FCM Training
FCM Training
FCM Training
Modeling Features
Analysis Control
midas Civil
1. Principales Caractersticas
Son construidos con seccin cajn post-tensados.
Son generalmente usados en un terreno donde los obstculos tales como ros, caminos y
arroyos estn por debajo del puente, lo cul representa una dificultad en la instalacin de la
cimbra convencional.
Este tipo de puentes se usan generalmente para puentes con claros grandes, y tpicamente van
acompaados de grandes pilas.
Debido a que involucra cantilivers balanceados en una pila, a veces se refieren a este tipo de
puentes como puentes balanceados.
midas Civil
1. Introduction
Balanced Cantilever (FCM) Bridge
midas Civil
midas Civil
Modeling Features
2. Modeling Features
Modeling of Bridge can be done in Midas Civil by:
General Modeling Procedure
Using wizards
**Wizard can be applied to the bridge which is constructed through the typical construction process. Other
types of bridges should be modeled by general modeling process
midas Civil
1. Wizard FCM
Tipo de Puente: 3 claros continuos en doble voladizo
Claros: L = 85.0 + 130.0 + 85.0 = 300.0 m
Ancho: B = 12.7 m (2 lneas)
Esviaje: 90 (perpendicular)
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
Here the zones of the balanced cantilever bridge i.e. the
profile of the bridge on the left and the right side of
the pier can be defined.
Advanced option:
If the balanced cantilever bridge has different zone profile
on different piers the it can be defined in the advanced option
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
Member Age:
Here you can define the activation age of the elements i.e.
the age when the elements would become the structural
Component of the bridge.
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
Web Tendon:
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Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
5. PSC Sections
Model -> Properties -> Section -> PSC section
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
Tapered section tab: We can define the tapered section in the tapered tab of the section definition.
PSC Bridge Wizard: The PSC bridge wizard is a robust and easy method of making the tapered
sections in midas civil.
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
Then :
1. The total length of the tendon in red ( shown by midas in
tendon weight table) would be more than actual and tendon
in yellow will be less than actual.
2. The Element option does not consider friction loss due to horizontal
curvature. So, if you need to consider the friction loss due to horizontal curvature,
you should user the Curve option.
midas Civil
Modeling Features
midas Civil
Modeling Features
Import: For importing the tendons from the autocad, the tendon profile generator is used.
midas Civil
Modeling Features
Effective Width Scale Factor can be used to consider the effect of shear lag
The effective width scale factor can be defined by:
Automatic definition: The automatic definition of the Effective width scale factor is supported for
AASHTO LRFD code and can be defined in PSC Bridge wizard
Manual definition: The manual definition of the effective width scale factor can be done in effective width
scale factor as the boundary
midas Civil
Modeling Features
10. Loading
Load Data:
The following are the loads that are supposed to act on the bridge during the construction:
Self weight
Weight of the wet concrete
Form Traveler weight
Prestress Loads
Additional loads include:
Settlement Effects
Creep and Shrinkage effects
Temperature Loads
midas Civil
Modeling Features
10. Loading
USE: The self weight of the structure is automatically considered when the element is acivated.
midas Civil
Modeling Features
10. Loading
How to Model Wet Concrete Load:
1. Elements Load must be activated in the construction stage in which it is casted by nodal loads or
moments if needed.
2. When the scaffolding is removed, nodal load defined in 1 must be deactivated and element must be
activated. The self weight function will now automatically consider the weight of the element.
3. Self Weight must be activated at day 1 of the 1st constructions stage
CS 8 Elements casted
on day 7
CS 9
midas Civil
Modeling Features
10. Loading
midas Civil
Modeling Features
10. Loading
Form Traveler Load: Form traveler load can be defined as the nodal loads.
Temperature Loads: Can be defined as system temperature or the beam section temperature.
Beam Section Temperature can be defined in
Loads -> Temperature Loads -> Beam Section Temperature
midas Civil
Modeling Features
10. Loading
Time Load:
In midas Civil you can apply the time load to a structure to impose time load to specific members
to reflect the time dependent material properties relative to the contiguous members.
Pier 1
Construction Schedule of Pier 1 : T = 0 days to T= 180 days.
Construction Schedule of Pier 2 : T = 60 days to T = 240 days.
Pier 2
midas Civil
Modeling Features
10. Loading
midas Civil
Analysis Control
midas Civil
Analysis Control
midas Civil
Analysis Control
midas Civil
Analysis Control
midas Civil
midas Civil
2. PSC Stresses
PSC stresses can be obtained at 10 locations:
Axial stress
Bending stress
Shear stress
principal stress
Principal Stress
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Where: p is the frictional resistance per unit length determined the friction loss between the
anchorage and quarter length of the beam and dividing it by L/4
Friction Loss:
midas Civil
Other types of elastic shortening losses, which are caused by subsequent loadings
(self weight, live loads, creep, shrinkage, etc.) after the prestressing force is applied, are
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midas Civil
midas Civil
4. Tendon Elongation
Tendon Elongation:
Results -> Result Tables -> Tendon -> Tendon Elongation
Tendon Elongation required in the field for obtaining a desired level of prestressing can be
obtained from the program.
The total elongation which the tendon has to achieve during stressing should be calculated as:
l_tot = l_p + l_c + l_sl + l_e
l_p: elongation of the tendon
l_c: elastic deformation of the
concrete (shortening must be treated
as a positive value)
l_sl: sum of anchor plates
impressions and dead end wedge slip
according anchorage type applied
l_e: elongation of the prestressing
steel in the jack and seating device (if
Tendon elongation calculated by the program consists of l_p, l_c, and l_sl.The
summation of l_p and l_sl is shown in the tendon elongation. And, l_c is separately
shown in the element elongation
midas Civil
5. FCM Camber
FCM Camber:
In structural design, camber refers to a pre-fabricated / pre-designed shape which enables the
members maintain a stress-free state in order for the member to reach a targeted shape at a
specified time.
midas Civil
5. FCM Camber