pass: 4/0 Missiles: SA-19. 8 rds
Engine: 520 hp diesel Sec Gun: None
Speed: 60 kph Armor: Light
SA-13 "Gopher" Self-Propelled SAM Vehicle The Soviet Gopher entered service in 1977. In Sovie t units. it's
replacing th e older Gaskin on a one-for -one basis . The SA- 13
missile is very capable . It uses radar only for ranging as the missile
is a n IR homer ; it has a range of 8 km. The Gopher utilizes a variant
of the MT-LB chassis. It's also fielded by Syria and Iraq.
Weight: 12.5 tons Main Gun: None
Crew/Pass: 3/0 Missiles: SA- 13 . 4 rds
Engine: 240 hp diesel Sec Gun : Non e
Speed: 60 kph Armor: Light
MI-24W " mND-E" GUNSIllP
Mi-24W "Hind-E" Gunship The Soviet Hind first a ppeared in 1972. It was originally designed
as a heavily armed assault helicopter, but has evolved into a
capa ble gunship. It lacks the nap-of-the-earth maneuverability of
its western counterparts. SWI, it carries a heavy loa d , and has
retained its transport capacity. It's also flown by Syria and Iraq.
=i:{£< 1 :.~ seating are much more suited to its role. Its high speed agility has
also been enhanced by a new rotor structure.
11.4 tons
Main Gun: 30mm. 300 rds
Missiles: Spiral ATGM,
Engine: two 2 ,200 shp Rockets, SA- 14 AAM
Max Speed: 165 kts Weapon Load: 3 tons
SA-342 Gazelle Utility Helicopter The French Gazelle first flew in 1967. It has bee n utilized in many
different roles. from recon. liaison and light attack. and many
civilian applications . A disguised Gazelle was used in the fIlming of
th e movie Blue ThWlde r. It has been exported to over 41 nations
including Great Britain. Eqypt. Syria. Kuwait. Qatar and Iraq.
Weight: 2 . 1 tons Main Gun: None
Crew/Pass: 2/3 Missiles: Hot ATGM .
Engine: one 858 shp Rockets.SA-7 AAM
Max Speed: 140 kts Weapon Load: 1.2 tons
;? Engine:
Max Speed:
600 hp
lO kts
11 2
CENTRAL EUROPE This area has gone through more change, in a short period of time, than any regional area
CURRENT EVENTS in the twentieth-century. Ten years ago, no one could have predicted what is now taking place.
The Germanies are reunited and the Warsaw Pact has collapsed into a quasi-political
organization; its military teeth are gone . Civil and political strife continues to escalate in the
Soviet Union; this has further de-stablized the region.
The Soviet Union is a giant teetering on the brink of civil war. The old guard
conservatives and the liberal progressives (right-wing moderates by our standards) are each
vying for control of the country. Whoever ultimately evolves as the victor will have a far-
reaching effect on the military stability of the region.
Western Europe is a very appealing target. Its consumer goods, resources, technology
and labor force are hard to ignore. The Soviet Union, regardless of who wins political
supremacy, has tremendous "needs" and corresponding expectations. They will get the
goods one way or another.
The ex-Soviet client states are also a potential hotbed. Their new found freedom has
opened the door for secularism to again rear its ugly head . There have been clashes between
the Czechs and Slovaks, and the Baltic States are constantly at odds with their old master.
These internal conflicts have a habit of escalating to major proportions and drawing in
other "interested parties".
MILITARY BALANCE Even without the non-Soviet Warsaw Pact Forces, the Soviet Union can still field over
3,000,000 menjust in the land forces. EqUipment includes over 50,000 tanks, 70,000 IFVs
and APCs, 60,000 pieces of artillery and over 4,500 helicopters. There's no question that a portion
of the equipment is obsolete, and is no longer of first line status, even by Soviet standards.
The Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE) is being touted by many as the greatest
peace initiative since the Treaty of Ghent of 1814. Don't be fooled by all the rhetoric.
11 3
The CFE treaty calls for equal force limits in five broad categories: MBTs, AFVs, artillery
pieces, combat aircraft and armed helicopters. These categories were arbitrarily selected
because of their reference to "offensive" weapons. These limits affect the forces fielded by all
treaty signators (it was signed by the 22 members of NATO and the Warsaw Pact) . The
immediate result of the treaty - many nations, especially the Soviet Union , must dispose of
tons of military equipment.
Here's where it gets sticky. The treaty simply allows the Soviet Union to dispose of
outdated equipment or to just hold or store it east of the Ural mountains. Only the countries
physically located in Europe must permanently dispose of their equipment.
Of course, the USA also benefits from this apparent "loophole". Much of the US
equipment must be stationed outside of Europe (the Persian Gulf region, for example) or
returned to the USA. The question is, how long will it take to move it back?
GEOGRAPHY The area boasts of some of the most fertile ground found in the world. Parts are
mountainous or heavily forested, while others are as flat and clear as the plains of Kansas.
Towns and villages dot a countryside cut by many small rivers and their tributaries and
crisscrossed by a highly developed road and rail net.
THE CONFLICT Soviet forces cross the border into the new Germany after "rescuing" Poland from
Western European dominance. Economic woes and a restless, impatient populace prompt
the new conservative Soviet government to use military might to quickly solve their problems.
After all, the aggreSSive Western Europeans, backed by the equally aggreSSive USA, have
forced them to take this action to protect their borders.
As part of the US V Corps, you must stem the Soviet tide to buy time for the mobilization
of all NATO forces and the re-deployment of US forces from other regions.
PERSIAN GULF The recent events in this region have been near and dear to all of our hearts. It couldn't
CURRENT EVENTS have had a better ending if it had been written as a Hollywood movie script. Still, conflict is
a way off life here.
The region has seen constant war dating back to biblical times. In addition to the most
recent UN sanctioned action, the past fifty years have witnessed constant civil wars and
changes of government (mostly bloody). five Arab - Israeli conflicts, regional clashes,
terrorism , internal genocide and a protracted war between Iran - Iraq ... not a pretty picture
when you think about it.
It remains an extremely volatile region. The coalition force that fought in Operations
Desert Storm and Sabre are held together by a thread. Countries now stand beside allies
whom they only recently fought as enemies. The smallest provocation could trigger a conflict
between these strange bedfellows. No one has forgotten the old hatreds; there was just
something else a little more pressing.
The poor Arab States hate the rich Arab States; the communist Arab States hate the
monarchies; most of the Arab States hate the Israelis and the Egyptians because they don't
hate the Israelis this year; and the Iranians generally hate Arabs because they're Arabs, not
Persians. In addition to all this, Lebanon looks like a wasteland since just about everyone
is using it as a pin cushion to work out their differences .
In spite of this, don't let anyone tell you different - oil is the focus. That's not to say that
these other issues are just passing fancies. It's a matter of the have-nots wanting what the
have's have or the have's just wanting more . EconOmiCs, not politics is calling the shots.
MILITARY BALANCE The recent conflict has left the area in a very fluid state, to say the least. In spite of the
drubbing they took, the Iraqis still possess a large fighting force even if most of them are now
on foot. How many men remain in uniform and how much equipment is still in Iraqi
hands is unknown . They were able to save the majority of their aircraft by flying them
over the border into Iran.
To the east of Iraq is Iran; not one of our closest allies by any stretch of the imagination.
They appear to be perched like vultures; waiting to pounce on any opportunity. They field
a 750,000 man army, but modem mechanized eqUipment is limited or in disrepair.
Another potential antagonist is Syria . They have never really cared for the rich royalty
of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. After all, Syria doesn't have much oil to speak of - see, that oil
issue again! They only went along with the coalition, not being as shortSighted. as Jordan,
because they knew Iraq couldn't win . There was a lot of money to be had from those same
rich Arabs. They have a 400,000 man army, with the equipment to back them up. While
always considered a bit suspect militarily, they can't be overlooked.
With the exception of Israel and Egypt, the other Arab States field rather small forces .
GEOGRAPHY This is a desert region, pretty much hot, flat and generally barren. The cities are situated
on the coasts, with the exception of the Tigris-Euphrates valley (the fouptain oflife - a bit of
irony) that runs through most of Iraq. The topography of Iran is, however, quite different.
It's is fairly mountainous and water is plentiful.
THE CONFLICT Still licking her wounds from the last war and bitter about the UN imposed sanctions,
Iraq allies with Iran (that was part of the plan all along) and launches a renewed offensive
into Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. They have managed to "buy" off Syria who deCides to sit this
one out.
As part of the standing US Persian Gulf force, you must hold the line while the RDF is
staged into the region.
SAM Threat Characteristics
Backup Backup
Weapon Tracking Tracking Guidance Guidance Use
SA-7B "Grail" none none IR(C) none man-portable
SA-l4A "Gremlin" none none IR(B) none man-portable
SA-16A "Goblin" none none IR (B+) none man-portable
SA-3B "Goa" radar visual radar (D) visual flxed battery
SA-6B "Gainful" radar none radar (C) visual vehicle mounted
SA-9B "Gaskin" visual none IR(C+) none vehicle mounted
SA-IIA "Gadfly" radar none radar (B) visual vehicle mounted
SA-13A "Gopher" radar visual IR(B) none vehicle mounted
SA-19A radar visual laser (A) IR (A) vehicle mounted
Notes on Use
Man-portable SAMs are utilized by infantry. carried in APCs and most light vehicles. and used to defend structures.
Guidance system effectiveness evaluates use against helicopters.
Helicopter Weapon Systems
AA: Anti-aircraft. Guns designed to shoot down aircraft.
AAA: Anti-aircraft artillery; also referred to as "triple-A" . Used mostly to refer to heavy AA
guns, but is generally synonymous with AA.
AAM: Air-to-air missile .
ADF: Automatic Direction Finding. A device to home in on transmitted navigational signals.
AFCS: Automatic flight control system. This device provides the control mechanisms for the
autopilot and auto-hover systems.
AGM: Air-to-ground missile.
AH-xx: US designation for attack helicopters. Examples are AH-64 Apache andAH-66 Comanche.
APC: Armored Personnel Carrier. A tracked or wheeled vehicle that transports an infantry
squad. Most carry machine-gun type weapons.
AFV: Armored fighting vehicle. Armored vehicle designed for front line combat.
APR-39: Lightweight digital threat warning system. Designed for use on helicopters and light
fIXed-wing aircraft. It's optimized for NOE flight.
APU: Auxiliary power unit.
ATGM: Anti-tank guided missile. A powered missile guided by wire, radio, infrared or laser
transmitted commands. TOW-2 and Hellfire are ATGMs.
AUX Power Unit: Auxiliary power unit. Small on-board turbine engine use to provide power
to start the main engines.
Battalion: A military organization with two or more companies. Cavalry or helicopter
battalions are often called "Squadrons". It typically has 500 to 1,500 men.
BMP-x: Bronevaya Maschina Piekhota. Soviet built IFV.
BRDM-x: BronevayaRazvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Maschina. Soviet built reconnaissance vehicle.
Brigade: In the US Army, a military organization with two or more battalions. It typically has
3 ,000 to 6,000 men.
BTR-xx: Bronetransportr. Soviet built wheeled APC.
CBU: Cluster bomb unit. A bomb that bursts in to many smaller bomblets; utilized to cover
a wide area.
Chaff: Radar decoy. Composed of thousands of different sized metal fIlm strips. Produces
varying radar reflections.
CM: Counter-measures. Jammers and decoys.
CO: The commanding officer.
Collective: Helicopter flight control used to "collectively" change the pitch of the main rotor blades.
Commo: Communications.
Company: A military organization with two or more platoons. Cavalry or helicopter
companies are often called "Troops". It typically has 100 to 300 men.
CP/G: Co-pilot/gunner. The "front seater" in helicopters with tandem seating (rear seater
in the Comanche). The CP /G sits on the left in helicopters with side-by-side seating.
Cyclic: Helicopter flight control used to selectively change the pitch of the main rotor blades.
Ditch: A term for crash landing.
11 8
FARP: Forward arming & refu eling p oint. A highly m obile helicopter base; it's normally
airlifted by heavy transport helicopters.
Fast Movers: Slang term for convention al jet aircraft.
Flare: A cartridge shaped source of intense h eat energy. Normally laun ch ed in groups of
three cartridges each with a different heat frequency.
FLIR: Forward looking infrared . Sighting device that "reads" the heat sign ature of objects.
FLOT: Forward line, own troops. Current designation for the line closest to the enemy.
Flying a Desk: Staff or command job with no flight d u ties.
GPS: Global positioning system. Satellite based navigation system.
HEAT: High explosive, anti-tank. A type of warhead designed to punch throu gh steel armor.
Fitted on most ATGMs.
Heavy Section: Helicopter flight group composed of three h elicopters.
HQ: Head Quarters.
HUD: Head-up disp lay. A piece of glass mounted on the front of the cockpit. arranged so the
pilot can look forward through the glass. Important combat and flight information
is reflected off the HUD. The images are superimposed over the outside world; the
pilot can look through the HUD and retain the images.
ICS: Internal communication system. Used for communication within a h elicop ter.
IFV: Infantry fighting vehicle . A tracked vehicle that transports an infantry squad. Usually
armed with small calibre cannons.
In Constraints: Term used to describe when a weapon is within its maximum range and
target envelope.
INS: Inertial navigation system. A device that tracks a helicopter's current position and
desired destinations.
IR: Infrared. A portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum where the intensity of the sign al is
related to its heat signature.
lTV: Improved TOW vehicle. The current US TOW platform - the M901.
Jammer: An source ofintense Infrared or radar energy u sed to confuse or "spoof' weapon systems.
Ka-xx: Helicopters designed by the Soviet Kamov Bureau.
Klick: Slang for kilometer.
Knot: A measure of h orizontal motion equal to 1. 1 miles p er hour.
LGB: Laser glide bomb. A bomb guided by reflected laser energy.
Light Section: Helicopter flight group composed of two h elicopters .
LZ: Landing zone.
Mask/Unmask: Terms used to described the use of naturally occurring objects as cover.
MBT: Main battle tank. A general term for "medium" and "h eavy" tanks.
MEDVAC: Medical evacuation. The transport of wou nded troops.
MFD: Multi-function display.
Mi-xx: Helicopters designed by the Soviet Mil Bureau.
MiG-xx: Aircraft designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich Bureau.
MPSM: Multi-purpose submunition. A type of the new Hydra 70 rocket system for
helicopters. The M261 rocket has 9 bomblets, or submunitions, each with its own
explosive charge per rocket.
MRLS: Multiple rocket launching system. The n ewest Western artillery rocket system.
NATO: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A mutual defense treaty that includes 16
nations. They are all European based with the exception of the United'3tates and
Canada. NATO is important to the Central European Front, because it forms the
basis whereby US, British and Canadian forces are stationed in Germany.
OH-XX: US designation for observation helicopters. Example is OH -58D Kiowa Warrior.
Passage Point: Safe, no fire area for flight through friendly troops.
Platoon: The military organization subordinate to a company. It typically has 25 to 50 men .
Primary: The most important mission of a flight.
Pull Pitch: To quickly add collective control.
RDF: Rapid Deployment Force. A US military force composed of "quick" move military
formations. It's intended to be used as a timely response to "hotspots" around the world .
Reticle : A small circular "glass" positioned over the right eye. Important combat and flight
information is reflected off the reticle not unlike a HUD . The images are superim-
posed over the outside world ; the pilot can look in any direction and retain the images.
S2: Battalion level intelligence officer. He finds and summarizes all information about the enemy.
SAM: Surface-to-air-missile.
SEAD: Suppression of enemy air defenses. A term used to describe a mission to destroy
enemy air defense units.
Secondary: Targets of lesser importance than the primary.
SOP: Standard operating procedure. Doing it by the "book" or operating manual.
SSM: Surface to surface missile.
Su-xx: Aircraft designed by the Soviet Sukhoi Bureau.
TADS: Target acquisition and designation system. A device mounted on Apache helicopters
that's used to lock onto targets and to control the laser deSignator.
TF: Task Force. A battalion or squadron sized combat formation composed of mixed
combat elements .
Thennal Imager: Similar to a FUR. but "tuned" to objects more than structures.
TOe: Tactical operations center. A small command tent. Usually set up in the field .
UH-xx: US designation for utility helicopters. Example - t h e UH-60K/L Blackhawk.
Visiononics: A collective term to describe all helicopter mounted sighting devices .
VOR: VHF omni-directional range. A radio beacon used fo r navigation.
Warsaw Pact: Formed as a counter to NATO, it was originally composed of 7 Eastern
European nations. It was purely a military organization dominated by the Soviet
Union. It has now dissolved into a loose political group.
Waypoint: An interim navigation point used in conjunction with the INS.
Weapons Free: A term to describe full freedom to utilize weapons against targets.
THE PLAN It was a bit scary when MicroProses's President, Bill Stealey, originally proposed a
sequel to the highly successful Gunship. The first thought that came to mind was, how could
we possibly ever top that product?
After the smelling salts were passed around, we started to kick around a few ideas. That
really got the creative juices flowing, and it started to seem like a great idea - we now wished
we h ad suggested it first.
We knew that the n ew simulator had to be much broader in scope than the original. It
would have to include most of the neat helicopters that the Army (sorry Marines, we'll give
you equal time in a later scenario) currently have in their inventory, plus the ones that are
still on the drawing board. This futuristic perspective is where the 2000 in the title comes from.
We were lucky in one respect. Early on, we guessed that the Army would select the
Boeing/Sikorsky version of the LHX, now deSignated the AH-66A Comanche. We knew if we
went in that direction, we were committed, since the Army wasn't gOing to make its final selection
until April of 1991. You know what they always say - I would rather be lucky than good.
We also wanted to expand into the operational components of multi-helicopter
command. Not that flying a single helicopter can't be fun (after all, we did retain that
capability). it's just that there's more to helicopter operations.
We tried to go to extremes to capture the " realism~ of helicopter combat. Real action
doesn't take place at 2 ,000 feet. It happens right next to the ground. You feel like you're going
to suck the leaves off the trees as you fly by. This is why Gunship 2000 is the way that it is.
We wanted you right next to the ground, weaving in and out of the canyons and between the
hills just like the real pilots.
We made the "bad" guys act like bad guys, to a point - we still wanted you to have fun .
After all, this is supposed to be fun, not work. We only took a few liberties with the realism.
The selection of the Persian Gulf was made , believe it or not, long before the actual
conflict erupted in the region. It's not that we have a comer on crystal balls; the region has
been a hotbed for years. It was really a pretty easy call. It's lucky the real thing worked out
as well as it did . We never intended to capitalized on the conflict; we're happy to strictly deal
in "simulating" the actions.
The selection of Central Europe as the other theater was not an attempt at any political
statement. or a prediction of impending doom and gloom. It's just that the US has a large
standing force in the region, in spite of the forces transferred to the Persian Gulf. Since
Gunship 2000 is a simulation, we're simulating what could happen IF, and only IF, a war did
break out. The terrain found in the region also gave us the chance to show off Gunship 2000's
new 3-D system.
THE TEAM Many people contIibuted to the making of Gunship 2000; I apologize to those not
specifically mention. It was a team effort, and we had a great team!
Early on, we realized that we certainly couldn't utilized the 3-0 system from the original
Gunship and the 3 -D system used in our other 3-D products, such as F-19 and F-15II, didn't
provide a low level view of the terrain. We just had to design a new system.
This is where Darrell Dennies worked his magic. Darrell started on the system, now
dubbed Topographical 3-0, back in February of 1990. He developed an entirely new concept
to emphasize and accent the terrain where helicopters operate. The results of his efforts
speak for themselves. The worlds are rich in color and depth of detail . The terrain features
aren't just painted on the ground, they actually "fit" into one another as they do in real life.
You can actually look through the railroad tunnel to the other side! The terrain also includes
fills and "fancy" patterns on the ground and even the trees . In the campaign game, the
structures destroyed in previous missions are still destroyed when you fmd them again; the
train even moves along the railroad tracks. This system is the most complex 3 -D model yet
developed by MicroProse; it's probably superior to anything you've seen.
Darrell also programmed all of the "flight" related functions. He never ceased to amaze
us all. One moment there could be a problem with a function or feature, and before you could
bat an eye, Darrell had it corrected or added to the game. There wasn't anything Darrell
couldn't fix or, some how, squeeze into the program.
The mission generation system was developed , and for the most part designed , by
Detmar Peterke. He had the patience and insight to interpret my obscure concepts into
something that would work. It wasn't easy coming up with a system that would generate
challenging missions that could still be fun. He developed the "action area" system that's
used for selecting options. Detmar, with the help of Dave McKibbin. also "tweaked" all of the
nifty animations into the game.
Detmar applied an "artist's eye" to his programming; this touch is reflected in the "look"
of the game's starting and ending sequences. It's not often that you find this rare
combination of talents.
Speaking of art, we couldn't have been more fortunate than to have Mike Reis as a
member of the team. He spent many long, tiring hours designing and drawing all of the terrific
art. The screens aren't just scanned images or touch ups of other people's art, they're original
and hand drawn. His art has the look of real "live imagery"; you get the feeling that you're
standing in the room or sitting in the tent. That's a lot of pixels and colors to worry about!
I know Mike often wanted to say "not you again" whenever we walked into his office with
another change or idea, but he put up with us constantly critiquing or suggesting changes
to the art. It's a good thing he's not thinned skinned; he probably would have "skinned" us
many times over - and deservedly so.
I would be remiss in not thanking Max Remington for his terrific 3-0 objects. He outdid
himself again! Max is known as the "machine" around these parts. Whatever you ask for, he
produces, no matter how complex or obscure. The helicopters in Gunship 2000 are the most
complex objects we've ever included in a Simulation; and, it's not like he had the luxury of
working in an environment of unlimited capacity - he still had to make it fit.
Jeff Briggs wrote all of the music that you hear during the game. He did a great job in
capturing and setting the "mood" of the game. He had to write them all as original
compositions, and had to try to make them fit within the presentation of the game. This
wasn't an easy task. In many cases he had only concepts to work from.
Ken Lagace along with Jim McConkey and Scott Patterson produced all of the game's
sound effects. If you're lucky enough to have a Roland or AdLib sound card, you can
experience the exciting sounds of helicopter flight and combat.
Iris Idokogi and her staff of thousands Uust kidding, the printed material looks so good,
you would think it really took that many people to develop it) are to thank for the printed
material. They're the group that usually gets the least amount of time. We designers always
try to wait until the last minute to finish writing the manual. Fortunately, Iris is persistent.
and she doesn't let us get away with too much .
I tip my hat to the quality assurance folks ; they have the toughest row to hoe . They are
tasked with finding all of the things that don't work. No one is ever happy to see or hear from
them, but their job is a key part of the process. AI Roireau and the gang did a great job in
keeping all of us honest.
After all that, it leaves the design element ofthe game - that's me. I did what all designers
do at Micro Prose - research & develop the scope and flow of the game, and basically annoy
everyone else. I also wrote the documentation, with the help of Sean Gallagher, and
developed all of the charts, tables and miscellaneous text.
One part of the game I really enjoyed doing, at least I thought so when I started it, was
designing the terrain and layouts for the 6 worlds in Gunship 2000. Darrell developed a
number of tools specifically for this portion of the game that made my life easier. About 150
unique tiles were created for the worlds. Each world has over 4 ,000 "tiles" that are linked
together to make the terrain look uniform. I started to dream about these tiles; I was smart
enough not to tell my wife that she had been displaced in my dreams.
The whole idea behind the game was to capture the essence of helicopter combat, and
to present it in an enjoyable, entertaining format. I believe we were successful. Only you can
truly judge the results .
Jim Day
July, 1991
CONTENTS Your Gunship 2000 simulation should contain a manual, this technical
supplement, two 5 1/4" 1.2MB disks or four 3 1/2" 720KB disks, a keyboard
overlay, a registration card, a Tandy options order card (Tandy only), and a
backup disks order card.
REQUIRED Computer: This simulation requires an IBM AT, PS/2 (lOMHz or better), or
a computer 100% compatible with one of these '!l0dels. We strongly recommend
EQUIPMENT that the machine you utilize possess an 80286 microprocessor or better. The
machine must have at least 640KB of RAM .
Controls: The simulation can be run entirely from the keyboard, or with a
joystick and keyboard.
Display: The simulation requires a color monitor with an IBM MeGA or VGA
graphics system. If you are using a compatible graphics card/mOnitor, it must
be 100% hardware compatible to one of the above.
Disk Drives: Gunship 2000 can be installed onto 3 1/2" or 5 1 / 4" floppy
disks. However, it's strongly recommended that you install the program onto a
hard disk.
DOS: You must have IBM PC-DOS or Microsoft MS-DOS, version 2. 1 or higher.
COPY Gunship 2000 has no disk copy-protection. This means you can install the
PROTECTION simulation files from the original disks however you prefer: to other floppy disks,
or to a hard disk.
However, the program asks you a simulation related question. Use the
manual to answer this question. MicroProse regrets that continuing casual and
organized software piracy requires that we retain this minimal form of copy-
protection. We have done our best to design the copy-protection to minimize
intrusion upon the legitimate owners.
INSTALLATION Gunship 2000 includes an install program that transfers the information
from the original (distribution) disks onto floppies or a hard disk (your choice) .
If you plan to install the simulation onto floppies, you should format the disks
first, to ensure that each is "clean". For a deSCription of "FORMAT', consult your
DOS manual.
If you are installing onto a hard disk, the program creates a directory titled
"MPS" (if one already exists, it's utilized instead) and a subdirectory titled
"GS2000". Finally, it creates a GS2000.BAT runtime batch file in the MPS
directory. If you're an experienced DOS user, feel free to modifY or move the
"GS2000.BAT' file. None of the other files are copy protected. They can be erased,
moved, backed up and/or reinstalled as deSired .
To run the Install Program: place disk "A" in your floppy drive A and type
"A:" followed by "Return/Enter" . Then type "Install" followed by "Return/Enter".
Follow the prompts.
LOADING FROM l. Boot your machine using DOS (version 2 .1 or higher is required).
FLOPPY DISKS 2. Insert Disks: When the ">" prompt appears. insert the GW1Ship 2000 "A" disk
in your "A" drive.
3. Load Program: type "A: " followed by "Return/Enter". Then type "GS2000"
followed by "Return/Enter". The simulation will begin to load.
4. Insert Other Disk: During loading you will be asked to insert the other
simulation disks. Put the disk into drive A or B. then type the letter of the drive
for it to begin loading. For example. if you put the disk into drive "S". type "S".
LOADING FROM l. Boot your machine: turn on your machine and wait until the ">"
A HARD DISK prompt appears.
2. Load Program: Go to the MPS directory with the "CD" DOS command.
Normally. "CD \MPS does this. Then type "GS2000" followed by "Return/
Enter". The simulation will begin to load.
LOADING The first time you load the simulation. it asks you certain questions;
OPTIONS whether you have a joystick. and what type of sound you prefer. After you save
this configuration. you are not required to answer the questions again; your
configuration is automatically loaded when you load the simulation.
However. if you later want to modity the configuration. you must go to the
MPS\GS2000 subdirectory and type "SETUP" followed by "Return/Enter". This
allows you to modifY the configuration as deSired.
Graphics GW1Ship 2000 requires a VGA (Video Graphics Array) or MCGA (Mono-
chrome/Color Graphics Adapter) or compatible graphics capability. The 256
color generation is extremely impressive.
Sound Options mM Sound: This option supports the internal speaker standard on most
IBM and compatible computers.
AdLib Sound: Only use this option if you have an AdLib sound board
installed in your computer. This option uses more memory than IBM sound.
Roland MT-32 Sound: Only use this option if you have a Roland MT-32
installed. Like AdLib. this option uses
more memory than IBM sound.
Digitized Speech: On all ma-
chines. digitized speech uses some
additional memory.
i@ Don't~raSh!
I Your Official Proof·of-Purchase is I
I located on the reverse side. I
I The offic ial proof-o f-purcha se is I
I requiredwhenordering a backup copy I
of your game, and when participating
I in most MicroProse promotions! I
"- _________ J
Control Options Joystick: This is optional. but is recommended because flight control is
much more "precise" with a joystick. All keyboard controls remain active.
MEMORY Like many simulations. Gunship 2000. requires large amounts of memory.
CONSIDERA110NS VGA/MCGA graphics uses the most memory. Of the sound options. IBM sound
uses the least memory. AdLib and Roland uses more. and digitized sounds
require another significant chunk of memory. Joystick control adds nothing to
the memory requirements. .
The DOS 4.x operating systems require conSiderably more memory than
DOS 3.x or 2.x versions . DOS 5.0 requires the least amount of memory.
You should never use any TSR (terminate and stay resident) programs with
Gunship 2000. This includes RAM disks. notepads. network drivers. etc.
If you have insufficient memory to run the simulation. you will get an "Out
of Memory" message. Depending on your configuration. you may need to create
alteITlate CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT fIles that do not use the shell.
mouse drivers. and have the minimum number of fIles and buffers.
PROBLEMS? The latest notes regarding this program and problems with "compatibles"
can be found on disk. in an ASCII fIle named "READ.ME". You can read this fIle
by using a text editor or standard DOS commands such as ''1YPE READ.ME" .
If the program does not load or run correctly. tUITl off your entire machine
and restart it. Make sure DOS and Gunship 2000 are the only programs loading
into memory.
If you continue to have trouble. try the original Gunship 2000 disks. Your
copy may be bad. If the originals don't work. try the original Gunship 2000 disks
in another computer. If the disks work in another computer. then your computer
has compatibility problems (Le .. some aspect is not entirely IBM compatible). You
may also try a different machine speed. or a keyboard . or a sound option.
Sometimes an alteITlate configuration works .
If you have trouble loading on other machines as well as your own. you may
be one of the tiny percentage with a defective disk. In such cases. contact
MicroProse Customer Service at (301) 771-1151. Monday through
Friday. 9am-5pm. EasteITl Time. Please have a pencil and paper
handy when you call.
This Official Proof-of-Purchase
can earn you a free backup disk!
Details on Backup Order Form.
(301) 771-1151
Monday through Friday
9 am - 5 pm. EasteITl Time
CONTROLS A note about keyboards: if you need to hold down the Malt" or Mshift" key
with another key. make sure to press the M alt" or Mshift" key first. Keep it down
while pressing the other key. then release the Malt" or Mshift" key last. Otherwise.
you may get erratic keyboard results.
A note about joystick controls: even if you select joystick controls. all
keyboard controls remain active.
Simulation Controls Action Keyboard Joystick
Quit to DOS Alt + q keys Alt + q keys
End Mission Alt + e keys Alt + e keys
Pause Alt + P keys Alt + p keys
Joystick Adjust Alt + j keys Alt + j keys
Detail Adjust Alt + d keys Alt + d keys
Cockpit Style Alt + s keys Alt + S keys
Volume Adjust Alt + v keys Alt + v keys
Co-Pilot Sound Alt + c keys Alt + c keys
Last Message Alt + m keys Alt + m keys
Change Selection Tab/Shift + Tab/Arrow keys Move Joystick
Choose Selection Return/Backspace Fire Button #1/#2
Leave Screen Esc Esc
Cancel Command Esc Esc
Accelerate Time I I
Normal Time [ [
Flight Controls Action Keyboard Joystick
Cyclic Forward UpArrow Joystick Forward
Cyclic Back Down Arrow Joystick Back
Cyclic Left Left Arrow Joystick Left
Cyclic Right Right Arrow Joystick Right
Collective Up =
Collective Up Fast Shift + =keys Shift + =keys
Collective Down
Collective Down Fast Shift + - keys Shift + - keys
Gear Up/Down 3 3
Autopilot On/Off 5 5
Next Waypoint 6 6
Previous Waypoint 7 7
Bay Open/Close 8 8
Rotor Engage/Disengage 9 9
Auto-Hover 0 0
Change One or Left MFD z z
Change Right MFD x x
LowUmit - c c
LowUmit+ v v
Weapon Controls Action Keyboard Joystick
Rocket Salvo xl 1 1
Rocket Salvo x2 2 2
Rocket Salvo x4 4 4
Acquire/Next Target Backspace Fire Button #2
Radar Jammer On/Off n n
Drop Chaff m m
IR Jammer On/Off
Drop Flare / /
Select Weapon Spacebar Spacebar
Fire Weapon Return Fire Button # 1
Jettison Weapon Shift + Spacebar Shift + Spacebar
Flight Commands Action Keyboard Joystick
Next Unit n n
Fly To f f
Hold Position h h
Speed Adjust s s
Altitude Adjust a a
Land I I
Return to Base b b
Disengage d d
Regroup g g
Weapons Free w w
Cargo Drop c c
Mission Assets m m