Technical Manual 36522 (Revision G) : DPG-2223-00X Digital Controllers
Technical Manual 36522 (Revision G) : DPG-2223-00X Digital Controllers
Technical Manual 36522 (Revision G) : DPG-2223-00X Digital Controllers
(Revision G)
Original Instructions
Digital Controllers
Programmable Controllers
for Isochronous Generators with
Load Sharing Capability
The engine, turbine, or other type of prime mover should be equipped with an
overspeed shutdown device to protect against runaway or damage to the prime
mover with possible personal injury, loss of life, or property damage.
The overspeed shutdown device must be totally independent of the prime mover
control system. An overtemperature or overpressure shutdown device may also
be needed for safety, as appropriate.
Read this entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be performed before
installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Practice all plant and safety instructions and
precautions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or property damage.
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Any unauthorized modifications to or use of this equipment outside its specified mechanical,
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© Woodward 2010
All Rights Reserved
Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
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DPG-2223-00X Controllers Manual 36522G
Contents (cont'd.)
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
Regulatory Compliance
Declaration of Conformity
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EMC Limitations
All cabling for this unit is limited to less than 30m (98.4’). See wiring diagrams for
specific cable types required.
Power cabling is limited to less than 10m (32.8’) in total length from its source;
power is intended to be from a local bus structure. The control is NOT intended
to have a power bus that is derived from a plant-wide distribution system, remote
source, or similar “mains” type distribution systems. The power to the control
should also be a dedicated circuit, directly to the battery or source via a power
and return wire that are routed together.
See User Manual 36526 for additional regulatory information, limitations, and
wiring diagrams with specific, required cable types.
Power Bus
The power bus is intended to be a local bus without power line surges and to
have inductive load kickback events suppressed. Therefore, the control’s power
input is not designed to withstand a charging system load dump, heavy inductive
kickbacks, or heavy surge type pulses. If the control is installed outside its
intended usage, as described in this manual, centralized voltage pulse
suppression should be implemented to help protect the control and other
components on the bus. (See Chapter 6: Installation Instructions.)
The COMM port is intended to be a service port, with only temporary connection
during service or initial configuration. The COMM port is susceptible to some
EMC phenomena and possible unintentional battery return currents.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
2. Avoid the build-up of static electricity on your body by not wearing clothing
made of synthetic materials. Wear cotton or cotton-blend materials as much
as possible because these do not store static electric charges as much as
4. Do not remove the printed circuit board (PCB) from the control cabinet
unless absolutely necessary. If you must remove the PCB from the control
cabinet, follow these precautions:
• When replacing a PCB, keep the new PCB in the plastic antistatic
protective bag it comes in until you are ready to install it. Immediately
after removing the old PCB from the control cabinet, place it in the
antistatic protective bag.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
Chapter 1.
General Information
This manual provides information on the following DPG controllers:
DPG-2223-001 and DPG-2223-002.
The controller can also provide droop speed control with 100 user-selectable
droop levels. The controller’s internal FAILSAFE reacts instantly to loss of the
engine speed signal or loss of remote speed potentiometer signal.
Features include:
Actuator Compatibility:
DYNA 2000 DYNA 70000 DYNA 8000 APECS 0150 EPG 512
DYNA 2500 DYNA 70025 DYNA 8200 APECS 0250 EPG 1724
DYNA 10141 DYNA 8400 APECS 0300
APECS Linkage Free Integral Type
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Chapter 2
Controller Specifications
Operating Voltage Range: 9–30 Vdc *
Rated Output Current: 7 A Maximum (continuous)
Maximum Surge Current: 14 A (not to exceed ten seconds)
Connections: Terminal strip with 14 terminals
2.0 VAC RMS minimum during
Input Signal from the Magnetic Pickup:
(*) All cabling for this unit is limited to less than 30m (98.4’). Power
cabling is limited to less than 10m (32.8’) in total length. See wiring
diagrams for specific cable types required.
-40°F to +185°F (-40°C to +85°C)
Operating Temperature:
Oil, water, and dust resistant via
Sealing: conformal coating and die cast
Weight: 12 oz. (341 g)
Connection: 14-terminal Euro-style connector
Suitable for mounting per SAE
Mechanical Vibration
J1455; 1 to 500 Hz, 5G amplitude
Temperature Stability: 0.007 Hz @ 158°F (70°C)
± 0.25% over ambient operating
Steady State Speed Band:
temperature range
Engine Speed 10 MPU Hertz to 14,000 MPU
Measurement Range: Hertz
500 MPU Hertz to 11,000 MPU
Governing Speed Range:
ILS Input Voltage
2.3–2.7 Vdc
Measurement Range:
ILS Input Speed
± 5% around the set speed
Adjustment Range:
Droop Adjustment Range: 0–10% of the set speed
Droop Setting Resolution: Tenths of a percent
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
A 4-pushbutton keypad and a 2-digit LED display make up the built-in user
interface. The pushbuttons, also called keys, are described in the section named
Keypad. The LED display is described in the section named LED Display.
Operating Modes
The user interface operates in two modes: PARAMETER SELECT MODE and
PARAMETER EDIT MODE. For each of these modes, the keypad and the
display have a unique way of operating.
The following tables provide a quick reference to the behavior of the display and
the function of each key when a particular operating mode is active.
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PARAMETER EDIT MODE is the mode that displays the selected parameter’s
value and allows the value to be modified. This mode is active when the 2-digit
value displayed is on and no longer blinking. The value displayed is the selected
parameter’s current value. The display’s decimal points have several different
meanings while in PARAMETER EDIT MODE. These are described below.
• Decimal point blinking
The selected parameter’s value can be modified.
NOTICE: Not applicable for the following parameters:
o No. of Flywheel Teeth, while engine is running
o % Droop
o No Load Calibration while not in Droop calibration procedure
o Full Load Calibration
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The keypad consists of four pushbuttons named ENTER, SELECT, INC, and
The ENTER key is used to exit PARAMETER EDIT MODE and return to
PARAMETER SELECT MODE while saving the parameter’s new value to
nonvolatile memory. Nonvolatile memory is where parameter values are stored
so that they are remembered even when the controller is not being powered. In
PARAMETER SELECT MODE, pressing the ENTER key displays the version
number of the controller’s programming.
The SELECT key is used to enter PARAMETER EDIT MODE from PARAMETER
SELECT MODE once a particular parameter has been selected for editing.
The SELECT key is also used to escape from PARAMETER EDIT MODE and
return to PARAMETER SELECT MODE without saving a change in a
parameter’s value. The value a parameter had when PARAMETER EDIT MODE
was entered is restored.
In PARAMETER SELECT MODE, each press of the INC key will cause the next
higher parameter identification number to be displayed. When the maximum
parameter identification number is reached, the next INC key press will cause the
first parameter ID number to be displayed.
For example: If the controller’s label lists 36 parameters, then pressing the
INC key when the display is blinking the value 36 will cause the display to
wrap around to the first parameter listed and begin blinking the value 01.
In PARAMETER EDIT MODE, each INC key press will increase a parameter’s
current value. If the INC key is held down while in PARAMETER EDIT MODE the
value will automatically continue to be increased at gradually faster and faster
rates until the INC key is released or the parameter’s maximum allowed value is
reached. When the lower two digits display a 99, pressing the INC (increase key)
will cause the lower two digits to display a 00 and the hundreds digit will have
been increased by 1.
In PARAMETER SELECT MODE, each press of the DEC key will cause the next
lower parameter number to be displayed. When the first parameter identification
number is reached, the next DEC key press will cause the last parameter ID
number to be displayed.
For example: If the controller’s label lists 36 parameters, then pressing the
DEC key when the display is blinking the value 01 will cause the display to
wrap around to the last parameter listed, which in this case is 36, and blink
this new value.
In PARAMETER EDIT MODE, each DEC key press will decrease a parameter’s
current value. If the DEC key is held down while in PARAMETER EDIT MODE
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the value will automatically continue to be decreased at gradually faster and
faster rates until the DEC key is released or the parameter’s minimum allowed
value is reached. When the lower two digits display a 00, pressing the DEC
(decrease key) will cause the lower two digits to display a 99 and the hundreds
digit will have been decreased by 1.
Release INC and DEC and now the tens and the ones digits are again being
displayed. Note that the right digit’s decimal point is blinking if editing is allowed
or just ON if editing is not allowed.
Note: Not all parameters are 4-digit numbers, in which case the upper digits will
always display 0.0 (zero dot zero).
In PARAMETER SELECT MODE, pressing both the INC and DEC keys at the
same time will cause all LED segments to be turned on. This serves as an LED
test. Release the keys to resume displaying the parameter ID number.
LED Display
The two 7-segment LED’s along with each digit’s corresponding decimal point
are used to display values and indicate the operating mode of the user interface.
When the value being displayed by the two 7-segment LEDs is blinking,
When the value displayed is not blinking, the selected parameter’s value is being
displayed and the user interface is in PARAMETER EDIT MODE. The decimal
points further indicate which half of a 4-digit value is being displayed and whether
editing is allowed.
The right digit’s decimal point is used to indicate that the lower 2 digits of a value
(the tens and the ones digits) are being displayed. When the right decimal point
is blinking, it means that the value can be modified using the INC key or the DEC
key. No blinking means that editing is not allowed or is password protected.
The left digit’s decimal point is used to indicate that the upper 2 digits of a value
(the thousands and the hundreds digits) are being displayed. The upper 2 digits
are always view only so the right decimal point does not blink. Changes to the
upper digits occur when a parameter’s lower digits overflow or underflow during
An overflow occurs when the value 99 is displayed and the INC key is pressed
(assuming this is not the parameter’s maximum value). This will cause the
displayed value to become 00 while the non-displayed value in the parameter’s
upper 2 digits will be increased by one. You can verify this by pressing both INC
and DEC at the same time to view the new value in the upper digits. For
example: If the full 4-digit value of the parameter you are editing is currently
1099, then after pressing the INC key the parameter’s new value will be 1100.
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An underflow occurs when the value 00 is displayed and the DEC key is pressed
(assuming this is not the parameter’s minimum value). This will cause the
displayed value to become 99 while the non-displayed value in the parameter’s
upper 2 digits will be decreased by one. You can verify this by pressing both INC
and DEC at the same time to view the new value in the upper digits. For
example: If the full 4-digit value of the parameter you are editing is currently
1800, then after pressing the DEC key the parameter’s new value will be 1799.
Example 2: The desired set speed is 10,972 Hertz. The upper two digits
displayed by the controller will be [A.9] and the lower 2 digits displayed will be
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Chapter 3
Parameter Reference
The following table lists each of the parameters and their default, minimum, and
maximum values. Note that several of the parameters have minimum and
maximum values set by other parameters. Parameters listed in boldface are
required settings for the controller.
Note also that all Speed and Rate values are shown as magnetic pick-up
Hertz values (parameters 2-5, 16-18, 28-31, 34). Changing the No. of
Flywheel Teeth will cause different default values to be displayed based on
the Hertz to RPM formula described in subsection 3.1.
The parameter list provides information regarding each of the parameters that
can be adjusted when a computer is connected to the controller via the COMM
port and the Universal PST software.
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Parameter List
-001 0 0 0
1. No. of Flywheel Teeth
-002 0 0 572
2. Remote Speed Min * 1000 10 Remote Speed Max
3. Remote Speed Max * 1000 Remote Speed Min 11,000
4. Set Speed A* 1000 Set Speed A Min Set Speed A Max
5. Idle Speed * 500 Idle Speed Min Idle Speed Max
6. Proportional 25 1 99
7. Integral 50 0 99
8. Derivative 25 0 99
9. OVG @ Remote Speed Min 20 1 99
10. OVG @ Remote Speed Max 0 0 99
11. OVG @ Set Speed A 20 1 99
12. OVG @ Idle Speed 20 1 99
13. Gain Factor 20 1 99
14. Speed Filter 16 1 24
15. Idle Hold Time 0 0 9999
16. Accel Rate * 1000 1 11000
17. Decel Rate * 1000 1 11000
18. Startup Rate * 1000 1 11000
19. Startup Limit 1000 0 1000
20. Torque Limit 1000 0 1000
21. Integral Low Limit 0 0 Integral High Limit
22. Integral High Limit 99 Integral Low Limit 99
23. % Droop 0 0 100
24. No Load Cal 0 0 1000
25. Full Load Cal 1000 0 1000
26. Password 0 0 99
-001 100 0 100
27. Over Speed Limit
-002* 15000 10 15000
28. Set Speed A Min * 10 10 Set Speed A
29. Set Speed A Max * 11000 Set Speed A 11000
30. Idle Speed Min * 10 10 Idle Speed
31. Idle Speed Max * 11000 Idle Speed 11000
32. Duty Cycle Limit 95 10 95
-001 0 0 1
33. E1 Handler Select
-002 0 0 2
34. Startup Speed * 1000 10 11000
35. Startup Duty Cycle 30 5 95
36. Speed Pot Action 0 0 1
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The default value of 0 disables Hz to RPM conversions so all set speeds are
displayed in MPU (magnetic pick-up) Hertz. Setting this parameter to a value
other than zero enables Hz to RPM conversion.
Adjust this parameter to a value equal to the exact number of pulses that the
MPU delivers to the controller in one revolution of the engine to display set
speeds in RPM. The formula used to convert the magnetic pickup signal from a
Hertz value to a RPM value is:
For example:
The following derivation of the above formula can be used to convert from RPM
to Hertz.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
The default value for REMOTE SPEED MIN is 1000 MPU Hertz. The
adjustable range for REMOTE SPEED MIN extends from 10 hertz to Remote
Speed Max.
When REMOTE SPEED MIN values greater than 9999 are displayed, the left
most digit uses the capital letter A to represent 10000 and the lower case letter b
to represent 11000.
For example: If REMOTE SPEED MIN is set to 11000, then the upper 2
digits will be displayed by the controller as [b.0] and the lower 2 digits will
display [00.]
The default value for REMOTE SPEED MAX is 1000 MPU Hertz. The
adjustable range for REMOTE SPEED MAX extends from REMOTE SPEED
MIN to 11,000 hertz.
When REMOTE SPEED MAX values greater than 9999 are displayed, the left
most digit uses the capital letter A to represent 10000 and the lower case letter b
to represent 11000.
For example: If REMOTE SPEED MAX is set to 11000, then the upper 2 digits
will be displayed by the controller as [b.0] and the lower 2 digits will display [00].
If the controller’s SPEED SEL input is not used the Remote Speed Pot
determines the controller’s target speed after the startup sequence is completed.
The default value for SET SPEED A is 1000 MPU Hertz. The adjustable
range for SET SPEED A extends from SET SPEED A MIN to SET SPEED A
When SET SPEED A values greater than 9999 are displayed, the left most digit
uses the capital letter A to represent 10000 and the lower case letter b to
represent 11000.
For example: If SET SPEED A is set to 10750, then the upper 2 digits will be
displayed by the controller as [A.7] and the lower 2 digits will display [50].
IDLE SPEED is the controller’s target speed for the IDLE HOLD TIME when the
engine is started. When the idle hold timer reaches zero, the target speed will be
determined by either the Remote Speed Pot position or SET SPEED A
depending on the state of the SPEED SEL input terminal.
The default value for IDLE SPEED is 500 MPU Hertz. The adjustable range
Note: Integral is needed to eliminate speed offsets due to proportional gain and
should never be left at zero.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
large speed changes. The 0 Time
This value along with the OVG @ Remote Speed Max value is used to select
between single point gain vs. dual point gain. When OVG @ Remote Speed Max
is zero, the OVG @ Remote Speed Min value is used over the full speed range
of the remote speed pot.
When OVG @ Remote Speed Max is a non-zero value, dual point sloped gain is
used and a new gain value is computed based on the current speed.
When a non-zero value is entered, dual point sloped gain is used and a new gain
value is computed based on the current speed.
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For example, if the PID terms are set to 90, 80, and 50 respectively and the Gain
Factor is set to 20, then doubling the Gain Factor by setting it to 40 allows the
PID terms to be halved to 45, 40, and 25 respectively. These new settings are
equivalent to the previous settings with respect to the controller’s tuning
response and now allow the PID terms to be adjusted higher if needed.
Rotational mass also affects the amount of speed signal filtering needed. The
more rotational mass, the less filtering is needed. The less rotational mass, the
more filtering is needed.
During the startup sequence, the controller increases the engine speed from the
engine’s crank speed to the active target speed at the STARTUP RATE
specified. If the IDLE HOLD TIME is nonzero, the initial target speed will be the
IDLE SPEED. After the IDLE HOLD TIME expires the controller then uses the
ACCEL RATE to ramp the engine to the selected set speed (REMOTE SPEED
POT or SET SPEED A). The startup sequence is complete once the engine
speed reaches the selected set speed.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
For example, suppose Set Speed A is 3300 Hertz and Remote Speed is at 3960
Hertz. The controller is currently controlling the engine at 3300 Hertz (Set Speed
A), when Remote Speed is selected as the active target speed. It is desired that
the new speed of 3960 be reached in precisely 2 seconds. The following formula
determines the value needed by Accel Rate to increase the engine speed from
Set Speed A to Remote Speed in 2 seconds.
For example, suppose Set Speed A is 4170 Hertz and Remote Speed is 3475
Hertz. The controller is currently controlling the engine at 4170 Hertz (Set Speed
A), when Remote Speed becomes the active target speed. It is desired that the
new speed of 3475 be reached in precisely 1.5 seconds. The following formula
determines the value needed by Decel Rate to decrease the engine speed from
Set Speed A to Remote Speed in 1.5 seconds.
The startup rate specifies how fast the controller should increase the engine
speed when the engine is started. The rate value indicates Hertz per second.
The formula to use for determining a precise Startup Rate is shown below.
[(final_target_speed_in_Hertz) – (crank_speed_in_Hertz)] /
(ramp_time_in_seconds) = startup_rate_value
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The controller increases the engine speed from the engine’s crank speed to the
active target speed at the rate specified. The controller will bring the engine to
the Idle Speed for the Idle Hold Time then continue increasing the engine speed
at Accel rate until the engine reaches the selected target speed (Remote Speed
Pot or Set Speed A).
Exception 1: In cases where the target speed is less then the Idle Speed and
the Idle Hold Time is nonzero, the startup ramp sequence ends when the Idle
Speed is reached. Then the Decel Rate is used to ramp the engine speed
down to the target speed from the Idle Speed.
The ramp up will pause at the STARTUP SPEED until the controller senses an
MPU signal greater than the STARTUP SPEED. This prevents the startup ramp
from reaching completion before the engine has even started. The controller
considers MPU frequencies below the STARTUP SPEED as indicating that the
engine is cranking but has not yet started. MPU frequencies above the
STARTUP SPEED are taken to indicate that the engine has started and the
controller will increase the engine speed until the selected set speed is reached.
NOTE: If the value is set too low the engine may not start.
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The value assigned to the torque limit parameter is in units of one-tenth of a
percent of the actuator’s maximum current feedback reading. The controller
measures actuator drive-signal feedback and obtains an approximation of the
amperes of current flowing through the actuator. Fuel limiting is achieved by
setting the maximum level of electrical current allowed to flow through the
actuator during normal operation.
NOTE: If the value is set too low the engine will not be able to carry its rated
When smaller PWM duty cycle values do not reduce the engine speed any
further but an off speed (measured speed greater than the target speed)
remains, letting the Integral term grow more negative is not beneficial. Unused
negative integration would cause a slower recovery from an under speed
The integral low limit specifies the PWM duty cycle where the integrator’s
influence on lowering PID output must stop. The default value is 0%. The value
can be adjusted from 0% to 90% in 1% increments.
When larger PWM duty cycle values do not increase the engine speed any
further but a negative off speed (measured speed less than the target speed)
remains, letting the Integral term grow more positive is not beneficial. Unused
positive integration would cause a slower recovery from an overspeed condition.
If an engine overload situation causes the engine speed to remain below the
target speed for some period of time, then the integral portion of PID output
would grow larger than otherwise needed (would windup). Therefore, when the
load is removed the engine may overspeed because it takes time for the integral
portion of PID output to shrink or “unwind.” This is where reducing the Integral
Limit High value can help by preventing excessive windup in the PID output’s
integration term.
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The integral high limit specifies the PWM duty cycle where the integrator’s
influence on raising PID output must stop. The default value is 99%. The value
can be adjusted from 99% down to 10% in 1% increments.
For example: If 5% droop is desired, set the percent droop value to 50. Now if the
selected set speed is 1800 RPM then the no load droop speed will be:
[(1800 RPM) / ((1000 – 50) / 1000)] = 1800 RPM / 0.95 = 1895 RPM
NOTE: This parameter can only be modified during the Droop Calibration
Procedure. See the Calibration Instructions chapter for more information.
Droop mode relies on knowing the actuator position. The actuator’s position
corresponds to the amount of fuel being delivered to the engine. The DPG-2223-
00X controller senses electrical current flow through the actuator to determine its
position. This method of position sensing does not work with all actuators.
The factory default value is zero, so if droop mode is to be used, this parameter
must be calibrated. The no load calibration value must be less than the full load
calibration value for proper droop operation. If after performing the Droop
Calibration Procedure the no load calibration value is greater than the full load
calibration then the droop function cannot be used. Some actuators may have a
current versus position curve that is incompatible with this controller’s method of
determining actuator position.
Note: This parameter is only modified during the Droop Calibration Procedure.
See the Calibration Instructions chapter for more information.
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The Full Load Calibration value is learned during the droop calibration procedure
and should not be set manually. Once calibrated, the full load calibration value
indicates the percentage of electrical current, relative to the measurable
maximum, that must flow through the actuator to run the engine at the selected
set speed when a full load is being applied to the generator.
The factory default value is 1000, so if droop mode is to be used, this parameter
must be calibrated. The full load calibration value must be greater than the no
load calibration value for proper droop operation. If after performing the Droop
Calibration Procedure the full load calibration value is less than the no load
calibration value then the droop function cannot be used. Some actuators may
have a current versus position curve that is incompatible with this controller’s
method of determining actuator position.
Note: This parameter is only modified during the Droop Calibration Procedure.
See the Calibration Instructions chapter for more information.
DISABLED–This setting turns off any password protection. Use this setting if
password protection is not desired. This is the default setting as shipped from the
factory. Entering a value of [99] sets the password protect parameter to the
disabled mode. If not already in the UNLOCKED mode, the user must get into
the UNLOCKED mode in order to enter a 99 to disable password protection.
When the password protect parameter is selected, the LED display will show [Pd]
for 2 seconds, indicating the password-disabled mode, then the value [00.] is
displayed. The user can then edit the value.
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For example: If the highest set speed is 1800 RPM and this parameter is set to
20, then an over speed condition will be detected at 2160 RPM (the value that is
20% greater than 1800). Formula: 1.20 * 1800 RPM = 2160 RPM
The default value of 100 is used to disable over speed detection. Use values less
than 100 to enable the over speed limit function and set the limit speed to [(1 +
(overspeed_limit_value/100)) * (highest_set_speed)].
DPG-2223-002 Models:
This parameter is used to determine the engine speed that will trigger the
controller to output minimum fuel. The parameter’s value is set as a frequency in
Hertz or as a RPM value depending on whether the Number of Flywheel Teeth
parameter is zero or nonzero respectively. The default value of 15,000 Hertz is
used to disable over speed detection.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
When the value entered is zero or one, a “Loss of Remote Set Speed Signal” is
defined when the measured Remote Speed Signal input voltage is less than 0.20
VDC or greater than 4.8 VDC.
When the E1 Handler Select parameter value is zero, power must be removed
from the controller to clear the E1 error.
When the E1 Handler Select parameter value is two, the DPG-2223-002 will
operate within the 0.0 to + 5 Vdc Remote Speed Signal range without detecting a
“Loss of Remote Set Speed Signal” and generating an E1 error. Speed Pot
calibration is not available.
If the Startup Speed value is set too low (less than crank speed) the controller’s
target speed will be ramped to the active set speed (Idle, Remote Speed, or Set
Speed A) before the engine has started. Therefore, when the engine does start, it
may overspeed or output excessive smoke because the startup ramp, having
already completed, no longer controls the rate of engine speed increase.
If the Startup Speed value is set too high (above the active set speed) then the
Startup Speed becomes the target speed that the controller must reach before
the controller considers the startup sequence complete. Typically, the startup
sequence ends when the engine speed reaches the active set speed. The active
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set speed is the Idle Speed if the Idle Hold Time parameter is a nonzero value or
the “selected set speed” (either Remote Speed or Set Speed A).
To determine the proper value for this parameter the crank speed must be
known. There are two ways to determine the engine crank speed.
1) Use a meter to measure the frequency across the MPU+ and
MPU- terminals of the controller during cranking or . . .
2) Use a PC running the Universal PST application and read the
value of the Measured Speed in the View Status panel when
the engine is cranking. Note: From the Universal PST’s
startup screen press the View Status button, then press the
Start Monitoring button to begin reading values.
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Chapter 4.
Universal PST
The Universal Parameter Setup Tool (Universal PST) is a Microsoft® Windows®
application available from Woodward that enables you to adjust controller
parameter settings and monitor controller operation. Universal PST also includes
a graphical chart recorder that displays engine speed in real-time. This provides
a visual representation of how the engine speed changes in response to changes
in load, which can be very helpful when tuning the controller.
This chapter provides the information needed to use a computer with your
controller. Here you will find instructions for acquiring, installing, and running the
Universal PST on your PC. Also described is information for obtaining or
constructing the communications cable needed to connect the controller’s COMM
port to your computer’s serial port during service and initial programming.
Universal PST features include:
• Automatic configuration to each DPG when communications are
• Read/write access to all DPG programmable parameters and features
• View each parameter's default, minimum, and maximum values
• Diagnostics utilizing automatic refresh of DPG status
• Save and open DPG setup data information to and from a file for
• Single button read to get the current values of all parameters
• Single button write to program a DPG with previously saved setup
• Engine speed monitoring via a chart recorder to aid in tuning
the controller
• Saving chart recorder data to a Microsoft Excel compatible file
• Help information on each of the controller’s parameters
• Help information on using the Universal PST
System Requirements
Universal PST minimum system requirements:
• Pentium® 133 MHz PC
• 50 MB of hard disk space
• 64 MB of RAM
• Display resolution set to SVGA (800x600) or higher
• Windows® 98se, NT 4.0, 2000, and XP or greater
• Windows® 95 or ME not supported
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
This will automatically redirect you to the Universal PST download page
where you can click on the word Download to begin the download process.
Once you are logged into the Woodward download site you are presented
with the File Download dialog box shown below, or one similar. Click the
[Save] button and choose a folder to save the download to.
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NOTE: Due to the large file size, it is recommended that the [Open] button
not be used because this would try to run the self-extracting executable from
the web site.
Installing Universal PST
After downloading the software file from the Woodward web site, run it and
follow the installer instructions.
The installation program will detect operating system components older than
those required by the "Universal PST" application. In this case the installation
program will ask if you want to update Windows. If you do not want "setup" to
update your system then you cannot use the "Universal PST" application on
this computer.
Read the setup program's instructions carefully as they appear and respond
as needed. The installation may take as long as 7 minutes depending on
your computer's power and operating system. Do not interrupt the installation
program even though it may appear as
though it is not running.
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Communications Error
The following message window appears when Universal PST is running and
unable to communicate with a DPG.
After the problem is found and corrected, you can either restart Universal
PST or press the <Read All> button to clear the error message. The <Read
All> button is near the lower left corner of Universal PST’s main startup
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• Press the <View Chart> button to set the display mode to Chart View.
• Select items from the menu.
NOTE: Pressing a button means positioning the mouse pointer over the
button and clicking the left mouse button.
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Parameter Setup
The Parameter Setup panel displays a table where each row shows the
Name of a user programmable parameter, its current Value, and the
parameter’s Default, Minimum, and Maximum values.
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In the figure shown below, the Set Speed A value has been selected for
Parameter Help
To get help on a particular parameter, single click the left mouse button on a
parameter’s Value, then press <Ctrl><F1> on the computer’s keyboard.
<Ctrl><F1> means press and hold the <Ctrl> key while the <F1> key is
pressed and released. This opens the DPG online help file and automatically
jumps to the selected parameter’s help page.
NOTE: Complete online help for each DPG controller is also accessible by
selecting either “Governor Help Contents” or “Parameter Definitions” from the
Universal PST Help menu.
The <Write All> button is very useful when reusing saved setup data to
configure a new system with the same data as a previous one. Simply load
an existing set of previously saved parameter values into the Parameter
Setup table using “Open a setup data file” from the File menu then press
the <Write All> button.
Status View
The Status View panel is displayed only after pressing
the <View Status> button. The Status View panel is part
of the Table View display mode.
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Tuning View
The Tuning View panel is displayed only after pressing the <View Chart>
button. The Tuning View panel is part of the Chart View display mode.
Chart Recorder
The chart recorder is part of the Chart View display mode. Each time Chart
View is entered the last used Data File is reset, the Vertical Scale defaults
to [0 Hz to 12000 Hz], and the Horizontal scale defaults to 20 seconds.
The Vertical Scale options provide three different ways to view engine speed
• The [0 to 12000 Hz] option is the default and sets the vertical axis
range to its absolute minimum and maximum measurable values.
• The [_____] to [______] Hz option allows you to enter the minimum
and maximum speed values to zoom in on a viewing range of interest.
• The +/- 10% of [______] Hz option is primarily used to zoom in on the
target speed and center it in the chart recorder. This is most useful
during controller tuning to see if the engine speed stays within +/-
10% of the target speed during load on/off cycling.
The Horizontal Scale options allow you to set how much data is displayed in
the chart recorder window. Larger values compress the display and show
more data. Smaller numbers expand the display and show less data. A
Horizontal Scale setting of 20 seconds is approximately the same as a 5-
millimeter per second paper travel speed of a conventional paper tape chart
The Chart Recorder Signal Filtering options can be used to smooth out noisy
signals. The default setting is Min, which is no filtering. Note that filtering will
round out peaks and give a less accurate display of the speeds actually
measured by the DPG.
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IMPORTANT: Do not open data files in another program that are currently
being used by Universal PST. Also be sure to close any open data files
needed by Universal PST before starting it.
The <Data File => button opens a dialog box allowing you to set the base file
name where chart recorder data will be saved. A two-digit suffix is
automatically appended to the file name that is given and serves the
following purpose. Each engine speed data file is considered full after
recording 60,000 data points which is approximately 10-12 minutes of data.
The two-digit suffix is used to automatically continue collecting data to new
files with the same base file name but with increasing numeric suffixes. The
first 60,000 data points are saved in filename00.csv and the next 60,000 data
point are saved in filename01.csv, and so on until a million data points are
collected. This is to prevent each speed data file from exceeding the 65,536-
row limit of Microsoft Excel.
The <Data Reset> button is used to clear out the data collection buffer and
overwrite the zero suffixed data collection file. Data collection starts from the
beginning of filename00.txt where filename is the base file name previously
The progress bar shown to the right of the <Data Reset> button indicates
how full the complete set of data files is. A total of one million data points
(approximately 3.5 hours of data) can be collected before the progress bar
displays the message “The Data File is FULL”. In order to start recording
data again without overwriting previously collected data, use the <Data File
=> button to create a new base file name in which to receive additional
engine speed information.
The <Pause Chart> button stops chart recorder and Data File updates. After
pressing this button the <Continue> button is displayed. Press the
<Continue> button to turn the chart recorder back on and continue recording
engine speed data to the current target file.
Use the <View Table> button to return to the Table View display mode. Be
sure to open a new Data File before returning to Table View if the data
already collected needs to be saved. The active data file is automatically
reset each time the Chart View display mode becomes active.
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Chapter 5.
Calibration Instructions
Basic Adjustments
The controller is programmed at the factory with default parameter settings.
These settings allow the controller to operate but usually require some further
adjustments to obtain the best system performance. In order to bring the engine
up to a single speed for the first time, the installer will need to adjust the
parameters shown in the table and install a switch or jumper between SPEED
SEL and +5 Vdc.
The parameters listed are the primary ones to modify to get the controller tuned
and the engine running smoothly. It is recommended that you work with them first
and leave all the other parameters at their default values until you are satisfied
with the basic engine tuning.
Tuning Methodology
Once the engine is running, the following procedure may be used to discover
more optimum values for PID and the overall gain parameters (OVG). The goal
would be to find PID values that allow the controller to govern the engine well at
a variety of different speeds and loads while only requiring gain adjustment at
those different speeds.
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6. Add some integral to eliminate any steady-state error in the engine’s
speed and help decrease error recovery time.
7. The overall gain can be increased to improve response time while
keeping the ratios of the PID terms relative to each other constant.
During each of the steps 3 through 6, you need to disturb the system by adding
and removing a load from the engine to check the controller’s response to the
load transition. START WITH SMALL LOADS.
Note that without integral, a speed error may persist after a load-on load-off
transition. Therefore, during steps 3-5 you should temporarily increase the
integral to get the engine speed back to the set speed, and then reset the integral
to a lower value again while working to find good proportional and derivative
values. Repeat steps 3-7 as needed to find a Proportional value, Integral value,
and a Derivative value that work well with a variety of overall gain values and
different load transients.
0 Time
Integration works on
the sum of the errors
accumulated over time
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DPG-2223-001 Models
The calibration sequence can be done only using the controller’s built-in user
DPG-2223-002 Models
The calibration sequence can be done using either the controller’s built-in user
interface or Universal PST.
Make sure the engine is running at the selected set speed and the
Step 1
governor is tuned.
User Interface/ Universal PST: Enter a value of 41 into the Password
Step 2
parameter to allow editing of the droop related parameters.
User Interface: Select the "% DROOP" parameter and adjust its value
while the engine is running with no load applied.
Universal PST: While the engine is running with no load applied, enter a
Step 3 value for the desired percentage of droop in to the "Percent Droop"
parameter and press ENTER.
User Interface: Allow the engine to stabilize at the no load droop speed
then press the controller's ENTER key to set the percent droop.
Universal PST: Allow the engine to stabilize at the no load droop speed.
Step 4 From the Universal PST Status View window, enter the value displayed for
the " Actuator %FS" in to the "No Load Cal" parameter and press ENTER.
The engine speed will return to the selected set speed.
User Interface: Select the "FULL LOAD CAL" parameter. Engine speed
will return to the selected set speed.
Step 5
Universal PST: Proceed to Step 6.
Now apply full load to the engine and allow the speed to stabilize.
Step 6
(Assumes the governor was previously tuned.)
User Interface: Wait 5 seconds, then press the controller's ENTER key to
record the calibration value.
Universal PST: Wait 5 seconds, then from the Universal PST Status View
Step 7
window, enter the value displayed for the " Actuator %FS" in to the "Full
Load Cal" parameter and press ENTER.
Remove the load from the engine. The engine speed will increase to the
Step 8
no load droop speed. Droop calibration is complete.
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After droop calibration, the difference between the No Load Cal and Full Load
Cal parameter value should be greater than 100 for best operation of droop. The
droop function may still work for smaller differences but with less accuracy. You
may be able to get some improvement by modifying or adjusting actuator linkage
or adding springs. The goal is to achieve a wider range of measured current
change through the actuator from no load to full load.
If the calibrated range is too small then droop may not work at all. The actuator
position sensing method used by this controller does not work with all actuators.
A different actuator may be required or a different system solution altogether may
be needed by your application, such as an actuator with a position feedback
potentiometer and a supporting controller.
Step 3 Adjust the speed pot to the desired counterclockwise (CCW) position.
After remote speed potentiometer calibration, the governor uses the learned
range to compute the speed potentiometer’s actual position over the speed range
defined by the Remote Speed Min and Remote Speed Max parameters.
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Startup Sequence
The following example describes the DPG-2223-00X startup sequence.
SET SPEED A = 3500 Hz
TIME = 100
Speed in Hert z
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time in seconds
Engine cranking begins at point A. After a short time, the engine starts and at
point B the engine speed exceeds the STARTUP SPEED (the initial target
speed) and the controller now considers the engine to be running.
The controller’s startup sequence begins at point B by ramping the target speed
up from the STARTUP SPEED at the STARTUP RATE. In this example, the
STARTUP SPEED is set to 500 Hertz, the STARTUP RATE is set equal to 250
Hertz per second, and the IDLE SPEED is set to 1500 Hertz. It will take 4
seconds for the target speed to ramp up 1000 Hertz (IDLE SPEED minus
STARTUP SPEED) and reach point C.
This example uses the IDLE HOLD TIME and has it set to 100 tenths of a second
so the target speed will be held at the IDLE SPEED (1500 Hertz in this example)
for 10 seconds. At point D, the IDLE HOLD TIME has elapsed and the target
speed is ramped up at the ACCEL RATE. In this example, the ACCEL RATE is
set equal to 500 Hertz per second.
The example also has SET SPEED A set at 3500 Hertz so it will take 4 seconds
for the target speed to ramp up 2000 Hertz from the IDLE SPEED. Ramping
stops at point E when the target speed reaches SET SPEED A. The startup
sequence also ends at point E assuming the engine speed has been tracking the
target speed and has reached SET SPEED A.
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Chapter 6.
Installation Instructions
Terminal Descriptions
8 SPEED SEL Digital input used to select the target set speed
Supply voltage for the digital input. Optional
9 +5 Vdc
ILS reference
10 ILS SIGNAL ILS input used to adjust speed +/- 5%
Recommended Mounting
The DPG-2223-00X controller is designed to be panel mounted and its chassis
electrically bonded to the same protective reference as the engine structure. The
mounting should protect the controller from exposure to rain, weather, and direct
sunlight. The controller should not be mounted on the engine or in an
environment that exceeds the mechanical specifications outlined in Chapter 2.
The controller should be mounted in a position to allow access to the user
interface, the COMM port and the terminal strip.
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Wiring Diagram
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Centralized Suppression
The control meets the regulatory requirements for its intended installations, and
when installed correctly as directed, the DPG input power can handle some
level of surge pulses.
Because the control power input is designed to be connected to a local bus and
to have inductive load kickbacks suppressed, it cannot withstand a charging
system load dump, heavy inductive kickbacks, or heavy surge pulses.
The EMC environment into which the control is installed may have the
above conditions if the control is installed OUTSIDE its intended usage. If
the stated conditions exist, centralized pulse suppression should be
implemented to protect the components on the bus, including the control.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
1. Power and return cables to the control are routed together to
minimize the noise pickup and emissions. Similarly, the power and
return to the actuator must also be routed together, but may be
separated from the control’s power leads.
2. MOV and TVS suppression devices are recommended based on
the typical pulse levels that might be seen in Group 1 or Group 2
engine applications and the internal circuitry of the control.
3. Other suppression devices may be used, but clamping voltages
and energy handling capability are important, as operating voltage
and energy handling capability requirements depend on the full
system implementation.
(a) Two 15KP17CA and V47ZA7 through-hole parts are available from
Woodward as 8923-1272.KIT. This kit is for a 24V system. It will
suppress alternator load dump from alternators within the 200A
range, as well as indirect lightning pulses that may be coupled to
the power bus. Parallel inductive loads still need to be suppressed
because pulses from unsuppressed parallel loads will be clamped
at voltages too high to protect the control.
(b) Two 15KP13CA and one V47ZA7 through-hole parts are available
from Woodward as 8923-1271.KIT. This kit is for a 12V system with
an alternator within the 100A range, unsuppressed switched
inductive loads in parallel with the control, and indirect lightning
pulses that may be coupled to the power bus.
4. Suppression kits available from Woodward are intended to
suppress the majority of the likely pulses. However, they will not
protect against all system level implementations outside the
intended usage of the control. A system level evaluation of what
pulses may be present should be undertaken.
Please see Application Note 51319 for more details.
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Chapter 7.
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
Display Codes
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
Troubleshooting Table
LED Display Does Not BAT + and BAT – leads are reversed. Check wiring.
Light Up When Controller Battery voltage too low. Should measure between 9 and 30 Vdc
Is Powered Controller is defective. Replace it.
The parameter’s value is the maximum value allowed.
The parameter’s value is the minimum value allowed.
Unable to Modify
A display code is active. Refer to the Display Codes section above.
Password protection is enabled. Enter Password.
Keypad failure, replace unit.
Actuator leads not connected or shorted.
No fuel source. Turn on fuel source.
Battery voltage is low. Charge or replace the battery.
Set speed is lower than crank speed. Increase the set speed.
Startup Rate setting is too low. The target speed ramps up too slow.
Engine Does Not Start Startup Limit is too low, limiting the actuator drive signal too much.
Is the MPU speed signal present? It should read 2.0 VRMS minimum.
Adjust magnetic pickup (MPU) gap. Try reversing the MPU leads.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
Chapter 8.
Service Options
OEM and Packager Support: Many Woodward controls and control devices are
installed into the equipment system and programmed by an Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) or Equipment Packager at their factory. In some cases, the
programming is password-protected by the OEM or packager, and they are the best
source for product service and support. Warranty service for Woodward products
shipped with an equipment system should also be handled through the OEM or
Packager. Please review your equipment system documentation for details.
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This option allows you to call your Full-Service Distributor in the event of an
unexpected outage, or in advance of a scheduled outage, to request a
replacement control unit. If the unit is available at the time of the call, it can
usually be shipped out within 24 hours. You replace your field control unit with
the like-new replacement and return the field unit to the Full-Service Distributor.
Charges for the Replacement/Exchange service are based on a flat rate plus
shipping expenses. You are invoiced the flat rate replacement/exchange charge
plus a core charge at the time the replacement unit is shipped. If the core (field
unit) is returned within 60 days, a credit for the core charge will be issued.
Flat Rate Repair: Flat Rate Repair is available for the majority of standard
products in the field. This program offers you repair service for your products with
the advantage of knowing in advance what the cost will be. All repair work carries
the standard Woodward service warranty (Woodward Product and Service
Warranty 5-01-1205) on replaced parts and labor.
Flat Rate Remanufacture: Flat Rate Remanufacture is very similar to the Flat
Rate Repair option with the exception that the unit will be returned to you in “like-
new” condition and carry with it the full standard Woodward product warranty
(Woodward Product and Service Warranty 5-01-1205). This option is applicable
to mechanical products only.
When shipping the item(s), attach a tag with the following information:
• return authorization number;
• name and location where the control is installed;
• name and phone number of contact person;
• complete Woodward part number(s) and serial number(s);
• description of the problem;
• instructions describing the desired type of repair.
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Manual 36522G DPG-2223-00X Controllers
Packing a Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:
• protective caps on any connectors;
• antistatic protective bags on all electronic modules;
• packing materials that will not damage the surface of the unit;
• at least 100 mm (4 inches) of tightly packed, industry-approved packing
• a packing carton with double walls;
• a strong tape around the outside of the carton for increased strength.
Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
• the part number(s) (XXXX-XXXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate;
• the unit serial number, which is also on the nameplate.
Engineering Services
Woodward offers various Engineering Services for our products. For these services,
you can contact us by telephone, by email, or through the Woodward website.
• Technical Support
• Product Training
• Field Service
Technical Support is available from your equipment system supplier, your local Full-
Service Distributor, or from many of Woodward’s worldwide locations, depending
upon the product and application. This service can assist you with technical
questions or problem solving during the normal business hours of the Woodward
location you contact. Emergency assistance is also available during non-business
hours by phoning Woodward and stating the urgency of your problem.
For information on these services, please contact us via telephone, email us, or
use our website:
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DPG-2223-00X Controllers Manual 36522G
You can also contact the Woodward Customer Service Department or consult our worldwide directory
( for the name of your nearest Woodward distributor or
service facility.
Technical Assistance
If you need to telephone for technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information.
Please write it down here before phoning:
Your Name
Site Location
Phone Number
Fax Number
Engine/Turbine Model Number
Number of Cylinders (if applicable)
Type of Fuel (gas, gaseous, steam, etc)
Control/Governor #1
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
Control/Governor #2
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
Control/Governor #3
Woodward Part Number & Rev. Letter
Control Description or Governor Type
Serial Number
If you have an electronic or programmable control, please have the adjustment setting positions or the menu
settings written down and with you at the time of the call.
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