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Mission 10 (Retrieve The Cogitator)

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ven as the Benedictio was hammered by

the Tyranid vanguard, and the Dutiful
plummeted to the surface of Macragge,
another Imperial Lander struggled to make a
safe landing. With Tyranid creatures infesting
its cargo hold, and mycetic spores raining to
the ground beside it, the Steadfast crashed
into one of Macragges most inhospitable
regions with the force of a blazing comet. All
hands were lost as the lander broke apart on
impact, and the fuel load detonated in a
blistering fireball.
With the Tyranid horde approaching
closer to the Ultramar fleet and Macragge, the
defenders did not hesitate in sending a small
force of Ultramarines, led by Sergeant
Galonis, to investigate the crash site. Their
mission was vital within every Imperial Navy
vessel is a small, armoured cogitator that
records all communications and sensor
information gathered by the vessel. With the
Tyranid menace drawing ever closer, any
intelligence that could be gathered about their
fleet could be of pivotal importance to the
Ultramarines. As Galonis and his squad closed
on the ruined lander, they quickly realised that
they were not alone Tyranids, survivors of
the crash landing or vanguard elements
deposited by mycetic spores, scuttled forth
from fissures in the ground, eager to slay the
blue-armoured warriors.


Squad Galonis Sergeant

Galonis (armed with a bolt
pistol & chainsword), 3
Space Marines with
bolters, 1 with flamer
Squad Quintis 4 Space
Marines with bolters, 1
with missile launcher


Brood of 6 Genestealers
Brood of 10 Termagants
3 Infestation Markers & 3
Spore Mines

Deploy the Ultramarines within 12" of one
corner of the 48"x48" board. Place the Hive
Node within 12" of an adjacent corner to the
Ultramarines' zone and deploy the Termagant
brood within 3" of the Node. The Hive Node is
there as a marker only it has no role in this
mission other than to serve as the Termagant
starting point. Place the cockpit 18" from the
Ultramarines. Deploy the Genestealers within
3" of the cockpit. Array the Infestation
Markers between the Ultramarines and the
cockpit, with no Infestation Marker closer than
12" to any other, and they cannot be within 6"
of the Ultramarines. Place one spore mine in

base contact with each Infestation Marker.

Lastly, arrange the remaining Battle for
Macragge scenery pieces in between the
Ultramarines and the cockpit, with at least 4"
separation between these pieces and any
other board element. Note: the board shown
in the diagram below has terrain features built
into it that you can choose to imitate with
your own scenery creations. However, these
features shown below are for inspiration only
and are not required to play this mission.

This mission lasts for 6 turns. At the end of
turn 6, consult the victory conditions to
determine the winner.
Ultramarines win: Squad Galonis must secure
the cogitator from the
wreckage of the Steadfast.
If there are five or more
Ultramarines models within
3" of the cockpit section by
the end of Turn 6 the
Ultramarines player wins.
If there are five or less
Ultramarines models within
3" of the cockpit, the game
ends as a draw.
Tyranid victory: If more than five of the
Ultramarines are slain, then
the Tyranids are victorious.

With the Tyranid menace drawing ever closer any intelligence

that could be gathered would be of pivotal importance to the

Hive Node

Infestation Marker/
Spore Mine

Move: Squads (or units) are a group of
models that move, shoot, and assault
together. All models in a squad must always
end their move within 2" of another model
from the same unit. Each Space Marine squad
may move up to 6" in any direction in the
Ultramarines turn. If they move over
wreckage (or any other difficult terrain you
may have added), roll 2D6 the higher
scoring D6 is the maximum distance they can
move this turn in inches.
Shoot: Each Space Marine squad may target a
single Brood, Spore Mine, or Infestation
Maker for shooting each turn. An Infestation
Marker can sustain 2 Wounds from bolter fire
before it is removed. Both Infestation Markers
and Spore Mines can attempt Cover Saves as
described in the Battle for Macragge
providing they are touching a piece of

Missile Launcher: A missile launcher can

only shoot if the whole squad remains
stationary the Space Marine has to steady
his aim and brace himself. The weapon gets
one shot per turn with whichever missile type
the player chooses and shoots up to 48". It
hits on a roll of 3+ and can fire one of two
kinds of missile each turn, either Krak or Frag
Krak Missile: A high-explosive anti-tank
round, the krak missile is more than a match
for any living target. A Krak shell wounds
Infestation Markers, Spore Mines,
Genestealers, and Termagants on a 2+. None
of these get armour saves against it, although

Assault: If the Ultramarines end their move

within 6" of a Tyranid unit and did not fire, they
can charge into close combat. Move each
Space Marine up to 6" to make base contact
with the nearest Tyranid. They can spread out
and attack different targets, so long as all
models from the unit are within 2" of another
model from the same unit. They cannot bypass
unengaged models or move through gaps
narrower than their base width.
In close combat, each Space Marine rolls one
die to hit. However, on the turn they charge
into assault, each Space Marine gains an extra
attack and therefore rolls two dice for that
turn. They need a 3+ to hit and 3+ to wound

Bolt Pistol: Sergeant Galonis is armed with a

bolt pistol. If his squad remains stationary, he
can fire twice up to 12", rolling a D6 for each
shot and requiring 3+ to hit on each. If any
member of the squad moved in that turn,
Galonis may only fire once. Termagants are
wounded on a 3+, while Genestealers, Spore
Mines, and Infestation markers are wounded
on a 4+. Genestealers and Termagants that are
wounded are removed as casualties unless
they are touching a piece of wreckage or
within a crater, in which case the Tyranid
player may make a Cover Saving throw of 5+
for each wound inflicted. If this is failed, the
models are removed. Tyranids get no armour
saves against bolt pistol or bolter fire as the
shells are so powerful they punch right
through the Tyranids' armored exoskeletons.
Spore Mines that are wounded will detonate
following the rules for Spore Mines below.
Bolters: Most of the Space Marines with
Sergeant Galonis are carrying bolters. They
function in much the same way as a bolt
pistol. Space Marines with bolters may fire
once up to 24" if the entire squad remains
stationary, or twice up to 12" whether or not
they move. Each shot will hit on a 3+ and has
exactly the same effect as a bolt pistol (see
above). A squad that fires bolters may not
assault in the same turn.
Flamer: The Space Marine armed with the
flamer may always fire. To fire the flamer,
place the flamer template with the thin end
touching the firers base, and the thick end
covering as many enemy models as possible.
The template must not touch any friendly
models. Any Termagant touched by the flamer
template is incinerated on a D6 roll of 3+.
Genestealers are killed on the roll of a 4+.
Infestation Markers are destroyed on a 4+.
When hit, Spore Mines detonate. Detonation
follows the rules for Spore Mines below. No
model can make cover saves or armour saves
against the flamer.

Termagant and Genestealer rush the Space Marines en masse

they may take cover saves as normal. In
addition, the krak missile is so powerful that
an Infestation Marker wounded by it is killed
Frag Missile: An anti-personnel explosive
round designed to shower an area with razorsharp metal fragments, the frag missile is the
bane of foot troops. If the shot hits, place the
small blast marker over one of the target
models. That model, and any others whose
bases are covered by the marker, are
automatically hit. Any model whose base is
touched by the marker but not covered will be
hit on a 4+. Termagants are wounded on a 3+,
while Genestealers, Spore Mines, and
Infestation Markers are wounded on a 4+.
Models within or touching cover may attempt
cover saves on a 5+.

the Termagants, and Space Marines need a 4+

to hit and a 4+ to wound a Genestealer.
Sergeant Galonis, on the other hand, normally
rolls two dice to hit in close combat because
he carries a chainsword (he gets 3 Attacks on
the charge). Galonis hits and wounds in the
same manner as regular Space Marines.
If wounded, Termagants or Genestealers may
make an armour save on a D6 roll of 6, as
their tough hides and bone plates protect
them. Any that fail their armour save are
However, Termagants are as fast as the Space
Marines, and strike back at the same time
even those that would have been removed
after being wounded (lay these models down
to remind you to remove them after they have
attacked). Termagants roll one dice each

needing a 4+ to hit and 5+ to wound the Space

Genestealers, on the other hand, are even
faster than Termagants and Space Marines,
and the Genestealers will strike first in close
combat (even if the Space Marines charged).
Genestealers need a 3+ to hit and a 4+ to
wound a Space Marine.
Wounded Space Marines must roll 3+ for their
armour save or be removed. Obviously,
removed Space Marines cannot make their
attacks, even if they charged. Once the
Ultramarines are in close combat with a
Tyranid unit, they may not move away until all
Tyranids in the unit are dead.
The Space Marines can assault Spore Mines,
but they do so at their own peril. The Spore
Mines will detonate when the Ultramarines
come into base contact with the Mines.
Space Marines can assault Infestation
Markers, which have 2 Wounds. Since the
Markers are stationary, all the Ultramarines'
attacks hit when in base contact. However, the
Infestation Markers are almost as tough as
Hive Nodes Space Marines need a 5+ to
wound an Infestation Marker in assault.

Assault: Tyranids that end their move within
6" of the Space Marines may assault. They
follow all the rules for moving into base
contact as described in previous missions.
Termagants fight with 1 Attack in close
combat, while Genestealers fight with 2. Both
get 1 extra Attack on the turn they charge.
Termagants and Space Marines will fight
simultaneously, as detailed in the Assault rule
for Space Marines above. If there is a combat
left from the Ultramarines turn, fight again in
the Tyranid turn. Termagants hit Space
Marines on the score of 4+ and wound them
on a 5+. Space Marines may make an armour
save against wounds from Termagants, saving

on a 3+.
Genestealers are far deadlier than Termagants
and will strike their blows before Space
Marines. Genestealers hit on a 3+, and
wounds on a 4+. Space Marines may take
armour saves against wounds inflicted in this
manner they save on a 3+. However, any to
hit roll of a 6 means the Genestealer has torn
through the Space Marine's armour killing
him outright with no to wound roll or armour
save needed.

suffers a wound from an exploding spore

mine, it will immediately detonate following
the normal rules for Spore Mines of its type.

Infestation markers: At the end of each

Tyranid turn, one Spore Mine not currently in
play may be placed touching each Infestation
Marker. The number of Spore Mines in play
may never exceed eight.

Acid Spore Mine: When they come into

contact with an enemy or are detonated by
being shot, Acid Spore Mines spray out gouts
of concentrated acid. Roll the Scatter Die. If
an arrow is rolled, place the flamer template
with the small end touching the mine, pointing
in the direction rolled. If a "HIT" is rolled, the
Tyranid player can choose the direction of the
flamer template. Any non-Tyranid model
wholly or partially covered by the template is
automatically hit. Space Marines are wounded
on a 4+. The acid is so strong that it burns
through even Space Marine armour, thus
allowing no saves.

Spore Mines: Every turn, each spore mine

moves D6". Roll the Scatter Die to see which
direction the mine moves. If the die rolls a
"HIT," the Tyranid player can move the mine in
any direction. If a spore mine is wounded or
moves into contact with an Ultramarines
model at any point during its movement, it
detonates. Resolve the detonation and remove
the spore mine from play.

Poison Spore Mines: When a poison spore

mine detonates, place the central hole of the
small blast marker over the mine. Models
covered by the blast marker are automatically
hit, while those partially covered are hit on a
4+. Space Marines that are hit will be
wounded on a 4+. Space Marines wounded by
the poison must pass an armour save of 3+ or
be removed as casualties.

Exploding Spore Mine: When it detonates,

place the central hole of the large blast marker
over the mine. Any models completely
covered by the blast marker are automatically
hit any partially covered models are hit on a
D6 roll of 4+. Any Space Marines that are hit
are wounded on a 4+. Those wounded must
pass armour saves of 3+ or be removed as
casualties. Tyranid models can also be
wounded by exploding spore mines.
Termagants are wounded on the score of 3+,
while Genestealers, other Spore Mines, and
Infestation Markers are wounded on a 4+.

Fleshborers: Termagants can shoot up to 12".

Each Termagant rolls one D6 when they shoot
(even if they moved), and they hit on a 4+ and
wound on a further 4+. Wounded Space
Marines must roll 3+ for their armour saves
or be removed. If touching wreckage, a Space
Marine may attempt a cover save of 5+.

However, none of these get armour saving

throws against Exploding Spore Mines if they
are in, or touching, cover they may attempt
a cover save of 5+. If another spore mine

Fleet of Claw: Instead of firing its fleshborer,

a Termagant may make a special move if it
wishes. Simply roll a D6 instead of shooting.
The result is the number of inches the model
may move, representing it scurrying across
the ground as fast as possible. Termagants
may even use Fleet of Claw to move across
wreckage without any additional penalty.

Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 2004. Permission is granted to print this page for personal use only to play a Games Workshop game; all further rights reserved.

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