To master ECG interpretation takes time and effort, however this tutorial is
designed to be concise and focused on only what you need to know, yet very
thorough. Start by reading through the following sections on the ECG basics
and the different parts of the ECG. Once completed, be sure to read through
all of the ECG criteria and review pages to learn how to diagnose specific
conditions and rhythms such as myocardial infarctions and chamber
hypertrophies. Then go through the 100+ practice ECG quizzes that have
detailed explanations and link to the pertinent explanation pages. Lastly,
there are 50 ECG cases which test your ECG interpretation skills in the setting
of clinical scenarios. Once completed, a thorough understanding of ECG
interpretation will be attained. Keep your skills up by signing up for our ECG
Parts of an ECG
The standard ECG has 12 leads. Six of the leads are considered "limb leads"
since they are from leads placed on the arms and/or legs of the individual.
The other six leads are considered "precordial leads" since they are placed on
the person's torso (precordium).
The 6 limb leads are called lead I, II, III, aVL, aVR and aVF. The letter a
stands for augmented as these leads are calculated as a combination of
leads I, II and III.
The 6 precordial leads are called leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V6.
Below is a normal 12-lead ECG tracing. The different parts of the ECG will be
described in the following sections.
A normal ECG contains waves, intervals, segments, and one complex defined
Interval: The time between two specific ECG events. The intervals that are
commonly measured on an ECG include the PR interval, QRS interval (also
called QRS duration), the QT interval and the RR interval.
Segment: The length between two specific points on the ECG which are
supposed to be at the baseline amplitude (not negative or positive). The
segments on an ECG include the PR segment, ST segment and the TP
Point: There is only one point on the ECG termed the J point which is where
the QRS complex ends the ST segment begins.
The main part of the ECG contains a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave which
will each be explained individually in this tutorial as will each segment and
Note that right-sided ECGs and posterior ECGs can be helpful and are
described elsewhere.
There are two ways to learn ECG interpretation which include pattern
recognition (the most common) or by understanding the exact electrical
vectors recorded by an ECG as it relates to cardiac electrophysiology. Most
people learn a combination of the two (the method of this tutorial) and basing
ECG interpretation on pattern recognition alone is often not sufficient.
To master ECG interpretation takes time and effort, however this tutorial is
designed to be concise and focused on only what you need to know, yet very
thorough. Start by reading through the following sections on the ECG basics
and the different parts of the ECG. Once completed, be sure to read through
all of the ECG criteria and review pages to learn how to diagnose specific
conditions and rhythms such as myocardial infarctions and chamber
hypertrophies. Then go through the 100+ practice ECG quizzes that have
detailed explanations and link to the pertinent explanation pages. Lastly,
there are 50 ECG cases which test your ECG interpretation skills in the setting
of clinical scenarios. Once completed, a thorough understanding of ECG
interpretation will be attained. Keep your skills up by signing up for our ECG
Parts of an ECG
The standard ECG has 12 leads. Six of the leads are considered "limb leads"
since they are from leads placed on the arms and/or legs of the individual.
The other six leads are considered "precordial leads" since they are placed on
the person's torso (precordium).
The 6 limb leads are called lead I, II, III, aVL, aVR and aVF. The letter a
stands for augmented as these leads are calculated as a combination of
leads I, II and III.
The 6 precordial leads are called leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V6.
Below is a normal 12-lead ECG tracing. The different parts of the ECG will be
described in the following sections.
A normal ECG contains waves, intervals, segments, and one complex defined
Interval: The time between two specific ECG events. The intervals that are
commonly measured on an ECG include the PR interval, QRS interval (also
called QRS duration), the QT interval and the RR interval.
Segment: The length between two specific points on the ECG which are
supposed to be at the baseline amplitude (not negative or positive). The
segments on an ECG include the PR segment, ST segment and the TP
Point: There is only one point on the ECG termed the J point which is where
the QRS complex ends the ST segment begins.
The main part of the ECG contains a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave which
will each be explained individually in this tutorial as will each segment and
Note that right-sided ECGs and posterior ECGs can be helpful and are
described elsewhere.
One quick and easy way to measure the ventricular rate is to examine the RR
interval (distance between two consecutive R waves) and use a standard
scale to find the rate. If two consecutive R waves are separated by only one
large box, then the rate is 300 beats per minute. If the R waves are separated
by two large blocks, then the ventricular rate is 150 beats per minute. The
scale continues down to show that if two consecutive R waves are separated
by 8 large boxes, then the rate is 37 beats per minute. The pictorial
explanation of this method is to the right.
Another quick way to calculate the rate is based on the fact that the entire
ECG is 10 seconds. So by counting the number of QRS complexes and
multiplying by 6, the number per minute can be calculated (since 10 seconds
times 6 is 60 seconds or 1 minute). This is a better method when the QRS
complexes are irregular (such as during atrial fibrillation) which makes the
first method less accurate, since the RR intervals may vary from beat to beat
in this setting. Below are some examples using each method.
Example 1: Note that the QRS complexes are about five and a half large
boxes apart. Referencing the above image it can be determined that the
ventricular heart rate is between 50 and 60 beats per minute. This is a full 10
second rhythm strip. There are 9 QRS complexes total. Multiply the number of
QRS complexes by 6 and the exact heart rate is 54 beats per minute. There is
1 P wave for each QRS complex and thus the atrial rate is the same.
Example 2: These QRS complexes are exactly three large boxes apart and
thus the ventricular heart rate is 100 beats per minute. Now multiple the
number of QRS complexes on this strip by 6. This would be 17 x 6 = 102.
There is 1 P wave for each QRS complex and thus the atrial rate is the same.
Example 3: These QRS complexes are less than 2 large boxes apart and thus
the heart rate is between 150 and 300. Multiplying the number of QRS
complexes by 6 would give 29 x 6 = 174 beats per minute. There is likely 1 P
wave for each QRS complex (difficult to see on this strop) and thus the atrial
rate is likely the same.
Example 4: The below ECG strip shows the irregularly irregular QRS
complexes present during atrial fibrillation. Using the first method to
determine heart rate would NOT be accurate since the R-R intervals vary
significantly. The best way to determine the ventricular heart rate would be to
simply count the QRS complexes and multiple by 6 which would be 15 x 6 =
90 beats per minute. The P waves are not able to be identified in atrial
fibrillation and it is assumed that the atrial rate is between 400-600 beats per
Example 5: This ECG strip shows "AV dissociation" meaning the P waves
(indicating atrial activity) are at a different rate than the QRS complexes
(indicating ventricular activity). This rhythm is actually an accelerated
idioventricular rhythm (slow ventricular tachycardia). The atrial rate is
indicated by the P waves. There are almost exactly 5 large boxes between P
waves indicating an atrial rate of 60 beats per minute. There are a total of 10
P waves on this strip (difficult to see some of them as they are intermittently
buried in the QRS complexes) and 10 x 6 = 60 confirming the first method.
There are just more than 4 big boxes between each QRS complexes and thus
the ventricular rate is between 60 and 75. Since there is a total of 11 QRS
complexes in this full 10 second strip, the actual ventricular rate is 11 x 6 =
66 beats per minute.
Determining Rhythm
The rhythm is either sinus rhythm or not sinus rhythm. Sinus rhythm refers to
the origination of the electrical activity coming from the sinus node (SA node
or sinoatrial node). This results in an upright P wave in lead II on the ECG.
If there is sinus rhythm and the heart rate is greater than 100, then sinus
tachycardia is present. If the there is sinus rhythm and the heart rate is less
than 60, then sinus bradycardia is present. Below are an example of each
of these:
If there are no P waves present or the P wave morphology is not normal, then
the exact rhythm must be determined. Multiple other arrhythmias exist and
include atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and ventricular rhythms such as
ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. These are discussed in detail
in the ECG criteria review sections.
Here are three more examples of rhythms other than sinus rhythm:
(right axis deviation or RAD), or indeterminate (northwest axis). The QRS axis
is the most important to determine, however the P wave or T wave axis can
also be measured.
To determine the QRS axis, the limb leads need to be examined (not the
precordial leads). The depiction of the standard leads and their relationship to
the cardiac axis is below.
Note that lead I is at zero degrees, lead II is at +60 degrees, and lead III is at
+120 degrees. Lead aVL (L for left arm) is at -30 degrees, lead aVF (F for foot)
is at +90 degrees, and the negative of lead aVR (R for right arm) is at +30
degrees. The positive of lead aVR is actually at -150 degrees.
The normal QRS axis should be between - 30 and +90 degrees. Left axis
deviation is defined as the major QRS vector falling between -30 and -90
degrees. Right axis deviation occurs with the QRS axis is between +90 and
+180 degrees. Indeterminate axis is between +/- 180 and -90 degrees. This is
summarized in the image below:
The fastest, non-specific method to determine the QRS axis is to find the
major direction of the QRS complex (positive or negative) in leads I and aVF.
If the QRS complex is upright (positive) in both lead I and lead aVF, then the
axis is normal. The below image demonstrates this example with the
electrical vector heading towards the positive of lead I and the positive of
lead aVF as indicated by the arrows. The QRS axis is thus between these two
arrows which falls within the normal range.
If the QRS is upright in lead I (positive) and downward in lead aVF (negative),
then the axis is between 0 and -90 degrees. However recall that left axis
deviation is defined as between -30 and -90 and thus this scenario is not
always technically left axis deviation. In this scenario, the QRS axis could fall
between 0 and -30 which is within normal limits. To further distinguish normal
from left axis deviation in this setting, look at lead II. If lead II is downward
(negative), then the axis is more towards -120 and left axis deviation is
present. If the QRS complex in lead II is upright (positive), then the axis is
more towards +60 degrees and the QRS axis is normal.
Causes of left axis deviation (LAD) are below. Note that the first 3 account for
almost 90% of ECG tracings with left axis deviation.
1. Normal variant
5. Mechanical shift of heart in the chest (lung disease, prior chest surgery
If the QRS is predominantly negative in lead I and positive in lead aVF, then
the axis is rightward (right axis deviation). Causes of right axis deviation
1. Normal variation
5. Dextrocardia
8. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Indeterminate Axis
P Wave
The P wave occurs when the SA node (sinus node or sinoatrial node) creates
an action potential that depolarizes the atria. The P wave should be upright in
lead II if the action potential is originating from the SA node. In this setting,
the ECG is said to demonstrate a "normal sinus rhythm" abbreviated "NSR".
As long as the atrial depolarization is able to spread through the AV node to
the ventricles, each P wave should be followed by a QRS complex.
Multiple abnormalities of the P wave exist and are discussed in detail in the
ECG criteria review sections. Atrial enlargements can widen the P wave or
increase the P wave amplitude. Ectopic atrial rhythms can alter the normal
morphology of the P waves. There are many heart rhythms in which the P
waves are not able to be identified such as atrial fibrillation and sometimes
junctional rhythms. At times, the P waves can be buried at the end of the QRS
complex causing a short RP scenario such as seen in atrioventricular
reentry tachycardia (AVNRT).
PR Interval
The time from the beginning of the P wave (atrial depolarization) to the
beginning of the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization) is the PR interval.
This represents the time that it takes for the electrical impulse generated in
the sinus node to travel through the atria and across the AV node to the
ventricles. The normal PR interval is 0.12 to 0.20 seconds or 120 to 200
milliseconds (ms).
PR Segment
The PR segment is the portion of the ECG from the end of the P wave to the
beginning of the QRS complex. The PR segment is different than the PR
interval which is measured in units of time (ms).
Remember that segments are different than intervals. The important factor to
analyze in segments on the ECG is their change from the isoelectric line
(elevation or depression) while the important thing to analyze for intervals is
their duration.
Q Wave
The Q wave is the first downward deflection after the P wave and is the first
element in the QRS complex. When the first deflection of the QRS complex is
upright, then no Q wave is present. The normal individual will have a small Q
wave in many, but not all ECG leads.
R Wave
The R wave is the first upward deflection after the P wave and is part of the
QRS complex. The R wave morphology itself is not of great clinical
importance, however at times it can vary. In lead V1, the R wave should be
small. The R wave becomes larger throughout the precordial leads (V1 to V6)
to the point where the R wave is larger than the S wave in lead V4. The S
wave then becomes quite small in lead V6. This is called normal "R wave
progression". When the R wave remains small in leads V3-V4 (smaller than
the S wave), the term "poor R wave progression" is used and is depicted
In the setting of a right bundle branch block there may be two R waves
present giving the classic bunny ear appearance of the QRS complex. In
this setting, the second R wave is termed R or R prime.
S Wave
The S wave is the first downward deflection of the QRS complex that occurs
after the R wave.
An S wave may not be present in all ECG leads in a given patient. In the
normal ECG, there is a large S wave in V1 which progressively becomes
smaller to the point where almost no S wave is present in V6. A large slurred
S wave is seen in lead I and V6 in the setting of a right bundle branch block.
The presence or absence of the S wave does not have major clinical
significance. Rarely is the morphology of the S wave discussed. In the setting
of a pulmonary embolism, a large S wave may be present in lead I (part of
the S1Q3T3 pattern seen in this disease state). At times the morphology of
the S wave is examined to determine if ventricular tachycardia or
supraventricular tachycardia with aberrancy is present. This is discussed
QRS Complex
The QRS complex is the combination of the Q wave, R wave and S wave
and represents ventricular depolarization. This term can be confusing since
not all ECG leads contain all three of these waves, yet a QRS complex is
said to be present regardless. For example, the normal QRS complex in lead
V1 does not contain a Q wave, but only a R wave and S wave, yet the
combination of the R wave and S wave is still referred to as the QRS complex
for this lead.
The normal duration (interval) of the QRS complex is 0.80 and 0.10 seconds
(80 and 100 ms). When the duration is between 0.10 and 0.12 seconds it is
intermediate or slightly prolonged. A QRS duration of greater than 0.12
seconds is considered abnormal.
The QRS duration will lengthen when electrical activity takes a long time to
travel throughout the ventricular myocardium. The normal conduction system
in the ventricles is called the His-Purkinje system and consists of cells that
can conduct electricity quite rapidly. Thus, normal conduction of an electrical
impulse through the AV node then to the ventricles via the His-Purkinje
system is fast causing a normal QRS duration. When electrical activity does
not conduct through the His-Purkinje system, but instead travels from
myocyte to myocyte, a longer time is necessary and the QRS duration is
A widened QRS duration occurs in the setting of a right bundle branch block,
left bundle branch block, non-specific intraventricular conduction delay and
during ventricular arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia all of which are
discussed in detail in the ECG criteria review sections.
T Wave
The T wave occurs after the QRS complex and is a result of ventricular
repolarization. T waves should be upright in most leads (except aVR and V1).
T waves should be asymmetric in nature. The second portion of the T wave
should have a steeper decline when compared to the incline of the first part
of the T wave. If the T wave appears symmetric, cardiac pathology may be
present such as ischemia.
Many abnormal T wave patterns exist which are reviewed in more detail in
the ECG criteria review sections. These include hyperkalemia, Wellens
syndrome, left ventricular hypertrophy with repolarization abnormalities,
pericarditis (stage III), arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) and
hyperacute T waves during myocardial infarction.
One quick and easy way to measure the ventricular rate is to examine the RR
interval (distance between two consecutive R waves) and use a standard
scale to find the rate. If two consecutive R waves are separated by only one
large box, then the rate is 300 beats per minute. If the R waves are separated
by two large blocks, then the ventricular rate is 150 beats per minute. The
scale continues down to show that if two consecutive R waves are separated
by 8 large boxes, then the rate is 37 beats per minute. The pictorial
explanation of this method is to the right.
Another quick way to calculate the rate is based on the fact that the entire
ECG is 10 seconds. So by counting the number of QRS complexes and
multiplying by 6, the number per minute can be calculated (since 10 seconds
times 6 is 60 seconds or 1 minute). This is a better method when the QRS
complexes are irregular (such as during atrial fibrillation) which makes the
first method less accurate, since the RR intervals may vary from beat to beat
in this setting. Below are some examples using each method.
Example 1: Note that the QRS complexes are about five and a half large
boxes apart. Referencing the above image it can be determined that the
ventricular heart rate is between 50 and 60 beats per minute. This is a full 10
second rhythm strip. There are 9 QRS complexes total. Multiply the number of
QRS complexes by 6 and the exact heart rate is 54 beats per minute. There is
1 P wave for each QRS complex and thus the atrial rate is the same.
Example 2: These QRS complexes are exactly three large boxes apart and
thus the ventricular heart rate is 100 beats per minute. Now multiple the
number of QRS complexes on this strip by 6. This would be 17 x 6 = 102.
There is 1 P wave for each QRS complex and thus the atrial rate is the same.
Example 3: These QRS complexes are less than 2 large boxes apart and thus
the heart rate is between 150 and 300. Multiplying the number of QRS
complexes by 6 would give 29 x 6 = 174 beats per minute. There is likely 1 P
wave for each QRS complex (difficult to see on this strop) and thus the atrial
rate is likely the same.
Example 4: The below ECG strip shows the irregularly irregular QRS
complexes present during atrial fibrillation. Using the first method to
determine heart rate would NOT be accurate since the R-R intervals vary
significantly. The best way to determine the ventricular heart rate would be to
simply count the QRS complexes and multiple by 6 which would be 15 x 6 =
90 beats per minute. The P waves are not able to be identified in atrial
fibrillation and it is assumed that the atrial rate is between 400-600 beats per
Example 5: This ECG strip shows "AV dissociation" meaning the P waves
(indicating atrial activity) are at a different rate than the QRS complexes
(indicating ventricular activity). This rhythm is actually an accelerated
idioventricular rhythm (slow ventricular tachycardia). The atrial rate is
indicated by the P waves. There are almost exactly 5 large boxes between P
waves indicating an atrial rate of 60 beats per minute. There are a total of 10
P waves on this strip (difficult to see some of them as they are intermittently
buried in the QRS complexes) and 10 x 6 = 60 confirming the first method.
There are just more than 4 big boxes between each QRS complexes and thus
the ventricular rate is between 60 and 75. Since there is a total of 11 QRS
complexes in this full 10 second strip, the actual ventricular rate is 11 x 6 =
66 beats per minute.
To determine the QRS axis, the limb leads need to be examined (not the
precordial leads). The depiction of the standard leads and their relationship to
the cardiac axis is below.
Note that lead I is at zero degrees, lead II is at +60 degrees, and lead III is at
+120 degrees. Lead aVL (L for left arm) is at -30 degrees, lead aVF (F for foot)
is at +90 degrees, and the negative of lead aVR (R for right arm) is at +30
degrees. The positive of lead aVR is actually at -150 degrees.
The normal QRS axis should be between - 30 and +90 degrees. Left axis
deviation is defined as the major QRS vector falling between -30 and -90
degrees. Right axis deviation occurs with the QRS axis is between +90 and
+180 degrees. Indeterminate axis is between +/- 180 and -90 degrees. This is
summarized in the image below:
The fastest, non-specific method to determine the QRS axis is to find the
major direction of the QRS complex (positive or negative) in leads I and aVF.
If the QRS complex is upright (positive) in both lead I and lead aVF, then the
axis is normal. The below image demonstrates this example with the
electrical vector heading towards the positive of lead I and the positive of
lead aVF as indicated by the arrows. The QRS axis is thus between these two
arrows which falls within the normal range.
If the QRS is upright in lead I (positive) and downward in lead aVF (negative),
then the axis is between 0 and -90 degrees. However recall that left axis
deviation is defined as between -30 and -90 and thus this scenario is not
always technically left axis deviation. In this scenario, the QRS axis could fall
between 0 and -30 which is within normal limits. To further distinguish normal
from left axis deviation in this setting, look at lead II. If lead II is downward
(negative), then the axis is more towards -120 and left axis deviation is
present. If the QRS complex in lead II is upright (positive), then the axis is
more towards +60 degrees and the QRS axis is normal.
Causes of left axis deviation (LAD) are below. Note that the first 3 account for
almost 90% of ECG tracings with left axis deviation.
1. Normal variant
5. Mechanical shift of heart in the chest (lung disease, prior chest surgery
If the QRS is predominantly negative in lead I and positive in lead aVF, then
the axis is rightward (right axis deviation). Causes of right axis deviation
1. Normal variation
5. Dextrocardia
8. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Indeterminate Axis