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EKG Review

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EKG Interpretation

Reviewed March, 2015, Expires April, 2017
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2015 RN.ORG, S.A., RN.ORG, LLC

Developed by Melissa K. Slate, RN, BA, MA

By the end of this continuing education module the clinician will be able to:
1. recognize common characteristics of abnormal heart rhythms
2. accurately identify abnormal heart rhythms
3. differentiate between life threatening and non-life threatening EKG

The purpose of this continuing education module is to give the clinician a review
of EKG interpretation and the recognition of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias.
The basic premise of EKG interpretation lies in the ability to recognize patterns.
This is a skill that is developed through practice and variety. In other words, you
need to see the same patterns over and over again, but you also need to see
variants in the pattern to be able to recognize subtle differences. It is important to
review EKG strips in a systematic way and not take any shortcuts as this can
lead to missing important details or a life threatening arrhythmia. Then, the key
becomes regular practice to maintain the skills that are developed. Once you find
yourself in an emergency situation, you will have less than a minute to analyze a
heart rhythm and act accordingly. It is important to remember that while the EKG
provides a picture of how the heart is doing electrically, it does nothing to tell us
how the heart is able to pump blood through the body. Always treat your patient,
not the rhythm strip.
The Conduction System and Nodal Pathways

The electrical conduction system of the heart is a system of interconnected

structures that allow the passage of electrical impulses through the heart muscle.
These electrical impulses are generated in a specific sequence, and are the
impulses that generate the wave tracing that comprise the cardiac rhythm strip.
This specific sequence gives us the basic foundation by which rhythm strip
analysis in conducted.
The sinoatrial node (SA) is the primary pacemaker of the heart. The SA node is
located in the upper right atrium and beats at a rate of 60-100 beats per minute.
The impulses are then directed through the internodal pathways. These cells
direct the impulses from the SA node to the AV node and then conducts them
across the muscles of the atrium.
The AV node (or atrioventricular node) comprises a portion of the tissues of the
AV junction; which includes some surrounding tissue and the bundle of His. The
AV node slows down the conduction process, which results in a slight delay
before the electrical impulse reaches the ventricles. The AV node has an
intrinsic rate of 40-60 beats per minute.
The bundle of His is located at the top of the cardiac wall that separates the
ventricles creating the electrical bridge between the atria and the ventricles.
Since there are two ventricles, the electrical impulses that cause the contraction
must be conveyed to both ventricles. This is where the bundle branches come
into play. The bundle of His splits into two separate conduction systems, one for
each ventricle called the right and left bundle branches. This allows the electrical
impulses to be carried to the ventricles at the same time,
The bundle branches end with the Purkinje system. This system has an intrinsic
rate of 20-40 beats per minute. This network of fibers transmits electrical
impulses through the muscles of the ventricles.
The spread of electrical impulses and their conduction across the heart occurs
through a process called depolarization. All ions in the body carry an electrical
charge. The process of depolarization involves the buildup of ions inside the cell
until enough energy is built up to cause the cells to fire a stimulus to the muscle
fibers of the heart, which causes the contraction.
As confusing as the terminology may be, a cell in the resting state is polarized,
and depolarization occurs at the precise moment of muscle contraction. After
depolarization, the muscle cells return to their baseline electrical state and begin
the process of recharging all over again. This pattern of depolarization and
repolarization is what is seen as wave forms on the EKG.
In reading an EKG there are a few important points to remember:

There can be many views to the electrical system of the heart called leads. A
lead measures the changes in voltage or energy between different points of the
Leads I, II, and III are bipolar and measure both positive and negative impulses
of the heart. This lead also has a ground which minimizes electrical activity from
sources other than the heart.
Leads aVR, aVL, and aVF measure positive electrical charges through a single
electrode and a reference point having zero activity.
Leads V1 through V6 are unipolar leads consisting of a single positive lead and a
and a negatively charged reference point.

Components of the EKG Tracing

An EKG tracing is a series of boxes upon which positive and negative deflections
or waves that represent the electrical impulses of the heart are recorded. Each
EKG has a baseline or isoelectric line, which represents the absence of electrical
P Wave- the first small upright wave seen on the EKG. This represents
contraction of the atrium.
PR interval - The distance between the P wave and the start of the QRS
complex. This represent the travel of the electrical impulse between the atrium
and the ventricles.
QRS Complex- This image on the EKG tracing is actually made up of three
waves. The Q wave is the first negative deflection (below the isoelectric line), the
R wave which is the first upward or positive deflection, and the S wave which is
the next negative deflection immediately after the R wave. This wave indicates
contraction of the ventricles.
ST segment- The portion of the isoelectric line immediately after the S wave and
prior to the next positive deflection (T wave). Measures the time between
depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles.
T Wave- Rounded upward deflection immediately after the QRS complex.
Signifies ventricular repolarization
QT interval- measured from the start of the QRS complex to the end of the T
wave. This measurement represents total activity of the ventricles.

U Wave- small rounded upright wave after the T wave. This wave represents
repolarization of the Purkinje fibers of the heart. This wave is most frequently
seen in slow heart rhythms.

Determining the Heart Rate

If a rhythm is regular, meaning that the QRS complexes are occurring at the
same intervals, then you can quickly determine the heart rate by counting the
number of large boxes between the spikes or R waves on the QRS complexes
and dividing that number into 300 (the number of large boxes present on a 60
second rhythm strip).
A more accurate method is to measure the number of small boxes between the R
waves and divide that number into 1500 to determine the heart rate. If the R to R
interval is irregular, the best way to measure the rate is to count the number of R
waves in a 6 second strip, including PVCs and other irregular beats, and multiply
by 10.


P Waves

The bpm is commonly the ventricular rate.

If atrial and ventricular rates differ, as in a third-degree block, measure both rates.
Normal: 60100 bpm
Slow (bradycardia): <60 bpm
Fast (tachycardia):>100 bpm
Measure R-R intervals and P-P intervals.
Regular: Consistent intervals
Regularly irregular: Repeating pattern
Irregular: No pattern
If present: Same in size, shape, position?
Does each QRS have a P wave?
Normal: Upright (positive) and uniform
Inverted: Negative
Notched: P
None: Rhythm is junctional or ventricular.


Constant: Intervals are the same.

Variable: Intervals differ.
Normal: 0.120.20 sec and constant
Normal: 0.060.10 sec
Wide: >0.10 sec
None: Absent
Beginning of QRS to end of T wave
Varies with HR.
Normal: Less than half the R-R interval
Occur in AV blocks.
Occur in sinus arrest.
Compensatory: Complete pause following a PAC, PJC, or PVC
Noncompensatory: Incomplete pause following a PAC, PJC, or PVC
Bigeminy: Repeating pattern of normal complex followed by a premature complex
Trigeminy: Repeating pattern of 2 normal complexes followed by a premature complex
Quadrigeminy: Repeating pattern of three normal complexes followed by a premature
Couplets: 2 consecutive premature complexes
Triplets: 3 consecutive premature complexes

Sinoatrial Node Arrhythmias

All sinus rhythms originate at the sinoatrial node. Common characteristics of
sinus rhythms include: upright P waves that are similar in appearance, PR
intervals of normal duration, and normal QRS complexes provided that no
ventricular abnormalities are present.

Rate: Normal (60100 bpm) Rhythm: Regular

P Waves: Normal (upright and uniform) PR Interval: Normal (0.120.20 sec) QRS: Normal
(0.060.10 sec)
Sinus Bradycardia
Slow Impulse Discharge From the SA Node

Rate: Slow (<60 bpm) Rhythm: Regular

P Waves: Normal (upright and uniform) PR Interval: Normal (0.120.20 sec) QRS: Normal
(0.060.10 sec)

Sinus Tachycardia

More frequent impulse discharge from the SA node than in Normal Sinus Rhythm

Rate: Fast (>100 bpm) Rhythm: Regular

P Waves: Normal (upright and uniform) PR Interval: Normal (0.120.20 sec) QRS: Normal
(0.060.10 sec)
Sinus Arrhythmia

Irregular Discharge from the Sinus Node with an irregular R-R interval

Rate: Usually normal (60100 bpm); frequently

Rhythm: Irregular; varies with respiration;
increases with inspiration and decreases with
difference between shortest R-R and longest
expiration; may be < 60 bpm
R-R intervals is> 0.12 sec
P Waves: Normal (upright and uniform) PR Interval: Normal (0.120.20 sec) QRS: Normal
(0.060.10 sec)
Sinus Arrest or Sinus Pause
The SA node fails to discharge and then resumes.
Electrical activity resumes either when the SA node resets itself or when a lower latent
pacemaker begins to
The pause (arrest) time interval is not a multiple of the normal P-P interval.

Rate: Normal to slow; determined by duration

and frequency of sinus pause (arrest)
P Waves: Normal (upright and
uniform) except in areas of pause

Rhythm: Irregular whenever a pause (arrest)

PR Interval: Normal (0.120.20 sec) QRS:
Normal (0.060.10 sec)

SinoAtrial (SA) Block

The block results in a dropped beat that is a multiple of the P-P interval, after the dropped beat,
the rhythm continues regularly.

Rate: Normal to slow; determined by

Rhythm: Irregular whenever an SA block occurs
duration and frequency of SA block
P Waves: Normal (upright and uniform) except in areas of
dropped beats
PR Interval: Normal (0.120.20 sec) QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)

Atrial Arrhythmias
Common EKG Features:
P waves with a differing appearance from sinus P waves
normal-duration QRS complexes if no ventricular conduction disturbances are

Wandering Pacemaker
Pacemaker sites transfers from the SA Node to other sites in the atrium and the
AV junction and back to the SA Node

Rate: Normal (60100 bpm) Rhythm: Irregular

P Waves: At least three different
PR Interval: Variable; determined QRS: Normal
forms, determined by focus in atria by focus (0.060.10 sec)

Preamature Atrial Contraction (PACS)

The atrial impulse fires earlier than expected; afterwards normal sinus rhythm
usually continues.

Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm Rhythm: Irregular whenever a PAC occurs

P Waves: Present; in the PAC,

may have a different shape
QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)

PR Interval: Varies in the PAC; otherwise

(0.120.20 sec)

Atrial Tachycardia
The SA node impulse is overridden by the more rapid atrial rate. Abnormalities
of the ST wave and the T wave may be seen.

Rate: 150250 bpm Rhythm: Regular

P Waves: Normal (upright and
PR Interval: May be short
uniform) but differ in shape from (<0.12 sec) in rapid rates
sinus P waves

QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)

but can be aberrant at times


P waves may not be discernable due to the extremely rapid rate

Rate: 150250 bpm

Rhythm: Regular
P Waves: Frequently buried in
PR Interval: Usually not possible QRS: Normal (0.060.10
preceding T waves and difficult
to measure
sec)but may be wide if abnormally
to see
conducted through ventricles


PSVT is a rapid rhythm that starts and stops suddenly.

For accurate interpretation, the beginning or end of the PSVT must be seen.
PSVT is sometimes called paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT).

Rate: 150250 bpm Rhythm: Irregular

P Waves: Frequently buried in PR Interval: Usually not possible QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)
preceding T waves and difficult to measure
but may be wide if abnormally
to see
conducted through ventricles

The AV node conducts impulses to the ventricles at a 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, or greater ratio (rarely 1:1).
The degree of AV block may be consistent or variable.

Rate: Atrial: 250350 bpm; ventricular: variable.

Rhythm: Atrial: regular; ventricular: variable
P Waves: Flutter waves have a
PR Interval: Variable
QRS: Usually normal (0.06
saw-toothed appearance; some
0.10 sec), but may appear
may not be visible, being
widened if flutter waves are
buried in the QRS
buried in QRS

Rapid, erratic electrical discharge comes from multiple atrial ectopic foci.
No organized atrial depolarization are detectable.

Rate: Atrial: >350 bpm; ventricular: variable

Rhythm: Irregular
P Waves: No true P waves; chaotic PR Interval: None
QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)
atrial activity


An accessory conduction pathway is present between the atria and the ventricles, with rapid
conduction of electrical impulses to the ventricles. These rapid impulses create a slurring of the
initial portion of the QRS; the slurred effect is called a delta wave.

Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm

Rhythm: Regular unless associated with A-fib
P Waves: Normal (upright and
PR Interval: Short (<0.12 sec) QRS: Wide (_0.10 sec); delta
uniform) unless A fib is present
wave present

Junctional Rhythms

The AV node can act as a backup pacemaker in the event of failure of the SA
node. The internodal pathways conjoin with the cells of the AV junction. EKG
features that are common to all junctional rhythms include: lack of P waves, or P
waves that are inverted or buried within the QRS complexes, or that come after
the QRS complex. The PR interval can be absent, short, or retrograde.
Junctional Rhythm

Rate: 4060 bpm

Rhythm: Regular
P Waves: Absent, inverted,
PR Interval: None, short, or
buried, or retrograde

QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)


Rate: 61100 bpm

P Waves: Absent, inverted,
buried, or retrograde

Rhythm: Regular
PR Interval: None, short, or
QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)


Rate: 101180 bpm

P Waves: Absent, inverted,
buried, or retrograde

Rhythm: Regular
PR Interval: None, short, or QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)


Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm Rhythm: Irregular whenever an escape beat
P Waves: None, inverted, buried, PR Interval: None, short, or
QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)
or retrograde in the escape beat


Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm Rhythm: Irregular whenever a PJC occurs
P Waves: Absent, inverted,
PR Interval: None, short, or
QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)
buried, or retrograde in the PJC retrograde

Ventricular Arrhythmias

When a rhythm arises from the ventricles, the ventricles conduct impulses slowly
causing a QRS complex that is wide and longer than 0.10 sec in duration. P
waves are either absent or disassociated from the QRS complex.


Rate: 2040 bpm

P Waves: None

Rhythm: Regular
PR Interval: None
QRS: Wide (>0.10 sec),
bizarre appearance


Rate: 41100 bpm

P Waves: None

Rhythm: Regular
PR Interval: None
QRS: Wide (>0.10 sec),
bizarre appearance


PVCs result from an irritable ventricular focus. PVCs may be uniform (same form) or multiform
(different forms). Usually a PVC is followed by a full compensatory pause because the sinus
node timing is not interrupted. Normally the sinus rate produces the next sinus impulse on time. In
contrast, a PVC may be followed by a noncompensatory pause if the PVC enters the sinus node
and resets its timing; this enables the following sinus P wave to appear earlier than expected.

Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm

Rhythm: Irregular whenever a PVC occurs
P Waves: None associated with
PR Interval: None associated with QRS: Wide (_0.10 sec),
the PVC
the PVC
bizarre appearance




In ventricular bigeminy, the PVC occurs with every other beat.


In ventricular trigeminy, the PVC occurs with every third beat.


In ventricular quadrigeminy, the PVC occurs with every fourth beat.


In a rhythm with PVC couplets, the PVCs occur in pairs.


The PVCs occur so early that they fall on the T wave of the preceding beat.
These PVCs occur during the refractory period of the ventricles, a vulnerable period because the
cardiac cells have not fully repolarized.

Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm

Rhythm: Irregular whenever a PVC occurs
P Waves: None associated with PR Interval: None associated with QRS: Wide (>0.10 sec),
the PVC
the PVC
bizarre appearance


The PVC occurs between two regular complexes; it may appear sandwiched in between two
normal beats. An interpolated PVC does not interfere with the normal cardiac cycle.

Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm Rhythm: Irregular whenever a PVC occurs
P Waves: None associated with the PVC
PR Interval: None associated with the PVC
QRS: Wide (_0.10 sec), bizarre appearance


In monomorphic VT, QRS complexes have the same shape and amplitude
It is important to confirm the presence or absence of pulses because monomorphic VT may be
perfusing or nonperfusing.
Monomorphic VT will probably deteriorate into VF or unstable VT if sustained and not treated

Rate: 100250 bpm Rhythm: Regular

P Waves: None or not associated PR Interval: None
with the QRS

QRS: Wide (_0.10 sec),

bizarre appearance


In polymorphic VT, QRS complexes vary in shape and amplitude.
The QT interval is normal or long.

Rate: 100250 bpm Rhythm: Regular or irregular

P Waves: None or not associated PR Interval: None
sec),with the QRS

QRS: Wide (_0.10

bizarre appearance

The QRS reverses polarity and the strip shows a spindle effect.
This rhythm is an unusual variant of polymorphic VT with long QT intervals.
In French the term means twisting of points.

Rate: 200250 bpm

P Waves: None

Rhythm: Irregular
PR Interval: None

QRS: Wide (_0.10 sec),

bizarre appearance


Chaotic electrical activity occurs with no ventricular depolarization or contraction.
The amplitude and frequency of the fibrillatory activity can be used to define the type of fibrillation
as coarse,medium, or fine. Small baseline undulations are considered fine; large ones are

Rate: Indeterminate Rhythm: Chaotic

P Waves: None PR Interval: None QRS: None


The monitor shows an identifiable electrical rhythm, but no pulse is detected.
The rhythm may be sinus, atrial, junctional, or ventricular.
PEA is also called electromechanical dissociation (EMD).

Rate: Reflects underlying rhythm Rhythm: Reflects underlying rhythm

P Waves: Reflect underlying PR Interval: Reflects underlying
QRS: Reflects underlying


Rate: None
P Waves: None

PR Interval: None

Rhythm: None
QRS: None


Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm Rhythm: Regular

P Waves: Normal (upright and PR Interval: Prolonged (_0.20 sec) QRS: Normal (0.060.10


PR intervals become progressively longer until one P wave is totally blocked and produces no
QRS complex.
After a pause, during which the AV node recovers, this cycle is repeated.

Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm Rhythm: Atrial: regular; ventricular: irregular
P Waves: Normal (upright and PR Interval: Progressively longer QRS: Normal (0.060.10 sec)
uniform), more P waves
until one P wave is blocked and a
than QRS
QRS is dropped


Conduction ratio (P waves to QRS complexes) is commonly 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, or variable.
QRS complexes are usually wide because this block usually involves both bundle branches.

Rate: Atrial: usually 60100 bpm; ventricular: Rhythm: Atrial regular and ventricular may be
slower than atrial rate regular or irregular
P Waves: Normal (upright and uniform); more P waves than QRSs
PR Interval: Normal or prolonged but constant
QRS: May be normal, but usually wide (_0.10 sec) if the bundle branches are involved

Conduction between the atria and the ventricles is totally absent because of complete electrical
block at or below the AV node. This is known as AV dissociation. Complete heart block is
another name for this rhythm.

Rate: Atrial: 60100 bpm; ventricular: 4060 bpm if escape focus is junctional, _40 bpm if escape
focus is ventricular

Rhythm: Usually regular, but atria and ventricles act independently

P Waves: Normal (upright and uniform); may be superimposed on QRS complexes or T waves
PR Interval: Varies greatly
QRS: Normal if ventricles are activated by junctional escape focus; wide if escape focus is


Either the left or the right ventricle may depolarize late, creating a wide or notched QRS

Rate: Depends on rate of underlying rhythm

Rhythm: Regular
P Waves: Normal (upright and
PR Interval: Normal (0.120.20 sec) QRS: Wide (_0.10 sec)
uniform) with or without a notched

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