2 small garlic cloves, minced and mashed to a paste with 1/4 teaspoon salt
In a bowl whisk together the garlic paste, the anchovy paste, the lemon juice, the mustard, and the
Worcestershire sauce, add the mayonnaise, the Parmesan, and pepper to taste, and whisk the
dressing until it is combined well. Toss the dressing with salad greens or serve it as a dip with
Berikut ini merupakan macam-macam saus dasar (Mothers Sauce) beserta dengan turunanturunannya (Small Sauce).
Mothers Sauce/ Leading Sauce/ saus dasar meliputi :
White sauceBechamel Susu White roux
Veloute White stock
White roux
Brown sauce atau espagnole Demiglace
Brown stock/ Estoufade
Brown roux
Sauce dasar tomat
tomato sauce White stock
White or blond roux
Sauce dasar Butter
Butter Yolk / kuning telur
Sauce dasar minyak selada
Minyak selada Yolk / kuning telur
Vinaigrette / French Dressing Minyak selada
Turunan Sauce Dasar/ Small Sauce :
Saus Dasar : Bechamel
-Turunan : Cream Sauce
Proses : Bechamel + Heavy Cream
-Turunan : Morney Sauce
Proses : Bechamel + Gruyere Cheese + Permesan
-Turunan : Cheddar Cheese Sauce
Proses : Bechamel + Cheddar Cheese
-Turunan : Mustard Sauce
Proses : Bechamel + Mustard Sauce
-Turunan : Soubice Sauce
Proses : Bechamel + Onion
-Turunan : Nantua Sauce
Proses : Bechamel + Shrimp Butter + Heavy Cream
Saus Dasar : Veloute
-Turunan : Poulette Sauce
Proses : Veloute + Mushroom
-Turunan : Aurora Sauce
Proses : Veloute + Tomato Puree
-Turunan : Hungarian sauce
Proses : Veloute + Onion + Paprika + White Wine
-Turunan : Ivory / Albufera Sauce
Proses : Veloute + Meat Glace
-Turunan : Mushroom Veloute Sauce
Proses : Veloute + Mushroom + Lemon Juice
-Turunan : Bercy Sauce
Proses : Veloute + Shallot + White Wine
-Turunan : Herb sauce
Proses : Veloute + White Wine + Parsley + Chives + Taragon
-Turunan : Normandy Sauce
Proses : Fish Veloute + Mushroom
-Turunan : Horseradish Sauce
Proses : Veloute + Dried Horseradish + Heavy Cream + Mustard + Vinegar