Chapter 2 PDF
Chapter 2 PDF
Chapter 2 PDF
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Fig. 2.1
v d
vx dt
Fig. 2.2 Within the time interval dt, those particles with velocity v that lie in the
cylinder hit the shaded area on the wall. The density of particles with velocities within
the range d 3 v is f (v) d 3 v. The volume of the cylinder is vx dt dA.
assume that dA is perpendicular to the x axis with the inside of the container to the left. We consider only
those particles that have velocities within some range d 3 v, centered at a velocity v, and ask: Of those
particles, how many will strike the area dA within some short time interval dt? Unless the particles are
moving toward dA (that is, unless vx > 0) the answer is obviously zero. If vx > 0 then the answer to the
question is (see Fig. 2.2.)
dN = f (v) d 3 v vx dA dt
It is assumed that each particle that strikes the wall rebounds elastically. The momentum delivered to the
wall by a single rebounding particle is equal to the negative of the change in the momentum of the particle.
That is, it is equal to 2mvx . Thus the total momentum delivered to the area dA during the time interval dt
by those particles within the velocity range d 3 v is
2mvx2 f (v) d 3 v dA dt
Since the force that one object exerts on another is defined as the rate at which the first object transfers
momentum to the second, we can calculate the force those particles exert on dA by dividing Eq. (2.2) by dt.
The pressure is obtained by dividing the force by dA. Finally, the pressure due to particles of all possible
velocities is obtained by integrating over all velocities that are aimed at the wall. A velocity is aimed at the
wall only if vx is positive.
2mvx2 f (v) d 3 v
vx >0
Because the integrand is an even function of vx it will leave the value of p unchanged if we extend the
integration to all vx and drop the factor of 2. Also, since f (v) depends only on the magnitude of v, vx2 can
be replaced by (vx2 + vy2 + vz2 )/3. This gives
mv 2 f (v) d 3 v
Recalling the definition of f (v), it is easy to see that the integral is equal to twice the kinetic energy per
unit volume. Since it has been assumed that the potential energy is negligible, Eq. (2.4) implies that
Fig. 2.3
(It should be mentioned that it definitely would greatly increase the diculty of the problem to include an
interaction potential, that is, a potential function that depended on the distances between particles.) The
distribution function, which has the same meaning as before, will now depend on both r and v. Because
of the existence of a force field, which defines a special direction at each location, it is not at all obvious
that the distribution function f (r, v) will be independent of the direction of v (although the results of our
calculation will show that it is so).
We are considering a system of N particles in a cubic box of volume V . The total energy of the system is
E. By collisions, individual particles may change their energies, but the total energy remains fixed. The most
essential assumption in our analysis is that N is an extremely large number. We conceptually decompose the
volume into a very large number of little cubes, numbered 1 to K. The kth little cube is centered at rk and
has a volume we call 3 r. We also separate the infinite space of possible velocities into an infinite number
of velocity cubes, each of volume 3 v, labeled with an index l = 1, 2, . . .. The detailed dynamical state
of the system, which we will call the microstate of the system, is defined by specifying the exact position
and velocity of each of the N particles. That is, the microstate is specified by the 2N vector variables,
r1 , v1 , . . . , rN , vN . If we permit a little bit of uncertainty in the definition of each particles position and
velocity, then the microstate of the system can be specified by giving the spatial and velocity box of each
particle, that is, by giving the 2N integer variables k1 , l1 , . . . , kN , lN . This step has the advantage of making
the set of microstates discrete. The combination of a spatial box and a velocity box is called a phase-space
box. It can be considered as a little box in a six-dimensional phase-space with coordinates (x, y, z, vx , vy , vz ).
To calculate the distribution function associated with a given microstate it is quite unnecessary to know
which particles are in which phase-space boxes. It is sucient to know only how many particles are in each
of the phase-space boxes. In fact, if, for a given microstate, the occupation number of the phase-space box
specified by the integers k and l is called Nkl , then the distribution function at (rk , vl ) is
f (rk , vl ) = Nkl /3 r3 v
We will say that the set of occupation numbers Nkl defines the macrostate of the system (see Fig. 2.3).
Clearly, we are using the same definition of microstates and macrostates that we did previously in the
student and room discussion.
We now ask the question: How many dierent microstates correspond to a given macrostate? This
is just the question of how many ways there are of putting N distinguishable objects into boxes with a
specified number of objects in each box. It was answered in the last chapter [see Eq. (1.24)]. The number of
microstates corresponding to a given macrostate is
(k,l) Nkl !
where the symbol (k,l) means that a product is taken over all values of k and l. The product extends
over all phase-space boxes. However, since 0! = 1, and there are only a finite number of particles, only a
finite number of terms in the product are not equal to unity. But a factor of one can be ignored. Thus the
infinite product is actually a finite integer. Now that we know how many microstates correspond to any
given macrostate we would like to determine which of the possible macrostates has the greatest probability
of occurrence. From the principles of probability theory it is clearly impossible to do this without knowing
something about the relative probabilities of the various microstates that contribute to a given macrostate.
There are certain things that are known about the probability of finding the system in a given microstate.
1. A particle in the phase-space box (k, l) has an energy Ekl , given by
Ekl = 12 mvl2 + U (rk )
Therefore a macrostate defined by the occupation numbers Nkl has a total energy
Etot =
Nkl Ekl
Unless Etot is equal to the known system energy E, there is zero probability of finding the system in any
microstate that yields that macrostate.
2. Also, unless Ntot , the sum of the occupation numbers for a given macrostate, is equal to the actual number
of particles in the system N , there is no microstate that yields that macrostate.
Aside from these two restrictions, there is no obvious way of assigning probabilities to the vast number
of possible microstates available to a large system.*
At this point we will make a completely unjustified assumption that those microstates that are not
forbidden by the conditions on Etot and Ntot are all equally probable. This is called the assumption of equal
a priori probabilities. Much of Chapter 3 will be devoted to a careful analysis of this assumption. Here it will
be used simply as a working hypothesis that will allow us to proceed in our calculation of the equilibrium
distribution function f (r, v).
With the assumption of equal a priori probabilities for the allowed microstates, the probability of any
allowed macrostate is proportional to I, the number of microstates corresponding to that macrostate. The
most probable macrostate can be calculated by finding
the maximum ofI, considered as a function of the
occupation numbers, Nkl , with the restrictions that
Nkl Ekl = E and
Nkl = N . It turns out to be more
convenient to calculate the maximum of the function
F = log I = log(N !)
log(Nkl !)
*To get an idea of of the size of the number I in Eq. (2.8) when N = NA 6 1023 , as it is for one mole of gas, we
note that the dominant factor in Eq. (2.8) is the N !, which is of order N N for large N . Thus I 6 1023 6 10 .
That number has more than 1025 zeros!
(Note: All logarithms in this book are natural logarithmsThe base 10 logarithm is as much of a historical
curiosity as a slide rule.) Because log I is a monotonically increasing function of I, the set of occupation
numbers that maximizes log I also gives the maximum of I. In Eq. (2.11) one can use Stirlings approximation
(derived in the Mathematical Appendix), which states that log K! K(log K 1) for K 1. Therefore,
the function that will actually be maximized is
F = N (log N 1)
Applying Lagranges method (also derived in the Mathematical Appendix) to this problem, one ignores the
constraints and maximizes the function
Nkl Ekl
where and are two Lagrange parameters whose values will later be chosen so as to satisfy the constraints.
Setting G/Nkl equal to zero gives
log Nkl = Ekl
Nkl = CeEkl
where the constant C = exp(). Using Eq. (2.9) to write Ekl in terms of r and v and using Eq. (2.7) to
relate Nkl and f (rk , vl ), it is seen that the most probable distribution function (that is, the one with the
greatest number of corresponding microstates) is of the form
f (r, v) = C exp[(mv 2 /2 + U (r))]
This is the MaxwellBoltzmann distribution. The constants C and must be chosen to give the correct
values for the total number of particles and the total energy.
The density of particles, irrespective of velocity, is obtained by integrating f (r, v) over all velocities.
n(r) = f (r, v) d 3 v
U (r)
= Ce
emv /2 dvx dvy dvz
U (r)
= Ce
( 2 )3/2
eU (r)
The final line in Eq. (2.17) makes use of the Table of Integrals in the Mathematical Appendix. The potential
function U (r) always includes an arbitrary constant in its definition. If U is defined to be zero at some
chosen location, ro , then
( 2 )3/2
n(ro ) = C
which allows us to write Eq. (2.17) in the form
n(r) = n(ro )eU (r)
If we assume that this most probable distribution is the experimentally observed equilibrium distribution,
then we see that, whenever the interaction potential energy can be neglected, the particle density at
equilibrium varies with the negative exponential of the external potential.
with h = kT /mg. The scale height, h, is the altitude at which n(z) = n(0)/e. For nitrogen at room
temperature (300K) the scale height is 9 kilometers, which is reasonably descriptive of the earths atmosphere,
although the earths atmosphere is by no means at equilibrium. This number clearly illustrates the fact that
the variation in density due to the gravitational field would be dicult to detect in ordinary laboratory
experiments where the altitudes involved are about 1 meter and therefore n(z)/n(0) 1 1/9000. There
are, however, two ways of bringing h down to laboratory size. One method is by increasing the mass of the
particles, m. This can be easily overdone by choosing macroscopic objects as the particles. For m = 1 g
the scale height is much less than the size of an atom and is again unobservable. To get a scale height of
about 10 cm at room temperature, we need m 4 1020 kg. This is the mass of a particle of 2.5 107
atomic mass units, too large for a molecule but possible for the particles of a fine colloidal suspension. The
second method is to increase g by means of a centrifuge. A modern ultracentrifuge can create an acceleration
field of order 105 m/s2 . In such a field a molecule of 10 atomic mass units has a scale height of 2.5 cm.
f (r, v) d 3 r d 3 v is the number of particles within d 3 r that have velocities in the range d 3 v. If we divide this
by d 3 r, multiply by mv 2 /2, and integrate over v, we obtain the density of kinetic energy at position r. That
quantity will be written as K . Thus
K = CeU (r) emv /2 (mv 2 /2) dvx dvy dvz
U (r)
mvy2 /2
(mvx ) dvx e
dvy emvz /2 dvz
= 2 Ce
= 32 CeU (r)
2/m 3
The second line makes use of the fact that each of the three terms in v 2 = vx2 + vy2 + vz2 gives an equal
contribution to K . The third line may require another look at the Table of Integrals. Equation (2.17) now
allows us to write K in terms of the particle density.
K = 23 n(r)/
The first thing to notice is that the energy per particle, K /n(r), is independent of position. Although,
at equilibrium, the density of particles varies from place to place as eU , their distribution with respect to
velocity is the same everywhere.
Equation (2.5), which relates the energy density to the pressure, and the ideal gas equation of state,
give the relation K = 32 p = 32 n(r)kT . A comparison of this relation with Eq. (2.22) allows us to identify
the Lagrange parameter, , with 1/kT .
= 1/kT
If no external force field exists, then U = 0 and the MaxwellBoltzmann distribution becomes the simpler
Maxwell distribution, which depends on velocity alone.
f (v) = Ce 2 mv
Using Eq. (2.17) with U = 0 and n equal to a constant, we can eliminate C and write the Maxwell distribution
in terms of n and T .
( m )3/2
f (v) =
nemv /2kT
Because v 2 = vx2 + vy2 + vz2 , the distribution function factors into three uncorrelated probability functions
involving the three velocity components.
f (v) = nP (vx )P (vy )P (vz )
where P (vx ) dvx is the probability of finding a given particle with its x component of velocity in the range
dvx . Clearly, P (vx ) is given explicitly as
P (vx ) =
( m )1/2
emvx /2kT
Although it may seem slightly surprising, Eq. (2.26) shows that the fact that a particular particle has a large
x component of velocity in no way aects the probability of its having large y or z components.
Fig. 2.4
v =
F (v)v dv
n o
( 8kT )1/2
In order to get an idea of the typical velocities involved in thermal motion, we evaluate v for helium and
radon at T = 300 K.
(He) v = 1.26 103 m/s;
(Rn) v = 2.72 102 m/s
( )1/2
The root-mean-square velocity is defined as vrms = v 2
. It can easily be calculated by making us of
the fact that the average kinetic energy per particle is 23 kT . That is
2 mv
= 32 kT
which gives
vrms = (3kT /m)1/2
2 2
+ U (r) (r) = E(r)
h2 2
+ U (r)
A system of two identical particles in a potential field U (r) has a Schrodinger equation
( h2
2 2
1 + U (r1 ) (r1 , r2 ) +
22 + U (r2 ) (r1 , r2 ) = E(r1 , r2 )
where 21 = 2 /x21 + 2 /y12 + 2 /z12 with a corresponding equation for 22 . The Hamiltonian operator
for that system is thus
h2 2
h2 2
1 + U (r1 )
+ U (r2 )
2m 2
The generalization is obvious; a system of N identical particles in an external potential U (r) is described by
the Hamiltonian operator
N (
h2 2
j + U (rj )
HN =
To calculate the N -particle energy eigenstates of this system it is only necessary to solve the following
single-particle Schr
odinger equation.
2 2
+ U (r) un (r) = En un (r)
The problem of actually solving this equation for particular potential functions will not be discussed here.
It will simply be assumed that it has been done and that the complete set of single-particle eigenfunctions
un (r) and eigenvalues En is known.
A complete set of eigenfunctions for the N -particle problem can now be constructed simply by taking
arbitrary products of the single-particle eigenfunctions. For example, for N = 3, the function
(r1 , r2 , r3 ) = u1 (r1 )u1 (r2 )u4 (r3 )
satisfies the Schr
odinger equation
3 (
2 2
j + U (rj ) = E
The unsymmetric wave function of Eq. (2.40) may be converted to a properly symmetrized BoseEinstein
wave function by taking an equally weighted average over all permutations of the particle coordinates, r1 , r2 ,
and r3 .
where (1 , 2 , 3 ) is a permutation of (1, 2, 3), C is a normalization constant, and the sum is over all 3!
permutations. The reader can easily verify that this wave function is properly symmetric and that it is
(r1 , . . . , rN ) = C
u1 (r1 ) u1 u2 u2 uK uK (rN )
} | {z } |
N1 factors
N2 factors
NK factors
where, in this case, (1 , . . . , N ) is a permutation of (1, . . . , N ) and the sum is over all N ! permutations.
It is obvious that the function is symmetric in its arguments. It is also an eigenfunction of HN with an
energy eigenvalue equal to
E = N1 E1 + + NK EK
For an N -particle BoseEinstein system, there is one such energy eigenfunction for each distinct set of
occupation numbers satisfying the constraint
N1 + + NK = N
For a system of FermiDirac particles, the wave function must be completely antisymmetric, rather than
symmetric. That is, it must satisfy the condition (we give an example with N = 3)
(r1 , r2 , r3 ) = (r2 , r1 , r3 ) = (r1 , r3 , r2 )
In this case the N -particle wave functions are constructed somewhat dierently. Since all fundamental
fermions are spin- 21 particles, we will only consider that case.* We have to introduce variables to describe
the spin degrees of freedom of the particle. The state of a spin- 12 particle can be defined by a combination
of a position vector r that says where the particle is and a spin variable , whose only possible values are
+1 or 1. The value of gives the z component of the spin angular momentum, divided by h
/2. We will
use a single symbol, xj , for the combination of the spatial variable and the spin variable of the jth particle.
xj = (rj , j )
As before, we first solve the single-particle Schrodinger equation for the sequence of single-particle eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
h2 2
+ U (x) un (x) = En un (x)
We now choose any sequence of N single-particle eigenfunctions, uK1 , . . . , uKN , and construct the N -particle
wave function
(x1 , . . . , xN ) = C
(1)P uK1 (x1 ) uKN (xN )
where, as for the boson case, the sum is taken over all N ! permutations of the variables x1 , . . . , xN and where
(1)P is +1 for an even permutation and 1 for an odd permutation. A more compact way of writing Eq.
(2.50) is to use the definition of a determinant and write as (again we take N = 3)
uK1 (x1 ) uK1 (x2 ) uK1 (x3 )
(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = C uK2 (x1 ) uK2 (x2 ) uK2 (x3 )
uK3 (x1 ) uK3 (x2 ) uK3 (x3 )
Permuting the variables x1 and x2 in this equation merely results in a permutation of the first two columns
of the determinant, which has the eect of changing its sign. Therefore, has the necessary antisymmetry
* Nuclei of spin 3/2, 5/2, etc. may also be treated as single FermiDirac particles by a trivial modification of the
formalism given here.
properties. If, in Eq. (2.51), any two of the indices K1 , K2 , and K3 are equal, then two rows of the determinant
will be identical and therefore the determinant will vanish, yielding the unacceptable wave function = 0.
Thus, in choosing the functions uK1 , . . . , uKN , one must choose N dierent eigenfunctions. It is not dicult
to verify that the function (x1 , . . . , xN ) defined by Eq. (2.50) is a solution of the N -particle Schr
N (
h2 2
i + U (xi ) = E
For FermiDirac systems, one can also describe the N -particle eigenfunctions by a set of occupation
numbers, N1 , N2 , . . . as follows. We define
NK =
1, if K {K1 , . . . , KN }
0, otherwise
With this definition Eqs. (2.45) and (2.46) are still valid. However, whereas for boson systems there was
one N -particle energy eigenstate for every distinct set of nonnegative integers summing to N , for fermions
those integers are restricted to the values 0 and 1. This restriction is the Pauli exclusion principle.
Having reviewed these aspects of many-particle wave functions, we are ready to apply the procedure used on
the classical ideal gas to ideal quantum systems. The basic idea is to define a microstate and a macrostate
and then to calculate the number of microstates corresponding to each macrostate. Assuming that the
microstates have equal probabilities, one then calculates the most probable macrostate and identifies it with
the macrostate of the system at equilibrium.
We have seen that, for a system of identical particles, the wave function is uniquely defined by specifying
the set of quantum state occupation numbers, N1 , N2 , N3 , . . ., where Nk gives the number of particles in the
kth single-particle quantum state, which has energy Ek . If the particles are BoseEinstein particles, then
each Nk can be any nonnegative integer, but if the particles are FermiDirac particles, then each Nk can
only be either 0 or 1.
The identification of the microstates of the system seems fairly straightforward. The microstate of
a system is the detailed dynamical state of the system. But one cannot specify more about a quantummechanical system than its wave function. Therefore we will identify the microstate of the system with the
wave function of the system. If the system is known to have N particles and the system energy is known to
be E, then any set of occupation numbers satisfying the conditions
Nk = N
Nk Ek = E
be the realistically observable state of the system. However, for a macroscopic system, the spacing between
adjacent discrete single-particle energy levels is so small that the detection of individual levels is many orders
of magnitude beyond realistic measurement. For example, for particles of one atomic mass in a container
of one cubic meter, the level spacing depends upon the energy and, at the energy value of E = kT with
T = 300 K, the spacing between adjacent levels is 3.7 1051 J (see Problem 2.21). To get some idea of
what this energy spacing means, we might note that, for a particle of typical thermal velocity ( 103 m/s),
it would correspond to a change in velocity of v = 2.2 1027 m/s. Such a change would be far beyond
any practical experimental detection.
What we will do to define a meaningful macrostate of the system is to group the almost continuous
energy spectrum into a large number of narrow energy ranges that we will call energy bins. In the case
mentioned, if we choose 1012 bins within the range 0 < E < kT , then each one would contain about 1019
discrete levels and have an energy range of about 1033 J. The levels in the kth energy bin have an average
energy of k , which will be assigned to all the levels in that bin. The kth bin contains a large number Kk of
discrete energy states. We now describe a macrostate of the system by specifying the number of particles,
call it k , within the states of the kth energy bin for all k.
We first want to calculate I(Kk , k ), the number of ways of distributing the k indistinguishable particles
within the Kk energy states of the kth bin. For the case of bosons, in which any number of particles can be
put into a single state, that calculation is equivalent to
determining how many ways there are of choosing
Kk occupation numbers Ni satisfying the restriction,
Ni = k . This is left as a problem for the reader.
The result is
(Kk + k 1)!
I(Kk , k ) =
(Kk 1)!k !
For fermions, where the Ni can only be 0 or 1, we can interpret the Kk quantum states as Kk coins, of
which the filled ones are heads and the empty ones tails. The problem is then equivalent to the problem of
determining the number of ways of arranging Kk coins to get k heads. That was solved in the last chapter.
The answer is just the binomial coecient
I(Kk , k ) =
Kk !
(Kk k )!k !
The total number of microstates corresponding to a given macrostate is obtained by multiplying the
I(Kk , k ) for all k. That is,
I(Kk , k )
As before, the most probable macrostate will be determined by maximizing log I N E, where and
are Lagrange parameters that have been introduced to take into account the restriction to fixed total particle
number and fixed energy. The fermion case will be done explicitly, and the boson case left as an exercise.
The function that must be maximized is
Kk !
k k
F = log
(Kk k )!k !
Kk (log Kk 1) (Kk k )(log(Kk k ) 1)
k (log k 1) k k k
The use of Stirlings approximation is valid when applied to the bin occupation numbers k . Note, however,
that it would be quite invalid if used for the individual state occupation numbers Ni . Setting F/k = 0,
we get the following equation for the bin occupation numbers of the most probable macrostate.
log[(Kk k )/k ] = + k
which gives
k =
Since the energy dierences of the states in the kth bin are negligible, Eq. (2.62) clearly implies that
the average occupation of any individual state in that bin is k /Kk = 1/(e+k + 1). Thus, at equilibrium,
the average occupation number of the nth single-particle state, of energy n , is given by the well-known
FermiDirac distribution function
n = fFD (n ) =
n + 1
For bosons, the equivalent result is
n = fBE (n ) =
e+n 1
The Lagrange parameter, , has the same relationship to the absolute temperature as it had in the
classical distribution. That is, = 1/kT . The Lagrange parameter , called the anity, is essentially a
n over all quantum states is equal to the
normalization constant that must be adjusted so that the sum of N
number of particles in the system.
In order to understand the relationship between the quantum-mechanical distribution functions that we have
just derived and the Maxwell distribution for a classical ideal gas, we will consider a quantum mechanical
ideal gas, that is, a system of noninteracting bosons or fermions with no external potential. If the external
potential U (r) is taken to be zero, then the single-particle Schrodinger equation is
2 2
u(r) = Eu(r)
If this equation is solved within a cube of volume L3 , using periodic boundary conditions,
u(x, y, z) = u(x + L, y, z) = u(x, y + L, z) = u(x, y, z + L)
of momentum
(Kx , Ky , Kz )
where h = 2
h and Kx , Ky , and Kz are integers. If the momentum eigenvalues are plotted in a threedimensional momentum space, they form a cubic lattice in which the distance between neighboring points
(the lattice constant) is h/L (see Fig. 2.5). The corresponding energy eigenvalues are Ep = p2 /2m. The
average occupation of one of the momentum eigenstates is
(px , py , pz ) =
p =
e+p2 /2mkT 1
where the + sign is taken for fermions and the sign for bosons. This must be compared with the Maxwell
distribution, which, in momentum variables, is
f (p) = Cep
Fig. 2.5
and the quantum-mechanical distributions will reduce to the Maxwell distribution. One way of interpreting
the criterion e 1 is to note that it implies that the average occupation of every momentum state is much
less than one.
In order to express the condition e 1 in terms of the macroscopic parameters of the system, let us
assume that it is valid and evaluate the normalization sum for the quantum-mechanical distribution.
p =
ep /2mkT = N
where N is the number of particles in the system and the sum is taken over all allowed momentum eigenvalues.
Using the fact that the density of momentum eigenvalues in momentum space is (L/h)3 = V /h3 , where V
is the volume of the system, the sum over the discrete values of p may be converted to an integral over a
continuous vector variable
V e
ep /2mkT d 3 p = N
The integral can be evaluated in terms of the standard Gaussian integral, given in the Table of Integrals.
p2 /2mkT 3
d p=
epx /2mkT dpx = (2mkT )3/2
e = (N/V )3
Therefore, e
is equal to the average number of particles in a volume . If that number is much less than
one, then the classical approximation is justified. is the de Broglie wavelength of a particle with energy
kT , which is about twice the average energy of the particles in a gas at temperature T .
It is important to make clear what aspect of quantum mechanics is responsible for making the quantum
distributions dier from the classical momentum distribution. It is not the discreteness of the quantum
states, which is completely undetectable for a macroscopic system. Rather, it is the symmetry requirements
on the many-particle wave functions. One way to see how the symmetry requirements aect the momentum
distribution is to consider the mapping between classically described N -particle momentum states and
quantum-mechanical ones. In order to simplify the analysis, we will artificially discretize the classical states
so that the single-particle momentum states are mapped one-to-one. A classical N -particle momentum state
is defined by giving the momentum values of the N distinguishable particles, (p1 , p2 , . . . , pN ). If all N
momentum values are dierent, then there are N ! classical states that map into a single BoseEinstein or
FermiDirac N -particle quantum state. If we could ignore the probability of multiple occupancy of a single
momentum state, then, averaging some quantity, such as the momentum distribution, over all classical N particle states with total energy E, would be equivalent to averaging over N ! copies of the N -particle quantum
states with the same energy and would therefore yield the same result. To see the eects of the quantum
symmetry requirements, let us consider the mapping of a classical state in which p1 = p2 . Then there are
only 12 N ! classical states that are mapped into a single BoseEinstein quantum state. Thus an average over
the classical states would deemphasize this double-occupancy state by a factor of two in comparison with an
average over BoseEinstein N -particle states. That is, the BoseEinstein symmetry requirement increases
the probability of double occupancy in comparison with the classical system. In contrast, for a FermiDirac
system, there is no N -particle quantum state corresponding to the 12 N ! classical states. The FermiDirac
symmetry requirement prohibits double occupancy entirely. From this point of view, it is clear why the
criterion for the validity of the classical approximation is that the average occupation of any single-particle
quantum state be much less than one.
What are the deficiencies of the general calculational method used in this chapter? The major weaknesses
of the technique are the following:
1. There is an obvious lack of logical precision and general principles in choosing our definitions of
microstates and macrostates. It is not at all clear that our results do not depend on these somewhat
arbitrary choices.
2. No justification, other than convenience, has been given for the assumption of equal a priori probabilities
of all allowed microstates. Since that assumption is at the base of all the calculations, the whole logical
structure is built upon sand.
3. There is no obvious way of applying the method to systems with interactions that cannot be neglected.
For such systems, the energy cannot be written as a sum involving independent occupation numbers
of any kind, nor is there any way of defining microstates and macrostates in terms of such occupation
4. In general, there is no logical room for adding extra assumptions, such as equal a priori probability.
The time evolution of an actual system is determined by the laws of mechanics (or quantum mechanics).
If the results of using any extra assumptions always agree with those of mechanics, then they are a logical
consequence of the laws of mechanics, and it should be possible to show that fact. If they do not agree
with the laws of mechanics, then the extra assumptions are wrong.
Although the method introduced in this chapter is very useful for calculating the properties of a wide
variety of physical systems, it cannot really serve as a general logical foundation for statistical mechanics. In
the next chapter we will sketch the outlines of such a general logical foundation, and, throughout the book,
we will periodically return to the question of foundations to fill in more of the details.
2.1 (a) Make some reasonable estimate for the size of a cube containing 1000 grains of sand. (b) Using the
above estimate, calculate the dimensions of a cube containing 1024 grains of sand.
and E = mc2 / 1 (v/c)2 . For an ideal gas of relativistic particles, determine whether the pressure is a
function of the energy density, E/V , independent of the details of the velocity distribution? (Note that the
relativistic energy defined here includes the rest energy, mc2 .)
2.3 For an extremely relativistic gas, v c for most of the particles. Show that, for such a system, the
pressure is related to the energy density by p = 13 E/V .
2.4 If, from an ideal gas at temperature T , we choose two particles at random, then the velocities of the
two particles are statistically independent. What are the probability distributions for their center-of-mass
and relative velocities? Are those two random variables statistically correlated?
2.5 A container of volume V contains a very dilute ideal gas at density n and temperature T . The container
is surrounded by vacuum and has a small hole of area A. At what rate do particles pass through the hole?
2.6 For the system described in Problem 2.5, calculate the rate at which the gas loses energy and calculate
the temperature of the remaining gas as a function of time. Assume that the rate of leakage is small enough
that the remaining gas is always uniform and at equilibrium.
2.7 For a classical ideal gas at temperature T , calculate the average value of |p|, where p is the momentum
of a gas particle.
2.8 The law of partial pressures states that the pressure exerted by a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the
sum of the pressures that would be exerted by each of the gases separately at the same temperature. Derive
the law of partial pressures.
2.9 For the system described in Problem 2.5, assume that the wall is infinitely thin, so that a particle
that enters the hole always exits the container without colliding with the side of the hole. Assume that, of
the particles that leave during some time interval t, a fraction (v) dv have speed within the range dv.
Calculate the speed distribution (v) and explain why it does not agree with Eq. (2.28).
2.10 The purpose of this problem is to estimate the average distance that a particle in a gas travels between
collisions. That distance is called the mean free path. Take as a model of the gas a set of hard spheres of radius
a. To simplify the calculation, assume that the spheres are frozen in their random locations. Assume that
the average volume per particle is much larger than the hard sphere volume [V /N (4/3)a3 ]. Consider a
hard sphere moving through this set of fixed scatterers. (a) Calculate the probability P that it will be
scattered within a short distance x. (b) Using that result, calculate the probability P (x) that it will travel
a distance x, without being scattered. (c) Calculate the average distance that the particle will move before
being scattered. Compare your result with the exact formula given in Exercise 2.17. (d) Estimate the mean
free path for neon at a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 1 atmosphere, taking a = 1.3
2.11 Given 30 students to distribute in 3 rooms, calculate the number of microstates that correspond to
the macrostate 10 students are in each room.
2.12 A circular cylinder, with a radius of 10 cm, contains a nitrogen gas at a pressure of one atmosphere and
a temperature of 300 K. If the cylinder is rotated about its axis, the centrifugal force increases the density
at the periphery relative to that at the center. At what angular velocity would the ratio of the two densities
be equal to 2?
2.13 The Maxwell distribution does not guarantee that the total energy is exactly E, but only that that
is its average value. For one mole of ideal gas at 300 K, calculate the fractional uncertainty in the energy,
E/E. (Hint: Assume that the velocities of the particles are N statistically independent random variables.)
Fig. 2.6
2.14 At t = 0, a one-dimensional classical ideal gas is contained in the region 0 < x < L (Fig. 2.6). The
gas has an initial temperature To and a density no . The gas particles have mass m. The wall at x = 0
reflects all particles that hit it. The wall at x = L allows any particle that hits it to pass through with a
probability , that is much less than one and is independent of the particles energy. Otherwise the particle is
reflected with no change in its energy. (a) Calculate the rate at which the system loses particles and energy
at t = 0. (b) Assuming that the particles remaining always have a Maxwell distribution, but with slowly
varying density and temperature, derive and solve a dierential equation for T (t).
2.15 Generalize the derivation leading to the MaxwellBoltzmann distribution to the case of an ideal gas
containing two types of particles, A and B. Assume that there are NA A particles and NB B particles
with masses mA and mB , respectively. Since they may interact dierently with external force fields, they
may, in general, experience dierent potentials, UA (r) and UB (r). The result should be that fi (r, v) =
ni (rio )(mi /2kT )3/2 exp[(mi v 2 /2 + Ui (r))/kT ], where i = A or B and Ui (rio ) = 0.
2.16 Use the results of Problem 2.15 to show that, in a mixed ideal gas, the average kinetic energy per
particle of the A particles is the same as that of the B particles. This is a restricted form of what is called
the equipartition theorem. The general form will be derived later.
2.17 A system is composed of a large number N of elementary subsystems (one might picture the subsystems
as atoms in a crystal lattice). Each subsystem can exist in one of three quantum states, with energies 0,
1, or 2 electron volts. Determine the number of microstates of the total system such that N1 subsystems
have energy 1 = 0 eV, N2 subsystems have energy 2 = 1 eV, and N3 subsystems have energy 3 = 2 eV.
Assuming that each possible microstate has equal probability, determine the most probable values of N1 ,
N2 , and N3 , given that the total energy is E = 0.5N eV.
2.18 Consider an ideal gas, composed of atoms that have K discrete possible internal energy states, of
energy, k (k = 1, . . . , K). Using an analysis similar to that which led to the MaxwellBoltzmann distribution,
derive the distribution function f (k, v), where f (k, v) d 3 v is the number of particles per unit volume in
internal energy state k with velocity in d 3 v.
2.19 Using Lagranges method, find the minimum of the function x2 + 2y 2 , subject to the constraint
x3 + y 3 = 1.
2.20 In 1876, J. Loschmidt argued that the MaxwellBoltzmann distribution must be wrong. He said
that, at equilibrium in a uniform gravitational field, an ideal gas should be warmer at the bottom than
at the top because of the facts that every particle that moves from the bottom to the top slows down in
the field and every particle that moves from the top to the bottom speeds up. Thus, in order to have the
exchange of particles between bottom and top not change the distribution, it is necessary that the average
speed of the particles at the bottom be larger than the average speed of the particles at the top. Explain
why Loschmidt was wrong. Take the special case of a purely one-dimensional gas (in the z direction) of
completely noninteracting particles in a constant gravitational field.
2.21 A globular cluster is a large collection of stars that is gravitationally held together in a more or less
spherically symmetric distribution. Treat such a cluster as a gas of noninteracting, equal-mass stars in a
gravitational potential U (r). The gravitational potential must be determined self-consistently, using the
Poisson equation, which can be written as dU/dR = GM (R)/R2 , where M (R) = 4m o n(r)r2 dr is the
mass of all the stars within a radius R. Choosing U (0) = 0 and using Eq. (2.19) for n(r), show that no
equilibrium solution exists for a single globular cluster in empty space. This shows that globular clusters
are never truly at equilibrium. They very gradually boil o stars, causing the cluster to steadily, but very
slowly, diminish in size. [Hint: For an isolated globular cluster, n(r) 0 as r .]
2.22 At very high temperatures a hydrogen gas becomes completely ionized and may be viewed as a mixed
ideal gas of protons and electrons. One can assume that relativistic eects become important when the rms
velocity of the electrons is larger than .1 c. At what temperature would that occur?
2.23 Consider a quantum-mechanical system of four particles in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator
potential. The one-particle energy eigenvalues are (n + 21 )h and are nondegenerate. For BoseEinstein
particles and FermiDirac particles, determine the number of four-particle quantum states with an energy of
h. Assume that the FermiDirac particles have zero spin, although that can be shown to be impossible.
2.24 Derive Eq. (2.57) for the number of ways of distributing bosons within K states. Hint: The diagrams
in Fig. 2.7 show three ways of distributing five particles among three states. How many such diagrams are
Fig. 2.7
2.25 Consider a spinless particle of mass m, in a cubic periodic box of side L. (a) Calculate N (E), the
number of energy eigenfunctions with energies less than or equal to E. (b) dN (E)/dE gives the number of
eigenstates per unit energy interval. Its inverse is the average spacing between energy eigenvalues. Show
that, for m equal to one atomic mass unit, L = 1 m, and E/k = 300 K, the estimate given in Section 2.13
for the energy spacing is correct.
2.26 Consider a system of spinless one-dimensional particles in a harmonic oscillator potential of angular
h. Using Eqs. (2.63) and (2.64), evaluate the
frequency . The energy spectrum is then n = (n + 12 )
number of particles in the system as a function of the anity and the temperature T for the case 1
for both fermions and bosons. (Hint: the infinite sum may be easily evaluated.)