Community Leader Interview
Community Leader Interview
Community Leader Interview
prepares them for higher education and the ability to use their gifts for jobs that
benefit the community and world.
5. What are some emerging trends that you think are important to be in tune with,
and what leadership style or model is needed to attend to these trends?
I believe that emerging trends are concern for our planet, for living in a highly
multi-cultural society, challenges of technology, ways of learning to live with
compassion and kindness in a complex world, and focus on new understandings of
family and friendships. Leadership that encourages conversation and
collaboration, respect for all persons, openness to a variety of gifts and talents,
and has a commitment to ongoing learning is what is needed. I also believe that
leaders who are committed to growing in and practicing their faith are needed for
a vibrant future for our society and world.
My Reflection:
This faith-based organization leader and past educator hit on many key
points with which I am familiar; however, her responses about wanting a quality
education, engaging the public and her perspective on emerging trends that
society and its systems and organizations ought to take note of directed my
thinking towards transparency of school operations, such as using technology
responsibly to share and receive information with the public, as well as
transparency in data sharing among educators and educational leaders, so as to
stay connected with the evidence of our endeavors. I wonder how different
responses would have been had I been able to locate a strictly business leader. I
intend to eventually find out.