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Under The Moons of Zoon

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Demond Thompson (order #5788655)

Demond Thompson (order #5788655)

Under the moons of Zoon
A Pulp Science-Fantasy RPG
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Design and development: Luigi Castellani, Rome 2004-2013 Last revised February, 4
General Advice: Andrea Angiolino, livier Legrand, !artino Castellani, Chris Carter
Maps, Layout, Interior and Cover Art: Luigi Castellani
Proof reading: Andrea Ferrari
Playtesters: "anya #uhni$, #enedetto Colombo, Lidia Colombo, Andrea Ferrari, Andrea %i&osia, !anuela
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Under the Moons of Zoon
Table of Contents
The L01ht Pole -/
The T20l01ht Zone -3
The N01ht Pole -4
S7r8r0se /3
Atta9:0n1 0n Melee /3
Atta9:0n1 at a D0stan9e /4
Effe9ts of Atta9:s /!
Defend0n1 /!
P09: U8; Use or Intera9t 20th an Ob<e9t /!
5a0t /$
Mo=0n1 /$
+eh09les 0n 9o>bat /(
#0re ar>s /(
Pr0>0t0=e 2ea8onr? /(
D0fferent s0@ed 2ea8ons /(
T?809al =eh09les 33
O=erland Tra=el 3!
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
5aterborne Tra=el 3!
Tra=el0n1 b? A0r 3!
&e9o>0n1 Lost 3$
L0fe s90en9e 3)
Al9he>? 4.
Ener1? and >a9h0ne >aster? 4-
O8t0onal R7le% L0n1er0n1 "orror !$
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
A role-'laying game (R)* +rom no, on- is a uni.ue ,ay to e/'erien&e adventures0 1very 'layer gets to determine
the a&tions o+ a &hara&ter living in a +antasy ,orld2 in the &ase o+ this game, the &hara&ters ,ill all be heroes0 #e+ore
the a&tion &an begin, ho,ever, ea&h 'layer must &reate his or her &hara&ter (&alled a 'layer &hara&ter or )C- by
+ollo,ing the game3s rules +or &hara&ter generation0
ne 'layer o+ a di++erent $ind, $no,n as the Re+eree or
*ame !aster (*!-, ,ill not &reate a 'layer &hara&ter0
4e or she must instead learn the details o+ the game3s
rules and imagine an adventure +or the 'layers to have0
+ &ourse, this almost al,ays involves &oming u' ,ith a
variety o+ &hara&ters +or the other 'layers to meet (these
are &alled non-'layer &hara&ters or %)Cs-0
"he Re+eree ,ill &ontrol all o+ the %)Cs and ,ill
determine the &ourse o+ the game mu&h as a dire&tor
&ontrols a movie0
"he Re+eree doesn5t need to learn by heart ea&h and
every rule, but it is hel'+ul to $no, ,here to +ind things
.ui&$ly ,hen they are needed so that he or she &an
6,ing it6 ,ithout slo,ing do,n the game0
"he most im'ortant thing to remember is that a Re+eree
must not abuse his or her 'o,ers to the detriment o+ the
game or the other 'layers2 +airness should al,ays be
the +irst 'riority0 An adventure and some adventure
ideas are 'rovided in this boo$ to hel' novi&e *ame
!asters get started0
A gaming session usually ,or$s this ,ay7 +irst, the
*ame !aster tells the 'layers ,hat situation their
&hara&ters +ind themselves in along ,ith ,hat they see
and hear0
"he 'layers then tell the *! ,hat their )Cs are going to
"he Re+eree res'onds by telling the 'layers ,hat
ha''ened as a &onse.uen&e o+ their a&tions (using the
rules and some di&e rolls i+ ne&essary-0
"his goes on ba&$ and +orth until the adventure is
&on&luded in -- usually -- t,o or three game sessions0
"o ma$e the game more immersive, 'layers generally
s'ea$ in the +irst 'erson as i+ they are their &hara&ters
,hile 'laying0
As +ar as e.ui'ment goes, you don3t need too many
things to 'lay su&&ess+ully0
Under the moons of Zoon ma$es use o+ &ommon,
si/-sided di&e0 8henever a di&e roll is &alled +or in
these rules, it ,ill be des&ribed using standard R)* di&e
notation o+ the +orm 9/:y0;
"he +irst number be+ore the 6:6 is the number o+ di&e to
be rolled2 the number a+ter the 6:6 is the ty'e o+ die to
be rolled0
For e/am'le, 63:<6 means you have to roll three
si/-sided di&e0 63:<=16 means you have to roll three
si/-sided di&e and add one to the resulting total, ,hile
63:<-26 means you have to roll three si/-sided di&e and
subtra&t t,o +rom the resulting total0 61>2:<6 or 61:<>26
means roll 1:< and halve the result0
(Attribute-:< means to roll a number o+ di&e e.ual to the
'layer3s s&ore in the listed Attribute - Attributes ,ill be
des&ribed in more detail in the &ha'ter on &hara&ter
A note on division7 round all +ra&tions u' unless told
other,ise in the s'e&i+i& &ase0
Examples: 1/am'les o+ a&tual game 'lay have been
laid out throughout the ruleboo$ in bo/es li$e this one
to hel' *ame !asters learn the game0
Settin& and atmosphere
?nder the moons o+ @oon has three 9literary 'arents;
,hose atmos'here it strives to &a'ture0
"he +irst and most evidently in+luential- 'arent are
9A,ord and )lanet; and 9)lanetary Roman&e; tales
made 'o'ular by 10R0 #urroughs (,ith Bohn Carter o+
!ars, the 'rototy'e o+ any hero to &ome in this +ield- and
its multitude o+ imitators0
"hese &a'tivating adventure stories 'redated 9'ro'er;
A&ien&e Fi&tion and mi/ed roman&e, 'ul' adventure,
and +antasti& elements ,ithout mu&h regard +or s&ienti+i&
"he genre ,ent through a revival in the <03s ,ith ne,
authors adding their inter'retation and sensibilities to
this literary genre0
"he se&ond 'arent are dar$ +antasy tales o+ the 'ul'
era7 ,eird tales o+ alien horrors made 'o'ular by C0A0
Amith and 40)0 Love&ra+t0
"hese +amous tales ty'i&ally dealt ,ith the idea o+
&iviliCation +alling into de&aden&e and atavism or
struggling against barbarism (internal or e/ternal-0
Dn both &ases the +all is +ostered by alien beings o+
immense and +orbidden 'o,ers and evil intents0
"he last 'arent is a'o&aly'ti& and 'ost-modern AF as
e/em'li+ied by the ,or$s o+ !0 Bohn 4arrison and *ene
All these 9'arents; deal ,ith some re&urring themes in
their ,or$s0 *!s a''ealing to these themes ,ill +ind the
setting and the game easier to understand0
"his, in &hange, &an hel' ma$e the game more
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
enEoyable +or 'layers0
A,ashbu&$ling a&tion
#la&$ and ,hite moral &odes
Forbidden 'o,ers and Corru'tion
Alien horrors
"rue love
CiviliCation vs0 #arbarism
:e&aden&e and a glorious 'ast
Sources of Inspiration
4ere +ollo,s a list o+ ins'irational sour&es +or running
games on @oon7
John Carter of Mars series, by 1dgar Ri&e #urroughs
Michael Kane of Mars series, by !i&hael !oor&o&$
Sojan the swordsman series, by !i&hael !oor&o&$
Planet Krishna, by A'rague L0 :e Cam'
Hawkmoon series, by !i&hael !oor&o&$
The book of the New Sn, by *ene 8ol+e
!iriconim series, by !0 Bohn 4arrison
The "#in$ %arth, by Ea&$ Fan&e
The Mars&Stark stories, by Leigh #ra&$ett
Zothi'e, H#(erborea and )*eroi$ne series, by Clar$
Ashton Amith
)lmric, by R010 4o,ard
The Maji(oor series, by Robert Ailverberg
"he ,or$s o+ 4) Love&ra+t ('arti&ularly7 The color ot of
s(ace, +e#ond the wall of slee(, "ream&'est for
Unknown Kadath, The thin$ on the doorste(, The doom
that came to Sarnath, N#arlathote(, Polaris, The
"nwich horror, The Hanter of the "ark,The shadow
ot of time, )t the montains of madness, The Shadow
,*er -nnsmoth, The .his(erer in "arkness -
!omics ) %o*ies
/lash 0ordon, in all its 'ossible in&arnations0
0amma .orld, by "AR
S(ace 1223, by *:8
The "i&ht Pole esert
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
"he +ar a,ay 'lanet @oon, one o+ the moons o+ the ringed gas giant @artru, used to be a hos'itable 'lanet in ages
A &om'lete +lora and +auna thrived on the distant moon, and the humanoid #rute ra&e thrived on its sur+a&e0 Alien
invaders +rom the de'ths o+ s'a&e o&&u'ied @oon, &reating a servitor ra&e o+ Aer'entmen ($no,n as 9"he Firstborn;-
to submit the ignorant #rutes, and the #rutes adored them as gods des&ending +rom the A$ies0
"he Firstborn resear&hed almost any $ind o+ s&ien&e (and evolving humans +rom #rutes- yet destroyed themselves
,ith their )sioni&al e/'eriments meddling in the a++airs o+ their alien *ods, the 4orrors0
"he surviving @oonian humans, even be+ore humanity had develo'ed on earth, built an evolved &ulture and a
so'histi&ated s&ien&e based on the remains o+ the Firstborn so&iety0
@oonians develo'ed aeros'a&e +lights, 'sioni&s, a &ure +or &an&er and ,here advan&ed in all $inds o+ s&ienti+i&
develo'ments most o+ ,hom are not to this day even theoreti&al s&ien&es on earth0
#ut the @oonians ,ere a divided, ,arring, ra&e0
!i/ing their love +or ,ar and s&ien&e these titans +inally &on&o&ted their o,n undoing, during one o+ the &ontinuous
,ars bet,een the &ity states the ultimate ,ea'on they had develo'ed mis+ired horribly 'lunging the moon o+ @artru in
a horrible man-made a'o&aly'se0
Ao 'o,er+ul ,as the energy released that the moon ,as tidally lo&$ed in syn&hronous orbit to its 'rimary 'lanet
@artru0 "his bought &haoti& &limati& and geomor'hi& &hanges that destroyed about G0H o+ the +auna and +lora
'lunging the Coonians into a ne, middle age and the struggle +or survival0
Iet not all is lost as ne, $ingdoms and &ity states &lambered +rom the +all o+ &iviliCation0
"he @artru sub system is very +ar a,ay +rom it star, a
,hite d,ar+ ,hose light is brightly re+le&ted on @artru3s
reddish sur+a&e0
@oon is the largest o+ the 4 satellites o+ @artru, the other
large moons being Rae, D'tes, and "estis0 @oon3s
diameter is almost +our times that o+ the earth3s moon
,ith a 130000= $ilometers e.uator0
#eing tidally lo&$ed to @artru, @oon has no daynight
&y&le on its o,n, this being re'la&ed by its rotation
around @artru that ta$es about 32 earth days, all light on
@oon &omes +rom its gaseous 'rimary, its rings and the
sister moons0
*eogra'hi&ally @oon is divided in three areas7 "he
sno,y and mountainous :ar$ 'ole, the t,ilight 'lains (a
green land stret&hing li$e a ring +rom the north to the
south 'ole- and the +lat, deserti& and ever hot Light 'ole
(so &alled +or the ever 'resent @artru and its rings
&rossing its s$ies-0
All three Cones are still 'o&$-mar$ed by vast areas o+
land a++e&ted by the Curse, a lingering mysterious
disease lega&y o+ the 'o,er+ul ,ea'ons em'loyed in
the a'o&aly'se that lo&$ed @oon0 An abundan&e o+
humidity has given birth to a multitude o+ s,am's and
@oon3s ,eather is variable to say the least, &om'leting a
+ull seasonal rotation +or ea&h o+ its days, the most
e/treme ,eather &hanges, ho,ever, ha''en on the
:ar$ 'ole and the Light 'ole0
@oon3s vegetation in the ",ilight @one and the :ar$ 'ole
is &om'osed o+ li&hens, mushroom and +ungi2 the only
'lants &a'able o+ surviving the +ast and devastating
seasonal &y&le o+ the sur+a&e0
?ltra tough &a&ti are the only 'lants &a'able o+ surviving
at the margins o+ the Light )ole0
@oon3s e/'losive s'rings are another interesting
'henomena as ,hole Eungles o+ tree siCed +ungi gro, to
+ull siCe in rather +ast times0
"he more tem'erate Cone, the ",ilight Ring is the most
densely inhabited area, than$s to a +riendlier &limate and
mor'hology0 Almost all o+ @oon3s &iviliCed inhabitants
reside in the ne, &ity states in this area, as do most o+
its +auna and its barbari& sentients0 @oon3s 'o'ulation is
estimated at 300 million 4umans and 1J0 million #rutes0
Species of Zoon
"he dominant s'e&ies o+ @oon is not at all unli$e our
o,n human s'e&ies, all ethni&al variants o+ humanity
are re'resented on @oon ,ith golden bro,n &om'le/ion,
bla&$ hair and eyes (,ith a mar$ed e'i&anthi& +old-
being the most di++used0 4umans on all o+ @oon have a
&ity-based, aristo&rati& (yet se/ually egalitarian- so&iety
divided in &astes0
"he u''ermost &lass is the 8arrior aristo&ra&y and its
a''ointed leader (a $ing ele&ted +or li+e amongst the
greatest and most &unning o+ ,arriors-, Ate,ards
(a''ointed government o++i&ials- are the se&ond &lass
,ith the Learned nes (mer&hants, &ra+tsmen and
s&ientists- on the third ladder, Farmers are the ne/t
lo,er &lass ,ith Alaves (either &onvi&ted &riminals or
'risoners o+ ,ar- and ut&asts being the lo,est o+ all0
A stri&t eti.uette regulates dealings bet,een &astes and
individuals, ,ith a 'arti&ular a&&ent on emotional
restraint0 Also ,ar and individual +ights are regulated by
a &lassi& &hivalri& &ode derived +rom early
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
'ost-a'o&aly'se times- that only outla,s do not +ollo,0
"he real di++eren&e bet,een @oon3s humans and earth3s
humans is their 'sioni& 'otential, many inhabitants o+
@oon (its maEority- sho, 'otential +or tele'athi&,
tele$ineti& or other,ise in&redible mental +eats0 Religion
on @oon is usually limited to revering o+ the an&ients and
4uman $ingdoms develo'ed a stable and &om'le/
e&onomi& system based on silver ,eight units &alled
"haari2 some o+ them em'loy 'a'er money as ,ell0
Ailver thaaris usually ta$es the +orm o+ hack&sil*er4
'ersonal Ee,elry &reated ,ith a so+t silver league to be
&ut to 'ie&es in order to 'ay +ees0
"he other sentient ra&e o+ @oon is that o+ the humanli$e
albino +rtes0 #rutes are related to @oon3s humans li$e
the %eanderthal is related to earth3s 4omo sa'iens, the
t,o ra&es ho,ever are not inter-+ertile0
#rutes are about three meters tall ,ith a tough leather
li$e s$in, lo, +oreheads and massive Ea,s0 All brutes are
&olor blind but have 'o,er+ul night sight0
4o,ever dim-,itted, #rutes are not stu'id, they s'ea$
their o,n tongue and &an learn to use s&avenged items
o+ higher te&hnology given time or i+ taught0
"heir &ulture is that o+ the no&turnal hunter-gatherer,
,ith a 'en&hant +or &annibalism (religious or not- and
their te&hnologi&al level is e/tremely lo,, e.uivalent to
Atone Age earth &ulture0 #rutes, li$e @oon3s humans,
are not a united nation and are instead divided in
,arring tribes ea&h one +ollo,ing a 9$ing;0 4o,ever
#rutes3 so&iety is not governed by eti.uette or &hivalri&
&odes7 survival o+ the +ittest is the only real la,0
#rute tribes are stri&tly male dominated and have a
barter based e&onomy0
)robably living in 'rote&ted areas till the advent o+ man
,rought a'o&aly'se, #rutes run no, ram'ant in the
ruins o+ old &ities and the ,ilderness o+ the %ight )ole0
"hey harbor a dee' hatred o+ the smaller human ra&e
,hi&h they usually hunt and $ill ,ith great Eoy0 Li$e
humans, #rutes dis'lay 'sioni& 'otential0
5e0rd &easts
@oon is home to many s'e&ies most o+ ,hi&h have a
similarity ,ith earth3s ones7 sna$es, dogs K a +e,
sele&ted ra&es are s'e&i+i&ally native to @oon, i+ these
are natural s'e&ies or biologi&al e/'eriments o+ the
An&ients is not $no,n7 #asilis$s, undead and automaton
stal$ the land s&ourging the lives o+ unde+ended
Dn the dar$est &orners o+ @oon &osmi& horrors
summoned by the Firstborn bide their time to bring
death to li+e0
@oon3s &ultures are mostly atheisti& or at least non
theisti&0 @oonians seem more interested in &ults o+
an&estors or 'ersonal im'rovement &ults and
The Enl01htened
%ot a real religion, the enlightened are &on&laves o+
'sioni& individuals leading a monasti& and &ommunisti&
li+e2 they are usually a +ree heaven +or 'eo'le see$ing
shelter or &ounsel0
1nlightened en&laves also train 'eo'le in 'sioni&
The 5or> C7lt
"he *reat 8orm &ult is the thing nearest to Aatanism
you &an +ind on @oon, it is mostly 'ra&ti&ed by humans
and some #rute0
Dts believers and 'ra&titioners thin$ that the a'o&aly'se
,as the best thing ever in @oonian history, and ,ant it
Loonies, delusional madman and 'o,er hungry lunati&s
&om'rise the maEority o+ ,orm &ultists0 "he great 8orm
Cult is outla, in all @oon0
Dts insignia is a &urling dragon li$e ser'ent biting his tail
(9"he *reat 8orm;- usually &ast in bronCe in the sha'e
o+ a ring, &ultists traditionally ,ear red tuni&s to''ed by
a mas$ed &a' ,ith antlers0
#elievers 'ra&ti&e terrorism, mass murder and human
sa&ri+i&e0 !ost 8orm &ults are a&tually lead by surviving
Firstborn venerated as living gods0
"he &ult a&tually 'ays homage to the :ee' A'a&e
4orrors that reside both in the &old de'ths o+ A'a&e and
,ithin the dar$est &orners o+ the mind0

The An9estors
"he &ult o+ the an&estors is the most ,ides'read religion
o+ @oon and 'ra&ti&ed by all intelligent sentients0
"his &ult reveres one3s o,n dead and their
a&hievements and the a&hievements o+ ages 'ast in
general0 Dt greatly values +amily and 'ersonal 'ride and
the idea that one ,ill be res'onsible o+ his a&tions
be+ore his relatives the day he dies0 Dt strongly o''oses
the 8yrm &ult0
The C7lt of Assass0ns
"he Cult o+ Assassins is an all-human se&ret &ult,
a&tually more o+ an underground 'oliti&al 'arty than a
religion0 #elievers are 'art o+ a se&ret guild o+
mer&enary assassins, notorious +or their disdain +or the
&hivalri& &ode0 "he guild in itsel+ has a 'oliti&al agenda
based on the 9:ivide and &on.uer; 'rin&i'le0 "he Cult o+
Assassins is ho,ever dee'ly +ragmented ,ith lots o+
inner 'oliti&al 'arties0 !embers re&ogniCe ea&h other by
hidden tattoos and sign language0 All assassins ,ear a
metal mas$ as a uni+orm and at 'arty meetings0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
"he average te&hnologi&al level o+ @oon3s &ity states is
that o+ the late renaissan&e to early modern era (earth3s
to 1G
All items &ra+ted by @oons3 s&ientists, artists and
&ra+tsmen are heavily de&orated7 +iligree, gems,
're&ious materials are usually em'loyed +or many items
o+ &ommon use0 An attitude inherited +rom the 'revious
inhuman masters and their baro.ue tastes0
n @oon aestheti&s are never &onsidered as something
se'arated +rom +un&tionality0
1/&e'tions to this overall average te&hnologi&al level o+
develo'ment are &onstituted by the automatons and
+lying ma&hines o+ @oon and the develo'ment o+ inner
bio-mental s&ien&es7 'sioni& and ,eird s&ien&e0
)sioni& 'o,ers do not grant e/traordinary so&ial status
nor &arry so&ial stigma ,ith them, generally they are
seen Eust li$e any other +ield o+ study that a 'erson &an
devote itsel+ to0 nly the use and study o+ the dis&i'lines
o+ A''ortation and Aa&ri+i&e is +ro,ned u'on, due to its
lin$ ,ith the :ee' A'a&e 4orrors0
8eird s&ien&e has a slightly di++erent 'la&e in @oon3s
human so&iety7 +e, dare dig the se&rets o+ the an&ients,
and those +e, are regarded ,ith a,ed distrust, although
not outright hatred e/&e't in the most &onservative o+
A ty'i&al ,eird s&ientist ,or$s alone (or ,ith one
+avored 'u'il that ,ill one +ar a,ay day inherit its
se&rets- in his san&ta san&torum2 no 9,eird s&ientists3
guild; e/ist, as ,eird s&ientists are Eealous o+ their
dis&overies and al,ays a+raid someone ,ill steal their
8eird s&ientists - being su&h a se&retive and solitary lot
- do not ,or$ hard to a&hieve a better 'ubli& vie, o+
their a&tivities0
#iologi&al gra+ts have lately be&ome a 'o'ular +ashion
amongst middle and lo,-&aste human &itiCens, ,hile
aristo&rats disdain any sort o+ 'ersonal augmentation0
#rutes on their 'art are a stone-age>early metal &ulture
,ith a dee' +ear o+ the un$no,n0
#rute 'sions usually a&t as tribal 8it&h do&tors and no
#rute A&ientist e/ists0
8eird A&ien&e arti+a&ts raise a #rutes3 dee'est +ears0
4umans tend to +avor 'ra&ti&al and light &lothing7
loin&loths and sandals are standard and both se/es go
around bare-&hested, u''er &lass individuals are usually
re&ogniCable by the amount and .uality o+ Ee,elry ,orn2
es'e&ially by the number o+ thaari bra&elets0
!iddle or u''er &lass individuals al,ays ,ear a high
leather belt &arrying at least one dagger and >or 'istol0
Fighters by trade &an be re&ogniCed by their ,earing
armor, ,hile assassin &ult members s'ort tattoos and
mas$s ,here their &ult is not outla,ed0
Dn es'e&ially rigid &limates ,oolen or +ur &loa$s are
added, and the loin&loth be&omes a 'air o+ stout
trousers and boots0
#rutes ,ear similar out+its but their Ee,elry is usually
made o+ hard stones0
Fur and leather are 'redominant in #rute +ashion
#oth ra&es use &osmeti&s +or both se/es7 all individuals
are e/'e&ted to bear tribal 'aintings e/'li&itly de&laring
their hometo,n or tribe, only &lan-less individuals and
outla,s do not ,ear tribal 'aint0
!ommunications and Tra*el
4uman &ity-states rely on di++erent means o+
&ommuni&ation and travel0 "he most advan&ed ones
ma$e a ,ide use o+ Airshi' &ouriers, radio
&ommuni&ations and heliogra'hi& signals ,hile the least
te&hnologi&ally develo'ed still use human &ouriers that
ride the land0
#rutes instead rely on drum and smo$e signals +or
intertribal &ommuni&ations0
"he in&redibly &hanging ,eather, hungry monsters,
marauding outla,s and the Curse ma$e o+ travel a very
deli&ate matter on @oon3s dangerous sur+a&e7 those ,ho
&an usually travel by airshi' so to avoid the maEority o+
dangers (but ris$ing be&oming 'rey to s$y 'irates and
+lo&$s o+ ,yverns-0
"hose that &an not a++ord airshi' traveling usually
be&ome 'art o+ the ,ell-armed trading &aravans that
regularly &ross the sur+a&e0 8hile vast tra&ts o+ Aea
&over @oon3s sur+a&e, sailing ,as never a 'o'ular
a&tivity amongst @oonians e/&e't +or #rutes0
#rutes raiding 'arty are a &onsistent threat to sea-side
Zoon.s !ities
"he maEority o+ @oon3s &ities have been built by the
An&ients, the modern &ity-states a&tually +ormed around
the +e, ones that survived the a'o&aly'se as nomad
tribes &oales&ed around these veritable treasure troves
o+ an&ient se&rets0
"hus the &ities (inhabited or not- are the +oremost
remaining reli&s o+ a glorious 'ast and o+ a ,orld
irremediably gone by0
An&ient ar&hite&ture (mainly &om'osed o+ s$y s&ra'ing
buildings and Ciggurat style 'yramids ,ith unbelievably
vast dungeons underneath and airshi' do&$s at the to'-
usually +orms the beEe,eled steel and marble &ore o+ the
&ities inhabited by the high and lo, aristo&ra&y0
Dnhabited &ities usually surround these s$y +ortresses
,ith a +irst belt o+ +orti+i&ations and middle &lass
neighborhoods made o+ &ontem'orary buildings7 these
usually are stout one or t,o storey stone buildings o+
'olished marble and stone0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
A se&ond ,all se'arates the middle &lass homes +rom
the lo,er &aste slums, s'ra,ling suburbs o+ &rudely
&arved stone, timber and mud0
Lands ruled by a &ity state are ty'i&ally &leared o+
+orests and s,am's so that industrial s&ale agri&ulture
&an be em'loyed ,ith thousands o+ slaves ,or$ing the
&are+ully 'loughed +ields0
"he &ities3 &ore and middle &lass .uarters have both
e/&ellent 'lumbing, heating and e++i&ient light sour&es
due to the harnessing o+ Cosmi& Rays 'o,er &oming
+rom an&ient Colle&tor3s hidden in the &ore3s
underground vaults, no su&h things e/ist in the slums0
Abandoned &ities are a really haunting vista7 hollo,ed
out, enormous +res&oed buildings o+ the an&ients,
in+ested by all $inds o+ +ero&ious beasts and monsters0
Luite a +e, o+ those dead to,ns are a++e&ted by the
Curse or inhabited by &raCed automatons, still &arrying
out orders re&eived by masters that died millennia ago0
%o matter ,hat treasure hunters $ee' &oming to these
dangerous 'la&es ho'ing to +ind a +ortune, also outla,s
and nomad #rute &lans +avor abandoned &ities as
'rief Timeline of Zoon
1567666 #ears a$o& #rutes a&hieve intelligen&e and
develo' a Atone Age so&iety on @oon0
1867666 #ears a$o& Alien ,anderers $no,n as :ee'
A'a&e 4orrors rea&h @oon and start mining the
)si-&rystals on the sur+a&e0 "he 4orrors submit the
#rutes than$s to their su'erior te&hnology and 'o,ers,
both o+ mind and body0
Dn time the 4orrors use advan&ed geneti&s to engineer
the Firstborn ra&e +rom the native #asilis$s (a 'sioni&ally
a&tive re'tile- to serve as elite slaves0
1667666 #ears a$o& Dnterne&ine ,ar+are brings the
4orrors to leave @oon and return to their homes in the
de'ths o+ s'a&e, the Firstborn rise to 'o,er establishing
a theo&rati& em'ire based on their o,n divinity0 "enuous
'sioni& &onta&t ,ith the 4orrors is maintained by the
967666 #ears a$o& "he Firstborn start a geneti& 'rogram
to evolve the #rutes7 the human ra&e is born0 4umanity
goes to +ill the ni&he that Firstborns &overed under the
4orror3s rule7 elite servants0
567666 #ears a$o& "he Firstborn develo' a star +aring
&iviliCation re-establishing &onta&t ,ith their an&ient
:67666 to ;67666 #ears a$o& "he internal ,ar o+ the
4orrors rea&hes @oon7 4uman slaves em'o,ered by
)sioni&s and stolen s&ienti+i& se&rets- seiCe the
o''ortunity to start the +irst rebellions against their
monstrous masters0 @oon undergoes its +irst a'o&aly'se
as a 'sioni& mass-atta&$ by the Firstborn on enemy
4orrors mis+ires0 "he ,ar amongst 4orrors return to
dee' s'a&e and the Firstborn 1m'ire &olla'ses0

;67666 to 167666 #ears a$o& 4uman $ingdoms are born
+rom the ashes o+ the Firstborn 1m'ire7 in a rather short
time the diverse human nation-states rea&h great
te&hnologi&al and &ultural heights0 #rutes return to
,ilderness areas, o&&asionally harassing the borders o+
the ne, $ingdoms0 Aome historians maintain that
&onta&t ,ith the 4orrors ,as re-established at the end o+
this 'eriod, and that the 4orrors 'lanted the seeds +or
humanity3s undoing0
167666 #ears a$o& All out ,ar e/'lodes amongst
humans0 "he massive em'loyment o+ Curse-bombs
alters @oon3s orbit, tidal-lo&$ing it to @artru and
resha'ing dramati&ally its sur+a&e0
167666 #ears a$o to Now& A ne, aristo&rati& so&iety
ta$es sha'e out o+ surviving tribes o+ humans, the most
'o,er+ul ta$e hold o+ the &ities o+ the an&ients0
"an&ua&es of Zoon
All main languages on @oon derive +rom one o+ t,o
e/isting linguisti& roots7 Muug (the language o+ #rutes-
and Aasshalish (the language o+ the Firstborn, itsel+
derived +rom the language o+ the :ee' A'a&e 4orrors-0
Languages +orm the Muug +amily &om'rise7 Muug, ld
@oonian, @oonian trade s'ee&h0
Muug is the sim'le language o+ #rutes and has &hanged
very little in the &ourse o+ millennia0 Dt has t,o ,ritten
+orms7 'i&tograms and ins&ri'tions, &arved on stones at
tribal meeting 'oints0 "he al'habet is &om'osed o+ sets
o+ 'arallel lines (numbering one to +ive- meeting or
&rossing a base line, usually the &orner o+ a stone0
ld @oonian is a more evolved language s'o$en by the
An&ients be+ore the a'o&aly'se0 Dt is strongly based on
Muug ,ith some Aasshalish terms and in+le&tions0 "he
,ritten al'habet is &om'osed o+ +lo,ery 'i&tograms0
@oonian trade language is the language &urrently
s'o$en by @oon3s human &ultures0 A debased and
sim'li+ied +orm o+ ld @oonian0
"he Aasshalish +amily &om'rises only Aasshalish itsel+7
a language &om'letely alien to @oon and related to the
language o+ the :ee' A'a&e 4orrors0
"he Aasshalish al'habet is a set o+ round,
&lose-&ro''ed &hara&ters0
An additional 9language; e/ists on @oon $no,n as !as$
:an&e0 !as$ dan&e is a &om'le/ set o+ &oded hand
gestures and ,histles used by Assassin Cults0
A ,ritten +orm o+ !as$ :an&e also e/ists and is
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
em'loyed to leave brie+ messages to other Cult
1a&h Cult has a slightly di++erent &ode yet
&ommuni&ation bet,een di++erent Cults is 'ossible0
Namin& con*entions and honorific titles
Dndividuals on @oon have usually tri'artite names li$e
9Muur Alm ghd;, the +irst 'art is the 'erson3s First
name, the se&ond 'art is the name o+ the same-se/
'arent, and the third 'art is the name o+ the other
'arent0 Ao 9Muur Alm ghd; is Muur son o+ Alm and
ghd0 "o this ran$ and tribe are usually added at the
end so that Muur Alm ghd, @oolam o+ Fhime means7
Muur son o+ Alm and ghd, noble o+ Fhime0
#rutes use the same naming &onventions and honori+i&
titles that humans do0
'rief Zoonian Trade Speech ictionary
/emale nons ha*e an additional <=a> sffi?
Alaf- ,ne meter
Balfar- Militar# nit of 166 men
Balfarrad- Militar# nit of 16 men
Garla- ,ne da#@#ear of Zoon A8; earth da#sB
Garlarad- ,ne of Zoon seasons A2 earth da#sB
Girneth- Honor Aliterall# <face>B
Kalat- <So be itC>
Harlat- ZoonDs smmer afternoon
Illith- ZoonDs winter# ni$ht
Iptes- .hite moon of Zartr
Lagnak- ZoonDs atmn e*enin$
Lam- Man
Nathog - Clan&less indi*idal, otlaw
Nudrad- <.ell metC>
Rad- Small Asffi?B
Rae- Small ble moon of Zartr, considered a $ood
alfa- ZoonDs s(rin$ mornin$
!ar - Sla*e or "o$ Ased as insltB
!estis- Pr(le moon of Zartr, considered a bad omen
"m - 0reat Aadjecti*e, (refi?B
"malaf- ,ne mile
"m#alfar- Militar# nit of 1666 men
"mtar $H$e canine creatres sed as monts b#
Zoons hman cltres Aliterall# <$reat do$>B
"m%oolam - Kin$
"mgarla- ,ne #ear of Zartr Aabot 16 of earth
#ears,1;6 0arla B
&artru- 0aseos $iant arond which Zoon orbits
&oolam'a $ Noble man@noble woman
&oolamrad'a- Pett# noble, $o*ernment officer
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Geo&raphy of Zoon
The "i&ht Pole
"his vast desert is littered ,ith the ruins o+ an&ient &ities,
both human and non-human, lin$ed by the remnants o+
&on&rete and steel ld Roads0 Large areas surrounding
some o+ the nameless ruins have dee'ly been hit by the
Curse0 "he Light )ole3s ,eather is in&redibly hot and
still, o&&asionally bro$en by savage daily lightning
Fe, &reatures &an survive in this environment7 no
vegetation e/ists and the only ,ater e/isting in the area
is brought by the tidal +lats areas at its borders0 Iet the
Light )ole harbors some li+e0
*houls stal$ its ruins at the &ommand o+ the o&&asional
outla, 8eird A&ientists or &ommanding Fam'ires,
s&or'ions hide in sand and 8yverns live in the
mountains at its borders0
!ost horri+ying o+ all the li+e +orms o+ the Light )ole, yet,
are the +e, remaining Firstborn0
"here, hidden in the dee'est and most an&ient vaults,
they lead the 8yrm &ult 'lanning to use it to overthro,
do,n ,hat they see as the u'start 4uman $ingdoms0
At their &ommand the leaders o+ the Cult (ominous
man-sna$e hybrids &reated by ,eird s&ien&e gra+ts-
send do,n assassins and s'ies all a&ross @oon to
're'are +or the ne, &oming o+ the :ee' A'a&e 4orrors0
%eanin&ful locations
The Silt Sea
A vast and unusual- body o+ ,ater in the northern
rea&hes o+ the Light 'ole0 "he silt sea is &om'osed o+
heavily salted ,ater mi/ed ,ith 'e&uliar &rystals0 "he
,ater is so thi&$ that 'eo'le &an almost ,al$ on it0
"he Ailt Aea is a +avorite hunting ground +or )sivores0
"he best .uality o+ )si-Crystals is +ound ra, in its
,aters0 Dt is told that the birth o+ the Ailt Aea is
&onne&ted to the death o+ the &ity buried under its
sili&ate ,aves0
An unusual &ity state, "hat ?vid is lead not by an
aristo&ra&y or a Ning but by a &ommittee o+ :i&tators
&hosen amongst the &ity3s 'hiloso'hers0 "hat ?vid is
heavily in+iltrated by the assassin &ults $no,n as the
*reen Atone Feet and the Iello, Legion0

Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
)haasil is @oon3s Casablan&a7 a s'ot +or adventurers,
outla,s and mer&enaries, door to the Light 'ole desert
and its mysteries0 )haasil is anar&histi& in the e/treme7
no government e/ists and 'o,er+ul mer&hants
&ommand the lo&al mob en+or&ing a sort o+ armed
'ea&e0 "he &ity is also +amous +or its &oo$ing s'e&ialty7
roasted #asilis$, the nearby s,am's being notoriously
#asilis$ in+ested0
Large 'ort at the to' o+ Aand #ay it3s the third 'arty in
the eternal ,ar bet,een ?dd and !a-?dd &hanging
sides as it is more &onvenient0 !ilitary e/'erts su''ort
the idea that Atiilitt started the ,ar to avoid the ",in
&ities3 stranglehold on Aand #ay and a&&ess to the
:ay,ard &ean0
Amall and 'oor 'ort on the A'ring Aea, it has been
subEe&t both to Ia&ind and maba0
Fabled &ity o+ the Firstborn, o+ un&ertain lo&ation0
Dt is said that many men die daily in the gladiatorial 'its
under the huge basalt tem'les o+ the :ee' A'a&e
The T/ili&ht Zone
"he ",ilight @one ,ould have an almost 'ermanent
tem'erate ,eather, ,eren3t it +or the .uir$y seasonal
&y&les o+ @oon0
1ven i+ most o+ its territories are &overed by lush +orest
and s,am's, the ",ilight @one has been +ound to be
the best 'la&e to rebuild a &iviliCation +or survivors o+ the
Also Curse in+ested areas in this @one are limited to
almost only the *ul+ o+ Remembran&e0
%eanin&ful locations
9Flo,er o+ @oon; has been &alled 4eli&on0 A
Constitutional !onar&hy in bloom that is 'assing
through a real renaissan&e, 4eli&on is easily the most
te&hnologi&ally advan&ed City Atate on the 'lanet ,hose
?mCoolam (Aeth Naal 4aargul- is himsel+ a reno,ned
s&ientist0 4eli&on stands +or +reedom, Eusti&e and
$no,ledge0 Ddeals it is ready to u'hold re&urring to its
8hite Nnights7 &erami& armed elite air-trans'orted units
,hose &rusta&ean bone-,hite armor stri$e +ear in the
heart o+ all o+ 4eli&on3s enemies0
n&e the natural enemy o+ 4eli&on is today 'art o+ its
bustling $ingdom0 Fhime is home to the 4eli&onian
Air-Cavalry and is the +ie+ o+ the Dvory )rin&e, the heir to
4eli&on3s Ningdom0 "he )rin&e3s head.uarters is the
military +leet3s radar>radio bea&on to,er $no,n as the
Ning3s Finger
"he eastern most &ity in the triangle &om'osed by
4eli&on, Fhime and itsel+, 9%ameless; is a &ity so old its
name is lost in time0 "he &ity still holds many o+ the
&lassi&al buildings o+ an&ient @oon7 @iggurats0
As its namesa$e, the ruler is the %ameless ne ele&ted
every +ive years by a &oun&il o+ 'eers among the military
aristo&ra&y0 %ameless has a strong tradition o+
'rodu&ing e/&ellent Assassins, and some say that the
Cult originated here as a se&ret 'oli&e o+ the %ameless
ne0 %ameless is the head.uarter o+ the Cult o+
Assassins and its strongest 'arty7 "he )ur'le
Chrysanthemum )hiloso'hi&al Ao&iety0
Frost&uard Island
n&e a thriving Aea $ingdom, Frostguard Dsland is today
the home o+ the most 'o,er+ul and advan&ed #rute
Clan7 "he 4urdarr0 Clan 4urdarr, arrived at Frostguard
no more then 20 years ago +leeing an unnamed threat in
the %ight )ole0
Led by 4urd -an in&redibly &anny #rute- they either
$illed or enslaved the auto&hthonous humans0
4o,ever aging, 4urd, still holds 'o,er ,ith an iron +ist,
ho,ever his numerous &hildren gro, restless and bi&$er
&ontinuously +or 'o,er0 "o this day 4urd has $illed no
less then three sons in a duel +or &hie+dom o+ the Clan0
4urdarr is no more a nomadi& &lan and resides almost
all year long at Frostguard to,n by the sea yet the
#rutes avoid the ghost haunted +ortress ruin o+ &astle
Gulf of Remem3rance
Along ,ith the Light )ole this is the most Curse Ridden
'art o+ @oon0 #e+ore the a'o&aly'se the *ul+ itsel+ ,as a
heavily 'o'ulated 'lateau, yet one o+ the unnamable
,ea'ons used in the a'o&aly'se 'lunged it +rom its lo+ty
heights to the bottom o+ the sea0
"he *ul+3s Aea is rather shallo,, a&tually more o+ a
lagoon ,ith &ities hal+ sun$ under its ,aters0
Farious treasure hunters &ome here to +ish its sun$en
&ities +or an&ient treasures +ighting ,ith the haggard
'irate +leets o+ ?ru$aan, sel+-'ro&laimed 'irate $ing o+
the *ul+0
Unit 45
%othing is $no,n o+ unit JO save that it is a &ity state run
by Automaton and their mysterious leader only $no,n
as the Central ?nit0 A&ientists o+ @oon su''ose that it is
the last remaining laboratory o+ the An&ients still run by
the only remaining +un&tional automati& brain on the
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Udd and %a-Udd
"he sister &ities o+ ?dd and !a-?dd are dee'ly involved
in a long standing +eud that has lasted sin&e the
a'o&aly'se0 "he &ities ta$e their names +rom the
+ounding t,in-sister 'rin&esses0 #orn as military &am's
+or ea&h sister5s army in a ,ar +or 'o,er over the &ity o+
"he largest to,n on the 'lanet, and the 'oorest "hi$aal
is a s'ra,ling metro'olis o+ mud huts and sandstone
building o+ over 100000000 'eo'le0 Dt is also $no,n as
9#eggar3s &ourt;0
6y*ern +ead
8yvern head is the most im'ortant &ommunity o+ the
1nlightened movement0 "he +ounder o+ the 1nlightened
s'ent the last years o+ its li+e here in a sa&red grove0
The Ni&ht Pole
Fast and mostly une/'lored the %ight )ole &onsists o+
high mountains emerging +rom the bottom o+ the sea
and brea$ing through the &rust o+ an i&e-'la.ue many
thousands o+ miles ,ide0 "he +ringes o+ the 'ole
tou&hing on the t,ilight Cone are a mass o+ i&y islets and
i&ebergs 'er'etually lost to the &urrents0 nly the
nomad #rute Clans o+ the i&e 'la.ue really $no, ,hat
resides in the heart o+ the ,hite &ontinent0
Dt is told that at the heart o+ the &ontinent, right at the
'ole the highest mountain o+ the ,orld &an be +ound,
legendary !ount A$ybrea$0 Aome legends say it is an
arti+i&ial mountain made o+ metal and &on&rete built by
the an&ients on ,hose heights the eternal ,ailing o+ the
4orrors &an be heard a&ross the Foid o+ s'a&e0
%eanin&ful locations
"he only $no,n human &ity o+ the &ontinent0
Zoon0an Ar>s>an
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
"he +irst tas$ +or every role-'layer is to generate an alter-ego, a heroi& &hara&ter that he or she &an 'ortray
during the &ourse o+ game0 "he Re+eree ,ill use the same rules to &reate his or her %)Cs as ,ell0
"he +irst ste' in the 'ro&ess is &hoosing the &hara&ter3s
ra&e7 a )C &an be either 4uman or a #rute0
All &hara&ters in the game are de+ined by t,o sets o+
&hara&teristi&s7 )rimary and Ae&ondary Attributes0
Primary attri3utes
"here are +our )rimary attributes in Under the moons of
Bod( (re'resenting both strength and enduran&e-,
Agilit( (&overing everything +rom manual de/terity to
)it (,hi&h &overs as'e&ts o+ the human mind li$e logi&,
reasoning, intuition and memory- and *resen+e
(indi&ating both &harisma and ,ill'o,er-0
Aome &hara&ters are endo,ed ,ith s'e&ial 'sioni&
'o,ers2 a &hara&ter ,ith su&h s$ills has an e/tra
Attribute &alled *si-index that determines its mental
"he 'ossible values o+ Attributes +or 4umans range +rom
1 (abysmal-, to < (ma/imum human a&hievement-0 +
&ourse, great heroes, monsters and animals may have
s&ores in e/&ess o+ <0 A starting 'layer must s'end 1J
'oints among )rimary attributes0
D+ your &hara&ter is 4uman remember that all stats have
a mandatory minimum o+ 1 (save )si-inde/ ,hi&h has a
minimum o+ 0- and a ma/imum o+ <0
#rutes have a minimum #ody o+ 2 and a ma/imum #ody
o+ 10 ,hile 8its and Agility have a minimum o+ 1 and a
ma/imum o+ 4 and )resen&e ranges +rom 1 to <0
)si-inde/ +or #rutes has the usual minimum o+ 0 and a
ma/imum o+ <0
8rite do,n ea&h Attribute3s value as it is generated0
Secondary attri3utes
All &hara&ters have +our additional Attributes, either
determined by its Ra&e or derived +rom its )rimary
i%e, peed, Life points and Initiati,e -alue0
i%e in this game is handled ,ith a des&ri'tive AiCe
&lass, the most &ommon &lasses are7 Amall, !edium,
Large, 4uge, 1normous0
peed handles movement s'eed0
!ost 'layers3 +irst &hara&ters ,ill 'robably be humans,
,hi&h have a AiCe o+ !edium and a A'eed o+ 30
#rutes have a AiCe o+ Large and A'eed o+ <0
A Chara&ter5s base Initiati,e -alue is e.ual to the sum
o+ his 8it = Agility, and is used during &ombat or a&tion
turns to determine ,ho goes +irst0
"o &om'lete the numeri&al 'art o+ &hara&ter generation,
one last se&ondary Attribute must be generated7 Life
Li+e )oints have a value e.ual to the &hara&ter3s #ody /
8hen the &hara&ter gets hurt, he or she loses Li+e
)oints2 should a &hara&ter5s L) +all under hal+ o+ its
original s&ore, some 'enalties are su++ered7 a -2 modi+ier
on all die rolls +or "as$s (,hi&h are des&ribed in &ha'ter
3- and A'eed is halved0 Furthermore, the &hara&ter
must be su&&ess+ul in a #ody "as$ at di++i&ulty 12 to
avoid losing &ons&iousness +or the ne/t 1:< / 10
A &hara&ter ,ounded beyond hal+ his L) must roll the
above "as$ any time he or she su++ers more damage0
Ahould a &hara&ter lose more than #odyP3 L) in one
single stro$e, it loses its ne/t a&tion turn0 Ahould a
&hara&ter3s L) +all to Cero, the &hara&ter dies and the
'layer must generate a ne, one0 L) &an be restored
through 'sioni& healing, medi&al &are and natural
For a +ull day o+ rest, a &hara&ter re&overs 3 L)0
A+ter generating a &hara&ter5s Attributes, the 'layer
&hooses its A$ills +rom the +ollo,ing list0
A$ills &an be bought at three &om'eten&e levels7 #asi&,
Advan&ed and !aster0
All &hara&ters start the game ,ith 3 s$ill &hoi&es (but
see A'e&ial Abilities belo,-7
#asi& Ran$ in one s$ill &osts one &hoi&e, Advan&ed
Ran$ &osts t,o &hoi&es and !aster Ran$ &osts +our
Aome s$ills list Re.uirements, a &hara&ter may only
ta$e s$ills +or ,hi&h it satis+ies all re.uirements0
A s$ill either grants a &om'eten&e bonus on rolls ("as$s
and Contests see belo,- or grants some s'e&ial abilities
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
de'ending on Ran$0
#asi& s$ills grant a &om'eten&e bonus o+ 1, Advan&ed
A$ills grant a Com'eten&e bonus o+ 2, !aster Ran$
grants a bonus o+ 40
#e a,are that your &hoi&e o+ A$ills a++e&ts your starting
e.ui'ment2 you may ,ish to re+er to the e.ui'ment
se&tion belo, be+ore ma$ing any +inal de&isions0
All 4uman &hara&ters s'ea$ @oonian trade s'ee&h at
game start ,hile #rutes s'ea$ Muug0
!ost o+ these o'tions ,ill ma$e more sense on&e you3ve
read the rest o+ the rules0
Administrator -- An e&onomist, the &hara&ter is learned
in managing the resour&es o+ men, money and time0
"his s$ill &overs all areas o+ resour&e management, +rom
leading a &ity-state to managing business0 Dt is the s$ill
o+ mer&hant 'rin&es and noble lords0
Armsman -- Com'eten&e ,ith melee ,ea'ons and
unarmed &ombat0 "he &hara&ter also $no,s ho, to lead
men in battle and is an e/'ert at military ta&ti&s0
Craftsman -- "his A$ill &overs everything +rom artisti&
,ood&arving to 'ra&ti&al &ar'entry and smithing0 *iven
time and a''ro'riate tools the &hara&ter &an &reate,
alter and re'air any $ind o+ obEe&ts7 +rom &lothes to
armor, +rom musi&al instruments to ,ea'ons, +irearms,
shi's and Ee,elry0
Re.uirements: 4uman
Entertainer -- "he &hara&ter is a s$illed musi&ian,
singer, storyteller and a&tor0 An entertainer &hara&ter
&an ins'ire and in+luen&e others through ,ords and
musi&0 Dns'iration &an either grant a =1 to"as$ rolls at
hand i+ the entertainer is su&&ess+ul in a )resen&e "as$
o+ di++i&ulty 10, or remove the e++e&ts o+ /ri$ht (but not
Horror- i+ the entertainer beats the fri$htenin$ &reature in
a )resen&e Contest and +or as long as it $ee's singing0
ealer -- "he &hara&ter is both a 'hysi&ian and &an heal
both humans and animals0 Any &hara&ter under a
4ealer5s &are heals one e/tra Li+e )oints 'er day o+ rest0
4ealers may +ight the e++e&ts o+ diseases in addition to
more run-o+-the-mill 'hysi&al inEuries0
Linguist -- "he &hara&ter is automati&ally literate and
$no,s ho, to s'ea$ and read>,rite one e/tra language
at #asi& Ran$, t,o languages at Advan&ed Ran$ and
+our at !aster Ran$0 "he &hara&ter is also an e/'ert at
&ry'togra'hy and +orging do&uments0
Lore -- "he &hara&ter $no,s a lot about traditions,
geogra'hy, history, myths and la,s
Martial artist -- "he &hara&ter has studied a 'e&uliar
style o+ &ombat7 ea&h style &overs di++erent maneuvers
that grant s'e&ial bonuses0 Chose (&om'eten&e bonus-
maneuvers +rom belo, to +orm your style0
+alance "he &hara&ter &ounts as one siCe larger
+or $no&$do,n atta&$s
Conter strike - ,hile de+ending, i+ you ,in the
&ontest you may roll an immediate atta&$0
"od$e - ,hile moving you get a =2 bonus to de+ense
"oble strike D+ atta&$ing ,ith t,o ,ea'ons the
&hara&ter doesn3t re&eive the 2 modi+ier0
"isarm - you re&eive a =2 to disarming maneuvers0
Hold - you re&eive a =2 to ,restling maneuvers0
-ncreased initiati*e - you re&eive a =2 to your
Dnitiative Falue0
Penetratin$ strike in melee you may redu&e by 2
the atta&$ roll 'enalty to ignore armor0
Power strike in melee you may o't to ta$e a 2 to
the atta&$ roll to re&eive a =2 to damage
Stnnin$ strike in melee halve the target3s #ody to
determine un&ons&iousness ,hen e/e&uting a
stunning atta&$0
Swee( - "he &hara&ter may e/e&ute a s,ing atta&$
,ith a one handed ,ea'on or unarmed atta&$s
against targets o+ any siCe0 "he &hara&ter re&eives a
=2 to s,ing atta&$ rolls e/e&uted ,ith a t,o handed
Re.uirements: )resen&e 3= and Armsman
Mar!sman -- Com'eten&e ,ith +irearms, missile or
thro,n ,ea'ons0
Pilot -- "he &hara&ter is good at 'iloting vehi&les o+ all
Re.uirements: 4uman
Psionicist -- "his s$ill is o'en only to &hara&ters ,ith a
rated )si inde/, it &overs mastery o+ the mind0
"he &hara&ter has a&&ess to (Com'eten&e bonus-
Levels o+ $no,ledge o+ )sioni& :is&i'lines0
Aee the )sioni&s &ha'ter +or more details0
Re.uirements: )si-inde/ 1=
"ailor -- "he &hara&ter $no,s a lot about 'iloting and
building shi's, boats, s,imming and the sea0
"u#terfuge -- "he &hara&ter $no,s ho, to disguise
itsel+, establish &onta&t ,ith the un,holesome members
o+ so&iety, moving silently and noti&ing obs&ure details0
"he &hara&ter $no,s !as$ :an&e, at Advan&ed ran$
the &hara&ter &an re&ogniCe di++erent Cult &odes0
"urvivalist -- "he &hara&ter $no,s ho, to hunt and
+ish, lo&ate %orth and gather +ood and ,ater0 4e or she
is also good at things li$e tra&$ing, stal$ing, &limbing,
s,imming and is also a s$illed rider and animal trainer0
$eird "cience -- A &hara&ter ,ith this ability $no,s
the Ae&rets to &reate ,ondrous items0 "he &hara&ter
has a&&ess to (Com'eten&e bonus- Levels o+
$no,ledge o+ Ae&rets0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Aee the &ha'ter on 8ondrous items +or more details0
Re.uirements: 8it J= and 4uman
All &hara&ters have to have one (and only one-
,ea$ness0 #rutes have one additional innate ,ea$ness7
"hey are &olor-blind (they &an3t see &olors2 everything is
in bla&$ and ,hite +or them-0
Doom -- Any time the &hara&ter +ails a "as$ by 4
(instead o+ the usual <- or more 'oints, he or she +ails
the attem'ted a&tion in a &atastro'hi& ,ay (usually
ta$ing or in+li&ting un,anted damage or brea$ing or
losing items-0
EnemyQ"he &hara&ter has made a 'o,er+ul enemy7 A
'o,er+ul A&ientist, mer&hant or ,arlord0 1very session
the *ame master rolls a Fame "as$ at :i++i&ulty 10 +or
the 'layer &hara&ter0 D+ the "as$ is su&&ess+ul the enemy
some ho, sho,s u' to th,art the 'layer &hara&ter3s
'lans, either 'ersonally or through its servants0
Green -- "he &hara&ter &an &hoose a A'e&ial Ability but
&an only ta$e one A$ill &hoi&e instead o+ the three
granted to all &hara&ters0
Irrational %e&avior -- "he 'layer must &hoose
something that drives his or her &hara&ter to irrational
a&tions0 Dt &an be a desire li$e greed, lust or unhealthy
devotion to something li$e al&ohol or musi&, or it &an be
something li$e a +ear o+ +ire or general &o,ardi&e0 Any
time the &hara&ter is &on+ronted ,ith the &ause o+ his or
her Drrational #ehavior, he or she &an be over&ome by it
and sto' a&ting normally0 "he &hara&ter must
su&&ess+ully 'ass a )resen&e "as$ at :i++i&ulty 12 or be
distra&ted as the Re+eree sees +it (drun$ards ,ill sto'
+ighting to drin$, generous &hara&ters ,ill give their
hard-earned treasure to 'oor old ladies, and so onK-0
Maimed'Lame -- "he &hara&ter loses either t,o
Attribute 'oints (although no Attribute may be redu&ed
belo, a value o+ one- or one 'oint o+ A'eed0
Poor -- "he )C is a runa,ay slave or Eust dirt 'oor0
4e>she starts ,ith no e.ui'ment save &lothes and a
$ni+e or ,ooden sta++ (,hi&h does the same amount o+
damage as a &lub-0
"lo( ealing -- "he &hara&ter re&overs only 1 L) a+ter
every day o+ rest0
Special A3ilities
All &hara&ters start ,ith one o+ the +ollo,ing A'e&ial
Abilities0 #rutes have t,o additional innate s'e&ial
abilities7 %atural armor (an Armor Falue o+ 1- and
:ar$sight (they &an see in dar$ness Eust li$e it ,as
Animal CompanionQ"he &hara&ter has a tamed and
trained animal &om'anion o+ Amall or !edium siCe0 "he
animal $no,s 4 tri&$s o+ the 'layer3s &hoi&e0
%attle fren)y -- "he &hara&ter is immune to the
'enalties in+li&ted by damage and is immune to stunning
Dar! Lore -- "he &hara&ter has a&&ess to an e/tra Level
o+ Nno,ledge o+ either )sioni&s or 8eird A&ien&e0
*e+uirements: )sioni&ist or 8eird A&ien&e
Endurance -- "he &hara&ter may ignore u' to one level
o+ e/tremes either ,ay and also re&eives a =2 bonus to
resist )oisons, Dllness or the Curse0
,ast ealing -- "he &hara&ter re&overs t,o e/tra L) 'er
day o+ rest0
Gifted -- "he &hara&ter &hooses a s$ill, he or she gets
an e/tra =2 to all "as$ and Contest Rolls 'ertaining that
Great "&out --"he &hara&ter may e/'end one a&tion to
be&ome fri$htenin$7
alo of t&e &ero -- "he &hara&ter and all its allies ,ithin
)resen&e / 2 meters are immune to fri$htenin$ e++e&ts0
eroic -rait Add one e/tra 'oint to an Attribute
()rimary attributes and A'eed only- o+ your &hoi&e,
bringing its value u' to a ma/imum o+ ra&ial
Item of (onder . "he &hara&ter starts the game o,ning
one #asi& item &hosen +rom the &ha'ter o+ Dtems o+
Luc! -- Any time the &hara&ter e/&eeds the roll re.uired
to be su&&ess+ul at a "as$ by 4 or more 'oints (instead
o+ the usual <-, he is in&redibly su&&ess+ul (a&hieving
double the normal e++e&t-0
*etainer "he &hara&ter has a 'ersonal %)C
manservant absolutely loyal to him or her7 &reate it as
you ,ould a )C0 "he retainer &an not himsel+ have a
"layer -- Chose a &reature ty'e7 "he &hara&ter gets an
e/tra =2 damage against all &reatures o+ that $ind and
=1 to all "as$ rolls to dete&t, hide +rom or $no, about
-alented -- "he &hara&ter gains t,o e/tra A$ill &hoi&es0
/eteran -- "he &hara&ter starts the game ,ith 10 1'i&
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
$ell-0no(n -- "he &hara&ter starts ,ith 1 Fame )oint0
$ild PsiQ"his s'e&ial ability re'resents the ability to
use one and only one mani+estation o+ a 'sioni& s$ill as
i+ the &hara&ter had a )si inde/ o+ (1d<>2- and the
relative )si 'oints0
*e+uirements: )si Dnde/ 0
Startin& #8uipment
1a&h &hara&ter (e/&e't )oor ones- starts the game ,ith
'ossessions based on his or her A$ills and abilities0
All human &hara&ters should have a small house to live
in ,ith their +amilies, &lothes, 1d</10 thaari, and a $ni+e0
ne or t,o slaves or 'aid servants should also be
#rutes start out ,ith &lothes, a tent and bedroll, 1d</10
thaari and a stone $ni+e0
1/tra e.ui'ment de'ends on the starting A$ills o+ the
&hara&ter, ,ith ea&h A$ill granting di++erent 'ossibilities7
Administrator -- Chose bet,een7 large house or small
villa, e/tra servants, a reserve o+ money or Ee,elry and
gems ,orth 3d</10 thaari0
Armsman -- "he &hara&ter must &hoose one item +rom
the +ollo,ing list7 one-handed ,ea'on o+ &hoi&e, shield,
t,o-handed ,ea'on0 At Advan&ed ran$ the &hara&ter
&ould be in &ommand o+ a small unit and has a military
Ran$ o+ lieutenant0
Craftsman -- "he &hara&ter o,ns &ra+ting tools and one
signi+i&ant item 'rodu&ed by his &ra+ting s$ills +or
e/am'le7 a ,ea'on, a 'ie&e o+ medium armor, a musi&al
instrument, boat or an e/tension to his or her house0
Aome,here in his house, the &hara&ter 'robably has a
laboratory and all ne&essary tools +or his ,or$0
Entertainer -- "he &hara&ter o,ns a musi&al instrument
and a small $it +or assuming other 'ersonalities0
Linguist'Lore #oo$s, s&rolls, in$ and a 'en0
Mar!sman -- "he &hara&ter must &hoose one item +rom
the +ollo,ing list7 s'ear, dagger, hand a/e, #o, .uiver
and 20 arro,s, Aling and 20 and 'ellets, blo,gun and
10 darts, Crossbo, .uiver and 20 .uarrels0 4umans
might start ,ith )istol, #lunderbuss or 4ar.uebus and
10 shots0
Pilot . A 'ersonal vehi&le li$e an rnitho'ter or a
Psionicist--"he &hara&ter o,ns a Level 1 'si-&rystal0
"ailor -- "he &hara&ter o,ns a li+eboat at #asi& Ran$, a
+rigate at Advan&ed Ran$0
"u#terfuge -- "he &hara&ter o,ns a disguise $it and a
set o+ lo&$ 'i&$ tools0
"urvivalist -- "he &hara&ter o,ns a bo, ,ith .uiver and
arro,s or a s'ear0 4e or she also &arries a tinderbo/ or
some ro'e0 1ither o,ns an ?mtar or 1d< hunting "ars
$eird "cience -- "he &hara&ter starts the game o,ning
one item &hosen +rom the &ha'ter o+ Dtems o+ 8onder
among the Ae&rets he has a&&ess to0
The Finishin& Touches
"he last thing you need to do to 'olish u' your &hara&ter
is to give him or her a name and a 'ersonal history
based on his or her A$ills and abilities0
%almuut O3ness aar
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
ample /hara+ter /reation: ,r sam(le character
shall be a HmanE we decide to s(end the 15 (oints
for Primar# attribtes in the followin$ wa#4 +od# 8, .it
5, )$ilit# :, Presence ;, Psi&inde? 17
)t first $lance or sam(le character is a *er# smart
fellow with some (sionic talent, 'ick bodied and
craft#, howe*er its talent mst ha*e created a sli$htl#
frail (ersonalit#7
Malmt ,bness "aar Athis shall be its name, we
decide also that Malmt shall be maleB has SiFe M
and a S(eed of 87 His -7!7 is 3 and can stand ( to 12
Gife Points of dama$e7 ,n the s(ot we chose that
Malmt $rew ( in the slms of a $reat town and
became a((rentice to a .eird Scientist7
"es(ite some natral talent Malmt ne*er
de*elo(ed his (sionic abilit#4 we chose +asic
Sbterf$e and )d*anced .eird Science as startin$
skills7 )s startin$ Secrets for its .eird Science skill
we chose Gife Science and )lchem# at +asic le*el
Malmt ,bness "aar had to learn how to rn *er#
fast in the slms, #et his (o*ert# stricken childhood
left him with a soft s(ot for thaari7
.e chose Malmt to ha*e a s(ecial abilit# Aand ths
a .eaknessB4 Heroic Trait Abrin$in$ its S(eed to :B
and irrational +eha*ior4 0reed7
,r ScientistDs startin$ e'i(ment consists of small
hose Aand a +asic laborator#B, clothes, 1d9?16
thaari Awe roll a 8, so Malmt starts with 86 thaariB,
and a knife7 His .eird Science skill $rants him a co(#
of 0rafted e#es7
Malmt can see in the darkness7
/inall# we decide that Malmt was born in !hime
and li*es near the Kin$Ds /in$er tower in the e?
laborator# of its former master, ea$er to disco*er new
secrets of biotechnolo$ical $rafts7
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
#8uipment "ist
Armor Thaari 6eaponry Thaari
Light armorP 10 :agger J
!edium armorP 30 A,ord 1J
4eavy armorP <0 A/e or A'ear 10
Ahield J ",o handed s,ord or a/e 2J
P halve &ost i+ 'artial #lo,gun or sling 3
#o, 30
Animals Thaari Crossbo, 40
"ar 30 10 arro,s>darts>slingshots 1
?mtar OJ )istolP <0
"ame 8yvern 200 #lunderbussP 100
Ar.uebusP 1J0
Ser*ices Thaari )o,der and $eg = 10 shots 10
?ns$illed labor 3>day Lt CannonP 300
A$illed ,or$er <>day 'er s$ill level CannonP <00
Alave (#ody=)re-/10 4eavy CannonP G00
!eal 1= by .uality 1 Cannon shot and 'o,der 10
Lodging 1-J>night by .uality *renade 10
:ro' bomb 100
!lothes Thaari P double &ost i+ re'eating
Loin&loth and sandals 1
!iddle &lass tuni& J 0ehicles Thaari
Aristo&rati& robes and
20= s$immer J00
rnitho'ter <00
Ad*enturin& &ear Thaari Air s$i++ 1200
Com'ass 3 Air boat 3000
"or&hes 1 Air shi' <000
Lantern J Air :readnaught 12000
Ail$ ro'e 10 Chariot 300
10 )itons and mallet J *round&ar <00
#a&$'a&$ 2 "an$ 1200
Aa&$ 1 Li+eboat 300
Fenom>antidote dose 30 Frigate 1000
#edroll 2 Longshi' 2400
"ent 1 'er 'erson
Amall mirror 2 #7tras Thaari
Fully e.ui''ed s&ien&e Lab #asi&72J0>Advan&ed7J00
)si &rystal J0 / level
Amall house 1200
Filla 2400=
,ther items of wonder are not sall# for sale, +asic items mi$ht ha*e a market *ale of 1d9?166 thaari, while
)d*anced items of wonder are in the :d9?166 thaari ran$e7
)lso, armor and wea(ons costs ha*e been calclated for Medim siFed creatres7 "oble costs for Gar$e wea(ons
and armorE hal*e it for Small siFed wea(ons and armor7

Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
!+APT#R T+R##, 'ASI! GA%# %#!+ANI!S
All a&tions a &hara&ter &an underta$e are easily de+ined as one o+ t,o ty'es7 Automati& (,al$ing, s'ea$ing, o'ening
an unlo&$ed door, ,al$ing- or "as$ (hitting an enemy, brea$ing do,n a door, using a mani+estation-0
)lease note that using a A$ill is usually automati&ally su&&ess+ul and that a "as$ roll is rarely needed0 Rolling is
usually only ne&essary ,hen the &hara&ter is &om'eting ,ith someone or trying to a&hieve something e/traordinary,
li$e ,or$ing very +ast or ,ith inade.uate e.ui'ment0
For a &hara&ter to a&&om'lish a "as$, the Re+eree must
+irst state the "as$5s numeri& :i++i&ulty, ranging +rom <
(Routine- to 1< (Absurd-, and the a''ro'riate Attribute
used to a&&om'lish the "as$ (#ody to brea$ do,n doors
or resist +atigue, Agility to avoid tri''ing and moving
silently, 8it to noti&e subtle details and solve 'roblems,
)resen&e to 'ersuade 'eo'le and to resist tem'tation-0
Dt is 'ossible +or a "as$3s :i++i&ulty to e/&eed 1<, but this
should only o&&ur in e/&e'tional &ases0
n&e all o+ this is set, the 'layer o+ the involved
&hara&ter (or the Re+eree, should a non-'layer &hara&ter
be trying something- rolls 2:< and adds the relevant
Attribute5s value0
Ahould the total be higher than the :i++i&ulty, the "as$ is
D+ the "as$ roll total 1L?ALA the di++i&ulty, the "as$ is
only 'artially su&&ess+ul (hal+ e++e&t-0
Ahould the total be lo,er than the :i++i&ulty, the a&tion
Aometimes, a A$ill &an hel' in a&&om'lishing things
,ithout being stri&tly ne&essary +or the "as$0
4itting someone ,ith a ,ea'on or avoiding being hit
doesn3t re.uire a &hara&ter to be a ,arrior, but it hel's0
Aimilarly, de&iding ,here a 'ie&e o+ Ee,elry &omes +rom
,ould be easier +or a Cra+tsman than a layman, but it3s
'ossible that anyone &ould do it0
Dn &ases li$e these, a A$illed &hara&ter might be
a,arded by the Re+eree a =1,=2 or =4 bonus to his or
her total de'ending on its A$ill Ran$7 #asi&, Advan&ed
or !aster0
D+ t,o or more s$ills &ould a''ly to the same "as$, use
the largest modi+ier, do not add them0
8henever a A$ill grants its bonus to a "as$ or Contest
(see belo,-, its name shall be sho,n in bra&$ets near
the tested Attribute3s name0
Aome s'e&ial "as$s may be resolved using AiCe or
A'eed, and in some &ases, e/&essively high or lo, AiCe
&an be used as a modi+ier +or &ertain "as$s0
?sually, the 'ositive or negative modi+ier is e.ual to =2
or -2 +or ea&h AiCe Class by ,hi&h the &hara&ter
e/&eeds (or +alls short o+- ,hat is &onsidered ideal by
the Re+eree +or the "as$0
For e/am'le, a !edium human attem'ting to move
through a tunnel designed to be &om+ortable +or a Amall
&reature might su++er a -2 'enalty ,hen trying to move
.ui&$ly or silently due to the &ram'ed &onditions0
ample !ask resolution: Malmt ,bness "aar is
(rowlin$ thro$h the Halls of the mad UmFoolam of
The 0m tells him that he comes (on a locked door,
MalmtDs (la#er states that he wants to o(en the
The 0M decides that the lock is not *er# com(le? #et
Malmt lacks an# a((ro(riate e'i(mentE he
decides the Task to be a .it HSbterf$eI Task at
difficlt# 1;7
,therwise Malmt cold force the door with a
strai$ht +od# Task7
Howe*er the door is *er# to$h and the 0M decides
that the difficlt# is set at 1: for breakin$ down the
Malmt tries to lock (ick the door rollin$ ;d9J5 and
$ets a KJ5L1;C
The 0M rles that the lock broke withot the door
o(enin$, Malmt can not (ick it an#more, #et the
+od# Task difficlt# dro(s to 167
Malmt this time rolls an 2J8L117
The door slams o(en and Malmt sneaks in ho(in$
that no one heard7
Aome "as$s re.uire that one &hara&ter over&ome
another to be su&&ess+ul0 Aome e/am'les in&lude
tug-o+-,ar &ontests, ra&es or games o+ &hess or &ards0
K For this sort o+ "as$, there is no 'reset :i++i&ulty2
instead, the involved &hara&ters ea&h roll 2:< and add
the a''ro'riate Attributes 'lus modi+iers (li$e ,ounds or
A$ills or ,hatever else might inter+ere-0
Logi&ally enough, the &hara&ter ,ith the highest total
Special Results
%o matter ho, 'ositive or negative your modi+iers are,
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
there is al,ays a &han&e o+ Au&&ess or o+ Failure0
8henever you roll a 2 or 12 on the di&e, roll an
additional di&e0 D+ the roll ,as a 2, subtra&t the result o+
the ne, di&e +rom the total2 add it i+ the original roll ,as
a 120 Nee' rolling and subtra&ting (or adding- as long as
you roll a < on the ne, di&e0
Any time a &hara&ter +ails any "as$ by < or more 'oints,
he doesn5t sim'ly +ail but he +ails in a &atastro'hi& ,ay
(,hi&h usually involves ta$ing or in+li&ting damage or
brea$ing or losing items-0
Any time a &hara&ter su&&eeds at any "as$ by < or more
'oints, she is in&redibly su&&ess+ul (double e++e&t, hal+
s'are 'arts &ost or time +or building items, double
damage, &ra+ting an e/&ellent item that im'arts a =1 to
all related "as$s and &ontests et&0-0
"he *ame master ,ill de&ide ho, s'e&ta&ular su&&ess
and s'e&ta&ular +ailure are handled during Contests0

+ &ourse, the e/a&t nature o+ these &atastro'hes and
remar$able su&&esses is al,ays le+t to the dis&retion o+
the Re+eree0
ample /ontest resolution: ,nce inside the door,
MalmtDs (la#ers states that he looks arond for an#
si$n of troble before enterin$7
The 0M knows that some $ards are inside a nearb#
room and ha*in$ heard the noise ha*e set ( an
ambsh for whoe*er ma# come thro$h the door7
The 0m secretl# rolls a Contest of .it HSbterf$eI
between Malmt and the $ards7
The 0M rolls a ; for Malmt, so he rolls an e?tra
dice and $ets 9, a new dice is rolled for a ;7
MalmtMs action total is ;&9&;J5Afor his .itBL&17
The 0M now rolls for the $ard and $ets a 16J8Afor
the $ardDs .itB J1Afor the $ardDs +asic skill rank in
Sbterf$eB L1:7 ,oo(s a catastro(hic failreC
Not onl# did Malmt fail to notice the $ards, he
actall# rshed into the roomC
The 0M declares that the 0ards ha*e the benefit of
Sr(rise and also that Malmt recei*es a &; to the
defense rolls for the Sr(rise rondN
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Dn &risis situations (not ne&essarily involving violen&e-, the re+eree might use Combat "urns to have a 're&ise and
&lear +lo, o+ events0
Time Scale and order of Actions
A Combat "urn e.uals 3-4 se&onds o+ real time in ,hi&h
all &hara&ters involved may ta$e one a&tion0 At start o+
the &ombat turn, the re+eree &alls +or Dnitiative Falues,
a+ter ,hi&h a&tions are announ&ed and resolved by the
interested 'arties, in order o+ des&ending Dnitiative
Falues (also $no,n as D0F0-0
A Chara&ter5s base Dnitiative Falue is e.ual to the sum o+
his 8it = Agility, at the beginning o+ ea&h turn, all
involved 'arties roll 1d< and add it to the base D0F0 to get
the +inal D0F0 s&ore +or that turn0 Ahould there be ties,
higher base D0F0 goes +irst0 Ahould there still be a tie, the
&hara&ters resolve their a&tions simultaneously0
"here are several a&tions you &an &hoose +rom, all o+
,hi&h are e/'lained belo, in greater detail7
!ani+est a 'sioni& 'o,er
!ove by +eet, mount or vehi&le
)i&$ u', use or intera&t ,ith an obEe&t
Aometimes, a grou' or individual may be en&ountered
)eo'le ,ho gain sur'rise have one +ree Combat turn to
a&t be+ore the normal &ombat routine is established0
"o determine i+ someone snea$ing around sur'rises
someone else, you may have to roll a Contest bet,een
the snea$er5s Agility RAubter+uge or AurvivalistS and the
vi&tim5s 8it RAubter+uge or AurvivalistS0
Attac(in& in %elee
D+ the a&ting 'layer de&ides to atta&$ someone nearby,
Eust have him roll a #ody RArmsmanS Contest ,ith the
designated target o+ the atta&$0 D+ the atta&$er ,ins the
Contest he hits the target, usually in+li&ting damage (but
see the se&tion on Armor belo, +or details on ho,
damage may be avoided-0
Chara&ters may gang u' on one target7 a &hara&ter may
be atta&$ed by u' to t,o &hara&ters o+ its same AiCe
&lass, t,i&e as many +or ea&h AiCe &lass lo,er and by
one enemy only +or &reatures o+ a higher AiCe &lass0
"he +irst melee atta&$ against the target is resolved
normally, but on ea&h atta&$ that +ollo,s, the de+ender
su++ers a -1 'enalty to its Contest roll +or ea&h 'revious
atta&$ it su++ered0
/or e?am(le, ima$ine that )ntero the +rte ASiFe HB
is attacked b# three hmans Aeach SiFe MB and two
Tars Aeach SiFe SB7
This is le$al becase two medim siFed attackers
cont as Gar$e attacker the two Tars cont as one
medim attacker, that smmed with the hman left
make ( for another lar$e attacker, which $i*es s a
total of two lar$e attackers Aor one H$eB that
ob*iosl# doesnDt e?ceed )nteroDs SiFe7
.hen the attacks are resol*ed, the first one is
resol*ed normall#, the second $i*es )ntero a &1
(enalt# becase of the sin$le (re*ios attack, the
ne?t $i*es )ntero a &; (enalt# becase of the two
(re*ios attacks, and so on, ntil the fifth attacker
o*erwhelms (oor )ntero with a nast# &: (enalt#7
"(ing Attac!s: #attle A/es and t,o-handed s,ords
(but no other ,ea'ons- may be s,ung around to hit
more than one target in one +ell s,oo'0 A melee atta&$
e/e&uted ,ith one o+ these t,o ,ea'ons allo,s the
atta&$er to aim at t,o targets ,ith one single atta&$ roll
(ea&h de+ender &om'ares his or her de+ense roll against
the atta&$er5s single atta&$ roll-0
)lease note that +or this to ,or$ all o+ the targets have to
be on the same side o+ the atta&$er and adEa&ent both to
ea&h other and to the atta&$er0 Finally, be sure to
remember that #attle A/es and t,o-handed s,ords are
huge, t,o-handed ,ea'ons that re.uire a +air amount o+
s'a&e to s,ing and ,hi&h 'revent the 'erson ,ielding
them +rom using a shield ,hile atta&$ing0
A,ing atta&$s &an be used ,ith one handed ,ea'ons or
disarmed atta&$s i+, and only i+, all 'otential targets are
at least one AiCe &lass smaller than the atta&$er0
All out attac!s: "he atta&$er &on&entrates its strength
in one +urious blo,0 "he atta&$ing &hara&ter re&eives a
=2 to the atta&$ roll "as$ but all nearby enemies get a
=2 to atta&$ him in melee0 "his &an3t be mi/ed ,ith
A,ing Atta&$s0
,eints: "he atta&$er 'lays it by ,it0 "he atta&$ing
&hara&ter a&ts last in the turn, using 8it instead o+ #ody
+or the atta&$ roll, the de+ending &hara&ter as ,ell must
roll his de+ense using 8it0 "his &an3t be mi/ed ,ith
A,ing or All-out Atta&$s0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
C&arge: D+ the atta&$er moves in a straight line at to'
s'eed and ends its movement nearby an enemy it may
atta&$ as i+ he ,as giving an all out atta&$0 D+ the atta&$
hits, it may add its #ody s&ore and A'eed ran$s to the
rolled damage0
!ounted atta&$ers &ount the mount3s #ody and s'eed
instead0 4o,ever the target o+ this atta&$ i+ armed ,ith a
s'ear and standing still gets the same damage bonus0
A Charge maneuver &an3t be mi/ed ,ith s,ing atta&$s
or All out atta&$s0 Fi&tims o+ a &harge atta&$ must roll an
Agility "as$ at (:amage- di++i&ulty to avoid +alling and
losing ne/t turn0
*amming: Ramming ,ith vehi&les &an be &onsidered
as a Charge, a vehi&le has a base damage s&ore
de'ending on its3 siCe &lass7 1d< +or !edium vehi&les,
2d< +or Large vehi&les, 4d< +or 4uge vehi&les and Td<
+or 1normous ones0
A ramming vehi&le ta$es as mu&h damage as one hal+
o+ the damage it in+li&ts0
Com#at 1sing -(o $eapons:
8hat5s the di++eren&e bet,een +ighting ,ith a s'ear and
+ighting ,ith t,o daggers or a/e and shieldU At the
beginning o+ the turn, be+ore resolving a&tions, all
&hara&ters +ighting ,ith t,o ,ea'ons (either t,o
one-handed ,ea'ons or a ,ea'on and a shield- have to
&hoose ,hi&h ,ay they5re going to em'loy their
se&ond-hand ,ea'on7 atta&$ or de+ense0
D+ you5re going to use it +or o++ense, ,hen your time to
a&t &omes and you de&ide to atta&$, you &an roll an
e/tra atta&$ ,ith the se&ondary ,ea'on at a 'enalty to
the Contest roll o+ -20 Iou &an atta&$ any adEa&ent
target, and you don5t have to atta&$ the same enemy
targeted by the +irst atta&$0
D+ you ,ant to use your se&ond-hand ,ea'on +or
de+ense, things &hange7 i+ your se&ond ,ea'on is a
shield, all the atta&$s you su++er (melee or aimed-
re&eive a -2 'enalty to the "as$ roll0 D+ the se&ond-hand
,ea'on is not a shield, all melee (and only melee-
atta&$s su++er a -2 'enalty to the "as$ roll0
Attac(in& at a istance
Aimed Attac!s: 8hether they involve a thro,n ro&$ or
s'ear or an arro, +rom a long bo,, ranged atta&$s are
al,ays resolved is the same ,ay7 determine i+ your
target is at Ahort, !edium, or Long Range (as s'e&i+ied
by the statisti&s o+ your ,ea'on-, then roll an Agility
R!ar$smanS "as$ at :i++i&ulty 10 i+ the target is at Ahort
Range, 12 i+ it is at !edium Range, or 14 i+ it is at Long
D+ you su&&eed at the "as$ you5ve hit your target0 D+ a
target is under &over, this in+li&ts a negative situation
Area Attac!s: Aome ranged atta&$s may have an area
o+ e++e&t, hitting everybody inside the area5s radius in
"o determine i+ an area atta&$ hits, Eust determine ho, +ar
you ,ant the atta&$ to rea&h (Ahort, !edium or Long
Range-, then roll the usual "as$ +or aimed atta&$s but
ignore all the modi+iers to the atta&$ roll +or de+ender3s
AiCe and A'eed000
D+ the atta&$ hits, everybody inside the area is hit, though
&over may a''ly de'ending on the $ind o+ area atta&$ (it3s
the Re+eree5s &all-0
Ahould the area atta&$ miss, it doesn5t sim'ly disa''ear it
Eust goes o++ some,here else0 Roll 1:< and &onsult the
table belo,0
"he area atta&$ travels in that dire&tion +rom the
designated landing 'oint +or 1:< meters at Ahort range,
2:< meters at !edium range, 4:< meters at Long range0
n&e you3ve +igured out ,here the atta&$ ,ent, resolve
the e++e&ts o+ the area atta&$s ,hen it lands in the ne,
ground Cero0
"&ooting into t&e ,ray: 1very time somebody tries to
shoot at someone involved in melee, he su++ers a -2
'enalty to the Agility "as$0 Ahould the atta&$er miss his
atta&$ roll, have everybody involved in that +ight (in&luding
the intended target- roll 2:< and add #ody0
+ all &hara&ters rolling above 12, the highest roller gets
hit (highest #ody brea$s tie, other,ise roll again to brea$
D+ nobody rolls above 12, nobody gets hit0 A''ly this rule
only to aimed atta&$s0
Moving -argets: Any aimed ranged atta&$ against a
moving target su++ers a 'enalty modi+ier e.ual to ("arget5s

%odifiers to All Attac( Rolls
"i)e: AiCe modi+ies atta&$ rolls0 D+ you5re smaller than
your target, add =2 to your atta&$ roll 'er AiCe &lass o+
di++eren&e0 Aubtra&t 2 'er &lass o+ di++eren&e +rom your
atta&$ roll i+ you5re bigger than your atta&$5s target0 "his
a''lies both in melee and at a distan&e but never +or
area atta&$s0
"ituation modifiers: D+ the target is stunned, sur'rised,
in a lo,er 'osition (as ,hen the atta&$er is mounted
,hile the vi&tim is an in+antryman000- or atta&$ed +rom the
rear or similar 'ositive situation, the atta&$er gains a
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
cmlati*e bonus o+ =2 'er advantage0
Atta&$ing at night or in the dar$ (or +og- or ,hile on
sli''ery ground or similar negative situation the atta&$er
gains a cmlati*e 'enalty o+ -2 'er disadvantage0
#ffects of Attac(s
D+ your atta&$ &onne&ts, you must roll a number o+
damage di&e s'e&i+ied by the statisti&s o+ the ,ea'on
that you5re using0 Add to the total o+ this roll all modi+iers
that need a''ly (li$e, +or e/am'le, those given by the
various maneuvers or !artial Arts s$ill- and subtra&t the
target5s Armor Falue0 "his ne, total is subtra&ted +rom
the target5s Li+e )oints total0
Penetrating attac!s: Aome ,ea'ons and atta&$ +orms
are des&ribed as )enetrating, these atta&$s ignore t,o
'oints o+ Armor Falue0
1nstoppa#le attac!s: Aome ,ea'ons and atta&$ +orms
are des&ribed as ?nsto''able, these atta&$s ignore +our
'oints o+ Armor Falue0
2ver(&elming Attac!s: Aome ,ea'ons and atta&$
+orms are des&ribed as ver,helming, these atta&$s
ignore eight 'oints o+ Armor Falue0
Armor e/ists in three ty'es7 light (usually made o+
leather- ,ith an Armor Falue o+ 3, medium (&hain or
s&ale mail- ,ith an Armor Falue o+ < and heavy ('late
mail- ,ith an Armor Falue o+ G0
Chara&ters &an5t ,ear more than one armor ty'e0 8hen
a &hara&ter gets hit, subtra&t his or her Armor Falue
(also $no,n as A0F0- +rom the damage that he or she
Aome &reatures have a natural A0F0 that &an be added
to that o+ ,orn armor0
)artial armor has the normal Armor Falue o+ its ty'e and
&ounts as one level lighter regarding en&umbran&e, but
it sto's damage only i+ the atta&$ roll result ,as an even
Armors are made ,ith a 'arti&ular body sha'e in mind,
so only &hara&ters o+ the same s'e&ies ,ith the same
#ody and AiCe s&ores &an e/&hange armors0
A &hara&ter may try to stri$e +or an un'rote&ted 'art o+
the target but su++ers a 2 'enalty to the atta&$ roll
against &hara&ters &overed by 'artial armor, and 4
against &hara&ters &overed by +ull armor0
ardened armor: Aome armor ty'es are des&ribed as
4ardened, they ignore )enetrating e++e&ts, granting +ull
A0F0 against these atta&$s0
?nsto''able and ver,helming atta&$s are &onsidered
one ste' lo,er ()enetrating and ?nsto''able
res'e&tively- against hardened armor0
1n#rea!a#le armor: Aome armor ty'es are des&ribed
as ?nbrea$able, they ignore )enetrating and
?nsto''able e++e&ts, granting +ull A0F0 against these
ver,helming atta&$s are &onsidered )enetrating and
against ?nbrea$able armor0
1ltimate armor: Aome armor ty'es are des&ribed as
?ltimate, they ignore )enetrating, ?nsto''able and
ver,helming e++e&ts, granting +ull A0F0 against these
Special Attac(s,
%ot all atta&$s are brought to in+li&t damage and
,ounds2 all A'e&ial atta&$s are e/e&uted ,ith a -2
'enalty to the atta&$ roll0 4ere are some alternate
Disarming: Iou &an &hose not to roll +or damage but
sim'ly to disarm the target o+ your atta&$, +linging one o+
his ,ea'ons 1:< meters in the dire&tion o+ your &hoi&e0
"tunning Attac!s: nly melee atta&$s &an be used to
stun an enemy0
"o stun, you determine damage and subtra&t A0F0 as
usual, but instead o+ in+li&ting a L) loss, you daCe your
target +or a number o+ turns e.ual to the damage that
,ould other,ise have been done0
A stunned &hara&ter &an only move at hal+ s'eed or
:e+end, it &an3t ta$e a&tions o+ any other sort0 D+ the
number o+ turns o+ stun e/&eeds the vi&tim5s #ody s&ore,
&onsider the vi&tim $no&$ed out +or 1:</10 minutes0
0noc! do(n Attac!s: nly melee atta&$s &an be used
to $no&$do,n an enemy o+ same or lesser AiCe0 D+ the
atta&$ &onne&ts the target tri's and +alls0
$restling: D+ you ,ant to 'in your enemy to the ground,
go on and ,restle himV 8restling is a ,ea'on-less
melee atta&$0 D+ you5re su&&ess+ul, it means you have
grabbed your enemy0
D+ it is the same AiCe as you (or smaller-, you may &hose
bet,een ta$ing it to the ground, holding it immobile, or
strangling it0 D+ the target is bigger than you, you &an
only &hoose to bring it to the ground (by ta&$ling or
tri''ing it-0
4eld or strangled &hara&ters may do nothing but try to
get +ree ,hen their time to a&t &omes0 "o brea$ +ree o+ a
hold, you must ,in a #ody RArmsmanS Contest ,ith your
A &hara&ter that s'ends his turn doing nothing but
de+ending himsel+ &auses all the atta&$s brought against
him to su++er a -2 'enalty to the "as$ roll0 A &hara&ter
may de&lare that she is de+ending be+ore it is her turn to
a&t in rea&tion to an atta&$, but this 'revents her +rom
doing anything else ,ith her turn later on0
Pic( Up9 Use or Interact /ith an O3:ect
"his a&tion is +airly sel+-e/'lanatory, though it3s ,orth
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
noting that intera&tion ,ith some items may re.uire
more than one turn0
"he &hara&ter doesn5t a&t ,hen her time &omes but
instead ,aits to a&t later on0 Ahe &an a&t ,henever she
li$es, interru'ting ,hoever is &urrently a&ting to ta$e her
a&tion +irst0 Ahould another ,aiting 'layer also de&ide to
rea&t at this 'oint, determine initiative bet,een the t,o
interru'ting 'layers by the usual method (&om'aring
D0F05s, et&0-0
All &hara&ters have a A'eed ran$ ,hi&h determines ho,
+ar they &an move in one turn0 A &hara&ter may move u'
to 10 meters>round 'er 'oint o+ A'eed0
Chara&ters ,ith no A'eed ran$ are immobile0
:i++i&ult ground (or &limbing, or s,imming +or earthbound
&reatures li$e humans- or bad ,eather &onditions may
halve a &hara&ter3s movement s'eed (Re+eree5s &all-0
Running (or any similar e++ort o+ in&reasing your s'eed-
in&reases a &hara&ter3s e++e&tive A'eed Ran$ by one,
but &an be sustained only +or a number o+ turns e.ual to
#ody 'oints0
Aome &reatures may have a di++erent A'eed ran$ +or
ea&h o+ their di++erent modes o+ movement (di++erent
modes are indi&ated near the A'eed ran$ in this
manner7 +light, ,al$ing, s,imming, burro,ing-0
Chara&ters 'iloting a vehi&le - or riding a &reature - &an
alter sa+ely the s'eed o+ a vehi&le +rom one turn to the
other o+ no more s'eed ran$s than the vehi&le3s
A&&eleration stat (or &reature3s Agility-0 A 'iloting
&hara&ter &an a&&elerate more than the mount3s
&a'a&ity, +or ea&h s'eed ran$ o+ a&&eleration beyond the
ma/imum, the mount or vehi&le su++ers 1d< o+ damage
regardless o+ armor, other,ise the 'iloting &hara&ter &an
try an emergen&y brea$ redu&ing the s'eed by t,i&e the
a&&eleration s&ore0
Any turn a vehi&le or mount- is moving at a s'eed
higher than hal+ its ma/imum s'eed the 'ilot or rider
must "est its Agility R)ilot, Aailor or AurvivalistS7
#ase di++i&ulty is T
:i++i&ult terrain =2
A&robati& maneuver>de+ending =2
1mergen&y brea$ >)ushing =2
=Fehi&le maneuverability
Failure means the driver o+ the vehi&le or mount loses
&ontrol and may &rashes0
"he game master may &all +or su&h rolls also o+
&hara&ter3s trying to tread di++i&ult ground0
8hen a driver loses &ontrol, hal+ o+ the movement +or
the turn is e/e&uted normally ,hile the other hal+
ha''ens in a random dire&tion determined by the game
master0 "his may result in &ollision ,ith an obEe&t,
&reature or other vehi&le0 "he vehi&le also loses 2d<
s'eed ran$s0
A &rashing vehi&le, mount or &hara&ter su++ers (s'eed>2-
d< o+ damage0
"his same amount o+ damage is in+li&ted on &re, and
'assenger that may ho,ever avail themselves o+ the
vehi&le3s A0F0 in addition to their o,n0
Any time a vehi&le or mount is hit, the &hara&ter
&ontrolling it must immediately test again its Agility R)ilot,
Aailor or AurvivalistS at the di++i&ulty determined at the
beginning o+ the turn, ho,ever the 'ilot su++ers a -1 to
the test +or ea&h d< o+ damage re&eived and an
additional -1 +or ea&h ne, 'iloting &he&$0
Chara&ters and &reatures are usually &onsidered
?nen&umbered ,hen they are &arrying a &ou'le o+
,ea'ons, &lothes, some &oins and one 'ersonal obEe&t
(hunting horn and tinderbo/ +or Aurvivalists, a +lute i+
you5re a musi&ian, et&K-0
:onning armor already sensibly slo,s you do,n0
Consider 'artial armor as one level lighter than +ull
armor +or the 'ur'oses o+ &al&ulating en&umbran&e0
Load (anything else you5re &arrying that has a volume
u' to your AiCe level, li$e loot in a &o++er or a human
body on the ba&$ o+ another human or a rider +or an
?mtar- also slo,s you do,n7 i+ you3re &arrying load,
&onsider yoursel+ one level lo,er in the +ollo,ing
en&umbran&e table0
"oad Penalty to A&ility; Speed ran( penalty
?nen&umbered -0 0
Light armor -1 0
medium armor -2 -2JH
4eavy armor -3 -J0H
4eavy armor and Load -4 -OJH
P A++e&ts also Dnitiative Falue2 the Re+eree may &hose to a''ly this 'enalty also on some #ody "as$s or
Contests ,here +reedom o+ movement is re.uired0 "he modi+ied Attribute may rea&h a negative value0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Special !ases
0ehicles in com3at
Ahould a vehi&le5s L) +all under hal+ o+ its original s&ore,
some 'enalties to its o'eration are su++ered7 a -2
modi+ier on all die rolls +or "as$s (,hi&h are des&ribed in
&ha'ter 3- and a J0H redu&tion to A'eed0 Au&h a
vehi&le is &onsidered 4eavily damaged0
A vehi&le redu&ed to 0 L) sto's being o'erative but may
still be re'aired, i+ a Fehi&le is redu&ed to a number o+
negative L) e.ual to its #ody, it is damaged beyond
A 8eird A&ien&e vehi&le redu&ed to a number o+
negative L) e.ual to its #ody immediately e/'lodes
&ausing (#ody- :< o+ +ire damage in (#ody- meters o+
radius area0
Fehi&les &an be re'aired by a &hara&ter ,ith the
a''ro'riate s$ill (usually Cra+tsman or 8eird A&ien&e- o+
2 L) +or 4 hours ,or$, ho,ever heavily damaged vehi&le
&an only be re'aired in a lab0
Fehi&les re&eiving damage in+li&ting more than J0H o+
their L) in a single stro$e immediately ta$e a s'e&ial
e++e&t damage determined randomly7
<d= Special effect
2 Random 'ie&e o+ e.ui'ment de'ending on
vehi&le (li$e a ,ea'on or radio-
3-4 !otion system(-1 A'eed-
J-< !aneuverability (-1 !aneuverability-
O %othing
T-G Cre, (1d< random &re, members or
'assengers ta$e the same amount o+
damage as re&eived by the vehi&le0-
10-11Armor &ra&$
(vehi&le loses 3 'oints o+ armor-
12 Fire
(the vehi&le starts burning ,ith a d< rating
regardless o+ armor-
A'e&ial e++e&t damage &an only be re'aired by a
&hara&ter ,ith the a''ro'riate s$ill7 it re.uires one day o+
,or$ in a lab, s'are 'arts and a :i++i&ulty 12 8it
Ra''ro'riate s$illS "as$0
Fire arms
Fire arms are rare 'rodu&ts o+ highly develo'ed
so&ieties0 Fire arms only hold one shot and need to be
re&harged be+ore they &an shoot again7 a heavy &annon
re.uires ten a&tion turns to reload and a &re, o+ three, a
&annon re.uires +ive a&tion turns to reload and a &re, o+
t,o, a light &annon &an be reloaded by a single 'erson
in three a&tion turns a blunderbuss or an ar.uebus
re.uires t,o a&tion turns to reload, a 'istol re.uires 10
"he blunderbuss and the light &annon are area e++e&t
,ea'ons ,ith a t,o meters radius, ,hile the &annon is
an area e++e&t ,ea'on ,ith a J meters radius0
Oe(eatin$ ,ea'ons are a slightly di++erent &ase (and a
lot more rare-7 a re'eating gun holds a &li' ,ith 20 shots
and automati&ally re&harges in the same turn it shoots,
ho,ever &hanging a &li' ta$es the usual amounts o+
time and &re, re.uirements0
*renades are thro,n ,ea'ons made o+ e/'losive that
,ill e/'lode on im'a&t on&e the sa+ety 'in is released,
they have a +ive meter radius0
:ro' bombs are larger grenades Eettisoned +rom air
vehi&les during air stri$es0
Aome s'e&ial grenades and &annon shots do not in+li&t
damage but sim'ly release venomous gasses or drugs
in the air thus +ollo,ing the usual rules +or 'oisons and
Firearms are &onsidered Unsto((able atta&$s0
Fire arms must be &leaned a+ter every &ombat by a
&om'etent gunsmith, other,ise it ,ill e/'lode at the +irst
+umble rolled in+li&ting its damage to the gunner0
Primiti*e /eaponry
%ot all ,ea'ons and armors are made o+ steel (or ultra
hard &erami&s-, 'rimitive 'eo'les usually use stone or
&o''er or bronCe, some rare ,ea'ons are made o+
Chain or 'late armor built in &o''er or bronCe
res'e&tively sto' 1 and 2 damage 'oint less than their
steel or iron &ounter'arts0
)rimitive ,ea'ons ,ill brea$ in &ombat ,henever their
user rolls e/a&tly the same number (be+ore modi+iers are
a''lied- o+ its enemy on a &ombat roll and its enemy
em'loys a stronger ,ea'on or armor7 here is a list +rom
the ,ea$est to the toughest material7

ifferent si>ed /eapons
?nless s'e&i+ied in the te/t, all damage and armor
values in these rules are +or medium-siCed (e0g0 human
siCed- ,ea'ons0
4o,ever #rutes em'loy ,ea'ons and armors Eust li$e
humans, this $ind o+ Large-siCed ,ea'ons or armors
in+li&t or 'arry 2 times as many damage 'oints as
human siCed ones and have t,i&e the listed range and
Dn the same ,ay small siCed ,ea'ons and armors ,ould
halve their &osts, ranges, damage and armor values0
A &hara&ter may not use ,ea'ons &reated +or a di++erent
AiCe Level unless the *! allo,s it, a 'enalty to atta&$
"as$s and Contest should any ,ay be a''lied0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
ample Indi,idual /om#at se.uen+e:
.hile wanderin$ the rins of a for$otten cit# in the
northern swam(s of the twili$ht Fone, Malmt A#ody
3, 8it J, Agility 4(3-, )resen&e 2, )si-inde/ 1- AiCe !,
A'eed 3, D0F0 G(T-, 1T L)- e.ui''ed ,ith shield, s,ord
Rdmg7 2d<=1S and light armor Rav73SB
finds himself confrontin$ a +rte raider A#ody <,
Agility 3, 8it 2, )resen&e 3 AiCe L, A'eed <, L) 3<,
D0F0 J - e.ui''ed ,ith 'artial light armor Rav7 O>1S and
a huge &lub Rdmg7 2d<SB7
The 0M asks for a Sr(rise check and determines
that neither is sr(rised7
)t the be$innin$ of the first combat rond the# both
check -nitiati*e rollin$ 1d9 and addin$ their own -!7
Malmt rolls 8 J2L 11 a$ainst the +rteDs roll of
Malmt wins the initiati*e and decides to attack,
sin$ the shield for defense4 he rolls ;d9J+od#J;
de to siFe differences a$ainst the +rteDs (lain ;d9J
+od# roll7
Malmt rolls 2J8J;L1:, the +rte rolls KJ9L187
Malmt $ets to scratch the +rte for half dama$e,
#et its odd roll allows him to a*oid the armor worn b#
the +rte7
Malmt inflicts A;d9LKJ1B@;L: dama$e (oints,
sbtractin$ the +rte skin )7!7 of 1, 8 dama$e (oints7
The +rte on his action strikes back at Malmt
rollin$ ;d9J+od#&; for siFe and &; for the shield and
$ets 3J9&;&;L11 *erss MalmtDs roll of KJ8L167
The +rte strikes for ;d9&8 dama$e and $ets a total
of :7
Malmt swears nder his breath ho(in$ that hel(
arri*es soonN )nd it doesC
The ne?t trn a member of the Pellow le$ion assassin
clt a((ears at the +rtes back declarin$ an all ot
The )ssassin A#ody o+ J, AiCe !, D0F0 10, no armor
and a 'oisoned long s,ord Advan&ed ran$ in
ArmsmanB has the ad*anta$e of sr(rise and stabs
the +rte rollin$ 3J5 for +od#,J; for skill, J; for siFe,
J; for sr(rise, J; for all ot attackL;;, the +rte
rolls a 3J9L157
The reslt is a critical sccess dealin$ doble
dama$e a$ainst fll armor *ale for AA;d9L5J1B ?;B&KB
L5 dama$e (oints7 -tDs jst a flesh wond, #et the
assassinDs sword is (oisoned with a (otenc# of 57
The +rte beats the Potenc# of the (oison rollin$ a
16J9L19 *erss a 5J5L16 and sffers no ill
The +rte shrieks with sr(rise and normal initiati*e
se'ence takes (lace7
The assassin rolls a :J16L1:, Malmt $ets a
;J2L16 and the +rte rolls a 5J:L37
The order of action for this rond is 4
The )ssassin
The +rte
The assassin $oes first winnin$ initiati*e and
e?ectes a normal attack losin$ both benefits of
sr(rise and all&ot attack7
His roll of KJ3L19 is beaten b# the +rteDs incredible
1;J1Afor the e?tra diceBJ9L137
Malmt attacks now and rolls himself an 11J5L1K
a$ainst the +rteDs :J9&1L3 de to this bein$ the
second defense roll of the trn7
Malmt inflicts doble dama$e and i$nores the
+rteDs worn armor and $ets to inflict a sta$$erin$
AA3J1B ?;B&1B 13 dama$e (ointsC
The +rte has now accmlated A13J8J5LB ;K
dama$e (oints, it sffers a &; to all Tasks and
Contests and a &1 to S(eed from now on7
-n addition the +rte mst roll its +od# *erss a tar$et
difficlt# of 1; to a*oid losin$ consciosnessN and
fails rollin$ a total of 11C
)s the $iant crmbles to the $rond Malmt takes a
dee( breath to thank his sa*ior onl# to find the
assassinDs blade at his own throat777
%ass com3at
!ass Combat is a &ommon event in A,ord W )lanet
"y'i&ally the hero ,ill lead his &ity3s army or air +leet
against hordes o+ barbarians, traitorous &ity states or
mutated servants o+ some 8eird A&ientist7 A sim'le
reading o+ the subEe&t material ,ill give the *! lots o+
ideas o+ ho, to +it the &lash o+ armies in its &am'aign0
!ost battles ,ill not involve the 'layer &hara&ters
dire&tly and their resolution ,ill be de&ided by *! +iat,
as their role is more that o+ 'lot devi&e then that o+
&hallenge to the 'layer3s s$ill0
4o,ever Under the moons of Zoon also 'ro'oses a +ast
resolution system +or mass battles, ,hile not a&&urately
realisti& it serves the 'ur'ose o+ allo,ing )Cs to lead
armies in e'i& struggles0
!ass &ombat is resolved using the same rules as
individual &ombat save some di++eren&es outlined belo,0
Deployment: "he *! must de&ide in ,hi&h &onditions
and at ,hi&h range the battle starts0
Also Aur'rise e++e&ts should be ta$en in a&&ount7 i+ an
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
army ambushes the other ma$e the army leaders roll a
8it RArmsmanS Contest to &he&$ +or sur'rise0
"cale: First o+ all, mass &ombat "urns are J minutes
long, movement rates are re&al&ulated to 1 A'eed 'oint
e.ual to 100 meters movement0
1nits: ?nits are treated as single &hara&ters using the
same Attributes as +or individual &hara&ters or vehi&les
o+ the same ty'e0
AF, #ody, A'eed, AiCe, Li+e 'oints, DF, )resen&e and
atta&$ roll damage o+ a ?nit are based on the average
unit member attributes0
!ounted units use the mounts AiCe and A'eed, and use
the riders DF0
#ody, )resen&e and Li+e 'oints are based on the
average o+ rider and mount3s #ody, )resen&e and L)0
A mounted unit in+li&ts damage e.ual to the sum o+
rider3s and mount3s damage rolls0
Fehi&ular units are treated normally, use the 'ilots D0F0
+or initiative0
8hen a vehi&le unit looses members all "roo'ers
trans'orted on lost vehi&les are &onsidered Casualties0
!ounted and Fehi&le units should &he&$ +or &rashes
,hile moving (see above- using the 'ilot Agility and A$ill
Actions: ?nits e/e&ute a&tions in order o+ D0F0 e/a&tly
the same ,ay individual &hara&ters do, ,ith the
+ollo,ing additional modi+iers to melee atta&$ and
de+ense rolls7
Unit Scale le*el Scale mods
1-10 =0
11-2J =2
2<-J0 =4
J1-100 =<
100-2J0 =T
2J0-J00 =10
J01-1000 =12
1001-2J00 =14
2J01-J000 =1<
J001-10000 =1T
10001-2J000 =20
2J001-J0000 =22
J0001-100000 =24
1a&h +urther doubling Additional =2
Dn &ase o+ missile atta&$s, add one half the nitDs
modifier to the attackerDs roll Alarger units are easier to
"he A&ale modi+ier is subtra&ted +rom a unit3s Dnitiative
Damage: 8henever a unit su&&ess+ully hits an enemy
unit roll +or damage a''lying the usual modi+iers (s'e&ial
a&tions li$e &harge, Penetratin$ atta&$s, &riti&al
Add the 'oten&y o+ eventual venoms to the damage roll0
Dn&endiary ,ea'on damage rolls do not &arry over +rom
round to round7 $ee' re-rolling and adding <s0
Area e++e&t ,ea'ons in+li&t double rolled damage0
At this 'oint subtra&t the atta&$ed unit3s average A0F0
+rom the #ase :amage "otal (&onsidering the usual
rules +or 'artial armor-0
At this 'oint the damage 'oints total +or Atunning atta&$s
in+li&t hal+ damage, to a minimum o+ 10
n&e a !odi+ied :amage "otal is obtained multi'ly it by
the unit3s members and divide this ne, total by the
average target unit Li+e )oints 'lus the unit3s A&ale
"he result is the number o+ individual members that the
unit loses0
:o not roll s'e&ial damage results +or vehi&les, nor
&onsider the modi+iers +or 4eavy damaged status0
As the unit &om'osition &hanges to lo,er values,
re&al&ulate the A&ale modi+ier0
Missile (eapons: !issile ,ea'ons that re.uire reload
a&tions (i0e0 &an not +ire every turn li$e re'eating
+irearms- do re.uire reload times also in !ass Combat
3oining and "plitting: As a standard &ombat a&tion
units may s'lit to smaller units or merge in to larger
ones0 1a&h ne, unit must have at least 10 members0
,ortifications: ?nits behind +orti+i&ations re&eive the
same bene+its o+ an additional layer o+ )artial armor and
shield (-2 to be hit-0 8ood buildings should be
&onsidered Light Armor, Atone buildings should be
&onsidered as 4ardened medium Armor0 An&ient vaults
&an be &onsidered as ?m'enetrable 4eavy armor or
Morale: Ahould a unit lose more than 2JH its members
it must &he&$ morale by rolling a )resen&e "as$7 140
Failure means that the unit routs and +lees the battle+ield
at to' s'eed unless rallied0
?nits losing more then J0H or more o+ their members
&he&$ at :i++i&ulty 1<0
?nits must &he&$ morale ,ith a )resen&e "as$ also
,hen &on+ronted by /ri$htenin$ units or &ausing Horror0
"he target :i++i&ulty is 12 i+ the Frightening unit is one
A&ale level smaller and 1< i+ one or more A&ale levels
?nits losing their Leader (see belo,- must immediately
roll a )resen&e7 1< "as$ or rout0
Leaders: 4eroi& &hara&ters &an be assigned to lead
'arti&ular units0 A unit may &he&$ morale using the
Leader3s )resen&e instead o+ its o,n )resen&e, adding
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
their Leader3s Fame (see &ha'ter 10- to all !orale
Also a unit3s D0F0 is based on the unit3s Agility and the
higher bet,een the units and the Leader3s 8it0
A Leader3s Com'eten&e #onus +or the Armsman s$ill is
added to all o+ its unit3s rolls7 "as$s, Contest and
Leaders may s'end 1'i& )oints on their unit3s rolls and
on damage rolls to ,hi&h the unit is e/'osed0
8henever a unit is damaged, the Leader must roll a
straight RArmsmanS "as$ to avoid being damaged in the
+ight0 First &he&$ +or leader damage, then +or unit
A damaged leader re&eives the same #ase :amage
"otal that the unit re&eived by the atta&$0
Leaders should &he&$ +or un&ons&iousness as individual
&hara&ters do, 4eavy damage 'enalties are a''lied to
the above Aurvival "as$0
Unit losses e8ual to Armsman Tas( ifficulty
20H or less <
40H or less T
<0H or less 10
T0H or less 12
?' to 100H 14
Leaders o+ routed units may try to restore the unit3s
!orale7 ea&h battle round be+ore the routed unit leaves
the battle+ield (as de+ined by the *!- it must e/e&ute a
!orale "as$ at di++i&ulty 14, i+ su&&ess+ul the unit may
get ba&$ to the +ight +rom the ne/t turn0
Casualties: At the end o+ a +ight the *! may need to
&al&ulate the real number o+ losses su++ered by an army
or unit0
About <0H &asualties re'resent dead men or disabled
vehi&les, the remaining 40H 'er&ent re'resents heavily
damaged soldiers and vehi&les that &an be healed or
!an'ished &asualties are never dead unless atta&$ed
by ,ea'ons deadly to them and ,ill start to regenerate
as soon as the battle ends0
Psionics: )sioni& a&tions are handled mostly as usual
+or individual 'sioni&s and are a''lied as i+ the unit as a
,hole ,as the !ani+esting &hara&ter0 For more on
'sioni&s see the )sioni&s &ha'ter0
%otable e/&e'tions in&lude7
*egeneration and Psyc&osurgery: multi'ly the
number o+ regenerated Li+e 'oints by the number o+ men
in the Regenerating unit, and divide it by Average ?nit
Li+e )oints7 this number is the number o+ re&overed
Canni#ali)e: multi'ly the number o+ regenerated Li+e
'oints by the number o+ men in the unit, and divide it by
Average ?nit Li+e )oints7 this number is the number o+
lost unit members0
Mind Control: :ivide the number o+ members o+ the
)sioni& unit by the target unit3s s&ale mod7 the result is
the number o+ a++e&ted enemy soldiers0 :ouble that i+
the 'sioni& unit &reates an area e++e&t mani+estation0
Assault and Pyro!inesis: "reat as normal ranged
atta&$, remember to &onsider the eventual doubling o+
damage due to Area e++e&t0
-0 s&ield: :ouble the A0F0 bonus i+ the !ani+estation is
&reated ,ith Area 1++e&t0
-eleport: "his mani+estation &an be used to move the
unit a,ay ,ith another unit ,ithin range0
*ing: Any :is&i'line mani+ested ne/t round re&eives a
bonus number o+ 'o,er levels e.ual to Ring level 'lus
the unit3s s&ale mod0

!aintaining an e/iting mani+estation &osts a unit 1 )si
)oint 'er !ass &ombat turn0
Legendary 1nits: 4eroi& units li$e the 8hite Nnights o+
4eli&on have the additional bene+it o+ a 'ersonal Fame
s&ore and 1'i& )oints reserve0
"hese 1lite units ,ill have u' to Fame 3 and a reserve
o+ u' to 20 1'i& )oints (er battle0
"hese units may s'end 1'i& )oints on all their rolls and
on damage rolls to ,hi&h the unit is e/'osed0
Also they add their o,n Fame s&ore to all !orale "as$s0
ample 0ass /om#at se.uen+e:
) scotin$ (latoon of 56 .hite Kni$hts of Helicon is
hntin$ down a $ro( of 166 +rte Oaiders7
The white Kni$hts are fll# e'i((ed with Partial Gi$ht
Ceramic )rmor, )r'ebses, Ceramic swords and
monted on )rmored Umtars7
.e can ima$ine the Umtars as ha*in$ the followin$
standard attribtes4
#ody J Agility 3 8it 2>J )resen&e 3
L) 30 AiCe ! D0F0 O
A'eed G
Atta&$7 2:<
AF7 )artial Cerami& light armor (3>0 Hardened-
Meanwhile, the .hite Kni$hts can be considered as
ha*in$ these attribtes4
$&ite 0nig&ts of elicon
#ody J Agility 4 8it 3 )resen&e 3 )si-Dnde/0
L) 30 AiCe ! A'eed 3 D0F0 O
Atta&$7 A,ord Penetratin$(2d<=1-10>20>40-,
Ar.uebus ,ith ,hite-+lame ammo 2d<=2 (range7
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
40>T0>120- Unsto((able
AF7 )artial Cerami& light armor (3>0 Hardened- and
A$ills7 Armsman Advan&ed, !ar$sman Advan&ed,
Aurvivalist Advan&ed0
"hey are lead by a Lieutenant ,ith similar attributes
and s$ills e/&e't +or a 8it o+ 4, )resen&e o+ 4 and
Advan&ed Armsman A$ill, no Fame nor 1'i& )oints0
/ollowin$ the rles, the attribtes of a monted nit of
.hite kni$hts can be considered as4
45 $&ite 0nig&ts of elicon .1mtar Mounted
#ody J Agility 4 8it 3 )resen&e 3 )si-Dnde/0
L) 30 AiCe ! A'eed G D0F0 T
Atta&$7 A,ord W "ram'ling Penetratin$(4d<=1-,
Ar.uebus ,ith ,hite-+lame ammo 2d<=2 (range7
40>T0>120- Unsto((able
AF7 )artial Cerami& light armor (3>0 Hardened- and
A$ills7 Armsman Advan&ed, !ar$sman Advan&ed,
Aurvivalist Advan&ed0
"he unit has a s&ale mod o+ =4
"he Nnights are an 1'i& ?nit ,ith a Fame o+ 2 and 10
1'i& )oints0
"he raiders have standard #rute Attributes7
655 %rute *aiders
#ody <, Agility 2, 8it 2, )resen&e 3
AiCe L, A'eed <, L) 3<, D0F0 4
Atta&$7 huge &lub Rdmg7 2d<S
AF7 'artial light armor Rav7 O>1S
A$ills7 Aurvivalist #asi& and Armsman #asi&0
#eing a unit o+ 100 #rutes, they also have a A&ale
!odi+ier o+ =<
"he Leader has the same attributes and s$ill save +or
)resen&e 4 and Advan&ed Armsman s$ill0
The 0M has determined that no side is sr(rised as
the +rtes ha*e fond shelter in some ancient rins
while fleein$ the chasin$ Kni$hts7
"he Ruins have the same e++e&t as )artial !edium
Armor and &over0
,n the first rond the Kni$hts roll -nitiati*e $ettin$ a
Adice roll of : (ls : for Unit )$ilit# mins : for scale
mod (ls 8 for GeaderDs .itLB K beatin$ the +rteDs
total of Aroll of ; (ls : for -7!7 mins 9 for scale
modLB 67
The Kni$hts o(en fire on the +rtes, kee(in$ (osition
some 166 #ards from the enem#7
The Kni$hts roll a :J:A)$ilit#B J8Afor firin$ on a nit
with a J9 scale modifierB J; ASkillB J; AGeaderDs skillB
J; AGar$e tar$etB&;Afor co*erB L15 *s7 a difficlt# of
1:AGon$ Oan$eB, a hit bt nothin$ s(ecial7
Since the reslt is e*en, the +rtesD Partial armor is
not ski((ed, nor is the fortificationDs )!7 Howe*er,
de to the /irearmsD Unsto((able effect onl# 3
instead of 18 )rmor (oints redce the dama$e roll7
The Gietenant decides to se 8 %(ic (oints from the
UnitDs reser*e to increase dama$e b# J97
The Kni$hts roll for dama$e ;d9J;J;Afor leaderDs
skillBJ9 Afor %(ic PointsB&3Afor co*er and armorB, the
white&flame ammo allows them to re&roll and add all
dice that come ot a si?7
The dice come ot a total of K, for 2 dama$e (oints of
+ase total e'al to AA2?56B@ A89J9BB L 16 dead +rtes7
The +rteDs leader mst test his )rmsman skill at
"ifficlt# 9 to a*oid takin$ dama$e4 he rolls a ;, &; for
the additional dice and J; for his skill rank and takes
basic dama$eE he is down to 8: Gife Points7
Close, bt no ci$ar777the +rtes do not ha*e to test
morale at this (oint7
Now itDs the +rtes trn, the leader decides to risk it
all and brin$s ot its raiders in a des(erate char$e
a$ainst the enem#C
Since in mass combat ronds each s(eed rank
co*ers 166 meters of mo*ement, the brtes easil#
connect with the Kni$hts7
The brtes add to their roll4 +od# A9B, Unit Scale mod
A9B, )rmsman Skill A1B, Geader Skill A;B and sbtract :
Ade to Shields worn b# the Kni$hts and SiFe
differenceB L117
The Kni$hts add to their roll4 +od# A5B, Unit Scale
mod A:B, )rmsman Skill A;B, Geader Skill A;B L187
The +rtes roll a 16 and the Kni$hts a 57
The +rtes barel# connect inflictin$ half dama$e,
howe*er the Kni$htsD Gietenant e?(ends 1 %(ic
Point to redce dama$e4 3A;d9BJ1;Ade to char$in$
bonsBJ;AGeader skillB&; Afor %(ic PointsB@;L16
dama$e (oints mins fll armor effect of 8 for 2
(oints of base dama$e7
The losses of the Kni$hts are AAK?36B@86J:B L13 menC
The Gietenant &on his (art& fails its )rmsman Task
a$ainst a "ifficlt# of 16 and takes 2 dama$e (oints7
The Kni$hts do ha*e to test their Morale, the# roll
addin$ their GeaderDs Presence and )rmsman
Com(etence +ons (ls Unit /ame Afor a total of 2B
*erss a "ifficlt# of 1: and scceed, standin$ their
The Kni$hts ma# still lose the ne?t rond de to the
effect of the Char$e4 the# ha*e to roll a Task of
;d9J)$ilit#JSr*i*alist Com(etence bons a$ainst
11, and scceed b# rollin$ a K7
The ;2 remainin$ Kni$hts ha*e now a Scale mod of
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
) new rond be$ins, a$ain the nits check for
-nitiati*e4 The +rtes $et a total of 5 a$ainst the
Kni$htsD total of 27
The Heliconian Gietenant $rits his teeth and orders a
new rond of fire4
)t short ran$e and with no more co*er the Kni$hts roll
5A;d9B J:A)$ilit#B J8Afor firin$ on a nit with a J9
scale modifierB J; ASkillB J; AGeaderDs skillB J; AGar$e
tar$etB&;Afor shootin$ in the fra#B L19 *s7 a difficlt# of
16AShort Oan$eB, critical strikeC
The reslt is doble dama$e with no armor777 for $ood
measre the Gietenant decides to e?(end another 8
%(ic Points on the dama$e roll, the ma?imm that the
nit ma# benefit from with its Presence of 8 Aand
lea*in$ onl# 8%P in the UnitDs reser*e for this battleB7
The Kni$hts roll for dama$e A;d9J;B ?;J;Afor leaderDs
skillB J9 Afor %(ic PointsB, the white&flame ammo
allows them to re&roll and add all dice that come ot a
The dice come ot a 9 and a ;, the si? is re&rolled
comin$ ot a 5 for a total of base dama$e (oints 82
and the +rtes lose A82?;2B@:;L;2 men7
The +rtesD Geader now checks a$ain its )rmsman
skill to see if the *olle# hit him and scceeds7
The Oaiders check morale rollin$ ;d9J9AGeaderDs
Presence and )rmsman skillB *erss 1:7
+# rollin$ a K the +rtes fail morale and rot, their
action is s(ent fleein$ the battle field at fll s(eedC
-n onl# 16 mintes of battle 82 +rtes and 13 Kni$hts
of Helicon ha*e lost their li*es777
,n the followin$ rond the Heliconians win a$ain
initiati*e and declare an all&ot char$e on the fleein$
The brtes add to their roll4 +od# A9B, Unit Scale mod
A9B, )rmsman Skill A1B, Geader Skill A;B L157
The Kni$hts add to their roll4 +od# A5B, Unit Scale
mod A:B, )rmsman Skill A;B, Geader Skill A;B, SiFe
difference A;B, )ll&ot attack A;B L1K7
Since the Gietenant is riskin$ e*er#thin$ he $ot on
this char$e, he ses the nitDs last %(ic Points for an
additional J97
The Kni$htsM total of 86 beats their enemiesD total of
)s the Kni$hts ha*e rolled a K, no armor is a((lied on
this attack as well4 8; dama$e (oints Ade to char$e
effect, leader skill and the sm of kni$hts and montsD
attacksB reslt in ;: more dead brtes in the fi*e
followin$ mintes, brin$in$ the total down to 82
)s the +rtesD leader fails his )rmsman Task
sfferin$ 8; dama$e (oints that send him
nconscios the raiders can not rall# this combat trn
and kee( fleein$7
Ha*in$ ca(tred the leader des(ite sfferin$ hea*#
losses, the Kni$hts decide to $i*e them some
&r7te Ra0der
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Typical *ehicles
0ehicle Si>e !lass Speed
%an Acceleration 'ody
Chariot ! *round P -1 P J(30- 3
Li+eboat L Aea
2 > < 2 1 T(4T- 3
Frigate 4 Aea
J >1G 1 3 12(O2- <
Longshi' 4 Aea
10>1O 0 2 1<(G<- G
"he most an&ient o+ vehi&les a ,ooden and metal
shuttle 'ulled by huge dra+t animals0
Re.uired Cre,7 1
)assengers7 1
Cargo7 100 $g
ther7 An animal-driven ground vehi&le, s'eed and
a&&eleration de'end on the animal leading the &hariot
and the burden this im'oses on him, some &hariots &an
be lead by even t,o or +our animals sharing the
&ommon ,eight (about 200 $g-0
A t,o animals &hariot re&eives a -1 modi+ier to
maneuverability, ,hile a 4 animals &hariot re&eives a -2
Chariots &an not be e.ui''ed in any ,ay and im'art
only 'artial armor on the 'assengers0
A small boat ,ith no s'a&e +or 'assengers, it is J meters
long and 3 ,ide0
Re.uired Cre,7 J
)assengers7 -
Cargo7 <00$g
Armament7 --0
ther7 --0
A small, light,eight long-boat ,ith, about 12 meters long
and 3 ,ide, ,ith oars and a &om'le/ sail rigging0
Ahi's o+ this siCe are used in navies3 ,orld ,ide as
e/'lorers or lo, &ost trader shi's
Re.uired Cre,7 J
Cargo7 J "ons
Armament7 !ilitary +rigates are armed ,ith 2 mounted
re'eating ar.uebuses (one on the 'ro, and one on the
stern on s,ivel mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&-0
ther7 "his $ind o+ shi' has no real living .uarters0
A shi' 23 meters long and J ,ide, ,ith oars and one
single s.uare sail0
!ilitary shi's o+ this siCe are em'loyed mostly as troo'
Re.uired Cre,7 2J
Cargo7 20 tons
Armament7 !ilitary shi's are armed ,ith 2 mounted
re'eating light &annons (one on the 'ro, and one on the
stern on s,ivel mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&-0 Civilian
Longshi's sim'ly add J tons o+ &argo0
ther7 "his $ind o+ shi' has no real living .uarters0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
6eapons Ta3le,
6eapon ama&e RANG#S
S % "
Fist>Ni&$>4ead butt 1>2:< - - -
Club>shield 1:< - - -
:agger 1:<=2 1-Jm <-10m 11-20m
A,ord 2:<=1 - - -
4and a/e 2:< 1-3m 4-<m O-10m
A'ear 2:<-1 1-10m 11-20m 21-40m
",o-handed s,ord or a/e 2d<=3 - - -
#lo,gun 1X 1-Jm <-10m 11-20m
Ahoots darts0 D+ the damage in+li&ted is greater then A0F0 the 'oison usually &oated on the dart by'asses armor0
Aling 1:<=2 1-10m 11-20m 21-40m
Ahoots 'ellets or stones0 Atones have hal+ the re'orted range0
#o, 2:<=2 1-30m 31-<0m <1-G0m
Ahoots arro,s
Crossbo, 2:<=2 1-40m 41-T0m T1-120m
Ahoots arro,s0 Re.uires one a&tion to reload, Crossbo, atta&$s are )ier&ing
Firearms Ta3le,
6eapon ama&e RANG#S
S % "
)istol 2:< 1-20 21-40m 41-<0m
Ahoots ammo
#lunderbuss 1:< 1-Jm <-10m 11-20m
Ahoots ammo
Ar.uebus 2:<=2 1-40m 41-T0m T1-120m
Ahoots ammo
Light Cannon 4:<=4 1-200m 200-400m 401-<00m
Ahoots ammo
Cannon T:<=T 1-400m 401-T00m T01-1200m
Ahoots ammo
4eavy Cannon 1<:<=1< 1-T00m T01-1<00m 1<01-3200m
Ahoots ammo
*renade 2:<X 1-10m 11-20m 21-40m
X or by drug>'oison, 3 m0 radius area e++e&t, thro,n
:ro' bomb 4:<X - - -
X or by drug>'oison, 10 m0 radius area e++e&t, dro''ed on target by airshi'
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
!+APT#R FI0#, 6I"#RN#SS TRA0#"
Adventures ,ill easily bring the heroes to travel the ,orld o+ @oon, either by +eet, ?mtar or air shi'0 "his Cha'ter deals
,ith overland travel and the management o+ &asual en&ounters in the dangerous ,ilderness o+ @oon0
6ilderness %o*ement Rates
!ovement rates ,hen traveling in the ,ilderness are
related dire&tly to en&ounter movement rates, a &reature
or vehi&le &an move a number o+ $ilometers 'er hour
e.ual to its A'eed s&ore0
%aturally, any grou' traveling together moves at the rate
o+ the slo,est member0
O*erland Tra*el
"he movement rates sho,n on the table above are
+igured based on travel through o'en, &lear terrain0 "he
terrain ty'e ,ill alter the rate some,hat, as sho,n on
this table7
-errain Ad7ustment
Bungle, !ountains, A,am' /1>3
:esert, Forest, 4ills /1>2
Clear, )lains, "rail /1
An&ient3s Road ()aved- /1 1>3
Chara&ters normally travel T hours 'er day, ho,ever
they may &hoose to 'er+orm a forced march, traveling 12
hours 'er day0
1a&h day o+ +or&ed mar&h 'er+ormed a+ter the +irst
in+li&ts a -2 'enalty to all "as$s and Contests and
redu&tion o+ A'eed by J0H0
A #ody RAurvivalistS712 "as$ is allo,ed to avoid this
'enalty, a+ter this "as$ is +ailed on&e, $ee' rolling to
avoid 1d< damage on the &hara&ters (and their animals,
i+ any-0 n&e this se&ond "as$ is +ailed it is not rolled
again +or that &hara&ter or &reature0
A day s'ent resting 9restarts; the 'rogression0
6ater3orne Tra*el
"ravel by ,ater may be done in a variety o+ boats or
shi's2 see the Fehi&les table0
?nless the shi' sto's ea&h night, as is done by some
vessels traveling along a &oastline, as ,ell as those
vessels having less than the minimum number o+ regular
&re,men on board, shi's &an easily travel 12 or even 24
hours 'er day rather than the usual T hours (i+ a +ull &re,
is aboard ta$ing shi+ts-, and so may be able to &over
t,i&e the normal distan&e 'er day o+ travel0
!ovement o+ sailed shi's varies de'ending on ,eather
&onditions, as sho,n on the +ollo,ing table0
Aailing movement modi+iers sho,n a''ly ,hen sailing
,ith the ,ind2 sailing against the ,ind involves ta&$ing
(CigCagging movement- ,hi&h redu&es movement rates
one ro, on the table (+rom !oderate #reeCe to Light
#reeCe, +or instan&e-0
<d= 6ind irection
2 %orth
3 %ortheast
4 1ast
J Aoutheast
< Aouth
O Aouth,est
T 8est
G %orth,est
10-12 )revailing ,ind dire&tion
Ad= 6ind !onditions Flyin& Sailin&
1 #e&almed M 120H /0
2 Light #reeCe M 100H M J0H
3 !oderate #reeCe M 100H M <<H
4 Average 8inds M 100H M 100H
J Atrong 8inds M 100H M 1J3H
< *ale M O0H M 200H
%ecalmed: Aailing shi's &annot move0 ared shi's may
move at the given ro,ing movement rate0
"trong $inds: Aailing against the ,ind (ta&$ing- is not
'ossible, and shi's e/'osed to this sort o+ ,ind may be
damaged or sun$ by it2 a''ly 1d< 'oints o+ damage to
any su&h shi', 'er hour sailed ignoring AF0
"he shi'3s 'ilot &an avoid this damage ,ith an Agility
RAurvivalistS712 "as$0
Flying vehi&les must 'ass an hourly Agility R)ilotS710
"as$ to avoid &rashing0
Gale: Aailing against the ,ind is not 'ossible, and shi's
e/'osed to this sort o+ ,ind may be damaged or sun$ by
it2 a''ly 2d< 'oints o+ damage to any su&h shi', 'er
hour sailed ignoring AF0
"he shi'3s 'ilot &an avoid this damage ,ith an Agility
RAurvivalistS714 "as$0
Flying vehi&les must 'ass an hourly Agility R)ilotS712
"as$ to avoid &rashing0
Tra*elin& 3y Air
?nless the airshi' sto's ea&h night, as is done by some
vessels having less than the minimum number o+ regular
&re,men on board, airshi's &an easily travel 12 or even
24 hours 'er day rather than the usual T hours (i+ a +ull
&re, is aboard ta$ing shi+ts-, and so may be able to
&over t,i&e the normal distan&e 'er day o+ travel0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
!ost ,inged &reatures or +lying vehi&les must maintain
at least one-third normal +or,ard movement in order to
remain airborne2 ho,ever, F"L &a'able vehi&les
generally do not have to do this0 Adverse ,inds may
a++e&t +lying s'eed, &he&$ the ,inds table above0
8hen traveling by air all terrain e++e&ts are ignored0
'ecomin& "ost
Adventurers +ollo,ing roads, trails, rivers, streams, or
other obvious landmar$s are unli$ely to be&ome lost2
ho,ever, ,hen the 'arty stri$es out into tra&$less +orest,
,indblo,n desert, et&0 they may be&ome lost0
Ae&retly roll a 8it RAurvivalist or AailorS712 "as$ using
the 8it o+ the 'arty leader (i0e0 ,hi&hever 'layer
&hara&ter seems to be leading-0 "he *! must determine
the e++e&ts o+ a +ailed roll0

"hree times 'er day the *! should roll 2d< on the
a''ro'riate table to &he&$ i+ an en&ounter o&&urs, on&e
in the morning, on&e in the a+ternoon and on&e at night0
"he *ame !aster should thin$ &are+ully about ho, the
en&ounter ha''ens2 &he&$ +or sur'rise in advan&e, and
i+ the monster is not sur'rised, it may be &onsidered to
have had time to set u' an ambush (at the *!5s o'tion-0
"i&ht Pole #ncounters
<d= Roll Result
2-T %one
G roll 2:<
2-O Ana$es (1d<-
T-10 Fam'ire bats (2d<-
11 1agle
12 @ohars (1d<-
10 roll 2:<
2-O ,yvern
T )sivores (2d<-
G-10 *host
11 *houls (1d<-
12 Firstborns (1d<-
11 roll 2:<
2-< #andits (1d<-
O-G A&avengers (1d<-
10-11 8yrm &ultists (2d<-
12 8eird A&ientist
12 roll 2:<
2 Ruins
3 Curse 'o&$et
4 asis
J )si &rystal de'osit
<-O An&ient Road
T-G Aandstorm
10 CraCed Automatons (1d<-
11 Aervitors (1d<-
12 8inged Aervants (1d<-
T/ili&ht Zone #ncounters
<d= Roll Result
2-< %one
O %one
T-G roll 2:<
J-< 1agle
O-T?mtars (2d<-
G-12 "ars (2d<-
10 roll 2:<
2-4 !ilitary s&outs (2d<-
J"ravelling mer&hants (1d<-
< "raveling @oolams (1d<-
O-T #andits (2d<-
G 1nlightened (1d<-
10 8eird A&ientist
11 Assassins (1d<-
12 8yrm Cultists (1d<-
11 roll 2:<
2-3 *host
4-J #asilis$s (1d<-
<-O )sivores
10-12 #rutes Raiding )arty
12 roll 2:<
2 Curse )o&$et
3-4 Air shi' s.uadron
J-< Ruins
O-11 An&ient Road
12 CraCed automatons (1d<-
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Ni&ht Pole #ncounters
<d= Roll Result
2-T %one
G roll 2:<
2-4 #aaluruth
J-< 1l$
O-T Forood (1d<-
G-11 "ars (2d<-
12 +urry @ohars (1d<-
10 roll 2:<
2 Nra$uun
3 *host
4-12 #rutes Raiding )arty
11 roll 2:<
2-3 !ilitary s&outs (2d<-
4-<"ravelling mer&hants (1d<-
O-11 #andits (2d<-
12 8eird A&ientist
12 roll 2:<
2-4 Curse )o&$et
J-O Ruins
T-12 Ano,storm
Ocean #ncounters
<d= Roll Result
2-G %one
10 roll 2:<
2-3 Nra$uun
4-12 #rutes Raiding )arty
11 roll 2:<
2-3 !ilitary s&outs
4-< !er&hant shi'
O-11 )irates
12 8eird A&ientist
12 roll 2:<
2-< Dsland
O !utiny
T A&urvy
G Abandoned shi'
10 !arooned sailor
11 !essage in a bottle
12 Atorm
%ushroom forest on the Ni&ht Pole
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Adventurers ,ill easily +ind themselves dealing ,ith obs&ure arti+a&ts7 either the remnants o+ 'ast &iviliCations or the
'rodu&ts o+ 8eird A&ientists0 All &hara&ters &an learn to use these items given some time to learn their use, at the
*!3s dis&retion the more esoteri& ones may re.uire a sim'le 8it "as$ +or &hara&ters uns$illed in 8eird A&ien&e0 Iet
only those trained in the dar$ arts o+ the An&ients &an &ra+t or re'air items o+ ,onder0
6eird Science
@oon3s ,eird s&ien&e is res'onsible +or the &reation o+
many things7 +irst o+ all *houls and Fam'ires, living
items, automaton and gra+ts amongst many others0
8eird A&ien&e has many bran&hes, ea&h &overs the
Ae&rets o+ building di++erent items o+ ,onder, the 8eird
A&ien&e A$ill governs a&&ess to the di++erent +ields o+
$no,ledge7 Li+e A&ien&e, Al&hemy, 1nergy and !atter
1a&h Ae&ret +ield has di++erent a''li&ations that &an be
&reated through e/'eriments0
#asi& $no,ledge o+ the 8eird A&ien&e s$ill grants
a&&ess to one level o+ Nno,ledge +rom one Ae&ret,
Advan&ed A$ill Level grants a&&ess to t,o Levels o+
Nno,ledge either +rom the same Ae&ret or +rom di++erent
%o &hara&ter may ta$e Advan&ed $no,ledge o+ a Ae&ret
,ithout ta$ing #asi& Nno,ledge o+ the same Ae&ret0
!aster A$ill Ran$ in 8eird A&ien&e grants a&&ess to
+our levels o+ Nno,ledge0
1a&h time a &hara&ter e/e&utes an e/'eriment to &reate
a ,ondrous item he must s'end 1d</J0 thaari in
materials +or #asi& level se&rets and 2d</100 thaari +or
Advan&ed se&rets0
"ime units are e/'ressed in standard earth times (24
hours3 days-0
A s&ientist must ,or$ in a lab o+ at least the same level
o+ the Ae&ret he is 'lanning to &reate0
"ife science
All listed surgery ,or$ing times and surgery damage
rates are based on !edium siCed &reatures0
:ouble these +igures +or Large &reatures and halve them
+or Amall &reatures0
'ASI! "#0#"
i%e Alteration: A s&ientist &an mould and sha'e a
&reature to alter its AiCe by one Level0 Altering a
&reature3s AiCe level ta$es t,o ,ee$s o+ ,or$ in ,hi&h
the subEe&t &an not do nothing0 "he subEe&t ta$es 4d< o+
damage due to the o'eration0 Ahould the damage be
enough to $ill the re&eiver all the o'eration &an be
aborted ,ith the subEe&t redu&ed to 1 L) and losing 1
'oint 'ermanently +rom 8it0
A su&&ess+ul AiCe Level in&rease doubles #ody, A'eed
and any natural armor or damage and range +rom
natural ,ea'ons7 Agility though gets halved, )resen&e
in&reases by 1 and 8it gets redu&ed by 1'oint0
A su&&ess+ul AiCe Level de&rease halves #ody, A'eed
and any natural armor or damage and range +rom
natural ,ea'ons7 Agility though gets doubled and 8it
gets an im'rovement o+ 1 'oint, )resen&e loses 1 'oint0
A ne, Li+e )oint total and Dnitiative Falue must be
&al&ulated0 A &reature &an only re&eive one AiCe Altering
o'eration7 a se&ond one ,ill 'ut an e/&essive strain on
the organism and ,ill &ause the death o+ the subEe&t0
Grafts: *ra+ts are additional or modi+ied body 'arts
&reated by ,eird s&ientists and im'lanted on a
&reature3s body to im'rove it0
All gra+ts must be +irst gro,n in 'ro'er al&hemi&al vats,
only then &an they be surgi&ally installed on the host
Fat gro,ing re.uires one ,ee$ on the s&ientist 'art
,hile the surgery re.uires 2d< hours o+ ,or$ and in+li&ts
as many damage 'oints on the trans'lantee, regardless
o+ any armor0
Ahould the damage be enough to $ill the re&eiver all the
o'eration &an be aborted ,ith the trans'lantee redu&ed
to 1 L)0 n&e all surgery damage is healed the gra+t &an
be em'loyed0
Grafting limits: n&e a &hara&ter has re&eived more
gra+ts then its #ody s&ore, all ne, gra+ts re.uire an e/tra
d< hours o+ surgery and in+li&t an e/tra d< o+ damage 'er
additional gra+t above the #ody s&ore0
D+ the number o+ im'lanted gra+ts e/&eeds the
&hara&ter3s )resen&e, the &hara&ter develo's a mania or
'hobia that a&ts e/a&tly li$e a Com'ulsive #ehavior7
ty'i&al neurosis in&lude homi&idal mania, &annibalism,
sadism a +ear o+ illness0 *houls and Fam'ires &an not
be gra+ted0
Additional 0anipulati,e lim#: grants to the
&reature either an e/tra arm or a tail &a'able o+
mani'ulating items ,ith same ability as natural
Blood filters: "his gra+t grants a =3 to all #ody
Contest against )oisons and drugs0
/la1s2 3angs or stinger tail: natural ,ea'ons
in+li&ting Y d< +or Amall &reatures, 1d< +or
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
!edium ones, 2d< +or Large ones and 4d< +or
4uge ones0
Ears: ea&h o+ these &ounts as a se'arate gra+t,
a &hara&ter &an have multi'le ones7 #alan&e (=3
to all tests and &ontests re.uiring balan&e and
&oordination-, su'ersoni& or subsoni& hearing
E(es: ea&h o+ these &ounts as a se'arate gra+t,
a &hara&ter &an have multi'le ones7 anti daCCle,
dar$ness 'ier&ing eyes, DR sight0
Endo armor: Con+ers a natural A0F0 o+ 1 +or
ea&h siCe Level0
Enhan+ed pheromones: "he &hara&ter
re&eives a =2 to all )resen&e Contests or tas$s
regarding 'ersuasion0
Enhan+ed ense: "he &hara&ter re&eives a =3
bonus to all "est and Contest involving the
enhan&ed Aense0
Eugeni+s: ne o+ the &hara&ter3s Atats is
im'roved by 1 (anyone in&luding A'eed and )si
inde/-, re&al&ulate derivated Attributes0
Dm'roved Attributes may e/&eed ma/imum
ra&ial values0 !ay only be e/e&uted on&e +or
ea&h Attribute0
3ast Healing: "he &hara&ter re&overs t,o e/tra
L) 'er day o+ rest0
Gills: "he &hara&ter &an breathe ,ater (or air i+
usually a ,ater &reature-0
Lim# repla+ement: "hese are usually
grotes.ue- limbs gro,n +or severed and lost
0ind /ontrol: "he gra+ted &reature re&eives an
-rrational +eha*ior4 ,be# Master0
*ain editor: "he im'lant allo,s the &hara&ter to
ignore the negative e++e&ts o+ ,ounds or
*oison Gland: "he &hara&ter has a ne, gland
that &reates a 'oison or drug o+ the &reator3s
&hoi&e, the gland holds u' to three doses o+ the
substan&e and a ne, one is &reated every hour
to re'lenish used ones0 "he drug &an be either
inEe&ted by natural ,ea'ons 'assed on through
saliva or e/'elled through breath (1 meter radius
area e++e&t-0 "he im'lantee is immune to the
drug 'rodu&ed by the gland0 )oison strength is
e.ual to the &reator3s 8it=&om'eten&e bonus0
*ou+h: "he &hara&ter has a natural 'ou&h
similar to that o+ a $angaroo0
*o1ered Anti#odies: "his gra+t grants a =3 to
all #ody Contest against illness or the Curse0
Reshaping: "he &hara&ter has di++erent eye,
s$in or hair &olor, substan&e (+eathers, s&ales- or
sha'e0 ther,ise this may add or remove limbs
or alter their sha'e0
RNA Instru+tion: "his gra+t &on+ers $no,ledge
o+ one s$ill at #asi& Ran$ or u'grades #asi&
s$ills to Advan&ed Ran$0
-o+ali%er: grants to the &reature the &a'a&ity o+
human s'ee&h0
)ings: grants to the &reature limited +light
&a'ability ,ith a A'eed o+ 3 at !edium AiCe, 1 at
Amall siCe and < at Large AiCe0 AubEe&t loses 1
'oint o++ #ody and Agility0
A0AN!# "#0#"
Brain !ransplants: A s&ientist &an remove a brain +rom
one body and install it in another7 the subEe&t $ee's his
8it, )si-inde/, A$ills, 1'i& )oints and Fame, )resen&e is
the average bet,een the old body3s s&ore and the ne,
one3s0 All other Attributes (#ody, Agility, A'eed and
AiCe000- are those o+ the ne, body0 "he &hara&ter gains
all 'hysi&al abilities and limits o+ the ne, +orm0 )sy&hi&
Advantages and 8ea$nesses &arry over to ne, body,
'hysi&al ones do not0 "he ne, body ta$es Jd< o+
damage due to the o'eration (,hi&h lasts one day-0
Ahould the damage be enough to $ill the re&eiver all the
o'eration &an be aborted ,ith the subEe&t3s old body
redu&ed to 1 L) and losing 1 'oint 'ermanently +rom
8it0 D+ the o'eration is su&&ess+ul the ne,ly trans'lanted
&hara&ter &an do nothing till all the damage +rom the
o'eration is healed0
4upli+ants: A s&ientist &an &reate a living being o+ any
ra&e ,ith one ,ee$ o+ ,or$ 'er &reature AiCe level0 D+
,or$ing +rom a s'e&i+i& &reature3s ra, biologi&al
material, it &an &reate a &lone ,ith the same s$ills and
s'e&ial abilities0 *houls and vam'ires &an not be
du'li&ated in this ,ay0
3amiliars: Familiars are a s'e&ial ty'e o+ du'li&ants
made +rom sentient li+e +orms0 Familiars &an be &reated
in only one ,ee$3s ,or$0
Familiars are one AiCe level smaller (halve #ody and
A'eed, double Agility and re&al&ulate se&ondary
Attributes0 8it and )resen&e are 1- and never have a
)si inde/0
Familiars have s$ills the same s$ills o+ their master at
the time o+ &loning but at #asi& Level and &an never
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
learn ne, ones or im'rove those $no,n0 Familiars only
inherit 'hysi&al Advantages or :isadvantages +rom their
D+ the master o+ a +amiliar has gra+ts at the time o+
&loning, so does the Familiar, a Familiar &an re&eive
ne, gra+ts0
A Familiar and its master are al,ays tele'athi&ally lin$ed
by Level 1 "ele'athi& #ond mani+estation0 Familiars are
+ed by their master3s blood7 ea&h day the master must
in+li&t himsel+ 1 Li+e )oint damage to +eed a Familiar0
1a&h &hara&ter &an have as many Familiars as he
manages to +eed0
*houls and vam'ires &an not be du'li&ated in this ,ay0
Li,ing Items: Living items are the 'rodu&ts o+ an
an&ient and no, almost lost te&hnology today only
$no,n to +e, ade'ts o+ ,eird s&ien&e0 All living items
are indeed living &reatures ,ith a #ody o+ 1 or 2 (and
thus +rom < to 12 L)-, they &an thus be damaged, $illed
and healed (and heal naturally-0 Creating a living item
re.uires one ,ee$ o+ ,or$ in the vats0
/hameleon suit: A &loa$, &a'e or generi& 'ie&e
o+ &overing &lothes made o+ symbioti& mass
endo,ed ,ith the &hameleon li$e ability to alter
its &olor and te/ture so to mat&h the
surroundings0 8earing a &hameleon suit adds a
=2 bonus to all stealth tas$s and &ontests0 "he
&hameleon suit +eeds on body heat and ,ill die
o+ starvation i+ not ,orn at least 4 hours a ,ee$0
Hedgehog: An ugly living ,ea'on sha'ed li$e a
mass o+ s'ines and darts and resembling a
hedgehog0 Dt ,or$s e/a&tly li$e a re'eating
blo,gun7 1d<>2 damage, range7 1-J><-10>11-200
Dts darts are &oated ,ith Atrength J slee'ing
'oison (2:< hours o+ slee'-0 A hedgehog &an
+ire on&e 'er turn and must be +ed daily to avoid
starvation0 A hedgehog &an +ire 30 darts be+ore
being de'leted and gro,s a ne, dart in 1J
minutes0 Atarved hedgehogs &an not gro, ne,
Life support #ud: A symbioti& mass that on&e
a''lied to the body ,ill +eed the ,earer through
osmosis0 Dt &an be a''lied in J minutes and ,ill
su''ress thirst and hunger +or one ,ee$, then it
Li,ing +lothes and furnishings: Costly
gadgets +or the aristo&ra&y, these items &an
automati&ally re'air themselves, and &an
&hange sha'e and &olor rea&ting to the ,earer3s
tele'athi& &ommands0
0ime: "his s.uid li$e em'athi& &reature &an be
'ut on the +a&e as a mas$, it &an then be
sha'ed ,ith the hands and thoughts to resha'e
one3s o,n +a&ial traits, and it im'arts a bonus to
all disguise tas$s and Contests o+ 20 "he mime
+eeds on dead s$in and mind ,aves, it ,ill die o+
starvation i+ not a''lied at least on&e a month0
*si,ore: Aee Cha'ter %ine0
+ara#: An em'athi& &reature in the +orm o+ a
small s&arab to be 'ut on one3s head0 n&e in
'la&e it ,ill burro, its legs in the ,earer3s bro,
in +ive minutes establishing a &onne&tion to the
C%A0 n&e the &onne&tion is established, the
A&arab allo,s the o,ner to send and re&eive
thoughts to and +rom all tele'athi& s&arab
,earers in 40 meters radius0 Removing a
A&arab ta$es +ive minutes0 "he s&arab +eeds on
dead s$in and mind ,aves, it ,ill die o+
starvation i+ not a''lied at least on&e a month0 A
&hara&ter &an blo&$ un,anted &ommuni&ations
or eavesdro''ing ,ith a )resen&e Contest,
)sioni& &hara&ters re&eive a bonus e.ual to their
)si inde/0
+reamer: An ugly living ,ea'on sha'ed li$e a
huge mouth &a'able o+ emitting shar' blasts o+
subsoni&s and used to stun targets0 Dt only
a++e&ts living targets su&h as humans, #rutes
and du'li&ants (not *houls, vam'ires, *hosts or
Automatons- ,hose hearing is not 'rote&ted0 Dt
is an area e++e&t ,ea'on ,ith a Range o+
1-J><-10>11-200 Dt ignores Armor and in+li&ts 1d<
Atun damage (see stunning atta&$s-0 A
s&reamer must be +ed daily or ,ill die o+
starvation0 A s&reamer &an +ire on&e 'er turn0
leep indu+er: A &reature similar to a s.uid, i+
a''lied to one3s head allo,s +or a &om'lete
night3s rest (T hours- in only 2 hours o+ slee'
()sioni& 'oints regeneration also ha''ens at a
hastened rate-0 "he slee' indu&er +eeds on dead
s$in and mind ,aves, it ,ill die o+ starvation i+
not a''lied at least on&e a month0
8ondrous &on&o&tions re.uire one day o+ ,or$ in a
laboratory 'er dose &reated0
'ASI! "#0#"
*harma+olog(: "he &hara&ter $no,s ho, to &on&o&t
antidotes, 'oisons and drugs o+ any ty'e having a
ma/imum Atrength e.ual to its 8it = &om'eten&e bonus
in 8eird A&ien&e0
/urse serum: ne inEe&ted dose 'rote&ts +rom Curse
si&$ness +or one ,hole day or heals Curse si&$ness0
Ghoul serum: ne inEe&ted dose reanimates a dead
&reature as a ghoul ,ithin 1d< hours, the e++e&t is
'ermanent0 *houls are mindless and &an not re&eive
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
nor understand s'o$en orders0
Regeneration serum: DnEe&tion heals 1d< Li+e )oints0 D+
more then one dose is inEe&ted ,ithin the same 24 hours
'eriod, it in+li&ts 1d< damage instead0
A0AN!# "#0#"
/erami+ 1eapons: "hese are standard melee ,ea'ons
+orged ,ith s'e&ial ultra-hard &erami&s0 Cerami&
,ea'ons in+li&t Penetratin$ damage0 )re'aring a
&erami& ,ea'on re.uires one day o+ ,or$ in the lab0
/erami+ armors: "hese are standard armors +orged
,ith s'e&ial ultra-hard &erami&s0 Cerami& armors are
&onsidered Hardened 'rote&tion0 Cerami& Armor is
&onsidered as one level lighter its a&tual level +or
en&umbran&e0 )re'aring a suit o+ &erami& armor
re.uires one day o+ ,or$ 'er AiCe level o+ the suit in the
*si#re1 serum: DnEe&tion restores 1d< )sioni& )oints0 D+
more then one dose is inEe&ted ,ithin the same 24 hours
'eriod, it in+li&ts 1d< damage instead0
*si inhi#itor serum: DnEe&tion instantaneously removes
all )sioni& )oints and sto's re&overy o+ )sioni& 'oints
+or 1:< hours0
-ampire serum: DnEe&tion trans+orms a living being
regardless o+ intelligen&eQin a Fam'ire ,ithin 1d<
hours i+ the &reature 'asses a #ody = )resen&e "as$ at
:i++i&ulty 1<, +ailure means the &hara&ter dies0
)hite flame po1der: A ,hite 'o,der used to &reate
in&endiary 'roEe&tiles +or +irearms, &annons and
ne dose &reates the e.uivalent o+ either one bomb or
&annon-shot (e.ual to J grenades or J0 'ersonal
+irearms 'roEe&tiles-0
8hite +lame 'roEe&tiles damage is treated as +ire
damage against any $ind o+ target even those that ,ould
not normally burn0
#ner&y and machine mastery
Automatons, vehi&les and other 8eird A&ien&e
ma&hines are all 'o,ered by miniaturiCed versions o+
the same Cosmi& Ray Colle&tors used to give 'o,er to
the &ities0
"hese ine/haustible 'o,er sour&es only re.uire some
+ine tuning every 40 or J0 years to $ee' ,or$ing, i+ no
maintenan&e is su''lied the CRC gets 9&logged; by
radiation and burns out in another 10 years or so0
Fine tuning or removal and substitution o+ a CRC
re.uires one day o+ ,or$ in a laboratory and is
&onsidered a #asi& Level o'eration0
'ASI! "#0#"
/urse /loak: A s'e&ial $ind o+ &lothes in the +orm o+ a
bul$y sealed suit it redu&es by 3 damage in+li&ted by the
Curse0 Can not be ,orn ,ith armor or other &lothes0
/urse 4ete+tor: A small me&hani&al devi&e that goes
bee' ,henever e/'osed to "he Curse0 #uilding a Curse
dete&tor re.uires a &ou'le o+ hours o+ ,or$ in the
Radio transmitter're+ei,er: A 8eird A&ientist &an
&reate a radio re&eiver>transmitter ,ith a range o+ u' to
20 $ilometers in three days o+ ,or$, the radio unit
,eights 10 $ilos0
1a&h doubling o+ range re.uires an e/tra day o+ ,or$
and adds J $ilos0
!a/imum range +or radio units is 320 $ilometers (at 30
$ilos +or O days o+ ,or$-0
)ondrous -ehi+les: A 8eird A&ientist &an &reate a
vehi&le in its lab ,ith one ,ee$ o+ ,or$ 'er siCe level0
Ground car: A treaded and en&losed ground
vehi&le 'o,ered by an engine0
Re.uired Cre,7 1
)assengers7 3
Cargo7 300 $g
Armament7 military ground &ars &an be e.ui''ed
,ith a s,ivel mounted re'eating ar.uebus (2O0X
+or,ard 'ointing +iring ar&-0
ther7 A ground &ar &an be .ui''ed ,ith a radio
,ith a 20 $m range and is seldom e.ui''ed ,ith
a 20 $m radar also0
"!immer: "he s$immer is the basi& 'ersonal
+lying ma&hine about 3 meters long0 Ahi's o+ this
siCe are used in air navies3 ,orld ,ide as s&out
Re.uired Cre,7 1
Cargo7 J0 Ng
Armament7 none0
ther7 A s$immer is usually e.ui''ed ,ith a
radio ,ith a 20 $m range0 A s$immer has no li+e
su''ort system and is &a'able o+ Ferti&al ta$e
o++ and Landing0
2rnit&opter: "he ornitho'ter is the basi&
'ersonal +lying ma&hine about J meters long0
Ahi's o+ this siCe are used in air navies ,orld
,ide as inter&e'tors0
Re.uired Cre,7 1
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
)assengers7 1
Cargo7 300 Ng
Armament7 An ornitho'ter may be armed ,ith a
re'eating Light &annon(+or,ard 'ointing, G0Xar&-
and one mounted re'eating ar.uebus (+or,ard
'ointing s,ivel mount, 1T0Xar&-0 nly military
ornitho'ters are armed usually, a &ivilian
ornitho'ter has 300 Ng o+ &argo more0 "he
re'eating light &annon is lin$ed to the &ontrols
and &an be +ired by the 'ilot ,ithout ta$ing e/tra
ther7 An ornitho'ter &arries a radar and radio
,ith a 20 $m range ea&h0 An ornitho'ter has a
li+e su''ort system good +or 24 hours0
rnitho'ters are &a'able o+ Ferti&al ta$e o++ and
Air s!iff: A small +lying boat ,ith no s'a&e +or
'assengers, it is 10 meters long and 3 ,ide0
Ahi's o+ this siCe are used in air navies ,orld
,ide as )atrol shi's0
Re.uired Cre,7 J
)assengers7 -
Cargo7 1200$g
Armament7 !ilitary s$i++s are armed ,ith a
re'eating &annon ( +or,ard 'ointing, G0X ar&- a
re'eating light &annon (in a +or,ard 'ointing
turret ,ith a 2O0X +iring ar&- and t,o mounted
re'eating ar.uebus (one 'er side on s,ivel
mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&-0 Civilian s$i++s sim'ly
add 1200 $g o+ &argo0
ther7 A s$i++ &arries a radar and radio ,ith a 40
$m range ea&h0 A s$i++ has a li+e su''ort system
good +or O2 hours and small living .uarters +or
the &re,0
Air #oat: A +lying long-boat ,ith, about 20
meters long and 4 ,ide0 Ahi's o+ this siCe are
used in air navies ,orld ,ide as Frigates
Re.uired Cre,7 10
Cargo7 3000Ng
Armament7 !ilitary airboats are armed ,ith a
re'eating &annon ( +or,ard 'ointing, G0X ar&-
t,o re'eating light &annons (one 'er side on
s,ivel mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&- and 4 mounted
re'eating ar.uebus (t,o 'er side on s,ivel
mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&-0 Civilian airboats sim'ly
add 1200 $g o+ &argo0
ther7 An airboat &arries a radar and radio ,ith
a <0 $m range ea&h0 A s$i++ has a li+e su''ort
system good +or O2 hours and small living
.uarters +or the &re,0
Air s&ip: A +lying boat 40 meters long and 10
,ide, shi's o+ this siCe are em'loyed as battle
Re.uired Cre,7 2J
)assengers7 40
Cargo7 30000Ng
Armament7 !ilitary Air shi's are armed ,ith a
re'eating heavy &annon ( +or,ard 'ointing
s,ivel mount, 2O0X ar&- t,o re'eating &annons
(+or,ard 'ointing s,ivel mounts, 2O0X ar&- +our
re'eating light &annons (t,o 'er side on s,ivel
mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&- and 10 mounted
re'eating ar.uebus (+ive 'er side on s,ivel
mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&-0 Civilian airboats sim'ly
add 30000 $g o+ &argo0
ther7 Carries a radar and radio ,ith a <0 $m
range ea&h0
Li+e su''ort system good +or O2 hours
Living .uarters +or the &re, and 'assengers
(usually an in+antry s.uad +or boarding in
Air dreadnoug&t: A +lying boat <0 meters long
and 20 ,ide, shi's o+ this siCe are em'loyed as
dreadnoughts0 nly the greatest $ingdoms and
&ity states o,n or &an a++ord ,ar ma&hines and
shi's o+ this magnitude0
Re.uired Cre,7 J0
)assengers7 T0
Cargo7 <0000Ng
Armament7 !ilitary Air shi's are armed ,ith t,o
re'eating heavy &annons (+or,ard 'ointing
s,ivel mounts, 2O0X ar&- 4 re'eating &annons
(t,o 'er side on s,ivel mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&-
1< re'eating light &annons (eight 'er side on
s,ivel mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&- and 20 mounted
re'eating ar.uebus (ten 'er side on s,ivel
mounts ,ith a 1T0Xar&-0 Civilian airboats sim'ly
add <0000 $g o+ &argo0
ther7 Carries a radar and radio ,ith a <0 $m
range ea&h0
Li+e su''ort system good +or O2 hours
Living .uarters +or the &re, and 'assengers
(usually an in+antry s.uad +or boarding in
-an!: A treaded and en&losed ground vehi&le
'o,ered by an engine and heavily armored,
usually only +or military 'ur'oses0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Re.uired Cre,7 3
)assengers7 3
Cargo7 300 $g
Armament7 military tan$s &an be e.ui''ed ,ith a
s,ivel mounted re'eating ar.uebus (2O0X
+or,ard 'ointing +iring ar&- and a +or,ard
'ointing re'eating light &annon (G0Xar&-0
ther7 military tan$s &an be .ui''ed ,ith a radio
and radar ,ith a 20 $m range0 !ilitary tan$s also
have a 24 hours li+e su''ort system0
For more details on ,ondrous vehi&les, see the
,ondrous vehi&les table at the end o+ this &ha'ter0
A0AN!# "#0#"
Automatons: Automatons are re'li&as o+ living
&reatures made +rom stone and metal and a&tivated by
CRCs through ,eird s&ien&e, automaton are immune to
mind altering 'sioni&s, 'oisons and disease, have no
need to slee' or eat and are immune to 1 level o+
e/tremes (but not to the Curse-0
Automaton &an not be healed by natural means or by
medi&ine, they have to be re'aired0
A s&ientist &an &reate an automaton in its lab ,ith one
,ee$ o+ ,or$ 'er siCe level0
An automaton3s Attributes are mostly de+ined by its siCe0
All automatons are only mildly intelligent and usually
have s$ills only related to assigned tas$s, an automaton
,ill be able to use e.ui'ment only i+ &reated ,ith
mani'ulative limbs0
Automatons &an have a number o+ A$ill &hoi&es e.ual to
their 8it, they never gain 1'i& )oints or s'e&ial abilities0
All automatons have the Drrational #ehavior7 bey
An automaton &an be human or beast sha'ed,
automaton in the sha'e o+ +lying birds have a Flight
A'eed e.ual to their #ody s&ore and a *round A'eed o+
one hal+ that0
Automaton sha'ed as ,ater &reatures have a s,imming
A'eed e.ual to their #ody s&ore and a *round A'eed o+
one hal+ that0
*round automatons &an not s,im as they are too heavy0
Automatons &an be e.ui''ed ,ith the +ollo,ing o'tions7
2 'oints o+ AF
4ardened armor value
:ar$sight (li$e a brute-
1mbedded ,ea'on (melee or ranged usually
Curse :ete&tor0
10$m range radio or radar (&an be ta$en
multi'le times, ea&h &ounts se'arately-
3 'oints redu&tion +rom Curse e++e&ts (&an be
ta$en multi'le times-
)rote&tion +rom 1 Level o+ e/tremes (&an be
ta$en multi'le times-
=1 8it
=1 Agility
1a&h doubling o+ CRC li+es'an (&an be ta$en
multi'le times-
%o automaton may have more o'tions then its #ody
#y e/am'le a medium automaton ,ith a #ody o+ 4 &ould
never have more then 4 o'tions, ,hile a Large one
,ould have a ma/imum o+ 12 o'tions0
Automaton Attri#utes
#ody P Agility P 8it 2 )resen&e -
L) (#ody/<- Atta&$7P Armor7P DF7 2=Agility
AiCe P A'eed7 (#ody- Armor7P
P#y siCe level
Si>e 'ody A&ility Unarmed
Amall 1-3(2- 2-12(O- 1
!edium 1-<(4- 1-<(4- 1d<>2
Large 2-12(O- 1-3(2- 1d<
4uge 4-24(14- 1-2(1- 2d<
Automatons in com3at
Ahould an automaton5s L) +all under hal+ o+ its original
s&ore, some 'enalties to its o'eration are su++ered7 a -2
modi+ier on all die rolls +or "as$s (,hi&h are des&ribed in
&ha'ter 3- and a J0H redu&tion to A'eed0
Au&h an automaton is &onsidered 4eavily damaged0
Automaton re&eiving damage in+li&ting more than J0H o+
their L) in a single stro$e immediately ta$e a s'e&ial
e++e&t damage determined randomly7
<d= Special effect
2-4 Random 'ie&e o+ o'tional
e.ui'ment de'ending on automaton
(li$e a ,ea'on or radio-
J-< 1ngine(-1 A'eed-
O-G %othing
10-11 Armor &ra&$
(automaton loses 3 'oints o+ armor-
12 Fire (the automaton starts burning
,ith a d< rating regardless o+ armor-
An automaton redu&ed to 0 L) sto's being o'erative but
may still be re'aired, i+ an automaton is redu&ed to a
number o+ negative L) e.ual to its #ody, it is damaged
beyond re'air0
An automaton redu&ed to a number o+ negative L) e.ual
to its #ody immediately e/'lodes &ausing (#ody- :< o+
+ire damage in (#ody- meters o+ radius area0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Automatons &an be re'aired o+ 2 L) +or 4 hours ,or$,
ho,ever automatons &an only be re'aired by a s$illed
8eird A&ientist0
4eavily damaged automatons &an not be re'aired 9in
the +ield;, you must o'erate in a lab0
A'e&ial e++e&t damage &an only be re'aired by a 8eird
A&ientist7 it re.uires one day o+ ,or$ in a lab, s'are
'arts and a :i++i&ulty 12 8it R8eird A&ien&eS "as$0
Blast Guns: 1nergy ,ea'ons the siCe and sha'e o+ an
ar.uebus7 4:< damage (shoots energy rays, Ranges7
Ahort 1-T0 m0>!edium T1-1<0 m0>Long 1<1-320 m0-0
#last guns are very +o&used CRCs, they may only be
+ired on&e every t,o turns to avoid burning the Colle&tor0
#last guns are &onsidered Unsto((able atta&$s0
)re'aring a blast gun re.uires one ,ee$ o+ ,or$ in the
Blast shield: An im'enetrable +ield o+ +li&$ering energy
generated by a 33/33 silvery &ase0
Dt is generally ,orn at the belt or ,rist and a&tivated by a
s,it&h on its side, the energy +ield is a bubble
envelo'ing the ,earer, and &an be ,orn in addition to
'ersonal armor0
ther,ise a the generator &an be designed to generate
a blast shield 9,all; that &an be turned on by a s,it&h or
remote &ontrol ,ith 10 meters range0
"he +ield ta$es one ,hole a&tion turn to a&tivate on&e
s,it&hed on0
n&e the +ield is a&tive it sto's anything that does not
deal u' to 3d< o+ $ineti& damage (s,ord stri$es, +ists,
+alling damage but not 'oisons, gasses or the CurseK-,
its 'rote&tion is &onsidered Ultimate armor0
"he amount o+ damage sto''ed must be rolled ea&h
time an atta&$ is re&eived0
D+ an atta&$ deals more damage than the shield &an
sustain, the shield +ades to nothing and must be
re-a&tivated the ne/t a&tion round0
D+ the shield is stru&$ by a blast gun ray the CRC
generator shorts-out e/'loding +or 4d< Unsto((able
damage ,ithin a J meters radius0
)re'aring a blast shield re.uires one ,ee$ o+ ,or$ in the
Radar: A 8eird A&ientist &an &reate a radar &a'able o+
dete&ting movement ,ith a range o+ u' to 20 $ilometers
in three days o+ ,or$, the radio unit ,eights 10 $ilos0
Creatures or things ,ith a mass o+ less than 300 $ilos
,ill nor be dete&ted0
1a&h doubling o+ range re.uires an e/tra day o+ ,or$
and adds J $ilos0
!a/imum range +or radar units is 320 $ilometers (at 30
$ilos +or O days o+ ,or$-0
6ondrous 0ehicles Ta3le
0ehicle Si>e !lass Speed
%an Acceleration 'ody
A$immer ! Flyer-vtol 1T 3 G J(30- 3>0
rnitho'ter L Flyer- vtol 1J 2 T 10(<0- <
Air s$i++ L Flyer OT 1 O 12(O2- G
Air boat 4 Flyer <G 0 < 24(144- 12
Air shi' 1 Flyer <0 -1 3 4T(2O2- 24
Air :readnaught 1 Flyer J0 -2 2 J0(300- 3<
*round&ar L *round 1J 0 < 10(<0- <
"an$ 4 *round T -1 3 20(120- 12
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Dt is not only the blades o+ enemies or the &la,s o+ horrible monsters that heroes have to be a+raid o+0 !ore o+ten then
not Adventurers ,ill be e/'osed to all sorts o+ dangers and un,holesome situations li$e Cursed ruins or burning
*!s 'lease ta$e note that unless s'e&i+ied any $ind o+ Armor Falue doesn5t sto' the ty'es o+ damage des&ribed in
this se&tion0
Poisons: All 'oisons have an a&tion method (inEe&tion,
ingestion or inhaling-, and on&e a venom has been
introdu&ed into a vi&tim5s system, it ta$es e++e&t in
(usually- 1:< turns0
Aome 'oisons may ta$e more (1:< hours or even days-
or less (instant- time0 A+ter this time has ela'sed, the
vi&tim must resolve a Contest bet,een his #ody and the
venom5s Atrength (usually a value bet,een 1 and G, but
'erha's more in 'arti&ularly dangerous &ases-0
D+ the vi&tim ,ins the Contest, the 'oison has no e++e&ts2
other,ise, something horrible has ha''ened0
)ossible e++e&ts might in&lude instant death, 3:<
,ounds, 2:< hours o+ slee', a state o+ mental &on+usion
(-2 to all "as$ rolls +or the ne/t 1:< hours- or
'sy&hotro'i& e++e&ts (the &hara&ter su++ers +rom some
$ind o+ Drrational #ehavior +or 1d< 4ours-0
Antidotes administered be+ore a 'oison has had a
&han&e to ta$e e++e&t blo&$ the results o+ 'oisons ,ith a
Atrength lo,er than their o,n0 :iseases are dealt ,ith in
a similar ,ay0
,alls: Falling may be deadly0 A &hara&ter su++ers 1:<
o+ damage +or every 2 meters that he or she +alls0
Armor Falue, doesn5t sto' this damage, though
'arti&ularly so+t or hard ground may redu&e or in&rease
this total by one or t,o di&e0
Asp&y8iation: A &hara&ter ,ho &an5t breathe (either
due to being under,ater or due to strangulation- must
su&&eed at a #ody "as$ ,ith a :i++i&ulty o+ G or else lose
1:< L)0
D+ the "as$ is su&&ess+ul, there is no e++e&t, but the "est
must be re'eated +or every turn that a &hara&ter is being
as'hy/iated, and as soon it is +ailed even on&e, the
vi&tim starts automati&ally ta$ing 1:< o+ damage 'er
turn until he or she &an on&e again get +resh air0
,lames: 8henever someone ta$es damage due to +ire,
the +lames are given a Rating (+or e/am'le, a tor&h is a
Rating 1 Flame, a bon+ire is a Rating 2 or 3, ,hile a
+urna&e is Rating O-0
n the +irst turn, a +ire in+li&ts (Rating- :< o+ damage0
1very time a +ire in+li&ts damage, ta$e note o+ ho, many
natural <3s you roll on the di&e0
"he +ollo,ing turn, the +ire only &ontinues to in+li&t
damage ,ith the di&e that &ame u' ,ith <5s0
Nee' rolling +or +ire damage ,hile <5s &ome out or until
the +ire gets someho, smothered0
For e/am'le, say that a &hara&ter ,as engul+ed in
Rating < +lames0 n the +irst turn, imagine that the
damage di&e &ame out 1, <, 2, 4, J, and <0 "he
&hara&ter ,ould ta$e 24 damage, and on the ne/t turn,
t,o di&e ,ould be rolled (be&ause o+ the t,o <3s-0 D+
on that ne/t turn, no <3s ,ere rolled, then the +ire
,ould burn out0
-&e Curse 9*adiation:: :e'ending on the intensity o+
radiation in the area an e/'osed &hara&ter ta$es 1d<
damage 'oints at a s'e&i+i& rate7
Intensity Rate
Lo, :aily
!edium 4our
4igh A&tion "urn
D+ a &hara&ter ever re&eives < or more damage 'oints
+orm an e/'osure 'eriod, it must "est its #ody at a
:i++i&ulty o+ 1J, +ailure meaning it got radiation si&$ness0
Radiation si&$ness has a )oten&y o+ J and must be
tested against ea&h day, +ailure means you ta$e 1d<
damage and the si&$ness 'ersists ne/t day0
:amage +rom radiations (but not radiation si&$ness- &an
be redu&ed only by s'e&ially &on&eived 'rote&tive
&lothing, $no,n as Curse Cloa$s0
Lac! of food and (ater: A &reature missing ne&essary
nourishment su++ers a daily loss o+ 1 L) 'er day he has
'reviously gone ,ithout +ood>,ater0
i0e07 a &hara&ter ,ill lose 1 L) a+ter one day ,ithout +ood,
2 on the se&ond day, 3 on the third day, et&K
A &hara&ter that does not satis+y his nutritional
re.uirements does not heal +rom damage0
E8tremes: All &reatures are ada'ted to a 're&ise range
o+ tem'eratures (bet,een 10 and 30 degrees Celsius +or
A''ro'riate &lothing and e.ui'ment may redu&e the
e++e&t o+ e/'osure by one level0
n&e e/'osed to e/tremes o+ tem'erature that they are
not ada'ted to, all &reatures re&eive 'enalties or outright
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Threat Ran&e
Level 17 u' to 10
Celsius degrees out o+
-1 'enalty to all "as$s
Level 27 u' to 20
degrees out o+ range
-1 'enalty to "as$s and A'eed
ran$, 1 ,ound 'er hour o+
Level 37 u' to 40
degrees out o+ range
-2 to all "as$s, -2 s'eed ran$s, 1
,ound 'er minute o+ e/'osure
Level 47 over 40
degrees out o+ range
-3 to all "as$s, -2 s'eed ran$s, 1
,ound 'er "urn o+ e/'osure
Ad*enturess ridin& a tamed /y*ern
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
A &hara&ter gi+ted ,ith 'sioni& 'o,ers has one e/tra Attribute &alled )AD inde/ (,hi&h usually ranges +rom 1 to <- and
a ne, derived stat &alled )si 'oints (,hi&h is e.ual to )AD inde/ times 3-0
Any )si 'oints gained in e/&ess o+ the 'sion3s ma/imum )si 'oints reserve +ade a,ay at the rate o+ 1 'oint 'er a&tion
A &hara&ter ,ith a )si inde/ &an learn the di++erent 'sioni& :is&i'lines through the )sioni&ist A$ill7 A''ortation, Astral,
Control, !eta-)sioni&s, "ele$inesis, "ele'athy, "ele'er&e'tions0
1a&h 'sioni& :is&i'line has di++erent mani+estations that &an be &ast0
#asi& $no,ledge o+ the )sioni&ist s$ill grants a&&ess to one level o+ !ani+estations +rom one :is&i'line, Advan&ed
A$ill Level grants a&&ess to t,o Levels o+ mani+estations either +rom the same :is&i'line or +rom di++erent ones0
%o &hara&ter may ta$e Advan&ed $no,ledge o+ a :is&i'line ,ithout ta$ing #asi& Nno,ledge o+ the same :is&i'line0
!aster A$ill Ran$ in )sioni&ist grants a&&ess to +our levels o+ Nno,ledge0
Calling on a 'sioni& mani+estation ta$es one a&tion and
&osts a number o+ )si 'oints e.ual to the desired )o,er
level, a &hara&ter &an &all a mani+estation o+ a )o,er
level no greater then its )si-inde/0
Nee'ing a 'o,er 9on; on&e it3s been mani+ested &osts 1
)) +or every 10 minutes, mani+estations that &an be $e't
on are de+ined as !aintainable and have a base
duration o+ 10 minutes0
A&ting ,hile a !ani+estation is !aintained a &hara&ter
re&eives a -2 to all "as$s and Contests, no &hara&ter
&an maintain more than 1 !ani+estation0
1/'ended )si 'oints &ome ba&$ at a rate o+ 1 )si 'oint
'er hour o+ rest0
Psi crystals
)si &rystals are 'ri&eless arti+a&ts, gemstones that
naturally enhan&e one3s 'sioni& 'o,ers0 "o use a 'si
&rystal a &hara&ter needs to attune ,ith the &rystal0
Chara&ters ,ithout a )si inde/ stat &an not attune to 'si
&rystals nor &an 8ild )sis0 )si &rystals &an also be used
to &reate enhan&ed items and are ne&essary to &reate
Rings through !eta'sioni&s0
)si Crystals &ome in three levels rated +rom one to
three0 Level one &rystals are &oin siCed, level t,o
&rystals are +ist siCed ,hile level three &rystals ,eigh
around 1 $g0
Attunement &an only be done ,ith unattuned &rystals7
attunement re.uires 10 minutes 'er )si Crystal level
and the e/'enditure o+ 1 )si 'oint 'er Crystal Level,
'oints s'ent on attunement &an not be regained till the
&hara&ter revo$es the attunement0
"o attune, revo$e attunement or gain the bene+its o+
attunement +rom a &rystal a &hara&ter must be tou&hing
the &rystal0 %o matter ho, many &rystals a &hara&ter
has attuned to, he &an gain the bene+its o+ attunement
+rom one &rystal only at time0
"he e++e&ts o+ attunement are the +ollo,ing7 the
&hara&ter &an ta$e 'arts to Rings or +orm them i+ he
$no,s the !eta'sioni&s :is&i'line and all )sioni&
!ani+estation he mani+ests re&eive a number o+ +ree
)o,er Levels e.ual to the &rystal3s level granted that the
'sioni&ist a&tivates at least one )o,er level0
Any &hara&ter tou&hing an attuned &rystal &auses a
'sioni& sho&$ both to itsel+ and the &rystal3s o,ner7 both
re&eive a number o+ d< o+ damage e.ual to the &rystal3s
level minus its o,n )si-Dnde/ and 'lus the other3s )si
"his :is&i'line deals ,ith brea&hing s'a&e time barriers
to o'en and &lose gate,ays +or &reatures in +ar a,ay
'la&es or di++erent dimensions0
A&&ess to the :is&i'line o+ A''ortation re.uires
$no,ledge o+ the Astral :is&i'line at at least an
e.uivalent Nno,ledge Level to the one sought in
'ASI! "#0#"
#y a&tivating this mani+estation a &hara&ter &an brea&h
the lin$ that ties a summoned entity to the material
,orld, the &reature to be banished determines the
ne&essary )o,er Level to a&tivate0 #anishing is a
some,hat easier tas$ then summoning0 A summoned
&reature ,ill be banished only i+ the ne&essary 'o,er
level is a&tivated and the #anishing &hara&ter beats it in
a )si-Dnde/ vs0 )resen&e Contest0
*o1er le,el ne+essar( to #anish
Aervitor 1
8inged servant 2
Astral 4ound 4
Atar A'a,n T
*reat An&ient 1<
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
#y a&tivating this mani+estation a &hara&ter &an brea&h
the barriers o+ s'a&e and time, rea&h the de'ths o+
s'a&e and soul bringing ba&$ one o+ the :ee' A'a&e
horrors0 "he &reature summoned is 'ermanently brought
to the ,orld, the a&tivated )o,er Level determines the
&reature summoned0 A summoned &reature is %"
under &ontrol o+ the summoner ,ho must either
'ersuade or 'sioni&ally mani'ulate the 4orror0
*o1er le,el used'+reature summoned
1-2 %one
3 Aervitor
< 8inged servant
12 Astral 4ound
24 Atar A'a,n
4T *reat An&ient
A0AN!# "#0#"
At the +irst )o,er level a&tivated the &hara&ter &an
&reate a gate,ay to a lo&ation either 1 year in the 'ast
or +uture R 1 Light year a,ay0 "he gate,ay lasts +or
one hour0 1a&h subse.uent )o,er level a&tivated
doubles the range or the duation0
"o a&tually use the 'o,er, the 'sioni&ist must have an
item &onne&ted to the destination 'oint o+ arrival0
'ening a ,ar' is dangerous as ,ar's are t,o ,ay
streets on a roll o+ 12,11, 3 or 2 on 2d<, something
&omes +rom the 8ar' gate,ay7 ty'i&al en&ounters
&onsist o+ :ee' A'a&e 4orrors or inhabitants o+ the
&hosen destination 'la&e0
"his :is&i'line &overs mastery o+ astral 'roEe&tions and
'ASI! "#0#"
Astral *er+eption:
#y a&tivating this mani+estation a &hara&ter &an 'er&eive
the astral 'lane and all astral a&tivities ,ithin 10 meters
'er 'o,er level a&tivated0
"he &hara&ter gets to see and re&ogniCe 'si &rystals,
,ards, astral bodies, 'ossessed &reatures and
maintained mani+estations0 8hile 'er&eiving astrally a
&hara&ter &an see other3s 'eo'le auras determining their
'hysi&al ,ell-being and emotional state as ,ell as their
8hile the mani+estation is on, an area around the
'sioni&ist ,ith a 10 meters radius be&omes a s&reen
against astral bodies0 )ossessed &hara&ters also treat
the ,ard as a tangible ,all0
"he ,all &an be atta&$ed by astral bodies, it has an A0F0
o+ 2 and < li+e 'oints all damage blo&$ed by the A0F0 is
rebounded on the astral atta&$er0
For ea&h 'o,er level a&tivated the A0F0 &an be
in&reased by 2, the Li+e )oints by < or the area3s radius
by J meters0 8ards are im'enetrable to astral
A0AN!# "#0#"
Astral *ro5e+tion:
"he &hara&ter &an enter a tran&e allo,ing him to e/it its
body, the tran&e lasts a number o+ hours e.ual to the
mani+estation3s )o,er Level0 :uring this time the
&hara&ter3s 'hysi&al body is hel'less0
"he astral body is an immaterial 'roEe&tion that moves
by +light at the s'eed o+ thought0
Astral 'roEe&tions are invisible unless they ,ant to be
seen and &an only be a++e&ted by other astral bodies or
tele'athi& mani+estations0
Astral bodies &an +ight one another in 9melee;7 the #ody
&ontest is re'la&ed by a )resen&e &ontest and damage
is 1d<0 Astral bodies &an only intera&t ,ith the 'hysi&al
,orld through 'sioni&s or )ossession0
)ossession re.uires the 'roEe&ting &hara&ter to &ome in
9'hysi&al &onta&t; ,ith the target and beat it in a
)resen&e Contest0
D+ the 'roEe&ting &hara&ter is su&&ess+ul it &an 9slide; in to
the 'ossessed body riding it0
"he 'ossessing &hara&ter has a&&ess to all $no,ledge
o+ the 'ossessed and &an move the body as it ,as its
o,n but &an not use its s$ills or 'sioni& 'o,ers0
"he 'ossessing &hara&ter &an still be atta&$ed astrally0
Ahould a 'ossessed &hara&ter die, the rider must ta$e a
)resen&e "est at di++i&ulty 12 or die himsel+, i+ the roll is
su&&ess+ul the astrally 'roEe&ting &hara&ter is sim'ly
e/'elled +rom the dead body0
8hile 'roEe&ting astrally the &hara&ter &an bene+it +rom
astral 'er&e'tion0 A &hara&ter that &an not get ba&$ to its
body at the end o+ the mani+estation3s duration ta$es
1d< o+ damage 'er hour0
"his :is&i'line &overs mastery o+ mind over the body0
All Control mani+estations &an be used only on onesel+0
'ASI! "#0#"
Life support:
For every a&tivated )o,er level the 'sioni& &an stand
one level o+ 1/tremes ,ithout harm0
0nemoni+ !ran+e:
"he &hara&ter &an +reely and &om'letely revie, his o,n
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
'ersonal memory, he &an relive at ,ill any moment o+
his li+e as i+ in slo, motion0
Any single detail &an be sto''ed and +ramed even those
seen in a 'assing glan&e0 For every a&tivated )o,er
level the &hara&ter &an see 20 years in its 'ast0
A &hara&ter trying to remember a 'oint be+ore his o,n
birth Eust gets random 'renatal +eelings o+ ,ell-being0
"he 'sioni& &hara&ter enters a meditative state7 it ,ill
re.uire no +ood or ,ater, very little air +or breathing and
,ill a''ear dead unless a &lose medi&al e/amination is
made0 "he &hara&ter &an not move or a&t 'hysi&ally
,hile undergoing the tran&e but is +ully a,are o+ ,hat
ha''ens around him and &an use 'sioni& 'o,ers ,hile
in this state0
1a&h a&tivated )o,er level ,ill dro' the &hara&ter in
"ran&e +or 24 hours, an hour o+ "ran&e is e.ual to 4
hours o+ rest0
A &hara&ter may e/it a "ran&e be+ore the time limit
e/'ires ,ith a )si test at :i++i&ulty 12, i+ su&&ess+ul the
&hara&ter ta$es 1d< damage but a,a$es +ully0
"ran&e &an not be sustained +or more &onse&utive days
than the 'sioni&ist #ody s&ore7
D+ this threshold is sur'assed the &hara&ter starts
su++ering +rom bodily harm7 "he tran&e is no more
&onsidered as rest and the &hara&ter ta$es 1d< o+
damage at the end o+ ea&h ne, 24-hours 'eriod o+
For every a&tivated )o,er level the &hara&ter re&eives a
=2 in all "ests against the 'o,er o+ )oisons, drugs or
A0AN!# "#0#"
"he )sioni& &hara&ter using this mani+estation &an
in&rease his o,n 'sy&hi&al and 'hysi&al abilities0
1a&h use o+ this mani+estation &an alter one o+ the
+ollo,ing stats7 #ody, Agility, 8it, )resen&e or A'eed0
For ea&h a&tivated 'o,er level the s&ore o+ the &hosen
Attribute is in&reased by 1 'oint, derived stats are
re&al&ulated +or the duration o+ the mani+estation7 i+ at
the end o+ the mani+estation a &hara&ter has re&eived
more damage than it &an sustain in an unboosted state,
it dies0
For every a&tivated )o,er level the &hara&ter heals 2
Li+e )oints0 "his 'o,er does not allo, +or regeneration
o+ lost limbs0
"his :is&i'line &overs mastery o+ 'sioni& energy and
'sioni& items mani'ulation0
'ASI! "#0#"
0anipulate psi-+r(stal:
"he &hara&ter is a master at mani'ulating 'si &rystals,
+ree o+ )si 'oint e/'enditure the &hara&ter &an attune a
&rystal in hal+ time and ,hen tou&hing attuned &rystals
the &hara&ter re&eives 1d less o+ damage0
D+ in &onta&t ,ith an attuned &rystal the 'sioni&ist may
s'end one a&tion and a number o+ )si 'oints e.ual to
the &rystal3s level to severe the attunement7 to
su&&ess+ully severe the attunement a )si inde/ vs0 )si
inde/ Contest is re.uired0
D+ the attunement is severed the &rystal is no,
?sing a 'si Crystal the &hara&ter &an &reate a 'si Ring
uniting a number o+ )si gi+ted individuals e.ui''ed ,ith
an attuned 'si &rystal e.ual to the mani+estation3s 'o,er
level 'lus the leader3s &rystal3s Level0
"o Eoin in a ring a &hara&ter must be &on&entrating and
&an do nothing else but &on&entrate, as soon as the
&hara&ter sto's &on&entrating on the Ring it dro's +rom
n&e and till the Ring is a&tive the &hara&ter that +ormed
the ring &an then a&&ess the other3s )si inde/ and )si
'oints to mani+est 'sioni& 'o,ers0
"he Ring3s )si inde/ is e.ual to the Leader3s )si inde/
'lus one hal+ o+ ea&h member3s )si inde/, the leader
&an mani+est any 'sioni& :is&i'line $no,n by any
'arti&i'ant o+ the Ring and de&ides ho, the e/'enditure
o+ )si 'oints is re'arted among the Ring3s members0
"he 'si &rystals o+ the members do not grant the usual
bonus as they are a&ting as a &onne&tion0
"he &hara&ter is &a'able o+ &onverting its o,n li+e-+or&e
in 'sioni& energy, using this mani+estation does not &ost
)si 'oints0
1a&h a&tivated level &osts 2 L) the &hara&ter and
restores 1 )si 'oint, this ta$es one a&tion0
A0AN!# "#0#"
"he &hara&ter &an e/'end one )si 'oint to an&hor a
mani+estation to an attuned )si &rystal, the 'si &rystal
,ill !aintain the !ani+estation either +or one hour 'er
level, till the 'sioni&ist &alls it o++ or the attunement is
severed0 As soon as a &rystal be&omes an an&hor the
mani+estation is &entered on the &rystal0
A &rystal &an maintain only one !ani+estation at a time0
A &rystal used +or an&horing &an not be ta''ed +or
Eoining in a Ring or +or +ree )o,er levels0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Burn +r(stal:
At )o,er level one this mani+estation allo,s to burn an
attuned Level 1 )si-Crystal ,ithin 10 meters0
For every additional )o,er level the range &an be
e/tended by 10 meters or the level o+ the )si &rystal to
be burned in&reased by 10
"he burned 'si &rystal then be&omes a useless stone
but the 'sioni&ist re&overs a number o+ )si 'oints e.ual
to the &rystals levelP30
"he &hara&ter is &a'able o+ &onverting another
&reature3s li+e-+or&e in 'sioni& energy, using this
mani+estation does not &ost )si 'oints0
"he 'sioni&ist must $ill ritually the &reature, the &reature
must be $illed ,ith a ritual ,ea'on (&osting about a 100
thaari- and use an attuned )si-&rystal as +o&us0
"he ritual ta$es one a&tion turn0
"he 'sion a&.uires a number o+ )si 'oints e.ual to sum
o+ the &reatures 8it, )resen&e and )si-inde/0
Aa&ri+i&e is +ro,ned u'on by most &ity states, human
sa&ri+i&e is usually outla,ed0
"his :is&i'line &overs mastery o+ mind over matter0
'ASI! "#0#"
"he 'sioni& &hara&ter &an move stones, sti&$s or other
loose obEe&ts at high s'eed so to &ause harm0
#ase damage at )o,er level 1 is 1d< at one target
,ithin 10 meters o+ the 'sioni&ist0
1a&h additional )o,er level &an add either 1d< o+
damage, 10 meters o+ range or J meters o+ area e++e&t0
"here must be some lose items nearby the 'sioni&ist or
the target(s- +or this mani+estation to ,or$0
"he Assault is resolved as an Area e++e&t ranged atta&$
using the 'sioni&ist3s )si-Dnde/ instead o+ it3s Agility7
Ahort range is e.ual one third o+ the mani+estation3s
range, !edium range is u' to t,o-thirds o+ the
mani+estation3s range, beyond that the target is at Long
For ea&h )o,er Level a&tivated the 'sioni&ist &an move
or slo, do,n a mass>s'eed o+ u' to J0 $gPmetersPturn
,ithin 10 meters, ea&h level o+ mani+estation either adds
10 meters o+ range or J0$g>meters>turn0

!K shield:
"his mani+estation &reates a re'ulsive +or&e +ield ,ith an
Armor value o+ 2 around the 'sioni&ist0
1a&h additional )o,er level &an add either 2 'oints o+
AF, J meters o+ area e++e&t or 10 meters o+ range +or
'roEe&ting the +ield0
A0AN!# "#0#"
"he 'sioni&ist &an sha'e or &ause +lames0 For 1 'o,er
level the 'sioni&ist &an &ause a Rating 1 +ire to s'ring u'
(or die- ,ithin 10 meters0
1a&h additional )o,er level &an add either 1 'oint o+ +ire
'o,er, 10 meters o+ range or J meters o+ area e++e&t0
"he )yro$inesis is resolved as an Area e++e&t ranged
atta&$ using the 'sioni&ist3s )si-Dnde/ instead o+ it3s
Agility7 Ahort range is e.ual one third o+ the
mani+estation3s range, !edium range is u' to t,o-thirds
o+ the mani+estation3s range, beyond that the target is at
Long Range0
For every a&tivated )o,er level the &hara&ter &an heal a
tou&hed target u' to 2 li+e )oints0
"he 'sioni&ist may not use 'sy&hosurgery on himsel+0
"his 'o,er does not allo, raise the dead, but i+ used
s,i+tly &an reatta&h lost limbs0
"his mani+estation allo,s the 'sioni&ist to
instantaneously move itsel+ and u' to a 100 $g mass by
30 meters ,ithout ,orrying o+ the intervening s'a&e or
la&$ thereo+0
1a&h additional )o,er level &an add either 30 meters o+
Range, a 100$g o+ additional mass or 10 meters o+ area
e++e&t around himsel+0
"he 'sioni&ist need either see the 'oint o+ arrival or
$no, it (in ,hatever ,ay7 natural or 'sioni&-0
?n,illing targets get to beat the 'sion in a )resen&e vs0
)si-inde/ Contest, i+ they ,in the mani+estation goes o++
,ithout a++e&ting them0
"his :is&i'line &overs mastery o+ mental &ommuni&ation
and mani'ulation0
'ASI! "#0#"
0ind Reading:
8hile the mani+estation is turned on the )sioni&ist &an
read a target &reature3s thoughts and dete&t !ind
Controls or #onds im'lanted in it0
#ase range is one target ,ithin 10 meters, additional
)o,er levels allo, e/tending the range by 10 meters or
in&luding one additional target0
?n,illing targets may try to resist ,ith the usual
)resen&e vs0 )si inde/ Contest0
!hought pro5e+tion:
8hile the mani+estation is turned on the )sioni&ist &an
send to a target &reature its thoughts0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
#ase range is one target ,ithin 10 meters, additional
)o,er levels allo, e/tending the range by 10 meters or
in&luding one additional target0
?n,illing targets may try to resist ,ith the usual
)resen&e vs0 )si inde/ Contest0
!elepathi+ hield:
"his mani+estation allo,s the 'sion to de+end the
target3s mind +rom tele'athi& intrusions, till the 'o,er is
on it re&eives a =1 in )resen&e Contests versus
"ele'athi& intrusions0
#ase range is sel+, ea&h )o,er level a&tivated &an
e/tend the range by 10 meters, add one e/tra target to
the e++e&t or in&rease by 1 the bonus to )resen&e
A0AN!# "#0#"
0ind /ontrol:
"his mani+estation allo,s inserting thoughts, orders and
memories in to a target &hara&ter3s mind ,ithin 10
"his &ommands and memories last +or u' to one hour0
1a&h additional a&tivated )o,er level adds 10 meters o+
range, one hour o+ duration or add one e/tra target to
the e++e&t0
For the &ommand to be su&&ess+ully im'lanted the
'sioni&ist needs to beat the vi&tim(s- in a )si versus
)resen&e Contest2 as usual, against multi'le targets, the
'sioni&ist rolls only on&e and &on+ronts the result against
ea&h target to determine ,ho +ails to resist0 "he vi&tim(s-
need not be intelligent0
*s(+hi+ Bond:
Allo,s the 'sioni&ist to &reate or remove a tele'athi&
bond ,ith the target0
A 'sy&hi& #ond allo,s the bonded individuals to share
'er&e'tions and thoughts i+ they are ,ithin 10 $m o+
ea&h other0
%o &hara&ter &an be involved in more then ()resen&e-
bonds at the same time0
#ase range o+ )sy&hi& #ond is 10 meters, every
a&tivated )o,er level adds either 10 meters o+ range,
add a target to the bonding mani+estation or in&rease the
area o+ e++e&t by 10 $ilometers0
For the bond to be su&&ess+ully im'lanted the 'sioni&ist
needs to beat the vi&tim(s- in a )si versus )resen&e
Contest2 as usual, against multi'le targets, the 'sion
rolls only on&e and &on+ronts the result against ea&h
target to determine ,ho +ails to resist0 "he vi&tim(s-
need not be intelligent0 n&e the bond is a&tive it &an
only be severed ,ith this same mani+estation0
D+ used to severe bonds this mani+estation &an&els one
bond on a target &hara&ter ,ithin 10 meters0
1a&h a&tivated )o,er level adds either 10 meters o+
range, 1 e/tra target or removes one #ond more,
un,illing targets may try to resist ,ith the usual
)resen&e vs0 )si inde/ Contest0
n&e a bond is in 'la&e it lasts until removed0
"his :is&i'line &overs mastery o+ e/trasensory
'ASI! "#0#"
ensor( pro5e+tion:
"he tele'er&e'tor &an move its sensorium (&ombined
eyesight>hearing 'er&e'tions- by J0 meters -regardless
o+ intervening barriers- 'er a&tivated )o,er Level0
8hile this mani+estation is on the 'sioni&ist &an +eel all
li+e +orms ,ithin J0 meters, it &an also re&ogniCe the
mass, i+ either sentient or non sentient, )sioni& or
non-)sioni& and the a&tual state o+ health0
Dt &an also tell ,ith one a&tion o+ &on&entration, the
s'eed and dire&tion o+ travel o+ ea&h0
1a&h additional )o,er Level a&tivated adds J0 meters
to range0
#y tou&hing an item or target &reature or lo&ation the
'sioni&ist &an relive im'ortant events &onne&ted to the
target that ha''ened in a la'se o+ time de'ending on
)o,er Level a&tivated7
Po/er "e*el "apse of time
1 Last 24 hours
2 Last 8ee$
3 Last !onth
4 Last Iear
J Last :e&ade
< Last Century
O Last 1000 years
=1 =1000 years
)arti&ularly sho&$ing or emotionally &harged events and
'la&es &an be dete&ted more easily, the *! may ,ant
to im'rove the e++e&tiveness o+ the mani+estation by one
or t,o )o,er Levels0
A0AN!# "#0#"
"he target o+ this mani+estation is invisible to all $inds o+
"ele'er&e'tions ,hile the 'o,er is turned on0
#ase range at )o,er level 1 is one target ,ithin 10
meters, e/tra )o,er levels &an buy 10 meters o+ range
or one e/tra target ea&h0
"ele'er&e'tors may beat this barrier su&&ess+ully
,inning a )si inde/ vs0 )si inde/ Contest0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
"his mani+estation allo,s the tele'er&e'tor to listen to all
tele'athi& &ommuni&ations ending or beginning ,ithin 10
meters o+ itsel+, ea&h e/tra )o,er level a&tivated allo,
e/tending the range by 10 meters0 4o,ever +or this
mani+estation to be su&&ess+ul the tele'er&e'tor must
beat the originating "ele'ath in a )si inde/ vs0 )si inde/
"he game master ,ill then either give the 'layer a
glim'se o+ ,hat may ha''en or allo, him or her to ma$e
a )ro'he&y0
"he 'sion &an see u' to 1 year in the +uture, double this
time +or ea&h )o,er Level a&tivated0
!a$ing a )ro'he&y &osts an additional J 1'i& )oints0
#eings involved in a 'ro'he&y su++er +rom a negative
modi+ier e.ual to the )sion5s )si-Dnde/ +or a&tions that
go against the 'ro'he&y, and re&eive a bonus o+ e.ual
amount +or all a&tions that +ollo, the 'ro'he&y0
D+ the )ro'he&y is not +ul+illed ,ithin the time+rame
determined by the a&tivated )o,er Level, it no longer
grants modi+iers to a&tions ta$en0
Psi !rystal
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
4ere is a list o+ animals and ty'i&al @oonian &reatures0 8henever t,o s&ores are given to 8it, use the se&ond +or all
"as$s based on 'er&e'tion and senses and the +irst +or "as$s 'ertaining to rational thought and logi&0 ?se average
8it to determine Dnitiative0
Special a3ilities
3rightening7 all ,ho see a Frightening &reature must
'ass a )resen&e Contest ,ith the beast, and those ,ho
+ail are either unable to a&t or +or&ed to +lee0 )layers ,ho
su&&eed in this roll need not roll again during the &urrent
en&ounter, though ne, rolls are needed on subse.uent
en&ounters ,ith similar &reatures0 )layers ,ho +ail their
rolls may ta$e the Contest again on&e 'er turn to try to
gain hold o+ themselves2 as soon as the test is 'assed,
the 'assing 'layer &an sto' rolling +or the rest o+ the
Horror7 all that see a 4orrori+i& &reature must 'ass a
)resen&e Contest ,ith the beast as +or Frightening yet
+ailure means that the &hara&ter loses its sel+ &ontrol +or
1d< turns be+ore it &an try to regain &ontrol by ta$ing a
ne, Contest0
A Catastro'hi& +ailure means that the &hara&ter loses
&ontrol +or 1d< hours and 'ermanently gains an insanity
(Aee Com'ulsive behaviors in the Chara&ter &reation
In,ulnera#le7 D+ the &reature is brought to 0 Li+e )oints
by ,ea'ons not &a'able o+ slaying it, it +alls in a dee'
death-li$e tor'or0 "he !an'ished &reature ,ill a''ear
dead unless dee' medi&al s&rutiny is done0 "he
&reature starts regaining li+e 'oints at an hourly rate, as
soon as it is ba&$ to +ull L), it regains &ons&iousness0
!reatures of >oon
Creatures ,ith a 8its A&ore higher than 1 may have a
A'e&ial ability and a 8ea$ness li$e 'layer &hara&ters,
and Eust li$e )layer &hara&ters they may have 1'i&
)oints and Fame0
#ody T Agility 4 8it 1>J )resen&e 4
L) 4T AiCe ! D0F0 O
A'eed J
Atta&$7 &la,s and bea$ 2:<=2
4al+-re'tile, hal+-birds these +lightless relatives o+ the
,yvern are one o+ the most dangerous animals in the
,ilds o+ @oon0
#aaluruth inhabit tem'erate and &old &limate +orests,
,hile omnivore a +e, ones have been $no,n to atta&$
#ody < Agility 2 8it 1>J )resen&e 3
L) 3< AiCe L DF7 J
A'eed7 J
Atta&$7 1d< = *aCe
Armor7 2
#asilis$s are huge liCards ,ith a hy'noti& gaCe, basilis$s
are ,ild 'sions ,ith a&&ess to the !ind Control
!ani+estation, their )si inde/ is 3 and they have a 'si
'oint reserve o+ G0 #asilis$s use this 'o,er to hunt7
!any s&ientists su''ose a geneti& lin$ e/ists bet,een
#asilis$s and the Firstborn0
#ody < Agility 2 8it 2 )resen&e 3
L) 3< AiCe L D0F0 4
A'eed <
Atta&$7 #y ,ea'on
Armor7 #y armor =1
#rutes are debased, &annibalisti&, albino humanoids o+
slo, ,it in+esting the %ight 'ole and the ruins o+ old
&ities in the ",ilight @one0 Almost all the te&hnology they
have &omes by s&avenging +or items and te&hnology,
some have 'sioni& 'o,ers0
#rutes em'loy ,ea'ons and armors Eust li$e humans,
this ogre-siCed ,ea'ons or armors in+li&t or 'arry 2
times as many damage 'oints as human siCed ones0
?sually #rutes use huge &lubs (2:<-, and 'artial leather
armor (AF <>0-0
A brute3s s$in is so hard that it &on+ers one 'oint o+
natural AF, a #rute3s eyes are ada'ted to natural
dar$ness but are &olor blind0
#rutes ty'i&ally $no, t,o s$ills at #asi& ran$ among7
Armsman, !ar$sman, and Aurvivalist0
#ody 2 Agility J 8it 1>J )resen&e 3
L) 12 AiCe A D0F0 T
A'eed < +lying> 1 ground
Atta&$7 &la,s or bea$ damage 1:<=2
#ody O Agility 3 8it 1>J )resen&e 2
L) 42 AiCe ! D0F0 <
A'eed <
Atta&$7 horns damage 2:<=2
#ody 2 Agility 3 8it < )resen&e 4
L) 12 AiCe ! D0F0 G
A'eed 2
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Atta&$7 #y ,ea'on or bite
Armor7 #y armor =1
Firstborn are highly &ultured ser'ent men that survived
their ra&e e/tin&tion7 they resemble s&aly humanoids
,ith a huge ser'ent head0
First born bites in+li&t 1d< damage and inEe&t 'aralyCing
venom that a&ts in 2 turns ,ith Atrength 3 and ,hose
e++e&ts last 1d<>2 hours0 Firstborn are amoral and
arrogant, they &onsider all other s'e&ies in+erior0
Firstborn are almost ageless and immortal, yet ,hile all
have 'sioni& 'o,ers ()si inde/ 3=1d<>2-, most o+ them
are s'oiled and ignorant save +or the o&&asional e/'ert
in 8eird A&ien&e or art0
Firstborn em'loy ,ea'ons and armors Eust li$e humans,
+avoring 'artial leather armor (AF 3>0-, light s,ords and
A Firstborn3s s&aly s$in is so hard that it &on+ers one
'oint o+ natural AF0
Firstborn ty'i&ally $no, t,o s$ills at #asi& ran$ among7
Linguist, Lore, 8eird A&ien&e and )sioni&ist s$ill0
#ody 1 Agility < 8it 1>J )resen&e 2
L) < AiCe A D0F0 G
A'eed <
Atta&$7 &la,s or bite damage 1:<
!aned lyn/ o+ the &old &limate areas o+ @oon, it has +our
distin&tive saber-li$e teeth0
#ody 14 Agility 2 8it 1 )resen&e 4
L) T4 AiCe L DF7 3
A'eed7 12 s,imming
Atta&$7 2d< tenta&les
Armor G
1normous a.uati& s.uids living in the de'ths o+ the
day,ard and %ight,ard o&eans0 Nra$uuns are rare and
solitary legendary beings held res'onsible +or the
disa''earan&e o+ many shi's0 A Nra$uun usually
e/e&utes A,ing atta&$s on smaller targets0 Also a
Nra$uun may eEe&t a &loud o+ in$ on&e 'er hour7 this has
the same e++e&t o+ a 1:< Atun atta&$ ,ith a Jm radius,
range J>10>200 "he in$ &loud stun damage ignores
#ody 1 Agility T 8it 1>J )resen&e 2
L) < AiCe A DF7 13
A'eed7 1 ,al$ing or burro,ing
Atta&$7 1:< Piercin$
Armor7 3 Hardened
"hese huge +lea-li$e inse&ts are re'uted to be the last
remnants o+ a ra&e o+ Living ,ea'ons +rom the :ee'
A'a&e 4orrors3 Civil 8ar0
)sivores are, basi&ally, )sioni& 'arasites +eeding on the
host3s )si energy0
:es'ite their small siCe )sivores are &a'able o+
sur'rising lea's and bounds than$s to their vestigial
)sivores live in s,arms, haunting 'si-&rystal ri&h areas
o+ @oon, a,aiting their +avored 'rey7 )sioni& individuals0
)sivores &an use the A&an mani+estation ,ith a )si
inde/ o+ < and a )si )oints reserve o+ 1T0
)sivores al,ays e/e&ute ,restling atta&$s on their
vi&tims aiming +or the head0
D+ the ,restling atta&$ is su&&ess+ul they hang on the
vi&tim3s ne&$ digging their teeth at the base o+ the s$ull
on the ne/t turn0 n&e the teeth are lo&$ed in 'la&e, the
)sivore inserts its +eelers in the vi&tim3s s'ine0
)sioni& individuals ,ith a lo&$ed )sivore instantaneously
lose all )si 'oints and &an not re&over them till the
)sivore is removed or $illed0
Removing a )sivore re.uires a #ody7 12 tas$0
:eath or removal o+ a )sivore +rom a host sends the
host &reature in state o+ sho&$ &ausing 1:< damage,
and un&ons&iousness +or 1:< hours unless a su&&ess+ul
#ody7 1< "as$ is 'assed0
)sivores al,ays ignore &reatures ,ithout a )si inde/
#ody 1 Agility 4 8it 1 )resen&e 1
L) < AiCe A D0F0 J
A'eed 2
Atta&$7 bite damage 1>2:<
mni'resent inhabitants o+ ruins all over @oon0
#ody 1 Agility J 8it 1 )resen&e 1
L) < AiCe A D0F0 <
A'eed 2
Atta&$7 bite damage 1=venom7 Atrength <, 4d< damage,
s'eed 1d< turns
@oon3s sna$es are mostly 'resent in s,am's and in the
desert0 Larger s'e&imens e/ist, ,ith a AiCe L, #ody 4
and 24 L)s0 "hese larger sna$es are usually non
'oisonous and atta&$ by &onstri&tion in+li&ting 1:<
,restling damage0
#ody 3 Agility 4 8it 1>J )resen&e 2
L) 1T AiCe A D0F0 O
A'eed <
Atta&$7 bite 1:<=2
@oon3s main &anine s'e&ies, similar to earth3s ,olves0
Aome tame s'e&imen e/ist they are ho,ever mostly a
,ild s'e&ie0
#ody J Agility 3 8it 2>J )resen&e 3
L) 30 AiCe ! D0F0 O
A'eed G
Atta&$7 2:<
4uge &anine &reatures used as mounts by @oon3s
humans0 4ighly intelligent and ,ith a $een sense o+
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
#ody 1 Agility J 8it 1>J )resen&e 2
L) < AiCe A D0F0 T
A'eed 3 +lying> 1 ground
Atta&$7 bite damage 1>2:<
Commonly living in ruins o+ the an&ients0
#ody 12 Agility 4 8it 1>J )resen&e 3
L) O2 AiCe 4 DF7 O
A'eed7 12 on ground>24 +lying
Atta&$7 2d<=venom
Armor 4
8yverns are dragon li$e &reatures, o+ animal
intelligen&e0 "hey atta&$ ,ith a barbed stinger at the end
o+ their tail0 "his stinger is venomous7 "he venom a&ts in
1d< turns, has Atrength J and in+li&ts an e/tra 3d< o+
#ody 12 Agility 1 8it 1>J )resen&e 2
L) O2 AiCe L D0F0 4
A'eed <
Atta&$7 tram'le(as Charge- and tus$s 2:<=2
Armor7 3
4uge +our-tus$ed 'a&hyderms ,ith a bristling mane0
",o varieties e/ist7 na$ed @ohars living in the desert
and +urry @ohar living near the %ight )ole0
#rute tribes &ommonly use +urry @ohars as mounts0
The restless dead, Ghouls9 0ampires and
4uman beings, brutes and animals &an be&ome undead
&reatures, usually as a result o+ ,eird s&ien&e
"he restless dead are immune to e/tremes o+
tem'erature, to illness, 'oison and as'hy/ia nor do they
su++er +rom normal- hunger, thirst or slee'0
?ndead &reatures never su++er 'enalties +rom ,ounds
nor &an be stunned0
4o,ever undead do not heal +rom damage unless &ured
by 'sioni& or by a''li&ation o+ a regeneration serum
&reated by ,eird s&ien&e0
*hosts are disembodied undead, the s'irits o+ men
bound to the 'la&e o+ their death and roaming the astral
'lane0 Reasons +or this may vary7 an un+ul+illed ,ish,
love or hatred2 a bro$en 'romise0 Any o+ these may bind
a dead man (or animal- to the living ,orld0
"hese rules regard *hosts as &hara&ters in Astral
)roEe&tions (see the &ha'ter on 'sioni&s-7
nly astral &ombat and thus destru&tion o+ its astral
body or the +ul+illment o+ the &ondition holding the
*host in the ,orld- ,ill +ree the *host +rom the ,orld o+
the living0
*hosts hold all their $no,ledge +rom their +ormer li+e0
*hosts have no #ody or Agility, Li+e )oints +or Astral
&ombat are &al&ulated through )resen&e0
*hosts &an a++e&t the outer ,orld through )sioni&
:is&i'lines i+ they $no, any0 *hosts do never move
more than ()resen&eP10 meters- +rom the 'la&e o+ their
death but &an move ,ith lightning s'eed ,ithin this area0
*hosts &an see in the dar$ and are fri$htenin$ i+ they
&are to sho, themselves7 All ghosts have the 'o,er o+
)stral (erce(tion and &an Possess bodies0
Ahould the )ossessed &hara&ter die the ghost is
e/'elled +rom the body uns&athed0
Average human *host
#ody 0 Agility 0 8it 3 )resen&e 4
L) 0 AiCe - D0F0 3
A'eed P
Atta&$7 P
Armor7 P
*houls are the bodies o+ dead man or other &reatures
&ommanded to live an imitation o+ li+e, usually by ,eird
s&ien&e or un$no,n diseases0
*houls retain the same 'hysi&al Attributes they had in
li+e, but lose all s'irit and intelligen&e7 8it and )resen&e
tumble to 00 A ghoul &an not em'loy any A$ill or 1'i&
)oint it had in li+e0 *houls are slo, and &ree'y things7
A'eed and Agility lose one 'oint ea&h ,hile #ody
remains un&hanged0 Cal&ulate L) and D0F0 based on the
ne, values0 *houls are rarely a&tive7 they usually s'end
the day slee'ing in their tombs and &ome out at night or
,hen their tomb is o'ened0
A ghoul heals Li+e )oints only a+ter eating a living
&reature0 Li+e 'oints regained are e.ual to the &reature3s
#ody s&ore0
*houls &an see in 'it&h-bla&$ dar$ness0 *houls are
Average human *houl
#ody 4 Agility 2 8it 0>J )resen&e 0
L) 24 AiCe ! D0F0 J
A'eed 2
Atta&$7 by ,ea'on or +ist 1>2:<
Armor7 by armor
Fam'ires are on&e living &reatures turned to an
immortal unli+e by ,eird s&ien&e0 "hey sto' aging and
lose all +aibilities o+ living &reatures7 they do not need to
eat, drin$, slee' or breathe0 Fam'ires are immune to
'oison or illness0
Fam'ires retain all abilities they had in li+e, in&luding
8it, )resen&e, 1), A$ills and )sioni&s0 A Fam'ires
#ody and Agility are in&reased by 1 'oint ea&h0
Fam'ires &an3t be healed even by 'sioni&s or ,eird
s&ien&e, only drin$ing blood restores a vam'ire3s vitality0
For every day a Fam'ire 'asses ,ithout drin$ing blood
it su++ers 1 L) o+ damage0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
"o drin$ blood the vam'ire must $ill a &reature and drin$
all o+ its blood, thus healing u' to the &reature3s #ody in
Li+e )oints0
Fam'ires &an see in the dar$ness0
Fam'ires su++er the +ollo,ing limitations7 Drrational
#ehavior7 Fear o+ sunlight and +ire, Drrational #ehavior7
A vam'ire su++ers 1d< damage 'oints (that ignore
armor- 'er turn i+ e/'osed to sunlight0
A vam'ire is -n*lnerable to ordinary 'hysi&al atta&$s, it
,ill su++er real damage only +rom sunlight, la&$ o+ blood
and +ire0 A !an'ished vam'ire &an be $illed i+ burned
or e/'osed to sunlight0
The eep Space +orrors
"hese &reatures have an un$no,n and uns'e&i+ied
origin7 Firstborn te/ts have it that these beings e/ist
sin&e the beginning o+ time and have evolved to a 'oint
beyond humanity or intelligen&e0
Al,ays a&&ording to the esoteri& te/ts o+ the Firstborn
the 4orrors live &lose to the gala&ti& &ore or to its rim
near the absolute void (de'ending on the author-
any,ay +reely +loating in s'a&e dan&ing to the inaudible
sounds o+ &reation0
ther authors su''ort the idea that dee' s'a&e is a
meta'hor +or the inner rea&hes o+ a sentient soul and
that the 4orrors really &ome +rom ,ithin, as the )sioni&
'o,ers &a'able o+ summoning them0
All 4orrors s'ea$ a variant o+ Aasshalish0
#ody O Agility 2 8it J )resen&e 3
L) 42 AiCe L DF7 O
A'eed7 4
Atta&$7 #y ,ea'on
Armor7 #y armor
Aervitors are a sentient ra&e o+ shambling +ungous
aliens ,ith a highly so'histi&ated &ulture and develo'ed
s&ien&e0 "hey revere and +ear the *reat An&ients0 A +e,
have )sioni& )o,ers but mostly they develo' 8eird
A&ien&e e.ui'ment and ma$e e/tensive use o+
automaton and vehi&les0
A Aervitor is a herma'hrodite +ungi, its 9to';
&on&entrates all sensory organs7 Aervitors do not have a
sense o+ smell nor taste and +eed o+ ,ater and soil0
Ao&ial stru&ture is aristo&rati&0
Aervitors have develo'ed 9'ortable; radio (J0 $g and
200 $m o+ range- and #last guns0 Aervitor Armor is
Hardened Eust li$e Cerami& armor0
$inged servant
#ody < Agility T 8it 2>T )resen&e 2
L) 3< AiCe ! DF7 1<
A'eed7 4 on ground>24 +lying
Atta&$7 2d< &la,s and horns
Armor7 4 Hardened
8inged servants are little more than beasts7 +eatureless,
humanoid ,inged beings ,ith tough rubbery s$in0
8inged servants are immune to 'oison, the &urse and
e/tremes and do not need to breath0 8inged Aervants
are /ri$htenin$0
Astral ound
#ody T Agility J 8it 1>J )resen&e 4
L) 4T AiCe ! D0F0 <
A'eed J
Atta&$7 bite 2:<=2
Armor7 T Unbreakable
Astral 4ounds are the hunting hounds o+ the An&ients
and the Atar s'a,n, &rossing astral s'a&e in sear&h o+
Astral hounds indu&e Horror and are &a'able o+ Astral
)er&e'tion and )roEe&tion ,ith a )si-inde/ o+ 4(and a
reserve o+ 12-0 Astral hounds are immune to 'oison, the
&urse and e/tremes and do not need to breath0
"tar "pa(n
#ody 14 Agility T 8it 1>12 )resen&e 12
L) T4 AiCe L DF7 20
A'eed7 <
Atta&$7 4d< tenta&les
Armor7 12 Unbreakable
"he idioti& s'a,ns o+ the *reat An&ients0 Atar A'a,ns
are immune to 'oison, the &urse and e/tremes and do
not need to breath0 Atar A'a,ns indu&e Horror0 Aome
have )si inde/ o+ 1d< and $no, all )sioni& :is&i'lines at
least at #asi& level0
Great Ancient
#ody 32 Agility T 8it - )resen&e 1<
L) 1G2 AiCe 1 DF7 T
A'eed7 2> 2 +lying i+ &a'able o+ +light
Atta&$7 Td< 'seudo'ods
Armor7 1< Ultimate
1vil and mindless astral gods o+ s'a&e0 Dt is un&lear ho,
many *reat An&ients e/ist7 a +e, named ones are
Nuuu3th3uu$, :aargoon, Aaddo.ui, 1herrbus0
*reat An&ients are immune to 'oison, the &urse and
e/tremes and do not need to breath0 *reat An&ients
indu&e Horror0 Aome may have a )si inde/ o+ 2d< and
$no, all )sioni& :is&i'lines at least at #asi& level0
6ptional Rule: Lingering Horror
"he game as ,ritten is more in+luen&ed by 10R0#0 than
40)0 Love&ra+t, but ,hat i+ the *! ,ants to &reate an
atmos'here o+ real Cosmi& 4orrorU
8e suggest you use the +ollo,ing rule7 ea&h time a
&hara&ter uses the Smmon, 0ate and Sacrifice
!ani+estations, gets a 0raft or +ails a Contest to resist
the e++e&ts o+ Horror, it a&.uires a 'oint o+ "oom0
Chara&ters al,ays subtra&t their "oom s&ore +rom
Contest rolls re.uired to resist mind-a++e&ting 'sioni&
mani'ulation (li$e !ind Reading or !ind Control- on
the 'art o+ :ee' A'a&e 4orrors0
8hen a &hara&ter3s "oom s&ore is higher then its
)resen&e s&ore, he is &om'letely subEe&t to the :ee'
A'a&e 4orrors3 ,ill0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Anytime su&h a &om'letely &orru'ted &hara&ter is
e/'osed to Horror, a +ailed Contest does not result in
sim'le loss o+ sel+ &ontrol and inability to a&t but in
&om'lete !ind Control on the HorrorsD 'art0
"oom )oints &an be removed at the &ost o+ 10 1'i&
)oints ea&h0
D+ this o'tional rule is used, starting &hara&ters may
&hose an additional 8ea$ness7
Corrupt<"he &hara&ter has a starting "oom A&ore o+
On animal trainin& and tamin&
Common animals and some +antasti& &reatures (li$e
'sivores, ,yverns and basilis$s- &an be tamed and
trained to obey orders0
#e+ore it &an be trained, an animal must +irst be tamed0
"o tame an animal is a long-term tas$ that re.uires a
number o+ months at least e.ual the )resen&e o+ the
At the end o+ this 'eriod, roll a Contest bet,een the
animal5s and the trainer5s )resen&e0
D+ the trainer ,ins the &ontest, the animal is &onsidered
tame0 D+ the animal ,ins it, it resists taming by the animal
handler at all &osts0 Dn &ase o+ e.uality, the animal
remains ,ild but the trainer ,ill be able to retry his lu&$
a+ter a ne, 'eriod o+ taming0
"he resistan&e o+ an animal to the s&hooling also
de'ends on its age7 on&e adult, animals are e/tremely
di++i&ult to tame2 one should multi'ly by 2 the animal3s
)resen&e +or o''osing the trainer0
n&e an animal has been tamed, it &an be trained0 "o
train an animal &onsists in tea&hing him one or several
"o tea&h a tri&$ to an animal, the trainer must su&&eed
in a )resen&e Contest ,ith the animal, at the end o+ one
'eriod o+ t,o ,ee$s0 "he ma/imum number o+ tri&$s that
an animal &an learn is e.ual to its 8it s&ore 'lus the
trainer3s )resen&e0
A trainer &an try to oblige a tamed animal to e/e&ute a
tri&$ +or ,hi&h it has not been trained7 Con+ront the
trainer3s )resen&e ,ith the beast3s, a''ly the same
modi+iers as +or taming0
A tri&$ learned by an animal +alls in one o+ t,o
&ategories7 Automati& or "riggered on order o+ its
master0 4ere are some e/am'les o+ ty'i&al tri&$s7

Automatic: a&&e't a rider, ignore a re+le/ o+ aggression,
ignore a re+le/ o+ +light, 'rogrammed rea&tion ,hen
+a&ing s'e&i+ied individuals (identi+ied than$s to odor,
voi&e, uni+orm et&- or events7 atta&$, a&&e't as master,
obey - ea&h rea&tion and individual ty'es &orres'ond to
a di++erent tri&$0
2n order: atta&$ (the animal atta&$s a designated target
,hen orders-, de+end (the animal 'rote&ts a designated
'erson against all aggressions-, ,at&h (same thing but
+or a 'la&e or an obEe&t-, &ome here, &ome ba&$, +et&h
(+or animals &a'able o+ tra&$ing-, e/e&ute an a&robati&
or a s'e&ial maneuver0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
!+APT#R T#N, #BP#RI#N!#9 #PI! POINTS9 FA%#
At the end o+ every gaming session (,hi&h may or may
not be a &om'lete adventure, de'ending on the length
o+ the .uest at hand-, every &hara&ter gets a re,ard in
1'i& )oints +rom the re+eree0 "his re,ard should be
+rom 0 to 3 'oints, de'ending on 'arti&i'ation, role
'laying, ideas, adventure length and di++i&ulty0
"here is no limit to the number o+ 1) you &an a&.uire,
and evil &hara&ters should gain them Eust the same as
good ones, as long as their evilness +its the 'lot and the
&hara&ter0 1'i& 'oints ma$e the di++eren&e bet,een a
real 4ero (and a real FillainV- and the &ommon 'eo'le0
)layer &hara&ters shouldn3t be the only ones to have
1)s2 %)Cs5 should also have them (e/'e&t great
,arriors or s&ientists to have bet,een 1 and 12 1),
really heroi& &hara&ters to have about 30, and living
legends to have even moreK0
4eroi& &hara&ters should also be given an a''ro'riate
number o+ Fame )oints-0
+o/ do #pic Points affect the &ameC
Dn several 'ossible ,ays7
"he 'layer may s'end as many 1) on one a&tion as it
has )resen&e, +or ea&h 1) s'ent a &hara&ter &an7
Increase &is c&ances of success in a -as! or
#1FR1 he rolls the die, the 'layer states that he is
going to s'end 1) on the roll0 Add 2 to the die roll along
,ith other relevant modi+iers0
Increase &is Initiative /alue #y >, ,hen the re+eree
&alls +or DF5s
Increase #y 6 t&e po(er Level of a psionic
Increase or reduce damage ta!en or inflicted= #e+ore
the die is rolled, the &hara&ter de&lares that he is going
to s'end 1'i& 'oints and then modi+ies the damage by
'lus or minus 2 'oints, but only a+ter A0F0 is &al&ulated0
%ote that 1)5s &an be s'ent in this ,ay only to a++e&t
atta&$s brought on onesel+0 "his modi+ier &an5t redu&e
damage belo, 10
All 1'i& )oints s'ent are gone, ne, ones must be
gained0 Ahould several &hara&ters simultaneously
de&ide to s'end 1)5s on the same a&tion, have all
involved 'layers ,rite their individual totals do,n on a
'ie&e o+ 'a'er and reveal the 'oints s'ent by ea&h one
A &ollateral e++e&t o+ adventuring is Fame, and the more
a &hara&ter adventures, the more +amous he be&omes0
Fame is rated +rom 0 to <, no &hara&ter may gain more
than < Fame )oints0
Fame is in&reased through the re&ording o+ a )o'ularity
At the end o+ ea&h adventure in&rease the )o'ularity
tally by 10
8hen )o'ularity rea&hes (<-Current Fame-, reset the
tally to 0 and in&rease Fame by 10
Famous &hara&ters &an be re&ogniCed by other 'eo'le
even ,hen they don5t ,ant to be0
8hen the re+eree thin$s the +amous &hara&ter might be
re&ogniCed, he Eust rolls 1:<, and i+ the result is e.ual to
or lo,er than the &hara&ter5s total Fame 'oints, he or
she has been re&ogniCed0
"he re+eree should ta$e this "as$ any time a +amous
&hara&ter meets somebody ,ithout ,earing a disguise
or ,henever a +amous &hara&ter5s name is s'o$en0
Rea&tion to this re&ognition may vary, de'ending on
48 the &hara&ter got +amous2 don5t e/'e&t notorious
#rute slayers to get a ,arm ,el&ome by #rutish tribes0
D+ a +amous &hara&ter has been re&ogniCed, the re+eree
may de&ide to add or subtra&t his or her F) total to or
+rom all o+ his or her )resen&e "as$s relating to so&ial
intera&tion (li$e 'ersuasion, 'ri&e haggling and 'oetry
&om'etitions, but not 'sioni&s or gambling-0
Increasin& Primary Attri3utes
Chara&ters also get to im'rove )rimary and some
Ae&ondary- Attributes7 &hoosing +rom #ody, Agility, 8it,
)resen&e, A'eed, )si inde/0
%o Attribute may be in&reased by more than 1 'oint in
this ,ay, remember to re&al&ulate Ae&ondary Attributes
,hen a )rimary one is im'roved0
Attributes im'roved this ,ay may e/&eed ra&ial
"he &ost o+ an Attribute5s 'ermanent in&rease by 1 'oint,
is based on the Attribute5s &urrent s&ore0
Dt is 'ossible to buy a )si inde/ rating o+ 1 +rom s&rat&h,
but not to im'rove it a+ter,ard by s'ending more 1'i&
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Attr0b7te 0>8ro=e>ent 9osts
Attr0b7te 97rrent s9ore Cost 0n EP of - 8o0nt
4al+ o+ ra&ial ma/imum or less 10
Above hal+ o+ ra&ial ma/imum,
but less than ra&ial ma/imum
Above ra&ial ma/imum 20
)si-inde/ o+ 0 20
A'eed, any value 10
"earnin& Ne/ S(ills
A &hara&ter may &hose to learn a ne, s$ill or im'rove a
$no,n one granted he gets 'ermission by the *!0
*ame masters should grant 'ermission i+ the 'layer
&hara&ters have had a&&ess to instru&tors (%)Cs or
other )Cs 'ossessing the desired s$ill at !aster Ran$-
or had e/tensive +irst-hand 'ra&ti&e in the &ourse o+ their
last adventure0
A &hara&ter may only try to im'rove one A$ill at a time,
also i+ a A$ill has been &hosen +or im'rovement and the
'layer does not 'ass the "as$ he may not try to im'rove
another A$ill be+ore the &hara&ter is a,arded 1'i&
)oints another time0
Re.uirements must still be met be+ore a &hara&ter &an
buy a s$ill0
"o learn or im'rove a A$ill a &hara&ter must +irst 'ass a
:i++i&ulty 10 8it "as$0
D+ the "as$ is su&&ess+ul the 'layer may im'rove the
&hosen A$ill7 learning a A$ill at #asi& Ran$ re.uires the
e/'ense o+ J 1)0
10 1) are needed to a&tually im'rove a s$ill +rom #asi&
to Advan&ed Ran$0
20 1) are needed to a&tually im'rove a s$ill +rom
Advan&ed to !aster Ran$0
%o e.ui'ment is gained by learning a ne, s$ill,
e.ui'ment lin$ed to s'e&i+i& s$ills is granted only at
&hara&ter &reation0
A note on a&in&
4uman &hara&ters age .uite early7 every ?mgarla (10
earth years- a+ter the +ourth subtra&t one 'oint +rom
ea&h stat value (#ody, Agility, 8it, )resen&e, )si and
A'eed-7 re&al&ulate all derived Attributes, #rutes age at
the same s'eed0 As soon as one o+ the main stats
rea&hes 0, the &hara&ter dies0
ample /hara+ter Experien+e: Malmt ,bness
"aar, .eird Scientist e?traordinaire has (assed man#
ad*entres in the last few months7
His attribtes and skills ha*e become4
+od# 8, .it 5, )$ilit# :, Presence ;, Psi&inde? 17
SiFe M , S(eed :, -7!7 3, Gife Points 12
+asic )rmsman, +asic Sbterf$e, )d*anced .eird
Science AGife Science and Concoctions at +asic le*el
%(ic Points4 18, /ame4 1APo(larit# tall#4:B
.eakness4 -rrational +eha*ior A0reedB7
Malmt has 0rafted e#es Aand can ths see in the
)t the end of this last ad*entre his Po(larit# tall#
reaches 5, so his /ame $oes ( to ;, while the tall# is
reset to 67
-n for more ad*entres his /ame will $o ( to 87
Not bad for an e? low&life, Malmt is definitel#
amon$st the >( and comin$> of societ#7
The 0M decides that in this last $ame session
Malmt has been reall# cle*er and a decent
role&(la#er and awards him ; %(ic Points7
Malmt finall# decides to take the $reat lea(4 he will
tr# to learn (sionicsC
The (la#er e?(ends 16 e(ic Points to raise his Psi
inde? to ;7 This is the hi$hest it will e*er $et, thro$h
e?(erience at least, Malmt will not be able to raise it
hi$her b# e?(endin$ %(ic Points7
.ith the remainin$ 5 %(ic Points he tries to learn the
Psionicist Skill at +asic Oank4 for this to ha((en the
(la#er mst (ass a .it Task at "ifficlt# 167
The 0M $i*es his (ermission as another (la#erDs
character has Psionicist skill at Master Oank and has
*olnteered to ttor Malmt7
/or MalmtDs (la#er jo# the Task is a sccess and
his character learns Psionicist at +asic Oank, the
(la#er chooses +asic Ge*el Tele(erce(tions as his
first "isci(line7
This is now the new Malmt ,bness "aar, e?(lorer
of dark secrets4
+od# 8, .it 5, )$ilit# :, Presence ;, Psi&inde? ;7
SiFe M , S(eed :, -7!7 3
Gife Points 12, Psi Points49
+asic )rmsman, +asic Psionicist ATele(erce(tions
"isci(line at +asic Ge*elB, +asic Sbterf$e,
)d*anced .eird Science AGife Science and
Concoctions at +asic le*el eachB7
%(ic Points4 6, /ame4 ;APo(larit# tall#4 6B
.eakness4 -rrational +eha*ior A0reedB7
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
#BA%P"# OF P"A$
"he +ollo,ing e/am'le illustrates a small 'ortion o+ an adventure, using three &hara&ters (Nar' Ah$ :un, @avast and
?hann !in :o$-0 ?hann !in :o$ is a 4uman Armsman and )ilot +rom Luaal armed ,ith a A,ord and a )istol0 Nar'
Ah$ :un and @avast are res'e&tively a 4uman )sioni&ist (e/'ert in "ele'athy and "ele$inesis- and Lore master and
a #rute s&avenger0 Nar' Ah$ :un is armed ,ith a dagger0 @avast is armed ,ith a 4uge #attle A/e0 All three ,ear
)artial Light Armor0
6*!6 indi&ates ,ords s'o$en by the *ame !aster,
@avast5s 'layer has been &hosen 6Caller6 by the rest o+
the 'arty0
"he Caller is a 'layer ,ho &ommuni&ates the grou'5s
.uestions and desires to the *!0 Aome *!5s use a
Caller2 others 're+er to let the 'layers e/'ress their
individual desires0 A Caller is used in the e/am'le 'urely
+or &onvenien&e0 As ,e 'i&$ u' the a&tion, the 'layers
have mar&hed +or one day a&ross the s,am's north o+
the *ul+ o+ Remembran&e0 "hey are unen&umbered and
moving at ,al$ing s'eed (about 1 $m 'er hour in the
s,am', even i+ @avast &ould move +aster- and are
a''roa&hing the outs$irts o+ the ruins o+ #ura$ennar, &ity
o+ the An&ients0
*!7 QPoM*e been followin$ the old Ooad for for hors7
"o #o want to rest or contineRQ
@AFAA"7 6.eMll contine7 .eMre on $ard 777 mo*in$
*!7 Rolls 2d<, ,ith an 6T6 result000 %o en&ounter in the
",ilight @one through ,hi&h the grou' is moving0 6Po
co*er another two kilometers, and be$in to notice a
scatterin$ of weed&$rown marble rins alon$ the
?hann7 9.eMll kee( or e#es (eeled for interestin$
*!7 6)re #o $oin$ to slow downR6
@AFAA"7 a+ter &onsulting ,ith the other 'layers 6No 777
weMll kee( mo*in$ at normal s(eed06
*!7 6"rin$ the ne?t kilometer, #o donMt see an# intact
bildin$s, bt the rins do seem to be $ettin$ closer
to$ether7 The road be$ins climbin$ a rock# $or$e7 The
walls of the $or$e rise abot #o, cttin$ off the sn
feeble li$ht of Zartr7 "o #o want to rest or contineR6
?4A%%7 6.eMll contine7 .e ho(e to catch si$ht of
+rakennar before a co(le of hors06
*!7 4e &onsults his notes about the Ruins o+
#ura$ennar and tells the 'arty7 6The $or$e is narrow
and stee(, bt the road is fairl# le*el, now76 Loo$ing at
his ma' he noti&es that the grou' ,ill &ome to a building
ne/t to the road haunted by a 'a&$ o+ *houls0 6)s #o
rond a bend, #o notice a s'are sha(e to #or ri$ht,
abot ;6 meters from the road76
NAR)7 6How bi$ is itR Can we see an# doors or
*!7 6-tMs abot ;6 meters tall, and ma#be twice that on
each side7 -tMs co*ered with *ines, bt there seems to be
an area on the side closest to the road where the *ines
ha*e been cleared awa#76
#e+ore the game session he has de&ided that three
ghouls haunt this ruin and that all the *houls o+
#ura$ennar have average attributes +or human *houls0
"hey are the last remnants o+ an e/'eriment in
immortality that &aused the &ity3s do,n+all, ages ago0
@AFAA"7 6.eDll check it ot7; 4e .ui&$ly &he&$s ,ith the
other 'layers on ho, to a''roa&h the building0
*!7 6.hat are #o $oin$ to doR6
@AFAA"7 6.eMll a((roach the front of the bildin$7 .e
all ha*e or wea(ons ot7 .hat do we see when we $et
closeR -s there a doorR6
*!7 6.hoMs in frontU6
@AFAA"7 9.eMre ad*ancin$ all three abreast06
*!7 6The bare s(ot a((ears to be a slab of $olden
metal set in the (ink marble of the bildin$7 ThereMs a
hand siFed hole in it76
4e de&ides that sin&e the &hara&ters are a''roa&hing a
&ommon ty'e o+ %)C ,ith ,ea'ons ready that there is
no &han&e +or the )C5s to be sur'rised0
1ven though the *houls are slee'less they may be
other,ise una,are, so he does ma$e a Aur'rise Che&$
+or them0 4e rolls 2:< = Average *houl 8it +or
'er&e'tion "as$s o+ J getting a total o+ 110
9Please all of #o roll ;d9J)$ilit#, remember to add
Com(etence bons for Sr*i*alist Skill7;
Nar' Ah$ :un rolls and gets T, = 4(+or Agility- Z12,
@avast rolls G, =1(+or Agility-, =2 (+or Advan&ed
Aurvivalist s$ill- Z12 and ?hann !in :o$ rolls a stunning
12 =3 (+or Agility- Z1J0
"he *houls are, indeed, sur'rised0
?4A%%7 6- will (t m# hand in the hole on the $olden
door while Kar( and Za*ast stand jst to either side7;
NAR)7 ;- kee( the sword in the ri$ht hand, while the left
one holds the (istol76
*!7 9Uhann, #o feel some bttons in the hole7 .hat do
#o doR;
?4A%%7 9- start (ressin$ them carefll#7;
*!7 :e&ides that ?hann !in :o$ should have a good
&han&e to +ind the &ombination to the golden door, and
sets the di++i&ulty at 120 9Please roll a .it Task7;
?4A%%7 rolls T, =< (+or 8it- and de&ides to 'ut in an
1'i& 'oint +or an additional =20 4is total is 1<0
*!7 6The door silentl# slides to the side, disa((earin$ in
the wall7
Po canMt see mch in the dim li$ht, bt se*eral blk#
sha(es a((ear to be risin$ before #o amon$ the rined
remains of silken finer#76
@AFAA"7 4urriedly tal$s ,ith the 'layers0 6.e let Mem
ha*e itC6
*!7 6.hat e?actl# do #o let them ha*eR6
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
NAR)7 6Kar( )hk "n fires at the shadows7;
@AFAA"7 9- rsh in char$in$ and sin$in$ the war chants
of m# tribeC;
?4A%%7 ;Uhann Min "ok ste(s awa# from the
*!7 <Please roll -nitiati*e> Che&$ing Dnitiative values he
sees that Nar' goes o+ +irst7 6Kar(, both Za*ast and
Uhann block #or *iew of the other tar$ets76
NAR)7 9- wait for the others to mo*e ot of the wa#;
*!7 9Uhann #o mo*e ot of the wa#, jst in time for
Za*ast to end ( char$in$ fll tilt in to a (ale cor(selike
fi$re7 Za*ast #o ma# strike at it;
@avast rolls +or the atta&$ ,hile the *! rolls +or de+ense0
As @avast3s roll is < 'oints higher then the *houl3s he
in+li&ts double damage0
As @avast3s 4uge battle a/e in+li&ts an in&redible 24
'oints o+ damage the +irst *houl is &ut do,n0
6The horrible creatre is blown awa# b# a s'are blow
to the head7 The others follow it, as Za*ast rests his
e#es on them he feels his heart tremble, (lease e?ecte
roll Presence a$ainst "ifficlt#777 Arolls for the 0hols
PresenceB 1176
@AFAA"7 Fails his roll, miserably
*!7 9)n nnatral horror takes #or sa*a$e heart as
#o now clearl# see that shamblin$ cor(ses mo*e
towards #o4 Za*ast is stricken b# fear for ne?t trn;
NAR)7 6.hat else is $oin$ on in thereR6
*!7 6Po see two more of the blk# sha(es mo*in$
toward Za*ast reachin$ ot with claw like hands76
NAR)7 6- shoot at themC6
*!7 6Za*ast is co*erin$ the tar$et, are #o sreR;
NAR)7 9PesC;
@AFAA" and ?4A%%0 9NoC;
*!7 6 Sorr# mates, he said he is $oin$ to shoot777 roll
the attack Kar(7;
Nar' +ails miserably, seriously ,ounding @avast0 *!7
6So, Za*ast #o are still in shock, Kar( and Uhann4 what
are #o $oin$ to do the ne?t trnR;
)lay &ontinues li$e this until the &ombat is over 000
leaving @avast seriously hurt and the three *houls
dead0 "he 'layers ta$e the good 'art o+ an hour loo$ing
+or a &lue to their Luest3s solution and bandaging
"hey then resume their mar&h into #ura$ennar0000

Psionics, Tool of the eep Space +orrors or only defense a&ainst themC
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
INTROU!TOR$ A0#NTUR#, 1A Princess of Zoon2
"his &ha'ter &ontains a short introdu&tory adventure to get you started in 'laying Under the moons of Zoon0 "he
adventure is de+ined in its 'lot and main &hara&ters, individual *!s are invited to elaborate the details and should
ada't the events to the )C3s a&tions0 Also, ma's are su''lied +or the main lo&ations o+ the adventure0
Dt &an be 'layed in one 4 hours game session but &an be easily e/'anded to be 'layed in more game sessions0 8ith
some ,or$ and 'lanning this adventure &an be&ome the starting 'oint o+ a &am'aign0
'ac( story the ad*enture
A &enturies old +eud bet,een maba and Ia&ind is
+inally &oming to its end0
"he +ight +or &ontrol over the A'ring Aea that &osted
thousands o+ lives to both &ity states has been 'ut o++ by
the ?mCoolams striving to rea&h a tru&e0 !any reasons
have brought the ?mCoolams to this de&ision but the
main one is +ear +or 4eli&on3s s'reading 'o,er0
"o seal the tru&e a marriage has been organiCed
bet,een maba3s ?mCoolam3s son and the daughter o+
Ia&ind3s ?mCoolam0
"he marriage shall be held at the &ourt o+ maba, and
emissaries have been sent to all nearby &ity-states to
invite the @oolams to the marriage that ,ill end the ,ar0
Iet not all is ,ell in the &ourts o+ the t,o great
Conservative 'oliti&al 'arties on both sides, and also
e/ternal to the t,o &ities- ,ould li$e to see the +eud
going on0
!ost o+ all the ?mCoolam o+ Luaal (one !ushnaar Abel
!aEid- ,ould see the tru&e +ail, so to gain advantage
+rom a ne, es&alation o+ violen&e0
"he ?mCoolam !ushnaar is notoriously 'o,er hungry
and ill-advised, ,hile not outright evil he has &hosen as
'ersonal &oun&ilor the shady 'ro'hetess $no,n only as
!aal #aru0
?n$no,n to all !aal #aru is a 4ybrid servant o+ the
Firstborn and the main agent o+ the 8yrm Cult on this
side o+ the &ontinent0
Dn the night in ,hi&h the engagement had to be made
o++i&ial at maba3s 4alls o+ the An&ients (a sa&red vault
beneath the ?mCoolam3s 'ala&e- !aal #aru has
managed to have the @oolama $idna''ed by a s.uad o+
Assassins +rom %ameless0
"han$s to the already tense atmos'here and the
un,illing hel' o+ many ambassadors +rom nearby
&ity-states- !aal has been su&&ess+ul in sho,ing
maba3s Conservatives as &ul'rits0
!ean,hile, the +alse 'ro'hetess has had !ushnaar
're'are its army to +all li$e a bird o+ 'rey on the ,arring
&ity-states, +eeding his belie+ in the 'ossibility o+ &reating
a ne, $ingdom even more 'o,er+ul than 4eli&on0
!aal3s real 'lan ho,ever is to sa&ri+i&e the @oolama in
order to summon the :ee' A'a&e 4orrors0 Ao she had
the assassins meet at the ruins o+ lost Mala/atl, hidden
dee' in the Eungle bet,een maba and Ia&ind0
n&e all out ,ar bet,een the three &ity states is set, she
,ill lead her alien masters to the &on.uest o+ the A'ring
4aving dis'at&hed the Assassins to &over u' any
'ossible trail the evil !aal #aru has hidden their &ra+t
and brought her 'risoners to the ruins o+ the &ity3s main
tem'le7 the *arden o+ Forgotten #eauties0
4o,ever, not everything has gone as 'lanned by the
ma&hiavellian !aal #aru, in the same night o+ the
$idna''ing her tin$ering ,ith Mala/atl3s se&rets has
released its most +earsome inhabitant7 the +amed #east
o+ Mala/atl0
"his &raCed Automaton that notoriously stal$ed the
dee'est ruins o+ Mala/atl has been un,ittingly granted
a&&ess to more than its &ustomary den and no, roams
the entire &ity stal$ing the 8yrm Cultists0
Dn the last battle bet,een the Cultists and the #east the
main 'o,er sour&e o+ the Ruins has been irremediably
damaged and most o+ the an&ient building3s systems
(li$e remaining +or&e ,alls, lighting or elevators- have
gone o++0
Amongst these the #last shield door o+ the )C3s &ell0
Startin& the ad*enture
"he )&s are 'art o+ Ia&ind3s best7 they are bodyguards,
healers, instru&tors, entertainers, 'ersonal 'ilots or
manservants to the ?mCoolams o+ Ia&ind7 ,hatever +its
better their s$ill &hoi&e and s'e&ial abilities (or
"he )Cs are 'art o+ the @oolama3s 'ersonal retinue,
they have been drugged and abdu&ted ,ith the 'rin&es
and been brought o+ to Mala/atl0
!aal #aru 'lanned to sa&ri+i&e the )layer Chara&ters as
"he adventure starts in the ruins o+ Mala/atl, in the
*arden o+ Forgotten #eauty0 "he &hara&ters are ,a$ing
u' +rom the e++e&ts o+ a slee' drug in a &ell, the morning
a+ter their $idna''ing on the assassins3 'art0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
"he )Cs have no e.ui'ment at all (their 'ersonal
e.ui'ment is ba&$ home in Ia&ind-, they only vaguely
remember as i+ in a dream- a struggle in the dee' o+
night ,ith mas$ed individuals, the &ry o+ the @oolama
and nothing else0
"hey do not $no, ,here they are or ,hat time it is2 to
their uttermost sur'rise the &ell has no visible door and
no a''arent guards0000
"he ghost to,n is a mass o+ abandoned, mosai&
-de&orated rubble dominated by a +e, remaining
Ciggurats0 Dn the 'ermanent night an eerie greenish light
envelo'es the abandoned buildings0
4o,ever abandoned and overrun ,ith vegetation some
o+ the &ities standing buildings are still 'er+e&tly
Chara&ters ,al$ing through the &ity and having a loo$ at
its buildings and remaining 'ie&es o+ art may try to
+athom ,here they are0
8ith a su&&ess+ul 8it RLoreS "as$ at :i++i&ulty 14, the
+ollo,ing +a&ts may be remembered7
Lost Mala/atl ,as an im'ortant &ity be+ore the
a'o&aly'se, no, abandoned &enturies ago0
Legend has it that the &itiCens des'airing to
survive the a'o&aly'se- let themselves die,
leaving the &ity to the automatons0 "he
automatons themselves, no, masterless, ,ent
&raCy or d,indled to ina&tivity0
"oday it is notoriously stal$ed by *houls,
vam'ire bats and ,ild "ars, surrounded by a
dee' Eungle ,ith all sorts o+ &arnivore or
'oisonous vegetation0
A mysterious #east, ,hose shining eyes &an
sometimes be gleaned &ross the ruins in the
'er'etual night, stal$s the lost &ity0
%ot all lo&ations o+ Mlala/atl are su''lied ,ith a +ull
des&ri'tion or a ma'0 Dndividual *!s are en&ouraged to
+ill the missing details0
-&e surrounding 3ungle: "he Bungle is a hostile
environment o+ li&hens and giant mushrooms,
se'arating the lost &ity +or at least 1000 $ilometers0
Dts &limate is one level o+ e/tremes belo, ,hat is
&om+ortable +or humans, ,hatsmore +inding +ood
re.uires a daily 8it RAurvivalistS "as$ at :i++i&ulty 130
A &atastro'hi& +ailure means that the +oraging &hara&ter
either 'oisoned himsel+ or ,as ambushed by a
'oisonous sna$e0

-&e Graveyard: A 'er+e&t imitation o+ a live to,n, this is
a&tually a %e&ro'olis ,here the Mala/atlans ,ent to be
buried or in the last days o+ the &ity- &ame to die0
"he tombs are built in sha'es o+ house, +ull o+ all ty'i&al
domesti& a''lian&es0
8andering through the graveyard &an be dangerous, as
*houls have risen +rom the tombs0
At the &enter o+ the *raveyard &an be +ound the
death-'ala&e o+ the ?mCoolams, some say that a *host
or Fam'ire rules the &ity o+ the :ead +rom here0
Dndividual *!s ,ill have to de&ide the truth+ulness o+
this statement0 "he graveyard3s 'o,er sour&e is still
'er+e&tly +un&tional0
-&e Li#rary: A huge building in ,hite marble, it is still
+ull o+ boo$s on the most varied subEe&ts ,ritten in ld
Ain&e the library3s 'o,er sour&e is no more 'er+e&tly
+un&tional the seals o+ the vault are brea$ing, and many
boo$s are turning to mould0
#oo$s in good state &ould be ,orth a +ortune to the right
s&holars, ho,ever, or &ould give im'ortant hints +or
+uture .uests on the )C3s 'art0
Also, some,here in the library the )Cs &ould eventually
+ind details on the !ausoleum and the individual in
sus'ended animation ,ithin (see belo,-000 as ,ell as the
'ass,ords that disarm the tra's0
"he library is still run by a small, gentle humanoid
automaton that tries to $ee' it inta&t and in good health0
"he Librarian $no,s the #east 'er+e&tly, ,ho ,ill not
atta&$ the Librarian and &ra+ty &hara&ters may 'ersuade
the Librarian to blo&$ the #east using some old
&ommand &odes0
Any,ay, the Librarian and the #east ,ill not abandon
1lamat?s ;iggurat: "he highest to,er in to,n, on&e
'ro'erty o+ the ri&h mer&hant-'rin&e ?lamat0
Nno,n in its time also as ?lamat3s +olly, it &an be seen
brea$ing through the &ano'y o+ the Eungle +or many
$ilometers ,ith its 400 meters height0
)in$ marble, golden +iligree, &orroded bronCe s&ul'tures
and bas-relie+s (on&e de'i&ting the li+e o+ ?lamat-
&onstitute most o+ it0
"he @iggurat3s 'o,er sour&e is no more +un&tional and
its &om'letely em'ty high-roo+ed halls 'rovide a nest to
a +lo&$ o+ many tens o+ Fam'ire bats0
"he Assassin3s military Air s$i++ is hidden on the to' o+
the building, !aal had them land here (the only available
landing 'la&e le+t in Mala/atl- and here the Assassins
,here $illed by !aal #aru3s hybrid servants0
"he s$i++ ,as not damaged in the +ight and is guarded by
three 4ybrids e.ui''ed ,ith hy'ersoni& ,histles0
"he Air s$i++ may ,ell 'rove the )Cs only &han&e o+
getting out o+ Mala/atl0
A'art +rom the vam'ire bats, &limbing the Ciggurat &an
'rove 'roblemati& as the old building is slo,ly &rumbling
a,ay7 re.uire all &hara&ters &limbing its inner stairs to
e/e&ute an Agility RAurvivalistS "as$ at :i++i&ulty T to
avoid +alls +or 3d< meters0
Climbing the outer ,alls o+ the @iggurat re.uires an
Agility RAurvivalistS "as$ at :i++i&ulty 12 to avoid +alls +or
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
1d</J meters0
!aal #aru, the 'riests and the hybrids on guard duty are
e.ui''ed ,ith hy'ersoni& ,histles to $ee' the bats
a,ay, ho,ever the shrill shrie$ o+ the ,histles &an be
heard all a&ross the &ity7 it ,ill $ee' a,ay the bats000 but
&ould attra&t un,anted attention o+ a more dangerous
-&e *u##le: !ost o+ ,hat ,as on&e Mala/atl is no,
redu&ed to marble and metal rubble overrun ,ith li&hen
and tall +ungal gro,th ty'i&al o+ @oon0 8ild "ars have
ele&ted the rubble areas as their hunting ground0
-&e Mausoleum: "hese abandoned buildings Eust north
o+ the @iggurat, are still 'er+e&tly +un&tional and
&om'letely sealed, ,ith no visible o'enings save strong
&erami& doors0
%o lights &ome out o+ it, yet de+ense and energy
systems are still ,or$ing0
A&&ess to the buildings re.uires the 'assing o+ three
sealed &erami& doors7 ea&h is tra''ed and only the use
o+ some se&ret 'ass,ords in ld @oonian ,ill o'en
them ,ithout using violen&e or ,it0
"he doors &an stand 30 Li+e )oints ea&h be+ore a
brea&h is made, and have a Hardened A0F0 o+ G0
:ete&ting the tra's re.uires a 8it RAubter+ugeS "as$s at
a :i++i&ulty o+ 14, removal re.uires an Agility
RAubter+ugeS "as$s at a :i++i&ulty 14 and lo&$ 'i&$ing
Atta&$ing the doors automati&ally sets o++ the tra's0
A&tivating the tra's means that the area ,ithin 3 meters
+rom the door is s'rayed ,ith a barrage o+ &erami&
darts7 all &hara&ters ,ithin range are subEe&t to a ranged
area atta&$ dealing 2d<=2 Penetratin$ damage0
"he tra's have ammo +or 10 bursts ea&h and e/e&ute
the atta&$ ,ith an Agility o+ 10
n&e all three doors have been 'assed the '&s ,ill +ind
a vast amount o+ Ee,elry and gems ,orth at least 10000
thaaris surrounding a blast-shielded &rystal &o++in
atta&hed to some $ind o+ Cosmi& ray &olle&tor0
"he &o++in &ontains an individual in sus'ended
animation ,earing the most outlandish &lothes the )Cs
may have ever seen0
Dndividual *!s are en&ouraged to +ill u' the details o+
,ho this mysterious individual might be2 suggestions
in&lude7 the &reator o+ the #east and the Librarian, an
astronaut +rom earth, an alien000
$andering t&roug& t&e city: For ea&h hour the )Cs
s'end in to,n either moving amongst the ruins or
standing in one 'la&e the *! should roll 2d< and &he&$
the en&ounters table0
Bala7atl #ncounters ?chec( once per hour@
<d= Roll Result
2-O %one
T-G 1d< *houls in the *raveyard or
1d< ,ild "ars in any rubble &overed area
1d< 4ybrid guards in the *arden
2d< Fam'ire #ats in ?lamat3s @iggurat
ther,ise none
10-11 #ula$ Ash $$
12 "he #east
Meeting %ula! As& 2!!: the only surviving Assassin
+rom the 'arty that abdu&ted them and the @oolama0
#ula$ Ash $$ is intent on surviving the ghost to,n,
$no,s ,here the s$i++ is and that !aal #aru and her
'riests have hy'ersoni& ,histles &a'able o+ $ee'ing the
Fam'ire bats a,ay0 8hen the '&s meet him &he&$ +or
sur'rise, ,hile #ula$ is more then ready to +orge an
allian&e ,ith the )Cs he is no stu'id7 D+ the assassin has
sur'rise he ,ill study the 'arty be+ore &oming out and
o++ering his hel'0
D+ the *! de&ides that #ula$ ,ill not 'resent himsel+,
have him stal$ the 'arty ,aiting +or the best moment to
&ome out and ta$e &ontrol o+ the situation0
Meeting -&e %east: "he #east is +ollo,ing old orders in
a t,isted and distorted ,ay7 it ,ill atta&$ anybody it
meets e/&e't the Librarian in the most e++i&ient ,ay0 D+
heavily damaged it ,ill try to +lee and rea&h the
*arden3s Fault to be re'aired0
The Garden of For&otten 'eauty,
"his lo, and large building ,as on&e a tem'le and hall
o+ Eusti&e0 Mala/atlians &ame here to 'ray and sear&h +or
Eusti&e at the great altar inside, many im'ortant rituals
,ere held in here0
Dt ,as on&e guarded by 'sioni&ally tamed ,ild beasts
,hose &ells still remain0
At this moment it is !aal #aru3s base o+ a&tivities and
'rison to both the )Cs and the @oolama Aabella *anaa
#ellush o+ Ia&ind0
"he )&s start their adventure in here, unarmed and
bound ,ith vines in room number T, ,a$en u' by ,ailing
sirens o+ an alarm and an arti+i&ial voi&e s'ea$ing0
Chara&ters s'ea$ing ld @oonian ,ill understand the
emergen&y signal7
<)ll 'alified (ersonnel meet in the *alts, (re(are
e*acation of the bildin$7>
"he )Cs have been brought here some eight hours ago
a+ter the hybrids $illed the assassins0
4aving su++ered a raid +rom the #east, #aru had it
'ursued in the Faults under the building7 in the ensuing
+ight the main CRC has been damaged and the #east
+led a+ter $illing some o+ the hybrids0
As a result o+ the +ight the state o+ disre'air o+ the main
Cosmi& Rays &olle&tor has ,orsened7 it has started
lea$ing radiation and the systems in the building are
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
,or$ing on and o++0
!aal #aru and the 'riests have hidden in the Aan&ta
Aan&torum, leaving the hybrids on guard they have to
de&ide i+ they are going to hunt "he #east or &arry out
the Aa&ri+i&e at the main altar in area 10
8ithin three hours they ,ill de&ide to &arry out the
Aa&ri+i&e and +lee Mala/atl0
All o+ the building ground +loor rooms have air and
'o,er &ondu&ts as ,ell as garbage dis'osal &hutes
&onne&ted to the vaults and to all the rest o+ the building0
"hese &ondu&ts are about one meter ,ide and tall,
'layer &hara&ters may try to o'en u' the &ondu&ts and
&ra,l through these, be,are that only one 'erson at a
time &an 'ass through these and there is barely s'a&e
enough to &ra,l through0
*!s be,are7 as Mala/atl is &overed in 'er'etual night
and the 'o,er system is o++ in most areas the
&hara&ters ,ill be moving in &om'lete dar$ness ,hile
roaming through the *arden0
Ground ,loor:
6= Garden of t&e Altar: "he main area o+ the &om'le/ is
a &ir&ular garden some T0 meters a&ross0
8hile it ,as on&e &overed ,ith beauti+ul and lush
vegetation it is no,adays overgro,n ,ith 'ale li&hens
and luminous +ungi as big as trees0
At the very &enter a &ir&ular +our-ste''ed dais brings to
the main altar7 a huge blo&$ o+ hand &arved 'si &rystal
(,eighting about 1 ton-0 "he altar a&ts li$e a regular
level 4 'si-&rystal0 At this moment it is attuned to !aal
",o Cultists and one )riest are 'er'etually on guard
here0 "he &ultists here have gra+ted eyes and thus &an
see in the dar$0
>= Guard posts and main entrance: "he main
entran&e to the *arden is a great :ouble door built in
Cerami&s0 Dt is &losed +rom the inside and &an stand 40
Li+e )oints o+ damage be+ore a brea&h is made0 "he
door has G 'oints o+ Hardened AF0
Four guards 'ost ,at&h this entran&e7 these +our by si/
meters room are adorned ,ith bas relie+ sho,ing a &ourt
meeting0 1a&h room &ontains a 4ybrid &ultist guard (t,o
have ar.uebuses-, a stone and metal table ,ith &ontrols
+or its blast-shield doors, a ,ea'ons ra&$ and a &hair0
"he lights are &om'letely out and the blast-shield doors
have been 'ut o++ by the guards, i+ turned on they ,ill
sto' only 1d< damage 'oints, anything dealing more
than this ,ill ma$e the door &olla'se0
"he &ultists are edgy and on guard7 they +ear the #east
and #aru almost e.ually by no,0
*lib tongued adventurers &ould try to &onvin&e them to
let them go or to unite +or&es against the #east, it3s .uite
'ossible that the hybrids ,ill a&&e't su&h o++ers7 they ,ill
not give ,ea'ons to the )Cs ho,ever and ,ill turn on
them as soon as their leaders (!aal #aru or the Cult
)riest- ma$e an a''earan&e0
@= Armory and storage: "he door to this room is a
sturdy and lo&$ed- Cerami& door7 30 L) A0F0 G
A huge em'ty hall G meters by 2O, it is mostly +ull o+
em'ty shelves and lo&$ers7 +ood and ,ea'ons ,here
on&e its main &ontenents no, su'erseded by dust and
small s&ra's o+ marble +allen +rom a +ailing &eiling0
"he hybrids have stored here all their +ood, it ,ould last
them another *arlarad (about eight earth days-0
Care+ul sear&hing &an bring the &hara&ters to +ind a
hidden lo&$er (roll a 8it RAubter+uge, Cra+t or AurvivalistS
"as$ at :i++i&ulty 1J-7 the lo&$er &ontains a +ull set o+
!edium Cerami& armor, one shield, one &erami& s,ord,
a dagger, a 'istol and 10 shots o+ ,hite-+lame 'o,der
A= %east tamer?s room: "his room used to be the
*arden3s &ommand 'ost &onne&ted to the guard3s 'osts
through no, de+un&t video and audio 'hones0
"his room is &onne&ted through an elevator to Area 2 o+
the Faults0
"he doors going to the barra&$s (having ea&h 30 L) and
an Armor Falue o+ G Hardened- have been lo&$ed shut
+rom the inside ,hile the blast-shield door going to the
&ells is till 'er+e&tly +un&tional (it runs on au/iliary 'o,er-
and turned on0
"he doors o+ the elevator have been &overed ,ith
remnants o+ heavy tables and rubble ta$en +rom area
"hree hybrids are on guard at the moment, they s'end
most o+ their time in sullen silen&e 'ondering on their
+uture0 "heir leader is one #a$ar !adou$ Agnos a huge
brute ta$en +rom the 'its o+ "alis$ant, and on&e a
gladiatorial &ham'ion0 #a$ar holds the $eys to the doors
and to room 30
#a$ar hates his +ello,s, the 'riests and !aal #aru7 i+
o++ered a &han&e he ,ill betray them to the )Cs to
es&a'e the to,n Eust as .ui&$ly as he ,ill betray the )Cs
Eust to save his li+e0
4= %arrac!s: "his huge < by 33 meters long room ,as
used as dormitory +or all the *arden3s se&urity
'ersonnel0 "oday it is used by the hybrids0 Ai/ hybrids
are in here right no,7 three are slee'ing (or trying to-
,hile other three are loudly gambling over di&e and
boasting about ,hat they ,ould do to the 'risoners0
All &ultists in this room are unarmed and unarmored
e/&e't +or the ones 'laying (they are ,earing their
daggers-, all the ,ea'ons and armor are 'a&$ed in
lo&$ers near the entran&e o+ the room0
B, C, D and E= Cells: A si/ meters by nine em'ty &ells,
on&e used as bedroom +or the guarding beasts or
'risoners a,aiting trial at the tem'le0 Dts e/its are &losed
by mal+un&tioning blast doors that barely illuminate
them, a little star light &omes +rom the eastern e/it and
the garden &an be seen0
"he blast doors in these rooms are +li&$ering on and o++,
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
ea&h time a &hara&ter or an atta&$ tries to go through
one o+ these unsteady +or&e +ields they &an hold only
1d< damage 'oints be+ore &olla'sing0
"he )&s have been le+t unguarded in room T as they are
not &onsidered dangerous at the moment and #aru has
de&ided that guards are not to be s'ent 'ointlessly on
%o e.ui'ment is available to the )Cs unless they have
the Aubter+uge s$ill0 Chara&ters s$illed in Aubter+uge
&an as$ the *! to still have hidden one 'ie&e o+ hidden
e.ui'ment on themselves nothing larger than small
$nives or level1 'si &rystals though7 i+ they su&&ess+ully
roll a 8it RAubter+ugeS "as$ at di++i&ulty 14 the item has
not been noti&ed by neither the assassins nor #aru3s
"he &hara&ters ,ill not attra&t attention i+ they $ee' it
.uiet enough and &an get rid o+ the vines in 1J minutes
by rolling either a #ody or Agility RAubter+ugeS "as$ at
:i++i&ulty 130
65= Guard?s rooms: !aal #aru3s most trusted men are
guarding the a&&ess to the tem'le3s san&ta san&torum0
Ai/ hybrid &ultists eat, slee' and ta$e turns in this room0
All si/ hybrids have gra+ted eyes and heightened agility
(Agility 4, D0F0 <-0
"hese si/ men are dour and humorless +anati&s ready to
die +or their leader0 "he e/it +rom this room is a ty'i&al
&erami& door ,ith 30 L) and a 4ardened A0F0 o+ G, it is
lo&$ed and the &ultists have the $ey0
66= Priest rooms: "hese gra&e+ully +res&oed rooms
sho,ing homage being 'aid to the an&estors have been
de+a&ed ,ith huge gly'hs in the sha'e o+ a ser'ent
biting its o,n tail0 ",o 8yrm &ult 'riests have ta$en
residen&e in these t,o rooms on&e used by Mala/atl3s
o,n 'riesthood0
"he doors o+ these rooms are lo&$ed &erami& doors ,ith
30 L) and a 4ardened A0F0 o+ G0
"he ,yrm &ult 'riests have the $eys0
1a&h 'riest has hoarded +or 'ersonal use - and out o+
greed- 'art o+ the tem'le3s treasure0 4idden in a &a&he
under the bed o+ ea&h room are t,o &hests one holds
2J0 thaari and a &urse dete&tor, the other one holds 3OJ
thaari and an ornate &erami& s,ord0
"he 'riests are not here at the moment, they are in the
main "em'le ,ith !aal #aru3s, and in three hours they
shall &ome ba&$ and 're'are +or the ritual sa&ri+i&e0
6>= Main -emple: "his large room is used by !aal #aru
as 9,ar &oun&il; hall0 All the bas-relie+s have been
hammered a,ay by the &ultists and the +our ornate
&olumns surrounding the small s.uare 'ool at its &enter
have been &overed ,ith gly'hs re'resenting the ,yrm0
"he door going to area 13 the Aan&ta Aan&torum- is a
'er+e&tly +un&tional remote &ontrolled #last-shield door0
Atar light +ills the room entering through a ,indo, on the
roo+0 At the start o+ the adventure !aal #aru and the t,o
to' ran$ing 'riests (the ones living in rooms 11- are here
to de&ide ,hat to do in three hours they ,ill have
de&ided ,hat to do7 they ,ill sa&ri+i&e the 'rin&es and
then +lee a+ter the summoning has ended0
6@= "ancta "anctorum: "his dar$, marble room
&onstitutes !aal #aru3s 'rivate .uarters and the 'rison
o+ @oolama Aabella *anaa #ellush0
All lights in the room have been smashed and the small
statues o+ the an&estors have all been beheaded0
"he main altar has been made in a bed &overed ,ith
A &hain has been se&ured to the altar, at the other end
o+ the &hain is the @oolama o+ Ia&ind0
Aabella is in a state o+ &om'lete stu'or as she has been
&ontinuously drugged, i+ +reed she ,ill &ome out o+ this
state in 1d< hours0
A se&ret door (re&ogniCable through a 8it RAubter+uge or
Cra+tS71J "as$- leads to a &orridor going +rom here to
area 140
6A= %reac& in t&e (all: Four hybrid Cultists are on
,at&h, all +our have an ar.uebus0
"hey are very nervous and 'ani&$y, a+raid to die at the
hands o+ the #east7 i+ their +ears are a&&urately 'layed
u'on they &ould ,ell end u' shooting ea&h other000
/aults: "he alarm siren $ee's s&reaming and the
lighting has ta$en on a reddish &ast ,hile going on and
o++, the automati& metal doors se'arating ea&h area
have gone &raCy o'ening and &losing &onvulsively0
1/&e't +or the huge doors leading to the &ore CRC ,ho
have be&ome sealed shut0
1a&h area in this 'la&e is &onne&ted to all others both by
&orridors and the same 'o,er &ondu&ts that &onne&t to
the +loor level, areas are se'arated +rom ea&h other by
heavy metal doors0
"he doors have gone out o+ &ontrol7 moving through
them re.uires an Agility "as$ at di++i&ulty 10 to avoid
being &rushed by a door (1d< damage and &an not
move +or one a&tion turn-0
"he Faults have +our e/its bringing to the outside, on&e
ea&h ,as &losed by 'er+e&tly +un&tional blast-shield
doors0 At the moment the blast shield doors only sto'
1d< damage be+ore &olla'sing0
"he e/its are also &om'letely hidden by the rubble
surrounding the *arden, i+ loo$ing +or them on the
outside the )Cs must 'ass a su&&ess+ul 8it RAurvivalistS
"as$ at 130
6= Energy Core: "his room &ontains the main Cosmi&
Rays Colle&tor that 'o,ers the ,hole stru&ture0 "he
CRC is damaged by years and years o+ la&$ o+ &are,
additional damage ,as in+li&ted by !aal #aru3s men
+ight ,ith the #east0
"he damaged Colle&tor has &om'letely s,athed the
room ,ith radiation, anybody entering is e/'osed to the
Curse at !edium intensity (1d< damage every hour-0
As the ,alls and doors o+ the room are shielded, this
has avoided any s'illing o+ the Curse outside o+ it0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Combat in this area &an 'rove tri&$y as damage to the
CRC &an ,orsen its &onditions7 &onsider the CRC as
having 3 'oints o+ AF0
D+ the CRC su++ers 10 more damage 'oints all lights,
systems and blast doors go instantaneously o++, at 20
e/tra damage 'oints the Curse in this area rea&hes 4igh
Level and Lo, level in all the Faults regardless o+ the
At 30 or more the CRC e/'lodes +or 3d< Unsto((able
damage7 all the *ardens be&ome an area ,ith a
!edium level Curse threat0
@= Automaton "torage *oom: "his room ,as used to
store and re'air Automatons0 !any dead automatons +ill
the room, it no, serves as lair to the #east0 Any time the
&hara&ters enter this room roll 2d<, on 10= the #east is
in here0
Also the #east &omes here to be re'aired by the
automated system7 a+ter ea&h +ight in ,hi&h the #east
ta$es damage, i+ the systems at the *arden are still
running and this room is +ree, roll 2d< and re'air that
many damage 'oints to the #east0
A'are 'arts and ina&tive automatons +ill the room0
>= -ec&nician?s *oom: "his room &ontains s&ienti+i&
e.ui'ment and tools +or the maintenan&e o+ the CRC
and the garbage dis'osal ma&hines0 Ai/ Curse Cloa$s
are &ontained in a lo&$er0 "his room is &onne&ted
through an elevator to the Area 4 o+ the +loor level0
A and 4 Gar#age Disposal: !a&hines in this room
destroy all garbage &olle&ted7 should any one end u' in
this room through the garbage dis'osal &hutes he ,ill
instantaneously a&tivate the ma&hines0
For +irst things the ma&hine ,ill s.uash the subEe&t +or
<d< o+ damage and then burn everything ,ith a Atrength
T Fire in a se&ond a&tion turn0
"he only ho'e +or &hara&ters tra''ed in the ma&hines is
either su&&eeding an Agility "as$ at 14 to get out o+ the
garbage vats be+ore they are &rushed or +or someone to
sto' the ma&hines using the &ontrols at the stone and
metal tables near the doors7 o'erating the &ontrols
re.uires a 8it R8eird A&ien&eS "as$ at 100
To stop a /ar
"he t,o &ities ,ill be 're'aring their res'e&tive air +leets
+or troo' trans'ort, this should ta$e about a ,ee$0
#y this time the )Cs should have +reed the @oolama or
died trying0
%othing ,ill 'ersuade the t,o &ity states +rom sto''ing
hostilities save the 'rin&es hersel+ and 'roo+ that none o+
the t,o &ities ,as involved in her $idna''ing (a good
'roo+ ,ould be &a'turing !aal #aru and have her
D+ the ,ar &an not be sto''ed, the t,o &ities ,ill agree
on a battle+ield and meet there to re'rise the ,ar0 At this
'oint !ushnaar3s s&outs and s'ies ,ill signal that the
t,o &ities de+enses are understa++ed0
Luaal3s army ,ill +irst stri$e maba, su''orted by !aal
#aru 8inged Aervants0
Ahould !ushnaar5s 'lot be un&overed (and the 8yrm
Cult3s 'art in it- a ne, treaty shall be immediately signed
by maba and Ia&ind +orming a Eoint army to stri$e at
+ailed as +eroes9 or notC
Ahould Chara&ters have un&overed !ushnaar3s 'lot
they shall be hailed as heroes, !ushnaar and !aal #aru
(i+ &a'tured- ,ill be 'ut on trial and re&eive a 'rison +or
li+e senten&e, or even a death senten&e i+ their &rimes
are re'uted bad enough0
4o,ever, given !aal3s am'le 'sioni& 'o,ers, the *!
may de&ide to have her +lee to sa+ety (ta$ing ,ith her the
disgra&ed ?mCoolam o+ Luaal- unless a &onvenient
'sivore is em'loyed, and &ome ba&$ to 'ester the )Cs
in +uture adventures0
bviously both &ity states ,ill hail the )Cs as heroes0
#ut, ,hat i+ they +ailU
An un$no,n grave or no grave at all- is 'robably the
,orst +ate that &an be+ell the )Cs short o+ being
sa&ri+i&ed to the 4orrors0
D+ !aal and !ushnaar3s 'lan is su&&ess+ul they may
meet their doom on the battle+ield or be&ome slaves
under the ne, ?mCoolam o+ Luaal, Ia&ind and maba0
!ushnaar3s rule shall be very short ho,ever7 in a &ou'le
o+ years at most !aal #aru ,ill have &om'lete 'sioni&
&ontrol o+ the ?mCoolam and be the real ruler o+ this 'art
o+ the &ontinent establishing a 'o,er base +or the 8yrm
bviously the )Cs may have &hosen to +lee and
be&ome out&asts, either hiding +rom their +ailures or
ready to organiCe the liberation o+ the three &ities0
I>8ortant NPCs
1m)oolam %enda *ac&min Ayed of 2ma#a
Aging #enda is something o+ a des'ot, although in good
+aith0 4e +or&ed his son in an un,anted marriage out o+
'oliti&al ne&essities0
1m)oolama Mallot Faella %an&id of 2ma#a
ld !allot is the ,ea$-,illed &onsort to #enda, she
'am'ered their &hild0 !allot is the ty'i&al 9yes 'erson;
;oolam Gavur %enda Mallot of 2ma#a
@oolam *avur is a very sim'le man ,ith a &hildish 'ride
+or his 'hysi&al e/'loits0
!any Conservatives are 'art o+ his &ourt, ho'ing to s'ur
the 'rin&e in reo'ening hostilities0 *avur obeyed his
+ather only due to its &hildish need to be a''roved by
;oolama "a#ella Ganaa %ellus& of Facind
#ody 2 Agility 4 8it 3 )resen&e < )si-Dnde/1
L) 12 AiCe ! A'eed 3 D0F0 O
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Atta&$7 dagger (1d<=2-
AF7 none
A$ills7 1ntertainer #asi&, Lore #asi&, )ilot #asi&
"he beauti+ul daughter o+ ?mCoolam #ellush, Aabella is
a determined young ,oman ,hose love +or musi& and
daring 'iloting is ,ell $no,n0 4o,ever strong-,illed
(and having no love +or her groom to be- she agreed to
her 'arent3s 'lans +or the sa$e o+ her 'eo'le and a
lasting 'ea&e0
;oolam /riil %ellus& Ganaa of Facind
Aabella3s little brother is a slight young man ,ith no
interest in 'oliti&s and ,ar+are0 4e has a
&hara&teristi&ally intelle&tual disdain +or 'hysi&al
a&tivities0 Friil intends to be&ome minister o+ A&ien&e
on&e his sister be&omes ?mCoolama o+ Ia&ind and
maba0 Friil and *avur &ordially detest ea&h other0 Friil
is a&&om'anied every,here by Liirv his +amiliar and has
enhan&ed eyesight0
1m)oolam %ellus& /adnar -as&am of Facind
A ,ise ruler, he bro$en heartedly agreed to his daughter
marriage0 An old, griCCled ,ar veteran still &arrying
many ,ounds0
1m)oolama Ganaa Ga)ne Darnad of Facind
#ellush3s ,i+e and &o-ruler, s'onsor o+ many o+ Ia&ind3s
artists0 4ides an a&ute mind behind a vain attitude
1m)oolam Mus&naar A#el Ma7id of Huaal
"he misguided ruler o+ Luaal is a sleaCy +ello,
sear&hing to 'ut Ia&ind and maba against ea&h other0
%ula! As& 2!!, surviving "ap&ron %utterfly
#ody 4 Agility J 8it J )resen&e 2 )si-Dnde/0
L) 24 AiCe ! A'eed 3 D0F0 10
Atta&$7 A,ord (2d<=1-, 4edgehog (1d<>2 range
J>10>20-, dagger (1:<=2-
AF7 )artial light armor (3>0-
A$ills7 Armsman #asi&, !ar$sman #asi&, Aurvivalist
#asi&, Aubter+uge #asi&0
4ired at %ameless by a third 'arty 'osing as an maba
Conservative, the assassin ,as hidden in the retinue o+
the ambassador o+ Nha0
4e s'orts multi&olored tattoos sha'ed li$e butter+ly
,ings and ,ears a silver mas$ ,ith multi-+a&eted eyes0
#ula$ is more interested in survival then revenge0
Maal %aru, &y#rid prop&etess
#ody 2 Agility 4 8it 4 )resen&e J )si-Dnde/O
L) 12 AiCe ! A'eed 3 D0F0 T )) 21
1'i& 'oints 10 Fame 2
Atta&$7 dagger (1d<=2- or +angs (1d< = Atr 4 'oison
dealing 1d< e/tra damage-
AF7 hardened s$in (2-
A$ills7 !aster )sioni&ist (Astral #asi&, "ele'er&e'tions
#asi&, A''ortation #asi&, !eta'sioni&s Advan&ed-0
*ra+ts7 4ardened s$in, dar$sight, 'oisonous gland and
A'e&ial Advantage7 :ar$ Lore
1vil and &orru'ted to the e/treme !aal #aru ,as born a
servant to the Firstborn, inside the hidden &ity o+
"alis$ant, belo, the :ay )ole desert0
Ahe gained some re'ute as a 'ro'hetess among the
",ilight Cone $ingdoms +inally rea&hing a 'osition o+
'o,er under the ?mCoolam o+ Luaal0
!aal #aru o,ns a 'si-&rystal o+ level 1, a remote &ontrol
&a'able o+ o'ening all the blast shield doors in the
*arden o+ Forgotten #eauties and a hy'ersoni& ,histle
used to $ee' the vam'ire bats in ?lamat3s Ciggurat
y#rid $yrm cultists
#ody 4 Agility 3 8it 2 )resen&e 2 )si-Dnde/0
L) 24 AiCe ! A'eed 3 D0F0 J
Atta&$7 A'ear (2d<-1, range7 10>20>40-, dagger (1d<=2-
Aome have ar.uebuses (2d<=2 Unsto((able, range
AF7 hardened s$in and )artial Light armor (J>2-
A$ills7 Armsman #asi&, Aurvivalist #asi&0
*ra+ts7 4ardened s$in, and various &osmeti& &hanges0
1ither degenerate humans born in "alis$ant or &raCed
%a!ar Madou! Agnos, once gladiatorial c&ampion
#ody J Agility 2 8it 4 )resen&e 3 )si-Dnde/0
L) 30 AiCe ! A'eed 4 D0F0 <
Atta&$7 A,ord (2d<=1-, dagger (1d<=2-
AF7 hardened s$in and Light armour (J-, shield0
A$ills7 Armsman Advan&ed, !artial Arts #asi&(Counter
*ra+ts7 4ardened s$in, *ra+ted eyes0
A traitor at heart and on&e a star o+ the +ighting 'its in
y#rid $yrm priests, cult leaders
#ody 4 Agility 3 8it 2 )resen&e 2 )si-Dnde/4
L) 24 AiCe ! A'eed 3 D0F0 J )) 12
1'i& 'oints J Fame 0
Atta&$7 ritual dagger (1d<=2-
AF7 hardened s$in (2-
A$ills7 Armsman #asi&, )sioni&ist #asi& (&hosen
bet,een "ele'athy #asi&, Astral #asi& and
"ele'er&e'tions #asi&-0
*ra+ts7 4ardened s$in, gra+ted eyes and various
&osmeti& &hanges0
Aa&red servants o+ the :ee' A'a&e 4orrors trained in
)sioni&s0 "he 8yrm 'riests have hy'ersoni& ,histles
similar to !aal #aru3s0
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
-&e %east of Iala8atl, cra)ed Automaton
#ody 11 Agility 2 8it 2 )resen&e - )si-Dnde/-
L) << AiCe L A'eed G D0F0 4
Atta&$7 Cerami& s,ordblades (2d<=1-Piercin$- or +ists
(1:<-, Atun gas ,ea'on (Atrength J, J m0 radius, range7
J>10>20, area e++e&t-
AF7 hardened s$in (T-
A$ills7 Armsman Advan&ed0
"he only survivor o+ the a'o&aly'se in the to,n o+
Mala/atl, the 9#east; still +ollo,s random 'arts o+ its
"he #east has :ar$sight, 10 $m radar, Hardened
Armour, < 'oints damage redu&tion against the Curse,
and im'lanted &erami& blades0
Dn one o+ its arms is im'lanted a stun gas ,ea'on
emitting &louds in+li&ting a state o+ mental &on+usion (-2
to all "as$ rolls +or the ne/t 1:< hours-
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Map of Xalaxatl
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
garden of forgotten beauties, ground floor
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
garden of forgotten beauties, vaults
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
!haracter sheet
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
NP! sheet
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
0ehicle sheet
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)

Demond Thompson (order #5788655)

Demond Thompson (order #5788655)
Demond Thompson (order #5788655)

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