Case Study Arena PDF
Case Study Arena PDF
Case Study Arena PDF
The problem is with the ABC Bank queueing system. Customers need to queue in order
to be served especially during break time and certain times. The company wants to reduce the
queue problem to make sure that every customer can serve on time without wasting time to make
a queue. The company provides two types of counter service that are a teller counter and a
customer service counter. In this situation, the company wants to focus on the teller counter,
because the teller counter process must be detailed and accurate. In order to do this, the time for
each teller to take must be longer than the other service counter. So that there is a queue and
increase the waiting time in the queue. The company wants to remedy this problem in order to
ensure that the customer is satisfied with their service and to ensure that the customer is unable
to choose another banking company due to poor service in the bank counter. The company is
currently using the Multi-Channel Single Phase system, which is the "first come first serve"
concept with 5 teller counters.
The objectives to identify the optimal number of teller counters will be added by
considering the cost of the salary perspective of the tellers in order to capture customer
The performance of
Running the real the scenario was
The adjusted
situation in ARENA compared and
program output set
and comparing the selected the best
as baseline. The
output of the scenario that would
model added with
program to the reduce time in
two scenario
actual output. queue and high
resource usage.
The model be verified by running two scenarios with 1 teller added and two tellers added.
The model is logical because it is compared to the actual output before some modification is made.
Therefore, the simulation model is valid as well.
The researcher improvises the model by adding the number of tellers to the counter. The
model runs from 8 am to 4 pm for 20 days. They still use the same single-phase multi-channel
From the study, the author found that scenario 2 was the best solution. Scenario 2 offers
7 tellers which reduce the time of queueing. Others, scenario 2 is also better than scenario 1
and baseline because it has better criteria in Number In, Number Out, WIP (Work in Process),
Flow Time, Waiting Time, and Number Waiting. The increase in the total cost of the teller's
salary is also lower than scenario 1.
ARTICLE 2: Manaye, D. & Worku, A. (2018). Analysis of ATM Service Performance by using
ARENA Simulation: The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Sabyan Branch.
Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 18(3), 21-27.
The problem is with the queue in the ATM Bank of Ethiopia. The ATM queue system
cannot be satisfied by the customer, especially during the weekend and at the end of the month,
which salary times where when the demand for cash is high. Currently, only two ATM facilities
are provided by the company at the branch. Thus, attempts must be made to reduce the waiting
line, although the complete removal will lead to an unnecessary cost of service.
The model was verified because the Arena system was evaluated under different running
conditions and the result was consistent. The model is also valid because it has a minimal
difference in data comparison.
The researchers improve the models with two methods, by adding more ATM equipment
and by improving system speed, they allow to extend the service time of available ATM services.
Finally, the researcher found that the company's ATM service is not efficient because there
is an excessive waste of time in the ATM center of 71.3 seconds and a higher number of
customers waiting in the queue of 4 customers. They also suggest adding one more ATM service
out of two to become three ATM service and increasing the service time of the ATM service