Panel Check List
Panel Check List
Panel Check List
System Name:
Check Model, Quanity of the system modules against the record in BOM :
Visual Inspection Checks
Check the suitability of the testing area (staging area)
Degree of Mechanical Protection
The type test Certificate (as per IDS) including the electromagnetic
Compatibility, tropicalisation etc.
Check of instrument calibration ( certificate for the instruments that will be
used for the test)
Cabinet type
Check terminal strips functional separation
check fusing and fuse rating
check check of the wiring separation of various voltages
check the filling ducts
check of the space of future expansion
safety grounding circuit check as per EN 61010‐1 check of the safety ground
insulation test
Verify the control and signal cables
Paintwork free from scratches, blemishes, deformities
Eye bolts fitted
All mechanical connections are secure and fit properly
Doors and Lock/Keys are fitted securely
Nuts / bolts / screws / fasteners are tight
All Exterior cabinet namepltes are correctly located and squared to front and
rear of cabinet for easy viewing
All hazardous labels are fitted (voltage > 50 V)
All device labels are fitted
PLC Panel Check List
All MCB labels are fitted
All terminal block lables are fitted
All earth bar labels are fitted
All rack interconnect I/O bus cables are labled
Randomly check crimped ends and screw connections
All IO modules are in correct Rack / Slot
Check Location of each component against General Arrangement drawing
Electrical Checks
All cabinet wiring shall be inspected prior to power‐up
Control Cabinets:
Random Cabinet power wiring visual or continuity checked against drawing
Random ferrule tagging visual check, should be clear and readable
Random Point to Point (resistance test)
Random Point to Ground (resistance test)
Earth bonding test shall not exceed 0.1 ohms between bonded item and
appropriate eath bus bar, use megger to check earthing
Power Connection Checks
The following test is to ensure proper power feed is connected to the system
prior to power on. Note that main processor batteries should be removed
prior to powering up. This means the system has power but it has no
appication code.
Verify the correctness of the connection with the supply system, correct power
connection to terminal strip, neutral and phase
Check cabinets are connected to a suitable earthing point in the FAT premise
Check a 230V AC (+ 5%), 50 Hz (+ 1%) supply to incoming UPS AC supply
Check a 230V AC (+ 5%), 50 Hz (+ 1%) supply to incoming Utility AC supply
PLC Panel Check List
Check all MCB's for the correct rating protection (refer to Electrical Power
Distribution & Grounding Drawing)
System Power (230 V AC) Up
Check 230 V AC available at terminal 1&2
Switch 'ON' Circuit breaker 'MCB', check voltage on its output terminals.
Check Voltage on its output terminals; ensure the respective output devices
are 'ON' such as Fan unit, Panel Lamp and Field PS units. Ensure all control
system modules are in 'ACTIVE'.
Field Output Power (24V DC) Up
Check the 230 V AC power on the input terminals of 24V DC power supply unit.
Switch 'ON' power supply and check voltage on their output terminals
respectively. Also check voltage on the input side of the power distribution
terminals (keeping the fused terminals 'OPEN').
Note: Using a test meter measure the power supply module (off load) and
ensure that the measured output voltage is 24V DC + 5%. If the DC voltage is
outside of the specified limit, adjust power supply output in accordance with
the manufacturer's guide.
Ensure System Healthiness as below:
Ensure the main rack power supply does not show any alarm
Ensure no alarm on the IO modules after power up of the 24V DC field power
Power Consumption
For each type of power feeds, measure voltage and total system current with
with system "No‐Load" condition and record the results
230 V AC Input feed Voltage: Current:
24V DC Power supply Voltage: Current:
Signal Wiring Checks
Randomly the signal wiring shall be inspected prior to loop checks and
application program (Logic Simulation)
PLC Panel Check List
Cabinet wiring visual or continuity checked against drawing
Ferrule tagging visual check, should be clear and readable
Point to Point (resistance test)
Point to Ground (resistance test)
Randomly check the wiring for proper crimping and termination (Tug Test)
Note: Earth bonding test shall not exceed 0.1 ohms between bonded item and
appropriate earth bus bar
System Configuration Checks
Verify existence of control program
Check the module configuration as per 'Rack Assignment & I/O Details'
Check the I/O addressing for the hardware points 100%
Check the I/O addressing for the software points 100%
Loop Checks
This check will be done as per pre‐test before checking the application logic.
Analog Inputs
Activate each of the analog inputs by varying the potentiometer on the
simulation panel.
Check the current at the field terminals using a multimeter.
Check the correct system reference address is activated and the value in the
register varies correctly.
Check configured analog scaling and analog alarm/trip levels are correct
Check configured Alarms for HMI
Record results
Digital Inputs
Activate each of the digital inputs by toggling the switches on the simulation
Check the current Rack/Slot/Channel LED illuminates on input module and
corresponding HMI display is changing the respective device color as specified
PLC Panel Check List
in the FDS
Check configured HMI alarm is correct
Record results
Digital Outputs
Using Engineering station force ON (energize) each output
Confirm that correct Rack/Slot/Channel LED illuminates on output module
Confirm that correct lamp on the simulation panel turns ON.
record results
Note: Any discrepancy will be in the punch List and will be cleared before
starting the Application Logic Test
Application Program Checks
The purpose of this test is to verify the LCP Application Codes against the
sequence of operation as specified in the Control Logic diagram/FDS. The
simulation cabinets have been wired to allow all I/O groups to be operated
without delay.
All the changes in the logic shall be visualized by simulator panel
Field I/O Normal
All the digital inputs into its normal position 'Open' or 'Close' as per normal
process operating conditions
All analog inputs into its normal position 'less than High set point' or 'more
than Low set point' as per normal process operating conditions
Logic Test
The logic sequence will be tested exactly as per the control logic diagram and
normal plant operating conditions, with each steps performed in sequence.
Any corrections required will be done then or at the end of the test based on
the correction required.
Redundancy Checks
PLC Panel Check List
CPU Redundancy Check
Check changeover between CPU A & CPU B and vice versa
Power supply Redundancy Check
Check changeover between PS A & PS B and vice versa
Ethernet Switch Redundancy Check
RIO Bus Redundancy Check
Spare Capacity Checks
Check digital input square quantity in %
Check digital output square quantity in %
Check analog input square quantity in %
Check analog output square quantity in %
System Shutdown/Reboot Functionality Checks
End the runtime program, Turn off power, for all enclosures‐ Observe Status
Switch on power, for all enclosures‐ Observe Status
Check Test Certificates
Check the test certificate as per document
Calibration Test Certificates
Internal test report if any
Material Test Certificate
Conformity Certificate