Introduction To Ceramics Slides
Introduction To Ceramics Slides
Introduction To Ceramics Slides
Ceramics an object made from clay
Clay particles of decomposed rock
combined with water.
Types of Clay
Earthenware clay fired at a low
temperature. Porous, cannot hold
Stoneware clay fired at high
temperatures. Can hold water.
Porcelain white firing clay
Stages of Clay
As clay dries, its properties change.
There are 5 stages.
clay that is soft, pliable, and easy to
work with.
workable stage
molding stage
can recycle
can join to other pieces
clay that has dried slightly, making it
stiffer but still workable.
clay that is completely dry, but hasnt
been fired yet.
bone dry
can be carved into
very fragile
can recycle
clay that has been fired once
can not be recycled
glazing stage
clay that has had glaze applied to it
and has been fired a second time.
second fire-low fire
can not be recycled
Clay Liquids
Underglaze a color decoration applied to a clay
piece during the leatherhard or greenware stage.
Glaze a mixture of water, clay, silica (glass), and
colorants. Glaze goes on bisqueware and must be
fired to make the glaze stick permanently.
Slip a thick, creamy mixture of clay and water.
Slip is used for both decoration and attaching one
piece of clay to another.
Ceramic Methods
Ceramic Methods there are two main
ways to create something from clay:
Handbuilding using your hands and
other tools to create a clay object
Coil stacking long ropes of clay on top
of each other to create a form
Pinch pinching clay between your
thumb and forefinger to create a form
Slab using thin sheets of clay to create
Clay Methods
Wheel-throwing a form created on a
potters wheel. The spinning motion
of the wheel creates an even shape
on all sides.