Relativistic Mechanics
Relativistic Mechanics
Relativistic Mechanics
Relativistic Mechanics
Lecture 9
Physics 411
Classical Mechanics II
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9.2. LAGRANGIAN Lecture 9
We also have all the rotation structure from Euclidean space built in –
consider a transformation defined by Λµν expressed in block form:
µ 1 0
Λ ν=˙ , (9.5)
0 R
(the upper entry is 1×1, while the lower right is a 3×3 matrix) for any matrix
R with RT R = I – then we again preserve dxα ηαβ dxβ = dx̄α ηαβ dx̄β .
9.2 Lagrangian
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9.2. LAGRANGIAN Lecture 9
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To get the form, we can motivate from classical mechanics. For our usual
free particle Lagrangian in three spatial dimensions with time playing the
role of curve parameter, we have L = 12 mv 2 . If we think of this in terms of
the infinitesimal motion of a particle along a curve, we can write:
1 dxµ dxν
L= m gµν (9.6)
2 dt dt
with gµν the metric appropriate to the coordinates we are using. For con-
creteness, take dxµ =(dx,
˙ dy, dz), i.e. Cartesian coordinates – then gµν can
be represented by the identity matrix. It is clear that the above is directly
related to:
dr2 = dxµ gµν dxν , (9.7)
or what we would call the square of an infinitesimal distance, implicitly,
“along the curve parametrized by t”. If we make this explicit, associating
dxµ dxµ dxν
xµ (t) with a curve, µ 2 2
R then dx = dt , and dr = dt gµν dt dt . Think of
the action, S = Ldt – for L proportional to the length (squared) of the
curve, we are, roughly speaking, minimizing the length of the curve itself
(a.k.a. making a “line”). This is not entirely clear here, so we might ask
what happens if we really take a Lagrangian proportional to dr – suppose
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9.2. LAGRANGIAN Lecture 9
In two dimensions, which suffices, we have the integrand L = ẋ2 + ẏ 2 , and
the variation gives us:
and these are degenerate equations – the solution is, for example
an infinite family of extremal paths! Or is it? For any A and B, what we are
really doing is writing y as a linear function of x, that defines a line as the
curve in the x − y plane, regardless of x(t). We have, in effect, parametrized
a line with x itself. That is a consequence of the manifest reparametrization
invariance of this action, which is directly proportional to the length along
the curve. We will see the same sort of action (by construction) for special
dxµ (ρ)
ds2 = ẋµ ηµν ẋν dρ2 ẋµ ≡ (9.12)
Motivated by the above action (9.8) for a purely spatial geometry, take:
S=α ds = α −ẋµ ηµν ẋν dρ, (9.13)
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1 and call this the relativistic, free particle action. We again expect straight
lines as the free particle motion, and we have gained reparametrization in-
variance as before. Explicitly, suppose we have in mind a function of ρ call
it τ (ρ), and we want to rewrite this action in terms of τ – by the chain rule,
we have
dxµ (τ (ρ)) dxµ dτ
ẋµ = = , (9.14)
dρ dτ dρ
so that the action is
dxµ dxν dρ
S=α − ηµν dτ
dρ dτ dτ dτ
Z r (9.15)
dxµ dxν
=α − ηµν dτ,
dτ dτ
and we have no way of establishing the difference between two different
curve parametrizations from the action integrand alone. This gives us the
freedom to define parametrizations of interest. In particular, we know that
for any instantaneous velocity of a particle, it is possible to develop a Lorentz
transformation to the local rest frame – that is, we can always generate
a boost matrix that takes us from a “lab” in which a particle moves in
time and space to the frame in which the particle moves only in time (use
the instantaneous velocity to define the boost parameter γ – this is shown
diagramatically in Figure 9.2).
This local rest frame, in which the particle moves only in a time-like direction
serves to define the proper time τ of the particle. Since a generic trajectory
will not have uniform velocity, τ changes along the trajectory, and we can
define it only in an infinitesimal sense – we know there exists a “barred”
frame (the local rest frame) in which a lab measurement of (dt, dx, dy, dz)
is purely temporal:
Using this defining relation, we can write the derivative of τ w.r.t t and vice
" 2 2 2 !#
2 2 1 dx dy dz
c dt 1 − 2 + + = c2 dτ 2 (9.17)
c dt dt dt
The minus sign under the square root is an artefact of the signature of our metric –
for a particle at rest, moving through time only, we want a real action.
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9.2. LAGRANGIAN Lecture 9
ct particle light
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9.2. LAGRANGIAN Lecture 9
If we demand that this be the kinetic energy in the low velocity limit, then
we must set α = −m c. We then have an approximate Lagrangian that
differs from T = 12 m v 2 only by a constant, and that will not change the
equations of motion, it is ignorable under variation.
This leaves us with the final form for a free particle relativistic action and
associated Lagrangian:
Z r
dxµ dxν
S = −m c − ηµν dτ (9.21)
dτ dτ
where we use the proper time as the parameter, and we can, at any point,
connect this to coordinate time via (9.18). The advantage to proper time as
a parameter is that the action is manifestly a scalar. We know that the four
velocity dx µ
dτ is a contravariant four-vector (since dx is, and dτ is clearly a
scalar), the metric ηµν is a covariant second rank tensor, so the term inside
the square root is clearly a scalar.
Now we can begin the same sorts of analysis we did for the classical La-
grangian, using the above action as our starting point. In particular, it will
be interesting to find the canonical infinitesimal generators associated with
constants of the motion, although we already know basically what these are
(Lorentz transformations, after all, have ΛT η Λ = η).
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