Mission 10 (Retrieve The Cogitator)
Mission 10 (Retrieve The Cogitator)
Mission 10 (Retrieve The Cogitator)
Brood of 6 Genestealers
Brood of 10 Termagants
3 Infestation Markers & 3
Spore Mines
Deploy the Ultramarines within 12" of one
corner of the 48"x48" board. Place the Hive
Node within 12" of an adjacent corner to the
Ultramarines' zone and deploy the Termagant
brood within 3" of the Node. The Hive Node is
there as a marker only it has no role in this
mission other than to serve as the Termagant
starting point. Place the cockpit 18" from the
Ultramarines. Deploy the Genestealers within
3" of the cockpit. Array the Infestation
Markers between the Ultramarines and the
cockpit, with no Infestation Marker closer than
12" to any other, and they cannot be within 6"
of the Ultramarines. Place one spore mine in
This mission lasts for 6 turns. At the end of
turn 6, consult the victory conditions to
determine the winner.
Ultramarines win: Squad Galonis must secure
the cogitator from the
wreckage of the Steadfast.
If there are five or more
Ultramarines models within
3" of the cockpit section by
the end of Turn 6 the
Ultramarines player wins.
If there are five or less
Ultramarines models within
3" of the cockpit, the game
ends as a draw.
Tyranid victory: If more than five of the
Ultramarines are slain, then
the Tyranids are victorious.
Hive Node
Infestation Marker/
Spore Mine
Move: Squads (or units) are a group of
models that move, shoot, and assault
together. All models in a squad must always
end their move within 2" of another model
from the same unit. Each Space Marine squad
may move up to 6" in any direction in the
Ultramarines turn. If they move over
wreckage (or any other difficult terrain you
may have added), roll 2D6 the higher
scoring D6 is the maximum distance they can
move this turn in inches.
Shoot: Each Space Marine squad may target a
single Brood, Spore Mine, or Infestation
Maker for shooting each turn. An Infestation
Marker can sustain 2 Wounds from bolter fire
before it is removed. Both Infestation Markers
and Spore Mines can attempt Cover Saves as
described in the Battle for Macragge
providing they are touching a piece of
Assault: Tyranids that end their move within
6" of the Space Marines may assault. They
follow all the rules for moving into base
contact as described in previous missions.
Termagants fight with 1 Attack in close
combat, while Genestealers fight with 2. Both
get 1 extra Attack on the turn they charge.
Termagants and Space Marines will fight
simultaneously, as detailed in the Assault rule
for Space Marines above. If there is a combat
left from the Ultramarines turn, fight again in
the Tyranid turn. Termagants hit Space
Marines on the score of 4+ and wound them
on a 5+. Space Marines may make an armour
save against wounds from Termagants, saving
on a 3+.
Genestealers are far deadlier than Termagants
and will strike their blows before Space
Marines. Genestealers hit on a 3+, and
wounds on a 4+. Space Marines may take
armour saves against wounds inflicted in this
manner they save on a 3+. However, any to
hit roll of a 6 means the Genestealer has torn
through the Space Marine's armour killing
him outright with no to wound roll or armour
save needed.
Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 2004. Permission is granted to print this page for personal use only to play a Games Workshop game; all further rights reserved.