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Quatrro CA Dell Fidelity Google India Pvt. Ltd.

Hero BPO HGS HGS Headstrong HSBC Electronic Data

Raman Roy Amit Chatterjee Deepak Ohlyan Nitin Seth N.R.Nagaraj Sandeep Soni Sridhar Manu Jolly Arjun Malhotra Arun Khanna Divas Chawla Neeraj Tandon HCL NIIT technologies Ltd. Rajendra S Pawar Oracle Air Cmmdre R. QAI Navyug Mohnot Religare Technologies Maninder Singh Schneider Electric Shrinivas Chebbi Mphasis HP Mr. Sridhar Spice BPO Services Ltd. Arun Seth Sopra Sunil Goyal Yes Bank Rajeev Arora BNP Paribas Real Estate Raja Kaushal MTS Trivikram Pulipati Mahindra Satyam RVS Reddy Birla Sun Life Mutual Shashi Kumar HDFC Property Fund K.G.Krishnamurthy

Chairman & MD MD India & SAARC Director Facilities MD& Country Head Head Real Estate & President EVP Global Head India Head Banking & Chairman Head, Corporate Real VP & Chief Strategy Business Head - Row, Chairman (VP)India Real Estate CEO MD VP India & SAARC
Head - Facilities &

CEO CEO Executive Vice MD India Head RE & Admin Head Corporate Head Real Estate MD& CEO

1.BirlaSunLifeAssetManagementCompanyMr.MukeshDawar,AdministrationNorth,mukeshdawar@birlasunlife.com 2.AmwayIndiaMsAiktaTyagi,SeniorExecutiveFacilities,aikta_tyagi@amway.com,+91-9910031712,+91-120-309655 3.CognizantTechnologySolutionsMr.RagupathyVaidyanathan,Head-Facilities,ragupathy.vaidyanathan@cognizant.com 4.CincomSystemsMr.SanjayVerma,ManagerTeamAdministration,sverma@cincom.com,+91-9811903314,+91-12 5.CadenceDesignSystemsMs.AshmeenaGhei,DirectorWorkplaceResources,ashmeena@cadence.com,+91-987315 6.CoxandKingsMr.KaranAnand,HeadRelationshipsandSupplierManagement,karana@coxandkings.com,+91-981 7.ComvivaTechnologiesMr.DharmenderVerma,AssociateVicePresidentSupplyChain,FacilitiesandAdministration, 8.DLFPramericaLifeInsuranceMr.KrishnaswamyNagaraj,VicePresident-ProjectsandFacilities,krishna.nagaraj@dlfp 9.DellaTecnicaMr.ManojGalani,VicePresidentMarketing,manoj@dellatecnica.com,+91-9820092199,+91-22-6669 12.GenpactMr.NaveenPuri,AssistantVicePresident,InfrastructureandFacilities,naveen.puri@genpact.com+91-9873970 13.GlobalLogicMr.SanjeevMalhotra,AssociateVicePresident-EmployeeServices&InfrastructureDevelopment, 14.GeometricGlobalCdrRajendraAgarkar,DirectorFacilitiesandAdministration,rajendra.agarkar@geometricglobal.com 15.HDFCAssetManagementCompanyMr.SanjayPurohit,RegionalAdminManager-NorthI&II,purohits@hdfcfund.com 16.IntelenetGlobalMr.GaryGrover,HeadInfrastructure&Facilities,gary_g@intelenetglobal.com,+91-9821932886,+9117.INGVysyaBankMr.AnirudhKumarSingh,RegionalHeadServices,anirudh.kumarsingh@ingvysyabank.com,+91-99 18.IL&FSPropertyManagement&ServicesColSanjivSaklani,CountryHeadFacilitiesManagement,col.saklani@ipmsli 19.JonesLangLasalleMeghrajMr.YashKapila,DirectorIntegratedFacilitiesManagement,yash.kapila@jllm.co.in,+91-12 20.LimeLabsMr.NaveenShelar,ManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,naveen@limelabs.in,+91-9958298442 21.MetlifeGlobalOperationsMr.RishiBhatia,ManagerFacilities,rbhatia1@metlife.com,+91-9810264507,+91-120-478 22.NAIPropertyTerminusMr.SharadMundra,HeadCorporateServices,sharad@naipropertyterminus.com,+91-937107 23.NIITSmartServeMr.RanveerSinghYadav,HeadFacilities,ranveersy@niitsmartserve.com,+91-9818556778,+91-12 24.OracleMr.SurinderChaudhary,SeniorManagerFacilities,surinder.chaudhary@oracle.com,+91-9810272556,+91-12426.ReligareEnterprisesCol.ManmeghSingh,SeniorVicePresidentAdministration,man.singh@religare.in,+91-9958998 27.RanbaxyLaboratoriesMr.SanjayShishodia,SeniorManagerAdministration,sshishodia@ranbaxy.com,+91-99104001 28.RanbaxyLaboratoriesMr.MohanAhuja,SeniorManagerAdministration,mohan.ahuja@ranbaxy.com,+91-981038868 29.StandardCharteredBank-Comdt.AtanuGuhaThakurta,HeadCRESOperationsIndiaandSouthAsia,atanu.guha-th 30.SPInfocityMr.VikramDhanija,HeadSales&MarketingNorth,vikram.dhamija@shapoorji.com,+91-9810172207 31.TechMahindraCmdeBikramBakshi,AssociateDirectorRealEstate,FacilitiesandAdministration,bbakshi@TechMah 32.WNSGlobalCaptNirenKumar,VicePresidentFacilitiesandAdministration,niren.kumar@wnsgs.com,+91-97690084 33.WNSGlobalMr.RajeshMonga,SeniorManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,rajesh.monga@wnsgs.com,+91-99993

34.ConvergysMr.RameshMysore,DirectorCorporateRealEstateAPAC&LATAM,ramesh.mysore@convergys.com,+ 35.CognizantLtColRameshMenon,HeadInfrastructureandAdministration,ramesh.menon@cognizant.com,+91-91-99 36.CanaraHSBCMr.ChinmayChatterjee,VicePresidentRealEstateandAdministration,chinmay.chatterjee@canarahsbc 37.GoogleMr.BRNagaraj,HeadRealEstate&WorkPlaceServices,brn@google.com,+91-9611134752,+91-80-6721 38.MicrolandMr.TarunHukku,Head-SupportServices,tarunh@microland.com,+91-9844097044 39.MphasisHPMr.SridharRaghavendra,Head-Facilities&Administration,Sridhar.Raghavendra@Mphasis.com,+91-990 40.NokiaSiemensNetworkMr.MShantaraj,R&DEngineerandProcurementHead,shantharaj.m@nsn.com,+91-99002389 41.OracleAirCmde.JayaramanRamamoorthy,VicePresidentRealEstate&Facilities,jayaraman.ramamoorthy@oracle. 42.RealisticRealtorsMr.KaranAttrey,VicePresidentBusinessDevelopment,karan@rrpl.net,+91-9810191590 43.ScopeInternational(AWhollyOwnedSubsidiaryofStandardCharteredBank,UK)Mr.InderSSandhu,VicePresidentC 44.SoftwareAG(FormerlyWebMethodsIndia)Mr.RavindraNayak,SeniorAdministration&FacilitiesManager,ravindra.nay 45.SaskenCommunicationsMr.AnilKumar,SeniorManagerFacilityManagementServices,anil.kumar@sasken.com,+91 46.SonusNetworksMr.GilbertRaj,ManagerFacilitiesandProcurement,graj@sonusnet.com,+91-9845443008,+91-80-4 47. APC by Schneider Electric: Amit Verma, Country Manager Data Center Business Developement, 99673 67811, amit.verma@ 48. Hero Honda Motors Limited: Vijay Sethi, VP Information Systems, 0124 26142418, vijay.sethi@herohonda.com 49. Dell International Services India Pvt. Ltd. : Deepak Ohlyan, Director Facilities - India Region. 50.BirlaSunLifeInsuranceMr.DerrickFernandes,HeadInfrastructure,CorporateAdministration&Procurement, 51.BirlaSunLifeInsuranceMr.NeerajTulse,SeniorManagerCommercial&Procurement,neeraj.tulse@birlasunlife.com, 52.CitibankMr.DaljeetSingh,HeadRealEstate,SouthAsiaandSeniorVicePresident,daljeet.singh@citi.com,+91-989259 53. Canara Robeco - Mr. Deepesh Gosavi, Head - IT & Office Services, deepesh.gosavi@canararobeco.com , +91-993045459 54.IntelenetGlobalMr.GaryGrover,HeadInfrastructure&Facilities,gary_g@intelenetglobal.com,+91-9821932886 55.JonesLangLasalleMr.RameshNair,ManagingDirectorWestIndia,ramesh.nair@ap.jll.com,+91-9167539595 56.OmnitechInfosolutionsMr.IrfanSheikh,GeneralManagerAdministration,Irfan.sheikh@omnitechglobal.com,+91-9819 57. OConnor Associates - Mr. Jason Connor, Proprietor, jason@oconnornassociates.com, +91-9820006521 58.PeopleInteractiveMr.SolomonEllis,GroupHeadAdministration,solomon.e@peopleinteractive.in+91-9819801570 59.RelianceCommunicationsColDrRajeshChaudhary,SeniorVicePresidentFacilities,AdministrationandSecurity, 60.AircelMr.SanjoyRay,AssociateGeneralManagerCommercial,sanjoy.ray@aircel.co.in,+91-9716299665 61.AvanthaPowerCaptAACollaco,GeneralManagerAdministration,aa.collaco@avanthapower.com,+91-9818555064 62.AspireSystemsMr.SanjayVerma,ManagerFacilities,Sanjay.verma@aspiresys.com,+91-9811903314 63.BankofAmericaMs.JagvinderMann,VicePresidentFacilities&Administration,jagvinder.mann@bankofamerica.com, 64.BarclaysMr.JasrajSinghGrover,AssistantManager-Administration,jasrajsingh.grover@Barclays.com,+91-98114238 65.ColtTechnologiesCaptJohnJoseph,HeadBusinessInfrastructure,john.joseph@colt.net,+91-9810620216 66.ComvivaTechnologiesMs.JaishreeJose,AssociateManagerSCM&Administration,Jaishree.jose@Comviva.com,+9 67.CanaraHSBCOrientalBankofCommerceLifeInsuranceCompanyMr.AjitSharma,SeniorManager-Facilities&Admin 68.FreescaleSemiconductorMr.GajendraSharma,CountryManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,B11880@freescale.com 69.FreescaleSemiconductorMs.NeelamGupta,SeniorExecutiveAdministration,neelam@freescale.com,+91-9811244744 70.FreescaleSemiconductorMr.BabruBhanYadav,ManagerEngineering,B33619@freescale.com,+91-9810028261 71.HSBCMr.ArunKhanna,HeadCorporateRealEstateServices-India&GR,arunkhanna@hsbc.co.in,+91-9650007356 72.HeadstrongMr.SameerSaxena,IndiaHeadFacilitiesandAdministration,Sameer.Saxena2@headstrong.com,+91-98 73.InterraInformationTechnologiesMr.SanjayKapoor,DirectorAdministration,sanjayk@interraIT.com,+91-9810409528 74. India Infoline Mr. Puneet Sharma, Associate Vice President, +91-9899264555 75.IndiaInfolineMr.ParasSuri,SeniorManagerRealEstatePractice,paras.suri@indiainfoline.com,+91-9910540999 76.JonesLangLasalleMr.SahelParmendra,ManagingDirectorMarkets,Sahel.Pramendra@ap.jll.com,+91-9810201429 77.AircelMr.CPSrivastava,VicePresidentCommercialandProcurement,cp.srivastava@aircel.co.in 78.AdobeSystemsMr.TarunDutt,FacilitiesManager,tdutt@adobe.com,+91-9910044111 79.DellInternationalServicesMr.DeepakOhlyan,DirectorFacilities,deepak_ohlyan@dell.com,+91-9910077773 80.EricssonMr.AshwinJoshi,Director,ashwin.joshi@ericsson.com,+91-9717795439 81.TekelecMr.KamleshRaval,DirectorKeyAccounts,kamlesh.raval@tekelec.com,+91-9818869625 82. American Express India Pvt. Ltd. Ruchika P. Panesar Director Voice India Dev. Center, +91 0124 416 1616, 466 1708, 981 83. Adobe Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Pawan Goyal, Director Products, +91 97171 96970, pawing@adobe.com, +91 120 244 4711 84. Amtek Auto Limited, Pankaj Arora, AGM Facilities, +91 9810350550, pankaj.arora@amtek.com, +91 11 40515715. 85. High commission of Canada, Angela Martyris, Commercial Officer, Ontario, 9871229065, angela.martyris@in 86. Ericsson: Sanjay Nagpal, Director Real Estate & Facilities, sanjay.nagpal@ericsson.com, 09810020069 87AlbanyMolecularResearchIncGlobalWgCdrRGovindaRajan,HeadFacilities&Operations,govinda.rajan@amrigl 88CATechnologiesMr.SrinivasTallapragada,SeniorDirectorFacilities,AsiaPacificandJapan,srinivas.tallapragada@ 89CordysSoftwareMr.VemuruSrinivasaPrasad,HeadFacilitiesandAdministration,vprasad@Cordys.com,+91-99660 90CSCMr.NealRogers,SeniorManagerTravelManagement,nrogers6@csc.com,+91-9866654377 91ConvergysInformationManagementLtColRaviSrinivas,SeniorManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,seetharaman.rav

92ConvergysMs.SandhyaSood,SeniorAssociateAdministrationandFacilities,sandhya.sood@convergys.com,+91-9 93ConvergysMs.SindhuGiridhar,SeniorAssociateAdministrationandFacilities,sindhu.giridhar@convergys.com,+9194.ClearTripMr.AmitTanejaDirectorHotels&Distribution,amit@cleartrip.com,+91-9810232989 95ClearTrip-Mr.SwarnaKumarVicePresident,swarna.kumar@cleartrip.com,+91-9953008431 96.ClearTripMr.VishalGoyal,AreaSalesManager,vishal.goyal@cleartrip.com,+91-9391557708 97.ClearTripMsSudhaShankar,RegionalManagerSalesSouth,sudha.shankar@cleartrip.com+91-9742385000 98.DrReddysLaboratoriesMr.AravindBabu,SeniorManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,aravindbr@drreddys.com,+91 99.DrReddysLaboratoriesMr.MGuruvaRaju,DeputyManagerSecurity&Administration,guruvarm@drreddys.com,+91 100.DrReddysLaboratoriesMr.GKSrinivas,SeniorManagerAdministration,srinivasgk@drreddys.com,+91-800855628 101ElectronicArtGamesMr.SaiKirtanMudaliar,HeadFacilities,smudaliar@ea.com,+91-9618566000 102.ElementsMr.VickyJain,ManagingPartner,Vicky@elements.co.in,+91-9440683835 104GoogleMr.ManjunathBhat,FacilitiesManager,manjunath@google.com,+91-9959231110 105.GoogleMr.DisneyJohn,FacilitiesManager,disneyjohn@google.com,+91-8008300721 106.GMRHyderabadInternationalAirportMr.RameshKrishnanKrovi,AssistantGeneralManager,Rameshkrishnan.krovi@ 107.GMRHyderabadInternationalAirportMr.SanjayKaparaju,GeneralManager,sanjay.kaparaju@gmrgroup.in,+91-9885 108.GMRHyderabadInternationalAirportMr.SantoshKumarViasharaj,SeniorCoordinator,santoshkumar.viasharaj@gmrg 109.GMRHyderabadInternationalAirportMr.AnilKumarSukine,SeniorAssistant,anilkumar.sukine@gmrgroup.in,+91-98 110.HitachiConsultingColNaveenKochar,DirectorInfrastructureServices,Naveen.Kochar@hitachiconsulting.com,+91-9 111.HSBCTechnologyandServicesMr.GurudhatPatalay,VicePresident-ProjectManagement,CorporateRealEstate-S 112HSBCAssetManagementMr.NagarajNaalla,AMProperty(ProjectManagement),nagarajnaalla@hsbc.co.in,+91-9 113HSBCSoftwareDevelopmentMr.SrinivasaMurthyKV,ManagerFacilities,srinivasamk@hsbc.co.in,+91-984940414 114HCLTechnologiesMr.AmitBajpai,ManagerFacilities&Administration(SEZUnit),amit.bajpai@hcl.com,+91-986661 115.InfosysMr.DGunalan,RegionalManagerFacilities,dassgunalan@infosys.com,+91-9849406666 116iGATEPatniMr.SekharendraKumarK,GroupManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,Sekharendra.KumarKopalle@ig 117MahindraSatyamBSGWgCdr.RVSReddy,HeadCorporateServices,RVS_Reddy@MahindraSatyamBSG.com,+9 118MahindraSatyamComputersMr.MSKundan,AssociateManagerInfrastructureandSpaceManagement,kundan_ms 119MMoserMs.SabinaReddy,DirectorandHeadofOffice,sabinar@mmoser.com,+91-9900312320 120NessTechnologiesMr.EswarRao,SeniorManagerFacilities,eswarrao.malempati@ness.com,+91-9959333654 121NavadweepaMr.VRamesh,ManagerAdministration,varnasiramesh@ymail.com,+91-9248001505 122NavadweepaMr.PNMurthy,GeneralManagerAdministrationandFacilities,fm@myhomenavadweepa.com,+91-924 123PolarisMr.AMMohanRaj,ManagerAdministration,mohanraj.am@polarisft.co.in,+91-9885711150 124QualcommIndiaMr.SrinivasMoturu,SeniorManagerFacilities&Administration,smoturu@qualcomm.com,+91-9391 125TishmanSpeyerColSanjayBhardwaj,Head-PropertyManagement,sbhardwa@tishmanspeyer.com,+91-9000144066 126TishmanSpeyerMr.JinendraJain,DGM-PropertyManagement,jjain@tishmanspeyer.com,+91-9000625432 127VensatWgCdrSatyanandamVelichatti,SeniorVicePresidentCorporateServices&ChiefOperatingOfficer,satya.v@ 128VerizonDataServicesMr.BabuKoruthu,SeniorExecutive-RealEstate&Administration,babu.x.koruthu@verizon.com 129VIOMNetworks(ASubsidiaryofTataTeleservices)Mr.NagendraNarem,CircleHead-APCircle,nagendra.narem@wtt 130VestianGlobalMr.SanjayPurbey,HeadBusinessDevelopment,sanjay@vestianglobal.com,+91-9632075444 140.VestianGlobalMr.ShivanandSingh,AssociateVicePresidentTransactions(Hyderabad),shivanand@vestianglobal.co 141.VestianGlobalMs.ArchanaNityananda,AssociateDirectorBusinessDevelopment(Hyderabad),archana@vestianglo 142.XilinxIndiaTechnologyServicesMr.SBadariNarayan,ManagerFacilities,badarin@xilinx.com,+91-9985310110 143.XLIndiaMr.AmitBhatia,ManagerFacilities,amit.bhatia@xlgroup.com,+91-9560906655 144.YashTechnologiesMr.SantoshSingh,ManagerProcurementandFacilities,santosh.singh@yash.com,+91-9849597 AegonReligareLifeInsuranceMr.ShrreyashSarmalkar,ProjectLeadFacilitiesandInfrastructure,shrreyash.sarmalkar AegonReligareInsuranceMr.VijayViseria,RegionalManagerWest,Infrastructure&Facilities,vijay.viseria@aegonrelig BirlaSunLifeInsuranceMr.DerrickFernandes,HeadInfrastructure,CorporateAdministration&Procurement,derrick.fe BirlaSunLifeInsuranceMr.NeerajTulse,SeniorManagerCommercial&Procurement,neeraj.tulse@birlasunlife.com, CitibankMr.DaljeetSingh,HeadRealEstate,SouthAsiaandSeniorVicePresident,daljeet.singh@citi.com,+91-989259 Canara Robeco - Mr. Deepesh Gosavi, Head - IT & Office Services, deepesh.gosavi@canararobeco.com , +91-993045459 Consultant - Mr. Girish Gatne, gatneg@gmail.com , +91-9820060066 DistechControlsIncMr.VinayakAthavale,RegionalSalesManagerIndia,vathavale@Distech-controls.com,+91-98673 GeometricGlobalCdrRajendraAgarkar,DirectorFacilitiesandAdministration,rajendra.agarkar@geometricglobal.com HexawareTechnologiesMr.AdityaDube,SeniorManager&HeadAdministration,adityad@hexaware.com,+91-9967035 IntelenetGlobalMr.GaryGrover,HeadInfrastructure&Facilities,gary_g@intelenetglobal.com,+91-9821932886 ICICILombardGeneralInsuranceCompanyMr.TonyChacko,AssociateVicePresident,tony.chacko@icicilombard.com IndusIndBankMr.HiteshBhatt,ChiefManager,Hitesh.bhatt@indusind.com,+91-9619837272 IndusIndBankMs.SangeetaKanekar,AssociateManager,sangeeta.kanekar@indusind.com,+91-9773493662 IndiaInfolineMr.RajeshJain,VicePresident,rajeshjain@indiainfoline.com,+91-7738383933

IndiaInfolineMr.NarendraKumar,SeniorManager,Narendra.Kumar@indiainfoline.com,+91-7738051705 IndiaInfolineMr.RohitBundhadey,Manager,rohit.bundhadey@indiainfoline.com,+91-7738385748 JonesLangLasalleMr.RameshNair,ManagingDirectorWestIndia,ramesh.nair@ap.jll.com,+91-9167539595 JonesLangLasalleMr.LesleySebastian,Manager-CommercialMarkets,lesley.sebastian@ap.jll.com,+91-9833090074 JonesLangLasalleMr.PercyBharucha,Manager-CommercialMarkets,percy.bharucha@ap.jll.com,+91-99920340495 JonesLangLasalleMsShaziaBakali,Manager,shazia.bakali@ap.jll.com,+91-9820501728 KotakMahindraOldMutualLifeInsuranceMr.SatishDeore,DeputyChiefManagerFacilityManagementGroup,satish. Legion Realty - Mr. Jaideep Gaandhie, Director, jaideep@legion.co.in , +91-9860055558 Legion Realty - Mr. Vikaashh Kripallani, Director, vikaashh@legion.co.in , +91-9890340000 MotilalOswalSecuritiesMr.DilipNaik,ManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,dilipnaik@motilaloswal.com,+91-808090 NomuraGroupMr.AtulTendulkar,AssistantVicePresidentCorporateRealEstate,atul.tendulkar@nomura.com,+91OracleMr.SubhashSharma,ManagerFacilities,subhash.sharma@oracle.com,+91-9920714402 OmnitechInfosolutionsMr.IrfanSheikh,GeneralManagerAdministration,Irfan.sheikh@omnitechglobal.com,+91-9819 OConnor Associates - Mr. Jason Connor, Proprietor, jason@oconnornassociates.com, +91-9820006521 PeopleInteractiveMr.SolomonEllis,GroupHeadAdministration,solomon.e@peopleinteractive.in+91-9819801570 PeopleInteractiveMr.NithyanandNadar,AssistantManagerAdministration,nithyanand.n@peopleinteractive.in,+91-99 PeopleInteractiveMr.SamirKaulgud,ManagerAdministration,samir.k@peopleinteractive.in,+91-9833122789 RelianceCommunicationsColDrRajeshChaudhary,SeniorVicePresidentFacilities,AdministrationandSecurity,Raje RelianceCommunicationMr.AbhijeetDeshpande,AdministrationLead,abhijit.deshpande@relianceada.com,+91-9322 StreamMr.SureshSuvarna,AssociateVicePresidentCorporateServices,suresh.suvarna@stream.com,+91-9004666 StandardCharteredBank-Comdt.AtanuGuhaThakurta,HeadCRESOperationsIndiaandSouthAsia,atanu.guha-tha SutherlandGlobalMr.AulYevale,HeadFacilities,atul.yevale@sutherlandglobal.com,+91-9867696549 SonyMusicEntertainmentIndiaMr.DeepakVerma,DeputyGeneralManagerAdministration,deepak.verma@sonymus TataAIGLifeInsuranceCaptSumanBanerjee,VicePresident&Head-Facilities&Projects,Suman.Banerjee@tata-aig.c TechMahindraMr.JaideepRajpurkar,ManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,jaideepr@techmahindra.com,+91-22-668 TechMahindraMs.SarasJhangiani,ManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,saras@techmahindra.com,+91-983317766 AircelMr.SanjoyRay,AssociateGeneralManagerCommercial,sanjoy.ray@aircel.co.in,+91-9716299665 AvanthaPowerCaptAACollaco,GeneralManagerAdministration,aa.collaco@avanthapower.com,+91-9818555064 AmwayIndiaMsAiktaTyagi,AssociateManagerFacilities,aikta_tyagi@amway.com,+91-9910031712 BankofAmericaMs.JagvinderMann,VicePresidentFacilities&Administration,jagvinder.mann@bankofamerica.com, BarclaysMr.JasrajSinghGrover,AssistantManager-Administration,jasrajsingh.grover@Barclays.com,+91-981142383 ColtTechnologiesCaptJohnJoseph,HeadBusinessInfrastructure,john.joseph@colt.net,+91-9810620216 ComvivaTechnologiesMs.JaishreeJose,AssociateManagerSCM&Administration,Jaishree.jose@Comviva.com,+9 CanaraHSBCOrientalBankofCommerceLifeInsuranceCompanyMr.ChinmayChatterjee,VicePresidentRealEstate CanaraHSBCOrientalBankofCommerceLifeInsuranceCompanyMr.AjitSharma,SeniorManager-Facilities&Admin CitadelPropconMr.BijuUnni,Director,biju@citadelnetinc.com,+91-9845291690 CitadelPropconMsNetraReddy,HeadCorporateServices,netra@citadelnetinc.com,+91-9845042476 ConsultantMr.AmitKaul,amikkaul@gmail.com,+91-9818247483 DLFPramericaLifeInsuranceMr.KrishnaswamyNagaraj,VicePresident-ProjectsandFacilities,krishna.nagaraj@dlfpra DLFPramericaLifeInsuranceMr.JasbirMatharoo,AssociateVicePresident-ProjectsandFacilities,jasbir.matharoo@d DTZInternationalPropertyAdvisorsMr.BhupindraSingh,SeniorManager,bhupindra.singh@dtz.com,+91-9873903899 DTZInternationalPropertyAdvisorsMs.DivyaVohra,AssociateDirectorOccupational&DevelopmentMarkets,divya.vo GatewayImpexMr.PankajArora,AssoicateGeneralManagerFacilities,pankaj.arora@amtek.com,+91-9810350550 HSBCMr.ArunKhanna,HeadCorporateRealEstateServices-India&GR,arunkhanna@hsbc.co.in,+91-9650007356 HeadstrongMr.SameerSaxena,IndiaHeadFacilitiesandAdministration,Sameer.Saxena2@headstrong.com,+91-98 InterraInformationTechnologiesMr.SanjayKapoor,DirectorAdministration,sanjayk@interraIT.com,+91-9810409528 IndiaInfolineMr.ParasSuri,SeniorManagerRealEstatePractice,paras.suri@indiainfoline.com,+91-9910540999 JonesLangLasalleMr.SahelParmendra,ManagingDirectorMarkets,Sahel.Pramendra@ap.jll.com,+91-9810201429 MotricityMajorAvinashMullick,HeadAdministration,avinash.mullick@motricity.com,+91-9650202040 OmTraxMr.NimitGupta,Director,nimit@omtrax.com,+91-9910803080 OmTraxMr.HamendraGautam,Manager,delsales@omtrax.com,+91-9711807962 PromedExportsMr.RamRawat,ManagerAdministration,rrawat@promedgroup.com,+91-8800897500 RealisticRealtorsMr.KaranAttrey,VicePresidentBusinessDevelopment,karan@rrpl.net,+91-9810191590 SopraIndiaMr.ManojKumarDudeja,SeniorManagerAdministration,mdudeja@in.sopragroup.com,+91-9810310800 SopraIndiaMr.BobbyTewari,SeniorManagerAdministration,btewari@sopragroup.com,+91-9810877889 SmileMultimediaMr.RajpalSinghRawat,Manager-Administration&Facilities,rajpal@studiosmile.com,+91-958222984

Ms Mr Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Ruchika P.Panesar Sanjay Khanna Narayanan Ramaiah Pawan Goyal Raja Kaushal Neetu Singh Ajay Vij Avinash Vashistha Jagvinder Pinny Mann Kalpesh Maroo Dharminder Salwan Lucas Joseph Thomas Sushil Rana Shashi Kumar Vishal Gupta Raman Roy Amit Chatterjee Deepak Ohlyan Nitin Seth N.R.Nagaraj Sandeep Soni Sridhar Krishnamurthy Manu Jolly Arjun Malhotra

Director Voice India Development Center VP Global Business Services AM. Corporate Develeopment Director Products MD, India Country Principal Sr. Director Geographic Services Chairman & MD, India VP F&A Partner Director General Services VP Global Delivery Center of Expertise Sr. Inward Investment Adviser Head Real Estate Investory Advosory VP ERGO to Customer Chairman & MD MD India & SAARC Director Facilities India Region Global work place & environments MD& Country Head Head Real Estate & Workplace Servces President EVP Global Head Strategic Initiatives India Head Banking & Financial Services Chairman

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Sameer Saxena Arun Khanna Divas Chawla Neeraj Tandon P. Sahel Rajendra S Pawar Nimit Gupta Navyug Mohnot

India Head Administration & Facilities Head, Corporate Real Estate - India & GR VP & Chief Strategy Officer Business Head - Row, Head Business Practices & Capabilities MD Markets India Chairman Director CEO

Maninder Singh Grewal MD Anuj Bhargav Shrinivas Chebbi Arun Seth Sunil Goyal Rajeev Arora Capt. Vikram Kumar Trivikram Pulipati RVS Reddy Shashi Kumar K.G.Krishnamurthy Ramesh Menon JKB Singh Kaustuv Roy Nitish Bhasin Aashish Agarwal Head Infra VP India & SAARC CEO CEO Executive Vice President RegionalBusiness Leader - NCR Facilities & RE Management APAC Head RE & Admin Head Corporate Services Head Real Estate Investment Advisory MD& CEO Founding Partner Head Global Facilities Management Executive Director, MRICS MD, North National Head

Amit Singhal Sanjay Chaitrath Manish Kashyap Peush Jain Rajesh Pandit Ashok Kumar Ms Sandhya Vasudevan Manoj Yadav Anurag Bhatnagar Ms Divya Vohra Bhupindra Singh Shhyam r Singhania Bidhan Chaudhari

Commercial Head Regional Manager MD, India Commercial Head Sr. Executve Director Asset Services Principal & MD MD DBOI Global Services Pvt. Ltd, MD Site Head Mumbai Director Associate Director Sr. Manager Chairman CEO Center of operational Excellence VP & Global Head Corporate Communications & Brand Partner - infrastructure, industrial & consumer GM India Admin Operations VP & Head Administration, Facilities & Archieves SVP & Head BPO - CIS VP Solution Design Integrated Technology Services India & South Asia VP Finance & Adminsitration CEO Regional Manager Facilities

Shruti Jain

Sanjay Chakrabarti Naveen Naidu Bhaskar Bhattacharya Sanjiv Kapur

Aditya Singhal

Neeraj Manik Ashish Kashyap Dass Gunalan

Joe Joseph Greeniac Martin J Aichmayr Saurabh Kumar Satya Swarup Mishra

Country Executive Smarter Planet Solutions GM Strategy Consulting Smarter Planet VP Equity Research Global Operations Leader & Sr. Director

Krishnakumar Natarajan MD & CEO Somnath Menon Rajesh Agarwal Arun Nanda Subinder Khurana Ms Seema Tyagi Trivikram Pulipati Nityanand Bhangale Uma Mansharamani Kunal Jain Anil Chawla Balaji Rao Amit Kohli P Karthikeyan BVM Sarma Anil Mendiratta Vice President RE (Pan India) Real Estate Head North Executive VP MD Director President Director RE & Facilities India Head RE & Admin Executive Director Operations Equity Middle Office Founding Partner Regional Head of CRES, India & South Asia Director Industrialization Head Real Estate

Shyam Kerkar Sumeet Anand Shivanand Singh Wg Cdr. Satyanandam

Head, marketing (BPO) VP Head CRE - India, Pakistan, & Bangladesh AVP Transaction Advisory CEO

Varun Khanna Babu Lal Jain Anish Narang Syed Mansoor Ahmad Nikhil Zaveri Nithya Ramkumar Ramarishnan Gorakh Jhunjunwala Geetika Kapoor Shrinivas Rao Rajesh Gandhi Pallavi Parmar Srinivasa Narasandra Arunachala

CEO & Co Founder Chairman CEO VP Associate Consultant Business Technology Officer VP Facilities Management Group AVP Strategic Advisory Group Assoc. Director - BD CEO Asia Pacific GEVP & Country Head Sr. manager Regional Manager Real Estate & Workplace, India

raman.roy@quattro.com amit.chaterjee@ca.com deepak_ohlyan@dell.com nitin.seth@fil.com brn@google.com sandeep.soni@herobpo.com sridhar@teamhgs.com manu.jolly@teamhgs.com arjun.malhotra@headstrong.com arunkhanna@hsbc.co.in divas.chawla@hcl.com ntandon@hcl.com pawar@niit.com jayaraman.ramamoorthy@oracle.com navyug.mohnot@qaiglobal.com maninder.grewal@religaretech.com shrinivas.chebbi@schneiderSridhar.Raghavendra@Mphasis.com arunseth@spicelimited.com sgoyal@sopragroup.com rajeev.arora1@yesbank.in raja.kaushal@india-bnppre.com trivikram.pulipati@mtsindia.in rvs_reddy@mahindrasatyambsg.com shashik@birlasunlife.com kgk@hdfc.com

+91 99100 77773 +91 98100 88481 +91 96111 347 52 +91 995 315 333 +91 99805 58844 +91 98997 11500 +91 9810157640 +91 965 000 7356 +91 8800 466 567 +91 987 136 9140

+91 98186 89667 +91 974112 3417 +91 9900122877 + 98100 67369 +91 9650 88 6666 +91 99678 18000 +91 9133000199 +91 99635 54857 +91 9821124766 +91 22 228 31920

r,AdministrationNorth,mukeshdawar@birlasunlife.com,+91-9718080880,+91a_tyagi@amway.com,+91-9910031712,+91-120-3096551 Head-Facilities,ragupathy.vaidyanathan@cognizant.com,+91-9840046626,+91stration,sverma@cincom.com,+91-9811903314,+91-124-4139999 placeResources,ashmeena@cadence.com,+91-9873153900,+91-120-3984000 pplierManagement,karana@coxandkings.com,+91-9819203701 ePresidentSupplyChain,FacilitiesandAdministration, ePresident-ProjectsandFacilities,krishna.nagaraj@dlfpramericalife.com,+91manoj@dellatecnica.com,+91-9820092199,+91-22-66699336 reandFacilities,naveen.puri@genpact.com+91-9873970000 mployeeServices&InfrastructureDevelopment, dAdministration,rajendra.agarkar@geometricglobal.com,+91-9833838358,+91nalAdminManager-NorthI&II,purohits@hdfcfund.com,+91-9871579672,+91ies,gary_g@intelenetglobal.com,+91-9821932886,+91-22-66776123 rvices,anirudh.kumarsingh@ingvysyabank.com,+91-9958113302,+91-11ountryHeadFacilitiesManagement,col.saklani@ipmslindia.com,+91tedFacilitiesManagement,yash.kapila@jllm.co.in,+91-124-4605075 tration,naveen@limelabs.in,+91-9958298442 ,rbhatia1@metlife.com,+91-9810264507,+91-120-4782808 Services,sharad@naipropertyterminus.com,+91-9371071911,+91-20-25511900 anveersy@niitsmartserve.com,+91-9818556778,+91-124-4374400 nder.chaudhary@oracle.com,+91-9810272556,+91-124-4328126 ntAdministration,man.singh@religare.in,+91-9958998711,+91-120-6796152 Administration,sshishodia@ranbaxy.com,+91-9910400101,+91-124-4135309 ministration,mohan.ahuja@ranbaxy.com,+91-9810388685,+91-124-2343123 CRESOperationsIndiaandSouthAsia,atanu.guha-thakurta@sc.com,+91h,vikram.dhamija@shapoorji.com,+91-9810172207 Estate,FacilitiesandAdministration,bbakshi@TechMahindra.com,+91Administration,niren.kumar@wnsgs.com,+91-9769008415 dAdministration,rajesh.monga@wnsgs.com,+91-9999320000

eAPAC&LATAM,ramesh.mysore@convergys.com,+91-9886688002,+91-80ministration,ramesh.menon@cognizant.com,+91-91-9900130443,+91-80tateandAdministration,chinmay.chatterjee@canarahsbclife.in,+91-8800916868 vices,brn@google.com,+91-9611134752,+91-80-67218225 microland.com,+91-9844097044 nistration,Sridhar.Raghavendra@Mphasis.com,+91-9900122877 ocurementHead,shantharaj.m@nsn.com,+91-9900238910 RealEstate&Facilities,jayaraman.ramamoorthy@oracle.com,+91-9845855095, evelopment,karan@rrpl.net,+91-9810191590 teredBank,UK)Mr.InderSSandhu,VicePresidentCorporateRealEstate ,SeniorAdministration&FacilitiesManager,ravindra.nayak@softwareag.com,+91ilityManagementServices,anil.kumar@sasken.com,+91-9886103842 rement,graj@sonusnet.com,+91-9845443008,+91-80-41902645 enter Business Developement, 99673 67811, amit.verma@apcc.com s, 0124 26142418, vijay.sethi@herohonda.com

ector Facilities - India Region.

ucture,CorporateAdministration&Procurement, mmercial&Procurement,neeraj.tulse@birlasunlife.com,+91-22-43569000(Extn eniorVicePresident,daljeet.singh@citi.com,+91-9892595266 es, deepesh.gosavi@canararobeco.com , +91-9930454594 es,gary_g@intelenetglobal.com,+91-9821932886 tIndia,ramesh.nair@ap.jll.com,+91-9167539595 ministration,Irfan.sheikh@omnitechglobal.com,+91-981965505 nornassociates.com, +91-9820006521 on,solomon.e@peopleinteractive.in+91-9819801570 ePresidentFacilities,AdministrationandSecurity, al,sanjoy.ray@aircel.co.in,+91-9716299665 ation,aa.collaco@avanthapower.com,+91-9818555064 y.verma@aspiresys.com,+91-9811903314 s&Administration,jagvinder.mann@bankofamerica.com,+91-9810833363 ration,jasrajsingh.grover@Barclays.com,+91-9811423838 cture,john.joseph@colt.net,+91-9810620216 SCM&Administration,Jaishree.jose@Comviva.com,+91-9811333229 nyMr.AjitSharma,SeniorManager-Facilities&Administration, erFacilitiesandAdministration,B11880@freescale.com,+91-9811154115 Administration,neelam@freescale.com,+91-9811244744,+91-120-3953207 gineering,B33619@freescale.com,+91-9810028261 s-India&GR,arunkhanna@hsbc.co.in,+91-9650007356 ministration,Sameer.Saxena2@headstrong.com,+91-9811444328 Administration,sanjayk@interraIT.com,+91-9810409528

t, +91-9899264555

ctice,paras.suri@indiainfoline.com,+91-9910540999 Markets,Sahel.Pramendra@ap.jll.com,+91-9810201429 curement,cp.srivastava@aircel.co.in e.com,+91-9910044111 es,deepak_ohlyan@dell.com,+91-9910077773 m,+91-9717795439 aval@tekelec.com,+91-9818869625 ice India Dev. Center, +91 0124 416 1616, 466 1708, 98106 07920. 91 97171 96970, pawing@adobe.com, +91 120 244 4711 50, pankaj.arora@amtek.com, +91 11 40515715.

Officer, Ontario, 9871229065, angela.martyris@international.gc.ca

ay.nagpal@ericsson.com, 09810020069 an,HeadFacilities&Operations,govinda.rajan@amriglobal.com,+91-9966004412 Facilities,AsiaPacificandJapan,srinivas.tallapragada@ca.com,+91-9866749191 esandAdministration,vprasad@Cordys.com,+91-9966054000 ,nrogers6@csc.com,+91-9866654377 ManagerFacilitiesandAdministration,seetharaman.ravi.srinivas@convergys.com,+91-9849005390

tionandFacilities,sandhya.sood@convergys.com,+91-9963302000 tionandFacilities,sindhu.giridhar@convergys.com,+91-9949688842 amit@cleartrip.com,+91-9810232989 cleartrip.com,+91-9953008431 cleartrip.com,+91-9391557708 ,sudha.shankar@cleartrip.com+91-9742385000 acilitiesandAdministration,aravindbr@drreddys.com,+91-9618399090 Security&Administration,guruvarm@drreddys.com,+91-9989058164 dministration,srinivasgk@drreddys.com,+91-8008556281 ,smudaliar@ea.com,+91-9618566000 co.in,+91-9440683835 oogle.com,+91-9959231110 gle.com,+91-8008300721 ovi,AssistantGeneralManager,Rameshkrishnan.krovi@gmrgroup.in,+91-9949999171 neralManager,sanjay.kaparaju@gmrgroup.in,+91-9885323225 haraj,SeniorCoordinator,santoshkumar.viasharaj@gmrgroup.in,+91-9989484142 SeniorAssistant,anilkumar.sukine@gmrgroup.in,+91-9885309832 eServices,Naveen.Kochar@hitachiconsulting.com,+91-9989997346 resident-ProjectManagement,CorporateRealEstate-SharedServices,gurudathpatalay@hsbc.co.in,+91-9866078578 ProjectManagement),nagarajnaalla@hsbc.co.in,+91-9700000949 gerFacilities,srinivasamk@hsbc.co.in,+91-9849404142 inistration(SEZUnit),amit.bajpai@hcl.com,+91-9866611600 nalan@infosys.com,+91-9849406666 litiesandAdministration,Sekharendra.KumarKopalle@igatepatni.com,+91-9849282528 teServices,RVS_Reddy@MahindraSatyamBSG.com,+91-9963554857 agerInfrastructureandSpaceManagement,kundan_ms@mahindrasatyam.com+91-9866240111 ar@mmoser.com,+91-9900312320 s,eswarrao.malempati@ness.com,+91-9959333654 iramesh@ymail.com,+91-9248001505 nandFacilities,fm@myhomenavadweepa.com,+91-9248001505 aj.am@polarisft.co.in,+91-9885711150 es&Administration,smoturu@qualcomm.com,+91-9391385003 ement,sbhardwa@tishmanspeyer.com,+91-9000144066 ent,jjain@tishmanspeyer.com,+91-9000625432 CorporateServices&ChiefOperatingOfficer,satya.v@vensat.in,+91-9866552300 ealEstate&Administration,babu.x.koruthu@verizon.com,+91-9581440180 draNarem,CircleHead-APCircle,nagendra.narem@wttil.com,+91-9246838247 ent,sanjay@vestianglobal.com,+91-9632075444 Transactions(Hyderabad),shivanand@vestianglobal.com,+91-9985813774 BusinessDevelopment(Hyderabad),archana@vestianglobal.com,+91-9052224025 gerFacilities,badarin@xilinx.com,+91-9985310110 group.com,+91-9560906655 ntandFacilities,santosh.singh@yash.com,+91-9849597798 LeadFacilitiesandInfrastructure,shrreyash.sarmalkar@aegonreligare.com,+91-9820246186 West,Infrastructure&Facilities,vijay.viseria@aegonreligare.com,+91-9819769978 ucture,CorporateAdministration&Procurement,derrick.fernandes@birlasunlife.com,+91-9594005454 mmercial&Procurement,neeraj.tulse@birlasunlife.com,+91-22-43569000(Extn8786). eniorVicePresident,daljeet.singh@citi.com,+91-9892595266 es, deepesh.gosavi@canararobeco.com , +91-9930454594

agerIndia,vathavale@Distech-controls.com,+91-9867399988 dAdministration,rajendra.agarkar@geometricglobal.com,+91-9833838358,+91-22-67056994 adAdministration,adityad@hexaware.com,+91-9967035526 es,gary_g@intelenetglobal.com,+91-9821932886 AssociateVicePresident,tony.chacko@icicilombard.com,+91-9833774317 ndusind.com,+91-9619837272 geeta.kanekar@indusind.com,+91-9773493662 nfoline.com,+91-7738383933

umar@indiainfoline.com,+91-7738051705 indiainfoline.com,+91-7738385748 tIndia,ramesh.nair@ap.jll.com,+91-9167539595 lMarkets,lesley.sebastian@ap.jll.com,+91-9833090074 Markets,percy.bharucha@ap.jll.com,+91-99920340495 ap.jll.com,+91-9820501728 putyChiefManagerFacilityManagementGroup,satish.deore@kotak.com,+91-9820775774 o.in , +91-9860055558 n.co.in , +91-9890340000 Administration,dilipnaik@motilaloswal.com,+91-8080906868 orporateRealEstate,atul.tendulkar@nomura.com,+91-9820078783 rma@oracle.com,+91-9920714402 ministration,Irfan.sheikh@omnitechglobal.com,+91-981965505 nornassociates.com, +91-9820006521 on,solomon.e@peopleinteractive.in+91-9819801570 Administration,nithyanand.n@peopleinteractive.in,+91-9987262792 ,samir.k@peopleinteractive.in,+91-9833122789 ePresidentFacilities,AdministrationandSecurity,Rajesh.I.Chaudhary@relianceada.com,+91-9322129350 nLead,abhijit.deshpande@relianceada.com,+91-9322244505 ateServices,suresh.suvarna@stream.com,+91-9004666298 CRESOperationsIndiaandSouthAsia,atanu.guha-thakurta@sc.com,+91-9930960440 @sutherlandglobal.com,+91-9867696549 neralManagerAdministration,deepak.verma@sonymusic.com,+91-9821223798 &Head-Facilities&Projects,Suman.Banerjee@tata-aig.com,+91-9930454755 Administration,jaideepr@techmahindra.com,+91-22-66882000 dministration,saras@techmahindra.com,+91-9833177667 al,sanjoy.ray@aircel.co.in,+91-9716299665 ation,aa.collaco@avanthapower.com,+91-9818555064 ta_tyagi@amway.com,+91-9910031712 s&Administration,jagvinder.mann@bankofamerica.com,+91-9810833363 ation,jasrajsingh.grover@Barclays.com,+91-9811423838 cture,john.joseph@colt.net,+91-9810620216 SCM&Administration,Jaishree.jose@Comviva.com,+91-9811333229 yMr.ChinmayChatterjee,VicePresidentRealEstateandAdministration,chinmay.chatterjee@canarahsbclife.in,+91-8800916868 nyMr.AjitSharma,SeniorManager-Facilities&Administration,ajit.sharma@canarahsbclife.in,+91-9811240211 +91-9845291690 etra@citadelnetinc.com,+91-9845042476

President-ProjectsandFacilities,krishna.nagaraj@dlfpramericalife.com,+91-9810053090,+91-124-4697033 cePresident-ProjectsandFacilities,jasbir.matharoo@dlfpramericalife.com,+91-9810580059 rManager,bhupindra.singh@dtz.com,+91-9873903899 DirectorOccupational&DevelopmentMarkets,divya.vohra@dtz.com,+91-9810299407 Facilities,pankaj.arora@amtek.com,+91-9810350550 s-India&GR,arunkhanna@hsbc.co.in,+91-9650007356 ministration,Sameer.Saxena2@headstrong.com,+91-9811444328 Administration,sanjayk@interraIT.com,+91-9810409528 ctice,paras.suri@indiainfoline.com,+91-9910540999 Markets,Sahel.Pramendra@ap.jll.com,+91-9810201429 mullick@motricity.com,+91-9650202040

m,+91-9711807962 wat@promedgroup.com,+91-8800897500 evelopment,karan@rrpl.net,+91-9810191590 stration,mdudeja@in.sopragroup.com,+91-9810310800 btewari@sopragroup.com,+91-9810877889 ion&Facilities,rajpal@studiosmile.com,+91-9582229849

American Express (India) Pvt. Ltd. American Express (India) Pvt. Ltd. Aspire Systems Adode Systems India Pvt. Ltd. BNP Paribas Real Estate APREA Accenture Accenture Bank of America BMR Advisors BNY Mellon Bank of America UK Trade & Investment Birla Sun life BP Ergo Ltd. Quatrro CA Dell Fidelity Google India Pvt. Ltd. Hero BPO HGS HGS

ruchika.p.panesar@aexp.com sanjay.khanna@aexp.com narayanan.ramaiah@aspiresys.c om pawang@adobe.com raja.kaushal@india-bnppre.com neetu.singh@aprea.asia ajayvij@accenture.com avinash.vashistha@accenture.c om jagvinder.mann@bankofamerica .com kalpesh.maroo@bmradvisors.co m dharminder.salwan@bnymellon. com lucas.thomas@bankofamerica.c om sushil.rana@fco.gov.uk shashik@birlasunlife.com vishalgupta@ergo.in raman.roy@quatrro.com

amit.chaterjee@ca.com deepak_ohlyan@dell.com nitin.seth@fil.com brn@google.com sandeep.soni@herobpo.com sridhar@teamhgs.com manu.jolly@teamhgs.com arjun.malhotra@headstrong.co m



HSBC Electronic Data Processing India Pvt. Ltd.

arunkhanna@hsbc.co.in divas.chawla@hcl.com


Jllm NIIT technologies Ltd. Om Trax QAI Religare Technologies Reliance BPO Pvt. Ltd. Schneider Electric Spice BPO Services Ltd. Sopra Yes Bank Facebook India Online Services Pvt. Ltd. MTS Mahindra Satyam Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund HDFC Property Fund Certes Realty Ltd. Capgemini Cushman & Wakefield JLL Cushman & Wakefield

sahel.pramendra@ap.jll.com pawar@niit.com nimit@omtrax.com navyug.mohnot@qaiglobal.com maninder.grewal@religaretech. com

shrinivas.chebbi@schneiderelectric.com arunseth@spicelimited.com sgoyal@sopragroup.com rajeev.arora1@yesbank.in captvikram@fb.com trivikram.pulipati@mtsindia.in rvs_reddy@mahindrasatyambsg .com shashik@birlasunlife.com kgk@hdfc.com
menon@certesrealty.com bhuvanapal.singh@capgemini.c om kaustuv.roy@ap.cushwake.com nitish.bhasin@ap.jll.com aashish.agarwal@ap.cushwake. com

Cushman & Wakefield Cushman & Wakefield CBRE CBRE CBRE Cresa partners Deutsche Bank Group Deutsche Bank Group DTZ DTZ DTZ Enarr Emirated NBD

amit.singhal@ap.cushwake.com sanjay.chatrath@ap.cushwake.c om manish.kashyap@cbre.com peush.jain@cbre.com rajesh.pandit@cbre.com akumar@cresapartners.com, akumar@cresapartners-in.com sandhya.vasudevan@db.com manoj.yadav@db.com Anurag.Bhatnagar@dtz.com

Divya.Vohra@dtz.com Bhupindra.Singh@dtz.com shyyam@enarr.com bidhanc@emiratesnbd.com



Ernst & Young Foton HSBC IGate Patni

sanjay.chakrabarti@in.ey.com naveen@foton.com.cn bhaskarbhattacharya@hsbc.co.i n sanjiv.kapur@igatepatni.com



IBM Ibibo Infosys

neeraj.manik@dc.ibm.com ashish.kashyap@ibibogroup.co m dassgunalan@infosys.com

IBM IBM J.P.Morgan MetLife Mindtree Mashreq Micromax Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Millenium City Welfare Society Microsoft MTS Nomura Rahul Fin vest Pvt. Ltd Standard Chartered Bank Sopra Sun Group TCS TCS TCS TCS

jjoe@in.ibm.com greeniac.aichmayr@in.ibm.com saurabh.s.kumar@jpmorgan.co m smishra5@metlife.com krishnakumarn@mindtree.com sonmanthM@mashreqbank.com rajesh@micromaxinfo.com nanda.arun@mahindra.com subinder@gmail.com, subinder@millenniumcity.com styagi@microsoft.com trivikram.pulipati@mtsindia.in nityanand.bhangale@nomura.co m uma@hdpl.biz kunal.jain@sc.com achawla@in.sporagroup.com balaji@sungroup-india.com a,kohli@tcs.com p.karthikeyan@tcs.com bvm.sarma@tcs.com a.mendiratta@tcs.com

TCS JP Morgan Vestian VenSat

s.kerkar@tcs.com sumeet.anand@jpmchase.com shivanand@vestianglobal.com satya.V@VenSat.in

Wirkle WICS WICS Wipro Technologies Wipro Technologies Wipro BPO Wipro Technologies Vestian Vestian Vestian Yes Bank Yahoo! Yahoo!

varun@wirkle.com babueaar@gmail.com anish.narang@wicsconnect.com mansoor.ahmad@wipro.com nikhil.zaveri@wipro.com nithya.ramkumar@wipro.com ramakrishnan.ramaswamy@wipr o.com gorakh@vestianglobal.com geetika@vestianglobal.com shrini@vestianglobal.com rajesh.gandhi@yesbank.in pparmar@yahoo-inc.com nasrini@yahoo-inc.com




First Name

Last Name

Job Title


Address 1

Address 2

Address 3

Address 4

Address 5



Tel No.

Fax No.

Name Kuldeep R Ray Nataranjan Bohidar Vivek Arora Sushil K Sharma R L Jalla Pankaj Sharma Biswajit Roy Ashok Sundaray Maj Cm Bhando R S Gaba Archit Mehra Anil Verma Rajesh Jain Sanjay Chawla Anil Verma Anil Seth Mukesh Bhalla Jyoti Prakash Virendra K Wadhwa Dr Sunil Gupta Ravi K Tandon Amitabh Divakar Sanjay Kr Sinha Harish Nautiyal A N Shakuria Brij Bhushan N M Kapoor Umesh Gupta Ravender Kaur Vinay Upadhyay Dhruv Sharma Debashish Bhattacharyya Hare Krishna Hafeez Rehman Mehul Trivedi Dhanaraj Saripalli Vipin K Gupta Dr M C Gupta Vinay Garg

Designation Director Director Director Assistant Director CEO (Project) Director Managing Director Managing Director Vice Chaiman Director Director Managing Director CEO director President Infrastructure Managing Director Director Director Chief (I C T) & CIO Managing Director Director Senior Technical Director Director Senior Technical Director Technical Director CEO Director Manager Technical COO Director CEO Asst Director General (IT) Assistant vice president CEO Chief Executive Officer Director

Company Advisory ronZcommunitions


Advance Realty (Supreme Advance Suite No. Realtors 504, Mansarover (P) Ltd. building 90, Nehru Place Ahlcon Ready Mix Concrete (P) B-4/205, Ltd Safdarjung Enclave American Institute Of Indian 22, Studies Sector-32, Institutional Area ANSAL BUILDWELL Limited 118, UFF, Prakash Deep, 7, Tolstoy marg Apprick Technologies C-3/73, Sector-31

Assistant General Manager - Aravali Projects Infrapower Limited

G-29, 3rd Fllorr Vardhman Tower Community Centr

Arundhati Infratech (P) Ltd K-6, Hf 177, Kaling Vihar Asian Townsville Farms Limited 12/77-78, Vikram Vihar, Lajpat nagar-4 Asian Townsville Farms Limited 12/77-78, Vikram Vihar, Lajpat nagar-4 Aum Enterprised Accurate Turnings Era Landmarks Limited 3851, FCA, Gali No. 3, SGM Nagar, NH-3 B-24, Sector-3 Enhanced WAPP Systems (I)914-B, Pvt Ltd9th Floor, Park Central, Sector 30

Espacio Energy Private Limited SCO 67-68, IInd FLOOR, SECTOR 16A, OPP. GOVT. Goldsouk Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Gold Souk, Block-C, Shushant Lok, Phase-1 GREENSBORO POLYCHEM P LIMITED 199, Defence Colony Flyover Market Jangpura Side Hiranandani Indoor Environment Services B1/23 Vasant Vihar JPC Ministry of Steel 301-306, Aurobindo Place, hauz khas

K K Precitech Private LimitedIndustrial Area, Rajender Nagar, G T Road, Mohan N

KaiZen Professional ServicesM-19, Private 3rd Limited Floor, M Block Market, Greater Kailash-II Ministry of Communication &A-Block Information CGO Technology Complex, Lodhi Road N S Financials Greater Kailash 2 NIC Ministry Of Communication A-Block & IT CGO Complex, Lodhi Road NIC Ministry Of Communication A-Block & IT CGO Complex, Lodhi Road Open Software Technology (India) 512, Phase-5, Ltd Udyog Vihar S & M Building Management C4C/248, Janak Puri Schell Gmbh & Co KG 1003 Mercantile house, 15 kasturba Gandhi marg

Head Infrastructure & Development Mahindra World City

K30, Green Park Main,Behind Green Park MarketNe

Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd Plot No. 59, GF, Near HIPA (opp. Police station), Se SITQ India Private Limited Taj Hi Tech D 18, Defence Colony A-67, 2nd floor, Dayanand colony, Lajpat nagar-4

Consultant - IT Enterprise Applications Siemens Information Systems J-1934, Limited Chittaranjan Park

TEC Ministry of Communication Lodhi & IT Road, Vayam Technologies Limited Thapar house, 124 Janpath Vipin J Gupta & Co. Zestha Developers Ltd 60, Sector-17 F-436, Sec-63, WINDSOR INFRASTRUCTURE B-206, Limited Ansal Chambers 1 Bhikaji Cama Place

City New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Noida New Delhi Bhubaneswar New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Faridabad Gurgaon NOIDA Faridabad Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Ghaziabad New Delhii Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Faridabad New Delhi Noida

Pincode 110019 110029 122001 110001 201301 110018 19 110024 110024 121001 122001 201301 121001 122002 110024 110057 110016 201007 110048 110066 110003 110048 110003 110003 122016 110001 110019 110024 110024 110003 110001 121002 110066 201301

Phone 011-40191111 0124 4063631 / R 011-46003600 0124-2381424/2381359 011-23353051-52 011-45174000 0674-2475181/3269981

Fax 011-40191120 011-26714755 0124-2380843 011-23310639 011-28541823

011-32908828/26210723/26220969 011-26210734 011-32908828/26210723/26220969 011-26210734 0129-2419837 0124-4710900-98 0120-40637000 0129-4072500 011-41824111/5 011-32994666 011-26538309(D) 0120-6547961 011-11-40587972 0141-4007027 011-24364779 011-24305662 011-24305232 0124-2345223/4012305/06/07 0124-2345223/4012305/06/07 011-25510411 011-45652320-26 011-6469778/80 011-26272684/R 011-46641003 011-65151780/65688699 011-46641030 011-26214016 011-45652329 0124-4710999 0120-4037029 0129-3294054 011-24319123 011-26147894 011-26968608 0120-4380180 011-40587973

0124-4317700-29 / 2577749 0124-2577776 /2577778

011-47101200-201/47101370(D) 011-23368946 0129-4072500 011-46190100/26184535 011-26193448

Mobile 9873004289 9811112220 9810966363 9810516049 9810216001 7838565696 9999502740/8447732412 9338426271 9810039549/9312268615 9810039549 9810921213 9810133805 9811969697 9013278369 9818444100 9810876619 9811700530 9811156870 9810093782,3,4 9818935615 9013306966/9810338768 9311111984 9868949550/9999360490 9868219559 9810009918 9871163638 9818699216 9818060000/9320246163 9810109684 9971115531 9811080298 9968150051 9650768880/9999322001 9810640751 9811298107 8010830692/9911393244



kuldeepray@yahoo.com;kuldeep@advancerealty.in www.advancerealty.in
natbohi@gmail.com;bohi@vsnl.com vivek@ahlconrmc.com sushil.sharma@aiis.org.in ansalabl@vsnl.com pankaj@apprick.com www.ahlconrmc.com www.indiastudies.org www.ansalabl.com www.apprick.com

biswajit.roy@aravaliinfrapower.com;contact@aravaliinfrapower.com;biswajitroy.cal@gmail.com www.aravaliinfrapower.com arundhati.infratechbbsr@gmail.com wwwarundhatinfratech.com maj.bhando@atfl.in;info@atfl.in www.atfl.in info@atfl.in;col.gaba@atfl.in www.atfl.in architmehra56@gmail.com

paramjeet@wappsys.com;rajeshjain@wappsys.com;dksawhney@wappsys.com;info@wappsys.com;ravirajan www.wappsys.com sanjay.c@eragroup.in vipinguptaca@gmail.com anilseth@agsgroup.in www.eragroup.co.in www.espacio.co.in www.agsgroup.in

panirok@yahoo.com;panirok@gmail.com www.polydee.com vinviro@vsnl.com drsunil.gupta@erusteel.co.in;guptasunil5@gmail.com www.jpcindiansteel.org amitabh.divakar@kaizenprofessional.com;amitabhdivakar@hotmail.com ssinha@mahindraworldcity.com harry_nautiyal@yahoo.com;hcnautiyal@nic.in;harrynautiyal@gmail.com ashakiran1949@gmail.com brij@nic.in nmkapoor@nic.in ugupta@open-soft.net vinay@schell.in dhruv_delhi2003@yahoo.co.in;dhruv.sharma@spcmg.co.in www.spcmg.co.in deba_bhatta@rediffmail.com;deba_bhatta@indiatimes.com;deba.bhatta@gmail.com minakshi.mahesh@sitqindia.com;hare.krishna@sitqindia.com hafeez@tajhitech.com; hafeez@email.com www.tajhitech.com adg.tec@gmail.com vipinguptaca@gmail.com mcgupta@windsorinfra.com;anjalimathur@countryinn.co.in;mcgupta@usha.com;jayashree@usha.com www.windsorinfra.com zesthagroup@gmail.com;itsvinaygarg@gmail.com nityamchoubey@yahoo.com;adgmtec@gmail.com;adgm1.tec@gov.in dhanarajs@vayamtech.com www.vayamtech.com www.open-soft.net amanpreet_dhunna@yahoo.com

9811032155(M) 91 11 22774509(R) raviktandon@hotmail.com;kunjkishoreindustries@yahoo.com /9311032155 www.kkpt.in


S No 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 17 20 29 39 40 45 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 64 66 68 69 70 71 72 76 78 87 88 89 92 93 95 96 97

Title Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr Mr Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr Mr. Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr. Mr. Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr Mr

Name Nimish Arora Yograj Arora Abhijit Chatterjee Ajay Saini S c Pahwa Z H Malik Wadia Parkash Vidhu Sagar Sharad Poddar Anil Seth Harbhajan Singh K K Verma Praveen Mehra D K Srivastava Rajesh Nagpal M G Abraham Vineet Arora Rohit Sharma P L Jagota Amrit Malhotra Anuj Mittal Manuj Mittal S Krishan Yogi Deepak Sharma Kamal Meattle Ranen Banerjee P Varshaney S S Sharma Saurabh Jain Uma Mansharmani Deepak Choudhary Ramesh Suri S K Nanda Madhav Chablani Avneet Kaur Gudiya Gupta Subodh S Gupta I P Singh J Kumar

Designation Company Name Add Director Aarone Group Select City Walk 6th Floor A3 Distric Charman Aarone Group Select City Walk 6th Floor A3 Distric Owner Abhi Technologies 16/H-236,Sangam Vihar CIO ACS Network solutions Pvt Ltd 302 Vardhman Plaza Sec 6 Dwarka Director Ambifin Sytems 294, Globe House, 1st Floor, East Of Director Ambifin Sytems 294, Globe House, 1st Floor, East Of MD/CEO Ascot Hotels and Resorts Ltd 11th Floor Mohan Dev 13 Tolstoy Ma Sr Vice President Carat Media Services India Pvt 465 LtdUdyog Vihar Phase 5 Gurgaon Director Compare Infobase Ltd C62 Community Center Janakpuri President - Infrastructure Goldsouk Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Sushant Lok Phase-1, Block-C, CEO Infotech Computers & Communications Sco 204, Scetor 12, Urban Estate Director Innovative Institute Of Unlearning B6/85 2nd Floor Safdarjung Enclave Managing Director Kiara Intl Services E - 231 Greater Kailash, Part - 1 CEO Macro Systems Pvt Ltd 201, 2Nd Floor, Chanakya Complex B Director Macro Systems Pvt Ltd 201, 2Nd Floor, Chanakya Complex B Director Madhyam Buildtech Pvt Ltd F12 & f13 1st Floor ELDECO Station Director Madhyam Buildtech Pvt Ltd F12 & f13 1st Floor ELDECO Station Sr. Manager IT Master Capital Services Ltd C 56 Sec 63 Opp Fortis Hospital Vice President Master Informatix System India D-12 Pvt Ltd First Floor Kalkaji DIRECTOR Micronet Soutions 1-C-28, NDCLY, KIRTI NAGAR MD Microsystems Technologies & C4E/139 Infosoft Technologies Janakpuri Ltd Director Microsystems Technologies & 13/30 Infosoft East Technologies Patel Nagar Ltd CEO Neel Metals Products Ltd Sec 36 Pace City 2 Manager IT Osc Exports Services Pvt Ltd Vatika Towers third Floor tower B DL CEO Paharpur Business Centre Software Technology Incubator Park Executive Director PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt ltd Building No 10 17 th floor Tower C D Senior Vice PresidentPtc India Ltd 2Nd Floor Nbcc Tower, 15 Bhikaji Ca Executive Vice President Ptc India Ltd 2Nd Floor Nbcc Tower, 15 Bhikaji Ca Chairman Public News 468 Kohat Enclave Pitam Pura President Rahul Fin Vest Pvt ltd 138 A First Floor Taimoon nagar New AGM Schneider Electric India Pvt Ltd 9th Floor DLF Building No 10 Tower Chairman Subros Auto Airconditioning Systems LGF World Trade Centre Barakhama DIRECTOR Sunstone Enterprises C117 Shakti Nagar Extension Founder CEO Tipping Edge Consulting C-79 1St Floor South Ex Part 2 Partner Unisafe International 602, Mercantile House 15, Kasturba Partner Unisafe International 602, Mercantile House 15, Kasturba Director Voltamp Transformers Ltd 202/203 Aditya 6,Comercial Complex Partner Walker Chandiok & Co L 41 Connaught Circus DGM - Technology & World Networking Telecom Networks Ltd

City New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Karnal New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Faridabad Faridabad Noida New Delhi NEW DELHI New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Parent City PinCode Valid Phone Comp_Phone No Phone Direct Comp_Fax Delhi 110017 11-40599999 Delhi 110017 11-40599999 Delhi 110062 011-26048523 11-26042605 2.6E+07 Delhi 110075 11-65136989 Delhi 110065 11 2629 2222;+91 11 2629 4444;+91 11 46517330 Delhi 110065 11 2629 2222;+91 11 2629 4444;+91 11 46517330 Delhi 110001 4.4E+07 Delhi 122016 124-3378101-3378100/ Delhi 110058 1125542045/41588013/14 Delhi 122002 4317700-29/2577749 Delhi 132001 0184-2265552/2265559 Delhi 110029 11-46023505 1.1E+09 Delhi Delhi 110092 91-11-22529838 / 22533373 / 22451062 / 28822341 Delhi 110092 91-11-22529838 / 22533373 / 22451062 / 28822341 Delhi 121011 129-229555 Delhi 121011 129-229555 Delhi 201301 120-3311137-138 Delhi 110019 11-40660050 11-65287291 Delhi 110015 11-25116675/32426675 1.1E+09 Delhi 110058 011-45511496 Delhi 110008 11-25769002/25769008 Delhi 122004 124-4032011-13 124-4767805 Delhi 122002 124-4607320/ Delhi 110019 11-26207748 +91-11-26207708(surekha) Delhi 122002 124-3306000/ 124-3306009 Delhi 110066 11-41659145 Delhi 110066 11-41659136/41595136/41659500/41659127-29 4.2E+07 Delhi 110034 011-27352639 Delhi 110065 11-26917777 Delhi 122002 124-3940400 Delhi 110001 11-23414946-49 120-2562226/2460135 Delhi 110052 11-47091238 Delhi 110049 1.2E+09 Delhi 110001 11 4151 0550 Delhi 110001 11 4151 0550 Delhi 110092 2.2E+07 11-22439457 11-42421261 Delhi 110001 11-4278701411-42787070 Delhi

Email Id nimish@aaronegroup.com yogi@aaronegroup.com abhijit@abhitechnologies.com ajay.saini@acsnetsol.com s.pahwa@yahoo.co.in

Mobile No. 9810303263 9811086268 9310165112 9999027728 9871057597 9868730395

wadiaparkash@ascothotels.in vidhu.sagar@carat.com 9810293005 sharad@infobase.in 9871399009/9811021174 anilseth@agsgroup.in 9818444100 infotechhs@sify.com/harbhajan@infotechcomputersonline.com 9813014400 kamekish@gmail.com 9811560341 kiara_intl@rediffmail.com 9811505052 dksdelhi@gmail.com 9810126281 rajeshnagpal64@yahoo.com 9811157175 abhraham@madhyam.biz 9717141177/9560698303 vineetarora@madhyam.co.in 9811194645/9560698388 rohitj@mastertrust.co.in 9350285088 pl.jagota@masterinfoindia.com 9810740871 micronet_solutions@yahoo.com/a_palsingh@yahoo.com/apsinghmns@yahoo.com 9868164164 anuj@microsystemstec.com 9810196496 manuj1@hotmail.com 9811074616/9369595977 sk.yogi@jbm.co.in 9711044224 deepudeep@yahoo.com;deepak.sharma@oscesl.com 9811757100 meattle@pbcnet.com,surekha@pbcnet.com 9811064705 ranen.banerjee@in.pwc.com 9818886207 varshney_p54@yahoo.co.in; pvarshney@ptcindia.com; 9810153223 s_sharma@ptcindia.com 9810012157 sjaindelh@yahoo.in 9968735546 uma@hdpl.biz 9811966111 engg_deepak@yahoo.com;deepak.choudhary@in.schneider-electric.com 8860093360 rsuri@subros.com satishkumarnanda@gmail.com/satishkumarnanda@gmail.com 9871083438 madhav.chablani@tippingedge.in 9313749494 unisafe@airtelmail.in, info@unisafeinternational.com 9811161170 unisafe@airtelmail.in, info@unisafeinternational.com 9810039366 vtldel@airtelmail.in;ssgupta_delhi@voltamptransformers.com 9810066950 ip.singh@wcgt.in 9811556651 jk_wtnl@yahoo.com 9811402085

Title Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

First Name Last Name Designation Company Address1 Address2 City Shailendra Singh Manager Accenture Sector:62, Noida Noida Sanjay Saxena Senior ManagerAccenture Services RMZ Private Futura Limited II, # Bannerghatta 148/1, Bilekahalli Main Bangalore Village Road Shekhar Tiwari Senior ManagerAccenture Services Tower Pvt Ltd 1, Level 1, Andheri Logitech Kurla Park Road, Mumbai Andheri East Amit Passi Head ACIS - A Company 2nd of Allianz Floor, Bhavani Technopark BuildingCampus Trivandrum Gautham Radhakrishnan Director Actis Advisers Pvt 4th Ltd Floor, Avantha Worli House, Dr.Annie Mumbai Besant Road Pratik Jain Associate Actis Advisers Pvt Ltd 4th Floor, Avantha Worli House, Dr.Annie Mumbai Besant Road Bhushan Desai Executive Director ADP Private Limited 6-3-1091/c/1, Fortune Raj Bhavan 9 Building Road, Hyderabad Somajiguda Jagan Mohan Potumanchi Raju Executive Director ADP Private Limited 6-3-1091/c/1, Fortune Raj Bhavan 9 Building Road, Hyderabad Somajiguda Srinivas Konidena Vice President ADP Private Limited 6-3-1091/c/1, Fortune Raj Bhavan 9 Building Road, Hyderabad Somajiguda ANIL MODI President (CCC) Aegis and Global Limited Head -Aegis Marketing Limited, and Essar 11 Strategy kk House Marg Mumbai Bhasin Senior ManagerAegis Limited Essar House, 11, K K Marg, Mahalaxmi Mumbai VaidyanathanGlobal Head of Sales Aegisand Limited Head - India Aegis and Limited, Sri Lanka Essar 11 k k House Marg Mumbai Vaswani Vice President - Aegis Corporate Limited Communications Essar House, 11, K K Marg Mumbai Fernandez Bhawani Setia KUMAR MIRA Winkler Toone Trowbridge Trowbridge Panesar Dony Khanna Saigal Malhotra Mukherjee Singh BHATIA Rodrigues Santosh Pant TRIPATHI Singh Mathur Nakka Gupta Gupta Chopra

Mr. Danveer Mr. R Ms Shaily Mr. Mrs. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Aman Leena Vivek GANESH TONY Dennis Derek John Ben Maxine Ruchika Sheeja Sanjay Vineet Deepti Manish Rahul SANDEEP Lorraine Joy Partha ALOK Arjun Navendu Vijay Sudeep Bharat Gurmeet

Vice President Affiliated Computer 6th Services, Floor Innovator A Xerox ITPL,Company Whitefield Bangalore Vice President Affiliated Computer Block Services, -A, Sec.-62, A Xerox Innovator, Knowledge Company ITPL, Boulevard, Noida Whitefield Plot-8A , 2nd floor of Tower A, Vice President Affiliated Computer 6th Services, Floor, Innovator A Xerox ITPL,Company Whitefield Bangalore Director Ajuba Solutions India 12-02 Pvt TIDEL Ltd PARK, TARAMANI 4 CANAL BANK CHENNAI ROAD Founder &CEO Ajuba Solutions India 12-02 Pvt TIDEL Ltd PARK 4 CANAL BANKCHENNAI ROAD ,TARAMANI Director Alsbridge 3535 Travis Street Suite 105 Dallas Director Alsbridge 3535 Travis Street Suite 105 Dallas CEO Alsbridge 3535 Travis Street Suite 105 Dallas Co-Founder Alsbridge 3535 Travis Street Suite 105 Dallas Director American Express commercial block-3 DLF City(Zone-6) V Gurgaon Vice President American Express Campus India LtdBlock A, Opp. FC East DLF Golf ZoneCourse Gurgaon Vice President American Express Commercial India Pvt LtdBlock DLF3City, , Group Phase Housing Gurgaon V Scheme Vice President American Express Commercial India Pvt LtdBlock DLF3City, , Group Phase Housing Gurgaon V Scheme Team Leader Ameriprise India Pvt Plot Ltd No# 81, Sector 32 Gurgaon Vendor Relationship Ameriprise Manager India Pvt Plot Ltd No 81, Sector 32, Gurgaon Manager Ameriprise India Pvt Plot Ltd No# 81, Sector 32 Gurgaon COO Annik Technology 515 Services UDYOG Pvt VIHAR Ltd PHASE 3 GURGAON Head ANZ Operations &"Eucalyptus", Technology India Manyata Outer PvtRing Ltd Embassy Road, Bangalore Nagavara, Business Park, Country Head AOM India Frazer Town Road, Bangalore 42/23,2nd Cross, Promenade Sr.Account Manager AOM India Trade Centre, Regus, Bandra 1st Kurla Floor Complex Mumbai Head AON Hewitt Hewitt Tower, Sector 42, DLF Gurgaon City Managing Director Aon Hewitt Hewitt Tower Sector 42, DLF Gurgaon City Phase V Business Development Aon Hewitt Leader - Asia Hewitt Pacific Tower Sector 42, DLF Gurgaon City Phase V Senior Vice President Apollo Health Street Apollo Ltd Health City, Jubilee Hills Hyderabad Hyderabad Director Artha Builders LLPF-7, East of Kailash New Delhi Managing Director Atlanta & CEO Global Advisors Level-4, Pvt Rectangle Ltd D-4 -, 1,Commercial Saket, New Complex Delhi Country Manager Avasant 1708 Lilium, Nahar Chandivali, Amrit Shakti Andheri Mumbai Complex (east)

Rejo Sam Consultant Avasant Chaya, Lokhandwala Mumbai Anurag Yadava Regional Manager Avaya India (P) Ltd1st Floor, Tower-B, MG Road, GlobalGurgaon Business Gurgaon Park Rupesh Gandhi National Manager Avaya -Strategy India Pvt & Market Ltd 62,Kalpataru Development Synergy,Opp Vakola,Santacruz Grand Mumbai (East) Hyatt Abhinav Goel Associate Vice President Avendus The IL&FS Financial Centre, 5th Mumbai Floor, B Quadrant, Bandra-Kurla Comple Padmasudha Chandrasekhar Director Avhan Technologies 2nd Pvt Floor Ltd NASEOH Old Postal Bldg, Colony Mumbai Road , near Fine Arts Society Doina Palici-Chehab CEO AXA Business Services No.16/2, Pvt Ltd Residency Road, Bangalore

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Sandeep Dhiraj Mohit Ankur Lucas Punkaj Derek F Rohit Ravi Brisco Pratima Sushil Veera Lata Mohit

Arora Dolwani Suri Pawa Thomas Gupta Collins Saigal Dewan Chandra Sewpal Rana Reddy Singh Ghuliani

Senior Vice President AXA Business Services 21/6, Pvt Bund Ltd Garden Road pune CEO B2R Technologies Uttarakhand Pvt Ltd Nainital Business Development B2R Technologies Manager Qtr. Pvt Ltd No. 2, 1st Floor, Eros Garden, Belvedere Surajkund Faridabad Tower Road Consultant Baird Private Equity 4025 Prestige Kensington 17 HMT Main Gardens Road, Bangalore Jalahalli Vice President Bank of America Salarpuria Windsor, No. 35th Ulsoor Floor, Road, Bangalore B-Wing, Vice President Bank of America Salarpuria Windsor B-Wing, 5th 3, Floor Ulsoor Bangalore Road Senior Vice President Bank of - Corporate Ireland Banking Lower Baggot Street Dublin Managing Director BC Management Services Knowledge Boulevard Sector 62, A8 A, Noida Tower NoidaB Head BC management Services A8A Knowledge Pvt Ltd Tower Boulevard B 5th FLoor, Noida Sector 62 General Manager Bird Information Systems Plot no.422, (P) Ltd Udyog Phase-III Vihar Gurgaon Manager Board of Investment Level 10, One Cathedral 16, Jules Koenig Square Port Street Building Louis Senior Inward Investment British High Advisor Commission Shantipath, Chanakyapuri New Delhi Executive Vice President Broadridge Financial 6-3-348, Solutions Midtown, (Ind) Pvt Dwarakapuri Ltd Hyderabad Colony Punjagutta Director - Cloud/Managed CA Technologies Service6th Providers Floor, East 25 Tower, Barakhamba Birla House, New Road Delhi Manager - SalesCA Technologies 6th Floor, East 25 Tower, Barakhamba Birla House, New Road Delhi

Kamalika Nandi General Manager Caliber Point Bldg. No. 3, Sector Mahape II, A Navi Mumbai Block, Millennium Business Park, TTC RU Srinivas CEO Caliber Point Bldg. No. 3, Sector Mahape II, A Navi Mumbai Block, Millennium Business Park, TTC Shyam Mansukhani Vice President - Caliber Finance Point and Co. Secretary Bldg. No. 3, Sector Mahape II, A Navi Mumbai Block, Millennium Business Park, TTC Shalabh Sharan Assistant Vice President Canton Buildwell Private 362-363,ASF Limited Centre, Udyog Vihar,Phase-4 Gurgaon Aashish Sharma Business Development Capgemini Director M4A, Godrej Industries Pirojshanagar, Complex, Mumbai LBS Marg, Vikhroli Aditya Raghuvanshi Retail Services CB Richard Ellis South 705/706, Asia Pvt 7thLtd floor, Nucleus, Church Pune Road Nikhil Ratanghayur CB Richard Ellis South 202/203, Asia Pvt 2nd Ltd floor Naman Centre, Mumbai G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Ban Raja Jain General Manager CB Richard Ellis South 202/203, Asia Pvt 2nd Ltd floor Naman Centre, Mumbai G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Ban Anju Williams Marketing Manager Cisco Cisco Mumbai Dinesh Yadav Technical Marketing CiscoEngineer Cisco Mumbai Javed Khan Manager Cisco Cisco Mumbai Kapil Kumar CONSULTING SYSTEMS Cisco ENGINEER Cisco Mumbai Ved Gurjale Manager Cisco Cisco Mumbai Anant Deshpande Regional Manager Cisco Systems Inc Floors 2 & 6 ILFS Financial Centre Mumbai Plot C 22 G Block Bandra Kurla Compl Dhinakaran Dhanaram Regional Director Cisco Contact Systems Centers, Inc Capital APAC Tower 168 Robinson Rd Singapore #26-01 to #29-01 Girish Gargeswari Regional Manager Cisco Systems Inc Brigade South Parade No. 10 Mahatma Bangalore Gandhi Road Jagdish Mahapatra Senior Vice President Cisco Systems Inc Floors 2 & 6 ILFS Financial Centre Mumbai Plot C 22 G Block Bandra Kurla Compl Johnson Varkey Head Contact Centre Cisco Solutions, Systems Inc India Floors and 2SAARC & 6 ILFS Financial Centre Mumbai Plot C 22 G Block Bandra Kurla Compl Nitin Verma Regional Manager Cisco Systems Inc 25 Barakhamaba Road East Tower8/F New Delhi Puneet Kumar Bhugra Customer Solutions Cisco Manager Systems Inc SEZ Unit Cessna Business Park Bangalore Kadubeesanahalli Village Varthur Hobli S Vinod Sivaramakrishnan Manager-Sales Cisco Systems Inc Brigade South Parade No. 10 Mahatma Bangalore Gandhi Road Vivek Mansingh President Cisco Systems Inc SEZ Unit Cessna Business Park Bangalore Kadubeesanahalli Village Varthur Hobli S Rajesh MELVYN Srinivas Venkatgiri Gaurav Ashok Hanumant Sandeep Sanjit Singh Arun

SubramaniamDirector Cognizant Technologies SDB4, 7th Floor, Tambaram MEPZ Chennai CHUNGATH Senior ManagerCognizant Technology 5 Harbour Solutions Exchange Square London Pingali Assistant Vice President Cognizant Technology Plot Solutions No. 24,25,26 Nanakramguda, Financial District, Hyderabad Vandali Assistant Vice President Cognizant Technology MEPZ Solutions - Special (Part) Economic B-20, Zone, C-10 Chennai Plot & C-1 No and A-15, D-2, 16, National 17 Highways,45, T Bhatia Country Head Concentrix BPO Pvt Maruthi Ltd Chambers, Hosur No. Road 17/9cBangalore 17/4c Roopena Agrahara Singhal Director Convergys India Services DLF Atria, Pvt Jacaranda Ltd DLF City Marg PhaseGurgaon 2 Talwar Managing Director Convergys India Services DLF Atria, Pvt Jacaranda Ltd DLF City Marg PhaseGurgaon 2 Girotra Senior Director Convergys India Services DLF Atria, Pvt Jacaranda Ltd DLF City Marg PhaseGurgaon 2 Bal Director Convergys India Services DLF Atria, Pvt Jacaranda Ltd DLF City Marg PhaseGurgaon 2 Malajetty Head CRISIL Plot on-23, Sector-18 H.S.I.D.C, Maruti Gurgaon Industrial Area,

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Deepesh Panchal GV Mani Rajesh Malandkar V Srinivasan Charitra Mehta Rahul Pathak Sadras Raghunandhan Sriram Jogendra Singh Vasudevamurthy Rao Sandeep Arora Anurag Shukla Arindam Bannerrji Gaurav Vaidya Jonathan Foord Mukesh Saxena Prashant Jobanputra Rajiv Das Shashidhar Pathikonda Manoj Yadav Rakesh Rajora Rashi Jindal Shantanu Upadhyay Tandin Wangmo Deepika Rai Kezang Kezang Phuntsho Tobgay Sonam Jamtsho Ashwanth G Manivannan JK Ashish Pandit VINAY KUMAR Amit Grover Sanchita Ghosh Shilpa Banerjee Goutam Nishant Ritu Kunal Srinivas Raju Tilakraj Tanushree RALPH Kenneth Seiji Michal Bidhan Suhail Karmakar Banerjee Saini Tayal Penmatcha Panjabi Saikia MOREAU Thompson Ohno Byczkowski Chaudhuri Bin Tarraf

Head CRISIL CRISIL House,Central Hiranandani Avenue, Business Powai, Mumbai Park, Senior Director CRISIL CRISIL House,Central Hiranandani Avenue, Business Powai, Mumbai Park, Head CRISIL CRISIL House, Central Avenue, Powai, Hiranandani Mumbai Business Park Director CRISIL The Oval 57 & 58, Venkatnarayana Chennai Road, T Nagar, Director D E Shaw India Software Sanali Infopark, Private Limited Road 8-2-120/113 No. 2 Banjara Hyderabad Hills Director D E Shaw India Software Sanali Infopark, Private Limited Road 8-2-120/113 No. 2 Banjara Hyderabad Hills Associate Director D E Shaw India Software Sanali Infopark, Private Ltd Road 8-2-120/113 No. 2, Banjara Hyderabad Hills Chief Accounting Daimler OfficerIndia Commercial Unit 301Vehicles & 302, RMZ 3rd Millenia floor, Campus Business Chennai 3B,Park, 143, Dr. MGR Road, Perung DGM Daimler India Commercial Unit 301Vehicles & 302, RMZ 3rd Millennia Floor, Campus Chennai Business 3B, Park, 143, Dr. MGR Road, Perun Senior Vice President Datamatics Globals Knowledge Services Ltd Centre, Andheri St No. (E)17, Mumbai MIDC Director DBOI LTP mumbai MD DBOI VTP BLR VP DBOI VTP BLR Director DBOI LTP BLR Director DBOI VTP BLR Director DBOI VTP BLR Director DBOI VTP BLR VP DBOI VTP BLR MD DBOI Global services Logitech park Mumbai Director DBOI Global services Velankani tech park Bangalore Senior Consultanat Deloitte 7th floor , Building 10, Tower Gurgaon B, DLF City Complex, DLF City Phase-2 Senior ManagerDeloitte 7th floor , Building 10, Tower Gurgaon B, DLF City Complex, DLF City Phase-2 Sr.Program Officer Department of Human PO Box Resources, 1036 Thonsel Ministry Lam of Labour Thimphu & Human Resources ICT Officer Department of IT & PO Telecom, Box 482Ministry Thori of Lam Information Thimphu & Communications Executive Director Department of IT & PO Telecom, Box 482Ministry Thori of Lam Information Thimphu & Communications Director Department of IT & PO Telecom, Box 482Ministry Thori of Lam Information Thimphu & Communications Sr.ICT Officer Department of IT & PO Telecom, Box 482Ministry Thori of Lam Information Thimphu & Communications Key Account Manager DesiCrew Solutions Module Pvt LtdNo 13, IIT M Research Chennai Park, Kanagam Road, Taramani COO DesiCrew Solutions Module Pvt LtdNo 13, IIT M Research Chennai Park, Kanagam Road, Taramani President DigiCall Global PvtA-67 Ltd Sector - 63 Noida SBU Head Digital Nirvana PLOT NO. 8-2-351/1/11, ROAD NO. NAVODAYA 3, BANJARA HYDERABAD COLONY HILLS EVP DLF 10th Floor, Gateway DLF City Towers, Ph-3 Gurgaon Manager DLF 10th Floor, Gateway DLF City Towers, Ph-3 Gurgaon Sr. Manager DLF 10th Floor, Gateway DLF City Towers, Ph-3 Gurgaon Executive Vice President DLF Ltd Gateway Towers DLF City 3 Gurgaon Manager DLF Ltd Gateway Towers DLF City PhaseGurgaon 3 Senior ManagerDLF Ltd Gateway Towers DLF City 3 Gurgaon Associate DSP Merrill Lynch Mafatlal Ltd Centre, Nariman 11th floor PointMumbai , Nariman Point Senior Director DST Worldwide Services 5th Floor, Block Nanakramguda, B, Q City Hyderabad Gachibowli Country Head DST Worldwide Services 5th Floor, Block Nanakramguda, B, QCity, Hyderabad Gachibowli Business Manager Educ-Asia Ltd. 1st floor, 2 Woodberry Groove,North London Finchley First Secretary Embassy Of Belgium 50N SHANTIPATH,CHANAKYAPURI NEW DELHI Ambassador Embassy of Ireland 230 Jor Bagh New Delhi First Secretary Embassy of Japan New Delhi First Secretary Embassy of Poland 50 -M Gate 4 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri New Delhi COO Emirates NBD Bank PO Box 777 Baniyas Road Deira General Manager Emirates NBD Bank PO Box 777 Baniyas Road Deira

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms.

AMIT Mohit Alok Pranjal J Rahul Rabin Abhishek Amneet Kuldeep Rajat Rajesh Rishabh Sayan Baljinder

BADAMI Agarwal Srivastava Borah Gupta Ghosh Menon Singh Lulla Juneja Ranjan Gupta Chatterjee Singh

Founder & Director EMRG LTD 6 HILLCREST CLOSE EPSOM Associate Vice President Equirus Capital 1101 West Wing MG Raheja Road Towers Bangalore General Manager Era Landmarks LtdB-24, Sector 3 Noida Manager Era Landmarks LtdB-24, Sector 3 Noida Officer Era Landmarks LtdB-24, Sector 3 Noida DGM - Corporate Essar Communications Group Essar House, 11, K K Marg Mumbai Analyst Everest Group Vice President Everest Group Senior ResearchEverest AnalystGroup Senior ResearchEverest AnalystGroup Program Director Everest Group Senior ResearchEverest AnalystGroup Senior ResearchEverest AnalystGroup EXL

Unitech Business South Park City - 1 Gurgaon Tower A Unitech South Business City 1 Park Gurgaon Ground Floor - Unitech Tower ABusiness Gurgaon Park, South City 1 Unitech Business South Park City - 1 Gurgaon Unitech Business South Park City - 1 Gurgaon Ground Floor - Unitech Tower ABusiness Gurgaon Park, South City 1 Ground Floor - Unitech Tower ABusiness Gurgaon Park, South City 1 Floors 2 & 6 ILFS Financial Centre Mumbai Plot C 22 G Block Bandra Kurla Compl

Rohit Kapoor Shruti Jain Tariq Husain Manoj Marwah ANIL KANNAT Gopakumar G Pashupathi KS sandeep suri VLN Rao Ajay Jain Neeraj Sinha Nitin Seth Vikas Dhandhania Soeren Christensen Predrag Popovic Chandrasekhar Chintama Prajeeth Talapan Sreedhar Rao Puneet Mohan SMITA GAIKWAD Sanjeev Sinha Dexter Correa Dinesh Bhatia Sandeep Gill Jaydeep Goyal Sameer Dhanrajani Rajeshwari Aradhyula Rasesh Shah Saju James Archana Mittal Binjay Varghese Marshall Baptista Dilpreet Kalra

President and Chief EXL Service Executive Officer A 48, Sector 58 Noida Vice President EXL Service A 48, Sector 58 Noida COO Express KCS Pvt Ltd 342 Phase-IV Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Senior ManagerEY GVT , Sec 42 gurgaon Gurgaon Director FCI Technology Services P.B.No.1958,THYKOODAM LTD VYTILLA COCHIN Senior Business FCI Analyst Technology Services P.B.No.1958,Thykoodam Ltd Vyttilla Cochin Senior Director Fidelity Business services embassy India golfprivate links, ineer Ltd ring road bangalore Sr.Vice president-Country Fidelity Business Head -Services Business Embassy India Services Golfprvate Links, Koramangala Ltd Inner ringBangalore road Senior Director Fidelity Business Services embassy India golfPvt links koramangala, Ltd bangalore Executive Director FIL India Business Services Unitech World Pvt LtdCyber TowerPark, D Sector Gurgaon 39 Director FIL India Business Services Unitech World Pvt LtdCyber TowerPark, D Sector Gurgaon 39 Country Head FIL India Business Services Unitech World Pvt LtdCyber TowerPark, D Sector Gurgaon 39 Country Head Fincore India Pvt Ltd 29th Main, BTM 2nd Stage Bangalore Director Fincore Limited 28 Great Tower Street London Director Finsoft Limited 16-18 Hatton Garden London Senior ManagerFirst American India 1st Pvt & 2nd Ltd floors, The Orion V-Ascendas Block,Hyderabad IT Park, Plot # 17, Madhapur, Senior ManagerFirst American India 1st Pvt floor, Ltd Navigator ITPB,Building, Whitefield Bangalore Road General Manager First American India 1st Pvt floor, Ltd Navigator ITPB,Building, Whitefield Bangalore Road, Vice President First Source Solutions 6THLtd FLR, PENINSULA LOWER CHAMBERS, PARELMUMBAI Vice President First Source Solutions 6THLtd FLR, PENINSULA LOWER CHAMBERS, PARELMUMBAI Vice President Firstsource Solutions 6thLtd Flr, Peninsula Lower Chambers Parel Mumbai Vice President FIS Global Business 402 Solutions I Park, PlotPhase no.- 15 IV, Udgyog Gurgaon Vihar Vice President FIS Global Business 402 Solutions I Park, PlotPhase no.- 15 IV, Udgyog Gurgaon Vihar Country Manager FIS Global Business 402 Solutions I Park, PlotPhase no.- 15 IV, Udgyog Gurgaon Vihar Director Fiserv Tech Boulevard, Plot 3-5th No. Floors, 6, Sector NOIDA Tower 127, BGreater Noida Expressway Country Head FNF Business Process 46 & Outsourcing 47 Electronics Hosur Services City Road Pase India Bangalore 2 Private Ltd Account Director Fractal Analytics Ltd 7th Floor, Silver Western Metropolis Express Mumbai Highway, Goregaon East Vice President Fractal Analytics Ltd 7th Floor, Silver Western Metropolis Express Mumbai Highway, Goregaon East Managing Director Fragomen Immigration 38/2496 Services - A, Jewels, Gandhi Nagar Kadavanthara, Kochi Manager Fragomen Immigration G01, S. Services V. Towers, Pvt 6th Ltd #27, Block, 80Koramangala, Feet Bangalore Road, Team Leader Fragomen Immigration "A" Wing, Services Second Pvt Infopark, Ltd Floor, Athulya Kakkanad Kochi Complex, International Business Fun and Development Joy At Work Fun Manager and Joy At 1st Work, Floor, Beach Juhu Croft Mumbai TaraBldg, Road, Santacruz (W) Account Director Gartner India Research GESCO and Business Advisory Center, Services The Pvt Great New LtdDelhiEastern 110019 Center, 70, Nehru Place

Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms.

Vijay Singh Jyoti Sanjeev Subi Sanjiv Satish RAJA Antra amit Taran Jeet Dilbaghh Lokesh sonal Divas Patricia Udayan Sandeep Archana Karthikeyan Manu Rupa Sridhar

Thakor Singh Prasad Sethi Tandon Kumar LAHIRI Bhargava kataria Singh S.Dahhiya Dhruja chaturvedi Chawla Sridhar Guha Soni Dhakappa Shanmugam Jolly Banerjee K

Managing Director GEBBS HealthcareGEBB Solutions HOUSE, Pvt Ltd 13TH MIDC, STREET, ANDHERI CENTRAL MUMBAI EAST ROAD Senior Vice President Genpact DLF Phase V Sector 53 Gurgaon CIO Genpact DLF City, PhaseSector V 53 Gurgaon Vice President Genpact Sector Road Sector DLF Phase 53 V Gurgaon Vice President Genpact DLF PHASE V, SECTOR GURGAON Road PHASE , SECTOR GURGAON V 53 CEO GLOPORE IM Services No. Pvt 595, Ltd 3rd Floor, 15th Cross, Bangalore Outter Ring Road, J P Nagar, 1st Phase Partner Grant Thornton WINGS First Floor, Ulsoor 16/1, Cambridge Bengaluru Road Business Development Grant Thornton - Taxation Financial 24-26, City & Taxation Quay, Consultants Dublin Ltd. Director Hanu 226,Udyog vihar 1 gurgaon Director Hanu 226, Udyog Vihar Phase 1 Gurgaon Estate Officer Haryana State Industrial Vanijya &Nikunj Infrastructure Complex, Development Udyog Gurgaon Vihar,Corp Phasse-5 Ltd Manager Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Gurgaon Corp Ltd Associate Vice President HCL technologies NT IV-404, Eldeco Sector Utopia 93-A Noida Vice President HCL Technologies Ltd B-34/3, Sector 59 Noida Manager - Marketing HCL Technologies Communications Ltd 30, Ethiraj SalaiEgmore Chennai Vice President HCL Technologies Ltd 7th Floor, 68 King William Street London President Hero Management Building Service No. Ltd 10B, DLF 4th Cyber Floor City, Gurgaon Phase II Manager - Corporate HGS Communication Hinduja Global Hosur Solutions Road Ltd # Bangalore 614, Vajpayee Nagar Vice President - HGS Operations Hinduja Global Hosur Solutions Road Ltd # Bangalore 614, Vajpayee Nagar VP - BFS HGS Hinduja Global Hosur Solutions Road Ltd # Bangalore 614, Vajpayee Nagar AGM - Business HGS Development Hinduja Global Hosur Solutions Road Ltd # Bangalore 614, Vajpayee Nagar Executive Vice President HGS - Strategic Hinduja Initiatives Global Hosur Solutions Road Ltd # Bangalore 614, Vajpayee Nagar

Subhankar Ghosh Country Head Hinduja Global Solutions New Zealand House, 80 Haymarket, 13th floor London SW1Y Anup Goel Assistant Vice President HInduja Global Solutions HGSL House, Limited No.614, Bommanahalli, Vajpayee Bangalore Hosur Nagar,Road, Sanjay Sinha Executive Vice President HInduja Global Solutions HGSL House, Limited No.614, Bommanahalli, Vajpayee Bangalore Hosur Nagar,Road, Srivats Asur General Manager Hinduja Global Solutions HGSL House, Limited No.614, Bommanahalli, Vajpayee Bangalore Hosur Nagar,Road, Sajedah Shaida Vice President Hinduja Global Solutions HGS House, Ltd Vajpayee #614, Bommanahalli Nagar, Hosur Bangalore Road Srividya Srikumar Manager Hinduja Global Solutions HGS House, Ltd Vajpayee #614, Bommanahalli Nagar, Hosur Bangalore Road N Swaminathan Director - Operations Honeywell International Pace City India II, Sector Pvt Ltd36 Gurgaon Neeraj Dewan Director - Finance Honeywell International Pace City India II, Sector Pvt Ltd36 Gurgaon Sheetal David Senior ManagerHoneywell International Pace City India II, Sector Pvt Ltd- 36 Gurgaon Sudhir Banerjee General Manager Honeywell International Pace City India II, Sector Pvt Ltd36 Gurgaon Ashwin Kumar Director - Finance Honeywell Operations Technology 151/1 Solutions Doraisanipalya Pvt Bannerghatta Ltd Road Bangalore David MacBean Head of FinanceHSBC Operations Technology and Unitech Services Commercial Block Complex, B, Greenwood Gurgaon City, Sector 45, Natraj Kumar C General Manager HTC Global Services SDF India II, Phase Private II, Limited MEPZ, Tambaram Chennai Anuj Kumar IBM Global Process Services Pari Sadasivan IBM Global Process Services Roma Nawani Sachdev IBM Global Process Services Suresh Ramachandran IBM Global Process Services Vibha Gupta IBM Global Process Services Rohit Arun Katie Minakshi Naveen Tanaz Raheja Narayan Thurston Batra Raju Buhariwalla Aggarwal Country Head ICG Commerce Vice President - IDA IDA Ireland Ireland Vice President - IDA IDA Ireland Ireland India Director - IDA Ireland Vice President - IDA IDA Ireland Ireland Vice President - IDA IDA Ireland Ireland Hyderabad Hyderabad 501, Blue Wave, Behind Off. Oshiwara Kuber complex, Mumbai AndheriAndheri link Road, West, Wilton House, Wilton Place Dublin 501, Blue Wave, Behind Off. Oshiwara Kuber complex, Mumbai AndheriAndheri link Road, West, 501, Blue Wave, Behind Off. Oshiwara Kuber complex, Mumbai AndheriAndheri link Road, West, 501, Blue Wave, Behind Off. Oshiwara Kuber complex, Mumbai AndheriAndheri link Road, West,

Mr. Partap

Managing Director IDS Infotech Ltd C-138, Phase-VIII Industrial AreaMohali

Sanjiv Swati Mr. Mr. Shri. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Kapur Shrivastava

SVP & Global Head iGATE of BPO Patni Global BPO & CIS iGATE Marketing Patni

Plot No. 139-140 Noida & 142, Special E&F Economic Noida Zone 139, 140, A Block, Noida Noida Special Special Economic Noida Economic Zone zone

Arun Ranjeeven Asst. Manager Infoparks Thapasya, Kusumagiri,P.O. kakkanad Kochi Arun Rajeevan Assistant Manager Infoparks Kerala Park Office, ' Thapasya Kakkanad ', Kusumagiri Kochi P.O Gigo Joseph CEO Infoparks Kerala Park Office 'Thapasya', Kakkanad Kusumagiri KochiP.O Tohan Shrivastava Analyst Infosys BPO Electronic City Bangalore Anantha Radhakrishnan Vice President and Infosys HeadBPO - Business Limited Infosys Transformation BPO Ltd., Electronics 26/ Services, 3, 26/ City,Hosur Customer 4 Bangalore and 26/Road Services 6 and Technology Services Chethak B Lead- CorporateInfosys Planning, BPO Infosys Limited Infosys BPO BPO Ltd., Electronics 26/ 3, 26/ City,Hosur 4 Bangalore and 26/Road 6 Narayanan Sampath AVP & Head India Infosys Business, BPO Limited Infosys Infosys BPOBPO Ltd., Electronics 26/ 3, 26/ City,Hosur 4 Bangalore and 26/Road 6 Raghavendra K Vice President and Infosys HeadBPO Human Limited Resources Infosys BPO Development, Ltd., Electronics 26/ 3, 26/ Infosys City,Hosur 4 Bangalore and BPO 26/Road 6 Sarin Menoky Head- Global Public Infosys Relations, BPO Limited Infosys Infosys BPO BPO Ltd., Electronics 26/ 3, 26/ City,Hosur 4 Bangalore and 26/Road 6 Rajiv Rajiv Ritesh Vikas Malhotra Kaul Mittal Bhagat Vice President InterContinental Hotels 11th Floor, Group Building DLF Phase 10-C, DLF II Gurgaon Cyber City Business Development Invensys Manager Skelta # 1, Hailey Road Delhi Presales Manager Invensys Skelta # 1, Hailey Road Delhi Regional Sales Manager Invensys Skelta # 1, Hailey Road Delhi

Mr. CHALLAGULLA KESHAVARAMManager CHOUDHARY Strategic Invesco Sourcing (Hyderabad) DivyaSree Pvt Ltd Orion,14th Survey & # 66/1, 15th Floor, Hyderabad Raidurga,Serilingampally Block 6 - North Tower, Mandal, Rangar Mr. BARRY CLARKE Senior Vice President Invest Northern Ireland Invest Northern Ireland Mumbai Mumbai Office, British Deputy High Commission Ms. CHRISTINA D'COSTA Business Development Invest Northern ManagerIreland Invest Northern Ireland Mumbai Mumbai Office, British Deputy High Commission MRS. NEETU SHARDA Business Development Invest Northern & Operations Ireland Invest Executive Northern Ireland Mumbai Mumbai Office, British Deputy High Commission Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Manish Seth General Manager ITC Ltd A-335 Sarita Vihar New Delhi Chandra Sekhar Aitipamula Rao Managing Director J P Morgan Services 3rd India Floor, Pvt Technolois Ltd Chakala Knowledge Junction, Mumbai Mahakali Park Caves Road, Andheri (East) Vivion Scully Manager Jamaica Promotions 18Corporation Trafalgar Road (JAMPRO) Kingston 10 Ranbir Singh Managing Director JP Morgan Services 9th India flr B Pvt Wing Ltd Prism Mindspace, Towers Malad Mumbai West Viiveck Verma CEO Karvy Data Management Karvy House, Services 46, Ltd Avenue 4, Street Hyderabad No. 1, Banjara Hills HARSH VINAYAK Senior Vice President KEANE 6th Floor, Unitech Sector-43 Trade Centre, Gurgaon Sushant Lok-I NEERAJ BAHL Senior Director KEANE 6th Floor, Unitech Sector-43 Trade Center, Gurgaon Sushant Lok-I Mahesh Venkateswaran CEO KGVK Rural Enterprises P S Srijan Limited Tech DN-52, Park, 4th Sector FloorK 5olkata KANNAN SAMPATH Manager KLA-Tencor Software 286/1 India & 286/2, Pvt Ltd PRINCE OLD MAHABALIPURAM INFOCITY, CHENNAI KANDANCHAVADY ROAD, Jitender Jain CEO Kochar Infotech Pvt Nidhi Ltd 2 Lawrence 311 road Green Amritsar(143001)Punjab Avenue Amritsar opp District shopping complex Satyan Mittal Vice President Kochar Infotech Pvt Nidhi Ltd 2 Lawrence 311 road Green Avenue Amritsar opp. district shopping complex Abhishek Sharma Manager KPMG Building 10C, Cybercity, DLF Gurgaon Aditya Shangloo Associate Manager KPMG Building 10C, DLF Cybercity Gurgaon Amit Gupta Manager KPMG Building 10C, Cybercity, DLF Gurgaon Deepjyot Bindra Senior Business KPMG Consultant Building 10C, DLF Cybercity Gurgaon Duncan Mackay Director KPMG Building 10C, Cybercity, DLF Gurgaon Manoj Rajawat Manager KPMG Building 10C, Cybercity, DLF Gurgaon Narhari Sandhu Senior Business KPMG Analyst Building 10C, DLF Cybercity Gurgaon Shashank Shetty Consultant KPMG Lodha Excelus, NM Apollo Joshi Mills Marg, Compound, Mumbai Mahalaxmi Shireen Khan Consultant KPMG Lodha Exelus, 1st NM Floor, JoshiApollo Marg, Mumbai Mills Mahalaxmi Compound, Pramod Kathuria Executive Vice President Lodha Group Lodha Excelus, N Lodha M Joshi Pavilion, Marg, Mumbai Apollo Mahalaxmi Mills Compound Rajesh Bhatt Associate Vice President Lodha Group Lodha Excelus, N Lodha M Joshi Pavilion, Marg, Mumbai Apollo Mahalaxmi Mills Compound Vinay Kankaria General Manager Lodha Group Lodha Excelus, N Lodha M Joshi Pavilion, Marg, Mumbai Apollo Mahalaxmi Mills Compund Saikiran Vedula Territory Manager London & Partners DBS House, Prescott Road, Fort Mumbai LM Singh CEO Lotus Capital Level 4, Rectangle Commercial 1 Complex, New Delhi D4 Saket HIMANSHU CHHABRA Senior Key Relationship Magus Customer Manager Dialog E-16 MOHAN Pvt Ltd COOP MATHUR INDUSTRIAL ROAD NEW ESTATE DELHI MERAJ ALI CHOUDHARY SENIOR MANAGER Mahindra World City 411, Jaipur NEELKANTH Ltd BHAWANI TOWERS SINGH JAIPUR MARG, C-SCHEME Raj Manager Mahindra World City Mahindra Jaipur Ltd Towers, worli Mumbai

Mr. Ritu

Mr. VAIBHAV Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr.



Yagya Dixit Regional Manager Mahindra World City 411, Jaipur Neelkanth Ltd Bhawani Towers SinghJaipur Marg, C- Scheme Bimaljeet Singh Bhasin General Manager Manipal UniversalManipal LearningTowers, Pvt. Ltd. Near OldLeela Airport Palace, Road, Bangalore Dushyanth Yellamareddy Manipal UniversalManipal LearningTowers, Pvt. Ltd. Near OldLeela Airport Palace, Road, Bangalore Ranganath Tannir Regional Manager Manipal UniversalManipal LearningTowers, Pvt. Ltd. Near OldLeela Airport Palace, Road, Bangalore Atul Arora Manager Mashreq Bank PO 1250 Dubai Carlos Rodriguez PhD Student McGill University 3105 Van Horne. Apt. 9 Montreal Hiren Chheda McKinsey & Company Express Towers, 21st floor, Nariman Mumbai Point Mehul Mathur McKinsey & Company 9th floor, DLF City, Phase-1 Gurgaon Sharon Fernandez National Manager MeritTrac 125/1-18, G K Arcade, 1st floor, Banagalore T Mariappa Road, 1st Block, Jayanagar Somdev Chaudhuri National Manager MeritTrac 125/1-18, G K Arcade, 1st floor, Banagalore T Mariappa Road, 1st Block, Jayanagar Manpreet Singh Director Metlife Building 1 Plot no 20 & 21 Noida , Sector 135 Manu Gautam Director Metlife Building 1 Plot no 20 & 21 Noida , Sector 135 Rachna Singhal Director Metlife Building 1 Plot no 20 & 21 Noida , Sector 135 Sameer Rekhi Director Metlife Infospace SEZ, Building Plot no 20 1 & 21, Noida Sector 135 Shatabdi Chakravarty Manager Metlife Building 1 Plot no 20 & 21 Noida , Sector 135 Satya SwarupMishra Director Metlife Plot no 20 & 21Sector 135 Noida Jayant Arora CFO Metlife Global Operations Plot # 20Support & 21, Sector Building Center - 135 1 Pvt. Limited Noida Kush Kamra Managing Director Metlife GOSC Pvt Ltd Building 1 Infospace Plot no SEZ 20 andNoida 21 Sector 135 Nayan Mistry Associate General Microland Manager Microland Mumbai Nutan Toppo Manager-Sales Microland Microland Mumbai Kshtiij Jain Co-Founder & Director MindSpace Outsourcing 268, 1stDervices Floor , GuruNanakPura Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur , Raja Park Dasho Kinley Dorji Secretary Ministry of Information PO Box & 1662/735 Communications Thori Lam Thimphu Sr.Planning Officer Ministry of Information PO Box & 278 Communications Thori Lam Minister Ministry of Information PO Box & 278 Communications Thori Lam Personal Secretary Ministry to the of Hon'ble Information PO Minister Box & 278 Communications Thori Lam Thimphu Thimphu Thimphu

Mrs. Dorji Wangmo Mr. Lyonpo Nandalal Rai Mr. Sangay Phuntsho Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Jonathan Malagon Anirban Sarkar Viresh Oberoi Frank Rodrigues Surekha Shenoy Gopalakrishna Parimi Neeraj Koli Prashant Sahai Ravish Kapoor Srinivasan Manoharan Varun Ghai Vatsal Raj Sri Harsha KIrti Seth Manish Srivastav Rangarajan Narayanan Nityanand Bhangale David Marlborough Aditya Shetty Nirupama Shukla Ravish Swarup

Advisor Ministry of ITC Edificio Murillo Toro, Bogota AGM Mjunction services mjunction ltd services ltd. , tower Saltlake 1 , 3rd floor, City godrej waterside, plot no. 5 Managing Director Mjunction services tower ltd 1 , 3rd floor, godrej waterside, saltlake plot city no. 5, block DP, Sector 5 Director Moody's One Canada Square Canary Wharf London Vice President Morgan Stanley Advantage Bldg. 5, Sector Services 30, Goregaon Ltd Mindspace (W) Mumbai Regional Sales Manager Newgen Software Block Technologies 1, 3rd Floor, Limited Begumpet White House Hyderabad Account Manager Newgen Software A-6,Satsang Technologies Vihar Limited D-152 Marg,Qutab Okhla Phase New Institutional 1 Delhi New delhi Area New Delhi -110 067 IN Business Head -North Newgen & East Software A-6,Satsang Technologies Vihar Limited Marg,Qutab New Institutional Delhi Area New Delhi -110 067 IN Sr. Key. AccountNewgen Manager Software A-6,Satsang Technologies Vihar Limited Marg,Qutab New Institutional Delhi Area New Delhi -110 067 IN Sr. Key Account Newgen Manager Software Quanta Technologies Zen, 38, Limited Off Dr. South Thomas Boag 2nd Chennai Road, Street, T Nagar Newgen Software A-6,Satsang Technologies Vihar Limited Marg,Qutab New Institutional Delhi Area New Delhi -110 067 IN Account Manager Newgen Software E-44/13, Technologies Okhla Limited Phase 2 New Delhi Newgen Software A-6,Satsang Technologies Vihar Limited Marg,Qutab New Institutional Delhi Area New Delhi -110 067 IN SBU Head NIIT 85, Sector 32, Institutional Area Gurgaon Head NIIT 85, Sector 32 Institutional Area Gurgaon Managing Director Nomura Services India Nomura, Pvt Ltd Hiranandani Powai Business Mumbai Park Executive Director Nomura Services India Kensington, Pvt Ltd Hiranandani Powai Business Mumbai Park CEO Northern Trust Campus 1C, Ecospace Sarjapur Business OuterBangalore Ring Park, road st Assistant Manager NSDL Database Management Times Tower, Limited 1Senapati Floor, Kamala Bapat Mumbai Marg, Mills Compound Lower Parel st Senior ManagerNSDL Database Management Times Tower, Limited 1Senapati Floor, Kamala Bapat Mumbai Marg, Mills Compound Lower Parel Senior Vice President Oberoi Contact Centre EIH LIMITED, 7 SHAM NATH MARG DELHI

Nanditha Mr. Ravi Mr Sunil Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Nath Consultanat Venkatesam CEO Kumar Head Sales

Ontrac OnTrac OnTrac

43/23, 2nd Cross Promenade Bangalore Road, Frazer Town 43/23, 2nd Cross Promenade Road, Bangalore Frazer Town 43/23, 2nd Cross Frazer Promenade Town Bangalore Road

ANUJA SEHGAL Assistant Vice President ORACLE (OFSS) BPO DLF Services INFINITY Ltd TOWER 3rd FLOOR A DLF GURGAON CYBER CITY PHASE II Ashima Maini Head ORACLE (OFSS) BPO DLF Services INFINITY Ltd TOWER 3rd FLOOR A DLF GURGAON CYBER CITY PHASE II JANAK RAJ MADAN Assistant Vice President ORACLE (OFSS) BPO DLF Services INFINITY Ltd TOWER 3rd FLOOR A DLF GURGAON CYBER CITY PHASE II MANJEET SINGH Assistant Vice President ORACLE (OFSS) BPO DLF Services INFINITY Ltd TOWER 3rd FLOOR A DLF GURGAON CYBER CITY PHASE II NARENDER KUMAR SHARMA Vice President ORACLE (OFSS) BPO INFINITY Services TOWER Ltd 3rd A FLOOR DLF GURGAON CYBER CITY PHASE II NARESH KUMAR Vice President ORACLE (OFSS) BPO DLF Services INFINITY Ltd TOWER 3rd FLOOR A DLF GURGAON CYBER CITY PHASE II RAHUL VIJ Assistant Vice President ORACLE (OFSS) BPO DLF Services INFINITY Ltd TOWER 3rd FLOOR A DLF GURGAON CYBER CITY PHASE II G MUTHUKRISHNAN Vice President ORACLE Financial Services ORACLE Software PARK, OFF GOREGAON Ltd WESTERN (EAST) MUMBAI EXPRESS HIGHWAY Prashant Banerjee Manager Pearson Talent Assessment #20 Alpha Centre Koramangala Inner Bangalore Ring Road Shashir Shetty Regional Manager Pearson SouthTalent Assessment Alpha Centre #20 Koramangala Bangalore Inner Ring Road Varun Mathur Senior Business Pearson Manager Talent Assessment C-25 4th Floor Stellar Sellar Edge IT Park Sector Noida - 62 Mayur Jain Account Manager Persistent Systems 402 Limited Senapati Bapat Road Pune Sidharth Sujir Senior General Manager Persistent Systems 402 Limited Senapati Bapat Road Pune

Ms. Rashmi Tambe Senior Product Manager Persistent Systems Persistent Ltd Systems Ltd Hyderabad Mr. Amit Gupta Research Manager Pipal Research (CRISIL Plot GRA) No. 23, Sector Maruti 19 Industrial Gurgaon Area, HSIIDC Mr. Gaurav Dua Associate Director Pipal Research (CRISIL Plot GRA) No. 23, Sector Maruti 20 Industrial Gurgaon Area, HSIIDC Ms Priya Khemka Research Manager Pipal Research (CRISIL Plot GRA) No. 23, Sector Maruti 18 Industrial Gurgaon Area, HSIIDC Ms. Kanika Khilnani Business Analyst Pitney Bowes Logix Cyber Park, Tower B, 5th Noida floor C28 & 29, Sector 62 Mr. Jai Pankaj Manager Procter and Gamble P&G Plaza, Chakala, Andheri (E) Mumbai Mr. Kshitij Mulay Manager Procter and Gamble P&G Plaza, Cardinal Chakala, Gracias Andheri Rd. Mumbai (E) Mr. R Shankar Reddy Director Raakar Soft Solutions 1041/12, Pvt. Ltd. 1st Main, Dr. Rajkumar Bangalore Road, Rajajinagar 4th Block, above Sta Mr. Rakesh Nanda Proprietor Rakesh Nanda & Co. R-271, Greater Kailash-1 New Delhi Mr. Clinton Somasundaram Senior ManagerRamco Systems Ltd 64 Sardar PatelTaramani Road Chennai Mr. Viswanathan K Arunachalam Head Ramco Systems Ltd 64 Sardar PatelTaramani Road Chennai Mrs. VIJAYALAKSHMI KARTHIKEYANSenior Vice President RBS Business Services 307 Pvt 309Ltd RAHEJA 177 TOWERS, ANNA SALAI CHENNAI Capt. Venkat Kumar Senior Vice President Reliance BPO Pvt Ltd 7th Floor Tower Plot B India No.14 Land 3rdTech Chennai Main Park Road Ambattur Indl Estate Mr. Maninder Grewal Managing Director Religare Technologies GYS Ltd. Universal, A-3/4/5, SectorNoida 125 Mr. Benny Mathew Head RM Education Solutions B-5,Gayathri (I) Pvt Ltd Building Technopark Campus Trivandrum Mr. rajan thaokar Managing Director RnR Datalex Pvt Ltd 20, Corporatation North Colony, Ambazari Nagpur Road Mr. Kiran Sundara Raman Senior ManagerRobert Bosch Engineering 123, Industrial and Business Layout Hosur, Solution Kormangala Bangalore Limited Mr. Rinzin Namgay Dorji Program Manager Royal University of PO Bhutan Box 708 Lower Motithang Thimphu Mr. Krishnan Sethu CFO Salient Business Solutions IInd Floor, Ltd Vipul Sector Plaza,-54, Suncity, Gurgaon Gurgaon Mr. Rupesh Marwaha Assistant Vice President Salient Business Solutions IInd Floor, Ltd Vipul Sector Plaza,-54, Suncity, Gurgaon Gurgaon Mr. Sachin Malhotra Assistant Vice President Salient Business Solutions IInd Floor, Ltd Vipul Sector Plaza,-54, Suncity, Gurgaon Gurgaon Ms. Cherise Mascarenhas Business Development Scottish Executive Development British International Deputy High Bandra Commission, Kurla Complex, Mumbai Naman Bandra Chambers, East C32 G Block Mr. Jim Mason International Senior Scottish Executive Development British International Deputy High Bandra Commission, Kurla Complex, Mumbai Naman Bandra Chambers, East C32 G Block Mr. Mark Dolan Country ManagerScottish India Development British International Deputy High Bandra Commission, Kurla Complex, Mumbai Naman Bandra Chambers, East C32 G Block Ms. Misha Bajaj PR and Events Manager Scottish Development British International Deputy High Bandra Commission, Kurla Complex, Mumbai Naman Bandra Chambers, East C32 G Block Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. HK Gaurav Rajeev Vikram Emma Hari Arora Sheoran Shete Dhamija Beaumont Pakkam Freelancer Self Employed F-011, Richmond DLF Park Phase - IV Gurgaon Account Director Shapoorji Pallonji & SPCo Centre Colaba Same as aboveMumbai Vice President Shapoorji Pallonji & SPCo Centre Colaba Same as aboveMumbai Account Director Shapoorji Pallonji & SPCo Centre Colaba same as aboveMumbai Global Head of Events Shared Services and Anchor Outsourcing House, Networks 15-19 Britten Street, London Senior Business Shell Analyst India Markets RMZ Pvt Millenia Ltd Business Park 4A Chennai

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr.

Karthikeyan Selvaraj Senior ManagerShell India Markets RMZ Pvt Millenia Ltd Business Park, 4A Chennai Sundeep Bedi General Manager Shell India Markets RMZ Pvt Millenia Ltd Business Perungudi Park, 4B Chennai Alok Datta COO SLK Global BPO Services 144/145, PvtCommer Ltd Samrat Zone, Ashok Building Path, Pune No. Yerwada, 2, Gopal Amin CEO SLK Global BPO Services 144/145, PvtCommer Ltd Samrat Zone, Ashok Building Path, Pune No. Yerwada, 2, Ramachandran Ariyur Senior Vice President SLK Global BPO Services 144/145, PvtCommerce Ltd Samrat Zone, Ashok Building Path, Pune Yerwada, No. 2, Bharathan RamabhadranSenior Vice President Societe Generale Global 6th Floor, Solution "Inventor ITPL, Centre Whitefield Building" Pvt LtdBangalore Road Srinivasan US Director Societe Generale Global 6th Floor, Solution "Inventor ITPL, Centre Whitefield Building" Pvt LtdBangalore Road Xavier Lofficial Director Societe Generale Global 6th Floor, Solution "Inventor ITPL, Centre Whitefield Building" Pvt LtdBangalore Road Achal Khanna COO Society of Human 605 Resource Global Management Business Park B Wing Gurgaon Preeti Singh Vice President Society of Human 605 Resource Global Management Business Park B wing Gurgaon Abhishek Pandey Senior ManagerSpireworld 5 D, 5th Floor, M6 District Uppals Center, Plaza New Jasola Delhi Khair Ull Nissa General Manager Spireworld 5 D, 5th Floor, M6 District Uppals Center, Plaza New Jasola Delhi Rajesh Sukhwani Business Head Spireworld 5 D, 5th Floor, M6 District Uppals Center, Plaza New Jasola Delhi Raman Sinha Director Spireworld 5 D, 5th Floor, M6 District Uppals Center, Plaza New Jasola Delhi Guruprasad VS Sharma Ramakrishna Singh Director State GovernmentLevel of Victoria, 1, 'Pride Australia Elite' 10, Museum road, Bangalore Vice President State Street SyntelB-101-104, Services Pvt 1st Ltd Hiranandani floor, Delphi Estate, Mumbai Building, Powai Senior Vice Precident Steria B-39, Sector-1 Noida Director Steria B-39 Sector 1 NOIDA Vice President Steria B-39 Sector 1 NOIDA C-2, Sector-1 B-39 Sector 1 Noida NOIDA

Mr. NIk Mr. Raj Ms. Reena Mr. Sachdev H.E. Mr. Subir Mr. Suharsh Ms. Varsha Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr.

DevBurman Sr.Vice President Steria Singh Sr Vice President Steria

Anupam Moitra Senior ManagerSun Life Financial India 11th Floor, Service Unitech Centre Tower-C, Cyber Sector--39 Park Gurgaon Ajitpal Singh Associate Director Sun Life FinancialsUni-Tech World, Tower Cyber A, Park, Sector Gurgaon 39 Ravi Deshmukh Director SunGard EON, Kharadi MIDC Knowledge Pune Park Chhaya Chadha-DSouza Senior ManagerSunGard Global Technology Westend Center Sector-II, One, Aundh Pune Kannan Sugantharaman Director Sutherland Global 383, Services Velachery VijayanagaramChennai - Tambaram Main Road Manesh Balasubramaniam Director Sutherland Global 383, Services VelacheryVijayanagaramChennai Tambaram Main Road Puneet Dixit VP Strategic Projects Sutherland Global 383, Services Velachery VijayanagaramChennai - Tambaram Main Road Rajneesh Tiwary VP Head IndiaSutherland OperationsGlobal 383, Services Velachery VijayanagaramChennai - Tambaram Main Road Shree Kumar Assistant Vice President Sutherland Global 383, Services Velachery VijayanagaramChennai - Tambaram Main Road Priya Roy Manager SVB India AdvisorsNo302,3rd Pvt Ltd Floor,Brunton Prestige Loka Road Bangalore Srikala Gudur Associate Vice President TATA Business Support 1-8-371, Services GOWRA Ltd CHIRAN TRINITY FORT LANE, HYDERABAD BEGUMPET Vrushali Kulkarni Vice President TATA Business Support 1-8-371, Services GOWRA Ltd CHIRAN TRINITY FORT LANE, HYDERABAD BEGUMPET Anand Jethalia Jethalia Product Manager Tata Communications No.18,19 Limited & 20,KIADB, EPIP, Whitefield Bangalore Ankush Gangwani Gangwani Senior ManagerTata Communications VSB Limited Bangla Sahib New Road Delhi Delhi Devender Kumar Kumar Product Manager Tata Communications Wireless Limited Transmitting Station Opp Savitri New Delhi Dheeraj Kaul Manager Tata Communications VSB Limited Bangla Sahib New Road Delhi New Delhi Krishan Ghei Senior ManagerTata Communications VSB Limited Bangla Sahib New Road Delhi New Delhi Manish Kakkar General Manager Tata Communications VSB Limited Bangla Sahib New Road Delhi New Delhi Ravi Gautam Manager Tata Communications VSB Limited Bangla Sahib New Road Delhi New Delhi Vishal Soni General Manager Tata Communications VSB Limited Bangla Sahib New Road Delhi New Delhi Abhishek Kushwaha Presales & Solutions Tata Consultancy Leader Services Plant #12, Godrej LBS & Marg, Boyce Vikhroli(W) Complex Mumbai Amit Kohli Business Group Tata Leader Consultancy Services 154-B Block-A Sector 63 Distt.Noida Gautam Budh Nagar Harsha Ramanchandra Manager Tata Consultancy Services TCS House Raveline Street Fort Mumbai Shyam Kerkar CMO Tata Consultancy Services Plant #12, Godrej LBS & Marg, Boyce Vikhroli(W) Complex Mumbai MERVIN ALEXANDER CEO Technopark PARK CENTRE TECHNOPARK CAMPUS TRIVANDRUM VASUDEVAN MADATHIL Senior ManagerTechnopark PARK CENTRE TECHNOPARK CAMPUS TRIVANDRUM

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms.

Anand Krishnan Executive Vice President Teleperformance 398 Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Samir Gupta Vice President Teleperformance 398 Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Sanjay Mehta Managing Director Teleperformance 398 Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Hemant Pawar Senior Accounting The Officer World Bank No11, Taramani Taramani, main road, Chennai : Sundararaman S. Puducode Senior Accounting The Officer World Bank No11, Taramani Taramani, main road, Chennai Sunil Kumar Division Manager The World Bank No11, Taramani Taramani, main road, Chennai : BN ChandrakanthFounder & Managing Theorem Director India Pvt23/4 Ltd D. Rajagopala Sanjaynagar Road Main Bangalore Road Ritesh Wadhwa KPO OperationsThoughtFocus Head Technologies 2775 Villa Creek Drive Farmers Branch Gaurav Kumar TPI Advisory Services Prestige India Garnet, Private 25, Limited 36 M.G. Ulsoor RoadBangalore Road Nisheeth Varma TPI Advisory Services 4thIndia Floor, Private Shankaranarayana 25, Limited M.G Road Bangalore Building Gary Handa Client Partner Transcom 300 Hyde End Road Spencers Wood Reading NT Arunkumar Managing Director UBS Level 6, Plot nos Financial 24-26, District, Hyderabad Gachibowli Samit Singh COO UBS Level 6, Plot nos Financial 24-26, District, Hyderabad Gachibowli Snigdha Nair Manager Ugam Solutions Prism Tower, B-Wing, Goregaon(W), 6th floor, Mumbai Mansi Dhamija Commercial Marketing Unitech Limited Signature Towers Level - 1, South Gurgaon City 1 Rachit Bakshi Manager - Commercial UnitechMarketing Limited Signature Towers Level - 1, South Gurgaon City 1 Vineet Mathur Head - Commercial Unitech Marketing Limited Signature Towers Level - 1, South Gurgaon City 1 Vipin Malik Additional General Unitech Manager Limited - Commercial Signature Marketing Towers Level - 1, South Gurgaon City 1

Anurag Khosla Senior Director UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group 12th & Information 14th Floor, Gurgaon Services Tower B, Pvt. Unitech Ltd. Cyber Park,Sector-3 Lokesh Prasad Senior Director UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group 12th & Information 14th Floor, Gurgaon Services Tower B, Pvt. Unitech Ltd. Cyber Park,Sector-3 Rajat Bansal Senior Director UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group 12th & Information 14th Floor, Gurgaon Services Tower B, Pvt. Unitech Ltd. Cyber Park, Sector-3 Ramaswamy Iyer Senior Director UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group 12th & Information 14th Floor, Gurgaon Services Tower B, Pvt. Unitech Ltd. Cyber Park, Sector-3 Sandeep Khurana Director UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group Unitech Information Cyber Gurgaon Park, Services Tower Pvt C, 12th Ltd and 14th Floor, Secto krishnan kuppuswamy chief operating officer vee technologies sona towers,71miller road bangalore Narinder Singh Mahil Chairman Virtual Employee Pvt A-39 Ltd Sec-4 Noida Salil Pandey vMock 424 W Melrose St Chicago Amit prasad Head- Business Development Vodafone India Services Vodafone Pvt Ltd House, Corporate Road, Ahmedabad prahlladnagar, off. S.G. Highway Amit Kochhar Head Vodafone India Services Vodafone Pvt Ltd House, Corporate Ground Road, Floor Ahmedabad Prahladnagar Amit Trivedi Head Vodafone India Services Vodafone Pvt Ltd House, Corporate Ground Road, Floor Ahmedabad Prahladnagar Bobby Abraham Director Vodafone India Services 2nd Floor, Pvt Ltd Wing-3, EONCluster Free Zone, D, Pune Kharadi Knowledge Park, MIDC Kharadi, Vikram Riar Head Vodafone India Services Vodafone Pvt Ltd House, Corporate Ground Road, Floor Ahmedabad Prahladnagar Aveek Mukherjee Managing Director Wells Fargo India Solutions Maximus Pvt Towers Ltd Madhapur 2A, Mindspace Hyderabad Girish RamachandraDirector Wipfli LLP 43/1, 2nd Main, Jayanagar 40th Cross 8th Bangalore Block Manish Dugar Wipro BPO Bangalore Dheeraj Ashiwal Manager Wipro Limited Sumit Joshi Manager Wipro Ltd. Nikhil Zaveri Associate Consultant Wipro Technologies Wipro Limited, Doddakannelli, Bangalore Sarjapur Road Subramanian Sankaran Senior Vice President WNS Global Service 6th (P) Floor, Ltd Infinity Cyber Tower, City DLFGurgaon Phase II Aarti Patil Senior ManagerWNS Global Services Plant 10 Godrej Vikhroli and Boyce West Complex Mumbai Akhilesh Ayer Senior Vice President WNS Global Services Plant 10 Godrej Vikhroli and Boyce West Complex Mumbai Archana Raghuram Vice President WNS Global Services Plant 10 Godrej Vikhroli and Boyce West Complex Mumbai Gaurav Singh Assistant Manager-Public WNS Global Relations Services 6th & Floor, Corporate Infinity Social Tower, Responsibility DLF Gurgaon Cyber City, Phase II, Shainon Vyas Assistant Manager-Public WNS Global Relations Services Plant & Corporate No. 10, Gate Social Pirojshanagar, No. Responsibility 4, Godrej Mumbai LBS &Marg, Boyce Vikhroli Complex (West), Sudhanshu Patni Manager-PublicWNS Relations Global & Services Corporate Plant Social No. 10, Responsibility Gate Pirojshanagar, No. 4, Godrej Mumbai LBS &Marg, Boyce Vikhroli Complex (West), Sumi Gupta Global Head- Public WNS Relations Global Services & Corporate Plant No.Social 10, Gate Pirojshanagar, Responsibility No. 4, Godrej Mumbai LBS &Marg, Boyce Vikhroli Complex (West), Nargolwala Narang Vice President WNS Global Services 6thPvt floor Ltd Infinity DLF Towers, Phase Cyber II Gurgaon City COO World BPO, ITO Forum 605, Sun City Business Sector 54 Tower, Golf Gurgaon Course Rd,

Mr. Adil Mr. Anish

Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr

Babu Lal Jain Srikrishna M Philippe Lutgen Pallavi Parmar Jaswinder Ghumman Animesh Khan Shailendra Singh Viswanathan KS

Co-Founder & President World BPO, ITO Forum 605, Sun City Business Sector 54 Tower, Golf Gurgaon Course Rd, CFO Xchanging Xchanging Tower SJR iPark, EPIPBangalore Area, Whitefield Country Manager XL India Business Services 5TH FLOOR, Pvt Ltd TOWER B, BUILDING GURGAON NO. 8, DLF CYBER CITY, Senior ManagerYahoo Software Development 1st - 6th floor,Bagmane Pvt Ltd Tech Park,Tridib,block Bangalore A,Cv Raman Nagar Country Manager Zenta Fairmont, High Street, Hiranandani Mumbai Business Park, Powai Manager Zinnov Management 11,Consulting 1st Floor, Paras Pvt Golf Ltd Downtown Course Road, Gurgaon Center Sector 53 Consultant C2, Surya Nest 15th Crosss, Malleswaram Bangalore

Postal Code 201101 560076 400 072 695581 400031 400031 500082 500082 500082 400034 400034 400034 400034 560066 201301 560066 600113 600113 75204 75204 75204 75204 122002 122002 122009 122009 122001 122001 122001 122001 560 045 560005 400051 122002 122002 122002 500096 110065 110017 400072 122002 400055 400051 400071 560 025

State UP Karnataka Maharashtra Kerala Maharashtra Maharshatra Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Karnataka UP Karnataka TAMILNADU TAMILNADU Texas Texas Texas Texas Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana HARYANA Karnataka Karnataka Maharashtra Haryana Haryana Andhra Pradesh Delhi Delhi Maharashtra

Country India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India United States United States United States India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

Phone 0120-4764499 +91 80 41387572 91 22 3932 7013 91 471 2335550 91 22 61467900 91 22 61467900 66379013 67573407 67573336 91 99301 32016 22-66601100 91 9930132078 91 99301 32035 +91 80 41190123 120 4524300 +91 80 4119011 91-44-30680417 -30680394 214-696-6410 214-696-6410 214-696-6410 214-696-6410 0124- 3311708 0124-4676400 0124 4661587 0124 4662973 1246639824 0124-6639739 9.2E+11 9811444606 +91 80 395 29070 9886498201 9833751530 1244155662 1244156045 0124 4155585 9.1404E+11 011 26476211 011-4051 4207 91 22 28576441 9560323366 2233854314 22-66480988 2225281195 +91 80 4183 4444


91 471 2700967 91 22 24231549 91 22 24231549


91-44-30680430 -30680383 214-602-6545 214-602-6545 214-602-6545 214-602-6545

0124 466120 0124 466120 1242381355 1242381355 N/A

91.124.4055915 91.124.4055915 011 26476654 011-4051 4052

Maharashtra Maharashtra Karnataka

22-66480040 2224360812 +91 80 4183 4101

411001 263158 121009 560013 560042 560013 2

Uttarakhand Haryana Karnataka Karnataka Dublin UP UP Haryana

India India India India India India Ireland India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Singapore India India India India India India India India United Kingdom India India India India India India India India

91-20-66079928 9811098654 91 129 4174799 9008864866 +91.80.6600.6230 -196680 353 1 6044130 0120 4584000 0120 4584000 0124-3073001 +230 2033800 11-24192100 +91 40 6627 8300 011 66566667 011 66566667 +91 22 2778 3300 +91 22 2778 3300 +91 22 2778 3300 124-4777200 9820324334 20-40190100 22-40690100 22-40690100 9167205355 9632399227 9820243183 9899989244 9008031288

122016 110021 500082 110001 110001 400 710 400 710 400 710 1220016 400079 411001 400051 400051

1243073030 11-26870062

Andhra Pradesh New Delhi New Delhi Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Haryana Maharashtra

124-4234110 2026055405 22-26527655 22-26527655

400051 68912 560001 400051 400051 110001 560103 560001 560103 600045 E14 9GE 500032 600045 560068 122002 122002 122002 122002 122015

Maharashtra Singapore Karnataka Maharashtra Maharashtra Delhi Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Tamilnadu Andhra Pradesh Tamilnadu Karnataka Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Gurgaon

9551091919 4.47766E+11 -44516100 -45656369 66183300 0124-4713201 0124-4713201 0124-4713201 0124-4713201 +91 124 460 5486

-52096013 -30921013


400 076 400 076 400 076 600 017 500 034 500 034 500034 600096 600096

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Tamilnadu Tamilnadu

122002 122002


201301 500034 122002 122002 122002 122002 122002 122002 400021 500032 500032 N12ODR 110003 110021 110021 777

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Bangalore India India India India Haryana India Haryana India Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan N/A Bhutan Bhutan India India Uttar Pradesh India ANDHRA PRADESH India Haryana India Haryana India Haryana India Haryana Haryana Haryana Maharashtra AP AP

+91 22 4040 2905 + 91 22 3342 3100 +91 22 4040 2922 + 91 44 4350 7120 +91 40 66390000 +91 40 66390000 040-66289245 44-4591-0501 044-4592-6143 9.12261E+11 9820717177 9819800876 9916155355 9987499444 7204068160 9620200200 9845611222 9620093334 -7539227430 9845076870 124-6792000 124-6792000 975 2 334397 975 2 323215(156) 975 2 337065 975 2 322925 975 2 336421 9444424440 9500060123 0120-6726271 4066102777 91 124 4057417 91 124 4568942 91 124 4568955

91-22-3342 3810 + 91 22 3342 3810 91-22-3342 3810 91-44-4226 3001

44-4285-3620 044-4285-3620

124-6792012 124-6792012 975 2 324846 975 2 328440 975 2 337973 975 2 328440 975 2 328440

4066736365 91 124 4057414 91 124 4057414 91 124 4057414

Delhi New Delhi Delhi Dubai Dubai

India 0124-4057424 India 0124-4568900 India 0124-4568900 India 2266328663 2222882571 India 40 66125000 India 4066125555 UK India 1142428100 India 91 11 2462 6733 India India (+91 11) 4149 6959 (+91 11) 2688 9215 United Arab Emirates 97143878037 United Arab Emirates 97143878037

KT18 5JY 560001 201301 201301 201301 400034 122001 122001

Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Haryana Haryana

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India United Kingdom United Kingdom India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

44 776 019 8360 9740439944 0120 4037000 0120 4037000 0120 4037000 91 9930136268 -1543 1244961000 9899311342 -1557 -1542 9999939556 9810607138 0120 2445900 0120 2445900 +91 124 4770800 9811165849 0484 4090754 0484 4090755 9845017414 66916059 40335069 91 124 402 1059 0124 412 3740 0124 402 1155 8026783538 020 7397 0620 020 7369 6800 67014444 67013333 67013333 9.12267E+11 9.12267E+11 9.12267E+11 91 124 3927500 91 124 3927500 91 124 3927500 0120-4095303 080 28520781 2240675800 2240675800 4844119300 +91-80-4344 4700 0484-3989077 # 26600146 011 6661 9462

0120 4037029 0120 4037029 0120 4037029

122001 122001 400051 201301 201301 122016 682019 682019 560071 122001 122001 122001 560076 EC3R 5AT EC1N 8AT 5000081 560066 560066 400013 400013 400013 122016 122016 122016 201301 560100 400063 400063 682017 560 095 682030 400049

Haryana Haryana Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Haryana KERALA Kerala Karnataka Karnataka karnataka Haryana Haryana Haryana Karnataka

+91 124 4017796 0484 2304279

Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Karnataka MAHARASHTRA MAHARASHTRA Maharashtra

UP Karnataka Maharashtra Maharashtra Kerala Karnatak Kerala Maharastra

080 28528942

400093 122002 122002 122002 122022 560078 560008 2 122016 122016

MAHARASHTRA Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Karnataka Karnataka Dublin Haryana Haryana UP Uttar Pradesh Tamil Nadu Haryana Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Karnatak Haryana Tamil Nadu

India India India India India India India Ireland India India India India India India India United Kingdom India India India India India India United Kingdom India India India India India India India India India India India India

42907000 1244022008 9.11244E+11 -4023293 9.19899E+11 8033180000 91804243 0700 353 1 6805631 1243000876 1243000876 0124-2346764 1204234646 9.19871E+11 044 28289200 91-44-6622 5582 0124 4099000 91 80 2573 2620 91 80 2573 2620 91 80 2573 2620 91 80 2573 2620 91 80 2573 2620 4.42078E+11 -5182 -5182 -25732609 080-25732620 080-25732620 9910041225 9910041225 9910041225 9910041225 080-26588360 +91 124 6662166 4422623522


9.18041E+11 353 1 6805806


201304 201307 600105 EC4N 7DZ 122002 560068 560068 560068 560068 560068 560 068 560 068 560 068 560068 560068 122004 122004 122004 122004 560076 122001 600045

91 80 2573 1592 91 80 2573 1592 91 80 2573 1592 91 80 2573 1592 91 80 2573 1592

400053 2 400053 400053 400053 160059

Maharashtra Dublin Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Punjab

India India Ireland India India India India

42301059 91 22 4217 8900 353 1 6034000 91 22 4217 8900 91 22 4217 8900 91 22 4217 8900 0172-5091732

91 22 4217 8999 353 1 6034040 91 22 4217 8999 91 22 4217 8999 91 22 4217 8999 0172-5098475

201305 201305 682030 682030 682030 560100 560100 560100 560100 560100 122002 110001 110001 110001 500 032 400 051 400 051 400 051 110076 400093 Kingston 10 400064 500034 122001 122001 700091 600096 143001 143001

U.P. U.P. Kerala Kerala Kerala Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Haryana Delhi Delhi Delhi

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

India: 91 1203326600 US: +1 866 262 6869 x 646600 US: +1 866-262-6869 Ext 646608India Mobile: +91-98119-29608 484-2415217 0484-2415217 0484-2415217 +91 8861303715 91 80 2852 2405 91 80 2852 2405 91 80 2852 2405 91 80 2852 2405 91 80 2852 2405 4821000 91 11 4352 0403 91 11 4352 0403 91 11 4352 0403 9.14067E+11 91 22 66502250 91 22 66502150 91 22 66502250 2261263808 8769787755 61251999 44707650 0124-3065000 0124-3065000 6516572933 91 44 4396 4000 9815551555 9501788993 0124 6129558 9717452817 0124 6129532 0124 6129524 0124 6129205 0124 6129558 98100 42677 9820214307 9702912342 67737373 2267737373 2267737373 40779235 +91-11-4105 9091 011-41613661 91 141 3003400 2224901441 91 22 66502324 91 22 66502324 91 22 66502324 484-2415240

91 80 2852 2411 91 80 2852 2411 91 80 2852 2411 91 80 2852 2411 91 80 2852 2411

ANDHRA PRADESH India Maharashtra India Maharashtra India Maharashtra India Delhi Maharashtra Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Haryana Haryana West Bengal TAMILNADU Punjab Punjab India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India INDIA India

8769780140 -

+91 44 4396 4949

400 011 400011 400011 400011 400011 400001 110017 110044 302001 400018

Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Delhi NEW DELHI RAJASTHAN

2223000693 2223000693 2223000693 +91-11-4105 9090 0141-3003474 2224966573

302001 302001 560008 560008 560008 1250 H3S1R3 400021 122002 560011 560011 201301 201301 201301 201301 201301 201301 201301 201301

RAJASTHAN Rajasthan Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Quebec Haryana

INDIA India India India India India Canada India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan Columbia India India United Kingdom India INDIA INDIA INDIA INDIA INDIA INDIA INDIA INDIA India India India India India India India India

91 141 3003400 0141-3003400 40789100 40789100 40789100 +971 4 424 6698 5614594811 22-22855532 124-2540601 80-40130200 80-40130200 9811016820 9999988834 9910460444 + 91 120 478 2800 9999988834 +91 120 4782800 1204782929 9810997494 9820086048 7838365757 9829017354 975 2 329207 975-2-322567(249) 975 2 327932 975-2-327932 5935355 9163348156 9163348162 4.42078E+11 022-66411769 +91-40-44565656 91-11-4077 3700 +91-11-4077 0106 +91-11-4077 0104 +91 - 44 - 43560890 +91-11-4077 0105 011 46533200 +91-11-4077 0100 0124 4293333 0124 4293333 +91-22-3053 4626 +91-22-6762 6762 40178501 91 22 24994428 91 22 24994553 011-23904213

0141-3003474 0141-3003474

22-22855531 124-2540590 80-40136840 80-40136840

UP UP UP Uttar Prdesh UP Uttar Pradesh UP Uttar Pradesh

302004 N/A N/A N/A 700091 700091 E14 5FA 400090 500 016 117 067 116 067 114 067 600017 115 067 110020 110 067 122001 122001 400 076 400 076 560037 400013 400013 110054

Rajasthan N/A N/A N/A Kolkata Kolkata Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi TamilNadu New Delhi Delhi New Delhi Haryana Haryana Maharashtra Maharashtra Karnataka Maharashtra Maharashtra DELHI

975 2 329208 975 2 326180 975 2 328154 975-2-328154

+91-40-44565656 +91-11- 2685 6943 +91-11- 2685 6942 +91-11- 2685 6940 +91 - 44 - 43560892 +91-11- 2685 6941 011 26383963 +91-11- 2685 6936


560005 560005 122002 122002 122002 122002 122002 122002 122002 400063 560047 560047 560047 411016 411016 122015 122015 122015 201307 400099 560010 110048 600113 600113 600002 600 058 201301 695 581 440008 560 095 122001 122001 122001 400 051 400 051 400 051 400 051 122002 400023 SW33QL 600096 560005 Karnataka Karnataka HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA HARYANA MAHARASHTRA Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Maharashtra Maharashtra Haryana Haryana Haryana UP Maharashtra New Delhi Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu TAMIL NADU Tamil Nadu Kerala Maharashtra Karnataka Haryana Haryana Haryana Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Haryana Maharashtra

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Bhutan India India India India India India India India India India India UK India

91-80-41261274 91-80-41261275 9.18041E+11 9.18041E+11 91 80 41261274 91 80 41261275 1244330200 1244330200 1244330200 1244330200 1244330200 1244330200 1244330200 022 67183000 080 4215 3436 91 80 4215 3439 91 80 4215 3439 91 20 30235568 91 20 30235568 98509 61679 92 124 4605400 93 124 4605400 91 124 4605400 120-4026000 9.12267E+11 2266837643 080-23501444 011-26234564 044 3090 4045 044 30904101 44 43976100 044 30385401 0120-6175412 +91 471 2566302 0712-2235500 +91 80 4191 2895 975 2 336454 0124-4343434 0124-4343434 0124-4343434 91 22 66502168 91 22 66502168 91 22 66502126 91 22 66502168 4047547 8447457774 9.12267E+11 98101722077 20-73689570 9.14443E+11

080 4215 3438 91 80 4215 3438 91 80 4215 3438



975 2 336453 0124-4343409 0124-4343409 0124-4343409


Tamil Nadu

600096 600096 411006 411006 411006 560066 560066 560066 122001 122001 110025 110025 110025 110025 560001 400 076 201301 201301 201301 201301 201301 122002 122001 411 014 411007 600042 600042 600042 600042 560025 500003 500003 560066 110001 110048 110001 110001 110001 110001 110001 400079 201301 400001 400079 695581 695581

Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Haryana Haryana Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Karnataka Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh UP Uttar Pradesh Haryana Haryana

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

9.14443E+11 9.14443E+11 +91 20 40118503 +91 20 40118503 +91 20 40118503 +91 9880328588 +91 9845118623 +91 9740699772 124 4013992 124 4013992 011 40714000 011 40714000 011 40714000 011 40714000 -41227549 +91 22 67046445 120-2475314 91 120 4085000 120-3308032 0124 4565500 x 5560 124-2455500 9689700299 67291000 +91-44-4200 7884 +91-44-4200 7884 +91-44-4200 7945 +91-44-4200 7745 +91-44-4200 7884 8041128282 040-66951103 9225521321 (91) 9243701235 9250003376 +91 9250005495 9250006375 9.11128E+11 9212705418 91-9212151025 9.2E+11 91 22 67783151 9.11207E+11 22-67789078 9.12268E+11 0471 2700222 0471 2700222

+91 20 40118799 +91 20 40118799 +91 40118799



India India India Maharashtra India Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu India Karnataka India ANDHRA PRADESH India ANDHRA PRADESH India Karnataka India India Delhi India India New Delhi India New Delhi India New Delhi India India India UP India India India KERALA India KERALA India

040-66387032 4066387032

91 120 6657778 22-67789000 0471 2700171 0471 2700121

600113 600113 600113 560094 75234 560042 560001 RG7 1DN 500032 500032 400062 122001 122001 122001 122001 122001 122001 122001 122001 122002 560052 201301 60657 380051 380051 380051 411014 380051 500081 560082

Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Karnataka Texas Karnataka Karnataka Berkshire AP AP Maharashtra Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana karnataka UP IL Gujrat Gujarat Gujarat Maharashtra Gujarat Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Karnataka

India India India India India India India India India India United Kingdom India India India India India India India India India India India India India India United States India India India India India India India India

2439955 2439955 2439955 24443505 24443624 044-24443324 43471600 972-636-8767 91 8041518450 4.47827E+11 -30515212 -30515212 9.12267E+11 +91 124 4082020 +91 124 4082020 +91 124 4082020 +91 124 4082020 -3094125 091-124-3095306 091-124-3094102 9811812153 -5363.598706 8022266677 1204680016 91 9638685204 9638685204 9638685001 9.19545E+11 7567860007 91 40 4023 1000 9.18066E+11 91 67680549

+91 124 4083355 +91 124 4083355 +91 124 4083355 +91 124 4083355


91 40 4023 1100

560035 122001 400079 400079 400079 122002 400079 400079 400079 122002

Karnataka Haryana Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Haryana Maharsahtra Maharsahtra Maharsahtra HARYANA 122002

India India India India India India India India India India India

-39916314 0124-4330756 +91 22 40952461 +91 22 40952440 +91 22 40942397 91 9811590215 91 9815940906 91 9930313192 +91 9819299895 0124-4330433 +91 (124) 4212130 - 37

91 22 2518 8307

122002 560 066 122002 560093 400076 122002 560003

Karnataka HARYANA karnataka Maharashtra Haryana Karnataka

India India India India India India India India

+91 (124) 4212130 8030540000 4178000 080 30775773 2230565700


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www.newdelhi.trade.gov.pl www.emirtaesnbd.com www.emiratesnbd.com

WWW.EMRGIND.COM www.equirus.com www.eragroup.co.in www.eragroup.co.in www.eragroup.co.in www.essar.com www.everestgrp.com www.everestgrp.com http://www.everestgrp.com/ www.everestgrp.com www.everestgrp.com http://www.everestgrp.com/ http://www.everestgrp.com/ www.cisco.com/in www.exlservice.com www.exlservice.com www.expresskcs.com ey.com www.fci.com www.fci.com www.fidelity.com www.fidelity.com www.fidelity.com www.fidelity.com www.fidelity.com www.fidelity.com www.fincore.com www.fincore.com www.finsoft.com www.firstam.co.in www.firstam.co.in www.firstam.co.in www.firstsource.com www.firstsource.com www.firstsource.com www.fisglobal.com www.fisglobal.com www.fisglobal.com www.Fiserv.com www.fnf.com fractalanalytics.com fractalanalytics.com www.fragomen.com www.fragomen.com www.fragomen.com www.funandjoyatwork.com www.gartner.com

42907005 www.genpact.com www.genpact.com www.genpact.com www.genpact.com www.gloporeims.com www.wcgt.in www.grantthornton.ie www.hanusoftware.com www.hanusoftware.com www.hsiidc.com www.hcl.com www.hclbpo.com www.hclbpo.com www.hclbpo.com www.herobpo.com www.teamhgs.com www.teamhgs.com www.teamhgs.com www.teamhgs.com www.teamhgs.com www.hindujagsl.com www.hindujagsl.com www.hindujagsl.com www.hindujagsl.com www.hindujagsl.com www.hindujagsl.com www.Honeywell.com www.Honeywell.com www.Honeywell.com www.Honeywell.com www.honeywell.com http://www.hsbcglobalresourcing.com www.htcinc.com

www.icgcommerce.com www.idaireland.com www.idaireland.com www.idaireland.com www.idaireland.com www.idaireland.com www.idsil.com

http://www.igatepatni.com/ http://www.igatepatni.com/ www.infoparkkochi.com www.infopark.in www.infopark.in http://www.infosysbpo.com/pages/index.aspx www.infosysbpo.com www.infosysbpo.com www.infosysbpo.com www.infosysbpo.com www.infosysbpo.com www.ihg.com www.skelta.com www.skelta.com www.skelta.com www.invesco.com www.investni.com www.investni.com www.investni.com www.itc.in www.jpmorgan.com www.jamaicatradeandinvest.org www.jpmorganchase.com http://www.karvy.com www.keane.com www.keane.com www.kgvkruralserv.com kla-tencor.com www.kochar.com www.kochar.com www.kpmg.com www.kpmg.com www.kpmg.com www.kpmg.com www.kpmg.com www.kpmg.com www.kpmg.com http://www.kpmg.com/in/ www.kpmg.com/in www.lodhagroup.com www.lodhagroup.com www.lodhagroup.com www.londonandpartners.com http://lotuscapital.in/index.html www.magusdialog.in www.mahindraworldcity.com www.mahindraworldcity.com

www.mahindraworldcity.com www.mahindraworldcity.com www.manipalu.com www.manipalu.com www.manipalu.com www.mashreqbank.com www.mcgill.ca

www.merittrac.com www.merittrac.com www.metlife.com www.metlife.com www.metlife.com www.metlife.com www.metlife.com www.metlife.com www.metlife.com www.metlife.com www.microland.com www.microland.com www.bookkeeping.co.in www.moic.gov.bt www.moic.gov.bt www.moic.gov.bt www.moic.gov.bt www.mintic.gov.co www.mjunction.in www.mjunction.in www.moodys.com www.morganstanley.com www.newgensoft.com www.newgensoft.com www.newgensoft.com www.newgensoft.com www.newgensoft.com www.newgensoft.com www.newgensoft.com www.newgensoft.com www.niit.com www,niit.com http://www.nomura.com/ http://www.nomura.com/ northerntrust.com https://nationalskillsregistry.com/ https://nationalskillsregistry.com/ www.oberoihotels.com`

www.IAmOnTrac.com www.IAmOnTrac.com www.IAmOnTrac.com www.oracle.com/financialservices www.oracle.com/financialservices www.oracle.com/financialservices www.oracle.com/financialservices www.oracle.com/financialservices www.oracle.com/financialservices www.oracle.com/financialservices www.oracle.com/financialservices www.talentlensindia.com www.talentlensindia.com www.talentlensindia.com http://www.persistentsys.com http://www.persistentsys.com www.persistentsys.com www.pipalresearch.com www.pipalresearch.com www.pipalresearch.com www.pbinsight.co.in www.pg.com www.pg.com www.raakarsoftsolutions.com rnca.in www.ramco.com www.ramco.com http://www.group.rbsgrp.net/home/home.asp www.reliancebpo.com www.religaretech.com www.rmesi.co.in www.rnrdatalex.com www.boschindia.com www.rub.edu.bt www.salientbpo.com www.salientbpo.com www.salientbpo.com www.sdi.co.uk www.sdi.co.uk www.sdi.co.uk www.sdi.co.uk http://in.linkedin.com/pub/hk-arora/0/6a2/b06 www.sprealty.in www.sprealty.in www.sprealty.in www.ssonetwork.com www.shell.com

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www.sunlife.com www.sunlife.com sungard.com www.sungard.com www.sutherlandglobal.com www.sutherlandglobal.com www.sutherlandglobal.com www.sutherlandglobal.com www.sutherlandglobal.com svb.com www.tata-bss.com www.tata-bss.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tcs.com/bpo www.tcs.com/bpo www.tcs.com www.tcs.com/bpo www.tehnopark.org www.technopark.org

www.teleperformance.com www.teleperformance.com www.teleperformance.com www.worldbank.org www.worldbank.org www.worldbank.org www.theoreminc.net www.tfkpo.com www.tpi.net www.tpi.net www.transcom.com www.ubs.com www.ubs.com www.ugamsolutions.com www.unitechgroup.com www.unitechgroup.com www.unitechgroup.com www.unitechgroup.com www.uhgis.com www.uhgis.com www.uhgis.com www.uhgis.com www.uhgis.com www.veetechnologies.com www.virtualemployee.com

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www.worldbpoforum.com www.xchanging.com WWW.XLGROUP.COM www.yahoo.in www.zenta.com www.zinnov.com www.exlservice.com

Anupam Sehgal Bikram Chadha Gaurav Bhatnagar Gurpreet Sibia Rajeev Dhavan Rajinder Pal Sanjoy Ray Kamal Mehta Mohan Singh Bisht

UHG Impressions

Shirang Bijur Rupa Madan Sanjay Nagpal Rohit Kapoor Vijay Bahri Navein Juneja

Director MD Regional Manager Aegon Religare Infrastructure and Facilities Interglobe Manager - Facilities Heal - Administration and Sapient Infrastructure Converges Head Security Regional Manager Aircel Infrastructure and Facilities Nortel Head Administration Sapient Sr Manager - Administration Airtel President's VP - Real Estate and office Infrastructure Aricent Manager - Administration Converges Director Real Estate CPA Global AVP Administration Dell Head Administration Deloitte Head Administration

919811482822 919810032936 919871756767 919910264477 919971102298 919810160720 919811065425 919810475712 919999036873

919971154196 0124-4095888 919810020069 919958694610 919876013399 919811069700

Occupier Service Provider Occupier Occupier Occupier Occupier Occupier Occupier Occupier

Occupier Occupier Occupier Occupier Occupier Client

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA S.No. Title 1 Mr 2 Mr 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr. Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Name Manabu Sanjay Hidehito Mikio Shigeru Yasufumi Tadaaki Toshiki Yoshihiro Hitoshi Haruo Yasumasa Sigeru Hiroaki Kentarou Junshi Mitsuaki Junji Miki Surname Uchida Labroo Araki Ujiie Shibata Yamabe Kinoshita Hayashi Saka Hirahata Ishida Miura Kondo Kawai Siota Yamashita Aoki Imaki Yamamoto General Manager Managing Director Managing Director Joint Managing Director Chief Engineer Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director General Manager Managing Director Managing Director Designation Managing Director Organisation Alpine Electronics Asia Pte. Ltd. Asahi India Glass Ltd. Asatsu DK Inc. Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) Casio India Co., Pvt. Ltd. Ceekay Daikin Ltd. Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Co., Ltd. Daikin Shriram Airconditioning Pvt., Ltd. Denso Haryana Pvt. Ltd. Denso India Ltd. Denso Sales India Pvt. Ltd. Dentsu Marcom Pvt. Ltd. Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. FCC Rico Ltd. Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. Fujitsu Grape City India Pvt. Ltd. Hakuhodo Percept Pvt. Ltd. Hero Honda Motors Ltd.

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 20 21 22 23 Mr Mr Mr Mr Mitsuru Kazuyoshi Yukihiro Hajime Kojima Morita Aoshima Yamada Managing Director President & CEO HI-LEX India Pvt. Ltd. Hitachi India Trading Pvt. Ltd. Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (Private) Ltd. Honda Siel Cars India Ltd.

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Mr Mr Mr Mr. Mr. Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

Kazuaki Yukio Eitaro Tomokazu Yasuo Masayuki Yoshimi Toru Yutaka Toshifumi Masahiro Toru T

Shimada Saida Endo Yasuda Uchida Yamamoto Kamano Nomura Miyahara Sakai Oba Hirabuki Sato

President Chief Representative Managing Director Managing Director Director CEO Regional Manager Chief Representative Director General Resident Representative General Manager General Manager Managing Director

Honda Siel Power Products Ltd. Honda Trading (Thailand) Corporation Ltd. Hongo India Pvt., Ltd. Indo Nissin Foods Ltd. Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Ltd. Itochu Corporation Japan Airlines Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Juki Corporation KAJIMA CORPORATION Keihin Panalfa Ltd. (KPL)

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 37 38 39 Mr Mr. Mr Yasuhiro Fumio Naoki Muraga Goto Tsuda Manager General Manager Lumax Industries Ltd. Marubeni - Itochu Steel Inc.

Chairman & Managing Marubeni India Pvt. Ltd. Director Chairman Managing Director General Manager Deputy Managing Director CMD Managing Director President, JCCI & General Manager Maruti Udyog Limited MCC PTA India Corp. Pvt. Ltd. Metal One Corporation Mindarika Ltd. Mitsubishi Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. Mitsubishi Electric Automotive India Pvt., ltd. Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. Technical Director CEO Managing Director Mitutoyo South Asia Pvt. Ltd. Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd. Moriroku UT India Pvt. Ltd. Munjal Showa Ltd. Musashi Auto Parts India Pvt. Ltd. Nagata India Limited Panasonic India Pvt. Ltd.

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

S Yoshihiro Yoshiaki Makoto Kazumi Shigeru Takao Tadaaki Takashi Ken Takeo Seiji Katsushi Kazumoto Masaaki

Nakanishi Umeha Kakehi Kubo

Matsumoto Miyachi Kinoshita Miyazaki Ito Togawa Konoue Yamanami Suzuki Ikezaki

Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 55 56 57 58 59 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Shinobu Sakio Go Yasuhiro Toshihisa Nakajo Tanaka Yamada Mori Hayashi Chief Representative (New Delhi & Bangalore Office) Director General Manager Representative Project Manager Managing Director Director Managing Director Joint Managing Director Managing Director Director General Manager Representative Joint Managing Director Chief Representative Managing Director Bureau Chief NEC Corporation NHK-Spring India Ltd. Nikkei/Japan Economic Journal Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. Nipponn Express Co., Ltd.

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Tetsuo Yoshihisa Mitsukazu Yoshimitsu Makoto Hiroshi N Iwao Toshikazu Masaharu Kazuhiro Taketoshi Tadao

Nishuu Nogiwa Itayama Zaitsu Ikeda Koshikizawa Maitra Minamizwa Mori Aoki Sakai Nagaoka Katsuchi

NKC Conveyor India Pvt. Ltd. Noritsu Koki Co., Ltd. NTN Bearing-Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. Pacific Consultants International (PCI) Panasonic AVC Networks India Co., Ltd. Panasonic Industrial Asia Pte. Ltd. Ricoh India Ltd. Sanden Vikas India Ltd. Sharp Business System (India) Limited Shimizu Corp. Overseas Civil Engineering Division Sojitz Corporation Sompo Japan Insurance Company (Asia) Pte Ltd. Sona Okegawa Precision Forgings Ltd. (SONA)

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 73 Mr. Keiichi Sakamoto Head Sony India Pvt. Ltd.

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Katsumi Masayasu Toshio Hideaki Hiroshi Naohiro Hiroki Kazunori Ryuhei Kazunori Koichhi Kazuhiko Tsuguyoshi Yoshinori Hiroyuki Kichori Hiroaki

Fujimoto Komatsuzaki Yoshimoto Ueshima Izumi Fujikake Shimizu Kuramochi Kono Shibayama Inozume Inamoto Watanabe Hasegawa Yanagi Hosokawa Kowada

Managing Director Plant Manager

Stanley Electric Engineering India Pvt., Ltd. STI Sanoh India Ltd.

Chairman & Managing Sumitomo Corporation India Ltd. Director General Manager Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. General Manager Managing Director Managing Director General Manager Managing Director Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. SWS India Holdings Ltd. Taisei Corporation The Metropolitan / Hotel Nikko New Delhi The Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Tomen Corporation Toshiba India Private Limited Toyota Motor Corporation TS Tech Sun (India) Ltd. Yamaha Motor India Limited YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Nikkan India Business Pvt. Ltd.

Managing Director Chief Representative

Managing Director Managing Director

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. K Rajinder Kumar Kiyoshi Shinichi Keiji Vivek Ravi Alan Shibayama Bajaj Nakashima Morita Iwai Awasthi Kumar Grant Shiota Parikh Watanabe Udoguchi President & CEO General Manager Managing Director General Manager Managing Director Deputy General Manager Director CEO Managing Director Managing Director Three Bond India Pvt. Ltd. Satake Corporation Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (India) Pvt. Ltd. Matsushita Electric Works Ltd. Bando India Pvt. Ltd. Sumi Motherson Innovative Engineering Ltd. The Sanwa Bank Canon India Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. Fucon Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.

Rahul M Michihisa

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA Address India Liaison Office 5th Floor, Tower B Enkay Centre, Block-A 1307, 13th Floor 217-A, Okhla Industrial Estate Plot No. 9, Udyog Kendra Industrial Area 9th Floor, Kanchenjunga Building 12th Floor, Surya Kiran Building Plot No. 3, Sector - 3 3rd Floor, The Capital Court 3rd Floor, The Capital Court 7-A, Khullar Farms C/o Indo Business Solution Plot No. 5, Sector - 3, IMT Manesar Meridien Commercial Tower (8 F) Mercantile House (1F) A-15, Sector-62 Percept House No. 2 34, Basant Lok Address1 W-19, Greater Kailash - II Global Business Park Vanijya Nikunj Commercial Complex Gopal Das Bhawan Phase-II Address2 City New Delhi Gurgaon Pin 110 048 122 002 122 016 110 001 110020

Mehraui Gurgaon Road Udyog Vihar, Phase Gurgaon -V 28, Barakhamba New Delhi Road New Delhi

Greater Noida 201 304 Barakhamba Road 10th Floor IMT Manesar Olof Palme Marg Olof Palme Marg New Mangla Puri, Mandi Road 2nd Floor, K-43, Jangpura Ext. 19, Kasturba Gandhi Marg Munirka Munirka Mehrauli New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon 8, Windsor Place 15, Kasturba Gandhi Marg Sant Nagar Vasant Vihar Janpath New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi 110001 110 001 122 050 110067 110 067 110030 110 014 122 050 110 001 110 001 201307 110 065 110 057

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA Plot No. 55, Sector - 3, IMT Manesar Hindustan Times House 18 - 20, Kasturba Gandhi (10 F) Marg Plot No. 1, Sector - 3 IMT Manesar Plot No. 5, Sector-41 (Kasna), SurajpurKasana Road Plot No. 5, Sector-41 (Kasna) Ground Floor, Flat No. 1-2 Plot No 12, Udyog Vihar 3rd Floor, Centenary Building The IL&FS Financial Center World Trade Tower (GF) Chandralok Building 3rd Floor, DLF Centre Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon 110 001 122 050 201306

Greater Noida Industrial Area Distt. Gautam Budh U.P. Nagar Greater Noida Industrial Dev. Distt. Gautam Budh Area Nagar Amba Deep Building 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg Surajpur Kasna Road, Gautam Budh Greater Noida Nagaar 28, MG Road Plot C-22, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Barakhamba Lane 36, Janpath Sansad Marg Bandra (East) New Delhi New Delhi U.P. Bangalore Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida

110 008 110 001 201 306 560 001 400 051 110 001 110 001 110 001 110 001 110 001 110 020 110 048 201 305

Amba Deep Building (8 14, Kasturba Gandhi Marg F) DLF Center (2 F), Sansad Marg A - 215/B, Okhla Phase - I Industrial Area New Delhi Liaison S-71, Greater Kailash Part - I Office A-1&2, Sector-81, Phase - II

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA Plot No. 16, Sector -18 Maruti Complex Suite 210, The Oberoi Hotel 5th Floor, Berjaya House Jeevan Prakash (11th Flloor) 22, Camac Street 2nd Floor, Vijaya Building Village Nawada Vijay Building (2F) Plot No. 167-170, Sector-5 The Metropolitan Centre Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg Community Centre Gurgaon New Delhi New Friends Colony New Delhi 110003 110065

25, K.G. Marg Block-C 17, Barakhamba Road Fatehpur Manesar 17, Barakhamba Road IMT Manesar Bangla Sahib Road Distt. Gurgaon 4th Floor

New Delhi Kolkata New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi

110001 700016 110001 122001 110001 122050 110001

C-122, Okhla Industrial Area Maker Chamber III, 1st Floor B-6-11, Sector-81 9-11, Maruti Industrial Area Sec. 7, Industrial Growth Center Plot No. 154-155 C-52, Phase-II

Phase-I Jamnalal Bajaj Road, Nariman Point Phase-II

New Delhi Mumbai Noida Gurgaon Rewari IMT Manesar Gurgaon Noida

110020 400021 201305 122015 123 501 122001 201305

Bawal Distt. Sector-3

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA Flat 704-706, 7th Floor Ashoka Estate, 24, Barakhamba Road Plot No. 31, Sector-3 Industrial Model Township No. 1030, The Taj No. 1, Mansingh Road Mahal Hotel Room No. 107 C/o The Oberoi Hotels & Resorts The Taj Mahal Hotel Suite 412, Number One, Mansingh Road C-18, Old DLF Colony 20A, Shivaji Marg 805, International Trade Nehru Place Tower India Liaison Office C-179, Defence Colony C-52, Phase-II 510 E-block 52-B, 1st Floor Flat 65 214-221, Ansal Tower H-9B, Connaught Circus Mercantile House C/o Mr. J.N. Bagga Sona Enclave International Trade Tower Okhla Industrial Estate Sector 27-A 38, Nehru Place Nehru Place New Delhi Manesar New Delhi Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg New Delhi New Delhi 110001 122050 110 011 110003 110001

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Faridabad New Delhi New Delhi

122001 110015 110 019 110 024 201 305 110 019 110020 121003 110001 110001 110 001 110 065 122001

15, Kasturba Gandhi Marg B-432, New Friends Colony Village Begumpur Khatola

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA A-31, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate Mathura Road New Delhi 110044

Plot No. 164, Sector-5 Plot No. 23, Sector-18 4th Floor

IMT Manesar District HSIDC Maruti Industrial Area DLF Centre Sansad Marg

Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi 28, Barakhamba Road New Delhi New Delhi Noida Diplomatic Enclave New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon

122 050 122015 110001 110003 110001 110029 201301 110021 110001

No. 310, The Oberoi Dr. zakir Hussain Marg New Delhi Dr. Gopal Das Bhawan Ground Floor A-1/20, Safdarjung Enclave C-1A, &1B Sector-I Suit No.131, Taj Palace Hotel Sadar Patel Marg Bangla Sahib Road 531-532 Udyog Vihar-V No. 511, Indra Prakash Building Dr. Gopal Das Bhawan (6F) Meridien Commercial Tower (6F) Plot No. A-6&7 19/6, Mathura Road 2nd Floor, VIPPS Centre B-7/7, 3rd Floor 21, Barakhamba Road 28, Barakhamba Road 8, Windsor Place Sector-81, Phase-II No. 2, LSC Masjid Moth Safdarjung Enclave

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Faridabad Greater Kailash Part- New Delhi II New Delhi

110001 110001 110001 201305 101006 110048 110029

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 531-532 Udyog Vihar-V, Dr. Gopal Das Bhawan 28, Barakhamba Road, (11F) Plot No. 18-19 3rd Floor, Kailash Enclave Flat No. 625-627 26, Sector 34 A-9A, Sector-16 Upper Ground Floor Neela Gagan 8th Floor, Commercial Tower H-5, Green Park Extension Jeevan Vihar Community Centre, 6th Floor, West Block, EHTP Meridien Commercial Tower Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida 15, Kasturba Gandhi Marg Mehrauli Janpath New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 3, Parliament Street New Friends Colony New Delhi New Delhi 110001 110065 110001 110048 110019 122001 201301 110001 110030 110001

Mercantile House Mandi Road Le Meridien

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA Phone 2922-3882, 2644-3882 95124-5062212-19 95124-239-7073 2370-4122 5105-4321 95120-2350280-86 5151-2392-7 2375-2647/2648, 2335-0901-04 95124-2290611/0602 2617-8184, 2617-6693, 2614-4705 2617-6693 5183-8061-5 2431-0594/2431-0595 95124-229-0881-83 2335-5396 2370-6070-76 95120-2470123 2628-8870 2614-2451, 2614-4121 Fax 2644-3881, 2922-3881 95124-5062244/88 95124-239-7073 2370-4143, 2370-4123 5105-4329, 5105-4330 95120-235-0286, 2464-0737, 2350237 5151-2394 2375-2646, 5151-0487, 5151-0488 95124-229-0602 2696-3093 2618-2474 5183-8066 2432-5645 95124-2290881-83, 2290078 2335-5387 2370-6079 95120-2470124 2628-8871 2614-3321, 2614-3198

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 95124-2290020/21, 2290770/71, 2290773 2331-5635 95124-229-0911-19 95124-2290772, 229-0020 2331-3742 95124-229-0889 95120-234-1077-78

95120-234-1050-59 5152-0700-3 95120-2569892-94 080-5322900-3 (Ringing) 022-2653-3080 2341-1891 2332-7108/7608 2371-4362/63, 2371-7090 2331-2194/2371-2268/3369 2331-1990 2681-9274, 2681-6124-25, 2681-6097 2647-8505, 2647-8502 95120-2568941

95120-2341077-78, 2575-2218 5152-0704 95120-2569895 080-5599087 022-2653-3082 2341-3898 2332-0586, 2335-1915 2371-5066/2371-8389 2331-3453 2331-1996 2681-9273 2647-8506 95120-2568155

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 95124-234-1090/1324/7931 2436-3030 5129-5501(D), 5129 5555 - Ext. 500, 9811666856 2331-6831 033-2283-63001754490 5150-3550 95124-229-0317-19 5150-3888 95124-229-0123-26 2334-5481 95124-2342149, 2347931 2439-5156 5129-5505(D), 5129 5585 tsudan@marub eni.com

2331-8754/3575 033-2280-8470 5150-3554 95124-229-0320, 2615-2340 2373-6726 95124-229-0127 2374-2498

2637-2090-91 022-2288-6638-39 95120-256-8573 95124-234-0432, 2341001, 2341003 01284-261512-15 95124-229-0590/0592-93 95120-2567045

2637-2636 022-2288-6640 95120-256-8569 95124-234-1346 01284-261516 95124-229-0591 95120-2567042, 2567402

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 2331-3633 95124-229-0722-28, 229-0375-76 2302-6137 2332-4259 95124-229-0374 2302-6138

2302-6162, 2302-6191 (Office Shifted) 2302-6190 2302-6162/6191 2302-6190, 5530-0213

95124-230-7737, 239-1459 2511-7773 5151-3234, 51513235, 51513237 2433-6653 95120-256-7045 2629-2870 2631-1480, 5161-3011 95129-227-9001-06 2643-1313/0585 2332-3225 2331-5211 2683-2518 95124-503-0192

95124-230-6654 2511-4116 5151-3236 2433-0019 95120-256-7042/7402 2629-2878 2631-2241, 5161-3019, 5161-2221 2631-2241, 5161-3019, 5161-2221 2643-8747/0586 2332-1192 2371-5238 5162-8965 95124-221-5766

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 5500-6600, 26959506 (D) 2695-9141 Secretary' s e-mail : sonia.sing h@ap.son y.com

95124-229-0853 95124-234-7781-83 2373-7181-85 2439-5115-16 2373-7637 5165-2801 95120-254-4159 5560-1005 2334-2000 95124-234-7373/7014 2331-2387 2331-8422 2373-1440 95120-256-8632 95129-228-3620 2922-8757 9810163331, 5565-8422

95124-229-0870 95124-501-2212 2373-7111 2439-5245 2373-7642 2671-3263 95120-254-4160 5560-1006 2334-3000 95124-234-7864 2335-9227 2371-4603 2332-5197 95120-256-8581 95129-226-4707, 225-28481 2922-8756 5165-1211

LIST OF JAPANESE COMPANIES IN INDIA 95124-234-7373, 234-7014 2373-8646 2642-4226 2373-8648 / 49 95-124-5034091 95120-2513276 2331-8008 2680-6572-74, 2680-7317-19 2335-5396, 2373-6300 2671-2089 5102-7114, 5102-7115, 5102-7116, 5100-4567 5102-1234 5100-3155 5102-5150 95124-234-7864 2373-8647 2642-5131, 5163-2035 2373-8650 95124-503-4094

2331-1356/5162 2680-7180 2335-5387

S.n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Name Rakesh Sharma

Company Tata TeleServices

Designation Corporate Director FMSS Sr. VP, Head of Corp Regulatory Chief Officer Wireless Solutions Chief Strategy Officer VP, Enterprise Business, AVP 3G Products Senior VP, Enterprise Services, VP, Tata Services Business Manager,

Invitation Address Tata Teleservices Ltd, 2A, Old Ishwar Nagar, Main Mathura Road, New Delhi 110065.

Remarks Rakesh.S@tatatel.co.in S/o Rakesh Sharma.

Anand Dalal Sharad Arora, Mr. Koji Ono Mr. Sanjay Sethi Mr Pallab Mitra Mr Debasish Sur Sanjay Singh Mr Varinder Sewak Mr Ravi Burman G. S. Kalra Sanjeev Sethi Munish Sharda Girish Mehra Surinder Kumar Anurag Mathur Gautam Nair Col. Ajay

Tata TeleServices Tata Teleservices, Tata Teleservices, Tata Teleservices, Tata Teleservices, Tata Teleservices, Tata Services, Nestle


+91 92 12 106 106 +91 92 12 109 999

Koji.Ono@tatatel.co.in Sanjay.Sethi@tatatel.co.in Pallab.mitra@tatatel.co.in debasish.sur@tatatel.co.in sanjaysingh@tata.com sewakv@gmail.com raviburman1@gmail.com g.s.kalra@gsk.com Sanjeev.sethi@niit.com +91 9818007860 +91 98 18 388 983 +91 92 12 666 000

GSK NIIT Aviva India Citi GSK C&W Matrix TCS Director Direct Sales Force

98110 75641 98994 09507 +919873926229 +91 9958077655

munish.sharda@avivaindia.com girish.mehra@citi.com surinder.s.kumar@gsk.com anurag.mathur@ap.cushwake.com gautam.nair@Matrixclothing.com colajay4500@gmail.com shekharagarwal@hotmail.com

MD Owner (MD) Global Head Defence & Security

+91 98107 122 43 +91 96543 10505


HP India Resident Director Director Corporate Affairs Director Corporate Development Chairman (audit committee & Non ED CMD Deputy Managing Director, Executive Director and Member of Shareholders Committee of DCM Industries; DCM Hyundai (CMD) Managing Director Commercial Risk Director Chairman MD CEO CMD promoter Director, VC & MD CEO Group Director
Terex India Private Limited (Managing Director) Equipment (P) Ltd. (now Terex Equipment) Limited (Ford Tractors Joint Venture) Construction Equipment Limited Ltd. (Managing Director),

+91 9810217539 9958722199 9811664540 9810007766 9910909448

23320003 41635959 45061301/3 26933610 41663800 29224541











24631400 24117256 26192509 0124-4741700 40501851 41099999 23820410 41716584 24332691 9810002562 9873377744 9818334455 9910277222 9871789993 9818926161

MR.VENKATESH Lanco BABU GANGARAM RELIGARE SECURITIES LTD Soma Delhi flour mills coca cola india bulls





Business Management. Construction, Earthmoving and Mining equipment. Independent Consulting Professional.

Pvt. Ltd. (Managing Director). and Member of the Board of Indian Earthmoving and Construction Industry Association Ltd. (IECIAL) for several years. Regional Committees of CII. Travelled overseas with CII Industry & Trade delegations.




Discovery Communications India.

Managing Director Managing Director President & Director MD. Developer MD Chairman SAIL Chairman Part Time Non-Official Director, Chairman of Audit Committee, Member of Hr Committee and Member of Project Review Committee, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Ex chairman of IOCL Alternate Director (Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance)

9810000932 7838188881 9811977225 9899126229 9810032107 9711179639


26933618 23350998 24334116 4606000 24368098 22820495









0124-4182103 46075407 23713804 23642212 24362123-24361131

4058478 9899888337


Board of Directors Managing Director & Director




9868125227 9930134866 9810149842 9811090100 2488348 9899111053 9811065600 9810015345 23730369 9868282004 9868282301



Senior Vice President-Corporate 41502301 Affairs Chairman 24690900 Director Finance Director Marketing Director CMD MD OVL Director Finance (Retired) COO, Exec VP MSN Sales Director Managing Director & CEO Director Sr. GM 46506000-41805501 26566821 011-26148762 0120-2488304 46011511 4278500 ,42785512 26493509 26125496 23734053 0124-4216803 24698005




9899966966 9811078857 9818489898 9822010261 9810076869 9810099221 9810013874





Whole time Director 011-22013886 Ex President and Ex 24117730 CEO 40579600 VP 23326275 29552034 45061301 CEO &MD Chairman of the Corporate Advisory Board 0124-2561414 0124-4593060




9818007860 9810006467 9810122788 9811153261 0124-4593067 9810067632





Director of Exploration & Development, Director, Member of Human Resource Management 0120-2488305 Committee and Member of Business Development Committee 25223163 41641758



Usha Fabs PVT.LTD Chairman APEC BARCLAYS BANK PLC Head Multinational Corporate

9899982985 9810623397




CEO at INTEGRA HOSPITALITY AND FACILITY MANAGEMNT LTD. 65660000 Ex CEO at SOMA FACILITY MANAGEMENT LTD Whole time Director 23820410 (EA to jt. MD) Founder & Chairman Finance Director Jt. MD Ex. Director (HR) Head of Retail & Commercial Banking. Ex-MD CitiFinancial Board of Directors Director (HR) Managing Director Director Marketing CEO Supreme Court Sr. Advocate Director CVO CVO CEO Director of Suzlon Windfarm Services Limited Vice Chairman and Managing Director Executive Director Chairman African care Ltd. Non Executive director HRD Committee MD, Hero Motors Senior Vice President and Regional Head Director 45188888 26149290 26919391 0120-2448505 0120-248100



Delhi Flour Mills Walsons

9810341999 9717788888 9810259987 9811079336 9811159439









23313344 22751327 2371801 28743116 26911350 24631477 42785500 011-23705463 24352627 0124-4216800 46506000 022-26533114 24643248 42786000 022-24386161 29261262 41592000 0124-4064086 9953833434 9811899906 9971337030 9811010049 9820190600 41805501 011-23312608 24354546 9820416014 9822791515 98201990669 26842563 24643725 23712680 9312222464 9811671997 9811203399





MR.SAT PAUL MR. RAJ NAYAK MR.Balrajsinh A. Parmar




Mr Ravi Parthasarathy MR.PANKAJ MUNJAL









23415240 Director of Exploration, Director of Onshore, Executive Director, Member of Health, Safety & Environment Committee, Member of Human Resource Management 26423237 Committee, Member of Project Appraisal Committee, Member of Shareholders/Invest ors Grievance Committee and Member of Cod for Redressal of Grievances of The Parties Committee Director (HR & BD) 0120-2488302 Director Refineries 24361364 26842219 011-27224748



9818336677 9899691000 9810293143 9810135357 9717232333



Oriental Bank of Commerce



Sr. No. Sal




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Mr Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Lt.Col. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Manav Rohit Sidhanth Glen Prateek Anil Rajneesh Rajeev Astha vijay Arvind Arun Vivek Deepak Vikram

Grewal Nath Khosla Kelly Dabral Duhoon Akhoury Mittal Mittal Dalmia Datta

The Home Narostar Technologies Times Group British High Commision BAE Systems Tourism Minister Microsoft Corporation India Pvt. Ltd DUPL Kurz (India) Pvt. Ltd. Saraogi Investments Ltd Shri parasram holdings pvt.ltd. Dell Spire edge Process Excellence Sapient India AVIVA Life Insurance Company India Pvt. Ltd., Citibank Cushman&Wakefield Col Kababs Context Technologies Fidelity Int. Nestle HP India Tata Teleservices Sushraj Hospitality / SPA YATRA Indian Express - Express Building FinCap Research Member-Postal Services Board Barclays Bank Pvt.Ltd. TCS AWHO Samsung AWHO R.M.X JOSS Housewife Housewife Arbitrator & Mediator Shell India Markets P Ltd Business Essentials JNS Instruments Ltd Arrivals Air Sevices P.Ltd. Arrivals Air Sevices P.Ltd.

16 Mr. 17 Mr. 18 Mr. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr Mr. Mrs. Mr. Col. Brig. Mr.

Jajodia Aggarwal Ohlyan Verma Mahajan Uday Karandeep Singh Sharda Munish Mehra Girish Mathur Anurag Kocchar Bobby Sandhu Gary Amanpreet S. Guleria Sewak Varinder Agarwal Shekhar Arora Sharad Singh Ashok Singh Sirohi Ajay Alok R.C. Suneeta Sanjit Ajay PM RC Suresh Nimmi Renu Rajan Tridib R. Kohei Garima Rajan Srivastava Suneja Trivedi Chowdhary Sharma Vats Lucas Varghese Dhir Dhir Rathore Rathore Majumder Narayan Inomata Sehgal Sehgal

36 Col 37 Mr. 38 Mrs. 39 Mrs. 40 Mr. 41 Mr. 42 Mr. 43 Mr. 44 Ms 45 Mr

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Mr. Mr. Mr Mr. Mr. Mr Mr. Mr. Mr.

Hak Gyue Jong Ki WY Hyuntak Jungho Yunseok Nikhil Sakait Amit Jasjiv Harpreet Piyush Mudit Karanvir Yutaka Inuzuka Toshihide Hiroyuki Akira Shingo Yasuhisa Kunihiko Sachit Kuljeet Anuj Arash Sanjay Anil

Kim Lee Lee Lee Cheong Choi Jain Jain Pamecha Anand Duggal Mehta Saxena Student Suzuki Yoshitaka Takahashi Ishii Yamane Dosai Aono Nimura Maitra Singh Yadav Fruzi

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co. LTD Doosan Power Systems Pvt.Ltd. Doosan Doosan Doosan Doosan Nalini Jewellers Nalini Jewellers Fran Connect Zilllion International Genpact Genpact Genpact Senior Vice President & Head Quality - Transitions Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Industries India Panasonic Industries India Panasonic Industries India Panasonic IBM Alcatel Lucent GO Airlines(India) Pvt. Ltd. Student Aquanomics Systems Ltd. GE Systems Yamaha Music India pvt. Ltd. Yamaha Music India pvt. Ltd. Assa Abloy(Yale Locks) R.S Agencies Zovi.com Tripmakerz Pvt Ltd DHR International

55 Mr 56 Mr. 57 Mr 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Capt. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Sapra Sharma Ikeya Shirai Manu Ahuja Sahil Sagar Sartaj Singh Mehta Ratinder Jang Vikram Chachi Rohit Ohri




Pin Landline


CEO B-460, New Friends New Colony Delhi , 110025 CEO B 535, New FriendsNew Colony,Satbari Delhi 110065 011-29235034 Director 1901 B,Beverly Park-2, Gurgaon 122002 Head of Defence & Security British Organisation High Commission, N.Delhi Chanakyapuri 110021 Director-Business Dev. BAE Systems India N.Delhi (Servises)Pvt.Ltd.2nd Floor,Hotel 110001 011-43412345 Le-Meridien Commercial prateek.dabral@baesystems. Tower,Raisina Rd 110075 B-3/702. Sec-12. Plot-27,Sunny Dwarka Valley Society anil_duhoon@hotmai

Additional Private Sect. 3rd Floor, Plot No. 69, N.Delhi Karuna Kunj, Opp. Resque 110077 rajneesh_akhoury@yahoo.com, hospital, Sector-3, Dwarka, rajneesh.akhoury@gmai General manager 9th Floor, DLF Cyber Gurgaon Greens, DLF Cyber City, 122002 Sector 25A, Phase III 0124-4158000, 2567000 9th Floor, DLF Cyber Gurgaon Greens, DLF Cyber City, 122002 Sector 25A, Phase III 110026 Director 4/78 Punjabi Bagh(West) New Delhi General Manager 110015 New Delhi Director 32,North West Avenue,2nd New Delhi Floor,Club Rd,Punjabi 110026 Bagh West, executive director D107 Anand Niketan, New Delhi Director Facilities (India), Vipul Tech Square, Gurgaon Sec 43, Golf Course Road C 162, FF, South City Gurgaon 2 122002 Towers D & E,ers DGurgaon & E, DLF Cyber Greens, DLF Phase III, Sector 25-A 122002 124- 416 7000 AVIVA Tower , Sector Road , Opp Golf Course, DLF - Phase 5 Gurgaon 0124-2709000- 9101 Trent House,G Block,Plot#60,Bandra ,Mumbai Kurla Complex,Bandra East 400051 022-40296600 , Gurgaon 14th Floor/II, Block C, Building no.8, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Y 42\ 1SEHTOOT MARG DLF PHASE 1 Gurgaon 281,Espace, Nirvana Country, Sector 50, FIL India Business Services GurgaonPvt.Ltd. Tower-D,Unitech 122001 0124-4021307 World,Sector-39 0124-2833124 Nestle House, Jacaranda Marg, 'M' Block, DLF City, Phase II Gurgaon 122002 56, Rama Road,

Vice President MD ndia Pvt. Ltd., Country Chief Auditor MD - Asia Pac Promoter Director Asst.Manager- Risk Business Manager

Director 15th Floor, Cyber Greens, Gurgaon DLF Phase III 122002 Chief Officer- Wireless TATA Teleservices ,N.Delhi. Ltd, 2A,Old Ishwar Ngr,Main Mathura Rd 110065 011-66558555 011-66552020 Solutions Gurgaon W2A, 151, Wellington Estate, DLF Phase 5 Promoter Gurgaon W2A, 151, Wellington Estate, DLF Phase 5 Head circulation - All India 9 &10, Bahadur Shah New Zafar Delhi Marg 222-223"Aashirwad"D-1,Green N.Delhi Park, Chairman 110002 110016 011-26851512 011-26858582 110001 011-23096166/ Deptt of Posts,Ministry ,N.Delhi of Commu. & Info.Technology,Dak Bhavan 23710053 23036512 Barclays Bank PLC,1st ,N.Delhi Floor,Eros Corporate Tower,Nehru Place 110019 011-46579068

Commercial Risk Director Global Head Defence and PTI Security Building,4 Parliament Street,N.Delhi 110001 a 011-23311735 VSM MD House No.276,Sector-38 Gurgaon South Asian Head 105, 1st Floor, Copia New Corporate Delhi Suite, Plot 110025 No. 9, Jasola Distt. Centre Director Marketing Chief Executive C-49,Okhla Ind. Area,Phase-II C-49,Okhla Ind. Area,PhaseA-126,Niti Bagh A-126,Niti Bagh ,New Delhi ,New Delhi ,N.Delhi ,N.Delhi 110020 110021 110049 110049 011-26385885


122002 Country Change Manager 9th Floor, Building 9A, Gurgaon Cyber City , DLF Phase III, Chief Executive Officer BEBB Enterprise Pvt.Ltd.F-33/4,Okhla ,N.Delhi Ind.Area,Phase-II 110020 011-30818483 011-30818383 Advisor-Prod & Prod Engineering Plot No-4,Sector-3,IMT ,Gurgaon Manesar 122050 0124-4395500 Tour Manager 5,Commercial Complex,Kailash ,N.Delhi Hill,East of110065 Kailash Director 5,Commercial Complex,Kailash ,N.Delhi Hill,East of110065 Kailash 011-26922521 011-26922520

General manager

515,5th 122002 Floor,Time Gurgaon 122002 3rd Floor, DLF building,No Gurgaon 8A,Behind Infinity Tower,DLF Cyber City Phase II 122002 3rd Floor, DLF building,No Gurgaon 8A,Behind Infinity Tower,DLF Cyber City Phase II 122003 4th Floor, DLF building,No Gurgaon 8A,Behind Infinity Tower,DLF Cyber City Phase II 122004 5th Floor, DLF building,No Gurgaon 8A,Behind Infinity Tower,DLF Cyber City Phase II 122005 6th Floor, DLF building,No Gurgaon 8A,Behind Infinity Tower,DLF Cyber City Phase II Nalini Jewellers, 16/New 2646-49 DelhiBank Street, Karol 110005 Bagh Nalini Jewellers, 16/New 2646-49 DelhiBank Street, Karol 110005 Bagh Appnetix Pvt Ltd,C-94, Noida Sector 8, W-8/23, Sainik Farms New Delhi 110062 B 1/31 Vasant ViharNew Delhi 110057 122009 K1-303 Central Park-1, Gurgaon Sector-42, Golf Course Road,


Partner Partner Director Senior Vice President Senior Vice President

Gurgaon 122002 Sector Road, Sector 53, DLF Phase V, B 1/31 Vasant ViharNew Delhi 110057 1st Floor, ABW Tower, Gurgaon IFFCO Chowk, MG122001 Road, Sector 25, -, Haryana 122001 2nd Floor, ABW Tower, Gurgaon IFFCO Chowk, MG Road, Sector 25, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana 1st Floor, ABW Tower, Gurgaon IFFCO Chowk, MG122001 Road, Sector 25, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana 122001 2nd Floor, ABW Tower, Gurgaon IFFCO Chowk, MG Road, Sector 25, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana 122001 FA Group,7th Floor,Gurgaon ABW Tower, Sector 25, IFFCO Chowk, MG Road 122001 FA Group,7th Floor,Gurgaon ABW Tower, Sector 25, IFFCO Chowk, MG Road 122001 FA Group,7th Floor,Gurgaon ABW Tower, Sector 25, IFFCO Chowk, MG Road Panasonic India Pvt.Ltd. 1st Floor,ABW Tower,IFFCO 122001 0124-4596600 Chowk,MG Rd,Sector-25,Gurgaon,Haryana 0124-4596625 SR.GM-Consumer Electronics VP Project Director Captain CEO &MD General Manager 12, Birchcourt, Nirvana Gurgaon Country 062-Royalton Gurgaon Tower,Princeton Indira Gandhi New Delhi International B6/7,1st Floor,Vasant N.Delhi Vihar 122018 110037 011-41435947

110048 B-2,3rd Floor, GK Enclave-II,N.Delhi. House Number 88 Sector Haryana 17,Panchkula,

CEO Partner

Spazedge Building,Ground Gurgaon Floor,Tower-A,Sector-47,Gurgaon 122002 Sohna Rd, Spazedge Building,Ground Gurgaon Floor,Tower-A,Sector-47,Gurgaon 122002 Sohna Rd,

52 Gurunanak Market New Kashmere Delhi Gate MD 69, eldeco mansionz, Gurgaon sector 48, opp omaxe 122001 plaza sohna rd Director 24, Navjiwan Vihar ,New Delhi 110017 Executive Vice President R01B,Windsor Court,DLF Gurgaon Phase-4 122009


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Name Designation Company Anil C Sharma Principal Consultant 24*7 Learning Private Limited Ravinder Pandita Manager Accenture Services Pvt Ltd Hem Chand Rajput Manager Customer Support Access Net IT Solutions Private Limited Sachin Bali Senior Manager - IT Actia India Private Limited Madhav Srivastava Manager - IT AECOM Vipul Gupta Vice President Business Development Aeren R Enterprises P J Koul DGM-IT Deptt. Air India Satyajit Aribam Director - Business Operations Allied Infoline Pvt Ltd Vineet Sharma Director - Business Development Allied Infoline Pvt Ltd Vijay Aima Vice President Ambience Limited Sandeep Datta General Manager - Mall Operations Ambience Limited Sushil Kumar Sharma Assistant Director (CA & A) American Institute of Indian Studies Subroto Kumar Panda CIO Anand And Anand Praveen Tyagi President - CEO ANUPRAV INTERNATIONAL Private Limited Hukam Singh IT Head Autofit Private Limited Balbir Rai Head - IT Ballarpur Industries Limited Neeraj Tyagi GM-IT Ballarpur Industries Limited Paritosh K Shah Deputy General Manager Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Sudir Kumar General Manager - IT Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Anurag Jain Asstt. General Manager IT Bharat Seats Limited Sanjay Rishi SENIOR MANAGER Finance Bharat Seats Limited Chetan Kumar Telemedia Network Head - North Airtel Centre Bharti Airtel Limited Sachin Verma D.G.M. Bharti Airtel Limited Anurag Sr Manager - IT Bharti Airtel Ltd Anuraag Awasthi Director Campcorp Shikha Rai Director IT GA & Qehs Information Technology Canon Division India Private Limited Vikas Ojha Manager - IT & CISO IT Division Canon India Private Limited D N Nagpal ASSTT DIRECTOR Central Electricity Authority Narinder Bhatia Director Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Education Daman Dev Sood VP & Head - Green IT Practice Continuity and Resilience Andrew Johns Regional Manager - North India Crimsonlogic IT Solutions Private Limited M L Agrawal DY CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER(RETD) D.T.C Vasu K Saksena Managing Director Danblock Brakes India Private Limited Yogesh Pasrija Dy. Manager - IT Danblock Brakes India Private Limited Ajay Ambekar Deputy Secretary Tourism Department of Tourism And Cultural Affairs Government of Maharashtra Harvinder Preet Singh AVP - Technology Solutions Group DLF Pramerica Life Insurance Company Limited Deeapk Madan Head-IT DLF Projects Limited Pradeep K Gupta ADVISOR Dragonfly Education Pvt. Ltd Kulwinder Gahley General Manager EKCS Satvinder Singh Maan Member Ishrea EM Project Services Charanjeet Singh Manager - IT Services Engineers India Limited Manka Mishra Asst. Manager - External Communication Ericsson India Pvt Ltd Vishal Gupta Director Ericsson India Pvt Ltd Saurabh Gupta Regional Executive Officer - North Etisalat DB Telecom Private Limited Bhupender Singh Vice President, CEO-north Etisalat DB Telecom Private Limited Amit Saxena Vice President - IT Etisalat DB Telecom Private Limited Deepinder Singh Tiwana Circle Head-Delhi Etisalat DB Telecom Private Limited Gautam Verma Lead Assistant Manager Technology EXL Service Vikash Mishra Director - Technical Fiberfill Engineers Vilender Kumar Assistant Professor-IT FIIB Anshika Khandelwal Trade Officer ICT-Services-Aerospace department French Embassy Samir Bhattacharya Deputy Head Energy & IT Sector French Embassy Arijit Kalita Assistant Vice President - IT Ge Money Financial Services Private Limited Tushar Kanti Roy Council Member Gehrson Lehman Group India Private Limited Ashok Agarwal General Manager Genius Electrical & Electronics Private Limited Virender Kumar Goel Vice President - Technical Genius Electrical & Electronics Pvt. Limited Rohit Beriwal Assistant Vice President Global F&A Genpact

Gunjan kakaria Manager Genpact Chandan Sinha CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER GHCL Limited Ajay Singhal AGM HCL Comnet Ltd Yogendra Kumar Pandey Senior Manager - Tooling & Molding Purchase Hella India Electronics Private Limited Sandeep Singhal Assistant Manager Hero Honda Motors Limited Tushar Pulyani Dy. Manager Hero Honda Motors Limited Angela Martyris Commercial Officer-Ontario High Commission Of Canada Sumit Goel DGM IBM India Pvt. Ltd. A K Gupta Dy. General Manager (Systems) IFFCO Limited Sunil Jain Principal Consultant IL & FS Enviornment Ashu Jain CIO IMSI India Pvt. Ltd Prateek Joshi General Manager - IT India Infrastructure & Logistics Private Limited Dr Harpreet Singh Scientist C Indian Council of Medical Research Meera Singh Scientist F Indian Council of Medical Research S K Dey Biswas Scientist 'F' Indian Council of Medical Research H. S. Kharbanda Head - IT Institute of Astro Medical Sciences Salil Narang GENERAL MANAGER INVESTMENT PROMOTION CENTRE, GOVT OF HARYANA Sudhir Maggo AGM - Systems ISGEC JOHN THOMPSON Subhasis Sarkar Divisional Chief Infomation Officer ITC Limited Rajneesh Sharma Manager-IT Operations ITC Limited Kapil Mehrotra Head Web Applications iYOGI Technical Services Private Limited RD Malav Vice President Information Technology Jindal Poly Films Ltd Avishek Singh Asst. manager (IT Head) JTEKT SONA AUTOMOTIVE INDIA Limited Kamal Khanna D.G.M-IT Jubilant Life Sciences Limited Krishan Lal Chief Information Officer Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited Kalyan Kumar De Vice President - Project Development Kimaya Energy Limited Prabhu N Sharma MANAGER - IT Kimaya Energy Limited Sunil Kumar Gupta Manager Finance Kimaya Energy Limited Atul Gupta Director - Advisory Services KMPG P Subrahmanyam AGM Lanco Infratech Limited Ajay Singh AGM LLOYD INSULATIONS (INDIA) LTD Lalit Madan AGM-IT LUMAX INDUSTRIES LIMITED Shuvir Kelvin Daniel Sr. Manager - IT Lumax Industries Limited Puneet Kaur Kohli Group Chief Information Officer Marvel Group P L Jagota Vice President Master Informatix Systyems India Private Limited Rohit Sharma Sr. Manager IT Mastertrust Rajeev Sharma Manager - IT & MIS Mat India Trading Co. Sanjay Chhokra GM-IT Mayar India Limited Bhoopendra Solanki Assistant Manager Medanta -The Medicity Vijay Anand Deputy General Manager - Corporate Strategy Moser & New Baer Business India Limited Initatives Harish Nautiyal Senior Technical Director National Informatics Centre Komal Panvanda Head - IT Neetee Clothing Private Limited Deepak Prabhakar Asst. Manager(IT) NHPC Ltd Brij Bhushan Sr Technical Director NIC Pankaj Mittal Security Solution Manager Nokia Siemens Networks Susant Sahu SENIOR MANAGER EDP & HARDWARE Numero Uno Clothing Ltd Ankur Jain Product Manager Olive Telecom Ramkumar Mohan Senior Manager - IT Orbis Financial Corporation Limited Deepak Sharma Manager IT OSC exports services pvt ltd Pravin Pal Singh AGM - IT OSE Private Limited Anil Sharma Vice President - Compute Service Delivery Asia Pepsico , Middle India East Holdingd & Africa Private Division Limited Vipan Sawhney Vice President Progression Infonet (P) Limited P Varshney Senior Vice President PTC India Limited Rajat Dua Manager QAI India Limited Shantanu Sharma Vice President QAI India Limited Pankaj Sharma Regional Manager Quantumlink Communications Pvt. Ltd R P Rath VP-Technologies Quatrro BPO Solutions Atender Prasad Sr. Manager ERP R H Agro Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Tarun Pratap Singh SR MANAGER IT R H Agro Overseas Pvt. Ltd.

Abhay K Verma Ruchi Aggarwal Sanjeev Tyagi Bharat Sharma Sunil Aswani Binayak Pradhan Atul Nigam T K Goswami Deepak Choudhary Sushma Tyagi Navtej Matharu Pankaj Mittal Neha Bhatt O P Singh Khair Ull Nissa Sheikh Abhishek Pandey Parveen Mithra Parambir Singh S K Nanda Nischal Goyal Sangeeta Gupta Dr Poonam Chablani Ajay Saini Archana Sharma T C Bajaj Anand Kumar J Kumar

Advisor-IT Senior Manager - Business Development DGM - SAP Associate Vice President - IT Sr. Dy. General Manager(IT) Deliery Head - IT Infra General Manager Vice President Technology AGM PRESIDENT CIO Project Manager

Radiohms Agency Ltd Raj Buildcon Construction Ltd Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited Religare Enterprise Limited RITES Limited Samsung Data Systems India Private Limited Samsung Data Systems India Pvt. Ltd Schenck RoTec India Limited Schneider Electric india Pvt. Ltd School E -Tech India Serco SingTel Global (I) Pvt. Ltd. Six Degrees PR Consultants Asst. Vice President Group IT SONA Koyo Steering Systems Limited General Manager - Leasing Spire World Sr. Manager-Strategic Planning SpireWorld Vice President Infrastructure Advisory Division SREI Infrastructure Finance Limited Assistant General Manager Projects Steel Authority of India Limited DIRECTOR SUNSTONE ENTERPRISES IT - Service Delivery Head Tata Consultancy Services Limited Director - IT TERI University Director - Healthcare Practice TippingEdget Consulting Group Head - IT Travel New Services India Private Limited Director UP Stock Exchange Limited Vice Presaident Up Stock Exchange Limited AVP-IT Validor Capital India Private Limited DGM - Technology & Networking World Telecom Networks Limited

Address City PinCode Phone Mobile Fax Plot No. 15-16, Ground Floor Express Noida Trade Tower,, 201301 Sector 16A 9818273175 7B, DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon Gurgaon 122002 0124-4791336 9899632222 Ug 55, Somdutt Chamber 2 Bhikaji New Cama DelhiPlace 110066 011-26182748/26196954/26170236/24525682 9811305692 011-26170236 C-15, Sec-58 Noida 201301 0120-2582290/91/4222229 9810266015 0120-2582293 9/F, Infinity Tower C DLF Cyber Gurgaon City DLF Phase 122002 2 0124-4830100/(Dir / 4830210) 0124-4830108 6Th Floor, Mahendra Tower, Bikaji New Cama DelhiPlace110066 011-42225222 9811020102 011-42225223 Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg New Delhi 110003 011-25672880/25672832/2565346/(Res 9899599075 011-25675346 / 22751012) 90, New Manglapuri MG Road New New DelhiDelhi 110030 110030 011-41838150 9899019817 90, New Manglapuri MG Road New Delhi 110030 011-41838150 9811390712 Plot No 2, Nelson Mandela RoadNew , Vasant DelhiKunj 110070 011-40870065 9871389846/8860000744 Near Toll Plaza, Nh-8, (KM Stone Gurgaon 24) 122001 0124-4737123/4665555 9873560050 22 Sector-32 Institutional Area Gurgaon 122001 0124-2381424/2381359 9810516049 0124-2381843 Plot No -17A, Sector -16A, Film Noida City 201301 0120-4059300 9958114419 0120-4243056-058 704 Suneja Tower-2, D704, 706,708, New Delhi Suneja Tower 110058 -2 Distric 011-25623153/25523154 t Centre Janak 9810052774 Puri 011-25523136 69Th Km Stone Village Malpura Rewari Dharuhera 123 106 0127-42667062 9812310942 First India Place, Tower C,Mehrauli Gurgaon - Gurgaon Road 122002 9810086752 Fip, Tower C, Mg Road Gurgaon 122002 0124 4099338/2804242/43 0124-2560021 Bharat Sanchar Bhavan Harish Chandra New Delhi Mathur 110 Lane 001 Janpath 23340060 9868218099 Bharat Sanchar Bhavan Harish Chandra New Delhi Mathur 110 Lane 001 Janpath 9412000068 Plot No.1, Maruti Udyog Joint Venture Gurgaon Complex 122015 0124-2341258/2341087 9818076815 0124-2341188 Plot No-1, J V Maruti Complex, Udyog Gurgaon Vihar, Udyog 122005 Vihar 0124-2341258/2341087 9871092665 0124-2341188 India & South Asia Airtel CentreGurgaon Plot No. 16 Udyog 122001 Vihar, 0124-4244205 Phase-IV 9810679329 0124-4244017 India & South Asia Airtel CentreGurgaon Plot No. 16 Udyog 122015 Vihar, 0124-4244053 Phase-IV 9971150141 0124-4244017 Plot 16, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV, Gurgaon Gurgaon 9971562266 F 13, Okhla Phase - I New Delhi 110020 011-22321345 9810068709 2Nd Floor, Tower A & B,Cyber Greens, Gurgaon Dlf Phase 122002 III 0124-4160000/(Dir 9811024232 / 4160109) 0124-4160109 2Nd Floor, Tower A & B,Cyber Greens, Gurgaon Dlf Phase 122002 III 0124-4160000/(Dir 9818329405 / 4160198) 0124-4160011 planning wings, 2nd floor, SewaNew Bhawan DelhiRk Puram 110066 9818268861/9818268861 Sector-3, Dwarika New Delhi 110075 9810698688 9810698688/9999823679 Level 15, Eros Corporate Towers, New Nehru Delhi Place 110019 011-42235338 9958091880 011-42235339 Logix Park, A-4 , Sector 16, Noida 201301 0120-3119798/4366000 9717886943 0120-4366098 13C Janhit Apartment Sector 9, New Delhi-110085 Delhi 110085 011-28888049 9718190152 Village : Joshi Chouhan, P.O. Bahalgarh, Sonepat District 131021 0130-3059001/3059001 9050730000 0130-3059059 Village : Joshi Chouhan, P.O. Bahalgarh, Sonepat District 131021 0130-3059040 9991096733 0130-3059059 425 Annese Mantralaya Mumbai 400032 022-22022702 9869085152 4Th Floor, Building No. 98, Cyber, Gurgaon DLF City Ph 122002 3 0124-4697000/(Dir 9811807967 /4697163) 0124-4697200 Dlf Cyber Greens Tower C , 17Th Gurgaon Floor, Dlf Cyber 122002 City, Phase 0124-4396000 3 / 4615555 9958011322 / (Dir / 4615488) 0124-2350344/4615556 B1, Ground Floor, Sector-60 Noida 201301 0120-4784915 9810903257 0120-4784919 342, Udyog Vihar, Phase Iv Gurgaon 122016 0124-477809 9899816764 A-615, Shastri Nagar New Delhi 110052 011-23642702 9810021003 1, Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi 110066 011-26762238/26762508 9868125019 011-26186734 Ericsson Forum, DLF Cyber City,Gurgaon Sector 25A 122002 0124-2560808 9910465989/ 9582005936 0124-2565454 Ericsson Forum, DLF Cyber City,Gurgaon Sector 25A Gurgaon, 122002 Haryana, 0124-2560808 India 9810176615 0124-4019241 3rd Floor, Tower -A Vatika business Gurgaon Park Sector 122002 49 Sohna0124-4202923 Road 9999885204 0124-4202923 5th & 6th floor, Technopolis Tower-B, Gurgaon DLF Golf 122002 Cource Road, 0124-4626306 Sector-54 9711999786 0124-4375888 3rd floor, Vatika Bussiness Park,Gurgaon Tower A, sector 122002 49, sohna road 9711099997 0124-4202923 3rd floor, Vatika Bussiness Park,Gurgaon Tower A, sector 122002 49, Nr. Village 0124-4202922 Badshahpur 9711999809 0124-4202923 A-98,Sec - 58 Noida 201301 0120-2444822/Extn/2109 9899878685 0120-2587781 C-9/9574, Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110070 011-49051287/49051289/46024011 9899539193 011-46024022 Plot No. 5, Basant Gaon, Opp. Army New R. delhi R. Hospital, 110057 Rao Tula 011-47285045 Ram Marg 9910478836 2/50E Shantipath - Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 011-43196346/43196354 9811667773 011-43196309 2/50E Shantipath, Chankyapuri New Delhi 110021 011-43196346 9811667773 011-43196309 12th Floor, DLF Infinity Towers Gurgaon Tower C Block 122002 2, Building 0124-3992481 3 DLF Cyber City 9873152409 Dlf Infinity Tower,Tower A: 9ThGurgaon FloorDlf Phase 122002 II 9868132005 Plot No. 702, Pace City - 2, Sector-37 Gurgaon 122001 0124-4303300 9868887518 Unit 2 Plot No 702 Pace City 2 Sector Gurgaon 37 122001 0124-4303300/30 9910696928/9910696928 0124-4303333 ToweDelhi Information Technology NewPark Delhi Shastri 122001 Park 011-42565543/42565400/Extn/5977 9999262629 011-42565454

Delhi Information Technology Park, New Shashtri Delhi nagar 110053 011-42565629 9999981286 Ghcl House" B - 38, Institutional Noida Area Sector - 201301 1 120-2535335 9899694946 0120-2535209/4153 F-8-9, Sector 3 Noida 201301 0120-4382800/4362100/2525676/2443966-69 9818150254 0120-2525681 Ext. 5381 9th Milestone, Gurgaon-FarrukhNagar Gurgaon Road, Dhankoat 122001 0124-/4991700/(Dir 9717278354/8800996018 / 4991859) 0124-4991799 37 Km stone, delhi-jaipur highway, Gurgaon sector-33 122001 0124-2894413/2372123 7503570884 0124-2373141-42 34, Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057 011-46044183/100 9818161922 7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 011-41782000 ext. 3671 9871229065 / 41782632(D) 011-41782041 2nd floor, The MIRA, Plot no. 1&2, New old Delhi Ishwar 110065 nagar, Delhi-mathura 011-46592630(D) highway / 46592500 9811777801 Ext. 92630 011-26921061 Iffco Sadan, C1, District Centre,New Saket Delhi Place, Saket 110017 011-26542842 ( Off.), 9818264894 0124-2347446 ( Res.) 4Th Floor, Dr. Gopaldas Bhavan,28, New Barakhamba Delhi 110001 Road,C P 47061496 9811224196 207, Orchid Square, B Block Sushant Gurgaon Lok, Gurgaon, Haryana 0124-4049011 - 122009 0124-4049011 301 & 302 Third Floor, Plot No. New 16 & Delhi 17, Community 110020 Centry, 011-44210170 Okhla Phase -1 9811423153 011-44210105 P.O. Box No. 4911 Ansari NagarNew Delhi 110029 9716270296 ICMR V. Ramalingaswmi Bhawan New Ansari Delhi Nagar New Delhi 26588876 110029 9873010501 P.O. Box No. 4911 Ansari NagarNew Delhi 110029 011-26588587 9891303502 011-265897791 24/4, Pant Nagar, Jangpura, New New Delhi Delhi 110014 24311343 9868550673/8860744613 C 8, Baba Kharak Singh Marg New Delhi 110001 011-23347681/2336362823364822/23742801 9811040595 011-23347688/23341518 / (D / 23348481) A 4 Sector 24 Noida Noida 201301 0120-3301135/3301001 9810214067 0120-3301000 86, Udyog vihar, phase-1 Gurgaon 122016 0124-4588200 ext. 9818007076 301 / 4588301(D) 0124-4001351/53 86, Udyog Vihar, phase-1 Gurgaon 122016 0124-4588200 Ext. 294 / 4588294(D) 0124-4001351/53 Dlf Building No. 6, Tower C, 12Th Gurgaon Floor, Sector 122002 24 & 25 A, 9811779881/9999203056 Dlf Cyber City 09999203056/09582806563 Plot no. 12 sector B1, Vasant Kunj, NewNew Delhi Delhi 110070 -110070 21639256/65 9810675062 011-26125739 Plot No-26, Sec-5, Phase-II, Growth Rewari Center Bawal 123501 01284-264114/116 9812432533 01284-264456 Plot 4, Sector 16A Noida 201301 0120-/4641500 (Dir9811153207 / 4641521) 0120-2516630/4234887 21, Barakhamba Road New Delhi 110001 011-43579206/43579200 9818645045/9560796644 / Extn 206 011-23717203/23766486 A-301,6 Aurangzeb Road New Delhi 110011 011-30425555/56/57/58/59 9811423307 011-30425565 A-301, 6 Aurangzeb Road New Delhi 110011 9910792225 9560319393/8860531114 Building No. 10, 8th Floor, Tower-B, Gurgaon DLF Cyber 122002 City, Phase-2 0124-3074000/3074134 9810081050 0124-2549101 Lanco House, Plot#397, phase-3, Gurgaon Udyog Vihar 122016 0124-4741000-04 Ext.9650690740 1539 0124-4741020 2, kalkaji Industrial Area New Delhi 110019 011-30882874, 30882875/30882900 9313217713 011-30882894/26478601 Plot No 16, Sector-18, Maruti Complex Gurgaon 122001 0124-4278275/2341090 9810208623 0124-2342149 Plot No. 16, Sector-18, Maruti complex Gurgaon 122015 0124-2341090 9999781065 0124-2342149 11/77, Mothers Pride Building, West New Punjabi Delhi Bagh 110026 7838654050 9810028290 011-46681406 D-12,First Floor Kalkaji New Delhi 110019 011-26270749 / 62587291 9873189143 / (Dir / 62587291) 011-26443795 C-56, Sector-63 Noida 201301 0120-3311138/3311137 9350285088 0120-3311149 43 Km Mile Stone, Karnal - Delhi Sonepat Gt Road 132001 9671313637 0130-3059059 10Th Floor, Dlf Square,Dlf City Gurgaon 122 002 0124-4995700 9873470100 0124-4995791-95 Sector-38 Rajiv Chowk Gurgaon 122001 124-4834008 8800494265 43B, Okhla Indl Estate - 3 New Delhi 110020 011-40594444 / (Dir 9873408824 / 40594335) 011-41635211/26911860 A-Block CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 011-24364779 9810338768 011-24305228 218, Udyog Vihar, Phase - I Gurgaon 122016 0124-4294156/3014141/30141456 9811639708 0124-4002579 NHPC, Office Complex, sector-33 Faridabad 121003 0129-2272260 9999184333 011-23766408 Nic, A-Block, Cgo-Complex, Lodhi New Road, Delhi 110003 011-24305662 9999360490 011-24364873 C-32, Plot No. 91, Arya Nagar Appartments, New Delhi Ip110092 Extension 9818081412 568/1, Pmw Complex, Rly RoadGurgaon 122001 0124-4555222 9818252244 0124-2253943 Udyog Vihar Phase-5 Gurgaon 122001 0124-4648092 9891122615 4A, Technopolis, Sector-54 Golf Gurgaon Club Road Gurgaon 122002 0124-4546565 9871679900 0124-4546500 Vatika Tower, 3rd floor, tower B, Gurgaon DLF golf course 122002 road, sector 0124-4607320 54 9811757100 0124-3058078 21, commercial complex, malcha New marg, Delhi diplomatic 110021 enclave 011-51680224/51680225 9868054615 011-26114421 Level 3, 9A Cyber City, Dlf Phase Gurgaon III 122002 0124-4946707 9810830333 0124-4946780 55, Iem, Electronic City, Sector Gurgaon 18 122015 0124-2455070 9873351125 2Nd Floor, Nbcc Towers, 15 Bhikaji NewCama Delhi Place 110066 011-41595132 9810153223 011-41659145 1010-1012, Ansal Towers 38 Nehru NewPlace Delhi 110019 011-26219792/47776666 9999867228 011-26218974 1010-1012 Ansal Towers 38 Nehru New Place Delhi 110019 011-26219792, 26220580 9810601624 011-26218972 E-13,East Of Kailash New Delhi 110065 46546401/05 9810255971 267, Udyog Vihar Phase 2 Gurgaon 122015 0124-4561000 9811211135 0124-4008080 704, Kailash Building,K. G. MargNew Delhi 110001 011-23765104 9996025731/9717262288 011-23715106 704, Kailash Building,K. G. MargNew Delhi 110001 011-23765104 9996025766/9717262277 011-23715105

B7/2 Okhla Industrial Area Phase-Ii, NewDelhi Newdelhi-110020 110020 011-28050093/26387801/40500800/900 9711176969 011-41704942 Weldone Tech Park, 404,Sec-48, Gurgaon Sohna Road 122002 0124-4702200 / (Dir 9560190931 / 4702210) 0124-4702299 Plot No 89-90, Sector 32 Gurgaon 122001 0124-4185520 9958795627 Plot No. A-3/4/5, 1 St Floor , GYS Noida Global, Sector-125 201301 0120-3391347 9717099798 Rites Bhawan, 1, Sector-29, Gurgaon 122001 0124-2818433 9873906463 0124-2571645 B-1, Sector - 81,Phase -2 Noida 201305 0120-4011900/ Extn 9811010655 /1524 0120-2568256 2nd Floor Tower C Vipul Tech Square Gurgaon Golf Course 122002 Road, Sector 0124-4881234/Extn - 43 9810608210 / 1862 / ( DiD / 4881862) Plot No.A5, Sector 81, Phase-II Noida 201305 0120-2563174-79 9999324988 0120-2563172-73 9th floor, DLF building no. 10, tower Gurgaon C, DLF cyber 122002 city, phase 0124-3940400 2 8860093360 0124-4222036/4222037 706 Suneja Tower-II, District Centre,Janakpuri New Delhi 110058 011-25523136/25535624/25 9910052774 / 25623153/25546444 011-25523136 A - 14/3, Phase II, Naraina Industrial New Delhi Area 110028 9810331123 5th floor, A-block, stateman house, New148, Delhi Barakhamba 110001 Road 011-41521199/43621116(D) 9810993280 011-41521683 2nd Floor, plot #206 Okhla Industrial New Delhi Estate Phase 110020 3 011-26911440/42 8527228877 38/6, Delhi-Jaipur Road Nh-8 Gurgaon 122002 0124-4685000 /Extn 9818091587 / 5150 /(Dir / 4685150) 0124-4104611/4104621 5D, Plaza M6, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi Jasola 110025 011-40804080/40714000 9958952277 011-40515601 5D, Plaza M6, Jasola District Centre, New Delhi jasola 110025 011-40804080/40714000 9650699586 011-40515601 D-2, 5Th Floor, Southern Park, Saket New Delhi Place, Saket 110017 011-66025707 (Dir)/66025700 9811576673 (Board) 011-66025818 17Th Floor, Scope Minar, North Delhi Tower, Laxminagar 110092 District 011-22466844 Centre / D /9968605166 Extn/ 218 / (Resi 011-22467458 / 0120-2771090) C-117,Shakti Nagar Extension New Delhi 110052 011-47091238 9871083438 PTI Building 4 Parliament streetNew Delhi 110001 011-66506425 Ext. 9250008237 425 011-23311735 10, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110070 011-26122222 011-26122874 Ed 146/1 , Tagore Garden , New New Delhi Delhi -110027 110027 9811203664 DLF Building No. 10, 4th Floor Twer Gurgaon A DLF Cyber 122002 City 0124-4029578 / ( Dir 9818883214/9999027728 / 4029596) 0124-4029444 23A/Gh-10 Outer Ring Road New Delhi 110087 011-25260710 9212309750 011-25280562 23A/Gh-10 Outer Ring Road New Delhi 110087 011-25260710/25280562 9212309750 011-25280562 Bldng No 6, Floor 6 , B-Block, Dlf Gurgaon Cyber City,Dlf 122002 Phase -3 0124-4205243 9899919638/9650806826 0124-4205241 /4205253 270, Gh 5 & 7, Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110087 011-25253252 9811402085

Email anil.sharma@24*7learning.com ravinder.pandita@accenture.com hcrajput@accessitsol.com sbali@actiaindia.com

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www.airtel.in www.airtel.in www.canon.co.in www.canon.co.in www.ciee.in www.continuityandresillience.com


www.engineersindia.com www.ercsson.com www.ericsson.com

www.exlservice.com www.fiib.edu.in www.ubifrance.fr www.ge.com www.glgroup.com www.geniusindia.com www.genpact.com

www.genpact.com www.ghcl.co.in www.hclcommet.co.in www.hella.com www.herohonda.com www.herohonda.com www.investinontaria.com;www.india.gc.ca www.ibm.com www.iffco.nic.in www.aplindialinx.com www.icmr.nic.in www.haryanainvest.org www.isgecgroup.com www.itcportal.com www.itcportal.com www.iyogi.com www.jindalgroup.com www.jubl.com www.kanoriachem.com www.kimayaenergy.com

www.lancogroup.com www.lloydindia.com www.iammarvel.com www.masterinfoindia.com www.mayargroup.com www.moserbaer.in www.neetee.com www.nhpcindia.com www.nucl.in

www.orientalindia.com www.pepsico.com www.ptcindia.com www.qaiglobal.com www.qaiglobal.com www.postmaster.in www.quatrro.com www.rhagro.com www.rhagro.com

www.radiohms.com www.rajgroup.net www.rites.com www.schenck-india.com www.schneider-electric.co.in www.schooletech.com

www.sonagroup.com www.spirewold.in www.spirewold.in www.srei.com www.sail.co.in www.tcs.com www.teriuniversity.ac.in


NAME Mr.D K Giri


COMPANY NAME Schumacher Centre

Mr.Arun Gupta

Vice President

SREI,BNP Paribas

Mr.Deepak Rai

Research Analyst


Mr.Vineet Kumar Subash

Chief Manager Key Accounts

SREI,BNP Paribas

Mr.Prabhjot Sodhi Mr.Vikas Aggarwal Mr.Ramesh Jain Mr.Pradeep Saharoy Chowdhary

MBE,National Coordinator,GEF UNDP SGP,CEE CEE Advocate Business Reporter Correspondent ALMT Legal Daily Hindustan Express Samachar Post

Mr.Digvijay Singh

Business Coordinator

Ramky Group Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited

Mr.Siddarth Singh

DGM-business Development

Mr.Amit Chopra

Director of Sales & Marketing

The Leela Palace

Mr.Tarun Goswami Mr.Ganesh Sivaramakrishnan Ms.Kavya Chandra Mr.Naresh K Pande Dr K R Murali Mohan Ph.D

Head Catering Sales Manager-Business Development & Liaison Under Graduate Student Editor-in-chief Director/Scientist-F

The Leela Palace Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited

Indo European Affairs Department of Science & Technology

Dr.Parveen Arora


Govt of India

Mr.Gurneet Singh Mr Satish Jain

LEED AP,Project Manager/Architect BDO,Green India Pariwar Manager-Business Development


Mr.Anuj Hemanth Xess

Mr.Anirudh Agrawal Mr.Anupam Jain Mr.Vibhav Nuwal Mr.KBS Negi Mr.Ankush Jain

Student,ECOLE POLYTECHNIC Senior Green Building Specialist Director Vice President-Operations Climate Change Specialist Adviser/Scientist-G & Coordinator Senior Manager,Technology Transfer

RE Connect Energy Solutions MSC Management HEC Paris,MSC Mechanical Engg,INSA Lyon,B.Tech Punjab Engg.College Environmental Design Solutions Pvt Ltd REConnect Energy Solutions Jay Madhok Energy Pvt Ltd Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Ltd Government of India,Ministry Of Science and technology The Energy and Resources Institute

Dr.Akhilesh Gupta Mr.Albert Neil Trevor

Mr.Atul Mehrotra Mr.Era Chaturvedi Ms.S.R.Meena Mr.Madhur Prabhakar Mr Raman Sinha

Business Director Business development Manager Scientist B Head-Strategic Marketing Director-Business Development

Ramky Group KGD Ministry of New And Renewable Energy EVI-Emergent Ventures India Viridian capital Indian Renewable Energy Development agency Limited AMRIT INDIA

Mr K S Popli Mr M Zahid Mr Abid Husain Mr.Manjul Trehan Mr Pulkit Goenka


Manager Director-Sales Senior Manager,Technology Transfer


Mr.Alok Nigam

Senior Vice President-Project Development


Mr.Vijay K Jain Mr.Rakesh Solanki Mr Mendu Chakrapani Mr Lokesh Kumar Singh Mr Raj Menon Mr Puneet Gupta Mr Jagdish Rawat

Senior Associate Chief Executive Joint General Manager Video Journalist

C&C H.PAMCO IRCON International Limited S TV

Country Manager InterfaceFLOR M.A Sustainable development Practice TERI University Divya Himachal Prakashan Pvt Manager PR Ltd

Mr S N Mishra Mr Love Bhutani Mr Sameer Gupta Mr Chella Namasivayam Ms Pramita sen

Business Correspondent Consultant,carbon Advisory Business

Utkal Mail

EVI-Emergent Ventures India ENERCON FINANCIAL Asst General manager-Finance CONSULTANCY PVT LTD Chief Information Officer Igate Patni India Carbon Outlook

Mr Som Chaturvedi

Chairman Chief Operating Officer-India Solar Farm Business Vice President-Debt Syndication

TRA International LTD

Mr Sanjay Varghese Mr N K Madan Mr Yudhishter Aggarwal Mr Ashish Agrawal Mr Payal Rastogi Dr D N Kulkarni

Prof Arun Goyal Ph.D C R BIJOY

LANCO J R Laddha Financial Services P Ltd Delhi International Airport P Vice President(Operations) Ltd J R Laddha Financial Services P Sr Vice President-Corp Finance Ltd Green Business & Sustainability Consultant President Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd INDO_US FOUNDATION for RESEARCH,EDUCATION,ENERG President & CEO Y & ENVIRONMENT Campaign For Survival

Debashish Majumdar Dr.Srikant K Panigrahi Gyanesh Pande Nitin Gupta Shivanad Nimbargi Sonia Shrivastava VINOD Kala Mr Abhishek Anumitha Kapil Kasotia Mr Anil Arora Mr Sanjay Sen Gupta Mr Vineet Kumar Subash Megha A Singh Mr Kesav Singhal Mr Rabidyuti Biswas Anjali Priyanka Ms Rozita Singh Amresh Deshpande Mr Arun Gupta Mr Devesh narula Dr Bhoop Singh Dr K R Murali Mohan Ph.D Dr V K Arora Dr A N Rai Mr Bilal Ahmad S Jain General Sandhu Huban Singh Abhinav Garg Mr Mr

IREDA Carbon Minus Power Husk Systems Attero Recycling Green Infra INTEL Emergent Ventures SpireEdge SpireEdge Emergent ventures UNDP NISCAIR,CSIR SREI Infrastructure Finance lTd TERI University TERI University School Of Planning & Architecture Rakesh Solanki TERI University Schneider Electric SREI Infrastructure Finance lTd TERI University Department of science & Technology Department of science & technology DST

Times Of India NDTV HINDUSTAN Times

ADDRESS 1 Schumacher Centre,K-24,3rd Floor SREI Equipment Finance Private Limited,D-2,5th floor,Southern Park,Saket Place,Saket,New Delhi Integrated Research and Action For Development,C80,Shivalik SREI Equipment Finance Private Limited,D-2,5th floor,Southern Park,Saket Place,Saket,New Delhi Centre For Environment Education,C-40,Ground Floor 506,DLF Place,Mall Office Block g-79,tower Building,Abdul Fazal Enclave-II Samachar Post Bhawan,c-50 C-D-E,6th floor,15 Hansalaya Building,Barakhamba Road C-D-E,6th floor,15 Hansalaya Building,Barakhamba Road The Leela Palace Kempinski,Diplomatic Enclave The Leela Palace Kempinski,Diplomatic Enclave C-D-E,6th floor,15 Hansalaya Building,Barakhamba Road #102,Golden Threshold 13 Parmanand Estate,104 Friends Colony Hall-c,Room No-1 Department of science and technology,Technology Bhavan

ADDRESS 2 Green Park Extension

Southern Park,Saket Place,Saket,New Delhi

Malviya Nagar

South Extension,Part-II District Centre,Saket Kalindi Kunj,Sarita Vihar Road Main Road,preet vihar

Connaught place

Connaught place

Connaught place Alexadria Street,Richmond Town

Technology Bhavan,New Mehrauli Road

New Mehrauli Road

657 A/c,Vasant Kunj 707,D-Mall Shree Kunj,House No.897,Bh ST.Thomas English Medium school Netaji Subash Place,Pitampura Netaji Chowk,New Shanti Nagar

657 Sec A/C Vasant Kunj 901,tower 16 D-143 Defence Colony 63-64,Kalpataru Square,Kondivita Lane Department of science & Technology DarbarisethBlock, I H C Complex C-D-E,6th floor,15 Hansalaya Building,Barakhamba Road 3790 7th Main Govt of india,Block No.14 5th floor,Universal Trade Tower SI Viridian India Management pvt Ltd 3rd floor,August Kranti Bhawan,Bhikaji cama plce H No.2896,Ground Floor,Gali Kaiptan Wali 2896,G.F.gali Captain Wali Level-6,JMD Regent Square Devenio Optimus Advisors Pvt Ltd the close north,nirvana Country,sector 50

Chakala,Andheri East Technology Bhavan,New Mehrauli Road,New delhi-16 Lodhi Road

Connaught place HAL II Stage Indiranagar CGO Complex,Lodi Road Sohna-Gurgaon Road,Sec-49 4H,Plaza M6,District Centre,Jasola

Behind Golcha cinema,Darya Ganj Behind Golcha cinema,Darya Ganj Mehrauli Gurgaon Road 27,Babar Road,2nd Floor,Near Bengali Market

Lanco Solar Energy Private Limited,Plot No.229,Phase1,Udyog Vihar Chitale&Chitale Partners,Advocates & Legal Consultants 1,Salwan School Market,Chopra Plastics 411,Palika Bhawan,Sector-13 B-58,Chndaka Industrial Estate Interface Flor India Pvt Ltd,GI,Pride Elite B A Economics,2007-20140 202,Ideal House 69

c-83 Neeti Bagh Old Rajinder Nagar R K Puram Patia,BBSR-23,Odisha 10,Museum Road Ramjas College,university of delhi Nehru Place

A/8,Commercial Estate 5th floor,Universal Trade Tower 513 & 514,world trade centre 158-162P&165P-170P, 708,Hemkunt Chambers,89

Sohna-Gurgaon Road,Sec-49 Barakhamba Lane EPIP Phase II,Whitefield Nehru Place

M4,NBCC Place Lanco Solar Energy Private Limited,Plot No.229,Phase1,Udyog Vihar 47,Atlanta,4th floor, New Udaan bhawan,Opp Terminal 3 47,Atlanta,4th floor,

Pragati Vihar

Nariman Point Indira gandhi International Airport Nariman Point

Jain Agri Park,Jain Hills

PO Box:72,Jalgaon

330 West Anoka Street


CITY New Delhi-110016

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Company Name Bank Of America Merrill Lynch Vasuli Recoveries Ltd Feedback Ventures Pvt Ltd Agmatel India Pvt Ltd Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre IDES Pvt Ltd Crest Animation Studios Ltd Mayar Infrastructure Development Pvt Ltd Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd ( L&T) Elixir Asset Reconstruction India Ltd Hinduja Group India Ltd Myzus Infotech Pvt Ltd Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund AK Capital Services Ltd The Zoroastrian Co-operative Bank Ltd Atlas Documentary Facilitators Company Pvt Ltd Concept Group of Companies Euphorie Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd Nimbus Communications Ltd Zycus Inc equest Technologies Pvt Ltd Axis Software Pvt Ltd Tecnova India Pvt Ltd Sakaal Media Group Asia Medical Asistance (AMA India) OAP India Pvt Ltd Contiloe Entertainment Pvt Ltd Abhipra Capital Ltd Accurex Biomedical Pvt Ltd Modi Goods and Retail Services Pvt Ltd (Modi Group) Growel Softech Ltd SBI Funds Management Pvt Ltd Oceans Connect India Pvt Ltd Jindal Institute of Medical Sciences In-Solutions Global Pvt Ltd McKinsey & Company Sparsh BPO Services Ltd Wunderman International India Aditya Infotech Ltd Axis Telecom Inc Serco HDFC Bank Ltd Digital Group InfoTech Pvt Ltd Majmudar & Co Air Force Association Placement Cell

Title Name Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Kaku Nakhate Kirti Shah P Ramesh A K Aggarwal A K Diwan A K Jalla A K Madhavan A K Sud A M Naik A N Sinha A P Hinduja A Thomas A. Balasubramanian A. K. Mittal A. N. Katgara A. Rajan A.B. Gupta A.B. Thakkar A.S.Vaidya Aakash Khurana Aatish Dedhia Abhay Bhalerao Abhay Khinvasara Abhay Yograj Abhijeet Pawar Abhijeet Sachdev Abhijit Sengupta Abhimanyu Singh Abhinav Aggarwal Abhinav Thakur Abhishek Modi Abhishek More Achal Kumar Gupta Adarsh Sethia Adarsh Sharma Adelia Castelino Adil Zainulbhai Aditya Arora Aditya Atri Aditya Khemka Aditya Oberoi Aditya Prakash Gupta Aditya Puri Aditya Sharma Ahmad Hirani

Total Turnover No. Of Emp. 250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 51-100 251-500 501-1000 5001 & above 51-100 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 51-100

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 51-100 101-250 101-250 101-250 51-100 101-250 251-500 251-500 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500

250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 5001 & above 251-500 101-250 101-250 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 500-1000 Crs5001 & above

Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major 10-100 Crs

Airtel DTH (Bharti Airtel Ltd ) PVR Ltd Piramal Healthcare Ltd Shyam Telecom Ltd Pamac Finserve Pvt Ltd Kankei Relationship Marketing Services Pvt Ltd Godrej Infotech Ltd DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt Ltd Orient Technologies Pvt Ltd Corporate Catalysts India Pvt Ltd HTC India Pvt Ltd (Dopod) Aditya Birla Finance Ltd AuthBridge Research Services Pvt. Ltd. Fast Booking India Pvt Ltd Bio-Rad Laboratories (India) Pvt Ltd QuantumLink Communications Pvt Ltd Rediff.com India Ltd Quantum Advisors Pvt Ltd Arch Pharmalabs Ltd Amatrra (Mayar Group) Indian Commodity Exchange Ltd ACG Worldwide RPG Life Sciences Ltd Maxx Mobile Communications Ltd Max Neeman International Binary Semantics Ltd Bharti Enterprises Ltd Effort BPO Ltd Mission Vivacare Ltd Societe Generale Asus Technology Pvt Ltd Triton Communications Pvt Ltd Bank Of Maharashtra Cheil Communications India Pvt Ltd Evalueserve.com Pvt Ltd Indian Infrastructure Publishing Pvt Ltd Wowtel Communications (ACI Infocom) Laqshya Media Pvt Ltd Alankit Assignments Ltd. Bank Of India Bristol-Myers Squibb India Pvt Ltd Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd(MTS India) Laurent & Benon Management Consultants Ltd Lall Lahiri & Salhotra eBay India Pvt Ltd Zenith Optimedia Group Buongiorno India

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Ajai Puri Ajay Bijli Ajay G. Piramal Ajay Khanna Ajay Mehta Ajay Miglani Ajay Pimpalkar Ajay Pradhan Ajay Sawant Ajay Sethi Ajay Sharma Ajay Srinivas Ajay Trehan Ajay Wahi Ajeet Menon Ajeet Menon Ajit Balakrishnan Ajit Dayal Ajit Kamath Ajit Kumar Sud Ajit Mittal Ajit Singh Ajit Singh Chauhan Ajjay Agarwal Ajoy Kumar Akhil Chaudhary Akhil Gupta Akshay Chhabra Akshay Mehta Alain Pfeiffer Albert Tung Ali Merchant Allen C A Pereira Alok Agarwal Alok Aggarwal Alok Brara Alok Gupta Alok Jalan Alok Kumar Agarwal Alok Kumar Misra Alok Soing Alok Tandon Aman Syal Amar Raj Lall Ambareesh Murthy Ambika Srivastava Amit Dey

500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5001 & above 51-100 501-1000 101-250 101-250 2501 -5000 101-250 51-100 501-1000 101-250 51-100 251-500 101-250

1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 500-1000 Crs501-1000

500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 51-100 51-100 251-500 5001 & above 101-250 101-250 51-100 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 500-1000 Crs1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 2501 -5000

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 101-250

Blackstone Advisors India Pvt Ltd Tower Vision India Pvt Ltd Cyquator Technologies Ltd(Essel Group Enterprise) Digital Media Convergence Ltd(DMCL,Essel Group) Pan India Network Ltd ( Playwin ) AOK In House BPO Services Ltd Kalyani Infotech Solutions Pvt Ltd Tele Atlas Kalyani India Ltd Reliance Big Entertainment Pvt Ltd AurionPro Solutions Ltd Anand Rathi Financial Services Ltd Karvy Financial Services Ltd American Tower Corporation(ATC India) ADCC Infocad Pvt Ltd Monsanto India Ltd Images Multimedia Pvt Ltd. MJ Biopharm Pvt Ltd Moodys Investment Company India Pvt Ltd Max Healthcare Acharya Chemicals Blue Blends Finance Ltd. Rave Technologies India Pvt Ltd Maharishi Ayurveda Products Pvt Ltd Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Ltd(Emami) Firstsource Solutions Ltd Exicom Tele-Systems Ltd Call 2 Connect India Pvt Ltd RSG Infotech Pvt Ltd Reliance MediaWorks Ltd (Adlabs Films Ltd) ITP Infotech Pvt Ltd Bajaj Healthcare Ltd Reliance Communications Ltd (Group HQ) Reliance Capital Ltd (ADAG) Dana Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Primenet Global Ltd Savex Computers Ltd DraftFCB+Ulka Interface Communications Western Union Financial Services Quinnox Consultancy Services Ltd Sunil Healthcare Ltd Tata Teleservices Ltd C3it Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Shilpa Stock Broker Pvt Ltd Radio Today Broadcasting Ltd (India Today Group) Integrid Media Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Amit Dixit Amit Ganani Amit Goenka Amit Goenka Amit Goenka Amit Jajli Amit Kalyani Amit Kalyani Amit Khanna Amit R. Sheth Amit Rathi Amit Saxena Amit Sharma Amit Somani Amitabh Jaipuria Amitabh Taneja Amol Shah Ana Viegas Analjit Singh Anand Acharya Anand Arya Anand Jhaveri Anand Prakash Srivastava Anand R Mundra Ananda Mukherji Anant Nahata Aneel K Sinhaa Anil Achary Anil Arjun Anil Batra Anil C Jain Anil D. Ambani Anil D.Ambani Anil Gidwani Anil Gupta Anil Jagasia Anil Kapoor Anil Kapoor Anil Kapoor Anil Kumar Anil Kumar Khaitan Anil Kumar Sardana Anil Madhok Anil Maliwal Anil Mehra Anil Mishra

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

51-100 251-500 101-250 251-500 2501 -5000 251-500 501-1000 251-500 251-500 501-1000 101-250 251-500 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 51-100 251-500 501-1000

250-500 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 101-250 500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250

Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research InstituteMr. ((A Unit Anil ofAmbani Mandke Foundation

100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 501-1000 5001 & above 51-100 101-250 251-500

2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above

250-500 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 51-100 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 250-500 Crs 1001-2500

GOIP Global Services Pvt Ltd Kee Pharma Ltd L&T Finance Ltd AGC Networks Ltd TUV India Pvt Ltd VNL (Vihaan Networks Ltd) Pest Control India Pvt Ltd Tata Indicom Tata Teleservices Maharashtra Ltd(TTML) RBS Equities India Ltd Spanco BPO Services Ltd Publicis India Communications Pvt Ltd Baxter India Pvt Ltd AG Technologies Pvt Ltd VHB Life Science Ltd Piron Consulting Pvt Ltd Amadeus India Pvt Ltd Bird Information Systems Pvt Ltd Navigant Technologies Pvt Ltd Infozech Software Ltd Decos Software Development Pvt Ltd Sampark BPO Pvt Ltd URS Certification Ltd Arvato Services India Tek Travels Pvt Ltd (Travel Boutique Online) Gensol Consultants Pvt Ltd Glodyne Technoserve Ltd. Indiasign Deutsche Postbank Home Finance Ltd Rayban Sun Optics India Ltd Luxottica India Eyewear Pvt Ltd COLT Technology Services India Pvt Ltd Turner International India Pvt Ltd Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) Apollo Munich Health Insurance Co Ltd Arcadia Share & Stock Brokers Pvt Ltd Life Medicare & Biotech Pvt Ltd Hi-Tech e Soft (A Division of Hi-Tech Gears Ltd Appin Technologies Appin Knowledge Solutions i Soft Technologies Ltd. Techplus Media Pvt Ltd (IVTAR News) Multi Screen Media Pvt Ltd (SAB TV) People Interactive India Pvt Ltd (Shaadi.Com) exchange4media (Frachise Plus) Etc Networks Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Anil Mittal Anil Motihar Anil Naik Anil Nair Anil Rairikar Anil Raj Anil Rao Anil Sardana Anil Sardana Anil Shah Anil Wadhwa Anirudh Banerjee Anish Bafna Anish Goenka Anju S. Gupta Ankur Agarwal Ankur Bhatia Ankur Bhatia Ankur Bhatia Ankur Lal Ankur Parikh Ankur Sachdeva Ankur Sangal Ankush Bhandari Ankush Nijhawan Anmol Singh Jaggi Annand Sarnaaik Anoop Bhatia Anoop Pabby Anshu Gupta Anshu Gupta Anshuman Kankan Anshuman Mishra Anthony Desouza Anthony Jacob Antony Sequeira Anubhav Kathuria Anuj Kapuria Anuj Khare Anuj Khare Anuj Khurana Anuj Singhal Anuooj Kapoor Anupam Mittal Anurag Batra Anurag Bedi

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

101-250 251-500 501-1000 101-250 1001-2500

500-1000 Crs501-1000 100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 51-100 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500 1000-2500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000

500-1000 Crs501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250 51-100 501-1000 101-250 251-500

250-500 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

Integreon Managed Solutions India Pvt Ltd Jak Software Pvt Ltd(Jaipuria Group) J K Insurance & Risk Managers Ltd Eli Lilly and Company India Pvt Ltd Business Wire India Xebia IT Architects India Pvt Ltd Knack Systems & Services Pvt Ltd Aegis BPO Services Ltd (Essar Group ) Lark Laboratories India Ltd Music Broadcast Pvt Ltd (Radio City 91.1FM) Cynapse India Pvt Ltd PR Pundit Public Relations Pvt Ltd The Boston Consulting Group India Pvt Ltd Mirae Asset Global Investments India Pvt Ltd Redchillies VFX India India Today Edvance Learning Pvt Ltd (Edvance Group) BACFO Pharmaceuticals India Ltd (Group HQ) Singapore Telecom India Pvt Ltd Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd Shriram Overseas Finance Ltd Olive Telecommunication Zuventus Healthcare Ltd Zapak Digital Entertainment Ltd Ambrosia Infotech Pvt Ltd Rediffusion DYR Cybage Software Pvt Ltd Cosmopolitan (India Today Group) TV Today Network Ltd (Aaj Tak) Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd Easypack Software Inc Nucoosft Ltd Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital Doordarshan (Prasar Bharti) Technopak Advisors Pvt. Ltd Anugrah Stock & Broking Pvt Ltd KMG Infotech Ltd Vantage Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd New Era India Consultancy Pvt Ltd NIIT SmartServe Ltd Aimil Ltd Wynn Telecom Ltd HDFC Securities Ltd Living Media India Pvt Ltd(Red FM) Carat Media Services India Pvt Ltd Aegis Media ibibo Web Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Anurag Grover Anurag Jaipuria Anurag Kaul Anurag Khera Anurag Mittal Anurag Srivastava Anurag Wahi Aparup Sengupta Aprajita Takiar Apurva Purohit Apurva Roy Choudhury Archana Jain Arindam Bhattacharya Arindam Ghosh Arjun Mitra Aroon Purie Arun Arora Arun Chauhan Arun Dagar Arun Duggal Arun Duggal Arun Khanna Arun Kumar Khanna Arun Mehra Arun Menon Arun Nanda Arun Nathani Arun Puri Arun Purie Arun Sawhney Arun Saxena Arun Shekhar Arun Shetty Aruna Sharma Arvind K. Singhal Arvind Kariya Arvind Kochar Arvind Laddha Arvind Sehgal Arvind Thakur Arvind Verma Arvind Vohra Aseem Dhru Ashish Bagga Ashish Bhasin Ashish Bhasin Ashish Kashyap

100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 501-1000 51-100 51-100 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500 500-1000 Crs501-1000

100-250 Crs 5001 & above

250-500 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 101-250

2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250

250-500 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 5001 & above 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 251-500 501-1000 251-500 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 1001-2500

500-1000 Crs251-500

Accretive Health Care Pvt Ltd Big Animation India Pvt Ltd Credit Pointe Services Pvt Ltd Bain & Company India Pvt Ltd Ferring Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Hansa Research Group Pvt Ltd Teradata India Pvt Ltd Astec LifeSciences Ltd Alankar Group(Vibes) Octane Communications Pvt Ltd(Seagull) Oxygen Healthcare Communications Pvt Ltd(Seagull) Telcordia Technologies India Pvt Ltd Ashco Niulab Industries Ltd Vertex Software Pvt Ltd Indian National Press Bombay Ltd (The Free Press Journal) Arihant Capital Markets Ltd Hunt Technologies Ltd GEA Westfalia Seperator India Pvt Ltd Dental Products of India Ltd(Wadia Group) Bristlecone India Ltd Aglowmed Ltd Kallappanna Awade Ichalkaranji Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd Vayam Technologies Ltd Khimji Kunverji & Co Ambit Holdings Pvt Ltd ebusinessware India Pvt Ltd Vandana Luthra Curls & Curves India Ltd(VLCC Health Care Ltd) Parametric Tech India Pvt Ltd (PTC) Aashlok Nursing Home Pvt Ltd Genesis Burson-Marsteller Pvt Ltd First Steps Advisory India Pvt Ltd Travelguru.com Sanjivani Parenteral Ltd Flamingo Pharmaceuticals Ltd Airpac Exports Futurestep Recruitment Services Pvt Ltd Asit C Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd. ASK Wealth Advisors Pvt Ltd Bentley Systems India Pvt Ltd Velocis Systems Pvt Ltd Lifetree Convergence Ltd Tecnotree Convergence Ltd JB Boda & Company Pvt Ltd Ritu Nanda Insurance Services Pvt Ltd Ignitee India Pvt Ltd Omnitech InfoSolutions Ltd IFCI Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Ashish Khare Ashish Kulkarni Ashish Mehta Ashish Singh Ashok Alate Ashok Das Ashok Ekbote Ashok Hiremath Ashok Jain Ashok Jain Ashok Jain Ashok K Sapra Ashok K. Kotwani Ashok Kalluraya Ashok Karmani Ashok Kumar Jain Ashok Mandal Ashok Narula Ashok Panjwani Ashok Santhanam Ashok Sharma Ashok Soundattikar Ashok Tiwari Ashok Vikamsey Ashok Wadhwa Ashu Chadda Ashutosh Bhardwaj Ashutosh Parasnis Ashwani Chopra Ashwani Singla Ashwin Chettiar Ashwin Damera Ashwin Khemka Ashwin Thacker Asif Khan Asim Handa Asit C. Mehta Asit Koticha Atanu Patnayak Atul Bansal Atul Chopra Atul Chopra Atul D. Boda Atul Gupta Atul Hegde Atul Hemani Atul Kumar Rai

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 51-100 51-100 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250 501-1000 251-500 251-500 51-100 101-250

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 51-100 251-500 251-500 251-500 501-1000 1001-2500 251-500 101-250

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 501-1000

Compuage Infocom Ltd Helix Advisors India Pvt Ltd Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd TimesofMoney Ltd. Virtual Galaxy Infotech Pvt Ltd(VGIPL) B A Continuum Solutions Pvt Ltd BA Continuum India Pvt Ltd Airserco Pvt Ltd Indus Towers Ltd The Greater Bombay Co Operative Bank Ltd TERA Informatics Pvt Ltd K E M Hospital Medicamen Biotech Ltd SBL Pvt Ltd Fugro Seismic Imaging (Fugro Survey India) Kangra Co-Operative Bank Ltd Prasar Bharati People Infocom Pvt Ltd(Mauj.com) Equant Solutions India Pvt Ltd (Orange Business Services) Jardine Lloyd Thompson India Pvt Ltd Societe Generale Private Banking Tricom India Ltd. B. Mehtalia Consultants Pvt Ltd Webaroo Technology India Pvt Ltd (GupShup) Lightspeed Venture Partners J Sagar Associates Otto Bock HealthCare India Pvt Ltd Techspeed Shreechem Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Alphion Communications Pvt Ltd Dsm Anti Infectives India Ltd Oracle India Pvt Ltd Piramal Diagnostic Service Pvt Ltd Transecute India Pvt Ltd (Directi) Galentic Pharma India Pvt Ltd Roche Diagnostics India (Pvt) Ltd Merino Services Ltd Infocom Network Ltd(Tradeindia.com) TechProcess Solutions Ltd (Bill Junction) Ahlcon Parenterals India Ltd Saipem Triune Engineering Pvt Ltd Kaleidoscope Entertainment Pvt Ltd Roamware India Pvt Ltd Chrysalis Investment Advisors(Chyrscapital) Spectranet Ltd Tiger Sports Marketing Pvt Ltd Direxions Marketing Solutions Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Atul Mehta Atul Tiwari AV Muralidharan Avijit Nanda Avinash Shende Avtar Monga Avtar Monga B R Punj B S Shantaraju B V R Sharma B. L. Agarwal B.G. Deshmukh B.K. Gupta B.K. Shrestha B.N.Naik B.R.Sharma B.S Lalli Badri Sanjeevani Bala Mahadevan Bala Viswanathan Balakrishnan Kunnambath Baldev Boolani Balvant D. Mehtalia Beerud Sheth Bejul Somaia Berjis Desai Bernerd O Bhagyarekha Plainfield Bharat Mehta Bharat P Dave Bharat Shesha Bhaskar Pramanik Bhaven Jankaria Bhavin Turakhia Bhupendra Sangani Bhuvneshwar Agarwal Bikash Lohia Bikky Khosla Bikramjeet Sen Bikramjit Ahluwalia Binoy Jacob Bobby Bedi Bobby Srinivasan Brahmal Vasudevan Brajesh Jain Brandon Desouza Brian Almeida

500-1000 Crs501-1000 10-100 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 251-500 501-1000 51-100 101-250 501-1000 251-500 501-1000 251-500 51-100 1001-2500 101-250 51-100 51-100 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500 51-100

250-500 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 1001-2500 5001 & above 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 51-100 251-500 101-250 51-100

BLB Ltd Boston Scientific International B.V. Cryobanks International India Pvt Ltd Arc Worldwide(Leo Burnett) Advanced Enzyme Technologies Ltd Cybertech Systems & Software Ltd Dua Consulting Pvt Ltd Amdocs Ltd Agilis Information Technologies International Pvt Ltd Omniglobe International Atra Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd The Pioneer HEL India AIRCOM International India Pvt Ltd Infinity Data Technologies Pvt Ltd Grass Roots India Coral Laboratories Ltd i2i Telesource Pvt Ltd Datamation Consultants Pvt Ltd Creative IT India Pvt Ltd Parsons Brinckerhoff India Pvt Ltd Manik -Travels Targus Technologies Pvt Ltd Jaslok Hospital & Research Center Giesecke & Devrient India Pvt Ltd JWT Ltd RMG Connect Bassein Catholic Co-Operative Bank Ltd CDSL Ventures Ltd Reserve Bank of India(RBI) Securities Trading Corporation of India Ltd Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd ZTE Telecom India Pvt Ltd BSNL Telecom Factory Kotak Securities Ltd Cyberindigo Net Pvt Ltd Dena Bank Everest Brand Solutions Pvt Ltd Pioneer eServices Pvt Ltd Poly Medicure Ltd New India Co-op Bank Ltd MSC Software Corporation India Pvt Ltd Singhania & Co., L.L.P Rusan Pharma Ltd Venture Infotek Global Pvt Ltd The Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank Ltd Darashaw & Company Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Brij Ratan Bagri C S Kutty C V Nerikar C V S Sharma C. L. Rathi C.N.Rao C.R. Dua Capt. Mahesh Jog Capt. Shivinder Bakshi Capt. Shivinder Bakshi Cdr. Anil Save Chandan Mitra Chandrahas Shetty Chandrasekhar Mishra Chandresh Mehta Charu Aggarwal Chetan Doshi Chetan Jain Chetan Sharma Chinar Deshpande Chris Hyland Clifford Menezes Col. Balwinder Singh Col. Manish Masand Colin Mayne Colvyn Harris Colvyn J. Harris Crijo Barretto Cyrus Khambata D . Subbarao D Basu D C Jain D K Ghosh D K Gupta D Kannan D Kumar D L Rawal D Rajappa D. D. Goel D. R. Mehta D. R. Shirodkar D. S. Sridhar Dharma Rajan D.C. Singhania D.K Desai D.K.Khaitan D.M Mohol Dara Mehta

1000-2500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 501-1000 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 501-1000 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 251-500 51-100 101-250 101-250 501-1000 501-1000 101-250 51-100 5001 & above 251-500

250-500 Crs 2501 -5000

500-1000 Crs501-1000

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500

500-1000 Crs101-250 2500-5000 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 2500-5000 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 251-500 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 101-250

100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 101-250

Seventy Seven Entertainment Pvt Ltd Nucleus GIS and ITeS Ltd MakeMyTrip India Pvt Ltd Anglo Eastern Ship Management India Pvt Ltd Promed Exports Pvt Ltd Endemol India Pvt Ltd Cardio Fitness India Pvt Ltd Tata Docomo Planman Consulting India Pvt Ltd Indovax PriceWaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd ( PWC ) Eisai Pharmaceuticals India Pte Ltd HDFC Asset Management Co Ltd Moser Baer India Ltd Siemens Information Systems Ltd Claude Neons Signs Pvt Ltd Matrix Processing House(( A Unit of Ace Innovators Pvt. Ltd. ) Pel Softlabs Pvt Ltd Aptara Pvt Ltd Kisan Ratilal Choksey Shares & Securities Pvt Ltd (KRC) Clay Telecom Osource India Pvt Ltd PC Solutions Pvt Ltd Travelmartindia.com Pvt Ltd Creative Eye Ltd. Mobile2win India Pvt Ltd iTrust Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd Yatra Online Pvt Ltd Prabhudas Lilladher Pvt Ltd Bobcards Ltd Sarvodaya Hospital Perfect Relations Pvt Ltd Applied Nutrition Sciences Sigma Laboratories Ltd Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Ltd Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Titus & Co. Damco Solutions Pvt Ltd ISN Global Solutions Pvt Ltd BNY Mellon International Operations India Pvt Ltd Busy Infotech Pvt Ltd Flip Media Pvt Ltd Vakrangee Softwares Ltd Themis Medicare Ltd Angel Broking Ltd Pest Kare India Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Daryl Sheldon Deena A Mehta Deep Kalra Deepak Arora Deepak Bahri Deepak Dhar Deepak Diwan Deepak Gulati Deepak Kaistha Deepak Kapoor Deepak Kapoor Deepak N Naik Deepak Parekh Deepak Puri Deepak S Parekh Deepak Shanghari Deepak Sharma Desh Ahuja Dev Ganeshan Deven R Choksey Devendra Dhawan Devendra Murkute Devendra Taneja Dharmender Gursahani Dheeraj Kumar Dhiraj Agarwal Dhruv Agarwala Dhruv Shringi Dilip Bhat Dilip Bhuta Dilip Chabra Dilip Cherian Dilip Coulagi Dilip S Coulagi Dilip S. Shanghvi Dilip S. Shanghvi Diljeet Titus Dimple Gupta Dinesh Dalamal Dinesh Dev Dinesh Kumar Gupta Dinesh Lalwani Dinesh Nandwana Dinesh S Patel Dinesh Thakkar Divyanshu Saharan

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250

500-1000 Crs501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 51-100 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 1001-2500 501-1000 51-100 101-250 51-100 101-250

Towers Watson Insurance Consulting Pvt Ltd ((Watson Wyatt Worldwide) Mr. Dhritiman Chakrabarti

250-500 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs501-1000 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 51-100 101-250 501-1000 51-100 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250

2500-5000 Crs 2501 -5000

100-250 Crs 101-250

250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 10-100 Crs 51-100

Indiabulls Securities Ltd Newgen Software Technologies Ltd Jupiter Hospital Diwan Chand Satyapal Aggarwal Imaging Research Centre Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd Veraz Networks Pvt Ltd Paras Hospitals Pvt Ltd SMH Curie Cancer Center Noble Hospital, Pune Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd MGRM Net Ltd The Prince Aly Khan Hospital Serdia Pharmaceuticals (India) Pvt Ltd Artemis Health Sciences Pvt Ltd Max Hospital, Gurgaon Paramount Health Group Bara Hindu Rao Hospital Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd Metro Heart Institute & RLKC Hospital Metro Hospitals & Cancer Institute Tata Memorial Centre(ACTREC) Asian Heart Institute Dr. B. L. Kapur Memorial Hospital CARE Hospital, Nagpur Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute Pharmaffiliates Analytics & Synthetics Pvt Ltd Dr Sabharwals Group Sitaram Bharita Institute Of Science & Research Bhakti Vedanta Hospital Dr. D. Y. Patil Hospital and Research Centre T. Spiritual World Ltd. Lok Nayak Hospital Persistent Systems Ltd Allied Medical Ltd CalSoft Pvt Ltd Dr Lal PathLabs Pvt Ltd Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital Bhagwan Mahavir Delhi Government Hospital BSES MG Hospital Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital Sir Ganga Ram Hospital ABC Consultants Pvt Ltd R G Stone Urology & Laparoscopy Hospital Financial Technologies Knowledge Management Company Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital Sunder Lal Jain Hospital

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Divyesh B Shah Diwakar Nigam Dr Ajay Thakker Dr Bharat Agarwal Dr Bhaskar Das Dr D A Sabella Dr Dharmender Nagar Dr Dharmendra Kumar Dr Dilip Mane Dr Gurmukh Advani Dr H. Joshipura Dr K Murlidhar Dr Kamal Cheema Dr Kessel Huth Dr Kushagra Kataria Dr Mohit Agarwal Dr Nayan Shah Dr P P Singh Dr Pratap C Reddy Dr Purshotam Lal Dr Purshotam Lal Dr Rajiv Sareen Dr Ramakant Panda Dr S K Kaul Dr Varun Bhargava Dr. A P Chaudhary Dr. A.K Sabharwal Dr. A.R. Sabharwal Dr. Abhishek Bhartia Dr. Ajay Sankhe Dr. Ajeenkya D. Patil Dr. Alam Ali Sisodia Dr. Amit Banerjee Dr. Anand Deshpande Dr. Anita Kohli Dr. Anupam Bhide Dr. Arvind Lal Dr. Asha Saxena Dr. Ashok K Dang Dr. Ashok Mehta Dr. Ashutosh Srivastava Dr. B.K. Rao Dr. B.P Agrawal Dr. B.S. Bansal Dr. Bandi Ram Prasad Dr. Bharat Radha Krishnan Dr. Chandra Prakash

250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250 501-1000

1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 101-250 1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 251-500 251-500 251-500 501-1000 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 501-1000 101-250 501-1000 51-100 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 51-100 1001-2500 251-500 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 2501 -5000

500-1000 Crs5001 & above

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500

Sahyadri Hospital Serum Institute of India Ltd Jaipur Golden Hospital Bombay Hospital & Medical Research Centre Max Bupa Health Insurance Co Ltd Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd Roche Scientific Company India Pvt Ltd Sir JJ Hospital Lonza India Pvt Ltd Indian Spinal Injuries Centre Sterfil Laboratories Pvt Ltd Poona Hospital & Research Centre Jain Studios Ltd Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital Sardar Vallabh Bhai Hospital Maharishi Balmiki Hospital Delhi Heart and Lung Institute Aksh Optifibre Ltd Lupin Ltd Bombay City Eye Institute & Research Centre Holy Spirit Hospital Guru Nanak Eye Centre Kasturba Gandhi Hospital Centre For Sight Centre For Sight,Gurgaon Fluent India Pvt Ltd Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Novo Dental Products Pvt Ltd Hindu Rao Hospital IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Ltd Sancheti Hospital & Inst For Ortho & Rehabilitation Max Balaji Hospital Sushrut Hospital New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV ) Biotech Consortium India Ltd Tata Memorial Hospital Oriental Insurance Company Ltd Kalra Hospital and SRCNC Brahm Shakti Hospital Nair Hospital & T.N. Medical College Sane Care SS Kothari Mehta & Co National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) N M Wadia Institute of Cardiology

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Dr. Charu Dutt Apte Dr. Cyrus Poonawala Dr. D.K. Baluja Dr. D.P Vyas Dr. Damien Marmion Dr. Deepak Shukla Dr. Gautam V. Daftary Dr. Girish Telang Dr. H H Jadhav Dr. Harry Rathore Dr. Harvinder Singh Chabra Dr. J L Patel Dr. J. K. Jain Dr. Jilay Dar Dr. K C Tripathi Dr. K G Karmakar Dr. K K Deori Dr. K K. Sethi DR. Kailash S. Chaudhary Dr. Kamal K Sharma Dr. Kulin Kothari Dr. M B Shah Dr. M.V.S. Rao Dr. Madhur Kudesia Dr. Mahipal S. Sachdev Dr. Mahipal S. Sachdev Dr. Murali Kadirmangalam Dr. N D Trivedi Dr. N K Chaturvedi Dr. Nirupam K. Doctor Dr. P P Singh Dr. P. Nandagopal Dr. Parag Sancheti Dr. Parvez Ahmad Dr. Patrick Pratap Dr. Pronoy Roy Dr. Purnima Sharma Dr. R A Badwe Dr. R.K.Kaul Dr. R.N. Kalra Dr. Ramesh Agarwal Dr. Ravi Rannavare Dr. Rohit Sane Dr. S S Kothari Dr. S. Sivaram Dr. S.M.S. Mody

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

501-1000 251-500 251-500 251-500 501-1000

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 2501 -5000

250-500 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 501-1000 101-250 501-1000 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 251-500

Mrs. Dr. J Ravindra Nath

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Mr.

500-1000 Crs2501 -5000

250-500 Crs 251-500 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 501-1000 101-250 51-100 101-250 1001-2500 101-250 1001-2500 501-1000 501-1000 251-500 101-250 51-100 100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 2501 -5000

250-500 Crs 5001 & above 250-500 Crs 5001 & above 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

250-500 Crs 1001-2500

Super Religare Laboratories Ltd Dr. Hedgewar Arogya Sansthan Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt Ltd Ayushakti Ayurved Pvt Ltd The Karad Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd,Karad Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Satyawadi Raja Harish Chander Hospital St. Stephens Hospital Benchmark Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd. Dharamshila Cancer Hospital And Research Center Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital ESI Hospital,Delhi Global Talent Track Pvt Ltd Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Firstcall India Equity Advisors Pvt.Ltd Remfry & Sagar G.B Pant Hospital Masina Hospital Polyclinic Pt.Madan Mohan Malaviya Hospital National Heart Institute Hosmac India Pvt Ltd Cipla Ltd Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre Dr Batras Positive Health Clinic Pvt Ltd Guru Nanak Hospital & Research Centre Mata Chanan Devi Hospital Sanofi- Aventis Pharma Ltd Mulla & Mulla & Craigie Blunt & Caroe Smruthi Organics Ltd YOU Broadband & Cable India Ltd APW- President Systems Ltd Neterson Technologies Pvt Ltd Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Ltd Vavasi Telegence Pvt Ltd TickerPlant Ltd Holy Family Hospital Taco Faurecia Design Centre Pvt Ltd Comart Lithographers Ltd SBI Commercial & International Bank Ltd Red Fort Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd Future Generali India Life Insurance Co Ltd Centrum Capital Ltd FCH CentrumDirect Ltd (FCH CDL) Sharepro Services India Pvt Ltd National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated(NIC) Metropolis Healthcare Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Dr. Sanjeev K. Chaudhry Dr. Shammi Bhasin Dr. Shiv Kumar Dr. Smita Naram Dr. Subhash S. Erram Dr. Subir V Gokarn Dr. Sudama Jeswani Dr. Sudhir Joseph Dr. Surendra A. Dave Dr. Suvarsha Khanna Dr. U C Verma Dr. U Khanna Dr. Uma Ganesh Dr. V M Aggarwal Dr. V M Katoch Dr. V V L N Sastry Dr. V. Sagar Dr. Veena Chaudhry Dr. Vinod Kumar Dr. Vinod Sharma Dr. Vivek Desai Dr. Y. K. Hamied Dr.M.Sharma Dr.Mukesh Batra Dr.R.S.Gulati Dr.S K Batheja Dr.Shailesh Ayyangar E . B Desai E Purushotham E V S Chakaravarty E. Elias F D Neterwala Falguni Nair Farid Arifuddin Feroze Chandra Fr. Arthur Pinto Franck Euvrard Fred Poonawalla G .B. S Wadhwa G B Singh G N Bajpai G Narayanan G Narayanan G R Rao G R T Kale G S K Velu

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 501-1000

100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 51-100 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 251-500 501-1000 51-100

100-250 Crs 101-250 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 5001 & above 101-250 251-500 501-1000 51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250 501-1000 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 51-100 51-100 251-500 501-1000 101-250 251-500

Mrs. Dr. Veena Shangari

250-500 Crs 1001-2500

1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

1000-2500 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

Vishal Information Technologies Ltd IDBI Fortis Life Insurance Co Ltd Actavis Pharma Development Centre Pvt Ltd Vicco Laboratories Himedia Laboratories Pvt Ltd The Bank Of Rajasthan Ltd Matrix Cellular (International)Services Pvt Ltd Espire Infolabs Pvt Ltd National Securities Depository Ltd Rupee Co-op. Bank Ltd Unicon Financial Intermediaries Pvt Ltd Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS) D-Link India Ltd (Smartlink Network Systems Ltd) Jaypee Capital Services Ltd Tata AIG General Insurance Company Ltd Lumis Biotech Pvt Ltd (The Kgenix) Stellar Chemical Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (The Kgenix Group) Franchise India Holdings Ltd Saba Software India Pvt Ltd Franklin Covey India & South Asia Siro Clinpharm Pvt Ltd J.K. Ansell Ltd State Bank Of Mauritius Ltd Agence France Press(AFP News) Abbott Medical Optics India Pvt Ltd Talwalkars Pantaloon Fitness Pvt Ltd Networth Stock Broking Ltd Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd Centum Advertising and Marketing Pvt Ltd Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL) Twilight Litaka Pharma Ltd Alakananda Advertising Pvt.Ltd E-Meditek TPA Services Pvt Ltd Naaptol.com Media Exposition & Events Mangalam Drugs & Organics Ltd Ericsson India Pvt Ltd Aircel Ltd Continental Device India Ltd PCS Technology Ltd DNV Energy Wockhardt Health Care Ltd Wockhardt Hospitals Khaitan & Co InfraSoft Technologies Ltd Infomedia 18 Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

G S Viswanathan G V Nageswara Rao G. Shankar G.K.Pendharkar G.M. Warke G.Padmanabhan Gagan Duggal Gagan Oberoi Gagan Rai Gajanan H. Deo Gajendra Nagpal Gary Strain Gary Yang Gaurav Arora Gaurav Garg Gaurav Khandelwal Gaurav Khandelwal Gaurav Marya Gaurav Mehra Gaurav Raheja Gautam Daftary Gautam Singhania Giles Hewitt Girdhar Balinga Girish Talwalkar Girish V. Dev Glenn Saldanha Glenn Williams Gopal Arora Gopal Das Gopal Ramamurthy Gopal Thyagarajan Gopal Verma Gourav Garg Gourav Juneja Govardhan M. Dhoot Gowton Achaibar Gurdeep Singh Gurpreet Singh H C Tandon H S Gandhi H.F. Khorakiwala Habil Khorakiwala Haigreve Khaitan Hanuman Tripathi Haresh Chawla

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

501-1000 251-500 501-1000 251-500 251-500 251-500 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 501-1000

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 501-1000

Geerja Shankar Ramdaursingh 10-100 Crs

100-250 Crs 501-1000

500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 5001 & above 251-500

250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 51-100 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 501-1000 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

Search Magazine (Infomedia India Ltd) Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Ltd(IL&FS) Percept Picture Company Ltd Quasar Media Pvt Ltd Lionbridge Technologies Pvt Ltd Bausch & Lomb Eyecare India Pvt Ltd Andromeda Marketing Pvt Ltd Onward Technologies Ltd Nippon Data Systems Ltd Neo Sports Broadcast Pvt Ltd Viacom18 Media Pvt Ltd Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd India Book Distributors Bombay Ltd Kaya Skin Clinic ApnaPaisa Pvt Ltd Aarti Drugs Ltd K.R. Chawla & Co. HS Engineering & Marketing Services Chandra Bhagat Pharma Pvt Ltd SK International Ventura Securities Ltd Wiseinvest Advisors Pvt Ltd RealTime Systems Ltd Silgate Solutions Ltd Client Associates Micropro Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd Next Gen Publishing Ltd (Forbes Group) Asian Development Bank Haryana Gramin Bank Valiant Communications Ltd Nu Tek India Ltd Analec Infotech Pvt Ltd Precision Testing Machines Pvt Ltd Rajat Pharmachem Ltd JDSU India Pvt Ltd Out-Of-Home Media India Pvt Ltd Golds GYM J. B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd Towers Watson India AVAYA India Pvt Ltd Microclinic India Pvt Ltd Actis Capital Llp SGS Infotech Pvt Ltd Birla Technical Services Mansukh Securities & Finance Ltd Multani Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Haresh Chawla Hari Shankaran Harinder Singh Harish Behl Harish Joshi Harish Natrajan Harish Pandeya Harish S. Mehta Harish Saraf Harish Thawani Harit Chawala Harkesh Gupta Harkishan D. Chatlani Harpal Harlcut Harsh Mariwala Harsh Roongta Harshit Savla Harvansh P Chawla Hasu Seth Hemant Bhagat Hemant Kenia Hemant Majethia Hemant Rastogi Hemanth Chaddha Hemraj Chedda Himasnshu Kohli Hitesh Parikh Hoshang S. Billimoria Hun Kim I S Pogat Inder Mohan Sood Inder Sharma Inderjeet Sarkar Indibar Arora Indrajeet Arya Irfan Modak Ishan Raina Istayak Ansari J B Modi J Chakravarthy J Dalal J M Seth J M Trivedi J S Gujral J. C. Raja J. U. Mansukhani J.P.Pandey

10-100 Crs


1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000

Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Ltd Mr.

250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 500-1000 Crs501-1000 250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 251-500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500

100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 51-100 251-500 51-100 51-100 101-250 250-500 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 51-100 251-500 251-500 501-1000 101-250 100-250 Crs 1001-2500

BNP Paribas India Solutions Pvt Ltd BNP Paribas Investment Services India Pvt Ltd CitiusTech Solutions Dr Balabhai Nanavati Hospital Frischmann Prabhu India Pvt Ltd Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd Digicable Network India Pvt Ltd HyperQuality Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals Mecklai Financial Services Ltd Inventia Healthcare Pvt Ltd Pam Glatt Pharma Technologies Pvt. Ltd(ACG Worldwide) Pam Pharmaceutical and Allied Machinery Co. Pvt Ltd OMD India Jasubhai Media Pvt Ltd (Jasubhai Group) Zenta India Pvt Ltd MarketRx India Pvt Ltd(Cognizant ) Gelnova Laboratories India Pvt Ltd Clover Infotech Pvt Ltd Jawed Habib Hair Express Asatsu DK Inc Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Ltd CTX Lifesciences Pvt Ltd Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd Barclays Capital Techno Shares & Stocks Ltd Gufic Biosciences Ltd Kantilal Chhaganlal Securities Pvt. Ltd. C&S System Technologies Pvt Ltd BDH Industries Ltd Balaji Telefilms Ltd Watson Pharma Pvt Ltd Jehangir Hospital Gerson Lehrman Group India Pvt Ltd Coconut Softwares Pvt Ltd Financial Technologies India Ltd Atom Technologies Ltd ShawMan Software Pvt Ltd Hewitt Associates India Pvt Ltd (Aon Corp) GE India HBO Asia MCX Stock Exchange Ltd Multi Commodity Exchange Of India Ltd COWI India Pvt Ltd Indieon Technologies Pvt Ltd Punjab & Maharashtra Co-operative Bank Ltd Samsung India Electronics Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Jacques Michel Jacques Michel Jagdish Moorjani Jagdish Nanavati Jagdish Raje Jagdish Saxena Jagjit Singh Kohli Jai Daftuar Jaideep Gupta Jamal Mecklai Janak Shah Jasjeet singh Jasjit Singh Jasmin Sohrabji Jasu Shah Jaswinder Ghumman Jaswinder S. Chadda Jatin Vasant Thakkar Javed F. Tapia Jawed Habib Jay Araki Jayant Dua Jayantibhai Jariwala Jaydeep Devare Jaydeep Khanna Jaydeep Mehta Jayesh P Choksi Jayesh Seth Jayesh Thakkar Jayshree Nair Jeetandra Kapoor Jeffrey Merood Jehangir H. C. Jehangir Jen Kentwell Jenish Kabutarwala Jignesh Shah Jignesh Shah Jimmy P. Shaw Joby Joseph John Flannery Jonathan Spink Joseph Massey Joseph Massey Jotham Vizard Joy Kokkat Joy Thomas Jung Soo Shin

100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 101-250 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500 101-250 51-100 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500 501-1000 501-1000 101-250

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 251-500

500-1000 Crs5001 & above

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500 251-500 101-250

250-500 Crs 1001-2500

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 10-100 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250

250-500 Crs 501-1000 2500-5000 Crs 2501 -5000

JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd Avalon Global Research Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd (ADAG) Organon India Ltd (MERCK & Co.) MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Indian Drugs Pharmaceuticals Ltd (IDPL) ECS Pvt Ltd Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt Ltd(ICT) Maestros Mediline Systems Ltd Punjab National Bank(PNB) The Mahanagar Co-operative Bank Ltd Mascon Computer Services Pvt Ltd Selvel Publicity & Consultants Ltd Inter Ads Brooks Exhibitions (India) Pvt Ltd Reliance BPO Pvt Ltd Galderma India Pvt Ltd Hathway Cable and Datacom Pvt Ltd Cyber Media India Ltd (DATAQUEST) Commit Technologies Pvt Ltd Huawei Telecommunications India Co. Pvt Ltd Planet M Retail Ltd EBS Worldwide Services Pvt. Ltd. The Kapol Co-operative Bank Ltd Fulford India Ltd KLG Systel Ltd Bhatia Hospital Reliance Clinical Research Services Pvt Ltd Quick Heal Technologies Pvt Ltd Morpheus Human Consulting Pvt Ltd JP Morgan Services India Pvt Ltd Batlivala & Karani Securities India Pvt Ltd(BKSEC) Rajshri Productions Pvt Ltd Rolta India Ltd Kelly Services India Pvt Ltd CitiXsys Technologies Ltd Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd Spectraforce Technologies India Pvt Ltd Aanjaneya Lifecare Ltd Aptar Pharma India Pvt Ltd Qualcomm India Pvt Ltd Cyber Media Digital Ltd DLF Pramerica Life Insurance Company Ltd Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd Integrated Databases India Ltd (India Today Group) Tracmail Pvt Ltd Sapient Corporation Eastern Medikit Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Jyotindra B. Mody K A Ramakrishnan K A Somasekharan K G Ananth Krishnan K G Ananthakrishnan K Hari Kumar K Jayaraman K K Kapila K K Menon K R Kamath K S Bhosle K S Natarajan K S Nicholson K V Rajeevan K. Chandra K. Hari Ram K. Jayaraman K. K. Tulshan K. Narsimhan K. S. Mann K. S. Raman K.A.George K.D.Vora K.G. Annanthakrishnan K.L Goel K.Sahiar K.V Subramaniam Kailash Katkar Kailash Shahani Kalpana Morparia Kalpesh Shah Kamal K. Barjatya Kamal K. Singh Kamal Karanth Kamal Karmarkar Kamesh Goel Kamlesh Naidu Kannan Vishwanath Kanwal Tikoo Kanwalinder Singh Kapil Dev Singh Kapil Mehta Kapil Wadhwan Karan Ahluwalia Karan Negi Karandeep Singh Karun Narang

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 101-250 1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 1001-2500 101-250 5001 & above 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 501-1000 101-250

500-1000 Crs5001 & above

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 501-1000 251-500 101-250 2500-5000 Crs 2501 -5000

500-1000 Crs501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 251-500 251-500 1001-2500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500

500-1000 Crs5001 & above

The Deccan Merchants Co-op. Bank Ltd Savvion India Pvt Ltd Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt Ltd Rushabh Marketing Solutions Pvt Ltd Revmax Group of Companies Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd Sony Pictures Releasing of India Ltd Vertex Customer India Pvt Ltd Sigma Byte Computers Pvt Ltd SunGard Solutions India Pvt Ltd Pickle Advertising Pvt Ltd Wyeth Ltd (Pfizer) Pfizer Ltd Mid-Day Infomedia Ltd Hakuhodo Percept Geodesic Ltd ECI Telecom India Pvt Ltd NGC Network India Pvt Ltd KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd Eros International Media Ltd Nelito Systems Ltd Universal Sompo General Insurance Co Ltd Ethos Embassy Communications Pvt Ltd DIL Ltd Fermenta Biotech Ltd Corporate Law Group Ingram Micro India Ltd Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) Amitoje Creations American Home Mortgage Servicing India Pvt Ltd ValueFirst Messaging Pvt Ltd Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Ltd(Aditya Birla) TIPS Industries Ltd Adventity Global Services Pvt Ltd Win Medicare Ltd(Modi Group) Kutchmitra Gujarati Vyapar(Janmabhoomi Group Of Newspaper ) Chanda Cassettes Pvt Ltd PNB Investment Services Ltd Nihilent Technologies Pvt Ltd TAM Media Research Pvt Ltd Excel Infoways Ltd Moneycontrol.com J.Mitra & Co. Pvt Ltd Mitra Industries Pvt Ltd Rediffusion Wunderman India Pvt Ltd Inlaks General Hospital

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Kashinath D More Kaushal Mashruwala Kaushal Sampat Kaushik Mehta Kaustubh Butala Keki Mistry Kersy Daruwala Keshav Gaur Ketan Kothari Ketan Vanjara Kevin Desouza Kewal Handa Kewal Handa Khalid A.H. Ansari Kimiyoshi Muto Kiran Kulkarni Kiran Pande Kirtan Adyanta Kishor Patil Kishore Lola KM Gherda Koichi Hattori Krishan Kakkar Krishna Datla Krishna Datla Krishna Sarma Krishnan Jayashankar Kuldip Singh Kuljeet Singh Juneja Kulwinder Singh Kumar Apporv Kumar Mangalam Birla Kumar S Taurani Kumar Subramanian Kumkum Modi Kundan Vyas Kundan Vyas L M Verma L P Aggarwal L.C. Singh L.V. Krishnan Lakhmendra Khurana Lakshmi Narasimhan Lalit Mahajan Lalit Mahajan Leroy Alvares Lt. Col Dr R Chintamani

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 5001 & above 51-100 251-500 1001-2500 51-100

100-250 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 250-500 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 51-100 101-250 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 101-250 1001-2500 101-250 2501 -5000 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500

250-500 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000

Pagepoint Services India Pvt Ltd ICPAR (Indian Centre for Public Affairs and Relations) Indchemie Health Specialities Pvt Ltd Kanga & Co Tandon Information Solutions Pvt Ltd SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd The New India Assurance Company Ltd Wolters Kluwer India Pvt Ltd (CCH) IndiaIdeas.com (Visa Bill Pay) Fonsys Services Pvt Ltd M.V.Kini & Co Kaushalya Medical Foundation(KMF Hospital) Embio Ltd UBM India Pvt Ltd Wanbury Ltd Mitsui & Co India Pvt Ltd Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd FDC Ltd Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company Ltd Press Trust Of India Ltd International Panaacea Ltd Bombay Samachar Pvt Ltd Maharaja Agrasen Hospital Union Bank of India Adfactors PR Pvt Ltd Economic Research India Ltd (ERIL) Saffron Media Pvt Ltd Saffron Media Pvt Ltd (Pharmabiz.com) Capsugel Healthcare Ltd The Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS) ICICI Securities Ltd Moolchand Hospital Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd ( BSE) Mudra Communications Pvt. Ltd Mata Securities India Pvt Ltd Essar Telecom Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Aranca Mumbai Pvt Ltd Virgin Mobile India TelExcell Information Systems Ltd Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd LKP Finance Ltd LKP Securities Ltd Recall India Information Management Pvt Ltd Pinstorm Technologies Pvt Ltd Equinox Global Services Pvt Ltd Disney Channel (Disney Interactive Media Group) PlayHouse Disney (Disney Interactive Media Group)

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Lunia M K Chaudhari M K Singh M L Bhakta M L Tandon M N Rao M Ramadoss M S Mani M Srinivasan M Tamil Rajan M V Kini M V Sohoni M. Devesh M. Gandhi M. K. Rayna M. Onose M. Parshad M.A. Chandavarkar M.Balachandran M.K Razdan M.K. Rajput M.N. Kama M.S.Gupta M.V. Nair Madan Bahal Madan Behl Madan Behl Madan Behl Madan Joshi Madan Menon Madhabi PuriBuch Madhu Handa Madhu Kannan Madhukar Kamath Madhur Murarka Madhur Taneja Madhusudan Rajagopalan Madhusudhan M Mahendra Lalwani Mahendra Nahata Mahendra V Doshi Mahendra V Doshi Mahesh Malkani Mahesh Murthy Mahesh Rao Mahesh Samat Mahesh Samat

100-250 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 501-1000 1001-2500 101-250 101-250 501-1000 51-100 251-500 501-1000

250-500 Crs 5001 & above

100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 2501 -5000 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5001 & above 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 251-500 1001-2500

1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 250-500 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 250-500 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 51-100 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 51-100 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250

The Walt Disney Company (India) Pvt. Ltd Outlook Publishing India Pvt Ltd Breach Candy Hospital Trust Music Today Reliance Life Insurance Company Ltd (ADAG) Jerry Varghese International Ltd HSBC Investdirect India Ltd CPM India Sales & Marketing Pvt Ltd Marwar Synthes Medical Pvt Ltd Empronc Solutions Pvt Ltd Dhanuka Laboratories Ltd Tekriti Software Pvt Ltd Amoli Organics Pvt Ltd MAK Media & Creations Pvt Ltd Financial Information Network & Operations Pvt Ltd (FINO) Beekman Helix India Xchanging Technology Services India Pvt Ltd eGain Communication Pvt Ltd Kochhar LexServe (Kochhar Group) UBS Securities India Pvt Ltd Kennovation Software Services Pvt Ltd Bombay Mercantile Co-Operative Bank Ltd AXN India Multi Screen Media Pvt Ltd (SET Max) NCR Corporation India Pvt Ltd Cigma Events Pvt Ltd Bizsolindia Services Pvt Ltd GTL Infrastructure Ltd GTL Ltd Becton Dickinson India Pvt Ltd Fortune Marketing Pvt Ltd ORG Informatics Ltd Bharti Airtel Ltd (Group HQ) Acme Tele Power Ltd Avantha Technologies Ltd G.M.Modi Hospital LexOrbis Intellectual Property Practice DSM Infocom Pvt Ltd Comviva Technologies Ltd Hiranandani Fortis Hospital ANMsoft Technologies Pvt Ltd 3DPLM Software Solution Ltd (Geometric Ltd) Midland Calibrated India Pvt Ltd Merck Ltd UOP India Pvt. Ltd. (Honeywell Group Company)

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mahesh Samat Maheshwar Peri Mala Sekhiri Malaya Ghosh Mammen Varghese Manasije Mishra Mandeep Singh Maneck Davar Manikandan Bala Manish Bazari Manish Dhanuka Manish Dhingra Manish Doshi Manish Keswani Manish Khera Manish Parwani Manish Sethi Manish Sitania Manish Vig Manisha Girotra Manisha Joshi Manjayya C Shetty Manjit Singh Manjit Singh Manjunath Rao Manmohan Chopra Manoj Behede Manoj G Tirodkar Manoj G. Tirodkar Manoj Gopalakrishna Manoj Gupta Manoj Gupta Manoj Kohli Manoj Kumar Upadhyay Manoj Malhotra Manoj Malik Manoj Pillai Manoj Poddar Manoranjan Mohapatra Manpreet Sohal Manu Agarwal Manu Parpia Manu Rikhae Manu Rikhye Marek Dziki Mark Durowcz

100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 251-500

Maj. Gen. Vijay Krishna AVSM (Retd) 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 1001-2500 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 501-1000 501-1000 501-1000 101-250 101-250

500-1000 Crs1001-2500

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 1001-2500 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs501-1000 500-1000 Crs501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 51-100

250-500 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 501-1000 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 251-500

Midland Credit Management India Pvt Ltd (Encore Capital Group Inc) Mr.

Willis Processing Services India Pvt Ltd Marksans Pharma Ltd Vodafone Essar Ltd Magus Consulting Pvt Ltd Royal Bazaar Software Pvt. Ltd Iron Mountain India Pvt Ltd Associated Capsules Pvt Ltd(ACG Worldwide) Nokia Siemens Networks Pvt Ltd Synovate India Brightpoint India Pvt Ltd Wesley Clover Communication Solutions Miles Software Solutions Pvt Ltd e-Emphasys Infotech Pvt Ltd Atos Origin India Pvt Ltd India Medtronic Pvt. Ltd The Chitralekha Group(Chitralekha Magazine) Dow Jones & Company Byzan Systems Pvt. Ltd The Kalyan Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd Alchemy Capital Management Pvt Ltd Sandoz Pvt Ltd Halcyon Asia Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd Protiviti Consulting Pvt Ltd Millward Brown India Pvt Ltd Reliance Infosolutions Pvt Ltd Reliance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd Nutraplus Products India Ltd Kaynet Finance Ltd Maya Entertainment Ltd Tetra Information Services Pvt Ltd Kilitch Drugs India Ltd The Bank of Nova Scotia Scotia Bank Alcatel Lucent India Ltd Development Credit Bank Ltd(DCB) QAD India Pvt Ltd Future Learning and Development Ltd (Future Group) Wockhardt Ltd Studio One Blue Lotus Communications Pvt Ltd Tata Consultancy Services Ltd ( TCS ) Safdarjung Hospital Galpha Laboratories Ltd Sampark Public Relations Pvt Ltd The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Ltd Gurgaon Gramin Bank (GGB)

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mark Parker Mark Saldanha Martin Peter Mayur Suchak Meenu Chaddha Mevill Mody Michael Franklin Michael Kuehner Mick Gordon Mika Sarkkinen Mike Mansion Milan Ganatra Milind Bagade Milind Kamat Milind Shah Mitrajeet Bhattacharya Mitya New Mohan Krishna Mohan S. Agharkar Mohit Batra Mohit Malhotra Mohnish Mohan Mukkar Motilal Oswal Mritunjay Kapur Muder Chiba Mukesh Ambani Mukesh Ambani Mukesh Naik Mukesh Shah Mukul Goyal Mukul Mahajan Mukund P Metha Munish Sapra Munish Sapra Munish Seth Murali Natrajan Murli Shastri Murlidhar Rao Murtaza Khorakiwala Mushtaq Nadiadwala N Chandramouli N Chandrasekaran N K Mohanty N K Singh N S Rajan N S Rao N T Hegde

10-100 Crs


100-250 Crs 501-1000 2500-5000 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 101-250

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 1001-2500 51-100

100-250 Crs 2501 -5000

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 101-250 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250

1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 250-500 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 101-250 5001 & above 501-1000 101-250 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 501-1000

Ernet India Central Depository Services (India) Ltd (CDSL) Aithent Technologies Pvt Ltd Blue Cross Laboratories Ltd Lyka Labs Ltd Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd(I-Flex Solutions Ltd) Lodha & Co Unimarck Healthcare Ltd (UHL) Moody International IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd(HSBC) Kokan Mercantile Co-operative Bank Ltd Nepal 1 TV Prime Focus Ltd Controller General of Defence Accounts Red Hat India Pvt Ltd Prudential Process Management Services Ltd Shell Transource Ltd Morgan Stanley India Company Pvt Ltd Intex Technologies India Ltd Patni Computer Systems Ltd Kale Consultants Ltd Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd Titan BioTech Ltd Hiran Orgochem Ltd Sahara Asset Management Co Pvt Ltd Signet Communications Pvt Ltd(Khoj India TV) ICRA Ltd HOC India Pvt Ltd Himalayan Times Pvt Ltd P India Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd N & N Chopra Consultants Pvt Ltd Intrex India Ltd (Itz Cash Card Ltd) Lucas and Mayo DWD Pharmaceuticals Ltd ING Investment Management India Pvt Ltd QAI India Ltd Odyssey Capital Pvt Ltd BitWise Solutions Pvt Ltd Ezeego One Travels And Tours Pvt Ltd Nagarro Software Pvt Ltd Ciena India Pvt Ltd Harsoria Healthcare Pvt Ltd Orix Auto Infrastructure Services Ltd (IL&FS) Hungama.com (Hungama Group) Standard Chartered Bank TNS India Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms.

N. Mohanram N. Rangachary N. Venu Gopal N.H. Israni N.I.Gandhi N.K Raman N.K.Bafna N.S. Bhatia Nachhattar Singh Nagendra Bhatnagar Naina Lal Kidwai Najeeb Mulla Nalini Singh Namit Malhotra Nand Kishore Nand Kumar Pradhan Naozer Dalal Narayan Bhargava Narayan Ramachandran Narendra Bansal Narendra K. Patni Narendra Kale Narendra Nath Naresh Kumar Singala Naresh Hiran Naresh Kumar Garg Naresh Mehta Naresh Thakkar Natwar Shah Naval Sawarthia Navdeep Chawla Naveen Chopra Naveen Surya Navesh Modi Navin B. Doshi Navin Suri Navyug Mohnot Nayan Jagjivan Neelesh Desai Neelu Singh Neeraj Chibba Neeraj Gulati Neeraj Gupta Neeraj Kumar Neeraj Roy Neeraj Swaroop Neerja Wable

250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 101-250 1000-2500 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above

100-250 Crs 101-250 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 501-1000

100-250 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250 501-1000 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 51-100

100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 51-100

100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 251-500 251-500

500-1000 Crs501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 251-500 5001 & above 101-250

Miditech Pvt. Ltd IDFC-SSKI Securities Ltd Fortis Investment Management (India) Pvt Ltd Avian Media Pvt Ltd Monitor India Pvt Ltd Fareportal India Pvt Ltd JM Financial Consultants Pvt Ltd ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Nick India(Viacom 18 Media Pvt Ltd) National Film Development Corporation Ltd Morgan Stanley Advantage Services Pvt Ltd Trust Capital Services India Pvt Ltd Moneylineindia.com(India Infoline) TUV SUD South Asia Pvt Ltd Norwest Venture Partners (NVP India) India Infoline Ltd TBWA India Pvt Ltd Grey WorldWide India Pvt Ltd Seeinfobiz Pvt Ltd Nishith Desai Associates Sietz Technologies India Pvt Ltd Solvay Pharma India Ltd BIG ND Studio Eclipsys India Pvt Ltd Primus Super Speciality Hospital Trident Infosol Pvt Ltd Dionex India Pvt. Ltd Appulse Technologies Ltd Fidelity Business Services India Pvt Ltd Allied Digital Services Ltd Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd(Zee Network) Leo Burnett Pvt Ltd JM Financial Mutual Fund Ltd IBH Process Solution All India Radio(AIR) Khambatta Securities Ltd SBI Global Factors Ltd Credit Analysis & Research Ltd(CARE) Delhi Financial Corporation Punjab and Sind Bank B-Square Solutions Pvt Ltd Euclid Infotech Pvt. Ltd Hexaware Technologies Ltd Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd Mashreq Bank Sugal & Damani Enterprises Pvt Ltd Inter Connected Stock Exchange of India Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Nikhil Alva Nikhil Gholani Nikhil Johri Nikhil Khanna Nikhil Prasad Ojha Nikunj Dharan Nimesh N. Kampani Nimesh Shah Nina Elavia Jaipuria Nina Lath Gupta Nina Nagpal Nipa Sheth Niraml Jain Niranjan Narkarni Niren Shah Nirmal Jain Nirmalya Sen Nirvik Singh Nisha Sidhwani Nishith Desai Nitasha Nanda Niteen B. Gadgil Nitin Chandrakant Desai Nitin Deshpande Nitin Dewan Nitin Gupta Nitin Kabbin Nitin Kumar Nitin Seth Nitin Shah Nitin Vaidya Nitish Mukherjee Nityanath P. Ghanekar Nizam Ahmed Noreen Naqvi Noshir Khambatta O.P. Bhatt O.V. Bundellu P C Jain P K Anand P K D Nambiar P N Bhattacharya P R Chandrasekhar P Uma Shankar P V Anand Krishnan P. C. Jain P. J. Mathew

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

101-250 251-500 101-250 51-100 101-250 101-250 501-1000 251-500 101-250 51-100 51-100 251-500 251-500 51-100

2500-5000 Crs 1001-2500

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 51-100 101-250 51-100 251-500 251-500 51-100 51-100

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 500-1000 Crs501-1000

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 250-500 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 2501 -5000 51-100 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500

250-500 Crs 251-500 2500-5000 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500

ISE Securities & Services Ltd Saroj Hospital & Heart Institute Belco Pharma Pvt Ltd Tatanet Micro Technologies India Ltd Domex e-Data Pvt Ltd eClerx Services Ltd Nortel Networks India Fujitsu India Ltd Fullerton Securities & Wealth Advisors Ltd NewsWire18 Ltd (Network 18) Randox Laboratories India Pvt Ltd Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Ltd BMC Software India Pvt Ltd Jai Surgicals Ltd Aramuc India Ltd Cellcast Interactive India Pvt Ltd FutureBazaar India Ltd (Future Group) Cincom Systems India Pvt Ltd SME Rating Agency of India Ltd Deloitte Consulting India Pvt Ltd Acreaty Management Consultant Pvt Ltd Neoteric Infomatique Ltd Khandwala Securities Ltd Mangal Keshav Securities Ltd Delhi Press Patra Prakashan Ltd (Champak) Womans Era Luminous Teleinfra Ltd Suvidhaa Infoserve Pvt Ltd Bigtree Entertainment Pvt Ltd Shinhan Bank Agilent Technologies International Pvt Ltd ACE Software Solutions India Pvt. Ltd UnitedHealth Group Information Services Hughes Communications India Ltd Vinove Software & Services (P) Ltd Max Devki Devi Heart & Vascular Institute Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd SGS India Pvt Ltd Inox Leisure Ltd Diligent Media Corporation Ltd Raksha TPA Pvt Ltd Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications India Pvt Ltd Venus Remedies Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

P. J. Mathew P. K. Bharadwaj P. K.Gupta P. R. Menon P. Shekhar P. V. Satya Narayana P.D. Mundhra Padam Sri J M Chaudhary Padma M Pallab Talukdar Pallav Sinha Pankaj Aher Pankaj Chitkara Pankaj Desai Pankaj Dhumey Pankaj Kher Pankaj Kumar Pankaj Thakkar Pankaj Tibrewal Pantulu Avasarala Parag Patki Parag Saigaonkar Paramjeet Anand Paras Shah Paresh Khandwala Paresh N. Bhagat Paresh Nath Paresh Nath Paresh Pradhan Paresh Rajde Parikshit Dar Park Kye Soo Parmeet Ahuja Parth Desai Partha S. Mishra Partho Banerjee Partho Banerjee Parvesh Agarwal Parvez Ahmed Pascal Postel Paul House Pavan Jain Pawan Agarwal Pawan Bhalla Pawan Chaddha Pawan Chaudhary Pawan Vaish

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

251-500 251-500 251-500

500-1000 Crs501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 101-250 51-100 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 101-250

Vimhans (Vidyasagar Insitute Of Mental Health & Neurosciences) Mr.

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500 5001 & above 251-500 101-250 251-500 251-500

1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000

250-500 Crs 5001 & above

100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 51-100 51-100 251-500 501-1000 101-250 501-1000 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000

HughesNet Fusion(Hughes Communications India Limited (HCIL) Mr.

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500

250-500 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above

Business India Publications Ltd(Inside Outside) The Business India Group XL India Business Services Pvt Ltd Lea Associates South Asia Pvt Ltd Datamini Technologies India Ltd Visesh Infotecnics Ltd Advanced Vital Enzymes Ltd Media Transasia India Ltd Shinsei Asset Management India Pvt Ltd Smartalk Pvt Ltd Aon Global Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd Cyber Media India Online Ltd (CIOL.com) IDC India Ltd Living Digital (Cybermedia) PCQuest Voice&Data(Cyber Media) Cyber Media India Ltd United News of India India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL) RDM India Pvt Ltd Absotherm Services Pvt Ltd Unichem Laboratories Ltd. Tikona Digital Networks Pvt Ltd Emkay Global Financial Services Ltd Intervet India Pvt Ltd(Schering-Plough) ABM Knowledgeware Ltd Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd. Citibank NA Citigroup Global Markets India Pvt Ltd(TCS Group) Genpact(GECIS) IT Integrated Solutions Ltd Samarth Life science Pvt Ltd Quikr India Pvt Ltd Brandscapes Consultancy Pvt Ltd Anuron Hitech Pvt Ltd Tellabs India Pvt Ltd ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Ltd Reval Analytics Pvt Ltd Rhythm & Hues Studios India Pvt Ltd USV Ltd Inteliment Technologies India Pvt Ltd Syntel Ltd Sakal Paper Ltd MSG Personnel Vision Pvt Ltd Verve Communications Pvt Ltd Janmabhoomi Law & Kenneth Communications India Pvt Ltd

Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Pheroza Bilimoria Pheroza Bilimoria Philip L Pinaki Roy Chowdhury Pitamber Ahuja Piyush Aggarwal Piyush Rathi Piyush Sharma Piyush Surana Ponit Goenka Prabodh Thakkar Pradeep Gupta Pradeep Gupta Pradeep Gupta Pradeep Gupta Pradeep Gupta Pradeep Gupta Pradeep Kashyap Pradeep Kumar Pradeep Maharesh Pradeep Menon Prakash A. Mody Prakash Bajpai Prakash Kacholia Prakash Khaire Prakash Rane Prakash Sapte Pramil Zaveri Pramit Javeri Pramod Bhasin Pramod Sharda Pranav Shah Pranay Chulet Pranesh Misra Prantosh Bhattacharyya Prasanjit Khuntia Prasanna B Prasanna Walimbe Prashant Buyyala Prashant K. Tiwari Prashant Pansare Prashant Ranade Pratap Rao Pawar Pratap Singh Pratyush Bhartiya Praveen Chand V Ghandi Praveen Kenneth

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

501-1000 251-500 51-100 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 501-1000 251-500 101-250 501-1000 2501 -5000 251-500 501-1000 251-500 101-250 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000

500-1000 Crs1001-2500

1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 101-250 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 51-100 101-250 51-100 101-250 101-250 101-250 51-100 1001-2500 101-250 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500

500-1000 Crs501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250

Howden Insurance Brokers India Pvt Ltd Sterlite Technologies Ltd Seed Advisors Pvt Ltd India Advantage Securities Ltd Janmabhoomi Group of Newspapers BBC Worldwide (India) Pvt Ltd TDI International India Ltd Comnet Publishers Pvt. Ltd(Convergence Plus) IL&FS Technologies Ltd Pritish Nandy Communications Ltd Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd Quick Calls Pvt. Ltd(Agrani) UTI Technology Services Ltd Ankur Drugs & Pharma Ltd K.M. Dastur Reinsurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd Comverse Systems Pvt Ltd QRG Central Hospital & Research Centre Lalbahadur Shastri Hospital IL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd (IETS) F Technologies Pvt Ltd (Handygo.com) Ministry Of Communications & Information Technology Taurus Asset Management Co. Ltd The Mumbai District Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd(IRFC) IDBI Bank Ltd The Akola Janata Comm. Co-op. Bank Ltd,Akola Akshara Advertising Ltd E-Billing Solutions Pvt Ltd LIC Housing Finance Ltd aXYKno Capital Services Ltd NCDEX Ltd Ipca Laboratories Ltd TATA AUTOCOMP Mobility Telematics Limited (TMT) Caliber Point Business Solutions Ltd Energy Infratech Pvt Ltd National Housing Bank (NHB) Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd Xoriant Corporation Lowe Lintas India Mankind Pharma Ltd National Informatics Centre (NIC) Trigyn Technologies Ltd Career Avenues India Pvt Ltd Denave India Pvt Ltd Bluechip Corporate Investment Centre Ltd BenQ India Pvt Ltd Lawrence & Mayo India Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Praveen Vashishta Pravin Agarwal Pravin Gandhi Pravin Mehta Pravinchandra V. Gandhi Preet Dhupar Prem Bajaj Prem Behl Prem Saigal Pritish Nandy Pulin Shroff Punit Goenka Punit Saxena Purnandu Jain Purushotham Reddy Pushpander.S.Mankat Qimat Rai Gupta R A Gautam R C M Reddy R C Rajpal R Chandrashekhar R K Gupta R K Jain R Kashyap R M Malla R M Verma R Neelamegham R Prabhu R Ramachandran Nair R Ramakrishnan R Ramaseshan R S Hugar R S Thakur R U Srinivas R V Sahi R V Verma R. Aggarwal R. Balachandran R. Balki R. C. Juneja R. Chandrashekhar R. Ganapati R. Mahadevan R. Narayan R. Rajagopalan R.Govindhan R.H. Mendonsa

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

51-100 101-250 501-1000 251-500 51-100 501-1000 101-250 251-500 251-500 51-100 501-1000 51-100 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 5001 & above 251-500 51-100 5001 & above 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250

1000-2500 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 1001-2500

1000-2500 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 251-500

2500-5000 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 5001 & above 1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs501-1000 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5001 & above 501-1000 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500

Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd Wings Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Akshay Software Technologies Ltd Tata Strategic Management Group NDTV Ltd ( NDTV Travel) Tekcare India Pvt Ltd Mindshare India Ltd Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd InterGlobe Technology Quotient Pvt Ltd Religare Wellness Ltd Discovery Communications India Datamatics Global Services Ltd Xicom Technologies Ltd MediConnect Global, Inc Annik Technology Services Pvt Ltd Micromax Informatics Ltd LexisNexis India Quatrro BPO Solutions Pvt Ltd PMI Organization Centre Pvt. Ltd Ugam Solutions Majestic Market Research Support Services Ltd Global Innovsource Solutions Pvt Ltd Datt Mediproducts Ltd Principal Pnb Asset Management Company Pvt Ltd Arya Communications & Electronics Services Pvt. Ltd Telerex Communication India Pvt Ltd Schmid Telecom India Pvt Ltd Escorts Mutual Fund Quadrant Communications Ltd Eye-Q Super Specialty Eye Hospitals Public Health Foundation of India(PHFI) Allied Electronics & Magnetics Ltd (Amkette) NEC India Pvt. Ltd BMR Advisors Mercer Consulting India Pvt Ltd Fujitsu Consulting CMS Securitas Ltd Wall Street Finance Ltd Ernst & Young Pvt Ltd Lepton Software Export and Research Pvt Ltd Mapra Laboratories Pvt Ltd Shine.com (Firefly e Ventures Ltd- HT Media) DD Berg Project Consultants Pvt Ltd Bergen Healthcare Pvt Ltd Television Eighteen Commoditiescontrol.com Ltd Aarti Healthcare (API Division of Aarti Industries Ltd)

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

R.K Upadhayay R.K. Arora R.N. Swami R.R Bhinge Radhika Roy Raghavendra Ragothaman Gautaman Rahul Bajaj Rahul Bajaj Rahul Bhatia Rahul Chadha Rahul Johri Rahul L Kanodia Rahul Mahajan Rahul Nehru Rahul Sahgal Rahul Sharma Rahul Srivastava Raj Dutta Raj Kalady Raj Nair Raj Sharma Raja Sekhar Reddy Rajan Datt Rajan Ghotgalkar Rajan Kaul Rajan Mata Rajan Mehra Rajan Nanda Rajan Narayana Rajat Goyal Rajat K Gupta Rajeev Bapna Rajeev Bhalla Rajeev Dimri Rajeev Grover Rajeev Gupta Rajeev Kaul Rajeev Maheshwari Rajeev Memani Rajeev Saraf Rajeev Sharma Rajeev Verma Rajender Kumar Rajender Kumar Rajendra Daga Rajendra Gogri

500-1000 Crs501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 51-100 51-100 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 51-100 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 501-1000 251-500 101-250 101-250 51-100 500-1000 Crs501-1000

250-500 Crs 501-1000

CLSA India Ltd NIIT Ltd ESRI India(NIIT GIS Ltd) Bureau Veritas Certification India Pvt Ltd Berchtold India Cravatex Ltd(Proline Fitness ) Suntec Web Services Pvt Ltd CCS Computers Pvt Ltd Nagpur Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd Innova Telecom KPMG India MindLance India Pvt Ltd Viacom 18 Media Pvt Ltd (Colors) Ayurnet Healthcare Pvt Ltd MSM Discovery Pvt Ltd Ace Televoice & Services Pvt Ltd Eagle Films RC&M India Pvt Ltd Maersk Global Service Centres India Pvt Ltd Money Matters Financial Services Ltd Milestone Religare Investment Advisors Pvt Ltd Fulcrum Logic (India) Pvt Ltd Max New York Life Insurance Company Ltd Epicenter Technologies Pvt Ltd(Kalyani Group) Dupen Laboratories Pvt Ltd Dhoot Industrial Finance Ltd Thyrocare Technologies Ltd (CPL) Axis Asset Management Company Ltd Bajaj Capital Ltd Jayabharat Credit Ltd Teckinfo Solutions Pvt Ltd AEGON Religare Life Insurance Company Ltd. Luthra & Luthra Law Offices Proactive Data Systems Pvt Ltd World Phone Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. IDFC Private Equity Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd (IDFC) Perspectrum Marketing Consulting Pvt Ltd MobileComm Technologies India Pvt Ltd Autodesk India Pvt Ltd Integrated Decisions and Systems India Pvt Ltd (IDeaS) Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd Kids Media India Pvt Ltd Palas Software Pvt Ltd Zenith Computers Ltd Zenith Infotech Ltd Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Rajendra Mehta Rajendra S Pawar Rajendra S Pawar Rajendra Sharma Rajendra Verma Rajesh Batra Rajesh Bhateja Rajesh Bhatia Rajesh G Loya Rajesh Ghai Rajesh Jain Rajesh Jain Rajesh Kamat Rajesh Kapadia Rajesh Kaul Rajesh Kundani Rajesh Mehra Rajesh Monga Rajesh Narayan Rajesh Sharma Rajesh Singhal Rajesh Sinha Rajesh Sud Rajesh Thankappan Rajeshwari Datla Rajgopal Dhoot Rajgopal Rao Rajiv Anand Rajiv Deep Bajaj Rajiv Gupta Rajiv Gupta Rajiv Jamkhedkar Rajiv K Luthra Rajiv Kumar Rajiv Kumar Rajiv Lal Rajiv Lal Rajiv Lal Rajiv Mohan Gandhi Rajiv Nair Rajiv Nashikar Rajiv Rattan Rajiv Sangari Rajiv Srivastava Rajkumar Saraf Rajkumar Saraf Rajneesh Narula

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

101-250 501-1000 251-500 51-100 101-250 251-500 101-250 501-1000 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250 501-1000 101-250 251-500 501-1000 101-250 251-500 5001 & above 101-250 101-250 501-1000 101-250 51-100 101-250 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250

500-1000 Crs1001-2500

500-1000 Crs2501 -5000

100-250 Crs 51-100

100-250 Crs 101-250

2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above

100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500

2500-5000 Crs 501-1000

1000-2500 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 251-500

Sitel India Ltd Insta Exhibitions Pvt Ltd Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Ltd Epitome Global Services Pvt Ltd Apex Advertising Taxmann Technologies Pvt Ltd Cooper Pharma Ltd Beetel Teletech Ltd BGIL Films & Technologies Ltd Hero ITES Elara Capital India Pvt Ltd Finedge India Pvt Ltd CE Info Systems Pvt Ltd(Mapmyindia.com) MapmyIndia.com Dynamic Vertical Software Pvt. Ltd Aqua Management Consulting Group Pvt Ltd Lexicon Public Relations & Corporate Consultants Ltd Bharat Pharma Ltd Esha News Monitoring Services Pvt Ltd CBay Systems India Pvt Ltd Shemaroo Entertainment Pvt Ltd Barclays Bank Ltd(Global Retail & Commercial Banking) Saatchi & Saatchi India Pvt Ltd Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd BenefIT Magazine (EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd) EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd CMS Computers Ltd GETIT Infoservices Pvt Ltd Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd Lambda Eastern Telecommunication Ltd NSE.IT Ltd WNS Global Services Pvt Ltd Networkplay Media Pvt Ltd Janakalyan Sahakari Bank Ltd G Amphray Laboratories Pvt Ltd Yes Bank Ltd Alves Group Of Companies Prospecta Software Pvt Ltd Team Computers Pvt Ltd Chiranjn Advertising Erica Pharma Pvt. Ltd Dua Associates Aftek Ltd Encompass Events Pvt Ltd Novartis India Ltd. Avendus Capital Pvt Ltd Nestor Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Rajneesh Tiwary Rajnikant Kedia Rajpal Singh Kochhar Raju Panjwani Raju Zaveri Rajul Bhargava Rakesh Bargava Rakesh Bharti Mittal Rakesh Bhatia Rakesh Khorana Rakesh Puri Rakesh Seth Rakesh Verma Rakesh Verma Rakhee Nagpal Ram Mantravadi Rama Luthra Ramakant Ram Raman Iyer Raman Kumar Raman Maroo Ramanathan Gopalakrishnan Ramanuj Shastry Ramesh Chandra Razdan Ramesh Chopra Ramesh Chopra Ramesh D. Grover Ramesh Gupta Ramesh J Iyer Ramesh Kumar Ramesh Padmanabhan Ramesh Shah Rammohan Sundaram Ramprakash Mishra Ramu S. Deora Rana Kapoor Randolph C. Alves Ranjan Bakshi Ranjan Chopra Ranjan Khanna Ranjan Singh Ranji Dua Ranjit Dhuru Ranjit Raina Ranjit Shahani Ranu Vohra Rao Sehgal

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 51-100 51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250 51-100 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500

250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 2501 -5000

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 51-100 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 100-250 Crs 101-250 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5001 & above 501-1000 101-250 51-100 251-500 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500

Edelweiss Asset Management Ltd Edelweiss Capital Ltd Nalwa Sons Investments Ltd. Tata Sons Ltd (Group HQ) BR TV (BR Group) AGS Transact Technologies Ltd Blend Financial Services Ltd Financial Eyes India Ltd Aero Pharma Pvt Ltd IMG IndusInd Media & Communications Ltd AIG Global Asset Management Co India Pvt Ltd National Stock Exchange Of India Ltd Skypak Financial Securities Pvt Ltd Silverline Technologies Ltd Microsoft Corporation India Pvt Ltd DCM Data Systems Ltd Panacea Biotec Ltd Shri Parasram Holdings Pvt. Ltd Rajinder Narain & Co Elite Stock Management Ltd Octant Interactive Technologies Ltd Bank Of America Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc. Lauren Information Technologies Pvt Ltd NKGSB Co-op. Bank Ltd Cvent India Pvt Ltd Indussoftware(R Systems International Ltd) TCL India Holdings Pvt Ltd Melstar Information Technologies Ltd TV Today Network Ltd(Headlines Today) Times Internet Ltd (Indiatimes) DewSoft Overseas Pvt Ltd OKS Span Tech Pvt Ltd HDFC Ergo General Insurance Co Ltd World Bank Mindcrest India Pvt Ltd EMR Technology Ventures Pvt Ltd Unitech Wireless Tamil Nadu Pvt Ltd (Uninor) Padmakshi Financial Services Ltd Kochhar & Co. Lucent Hospitality Services Pvt Ltd Infosat Corporation Indusind Bank Ltd (Hinduja) Sahara Care House Executive Access India Pvt Ltd Bloomberg UTV

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Rashesh Shah Rashesh Shah Ratan Jindal Ratan N. Tata Ravi Chopra Ravi Goel Ravi Gupta Ravi Joshi Ravi Kamat Ravi Krishnan Ravi Mansukhani Ravi Mehrotra Ravi Narayan Ravi Shahare Ravi Subramanian Ravi Venkatesan Ravinder Aggarwal Ravinder Jain Ravinder Kumar Aggarwal Ravinder Nath Ravinder Prakash Seth Ravindra Bhaskar Deshmukh Ravish Arora Ravivdra Bhatia Rawlin Pinto Rege Ajit Reggie Aggarwal Rekhi Singh Rembo Zhang Richard Desouza Rihan Kedwai Rishi Khiani Rishi Sehdev Rita Alfred Ritesh Kumar Roberto Zagha Rohan Dalal Rohit Arora Rohit Chandra Rohit Chothani Rohit Kochhar Rohit Nayyar Rohit Sharma Romesh Sobti Romi Dutta Ronesh Puri Ronnie Screwvala

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

251-500 501-1000 251-500 101-250 251-500 51-100

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 51-100

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 1001-2500 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 51-100 101-250 101-250 501-1000 251-500

500-1000 Crs1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 501-1000 251-500

250-500 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 101-250 501-1000 101-250 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500

1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000

UTV New Media Ltd(Techtree.com) Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd (Crisil) Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt Ltd Zedo India Pvt Ltd Fullerton India Credit Co Ltd Ideacts Innovations Pvt. Ltd Vita Biopharma Pvt Ltd Vidharbha Kshetriya Gramin Bank Centaur Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Dai Ichi Karkaria Ltd Somatico Pharmacal Pvt Ltd Lahmeyer International (India) Pvt Ltd Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Ltd(Arcil) Bliss GVS Pharma Ltd Messung Systems Pvt Ltd IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Ltd Sanat Products Ltd LinkIntime India Pvt Ltd Metro Heart Institute German Remedies Ltd. SBI Capital Markets Ltd C-MOTS Internet Technologies Pvt Ltd Cybermarine Knowledge System Pvt. Ltd. Ercom Engineers Pvt Ltd Biochem Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Magus Customer Dialog Pvt Ltd BP India Services Pvt Ltd Fever 104 HT Media Ltd Lactose India Ltd DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt Ltd Computational Research Laboratories Ltd Central Bank Of India Kotak Realty Funds Group Indian Extractions Ltd Advance Computer Services Ltd VLS Finance Ltd. State Bank Of India (SBI) Intec Infocom Pvt Ltd Cachet Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Railtel Corporation Of India Ltd The Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd E Dynamic Softech Solutions Pvt Ltd Spark Technologies Ltd Wizcraft International Entertainment Pvt Ltd Shakti Bio Science Ltd Amar Remedies Ltd Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Ronnie Screwvala Roopa Kudva Roopen Roy Roy Desouza Ruben De La Mora Rudrajeet Desai Rustom G Joshi S C Singh S D Sawant S F Vakil S K Kapoor S K Sehgal S Khasnobis S N Kamath S N Merchant S Narayanan S Pranesh S Ramanujam S S Bansal S Sen Gupta S Vishwanathan S. Anantharaman S. Bhaskar Rao S. Chatterjee S. J. Shah S. Jambunathan S. K. Naveen Kshatriya S. Keerthivasan S. M. Maheshwari S. Naganath S. Ramadorai S. Sridhar S. Srinivasan S.B. Javeri S.J. Patel S.K. Aggarwal S.K. Bhattacharya S.K. Sehgal S.K. Singh S.K. Vashisht S.K.Banerjee S.P. Khosla S.R. Nautiyal Sabbas Joseph Sadashiv K. Shetty Sagar P Shah Sahil Parikh

10-100 Crs


250-500 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 501-1000 101-250 251-500 501-1000 251-500 101-250 251-500 101-250

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 251-500 501-1000

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 51-100 1001-2500 501-1000 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250 5001 & above 101-250 51-100 101-250 5001 & above 101-250 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 251-500

500-1000 Crs51-100

100-250 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 101-250 51-100

100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500

Global eProcure Genesys International Corporation Ltd Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment Pvt Ltd Jump Games Pvt. Ltd ATLAS Laboratories & Pharmaceuticals Ltd Capgemini India Pvt Ltd Madison Communications Pvt Ltd Tela Sourcing India Pvt Ltd Stream Global Services Imagine TV Everstone Investment Advisors Pvt Ltd Computronics Financial Services India Ltd Medley Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mobikon Technologies Pvt Ltd ACK Media (Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd. ) Tata Technologies Ltd Meridian Enterprises Pvt Ltd Nine Rivers Capital Holdings Pvt Ltd Bharti Axa Investment Managers Pvt Ltd Sophisticated Industrial Materials Analytic Labs Pvt Ltd Relio Quick India Pvt.Ltd Future Media India Ltd (Future Group) Starcom Worldwide India Pvt Ltd Best IT World India Pvt Ltd(iBall) Bates 141 Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Co Ltd Loop Mobile India Ltd MGL Consulting Ltd (Mascon Global Ltd) First Select Pvt Ltd Tata Communications Internet Services Ltd Deutsche Bank QuantM Net Technologies Ltd Business Octane Solutions Pvt Ltd Reliance BIG TV Ltd Caretel Infotech Ltd(Dalmia Group) Fundtech Ltd Aricent Technologies Holdings Ltd UFO Moviez India Ltd Valuable Technologies Pvt Ltd PNB Housing Finance Ltd Sigma Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Spa Capital Services Ltd SPA Group Pangea3 Legal Database Systems Pvt Ltd Indian School of Petroleum & Energy Marsh India Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd vCustomer Services India Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Sajan Varghese Sajid Malik Sajid Nadiadwala Salil Bhargava Salil Kapoor Salil Parekh Sam Balsara Sameer Bhonsle Sameer Desouza Sameer Nair Sameer Sen Sameer Singhal Sami Khatib Samir Khadepaun Samir Patil Samir Yagnik Sandeep Banatwala Sandeep Daga Sandeep Dasgupta Sandeep Gupta Sandeep Kapoor Sandeep Katkar Sandeep Lakhina Sandeep Parasrampuria Sandeep Pathak Sandesh Kirkire Sandip Basu Sandy K. Chandra Sangeeta Sharma Sanjay Agarwal Sanjay Aggarwal Sanjay Bakshi Sanjay Bansal Sanjay Behl Sanjay Dalmia Sanjay Dalmia Sanjay Dhawan Sanjay Gaikwad Sanjay Gaikwad Sanjay Gupta Sanjay Jasuja Sanjay Joon Sanjay Joon Sanjay Kamlani Sanjay Kaul Sanjay Kedia Sanjay Kumar

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

251-500 501-1000 51-100 101-250 101-250

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 101-250 51-100 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 251-500

250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500 2500-5000 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250

250-500 Crs 2501 -5000 250-500 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs2501 -5000

K Sera Sera Productions Ltd Teleperformance India McCann Erickson India Ltd Triple Point Technology India Pvt Ltd The Kurla Nagari Sahakari Bank Ltd Capita Offshore Business Services Pvt Ltd Mark One Technocoms Pvt Ltd L & T Mutual Fund Ogilvy & Mather Pvt Ltd(WPP Group) HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd Tata Interactive Systems IDEA Cellular Ltd (Aditya Birla Group) Femella Fashions Pvt Ltd AT&T Global Network Services India Pvt Ltd Centum Learning Ltd TNS Networking Solutions Pvt Ltd Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd Khandelwal Laboratories Pvt Ltd (The Kgenix) United Biotech Pvt Ltd Reliance BIG Pictures Aadya Trading & Investment Pvt Ltd Core Projects & Technologies Ltd ANI TV Asian News International Famy Care Ltd Bajaj Finserv Ltd DBS Bank Ltd Intellicom Contact Centers Egon Zehnder International Pvt Ltd ICICI Home Finance Company Ltd ICRA Online Ltd Crazypricing Online Services Pvt Ltd Future Brands Ltd (Future Group) Accutest Research Laboratories I Pvt Ltd Disha Direct Marketing Services Pvt Ltd Akal Information Systems Ltd Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd Birla Insurance Advisory & Broking Services Ltd Sampoorna Computer People UCB India Pvt Ltd 21st Century Health Management Solutions Pvt Ltd Fresenius Kabi India Pvt.Ltd. Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd Virbac Animal Health India Pvt Ltd Power Finance Corporation Ltd Tribal DDB India Auriga Research Ltd SSJ Finance & Securities Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Sanjay lai Sanjay Mehta Sanjay Nayak Sanjay Patwardhan Sanjay Pawar Sanjay Razdan Sanjay Sahani Sanjay Sinha Sanjay Thapar Sanjay Tripathi Sanjaya Sharma Sanjeev Aga Sanjeev Arora Sanjeev Bhagat Sanjeev Duggal Sanjeev Jain Sanjeev Jain Sanjeev Khandelwal Sanjeev Kumar Sanjeev Lamba Sanjeev Manchanda Sanjeev Mansotra Sanjeev Prakash Sanjeev Taparia Sanjiv Bajaj Sanjiv Bhasin Sanjiv Garg Sanjiv Sachar Sanjiv Sherawat Sanjoy Banerjee Sanju Loria Santosh Desai Santosh Joshi Santosh Naik Sarabjit Singh Satish B. Kulkarni Satish Deshpande Satish Doshi Satish Joshi Satish Kini Satish Kulkarni Satish Mehta Satish Pasrija Satnam Singh Saugata Bagchi Saurabh Arora Saurabh Jain

10-100 Crs


100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 1001-2500 251-500 101-250

1000-2500 Crs 251-500 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 251-500 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5001 & above 101-250 501-1000 251-500 101-250 501-1000 501-1000 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 51-100 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

500-1000 Crs501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 501-1000

250-500 Crs 501-1000

Religare Asset Management Company Ltd Corporate Executive Board India Ltd Hinditron Group Of Companies Heartland Information & Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd Ashtech Infotech Pvt Ltd A T Kearney Ltd Sharon Bio Medicine Ltd Sahara One Media And Entertainment Ltd Mando Softech India Pvt Ltd Onward Mobility Pvt Ltd Etisalat DB Telecom India Pvt Ltd Percept Ltd American Express Banking Corporation Bhuta Shah & Co Orthonova Hospital Decimal Point Analytics Pvt Ltd Jagran Solutions Ltd Copal Research India Pvt Ltd (Copal Partners) GurukulOnline Learning Solutions Megafine Pharma Pvt Ltd Paramount Surgimed Ltd Percept Dmark India Pvt Ltd (PDM) Taylor & Francis Books India Pvt Ltd Unicorn Medident Pvt Ltd CIL Technosoft (Choudhary International Pvt Ltd) Parshwanath Co-op. Bank Ltd PANalytical India Spectris Technologies Pvt Ltd First Global Stockbroking Pvt Ltd National Spot Exchange Ltd(NSEL) Symantec Corporation Ltd Fugro Geotech Pvt Ltd Educomp Solutions Ltd Forbes Infotainment Ltd Auro Laboratories Ltd Netmagic Solutions Pvt Ltd Nextag Software and Services Pvt Ltd Amarchand Mangaldas & Suresh A Shroff & Co. Krawler Information Systems Pvt Ltd Sandu Pharmaceuticals Ltd Gemalto Bharat Exhibitions HT Media Ltd (Nandan) Lodestar Universal SQTL Integrated Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Plethico Pharmaceuticals Ltd Nsure Plus Sant Parmanand Hospital

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr.

Saurabh Nanavati Saurabh Sen Saurabh Sonawala Saurav Bali Saurin Shah Saurine Doshi Seemanto Roy Sahara Sejoon OH Sendhil Kumar Shahid U. Balwa Shailendra Singh Shailesh Baidwan Shailesh Bhuta Shailesh Dhir Shailesh Dhuri Shailesh Gupta Shailesh Jacob Shailesh Mehta Shailesh Sanghvi Shaily Grover Shalender Singh Shamim Manik Shammi Gumbhir Shankar Chaudhry Shankar H. Patil Shankar Rai Choudhary Shankar Sharma Shankarlal Guru Shantanu Ghosh Shantanu Moitra Shantanu Prakash Shapoor Pallongi Sharad Devra Sharad Sanghi Sharad Singh Shardul Shroff Shashank Dixit Shashank Sandu Shashi Dhar Shashi Dharan Shashi Shekhar Shashi Sinha Shashikant Mohite Shashikant Patel Shefali Munjal Shekher Aggrawal

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000

Mrs. Savita Gowda

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 101-250

250-500 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250 51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250 501-1000 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 2501 -5000 51-100 101-250 51-100 251-500 101-250 51-100 101-250 251-500 51-100

250-500 Crs 101-250

250-500 Crs 501-1000

500-1000 Crs1001-2500 500-1000 Crs2501 -5000

100-250 Crs 51-100 1000-2500 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000

AXIS Bank Ltd Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd Sun Life India Service Centre Pvt Ltd NTT Communications India Pvt Ltd Marubeni India Pvt Ltd Dynacons Systems & Solutions Ltd Bonanza Portfolio Ltd Crystal Digital Concepts Pvt Ltd Dynalog India Ltd Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre Ltd(Fortis) Fortis Healthcare Ltd HT Media Ltd Hindustan Times Fibcom India Ltd Kasyap Iserve Applied Research International Unimark Remedies Ltd Department of Telecommunications (DOT) CDC Global Services India Pvt Ltd Solutions - Digitas Commtel Networks Pvt Ltd AJAS Components Pvt Ltd (ACG Worldwide) Ziqitza HealthCare Ltd Tata Motors Finance Ltd Pinnacle Financial Consultancy & Investment Services Pvt Ltd Tibco Software India Pvt Ltd Cellent Technologies Eicher Goodearth Pvt Ltd Jefferies India Pvt Ltd IOL Netcom Ltd Big Synergy Media Ltd Compare Infobase Ltd Paprika Media 141Sercon India Pvt Ltd (WPP Group) Goldman Sachs India Securities Pvt Ltd Infor Global Solution Pvt Ltd Motorola India Pvt Ltd Computronics International Ltd P. D. Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre Fractal Analytics Ltd Tata Communications Ltd CMS Infosystems Pvt Ltd Eureka Outsourcing Solutions Pvt Ltd Bayer Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Cleartrip Travel Services Pvt Ltd SpiderLogic India Pvt Ltd

Mrs. Shikha Sharma Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Shin Jo Shiney Prasad Shinmiyano Moto Shinya Watanabe Shirish Anjaria Shiv Kumar Goel Shiv Sinhal Shivaji Adhalrao Patil Shivendar Mohan Singh Shivinder Mohan Singh Shobhana Bhartia Shobhana Bhartia Shradha Suri Shravan Kashyap Shravan Rewari Shri Mehul J. Parekh Shri P.J.Thomas Shrikant Parab Shrikant Shastri Shriprakash Pandey Shriram Parameswaran Shweta Mangal Shyam Mani Siddharth Banerjee Siddharth Dutta Siddharth Goel Siddharth Lal Siddharth Punshi Siddharth Roy Siddharth Srivastav Siddhartha Basu Simar Prit Singh Smiti Kanodia Sonal Dabral Sonjoy Chatterje Souma Das Soumitra Sana Sourabh Singhal Srichand Hinduja Srikanth Velamakanni Srinath Narasimhan Srinivasan Ramadorai Sriram Stephan Gerlich Stuart Crighton Subba Rao Subramanya

5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

5001 & above 51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 101-250

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 5001 & above 1000-2500 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 101-250 251-500 5001 & above 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 501-1000 101-250 251-500 51-100 101-250 51-100 251-500 101-250 101-250 51-100 100-250 Crs 251-500

500-1000 Crs501-1000

500-1000 Crs501-1000

Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt Ltd(Hungama Mobile) Mr.

100-250 Crs 101-250

250-500 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 251-500 101-250 100-250 Crs 5001 & above 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 2500-5000 Crs 2501 -5000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 51-100 100-250 Crs 251-500

Joindre Capital Services Ltd SMC Global Securities Ltd Zee Cinema Zee Studio Zee Marathi Ozone Ayurvedics Ltd The Ratnakar Bank Ltd Mukta Arts Ltd OSS Retails Pvt Ltd Seagull Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd CMC Ltd Greenback Forex Services Pvt Ltd Intellvisions Software Ltd Mastek Ltd Planman Financial TLC Relationship Management Pvt. Ltd SAS Institute India Pvt Ltd Vinsys IT Services India Pvt Ltd Kirtane & Pandit Shreya Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Skilrock Technologies Pvt Ltd(Sugal & Damani) Convergys India Services Pvt Ltd Adonis Laboratories Pvt Ltd Ess Dee Nutek Infinities Pvt Ltd Euro RSCG Advertising Pvt Ltd Holtec Consulting Pvt Ltd Kotak Mahindra Prime Ltd (KMPL) Quest Diagnostics Planman Marcom NaviSite India Pvt Ltd Mynd Solutions Pvt Ltd Reliance Capital Asset Management Ltd International Certification Services Blue Star Infotech Ltd Forrester Research Group Pharmaceuticals Ltd Futures First Info Services Pvt. Ltd Stellar Information Systems Ltd Softcell Technologies Ltd Day After Hanmer & Partners Communication Pvt Ltd Sysnet Global Technologies Pvt Ltd GlobalHunt India Pvt Ltd Siddharth International Deolalikar Consultants Pvt Ltd (DCPL) Sybase Software India Pvt Ltd SoftDEL Systems Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Subhash Agarwal Subhash Chand Aggarwal Subhash Chandra Subhash Chandra Subhash Chandra Subhash Chandra Sehgal Subhash G. Kutte Subhash Ghai Subhash Jewria Subhash Malhotra Subramanian Ramadorai Subramanian Sharma Sudarshanan Nair Sudhakar Ram Sudhir Gupta Sudhir Gupta Sudipta Sen Sudir Dhavale Suhas G. Deshpande Sujeet Kumar Singh Sujit Lahiri Sukant Shrivastava Suketu V. Shah Suman Dev Sharma Suman Srivastava Sumant Srivastava Sumit Bali Sumit Dutta Sumit Kapoor Sumit Sabarwal Sundeep Mohindru Sundeep Sikka Sunder Katariya Suneel M. Advani Sunil Apte Sunil Attavar Sunil Baijal Sunil Chandna Sunil Dalal Sunil Dang Sunil Gautam Sunil Gautam Sunil Goel Sunil Goenka Sunil Gurawat Sunil Jose Sunil K. Dalal

100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 500-1000 Crs251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 101-250 500-1000 Crs5001 & above

500-1000 Crs2501 -5000 500-1000 Crs1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 501-1000 101-250 251-500 101-250 1001-2500 251-500 51-100 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 251-500 501-1000 101-250 101-250 251-500 501-1000 251-500 100-250 Crs 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000 1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above

100-250 Crs 101-250

500-1000 Crs501-1000

2500-5000 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 251-500

Hero Corporate Service Ltd Career Forum (Cflogic.com) Eros Multimedia Pvt. Ltd Datacraft India Ltd Cinevistaas Ltd Hostway Solutions Pvt. Ltd Ugam Interactive Solutions Euronet Services India Pvt Ltd Brainvisa Technologies Pvt Ltd UBICS Technologies Pvt Ltd B4U Television Network India Pvt Ltd BDO Haribhakti Consulting Pvt Ltd CBT Infotech Pvt Ltd Tech2.com Kopran Ltd. Websense Inc Mail Today Newspapers Pvt Ltd Indoco Remedies Ltd Kotak Commodity Services Ltd Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Ltd Sun Capital Advisory Services Pvt Ltd Deutsche Asset Management India Pvt Ltd RSM Astute Consulting Pvt Ltd Transasia Bio-Medicals Ltd Planet PCI Infotech Ltd Trimax IT Infrastructure & Services Ltd Mann India Technologies Pvt Ltd Ultra Merchandising & Retail Ltd RFCL Ltd Sushil Financial Services Pvt Ltd Morepen Laboratories Ltd Intelenet Global Services Pvt Ltd Martin & Harris Pvt Ltd(Apeejay Stya Group) LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Company Ltd Nexus India Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd JANSSEN-CILAG India Grabbit (Empire Industries Ltd (Vending Div.) Shalina Laboratories Pvt Ltd eSys Information Technologies Ltd SBI Cap Securities Ltd Reliance BIG Home Video Export Import Bank Of India Media Edge (CIA) Wipro BPO Netpro Technologies Pvt Ltd The Asian Age (Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd) Oriental Bank Of Commerce

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Sunil Kant Munjal Sunil Khanna Sunil Lulla Sunil Manglore Sunil Mehta Sunil Merchant Sunil Mirani Sunil Nair Sunil Nair Sunil Patil Sunil Rohra Sunil Sharma Sunita Nayak Surajit Agarwal Surender Somani Surendra Singh Suresh Balakrishnan Suresh G.Khare Suresh Kotak Suresh Mahalingam Suresh P Jain Suresh Soni Suresh Surana Suresh Vazirani Surinder Mehta Suryaprakash Madrecha Sushil Chaudhary Sushil Kumar Agrawal Sushil Mehta Sushil Shah Sushil Suri Sushir Kumar Sushma Berlia Sushobhan Sarker Suvir Sujan Swami Raote Swapnil Shah Swaraj Vedji Swati Behl Swati Desai Sweta Agnihotri T C A Ranganathan T Gangadhar T K Kurien T N Sundar T Venkattram Reddy T Y Prabhu

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

251-500 101-250

100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500 51-100 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 51-100 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500 101-250 51-100

250-500 Crs 1001-2500 1000-2500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 1001-2500 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 51-100 101-250 101-250 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 500-1000 Crs501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 251-500 51-100 101-250 5001 & above 500-1000 Crs5001 & above

Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd United Stock Exchange Life Insurance Corporation Of India (LIC) PTC India Ltd Venu Eye Institute & Research Centre Synechron Technologies Pvt Ltd SSP Pvt Ltd Subba Microsystems Ltd Express KCS Thomson Reuters IANS India Pvt Ltd( Indo Asian News Service) Reliance Media World Ltd (BIG 92.7 FM) Uniconnect SIM Pvt Ltd Worldwide Media Ltd (Femina) Sharekhan Ltd Citi Private Bank (Citi Bank) P9 Integrated (Percept Ltd) Bytech India Pvt Ltd IMRB International Appco Marketing India Pvt Ltd Raptakos, Brett & Co. Ltd. UTI Mutual Fund Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Chimes Group Star Gold Star India Pvt Ltd STAR Movies India/Pakistan Star Utsav Star One iYogi Technical Services Pvt Ltd FirstRain Software Centre HOTZ Industries Ltd Meyer Organics Pvt Ltd Dr. Shroffs Charity Eye Hospital Abacus Peripherals Pvt Ltd Rhombus Technologies Pvt Ltd Aristo Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Contract Advertising India Ltd Kohinoor Hospital Kimberly Clark Lever Ltd The Cosmos Cooperative Bank Ltd Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd DSIJ Ltd ORG Telecom Ltd Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd Abhyudaya Co-operative Bank Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

T. R. Ramachandran T.S. Narayanasami T.S. Vijayan Tantra N Thakur Tanuja Joshi Tanvir Saulte Tapas Chatterjee Tara Subba Tariq Hussain Tarun Anand Tarun Basu Tarun Katiyal Tarun Kumar Bhartia Tarun Rai Tarun Shah Tashwinder Singh Tejaswini Aparanji Thiyagarajan Srinivasan Thomas Puliyel Tony Fernandes Tushar Korday U.B.Muthal U.K Sinha Uday Kotak Uday Punj Uday Shankar Uday Shankar Uday Shankar Uday Shanker Uday Shanker Udayan Chalu Udit Mathur Uggar Sen Uma Paul Umang Mathur Umesh Modi Umesh Ranglani Umesh Sharma Umesh Shrikhandey Unmesh Manohar Joshi Upender Deglurkar Ursekar M G Uttam Bhutta V B Padode V B Surya Kumar V K Arora V S Morya

1000-2500 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 5001 & above 51-100 251-500 251-500 251-500 251-500 501-1000 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 1001-2500 51-100 51-100 1001-2500 101-250 101-250 251-500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

Medibios Laboratories Pvt.Ltd (Division Of Emil Pharmaceuticals) Mr.

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 2500-5000 Crs 5001 & above 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 501-1000 251-500

250-500 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 1001-2500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500 501-1000 251-500 101-250 251-500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 251-500 251-500 251-500 251-500

500-1000 Crs1001-2500

250-500 Crs 251-500 500-1000 Crs1001-2500

Bajaj Holdings and Investment Ltd C-Dot (Center For Development of Telematics) Future Capital Holdings Ltd Lloyds Register Asia Advik Laboratories Ltd Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait 3i Infotech Ltd Codewalla Software Development Pvt Ltd Aarvi Encon Pvt Ltd Brics Securities Ltd Zen Mobiles (Teleecare Network India Pvt Ltd) Enam Financial Consultants Pvt Ltd Quexst Solutions Pvt Ltd Microqual Techno Pvt Ltd United Healthcare India Pvt Ltd J.L Morison India Ltd (Rasoi Group) Milestone Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd Tata Asset Management Ltd Tata Mutual Fund Vritti Solutions Ltd BSI Management Systems India Pvt Ltd Citizen Credit Co-Operative Bank Ltd Vinod Chopra Films Pvt Ltd Panoramic Universal Ltd The Thane Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd (TJSB) Walter Bushnell Pvt Ltd(Apeejay Group) Loyalty Solutions & Research Ltd Lokmat Newspapers Ltd Loylty Rewardz Management Pvt Ltd Akbar Travels Of India Pvt Ltd Starent Networks India Pvt Ltd (Cisco) Phonographic Performance Ltd MIRC Electronics Ltd (ONIDA) Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd ESPN Software India Pvt Ltd Wockhardt Fortis Hospitals Meghraj Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd Gebbs Healthcare Solutions Pvt Ltd Kalyaniwalla & Mistry UTStarcom India Telecom Pvt Ltd Religare Macquarie Wealth Management Ltd Astadia IT Solutions DEN Networks Ltd Proactive Universal Group CordiaLT Communications Pvt Ltd Nazara Technologies Pvt Ltd Nomura Financial Advisory and Securities (India) Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

V S Raghavan V S Sastri V Vaidyanathan V. Ganapathy V. K. Jain V. Sankaran V. Srinivasan V. V. Raju V.D.Sanghavi V.R. Srinivasan Vaibhav Shastri Vallaph Bansali Vandana Dandekar Varun Chaudhary Varun Ghera Varunn Mody Ved Prakash Arya Ved Prakash Chaturvedi Ved Prakash Chaturvedi Veerendra Jamdade Venkataram Arabolu Vere J. Carneiro Vidhu Vinod Chopra Vidya Moravekar Vijay Berlia Vijay Bobba Vijay Darda Vijay Jairaj Vijay K Vijay Kathuria Vijay Lazarus Vijay Mansukhani Vijay Purushottam Bhave Vijay Rajput Vijay Ratna Vijay Sathey Vijay Singh Thakor Vijay V Kale Vijay Yadav Vikas Agnihotri Vikas Arora Vikas Bali Vikas Batra Vikas Bhandari Vikas Mittersain Vikash Sharma

100-250 Crs 101-250 250-500 Crs 1001-2500 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 101-250 51-100 101-250 251-500 251-500 101-250 501-1000

500-1000 Crs5001 & above 100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 251-500 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 101-250 501-1000 51-100 51-100 101-250 1001-2500 101-250 101-250 51-100 101-250 101-250 51-100

100-250 Crs 251-500

Vidyadhar Achyut Vaishampayan 100-250 Crs 501-1000

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

1000-2500 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 501-1000 501-1000 51-100 501-1000 51-100 101-250 251-500 101-250 251-500 101-250 51-100 101-250

250-500 Crs 501-1000

Medybiz Pvt Ltd Tata Sky Ltd HSBC Asset Management India Pvt Ltd Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd Reliance Securities Ltd Universal Starch Chem Allied Ltd The CKP Co-Operative Bank Ltd Ganges Internationale Pvt. Ltd Dunnhumby India Almondz Global Securities Ltd MF Global Sify Securities India Pvt Ltd Entertainment Network India Ltd(98.3 FM Radio Mirchi) Nav Bharat Times(Times Internet Ltd) The Times of India Zoom Television The Economic Times Times Now (Times Global Broadcasting Co Ltd) Tvc Skyshop Ltd AmSoft Systems Pvt Ltd Grant Thornton India Pvt Ltd Vinati Organics Ltd Hughes Systique India Pvt Ltd Medusind Solutions Pvt ltd InterGlobe Technologies (BPO) Mazars Idealake Information Technologies Pvt Ltd Zyg Pharma Pvt Ltd Monarch Innovative Technologies Pvt Ltd ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Ltd Intouch Solutions Pvt Ltd UTV Indiagames Ltd Systime Global Solutions Pvt Ltd Compulink Systems Ltd Hurix Systems Pvt Ltd Varian Medical Systems India Pvt Ltd Communicate 2 Express TravelWorld Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd Lokprabha (The Indian Express) The Indian Express Ltd Franklin Templeton Asset Management India Pvt Ltd Abbott India Ltd Avenues India Pvt Ltd(ccavenues.com) Metro Hospitals & Heart Institute, Delhi Fortis La Femme Geltec Pvt Ltd Destimoney Enterprises Pvt Ltd

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Vikram Chatwal Vikram Kaushik Vikramaditya Vikramjeet Roy Vikrant Gugnani Vikrant Rawal Vilas Gupte Vinay Goel Vinay Gupta Vinay Mehta Vineet Bhatnagar Vineet Jain Vineet Jain Vineet Jain Vineet Jain Vineet Jain Vineet Jain Vinod Agarwal Vinod Bhatia Vinod Chandiok Vinod Saraf Vinod Sood Vipul Bansal Vipul Doshi Viraf Mehta Viraj Savant Viren Merchant Viren Satra Vishakha Mulye Vishal Chaudhary Vishal Gondal Vishal Grover Vishwas Mahajan Viswamitra Hariharan Vivek Anand Patwardhan Vivek Bhargava Vivek Goenka Vivek Goenka Vivek Goenka Vivek Goenka Vivek Kudva Vivek Mohan Vivek Naik Vivek Sharma Vivek Talaulikar Vivek Tannan Vivek Vig

10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 5000+ Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs

101-250 501-1000 501-1000 501-1000 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 251-500 5001 & above 251-500 251-500 101-250 51-100

100-250 Crs 1001-2500 250-500 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

100-250 Crs 251-500

100-250 Crs 251-500

2500-5000 Crs 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 251-500 51-100 51-100 101-250 251-500 101-250 1001-2500 101-250 101-250 251-500 101-250 101-250 251-500 501-1000 251-500 251-500 251-500 101-250 101-250 101-250 101-250

100-250 Crs 1001-2500

250-500 Crs 501-1000

500-1000 Crs1001-2500

100-250 Crs 501-1000

Just Dial Pvt Ltd OSC Export Services Pvt Ltd First Advantage Pvt Ltd Bank Of Tokyo Mitsubishi Ltd SBI DFHI Ltd Yash Raj Films Pvt Ltd Globe Capital Market Ltd Rohde & Schwarz India Pvt Ltd Soma Networks Software Engineering Pvt Ltd The Clearing Corporation of India Ltd(CCIL) Ajanta Pharma Ltd Daffodil Software Ltd Bright Outdoor Media Pvt Ltd General Insurance Corporation of India GIC Housing Finance Ltd Talcherkars Pvt Ltd Calyon Bank AZB and Partners Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr.

VSS Mani Wayne Philips Wayne Tollemache Y Sakata Y.S.S.Kapdi Yash Chopra Yashpal Mendiratta Yatish Mohan Yatish Pathak Yeshwant S. S. Kapdi Yogesh Agarwal Yogesh Agarwal Yogesh Lakhani Yogesh Lohiya Yogesh Lohiya Yogesh Talcherkar Zeyd Settick Zia Mody Zia Saquib

100-250 Crs 2501 -5000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 251-500 501-1000 101-250

100-250 Crs 101-250 1000-2500 Crs 251-500 100-250 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 51-100 101-250

100-250 Crs 501-1000 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100

1000-2500 Crs 251-500 250-500 Crs 501-1000 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 10-100 Crs 101-250 51-100 501-1000 100-250 Crs 101-250



Pin Code


Mafat Lal 10th Floor Narimal Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 A-1, 16, Asmita Co-op. Hsg. Soc Marvey Road, Malad- West, Mumbai Maharashtra 400027 22 15th Floor, Tower 9B DLF Cybercity, DLF Phase-III Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 E-366, IInd Floor, Nirman Vihar, Vikas Marg New Delhi Delhi 110092 11 D-10,Sector 5 ,Rohini New Delhi Delhi 110085 11 170, Phase-1, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 501,Raheja Plaza 1,LBS Marg Ghatkopar (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400086 22 10th Floor, DLF Square DLF City, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Gate No.2, South Block,Saki Vihar Road, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 8-F, Gopala Tower 25, Rajendra Place New Delhi Delhi 110008 11 Hinduja House 171, Dr. Annie Besant Road,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 B-5, B-6, Narayan Plaza HDFC Compound, Next To Bomrang, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 1 India Bull Centre, Tower 1, 17th Floor Jupiter Mills Compound, 841, Mumbai Senapati Maharashtra bapat Marg Alfincent 400013 Road 22 30-39, Free Press House,3 Floor, Free Press ,Journal Marg, Nariman Mumbai Point Maharashtra 400021 22 Nirlon House, 5th floor,Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 3rd Floor, Titanic, 26/A, Narayan Properties Off Saki Vihar Road, Chandivali, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra (E) 400072 22 167, C.S.T Road, Santacruz (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 Vth Floor,Gedore House,51-52 Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 Hindustan Antibiotics Limited, Pimpri Pune Maharashtra 411018 20 Nimbus Centre, Oberoi Complex Off-New Link Road, Andheri (West)Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Building No. 75, 1st Floor, Nirlon Complex Off Western Express Highway, Mumbai Goregaon Maharashtra (East) 400063 22 1,Sundaram Industrial Estate, near US Vitamin Co., Govandi StationMumbai Road, Govandi, Maharashtra Mumbai 400071 22 1215/2/13, K. P. Kulkarni Marg Off Apte Road, Shivaji Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411004 20 335, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 595, Budhawar Peth Pune Maharashtra 411002 20 DLF City-II, M.G. Road Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Unit No. 7, 4/B, Shantinagar Industrial Estate Vakola, Santacruz (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 22 3rd Floor Arc Plaza, Behind Country Club, Off Veera Desai ExtensionMumbai Road, Andheri Maharashtra (w) 400053 22 A-387, Dilkhush Indl. Area, G.T. Karnal Road, Azadpur New Delhi Delhi 110033 11 212, Udyog Mandir No. 1, 7/C, Bhagoji Keer Marg, Mahim Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 22 1511, 15th Floor Modi Tower, 98, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 'Growel House', 410/2, Mumbai-Pune Road, Dapodi, Opp Alfa Laval Pune Poona Bottling Maharashtra Premises 411012 20 191, Maker Tower 'E', Cuffe Parade, Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400 005 22 Commerzone Compound, 6th Building, 5th Floor Pune Maharashtra 411016 20 Model Town,Hisar Hisar Haryana 125005 1662 Suite No 20-21, RNA Arcade, First Floor, Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri Mumbai (West), Maharashtra 400064 22 Plot No. 4, Echelon Institutional Area, Sector 32 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Ashar IT Park, 2nd Floor Jayshree Baug, Road No 16 Z Wagle Industrial Mumbai Estate, Thane(W) Maharashtra 400604 22 849 Udyog Vihar Phase V Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 Khemka Centre, DDA Building 2-5 Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 879, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 339, Udyog Vihar Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122015 124 4th Floor,HDFC Bank House,Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 Delivery Center, Pyramid Building, Plot No.5 Rajeev Gandhi InfoTech Pune Park, Phase Maharashtra I, Hinjewadi 411057 20 601/604 Naman Centre, A Wing C-31, Bandra Kurla Complex G Block, Mumbai Bandra (East), Maharashtra 400 051 22 412, Air Force Stn., Race Course Camp New Delhi Delhi 110003 11

Airtel Centre, Plot No 16, Udhyog Vihar, Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Block A,4th Floor,Building No.9 , DLF Cyber City,Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122002 D Marg Building, Goregaon, Mulund, Link Road, Opp. Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Mulund Maharashtra West 400080 246, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Gurgaon Haryana 122015 A-21, 2nd Flr Shriram Mill Compound, Opp Wadala Udyog Bhavan, 13 Mumbai G D Ambedkar Maharashtra Marg, Wadala 400031 B 301,32/34 Suren Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 Plant - 10, Pirojshahnagar Vikhroli (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400079 3 Rd Floor NSIC STP Complex NSIC Bhawan Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi Delhi 110020 49H, 2nd Floor, New Heaven Building, Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri(E), Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 K S House, 118 Shahpur Jat New Delhi Delhi 110049 315 A,3'rd Floor, Regus Business Centre, Rectangle Number 1, Commercial New Delhi Complex, Delhi D4 Saket 110017 1 India Bulls Center, Tower 1, 18th floor Jupiter Mill Compound 841, Mumbai Senapati Bapat Maharashtra Marg 400013 Plot No. 123, 2nd Floor Phase IV Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122016 4th FLoor, Tower B Technolopolis Tower, Golf Course Road, Sector 54 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 'Bio-Rad House',86-87, Udyog Vihar Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122016 208, Shreepal Complex, Suren Road, Andheri (E Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 Mahalaxmi Engineering Estate L.J. Road 1, Mahim West Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 505, Regent Chambers,5th Floor,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 H Wing, 4th Floor, Tex Centre Off Saki Vihar Road, Chandivali, Andheri Mumbai (E) Maharashtra 400072 10th Floor, DLF Square Building Phase 2, NH 8 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 4th Floor, Indiabulls House, 448-451, Udyog Vihar, Phase - 5 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Dalamal House, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 CEAT Mahal, 463, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 106, Chawda Commercial Centre Chincholi, Link Road, Malad(West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 Max House, GF-1,Dr. Jha Marg, Okhla New Delhi Delhi 110020 Plot No. 38, Electronics city Sector 18 Gurgaon Haryana 122015 Aravali Crescent 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj New Delhi Delhi 110070 C/42 TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Village, Pawane Mumbai Maharashtra 400705 901- Raheja Plaza, L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400086 13 Maker Chambers IV, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 4C, Gundecha Onclave, Kherani Road Sakinaka, Near Sakinaka Police Mumbai Chowki , Maharashtra Andheri-E 400072 Moderna House, 88C, Mezzanine Floor, Old Prabhadevi Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 Lokmangal,1501,Shivaji Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411005 2nd Floor Block C , Vipul Tex Quest, Sector 43, Golf Course Road Gurgaon Haryana 110019 Tower A 2nd Floor, Unitech World-Cyber Park Jharsa,Sector-39 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 B-17 Qutub Institutional Area New Delhi Delhi 110016 217-218, Vasan Udyog Bhavan Opp. High Street Phoenix, Lower Parel Mumbai (West) Maharashtra 400013 Laqshya House, Next to Rameshwar Temple Saraswati Baug, Society Mumbai Road, Jogeshwari Maharashtra (E) 400060 2E/21 Jhandewalan Extn New Delhi Delhi 110055 Star House, C-5, G Block Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 Block A/3 I Flr Shivsagar Est Northwing Dr Annie Beasant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Plot No 25, PH-I, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122001 LLS House, Plot No B-28, Sector 32 (Institutional Area) Gurgaon Haryana 122001 101B, Akhroti Cororate Park, LBS Marg Kanjur Marg (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 10th Flr,vatika Tower,blk-B, Sushant Lok,ph-1,sec-54, Mehrauli Gurgaon Gurgaon Rd, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Aa-1, Enkay Centre Udyog Vihar, Phase 5 Gurgaon Haryana 122001

124 124 22 124 22 22 22 11 22 11 11 22 124 124 124 22 22 22 22 124 124 22 22 22 11 124 11 22 22 22 22 22 20 124 124 11 22 22 11 22 22 124 124 124 22 124 124

Express Towers, 5th Floor,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 P No-356, Udyog Vihar, PH-4, Gurgaon Haryana 122016 135 Continental Building,Dr. A.B. Road,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 Madhu Industrial Estate,Ground Floor, P. B. Marg, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 Office 135, Continental Building, 2nd Floor, Dr.A.B.Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 3,Community Centre,Naraina, Phase-1,Near PVR Cinema New Delhi Delhi 110028 Industry House,Opp. Kalyani Steels Carpenter Limited Mundhwa Pune Maharashtra 411036 Mutha Towers, Off Airport Road, Yerwada Pune Maharashtra 411006 19, Walchand Harichand Marg, Ballard estate , Mumbai Maharashtra 400008 404,Winchester, High Street, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 11th Floor, Times Tower, Kamla Mills Compound, Lower Parel(W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 B-502, Business Square Solitaire Park, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 404, 4thFloor, Skyline Icon Tower, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(E)Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 10/5, Information Technology Park, Opposite VNIT Nagpur Maharashtra 440022 Ahura Centre, 5th Floor,96, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 S - 21 ,Okhla Industrial Area Phase II, New Delhi Delhi 110020 113, Jolly Makers Chambers No.2, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Electric Mansion, 3rd Floor Appasaheb Marathe Marg Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 2, Press Encl Rd, Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 Acharya Group, X-4, MIDC Phase II Opp.Omkar International School,Dombivli Dombivli (E) Maharashtra 421203 JBF House, 2nd Floor, Old Post Office Lane Kalbadevi Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 3rd Floor,Madhu Industrial Estate, Pandurang Budhkar Marg,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 A -14, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 70, Gokhale Road (South), Dadar Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 6th Floor Peninsula Chambers, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg , Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II New Delhi Delhi 110048 35/149,Vijay Laxmi, 1st Floor, Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Mumbai Andheri(W) Maharashtra 400053 1st Floor, Maina Gul Building,Caeser Road, Amboli, Andheri (w), Mumbai Maharashtra 400058 Rao Saheb Achutrao Patwardhan Marg,Four Bunglows, Andheri (W)Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 Film City Complex, Goregaon - East, Mumbai Maharashtra 400065 40, 59 & 60, Type A, Hartron Complex Sector-18, Electronic City Gurgaon Haryana 122016 202-204, Faiz-E-Qutbi, 375, Narshi Natha Street Mumbai Maharashtra 400009 Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Thane Belapur Road, Kopar Khairne Mumbai Maharashtra 400709 570, Rectifier House,2nd Floor, Naigaum Cross Road, Next to Royal Industrial Mumbai Estate, Maharashtra Wadala 400031 209,Bhavweshwar complex,Near Vidya ViharStation,Vidya Vihar West,Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400086 Business Park, 25/2 Shivaji Marg New Delhi Delhi 110015 124, Maker Chamber III, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 4th Flr Nirmal Bldg,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Haines Road Property,81, Dr E Moses Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 Wockhardt Towers, Level-1, East Wing, C-2, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai Bandra Maharashtra East Road 400051 Unit 170, SDF IV, SEEPZ, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 Vijay Tower, 38E / 252-A, Ist floor, Shahpur Jat, Panchsheel Park, Commercial New Delhi Complex Delhi 110049 A, E & F Blocks, Voltas Premises T. B. Kadam Marg, Chinchpokli Mumbai Maharashtra 400033 39, Suyojana Society, Lane 5, Koregaon Park Pune Maharashtra 411001 3rd floor, B Wing, Tamrind House, Tamrind Lane. Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 E-1,videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Ext. New Delhi Delhi 110055 54-A, Elite Auto House, 2nd Floor, Off Andheri-Kurla Road, Near Crisil Mumbai House, Chakala, Maharashtra Andheri 400093 (E)

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108, Tribhuvan Complex, 10th Milestone, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110065 A-1, Community Centre, Naraina Industrial Area Phase-II New Delhi Delhi 110028 'The Metropolitan', 8th Floor, C-26/27, E-Block, Bandra - Kurla complex, Mumbai Bandra Maharashtra (East) 400051 DLF Square, 19th Floor, M-Block,Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase-II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 801, Raheja Plaza l, L.B.S.Marg,Ghatkopar (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400 086 21-B, Sector 18, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122015 2 & 5 Floor, Jagdamba House, (next to Anupam Theatre), P.O. Box 9060, Mumbai Goregaon Maharashtra East 400063 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110065 D/26, MIDC Road, TTC Industrial Area, Near S. K. Bajaj, Tuphra Mumbai Maharashtra 400705 83/84, Sakhar Bhavan, 8th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Vishwaroop Infotech Park, Above Raghuleela Mall, 7th floor Sector 30 Navi A, Mumbai Opposite Maharashtra Vashi Station 400706 Viva Centre, 126 Mathuradas Mills Compoud,N.M.Joshi Marg Off.Senapati Mumbai Bapat Maharashtra Marg, Lower Parel(W) 400013 DLF Cyber City, Phase-2, Building No.8, Second Floor Gurgaon Haryana 122016 Plot No. 92, Road No. 16, M.I.D.C., Marol, Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 40-B/2, Sir Bhalchandra Road, Dadar (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400014 486 Patparganj, Industrial Estate New Delhi Delhi 110092 E-9 Connaught House, Connaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 Bird Information Systems E-9 Connaught House Connaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 223 Udyog Vihar Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 120001 31-32, Begumpur Park,Shivalik New Delhi Delhi 110017 2nd Floor, Muttha Towers Airport Road, Yerwada Pune Maharashtra 411006 1E / 18, Noble House,Jhandewalan extension, New Delhi Delhi 110055 B-8, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV New Delhi Delhi 110 024 Building No-8, Tower C, 15th Flore, Cyber City, DLF Phase-2 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 728, Phase V Udhyog Vihar Sri Aurobindo Marg, Gurgaon Haryana 110017 SCO 11, 2nd Floor,Sector 11, Panchkula Haryana 134111 C / 03, Ground Floor, Fortune 2000, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 5th Floor, Hindi Bhawan,11, Vishnu Digamber Marg, ITO New Delhi Delhi 110002 201, 2nd Floor, Vipul Agora, MG Road Gurgaon Haryana 122002 7th Floor, Dlf Building No 9B Phase III, Cybercity Gurgaon Haryana 122002 9 G Building 7th Floor DLF Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Unitech Business Park Tower B, South City - 1 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Radisson Commercial Plaza , 5th Floor , NH-8 , Mahipalpur New Delhi Delhi 110037 Rehmat Manzil, 75, Veer Nariman Road, Churchgate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 10th Floor Tower B Building No -10 DLF cyber City Phase II Gurgaon Gurgaon Haryana 122002 328,NINAD, Bldg No.7,Service Road Near Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan Bandra Mumbai (East)Maharashtra 400051 A-2, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 14th Floor, Tower - B, Unitech's Millennium Plaza, South City,Sector-27 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 9th Floor, Metro Heights, NSP, Pitam Pura, New Delhi Delhi 110034 9th Floor, Metro Heights, NSP, Pitam Pura New Delhi Delhi 110034 G-13, Udyog Nagar, Industrial Area, Peera Garhi New Delhi Delhi 110041 Techplus Media House, 370A,Sant Nagar East Of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 4th Floor, Interface, Building No. 7, Off Malad Link Road, Malad (W)Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 Shiv-e-Numh, 2nd floor, 205, Dr Annie Besant Road,Worli, Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 1208-1210, Kailash Building, K. G. Marg, Connaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 7-B, Shah Industrial Estate,Off Veera Desai Road,Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053

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402, Building No. 4, Infinity Park General A.K. Vaidya Marg, Malad East Mumbai Maharashtra 400097 52 Janpath New Delhi Delhi 110001 Link House, 4th Floor, 3, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 Plot # 92, Sector 32, Institutional Area Gurgaon Haryana 122001 10th Floor, Ashoka Estate, Barakhamba Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 Unit No.612, 6th Floor BPTP Park Centre Sector-30, Near IBM Gurgaon Haryana 122002 902 Alpha Building,Hiranandani Gardens, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 Essar House, 11 K K Marg .P O Box No. 7945 Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400034 A-102/2, A-105/2, Okhla Industrial area New Delhi Delhi 110020 5th Floor, R N A Corporate Park, Off Western Express Highway, Kalanagar, Mumbai Bandra Maharashtra (East) 400051 802/1, Dheeraj Sagar, 8th floor, Link Road,Malad (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 760, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Gurgaon Haryana 121016 14th Floor, Nariman Bhavan, 227, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Unit No. 606, 6th Floor, Windsor Bldg Off CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 Ground Floor, Crescnet Tower, Off. New Link Road, Oshiwara, Near Mumbai Maurya Estate, Maharashtra Andheri West 400058 9th Floor, Videocon Towers, E-1 Jhandewalan Extension New Delhi Delhi 110055 6th flr., B Block, Prathamesh Towers, Raghuvanshi Mills Compound, Mumbai Senapati Bapat Maharashtra Marg, Lower 400013 Parel AKC House, E-27, Defence Colony New Delhi Delhi 110024 5th Floor Statesman House, Barakhamba Rd New Delhi Delhi 110001 Wockhardt Towers,3rd Floor,West Wing C-2 G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex,Bandra Mumbai Maharashtra East 400051 Wockhardt Towers, 3rd Floor, West Wing, G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai Bandra Maharashtra (East) 400051 862 Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Gurgaon Haryana 122016 Office No. 5119, 5th Floor, D Wing Oberoi Garden Estates, Chandivili, Mumbai Andheri (E) Maharashtra 400072 Level 4 Infiniti Mall, New Link Road, Andheri W Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 3136-39, D-Wing, Oberoi Garden Estates) Off Saki Vihar Road, Chandivilli, Mumbai Andheri(E Maharashtra 400072 Terminal 9 2nd and 3rd Floor Nehru Road Vile Parle E Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 Survey No 13A/ 1+2+3/1, Vadgaon Sheri Pune Maharashtra 411014 5th Floor, Videocon Tower, E-1, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi Delhi 110055 E1, 8th Floor, Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Extension New Delhi Delhi 110055 Plot 90, Sector 32 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 11/2, Infotech Park,Near VRCE Telephone Exchange Nagpur Maharashtra 440022 B-39, Giriraj Ind. Estate Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 Hill Side Avenue,Hiranandani Gardens Powai, Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 Doordarshan Bhawan, Copernicus Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 4th Floor, Tower A, DLF Building 8,DLF Cyber City Phase - II, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Ecospace IT Park, 5th Floor, Old Nagardas Road, Mogra Village,Andheri Mumbai (East), Maharashtra 400069 262, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122015 C-9, Dr. Herekar Park Near Kamala Nehru Park,Off Bhandarkar RoadPune Maharashtra 411004 New Era House, E-6, 1st Floor, Main Road, Kalkaji New Delhi Delhi 110019 223-224 Udyog Vihar Phase-I Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Naimex House,A-8, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura New Road Delhi Delhi 110044 Plot No 301, PH-3, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Office Floor 8, Kanjurmarg (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400042 9th Floor, Videocon Towers New Delhi Delhi 110001 I Floor, Mittal Chambers, 228 Nariman Point, Opposite Inex TheatreMumbai Maharashtra 400021 12, Mittal Chambers, 1st Floor, 228, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Vatika Towers, Ground Floor, Block-A, DLF Golf Course Road, Sector-54 Gurgaon Haryana 122002

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Unitech Infospace SEZ,3rd & 4th Floor, Building 2, Tower A, Sec-21, Gurgaon Dundahera, Haryana 122016 124 3rd Floor, Muttha Towers Don Bosco School Road,Yerawada Pune Maharashtra 411006 20 The Cerebrum IT Park, B-1, #1B, Kalyani Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 5th floor, Building 8, Tower A,DLF Cyber City, Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 403/404,Sigma,Technology Street,Hiranandani Gardens,Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 105, Anand Complex, 189-A Sane Guruji Marg, Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 Winchester Bldg., Ground floor, High Street Hiranandani Business Park,Powai, Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 5, 5A, Common Wala Chamber, 4th Floor P M Road Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 D-5,Hauz Khas New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 Seagull Villa, Sir Abdul Gaffar Khan Road,Opp. Indian Coast Guard,Worli Mumbai Sea Face Maharashtra (North 400030 22 Seagull Villa, Sir Abdul Gaffar Khan Road,Opp. Indian Coast Guard,Worli Mumbai Sea Face Maharashtra (North 400030 22 5th Floor, Tower A, Building No. 9A DLF Cybercity, Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Lab House, Plot No.F-13,Opp. Seepz, M.I.D.C. Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 AG Technology Park , Server Space , Survey No. 127/A , 6th Floor ,Aundh Pune Maharashtra 411007 20 The Free Press Journal, 215, Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 67 Nehru Road, 3rd Floor Krishna Bhavan Vile Parle (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400057 22 4th Floor, Manisha, 75-76, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 7 Nangal Raya Business Centre New Delhi Delhi 110046 11 9 Wallace Street Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Chakravarthy Ashok Nagar,Ashok Road,Kandivali (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400101 22 702 - A, Poonam Chambers, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Main Road, Distt. Kolhapur Ichalkaranji Maharashtra 416115 230 Thapar House, 124 Janpath New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Suite 52, Bombay Mutual Building,Sir Phirozshah Mehta Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Ambit House, 449,Senapati Bapat Marg,Lower Parel, Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 SCO 43, Sector 15 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 64, HSIDC Sector 18, Maruti Ind. Area Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 S No 15 Marisoft 2,Vadgaon Sheri, Kalyani Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 25AB,Community Centre Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi Delhi 110029 11 Chimes, 61, Sector 44, 4th Floor Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 12/14, Brady house, Veer Nariman Rd, fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Plot No. 36 - A, 1st Floor Unique Mechanical Works Building,Mahal Industrial Mumbai Estate,Off Maharashtra Mahakali 400093 Caves Road,Andheri 22 - East, 205, P.N. Kothari Industrial Estate L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 22 7/1, Corporate Park,Sion-Trombay Road, P.O. Box. No.27257,Chembur Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 22 615, Janki Center,Off. Veera Desai Road,Andheri (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 DLF Infinity Tower A, 7th Floor, DLF Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Nucleus House, Saki-Vihar Road,Andheri (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 Bandbox House,1st Floor, 254 - D,Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli, , Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 203, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase -III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Vasisth House, 7/2 & 7/3 Kalu Sarai, Begumpur New Delhi Delhi 110017 11 2nd Floor, DLF Building No.9 Tower A, Phase lll, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 2nd Floor, DLF Building No.9, Tower A, Phase lll, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Maker Bhavan No.1 Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Marg, New Marine Lines Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 202, First Floor, Okhla Phase-III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 2nd Flr, DTC Building, Sitaram Mills Compound, N.M Joshi Marg,Lower Mumbai Parel (E)Maharashtra 400001 22 Omnitech House A-13,Kondivita Road , MIDC, Andheri ( E ) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, P.B. No. 4499 New Delhi Delhi 110019 11

3, Dhuru Building, 1st Floor 329, Vithal Bhai Patel Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400004 3rd Floor, Augusta Point, Sector - 53 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Express Towers, 10th Floor,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 4th Floor, Times Tower Kamala Mills Compound Senapati Bapat Marg, Mumbai Lower Parel Maharashtra 400013 3, Central Excise Colony, Behind Mahatme Eye Bank Chhatrapati Sq., Nagpur Ring RoadMaharashtra 440015 3rd & 4th Flr, Dlf Infinity Tower-B, Dlf City, PH-2 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Tower 1 Phase 2 Logitic Park, Sakinaka, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri Mumbai East Maharashtra 400059 B 10/1, Okhla Phase III New Delhi Delhi 110020 Dlf Cyber City, Bldg. No.-10 A, 4'th Floor Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Baldota Bhavan, 3rd Floor, 117,M.K.Road, Churchgate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 111 SDF IV, SEEPZ, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 Opp Shahu Tank, Sardar Moodliar Rd, Rasta Peth Pune Maharashtra 411011 10 Community Centre, No. 2 Ashok Vihar Phase-II New Delhi Delhi 110052 SBL House 2,Commercial complex, Shrestha Vihar New Delhi Delhi 110092 D22/30, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Merul, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400710 C-29, Community Centre Janakpuri New Delhi Delhi 110058 Prasar Bharati, 2nd Floor, PTI Bldg., Parliament Street New Delhi Delhi 110001 Film Centre Building, 68, Tardeo Road, Tardeo Mumbai Maharashtra 400034 7th Floor, Tower C, Infinity Towers, DLF Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122001 1102, Kensington SEZ, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 7th floor Makers Chamber IV,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 2nd Floor, Gandhi Estate, Safed Pool Sakinaka, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400057 807, Imperial Mahal, 3rd Floor Khodadad Circle, Dadar T.T Mumbai Maharashtra 400014 3rd Flr,Unit No Cm-1sine/Csre Bldg, IIT, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 1st Floor, Commercial Annex Hotel Grand, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant New Delhi Kunj II Delhi 110070 Sandstone Crest, Sushant Lok-1, Opp. Hotel Park Plaza Gurgaon Haryana 122009 Behind FairLawn Housing Society, Opp. Diamond Garden, St. Gregorios Mumbai Lane, Sion Maharashtra Trombay Road, 400071 Chembur 702 Mayfair Tower 2, Mumbai - Pune Rd, Wakdewadi, Shivajinagar Pune Maharashtra 411005 Plot No R-914/915, T.T.C. Industrial Area,Rabale, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400701 Alphion House, Andheri East, Kadam Wadi Ln,Marol Pipeline,Andheri Mumbai Kurla Road Maharashtra 400072 9th Floor, Tower A, Infinity Towers, DLF Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 DLF 8,Tower C,Ground Floor And 7th Floor Cyber City DLF Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Near A to Z Industrial Estate Off Worli Naka, Mumbai Lower Parel(W) Maharashtra 400013 Directiplex,Next to Andheri Subway Old Nagardas Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400069 Samruddhi Venture, Park 4'th Floor, MIDC Central Road, Marol, Andheri Mumbai East Maharashtra 400093 Plot No. 114, Road No. 15, Next To SRL Ranbaxy, MIDC, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 70, KLJ Complex, Moti Nagar, New Delhi Delhi 110015 A-86, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-2 New Delhi Delhi 110020 Building No. 2, 1st Floor,Mehra Estate LBS Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai Maharashtra 400079 4, Community Centre, Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 Triune House, B-1 / H4-A Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura New Delhi Road Delhi 110044 C-4, Basement, Arya Samaj, Nizamuddin(East) New Delhi Delhi 110013 7th floor, Sigma, Technology Street Hiranandani Gardens, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 Room 101, The Oberoi, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg New Delhi Delhi 110003 42, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III New Delhi Delhi 110020 E-135/136,2nd Flr,Amar Clny, Lajpat Nagar-4 New Delhi Delhi 110017 Hansraj Pragji Building, 83C Moses Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018

22 124 22 22 712 124 22 11 124 22 22 20 11 11 22 11 11 22 124 22 22 22 22 22 11 124 22 20 22 22 124 124 22 22 22 22 11 11 22 11 11 11 22 11 11 11 22

ECE House, 3rd Floor, 28 A, Annexe II, K.G.Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 100A The Capital Court Olof Palme Marg Munirka New Delhi Delhi 110067 129 Pace City -1, Sector-37 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Big Apple, A-36,Dr. Shirodkar Road,Parel, Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 'A' Wing, Sun Magnetica, 5th Floor, Accolade Galaxy, LIC Service Road, Mumbai Louisewadi, Maharashtra Thane West 400604 B-65, CyberTech House,J. B. Sawant Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400604 301-303 Tolstoy House, 15 Tolstoy Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 Ground Floor Cybercity Tower 2, Magarpatta City, Pune Solapur Rd,Pune Hadapsar Maharashtra 411028 P No-1, Ph-IV, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122016 Plot No. 231, Udyog Vihar, Phase 4 Gurgaon Haryana 122016 H-19, MIDC, Waluj Aurangabad Maharashtra 431133 Link House, IInd Floor, 3, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 401, Siddeshwar Arcade, Opp. Suraj Water Park Ghodbunder Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400607 2nd Floor, Tower A The Presidency Building 351/2, M G Road Gurgaon Haryana 122001 176, 2nd Floor, A-J Towers, Dahanukar Colony, Next Ot Suvarna Sahakari Pune Bank, Maharashtra Karve Road 411029 A-Wing, Mafatlal Chambers, 3rd Floor, B-Building, N M Joshi Marg, Lower Mumbai ParelMaharashtra (E) 400013 503, Dalamal House, J B Road, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 401-404,'B'Wing, Dynasty Business Park., Adheri Kurla Road, Andheri(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 Plot-3 and 4, Hassan Pur, I.P.Extension New Delhi Delhi 110092 Parshwanath Galaxy 'A', Kasarvadavali Junction, Ghodbundar Road, Mumbai Thane (West) Maharashtra 400607 6'th Floor, Commercial Tower, Structure (West), Le Meridien Hotel, New Windsor Delhi Place, Delhi Raisina Road 110001 Sai Baba Society, Opp Canara Bank,Vakola,Satacruz Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 Plot No. 218, Phase-4, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122016 15 - Dr. Deshmukh Marg,Pedder Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400026 Tower - D, 5th Floor, Global Business Park, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Peninsula Chambers,Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 Peninsula Chamber, 3'rd Floor, Ganpatrao Rao Kadam Marg, Lower Mumbai Parel Maharashtra 400013 Catholic Bank Building, Papdy, Vasai (Dist. Thane) Vasai Maharashtra 401207 Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers 17th Floor, Dalal Street Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Main Bldg., P. B. No. 901, Shahid Bhagatisngh Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Marathon Emperor, Marathon Nextgen Compound,Off Ganpatrao Kadam Mumbaimarg Maharashtra , Lower Parel (W) 400013 210, Mohan Place, L.S.C., Block-C, Saraswati Vihar New Delhi Delhi 110034 DLF Cyber City, Building No.10, Phase-IInd, 6th Floor, Tower Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Chief General Manager, Telecom Factory Mumbai Maharashtra 400088 Kotak Tower, Building No 21, Infinity Park, 6th Floor, Near Mulund Goregaon Mumbai Road, Maharashtra Malad East 400097 222, Reena Complex, Ramdev Nagar Road, Vidyavihar(W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400086 C-10, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 Colour Pack House, Building No-43, Moral Corporate Industries, Opp Mumbai M. B. Road Maharashtra 400055 5th Floor, Padma Palace, 86, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 Plot No. 105, Sector - 59, HSIDC Industrial Area Faridabad Haryana 121059 New India Bhavan, Anant Vishram Nagwekar Marg, Babasaheb Worlikar Mumbai Chowk, Maharashtra Prabhadevi 400025 Amar Apex, 6th Floor, Baner Road Pune Maharashtra 411007 G 107 Himalaya House, 23 Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 58-D, Government Industrial Estate, Charkop, Kandivli [west] Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 701, Interface 11, 7th Floor, Malad Link Road, Malad(West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 9, Maharastra Chamber of Commerce Lane, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Regent Chambers, 12th Floor, 208 Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021

11 11 124 22 22 22 11 20 124 124 240 11 22 124 20 22 22 22 11 22 11 22 124 22 124 22 22 250 22 22 22 11 124 22 22 22 22 22 11 129 22 20 11 22 22 22 22

30/ C, New Vijay Laxmi Industrial Estate,Off Link Road, Andheri (W),Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Nucleus House, Opp. L& T Gate NO. 7, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 103 Udyog Vihar Phase I Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 303, 3rd Floor, Leela Business Park Adjacent toLeela Hotel, Andheri Mumbai - Kurla Road, Maharashtra Andheri (East) 400059 22 208, Ashirwad Commercial Complex, D-1, Green Park New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 501, Samartha Vaibhav Osiwara, Andheri - West Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 B-23 Okhla Phase-II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 48,Community Centre, Naraina New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 S C O 24, Old Delhi Road, Corporate Height, Sector 14 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Building 8, 7th & 8th floor, Tower B, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 1st Floor, B-Wing, Marwah Centre, Krishanlal Marwah Marg, Andheri Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400072 22 Ramon House,3rd floor,169,Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 43B, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 130, P B Marg, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 C-34, Lajpat Nagar-ll New Delhi Delhi 110024 11 8/42, Industrial Area, Near Johnson & Johnson, Kirti Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110015 11 C-602, opp St.Cecilia School, Vikas Puri New Delhi Delhi 110018 11 A-28, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 5th Floor, Abhishek Building, Block No 5&6, Dalia, Industrial Estate, Mumbai Besides Monginis Maharashtra Cake Factory, 400053 Opp. Laxmi 22 Industrial Esta 13-B, Atmaram House, 1 Tolstoy Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Unit No. 4, 5th Floor, B Wing Phoenix House, High Street Phoenix, 462, Mumbai S.B. Marg, Maharashtra Lower Parel (w) 400013 22 12 Sant Nagar East Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 4/5, Udyog Mandir No.1, Bhagoji Keer Marg, Mahim Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 22 Plot 12A Kailash Plaza,Opposite Lane of Laxmi Ind Est Mumbai Maharashtra 400099 22 Eco Space Building, I.T Park, Old Nagar Das Road, Mogra Village, Andheri Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400069 22 404B, 4th Floor, Centrum Plaza, DLF Golf Course Road, Sector 53 Gurgaon Haryana 122003 124 345, Udyog Vihar Phase 2 Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 B-21, Infocity, Sector-34, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Sadna House, 3rd floor, P B Marg, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 'ESPERANCA', Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Colaba Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Gopi Colony, Sec-19 Faridabad Faridabad Haryana 121002 129 6/2, Jangpura B New Delhi Delhi 110014 11 43 Sigma House, R A Kidwai Marg, Wadala South, Wadala Mumbai Maharashtra 400031 22 43 (South),Wadala Mumbai Maharashtra 400031 22 Acme Plaza, Andheri - Kurla Rd Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Acme Plaza,Andheri - Kurla Rd, Andheri (E Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 Titus House, R-77 A, Greater Kailash-I New Delhi Delhi 110048 11 108 HSIDC Industrial Complex, Sector 31, Faridabad Haryana 121008 129 1501, Dalamal Towers Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Level-3, Tower 3, Cypercity Magarpatta City, Hadapsar Pune Maharashtra 411013 20 206, M.G. House, 5,Community Centre,Wazirpur Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110052 11 3rd Floor, Sagarika Apartments, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu Mumbai Maharashtra 400049 22 66/A, Marol Co-operative Industrial Estate Off. M. V. Road, Marol, Andheri Mumbai East Maharashtra 400059 22 11/12 Udyog Nagar ,SV road,Goregaon Mumbai Maharashtra 400014 22 G-1, Akruti Trade Center,Road No -7, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 L-81, 3rd Floor, Street No. 7, Mahipalpur Extension New Delhi Delhi 110037 11

Plot No. 448/451, Udyog Vihar, Phase-5 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 A-6, Satsang Vihar Marg, Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi Delhi 110067 Near Cadbury, Near Voltas, Eastern Express Highway Thane W, Mumbai Maharashtra 400601 10-B, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 7 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 3rd, 4th, 5th Floors, Pride Purple - Coronet S.no 287/2 , Baner,Near Pune Telephone Maharashtra exchange,Baner411045 - Pune Road Paras Hospitals, C-1 Block, Sushant Lok- Phase I, Sector-43, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 2, Institutional Area, Vikas Marg Ext Karkardooma, New Delhi Delhi 110092 153 Magarpatta City Road Hadapsar Pune Maharashtra 411028 Enk Centre,5th Flr,Vanijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar,PH-5 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 C6/5 Safdarjung Development Area New Delhi Delhi 110016 Aga Hall,Nesbit Road, Mazagaon Mumbai Maharashtra 400010 Serdia House, Off Dr. S. S. Rao Road,(Opp Mahatma Gandhi Hospital) Mumbai Parel Maharashtra 400012 Artemis Health Institute , Sector 51, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 B - Block, Sushant Lok - I Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Elite Auto House, A-54, 1st Floor M. Vasanji Road, Off. Andheri Kurla Mumbai road, Chakala, Maharashtra Andheri (East 400093 37-38, Near Malka Ganj New Delhi Delhi 110007 Sarita Vihar, Delhi-Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110076 Pandav Nagar, Naraina Road New Delhi Delhi 110008 21, Community Centre, Preet Vihar New Delhi Delhi 110092 Kharghar Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 410210 Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 Pusa Road New Delhi Delhi 110005 3 Farm land,Panchsheel Square, Ramdaspeth,Wardha Road Nagpur Maharashtra 440010 FC-34, A-4 Paschim Vihar Institutional Area New Delhi Delhi 110063 Plot Number 225 ,Industrial Area, Phase II Panchkula, Panchkula Haryana 134109 260, Sector - 6 Panchkula Haryana 134109 B-16, Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi Delhi 110016 Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Srushti, Mira Road,Thane Mumbai Maharashtra 401107 Sector 5, Nerul Mumbai Maharashtra 400706 TSW Centre, A-41/A, Road No. 1, Mahipalpur Chowk,extension New Delhi Delhi 110037 L-2 Jawaharlal Nehru Marg Delhi Gate,Darya Ganj New Delhi Delhi 110002 Bhageerath, 402, Senapati Bapat Road Pune Maharashtra 411016 76, Udyog Vihar, Phase - IV Gurgaon Haryana 122015 Astrix Plaza, Survey No 270/1/23, Baner Road Pune Maharashtra 411045 'ESKAY HOUSE' 54, Hanuman Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 5 Raipur Road New Delhi Delhi 110054 H-4,5 Pitam Pura New Delhi Delhi 110034 S.V.Road, Opp. Railway Station,Andheri(W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400058 Aditya Birla Hospital Marg, Chinchwad Pune Maharashtra 411033 Rajinder Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110060 909, Hemkunt Tower, 98,Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 F-12, East of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 First Floor, Exchange Square Suren Road, Chakala, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 Sector B, Pocket 1, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg Vasant Kunj New Delhi Delhi 110070 Ashok Vihar Phase - III New Delhi Delhi 110052

124 11 22 11 11 20 124 11 20 124 22 11 22 22 124 124 22 11 11 11 11 22 22 11 712 11 172 172 11 22 22 11 11 20 124 20 11 11 11 22 20 11 11 11 22 11 11

P No 30/C, Karve Rd, Nr Sou Vimalabai Garaware School, Deccan Gymkhana Pune Maharashtra 411005 212/2, Off. Soli Poonawalla Road, Hadapsar Pune Maharashtra 411028 2 Institutional Area, Sector - 3, Rohini New Delhi Delhi 110085 12, Marine Lines Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 2nd Floor, Salcon Ras Vilas D-1, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi Delhi 110017 Press Enclave Marg, Sheikh Sarai II New Delhi Delhi 110017 Hoechst House, 17th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 The View, 2nd Floor, 165, Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 Byculla Mumbai Maharashtra 400008 LBS Marg, Bhandup (West),Corpora, 2nd Floor Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 Sector C, Vasant Kunj, Opp. Vasant Valley School New Delhi Delhi 110070 S/3, Khira Indl Estate, S V Road, Santacruz West Mumbai Maharashtra 400054 Off Lal Bahadur Shastri Rd, Nr Alka Talkies, Navi Peth Pune Maharashtra 411030 Scindia Villa, Sarojini Nagar, Ring Road New Delhi Delhi 110023 Hari Nagar, Clock Tower New Delhi Delhi 110064 Nr Metro Station, West Patel Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110008 Plot No C-24, G Block, Bandra kurla Complex, PB No. 8121, Bandra East Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 Government of N.C.T Delhi, Pooth Khurd New Delhi Delhi 110039 3 - MM II, Panchkuian Road New Delhi Delhi 110055 J-1/1, B-1 Extension Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,Mathura New Road Delhi Delhi 110044 B/4 Laxmi Towers Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 5, Babulnath Rd, Grant Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400007 Mahakali Road Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 Maharaja Ranjit Singh Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 Nr Jama Masjid, Darya Ganj New Delhi Delhi 110002 B-5/24 Safdarjung Enclave, Opposite Deer Park New Delhi Delhi 110029 SCO 317, Sector 29 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Plot No. 34/1,Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC, Hinjewadi Pune Maharashtra 411057 A - 791, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400050 Kharak Singh Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 428, Laxmi Plaza, Off New Link Rd., Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 Old Subzi Mandi New Delhi Delhi 110007 301, 3rd Floor, B-wing, Cube Building, Infocity IT Park,Dinboshi, Filmcity, Mumbai Malad(E) Maharashtra 400097 16, Off Pune Mumbai Rd Opp Kala Niketan, Shivaji Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411005 108 A, Indraprastha Extension Patparganj, New Delhi Delhi 110092 365,Swastik Park,Chembur (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 207 Okhla Idustrial Estate Phase - III New Delhi Delhi 110020 V Floor, Anuvrat Bhawan,210, Deen Dayal Upadhay Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 Dr. E Borges Road, Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 Oriental House, A-25/27, Asaf Ali Road New Delhi Delhi 110002 A5 & A6, Kirti Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110015 U-1/78, Budh Vihar, Main Road,Opp pooth Kalan Village New Delhi Delhi 110041 Dr. A L nair Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400008 5th floor,Indira Smruti Building, Agyari lane, opposite SBI main Branch, Mumbai Jambhali Maharashtra naka,Thane(w) 400602 146-149, Tribhuvan Complex, Ishwar Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110065 National Chemical Laboratory Dr. Homi Bhabha Road Pune Maharashtra 411008 32, Sasoon Road Pune Maharashtra 411001

20 20 11 22 11 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 20 11 11 11 22 11 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 124 20 22 11 22 11 22 20 11 22 11 11 22 11 11 11 22 22 11 20 20

Plot no D3, A Wing, @nd Floor, Distict Center Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 11 East Arjun Nagar , Karkardooma New Delhi Delhi 110032 11 102-104, Delphi-C,Hiranandani Business Park Powai, Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 C - 47, Pravasi Industrial Estate, C Wing, 1st Floor, Off Aarey Road, Goregaon Mumbai (E) Maharashtra 400063 22 516/2, Shaniwar Peth, Shahu Chowk Karad Maharashtra 415110 2164 Reserve Bank of India, Byculla Office, 2nd Floor, Opp. Mumbai Central Mumbai Railway Station, Maharashtra Mumbai 400008 Central 22 P No-30, Sec-7a, Narela New Delhi Delhi 110040 11 Tis Hazari New Delhi Delhi 110401 11 405,Raheja Chambers, Free Press Journal Marg, 213 ,Nariman Point, Mumbai Maker Bhavan Maharashtra No.3, 21, New 400021 Marine Lines 22 Vasundhara Enclave New Delhi Delhi 110096 11 Dilshad Garden New Delhi Delhi 110095 11 Okhla Industrial Area Phase I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 6th Floor, Regensis Delta II, Gigaspace, Viman Nagar, Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 sector - 6, Rohini, New Delhi Delhi 110085 11 Indian Council of Medical Research, V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari New Delhi Nagar Delhi 110029 11 SEBI Registered Category I Merchant Bankers 3rd Floor,Sankalp,TheMumbai Bureau,Dr.R.C.Marg,Chembur, Maharashtra 400071 22 8th Flr, Remfry House, Millenium Plaza, Sec-27 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 Masina Hospital Polyclinic,C/O: Masina Hospital, Sant Savta MargByculla Mumbai (E), Maharashtra 400027 22 Malviya Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110017 11 49 Community Centre, East Of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 120, Udyog Bhavan,Sonawala Lane,Goregaon (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400063 22 Mumbai Central Mumbai Maharashtra 400008 22 1 M.B.Road, Institutional Area, Tughlakabad New Delhi Delhi 110062 11 H.Kantilal Compound, Sakinaka, Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 S-341, Gandhi Nagar, Bandra (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 C-1 Janakpuri New Delhi Delhi 110058 11 54-A, Sir Mathurdas Vasanji Road, Andheri(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Mulla House, 51 Mahatma Gandhi Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 165A Balaji Bhavan, Railway Lines,Solapur, Solapur Maharashtra 413001 217 Plot No 54, Marol Co-op Industrial Area Makwana, Off Andheri Kurla Mumbai Road, In the Maharashtra lane of Shemaroo 400059 22 R-2, Technopolis Knowledge Park, Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Mulla Baug, S.V.Road, Manpada Near Hill Crest Society Mumbai Maharashtra 400610 22 1st Floor, Bakhtawar, 229, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 THE GENESIS,A-32 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 Landmark B-wing, 3rd floor, Suren Road, Chakala, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Okhla Road New Delhi Delhi 110025 11 Sai Radhey Building, 3'rd Floor, RBM road, Plot 100-101, Behind Hotel Pune Le- Meridian Maharashtra 411001 20 386, Sane Guruji Building Vir Savarkar Marg,Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 Maker Chambers III, Nariman Point,Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Suite no # 252 Hyatt Regency Delhi,Bhaikaiji Cama Place, M.G Marg New Delhi Delhi 110066 11 001, Delta Plaza, 414, Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 Centrum House CST Road, Vidya Nagari Marg, Kalina, Santa Cruz(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 Centrum House, CST Road, Vidya Nagari Marg, Kalina, Santa Cruz(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 13 AB Samhita Warehousing Complex 2nd Floor, Sakinaka Telephone Mumbai ExchangeMaharashtra LaneOff Andheri-Kurla 400072 Road, Sakinaka,Andher 22 6th Flr, Hall No.2&3, NBCC Tower, 15 Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi Delhi 110066 11 250-D Udyog Bhavan,Hind Cycle Marg,behind Glaxo,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22

C-409, Solaris 1,Opp. L&T Gate No.6,Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 1st Floor, Tradeview,Oasis Complex,Kamala City,P.B. Marg,Lower Parel Mumbai (W) Maharashtra 400013 22 210, 210A B Wing, Galleria 2nd Flr., Nr Hiranandani Garden, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 25, Jerbai Wadia Road, Bhoiwada, Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 A-406, Bhaveshwar Plaza, LBS Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400086 22 11/12, Raghuvanshi Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 7 Khullar Farms,Mandi Road,Mehrauli New Delhi Delhi 110030 11 A-41, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 Trade World, A wing, 4th & 5th Floors, Kamala Mills Compound Lower Mumbai Parel Maharashtra 400013 22 2062, Sadashiv Peth, Vijaya Nagar Colony Pune Maharashtra 411030 20 P-45/90, Connaught Circus New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 DLF PH-3 7B Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Jasmine, Madhusudhan Kalelkar Marg Kalanagar, Bandra (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 1114, 11th Floor, Naurang House 21, K. G. Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Infinity Tower, Building No 4, A-501, Dindoche Depot, Malad East Mumbai Maharashtra 400097 22 501, Arun Chambers, Tardeo Mumbai Maharashtra 400034 22 501, Arun Chambers, Tardeo Mumbai Maharashtra 400034 22 F 89 /11, Okhla Phase 1 New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 PSIR Building, 1st floor 90/8, MIDC Cross Road A, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 M1/12,DLF Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 DIL Premises,Swami Vivekanand Road,Nr Tatvagyan Veedyapeeth Ghodbunder Mumbai Maharashtra Road Thane (W) 400021 22 C/O Raymond Apparels Ltd Old Building, 1st Floor, Pokhran Road 1, Mumbai Thane West, Maharashtra Thane 400606 22 101, Raheja Centre, Free Press Journal Road, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 56 Janpath, 3rd floor New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 5th Floor, The Masterpiece, Golf Course Road Sector 54 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 3rd Floor Orchid City Centre Mall, Pellasis Road, Opp. Pest Bus Depot, Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra Central (E) 400008 22 2nd Flr D C Silk Mills Compound, Opp J B Nagar Market Kondivita Road, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra East 400059 22 Glenmark House,HDOCorporate Building, Wing -A,B. D. Sawant Marg Mumbai ,Chakala, Maharashtra Off Western Express 400026 Highway22 Unit 601 & 602, 6th Floor, Raheja Titanium, Off Western Express Highway, Mumbai Goregaon Maharashtra East 400055 22 407-408, Padma Tower - 2, Rajendra Place New Delhi Delhi 110008 11 Harish Chandra Lane, Janpath New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 206 Shivai Industrial Estate, 89 Andheri-Kurla Road, Saki Naka, Andheri Mumbai (E) Maharashtra 400072 22 No.69, DSIDC Shed, 1st Floor, Scheme-I, Okhla Phase-II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 45 Nathupur Road,DLF Phase-III, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Unit 418, Building 2, Sector 1Millennium Business Park, Mahape, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 400710 22 112 A, Sant Nagar, East of kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 292, Princess Street, 2nd Floor, Near Flyover, Marine Lines, Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 22 Dlf Cybercity Sector-25A,60 Mtr. Sector Road Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Bldg No-10-A, 2nd Flr, Dlf Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 C-120 Naraina Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 PCS House, Plot No.4,Saki Vihar Road Sakinaka Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 Emgeen Chambers, 10, C.S.T. Road, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz East Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 Wockhardt Towers ,Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra East Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 One Indiabulls Centre, 13th Floor 841 Senapati Bapat Marg Elphinstone Mumbai Road Maharashtra 400013 22 Trade Star, A Wing, 6th Floor, Andheri Kurla Rd, Andheri (E),Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 A Wing, Ruby House, J K Sawant Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400028 22

Ruby House, J K Sawant Marg, Dadar (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400028 22 The IL&FS Financial Center, Plot C 22, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai Bandra(East) Maharashtra 400051 22 P2, Level 2B, Raghuvanshi Estate,11/12 SB Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 Plot No. 426, Udyog Vihar Phase 3 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Sixth Floor, Spectra Building, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 2nd Floor, Tower A, Building No.8, DLF Phase II, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 123, Creative Industrial Premises, Sunder Nagar, Kalina Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 2nd Floor Sterling Centre, Shivsagar Estate Near Poonam Chambers, Mumbai Dr Annie Besant Maharashtra Road, Worli 400018 22 44, Community Center Naraina,Industrial Area,Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 Nimbus Centre,Oberoi Complex,Andheri (West), Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 36,B, Dr R K Shirodkar Rd, B/H Bata Showroom, Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 14-B,Ring Road, I.P.Estate New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 1108 Arcadia, 195 Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 1st Floor, Tower B, First India Place,Vatika Tower,Sushant Lok PhaseGurgaon 1,Mehrauli-Gurgaon Haryana Road122002 124 C 10 Dalia Industrial Estate, Near Fun Republic Cinema, Andheri W, Off Mumbai Link Road, Maharashtra Bandra Reclamation, 400053 Bandra 22 (W) C/8, Ground Floor, Shriram Industrial Estate, G. D. Ambekar Road, Wadala Mumbai Maharashtra 400031 22 Mahendra Industrial Estate, Ground Floor Road No 29, Plot No 109-D, Mumbai SION (East) Maharashtra 400022 22 7th Floor, Kailash Building, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 204, Sumer Kendra , Pandurang Budhkar Marg,Worli. Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Bhagat Bhuvan, 323 - F, Matunga (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400019 22 SK House, 94-A, Avval Baug, DSP Road, Dadar (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400 014 22 C-112/116, 1st Floor,Building No 1, Kailash Industrial Complex,Off LBS Mumbai Marg, Parksite,Vikhroli Maharashtra West 400079 22 605, D Wing, 6th Floor, Crystal Plaza, New Link Road,Andheri (W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 A-49, Okhla Industrial Area Phase - I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 86, BABA House, Sir M.V. Road, Near Cine,Magic Theatre, Andheri-(East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Chimes, 5th Floor, 61, Sector 44, Gurgaon Haryana 122003 124 Mangalam, Khare Town,Dharampeth Nagpur Maharashtra 440010 712 2nd floor, Khatau House, Mogul Lane, Mahim (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 22 4 San Martin Marg,Chanakyapuri New Delhi Delhi 110021 11 1st Floor, Cooperative Bank Building, Near Bajrang Bhawan, Delhi Road Rohtak Haryana 124001 1262 71/1, Shivaji Marg New Delhi Delhi 110015 11 B-27, Infocity, Sector - 34 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 6th Floor, Park Centra, Sector 30, NH-8, Gurgaon Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 S-12, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-2 New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Rajat Enclave,102-103/A, Gayatri Darshan,Thakur Complex, Kandivali Mumbai (E), Maharashtra 400101 22 598 Udyog Vihar, Phase V Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Ferndale Annex, Plot No. 226, 12th Road, Khar West Mumbai Maharashtra 400052 22 'Garden View', J Mehta Marg, Nepeansea Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400006 22 Neelam Centre,B Wing, 4th floor, Hind Cycle Road Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 404B, Centrum Plaza, DLF Golf Course Road Sector 53, 4th Floor Gurgaon Haryana 122003 124 Level 2, Tower 1, Magarpatta Cyber City Hadapsar Pune Maharashtra 411053 20 273,Masjid Moth, South Extension-II New Delhi Delhi 110049 11 4th Floor Thapar House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 A-3, Info City, Sector - 34 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 3rd Floor, Guru Angad Bhawan, 71, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 Mansukh House, Plot No-6, Opp. Mother Dairy Patparganj Road, Pandav New Delhi NagarDelhi 110092 11 H-36, Connaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 11

Unit No. 601, Infinity Building No.4 Off Film City Road, Malad East Mumbai Maharashtra 400097 22 French Bank Building, 62, Homji Street, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Teritex Building, 41/2, Saki Vihar Lake Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 S.V. Road, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai Maharashtra 400056 22 315, Balgovind Wadi, NewPrabhadevi Road, Prabhadevi, Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 Elder House, Plot No C-9, Off New Link Road, Dalia Industrial Estate,Mumbai Andheri WMaharashtra 400053 22 Digi House B-8, MIDC Marol Industrial Area, Nect T To MIDC Police, Mumbai Andheri East Maharashtra 400093 22 34 Udyog Vihar Phase lV Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 Sarita Vihar, Delhi Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110076 11 45/46 Atlanta,Nariman Point, Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 505, VIP Plaza Veera Industrial Estate, Link road,Andheri (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Sr. No. 14,16, Jankar Estate J. M. Compound, Mira - Bhayandar Rd.,Kashimira,Thane Mumbai Maharashtra District 401104 22 Pam House,127, Kandivli Industrial Estate,Kandivli (West Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 22 G1 Paragon Centre Pandurang Budhkar Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 Jasubhai Group, 26, Maker Chamber VI, Floor II Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Fairmont, High Street Hiranandani Business Park, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 15th Floor, Tower B, Signature Towers, South City-I Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 C-125 TTC Industrial Area Mahape(Pawane)navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400705 22 Readymoney Terrace, Unit no.-32, 2nd Floor, Anibasant Road, Worli Mumbai Naka, Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 11-14, Laxmi Plaza Bldg No.9, Laxmi Ind. Estate, Andheri (W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Enkay Centre, Block-A Vanijya Nikunj Commercial Complex, Udyog Vihar-Phase Gurgaon Haryana V 122016 124 1 India Bull Center, Tower 1, Jupiter Mills Compound 841, Senapati Bapat Mumbai Marg,Mumbai Maharashtra 13 400059 22 4th Floor, Monarch Plaza, Plot No. 56, Sector 11, CBD Belapur Mumbai Maharashtra 400614 22 Ground Floor, Sadhana House, Behind Mahindra Tower 570, P. B. Marg, Mumbai Worli Maharashtra 400018 22 801/808 Ceejay House, Shivasgar Estate, Dr A. Beasant Road. Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Manu Mansion, 2nd Floor,16 Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Fort, Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Old Sanskar Jyot School, 2-4 Floor, Above Bank of Maharashtra, S.V.Mumbai Road, Andheri Maharashtra (West) 400058 22 Fort Chambers, 202, B wing Hamam Street, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 B-601-603, City Point, JB Nagar Andheri Kurla Road, Next to Hotel Kohinoor Mumbai Continental, Maharashtra Andheri(E) 400059 22 Nair Baug, Akurli Road,Kandivli (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400101 22 C-13,Balaji House,Dalia Industrial Estate,Opposite Laxmi Industries, Mumbai New Link Road,Andheri Maharashtra (West) 400053 22 201 & 301, HDO Building (Corporate Enclave), B wing, 100, Link Road, Mumbai Chakala, Maharashtra (Next to Bisleri 400059 Factory), Andheri 22 (E) 32, Sassoon Road Pune Maharashtra 411001 20 DLF Infinity Tower,Tower A: 9th Floor DLF Cyber City,DLF Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 4th Floor, Monarch Plaza, Plot No. 56,Sector No. 11, CBD Belapur Mumbai Maharashtra 400615 22 Landmark, B-Wing, Suren Road, Chakala,Anderi (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Boston House, 3rd floor, Suren Road, Chakala, Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 640-B Khorshed Villa,Khareghat Road,Parsi Colony, Dadar Mumbai Maharashtra 400014 22 Sector - 42, DLF City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Buildingno.7A, DLF Cyber City, Phase-3 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Vatika Business Centre, Ist India Place, Sushant Lok Phase-1 Mehrauli Gurgaon Gurgaon Rd Haryana 122001 124 Exchange Square, Suren RoadChakala, Andheri (East),, Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Exchange Square CTS No 255 Suren Road,Chakala, Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Plot No. 121, Phase 1, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 601, Alpha 2, Gigaspace IT Park Viman Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 1, sardar Pratap Singh Industrial Estate, LBS Marg, Bhandup ( W ) Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 22 2'nd, 3'rd, 4'th Floor, Tower-C, Vipultech Square, Golf Course Road Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124

Neelam Building, B Wing, 4th Floor, Hind Cycle Road,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 309/310 Mhatre Pen Building Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar Mumbai Maharashtra 400028 22 1st Floor, Rectifier House, Nigram, Next To Industrial Estate, Wadala Mumbai Maharashtra 400031 22 Platina Bldg., 8'th Floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, Ploy No. C-59, G Block, Mumbai MMRDA Maharashtra Ground, Next To 400051 City Bank, Bandra 22 East 7th Floor, Tower-B,Vatika Towers, Sector-54 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 IDPL Complex, Delhi-Gurgaon Road , Dundahera Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 7th & 8th Floor,Building 8, Tower B, DLF Cybercity Gurgaon Haryana 120002 124 A-8 Green Park New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 EL 63, TTC Industrial Area, Electronic Zone Mahape, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400701 22 7,Bhikaiji Cama Place New Delhi Delhi 110066 11 Hirmani Super Market, Ground Floor, DR.B.A.Road, Lalbaug Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 45 Mavlankar Ind Estate, Nr Old RTO Office, Ambedkar Road Pune Maharashtra 411001 20 4th Floor, Ravindra Annexe 194, D.V. Road, Churchagate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 Plot No 859, Phase V, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City,A Block,Thane Belapur Road,Koperkhairane Mumbai Maharashtra 400709 22 23, Steelmade Industrial Estate, 2nd Floor,Marol Village, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 Rahejas, 4th Floor, Main Avenue Santacruz, West Mumbai Maharashtra 400054 22 Cyber House, B-35 Sector 32-Institutional Gurgaon Haryana 120001 124 B-302, 3rd Floor, Virwani Industrial Estate Off Western Express Highway, Mumbai Goregaon Maharashtra (E) 400063 22 14th, Floor, Tower C, Unitech, Cyber Park Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Techweb Centre, Grd Flr Link Road , Jogeshwari(W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400102 22 2, Ravi Estate, Mahakali Road, Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Sammruddhi Bldg, Vallabhbhai Road, Near Shubham Hall, Vile Parle Mumbai West, Maharashtra 400056 22 Platina, 8th Floor, Plot no.C-59, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra Mumbai (E), Maharashtra 400051 22 Plot No. 70A,Sector - 34, Gurgaon Haryana 122004 124 Bhatia Hospital, Mumbai No 7 Grant Road West Mumbai Maharashtra 400007 22 Dhirubhai Ambani Life Sciences Centre R-282, TTC Area Of MIDC, Thane, Mumbai Belapur Maharashtra Road, Rabale 400701 22 603 Mayfair Towers II, Wakdewadi, Shivajinagar Pune Maharashtra 411005 20 145, Sagar Palazio Complex, Sakinaka Junction, Above Caf Coffee Day, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra Kurla Road, Andheri 400072(E) 22 JP Morgan Tower, Off CST Road, Kalina, Santa Cruze Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 12/14, Brady House, (2nd Floor) Veer Nariman Rd, Fort, Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Bhavana, 1st floor, 422, Veer Savarkar Road, 422, Veer Savarkar Road, Mumbai 422, Veer Maharashtra Savarkar Road, 400030 Prabhadevi 22 Rolta Tower 'A', Rolta Technology Park MIDC - Marol, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Unitech Cyber Park, Tower C, 10'th Floor, Unit No. 1003, Sector-39 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 A-24/5, MCIE, Mathura Road, New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 GE Plaza, Airport Road, Yerawada Pune Maharashtra 411006 20 Unit K-401, 3rd Floor, Megacenter, Hadapsar Pune Maharashtra 411048 20 Aanjaneya House, No 34, Postal Colony, Chembur Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 22 Chintamani Plaza, Unit No. 523, 5th Floor, Chakala, Andheri-Kurla Road, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra (E) 400099 22 Unit No.1102, Platina Building, G Block 11th Floor, Plot No. C-59, Bandra Mumbai Kurla Complex, Maharashtra Bandra 400051 East 22 B 35, Sector 32, Institutional Area Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 4th Floor, Building No 9, Tower B, Cyber City, Dlf City, Phase 3 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 6th Floor, Dheeraj Arma,,Anant Kanekar Road,Bandra(E), Station Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 8, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg, Gole Market New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Tower 3, 4th Floor, International Infotech Park Vashi Railway Station Mumbai Complex, Maharashtra Vashi 400705 22 Sapient Towers D&E,DLF Cyber Greens,DLF City Phase III,Sector 25-A Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 3, Dr. G. C. Narang Marg New Delhi Delhi 110007 11

217, Raja Rammohan Roy Road, Girgaum Mumbai Maharashtra 400004 22 7th Floor, Sumer Plaza,Marol Maroshi Road,Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 ICC Chambers Opp Santogen Mills, Saki Vihar Road,Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 7 & 8 Magan Mahal, 215, Sir M. V. Road, Above Aarsa Hotel, Andheri Mumbai East Maharashtra 400069 22 303, 304, 3'rd Floor, Bldg. No. 5, Sector-3 Milenium Business Park, Mahape, Mumbai New Maharashtra Mumbai 400710 22 Ramon House, 169, Backbay Reclamation H T Parekh Marg, Churchgate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 503, Alpha, Hiranandani GardensMain Street, Powai,, Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 5th Floor, Unitech World, Cyber Park, Tower A, Sec-39 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 H 11/12 Paragon Centre, P. B. Marg, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 Sr. No. 108 / 8 / 1 + 2 / 1, Meridian Plaza, 1 Senapati Bapat Rd Pune Maharashtra 411053 20 Nirmal Building, 16'th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Pfizer Centre, Patel Estate, S V Road, Jogeshwari (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400102 22 Pfizer Centre, Patel Estate, S V Road, Jogeshwari (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400102 22 Peninsula Centre,Dr. S.S. Rao Road,Opposite Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 Percept House, 2, Sant Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 B-3, Lunic Industries,Opp. State Bank of India,MIDC,Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Universal Business Park, 5th Floor, B Wing, Chandivali Farm Road,, Near Mumbai Kamani Maharashtra Oil Mill, Saki Naka, 400072 Andheri (East) 22 Plot # 77, Institutional Area Sector 32 Gurgaon Haryana 110020 124 Plot No 35/36, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Phase 1, MIDC, Hinjawadi Pune Maharashtra 411057 20 Satya Dev Bldg, 2nd Floor, Opp: Q Lab, Off: New Link RoadAndheri (West),, Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 205-208 Bldg 2, Sector 1, Millennium Business Park, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 310/311 3rd floor Trade center opposite MTNL Building Bandra Kurla Mumbai Complex Maharashtra 400051 22 W-122, Third Floor, Greater Kailash-II New Delhi Delhi 110048 11 DIL Complex, S.V. Road, Ghodbunder Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400610 22 DIL Complex, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400610 22 1101-1104, Kailash Building, 26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Gate #1A, Godrej Industries Complex Eastern Express Highway Pirojshanagar, Mumbai Vikhroli Maharashtra (E) 400079 22 Jeevan Bharti Tower-1, 124, Connaught Circus New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 C-113, Okhla Industrial Area Phase- I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Tower VI - Level 3 and 4 Cybercity,Magarpatta City Hadapsa Pune Maharashtra 411028 20 B-17. IInd Floor,Sec-32, Instituional Area Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 One India Bulls Centre , Tower 117th Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound 841, Mumbai Senapati Maharashtra Bapat Marg, Elphinstone 400093 Road 22 601, Durga Chambers, Above Wills Life Style, Linking Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400052 22 Adventity House,C-2, Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane Mumbai Maharashtra 400604 22 1400, Modi Tower 98, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 Janambhoomi Bhavan, Janambhoomi Marg, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Vyapar, Janmabhoomi Group Of Newspapers, Janmabhoomi Bhavan, Mumbai Janmabhoomi Maharashtra Marg, Fort400001 22 E-172, Pandav Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110091 11 10, Rakeshdeep Bulding Yusuf Sarai Commercial Complex,GulmoharNew Enclave Delhi Delhi 110049 11 4th Floor, Weikfield IT Citi Infopark, Nagar Road Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 9th Floor, Hincon House (Tower B), 247 Park, LBS Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai Maharashtra 400083 22 31-A, Laxmi Indl. Estate, New Link Road, Andheri (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 New Era Mills Compound, Mogul Lane Behind Magnet Mall, Matunga Mumbai - West Maharashtra 400016 22 A-180,181 Industrial Area,Okhla Phase-1, New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 A-180, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase- I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 5th Floor, Hi Life Mall, Sir. P.M. RoadOpp. Santacruz Railway Station, Mumbai SantacruzMaharashtra (West) 400054 22 Inlaks Hospital Road, Chembur Colony, Mumbai Maharashtra 400074 22

1501,15th Flr,hemkunt Chamber,89, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 Level- 0, IIPM Campus, Satbari, Chandan Haula, Chattarpur Road New Delhi Delhi 110074 510, Shah Nahar Industrial Estate, Dr. E. Moses Rd, Worli Naka Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 Readymoney Mansion 43, Veer Nariman Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Unit 5, SDF I, SEEPZ- SEZ, Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 2nd Floor, Turner Morrison Building,16, Bank Street,Fort, Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400023 New India Assurance Bldg. 87 Mahatma Gandhi Road Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 501, Devika Towers,6, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 E-510 Crystal Plaza New Link Road Andheri W Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 407, Hilton Centre, Plot No.66, Sector-11, CBD-Belapur Mumbai Maharashtra 400612 Savla Chambers, 5th & 6th Floors, 40 Cawasji Patel Street, Opp BLITZ Mumbai Fort Maharashtra 400001 Behind Nitin Co.,Ganesh Wadi, Panchpakhadi Thane (W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400601 501, Sentinel, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 Sagar Tech Plaza A, 615-617, 6th Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Saki Naka Mumbai Junction,Maharashtra Andheri East 400072 BSEL Techpark,'B' Wing, 10th Floor,Sector 30-A, Opp.Vashi Rly. Station,Vashi, Mumbai Navi Maharashtra Mumbai 400705 Plot D-1, 4th Floor, Salcon Rasvilla dist. centre, Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 13th Floor, AMBA DEEP, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 142-48 S.V. Road, Jogeshwari (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400102 11'th Floor, Raghuleela Arcade, IT Park,Sector 30-A, Opp. Vashi Railway Mumbai Station, Maharashtra Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400703 PTI Building 4, Parliament Street New Delhi Delhi 110001 E-34, 2nd Floor, Connaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 Red House,Sayed Abdulla Brelvi Rd, Horniman Circle, Fountain Mumbai Maharashtra 400023 35, Nr Police Station,Punjabi Bagh West, Punjabi Bagh New Delhi Delhi 110026 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Central Office, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Adfactors PR Pvt Ltd, Shalaka, Maharshi Karve Marg, Cooperage Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Sterling House 5/7, Sorabji Santuk Lane, Opp. Cawasji Hormaslji Lane, Mumbai Dhobi Talao Maharashtra 400002 2nd Floor, Laura Building, 1st Dhobi Talao Lane, Dhobi Talao Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 2nd Floor, Laura Building, 1st Dhobi Talao Lane, Dhobi Talao Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 21, Joniawas, Dharuhera Rewari Haryana 122100 Sakhar Bhavan, 9th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 ICICI Centre, H.T. Parekh Marg,Churchgate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 Lajpat Nagar - III New Delhi Delhi 110024 Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Shree Ram Mills Premises, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 E-29, Dhanraj Mahal, 2'nd Floor, Apollo Bunder, Colaba Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Essar Techno Park,Building- B, 2nd Floor, BKC- LBS Road Junction,Kurla Mumbai (W Maharashtra 400070 4th Floor, Rushabh Chambers, Makwana Road, Off Marol Maroshi Road Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra (E) 400059 3rd Floor, Plot No. A, Community Centre, Sector B, Pocket V, VasantNew Square Delhi Mall, Delhi Vasant Kunj 110070 F/C-7, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1 New Delhi Delhi 110020 8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II New Delhi Delhi 110048 112A/203 Embassy Centre,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Nariman Bhavan,10th Floor, Vinay K.Shah Marg, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 301 Samarpan Complex, Opp Solitare Corporate Park, New Link Road, Mumbai Andheri East Maharashtra 400059 Swati Bldg,North Avenue,Santa Cruz (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400054 DLF Infinity Tower A, 3rd Floor, DLF Cyber City, Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 4th Floor, Peninsula Tower - 1,Ganapatrao Kadam Ma Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 4th Floor, Peninsula Tower - 1,Ganapatrao Kadam Ma Mumbai Maharashtra 400013

11 11 22 22 22 22 22 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 22 22 11 11 22 11 22 22 22 22 22 1274 22 22 11 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 124 22 22

4th Floor, Peninsula Tower - 1,Ganapatrao Kadam Marg,Lower Parel, Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 AB-10 Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi Delhi 110029 11 60 A Bhulabhai Desai Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400026 22 Music Today c/o LIVING MEDIA INDIA LTD., Videocon Towers, 9th Floor, New Delhi Opp. ICICI DelhiBank, Jhandewalan 110055 Extension 11 Midas, Sahar Plaza, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri E Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 206 Gateway Plaza,Hiranandani Gardens Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 Dhana Singh Processor Premises J B Nagar, Andheri - Kurla Road, Andheri Mumbai (E) Maharashtra 400059 22 C 40, First Floor,Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Spenta Multi Media, 2nd Flore, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Plot # 118, Sector 44 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 A 606, 215 Atrium, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 7th KM, Old Manesar Road, Village Mohammedpur Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Plot No. 726, Udyog Vihar Phase - V, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 407 Dalamal House, J.B.Road Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 11, Baner Park Society Near Aundh Telephone Exchange Pune Maharashtra 411007 20 Tarun Bharat, Plot no. 38 & 39, Sect. 30, Nr. Sanpada Rlwy. Stn., Sanpada Mumbai west Maharashtra 400705 22 Global Foyer, 4'th Floor, Sector 43 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 271, Udyog Vihar, Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 Office number 702, 7th Floor B-1, The Cerebrum IT Park Vadgaon Sheri, Pune KalyaniMaharashtra Nagar 411014 20 3rd Floor, Tower B, Technopolis Building Sector - 54, DLF Golf Course Gurgaon Road Haryana 122002 124 UBS AG, 3/F, 2 North Ave. Maker Maxity Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra Mumbai (E) Maharashtra 400051 22 3A 3rd Floor, Gundecha Onclave Kherani Road, Saki Naka,Andheri (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 Zain Rangoonwala, 78, Mohammad Ali Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400003 22 Interface Building No.7, 3'rd Floor, Off. Malad Link Road, Malad (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 22 3rd Floor, Interface, Building No. 7, Off Malad Link Road, Malad (W)Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 22 Ceremount Building 5th Floor Hiranandani Business Park Pawai Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Cigma House, 5502, DLF Phase-IV, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 14 to 17, Suyash Commercial Mall, Near Pancard Club, Survey No. 74 Pune & 75, Baner Maharashtra 411045 20 Maestros House, MIDC Building No. 2,Sector No. 2, Millennium Business Mumbai Park, Mahape Maharashtra 400710 22 412, Janmabhoomi Chambers,29, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Mumbai Estate Maharashtra 400701 22 BD,6th Floor Signature Tower - B South City I Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 201-202,Gedore House,51-52, Nehru Place, New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 101,1st Flr,padma Tower-1,5, Rajindra Place New Delhi Delhi 110008 11 Airtel Centre, Plot No 16 Udhyog Vihar, Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Plot No-2, Sector-34, Hero Honda Chowk, Gurgaon Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Vipul Orchid Plaza, 1'st & 2nd floor, Sun City, Sector 54 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Press Enclave Road, Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 11 709/ 710, Tolstoy House, 15-17, Tolstoy Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Unit No. 52, Floor I, 404-A, Waghwadi, Kalbadevi Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 22 A-26, Info City, Sector 34 Gurgaon Gurgaon Haryana 110020 124 Mini Seashore Road Sector-10, Vashi Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 400703 22 218/219/220, Building No. 2, Sector -1 Millennium Business Park, Mahape Mumbai Maharashtra 400710 22 Godrej-4A, Homestrain, Near Sterling Cinema, Fort Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400079 22 Sector - 44, Plot No 28 Encore Capital Group Gurgaon Haryana 122015 124 P- 28, Sector- 44 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Shiv Sagar Estate A,Dr Annie Besant Road,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 5th & 6th Floor Tower B Bullding No- 9 DLF Cyber City Phase 3 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124

Plant No 6, Godrej and Boyce Mfg Company Compound, L B S Marg,Mumbai Opp Vikhroli Maharashtra Bus Depot, Pirojsha 400079 Nagar,Vikhroli(west) 22 21 st Floor, Lotus Business Park, Off New Link Road, Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 501, Neelyog Square Next to Railway Station,Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400077 22 FF 10 Block C Omaxe Gurgaon Mall Sonha Rd. Sector 49 Gurgaon Haryana 122003 124 R.J. Shah Building Mahul Road Near B.P.T. Container Yard Wadala (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 Dalamal House, 10th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 7th Floor, Building 9A DLF Cyber city Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 2nd floor, AML Centre I, 8 Mahal Industrial Estate, Off Mahakali Caves Mumbai Road, Andheri Maharashtra East 400057 22 76, Okhla Industrial Estate,Phase III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 326, Udyog Vihar, Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 801, B Wing, Trade World, Kamala Mills, Lower Parel (W) Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 601 Alpha,Hiranandani Gardens,Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 Plant No 5., Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400079 22 Andheri East, Chakala, opp. Niradar hotel Solitior Corp. park, Building Mumbai No.12, 4th Maharashtra Floor 400093 22 22, Andheri Industrial Estate,Off Veera Desai Road, Beside Fun Republic Mumbai Cinema, Maharashtra Andheri W 400053 22 Suite 93, 9'th Floor, Tower-2, Maker Max City, 20 Avenue, Bandra Kurla Mumbai Complex, Maharashtra Bandra East 400051 22 2nd floor, Karmayog Building,12 Parsi Panchayat Rd,Andheri (E Mumbai Maharashtra 400069 22 'Niharika', Near Ice Factory, Opp. Railway Station, Station Road, Kalyan Kalyan (W) Maharashtra 421301 251 B-4 Amarchind Mansion,3rd Floor,16,Madamcama Road,Kolaba Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 MIDC< Plot 8A/2 & 8B T T C Industrial area, Kalve Block, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 A 49 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estates New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 3rd Flore, Hoeshst House, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 15th Floor, Tower A, DLF Building No. 5, DLF Phase III, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 202 A, Leela Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 5A, Ground Floor, Work Station No. 128, Reliance Corporate Park, 4Mumbai TTC Industrial Maharashtra Area, Thane, 400709 Belapur Road,22 Ghansoli Dhirubhai Ambani Life Sciences Centre,R-282, TTC Industrial Area ofMumbai MIDC Thane-Belapur Maharashtra Road,Rabale,Navi 400701 Mumbai 22 7/a, Vakil Villa, H.F. Society Road End, Road No. 5, Jogeshwari (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400060 22 633 2nd Flr Abhinandan Plaza, Next To Rutugandh Hotel Pulachiwadi, Pune Deccan Maharashtra 411004 20 Unit No.601, 6th Floor,Interface 11, Link Road, Off Relief Road, Malad Mumbai (West) Maharashtra 400064 22 252H, First Floor,Kailash Plaza, Sant Nagar, East Of Kailash, New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 37, Ujagar Industrial Estate, Waman Tukaram Patil Marg, Deonar Mumbai Maharashtra 400088 22 82C Miital Tower,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Office of the Country Head,Mittal Towers, B Wing, No. 82 Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 DLF Cyber Greens, 14th & 15th Floors, Tower C, Phase-III DLF City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 301 Trade Plaza, 414 Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 Prism Towers, Wing A, Unit 5 - 9, 3rd Floor, Mindspace, Goregoan(W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400062, 22 2nd Floor, Evershine Mall, Main Link Road Opposite Mind Space, Malad Mumbai (West) Maharashtra 400064 22 Wockhardt Towers, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra E Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 Empire House, First Floor, 10, Shah Industrial Estate, Veera Desai Road, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra West 400053 22 2/52, Kamal Mansion, 4th Floor Arthur Bunder Road, Near Radio Club, Mumbai Colaba Maharashtra 400005 22 TCS House, Raveline Street, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Safdar jung New Delhi Delhi 110029 11 Shah Nahar, 4th Floor, Gala No.405, Dr.E Moses Road, Near Geeta Cinema, Mumbai Worli Maharashtra (W) 400018 22 Mangalam House, 38 Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 S V C Bank Tower, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Vakola, Santacruz (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 22 Pragati Bhavan Plot 36P Institutional Area Sector 44 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124

Electronics Niketan, 6 CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi Delhi 110003 Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 16th Floor, Dalal Street Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Plot No 8 & 9, Electronic City Sector -18, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122015 Peninsula Chambers, Ground Floor, Ganapatrao Kadam Marg LowerMumbai Parel (West) Maharashtra 400013 101, Shiv Shakti Industrial Estate, Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 Oracle Park, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon(E), Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400057 Karim Chambers, 40 Ambalal Doshi Marg Hamam Street, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400023 S-49, Second Floor, Rajouri Garden New Delhi Delhi 110027 32-33 Gautam Complex,Sector 11 C.B.D, Belapur,Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400614 5th Floor Mafatlal Center, Nariman Point, Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 52/60,2nd Floor,HSBC Bldg, M G Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Harbour Crest, Mazagaon, I.T. Mumbai Maharashtra 400010 601, 6th Floor, Kanchanjunga Bldg. Barakhamba Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 2ndr Floor, Prime Focus House, Linking Road, Khar(W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400052 Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt New Delhi Delhi 110010 B 304, B Wing, Delphi Building,Hiranandani Business Park, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 Prudential House, Hiranandani Gardens IIT Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 Model No. T-361, 6th Floor, Tower no.8, ITC Park, CBD Belapur, Mumbai Maharashtra 400614 Forbes Building 4th & 5th Floor, Charanjit Rai Marg, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 D-18/2, Okhla Industrial Area,Phase - II New Delhi Delhi 110020 Akruti, MIDC Cross Road No 21, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 3rd Floor, Modi House, Naupada, Eastern Express Highway Mumbai Maharashtra 400602 174/25, Ballabgarh Faridabad Haryana 121004 A-2/3, IIIrd Floor, Lusa Tower Azadpur Commercial Complex New Delhi Delhi 110033 Palm Court,601 - A/1, 'M' Block,Link Road, Malad (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 97-98, 9th Floor, Atlanta, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 69, Sector 18,Maruti Industrial Area Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Buliding No -8 , Tower A , Second Floor , DLF Cyber City Phase -2 Gurgaon Haryana 122022 Unit 165, SDF VI SEEPZ, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 412 A 4th Floor 43 Chiranjiv Tower Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 Plot No. A-32, Sector -11 Faridabad Haryana 121006 1006/43 Chiranjiv Tower Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 Everest Square, Junction of Shraddhanand & Nehru Road Vile Parle (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400057 W-30, Part-II, Greater Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110048 Dalamal House, 4th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 601 Windsor ,6th Floor,Off C.S.T.Road, Santacruz E Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 1013-14A, Ansal Towers, 38 Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 4th Floor, Sadhna House, Behind Mahindra Towers Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 BitWise World,Off Int'l Conventional Centre, Senapati Bapat Road Pune Maharashtra 411016 Classic Centre,4th Floor, B-Wing,26 Mahal Ind. Estate Opp. Mahakali Mumbai Caves Road, Maharashtra Andheri(E) 400093 15, Electronic City, Sector 18 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Plot Number 14, Sector 32 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 110-111, Phase-IV, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Plot No. 94, Marol Co-operative Industrial Estate,Andheri-Kurla Road, Mumbai Andheri (E) Maharashtra 400059 F-1, First Floor, Laxmi Woollen Mills Estate, Shakti Mills Lane, Off. Dr.E.Moses Mumbai Road, Maharashtra Mahalaxmi 400011 90 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 7th & 8th Floor, Block 4-B, DLF Corporate Park DLF City Phase III Mehrauli Gurgaon Haryana 122002

11 22 124 22 22 22 22 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 22 129 11 22 22 124 124 22 11 129 11 22 11 22 22 11 22 20 22 124 124 124 22 22 22 124

225, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122015 124 Naman Chambers, C-32, G-Block, Bandra- Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 10th floor, Sakhar Bhawan, Nariman point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 A-33 , 2nd Floor , Lajpat Nagar - II New Delhi Delhi 110024 11 131 Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 365, Pace City II, Sector 37 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 141, Maker Chambers III,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 3rd Floor, Hallmark Business Plaza, Sant Dyaneshwar Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 36 B,Dr R K Shirodkar Marg Parel East Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 Discovery of India Building, Nehru Centre 6th floor, Dr. A.B.Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Athena, Bldg. No. 5, Sector 30, Mindspace, Malad (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400090 22 108/109/110, 1st Floor,Balarama Building Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra Mumbai (E), Maharashtra 400051 22 IIFL Centre Kamla City Senapati Bapat Marg Lower Parel (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 Off Saki Vihar Road Saki Naka, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 701/705 Dalamal House, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 IIFL Centre,Kamala Mills Compound,Off Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Mumbai Parel (West) Maharashtra 400013 22 Millinium Plaza, Ground Floor Tower B, Sushant Lok-I, Sector-27 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Grey House, 28 Dr. E. Borges Road Opposite Dr. Shirodkar High School, Mumbai Parel Maharashtra 400012 22 A 301, Gasper Enclave,Pali Road,Bandra (W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400050 22 93 B Mittal Court B Wing, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Plot No - 38, Sector-6 Faridabad Haryana 121006 129 271 Business Park 6th Floor Model Industrial Area Of Arya Rode Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 201, A, 2nd Floor,Ventura Shopping Center Central Avenue,Opposite Mumbai HSBC bank,Hiranandani Maharashtra Business 400076 Park,Powai 22 EON Free Zone, Plot no. 1, S. No. 77, MIDC Kharadi Knowledge Park Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 Chandragupt Marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi Delhi 110021 11 1, Upper Ground Floor, Devika Tower-6, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 R-610, Rabale, TTC MIDC Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 Plot No.21 2nd C Floor Electronic city Sector 18 Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 Unitech Business Park, Tower D, Sector-39 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Building No.:A4, Sector1, Millennium Business Park M.I.D.C.,Mahape, Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 22 Continental Building ,135, Dr. Annie Besant Road,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 The Big Apple, A-36, Dr. L Shirodkar Marg Next To Bata Showroom, Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 5th Floor, Apeejay House, 3 Dinshaw Vaccha Road Near K C COllegeMumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 Solaris 1, F Wing, 6th Floor, Opp. to L & T Gate No. 6, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai Powai, Maharashtra Andheri (E), 400072 22 Room No.204, Akashvani Bhawan, Parliament Street New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 1, Ground, Floor,7/10, Botawala Building, 9 Bank Street, Horniman Circle, Mumbai Fort, Maharashtra 400001 22 Metropolitan Building,6th Floor, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 4th Floor, Godrej Coliseum, Somaiya Hospital Road Off Eastern Express Mumbai Highway,Sion Maharashtra (East) 400022 22 Plot No.37-38, Pankha Road, Institutional Area D. Block, Janak Puri New Delhi Delhi 110058 11 Bank House,21, Rajindra Place New Delhi Delhi 110008 11 A-283, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 401, Dimple Arcade , Thakur Complex,Kandivali (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400101 22 Bldg. No.152, Millennium Business Park TTC Industrial Area, Sector -Mumbai 3 Maharashtra 400701 22 Core-4, SCOPE Complex, 7, Lodhi Road New Delhi Delhi 110003 11 Raheja Centre, 13th Floor,1305, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 6/35, W.E.A, Karol Bagh New Delhi Delhi 110005 11 International Infotech Park, Tower 7, 5Th Floor, Sector - 30, Vashi Mumbai Maharashtra 400703 22

International Infotech Park,Tower No 7, 5th Floor Sector 30-A,Vashi, Mumbai Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 400703 Madhuban Chowk, Sec-14 (Extn.) Rohini New Delhi Delhi 110085 515, M.I.E. Bahadurgarh Haryana 124507 EL-6, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Electronic Zone, Mahape, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400709 EL - 225, Futech Park, MIDC, Mahape Mumbai Maharashtra 400709 103 Kakad Chambers Annexe, 1st Floor, Dr Annie Besant Road, Adjacent Mumbai Poddar Maharashtra Hospital, Worli 400018 301, 3rd Floor Raheja Plaza-1, L.B.S. Road Ghatkopar (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400086 No 1,Institutional Area, Nehru Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110065 PNG Plaza, Ground Floor Cardinal Gracias Road, Chakala Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 15th Floor,Building No 9A Phase III,DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Orchid Center,2nd Floor, Golf Course Road, Sector 54 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 2nd Floor, Army & Navy Building, 148, M G Road Opp. Jehangir ArtMumbai Gallery, Kalaghoda, Maharashtra Fort 400001 3Rd Flr Godrej Coliseum Bldg,Somaiya Hospital Rd Off Eastern Express Mumbai Highway, Maharashtra Chunabhatti, Sion 400018 E Unit nos. 901 & 902, 9th floor Godrej Coliseum Behind Everard Nagar, Mumbai Sion (East) Maharashtra 400022 Tower A, ICC Tech Park, Senapati Bapat Road Pune Maharashtra 411016 B-3, Infocity, Sec 33-34 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 102, Sai Chambers, Opposite Station, Santacruz (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 4th Floor, Alfa Vista Tower 2, 1406/15, Chincholi Bunder, Behind Inorbit Mumbai Mall,Malad Maharashtra (W) 400064 3rd Floor, orchid City Center Mall, 265, Belasis Road, Mumbai Central Mumbai East Maharashtra 400068 K-1 Building, 412, Gurgaon-Mehrauli Road, Sector 14 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Seagull House, 1st Floor, Plot No. 6, Shivaji Colony, Chakala, Andheri Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400099 Fairmont, Level 2, Unit No. 201-206, 2nd Floor Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 208, GK House, 187-A, Sant Nagar, East Of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 21/A,2nd Flr,film Centre, 68 Tardeo Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400034 Ground Floor Vikas Building, Next To Jimmyboy Cafe , Green Street,Mumbai Fountain Maharashtra 400023 501, Heritage Plaza, J P Road, Opp. Indian Oil Colony, Andheri - (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 Delhi Press, E-3, Jhandewala Estate, Rani Jhansi Road New Delhi Delhi 110055 Woman'sEra ,Delhi Press, E-3 Jhandewala Estate, Rani Jhansi Road New Delhi Delhi 110055 Plot No. 121, Sector 5, IMT Manesar Gurgaon Haryana 122050 9 Senior Estate 7 C Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 Ground Floor, Wajeda House, Behind Gazebo House, Gulmohar Cross Mumbai Road No.Maharashtra 7, Juhu Scheme 400049 Office No. 42, 4th Floor, Jolly Maker Chambers II, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Plot CP-11, Sec-8, IMT Manesar Gurgaon Haryana 122051 Unit 21 SDF 1 SEEPZ,Andheri (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 Unitech Cyber Park, Tower C, 1st Floor, Sector 39 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Plot No 1, Sector 18, Electronic City Gurgaon Haryana 122015 Plot No. 1, Sector 18, Electronic City Gurgaon Haryana 122015 F-2, Udyog Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110041 2 Press Enclave Road, Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 20, Dr. E. Moses Road, Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 250, Phase-IV, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122016 5th Floor, Viraj Towers, Next to Andheri Flyover, Western Express Highway, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra (E) 400069 DNA Wing, Oasis Complex, Kamla Mill Compound Pandurang Budhkar Mumbai Marg, Lower Maharashtra Parel 400013 15/5, Mathura Rd, Faridabad Faridabad Haryana 121001 Time Tower 1st Floor Office No 104 MG Road Sec -28 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 51-52,Industrial Area,Phase-1 Panchkula Haryana 134113 DLF Building No-8, 4th Floor, Tower-B, Phase 3, Sector-25A Gurgaon Haryana 122016

22 11 1276 22 22 22 22 11 22 124 124 22 22 22 20 124 22 22 22 124 22 22 11 22 22 22 11 11 124 22 22 22 124 22 124 124 124 11 11 22 124 22 22 129 124 172 124

19, Adi Marzban Path, Ballard Estate Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Nirmal, 14th floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 5th Floor, Tower B,Building 8,DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 B-1/E-27, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 Unit No.101/104, SDF-4, Seepz, Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 508, Arunachal Building 19 Barakhamba New Delhi Delhi 110001 Sun Magnetica, 'A' Wing, 5th Floor, LIC service Road, LouisWadi, Thane(W)Mumbai Maharashtra 400604 Plot no.323, Phase-4, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 110016 5th Floor, Harchandrai House 81,Maharshi Karve Road, Marine Lines Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 unit no. 7, Paradigm-B, Ist Fl., MindSpace, Malad(W), Malad Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 400614 302 Dalamal House, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 B35 , Sector 32 , Industrial Area Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Cyber House,B-35, Sector 32,Institutional Gurgaon Haryana 122002 B-35, Sector-32, Institutional Area Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Cyber Media, Cyber House, B-35, Sector-32 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Cyber House, B-35 Sector-32 Gurgaon Haryana 120001 Cyber House, B-35, Sector 32, Institutional Gurgaon Haryana 122002 9, Rafi Mg, CP New Delhi Delhi 110001 8th Floor Hindustan Building, 20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 448, Udyog Vihar Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122016 Lower Ground Floor,Tara Niwas, Near Brahman English School, Vishnu Mumbai Nagar, Naupada, Maharashtra Thane 400602 (West Unichem Bhavan,Prabhat Estate, Off S.V.Road,Jogeshwari (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400026 'Corpora' Building, Office 3A, 3rd Floor LBS Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 Paragon Centre, C-06, Ground Floor, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 Intervet House, 33, Pune-Nagar Road Behind Eden Garden Pune Maharashtra 411014 5, Unique Industrial Estate Off Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 Acharya Donde Marg, Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 Citigroup Center,7th Floor, C-61, Bandra Kurla Complex, G, Block, Bandra(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 12th Floor, Bakhtawar Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 GE Towers, Sector 53, DLF City Phase V Gurgaon Haryana 122002 41, Apurva Industrial EstateMakwana Road, Behind SM Center,Marol Mumbai Naka, Andheri Maharashtra (E), 400059 Samarth House, Ram Mandir Road, Goregaon W Mumbai Maharashtra 400104 1 Marol Bhavan, Makwana Road, Andheri E, Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 203, Kaumudi, Station Avenue Road, Near Chembur Post Office, Chembur Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 Unit Nos. 10 & 11, First Floor, Samruddhi Venture, MIDC Central Road, Mumbai AndheriMaharashtra East 400093 77-A, Sector 18, IFFCO Road Gurgaon Haryana 122001 ICICI Centre, H.T. Parekh Marg Churchgate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22, Mangalwadi Society, Senapati Bapat Marg Pune Maharashtra 411016 Prism Tower, A-Wing, 3rd Floor, Mindspace, Goregaon-Malad Link Road, Mumbai Goregaon Maharashtra (West) 400062 B.S.Devshi Marg, Govandi Mumbai Maharashtra 400088 Level 3, Meena-Sai, Pushpak Park Opp Sulzer House, Aundh-ITI Road Pune Maharashtra 411007 B 101 Delphi Bldg, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 P No 595, Bh Rcm College, Off Shivaji Rd, Budhwar Peth Pune Maharashtra 411002 Kamla Devi Bhawan,5 Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 703, Cerebrum IT Park,Kalyani Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411014 Janmabhoomi Group Of Newspapers, Janmabhoomi Bhavan, Janmabhoomi Mumbai Marg, Maharashtra Fort 400001 301 Neelam Centre,A wing 2nd Floor Hind Cycle Road,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400025

22 22 124 11 22 11 22 124 22 22 22 124 124 124 124 124 124 11 11 124 22 22 22 22 20 22 22 22 22 124 22 22 22 22 22 124 22 20 22 22 20 22 20 11 20 22 22

Administrative Office, Ground Floor, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai West Maharashtra 400025 22 4th Floor Godrej Millenium,9, Koregaon Road Pune Maharashtra 411001 20 001, Turf Estate, Shakti Mills Lane Off. Dr. E. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 4th Flr, Om Plaza, Vasanji Lalji Rd, Kandivali (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 22 2nd Floor Janmabhoomi Bhavan , Janmabhoomi Marg Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 E 21, Hauz Khas Market New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 B-4/62, Safdarjung Encalve New Delhi Delhi 110029 11 217B, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 3rd Floor, Ambience Corporate Tower, Ambience Mall Ambience Island Gurgaon National Haryana Highway 8 122001 124 87/ 88 Mittal Chambers,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Evergreen Industrial estate, 2'nd Floor, Shakti Mills Lane, Dr. E. Moses Mumbai Road, Mahalakshmi Maharashtra 400011 22 Unit no 7, 1st floor of B Wing, Mind Space, Malad link road, Malad west Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 Plot No 3, Sec 11, Cbd Belapur,UTI Bhavan, Beside Konkan Bhavan, Mumbai Belapur Maharashtra 400614 22 Lotus Business Park 20th Floor Andheri New link Road Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Cambata Building, 42 Maharishi Karve Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 Dlf Infinity Tower A,2nd Flr,Dlf Cyber City, PH-2 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 69, Sector 20 A,Near Neelam Flyover Ajronda Chowk, Delhi Mathura Faridabad Road Haryana 121001 129 Near Mayur Vihar Ph-2, Khichripur New Delhi Delhi 110091 11 IL&FS Financial Centre, 3rd Floor Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 405, Ansal Bhawan,16 K.G. Marg, Cannaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Electronic Niketan, Cgo Complex, Lodhi Rd New Delhi Delhi 110003 11 Ground Floor, AML Centre-1, 8 Mahal Industrial Estate, Mahakali Caves Mumbai Road, Andheri-East Maharashtra 400093 22 Mumbai Bank Bhawan, 207 Dr D N Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 UG - Floor, East Tower, NBCC Place Bhisham Pitamah Marg, Pragati New Vihar Delhi Delhi 110003 11 IDBI Tower,WTC Complex,Cuffe Parade,Colaba Mumbai Maharashtra 400005 22 Old Cotton Market, P.B.No. 90 Akola Maharashtra 444001 724 4th Floor, 4/1 Delite Theatre Building, Asaf Ali Road New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 # A/11 Pranik Garden, Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali (West Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 22 45/47, Bombay Life Building, 2nd Floor, Veer Nairman Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Leela Vista, Level - 3 West High Court Road, Bajaj Nagar Nagpur Maharashtra 440010 712 Akruti Corporate Park,1st Floor Near G.E.Garden , L.B.S. Marg,Kanjurmarg Mumbai(West) Maharashtra 400079 22 142 AB, Kandivli Industrial Estate Kandivli (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 22 C/O TATA AUTOCOMP SYSTEMS (Technical center), Survey no.280 ,Village Pune MannTaluka Maharashtra Mulshi,411057 Hinjewadi Phase 20 II , Building No. 3, Sector II Millennium Business Park, A Block, TTC Industrial Mumbai Area,Maharashtra Mahape 400710 22 1st Floor, NBCC Tower,15 Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi Delhi 110066 11 Core 5A, India Habitat Centre, 3rd-5th floor, Lodhi Road New Delhi Delhi 110003 11 Atlanta Arcade,Marol Church Road,Andheri(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 4th Floor, Winchester High Street,Hiranandani Business Park,Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 Express Towers, 15th floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 236, Okhla Phase -III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 6th Floor, National Informatics Centre, A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi New Road Delhi Delhi 110003 11 27 SDF-1, SEEPZ, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 22 C-403, Remi Bizcourt, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400058 22 F-33/4, Ph-2, Near Kalkaji Bus Depot,indl Area, Okhla Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 203 & 104, Vardhaman Complex, LBS Marg, Near Punjab & Sindh Bank, Mumbai Vikroli West Maharashtra 400083 22 3rd Floor, 9B Building DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 274, Dr. D. N. Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22

TCIL Bhawan,Greater Kailash - I New Delhi Delhi 110048 11 J-13, Udyog Nagar Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110041 11 Unit 214, Building 2, Sector I, Millennium Business Park, Mahape, Mumbai Maharashtra 400710 22 Nirmal 18th Floor Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Archana Complex, Greater Kailash, Part 1 New Delhi Delhi 110048 11 VALUE INDUSTRIES LTD., 15 Km STONE, AURANGABAD - PAITHAN ROAD, Paithan CHITEGAON Maharashtra 431105 2431 201 Peninsula Commerce, 8th Floor, International Buiness Park Oberoi Mumbai Gardern Maharashtra City Off Western 400063 Express Highway, 22 Goregaon 4th Floor, Survey No.208/1-B Viman Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 GE Plaza, Airport Road,Yerawada Pune Maharashtra 411006 20 First India Place Third Floor, Block A Sushant Lok Phase - 1 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Second Floor, B Wing,D - 3, District Center, Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 11 9/1 B Qutab Institutional Area,Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi Delhi 110067 11 Knowledge Centre, Street No. 17, MIDC, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 504/ 506/ 512A/ 712 Mahatta Towers Community Center, Janakpuri New Delhi Delhi 110058 11 A-25, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 515 Udyog Vihar, Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Micromax House, 697, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 14th Floor, Tower B, Building No.10 DLF Cyber City, Phase-II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 267 Udyog Vihar Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 1031, Regus, Level Ground & 1, Trade Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra Mumbai (E), Maharashtra 400051 22 C-101 Modern Centre,Sane Guruji Marg,Mahalaxmi, Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 11/12 Greenfield Mansion Ram Mandir Kapad Bazar Road, Raiker Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 22 A2 Kailas Industrial Complex, Park Site, Vikhroli (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400079 22 56, Community Centre,East of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 Exchange Plaza B Wing, 2nd Flore, NSE Building Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai Bandra East Maharashtra 400020 22 12/A, Karmayog, Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400069 22 D-99 Okhla Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 51 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 11,Scindia House,Connaught Circus New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Raut Sadan, Kadeshwari Road, Near Mount Marys steps Bandra (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400050 22 4306, Near Galleria Market DLF Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 PHD House, Second floor, 4/2, Sirifort Institutional Area, August Kranti NewMarg Delhi Delhi 110016 11 C-64/4,Okhla Phase-II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Block C-1, The Mira-Corporate Suites 1 & 2 Ishwar Nagar, Okhla Crossing New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 22nd Floor Building No 5 Tower A DLF Cyber City DLF Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 121002 124 Unit-I , 7th Floor , Tower A , DLF Infinity Tower Phase -II , DLF Cyber Gurgaon City Haryana 122001 124 A-15 MIDC Technology Park Talawade Pune Maharashtra 412114 20 T-151, 6th Floor Tower No. 10 Railway Station Complex Sector-11, CBD Navi Belapur Mumbai Maharashtra 400614 22 Unit No. 101 -112, 1st Floor, Chintamani Plaza Andheri - Kurla Road,Mumbai Chakala, Andheri Maharashtra (E) 400099 22 Golf View, Corporate Tower B, Sector Road Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 C-115, Ist Floor, Phase-1, Nariana Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 201, Adhyaru Industrial Est, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 Park Centra, 11th Floor, Sector-30, Opposite 32 Milestone Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 691, Phase V,Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 305-306, Magnum House-I, Karampura Commercial Complex New Delhi Delhi 110015 11 New Era House, Mogal Lane Matunga (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 22 Udyog Kshetra, 2nd Floor Mulund - Goregaon Mulund (W) Link Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400080 22

8/F Dalamal House, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 85, Sector 32, Institutional Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 B-1/H-9, MCIA, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 6th floor, Marwah Centre,Krishanlal Marwah Marg, Opp: Ansa Inds.Mumbai Estate,Off :Maharashtra Saki Vihar Road,Andheri 400072 East, 22 C-63, Takshshila Apts. 57 I.P. Extn. New Delhi Delhi 110092 11 6, Sahas, 4th Floor, 414/2 Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 Floor 3, Vardhman Times Plaza Plot 13, DDA Community Centre, Road New 44, Delhi Pitampura Delhi 110034 11 3rd, Floor, Skipper House, 62-63, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 71/79, Dr Ambedkar Chowk Central Avenue Nagpur Maharashtra 440018 712 204, Vikas Deep building,Laxmi Nagar, District center New Delhi Delhi 110092 11 Lodha Excelus, Apollo Mills Compound NM Joshi Marg, Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 101-104, Tower-D, Global Business Park Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 36 B, Dr R. K. Shirodkar Marg, Parel (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 13, Sitafal wadi, Dr. Mascarenhas Road, Mazgaon Mumbai Maharashtra 400010 22 3'rd Floor, Interface Building No.7, Behind D Mart, Malad Link Road,Mumbai Malad West Maharashtra 400064 22 306, Bldg No2(A3), Sector-1 Millennium Business Park, Mahape, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400710 22 Filmcenter Building, 3rd Floor, 68, Tardeo Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400034 22 E-291, Greater Kailash - II New Delhi Delhi 110048 11 701,7th Floor Block D, Wexshield IT City, Infopark Nagar Road, JamaPune Nagar Maharashtra 411014 20 4'th, Merchant Chambers, 41 Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Marg New Marine Mumbai Lines Maharashtra 400020 22 602, Hallmark Business Plaza , Sant Dnyaneshwar Marg, Opp. Guru Mumbai Nanak Hospital, Maharashtra Bandra (East) 400051 22 405 VIP Plaza ,Off Andheri Link Road,Andheri West Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 11th Floor, DLF Square Building, Jacaranda Marg, Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Salasar Business Park, Off 150 Feet Flyover Road Bhayander (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 Dheeraj Heritage, 44-A, 5th Floor. S.V. Road, near BEST depot, Santacruz Mumbai (West) Maharashtra 400054 22 504,Raheja Centre,214 Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 D-37/1, MIDC, Turbhe, Vashi, Opp Sandoz Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 400705 22 11th Floor, Nariman Bhavan, Vinay K. Shah Marg, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Bajaj Capital Ltd.,Bajaj House, 97, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 22, Rajabahadur Mansion, 4th Floor, Near Stock Exchange, Mumbai Maharashtra 400023 22 1/1 BA Mohammadpur, New Delhi Delhi 110066 11 2nd Floor, Paranjpe B Scheme, Subhash Road, Near Garware House,Navi Vile Mumbai Parle (E) Maharashtra 400057 22 103, Ashoka Estate, Barakhamba Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 B-17 Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 C 153, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 201, Naman chamber, G-32, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra Mumbai East Maharashtra 400051 22 201, Naman Chamber, C-32, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex BandraMumbai East Maharashtra 400051 22 P2, Level 1/B, Raghuvanshi Estate, S B Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 424, First Floor, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Unit No. 406, 4th Floor, Rectangle One D-4, Saket District Centre New Delhi Delhi 110 017 11 8th & 9th Floor, Pride Kumar Senate, Plot No 970 Bhamburda, Senapati Pune Bapat Road Maharashtra 411016 20 1, India Bulls Centre, 841, Tower-2, 4'th Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg,Mumbai Elphinstone Maharashtra Road, Lower Parel 400013 West Senapati 22 Bapat Mar 101,I st Floor, Trans Avenue MHADA, Near MTNL exchange Versova,Andheri Mumbai West Maharashtra 400064 22 S-74, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Zenith House, 29, MIDC Central Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Zenith House, 29, Central Road,Andheri ( East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400709 22 Construction House, 4th Floor, 5, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Mumbai Estate Maharashtra 400001 22

4A, Logitech Park, Parke Davis Complex,Main) Sakinaka,Andheri Kurla Mumbai Road,Andheri Maharashtra (East) 400072 22 B-602, Pramukh Plaza,Cardinal Gracious Road, Chakala,Andheri East, Mumbai Maharashtra 400099 22 T-210 J, Shahpur Jat New Delhi Delhi 110049 11 B-10, 1st Floor, Sanskar Bhavan Central Road MIDC, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 Cecil Court, 1st Floor,19 Mahakavi Bhushan Marg, Next to Regal Cinema Mumbai Maharashtra 400039 22 10/43 West Punjabi Bagh New Delhi Delhi 110026 11 Plot no 5, Nidhi Plaza - II,Second Floor, Local Shopping Centre Gulabi New Bagh, Delhi Shakti Delhi Nagar 110052 11 Beetel Corporate Centre, 1st Floor Plot No 16, Udyog Vihar Phase - IV Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 601, 6th Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 Palm Court Building, 3rd Floor, 20/4 Sukhrali Chowk Mehrauli-Gurgaon Gurgaon Road Haryana 122001 124 Kalpataru Synergy, 6th Level East Wing, Opp. Grand Hyatt, Santacruz Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400055 22 Sheetla House, 5th floor 73-74, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 No-68 Okhla Phase-3 New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 68 - Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 3 New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Paras Tring Tower B,5th floor,Sector-54,Milestone Next to Suncity Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 B - 405 / 406, Kotia Nirman Bldg, Link Road,Andheri (West), Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 14 Community Centre, East of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 Indraprakash (2nd Floor),Barakhamba Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Krushal Commercial Complex, 9th Floor, Above Shoppers Stop,M. G. Mumbai Road, Chembur Maharashtra (West), 400089 22 Godrej Industries Complex, Gate #4, Pirojshanagar, Eastern Express Mumbai Highway Vikhroli Maharashtra (East 400079 22 Shemaroo House, Plot No 18,Marol Co-op. Industrial Estate,Saug Baug, Mumbai Marol Naka,Off. Maharashtra Andheri-Kurla 400059 Road Andheri 22 (E), 1402 Ceejay Housing Shivsagar Estate,Dr Annie Besant Road, Opp Nehru Mumbai Planetarium, Maharashtra Worli 400018 22 Sitaram Mills Compound, 1st Floor, N.M. Joshi Marg, Delisle Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 Unit No 301 3rd Flr Center Point, Dr B A Road, Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 EFY Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 D-87/1 Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 70, Lake Road Bhandup (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 22 8-B, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 2nd floor sadhana house, 570 PB Marg Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 475, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Gurgaon Haryana 122015 124 Trade Globe, Ground Flore, Andheri Kurla Road,Andheri(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400058 22 Plot no. 10 & Gate No. 4 Godrej & Boyce Complex, Pirojshanagar, LBS Mumbai Marg, Vikhroli Maharashtra (W) 400079 22 7, Keher Singh Estate, level 1, Westend Marg, Lane -2, Said-ul-Ajaib New Delhi Delhi 110030 11 Vivek Darshan, 140, Sindhi Society, Chembur Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 22 4th Floor, Sambava Chambers, Sir P.M. Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Nehru Centre, 9th floor,Discovery of India, Dr. A.B. Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Our Lady of Vailankanni Towers, 101 & 102, 'A' Wing, 1st Floor, Mari Mumbai Nagar, off. Maharashtra Senapati Bapat 400016 Marg, Opp. Mahim 22 Railway St K-2/5, DLF City, Phase II, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 NO. 1 Mohammadpur,Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi Delhi 110066 11 E-170, LGF, East of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 80/A, Govt. Industrial Estate, Charkop, Kandivali (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 22 Tolstoy House,15, Tolstoy Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 265, Aftek House, Veer Savarkar Marg, Shivaji Park, Dadar Mumbai Maharashtra 400028 22 Plot No-116, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Sector-44 Gurgaon Haryana 122003 124 Sandoz House, 7th floor, Shivsagar Estate Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 IL&FS Financial Centre,B- Quadrant - 5th Floor Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai Bandra (East) Maharashtra 400051 22 B-24/3, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11

5th Floor, One Indiabulls Centre, Tower 1, 841, Senapati Bapat Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 14th Floor, Express Towers,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 P. O. Box No.6 O.P Jindal Marg Hisar Haryana 125005 1662 Tata Sons, 24, Homi Mody Street, Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 G-38, Anand Villa, 15th Road, Santacruz West Mumbai Maharashtra 400054 22 601/2, Trade World B-Wing Kamala City, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Mumbai Parel (W)Maharashtra 400013 22 Pramukh Plaza, C-Wing, 4th Floor, Cardinal Gracious Road,Chakala, Andheri Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400099 22 F-58/1, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 W/34 B T T C Industrial Estate, Midc Rabale, Rabale, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400701 22 Building No. 9, Tower A, 5th Floor,Cyber City, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 IN Centre, 49/50 MIDC, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400091 22 FCH House, Ground Floor Peninsula Corporate Park, G. K. Marg, Lower Mumbai Parel Maharashtra 400013 22 Plot no. C/1, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 7-C, GROUND FLOOR, SENIOR ESTATE PARSI PANCHAYAT ROAD NEAR Mumbai SONA UDYOg Maharashtra 400069 22 Unit 121, SDF IV, SEEPZ, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 22 9th Floor, Tower A, DLF Cyber Greens, DLF Cyber Citi, Sector 25A Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 316, Udyog Vihar, Phase-II Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 B-1 Extn. A-27, Mohan Co-op. Industrial Estate Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 SPH House, B-7, Nimri Shopping Centre Bharat Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110052 11 7, Kapasehera Estate New Delhi Delhi 110037 11 S-8, DDA Shopping Complex, Near Jeevan Anmol Hospital, Mayur Vihar New Phase-1 Delhi Delhi 110091 11 E109 Crystal Plaza, Link Rd, Andheri W Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Express Towers, 16'th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 30 Spencers Bldg, Nr Bhatia Hospital, Forjett St, Grant Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400007 22 Jains Arcade, 3rd Floor, 14th Road, Khar-Danda, Khar (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400052 22 Laxmi Sadan, 361, V.P. Road, Girgaum Mumbai Maharashtra 400004 22 15th Floor, Tower C Building No. 10, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 S. No. 303/2/2, Bavdhan Budruk Mumbai Bangalore Highway (Bypass) Pune Maharashtra 411021 20 Marwah Centre, 3rd Floor, Krishanlal Marwah Marg, Off Saki Vihar Road Mumbai Opp Ansa Maharashtra Industrial Estate 400072 22 Melstar House,G-4, M.I.D.C. Cross Road 'A', Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 E-1,8th Flr,Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan New Delhi Delhi 110055 11 I World Tower, DLF City Phase V, (Opp DLF Golf Course) Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 402, GaganDeep , Rajendra Place New Delhi Delhi 110008 11 232 A. Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase III, New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 6th Floor, Leela Business Park,Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(East Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 70 Lodi Estate New Delhi Delhi 110003 11 No 603/604 Block D 6th Flr Weikfield IT-Citi Info Park Nagar Rd, Vadgaon Pune Sheri Maharashtra 411014 20 415, Udyog Vihar, Phase-3 Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 Master Peace Buliding, Golf Course Road Opp. Of IBES Hotel, Sector-53 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 96/98, Maker Tower, 'F', 9th Floor, Cuffe Parade Mumbai Maharashtra 400005 22 11th Floor, Tower A, DLF Towers Jasola Jasola District Center New Delhi Delhi 110025 11 F-12, Ground Floor Vishwakarma Colony , Pehladpur New Delhi Delhi 110044 11 H-60, South Ex Part-1 New Delhi Delhi 110049 11 Unit No. 701, Ground Floor,Solitaire Corporate Park,167, Guru Govindji Mumbai Marg, Andheri Maharashtra Ghatkopar 400093 Link Road,Chakala, 22 Andheri Infinity Tower 'A', IInd Floor, DLF City II, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Unit 6, 7, 8, 3rd Floor,D-2, Southern park,Saket District Centre,Saket New Delhi Delhi 110017 11 Parijat House, Dr. E Moses Road Worli Naka Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22

1181-82, Solitare Corporate Park, Guru Hargovindji Marg, Chakala, Andheri Mumbai (E) Maharashtra 400093 22 CRISIL House, CST No 15, Village Powai, Central Ac Avenue, Hiranandani Mumbai Business Maharashtra Park, Powai 400093 22 88C, 2'nd Floor, DGP House, Old Prabhadevi Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 Citi Point, Level 4,Telli Galli, Andheri (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400069 22 Building No 12, Second Floor Solitaire Corporate Park Andheri - Ghatkopar Mumbai LinkMaharashtra Road 400051 22 5 Q, Laxmi Industrial Estate New Link Road, Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Plot No.109, opp. Sign fort Garden, Sign East Mumbai Maharashtra 400022 22 ''Madhumalti', Gupte Marg, Jatharpeth Akola Maharashtra 444104 724 Centaur House,Opp. Grand Hyatt, Vakola,Santacruz - East Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 22 Liberty Building, 3rd Floor , New Marine Lines ,Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Mumbai Marg Maharashtra 400020 22 Plot No. C-469 MIDC, TTC Pawane Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400705 22 Intec House, 37 Institutional Area, Sector 44, Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Times Tower, 9th Floor Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg Mumbai Lower Parel Maharashtra (West) 400013 22 Bldg. No.6, Unit No.29-A, Ground Floor, Udit Mittal Indl. Premises Co-op. Mumbai Soc. Ltd.Andheri Maharashtra - Kurla 400059 Road, Andheri 22 East Emerald House, EL-3, J Block M.I.D.C. Bhosari Pune Maharashtra 411026 20 IFFCO Tower , 4 & 5th Floor , Plot No.3 , Sec-29 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 3rd Floor, Sagar Plaza, Laxmi Nagar Distt. Centre, Vikas Marg New Delhi Delhi 110092 11 C-13, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 22 Sector-16 A Faridabad Haryana 121001 129 Shiv Sagar Estate, A-Block, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 202, Maker Tower 'E', Cuffe Parade Mumbai Maharashtra 400005 22 101, Swastik Chambers Sion - Trombay Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 22 501-505, Technocity, Plot No. X-5/3, TTC Industrial Area, Opp. Millennium MumbaiBusiness Maharashtra Park, Mahape 400710 - MIDC,Navi22 Mumbai C 1, C-Block, Community Centre, Naraina Vihar New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 Aidun Bldg, John Crasto Lane Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 22 Plot No. 143/A C/o Overseas Packaging Pvt Ltd., Kapurbawdi, Ghodbunder Mumbai Road, Maharashtra Thane (West), 400607 Opp. Cine Max 22 3rd Floor, Tower B, First India Place, Sushant Lok-1, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Gurgaon Road Haryana 122002 124 18-20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, CP New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 211, Laxmi Plaza, Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Andheri (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Tulsiani Chambers, West Wing, 11th Floor Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 TACO House, 3rd Floor Damlepath, Off law college Road Pune Maharashtra 411004 20 Chander Mukhi,5th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 5th Floor , INGS Point , Plot no. 8, Near University Campus, Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 Nanavati Mahalaya, 18, Homi Modi Street Mumbai Maharashtra 400023 22 Unit 201- 204, Sector II, Building 5, Millennium Business Park, Mhape, Mumbai Maharashtra 400701 22 13 No, 2nd Flore, Sant Nagar, East Of Kailash New Delhi Delhi 110024 11 State Bank Bhavan,Madame Cama Road,Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Intec House, 37 Institutional Area Sector 44 Gurgaon Haryana 122 002 124 415, Shah Nahar Ind. Estate, Dr.E.Moses Road, Worli Naka Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 10th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building,16 Sansad Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Mittal Court, 'A' Wing, 1st floor,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400004 22 E-40/7, Okhla Industrial Area Phase -2 New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 308, Eros Apartment, 56, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 5th Floor, Satyadev Plaza, Behind Bhagwati House Fun Republic Cinema Mumbai Lane Off. Maharashtra Veera Desai Road 400053 22 101/A, Suryakiran, S.V.P Road, New Chamunda Circle, Next to HDFCMumbai Bank, Borivali Maharashtra (West) 400092 22 Block No 3, 2nd floor, Sane Guruji Premises 386, S.V. Savarkar Marg, Mumbai Opp. Siddhivinayak Maharashtra Temple, 400025 Prabhadevi 22 Great Western Building, 1st Floor,130/132 Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg,Near Mumbai Lion Maharashtra Gate, Fort 400001 22

701, Building No.3, Mindspace, Thane Bilapur Road, Navi MumbaiNavi Mumbai Maharashtra 400708 73/A SDF III, Seepz, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 Nadiadwala Villa, Ocean View, J. P. Road, Versova, Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400061 Pride Purple Coronet, 2nd Floor, Sr.No 287, Hissa No 2, Vibhag No 39/563 Pune Baner Maharashtra Road 411045 Ghalib Institute, Mata Sundri Lane New Delhi Delhi 110002 SEP -2 , B-3, Godrej Industries Complex, Eastern Express Highway, Vikhroli Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400079 349, Business Point, Western Express Highway, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400015 Office no. 601 & 602,6th Floor , D Building Weikfield IT City Infopark,Weikfield Pune Maharashtra Estate, Nagar Road 411014 Stream Maxus Mall, Fourth Floor, Fatak Road, Near Timba Hospital, Mumbai BhayanderMaharashtra (W) 401101 P.O. Box No. 12001 Adarsh Nagar Post Office, Andheri West Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 FCH House (2nd Floor), Peninsula Corporate Park GK Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai West Maharashtra 400013 1, Mittal Chambers,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400 021 Medley House,D-2,MIDC Area,16th Road,Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 401, Saudamini Commercial Complex, Bhusari Colony Lane, Paud Road Pune Maharashtra 411038 14 Marthanda,84 Dr. Annie Besant Road ,Worli, Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 25, Pune Infotech Park,Hinjawadi, Pune Pune Maharashtra 411057 1108 Embassy Centre, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 511-512, Meadows, Sahar Plaza Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 51, East Wing, Kalpataru Synergy, Vakola Santacruz (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 C-95, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110020 D-185 Okhla Phase I New Delhi Delhi 110048 3'rd Floor, Balisis Road, Orchid City Centre, Opp Mumbai Central Bus Mumbai Depot, Mumbai Maharashtra Central East 400008 Akruti Corporate Park, Behind Huma Adlabs, L B S Marg, Kanjurmarg Mumbai West Maharashtra 400078 87, Mistry Industrial Complex, MIDC Cross Road 'A' Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 367,Sane Guruji Marg Opp Agripada Police Stn, Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 6th Floor, Vinay Bhavya Complex 159, CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 127 Barkha Theatre Cmpd,Manmala Tank Road, Taikalwadi, Mahim Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 758,1st Flr, Nr Trident Hilton Hotel, Udyog Vihar -5 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 2nd Floor Plot No. 136, Rider House Bldg, Near CNG Petrol Pump Goldsuk Gurgaon RoadHaryana Sector-44 122016 Scope Minar, Core 1, 2nd Floor, Laxmi Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110092 DB House Hazarimal Somani Marg IIIrd Floor, DN Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 547-A, Sec-37,pace City-2,indl Area-2, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 15'th Floor, Tower A, Building No. 9, DLF Cyber City, Phase-3 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Thane Belapur Road, Kopar Khairne Mumbai Maharashtra 400709 C-1, 4th Floor, P.P Tower, Pritampura New Delhi Delhi 110034 AG Technology Park, Gaikwad Avenue, S.no.127/1A/8 Off ITI road, Aundh Pune Maharashtra 411007 Electronic City, Plot 31, Sector 18 Gurgaon Haryana 122015 101, 1st Floor, Citi Point, J. B. Nagar,Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 602, Centre Point , J. B. Nagar,Andheri- Kurla Road, Andheri(E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 9th Floor ,Antriksh Bhawan,22 K G New Delhi Delhi 110001 6th Floor, Sigma House,Senapati Bapat Road Pune Maharashtra 411016 25, C-Block Community Centre Janak Puri New Delhi Delhi 110058 25, C-Block Community Centre, Janak Puri New Delhi Delhi 110058 102-B, Ground Floor, Leela Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri Mumbai E Maharashtra 400059 PHDCCI, 3rd Floor, PHD House 4/2 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti NewMarg Delhi Delhi 110016 1201-02,Tower 2, 1 IndiaBulls Centre, Jupiter Mill compound Off Senapati MumbaiBapat Maharashtra Marg, 400013 B-1/G-3, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044

22 22 22 20 11 22 22 20 22 22 22 22 22 20 22 20 22 22 22 11 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 124 124 11 22 124 124 22 11 20 124 22 22 11 20 11 11 22 11 22 11

1822 4th Floor Mohit Heights, Above Masala Mantra Road, Lokhandwala Mumbai Road,Maharashtra Andheri W 400053 22 398, Udyog Vihar, Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 8, Balaji Estate, Guru Ravi Dass Marg, Kalkaji New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 C 901 Pune IT Park,Bhau Patil Road Pune Maharashtra 411020 20 Sahakar Sadan, 210,S.G. Barve road, Kurla(W), Mumbai Maharashtra 400070 22 5th Flr Tower I Phase I Logitech Park, Sakinaka, Andheri Kurla Rd, Andheri Mumbai E Maharashtra 400072 22 D-3/3, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 309, 3rd Floor, Trade Centre Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 11 - 14 Floor , Oberoi Commerz International Business Park Oberoi Garden Mumbai CityMaharashtra Off Western Express 400013Highway Goregaon 22 Trade Star, 2nd floor, A Wing,Junction of Kondivita and M.V. Road,Andheri-Kurla Mumbai Maharashtra Road,Andheri400059 (East) 22 Leela Business Park,Andheri Kurla Road,Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 5th Floor,Widsor,Kalina,Santa Cruz(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 C/o Ritesh Properties & Industries Ltd.,Ground Floor 4, Times Square,Sushant Gurgaon Haryana Lok I 122002 124 Mohan Dev House, 13, Tolstoy Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Neelagagan, Mandi Road, Sultanpur, Mehrauli New Delhi Delhi 110030 11 293, Dhanmill Road, Chattarpur Hills New Delhi Delhi 110074 11 304, Mohan Palace , L.S.C. Block C , Saraswathi Vihar New Delhi Delhi 110034 11 79/87 D.LADPATH Mumbai Maharashtra 400033 22 FC/B-1 (Extn.), Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,Mathura RoadNew Delhi Delhi 110044 11 5th floor, 49/50, Maruti Chambers, Next to Fun Republic Cinemas, Veera Mumbai Desai Maharashtra Extn Road, Off New 400053 Link Road, 22 Andheri (West) 13, Vaishali, Pitampura New Delhi Delhi 110088 11 Block No:1-8, Building No:4 Sector-3, Millennium Business Park, Mahape Mumbai Maharashtra 400710 22 ANI Building, Sec-9, R.K. Puram New Delhi Delhi 110022 11 12/14,3rd Floor,Brady House, Veer Nariman Road,Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Bajaj Auto Ltd Complex, Mumbai-Pune Road Pune Maharashtra 411035 20 3rd Floor, Fort House, 221, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 28, Najafgarh Road New Delhi Delhi 110015 11 Building No-9 A, 11 Floor, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122022 124 ICICI Towers, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 107, 1st Floor, Raheja Arcade Sector 11, Plot No. 61, CBD Belapur Mumbai Maharashtra 400614 22 521, Udyog Vihar, Phase III, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 W4D-204/3 Keshav Kunj Sainik Farms New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 A-31, TTC Industrial Area Khairane MIDC, Thane Belapur Road, Navi Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400709 22 6th Floor, Aspi Mansion, Ramwadi Off Gokhale Road, Naupada, Mumbai Maharashtra 400602 22 33-33A, First Floor, Rama Road Industrial Area, Najafgarth Road New Delhi Delhi 110015 11 Echelon Institutional Area Plot No-11, Sector - 32 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 One India Bulls Center Tower 1, 18th floor Jupiter Mill Compound 841, Mumbai Senapati Maharashtra Bapat Marg Elphinstone 400013 Road22 G-11/12, Nahar & Seth Ind. Estate Near P & G Plaza, Chakala Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400099 22 504, Peninsula Towers Peninsula Corporate Park,Ganpatrao Kadam Mumbai Marg, Lower Maharashtra Parel 400013 22 824, Corporate Business Centre, Nirmal Life Style Complex LBS Road, Mumbai Mulund West Maharashtra 400080 22 Heritage House,6-E, Ramabai Ambedkar road Pune Maharashtra 411001 20 T-184, M.I.D.C., Bhosari Pune Maharashtra 411026 20 501-509, 5th Floor B Wing Dynasty Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra E 400030 22 Urjanidhi, Barakhamba Lane, Connaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Ground Floor, Khatau House, Mogul Lane Behind Johnson & Johnson Mumbai office Building, Maharashtra Off Senapti 400016 Bapat Marg, Mohim 22 West 6/14, Kirti Nagar, Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110015 11 1'st Floor, Merchant Chambers, 41, New Marine Lines, Opp. SNDT College Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22

3rd Floor, GYS Infinity Paranjpe Mumbai Maharashtra 400057 22 6th Floor, Building No 10, Tower B, DLF Cyber City, Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 69/A, L. Jagmohandas Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400006 22 Plot No 14, 4th Floor,Sagar Tower,Janakpuri, District Centre New Delhi Delhi 110058 11 G-7, Laxmi Woollen Mill Estate, Shakti Mill Lane, Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 Future Capital House,1st Floor,Unit No 101-A Peninsula Corporate Park, Mumbai Ganpatrao Maharashtra Kadam Marg, 400013 Lower Parel 22 C-312, BSEL Tech Park, Sector 30(A), Vashi Mumbai Maharashtra 400703 22 Sahara India Point,CTS 40 - 44, S. V. Road, Goregoan Mumbai Maharashtra 400104 22 6th floor, MPD Towers, Building Block-II, Zone 6, DLF Qutab EnclaveGurgaon Phase-V Haryana 122002 124 D/3136-39, Oberoi Garden Estates Chandivali Farm Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 Infinity Towers, 5'th Floor, Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 22 P22, Raghuvanshi Estate, 11/12 Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 Cyber City, Tower C, DLF Bldg No.8, Sector - 25, DLF City Phase-2 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 901-902, Regent Chambers, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 C-5/29, Opp. Main IIT Gate Safdarjung Development Area New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 Plot No. 4, Ramya Jeevan C.H.S, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 84-Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III, New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 6th Floor , Vatika Atrium ,Sec -53 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Shree Krishna, Shradhanand Road Extension, Vile Parle [East] Mumbai Maharashtra 400057 22 Sethna 4th floor, 55 Maharshi Karve Road, Marine Lines Mumbai Maharashtra 400002 22 1, L.S.C., Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 P2, Level 2-A, Raghuvanshi Estate 11/12, Senapati Bapat Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400 013 22 912 Tolstoy House,15-17, Tolstoy Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 3 Local Shopping Centre,Mor land near J Block,DDA Market,new Rajinder New Delhi Nagar Delhi 110060 11 Plot No 26, Marol Industrial Area, 9th Road, MIDC, Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 669, Shahupuri, 3 rd Lane Kolhapur Maharashtra 416002 231 BPTP Park Centra, 201-B , second floor, Sector-30 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Ratnam Square, Plot No. 38/39, Sector 19/A,Vashi, New Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400703 22 102 A, Landmark Suren Road, Chakala Andheri - East Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 S No 3/8 Rmz Icon Project, Baner Rd, Baner Pune Maharashtra 411045 20 Plot No 51 sector 6 Sanpada Navi Mumbai Cbd Belapur Navi Mumbai,Sector Mumbai 11, Maharashtra 400705 22 514,Udyog Vihar Phase III Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Shapoorji Pallonji Center 41/44, Minoo Desai Marg, Colaba Mumbai Maharashtra 400005 22 314, TV Industrial Estate, S K Ahire Marg Worli New Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 2nd Floor [North Side], Block B-2, Phase - I Nirlon Knowledge Park, Goregaon Mumbai (E) Maharashtra 400072 22 Building No. 8, Tower 'A', Ist Floor DLF Cybercity Phase-II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 216 Amarchand Towers, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 1 Tara Icon, Wakdewadi Pune Maharashtra 411003 20 Sandu Nagar, D. K. Sandu Marg Chembur Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 22 4th Floor, A- Wing, Lotus Towers, Community Centre New Friends Colony New Delhi Delhi 110065 11 BE Expositions Pvt. Ltd 201 - A (2nd Floor),G - 4, Raj Tower - II,Alaknanda New Delhi Commercial Delhi Complex110019 11 Nandan, 18-20, K.G.Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Phenoix Mill Compound, Pheniox House, C Wing 3rd Floor, Lower Parel Mumbai West Maharashtra 400013 22 Dayaprabha House, ITI Road Aundh Pune Maharashtra 411007 20 Sabnam House, Ground Floor, Plot No.A/15-16, Cross Road No.2, Behind Mumbai MIDCMaharashtra Police Chowki MIDC, 400093 Andheri (East) 22 E-1 Qutab Hotel Complex Shahid Jit Singh Marg New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 18 Shamnath Marg Civil Line Delhi, OPP IP College New Delhi Delhi 110054 11

131,Maker Tower-F,Cuffe Parade,Colaba Mumbai Maharashtra 400005 Maker Chamber III,Jamnalal Bajaj Road,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Uni-Tech World (Cyber Park)Sector-39, Ground Floor Gurgaon Haryana 122001 1009, 1010, 1011, 10th Floor Tolstoy House 15-17 Tolstoy Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 5th Floor, Lotus Towers, Community Centre, New Friends Colony New Delhi Delhi 110065 78,RatnaJyot Industrial Estate,Irla Lane, Irla,Vile Parle(W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400056 2/2, First Floor, Lakshmi Insurance Building, Asaf Ali Road New Delhi Delhi 110002 C-3, D.S.I.D.C, Engg Complex Mangolpuri Industrial Area. Phase-1 New Delhi Delhi 110083 Kailash Vaibhav, Behind Godrej Colony Parksite, Vikhroli (w) Mumbai Maharashtra 400079 Okhla Road New Delhi Delhi 110025 Escorts Heart Institute And Research Centre, 5th Floor Rehabilitation New Centre, Delhi Okhla Delhi Road 110025 18-20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 Hindustan Times House, 18-20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 77A, Sector 18, IFFCO Road Gurgaon Haryana 122 015 247 Park, Tower V Wing 702, LBS Marg, Vikroli West Mumbai Maharashtra 400083 D1-50/S, D Block, Chatarpur Extention, New Delhi Delhi 110074 19, Crystal, Juhu Road, Santacruz (W.) Mumbai Maharashtra 400054 Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 Jagdamba House, 3rd Floor, Peru Baug, Near Anupama Cinema,Goregaon Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400063 3rd Floor, Chandra Bhawan,67-68, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 23, White Castle, 34-35, Union Park, Chembur Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 127, Kandivli Industrial Estate, Kandivli (West Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 CSSC Building, 2nd Floor C Wing Behind Teaching Colony Near UttarMumbai Bhartia College, Maharashtra Bandra East 400051 Cyber Tech House, 1st Floor, Plot No- B-63-65, Road no.21& 34, Jb Sawant Mumbai Marg, Maharashtra Wagle Estate 400604 Thane 49-H, Parsi Panchayat Road, Ground Floor, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400069 5th Floor, Sai Radhe, B-Wing, Plot No. 100 & 101, R.B.M. Road, Behind Pune Hotel Le-Meridien Maharashtra 411001 107/108, Mittal Chambers, Nariman Point, Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Eicher House,12, Commercial Complex,Greater Kailash - II , Masjid Moth New Delhi Delhi 110048 307, Ceejay House, Shivsagar Estate, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 F-1, First Floor, Laxmi Woollen Mills Estate, Shakti Mills Lane Off. Dr.E.Moses Mumbai Road, Maharashtra Mahalaxmi400011 601,Raheja Centre, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 B-27, 4th Floor, Commerce Centre, Off Link Road, Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400058 C-62, Janak Cinema Complex,Janakpuri New Delhi Delhi 110058 Essar House, P.O box 7964,11 K.K. Marg, Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400034 Milap Niketan, 2nd floor, 8 A Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 Rational Hse 951/A, Opp Vodafone, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 A-301/302, CITIPOINT, Andheri-Kurla Road, J.B. Nagar, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 Motorola Exellence Centre, 415/2 Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Sector-14 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Vipps Centre,2 Local Shopping Centre, Block EFGH, Masjid Moth, Greater New Delhi Kailash-II Delhi 110048 Veer Savarkar Marg, Mahim Mumbai Maharashtra 400016 Level 4 & 5, Corporate Enclave, B D Sawant Marg, Andheri East Mumbai Maharashtra 400099 Plot No -C 21 NC -36 G block Bandra Kurla Complex Vidya nagari Post Mumbai Office bandra Maharashtra East Mumbai 400028 CMS House, Plot No.91, Street No.7 MIDC Marol, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 Ranka Commercial Plaza, ESIC Hospital Road Near Nitin Company, Thane Mumbai(W), Maharashtra Thane City 400604 Bayer House, Central Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400607 Unit No. 001, DTC Buiding, Sitaram Mills Compound, MM Joshi Marg, Mumbai Lower Parel Maharashtra (East) 400011 205, 206, Pride Portal, Shivaji Housing Society, Off Senapati BapatPune Road, Pune Maharashtra 411016

22 22 124 11 11 22 11 11 22 11 11 11 11 124 22 11 22 11 22 11 22 22 22 22 22 20 22 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 11 22 22 124 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 20

2nd Floor, 11/13, Botawala Building, Horniman Circle, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 11/6B, Shanti Chamber, 1st Floor, Main Pusa Road New Delhi Delhi 110005 11 135, Continental Building,Dr. Annie Besant Road,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 135, Continental Building, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 135 Continental Bldg, Near Doordarshan, Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Ozone House,1, L.S.C, Block A-3, Janak Puri New Delhi Delhi 110058 11 Mahavir, Shri Shahu Market Yard Kolhapur Maharashtra 416005 231 Filmcity, Goregaon (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400065 22 102-103, Chawda Commercial Complex Behind Chincholi Bunder Fire Mumbai Station, New Maharashtra Link Road, Mindspace, 400064 Malad(W) 22 411-412, Imperial Tower,C Block Community Centre,Naraina Vihar New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 PTI Building, 5th Floor,4 Sansad Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 GB-11,Karmastambh Opp MTNL office,LBS Marg,Vikhroli(W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400083 22 Steel House, Plot No. 24, 3rd Floor, Room No. 303, Mahal IndustrialMumbai Estate Off Mahakali Maharashtra Caves 400093 Road, Andheri (East) 22 106,SDF IV,SEEPZ Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400096 22 48,Community Centre, Near PVR, Naraina New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 501, Jasola District Centre New Delhi Delhi 110076 11 Apeejay House, 4th Floor, 3 Dinshaw Wachha Road, Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 22 1st Floor, Butte Patil Complex, Paud Phata, Kothrud Pune Maharashtra 411038 20 Sangati, 73/2/2, Bhakti Marg, Off Law College Road Pune Maharashtra 411004 20 301-A,Pereira Hill Road, Andheri(East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400099 22 4th Floor, Tower A, Building No. 14 SEZ, DLF Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 DLF- Atria, Jacranda Marg,DLF City Ph II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 C-6, Groma House, Sector 19 APMC MKT II, Vashi Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 400703 22 2nd Floor, Orchid Plaza, Plot No. 4, Rajya Sabha West Enclave, Pitampura New Delhi Delhi 110034 11 Valencia 4th, Rajkumar Marg Dr S S Rao Road Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22 Holtec Centre, A Block, Sushant Lok Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 Kotak Infinity, 4'th Floor, Bldg. No-21, Infinity Park, Malad East Mumbai Maharashtra 400097 22 A-17, Infocity , Sec-34 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 48,Community Centre, Naraina New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 Vipul Orchid Plaza, Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Suncity Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 280, Udyog Vihar, phase IV, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 1 Indiabull centre, Tower 1, 12th Floor, Jupiter Mill Compund,Senapati Mumbai Bapat Marg Maharashtra 400020 22 22/23, Goodwill Premises, Swastik Industrial Estste, 178, C S T Road, Mumbai Kalina, Maharashtra 400098 22 Band Box House, 4th Floor, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 Level 2, Regus Connaught Place Bund Garden Road Pune Maharashtra 411001 20 Devraj Bldg,A Wing, 4th Floor,S.V.Road, Goregoan West Mumbai Maharashtra 400062 22 10, First Floor, Vipul Square,B Block, Sushant Lok - I Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 D-18/ Info City Phase-2, Sector-33 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 301, Prabhadevi Industrial Estate ,408, Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 16/3-B, Ground Floor Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 Rehem Mansion - 1, 3rd Floor, 42, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Colaba Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 D-147, Okhla Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 E 45/6, Okhla Phase II New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 Green House, 2nd floor, Green Street, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400023 22 A1/152, IGNOU Road, Neb Sarai New Delhi Delhi 110068 11 4th Floor, Platina C-59,G-Block Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 3rd Floor, Pentagon P4 Magarpatta City, Hadapsar Pune Maharashtra 411028 20

E-1, Qutab Hotel Complex,Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 111/10 Baner Road, Off National Highway4 Near Sadanand Resorts Pune Maharashtra 411045 20 2nd Floor ,Satya Dev Building , Veera Desai Link Road ,Andheri westMumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Unit no. 204-206, 2nd floor, Welspun House, Kamala Mills Compound, Mumbai Senapati Maharashtra Bapat Marg, Lower 400013 Parel 22 6, Silver Croft, Junction of 16th & 33rd Road Bandra (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400050 22 6th Floor, Durolite House, Opp Sab TV Building New Link Road Andheri Mumbai (West) Maharashtra 400053 22 Prism Tower, BWing,6th Floor, Malad Link Road, Goregaon (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400062 22 2nd Floor, Marwah House Krishnalal Marwah Marg, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 Amar Arma Genesis, Sr. No. 2/1 & 2/2, Baner Road, Pune Maharashtra 411045 20 Primrose - The Mall, 4th Floor, Baner Pune Maharashtra 411045 20 45, Marol Co-op. Industrial Estate, Andheri-Kurla Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 42, Free Press House, 215, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 702, Crystal Center, Raheja Vihar, Opp. Chandivali Studio, Chandivali, Mumbai Andheri (East Maharashtra 400072 22 Web 18 Software Services Ltd, Behind Magnett Mall New Era HouseMumbai Mughal Lane, Maharashtra Matunga 400019 22 Parijat House, 1076, Dr. E. Moses Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Level 2, Kalpataru Synergy Opposite Grand Hyatt,Santacruz (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400055 22 13th Floor,Videocon Tower E-1, Jhandewalan Extn New Delhi Delhi 110055 11 Indoco House, 166, CST Road, Santacruz (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400098 22 1st Floor, Nirlon House,Dr. A B Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 Delphi, 2nd Floor B Wing Hiranandani Business Park Powai Mumbai Maharashtra 400076 22 143-B, Mittal Court, 14th Floor, B Wing 224, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Kodak House,222 Dr. D. N. Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400 001 22 3rd Floor, Ahura Centre, 82, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 TransAsia House,8 Chandivali Studio Road,Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 Prime Group Building,11/5B, Pusa Road New Delhi Delhi 110005 11 2nd Floor, Universal Mill Bldg, Asha Usha Compound Mehra State, LBS Mumbai Road, Vikhroli Maharashtra [West] 400079 22 B-267a, Greater Kailash Part - I New Delhi Delhi 110048 11 2-C, Thakar Indl. Estate, N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 A-3, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 12, Homji Street, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 409, 4'th Floor, Antriksh Bhawan,22 Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Intelenet Towers , Plot CST No. 1406 A28, Mindspace,Malad WestMumbai Maharashtra 400090 22 APJ satya house 14 local shopping complex majid moth greater kailash NewII Delhi Delhi 110048 11 Industrial Assurance Bldg., 4th Floor, Opp. Churchgate Station Mumbai Maharashtra 400 020 22 G-2, Sarjan Plaza, 100, Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 30 Forjett Street,Post Box No.9332 Mumbai Maharashtra 400036 22 Empire Complex,414, Senapati Bapat Marg, Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 C-48/3 TTC Indust. Area Near Galaxy Research Centre, Pawane Mumbai Maharashtra 400705 22 521, Udyog vihar, Phase -3, Gurgaon Haryana 110020 124 191 Maker Tower, F, Cuffe Parade Mumbai Maharashtra 400005 22 49/50, Maruti Chambers, 3rd Floor, Fun Republic Lane, Veera Desai Mumbai Extension Road, Maharashtra Andheri West 400053 22 Centre One Building, Floor 21 World Trade Centre Complex,Cuffe Parade Mumbai Maharashtra 400005 22 8th Floor, Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City Mumbai Off Western Maharashtra Express Highway, 400063 Goregaon22 (E 239, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-III New Delhi Delhi 110020 11 17, Sadanand Society,Bibwewadi, Pune Maharashtra 411037 20 S - 7, Green Park Main Market New Delhi Delhi 110016 11 Harsha Bhavan,E Block,Connaught Place New Delhi Delhi 110001 11

Aviva Tower, Sector road ,Opp. Golf Course ,Sector-43 , DLF Phase V Gurgaon Gurgaon Mehrauli Haryana Road 122003 124 B6 and C7, II Floor Laxmi Towers, Bandra Kurla Co Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 1st Flr Yogakeshema Cntrl Office, Jeevan Bhima Marg P B No 19953,Mumbai Nariman Point Maharashtra 400021 22 2nd Floor, NBCC Tower, 15 Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi Delhi 110066 11 1/ 31, Sheikh Sarai Institutional Area- II New Delhi Delhi 110017 11 Synechron IT Towers MIDC Knowledge park,Kharadi Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 13, Mile Stone, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 121003 11 267 Masjid Modh, Udai Park, South Ex. Part-2 New Delhi Delhi 110049 11 342 Udyog Vihar, Phase IV Gurgaon Haryana 122016 124 4th Floor Nicholas Piramal Tower B Wing, Peninsula Corporate, Ganpatrao Mumbai Kadam Maharashtra Marg, Lower 400013 Parel 22 1-B/2, Parkwod Est, Rao Tula RAM Mg, R K Puram New Delhi Delhi 110022 11 401 4th Floor Infinity Mall Oshiwara, New Link Road, Andheri W Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 602-604, Midas Chambers, Opp Laxmi Ind Estate, Off Link Road,Andheri Mumbai ( W ) Maharashtra 400053 22 The Times of India Building, 4'th Floor, D N Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 Lodha iThink Techno Campus, 10th Floor, Beta Building, Off. JVLR, Opp. Mumbai Kanjurmarg Maharashtra Station, Kanjurmarg 400042 (East), 22 Citigroup Center, 2nd Floor, C-61, Bandra Kurla Complex, G Block, Bandra Mumbai E Maharashtra 400051 22 P2, Level 4, Raghuvanshi Estate,11/12 Senapati Bapat Marg Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 511, Arunachal Building, 19, Barakhamba Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 A Wing, Mhatre Pen Bldg., Senapati Bapat Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400028 22 B 27/302 3rd Floor Commerce Centre, Bhd Crystal Plaza, Off New Link Mumbai Road, Andheri Maharashtra W 400053 22 101/102, Mangalam, Kulup Wadi, Near National Park, Borivli(E), Mumbai Maharashtra 400066 22 21 A,Mittal Tower, A Wing 210,Nariman Point, Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400030 22 UTI Tower , `GN' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 Kotak Infinity, Ist Floor, Building No. 21, Infinity Park Off. Western Express MumbaiHighway, Maharashtra Goregaon 400097 (E) 22 61 Sector 44 Gurgaon Haryana 122003 124 Star House, Mahalaxmi, Dr E Moses Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 STAR House, Off Dr. E. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 Behind Famous Studio, Mahalaxmi, Off E Moses Rd Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 B/H Famous Studio, Mahalaxmi, Off E Moses Rd Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 Master Piece Andheri Kurla Road Marol Naka Andheri E Mumbai Maharashtra 400011 22 Building No. 6,Tower C, Cyber City Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 15th floor, Tower B, Unitech Cyber Park,Sec-39 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 703-706,Chiranjiv Tower,43, Nehru Place New Delhi Delhi 110019 11 A-303, Road No. 32, Wagle Estate, Mumbai Maharashtra 400604 22 5027, Kedarnath Road, Daryaganj New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 29, Apurva Industrial Estate, Makwana Road, Off. Andheri, Kurla Road, Mumbai Marol Naka, Maharashtra Andheri (E)400059 22 605, Dhanthak Plaza ,Makwana Road,Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400059 22 23-A, Shah Industrial Estate,Off Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 22 Meadows 6'th Floor, J. B. Nagar, Sar Plaza Commercial Andheri Kurla Mumbai Road, Andheri Maharashtra East 400059 22 Kirol Road,Off LBS Road, Kurla (West Mumbai Maharashtra 400070 22 6th Floor, GE Plaza, Airport Road Opp Gunjan Theater Pune Maharashtra 411014 20 'COSMOS HEIGHTS'269/270, Shaniwar Peth Pune Maharashtra 411030 20 Nirmala Apartments, 93, Jayprakash Road, Andheri (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400058 22 101 A , 1st Floor Uttam House, 69 P.D'mello Road Near Carnac Bridge Mumbai Maharashtra 400009 22 101,1st Flr,padma Tower-1,5, Rajendra Place New Delhi Delhi 110009 11 6/14, Kirti Nagar, Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110015 11 K.K.Tower, Abhyudaya Bank Lane, Off. G.D.Ambekar Marg, Parel Village Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 22

Mumbai-Pune Road, Akurdi Pune Maharashtra 411035 C-Dot Campus, Mehrauli New Delhi Delhi 110030 52, Kalpataru Synergy, Opp Grand Hyatt Hotel, Vakola acruz (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 Solitarie Corporate Park Bldg No 1-4, 5, 6th Flr,151 M Vasanji Road Chakala, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra E 400093 B4 , Allied House, 1, LSC, Madangir New Delhi Delhi 110062 Jolly Maker Chambers II,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Akruti Centre Point, 6th Floor,M.I.D.C Central Road,Next to Marol Telephone Mumbai Exchange, Maharashtra Andheri 400093 (East) D-7 Rode 2AB Kalyani Nagar Pune Maharashtra 411014 128 / 129, 12th Floor, Mittam Chambers, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400012 Sadhana House ,Ist floor,570 P.B Marg Behind Mahindra Towers,Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 K-17, Lajpat Nagar, Part-2 New Delhi Delhi 110024 801-802 Dalamal Towers,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 4th Floor, Gopal House, Above MC Donalds, Opp Harshal Hall Karve Pune Road Maharashtra 411030 3rd Floor, Techweb Center, Oshiwara Behrambaug,Off New Link Rd., Mumbai Jogeshwari Maharashtra (W), 400102 Unit No. 3B, 3rd Floor, B wing, Gundecha Onclave, Kherani road,Sakinaka, MumbaiAndheri Maharashtra (E) 400 072 79, Crystal, Dr A.B Road, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 602, Hallmark Business Plaza, Sant Dnyaneshwar Marg,Opp. Guru Nanak Mumbai Hospital,Bandra Maharashtra (East), 400051 Fort House, 221, Dr. D.N.Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Mafatlal Centre, 9th Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 9/10 Continental Park, Opp Karve Statue, Karve Rd, Kothrud Depot Pune Maharashtra 411038 The MIRA Corporate Suites (A-2),Plot 1 & 2 Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110065 Helena Apartments, Mount Carmel Road Bandra West Mumbai Maharashtra 400050 RH1, Plot 16 C, Dattatray Road Santacruz (W) Mumbai Maharashtra 400054 110-116, Kalyandas Udyog Bhavan,Near Century Bhavan, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 Madhukar Bhavan, Road No. 16 Wagle Estate Mumbai Maharashtra 400604 APJ, Stya House 14, Commercial Complex, Mazid Mode, GKII New Delhi Delhi 110048 Florence Building, Opp. Vakola Church J L Nehru Road, Vakola, Santacruz Mumbai (East) Maharashtra 400055 Plot B-3, Lokmat Bhavan, Midc, Ambad Nashik Maharashtra 422010 14, Sagar Pallazio,Sakinaka Jn., Andheri-Kurla Road,Andheri (East), Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 1st Floor, 62 Janjikar Street Mumbai Maharashtra 400003 P-17 Pune Infotech Park Pune Maharashtra 411057 Crescent Towers, 7th Floor,B-68, Veera Estate, Off New Link Road,Andheri Mumbai W Maharashtra 400053 Onida House,G-1,MIDC,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri(E) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 1444, Shukrawar Peth, Bajirao Road Pune Maharashtra 411002 Tower - C, Infinity Towers, DLF - Phase II Gurgaon Haryana 122002 Mulund Goregaon Link Road, Near Lifestyle, Mulund West Mumbai Maharashtra 400078 2nd Floor, 5 Brady Gladys Plaza 1/447 Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 Gebs House, Midc Marol Chakala E, 13 Th Street, J P Nagar 3rd Phase Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 16 A/20, W.E.A.,Main Azmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh New Delhi Delhi 110005 805 Signature Towers II,South City I Gurgaon Haryana 122001 GYS INFINITY, 5th Floor, Paranjpe 'B'Scheme, Subhash Road Near,Garware Mumbai House, Maharashtra Vile Parle (East) 400057 B-807-08, 8th Floor BPTP Park Centra, Sector 30 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 236, Okhla Industrial Estate, PhaseIII New Delhi Delhi 110020 7, Barakhamba Road New Delhi Delhi 110001 708, 7th Floor, Iris Tech Park, Sohna Road Gurgaon Haryana 122002 601, Dalamal House,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 F-Block,Shiv Sagar Estate,Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018

20 11 22 22 11 22 22 20 22 22 11 22 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 20 11 22 22 22 22 11 22 253 22 22 20 22 22 20 124 22 22 22 11 124 22 124 11 11 124 22 22

G-Block, 2nd Floor.W4 Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Koparkhairane, MumbaiNavi Maharashtra Mumbai 400709 22 3'rd Floor, Bombay Dyeing A O Building, Pandurang Budhakar Marg,Mumbai Worli Maharashtra 400025 22 No. 314, D. N. Road, Fort Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 2nd Floor, Office no 206, Plot no 4,Salcum Aurum, Jasola District Centre(near New Delhi Apollo Delhi Hospital) 110044 11 11th Floor, R-Tech Park, Nirlon Compound,Western Express Highway Mumbai Land mark Maharashtra - Near Hub, behind 400063 Oracle Building, 22 Goregao Mhatre Pen Building, B Wing 2nd Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar Mumbai (West) Maharashtra 400028 22 Marble Arch Building, Opp Matunga Road Station Senapati Bapat Marg, Mumbai Matunga Maharashtra 400046 22 B-36, Lawrence Road, Industrial Area New Delhi Delhi 110035 11 4th Floor, Tower B Paras Twin Towers Sector 54 Gurgaon Haryana 122003 124 3 Scindia House, 2nd Floor,Janpath New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 No.1, 2nd Floor, 'C' Block, Modern Centre, 101, K. K. Marg, Jacob Circle, Mumbai Mahalaxmi Maharashtra 400011 22 Trade Gardens, Ground Floor, Kamala Mills, Compound, Senapati Bapat Mumbai Marg, Lower Maharashtra Parel (West) 400013 22 7,Times House Building, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, ITO New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 Times House 7 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 1st Floor, Trade Garden Kamla Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Mumbai Lower Parel Maharashtra 400013 22 Times House 7 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 Trade House,1st Floor,Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel Mumbai Maharashtra 400013 22 401, Jaykrishna Complex, Opp. Yashraj Film Studio Off New Link Road, Mumbai Andheri Maharashtra (W) 400053 22 #1,Unitech Trade Centre,Sector 43 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 L 41 Connaught Circus New Delhi Delhi 110001 11 Shiv AshishComplex, 2nd Floor, Andheri Kurla Road , Saki, Naka Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 22 D-7/D-8,Infocity - II, Sec. # 33, Gurgaon Haryana 122001 124 6th Floor, The Great Oasis, D-13, Street 21, MIDC Marol, Andheri (East) Mumbai Maharashtra 400093 22 436,InterGlobe, Udyog Vihar, Phase 4 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 124 Kalpataru Heritage 127 Mahatma Gandhi Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 22 2nd floor, R. R. House, Mathuradas Mill Compound., Opp. Empire House, Mumbai Near Kamala Maharashtra Mills, Lower 400013 Parel 22 405 - 408, Nav Bharat Estate, 'B' Wing, 4th Floor,Zakaria Bunder Road, Mumbai Sewri Maharashtra 400015 22 monarch House,Royal Palms,Aarey Colony,Goregaon (E). Mumbai Maharashtra 400065 22 ICICI Venture House Ground Floor, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra 400025 22 A 42 Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II New Delhi Delhi 110028 11 Vishwaroop IT Park, Vashi International Info-Tech Park, Above Raghuleela Mumbaimall., Maharashtra 11th Floor, Plot 400705 No. 34, 35 & 38, 22 Sector 30 A, SYSTIME Global Centre, 155, Millennium Business Park, Mahape Mumbai Maharashtra 400701 22 Plot No 38, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park Hinjewadi Pune Maharashtra 411057 20 2nd Floor, Sumer Plaza, Marol Maroshi Road, Opp. Hotel Temptation Mumbai Marol, Andheri Maharashtra (E) 400059 22 Unit No 33, Kalpatru Square, 3rd Floor, Opposite Andheri Kurla Road, Mumbai Andheri East Maharashtra 400059 22 202, Sumer Kendra, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli Mumbai Maharashtra 400018 22 Business Publications Division, Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Mumbai Ltd., 1st Floor, Maharashtra Express Towers, 400021Nariman Point 22 9&10, Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg Express Building, ITO New Delhi Delhi 110002 11 The Indian Express Express Tower 1st Flr Nariman Point Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 1st Floor, Express Towers, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 22 Bandra Kurla Complex, Level 4, Wockhardt Towers, East Wing Mumbai Maharashtra 400051 22 3-4 Corporate Park, Sion Trombay Road, Chembur Mumbai Maharashtra 400071 22 Plaza Asiad, Level II, S.V.Road, Santa Cruz (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400054 22 14, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar-IV New Delhi Delhi 110024 11 S-549, Greater Kailash, Part II New Delhi Delhi 110048 11 Capsulation Premises Sion Trombay Road, Deonar Mumbai Maharashtra 400088 22 B1, G-01 Marathon Innova, Marathon Nextgen Opp Peninsula Corporate Mumbai Park, Off Maharashtra G.K. Marg, Lower 400013 Parel(W) 22

Palm Court Bldg M, 501/B, 5th Floor, New Link Road, Besides Goregaon Mumbai Sports Maharashtra Complex, Malad 400064 (w) 3rd & 4th Flr,Vatika Tower-B, Sec-54, Golf Course Gurgaon Haryana 122001 Interface 7, 1st Floor, Link Road, Malad (W Mumbai Maharashtra 400064 15 th Floor, Hoechst House, 193 Vinay K. Shah Marg (Backbay Reclamation) Mumbai Nariman Maharashtra Point 400021 Voltas House, 3rd Floor. 23, J.N.Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 5, Shah Industrial Estate,Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai Maharashtra 400053 609, Ansal Bhawan,16 K.G. Marg New Delhi Delhi 110 001 A-27,Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road New Delhi Delhi 110044 Core 1, 6th floor, Park Centra Building, Opp. 32nd Milestone, SectorGurgaon 30, N.H. 8 Haryana 122002 5th/6th/7th Floor, Trade World - 'C' Wing Kamala Mills Compound,Senapati Mumbai Bapat Maharashtra Marg,Lower400013 Parel, 98 Ajanta House Charkop, Kandivili (West) Mumbai Maharashtra 400067 205,206 & 207 2nd Floor, Vipul Orchid Plaza Sun City, Sector - 54 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 801, Cresent Towers, Mourya House, Opp. VIP Plaza,New Link Road, Mumbai Andheri (West). Maharashtra 400053 Suraksha, 170, Jamshedji Tata Road, Churchgate Mumbai Maharashtra 400020 3rd Floor, Universal Insurance Building, Sir P M Road Mumbai Maharashtra 400001 Pushpa kunj, Palkhi Wadi, Kashinath Dhuru Road Near Kirti College, Mumbai Dadar Maharashtra 400028 Hoechst House - 11th, 12th, 14th Floors, Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Express Towers 23rd Floor,Nariman Point Mumbai Maharashtra 400021 Gulmohar Cross Road No. 9, Juhu Mumbai Maharashtra 400049

22 124 22 22 22 22 11 11 124 22 22 124 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

Phone 66328000 22804100 28629999 4169100 43064306 22010555 27051017 47022222 2439395 25197600 4995700 66948484 25811387 24960707 42144400 66928000 43569000 66349300 66661010 28569009 28474900 26528888 26528889 41607060 26352000 66407676 67031901 25537530 4356300 24405500 56035500 4688444 61555666 66929660 40731111 42390807 42390909 67446744 24468111 42504624 30213000 22180221 66016590 66016592 221169 220169 26301349 6611000 66098971 39951000 4711300 26223810 26223811 4002275 4002274 4001100 66521000 67540000 66532051 66307272 23011208 23011211

Website www.ml.com www.vasuli.com www.feedbackventures.com www.agmatel.com www.rgci.org www.ides-global.com www.crestindia.com www.mayarbiotechsez.com www.lntinfotech.com www.elixircorporate.com www.hindujagroup.com www.myzus.com www.birlasunlife.com www.akcapindia.com www.zoroastrianbank.com www.conceptpharma.net www.euphoricpharma.com www.nimbus.co.in www.zycus.com www.equestind.com www.axistech.com www.tecnovaglobal.com www.sakaaltimes.com www.asiamedassist.org www.oapindia.com www.contiloe.in www.abhipra.com www.accurexbiomedical.com www.growelsoftech.com www.sbifunds.com www.oceansconnect.com www.ncjims.org www.insolutionsglobal.com www.mckinsey.com www.sparshindia.com www.wunderman.com www.adityagroup.com www.axistelecominc.com www.serco.in www.hdfcbank.com www.thedigitalgroup.net www.majmudarindia.com www.afa-india.org


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enquiries@feedbackventures.com marketing@agmatel.com rgcirc@eth.net info@cecsoft.com crest@crestindia.com contact@mayarbiotechsez.com india@lntinfotech.com info@elixircorporate.com

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akmumbai@akgrouponline.com zcblco@mtnl.net.in

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eppl@euphoricpharma.com md.hapune@vsnl.net nimbus@nimbus.co.in information@zycus.com mumbai@equestind.com info@axistech.com office@tecnovaglobal.com sales@asiamedassist.org info@contiloe.in info@abhipra.com accurex@vsnl.com training@growelsoftech.com partnerforlife@sbimf.com india@oceansconnect.com info@ncjims.org

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27425412 27425668 27425411 www.hindantibiotics.gov.in


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hr@axistelecominc.com general.enquiries.info@serco.com

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4222222 4708100 39536666 39536668 4311727 4311600 24192200 24122256 26846161 66771133 67964005 47034500 67158888 41009999 43567000 4605700 4301000 3075800 40293000 2398112 40957700 24449144 22830322 40756789 4995700 3925900 22872557 22880461 66606375 24981651 40734444 26322816 4017660 2397660 46666100 42666500 61459000-94 66477466 66309500 40930500 30480400 25532735 4805500 4154000 41034600 40371911 33086666 42541234 23541234 66684444 66534200 66614378 4812500 4812503 2382202 2382203 66690000 4195100 4730808

www.airtel.in www.pvrcinemas.com www.piramalhealthcare.com www.shyamtelecom.com www.pamac.com www.kankei.com www.godrejinfotech.com www.dhigroup.com www.orientindia.com www.cci.in www.birlaglobal.com www.authbridge.com www.fastbooking.net www.bio-rad.com www.qlc.in www.rediff.com www.qasl.com www.archpharmalabs.com www.amatrraspa.com www.imcxindia.com www.acg-world.com www.rpglifesciences.com www.maxxmobile.in www.neeman-medical.com www.binarysemantics.com www.bharti.com www.effortbpo.com www.missionvivacare.com www.sgcib.com info_india@asus.com.tw info@tritoncom.com www.tritoncom.com www.bankofmaharashtra.in www.evalueserve.com www.indiainfrastructure.com www.wowtel.in www.laqshya.com www.alankit.com www.bankofindia.com www.bmsi.co.in www.mtsindia.in www.lls.in www.ebay.in www.zenithoptimediaindia.com www.buongiorno.com asrivastava@zenithoptimediaindia.com marcom@mtsindia.in gpo@lls.in info@evalueserve.com info@indiainfrastructure.in sales@wowtel.in info@laqshyadigital.net info@alankit.com hooper@bankofindia.co.in infoid@effortbpo.com enquiry@missionvivacare.com enquiries@authbridge.com india@fastbooking.com sales.india@bio-rad.com info@qlc.in investor@rediff.co.in info@qasl.com Info@archpharmalabs.com contact@amatrraspa.com membership@icexindia.com sales.acpl@acg-world.com info@rpglifesciences.com info@maxxmobile.in info@pamac.com aroy@kankei.com gilmktg@godrej.com dhi_india@hathway.com nfo@orientindia.net info@cci.in ipo@pvrcinemas.com

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46081782 9910193399 www.htc.com

67668800 9833537567 www.asus.com

4710332 4710399 4710301 www.laurentandbenon.co.in

67528500 4566400 4566425 66535633 24991234 66535653 26725000 26707777 41002000 30664520 30327000 67707700 67707701 67875300 40082700 2249033 28246450 67029851 40525000 22020644 24223152 26515050 26518667 2432168 2432169 22085951 22088736 66606600 26959403 24307021 39800435 66660888 30882624 30886542 65072025 65072026 26794243 26794244 30696969 30666666 28423333 2456051 2456151 40177400 40177401 30373333 44770000 30479200 25123016 25928901 22799999 66707070 22836068 66664400 66762929 66762951 30812300 26494581 26494582 66671414 66401701 66401700 40324300 41226666 41935935 28216408

www.blackstone.com www.tower-vision.com www.cyquator.com www.myplaywin.com info@aok-inhouse.com info@kalyaniinfotech.com projects@knvl.com info@aurionprosolutions.com kalyaniinfotech.com www.teleatlas.com www.rbe.co.in www.aurionpro.com www.karvyfinance.com www.americantower.com www.adccinfocad.com www.monsantoindia.com www.imagesretail.com www.mjbiopharm.com www.moodysasia.com www.maxhealthcare.in www.acharyagroup.com www.rave-tech.com www.maharishiayurvedaindia.com www.zanduayurveda.com www.firstsource.com www.exicomtelesystems.in www.call2connect.co.in www.rsg.co.in www.kokilabenhospital.in www.reliancemediaworks.com www.itpharness.com www.bajajhealth.com www.rcom.co.in www.reliancecapital.co.in www.danagroup.com www.primenet.in www.savex.org www.draftfcb.com www.interfacecom.com www.westernunion.com www.quinnox.com www.sunilhealthcare.com www.tataindicom.com www.c3itsolutions.com www.ssbpl.net www.meowfm.com www.integridmedia.com info@c3itsolutions.com info@ssbpl.net sales@meowfm.com info@integridmedia.com solutions@quinnox.com shl@dataone.in sales@itpharness.com bajajhealth@vsnl.com rworld.feedback@relianceinfo.com praveen.challa@relianceada.com contact@danagroup.com delcare@primenet.in ho@savexcomputers.com akapoor@fcbulka.com advantage@interfacecom.com KDAH@relianceada.com mktg@himachalexicom.com info@imagesretail.com mjgroup@mj-india.com chetan.modi@moodys.com hrtcd@maxhealthcare.com acharyachem@vsnl.com blueblends@dataone.in nfo@rave-tech.com map@maharishiayurvedaindia.com infocad_ngp@sancharnet.in info@tower-vision.com sales@cyquator.com

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25792017 25792015 25892516 www.aok-inhouse.com

40477000 66983700 66377000 www.rathi.com

26840921 26840922 25892462 41417746 67372727 67372951 4093333 2560500 66477000 3092000 40865600 26865550 66558666 66615111 66615292 67155300 67155305 40823000 24829000 24829142 4500200 67220606 28250567 67739000 23418199 23414172 41336600 4387150 26692785 26692784 66466700 23553231 41540978 26223444 26225000 4699555 4339020 4998999 4246200 66963333 23221583 - 86 4724100 4545600 4545600 4157000 41699199 41699100 39534100 4584333 67739999 26950311 26950312 4715100 43228888 43227777 43228888 43227777 25477261 41325819 26237405 26395400 67081111 43517007 2332 3188 67813737 26732033

www.goipglobal.net www.keepharma.com www.ltfinance.com www.agcnetworks.com www.tuvindia.co.in www.indiamobility.com www.pcilindia.com www.tataindicom.com www.tataindicom.com broking.rbs.in www.spancobpo.com www.publicis.com www.baxter.in www.ag-technologies.com www.vhbgroup.com www.amadeus.co.in www.bis.co.in www.navigantinc.com www.infozech.com www.decossoftdev.com www.samparkbpo.com www.ursindia.com www.arvatoindia.com www.travelboutiqueonline.com www.gensolconsultants.com www.glodynetechnoserve.in www.indiasign.net www.deutschepostbank.co.in www.rayban.com www.luxottica.com www.colt.net www.adcbindia.com www.apollomunichinsurance.com www.arcadiastock.com www.lifemedicarebiotech.com www.hitechesoft.com www.appinlabs.com www.appinonline.com www.isofttechnologies.in www.itvarnews.net www.sabetv.com www.people-group.com www.franchise-plus.com www.etc.in

sales@goip.in hrd@keepharma.com

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mumbai@tuv-nord.com career@indiamobility.com solutions@pcil.in

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contact@respondez.com pr@publicis.com contact@ag-technologies.com

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42004801 42004800 (100) www.pironservices.com info@amadeus.co.in info@bis.co.in info@navigant.in apacsales@infozech.com marketing@decossoftdev.com info@ursindia.com info@arvatoindia.com info@gensolconsultants.co corporate@glodyne.com marketing@indiasign.net

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luxottica.india@in.luxottica.com info@colt.net mathew@adcbindia.com customerservice@apollodkv.co.in info@arcadiashare.com contact@lifemedicarebiotech.com info@hitechesoft.com contact@appinlabs.com contact@appinonline.com enquiry@isofttechnologies.in sales@itvarnews.net feedback.sabtv@setindia.com vijaymohan@exchange4media.com jsk@entertainmenttv.com

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40065330 40410500 23321098 23311112 23311113 4753005 4753000 42492100 4200051 25707700 66601100 40717777 66969100 28445858 4229300 - 07 67497000 67800301 40999555 66246000 66246000 24339900 24339700 41521199 40959595 40959595 40957575 4648000 30610000 28472823 39816600 28472254 28477632 66044700 23684800 23684868 23684888 4135000 2222640 2229400 66920560 25763300 / 33 23388159 23386055 4541111 67804700 67147800 4735555 66220400 4002702 30810200 4987400 30753400 43530800 23352233 66128100 66608092 30248132 66128100 6749000

www.integreon.com www.jaksoftware.com www.jkbima.com www.lillyindia.co.in www.businesswireindia.com www.xebiaindia.com www.knacksystems.com www.aegisbpo.com www.larklab.com www.radiocity.in www.cynapse.com www.prpundit.com www.bcgindia.com www.miraeassetmf.co.in www.redchilliesvfx.com www.edvancelearning.com www.bacfo.com www.singtel.com www.stfc.in www.stfc.in www.olive.net www.zuventus.co.in www.zapak.com www.ambrosiainfotech.com www.cybage.com www.cosmo.itgo.in www.aajtak.com www.ranbaxy.com www.easyp.com www.osslabs.biz www.hiranandanihospital.org www.ddindia.gov.in www.ksa-technopak.com www.anugrahsb.com www.kmgin.com www.vantageindia.co.in

info@integreon.com mailus@jaksoftware.com jkinsurance@jkmail.com lillyindia@lilly.com info@businesswireindia.com info@knacksystems.com corporate@larklab.com

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indiarecruiting@bcg.com customercare@miraeassetmf.co.in vfxinfo@redchillies.com savio@intoday.com edvance@edvancelearning.com bacfo@akcgroup.com singtel-ind@singtel.com

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23315801 23352233 23351736/38 www.india-today.com

zuventus.corporate@zuventus.com franchisee@zapak.co.in mash_chauhan@ind.dyr.com info@cybage.com rahul.Kulshrestha@aajtak.com info@easypack.bz wecare@hiranandanihospital.org webadmin@dd.nic.in enquiries@technopak.com info@kmgin.com newera@neweraindia.com hr@aimil.com

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26138800 40328888 67047101 www.rediffusiondyr.com

40888666 30888666 30888667 www.neweraconsultancy.com www.niitsmartserve.com www.aimil.com www.wynntelecom.com www.hdfcsec.com www.india-today.com www.carat.com www.aemedia.com www.ads.ibibo.com

4879200 30577500 27033334 30453000 4541800 25706622 67764700 23015122 23015144 66447355 22618212 41656607 24936695 24936695 4714201 4218887 67040800 66041500 22874566 22853342 42254800 3016100 26432614 26430740 28520562 22079351 67227000 40500500 2433505 2433505 47101200 22662550 2266 1270 39821819 4707821 4081101 4719700 4719709 66053000 26503000 46165901 (10 lines) 4417600 40076000 40731200 42754800 42754878 67290900 67974270 30009300 67975242 66912900 4321000 28583333 28583051 66132800 41614125 41614122 46100300 41828861 4563200 4563200 66314949 66314917 26828035 66424242 40956666 41792800 41732000

www.accretivehealth.in www.biganimation.com www.creditpointe.com www.bain.com www.ferring.com www.hansaresearch.com www.teradata.com www.astecls.com www.vibes.co.in www.octanecommunications.com www.oxygenhealthcom.com www.telcordia.co.in ashconiulab.com www.vertex.co.in www.arihantcapital.com www.hunttech.com www.westfalia-india.com www.dpi.co.in www.bcone.com www.aglowmed.com www.ijsbank.com www.vayamtech.com www.khimjikunverji.com www.ambitholdings.com www.ebusinessware.com www.vlcc.co.in www.ptc.com www.aashlok.com www.genesispr.com www.firststeps.in www.travelguru.com www.sanjivani.co.in www.flamingopharma.com www.air-corp.com www.futurestep.com www.investmentz.co.in www.askfinancials.com www.bentley.com/sa-in/ www.velocis.in www.lifetreeindia.com www.tecnotree.com www.jbboda.net www.rnis.biz www.ignitee.com www.omnitechindia.com www.ifciltd.com

Career_India@accretivehealth.com reachus@biganimation.com sales@creditpointe.com Inquiries.NewDelhi@bain.com india@roltanet.com ashok.ekbote@teradata.com corporate@vibes.co.in contactus@octanecommunications.com contactus@oxygenhealthcom.com

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india@vertexsoft.com fjp@vsnl.com contact@hunttech.com info@westfalia-india.com inor@bom3.vsnl.net.in info@bcone.com aglowmed@aglowmed.com info@vayamtech.com info@khimjikunverji.com mumbai@ambitpte.com ebw-administration@ebusinessware.com contact@vlcc.co.in information@aashlok.com

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sales@travelguru.com sanjivani@vsnl.com ashf@giasbm01vsnl.net.in airpac@vsnl.com info@futurestep.com.au acmiil@acm.co.in bsap.support@bentley.com helpdesk@velocis.in sales@lifetreeindia.com jbbmbi@jbbodamail.com anandmeena@escolife.com sales@omnitechindia.com helpdesk@ifciltd.com

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23842200 23842201 4338500 66590500 66590593 30988113 30988111 2244778 4553000 4553111 40944000 40944001 40627200 4296766 4289344 22075315 22075262 42183000 28290251 26125600 66203435 27463506 27240610 22161934 27629500 25500800 25507007 23351356 23351347 23517007 4358000 40687500 66309699 66309681 28523437 24149717 24149081 49800800 4390600 25201268 25201269 25534526 25534528 27698736 27640586 28253040/3046 4179900 4586501 4328000 66606133 66606137 30797509 28382234 28382235 66974900 45068300 46710500 66528600 40504500 41212000 46681680 25704979 41291000 40580800 40580400 26215761 26215762 24953625 24960033

www.compuageindia.com www.helixfinancial.com www.ecgc.in www.timesofmoney.com www.vgipl.com www.bankofamerica.com www.bankofamerica.com www.airserco.net industowers.com www.greaterbank.com www.terainc.com www.kemhospital.org www.medicamen.in www.sblglobal.com www.fugro-fsi.com www.kangrabank.com www.mib.nic.in www.mauj.com www.mnc.orange-business.com www.jltgroup.com www.sgprivasia.com www.tricominfo.com www.mehtalia.com www.lightspeedvp.com www.jsalaw.com www.ottobockindia.com www.techspeed.com www.shreechempharma.co.in www.alphion.com www.dsm.com www.oracle.com www.piramaldiagnostics.com www.transecute.com www.galentic.com www.roche-diagnostics.co.in www.merinoservices.com www.tradeindia.com www.techprocess.co.in www.ahlconindia.com www.triuneprojects.com www.kepl.in www.roamware.com www.chryscapital.com www.spectranet.in www.tigersportsmarketing.com www.direxions.co.in

info@compuageindia.com webmaster@ecgc.in info@timesofmoney.com sales@vgipl.com

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kd@airserco.net info@industowers.com gbcbho@bom7.vsnl.net.in web_inquiry@ezwebpresentation.com shivani@medicamen.com sbl@vsnl.com mumbai@fugro-fsi.com airlive@air.org.in business@mauj.com india.enquiry@orange-ftgroup.com info@sgprivasia.com system@tricommail.co bmcpl@mehtalia.com marketing@smsgupshup.com info-india@lightspeedvp.com gurgaon@jsalaw.com information@indiaottobock.com sales@techspeed.com shreechempharma@yahoo.com

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corporate_communications@jltgroup.com Fundoo

25775490 25775304 25720991 www.smsgupshup.com


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infocom@tradeindia.com support@techprocess.co.in info@ahlconindia.com tpl@triune.co.in info@kepl.in Info@roamware.com info@chryscapital.com spectracare@spectranet.com delhi@tigersportsmarketing.com

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23270017 32968101 42432222 26180263 4734100 4734101 66634444 41703200 25834643 23359347 23359348 40153000 40154000 4802900 4106664 4724900 6603311 40754154 40754154 25975110 4517700 4102445 25385589 40301130 40569999 43038800 25977900 41506162 26686199 4742300 66573333 66573010 4168500 4064190 40985555 24303045 40985555 2323549 2325643 22721383 22723333 22601500 22660500 30031100 27011428 4323000 4303725 25563031 25563046 66056825 65710050 26545000 26545035 30652000 30605500 2307000 23070008 66264000 30566000 23731400 23318300 42383000 28682515 40424000 46915121 22876015 22843636 66306612

www.blblimited.com www.bostonscientific.com www.cryobanksindia.com www.arcww.com www.enzymeindia.com www.cybertech.com www.duaconsulting.com www.amdocs.com www.agilisinternational.com www.omniglobeinternational.com www.atrapharma.com www.dailypioneer.com www.helgroup.com www.aircominternational.in www.infinity-data.com www.grassrootsindia.in exports@corallab.com contact@i2itelesource.com creative@citi-in.com manik@bom2.vsnl.net.in admin@targustech.com info@jaslokhospital.net info@gi-de.com colvyn.harris@jwt.com www.i2itelesource.com www.datamationindia.com www.citi-in.com www.pbworld.com www.manik-travels.com www.targustech.com www.jaslokhospital.net www.gi-de.com www.jwt.com www.rmgconnect.com www.bccb.co.in www.cvlindia.com www.rbi.org.in www.stcionline.com www.zte.com.cn www.tfmumbai.bsnl.co.in www.kotak.com www.cyberindigo.net www.denabank.com www.ineverest.com www.bpopioneers.com www.polymedicure.com www.newindiabank.in www.mscsoftware.com www.singhania.com www.rusanpharma.com www.ventureinfotek.com www.mscbank.com www.darashaw.com consumerhelp@darashaw.com new-delhi@singhania.com rusan@bom2.vsnl.net.in info@ventureinfotek.com info@polymedicure.com info@newindiabank.in sales@cyberindigo.net cmd@denabank.co.in india@zte.com.cn cvlhelpdesk@cdslindia.com rdmumbai@rbi.org.in info@enzymeindia.com sales@cybertech.co.in dua@duaconsulting.com info@amdocs.com information@agilisinternational.com atra@vsnl.com feedback@dailypioneer.com info@helindia.com info@aircominternational.in cryo@cryobanksindia.com

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information@omniglobeinternational.com Fundoo

22853910 22873694 22873698 www.corallab.com

40097777 28583333 28570334 4395000 61124600 26863503 26868878 42164000 30614000 43274327 41613892 66558600 66558666 45507040 45507001 2315044 2315045 4620000 3060000 28579730 28579740 66316333 60006767 26911570 24987000 24987002 29815446 45024329 41682424 41682525 66965555 43545050 23752500 24910601 24910602 26217766 26448833 66228100 26732613 26393216 42153497 4322800 4780222 3040500 4272495 66322222 22049979 22049979 4194444 46667666 24379862 24181609 24182026 24180612 24181609 66969696 66969696 26470700 26470800 4191000 22875302 30456000 27375062 27376063 66780803 28504028 2850 3412 67607080(30 Lines) 28358800 30837700 46120000

www.7ty7.com www.nucleusgis.com www.makemytrip.com www.angloeasterngroup.com www.promedgroup.com www.endemol.com www.cardiofitness.com www.tatadocomo.com www.planmanconsulting.com www.indovax.com www.pwc.com www.eisai.co.jp www.hdfcfund.com www.moserbaer.net www.sisl.siemens.co.in www.claudeneons.com www.matrixbps.com www.aptaracorp.com www.krchoksey.com www.clay.co.in www.osourceindia.com www.e-pspl.com www.travelmartindia.com www.creativeeye.com www.mobile2win.com www.watsonwyatt.com www.itrust.in www.yatra.com www.plindia.com www.bobcards.com www.sarvodayahospital.com www.perfectrelations.com www.ansfs.com www.sunpharma.in www.sunpharma.com www.damcogroup.com www.isndata.com www.bnymellon.com www.busy.in www.flipcorp.com

mailbox@7ty7.com info@nucleusgis.com recruitment@makemytrip.com

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care@planmanconsulting.com mail@indovax.com

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info@moserbaer.net enquiry@claudeneons.com info@matrixbps.com contactus@pelsoftlabs.in sales@aptaracorp.com customercare@krchoksey.com support@clay.co.in info@osourceindia.com info@e-pspl.com contact@creativeeye.com feedback@Mobile2Win.com anita.belani@watsonwyatt.com contact@itrust.in feedback@yatra.com contact@plindia.com vpbd@bobcards.com

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45728900 9540028080 www.pelsoftlabs.in

secretarial@sunpharma.com dtitus@titus-india.com damco@damcogroup.com

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info@busy.in info@vakrangee.in

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www.themismedicare.com www.angelbroking.com www.pestkare.com

themis@themismedicare.com sales@angeltrade.com

3989666 26963571 21725555 21726666 43707700 43707777 23302000 66211400 4585555 43006000-02 66285000 4760100 24959595 26857273 23777800 23777900 24162727 24162726 6767999 6623000 66444600 23919578 23932362 26925858 26925801 25891015 22019857 22460000 27405000 66986666 30403040 3982222 3012021 42888888 5066494 5066495 2565626 3259521 42111111 26867279 28453322 29452400 39215999 26782036 26782037 23233400 23232400 30234000 30242000 4111444 2347404 40792900 30244110 23746426 23984562 23922333 27033944 9717293545 66487500, 26711597 30717655 30717111 25750000 25735205 42393900 40721000 67318888 42776222 47030900 47030948

www.indiabulls.com www.newgensoft.com www.dcaimaging.org www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com www.veraznetworks.com www.parashospitals.com www.noblehospitalspune.com www.medical.siemens.com www.gsk-india.com www.mgrm.com www.agakhanhospitals.org www.serdiapharma.com www.artemishealthsciences.com www.maxhealthcare.in www.phmhealth.com www.apollohospdelhi.com www.metrohospitals.com www.metrohospitals.com www.actrec.gov.in www.asianheartinstitute.org www.blkhospital.com www.carehospitals.com www.actionhospital.com www.pharmaffiliates.com www.drsabharwal.com www.sitarambhartia.org www.bhaktivedantahospital.com www.dypatilhospital.net www.tspiritualworld.com www.persistentsys.com www.alliedmed.co.in www.calsoftinc.com www.lalpathlabs.com sbamihospital@gmail.com mktg@pharmaffiliates.com buyers@drsabharwal.in shoumya.choudhory@sitarambhartia.org crm@bhaktivedantahospital.com info@dypatilhospital.org info@tspiritualworld.com info@persistentsys.com sales@alliedmed.co.in sales@calsoftinc.com lalpathlabs@lalpathlabs.com metrorlkc@metrohospitals.com metropreetvihar@metrohospitals.com mail@actrec.gov.in info@ahirc.com info@blkhospital.com general@serdiapharma.com smsd.in@siemens.com askus@gsk.com contact@mgrm.com corpmktg@newgensoft.com info@dcaimaging.org tss@timesgroup.com

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www.delhi.gov.in/wps/wcm/connect/doit_lnjp/LNJP/Home/About+Us/Location mslnh@nic.in

www.ghrc-bk.org www.adityabirlahospital.com www.sgrh.com www.abcconsultants.net www.rghospital.com www.ftkmc.com www.fortishealthcare.com www.sljhospital.com

bsesmg_bk@ghrc-bk.org abmhmarketing@adityabirla.com gangaram@sgrh.com delhi@abcconsultants.net knowledgeformarkets@ftkmc.com slghosp@ndf.vsnl.net.in

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25403000 25403041 26993900 27907000 22067676 30902120 30902000 30611900 30611700 66560900 24941414 23735555 43424000 66972883 42255225 66924775 66096000 24331707 32568801 32568802 25494337 25494402 25881201 25884111 26530189 2653989 27761522 27761529 42999999 23538351 26991508 26991509 66402222 23671011 23679234 28248500 23234612 23234607 23274376 23270390 45738888 41644000 4210317 4210318 66522500 22932770 26751000 26552222 23365525 23404040 40175555 26393284 23932362 23932362 33259500 66521095 25533333 25536666 43033333 25287923 41577777 26446666 23219065 43659409 23264168 45005600 45005700 27531683 27537967 23081490 23081499 67715400 25380440 46708888 25902600 26058136, 26058141

www.sahyadrihospital.com www.seruminstitute.com/ www.jghdelhi.net www.bombayhospital.com www.maxbupa.com www.psri.net www.bharatserums.com www.rocheindia.com www.grantmedicalcollege-jjhospital.org www.lonzagroup.com www.isiconline.org www.poonahospital.org www.jainstudiosltd.com

info@sahyadrihospital.com contact@seruminstitute.com jgh@jghdelhi.net distribution@maxbupa.com info@psri.net girish.telang@roche.com contact.india@lonza.com isic@nda.vsnl.net.in phrcjr@vsnl.net jainstudiosltd@gmail.com msdduh@indiatimes.com

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www.nabard.org www.mbh.delhigovt.nic.in www.dhli.in www.akshoptifibre.com www.lupinworld.com www.eyecareforall.in www.holyspirithospital.org www.gnec.delhigovt.nic.in www.centreforsight.net www.centreforsight.net www.fluent.com www.lilavatihospital.com www.rmlh.nic.in www.novodental.co.in www.indiafirstlife.com www.sanchetihospital.org www.maxhealthcare.in www.sushruthospital.org www.ndtv.com www.bcil.nic.in www.orientalinsurance.nic.in www.kalrahospital.net www.nair.edu www.sskmin.com www.ncl-india.org www.nmwcardiology.org

contact@nabard.org info@dhli.in aksh@akshoptifibre.com ho@lupinworld.com eyecare@bombaycityeye.org

info@centreforsight.net info@fluent.co.in info@lilavatihospital.com info@novodental.co.in customer.first@indiafirstlife.com parag@sanchetihospital.org health@sushruthospital.org input@ndtvindia.com bcildelhi@vsnl.com info@tmcmail.org oic@oriental.nic.in ceo@kalrahospital.com care@brahmshaktihospital.com

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24177000, 24146750/55 www.tatamemorialcentre.com

delhi@sskmin.com director@ncl.res.in

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42295333 22393155 67429494 66803000 67376737 226017 23084121 27787304 27787030

www.srl.in www.thermo.com www.ayushakti.com www.karadurbanbank.com www.dicgc.org.in


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ayushakti@ayushakti.com contact@karadurbanbank.com dicgc@rbi.org.in mail@ststephenshospital.org webmaster@benchmarkfunds.com dchrc@del3.vsnl.net.in

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23966021 23966022 23966023 www.ststephenshospital.org 66512727 43066666 22617771 22586262 22588383 26818902 66438106 66438108 27055585 26588204 25276077 / 6089 2806100 23714889 23747767 26680603 26689999 46606600 46600700 67237000 23095521 23082891 29958747 26983747 39554800 42227777 26592853 25554487 25610009 28278000 28379678 22044960 22875121 2310267 40190000 66448815 66448888 25899059 25893205 66341100 66341131 41638204 41638208 66497100 26845900 26312397 30549700 42003800 66543800 40043200 40043226 46006600 40976666 42159000 22662434 42159000 67720300 66505555 www.comart.in www.sbici.com www.redfortcapital.com www.futuregenerali.in www.centrum.co.in www.centrum.co.in www.shareproservices.com www.metropolisindia.com www.smruthiorganics.com www.youtele.com www.apwpresident.com www.netersontech.com www.kmcc.co.in www.vavasi.com www.tickerplantindia.com www.holyfamilyhospitaldelhi.org www.nationalheartinstitute.com www.hosmac.com www.cipla.com www.batrahospitaldelhi.org www.drbatras.com www.gurunanakhospital.in www.matachanandevihospital.com www.sanofi-aventis.in www.icmr.nic.in www.firstcallindiaequity.com www.remfry.com www.drmatcheswalla.com www.gttconnect.com www.benchmarkfunds.com www.dhrc.in www.gtbhospital-gnctd.com

info@gttconnect.com secretarydhr@icmr.org.in info@firstcallIndia.com remfry_sagar@remfry.com drmatcheswalla@drmatcheswalla.com contact@nhi.in

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23234242 EXT - 5029 5030 health.delhigovt.nic.in


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info@sanofi-aventis.com info@mullaandmulla.com customercare.srt@youtelecom.com sales.mum@apwpresident.com contact@netersontech.com corporate@vavasi.com info@tickerplantindia.com holyfamily@vsnl.com taco@tacogroup.com mumsbici@bom3.vsnl.net.in care@futuregenerali.in info@centrum.co.in info@centrum.co.in sharepro@shareproservices.com nicsi@nic.in support@metropolisindia.com

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26105054 26172154 24305000 www.nicsi.com

28578240 28578242 24908109/10. 25704562 25704563 24147780 24143552 25001607 40951919 30400038 30945487 26800000 ext 210 41520000 41530000 24994200 24332584 24335480 43529400 4791110 4336500 26595700 66303030 66930000 66662690 66662691 66662690 66662691 40665555 66977222 4782222 25848000 61527000 61527712

www.vishalinfotech.com www.idbifortis.com www.actavis.com www.viccolabs.com www.himedialabs.com www.bankofrajasthan.com www.matrix.in www.espireinfo.com www.nsdl.co.in www.rupeebank.com www.uniconindia.in www.rbs.com www.dlink.co.in www.jaypeecapital.com www.tata-aiggeneral.com www.lumisbiotech.com www.kgenix.com www.franchiseindia.com www.saba.com www.franklincoveysouthasia.com www.siroindia.com


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gkp@viccolabs.com info@himedialabs.com p&d@rajbank.com espirecorp@espireinfo.com info@nsdl.co.in rupee@pn2.vsnl.net.in

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helpdesk@dlink.co.in customersupport@tata-aig.com lumis@kgenix.com stellarchemicals@kgenix.com info@franchiseindia.com connect@franklincoveysouthasia.com info@siroindia.com jkcl@bom3.vsnl.net.in

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43028888 22846560 22842969 www.sbmonline.com 23738700 4618000 65100184 30641600 30286389 40189999 40306300 40306302 25744004 41539011 23372424 23734064 66916847 66916848 26386831 26386832 4555000 4062067 66809000 26445191 26445192 22087969 22087411 4080808 2701300 4765000 4765100 25796150 41411112 42116111 26676400 26650909 26534444 26534444 25664488 66365000 66492222 30245000 40302323 www.afp.com www.amo-inc.com www.talwalkars.net www.networthdirect.com www.glenmarkpharma.com www.bharti-axalife.com www.centumad.com www.bsnl.co.in www.twilightlitaka.com www.alaknandaindia.com www.emeditek.com www.naaptol.com www.themediaexpo.com www.mangalamdrugs.com www.ericsson.co.in www.aircel.co.in www.cdilsemi.com www.pcstech.com www.dnv.in www.wockhardthospitals.net www.wockhardtin.com www.khaitanco.com www.infrasofttech.com www.infomedia18.in help@whosp.com help@whosp.com bom@khaitanco.com corporate@infrasofttech.com spedit@infomediaindia.com email@cdil.com info@themediaexpo.com contactus@mangalamdrugs.com centum@gmail.com cmdbsnl@bsnl.co.in homumbai@tlpl.co.in aaldel@alaknandaindia.com info@emeditek.com feedback@talwalkars.net contact@nsbl.co.in india_marketing@glenmarkpharma.com

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30245000 40302323 26593293 26533232 30428833 4734600 40007000 4152100 26660944 26664648 24926570 27680044 41411501 414115016 26352000 43412424 66622424 23378823 23378824 22825220 22824646 4535500 67020501 66131999 66131900 24019025 23357661 23357659 24965031 24965036 24144701 24170671 24161727 24161728 67547000 65281507 65718026 40674400 40674401 40098400 4995400 2527027 2539156 67525252 43525252 24107200 252622 41055601 41055602 3054600 3054675 4734058 41610000 41610101 66949923 66949924 4511211 66296646 66257530 61619940 23694654 30451200 4322800 30412714 30412764 26257922 26257923 61467900 4628800 4628833 26420927 26420926 30211800 22484122 23350062

www.sourceonline.in www.ilfsindia.com www.perceptpicturecompany.com www.quasar.co.in www.lionbridge.com www.bausch.com www.androindia.com www.onwardgroup.com www.nippondata.com www.neosports.tv www.viacom18.com www.becil.com www.ibdwebstore.com www.canarahsbclife.com www.kayaclinic.com www.apnaloan.com www.aartidrugs.com www.krcco.com www.hsems.com www.cbcpharma.com www.skinternational.com www.ventura1.com www.wiseinvest.indiatimes.com www.rtsindia.com www.silgate.cc www.clientassociates.com www.microproindia.com www.nextgenpublishing.in www.adb.org/INRM www.hgb.co.in www.valiantcom.com www.consultnutek.com www.analec.com www.precisionworld.net www.rajatpharmachem.com www.jdsu.com www.oohindia.com www.goldsgymindia.com www.jbcpl.com www.towerswatson.com/india/ www.avaya.com www.microclinic.com www.act.is www.sgs-infotech.com www.birlatec.com www.moneysukh.com www.multaniayurved.org

b2b@infomediaindia.com info@ilfsindia.com info@2ppc.com info@quasar.co.in

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harish@androindia.com info@onwardgroup.com

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feedback@mtvindia.com becil@vsnl.com

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admin@aartidrugs.com krclo@krcco.com corphq@hs.co.in cbcpharm@vsnl.com info@skinternational.com information@wiseinvestadvisors.com inquiries@rtsindia.com info@silgate.cc celebratinglife@clientassociates.com ho@nextgenpublishing.net

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information@valiantcom.com post@consultnutek.com sales@precisionworld.net info@rajatpharmachem.com sales.india@jdsu.com contactus@oohindia.com firstfit@goldsgymindia.com corporate@jbcpl.com indiasales@avaya.com tarun@microclinic.net jtrivedi@act.is jsg_infotech@sgst.com birlatech@eth.net services@moneysukh.com multaniayurveda@hotmail.com

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67831000 66501300 40806000 26267500 26182255 66603901 26730058 26730059 42888888 4386800 4003482 26925858 26925801 22801120 67163000 67163200 28117770-78 61437000 40373636 40373737 30565700 30565731 4160800 27686411 27686413 24823000 40995000 4539700 43569000 66783333 32012829 66423800 67196000 67196118 66338900 22618787 67261000 28341521 22677923 22677917 40014848 61551234 28870834 26732508 40698001 66886700 26050550 26122551 4176600 66434800 27561190 67099600 67698300 24150832 24116220 4155000 4155762 4808000 4808650 4028888 67319000 66494000 26836016 4092500 41010300 67804000 4881234

www.bnpparibas.co.in www.bnpparibas.co.in www.citiustech.com www.nanavatihospital.org www.elderindia.com www.digicable.in www.hyperquality.com www.apollohospdelhi.com www.emecklai.com www.themislabs.com www.acg-world.com www.omd.com www.jasubhai.com www.zenta.com www.marketrx.com www.gelnova.com www.cloverinfotech.com www.jawedhabib.com www.adk.jp insurance.birlasunlife.com www.ctxls.com www.mahindrainsurance.com www.barcap.com www.technoworld.in www.guficbio.com www.kcsecurities.com www.casatyam.com www.bdhind.com www.balajitelefilms.com www.watson.com www.jehangircares.com www.glgroup.com www.coconut.co.in www.ftindia.com www.atomtech.in www.shawmansoftware.com www.hewitt.com www.ge.com/in/ www.hbosouthasia.com www.mcx-sx.com www.mcxindia.com www.cowi.in www.indieontech.com www.pmcbank.com www.samsung.com/in hbosa@hboasia.com.sg info@mcx-sx.com info@mcxindia.com cowi@cowi.in sales@shawmansoftware.com infoindia@hewitt.com info@ftindia.com info@jehangirhospital.com info@casatyam.com bdhind@vsnl.com msbalaji@ctxls.com INSURANCE.SUPPORT@mahindra.com contactus@technogroup.co.in gufic@guficbio.com marketing@clovertechnologies.com jawedhabib26@yahoo.com balakrishnan_nair@jasubhai.com info@zentagroup.com info@marketRx.com Hqindia@HyperQuality.com helpdesk_delhi@apollohospitals.com info@mecklai.com info@themislabs.com sales.pamglatt@acg-world.com info@acg-world.com kora.ipe@asia.bnpparibas.com info@citiustech.com marketing@nanavatihospital.org pfmumbai@fpindia.com

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30780700-3 28682650 28689109 www.pamindia.com

Corporate.Communications@barclayscapital.com Fundoo

30451200 30451500 66132600 24376711 30479600 67898888 4647300 2456026 4620000 26964757 27611311 26106869 26102303 24711918 26058477 41030700 22026512 2202756 4751605 30388000 30388016 67261818 26001306 66623333 4031234 4822222 42501800 4774700 42554000 42333999 26125906 26103436 67898888 66983800 4129900 66660000 66660666 67678000 41060400 32540053 40649800 61573000 40076000 66160800 24307688 29266666 28326666 4726666 42696666 66026777 66026643 30410302 30220201 25264500 25243678 66791992 66791993 67041550 67041400 4032160 4697000 26583333 26474333 23363336 23365739 27812250 27812234 4167000 27662915 27662916

www.jbcpl.com www.avalonglobalresearch.com www.reliancegeneral.co.in www.merck.com www.msdindia.in www.idpl.gov.in www.ecs-limited.com www.ictonline.com www.medi-line.com www.pnbindia.com www.mahanagarbank.com www.mascon-edoc.com www.selvel.com www.reliancebpo.com www.galderma.com www.hathway.com www.cybermedia.co.in www.commit.in www.huawei.com www.ebsworldwide.com www.kapolbank.com www.fulfordindia.com www.klgsystel.com www.bhatiahospital.org www.relclin.com www.quickheal.com www.mhc.co.in www.jpmorganchase.com www.bksec.com www.rajshriproductions.com www.rolta.com www.kellyit.co.in www.citixsys.com www.allianzbajaj.co.in www.spectraforce.com www.aanbio.com www.aptargroup.com www.qualcomm.com www.cybermediadigital.com www.dlfpramericalife.com www.dhfl.com www.directories-today.com www.tracmail.com www.sapient.co.in www.medikit.com

businessdevelopment@jbcpl.com info@avalonglobalresearch.com services.rgicl@relianceada.com

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idpl@vsnl.com info@ictonline.com info@maestros.net pnbmasd@bol.net.in edpmanager@mahanagarbank.com marketing@mascon-edoc.com

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contactbpo@relianceada.com cinechannel@hathway.net info@cybermedia.co.in info@commit.in

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solutions@ebsworldwide.com kapol@kapolbank.com klg.ho@klgsystel.com info@bhatiahospital.org info@quickheal.com dominic.price@jpmorgan.com barjatya@rajshri.com info@kellyit.co.in newdelhi @citixsys.com life@bajajallianz.co.in info@spectraforce.com

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webmaster@cybermm.com response@dhfl.com kk@idil.com info@tracmail.com info@sapient.com info@medikit.com

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23868134 23854945 40837000 28574190 56765555 67707070 67702020 32918340 66316000 22820282 61151600 4106600 4011676 40274747 25606000 30253750 66932000 66932000 67017171 46541000 28311849 67155555 6654400 66525000 40538500 67120134 27782646 40287777 40679000 29223019 29221634 67980888 67980888 43621000 67960101 67960303 3319501 23719020 47698000 47698098 30416500 4632000 4042537 43569000 66928000 66431188 67999000 42504555 22870831/4 22870831 22870834 22753036 32456726 49495050 39846100 66531200 40309898 66184400 66184478 26818971 26818973 26810133 67049571 67049572 61500300 25204160

www.deccanbank.com www.savvion.com www.dnb.co.in www.directmailindia.com www.revmax.co.in www.hdfc.com www.sonypictures.in www.vertexgroup.com www.sigma-byte.com www.sungard.com

ho@deccanbank.com marketing@savvion.com info@directmailindia.com info@revmax.co.in

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alkesh@sigma-byte.com Hiring.India@sungard.com

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www.pfizerindia.com www.mid-day.com www.geodesiconline.com www.ecitele.com www.natgeotv.co.in www.kpitcummins.com www.erosintl.com www.nelito.com www.universalsompo.com www.ethosembassy.com www.dil.net www.fermentabiotech.com www.clgindia.com www.ingrammicro.com www.mtnl.net.in www.amitoje.com www.ahmsi3india.com www.vfirst.com www.birlasunlife.com www.tipsmusicfilms.com www.adventity.com ukmodi@modirevlon.com www.kutchmitradaily.com vyapar.janmabhoominewspapers.com www.pnbisl.com www.nihilent.com www.tamindia.com www.excel-infoways.com www.moneycontrol.com www.jmitra.co.in www.mitraindustries.com www.wundermanindia.com www.inlakshospital.com bdm@excel-infoways.com feedback@moneycontrol.com jmitra@jmitra.co.in enquiry@mipl.in contact@wundermanindia.com jbhoomi@yahoo.com chandacassette@yahoo.com md@pnbisl.com globalbizdev@nihilent.com response@tips.in cvoco@bol.net.in amitoje@amitoje.com info@ahmsi3india.com info@vfirst.com fermenta@fermentabiotech.com info@clgindia.com In.Support@ecitele.com feedback@ngcindia.com kpitin@kpitcummins.com ia-business@erosmultimedia.net nelitobo@vsnl.com contactus@universalsompo.com delhi@ethosembassy.com cs@mid-day.com kimiyoshi.muto@hakuhodo.co.jp

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26469268 26469271 30400852


cmd@pagelink-pagepoint.com delhi@icpar.com mail@kangacompany.com Sales@tandoninfo.com info@sbilife.co.in techmark@niacl.com

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41799924 42789814 41799916 www.icpar.com 66230000 66332288 22042288 www.kangacompany.com 40363000 66392000 22708400 22708100 46530000 40920000 27562211 22815883 22815884 25454000 66797200 66122600 67942222 43531111 46869800 39546300 39546234 23716622 41394447 43667200 23418880 22045531 22851744 25226645 25226646 22892000 22026049 22813565 30271700 30271701 42202800 42202801 42202800 267092 66563800 66372500 22882470 22882460 42000000 22721233 22721234 30470150 30408001 66501010 66501009 67335000 40449999 40052220 66131000 26814628 26814629 30882624 30882626 66351234 66714771 67393888 4330200 66516600/ 6666 66516600/ 6666 www.disney.in www.disneyin.com www.embio.co.in www.ubmindia.com www.wanbury.com www.mitsui-india.com www.aicofindia.org www.sudlife.in www.ptinews.com www.iplbiotech.com www.bombaysamachar.com www.mahdelhi.com www.unionbankofindia.co.in www.adfactorspr.com www.projectsmonitor.com www.saffronmedia.in www.pharmabiz.com www.capsugel.com www.rbs.in www.icicisecurities.com www.moolchandhealthcare.com www.bseindia.com www.mudra.com www.matasec.com www.essarteleinfra.com www.aranca.com www.virginmobile.in www.telexcell.com www.hfcl.com www.lkpshares.com www.recall.com www.pinstorm.com www.tandoninfo.com www.sbilife.co.in www.niacl.com www.cchindia.co.in www.visabillpay.in www.fonsys.in www.mvkini.com

info@fonsys.in bombay@mvkini.com sales@embio.co.in info@ubmindia.com info@wanbury.com aicho@aicofindia.org customercare@sudlife.in trans@pti.in info@iplbiotech.com

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26780652 26782653 26782656 www.fdcindia.com

internetbanking@unionbankofindia.com editor@projectsmonitor.com sales@saffronmedia.in

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in.marketing@in.abnamro.com info@moolchandhealthcare.com info@bseindia.com m.kamath@mudra.com

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info@telexcell.com secreterial@hfcl.com lkpss@lkpsec.com janakmehta@lkpsec.com india@pinstorm.com info@iflexbpo.com

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40024785 40024786, 66351234 www.lkpsec.com

66516600/ 6666 26191421 23667995 43530800 30883444 25700191 25704611 67897777 66113701 24811019 66325046 4647000 61361010 2373845 2373846 3018891 22854715 40706500 41613466 4130500 4338571 4339333 66089200 4570400 61556400 42114500 23425961 67081111 67081111 66447555 66447300 4556200-90 40702001 40702000 39112300 22613010 22715000 22613010 2383569 26472491 45013325 4222222 4817000 4817777 4343434 40699999 23716565 22055360 4819002 4819000 39199222 27782327 66809000 67056500 4530300 4530300 66609000 4031361 4031365

www.disney.in www.outlookindia.com www.breachcandyhospital.org www.music-today.com www.reliancelife.co.in www.jerryvarghese.com www.hsbcinvestdirect.co.in www.in.cpm-int.com www.marwar.com www.synthes.com www.empronc.com www.dhanuka.com www.tekritisoftware.com www.amoliindia.com www.makindia.com www.fino.co.in www.xchanging.com www.egain.com www.klexserve.com www.ubs.com www.kennovation-services.com www.bmcbankltd.com www.axn-india.com www.setindia.com www.ncr.com www.cigmaevents.com www.bizsolindia.com www.gtlinfra.com www.gtllimited.com www.bd.com www.fortune-it.com www.orgltd.com www.airtel.in www.acmetelepower.com www.avanthatechnologies.com www.lexorbis.com www.dsmindia.com www.comviva.com www.fortishealthcare.com www.anmsoft.com www.3dplmsoftware.com www.mcmcg.com www.mcmcg.com www.merck.co.in www.uop.com uopindia@uop.com rashmi.kaul@fortishealthcare.com info@anmsoft.com info@acme.in info@avanthatechnologies.com infomodihospitals@gmail.com mail@lexorbis.com sales@dsmindia.com bd_india@bd.com sales@fortune-it.com delhi@orgltd.com feedback.max@setindia.com info@ncr.com info@cigmaevents.com corporate@bizsolindia.com custq@gtlinfra.com webmaster@bmcbankltd.com info@fino.co.in info@xchanging.com publications@egain.com info@klexserve.com dll@dhanuka.com info@tekritisoftware.com service@rcl.co.in jvi@bom3.vsnl.net.in services@investsmartindia.com cpmindia@in.cpm-int.com info@marwar.com contact.india@synthes.com outlook@outlookindia.com info@breachcandyhospital.org

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25192000 25292000 40012000 9619215000 67354700 4047968 24105159 65893323 22872557 4504000 4504666 40918091 26182815 66567085 66567000 4198900 66518400 30513030 67333400 33074702 66921692 66998316 61456100 26448300 6138 1234 2315995 66171700 27639001 27639100 41040000 39825500 39825500 6733000 40281000 44770000 44771659 67678000 40678000 28348587 28212191 25510764 25510763 40506292 46571212 67033322 27680913 22832822 66364212 66364223 22836765 4159999 24387000 40989999 67424142 26534444 26731080 26731081 66522800 66522899 67789999 67789393 26165032 26165060 30400999 40425550 22884650 66999999 4078902 4078901 www.marksanspharma.com www.vodafone.in www.magusconsulting.biz www.royalmarket.com www.ironmountain.co.in www.acg-world.com www.nokiasiemensnetworks.com www.synovate.com www.brightpoint.com www.wesleyclover.co.in www.milessoft.com www.e-emphasys.com www.atosorigin.com www.medtronic.co.in www.chitralekha.com www.dowjones.net www.byzan.com www.kalyanjanata.in www.alchemycapital.com www.sandoz.com www.halcyonasia.com www.motilaloswal.com www.protiviti.in www.millwardbrown.com www.relianceinfosol.com www.rellife.com www.nutraplusindia.com www.kaynetgroup.com www.mayaent.com www.tetrain.com www.kilitch.com www.scotiabank.com www.scotiabank.com www.alcatel-lucent.com www.dcbl.com www.qad.com www.fldl.in www.wockhardt.com www.studioonemumbai.com www.bluelotuspr.com www.tcs.com www.vmmc-sjh.nic.in www.galpha.com www.sampark.com www.svcbank.com www.ggbank.org

bangalorem@trinity-mumbai.com info@marksanspharma.com

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northindia.sales@royalmarket.com sales.acpl@acg-world.com

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customercare@brightpoint.co.in mailto:info@wesleyclover.co.in info@milessoft.com info.India@e-emphasys.com milind.kamat@atosorigin.com mumbai@chitralekha.com sales@byzan.com info@alchemycapital.com relations@halcyonasia.com mutual@motilaloswal.com

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info@relianceinfosol.com info@relbio.com sales@nutraplusindia.com ssn2863@hotmail.com info@mayaent.com info@tetrain.com info@kilitch.com vpo.india@scotiabank.com vpo.india@scotiabank.com indiacomms@alcatel-lucent.com careers@dcbl.com info@fldl.in info@studioonemumbai.com mouli@bluelotuspr.com indiageo.pmo@tcs.com galpha@bom5.vsnl.net.in mail@sampark.com feedback@svcbank.com ggb_gurgaon@hotmail.com

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23358248 25285182 22723333 4514600 4221990 66638000 66112200 67183000 22691414 22691515 45183300 45183312 27580044 27564573 66371212 40891300 66536001 23729971 23729969 41512323 41512423 67155000 66925000 25665555 26108668 39878888 66787000 41701444 41701402 22096600 66210555 30888906 41610224 66930500 67808888 4289040 27677960 27674615 40953000 67520121 - 27 4201086 4545300 28292340 43211234 2282691 2286324 41608466 26414164 26181212 29215145 29218267 22853910 40827999 26220580 66693830 40102000 67309400 3048646 3048647 4340500 4523400 4010172 67070100 24903344 22670162 4488877

www.ernet.in www.cdslindia.com www.aithent.com www.bluecrosslabs.com www.lykalabs.com www.oracle.com www.lodhaco.com www.uhlpharma.com www.moodyint.com www.idbicapital.com www.hsbc.co.in www.kokanbank.net www.nepal1tv.net www.primefocusworld.com www.cgda.nic.in www.in.redhat.com www.prudential.co.uk www.shelltransource.com www.morganstanley.com www.intextechnologies.com www.patni.com www.kaleconsultants.com www.hmdhealthcare.com www.titanbiotechltd.com www.hiranorgochem.com www.saharamutual.com www.khojindia.tv www.icra.in www.hoc.com www.htpl.co.in

webmaster@eis.ernet.in investors@cdslindia.com info@bluecrosslabs.com enquiry@lykalabs.com marketing@iflexsolutions.com cal@bdolodha.com uhl2000@gmail.com info@idbicapital.com hsbcindia@vsnl.com knbco@vsnl.net info@nepal1tv.com

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patni-mumbai@patni.com info@kaleconsultants.com hmdhealthcare@vsnl.com marketing@titanbiotechltd.com info@hiranorgochem.com

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naresh@icraindia.com sales@hoc.com mis@navtech.org psycho@psychoindia.com theteam@chopraconsultants.com

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www.itzcash.com www.lucasmayo.com www.dwdindia.com www.ingim.co.in www.qaiglobal.com www.bitwiseglobal.com www.ezeego1.co.in www.nagarro.com www.ciena.com www.harsoria.com www.orixindia.com media.hungama.com www.standardchartered.co.in www.tnsglobal.com

query@itzcash.com corporate@dwdindia.com information@in.ing.com customer_relations@qaiasia.com info@bitwiseglobal.com affiliates@ezeego1.com info@nagarro.com purchase@harsoria.com media@hungama.com scmf.ccc@in.standardchartered.com tnsmode@vsnl.com

2397001 - 10 66383215 66222500 66560000 46625500 66582000 4629392 66303030 26428000 43412563 24949856 24355069 66411000 40845000 40609000 40603000 30823082 61501111 40609000 40609107 4326666 40366363 42255000 26425172 66695000 4188600 42447400 28717400 61415800 30578000 66206630 66206640 41008155 27642735 28472735 4557500 4602000 22002020 22074951 66971234 66634444 66634343 39877777 40663600 23421632 23421006 66413333 30440300 67543456 28525035 28525036 25720849 45757575 41665300 66023800 40293800 67919595 24365461 24365161 66327200 66327260 28758883 28758885 67941100 27812056

www.miditech.tv www.idfcsski.com www.fortisinvestments.in www.avian-media.com www.monitor.com/IN www.fareportal.com www.jmfinancial.in www.icicipruamc.com www.nickindia.com www.nfdcindia.com www.morganstanley.com www.trustgroup.co.in www.moneylineindia.com www.tuv-sud.in www.nvp.com www.indiainfoline.com www.tbwaindia.com www.grey.com www.seeinfobiz.com www.nishithdesai.com www.sietz-india.com www.solvaypharma.co.in www.ndstudioindia.com www.eclipsys.com info@primushospital.com www.tridentinfosol.com www.dionex.com www.appulse.com www.fidelity.co.in www.alliedindia.com www.zeetelevision.com www.leoburnett.com www.jmfinancialmf.com www.ibhprocess.com www.allindiaradio.org www.khambattasecurities.com www.gtfindia.com www.careratings.com www.dfcdelhi.nic.in www.psbindia.com www.bsquareinternational.com www.tendersinfo.com www.hexaware.com www.recindia.nic.in www.mashreqbank.com www.sugaldamani.com www.iseindia.com contact@sugaldamani.com reccorp@recl.nic.in info@ibhsolves.com airlive@air.org.in stockman@bom3.vsnl.net.in shruti_singh@sbiglobal.in care@careratings.com dgmdfc.delhi@nic.in hocppd@psb.co.in info@bsquareinternational.com mktg@tendersinfo.com Leoinfo@leoburnett.com sales@alliedindia.com delhi@tridentinfosol.com dionexindia@dionex.in delhi@tbwaindia.com nirvik_singh@greyindia.com sales@seeinfobiz.com nda@nishithdesai.com rksharma@sietz-india.com info@solvaypharma.co.in info@tuv-sud.in enquiry@icicipruamc.com nick@viacom18.com nfdc@nfdcindia.com sales@fareportal.com customercare@fortisinvestments.in

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67941100 27812056 27557202 27557201 267557 268557 67918728 66384509 27878324 27878325 66638222 24918457 40943456 66390691 29849010 29849011 66978700 4705100 3092500 4297500 66378700 67140600 66215555 66215999 39875000 4338888 4338800 67341500 40832100 30009600 30009603 4139999 4082568 67141144 67141145 66445000 66445003 26234563 26441455 40859600 40767373 30687998 30687999 41398888 23529557 41398888 41540714 4633500 67765300 65088960 22822200 4863000 2682000 28292337 3094510 3072500 3072500 3072666 45540804 25188045 26515050 24934030 24934026 60600747 2399990 40626900 39888888 2564155 2564090 4625055 3933094, 3933090 4635100 4093000

www.iseindia.com www.sarojhospital.com www.belcoindia.com www.tatanet.co.in www.microtechnologies.net www.eclerx.com www.vimhans.com www.nortel.com www.fujitsu.com www.fullertonsecurities.co.in www.newswire18.com www.randox.com www.kotaklifeinsurance.com www.bmc.com www.jaisurgicals.com www.aramuc.com www.cellcast.in www.futurebazaar.com www.cincom.com www.smera.in www.deloitte.com www.acreaty.com www.neoteric.co.in www.kslindia.com www.mangalkeshav.com www.delhipress.in www.womansera.com www.luminousteleinfra.com www.suvidhaa.net www.bigtree.co.in www.shinhanbankindia.com www.agilent.com www.acesw.com www.unitedhealthgroupindia.com www.hughes.in www.hughesnetfusion.com www.vinove.com www.maxhealthcare.in www.francoindian.com www.in.sgs.com www.inoxmovies.com www.dnaindia.com www.rakshatpa.com www.sonyericsson.com www.venusremedies.com www.daksh.com info@venusremedies.com info@daksh.com contact@inox.co.in contactus@hughes.in fusionfranchisee@hughes.in sales@vinove.com bsharma@maxhealthcare.com support_in@acesw.com info@bigtree.co.in ibg@kslindia.com fort@mangalkeshav.com advertising@delhipressgroup.com applications@delhipressgroup.com info@acreaty.com sales@newswire18.com randoxindia@randox.com lifeexpert@kotak.com BMCPune@bmc.com surgeon@jaisurgicals.com info@aramuc.net info@cellcast.in support@futurebazaar.com info_india@cincom.com info@smera.in info@fujitsu-india.com hospitalsaroj@hotmail.com Belco@belcoindia.com sales@tatanet.co.in enquiry@microtechnologies.net domexdata@yahoo.co.in contact@eclerx.com vimhans@hotmail.com

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22702201 22702207 22883938 22883942 4178000 41678150 28290296 40428888 47613300 41703200 25838350 4759500 66142900 28449873/74 27572920 66560505 66560597 4822222 2384816 4822222 4031234 2384816 4822222 4031234 4032160 2381690 23716073 23715898 23730270 4198800 40081717 25437102 66888333 67840000 66121212 66050400-01 24379402 24374687 24129320 24162965 40015757 26532325 66319999 4022000 4025312 40855555 40855500 26763735 66959186 67290125 25276255 28385216 2397745 4112227-9 22882460 22882470 25655029 40388888 25564048 64002101 65281255 67046402 67046430 24405500 24405501 23233871 23233873 41056789 22870831 22870834 24955545

www.businessindiagroup.com www.businessindiagroup.com www.xlcapital.com www.lasaindia.com www.datamini.co.in www.viseshinfo.com www.vitalenzymes.com www.mediatransasiaindia.com www.shinseifunds.com www.aon.com www.ciol.com www.idc.com www.cybermedia.co.in www.pcquest.com www.voicendata.com www.cybermedia.co.in www.uniindia.com www.iifcl.org www.rdm.co.in www.absotherm.com www.unichemindia.com www.tikona.in www.emkayglobal.com www.intervet.co.in www.abmindia.com www.vaccinehaffkine.com www.citibank.com/india www.online.citibank.co.in www.genpact.com www.itisl.com www.samarthlifesciences.com www.quikr.com www.brandscapesworldwide.com www.anuron.com www.tellabs.com www.icicisecuritiespd.com www.revalanalytics.com www.rhythm.com www.usvindia.com www.inteliment.com www.syntelinc.com www.esakal.com www.msghousekeeping.com www.theverve.in www.janmabhoominewspapers.com www.lawkenneth.in

bipladvtg.mumbai@businessindiagroup.comFundoo biedit.mumbai@businessindiagroup.com lasa@lasaindia.com gesservice@datamini.co.in delhi@viseshinfo.com info@vitalenzymes.com circulation@mediatransasiaindia.com investorcare@shinseifunds.com Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo salesciol@cybermedia.co.in kdsingh@idcindia.com computerhome4531@hotmail.com pcquest@cybermedia.co.in shivikg@cybermedia.co.in caresponse@cyberastro.com Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo info@rdm.co.in info@absothermindia.com sales@tikona.in info.india@intervet.com egovernance@abmindia.com webmaster@vaccinehaffkine.com Fundoo Fundoo Fundoo

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info@itisl.com rkn@samarthpharma.com

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contact@revalanalytics.com info-ind@rhythm.com hrd@usv.co.in info@inteliment.com pavan_taori@syntelinc.com webeditor@esakal.com msghks@vsnl.com info@janmabhoomi.com info@lawkenneth.in

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66558888 30514000 24902201 04 33018400 66168800 22870831 46083800 26162495 26182804 42795000 4716400 42130000 24965256, 24978485 67040280 67040282 67931010 67931022 40682300 22855855 4178700 4026500 4090300 4090329 22774145 66947575 66947676 66302001 66302004 24369191 66242700 22617154 24369766 24369767 66553355 22189111 2430012 2430241 41042796 26416258 28077478 28081530 22049799 22049682 6451999 6452419 66406789 66474747 66474400 66755553 27783300 46529700 24649031 24649032 66762800 30511000 66361577 22828233 46541400 24360982 61400909 28290909 66920713 66921246 30818483 30818339 25712800 25712804 4501400 22077440 22078801

www.howdenins.co.uk www.sterlitetechnologies.com www.seedfund.in www.indiaadvantage.co.in www.janmabhoominewspapers.com www.bbcworld.com www.tdiindia.com www.convergenceplus.com www.ilfstechnologies.com www.pritishnandycom.com www.charak.com

enquiries@howdenindia.com info@seedfund.in contact@indiaadvantage.co.in jbhoomi@yahoo.com airportadv@tdiindia.com rajneeshk@eigroup.in itlmumbai@ilfstechnologies.com

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corpcomm@agrani.esselgroup.com www.utitsl.co.in www.ankurdrugs.com www.kmdastur.com www.comverse.com www.qrghealthcare.in www.ilfsets.com www.handygo.com www.moc.gov.in www.taurusmutualfund.com www.mumbaidistrictbank.com www.irfc.nic.in www.idbi.com www.akolajanatabank.com www.aksharaadvertising.com www.ebs.in www.lichousing.com www.axykno.org www.ncdex.com www.ipcalabs.com www.tmt.in www.caliberpoint.com www.energyinfratech.com www.nhb.org.in www.macleodspharma.com www.xoriant.com www.lowelintas.in www.mankindpharma.com www.home.nic.in www.trigyn.com www.careeravenues.net www.denave.com www.bluechipindia.co.in www.benq.co.in www.lawrenceandmayo.co.in contact@mankindpharma.com tdirnic@nic.in ro@trigyn.com careeravn@rediffmail.com info@denave.net support@bluechipindia.com Sales.EnquiryIn@BenQ.com instmum@lawrenceandmayo.co.in macleods@vsnl.com info_xoriant@xoriant.com Marketing@tacogroup.com amanda.frost@caliberpoint.com info@energyinfratech.com growth@axykno.com askus@ncdex.com irfcem@spectranet.com research@taurusmutualfund.com info@comverse.com centralhospital@qrghealthcare.in webmaster@ilfsets.com info@handygo.com utitsl.gsd@utitsl.co.in ceo@ankurdrugs.com

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26202020 26242635, 26242194, www.tcil-india.com 26242384 25182243 25186555 67126060 67126059 66376789 41577777 26201133 251525 42398888 30405060 66026666 66026675 4295500 39125000 41010608 41491100 61020000 61020501 25502616 30880100 30880101 4003282 4004118 4009600 4009602 4774444 4561099 4561000 40700325 67428200 26542711 26540721 42180000 26443447 26443459 67720555 61465151 26836871 41777777 41777778 41021101 43587420 43587415 26451836 4272225 4272226 46046000 26389876 26389877 23313633 61101000 3395000 4175600 27690001 39257424 28389317 28389331 4644000 45635500 24983516 3954700 3954742 4126000 4002342 25920285 66184499 66184400 67976592 67976666 www.mindshareworld.com www.bajajfinance.com www.bajajallianz.co.in www.itq.in www.religarewellness.com www.discoverychannel.co.in www.datamatics.com www.xicom.biz www.mediconnect.net www.anniksystems.com www.micromaxinfo.com www.lexisnexis.co.in www.quatrro.com www.pmi.org.in www.ugamsolutions.com www.mmrss.com www.globali.in www.dattmedi.com www.principalindia.com www.aryacom.com www.telerex.com www.schmid-telecom.com www.escortsmutual.com www.quadrantcom.co.in www.eyeqindia.com www.phfi.org www.amkette.in www.necindia.in www.bmradvisors.com www.mercer.com www.fujitsu.com www.cmssecuritas.com www.wallstreetfinanceltd.com www.ey.com www.leptonmaps.com www.mapra.com www.shine.com www.ddberg.com www.bergenhealthcare.com www.commoditiescontrol.com www.aartihealthcare.com wingspharma.in www.akshay.com www.tsmg.com www.ndtvtravels.com

tcil@tcil-india.com wingsdelhi2005@yahoo.co.in consulting@tecsglobal.com customercare@vgmail.in bajajautofin@bajajfinance.in info@bajajallianz.co.in mktg@itq.in info@fortishealthworld.com indialist@discovery.com business@datamatics.com

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info@anniksystems.com info.in@lexisnexis.com

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info@ugamsolutions.com info@mmrss.com info@globali.in contact@dattmedi.com customer@principalindia.com info@aryacom.com info@telerex.com contact.india@schmid-telecom.com help@escortsmutual.com mumbai-info@quadrantcom.com contact@phfi.org info@amkette.com enquiries@necindia.in bobby.parikh@bmradvisors.com

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eny@in.eyi.com contactus@leptonsoftware.com info@mapra.com getintouch@shine.com info@ddberg.com bergenhealthcare@vsnl.net sales@commoditiescontrol.com

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66505050 4293000 40570700 66956300 22248082 66667474 42644428 42644427 26288464 26233959 2764313 2761386 22441991 39896000 2803000 43412424 42325300 23738810 66572000 40422222 67614700 23515101 23525102 40505050 66017000 26614880 42357000 66756270 2561717 2561700 67582800 26605528 26605529 22845050 27622762 67123456 39403300 22664977 26176076 26185713 67292929 41215100 47771100 47771102 43792000 42222000 42222000 30448400 4682631 4262754 46077200 25679499 30491400 30439600 67606666 41708030 41708037 28377300 28366030 28377300 28366030 66585000 66585068

www.clsa.com www.niit.com www.esriindia.com www.bureauveritas.com www.berchtoldusa.com www.cravatex.com www.suntecindia.com www.ccscomputers.co.in www.nnsbank.co.in www.innovatelecom.com www.in.kpmg.com www.mindlance.com www.viacom18.com www.ayurnethealthcare.com www.setdiscovery.com www.acetelevoice.com www.eaglefilmsindia.com www.rcmindia.com www.maerskline.com www.milestonereligare.com www.fulcrumlogic.com www.maxnewyorklife.com www.epicentertechnology.com www.dupenlabs.com www.dhootfinance.com www.thyrocare.com www.axismf.com www.jayabharat.com www.teckinfo.com www.aegonreligare.com www.luthra.com www.proactive-india.com www.worldphone.in www.idfcpe.com www.idfc.com www.perceptindia.in www.mcpsinc.com www.autodesk.in www.ideas.com www.indiabulls.com www.spacetoonindia.com www.palas-india.com www.zenithpc.com www.zenithinfotech.com www.canararobeco.com

investorgrievance@clsa.com info@esriindia.com Rajendra.Verma@BERCHTOLD.biz info@cravatex.com info@suntecindia.com

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info@innovatelecom.com info_delhi@mindlance.com colorstv@viacom18.com admin@ayurnethealthcare.com info@acetelevoice.com eagleumeshmehra@gmail.com info@rcmindia.com info@ponl.com tact@money-matters.in info@milestonereligare.com india@fulcrumlogic.com info@epicentertechnology.com dupen@vsnl.com thyrocare@vsnl.com customerservice@axismf.com info@bajajcapital.com info@teckinfo.com delhi@luthra.com delhi@proactive.co.in info@worldphone.in fund@idfcpe.com info@idfc.com reachus@perspectrum.biz info@autodesk.com ipo@indiabulls.com india@spacetoongroup.com sales@palas-india.com mumbai@zenith-india.com crmf@canararobeco.com

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40888100 66518011-15 www.money-matters.in

66161111 66272300-3 www.bajajcapital.com

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www.sitel.com www.insta-group.com www.jagsonpal.com www.epitomeglobalservices.com www.apexadvtg.com www.taxmanntechnologies.com www.cooperpharma.com www.beetel.in www.bgilfilms.com www.heroites.com www.elaracapital.com www.finedgeindia.com www.mapmyindia.com www.mapmyindia.com www.dynamicverticals.com www.aquamcg.com www.lexicon.in www.dalmiabrothers.com www.eshanews.com www.cbayindia.com www.shemaroo.com www.barclays.in www.saatchi.com www.shcil.com www.benefitmag.com www.efyindia.com www.cms.com www.getit.in www.lambdagroup.co.in www.nseit.co.in www.wns.com www.jksbl.com www.amphray.com www.yesbank.in www.alvesgroup.com www.prospectasoftware.com www.teamcomputers.com www.chiranjn.com www.ericagroup.com www.duaassociates.com www.aftek.com www.encompass.in www.novartis.com www.avendus.com www.nestorpharma.com

mum.careers@sitel-india.com info@insta-group.com sales@epitomeglobalservices.com mumbai@apexadvtg.com sales@taxmanntechnologies.com cooperpharma@vsnl.com bgilfilms@bgilinfo.com contact@heroites.com info@finedgeindia.com tanya@mapmyindia.com sales@dynamicverticals.com contact@acquamcg.com meera@lexicon.in info@eshanews.com info@cbayindia.com

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dphelp@stockholding.com annanya.nath@efyindia.com info@efyindia.com emscms@cms.com info@getit.co.in suresh.s@mahindra.com info@lambdagroup.co.in

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24981613 24963490 66526000 www.mahindrafinance.com

32572301 09711711722www.networkplay.in jnklnbnk@bom3.vsnl.net.in info@amphray.com contactus@yesbank.in sales@prospectasoftware.com

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erica@ericagroup.com duadel@duaassociates.com information@aftek.com info@encompass.in

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43428000 40979900 40863535 22864400 222471 66658282 26461733 26462327 67812000 67770000 26403232 40537610 27690020 4578900 28208585 28248300 40930000 40930001 26598100 66815555 28291950 4158000 2567000 4122800 4122804 41578000 26945270 47000000 41225000 25065000 22758145 22758165 26740651 66323000 66646449 66646464 67357000 67545000 65276195 4263560 4263651 22952520 40080600 40566464 40566411 23684872 23684878 4187000 4187001 32079644 32079645 47173100 26931613 66383600 24617241 66287000 2398392 23983923 3329000 22164421 22164423 41115222 40563812 26366349 41854028 41854029 66412200 66412300 4318888 4387077 40511200 40987000

www.edelweissmf.com www.edelcap.com www.nalwasons.com www.tata.co.in enquiry@brfilmsindia.com www.agsindia.com www.blendfinance.com www.aeropharma.com www.imgworld.com www.indigital.co.in www.aiginvestments.co.in www.nseindia.com www.skyfin.com www.silverline.com www.microsoft.com www.dcmds.com www.panacea-biotec.com www.parasramindia.com/ www.rnclegal.com www.elitestock.com www.bankofamerica.com www.acuvue.co.in www.lauren.co.in www.nkgsb-bank.com www.cvent.com/india www.indussoft.com www.tcl.com www.melstar.com www.aajtak.com www.indiatimes.com www.dewsoftoverseas.com www.oksgroup.com www.hdfcergo.com www.worldbank.org www.mindcrest.com www.emrcompanies.com www.uninor.in www.padmakshi.com www.kochhar.com www.lucenthospitality.com www.infosatcorporation.com www.indusind.com www.saharacarehouse.com www.executiveaccess.co.in www.bloombergutv.com info@mindcrest.com info@emrtechventures.com care@uninor.in contact@padmakshi.com delhi@kochhar.com info@lucenthospitality.com info@infosatcorporation.com mktg@indusind.com amalhotra@oksgroup.com tclindia.hr@tcl.com sales@melstar.com nkgsb@bom3.vsnl.net.in careersindia@cvent.com ask_acuvue@acuvue.co.in sales@dcmds.com corporate@panaceabiotec.com info@parasramindia.com inbox@rnclegal.com elitebroking@elitestock.com cc_nse@nse.co.in recruitments@incablenet.net blend@vsnl.net apl.rabale@aeropharma.com

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40981400 40987000 40981423 www.techtree.com 33423000 30598000 66198900 26821498 67491234 66111234 40820700 24073221 2491767 66499100 22017130 22015895 27680301 27610950 4698500 66581300 28505387 28503870 27102000 28501000 22518794 22518795 25963838 25960320 4277777 24811700 22178300, 22182883 25229720 61462400 (10 Lines) 25770875 66268200 22096385 25895599 4539000 43104104 66952701 66718000 66209869 66000239 66387777 22026428 66260500 22040687 22041195 27782805 27782807 46656666 41553082 22020347 4040811 4698500 24965831 24965832 23319915 24671135 24671134 26384306 26384307 41606560 42001400 66915072 28955581 64523685 30409100 22846555 www.acs-intl.com www.vlsfinance.com www.sbi.co.in www.intecinfocom.com www.cachetindia.com www.railtelindia.com saraswatbank.com www.edynamic.net www.sparkindia.com www.wizcraftworld.com www.shaktibioscience.com www.amarremedies.com www.ppfas.com info@shaktibioscience.com queries@amarremedies.com email@ppfas.com sales@sparkindia.com incharge_hrd@saraswatbank.com info@intecinfocom.com vls@vsnl.com www.dspblackrock.com www.crlindia.com www.centralbankofindia.co.in www.kotak.com/realtyfund www.sbicaps.com www.cmots.com www.cybermarine.net www.ercomgroup.org www.biochemgroup.com www.magusdialog.com www.bp.com www.fever.fm fever104@hindustantimes.com lactose@vsnl.com biochem@bom3.vsnl.net.in webmaster@computeraccess.co.in gh.crbd@sbicaps.com info@cmots.com info@cybermarine.net www.liindia.com www.arcil.co.in www.blissgvspharma.com www.messung.com www.iffcotokio.co.in www.sanat.co.in www.linkintime.co.in www.metrohospitals.com mhifaridabad@metrohospitals.com info@sanat.co.in info@blissgvspharma.com www.crisil.com www.deloitte.com www.zedo.com www.fullertonindia.com www.ideacts.com www.vitadaman.com www.vkgbakola.org www.centaurpharma.com www.dai-ichiindia.com centaur@centaurlab.com diklsales@dai-ichiindia.com bizdev@zedo.com namaste@fullertonindia.com info@crisil.com

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www.globaleprocure.com www.igenesys.com www.nadiadwalagrandson.com www.atlaspharma.in www.in.capgemini.com www.madisonindia.com www.tela-india.com www.stream.com www.ndtvimagine.com www.everstonecapital.com www.computronicsindia.com www.medleylab.com www.mobikontech.com www.ack-media.com www.tatatechnologies.com www.meridianentp.com www.nineriverscapital.com www.bhartiaxa-im.com www.simalab.com www.relioquick.com www.futuregroup.in www.smvgroup.com www.iball.co.in www.bates141.com www.kotakmutual.com www.loopmobile.in www.mgl.com www.fsi.jobs www.directinternet.co.in www.db.com/india www.quantm.com www.businessoctane.com www.caretelindia.com www.fundtech.com www.aricent.com www.ufomoviez.com www.valuablegroup.com/ www.pnbhfl.com www.sigma-solutions.com www.spacapital.com www.spacapital.com www.pangea3.com www.isp.co.in www.marsh.co.in www.vcustomerindia.com

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info@tela-usa.com response@ndtvimagine.com jbreemen@everstonecapital.com info@computronicsindia.com vc@medleylab.com info@mobikontech.com contact@ack-media.com corporate@tatatechnologies.com info@nineriverscapital.com service@bhartiaxa-im.com simalabs@simalab.com relio@relioquick.com info@futuremedia.in cclarke@starcomindia.net sales@iball.co.in mumbai@sercononline.com redressal.mum@bplmail.com mgl@mgl.com info@firstselectindia.com info@direct-internet.co.in bestteam@quantm.com info@businessoctane.com info@bigtv.co.in feedback@caretelindia.com info@aricent.com info@valuablegroup.com info@sigmasoft.biz info@spacapital.com info@spacapital.com info@pangea3.com info@isp.co.in info@vcustomer.com

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66820000 9594004000 www.ideacellular.com

67310000 4796000 23634035 23630476 45508960 43454345 39828888 40970700 67944000 66981111 4599399 40770500 40961100 67858888 30448420 30448200 4190555 4190000 22832626 42012345 42705800 45703400 4160500 4562222 26141111 61461111 41070000 41070070 30428822 23712134 23712135 45551200 40623600 2654748 4689547 4689500 27841009 67619901 67619902 66157000 65168662 65165674 4529000 66585200 66635456 66635656 40411799 40493400 4065090 26920500 26920421 40079091 25284402 25283306 42690800 41639672-76 66561234 23361234 61777200 67568200 25880911 66988301 56988302 26850546 26850547 23994401 Upto 10

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services@religaremf.com info@hinditron.com ashtech@ashinfo.com

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membershipinquiries@executiveboard.com Fundoo

info@onwardmobility.com info@perceptholdings.com mail@bhutashah.com info@orthonovahospital.co.in info@ddavanalytics.com inquiry@jagransolutions.com

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67074407 22886638 4565500 23736365 41295555 26714494 26714495 30181290 30181294 32905268 27921267 42330000 26825000 47135000 43508007 23361234 66561234 23361234 66561234 4349000 2347030 25787585 46205123 46205125 67304000 23036980 24369191 26865560 26865561 41306568 25201210 30780700-3 26578800 39571246 67948401 67948400 40751111 30212100 22813137 41437600 41437601 43566000 24903344 9223786790 30865101 41588014 66601111 43512100 66169000 28236056 2303212 29220546 29220547 24451515 24449199 40675800 67042444 66578765 30888881 30888882 25302400 25711234 40554060 40554059 32926921

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22658665 30111000 66971234 66971234 45549000 2650984 2650981 30916250 67656765 66846684 25779170 25779546 23736151 23360184 67565000 40875452 26875452 66952222 49901234 67492222 66349400 25458159 25433104 25438764 66938222 6465977 4713500 4713000 27890052 27016282 39502334 61776177 61776118 4047900 2392940 66054803 3068600 45507040 45507001 3077700 4335400 30994600 26507782 24901870 24905048 40147728 28722695 3928600 4045819 4046193 66006700 23250450 23250451 67524600 30826135 30826170 46547700 22703431 22663119 43100500 30611555 67010001

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66971234 23061726 66535653 www.zeemarathi.com

45507040 45507001 45507030 www.planmanfinancial.com

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2709000 2709970 42444999 66598000 41659500 41659127 29251155 29251156 30513400 4183700 26262965 26257812 4019895 4002046 66369000 66369213 26168546 30689444 39899927 40988555 40988666 22733535 22733636 61150000 40015757 40015025 30408836 30428822 23326077 23350695 24323500 67169900 26733041 28868224 28868226 40856000 24934251 66786666 66056825 4583830 66305555 66630000 66305555 66305555 66630000 66305555 6706500 4115760 26447971 26447972 25817000 43524444 43528888 40914600 40914602 28501416 26739999 26730002 40569696 67556755 30553055 24409100 30757575 40629500 22622004 45062501-10 45854585 24140961 24140962

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30547175 66750101 66750102 www.kcprofessional.com

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67855151 40374037 30534626 www.nomura.com

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66779999 4607300 4607302 40697000 66693000 22625946 22625947 30613500 30412345 23328940 42535400 6685000 2580694 24955674 24928155 66061000 4145800 67140000 22867000 22851765 22851766 24223228 24309565 66319000 66396880 26201606

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mumbai@justdial.com apac.sales@fadv.com newbusiness@sbidfhi.com helpdesk@yashrajfilms.com service@rsindia.rohde-schwarz.com

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Company Name
Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) Airserco Pvt Ltd Airserco Pvt Ltd Airserco Pvt Ltd Aksh Optifibre Ltd Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL) Bharti Enterprises Ltd Bharti Enterprises Ltd Cellular Operators Association of India Clay Telecom Clay Telecom DEN Networks Ltd DEN Networks Ltd Department of Telecommunications (DOT) Exicom Tele-Systems Ltd Ganges Internationale Pvt. Ltd Matrix Cellular (International)Services Pvt Ltd Matrix Cellular (International)Services Pvt Ltd ORG Telecom Ltd ORG Telecom Ltd Railtel Corporation Of India Ltd Spectranet Ltd Tata Communications Internet Services Ltd Tata Docomo Tata Indicom Tata Indicom Vavasi Telegence Pvt Ltd Virgin Mobile India World Phone Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. Zen Mobiles (Teleecare Network India Pvt Ltd) Cellular Operators Association of India Airbell Electronics Pvt Ltd Brightpoint India Pvt Ltd ByCell Telecommunications India Pvt Ltd ByCell Telecommunications India Pvt Ltd CASBAA (Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia) HTC India Pvt Ltd (Dopod) Kirusa Inc Moftware Infotech Pvt Ltd Nera Telecommunications Ltd NTT Communications India Pvt Ltd Rohde & Schwarz India Pvt Ltd Schmid Telecom India Pvt Ltd Schmid Telecom India Pvt Ltd Singapore Telecom India Pvt Ltd Telenity Unified Telecom Pvt Ltd Accurate Connecting Systems Pvt Ltd Air Flow Pvt Ltd Association of Unified Telecom Service Providers of India Association of Unified Telecom Service Providers of India Atlanta Systems Pvt Ltd Cellnext Solutions Ltd Classic Trading Links Ltd Crystal Digital Concepts Pvt Ltd Crystal Presentation Solutions CSI Telecom Pvt Ltd Delcom Telesystems Pvt Ltd 8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II 8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II Jeevan Bharti Tower-1, 124, Connaught Circus B 10/1, Okhla Phase III B 10/1, Okhla Phase III B 10/1, Okhla Phase III J-1/1, B-1 Extension Harish Chandra Lane, Janpath Aravali Crescent 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj Aravali Crescent 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj 14, Bhai Veer Singh Marg 13-B, Atmaram House, 1 Tolstoy Marg 13-B, Atmaram House, 1 Tolstoy Marg 236, Okhla Industrial Estate, PhaseIII 236, Okhla Industrial Estate, PhaseIII Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road 8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II B-36, Lawrence Road, Industrial Area 7 Khullar Farms,Mandi Road,Mehrauli 7 Khullar Farms,Mandi Road,Mehrauli 101,1st Flr,padma Tower-1,5, Rajendra Place 101,1st Flr,padma Tower-1,5, Rajendra Place 10th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building,16 Sansad Marg 42, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III Scope Minar, Core 1, 2nd Floor, Laxmi Nagar 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road THE GENESIS,A-32 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road 3rd Floor, Plot No. A, Community Centre, Sector B, C 153, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, K-17, Lajpat Nagar, Part-2 14, Bhai Veer Singh Marg Plot No.1, SBI Building, 3rd Floor, Garg Trade Centre, 76, Okhla Industrial Estate,Phase III A283, Ist Floor, Defence Colony A283, Ist Floor, Defence Colony 1215 Naurang House 315 A,3'rd Floor, Regus Business Centre, Rectangle Number 1, Commercial Complex, A-379, Basement, Defence Colony D - 24/1, Gautam Nagar 256 IInd Floor Okhla Industrial Estate Phase-III 1009, 1010, 1011, 10th Floor A-27,Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road 51 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase III 51 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase III 5th Floor Statesman House, Barakhamba Rd 610, 6th Floor, Ashoka Estate D-15, 1st floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1 CR-17, Cemented Road, 13/1090, Hardhian Singh Road, Karol Bagh B-601, Gauri Sadan 5,Hailey Road, B-601, Gauri Sadan 5,Hailey Road, M-135, IInd Floor A-186, Okhla Phase - I 4596, Charkhe-walan, Chawri Bazar C-3, D.S.I.D.C, Engg Complex 87-A, 2nd Floor, Shahpur Jat B-26, Sagar Apartments, 6, Tilak Marg E-44/9, Okhla Phase-2

Gurusons Communication Pvt Ltd Innova Telecom Innova Telecom Mach Communications Pvt Ltd Magicon Impex Pvt Ltd Maxtel India Multilink Computers Pvt Ltd O-Zone Networks Pvt Ltd Operant Communications System Pvt Ltd Pan Telecommunication Pvt Ltd Pan Telecommunication Pvt Ltd Riddhi Telecom Pvt Ltd Riddhi Telecom Pvt Ltd SECT Electronics Pvt Ltd Shaildhar Telecom Services Pvt Ltd Tantia Telecom Pvt Ltd Telerex Communication India Pvt Ltd Utech India Ltd Valiant Communications Ltd Valiant Communications Ltd Vision Telecom (Pvt) Ltd Vision Telecom (Pvt) Ltd VSpectra Communication Systems Pvt Ltd Xcite Mobiles Ltd Xcite Mobiles Ltd

109, Southex Plaza-I, NDSE-II 204, Vikas Deep building,Laxmi Nagar, District center 204, Vikas Deep building,Laxmi Nagar, District center 309 Competent House, F-14, Connaught Place A-2/269, Mahipalpur Extension 11, Vikram Vihar Extension, Lajpat Nagar - IV 405, 4th Floor, Eros Apartment C-2/6 First Floor,Safdarjung Development Area G-73,2nd Flr, Main Vikas Mg,, Nr Walia Nursing Home, Lakshmi Nagar 313-315, Somdatt Chamber 2, Bikaji Cama Place 313-315, Somdatt Chamber 2, Bikaji Cama Place B-62/12, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II B-62/12, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II 220J, Ground Floor, Main Road, Savitri Nagar, near Malviya Nagar 202, G4, Raj Tower II, 209,Shankuntla Bldg-59, Nehru Place D-99 Okhla Phase-I A-280, Ist Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1 71/1, Shivaji Marg 71/1, Shivaji Marg 37 Begumpur Park Malviya Nagar 37 Begumpur Park Malviya Nagar A-88 Okhla Phase II, DDA Shade Plot No.-14, Khashara No 261, Kohinoor Enclave, West Bagh Plot No.-14, Khashara No 261, Kohinoor Enclave, West Bagh

Address Line 1


8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II 30882624 30882626 8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II 30882624 30882626 Jeevan Bharti Tower-1, 124, Connaught Circus 3319501 23719020 B 10/1, Okhla Phase III 40627200 B 10/1, Okhla Phase III 40627200 B 10/1, Okhla Phase III 40627200 Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road 26991508 26991509 Harish Chandra Lane, Janpath 23372424 23734064 Aravali Crescent 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj 46666100 42666500 Aravali Crescent 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj 46666100 42666500 14, Bhai Veer Singh Marg 23349275 13-B, Atmaram House, 1 Tolstoy Marg 43545050 23752500 13-B, Atmaram House, 1 Tolstoy Marg 43545050 23752500 236, Okhla Industrial Estate, PhaseIII 40522200 236, Okhla Industrial Estate, PhaseIII 40522200 Sanchar Bhavan, 20, Ashoka Road 23036980 24369191 8, Commercial Complex, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash II 30882624 30886542 B-36, Lawrence Road, Industrial Area 47090225 47090228 7 Khullar Farms,Mandi Road,Mehrauli 26800000 ext 210 7 Khullar Farms,Mandi Road,Mehrauli 26800000 ext 210 101,1st Flr,padma Tower-1,5, Rajendra Place 45062501-10 101,1st Flr,padma Tower-1,5, Rajendra Place 45062501-10 10th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building,16 Sansad Marg 23319915 42, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III 40580800 40580400 Scope Minar, Core 1, 2nd Floor, Laxmi Nagar 22448000 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road 66558600 66558666 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road 66558666 2-A, Old Ishwar Nagar Main Mathura Road 66558666 THE GENESIS,A-32 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road 41638204 41638208 Pocket V, Vasant Square Mall, Vasant Kunj 66131000 C 153, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, 43792000 K-17, Lajpat Nagar, Part-2 46555676 14, Bhai Veer Singh Marg 23349275 G3S Cinema Hall Complex, Sector - 11, Rohini, 40400000 76, Okhla Industrial Estate,Phase III 66567085 66567000 A283, Ist Floor, Defence Colony 41002761-65 A283, Ist Floor, Defence Colony 41002761-65 21 Kasturba Gandhi Marg 43520839 315 A,3'rd Floor, Regus Business Centre, Rectangle Number 1, Commercial Complex, D4 Saket 46081782 9910193399 A-379, Basement, Defence Colony 64611617 64612923 D - 24/1, Gautam Nagar 41642590 26962049 256 IInd Floor Okhla Industrial Estate Phase-III 26310705 Tolstoy House 15-17 Tolstoy Marg 23736365 A-27,Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate,Mathura Road 42535400 51 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase III 41021101 51 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase III 41021101 5th Floor Statesman House, Barakhamba Rd 41521199 Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place 41526886 D-15, 1st floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1 40521400 Anand Parbat Industrial AreaStreet No: 8, opp. Desu Office, 28761400 9810104978 13/1090, Hardhian Singh Road, Karol Bagh 28751236 28750297 B-601, Gauri Sadan 5,Hailey Road, 23358585 23358989 B-601, Gauri Sadan 5,Hailey Road, 23358585 23358989 Opp. Super Bazar, Connaught Place 41517576 A-186, Okhla Phase - I 26818445 26814882 4596, Charkhe-walan, Chawri Bazar 23924092 23953265 Mangolpuri Industrial Area. Phase-1 32905268 27921267 Opp. Asiad Village, Near Siri Fort Audiotorium 41751251 B-26, Sagar Apartments, 6, Tilak Marg 23383290 23381772 E-44/9, Okhla Phase-2 26385440

109, Southex Plaza-I, NDSE-II 204, Vikas Deep building,Laxmi Nagar, District center 204, Vikas Deep building,Laxmi Nagar, District center 309 Competent House, F-14, Connaught Place National Highway No-08 11, Vikram Vihar Extension, Lajpat Nagar - IV 56, Nehru Place C-2/6 First Floor,Safdarjung Development Area G-73,2nd Flr, Main Vikas Mg,, Nr Walia Nursing Home, Lakshmi Nagar 313-315, Somdatt Chamber 2, Bikaji Cama Place 313-315, Somdatt Chamber 2, Bikaji Cama Place B-62/12, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II B-62/12, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II 220J, Ground Floor, Main Road, Savitri Nagar, near Malviya Nagar Alaknanda Commercial Complex 209,Shankuntla Bldg-59, Nehru Place D-99 Okhla Phase-I A-280, Ist Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1 71/1, Shivaji Marg 71/1, Shivaji Marg 37 Begumpur Park Malviya Nagar 37 Begumpur Park Malviya Nagar A-88 Okhla Phase II, DDA Shade Sarola Dham Sarola Dham

41643800 26250781 22441991 22441991 23724300 26782285 26413737 26488877 41617993 46127777 22015449 22024218 26169391 26169391 25892166 25891134 25892166 25891134 26016507 40581591 9810074755 41777777 41777778 40562728 41055601 41055602 41055601 41055602 26691504 26691504 41679272 41679273 46555676 46555676

www.hfcl.com www.hfcl.com www.mtnl.net.in www.airserco.net www.airserco.net www.airserco.net www.akshoptifibre.com www.bsnl.co.in www.bharti.com www.bharti.com www.coai.com www.clay.co.in www.clay.co.in www.dennetworks.com www.dennetworks.com www.dot.gov.in www.exicomtelesystems.in www.gangesinternationale.com www.matrix.in www.matrix.in www.orgltd.com www.orgltd.com www.railtelindia.com www.spectranet.in www.directinternet.co.in www.tatadocomo.com www.tataindicom.com www.tataindicom.com www.vavasi.com www.virginmobile.in www.worldphone.in www.zenmobile.in www.coai.com www.airbell.in www.brightpoint.com www.bycell.com www.bycell.com www.casbaa.com www.htc.com www.kirusa.com www.moftware.com www.neratel.com.sg www.ntt.com www.rohde-schwarz.co.in www.schmid-telecom.com www.schmid-telecom.com www.singtel.com www.telenity.com www.unifiedtelecom.in www.acspl.in www.airflowindia.net www.auspi.in www.auspi.in www.atlantasys.com www.cellnext.com www.classictradinglinks.com www.crystalpbx.com www.crystalsolutions.in www.csitelecom.com www.delcomindia.com

secreterial@hfcl.com secreterial@hfcl.com cvoco@bol.net.in kd@airserco.net kd@airserco.net kd@airserco.net aksh@akshoptifibre.com cmdbsnl@bsnl.co.in

contact@coai.in support@clay.co.in support@clay.co.in digitellycare@denonline.in digitellycare@denonline.in mktg@himachalexicom.com marketing@gangesinternationale.com

spectracare@spectranet.com info@direct-internet.co.in

corporate@vavasi.com info@worldphone.in contact@coai.in contact@airbell.in customercare@brightpoint.co.in hq.delhi@bycell.com hq.delhi@bycell.com india@casbaa.com info@kirusa.com neraindia@neraindia.com service@rsindia.rohde-schwarz.com contact.india@schmid-telecom.com contact.india@schmid-telecom.com singtel-ind@singtel.com sales@telenity.com info@unifiedtelecom.in info@acspl.in metro@airflowindia.net auspi@auspi.in auspi@auspi.in enquiry@atlantasys.com feedback@cellnext.com delhi@crystalpbx.com


www.gurusons.com www.innovatelecom.com www.innovatelecom.com www.mach.net.in www.magicon.co.in www.maxtelindia.com www.multilink.us www.o-zone.in www.operant.in

marketing@gurusons.com info@innovatelecom.com info@innovatelecom.com corp@mach.net.in info@maxtelindia.com info@multilink.us umesh.bansal@operant.in support@panamsolutions.com support@panamsolutions.com

www.riddhitel.com www.riddhitel.com www.sectindia.com www.shaildhar-india.com www.tantiait.com www.telerex.com www.utechindia.com www.valiantcom.com www.valiantcom.com

sectindia@secttelecom.com info@shaildhar-india.com tantias@gmail.com info@telerex.com contact@utechindia.com information@valiantcom.com information@valiantcom.com

www.vspectra.com www.xcitemobile.in www.xcitemobile.in


Company Name
AGC Networks Ltd DLF Square, 19th Floor, M-Block,Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase-II AGC Networks Ltd DLF Square, 19th Floor, M-Block,Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase-II Bharti Airtel Ltd (Group HQ) Airtel Centre, Plot No 16 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Group HQ) Airtel Centre, Plot No 16 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Group HQ) Airtel Centre, Plot No 16 Acme Tele Power Ltd Plot No-2, Sector-34, Hero Honda Chowk, Gurgaon Acme Tele Power Ltd Plot No-2, Sector-34, Hero Honda Chowk, Gurgaon Aircel Ltd Bldg No-10-A, 2nd Flr, Dlf Cyber City Axis Telecom Inc 879, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Axis Telecom Inc 879, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Beetel Teletech Ltd Beetel Corporate Centre, Beetel Teletech Ltd Beetel Corporate Centre, Fibcom India Ltd 77A, Sector 18, IFFCO Road Indus Towers Ltd Dlf Cyber City, Bldg. No.-10 A, 4'th Floor Indus Towers Ltd Dlf Cyber City, Bldg. No.-10 A, 4'th Floor Lambda Eastern Telecommunication Ltd 475, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Lambda Eastern Telecommunication Ltd 475, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Luminous Teleinfra Ltd Plot No. 121, Sector 5, IMT Manesar Luminous Teleinfra Ltd Plot No. 121, Sector 5, IMT Manesar Micromax Informatics Ltd Micromax House, 697, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V, MVL Telecom Millennium Plaza, Tower-A Nu Tek India Ltd B-27, Infocity, Sector - 34 Nu Tek India Ltd B-27, Infocity, Sector - 34 S Tel Pvt Ltd 1st Floor, Tower - B ,Unitech Cyberpark, Sector 39 Shyam Telecom Ltd 246, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Shyam Telecom Ltd 246, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Shyam Telecom Ltd 246, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd(MTS India) 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd(MTS India) 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd(MTS India) 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Tower Vision India Pvt Ltd P No-356, Udyog Vihar, PH-4, VNL (Vihaan Networks Ltd) 21-B, Sector 18, Udyog Vihar VNL (Vihaan Networks Ltd) 21-B, Sector 18, Udyog Vihar Wynn Telecom Ltd Plot No 301, PH-3, Udyog Vihar Sistema Shyam TeleServices Ltd(MTS India) 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Alcatel Lucent India Ltd DLF Cyber Greens, 14th & 15th Floors, Alvarion Ltd 4th Floor, No. 345,Udyog Vihar Phase II, Buongiorno India Aa-1, Enkay Centre Ciena India Pvt Ltd Plot Number 14, Sector 32 COLT Technology Services India Pvt Ltd Unitech Business Park COLT Technology Services India Pvt Ltd Unitech Business Park Equant Solutions India Pvt Ltd (Orange Business 7th Services) Floor, Tower C, Infinity Towers, DLF Phase II Ericsson India Pvt Ltd Dlf Cybercity Sector-25A,60 Mtr. Sector Road Fujitsu India Ltd 15th Floor,Building No 9A Phase III,DLF Cyber City Hughes Communications India Ltd Plot No 1, Sector 18, Electronic City JDSU India Pvt Ltd 598 Udyog Vihar, Phase V Nokia India Pvt Ltd 1st & 2nd Floor, Tower A Olive Telecommunication 862 Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications India Pvt Time Ltd Tower 1st Floor Office No 104 MG Road Sec -28 Tellabs India Pvt Ltd 77-A, Sector 18, IFFCO Road Unitech Wireless Tamil Nadu Pvt Ltd (Uninor) Master Peace Buliding, Golf Course Road Unitech Wireless Tamil Nadu Pvt Ltd (Uninor) Master Peace Buliding, Golf Course Road Vanu India Pvt Ltd Level 4, Augusta Point, DLF Golf Course Road, Sector 53 ZTE Telecom India Pvt Ltd DLF Cyber City, Building No.10, Phase-IInd, 6th Floor, Tower Aryan Technologies & Telecom Pvt Ltd 3811/1711, Prem Nagar, Old Delhi Road, Nr Raj Cinema CordiaLT Communications Pvt Ltd 708, 7th Floor, Iris Tech Park, Sohna Road Viva Mobile Technologies Pvt Ltd F -52 Basement, South City-1 Viva Mobile Technologies Pvt Ltd F -52 Basement, South City-1 Vrinda Nano Technologies Pvt Ltd 213, Sec.7, IMT Manesar vRock Mobile Communications Pvt Ltd 1004,10th floor,BPTP Park,Centra

Address Line 1
DLF Square, 19th Floor, M-Block,Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase-II DLF Square, 19th Floor, M-Block,Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase-II Udhyog Vihar, Phase IV Udhyog Vihar, Phase IV Udhyog Vihar, Phase IV Plot No-2, Sector-34, Hero Honda Chowk, Gurgaon Plot No-2, Sector-34, Hero Honda Chowk, Gurgaon Bldg No-10-A, 2nd Flr, Dlf Cyber City 879, Udyog Vihar, Phase V 879, Udyog Vihar, Phase V 1st Floor Plot No 16, Udyog Vihar Phase - IV 1st Floor Plot No 16, Udyog Vihar Phase - IV 77A, Sector 18, IFFCO Road Dlf Cyber City, Bldg. No.-10 A, 4'th Floor Dlf Cyber City, Bldg. No.-10 A, 4'th Floor 475, Udyog Vihar, Phase V 475, Udyog Vihar, Phase V Plot No. 121, Sector 5, IMT Manesar Plot No. 121, Sector 5, IMT Manesar Micromax House, 697, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V, Ground Floor Sushant Lok, Sector-27 B-27, Infocity, Sector - 34 B-27, Infocity, Sector - 34 1st Floor, Tower - B ,Unitech Cyberpark, Sector 39 246, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV 246, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV 246, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, P No-356, Udyog Vihar, PH-4, 21-B, Sector 18, Udyog Vihar 21-B, Sector 18, Udyog Vihar Plot No 301, PH-3, Udyog Vihar 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Tower C, Phase-III DLF City 4th Floor, No. 345,Udyog Vihar Phase II, Udyog Vihar, Phase 5 Plot Number 14, Sector 32 Tower B, South City - 1 Tower B, South City - 1 7th Floor, Tower C, Infinity Towers, DLF Phase II Dlf Cybercity Sector-25A,60 Mtr. Sector Road 15th Floor,Building No 9A Phase III,DLF Cyber City Plot No 1, Sector 18, Electronic City 598 Udyog Vihar, Phase V SP Infocity Industrial Plot No-243, Udyog Vihar Phase-1 862 Udyog Vihar, Phase 5, Time Tower 1st Floor Office No 104 MG Road Sec -28 77-A, Sector 18, IFFCO Road Opp. Of IBES Hotel, Sector-53 Opp. Of IBES Hotel, Sector-53 Level 4, Augusta Point, DLF Golf Course Road, Sector 53 DLF Cyber City, Building No.10, Phase-IInd, 6th Floor, Tower 3811/1711, Prem Nagar, Old Delhi Road, Nr Raj Cinema 708, 7th Floor, Iris Tech Park, Sohna Road F -52 Basement, South City-1 F -52 Basement, South City-1 213, Sec.7, IMT Manesar H-8 Sector 30

4093333 2560500 4093333 2560500 4222222 4222222 4222222 4817000 4817777 4817000 4817777 4765000 4765100 4002275 4002274 4002275 4002274 4823500 4823500 4349000 2347030 4296766 4289344 4296766 4289344 6768500 6768600 6768500 6768600 4633500 4633500 4009600 4009602 4525100 3054600 3054675 3054600 3054675 4740000 4311727 4311600 4311727 4311600 4311727 4311600 4812500 4812503 4812500 4812503 4812500 4812503 4566400 4566425 3092000 3092000 4987400 4812500 4812503 4159999 4003862 4730808 4340500 4157000 4157000 4358000 4080808 2701300 4705100 3072500 4511211 4833000 4648000 4625055 2397745 4112227-9 3329000 3329000 4354229 4323000 4303725 4085126 4085127 4320600 4320666 4034224 4034224 4312345 4770900

www.agcnetworks.com www.agcnetworks.com www.airtel.in www.airtel.in www.airtel.in www.acmetelepower.com www.acmetelepower.com www.aircel.co.in www.axistelecominc.com www.axistelecominc.com www.beetel.in www.beetel.in www.fibcom.com industowers.com industowers.com www.lambdagroup.co.in www.lambdagroup.co.in www.luminousteleinfra.com www.luminousteleinfra.com www.micromaxinfo.com www.mvl.in/mvlmobile www.consultnutek.com www.consultnutek.com www.stel.in www.shyamtelecom.com www.shyamtelecom.com www.shyamtelecom.com www.mtsindia.in www.mtsindia.in www.mtsindia.in www.tower-vision.com www.indiamobility.com www.indiamobility.com www.wynntelecom.com www.mtsindia.in www.alcatel-lucent.com www.alvarion.com www.buongiorno.com www.ciena.com www.colt.net www.colt.net www.mnc.orange-business.com www.ericsson.co.in www.fujitsu.com www.hughes.in www.jdsu.com www.nokia.co.in www.olive.net www.sonyericsson.com www.tellabs.com www.uninor.in www.uninor.in www.vanu.com www.zte.com.cn www.cordialt.com www.vivaphones.com www.vivaphones.com www.vnt.in www.vrockmobile.com


info@acme.in info@acme.in hr@axistelecominc.com hr@axistelecominc.com

sales@fibcom.com info@industowers.com info@industowers.com info@lambdagroup.co.in info@lambdagroup.co.in

customercare@mvl.in post@consultnutek.com post@consultnutek.com

marcom@mtsindia.in marcom@mtsindia.in marcom@mtsindia.in info@tower-vision.com career@indiamobility.com career@indiamobility.com marcom@mtsindia.in indiacomms@alcatel-lucent.com san.gop@alvarion.com

info@colt.net info@colt.net india.enquiry@orange-ftgroup.com info@fujitsu-india.com contactus@hughes.in sales.india@jdsu.com

care@uninor.in care@uninor.in info@vanu.com india@zte.com.cn hpservice@aryantechonline.com enquiry@cordialt.com info@vivaphones.com info@vivaphones.com info@vnt.in

Company Name
Spice Mobiles Ltd D-1, Sector-3 D-1, Sector-3 Spice Mobiles Ltd Spice Communications Ltd (Idea Cellular) D-1, Sector 3 Gautam Budh Nagar Wire & Wireless India Ltd Building No: FC 9, Gate No -3 Wire & Wireless India Ltd Building No: FC 9, Gate No -3 Coral Telecom Ltd E 2 Sec 63 HCL InfiNet Ltd E-4,5 & 6, Sector 11 One97 Communications Pvt Ltd B 121, Sector 5 Procall Pvt Ltd FC-19, 2'nd Floor, Sector- 16-A Smart Chip Ltd((A Sagem Orga Company) D - 216, Sector 63 Spice Digital Ltd D 1, Sector - 3 Spice Digital Ltd D 1, Sector - 3 Spice Digital Ltd D 1, Sector - 3 Teracom Ltd Teracom House, B-84, Sector-60 Genband Technologies Pvt Ltd C 42, Sector 58 Gilat Satellite Networks (India) Pvt Ltd. H- 151, Sector - 63, Gilat Satellite Networks (India) Pvt Ltd. H- 151, Sector - 63, Linkquest Telecom Pvt Ltd G-25, Sector- 3 Linkquest Telecom Pvt Ltd G-25, Sector- 3 Polycom (UK) Ltd GHCL Building, 4th Floor, B - 38, Sector 1 Syscom Corporation Ltd (A Sagem Orga Company) D-216, Sector 63 Telesoft Technologies Ltd Building FC-24,Sector 16A Acetel Technologies Pvt Ltd D-46, Sector- 59 Ascent Telecom A-1, 3rd Floor, Sector-10, Noida, UP Ascent Telecom A-1, 3rd Floor, Sector-10, Noida, UP Lava International Ltd A-56, Sector 64 Lava International Ltd A-56, Sector 64 Spice Labs Pvt Ltd D-1, Sector 3 Spice Labs Pvt Ltd D-1, Sector 3

Address Line 1

4363600 4363800 4363600 4363800 4363600 4526700 4526749 4526700 4526749 4035800 4035841 2526519 2520977 4770770 4693300 4693333 4072600 4363600 4672327 4363600 4672327 4363600 4672327 3021003 3021004 2588272 2588139 2582323 4670600 4670600 4634000 4634000 3091600 4699900 4660300 4511300 4284994 4276602 4284994 4276602 4637100 4637333 4637100 4637333 4035646 4035646

www.spice-mobile.com www.spice-mobile.com www.spiceindia.com www.wwil.net www.wwil.net www.coraltele.com www.hclinfinet.com www.one97world.com www.procall.in www.smartchiponline.com www.spicecorp.in/SpiceDigital www.spicecorp.in/SpiceDigital www.spicecorp.in/SpiceDigital www.teracom.in www.genband.com www.gilat.com www.gilat.com www.linkquestindia.com www.linkquestindia.com www.polycom.co.in www.smartchiponline.com www.telesoft-technologies.com www.aceteltechnologies.com www.ascenttelecom.com www.ascenttelecom.com www.lavamobiles.com www.lavamobiles.com www.spicelabs.in www.spicelabs.in

Sector 16 A, First Floor, Film City Sector 16 A, First Floor, Film City

marketing@spicemobile.in marketing@spicemobile.in feedback@wwil.net feedback@wwil.net corporate@coraltele.com corpinfo@hclinfinet.net info@one97.net corpcomm@agrani.esselgroup.com mwebmaster@cellebrum.com mwebmaster@cellebrum.com mwebmaster@cellebrum.com

info.india@gilat.com info.india@gilat.com info@linkquest.biz info@linkquest.biz info@polycom.com

info@aceteltechnologies.com general@ascenttelecom.com general@ascenttelecom.com info@lavainternational.in info@lavainternational.in info@spicelabs.in info@spicelabs.in

Company Name

MIRC Electronics Ltd (ONIDA) Onida House,G-1,MIDC,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri(E) MIRC Electronics Ltd (ONIDA) Onida House,G-1,MIDC,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri(E) MIRC Electronics Ltd (ONIDA) Onida House,G-1,MIDC,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri(E) Reliance Communications Ltd (Group HQ) Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Thane Belapur Road, Kopar Khairne IDEA Cellular Ltd (Aditya Birla Group) 5th Floor,Widsor,Kalina,Santa Cruz(East) IDEA Cellular Ltd (Aditya Birla Group) 5th Floor,Widsor,Kalina,Santa Cruz(East) Tata Communications Ltd Plot No -C 21 NC -36 G block Bandra Kurla Complex Tata Teleservices Maharashtra Ltd(TTML) D/26, MIDC Road, TTC Industrial Area, Near S. K. Bajaj, Tuphra Tata Teleservices Maharashtra Ltd(TTML) D/26, MIDC Road, TTC Industrial Area, Near S. K. Bajaj, Tuphra GTL Infrastructure Ltd Maestros House, MIDC Building No. 2,Sector No. 2, GTL Infrastructure Ltd Maestros House, MIDC Building No. 2,Sector No. 2, Arya Communications & Electronics Services Pvt. 12/A, Ltd Karmayog, Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri (East) BSNL Telecom Factory Chief General Manager, Telecom Factory Cellent Technologies 107/108, Mittal Chambers, Nariman Point, Commtel Networks Pvt Ltd 23, White Castle, 34-35, Union Park, Chembur Essar Telecom Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Essar Techno Park,Building- B, Hathway Cable and Datacom Pvt Ltd Rahejas, 4th Floor, Main Avenue Santacruz, West Hathway Cable and Datacom Pvt Ltd Rahejas, 4th Floor, Main Avenue Santacruz, West Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt Ltd(Hungama F-1, First Floor, Mobile) Laxmi Woollen Mills Estate, Shakti Mills Lane Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt Ltd(Hungama F-1, First Floor, Mobile) Laxmi Woollen Mills Estate, Shakti Mills Lane IOL Netcom Ltd 601,Raheja Centre, Nariman Point Loop Mobile India Ltd 127 Barkha Theatre Cmpd,Manmala Tank Road, Taikalwadi, Mahim Maxx Mobile Communications Ltd 106, Chawda Commercial Centre Microqual Techno Pvt Ltd 3rd Floor, Techweb Center, Microqual Techno Pvt Ltd 3rd Floor, Techweb Center, Microqual Techno Pvt Ltd 3rd Floor, Techweb Center, Revmax Group of Companies 303, 304, 3'rd Floor, Bldg. No. 5, Sector-3 Tata Teleservices Ltd A, E & F Blocks, Voltas Premises Tata Teleservices Ltd A, E & F Blocks, Voltas Premises Tatanet EL-6, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Electronic Zone, Mahape, Navi Mumbai Tikona Digital Networks Pvt Ltd 'Corpora' Building, Office 3A, 3rd Floor Uniconnect SIM Pvt Ltd 602-604, Midas Chambers, Uniconnect SIM Pvt Ltd 602-604, Midas Chambers, Vodafone Essar Ltd Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Vodafone Essar Ltd Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Wowtel Communications (ACI Infocom) 217-218, Vasan Udyog Bhavan YOU Broadband & Cable India Ltd Plot No 54, Marol Co-op Industrial Area American Tower Corporation(ATC India) 404, 4thFloor, Skyline Icon Tower, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(E) Chorus Call Conferencing Services India Pvt Ltd 205/206 Vaibhav Chambers,Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra East ECI Telecom India Pvt Ltd Universal Business Park, 5th Floor, B Wing, Chandivali Farm Road,, Near Kamani Oil Mill, Saki Naka, Andheri (Eas Etisalat DB Telecom India Pvt Ltd Infinity Towers, 5'th Floor, Kathrein India Pvt Ltd 4-B4, 3rd Floor, Industry Manor, Prabhadevi TCL India Holdings Pvt Ltd Marwah Centre, 3rd Floor, Krishanlal Marwah Marg, Off Saki Vihar Road Trend Communications India Pvt Ltd C-207, Twin Arcade, Military Road Marol, Andheri (E) Adino Telecom Ltd C/O Onida, 13 B, Mahal Industrial Estate, Opp. Mahakali cave Road, Andheri East Adino Telecom Ltd C/O Onida, 13 B, Mahal Industrial Estate, Opp. Mahakali cave Road, Andheri East Aerial Services Pvt Ltd(Dealer Garmin) La Gardenia, 3rd Floor,16th Road, Opp. Guru Nanak Park, Belifal Innovations & Technologies Pvt Ltd 4 Kondubai Wadi, Opp. Old Passport Office Datacom Products India Pvt Ltd 214, Champaklal Ind. Estate,105 ETouch Mobile Pvt Ltd 316-320, Bhaveshwar Arcade Hyoela Comsci Pvt Ltd 502, Dheeraj Swapna,Pali Naka, Pali Road, Mobile2win India Pvt Ltd Eco Space Building, I.T Park, Old Nagar Das Road, Mogra Village, Andheri (East) Netcore Solutions Pvt Ltd 402 Peninsula Chambers, Nr Peninsula Corporate Park,Lower Parel West Planet41 Mobi-Venture Ltd 110,128, Linkway Estate,New Link Road, Quick Calls Pvt. Ltd(Agrani) Unit no 7, 1st floor of B Wing, Wilcom Technologies Pvt Ltd B - 421, City Mall, Sector - 19, Vashi-Turbhe Road, Vashi, Smartalk Pvt Ltd unit no. 7, Paradigm-B, Ist Fl., MindSpace, Malad(W), Malad

Address Line 1


Onida House,G-1,MIDC,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri(E) 66975777 28200435 Onida House,G-1,MIDC,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri(E) 66975777 28200435 Onida House,G-1,MIDC,Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri(E) 66975777 28200435 Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Thane Belapur Road, Kopar Khairne 30373333 44770000 5th Floor,Widsor,Kalina,Santa Cruz(East) 66820000 9594004000 5th Floor,Widsor,Kalina,Santa Cruz(East) 66820000 9594004000 Vidya nagari Post Office bandra East Mumbai 66578765 D/26, MIDC Road, TTC Industrial Area, Near S. K. Bajaj, Tuphra 66615111 66615292 D/26, MIDC Road, TTC Industrial Area, Near S. K. Bajaj, Tuphra 66615111 66615292 Millennium Business Park, Mahape 39112300 22613010 Millennium Business Park, Mahape 39112300 22613010 12/A, Karmayog, Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri (East) 61465151 26836871 Chief General Manager, Telecom Factory 25563031 25563046 107/108, Mittal Chambers, Nariman Point, 22813137 23, White Castle, 34-35, Union Park, Chembur 25201210 2nd Floor, BKC- LBS Road Junction,Kurla (W 67335000 Rahejas, 4th Floor, Main Avenue Santacruz, West 26001306 66623333 Rahejas, 4th Floor, Main Avenue Santacruz, West 26001306 66623333 Off. Dr.E.Moses Road, Mahalaxmi 24903344 Off. Dr.E.Moses Road, Mahalaxmi 24903344 601,Raheja Centre, Nariman Point 9223786790 127 Barkha Theatre Cmpd,Manmala Tank Road, Taikalwadi, Mahim 24371777 24323777 Chincholi, Link Road, Malad(West) 40734444 Oshiwara Behrambaug,Off New Link Rd., Jogeshwari (W), 40741515 Oshiwara Behrambaug,Off New Link Rd., Jogeshwari (W), 40741515 Oshiwara Behrambaug,Off New Link Rd., Jogeshwari (W), 40741515 Milenium Business Park, Mahape, New Mumbai 32918340 T. B. Kadam Marg, Chinchpokli 66671414 T. B. Kadam Marg, Chinchpokli 66671414 EL-6, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Electronic Zone, Mahape, Navi Mumbai 67918728 66384509 LBS Marg, Bhandup (West) 67840000 Opp Laxmi Ind Estate, Off Link Road,Andheri ( W ) 40988555 40988666 Opp Laxmi Ind Estate, Off Link Road,Andheri ( W ) 40988555 40988666 Mumbai 9619215000 Mumbai 9619215000 Opp. High Street Phoenix, Lower Parel (West) 40371911 Makwana, Off Andheri Kurla Road, In the lane of Shemaroo 40190000 404, 4thFloor, Skyline Icon Tower, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri(E) 40082700 205/206 Vaibhav Chambers,Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra East 30651111 Universal Business Park, 5th Floor, B Wing, Chandivali Farm Road,, Near Kamani Oil Mill, Saki67155555 Naka, Andheri (East) Infinity Towers, 5'th Floor, 67858888 4-B4, 3rd Floor, Industry Manor, Prabhadevi 66526600 Opp Ansa Industrial Estate 40080600 C-207, Twin Arcade, Military Road Marol, Andheri (E) 29203409 29203431 C/O Onida, 13 B, Mahal Industrial Estate, Opp. Mahakali cave Road, Andheri East 66044600 C/O Onida, 13 B, Mahal Industrial Estate, Opp. Mahakali cave Road, Andheri East 66044600 Bandra (West) 26434483 26434484 Behind Ravi BP Petrol Pump, Sasmira Marg,Worli 20513555 Sion Koliwada Road, Sion - East 24061000 40721000 B Wing, LBS Marg, Ghatkopar (W) 42056000 Bandra West 26415005 Eco Space Building, I.T Park, Old Nagar Das Road, Mogra Village, Andheri (East) 42153497 402 Peninsula Chambers, Nr Peninsula Corporate Park,Lower Parel West 66628000 Malad West 40964141 Mind Space, Malad link road, Malad west 67040280 67040282 B - 421, City Mall, Sector - 19, Vashi-Turbhe Road, Vashi, 27841340 unit no. 7, Paradigm-B, Ist Fl., MindSpace, Malad(W), Malad 28449873/74 27572920

www.onida.com www.onida.com www.onida.com www.rcom.co.in www.ideacellular.com www.ideacellular.com www.tatacommunications.com www.tataindicom.com www.tataindicom.com www.gtlinfra.com www.gtlinfra.com www.aryacom.com www.tfmumbai.bsnl.co.in www.cellent.com www.commtelnetworks.com www.essarteleinfra.com www.hathway.com www.hathway.com www.hungamamobile.com www.hungamamobile.com www.iolnetcom.com www.loopmobile.in www.maxxmobile.in www.microqual.com www.microqual.com www.microqual.com www.revmax.co.in www.tataindicom.com www.tataindicom.com www.tatanet.co.in www.tikona.in www.uniconnect.in www.uniconnect.in www.vodafone.in www.vodafone.in www.wowtel.in www.youtele.com www.americantower.com www.choruscall.com www.ecitele.com www.etisalat.ae www.kathrein.co.in www.tcl.com www.trendcomms.com www.adinotelecom.com www.adinotelecom.com www.asplindia.in www.kumaar.com www.datacom.co.in www.etouchmobile.net www.mobile2win.com www.netcore.co.in www.planet41.com www.wilcom.co.in

response@onida.com response@onida.com response@onida.com rworld.feedback@relianceinfo.com


custq@gtlinfra.com custq@gtlinfra.com info@aryacom.com

info@commtelnetworks.com cinechannel@hathway.net cinechannel@hathway.net mobile@hungama.com mobile@hungama.com iol@iolbroadband.com redressal.mum@bplmail.com info@maxxmobile.in sales@microqual.com sales@microqual.com sales@microqual.com info@revmax.co.in

sales@tatanet.co.in sales@tikona.in info@uniconnect.in info@uniconnect.in

sales@wowtel.in customercare.srt@youtelecom.com

In.Support@ecitele.com sales@kathrein.co.in tclindia.hr@tcl.com info@trendcommsindia.com adino@vsnl.com adino@vsnl.com


feedback@Mobile2Win.com rashmi@netcore.co.in info@planet41.com corpcomm@agrani.esselgroup.com sales@wilcom.co.in

Company Name
Onmobile Global Ltd #26, Bannerghatta Road, J. P. Nagar, Phase III, India Telecom Infra Ltd Bagmane Laurel B Block India Telecom Infra Ltd Bagmane Laurel B Block ITI Ltd ITI Bhavan, Doorvaninagar Karuturi Telecom Pvt Ltd #204, Embassy Centre, 11, Crescent Road, Karuturi Telecom Pvt Ltd #204, Embassy Centre, 11, Crescent Road, SRV Telecom Pvt Ltd 31/5, Left of Magadi Main Road TVS Interconnect Systems Ltd Bagmane Tech Park, Bagmane Laurel Level 7 (6th Floor), C. V. Raman Nagar TVS Interconnect Systems Ltd Bagmane Tech Park, Bagmane Laurel Level 7 (6th Floor), C. V. Raman Nagar United Telelinks Bangalore Pvt Ltd(Karbonn) 39/13, off 7th Main, HAL 2nd stage ADC India Communications and Infotech Pvt Ltd 'Gurudas Heritage', Block-B, Kadrenahalli, 100 Airvana Networks India Pvt Ltd 1st Floor, B Wing, Block A Salarpuria Softzone Survey Nos.80/1, 81/1 & Anritsu Pte Ltd 3rd Floor, Shri Lakshminarayan Niwas, 2726, 80 ft Road, HAL 3rd Stage Aviat Networks 1st Floor, Salarpuria Touchstone Aviat Networks 1st Floor, Salarpuria Touchstone Digi M2M Solutions India Pvt Ltd 52/A, 100 Feet Road, 4th Block Koramangala Intercall No 11, Adam Chambers Mach India Pvt Ltd MP Krishna Mansions 18, 1st Cross, Industrial Main Road Mach India Pvt Ltd MP Krishna Mansions 18, 1st Cross, Industrial Main Road Mindtree Wireless Pvt Ltd Global Village Campus,Mylasandra Village Pacific Internet India Pvt Ltd (PACNET) Unit 2, First floor, Innovator Block PMC-Sierra India Pvt Ltd Cyber Park First Floor, Phase 1 Electronic City Spirent Communications India Pvt Ltd 1 SJR Primus, 3rd Floor CEM Solutions Pvt Ltd Adarsh Eco Place, 176, Ground Floor ConnectM Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd 4th Floor, KMJ Arcadia, No.15 (Old No.310/2), Devas Multimedia Pvt Ltd Prema Gardenia, 2nd Floor Devas Multimedia Pvt Ltd Prema Gardenia, 2nd Floor Hunolabs Communications Pvt Ltd # 51, 1st Floor, Infantry Road Cross, Resource Communications Pvt Ltd 48, Yamunabai Road, Madhavanagar,Highgrounds Signal Networks Pvt Ltd No 12 Kalpataru Apartments Sloka Telecom L-66, XI Sector, LIC Colony, Jeevanbhimanagar, HAL 3rd Stage Soremi Corporation Infosense 3,No.6 Boopasandra Main Road,Boopasandra TeleDNA Communications Pvt Ltd No. 23 & 24, 2nd Floor TELiBrahma Convergent Communications Pvt. Ltd #54, Nagasandra Circle, South End Road, Basavanagudi,

Address Line 1
#26, Bannerghatta Road, J. P. Nagar, Phase III, 6th Floor, 7th Level, Bagmane Tech Park,C.V.Raman Nagar, 6th Floor, 7th Level, Bagmane Tech Park,C.V.Raman Nagar, ITI Bhavan, Doorvaninagar Bangalore Bangalore 31/5, Left of Magadi Main Road Bagmane Tech Park, Bagmane Laurel Level 7 (6th Floor), C. V. Raman Nagar Bagmane Tech Park, Bagmane Laurel Level 7 (6th Floor), C. V. Raman Nagar Appareddy Playa, Indiranagar feet ring road, Banashankari 2nd Stage 81/2 BellandurVillage,Varthur Hobli, (Outer Ring Road) 3rd Floor, Shri Lakshminarayan Niwas, 2726, 80 ft Road, HAL 3rd Stage Marthahalli - Sarjapur Outer Ring Road Marthahalli - Sarjapur Outer Ring Road 52/A, 100 Feet Road, 4th Block Koramangala Level 2, Richmond Road 5th Block Kormangala 5th Block Kormangala , RVCE College PostOff Mysore Road International Technology Park,Whitefield Road Cyber Park First Floor, Phase 1 Electronic City 7th Block, Koromangla Industrial Layout EPIP Industrial Area, Kundalahalli, KR Puram Hobali, Whitefield 5th Block, Koramangala 357/6 1st Cross,1st Block Jayanagar 357/6 1st Cross,1st Block Jayanagar Behind Medinova Diagnostic Centre, Infantry Road 48, Yamunabai Road, Madhavanagar,Highgrounds Race Course Cross Road, Madhavanagar L-66, XI Sector, LIC Colony, Jeevanbhimanagar, HAL 3rd Stage Infosense 3,No.6 Boopasandra Main Road,Boopasandra AMR Tech Park,Hosur Road #54, Nagasandra Circle, South End Road, Basavanagudi,

41802500 67179000 67179000 25614466 40809000 40809000 23400712 23400663 67179000 67179000 41378858 30481500 30481501 66189300 40581300 25639846 25639846 41512000 22111988 30771300 41911200 30771300 41911200 40176000 66166409 66166406 41827000 41827100 41233421 40540404 41515998 67127500 67127501 66511000 66511000 9686823911 42109665 22281454 22280820 41781000 22260077 25210669 42828828 66661130 - 31 41209605

www.onmobile.com www.indiateleinfra.com www.indiateleinfra.com www.itiltd-india.com www.karuturi.com www.karuturi.com www.srv.co.in www.tvsics.com www.tvsics.com www.karbonnmobiles.com www.adc.com www.airvana.com www.anritsu.com www.aviatnetworks.com www.aviatnetworks.com www.mobiapps.com www.intercallapac.com www.mach.com www.mach.com www.kyocera-wireless.com www.pacific.net.in www.pmc-sierra.com www.spirentcom.com www.cem-solutions.net www.connectm.com www.devasmedia.com www.devasmedia.com www.hunolabs.in www.resourcedesign.co.in www.signal-networks.com www.slokatelecom.com www.soremi.com www.teledna.com www.telibrahma.com

sales@onmobile.com businessenquiry@indiateleinfra.com businessenquiry@indiateleinfra.com dgm_robg@itiltd.co.in



sales@pacific.net.in sales@pmc-sierra.com india@spirentcom.com enquiry@cem-solutions.net

contactus@hunolabs.in general@resourcedesign.co.in info@signal-networks.com support@soremi.com info@telibrahma.com

Company Name
Door Sabha Nigam Ltd T4,7th Street, VSI ESTATE, Phase 2, Thiruvanmiyur Door Sabha Nigam Ltd T4,7th Street, VSI ESTATE, Phase 2, Thiruvanmiyur Microsense Pvt Ltd 5/24, 1st Main Road Kalaimagal Nagar Air2Web India Pvt Ltd 4-F, P.M. Towers, 37, Greams Road KIT Digital 58, Electrical & Electronics Industrial Estate Perungudi Mobile-Worx Pvt Ltd No. 71/1,3rd Floor,McNichols Road,Chetpet Mobile-Worx Pvt Ltd No. 71/1,3rd Floor,McNichols Road,Chetpet Mobile-Worx Pvt Ltd No. 71/1,3rd Floor,McNichols Road,Chetpet Patton Electronics Pvt Ltd Old No. 14 and New No.6,Brahadambal Road,Nungambakkam High Road HexolabsMedia & Technology Pvt Ltd 19, 2ndMain Road,Officers Colony, HexolabsMedia & Technology Pvt Ltd 19, 2ndMain Road,Officers Colony, Nexge Technologies Pvt Ltd B-1, 1st Floor, A Block, Parsn Paradise ProXS Infocomm Ltd Old No. 16 New No. 15, Ground Floor Sterling Telecom & Netsystems Ltd Sterling Tower,327, Anna Salai,Teynampet Astra Microwave Products Ltd Astra Tower Survey no 12/p Kotguda Post Khundpur Hitech City Astra Microwave Products Ltd Astra Tower Survey no 12/p Kotguda Post Khundpur Hitech City Sujana Towers Ltd (Sujana Group) 18 Nagarjuna Hills,Panjagutta Aster Infrastructure Pvt Ltd(AIPL) A-25 / 26 , 2nd Crescent Road, Aster Teleservices Pvt Ltd A-8, 5th Floor, Aishwarya Chambers Aster Teleservices Pvt Ltd A-8, 5th Floor, Aishwarya Chambers Avantel Ltd Plot No. 16, Sector- 3, Opp. K Raheja IT Park, Madhapur Icomm Tele Ltd Trendset Towers, Road No. 2, Banjara Hills IMImobile Pvt Ltd Plot No. 770, Road No. 44, Linkwell Telesystems Pvt Ltd 1-11-252/1/A,Gowra Klassic Wireless TT Info Services Ltd(Tata Teleservices Ltd) 6-3-550, 2nd Floor, LB Bhavan, Somajiguda XL Telecom & Energy Ltd C2 Pooja Plaza, Vikrampuri Colony XL Telecom & Energy Ltd C2 Pooja Plaza, Vikrampuri Colony Powerwave Technologies R&D India Pvt Ltd 401 Block 2 Cyber Pearl, Hitech City, Madhapur XIUS BCGI (Megasoft) 6-3-1192/2/1, Kundanbagh Aishwarya Telecom Ltd 1-3-1026 1027, Singadi Kunta, Kavadi H Apalya Technologies Pvt Ltd Flat No. 205,MGR Estates, Apalya Technologies Pvt Ltd Flat No. 205,MGR Estates, Centrax Telecom LIG-B 38, 1st Floor,Shree Ganesh Jeweller's Lane Jisnu Communications Ltd Flat No. 1355F Road No. 45, Jublee Hills MobileOne Infocom Pvt Ltd 1102, Paigah Plaza, Basheerbagh, Syringa Communications Pvt Ltd Flat no. G-3, 7-1-28/4/1/A, Ram Batra Tower, Near Divya Shakti Towers,Ameerpet TeleCanor Global Ltd 6-3-626, G1 Parameshwara, Anand Nagar Gee Pee Infotech Pvt Ltd 34/1Q, Ballygunge Circular Road Quippo Infrastructure Equipment Ltd Plot No. 32, Mirania Gardens Simoco Telecommunications (South Asia) Ltd Block Ep & Gp, Sector 5, Simoco Telecommunications (South Asia) Ltd Block Ep & Gp, Sector 5, Alliance Broadband Services Pvt Ltd P-89, C.I.T Road , 2nd Floor Alliance Broadband Services Pvt Ltd P-89, C.I.T Road , 2nd Floor

Address Line 1
T4,7th Street, VSI ESTATE, Phase 2, Thiruvanmiyur T4,7th Street, VSI ESTATE, Phase 2, Thiruvanmiyur 5/24, 1st Main Road Kalaimagal Nagar 4-F, P.M. Towers, 37, Greams Road 58, Electrical & Electronics Industrial Estate Perungudi No. 71/1,3rd Floor,McNichols Road,Chetpet No. 71/1,3rd Floor,McNichols Road,Chetpet No. 71/1,3rd Floor,McNichols Road,Chetpet Old No. 14 and New No.6,Brahadambal Road,Nungambakkam High Road Adambakkam, Adambakkam, 46/109, G N Chetty Road,T Nagar Kanniah Street, T Nagar Sterling Tower,327, Anna Salai,Teynampet Astra Tower Survey no 12/p Kotguda Post Khundpur Hitech City Astra Tower Survey no 12/p Kotguda Post Khundpur Hitech City 18 Nagarjuna Hills,Panjagutta Sainikpuri A.S.Rao Nagar A.S.Rao Nagar Plot No. 16, Sector- 3, Opp. K Raheja IT Park, Madhapur Trendset Towers, Road No. 2, Banjara Hills adjacent to the State Art Gallery, Jubilee Hills Behind Shopper's Stop,Begumpet, 6-3-550, 2nd Floor, LB Bhavan, Somajiguda C2 Pooja Plaza, Vikrampuri Colony C2 Pooja Plaza, Vikrampuri Colony 401 Block 2 Cyber Pearl, Hitech City, Madhapur Begumpet 1-3-1026 1027, Singadi Kunta, Kavadi H Dwarikapuri Colony, Near Model House,Punjagutta Dwarikapuri Colony, Near Model House,Punjagutta Dr. A.S.Rao Nagar Flat No. 1355F Road No. 45, Jublee Hills 1102, Paigah Plaza, Basheerbagh, Flat no. G-3, 7-1-28/4/1/A, Ram Batra Tower, Near Divya Shakti Towers,Ameerpet 6-3-626, G1 Parameshwara, Anand Nagar 34/1Q, Ballygunge Circular Road Ground Floor, 11/1C, East Topsia Road, Salt Lake Electronics Complex,, Sech Bhawan Salt Lake Electronics Complex,, Sech Bhawan P-89, C.I.T Road , 2nd Floor P-89, C.I.T Road , 2nd Floor

Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 33 33 33 33 33 33

24541800 24541800 43542717 43542719 28294461 28294462 24960227 24960702 42857183 64576181 42857183 64576181 42857183 64576181 45490395 45525160 45525160 65271155 43502005 24313001 - 15 30618000 23312160 30618000 23312160 23351882 23351885 27110578 27100433 27130273 27130273 23115050 23115051 23552222 23555945 23555945 23310233 66388000 66447678 27775500 27775500 40351111 9000345439 40330000 27531324 27531325 40123943 23352547 40123943 23352547 27162456 23544805 23212374 66109935 23305484 23322709 24760931 61607734 23575584 23575584 39837800 22274223 39837800 22274223

www.dsnl.co.in www.dsnl.co.in www.microsenseindia.com www.air2web.com www.benchmark-broadcast.com www.zestadz.com www.zestadz.com www.zestadz.com www.patton.in www.hexolabs.com www.hexolabs.com www.nexge.com www.proxsinfo.com www.astramwp.com www.astramwp.com www.sujana.com www.aipl.net www.atspl.com www.atspl.com www.avantel.in www.icommtele.com www.imimobile.com www.visiontek.co.in www.wttil.com www.xltelenergy.com www.xltelenergy.com www.powerwave.com www.xius-bcgi.com www.aishwaryatelecom.com www.mimobi.tv www.mimobi.tv www.centrexindia.com www.jisnu.com www.mobileone.in www.callanywhere.co.in www.telecanor.com www.geepee.biz www.quippoworld.com www.simoco.net www.simoco.net www.alliancekolkata.com www.alliancekolkata.com


kailash@microsenseindia.com support@air2web.co.in info@benchmark-broadcast.com india@mobile-worx.com india@mobile-worx.com india@mobile-worx.com sales@patton.co.in info@hexolabs.com info@hexolabs.com sales@nexge.com info@proxsinfo.com info@stnl.org info@astramwp.com info@astramwp.com info.stl@sujana.com info@aipl.net info@atspl.com info@atspl.com sales@avantelsoftech.com sales@imimobile.com

info@xltelenergy.com info@xltelenergy.com

sales@aishwaryatelecom.com contact@apalya.com contact@apalya.com info@centrexindia.com suseedvr@hd2.dot.net.in corporate@mobileone.in sales@callanywhere.co.in geepee@geepee.biz sales@quippoworld.com shibaniroy22@yahoo.co.in shibaniroy22@yahoo.co.in abspl@alliancekolkata.com abspl@alliancekolkata.com

Company Name
Intellicon Pvt Ltd B-404, Shivalik Plaza,Opp. AMA, Panjrapole Infinium India Ltd 9th Floor, Shitiratna,C.G.Road, Panchawati Shakti Group of Companies Plot No. 33-C, Sector-H, Industrial Area, Ortel Communications Ltd C1, Chandrasekharpur, Behind RMRC, B.D.A. Colony,, Punjab Communications Ltd B-91, Phase-VIII, Industrial Area,S.A.S. Nagar Modern Communication and Broadcast Systems B Pvt - 138/139, Ltd (MCBS) GIDC Electronics Estate, Sector-25, Gandhinager Modern Communication and Broadcast Systems B Pvt - 138/139, Ltd (MCBS) GIDC Electronics Estate, Sector-25, Gandhinager Andrew Telecommunications India Pvt Ltd(CommScope) Plot No.- N2, Phase-4, Verna Indu Estate, Verna, Salcete LG Electronics India Pvt Ltd P NO - 51,Surajpur Kasna RD, Udyog Vihar LG Electronics India Pvt Ltd P NO - 51,Surajpur Kasna RD, Udyog Vihar Accord Communications Ltd 2-3B, Kanohar Lal Market, Sharda Road HFCL Infotel Ltd B-71, Industrial Area, Phase 7 HFCL Infotel Ltd B-71, Industrial Area, Phase 7 Orpat Group(Ajanta Ltd) Orpat Industrial Estate, Rajkot Highway Orpat Group(Ajanta Ltd) Orpat Industrial Estate, Rajkot Highway Bihar Telecom Circle Sanchar Sadan, Sanchar Parisar, Budh Marg Arya Omnitalk Wireless Solutions Pvt. Ltd 3rd Floor, LingField Plaza,S.No. 66/67, Wanowrie,Salunke Vihar Road Syntel (The Arvind Mills Ltd) Survey No.33/1, Kondhwa Pisoli Road AVAYA India Pvt Ltd Level 2, Tower 1, Magarpatta Cyber City Wice Net Ltd Media center,4th Floor Byond Technologies 205 Ashoka Arch,Near Nisarg Mangal Karyalay Byond Technologies 205 Ashoka Arch,Near Nisarg Mangal Karyalay Fairdeal Infosystems Pvt Ltd 721/1/1,Davabindu Bunglow,2nd Floor,Prashant Nagar,Navi Peth Telematic Engineers Pvt Ltd 312, Lakshmi Krupa, Behind Sujata Mastani, Vitthal Vadi Vindhya Telelinks Ltd Udyog Vihar Industrial Area, P O Chorhata Surana Telecom & Power Ltd 2nd, 3rd & 5th Floors, Surya Towers, S P Road Nutek Technologies Pvt Ltd 57, Vayupuri InfoTel Communication 41,Raju Towers,Cauvery Nagar South Matrix Telecom Pvt Ltd 394-GIDC,Makarpura Matrix Telecom Pvt Ltd 394-GIDC,Makarpura Matrix Telecom Pvt Ltd 394-GIDC,Makarpura Nomus Comm Systems 601, Gunjan Tower, Off. Alembic-Gorwa Road, Subhanpura

Address Line 1
B-404, Shivalik Plaza,Opp. AMA, Panjrapole 9th Floor, Shitiratna,C.G.Road, Panchawati Govindpura C1, Chandrasekharpur, Behind RMRC, B.D.A. Colony,, B-91, Phase-VIII, Industrial Area,S.A.S. Nagar B - 138/139, GIDC Electronics Estate, Sector-25, Gandhinager B - 138/139, GIDC Electronics Estate, Sector-25, Gandhinager Plot No.- N2, Phase-4, Verna Indu Estate, Verna, Salcete P NO - 51,Surajpur Kasna RD, Udyog Vihar P NO - 51,Surajpur Kasna RD, Udyog Vihar 2-3B, Kanohar Lal Market, Sharda Road B-71, Industrial Area, Phase 7 B-71, Industrial Area, Phase 7 Orpat Industrial Estate, Rajkot Highway Orpat Industrial Estate, Rajkot Highway Sanchar Sadan, Sanchar Parisar, Budh Marg 3rd Floor, LingField Plaza,S.No. 66/67, Wanowrie,Salunke Vihar Road Near Balaji Hotel, Pisoli Hadapsar Sakal Nagar, Baner Road Marketyard, Marketyard, 721/1/1,Davabindu Bunglow,2nd Floor,Prashant Nagar,Navi Peth 312, Lakshmi Krupa, Behind Sujata Mastani, Vitthal Vadi Udyog Vihar Industrial Area, P O Chorhata 2nd, 3rd & 5th Floors, Surya Towers, S P Road Opposite to Bank Of India,Pudukkottai Road 394-GIDC,Makarpura 394-GIDC,Makarpura 394-GIDC,Makarpura 601, Gunjan Tower, Off. Alembic-Gorwa Road, Subhanpura

Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Bhopal Bhubaneswar Chandigarh Gandhinagar Gandhinagar Goa Greater Noida Greater Noida Meerut Mohali Mohali Morbi Morbi Patna Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Pune Rewa Secunderabad Secunderabad Thanjavur Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara Vadodara

Gujarat Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Orissa Chandigarh Gujarat Gujarat Goa Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Punjab Punjab Gujarat Gujarat Bihar Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat

79 79 755 674 172 79 79 832 120 120 121 172 172 2822 2822 612 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7662 40 40 4362 265 265 265 265

30013333 26440364 & 26448479 2587653 4284060 3983200 2237104 2237102 23287295 23287369 23287295 23287369 6685200 6685000 2560941 2560900 2560940 2560941 2560900 2560940 2515123 2515124 5090000 5090000 231445 231444 231445 231444 2220090 2223034 26851072 26934601 30412714 30412764 25666363 25667096 41029633 242019607 41029633 242019607 24530014 32333913 24487970 400400 27845119 27849988 27114749 27113561 647474 2630555 2630555 2630555 2290300, 3083300

www.intellicon.in www.infinium.co.in www.shaktigroupindia.net www.ortel.net www.puncom.com www.mcbsbroadband.com www.mcbsbroadband.com www.commscope.com www.lgindia.com www.lgindia.com www.accordcom.com

corporate@intellicon.in sales@infinium.co.in datasalesbbsr@ortelcom.com marketing@puncom.com sales@mcbsintl.com sales@mcbsintl.com lgservice@lgindia.com lgservice@lgindia.com info@myacl.com

www.orpatgroup.com www.orpatgroup.com www.bihartelecom.com www.aryaomnitalk.com www.synteltelecom.com www.avaya.com www.wicenet.com www.byondtech.com www.byondtech.com www.fairdealtelecom.com www.tepl.com www.vindhyatelelinks.com www.surana.com www.nutektechnologies.com www.infotelcommunication.com www.matrixtelesol.com www.matrixtelesol.com www.matrixtelesol.com www.nomus.in

info@orpatgroup.com info@orpatgroup.com solutions@aryaomnitalk.com indiasales@avaya.com info@wicenet.com enquiry@byontech.com enquiry@byontech.com corporate@fairdealtelecom.com info@tepl.com headoffice@vtlrewa.com info@surana.com info@nutektechnologies.net Sales@MatrixTeleSol.com Sales@MatrixTeleSol.com Sales@MatrixTeleSol.com info@nomus.in

company_code 108,509 201,067 201,067

company_name 1E Infosystems 24/7 Customer (P) Ltd. 24/7 Customer (P) Ltd. 4C Plus Technologies (a division of Four c Plus (Internet) Co. Pvt. Ltd.)

prop_add1 Ground Floor ,Tower C,Logix Techno Park , Front block Modern House 231 Lower Grnd, Grnd and 1st Flr (Main Bldg) B-14, Shashi Gardens 18 C / 28 A C-22/26 195/1, Civil Lines 205, Gupta Archade, Local Shopping Centre, Mayur Vihar, L-11/06, DLF Phase -II, 24, South Park Appartments 310, Block IV, STP Complex 127 A, Ground floor,DDA Complex 3, Ring Road(Near SBI) 102, Electronics City Software Technology Park G - 84, Masjid Moth B - 93 B, Sector - 2 First and Second Floor, Tower C, DLF Infinity Radha Place 264, Okhla Industrail Estate, III Floor, D-1/3, Okhla Industrial Area Ansal Plaza, Vaishali, Sahibabad,

prop_add2 Sector 127 Udyog Vihar, Phase-I Modern House , 231 ,Udyog Vihar, Phase - 1 Ist Floor, Mayur Vihar-I Sarojini Naidu Marg Sector - 57 Opp. Meghdoot Cinema Phse- I Extension

prop_city Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon

Delhi Allahabad Noida Meerut Delhi Gurgaon

200,197 200,451 200,239 200,292

A & A Software Development A 1 Infinity A C E Infosys A R L Softech Pvt. Ltd.

200,629 201,034 200,488 200,098 100,001 200,320 200,682 108,430 201,022 200,778 200,471 200,959 200,207 A R Softech (P) Ltd. A. S. P. Global Works A.D. Softex (India) Pvt.Ltd. A.K Infosys Aakar International Aarman Software Pvt. Ltd. ABC Telecom Pvt. Ltd.(Unit-II) Abhinav Maheshwari ABN AMRO Central Enterprise Services Pvt. Ltd. Abric -e-Calls Pvt Ltd. AbsolutData Research & Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Abstract E Services Pvt.Ltd. Abstract E Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,639 Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property TMP Agents India Pvt. Ltd. 201,132 200,253 Academy of Telecom Management Pvt.Ltd. Accenture Services Pvt. Limited (Unit-II) Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd. Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd. Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd. (Unit- III) 201,174 108,892 108,115 201,074 201,187 200,018 Access Info Solutions India Pvt. Ltd Access Information Technology Accretive Health (P) Ltd. Accretive Health Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-II) Acidaes Solution Pvt. Ltd ACL Wireless Limited 201,037 109,335 109,335 Acme Technologies Pvt.Ltd. Acme Technologies Pvt.Ltd. 4th Floor (3131.50sq.ft.), K-2, Som Datt Towers K-2 Somdatt Towers Sector-18 6th Floor, Sector-18 Noida Noida A-75 Sect-26, 92-G, 3rd Floor, Room No.305308 301 - 306, Centrum Plaza, C-110, Sector-63 A-12, Sector-29 Logix Techno Park, Plot No. 5, 1st Floor, Tower-D, Sector 127 Pratap Complex Sector - 56 Road, Noida New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida S-114 Greater Kailash Part II Lower Ground Floor and 10th Floor, Plot No. 6, Sector127 DLF Cyber City PhasE II Cyber City, New Delhi HL Arcade, 3rd Floor, Plot No. 14 Sector-V (MLU), Dwarka New Delhi

Kalkaji Sector-29 Jhandewalan Extn-1 Lajpat Nagar - IV, Part-I Sector - 18 Greater Kailash - III Towers,Sector - 25, DLF City, Phase - II 78, Rajpur Road Phase - III Phase-II

New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Noida Gurgaon Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi Ghaziabad

Tech Boulevard, Tower-C First floor Tower C Building 8 Tower B, Building No. 8

Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon

201,138 200,803 200,803

Green Boulevard,

2nd Floor, Tower B and C, Plot Noida No. B-9/A, Sec-62

ACME Web Marketing Pvt. Ltd. 200,743

1524, Sector - 17C


109,312 109,312

Acro Technologies (India)Pvt.Ltd Acro Technologies (India)Pvt.Ltd Actis Global Services Pvt. Ltd

3rd Floor, Ramnath Building M - 60 (Basement) Ground, First and Second Floor,

18, Community Centre, Yusuf Sarai Malviya Nagar 11 Golf Links

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi


200,764 109,055

Active Sensing (India) Pvt. Ltd. Adasoft India Pvt. Ltd.

Cabin No. 5 522, Udyog Vihar

A - 4 and 5, Sector - 16 Phase - V Sudharshan Munjal Marg, Kalkaji

Noida Gurgaon

Adecco NIIT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 201,039 108,667 Aditya International

8, Balaji Estate, M-46, Greater Kailash Part- I Adobe Tower -II, 1-1A City Centre I - 1A, City Centre 1-1a, City Centre Tech Boulevard Building

New Delhi New Delhi

108,127 108,127 108,127

Adobe Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Adobe Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Adobe Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Adobe Systems India Pvt. Ltd. (UnitII) Adore Infotech Pvt.Ltd. Adroit Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Adroitec Information Systems Limited Adtel Software Pvt. Ltd Advance E - Services Pvt. Ltd.

Sector-25A Sector - 25 A Sector - 25a Floors 6th, 7th and LGF, Plot No. 6, Sectort-127

Noida Noida Noida Noida


200,616 200,558 108,701 108,199

k-6, First Floor, Lajpat Nagar - II, C 56/9, Sector - 62 1, Navjeevan Vihar C - 56/24 D- 1063, New Friends Colony, E - 372, First Floor, Nirman Vihar Sector - 62

New Delhi Noida New Delhi Noida New Delhi



Advance Enterprise Pvt. Ltd.

Tirupati World Link



Advance Informatics Advantage Learning Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. Advantage Learning Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. Advent Matrix Pvt. Ltd. Advize Media Adya systems & Software Pvt. Ltd. Aegis BPO Services (Gurgaon) Limited Aegis BPO Services Ltd. Agda Control Instrumentation Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd.

D-1070, New Friends Colony, Nsic Bhawan, Okhla Indl Estate NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate Part - I DLF - II Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - III Plot No. 6, Sector - 34 Sector - 3 Part-II Udyog Vihar Indl.Area, Phase-IV

New Delhi


3rd Floor Stp Complex No.201 and 202, IInd Floor, NSICSTP S - 6, Greater Kailash, No. 26, Poorvi Marg Plot No. - 212, 2nd Floor Basement Floor, Ground Floor, 1st to 2nd Floor First Floor, A - 5 E-384, Greater Kailash

New Delhi

108,209 200,789 200,273 200,498

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi

200,279 201,014

Gurgaon Noida New Delhi



Basement, Gr., 1st and IInd Floor



Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilis Information Technologies International Pvt. Ltd. AGLAYA Agnisys Technology (P) Ltd. Agnity Technologies Private Limited Agran Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Agreeya Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd.

Basement, Ground Floor and First Floor 90 - D, Sector - 18 Ground and 1st Floor, Plot No.7 (C), Sector-18 Plot No. 8 and 9

Plot No. 8-9, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Udyog Vihar





Maruti Industrial Area Udyog Vihar Industrial Area, Phase-IV Phase-IV





1, Udyog Vihar


200,524 201,012

39/71, Punjabi Bagh West D - 28 A Business Centre No. 12, Logix Infotech Park, 106, Pratap Bhawan Sector - 26 Plot No. D-5, Sector-59

New Delhi Noida Noida



5, Bhadurshah Zafar Marg

New Delhi


38, C/2, Block-B, Basment and Gnd. Floor, C-2, Block - B, 1st and 2nd Floor, B-38, C/2 B-28, 2nd Floor B - 77, Sector - 63




Agreeya Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd.



200,288 200,194

Agreeya Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd. Airware Inc. Aishwarya Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sector-57 Sector-63

Noida Noida Noida



AIT Systems Pvt. Ltd.

202, South Extn. Centre,

273, Masjid Moth, South Extn-II, Okhla Industrial Area, Ph 1 Udyog Vihar Phase-III (Total area of all floor) Udyog Vihar Electronics City, Sector18

New Delhi


Aithent Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

A-186, 2233.48(SQM) at 1ST 2ND 3RD and 4th Floor at Plot Plot No. 406, Phase-III

New Delhi


Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd.



Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. (unit II)


Plot No. 25, Block A and B


200,626 Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. (unit III) (Sec - 63, Noida) 200,712 201,116 200,597 109,232 109,232 109,281 Algo Solutions Algorism Softech Pvt. Ltd. All e Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All e Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ALL Telenet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Alliance Comnet Ltd. Allied Information Technology & Marketing (P) Ltd. A - 61 B/3, Sector - 63 21 Halim Market 758, Udyog Vihar A-1, A-67, C-41 272, 1st Floor, Netram Market, Chamanganj Phase - V Sector-58, Sector-57, Sector-2 Nahar Pur, Sec-7, Rohini, Noida Kanpur gurgaon NOIDA Noida Noida New Delhi



Second Floor, B- 49



Alpha Thought Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,819 108,009 108,371 108,699 200,166 ALPS International Technologies Alps Soft Touch Alstom Projects India Ltd Altima Systems Pvt.Ltd. Altima Systems Pvt.Ltd. Altivolus Infotech Pvt.Ltd. Amadeus India IT Services

A - 4 and 5, Second Floor, Logix Park, 102 Ashirwad Complex C-29, Meerut Road A-88, Sector-57 2nd and 3rd Floor 2nd - 3rd Floor, 29 Community Centre 5th Floor, B-37 D-1, 2nd Floor, D Block Market Plot No.7,Local Shopping Centre , Sector C, C-35, Institutional Area

Sector - 16, D-1 Green Park

Noida New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida

29, Community Centre, Saket Sector-1 Vasant Vihar Pocket 6 and 7 , Vasant Kunj Sector-62

Saket New Delhi Noida New Delhi

200,166 200,314



Amadeus India Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi


American Devices (India) Pvt. Ltd.



American Devices (India) Pvt. Ltd.

by taking another 701.52 sq.m. at

C-35, Sector-62


American Express ( India ) Pvt. Ltd 100,067 American Express (India) Pvt. ltd. (Unit-II)

Wings B1-a, G-A, 1-A, 2-A, Commercial Zone-6, Group Housing Block-3 Scheme, Phase-V, DLF City Office Building, Opp. Golf Course


Zone-6, DLF Phase-V 200,334 200,748 Ameriprise India Pvt. Ltd. 1126 Sq.ft. at Upper Basement at Plot No. 81 Ground, 1to 4th Floor, Plot - 81,

Gurgaon Gurgaon



Ameriprise India Pvt. Ltd.

Sector - 32



Amicus Technology Private Limited

Stree No. 6, New Shanti Nagar,


200,836 108,500

Ampere Software Pvt. Ltd. Amsoft Systems India Inc. Amsoft Systems Pvt. Ltd.

A-146, 1st Floor 4-Munrika Marg 4, Munirka Marg,

Sec - 63 Vasant Vihar Vasant Vihar,

Noida New Delhi New Delhi



Amsoft Systems Pvt. Ltd.

4, Munirka Marg,

Vasant Vihar,

New Delhi


Amsoft Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43

Sushant Lok-1


Amvrin Systems (P) Ltd. 201,081 200,206 Analec Infotech Private Ltd. Ananta On-Line Graphics Studio Private Limited Anistar Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

ITCC Incubator, B-1207, Signature Towers

C - DAC, B - 30, Sector 62

Noida Gurgaon



G-13, Sector-6,



J - 8/19, DLF City, Phase -II,


200,900 108,426 200,028 200,028 200,028 200,379 200,434 109,381 109,381 108,954

Anjnay Information Technology Annik Systems (P) Ltd Annik Technology Services Pvt.Ltd. Annik Technology Services Pvt.Ltd. Annik Technology Services Pvt.Ltd. ANR Software Pvt Ltd Anthem Global Consulting A-One Biz Solutions Pvt.Ltd. A-One Biz Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Apco Remedies India Ltd. APJ Tech

2nd Floor, Johar Complex B-86, Shivalik B-86, Shivalik Gr. and Ist Floor, 847, Udyog Vihar 515, Udyog Vihar B-104, Basement, Ground, First and 2nd Floor P 4/7, DLF Phase -II 103, 104 Vidyapati 103-104, ( Green Marked) First Floor, 7-B, Vaishali Nagar 117/NM/26, Kakadeo

Tilak Road Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar Phase-V Phase - III Sector-63 Jacaranda Marg 17, Race Course Road Vidyapati, 17 Race Course Road,

Rishikesh New Delhi New Delhi Gurgoan Gurgoan Noida Gurgaon Indore Indore Indore Kanpur


108,993 200,646 201,043

APL International Private Limited APM Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Applied Research International Applied Research International (P) Ltd. Applied Technosoft Appnetix Techno Pvt. Ltd. Appulse Technologies Private Limited Aprology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. APV India Pvt. Ltd. Apyl Software & Systems Ltd.

Mahakosh House B-24, 25, Sector - I B - 1, Hauz Khas B - 1, Hauz Khas

7/5, South Tukogunj, Nath Mandir Road

Indore Noida New Delhi New Delhi


200,024 200,438

768, Phase V C - 94, Sector-8 BAsement, Grond Floor, Mezzamine and 1st Floor Plot No. B - 83 7, Vasudev Nagar 142, Electronic Complex Flat No. 10 Flat No. 8, Vasudev Nagar 5/506, Viram Khand A - 2, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, 302, South Extn. Plaza - I

Ground Floor, Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon Noida

200,251 200,816 100,003 100,003

579, Udyog Vihar, PH- V Sector - 65 Manik Bagh Road Perdesipura 7, Vasudev Nagar, Manik Bagh 7, Manik Bagh Road, Gomti Nagar Phase - I 389, Masjid Moth, South Extn. Part - II Sector-16 Hauz Khas Hauz Khas R Block, DLF City, PhaseIII

Gurgaon Noida Indore Indore Indore Indore Lucknow New Delhi

100,003 100,003 200,365 201,041


Arete Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Areva T and D Systems India Limited ARI e-business Pvt. Ltd. ARI World Private Limited Ariba India Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi

108,047 201,104 201,169

A-21-24 E-36, First Floor E-36, 2nd Floor, 1st Floor, Gateway Tower

Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon



Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-IV) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-V) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI)

Plot No.31, Sector-18,

Electronic City,



Plot-5, Sector-18 Mezzanine and 1st Floor, Plot No. 24 Basement, Gr., 1st and IInd Floor, Electronic City

Electronic City Electronic City, Sector 18 Plot No.806-807, PhaseV, Udyog Vihar Plot No.17, Sector-18 Plot No. 24, Sector-18, Electronic City Sector-18, Electronic City Plot-5, Sector-18, Electronic City Sector - 18









Basement and Ground Floor



Ist - 2nd Floor at Plot No. 8-9 Ground Floor, Mezzanine Floor and First Floor Plot - 5 and 6, Electronic City







Gr.,1st and 2nd Floor, Plot No.7, Plot No. 8 and 9, Basement and Ground Floor) Gr. Floor, Rear Gr. and Rear Mazzanine Floor Plot No. 5, Ground, Mezzanine and 1st Floor Plot No.7 (Basement), Sector-18

Sector-18, Electronic City



Electronic City, Sector-18 Plot-5, Sector-18, Electronic City Electronic City, Sector-18







Electronic City



Plot No. 31, (2nd and 3rd floor) Basement, Ground Floor, 1st to 3rd Floor, Plot No. 314

Electronic City, Sector-18



Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV


2nd Floor, Tower-B, Presidency

351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14


200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Fourth and Fivth Floor, Tower -A, Presidency,351/2, Mehurali Road, 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14 Ground Floor,Tower-A, Presidency 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14

Basement, Tower-A, Presidency



5th Floor, Tower-B, Presidency


4th Floor, Tower-B, Presidency





Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VII) Arlington Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Armour Software Technologies Pvt.Ltd Armour Software Technologies Pvt.Ltd Artech Infosystems Pvt. Ltd.

Basement, GF, FF and SF,

Plot No. 418-419, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar Sahibabad Industrial Area, Beema Nagar



C-13, Site IV, Ground Floor



29-3/1, Old Palasia


109,320 108,376

29-3/1, Old Palasia A4 and A5, Sector-16 Second Floor, JMD Regent Square, V-8 (2nd Floor) 208, N S I C - S T P Complex,

Beema Nagar Logix Park

Indore Noida

Aryans Communication Link Pvt. Ltd. 200,668 200,106

Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Green Park Main Okhla Industrial Estate,

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

Ascent Software Services ASD India (P) Ltd.



Ash Van Technologies Asha Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

E - 325, Greater Kailash Part 1,

New Delhi


D - 71, Amar Colony B-27, Ground Floor, Mezzanine Floor, Flatted Flactories Complex C - 13, Nehru Colony B-6/24(LGF), Safdarjung Enclave 803, Tower - B A - 72, Ground Floor

Lajpat Nagar - IV

New Delhi

Ashish Enterprises 201,156 200,598 200,496 200,556 200,457 Asian Outsourcing Solutions ASP Research Service Pvt. Ltd. Aspen Communications Pvt. Ltd. Assign Infotech Pvt. Ltd.


New Delhi Dehradun New Delhi

Millenium Plaza, DLF, Phase - IV Sector-64 Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road

Gurgaon Noida

Associated Transcription Co. Pvt. Ltd. H-9/1, 2nd Floor, Block B-1 200,394 Asterix IT Consulting (I) Private Limited 201,180 200,366 ASTRA Business Services pvt Ltd Astra Business Services Pvt. Ltd. (unit - III) Astranet Contact Centre Building Block II, Zone 6, House Building Society Doon Express Business Park, Building - I, 16, Apsara, IInd Floor addition of 165.16 Sq.ft., 14th Floor, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mezzinane Floor 179.38 Sq.Ft. (Marked in Pink Colour), 14th Floor B-1/46, III Floor Logix Park Business Center Khasara No. 25/1, Badarpur, Near Sethi Restaurant,

New Delhi

Mathura Road, DLF Qutab Enclave Subash Nagar, Opp. Transport Nagar, Housing Society, NDSE, Part-I Global Business Park, Tower-D, 1, Mansingh Road Tower-D, Global Business Park Malviya Nagar A-4, Sector-16

New Delhi Gurgaon




New Delhi


AT Karney India Pvt. Ltd.



AT Karney India Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi

100,004 200,308

AT Karney India Pvt. Ltd. A-Tecture ATHDL Design Automation (India) Pvt.Ltd.

Gurgoan New Delhi Noida




403 - B, Electronic City Ground,First, Second and Terrance Floors A-9 Basement, A-6, 2nd Floor, A - 10 A-30 Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate



109,401 109,401 109,401 109,401

Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd. Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd. Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd. Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd.

A-9, Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector - 9

Noida Noida Noida NOIDA

ATS Services Pvt.Ltd 109,370 201,004 Audio Technologies & Codecs (India) Pvt. Ltd. Auqual Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Mathura Road STPI, Sector - 29,

New Delhi Noida

209, 2nd Floor, Block - 4,


12/6, First Floor, Plot No. 267, 2nd Floor, Udyog Vihar Plot No. 267, 2nd Floor, Udyog Vihar C-1/2, Sector-31

Mathura Road



Auxicogent BPO Solutions P Ltd.




Auxicogent BPO Solutions Pvt. Ltd.




Avake Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd.



Avake Technology India Pvt. Ltd.

B - 8, Sector - 59



Avalon Information Systems (P) Ltd. Avalon Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Avery Publishing Solutions

C - 9/9642, Vasant Kunj

New Delhi


C-9/9642, Vasant Kunj Basement, Ground, 1st and 2nd Floor, B-54, First Floor, Tower - B,

New Delhi





Avery Weigh - Tronix

Plot No. 5, Sector -127



Avery Weigh - Tronix Pvt. Ltd.

First Floor, Tower - B,

Plot No. 5, Sector -127



Avinish Kumar

Flat No. 13, Promise Apartment,

F-Block, Vikaspuri, Plot No. - 9, Distt. Centre Janak Puri Sector - 16,

New Delhi


Avoncore Teleconnect Pvt. Ltd. Axalto Cards and Terminals India Ltd. Axelerant India

Flat No. 715, Vishwa Sadan

New Delhi


A - 4 and 5, Logix Park



251, Sarja Market Complex

Phase-II, Sec-7



AXELERANT-INDIA Axind Software Development Services Pvt. Ltd. AXIND Software Pvt. Ltd.

251, Saria Market Complex

Phase-II, Sec-7, Rohini



A - 26/12 B, DLF Phase - I,



A-26/12B, DLF Phase-I Millenium Plaza, Sector27



Axis Computers (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Suite-1003, Tower-B



Axis Computers (India) Pvt. Ltd. Axis Computers (India) Pvt.Ltd. (NOIDA) Axis Computers (India) Pvt.Ltd. (NOIDA) Axis Telecom Inc. AXIS-IT&T Limited

Suite No.1003 Tower- B

Unitech Millennium Plaza, Sector-27 Sector -3





200,281 100,023

Basement and Mezzanine Floor 879, Udyog Vihar D - 30

D-30, Sector-3 Phase - V Sector - 3

Noida Gurgaon Noida


200,361 109,053

Ayantr e-Services Pvt.Ltd. B.K.Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

B-87 A-12, Westend DLF Infinity Towers, Third and Fourth Floors, Tower -B


Noida New Delhi

BA Continuum Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 200,638


BA Continuum Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 200,638

4th Floor at Tower- C, Infinity Towers,Phase - II,

DLF City, Phase - V,


BA Continuum Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 200,638 Bahri Outsourcing Services & Solutions(Unit of Bahri Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd.) 200,428 200,413 Bain Consulting India Pvt. Ltd.

15th floor towerc unitech wporld sector39



C- 24-25, Preet Vihar 5th Floor, Tower A, Building No-8 Regus Cyber City, 12th Floor, Tower-C, C-64, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase--I DLF Cyber City, Phase-II Building No-8, DLF Cyber City, Phase-II

New Delhi Gurgaon


Bain Consulting India Pvt. Ltd.


Bar Code India Ltd. 200,359 200,963 Barclays Shared Services Pvt. Ltd(Noida). Barclays Shared Services Pvt. Ltd.

Phase--I 2nd Floor, D-5, Sec-59

New Delhi Noida

Logix Infotech Park


C-28 and 29, Logix Cyber Park




Base 77

D-77, Defence Colony

New Delhi


Batia Software Technologies Baxy Infosol(Division of Continental Engines Ltd.) Baxy Infosol(Division of Continental Engines Ltd.)

Plot No. 190, Sec-VI

IMT Manesar Tower D, 3rd Floor, MG Road Udyog Vihar Opp. Hotel Grace, Near Capt. Roop Singh Stadium Janakpuri DLF Cyber City,



Global Business Park



109, Phase-IV


BBNISYS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,594 109,236 BenXL Technologies Bertelsmann Marketing Serivces India (P) Ltd. Bertelsmann Marketing Services India Pvt.Ltd.

4, Nath Kripa, Jhansi Road C-1/133, First Floor, 15th Floor, Tower C, Building No. 8, 1st Floor, Jagatjit Centre

Gwalior New Delhi Gurgaon



Plot No. - 78, Sector-18



Bertelsmann Marketing Services India Pvt.Ltd. Beryl Infosol Pvt. Ltd. Beyond Key Systems Pvt. Ltd. (INDORE) Bharatiya Global Infomedia Ltd. Bharti Enterprises Bharti Telesoft Ltd.

1st Floor, Jagajit Centre

Plot No. 78, Sector-18



Senior Plaza, 339/2, Fourth Floor

M G Road,



317-318, Rafael Towers,

8/2, Old Palasia


200,927 109,079

1522, Devika Tower R-89, 4th Floor F-89/6, Okhla Indl Area

Nehru Place, Greater Kailash - I Phase - I

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi



Bharti Telesoft Ltd.

F - 13, Okhla Industrial Area


New Delhi


Bhartiya Global Infomedia Limited

1522, Devika Tower

Nehru Place

New Delhi

108,351 108,427

Bhilwara Infotech Ltd. Bhilwara Scribe Pvt. Ltd.

Bhiilwara Towers, A-12 Bhilwara Towers

Sector-1 A-12, Sector-1 Permali Wollace Compound, Opp.RBI Honganghabad Rd,

Noida Noida

Bhilwara Scribe Pvt. Ltd. 108,427 Bhilwara Scribe Pvt. Ltd. - Unit - II 200,456 108,289 108,289 108,466 BIDM Asia Pacific System Pvt. Ltd. BIDM Asia Pacific System Pvt. Ltd. Binary Semantics Ltd.(Sec - 38 Gurgaon) Binary Software Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Binary Software Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Bird Information Systems Private Limited Bird Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Bird Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Unit - II

4th Floor, Kwality Globus


Bhilwara Towers 7416, Phase-IV Tower B, Unit 1205 Plot No. - 38, Sector - 18

A-12, Sector-1 DLF City Signature Towers Electronic City

Noida Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgaon


101, Bansi Trade Centre

581/5, M.G. Road Bansi Trade Centre, 581/5, M. G. Road Mahipal pur Ext.



101-102, 1st Floor



3rd Floor, A-219, Road No. 6,

New Delhi


G. F., 422 2nd Floor, E - 9, Connaught House

Udyog Vihar, Phase - III



Connaught Place

New Delhi

Birlasoft India Limited 200,335 200,841 Birlasoft India Limited (Unit IV)

D-13 H - 9, Sector - 63 Ganga Shopping Complex, BlockIII 3rd, Floor D 195,


Noida Noida


Birlasoft India Ltd.




Birlasoft India Ltd.



200,103 200,400

Bizibi Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Bizzsource Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

1st Floor, Apoorti Bhawan 30-A, 1st Floor

STPI Building, KASUMPTI Hauz Khas Village

Shimla New Delhi

Bluestar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 200,865 200,266 200,928 200,388 BMB Softech BNK Infotech (P) Ltd. BOSS Computec Pvt. Ltd. BPO India Brain Roots Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Brain Roots Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Brainamass Information Systems Pvt.Ltd. 200,134 200,177 200,480 BrickRed Technologies Pvt.Ltd Brightsun Travel Pvt. Ltd.

Third Floor, Vardhman Market Plaza, 2nd Floor, City Center A-213 (Basement) B-5, Sector-2 515, STPI X-17, 1st Floor A-27/A, 1st Floor A-5, C.L.Park, First Floor. Main Nazaf Garh Road B - 25, Sector - 58 The Galaxy, 32 Milestone

Plot No. 30, Community Centre, Rani Bagh, Road No. 44 56, Rajpur Road Shivalik

Pitampura Dehradun New Delhi Noida

200,466 109,402 109,402

UPSIDC Complex, Lakhan Pur Hauz Khas Hauz Khas Opp. Kirti Nagar Post Office

Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi

New Delhi Noida

226-228, 1st Floor, Sector15, Part - II 26/34 East Patel Nagar



Brinda Impex Pvt. Ltd.

205, Palmohan Mansion

New Delhi


BTN Access India Pvt. Ltd.

Floor-13, Mohan Dev Building

Tolstoy Marg

New Delhi

Business Engineering & Software Technologies Ltd. 108,655 200,737 200,173 C K International C.P.Services Cadtrium Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Calance Software Private Limited

Lower Gr.Floor, Gr.Floor, 1st and 2nd Floor

A-84, Sector-58

Noida Gurgaon

V-10/26 DLF, Phase - III, Gr.Floor, E-94, Masjid Moth 305, Qutub Plaza, GK-III DLF Phase - I, Millenium Plaza, Sushant Lok Greenwood City, Sector45 Udyog Vihar, Phase - III

New Delhi Gurgaon



Suit No. 802, Tower B 201, 203, 204, 205 Greenwood Plaza Plot No. 516 Mez. Floor, 18, Community Center 6th Floor, UPSIDC Complex 5, Sirmour Marg



Calance Software Pvt. Limited Calibrated Healthcare Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Call Center Consulting & Training Solution P. Ltd. Call Tech Inc Callshift Business Process Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd. Calypto Design Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Calypto Design Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Calypto Design Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Campus EAI (India) Pvt. Ltd.




200,105 200,569 200,224

New Friends Colony A - 114, Lakhanpur Kaulagarh

New Delhi Kanpur Dehradun


3rd Floor, Som Datt Tower

K-2, Sector-18 Logix Park, A - 4-5, Sector-16 K-2, Sector-18



Business Center No. 8-9



4th Floor, Som Datt Tower



75-C, Sec - 18


200,137 200,137 200,137 200,137 200,137

Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Canon India Ltd.

another 800 Sqft. at C-12-C, Super Mart-I 2nd Floor, C-022-C, Super Mart-1 C-12-B, Super Mart-1 C-12-C, Super Mart-I 1st Floor, FCS House,

C-12-C, Super Mart-1, DLF DLF, Phase-IV DLF Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF Phase-IV A-86, Sec - 57

Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida


200,866 200,505 200,201

CanvasM Technologies Ltd. Cashedge India Pvt Ltd Casio India Co.Pvt. Ltd. C-Cube Worldwide Infotech Pvt. Ltd. CDG Publications Pvt. Ltd.

A wing, ground floor, 276, Udyog Vihar 217 - A, Okhla Industrial Estate

A - 20, Sector - 60 Phase - IV Phase - III

Noida Gurgaon New Delhi


Suite 102, Princess Green View

5/3, New Palasia



407 Red Rose Building

49-50 Nehru Place

New Delhi


Celestial Systems Pvt. Ltd

B - 23, Sector-1 A-186, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA STPI Complex, Mangal Bhawan B-61, Second Floor, C - 566, Defence Colony,


200,147 200,564 201,093

Cellnext Solutions Ltd. Central Business Solutions Chakadola Technology Cherish Services Cherry E-Commerce Services Pvt. Ltd. Cherry E-Commerce Services Pvt. Ltd. Chetu (India) Pvt. Ltd.

PHASE-I Nehru Nagar Sector-65

NEW DELH Bhilai Noida New Delhi







Coranation Hotel Basement, Grnd , First and Second Floor Basement Ground First and Second Floor 208, Surya Kiran, 19, 705, Ashok Bhawan Plot No. 14, Echelon Institutional, 1107, Galleria 1207, Kailash Building

Malital, Nainital



B-112 Sector-63



Chetu (India) Pvt. Ltd. Chiasma Management Private Limited Chily Softech Pvt. Ltd. Ciena India Pvt. Ltd. Cila Resources Cincom Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

at B-112 Sector-4 Noida


201,164 200,874 200,663 200,185

Kasturba Gandhi Marg 93, Nehru Place Sector - 32 DLF Phase-4 26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi



Cipher Dynamics IT Services Cipher Dynamics IT Services Pvt Ltd

11/25 East Patel Nagar Ground Floor, 11/25 East Patel Nagar

New Delhi


New Delhi


Citation Infowares Limited

Times Square, B-Block

Sushant Lok-I


Citixsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,107

A-16, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate

Mathura Road, NH-2

New Delhi

Citixsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,107 200,809 200,395 cKlear Software Pvt. Ltd. Clairsol Systems Pvt.Ltd. CLASSIC INFORMATCS (P) LTD.

Gr-3rd Floor, A-24/5, B - 119, Ashok Nagar, C-12, Aruna Park 303 IInd Floor Mamchand Estate

M.C.I.E., NH-2

New Delhi Ghaziabad

Laxmi Nagar Saidulajab, Opp. Saket (DBlock) M.B. Road Central Market, Sector-6, Dwaraka Plot No. 8, M. L. U., Sec10 15, Palasia, A.B.Road 24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road Noida

New Delhi New Delhi



Clearpath Technology

OS-2, Odean Plaza, 2nd Floor

New Delhi


Clearpath Technology (Unit II)

2nd and 3rd Floor, Anshul Plaza Upper Ground Floor, Industry House 104, Sarda House D 180, Sector 63 301, Second Floor, Krishna Complex Ground Floor, Enkay Tower SB-183, Shastri Nagar 202.28 Sq.Mtr at Ground Floor Tower-B Tower-B, Unitech Business Park Ground Floor, Unitech Business Park, Tower-B, 1st Floor A-17, Sec-58, Basement and First Floor First,Second and Third Floor D-24/1, Ground Floor


200,367 200,367 108,736

ClearTrail Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ClearTrail Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Cleave Global e-Services Ltd.

Indore INDORE Noida


CNS Comnet Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

Najafgarh B-B1, Vinijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar, Phase-VI

New Delhi

200,128 200,383

Codex Software Pvt.Ltd. Cogent E-Services Pvt.Ltd. Colt Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Colt Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Colt Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Colwell and Salmon Commuications (India) Ltd. Colwell and Salmon Communications (I) Limited Combine Resources Combine Resources Compact Disc India Pvt. Ltd.

Gurgoan Ghaziabad


Unitech Business Park, South City-1 4th to 5th Floor, South City-I Gr.-5th Floor, South City-1







C-39, Sector-58


200,888 200,348 200,348 100,008

Noida D-24/1, Gautam Nagar Gautam Nagar New Delhi New Delhi

Compare Infobase Ltd. 201,048 108,400 Competent Software Pvt. Ltd. (Unit 1) Competent Software Pvt. Ltd.(UnitII) Competent Software Pvt.Ltd. (Unit III)

C - 11, Janak Cinema Complex, Janakpuri, B-26, First Floor, Okla Industrial Area Ph-1 C-56/23 Sector-62

New Delhi New Delhi




Polt No.-470

Udyog Vihar-III



Compro Technologies Pvt.Ltd. Computer Partner

2 L S C, Uday Park 311, 3rd Floor, Block-4

Khel Gaon Marg GSC, Sector-29, Ganga Shoppin Complex, Sector - 29 Gr, 4th and 5th floors Blk E, A-44-45, Sec-62, Sector-58

New Delhi Noida



Computer Partner Computer Science Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit - 1) Computer Science Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit - 1)

311, Block - IV, 3rd Floor Lower Gr to 5th flr Blk-A, Gr to 4th flr at Blk-B Basement,Gr.,1st and IInd Floor, C-53






prop_pin 201,301

regs_add1 C-97, Sector-40 Survey No. 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 and 5/1, Survey No. 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 and 5/1, B-14, Shashi Gardens


regs_city Noida Bangalore Bangalore

regs_pin 201,301 560,071 560,071

cont_name Suman Banerjee Pradeep Narayana Pradeep Narayana

cont_phone 0120-2500054 41,126,247 41,126,247 22750658/ 22756497 0532-2622851 011-26681272 0121-2647144, 265790 011-22717880, 227178 95-124-4085381 011-26421249 0124-5047915-917 011-25836081 011-26489262 011-55464757 011-51638101-102 91-124-5181850 0135-3099767 011-46555303

Challaghata Village, Varthur Hobli Challaghata Village, Varthur Hobli Ist Floor, Mayur Vihar-I Sarojini Naidu Marg Sector - 57 Opp. Meghdoot Cinema Phse- I Extension

Delhi Allahabad Noida Meerut Delhi 110,091 Gurgaon 122,001 110,019 122,002 110,055 110,024 110,058 110,048 201,301 400,013 110,091 211,001 201,301 250,001

Osama Manzar Anurita Bharagava K. N. Agarwal Jitendra Kumar Ag Rajiv Sahai Ram Niwas Saini Adesh Tandon Vivek Kumar Gupta Sanjay Arora Kamal Chopra Sanjay Saluja C. S. Bedi Abhinav Maheshwari Govind M Sharma Rohit Singh Bhora Sudip Chatterjee K.N.Aggarwal Saurabh Bhatia 110,020

110,091 211,001 201,301 250,001

110,091 122,002 110,019 201,303 110,055 110,024 122,015 110,048 201,301 122,002

18 C / 28 A C-22/26 195/1, Civil Lines 205, Gupta Archade, Local Shopping Centre, Mayur Vihar, 841, Sector - 15, Part II, 24, South Park Appartments D2/29 127 A, Ground floor,DDA Complex 3, Ring Road(Near SBI) C - 1/16, Janakpuri, G - 84, Masjid Moth B - 93 B, Sector - 2 Empire Complex,

Kalkaji Sector-15 Jhandewalan Extn-1 Lajpat Nagar - IV, Part-I

New Delhi Rohini New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Greater Kailash - III 414, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel 78, Rajpur Road Phase - III

New Delhi Noida Mumbai Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,020 110,020


Radha Place 264, Okhla Industrail Estate, III Floor, U-14, Green Park Extension D-1/13, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - II, HL Arcade, 3rd Floor, Plot Sec-V (MLU), Dwarka No. 14 S-114, 17th Floor, Express Tower,

110,020 110,016


New Delhi 110,075 New Delhi 110,048

Khalid Mohammed Geeta Gupta

011-25075770-4 011-29212073

220,075 110,048 Greater Kailash Part II

Nariman Point Nariman Point Nariman Point

Mumbai 400,021 Mumbai Mumbai 400,021 400,021

Mr. Shailesh Kr. Ya Sanjeev Kumar Gh Sanjeev Kumar Gh

0124-4520448 91-22-22814000 91-22-22814000

201,301 Seventh Floor, Express Towers Seventh Floor, Express Towers 17th Floor, Express Tower, Nariman Point A-75 Sect-26, 92-G, 3rd Floor, Room No.305-308 218, Ansal Chambers II, 301-306, 3rd Floor, A-12, Sector-17 17, Community Center, East of Kailash K-2, Somdatt Towers K-2, Somdatt Towers 49, Pragti Apartments, West Enclave 122,002 Pratap Complex 6, Bhikaji Cama Place Centrrum Plaza, Sector-56


Mumbai 400,021 Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida New Delhi 110,065 6th Floor, Sector-18 6th Floor, Sector-18 Noida Noida 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,067 110,066 122,002 201,301

Shailesh Yadav Shalu Gupta Manish Makur Jay Prakash Mishra Amit Kalra R. K. Talwal Sanket Mahajan Yuvraj Mathur Yuvraj Mathur


201,301 201,301 110,067 122,002 201,307 201,301

011-41668193 011-41062430 0124-4241998, 424150 0120-2577767 0120-4069400 0120-2516936-37 0120-2516936-37

201,301 201,301 201,301


New Delhi 110,034

Parul Garg


110,016 110,017

M - 60 (Basement) M - 60 (Basement) Ground, First and Second Floor, First Floor, BC 22, Logix Park, 522, Udyog Vihar 8 Balaji Estate, Sudarshan Munjal Marg, M-46, Greater Kailash Part-I I - 1A, City Centre

Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar 11 Golf Links

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,017 110,017

Rajesh Dhaundiyal Rajesh Dhaundiyal Sanjay Agarwal

011-26682717 011-26682717 91-11-24691691



201,301 122,016

A - 4 and 5, Sector - 16 Phase - V

Noida Gurgaon

201,301 122,016

H P Agrawal N. K. Chopra

0120-4366000 0124 - 4017119, 40150


New Delhi New Delhi

Mukesh Saxena Akhilesh Agarwal 011-26280071



Sector - 25 A Sector - 25 A Sector - 25 A

Noida Noida Noida Noida

201,301 201,301 201,301

Vineet Kumar Gupt Vineet Kumar Gupt Vineet Kumar Gupt Vineet Kr. Gupta

0120-2444711 0120-2444711 0120-2444711 0120-2444711


I - 1A, City Centre I - 1A, City Centre I-1A, City Center, Sector-25A k-6, First Floor, Lajpat Nagar - II, 45, Kalu Sarai 1, Navjeevan Vihar C - 56/24, D - 1070, New Friends Colony, 24/56, Clinic Building, D-1070, New Friends Colony, 3rd Floor, Nsic Stp Complex 3rd Floor, Nsic Stp Complex



110,024 201,301 110,017 201,301

New Delhi Sri Aurobind Marg New Delhi New Delhi Sector - 62 Noida New Delhi

110,024 110,016 110,017 201,301

Dillip Kumar Tripath Rajesh Agarwal SAroop Chand Dhananjay Joshi sanjay Aggarwal

011-417248-91/92/93/9 0120-4330006 011-41609231 0120-2547601,2547596 011-26320565




Bihana Road



Ashok Arora

22,048,519 011- 26326690-91


New Delhi Nsic Bhawan, Okhla Indl Estate Nsic Bhawan, Okhla Indl Estate


Sunil Agarwal


New Delhi


Swaroop Pillarisetti

011-26919783, 269609

New Delhi Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi

110,020 248,001 110,024 110,016

Swaroop Pillarisetti Anju Chandna Gaurav Kohli Samit Jain

011-26919783, 269609 011-26219560/2621956 011-29837429 011-41602431-32


23, East Canal Road M - 9, Lajpat Nagar - II J - 5A, Green Park Extn. H-5/12, Qutab Ambience Mehrauli Road MAHALAXMI Part-II


New Delhi MUMBAI New Delhi

110,030 400,034

Sanjiv Gupta Aparup Sengupta D.D.Agarwal

0124-5100450 022-66601100


11, K. K. Marg, E-384, Greater Kailash 90 - D, Sector - 18



Udyog Vihar



Ravi Malhotra



90 - D, Sector - 18

Udyog Vihar



Ravi Malhotra



90 - D, Sector - 18

Udyog Vihar



Ravi Malhotra


90 - D, Sector - 18

Udyog Vihar



Ravi Malhotra



90 - D, Sector - 18

Udyog Vihar



Ravi Malhotra



E-11, Rajouri Garden A 2/59, Safdarjung Enclave

New Delhi


Sanjeev Mittal

New Delhi New Rajinder Nagar, C-17, Community Centre, Janakpuri 5, Bhadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi New Delhi

110,029 110,060

Ankur Srivastava



C - 119, F.F. 1st Floor, Paramount Tower 106, Pratap Bhawan, D - 13, Pamposh Enclave D - 13, Pamposh Enclave D - 13, Pamposh Enclave M-187 B - 38/77 C, Tulsipur 202, South Extn. Centre, Plot No 8 and 9 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate, Guindy,

Devendra Kumar Bakshi Mr. Sanjeev Chawl 0120-4066200




New Delhi


Anurag Gupta


New Delhi

Sanjeev Mandal


New Delhi

Sanjeev Mandal


New Delhi Greater Kailash-II Sheel Nagar Extn, Mahmoogunj 273, Masjid Moth, South ExtnII, Electronic City, Sector-18 New Delhi Varanasi 110,049

Sanjeev Mandal Vivek Ghai Kartikeya Singh

0120-5394400 26,218,963 0120-3096470




New Delhi


Ashok K. Kaul





Ajay Malik





Devesh Kumar Bha






Devesh Kumar Bha


Chennai 600,032

Devesh Kumar Bha


122,015 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate, Guindy, 201,301 208,001 122,016 21 Halim Market J - 97, 2 nd Floor A-67, 201,301 201,301 A-67, C-41 272, 1st Floor, Netram Market, D-3/3180 Chamanganj Saket Sector-57, Sector-57, Sector-2 Nahar Pur, Sec-7, Rohini, Chennai Kanpur New Delhi Noida Noida Noida New Delhi

Devesh Kumar 600,032 208,001 110,017 201,301 201,301 201,301 Farzana Rashid Utkarsh Panwar Ajay Mian Ajay Mian Jitendra Badjatiya Yuvraj Singh

0120-5327338/39/40 0512-2552247 0124-5006340-44 0120-2588656-59 0120-2588656-59 4546073/74/75/76 011-27054608-609




Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

Krishan B Chandok


2A, plot 900, Heritage Arcade, S R Nagar 201,301 110,016 201,001 102 Ashirwad Complex, C-29, Meerut Road A-88, Sector-57 C 6 / 2, SFS C 6 / 2, SFS E-192, E-9, Connaught House E-9, Connaught House C-35, Institutional Area C-35, Institutional Area Saket Saket New Rajinder Nagar Connaught Place D-1 GreenPark,

Hyderabad 500,038 New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,017 110,016 201,001

Satyen Bandopadh R.N Narang Alok Narang A. U. Kamble Sudhir Goyal Sudhir Goyal Deepak Kapoor Radha Bhatia

0120-4266917 011-26514512 0120-2713639, 2706644 0120-2510248-250 011-32593331 011-32593331 4,014,406,407,408 011-26146633

110,017 201,301

110,017 110,060



Connaught Place

New Delhi


Ankur Bhatia






Diptikant Parhi





Diptikant Parhi


Plot No. A-26, Infocity 122,001 A-37, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area 122,002 122,001 Paharpur Business Centre, Paharpur Business Centre, Stree No. 6, New Shanti Nagar, 213, First Floor, Kailash hills 4-Munrika Marg Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43 Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43 Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43 1180 - A, Arjun Nagar, Street - 8, Kotla Mubarak Pur B-1207, Signature Towers 6, Hailey Road, 209, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash,


Gurgaon 122,001

Deepak V Vig


Main Mathura Road 21, Nehru Place

New Delhi 110,044 New Delhi 110,019

Deepak Vig Manjul Grover

11-2905381 0124-6600516


21, Nehru Place

New Delhi


Manjul Grover





Pramod Agrawal

201,301 110,057

New Delhi Vasant Vihar Sushant Lok-1 New Delhi Gurgaon

110,065 110,057

Nitin Chauhan Tilak Raj Jaisingh Pradeep Kumar

0120-4250370 011-26145870 0124-5040001




Sushant Lok-1



Pradeep Kumar



Sushant Lok-1



Pradeep Kumar


New Delhi 110,003 NH-8 Gurgaon

Amar Verma Indrajit Sarker

0120-2250448 0124-4084062




New Delhi



Anand Sharma



New Delhi


Venkata Satyanara


2nd Floor, Johar Complex 110,017 110,017 B-86, Shivalik 847, Udyog Vihar 847, Udyog Vihar 847, Udyog Vihar M-62, Plot No.-62, Swati Appartment P 4/7, DLF Phase -II 9, Kalpana Lok Colony 9, Kalpana Lok Colony 7-B, Vaishali Nagar 112/368 - F, Swaroop Nagar Mahakosh House F - 65, Green Park, B - 1, Hauz Khas B - 1, Hauz Khas

Tilak Road, Malviya Nagar Phase - V Phase - V Phase - V I. P. Extension, Patparganj Jacaranda Marg Khajarana Road Khajarana Road

Rishikesh New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi Gurgaon Indore Indore Indore Kanpur 452,008 110,017 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,092 122,002

Ajay Bandhu Rahul Sahgal G. Solanki Sundar G. Solanki Sundar G. Solanki Sundar Puneet Puri Nishith Patanaik Gajendra K. Suran Gajendra K. Suran Raghvendra Muchh Jai Inder Singh

0135-2455078 011-26693050 0124-5003283 0124-5003283 0124-5003283

122,001 201,301 122,002 452,001 452,001 452,008

9,338,219,185 0731-2432441, 243616 0731-2432441, 243616 0731-2555635 0512-2525493, 255699



452,001 201,301 110,016

7/5, South Tukogunj, Nath Mandir Road

Indore New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

452,001 110,016 110,016

Nirmal Iyengar Arun Maini Amarjeet Rewari Amarjeet Rewari





768, Phase V 201,301 S - 5, Bajaj Nagar A-290, Prashant Vihar 17 A/50, L G Floor, 7, Vasudev Nagar 7, Vasudev Nagar 7, Vasudev Nagar 7, Vasudev Nagar 226,010 110,020 19, Narendra Bhawan 43, Raj Ratan, Brij Enclave 302, South Extn. Plaza - I A-21-24 B-1, Hauz Khas B-1, Hauz Khas, F-83, East of Kailash

Ground Floor, Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon Jaipur Delhi 302,017

Vijay Khanna Alok Singhal Vikas Banga Jasbir Singh Ratan Lal Jain Ratan Lal Jain Ratan Lal Jain Ratan Lal Jain V.K. Chopra Atul Kumar

0124-26485134, 26287995 0120-4338108-09 0124-4557500 91-11-25727289 0731-2570081, 2485297 0731-2570081, 2485297 0731-2570081, 2485297 0731-2570081, 2485297 11-2725076

122,002 201,301 452,004

110,085 110,005 452,004 452,004

Karol Bagh Manik Bagh Road Manik Bagh Road Manik Bagh Road Manik Bagh Road 448, Azadpur

New Delhi Indore Indore Indore Indore New Delhi Mathura


452,004 452,004 110,033 281,001

26,310,857 011-26256363


389, Masjid Moth, South Extn. Part - II Sector-16

New Delhi


V. S. Singh

201,301 110,016

Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

201,301 110,016

A. U. Kamble Ashu Gulati Manoj Mehandru Shreesh Garg

0120-2510248-250 011-41655123-27 011-41655123-28 95-124-4135404




Plot No.31, Sector-18,

Electronic City,



Dharmender Verma



Plot No.31, Sector-18,

Electronic City,



Dharmender Verma



Electronic City

Plot No.17, Sector-18



Dharmender Verma


Electronic City

Plot No.17, Sector-18



Dharmender Verma



Electronic City

Plot No.17, Sector-18



Dharmender Verma



Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No. 31, (2nd and 3rd floor) Plot No. 314, Udyog Vihar 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place,

Plot No.17, Sector-18



Dharmender Verma






Dharmender Verma





Dharmender Verma






Dharmender Verma





Dharmender Verma






Dharmender Verma






Dharmender Verma





Dharmender Verma





Dharmender Verma



Electronic City, Sector-18



Dharmender Verma



Phase-IV, Sector - 18



Dharmender Verma


New Delhi 110,001

Dharmender Verma

New Delhi 110,001

Dharmender Verma

New Delhi 110,001

Dharmender Verma

New Delhi 110,001

Dharmender Verma

New Delhi 110,001

Dharmender Verma

New Delhi 110,001

Dharmender Verma



5, Jain Mandir Marg ( Annexe) 169 Kailash Hills

Connaught Place,

New Delhi


Dharmender Verma

234 66666


East of Kailash

New Delhi


Bharat Mangalani



Kanchan Bag



Ashish Kanoongd


452,001 201,301

153 A-2, 1st Floor New Bridge Corporate Park (Behind Manipal Centre)

Kanchan Bag Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-

Indore New Delhi

452,001 110,020

Ashish Kanoongd Atul Verma

0731-2527051 0120-2516950-59

40 Ulsoor Road Green Park Main Okhla Industrial Estate,

Bangalore New Delhi New Delhi 560,042 110,016

Vikash Mohan Singh Parveen Gulati

0124-4051064 011-41755595, 265664 011-26920910

122,016 110,016

V-8 (2nd Floor) 208, N S I C - S T P Complex, E- 325 Greater Kailash Part 1, D - 71, Amar Colony B-27, Flatted Factories Complex




New Delhi


Amit Mittal

46,566,338 011-26219869


Lajpat Nagar - IV

New Delhi


Ajay Kaul


New Delhi Dehradun Delhi 110,055 248,001 110,029 160,059 110,092

Ashish Sharma Amarjeet Singh J. N. Gupta Daniel Mattson Dhruv Batra 1,123,517,475 0135-5533386 011-51653236-8 0124-5049432 011-22371065

110,055 248,001 110,029 122,002 201,301

C - 13, Nehru Colony 3, Lucknow Road B 100, Phase - VIII 46, Pushpanjali SAS Nagar Vikas Marg Extn.

Mohali Delhi

H-9/1, 2nd Floor, Block B- Mohan Co-operative Industrial 1 Estate, Mathura Road 110,044 Khasara No. 25/1, Badarpur, Near Sethi Restaurant, 110,044 122,022 1463 A, First Floor 1463-A, First Floor, Wazir Nagar, Flat No.5, First Floor Wazir Nagar

New Delhi 110,044

Rajeev Gupta

26991160, 26991163

Mathura Road,

New Delhi 110,044 New Delhi 110,003

Shishir Sharma Mukul C. Agarwal

0135-2757671, 011-26 0124-5100980


Kotla Mubarakupur

New Delhi


Mukul C Agarwal


Sector-6 Market , R.K.Puram Global Business PArk, Gurgaon Global Business PArk, Gurgaon Global Business PArk, Gurgaon Malviya Nagar Sectir-14, Rohini

New Delhi



14th FLoor, Tower- D



Sanjeev Jha



14th FLoor, Tower- D



Sanjeev Jha


14th FLoor, Tower- D 110,017 B-1/46, III Floor Plot No.3

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

122,002 110,017

Sanjeev Jha Anil Mishra Rajinder Kumar Gu

011-23026150 011-26684825, 26676623 0120-2517690-99



403 - B, Electronic City A-9, 201,301 A-9, A-9, A-9, A-30, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate 110,044 201,301 B - 103, Sector - 10, Plot No. 13, SP - 67, Maurya Enclave B-84, Second Floor,



Mahesh Kumar


Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector-4

Noida Noida Noida Noida

201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301

K. Nagarajan K. Nagarajan K. Nagarajan K. Nagarajan

0120-2547342-43 0120-2547342-43 0120-2547342-43 0120-2547342-43

Mathura Road Prerna Society, Dwarka,

New Delhi 110,044 New Delhi

Raveesh Bhatia Deepan Sinha

011-41678933 0120-2451962





Anuj Mehra



Sarvodaya Enclave



Raj Kumar


B-84, Second Floor, 21/3, Amrit Puri - B, Garhi 21/3, Amrit Puri - B, Garhi, C- 9/9642, Vasant Kunj C-9/9642, Vasant Kunj C - 37 A, Street No. 3 1, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, 1, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, Flat No. 13, Promise Apartment, F-Block B - 44, Dashrath Puri Fourth Floor, Lotus Tower, 251, Sarja Market Complex 251, Saria Market Complex E - 51, Panchsheel Park, E-51, Panchsheel Park, Suit No. 1003 Tower B

Sarvodaya Enclave



Raj Kumar


East of Kailash

New Delhi


Arun Kumar



East of Kailash

New Delhi


Anuj Kanish

916-939-0196, 0120-3956690


New Delhi


Arun Kaporia

42,147,391 011-42147391-392


New Delhi


Arun Kapuria


Mahendru Enclave



Rahul Roy



New Delhi


Alok Mathur


New Delhi


Alok Mathur




New Delhi


Avinish Kumar


New Delhi


Amar Malik



New Delhi


R K Paul



Phase-II, Sec-7



Ankur Gupta



Phase-II, Sec-7, Rohini



Ankur Gupta


New Delhi


Sanjoy Sahgal



New Delhi Unitech Millennium Plaza, Sector-27


Sanjoy Sahgal





Manoj Bhargava

0124-2806140-141, 50


Suit No. 1003 Tower B Ground Floor, D-30

Unitech Millennium Plaza, Sector-27 Sector -3



Manoj Bhargava

0124-2806140-141, 50




Manoj Bhargava


Ground Floor, D-30 122,001 879, Udyog Vihar 48, Okhla Industria Estate 113/58 B Shiva Apartment A-12, Westend Building No.5, Mind Space, Raheja IT Park, Madhapur 110,055 Building No.5, Mind Space, Raheja IT Park, Madhapur 122,002 Building No.5, Mind Space, Raheja IT Park, Madhapur

Sector -3 Phase - V Phase - III

Noida Gurgaon New Delhi

201,301 122,001

Manoj Bhargava Harkesh Kumar All Neha guha

0120-2442920 0124-4002275




201,301 110,021

Swaroop Nagar

Kanpur New Delhi

208,002 110,021

Hemant Sharma Kamini Gangwal 4,676,648

Hyderabad 500,081

Ashven Datla

9140 23145005

Hyderabad 500,081

Ashven Datla

9140 23145005

Hyderabad 500,081

Ashven Datla

9140 23145005

C-25, Preet Vihar 110,092 122,002 C - 102, GAIL House Society C - 102, GAIL House Society C-64, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase--I 110,020 Ramon House, HT Parekh Marg Plot CST No. 1406A/28, D-77, Defence Colony B - 92, Mayapuri Indl. Area, Phase - I 22, Commercial Complex 22, Commercial Complex 4, Nath Kripa, Jhansi Road 474,002 110,058 C-1/133, First Floor, 301, World Trade Tower, 301, World Trade Tower, Malcha Marg, Chankya Puri 169, Backbay Reclamation Sector-56

New Delhi 110,092 Gurgaon 122,003

Vineet Sachdev Amit Bedi

011-23714953 0124-4541800




Amit Bedi



New Delhi 110,020 Mumbai 400,001

Ashish Bhutani Kruti Avlani



Malad (West)



Capt. Rajeev Kapu



New Delhi


Nishi Kant Chando


New Delhi


Dolly Bhatia



New Delhi


Sachin Gupta



Malcha Marg, Chankya Puri

New Delhi


Sachin Gupta


Opp. Hotel Grace, Near Capt. Roop Singh Stadium Janakpuri Barakhamba Lane, Hotel Intercontinental Grand Comp, Barakhamba Lane

Gwalior New Delhi New Delhi 474,002 110,058

Sajal Agarwal Geetu Chopra Debasish Roy

0751-5010134 011-26151796 0124-244339055



New Delhi


Radha Bhatia


301, World Trade Tower, 130, Vaishali, Pitampura, 317-318, Rafael Towers, 601-623 B, Devika Tower R-89, 4th Floor F 89/6, Okhla Indl. Area F 89/6, Okhla Indl. Area 601-623B, Devika Tower Bhiilwara Towers, A12 Bhilwara Towers

Hotel Intercontinental Grand Comp, Barakhamba Lane

New Delhi


Radha Bhatia



New Delhi


Rohit Kohar


8/2, Old Palasia



Piyush Goel


110,019 110,048

Nehru Place Greater Kailash - I Phase - I

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,019 110,048

Rajeev Kumar R. K. Goel Rajiv Warrier

011-30888867 011-26474300 011-51611666




Phase - I

New Delhi


Rajiv Warrier



Nehru Place

New Delhi


Sumit Jain

201,301 201,301

Sector-1 A-12, Sector-1

Noida Noida

201,301 201,301

Rajeev Kachhal Arvind Poddar

0120-2545843 120-2541810

Bhilwara Towers Bhilwara Bhawan, 4041 Community Center 201,301 12,202 B-2/2302 B-2/2302 Plot No. - 38, Sector 18 102, 1st Floor

A-12, Sector-1

Noida 201,301

Arvind Poddar


New Friends Colony Vasant Kunj Vasant Kunj Electronic City Bansi Trade Centre, 581/5, M. G. Road Bansi Trade Centre, 581/5, M. G. Road connaught Place

New delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon 110,070 110,070 122,015

Arvind Poddar Vinod Mehta Vinod Mehta Y. P. Manchanda

120-2541810 0124-40751412 0124-40751412 0124-2397660





Prashant Waiker



102, 1st Floor E-9, Connaught House, E - 9, Connaught House E - 9, Connaught place 10th Floor, Prakashdeep Building



Prashant Waiker



New Delhi


Mr. Vindo Pasreeja

Connaught Place

New Delhi


Vinod Pasrija



New Delhi


Vinod kumar Pasrij


7, Tolstoy Marg 25 Barakhamba Road,

New Delhi New Delhi

K. S. Ananthanaray 6,629,000 Capt. Vinay Khetra 91-120-2472000/2586115

201,301 201,301 Birla Tower, Eight Floor, STPI, Ganga Shoping Complex STPI, Ganga Shoping Complex 1st Floor, Apoorti Bhawan 110,016 B-78, 2nd Floor 110,001


Block - III, 3rd Floor, Sec-29






Block - III, 3rd Floor, Sec-29





STPI Building, KASUMPTI Defence Colony

Shimla New Delhi 110,024

R.S. Bhadwal Manish Khatri

91-177227975 011-51650350-351

Third Floor, Vardhman Market Plaza, 110,034 248,001 110,017 201,301 2nd Floor, City Center A-213 (Basement) Z-36, Sarojini Nagar B - 26, Sarvodaya Nagar X-17, 1st Floor X-17, 1st Floor A-5, C.L.Park, First Floor, Main Nazaf Garh Road 110,015 201,301 A - 14, Prehlad Market 204-206, Siddharth Chambers 205, Palmohan Mansion Floor-13, Mohan Dev Building Lower Gr.Floor, Gr.Floor, 1st and 2nd Floor 201,301 V-10/26 DLF, Phase III, 110,048 E-94, Masjid Moth 146, Sector - 1, Pocket - 2 Rama Farms, Manglapuri C 142 East of Kailash Penta House, 7 West Tower 18, Community Center H.No.-322, Kazi Khera 5, Sirmour Marg C-47, Friends Colony East C-47, Friends Colony East C-47, Friends Colony East 16 A/13, WEA, Karol Bagh,

Plot No. 30, Community Centre, Rani Bagh, Road No. 44 56, Rajpur Road Shivalik

Pitampura 110,034 Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi Kanpur 248,001 110,017 110,023

Shyam Sunder Tal Ashutosh Agarwal Col. Rakesh Kapoo Ghanshyam Pande Sonam Saxena Ruchira Sharma Ruchira Sharma

011-45576474 0135 2432733 011-418815245 0120-4320061 0512-2219834 011-42654668 011-42654668

208,024 110,016 110,016

208,024 110,016 110,016

Hauz Khas Hauz Khas

New Delhi New Delhi

Opp. Kirti Nagar Post Office D. B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh Adz. Azad Appartments, Hauz Khas 26/34 East Patel Nagar

New Delhi 110,015 New Delhi New Delhi 110,005 110,016

Manoj Kumar Ahuj Udist Jha Sandeep Arora


120-4324555-59 0124-4163000


New Dehli


Sudhir Malik

5,710,138 91-51522888


Tolstoy Marg

New Delhi


Deepak Sahai

A-84, Sector-58

Noida 201,301 Gurgaon

Shashi raman Shas Raju Sharma 110,048 Rakesh Khanna Sanjay Kumar Pan

0120-3964210 0124-4069158

GK-III Dwarka

New Delhi New Delhi




Near Sector - D1, Vasant Kunj

New Delhi


Atin Tandon



New Delhi Hotel Le Meridiean, Windser Place New Friends Colony Lalbangla Kaulagarh


Akash Mitta



New Delhi


Atul Tewari

9,818,970,791 011-26923827 0512-2402403 0135-2759035, 2751662

110,065 208,024 248,001

New Delhi Kanpur Dehradun

110,065 208,007 248,001

Kapil Modi Paritosh Agarwal Updesh Singh

New Delhi


Sorabh Gupta



New Delhi


Sorabh Gupta



New Delhi


Sorabh Gupta


New Delhi


Radhika Malhotra


C-12-C, Super Mart-I 122,002 C-12-C, Super Mart-I C-12-C, Super Mart-I 122,002 122,002 C-12-C, Super Mart-I C-12-C, Super Mart-I Neela Gagan, Mandi Road Oberio Gardens Estate Chanivli G - 24, Jangpura Extn 217 - A, Okhla Industrial Estate 5/3, New Palasia 407 Red Rose Building 101, Highland Apartments A-186, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA 22, Vivekanand Nagar E-24, Sector-55, C - 566, Defence Colony, 8, Coronation Building

DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV Mehrauli off. Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E)

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi

122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002

K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal Pooja Alimchandan

011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216


1,244,160,000 120-4037200 0124-4568000 011-41054321

201,301 122,016 110,020

Mumbai New Delhi

400,072 110,014 110,020

Debashish Chatterj Arun Sachdeva A. K. Andhare

Phase - III

New Delhi


Suite 102



Mahesh Lalwani



49-50 Nehru Place

New Delhi


Pankaj Arora

011-26284578, 26404664


Plot No. - 8



Ganapati Hegde


110,020 49,020 201,301


NEW DELHI Chhatisg Gar Noida New Delhi

110,020 49,020 201,307

Yudhistar Lall Anjul Kumar Katare Shaleen Vajpayee Rahul Puri

26,818,446 0788-5040326 0120-4257297

Fatehpuri, Chandni Chowk



Saurabh Dadu


8, Coronation Building

Fatehpuri, Chandni Chowk



Saurabh Dadu

27 - C, Pocket - A

Vikas Puri

New Delhi



0120-532 3340

27 - C, Pocket - A

Vikas Puri

New Delhi



0120-532 3340

110,001 110,019 122,016 122,002

M-38/1 Middle Circle AJ - 41 B, First Floor, E - 514, Greater Kailash - II, 1107, Galleria K-1, Plot No. 412 11/25 East Patel Nagar 11/25 East Patel Nagar

Connaught Place Shalimar Bagh

New Delhi Delhi New Delhi

110,001 110,088 110,048 122,002

Suren Singh Anil Verma Manoj S Pandya Sharat Chandra Sik Sangeeta Kapur

26,831,080 91-11-26466576 0124-4340500 0124-2806021-24 011-23737590-92

DLF Phase-4 Sector-14, Gurgaon-Mehrauli Road

Gurgaon Gurgaon




New Delhi


M. L. Wadhwani



New Delhi


M. L. Wadhwani



37, Shakesphere Sarani A-16, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate

4th Floor



Tarun Choudgary


Mathura Road, NH-2

New Delhi 110,044

Kamal Karmakar


110,044 A-16, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate 1C/13, Rajnigandha Building, C-12, Aruna Park 303 IInd Floor Mamchand Estate OS-2, Odean Plaza, 2nd Floor OS-2, Odean Plaza

Mathura Road, NH-2 New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh Laxmi Nagar Saidulajab, Opp. Saket (DBlock) M.B. Road Central Market, Sector-6, Dwaraka II Floor, Centra Market, Sec-6

New Delhi 110,044 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Kamal Karmakar Samir Gupta Shaleen Vajpayee Rajiv Mehta

011-51678500 91-120-4105172 0120-4257297 011-51671140, 295313

201,002 110,092

110,005 110,092




New Delhi


Deepak Bansal



New Delhi




104, Sarda House 104, Sarda House 505-507, Vikrant Tower 503, Kucha Pati Ram, Flat No.1244, SectorA 201,002 J-36, Saket 103, Ashoka Estate

24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road 24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road 4 Rajendra Place


452,001 452,001 110,008

Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agarwal Rohit Jain

0731-5065215 0731-5065215 011-25765820-23



Bazar Sita Ram,



Kiran Mehta


Pocket B, Vasant Kunj

New Delhi New Delhi

110,070 110,019

Satish Pujari Pranjal Kumar Ajay Kapoor 0124-4157755


Barakhamba Road

New Delhi



103, Ashoka Estate

Barakhamba Road

New Delhi


Ajay Kapoor


103, Ashoka Estate

Barakhamba Road

New Delhi


Ajay Kapoor



1st Floor GHCL House, Opp. Punjabi Hall, D-24/1, Ground Floor

C-39, Sector-58 Near Navrangpura Bus Stand, Navrangpura, Gautam Nagar Gautam Nagar



Nimit Kalsi

2,589,910 0120-2589901 011-26965625,2651628 011-26965625,2651628


Ahmedabad New Delhi New Delhi Null Pl. Enter

380,009 110,049 110,049

Nitin Kaushik Dinesh Mittal Dinesh Mittal NullPl.Enter


D-24/1, Ground Floor Null Pl. Enter C - 62, Janak Cinema Complex, Janakpuri,

New Delhi 110,058 New Delhi

Sharad Poddar 25,542,045 Virendra S Negi 011-29258738

110,058 110,020 840, Chirag Delhi



840 840, Chirag Delhi

Chirag Delhi

New Delhi




New Delhi

Virendra Singh Neg



2 LSC, Uday park 311, Block - IV, 3rd Floor 311, Block - IV, 3rd Floor Electronics Complex

Khel Gaon Marg Ganga Shoppin Complex, Sector - 29 Ganga Shoppin Complex, Sector - 29

New Delhi Noida


Virender S. Bisht Vikas Sharma

011-26858049 0120-2454153





Vikas Sharma







Electronics Complex





cont_mobile 9,810,146,395 9,880,247,247 9,880,247,247

cont_mail sumanb@1e.com ravi.r@247customer.com ravi.r@247customer.com

contact@4cplus.com 9,810,042,862 0532-3157881 9,811,226,906 9,837,024,875 anurita.b@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com ace_infosys@yahoo.com sahai_rajiv@rediffmail.com 9,811,156,174 9,810,711,380 trinitysaini@yahoo.co.in tandons24@yahoo.com 9,811,048,506 9,811,013,181 guptavivek_in@hotmail.com sanjay@sssdesignntek.com manan.chopra@bellsystems.org 9,811,546,046 9,810,426,069 9,818,739,123 9,818,680,610 9,719,118,909 9,818,112,234 sudip.chatterjee@absolutdata.com sanjay@aarman-inc.com threed@vsnl.com abhinavm@gmail.com govind.sharma@in.abnamro.com

kkhalidi@tagi.com 9,871,114,338 dir_atm@yahoo.com

shailesh.kumar.yadav@accenture.com 9,999,115,744 9,845,013,140 9,845,013,140 sanjeev.kumar.ghai@accenture.com sanjeev.kumar.ghai@accenture.com

shailesh.kumar.yadav@accenture.com 9,999,115,744 shalugupta@yahoo.co.uk accessit@accessinfotech.com 9,873,506,333 9,811,723,789 9,811,377,697 j_mishra@lawcombine.com akalra@accretivehealth.com ramesht@acidaes.com info@acl-wireless.com contact@acmet.com contact@acmet.com Wrong No.

amitgarg50@gmail.com 9,810,529,505

9,891,472,245 9,891,472,245

rajeshd@acrocorp.com rajeshd@acrocorp.com sagarwal@act.in


9,817,298,818 9,810,411,073

hagrawal@activesensing.com cnaveen@adasoftindia.com

9,818,597,556 9,811,052,449 mail@adityainternational.com

9,810,138,399 9,810,138,399 9,810,138,399

vgupta@adobe.com vgupta@adobe.com vgupta@adobe.com vgupta@adobe.com


9,810,812,308 9,412,732,632 9,810,111,540 9,810,027,298

dillip@adoreinfotech.com rajesh@adroit-inc.com saroop.chand@adroitecinfo.com joshi@adtelsoft.com sanjaya@vsnl.com








9,810,484,888 0135 - 265913 9,810,093,757 9,810,743,432

pswaroop@advlearn.com advent@adventmatrixinc.com gkohli@advize-media.com samit@adyasystems.com













9,873,080,802 ankur@aglaya.com dkbakshius@yahoo.com kc.kc.john@gmail.com

9,810,999,948 9,971,073,410







9,818,061,090 9,810,979,579

sanjeev.pm@agreeya.com vghai@vsnl.com info@rmantra.co.in







devesh.kumar.bhatnagar@alcatel.com 9,899,705,810 devesh.kumar.bhatnager@alcatel.com 9,899,705,810 algosolutions@gmail.com 9,810,612,876 9,811,157,396 9,811,157,396 utkarsh.panwar@algorismtech.com amian@alletec.com amian@alletec.com alltelenetsolution@usa.net yuvrajsingh@rediffmail.com




satyen@alphathought.com 9,810,644,486 alps@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in alpssoft@vsnl.com 9,810,073,214 9,811,170,834 arvind.kamble@tde.alstom.com sudhir@altimatech.com sudhir@altimatech.com dkapoor@polyplex.com

3639, 2706644







deepak.v.vig@aexp.com 9,910,032,213

deepak.v.vig@aexp.com 9,811,611,120 manjul.g.grover@ampf.com


9,811,905,564 9,810,323,338

nitin@amperesoftware.com pankaj@amsoft.net pradeep.kumar@amsoft.net






hr@amvrin.com 9,873,939,095 9,811,697,472 indy.sarker@analec.com




9,412,079,490 9,811,111,521 9,811,551,696 9,811,551,696 9,811,551,696 9,810,265,236 9,338,219,185 9,826,052,718 9,826,052,718 rahul@anniksystems.com gs.sunder@anniksystems.com gs.sunder@anniksystems.com gs.sunder@anniksystems.com puneet@puneetpuri.com patnaik_nishith@rediffmail.com gsurana@alturatechnologies.com gsurana@alturatechnologies.com apcosoft@vsnl.net jai@apjtech.com


ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com 9,810,950,222 arunmaini@rediff.com


85134, 26287995 9,811,942,724

appliedtechno@vsnl.com alok.Singhal@franconnect.com vikas.banga@appulse.com

9,818,304,949 9,818,001,113

0081, 2485297

contactus@apticraft.com contactus@apticraft.com contactus@apticraft.com contactus@apticraft.com 9,415,022,495 9,810,348,541 apv@sify.com ak@apyl.com

0081, 2485297

0081, 2485297

0081, 2485297

9,810,073,214 9,811,183,175

arvind.kamble@tde.alstom.com agulati@ariworld.com mmehandru@airworld.com sgarg@ariba.com








































veenar@armoursoftware.com averma@artechinfo.in

info@aryanscomlink.com 9,899,046,835 9891185564, 9 mohan@ascenttelecom.com parveen@asdintl.com





ashishenterprises11@gmail.com 9,810,068,484 9,837,028,508 asianoutsourcingsolutions@rediffmail.co jngupta@aspservice.net info@aspenindia.com 9,810,513,760 dbatra@assigncorp.com

sharmashishir@gmail.com 9,899,803,477 9,810,092,430 91-11-981011 mukul.agarwal@astraglobal.com


9,811,226,906 sanjeev.jha@atkearney.com





sanjeev.jha@atkearney.com structure_online@spectranet.com

4825, 26676623




9,810,088,770 9,810,088,770 9,810,088,770 9,810,088,770

nagi@noida.atrenta.com nagi@noida.atrenta.com nagi@noida.atrenta.com nagi@noida.atrenta.com

rbhatia@servicesats.com sinha@atc-labs.com







196, 0120-3956690






























9,811,110,968 9,871,393,130

manoj.bhargava@axisitt.com harkesha@axistelecominc.com neha.guha@ittglobal.com




contact@bahriservices.com 9,811,018,854 9,818,025,337 amit.bedi@bain.com











sajal@bbnisys.com 9,425,111,758 gchopra1@yahoo.com roy.debasish@arvatoindia.com






9,350,251,054 9,811,025,792

ragarwal@bgilinfo.com rajindergoel@e-bharti.com rajiv.warrier@bhartitelsoft.com




9,810,000,530 9,818,086,863

rajeev.kachhal@bhilwarainfo.com arvindpoddar@Injbhilwara.com

arvindpoddar@Injbhilwara.com 9,818,086,863 arvindpoddar@injbhilwara.com vinod@baps.co.in vinod@baps.co.in ypmanchanda@bslindia.com








ks.ananth@india.birlasoft.com vinay.khetrapal@india.birlasoft.com




9,816,068,679 9,891,919,600

bizibishimla@hotmail.com contact@tekksource.com

shyamtalwar@expugn.net 9,810,026,993 9,897,077,161 ashuagga@sareharnet.in


ghan@bossintl.com info@bpoindiaonline.com ruchira.sharma@brainroots.com ruchira.sharma@brainroots.com

9,838,645,664 9,910,032,931 9,910,032,931

9,811,554,843 9,810,161,123 9,213,417,465 udistj@brickred.com sandeep.arora@Brightsun.co.in



best@best-india.com 9,312,371,796 9,871,298,537 rk@ckinternational.in








9,811,058,636 9,935,327,676

kapil.modi@inlight.us calltech-icsi@yahoo.co.in updesh@callshift.com

9035, 2751662






9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906

kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com Pooja.Alimchandani@cano.co.in

debasish.chatterjee@techmahindra.co asachdeva@cashedge.com anilkc@casioindiacompany.com




4578, 26404664




s_dash@cellnext.com anjul@e-bizsolve.com 9,818,040,470 shaleenvajpayee@hotmail.com puri.rahul@pespl.com






9,810,249,035 9,810,899,274 9,811,152,086

anil@chilytech.com mpandya@ciena.com sharats@cilaresources.com skapur@cincom.com






kamal@citixsys.com.com 9,810,071,346

kamal@citixsys.com.com 9,810,071,346 9,818,580,554 9,818,040,470 samir.gupta@cklear.com shaleen@clairsol.com rajiv@classicinformatics.com






9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,811,406,332

sanjeev@clear-trail.com sanjeev@clear-trail.com rohit@cleaveglobal.com








9,811,277,988 9,811,277,988

ceo@combineresources.com ceo@combineresources.com

sharad@infobase.in 9,871,399,009 virendran@competentsoftware.com










Acme Technologies Pvt.Ltd. ACME Web Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

K-2 Somdatt Towers 1524, Sector - 17C 3rd Floor, Ramnath Building M - 60 (Basement) Ground, First and Second Floor, Cabin No. 5 522, Udyog Vihar 8, Balaji Estate, M-46, Greater Kailash Part- I Adobe Tower -II, 1-1A City Centre I - 1A, City Centre 1-1a, City Centre Tech Boulevard Building k-6, First Floor, Lajpat Nagar - II, C 56/9, Sector - 62 1, Navjeevan Vihar C - 56/24 D- 1063, New Friends Colony, Tirupati World Link D-1070, New Friends Colony, 3rd Floor Stp Complex No.201 and 202, IInd Floor, NSICSTP S - 6, Greater Kailash, No. 26, Poorvi Marg Plot No. - 212, 2nd Floor Basement Floor, Ground Floor, 1st to 2nd Floor First Floor, A - 5 E-384, Greater Kailash Basement, Gr., 1st and IInd Floor Basement, Ground Floor and First Floor 90 - D, Sector - 18 Ground and 1st Floor, Plot No.7 (C), Sector-18 Plot No. 8 and 9 1, Udyog Vihar 39/71, Punjabi Bagh West D - 28 A Business Centre No. 12, Logix Infotech Park,

6th Floor, Sector-18

Noida Gurgaon

200,743 109,312 109,312 200,795 200,764 109,055 Acro Technologies (India)Pvt.Ltd Acro Technologies (India)Pvt.Ltd Actis Global Services Pvt. Ltd Active Sensing (India) Pvt. Ltd. Adasoft India Pvt. Ltd. Adecco NIIT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 201,039 108,667 108,127 108,127 108,127 201,123 200,616 200,558 108,701 108,199 200,781 201,049 108,364 108,209 108,209 200,789 200,273 200,498 200,279 201,014 200,350 200,036 200,036 200,036 200,036 200,036 201,126 200,524 201,012 201,102 Aditya International Adobe Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Adobe Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Adobe Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Adobe Systems India Pvt. Ltd. (UnitII) Adore Infotech Pvt.Ltd. Adroit Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Adroitec Information Systems Limited Adtel Software Pvt. Ltd Advance E - Services Pvt. Ltd. Advance Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. Advance Informatics Advantage Learning Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. Advantage Learning Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. Advent Matrix Pvt. Ltd. Advize Media Adya systems & Software Pvt. Ltd. Aegis BPO Services (Gurgaon) Limited Aegis BPO Services Ltd. Agda Control Instrumentation Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilent Technologies International Pvt.Ltd. Agilis Information Technologies International Pvt. Ltd. AGLAYA Agnisys Technology (P) Ltd. Agnity Technologies Private Limited New Delhi Sector-25A Sector - 25 A Sector - 25a Floors 6th, 7th and LGF, Plot No. 6, Sectort-127 Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Noida New Delhi Sector - 62 Noida New Delhi Delhi New Delhi Nsic Bhawan, Okhla Indl Estate NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate Part - I DLF - II Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - III Plot No. 6, Sector - 34 Sector - 3 Part-II Udyog Vihar Indl.Area, Phase-IV Plot No. 8-9, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Udyog Vihar Maruti Industrial Area Udyog Vihar Industrial Area, Phase-IV Phase-IV New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Noida New Delhi Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Sector - 26 Plot No. D-5, Sector-59 Noida Noida 18, Community Centre, Yusuf Sarai Malviya Nagar 11 Golf Links A - 4 and 5, Sector - 16 Phase - V Sudharshan Munjal Marg, Kalkaji New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Gurgaon New Delhi

E - 372, First Floor, Nirman Vihar


K-2, Somdatt Towers 49, Pragti Apartments, West Enclave M - 60 (Basement) M - 60 (Basement) Ground, First and Second Floor, First Floor, BC 22, Logix Park, 522, Udyog Vihar 8 Balaji Estate, Sudarshan Munjal Marg, M-46, Greater Kailash Part-I I - 1A, City Centre I - 1A, City Centre I - 1A, City Centre I-1A, City Center, Sector-25A k-6, First Floor, Lajpat Nagar - II, 45, Kalu Sarai 1, Navjeevan Vihar C - 56/24, D - 1070, New Friends Colony, 24/56, Clinic Building, D-1070, New Friends Colony, 3rd Floor, Nsic Stp Complex 3rd Floor, Nsic Stp Complex 23, East Canal Road M - 9, Lajpat Nagar - II J - 5A, Green Park Extn. H-5/12, Qutab Ambience 11, K. K. Marg, E-384, Greater Kailash 90 - D, Sector - 18 90 - D, Sector - 18 90 - D, Sector - 18 90 - D, Sector - 18

6th Floor, Sector-18 Pitampura Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar 11 Golf Links A - 4 and 5, Sector - 16 Phase - V Kalkaji

Noida New Delhi


Yuvraj Mathur Parul Garg

0120-2516936-37 0124-5017195 011-26682717 011-26682717 91-11-24691691 0120-4366000 0124 - 4017119, 40150

122,002 110,016 110,017 110,003 201,301 122,016 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Sector - 25 A Sector - 25 A Sector - 25 A Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Sri Aurobind Marg New Delhi New Delhi Sector - 62 Noida New Delhi Kanpur New Delhi Nsic Bhawan, Okhla Indl Estate Nsic Bhawan, Okhla Indl Estate New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi Mehrauli Road MAHALAXMI Part-II Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar New Delhi MUMBAI New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Rajinder Nagar, C-17, Community Centre, Janakpuri New Delhi New Delhi

110,034 110,017 110,017 110,003 201,301 122,016 Rajesh Dhaundiyal Rajesh Dhaundiyal Sanjay Agarwal H P Agrawal N. K. Chopra Mukesh Saxena 110,048 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,024 110,016 110,017 201,301 110,065 208,001 110,065 110,020 110,020 248,001 110,024 110,016 110,030 400,034 110,048 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 110,027 110,029 110,060 110,058 Akhilesh Agarwal Vineet Kumar Gupt Vineet Kumar Gupt Vineet Kumar Gupt Vineet Kr. Gupta Dillip Kumar Tripath Rajesh Agarwal SAroop Chand Dhananjay Joshi sanjay Aggarwal Ashok Arora Sunil Agarwal Swaroop Pillarisetti Swaroop Pillarisetti Anju Chandna Gaurav Kohli Samit Jain Sanjiv Gupta Aparup Sengupta D.D.Agarwal Ravi Malhotra Ravi Malhotra Ravi Malhotra Ravi Malhotra Ravi Malhotra Sanjeev Mittal Ankur Srivastava 011-26102520 011-26280071 0120-2444711 0120-2444711 0120-2444711 0120-2444711 011-417248-91/92/93/9 0120-4330006 011-41609231 0120-2547601,2547596 011-26320565 22,048,519 011- 26326690-91 011-26919783, 269609 011-26919783, 269609 011-26219560/2621956 011-29837429 011-41602431-32 0124-5100450 022-66601100


201,301 201,301 110,024 201,301 110,017 201,301 110,065 110,092 110,065 110,020

Bihana Road



201,301 110,048

0124-4192300 0124-4192300 0124-4192300 0124-4192300 0124-4192300

122,015 122,015

122,015 122,016

90 - D, Sector - 18 E-11, Rajouri Garden A 2/59, Safdarjung Enclave C - 119, F.F. 1st Floor, Paramount Tower

201,301 201,301

Devendra Kumar Bakshi Mr. Sanjeev Chawl 0120-4066200

contact@acmet.com amitgarg50@gmail.com 9,810,529,505 9,891,472,245 9,891,472,245 9,810,272,983 9,817,298,818 9,810,411,073 rajeshd@acrocorp.com rajeshd@acrocorp.com sagarwal@act.in hagrawal@activesensing.com cnaveen@adasoftindia.com

9,818,597,556 9,811,052,449 9,810,138,399 9,810,138,399 9,810,138,399 9,810,138,399 9,810,812,308 9,412,732,632 9,810,111,540 9,810,027,298 9,810,133,391 9,873,124,982 9,810,017,750 9,810,484,888 9,810,484,888 0135 - 265913 9,810,093,757 9,810,743,432 mail@adityainternational.com vgupta@adobe.com vgupta@adobe.com vgupta@adobe.com vgupta@adobe.com dillip@adoreinfotech.com rajesh@adroit-inc.com saroop.chand@adroitecinfo.com joshi@adtelsoft.com sanjaya@vsnl.com aroraashok@tirupatiworld.link.com sanjaya@vsnl.com pswaroop@advlearn.com pswaroop@advlearn.com advent@adventmatrixinc.com gkohli@advize-media.com samit@adyasystems.com



9,810,275,131 9,810,275,131 9,810,275,131 9,810,275,131 9,810,275,131 9,873,080,802 9,810,999,948 9,971,073,410

ravi_malhotra@agilent.com ravi_malhotra@agilent.com ravi_malhotra@agilent.com ravi_malhotra@agilent.com ravi_malhotra@agilent.com

ankur@aglaya.com dkbakshius@yahoo.com kc.kc.john@gmail.com

201,009 200,288 200,288 200,288 200,194 200,563 108,670 104,004 200,401 200,401

Agran Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Agreeya Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd. Agreeya Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd. Agreeya Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd. Airware Inc. Aishwarya Infotech Pvt. Ltd. AIT Systems Pvt. Ltd. Aithent Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. (unit II)

106, Pratap Bhawan 38, C/2, Block-B, Basment and Gnd. Floor, C-2, Block - B, 1st and 2nd Floor, B-38, C/2 B-28, 2nd Floor B - 77, Sector - 63 202, South Extn. Centre, A-186, 2233.48(SQM) at 1ST 2ND 3RD and 4th Floor at Plot Plot No. 406, Phase-III

5, Bhadurshah Zafar Marg Sector-57 Sector-57, Sector-57 Sector-63

New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

273, Masjid Moth, South Extn-II, Okhla Industrial Area, Ph 1 Udyog Vihar Phase-III (Total area of all floor) Udyog Vihar Electronics City, Sector18

Plot No. 25, Block A and B


200,626 Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. (unit III) (Sec - 63, Noida) 200,712 201,116 200,597 109,232 109,232 109,281 108,761 200,924 Algo Solutions Algorism Softech Pvt. Ltd. All e Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All e Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ALL Telenet Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Alliance Comnet Ltd. Allied Information Technology & Marketing (P) Ltd. Alpha Thought Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,819 108,009 108,371 108,699 200,166 200,166 200,314 200,575 108,060 109,235 109,235 ALPS International Technologies Alps Soft Touch Alstom Projects India Ltd Altima Systems Pvt.Ltd. Altima Systems Pvt.Ltd. Altivolus Infotech Pvt.Ltd. Amadeus India IT Services Amadeus India Pvt. Ltd. American Devices (India) Pvt. Ltd. American Devices (India) Pvt. Ltd. 102 Ashirwad Complex C-29, Meerut Road A-88, Sector-57 2nd and 3rd Floor 2nd - 3rd Floor, 29 Community Centre 5th Floor, B-37 D-1, 2nd Floor, D Block Market Plot No.7,Local Shopping Centre , Sector C, C-35, Institutional Area by taking another 701.52 sq.m. at D-1 Green Park New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida Saket New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida A - 61 B/3, Sector - 63 21 Halim Market 758, Udyog Vihar A-1, A-67, C-41 272, 1st Floor, Netram Market, Second Floor, B- 49 A - 4 and 5, Second Floor, Logix Park, Chamanganj Phase - V Sector-58, Sector-57, Sector-2 Nahar Pur, Sec-7, Rohini, Sector-59 Noida Kanpur gurgaon NOIDA Noida Noida New Delhi Noida

Sector - 16,


29, Community Centre, Saket Sector-1 Vasant Vihar Pocket 6 and 7 , Vasant Kunj Sector-62 C-35, Sector-62

American Express ( India ) Pvt. Ltd 100,067 American Express (India) Pvt. ltd. (Unit-II) 200,334 200,748 200,748 201,000 200,836 108,500 Ameriprise India Pvt. Ltd. Ameriprise India Pvt. Ltd. Amicus Technology Private Limited Ampere Software Pvt. Ltd. Amsoft Systems India Inc.

Wings B1-a, G-A, 1-A, 2-A, Commercial Zone-6, Group Housing Block-3 Scheme, Phase-V, DLF City Office Building, Opp. Golf Course Sector-32 Sector - 32


Zone-6, DLF Phase-V 1126 Sq.ft. at Upper Basement at Plot No. 81 Ground, 1to 4th Floor, Plot - 81, Stree No. 6, New Shanti Nagar, A-146, 1st Floor 4-Munrika Marg

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Raipur

Sec - 63 Vasant Vihar

Noida New Delhi


106, Pratap Bhawan, D - 13, Pamposh Enclave D - 13, Pamposh Enclave D - 13, Pamposh Enclave M-187 B - 38/77 C, Tulsipur 202, South Extn. Centre, Plot No 8 and 9 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate, Guindy, 94/95, Thiru Vika Industrial Estate, Guindy,

5, Bhadurshah Zafar Marg

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi


Anurag Gupta Sanjeev Mandal Sanjeev Mandal Sanjeev Mandal

011-23736058 0120-5394400 0120-5394400 0120-5394400 26,218,963 0120-3096470 011-26256027 0124-2455504-14 0124-4133001 0124-4133001

201,301 110,049 110,029

Greater Kailash-II Sheel Nagar Extn, Mahmoogunj 273, Masjid Moth, South ExtnII, Electronic City, Sector-18 GUINDY GUINDY

New Delhi Varanasi New Delhi Gurgaon CHENNAI CHENNAI

110,049 221,010 110,049 122,015 600,032 600,032

Vivek Ghai Kartikeya Singh Ashok K. Kaul Ajay Malik Devesh Kumar Bha Devesh Kumar Bha


Chennai 600,032 Chennai Chamanganj Saket Sector-57, Sector-57, Sector-2 Nahar Pur, Sec-7, Rohini, Vasant Kunj Kanpur New Delhi Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi 600,032 208,001 110,017 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,085

Devesh Kumar Bha



Devesh Kumar Farzana Rashid Utkarsh Panwar Ajay Mian Ajay Mian Jitendra Badjatiya Yuvraj Singh Krishan B Chandok

0120-5327338/39/40 0512-2552247 0124-5006340-44 0120-2588656-59 0120-2588656-59 4546073/74/75/76 011-27054608-609 0120-4324203

201,301 208,001 122,016 201,301 201,301 110,085 201,303

21 Halim Market J - 97, 2 nd Floor A-67, A-67, C-41 272, 1st Floor, Netram Market, D-3/3180 2A, plot 900, Heritage Arcade, S R Nagar

Hyderabad 500,038 D-1 GreenPark, New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida 110,016 201,001 110,017 110,017 110,060 110,001 110,001 201,301 201,301

Satyen Bandopadh R.N Narang Alok Narang A. U. Kamble Sudhir Goyal Sudhir Goyal Deepak Kapoor Radha Bhatia Ankur Bhatia Diptikant Parhi Diptikant Parhi

0120-4266917 011-26514512 0120-2713639, 2706644 0120-2510248-250 011-32593331 011-32593331 4,014,406,407,408 011-26146633 011-241336600 0120-2400101/118 0120-2400101/118

201,301 110,016 201,001 102 Ashirwad Complex, C-29, Meerut Road A-88, Sector-57 C 6 / 2, SFS C 6 / 2, SFS E-192, E-9, Connaught House E-9, Connaught House C-35, Institutional Area C-35, Institutional Area Plot No. A-26, Infocity 122,001 A-37, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Paharpur Business Centre, Paharpur Business Centre, Stree No. 6, New Shanti Nagar, 213, First Floor, Kailash hills 4-Munrika Marg Main Mathura Road 21, Nehru Place 21, Nehru Place New Delhi

110,017 201,301

Saket Saket New Rajinder Nagar Connaught Place Connaught Place Sector-62 Sector-62

110,070 201,301


Gurgaon 122,001

Deepak V Vig


Deepak Vig 110,044 110,019 110,019 492,007 110,065 110,057 Manjul Grover Manjul Grover Pramod Agrawal Nitin Chauhan Tilak Raj Jaisingh

11-2905381 0124-6600516 0124-6600516

122,002 122,001 122,001 492,007 201,301 110,057

New Delhi New Delhi Raipur New Delhi

0120-4250370 011-26145870

Vasant Vihar

New Delhi

9,811,112,926 9,818,061,090 9,818,061,090 9,818,061,090 9,810,979,579

agupta@agran.co.in sanjeev.pm@agreeya.com sanjeev.pm@agreeya.com sanjeev.pm@agreeya.com vghai@vsnl.com info@rmantra.co.in ait@vsnl.com amalik@blr.aithent.com

9,899,705,810 9,899,705,810

devesh.kumar.bhatnagar@alcatel.com devesh.kumar.bhatnagar@alcatel.com

devesh.kumar.bhatnagar@alcatel.com 9,899,705,810 devesh.kumar.bhatnager@alcatel.com 9,899,705,810 9,810,612,876 9,811,157,396 9,811,157,396 9,810,156,605 9,910,223,444 algosolutions@gmail.com utkarsh.panwar@algorismtech.com amian@alletec.com amian@alletec.com alltelenetsolution@usa.net yuvrajsingh@rediffmail.com kchandak@prosoftgroup.com

satyen@alphathought.com 9,810,644,486 alps@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in alpssoft@vsnl.com arvind.kamble@tde.alstom.com sudhir@altimatech.com sudhir@altimatech.com dkapoor@polyplex.com

3639, 2706644 9,810,073,214 9,811,170,834 9,811,170,834

rb@birt.in 9,811,795,905 9,811,795,905 diptikantp@itcplant.com diptikantp@itcplant.com

deepak.v.vig@aexp.com 9,910,032,213 deepak.v.vig@aexp.com 9,811,611,120 manjul.g.grover@ampf.com manjul.g.grover@ampf.com

9,811,905,564 9,810,323,338

nitin@amperesoftware.com pankaj@amsoft.net

108,450 108,450 108,450

Amsoft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Amsoft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Amsoft Systems Pvt. Ltd.

4, Munirka Marg, 4, Munirka Marg, Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43

Vasant Vihar, Vasant Vihar, Sushant Lok-1 C - DAC, B - 30, Sector 62 NH-8

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon

Amvrin Systems (P) Ltd. 201,081 200,206 200,914 200,784 200,900 108,426 200,028 200,028 200,028 200,379 200,434 109,381 109,381 108,954 200,568 108,993 200,646 201,043 201,044 200,024 200,438 200,251 200,816 100,003 100,003 100,003 100,003 200,365 201,041 200,410 108,047 201,104 201,169 200,190 108,003 108,003 Analec Infotech Private Ltd. Ananta On-Line Graphics Studio Private Limited Anistar Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Anjnay Information Technology Annik Systems (P) Ltd Annik Technology Services Pvt.Ltd. Annik Technology Services Pvt.Ltd. Annik Technology Services Pvt.Ltd. ANR Software Pvt Ltd Anthem Global Consulting A-One Biz Solutions Pvt.Ltd. A-One Biz Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Apco Remedies India Ltd. APJ Tech APL International Private Limited APM Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Applied Research International Applied Research International (P) Ltd. Applied Technosoft Appnetix Techno Pvt. Ltd. Appulse Technologies Private Limited Aprology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Apticraft Systems Pvt. Ltd. APV India Pvt. Ltd. Apyl Software & Systems Ltd. Arete Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Areva T and D Systems India Limited ARI e-business Pvt. Ltd. ARI World Private Limited Ariba India Pvt. Ltd. Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited

ITCC Incubator, B-1207, Signature Towers G-13, Sector-6, J - 8/19, DLF City, Phase -II, 2nd Floor, Johar Complex B-86, Shivalik B-86, Shivalik Gr. and Ist Floor, 847, Udyog Vihar 515, Udyog Vihar B-104, Basement, Ground, First and 2nd Floor P 4/7, DLF Phase -II 103, 104 Vidyapati 103-104, ( Green Marked) First Floor, 7-B, Vaishali Nagar 117/NM/26, Kakadeo Mahakosh House B-24, 25, Sector - I B - 1, Hauz Khas B - 1, Hauz Khas 768, Phase V C - 94, Sector-8 BAsement, Grond Floor, Mezzamine and 1st Floor Plot No. B - 83 7, Vasudev Nagar 142, Electronic Complex Flat No. 10 Flat No. 8, Vasudev Nagar 5/506, Viram Khand A - 2, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, 302, South Extn. Plaza - I A-21-24 E-36, First Floor E-36, 2nd Floor, 1st Floor, Gateway Tower Plot No.31, Sector-18, Plot-5, Sector-18

Noida Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon

Tilak Road Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar Phase-V Phase - III Sector-63 Jacaranda Marg 17, Race Course Road Vidyapati, 17 Race Course Road,

Rishikesh New Delhi New Delhi Gurgoan Gurgoan Noida Gurgaon Indore Indore Indore Kanpur

7/5, South Tukogunj, Nath Mandir Road

Indore Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Ground Floor, Udyog Vihar 579, Udyog Vihar, PH- V Sector - 65 Manik Bagh Road Perdesipura 7, Vasudev Nagar, Manik Bagh 7, Manik Bagh Road, Gomti Nagar Phase - I 389, Masjid Moth, South Extn. Part - II Sector-16 Hauz Khas Hauz Khas R Block, DLF City, PhaseIII Electronic City, Electronic City

Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon Noida Indore Indore Indore Indore Lucknow New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

110,057 110,057 122,001

122,002 201,301 122,002

Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43 Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43 Unitech Trade Centre, Sector-43 1180 - A, Arjun Nagar, Street - 8, Kotla Mubarak Pur B-1207, Signature Towers 6, Hailey Road, 209, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, 2nd Floor, Johar Complex B-86, Shivalik 847, Udyog Vihar 847, Udyog Vihar

Sushant Lok-1 Sushant Lok-1 Sushant Lok-1

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

122,001 122,001 122,001

Pradeep Kumar Pradeep Kumar Pradeep Kumar

0124-5040001 0124-5040001 0124-5040001

New Delhi 110,003 NH-8 New Delhi Gurgaon Delhi New Delhi Tilak Road, Malviya Nagar Phase - V Phase - V Phase - V I. P. Extension, Patparganj Jacaranda Marg Khajarana Road Khajarana Road Rishikesh New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi Gurgaon Indore Indore Indore Kanpur 7/5, South Tukogunj, Nath Mandir Road Indore New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Ground Floor, Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Jaipur Delhi Karol Bagh Manik Bagh Road Manik Bagh Road Manik Bagh Road Manik Bagh Road 448, Azadpur New Delhi Indore Indore Indore Indore New Delhi Mathura 389, Masjid Moth, South Extn. Part - II Sector-16 New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Electronic City, Electronic City, Gurgaon Gurgaon 302,017 110,085 110,005 452,004 452,004 452,004 452,004 110,033 281,001 110,049 201,301 110,016 110,065 122,015 122,015 452,008 208,002 452,001 110,016 110,016 110,016 110,017 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,092 122,002 122,002 110,001 110,065

Amar Verma Indrajit Sarker Anand Sharma Venkata Satyanara Ajay Bandhu Rahul Sahgal G. Solanki Sundar G. Solanki Sundar G. Solanki Sundar Puneet Puri Nishith Patanaik Gajendra K. Suran Gajendra K. Suran Raghvendra Muchh Jai Inder Singh Nirmal Iyengar Arun Maini Amarjeet Rewari Amarjeet Rewari Vijay Khanna Alok Singhal Vikas Banga Jasbir Singh Ratan Lal Jain Ratan Lal Jain Ratan Lal Jain Ratan Lal Jain V.K. Chopra Atul Kumar V. S. Singh A. U. Kamble Ashu Gulati Manoj Mehandru Shreesh Garg Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma

0120-2250448 0124-4084062 011-23712943 0124-4057319 0135-2455078 011-26693050 0124-5003283 0124-5003283 0124-5003283

110,017 110,017

122,001 201,301 122,002 452,001 452,001 452,008 208,005 452,001 201,301 110,016 110,016

847, Udyog Vihar M-62, Plot No.-62, Swati Appartment P 4/7, DLF Phase -II 9, Kalpana Lok Colony 9, Kalpana Lok Colony 7-B, Vaishali Nagar 112/368 - F, Swaroop Nagar Mahakosh House F - 65, Green Park, B - 1, Hauz Khas B - 1, Hauz Khas 768, Phase V

9,338,219,185 0731-2432441, 243616 0731-2432441, 243616 0731-2555635 0512-2525493, 255699 0731-5068901-903

91-11-41655123 0124-26485134, 26287995 0120-4338108-09 0124-4557500 91-11-25727289 0731-2570081, 2485297 0731-2570081, 2485297 0731-2570081, 2485297 0731-2570081, 2485297 11-2725076 26,310,857 011-26256363 0120-2510248-250 011-41655123-27 011-41655123-28 95-124-4135404 0124-2346666 0124-2346666

201,301 122,002 201,301 452,004 452,004

S - 5, Bajaj Nagar A-290, Prashant Vihar 17 A/50, L G Floor, 7, Vasudev Nagar 7, Vasudev Nagar 7, Vasudev Nagar 7, Vasudev Nagar 19, Narendra Bhawan 43, Raj Ratan, Brij Enclave 302, South Extn. Plaza - I A-21-24 B-1, Hauz Khas B-1, Hauz Khas, F-83, East of Kailash Plot No.31, Sector-18, Plot No.31, Sector-18,

226,010 110,020 110,049 201,301 110,016 122,002 122,015 122,015

9,811,566,000 9,811,566,000 9,811,566,000

pradeep.kumar@amsoft.net pradeep.kumar@amsoft.net pradeep.kumar@amsoft.net

hr@amvrin.com 9,873,939,095 9,811,697,472 indy.sarker@analec.com info@anantastudio.com 9,818,014,455 9,412,079,490 9,811,111,521 9,811,551,696 9,811,551,696 9,811,551,696 9,810,265,236 9,338,219,185 9,826,052,718 9,826,052,718 rahul@anniksystems.com gs.sunder@anniksystems.com gs.sunder@anniksystems.com gs.sunder@anniksystems.com puneet@puneetpuri.com patnaik_nishith@rediffmail.com gsurana@alturatechnologies.com gsurana@alturatechnologies.com apcosoft@vsnl.net jai@apjtech.com ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com 9,810,950,222 arunmaini@rediff.com info@ariworld.com appliedtechno@vsnl.com 9,811,942,724 9,818,304,949 9,818,001,113 contactus@apticraft.com contactus@apticraft.com contactus@apticraft.com contactus@apticraft.com apv@sify.com ak@apyl.com alok.Singhal@franconnect.com vikas.banga@appulse.com rajualluru@yahoo.com


85134, 26287995

0081, 2485297 0081, 2485297 0081, 2485297

0081, 2485297 9,415,022,495 9,810,348,541

9,810,073,214 9,811,183,175

arvind.kamble@tde.alstom.com agulati@ariworld.com mmehandru@airworld.com sgarg@ariba.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com

108,483 108,483 108,483 108,483 109,300 109,300 109,300 109,300 109,300 109,300 109,300 109,300 200,011 200,112

Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-II) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-III) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-IV) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-V) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI)

Mezzanine and 1st Floor, Plot No. 24 Basement, Gr., 1st and IInd Floor, Electronic City Basement and Ground Floor Ist - 2nd Floor at Plot No. 8-9 Ground Floor, Mezzanine Floor and First Floor Plot - 5 and 6, Electronic City Gr.,1st and 2nd Floor, Plot No.7, Plot No. 8 and 9, Basement and Ground Floor) Gr. Floor, Rear Gr. and Rear Mazzanine Floor Plot No. 5, Ground, Mezzanine and 1st Floor Plot No.7 (Basement), Sector-18 Plot No. 31, (2nd and 3rd floor) Basement, Ground Floor, 1st to 3rd Floor, Plot No. 314 2nd Floor, Tower-B, Presidency

Electronic City, Sector 18 Plot No.806-807, PhaseV, Udyog Vihar Plot No.17, Sector-18 Plot No. 24, Sector-18, Electronic City Sector-18, Electronic City Plot-5, Sector-18, Electronic City Sector - 18 Sector-18, Electronic City Electronic City, Sector-18 Plot-5, Sector-18, Electronic City Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City Electronic City, Sector-18 Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14 351/2, Mehrauli Road, Sector14

Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon


200,615 Basement, Tower-A, Presidency Ground Floor,Tower-A, Presidency Gurgoan

200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VI) 200,615 201,051 200,955 109,320 109,320 108,376 Aricent Technologies (Holdings) Limited (Unit-VII) Arlington Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Armour Software Technologies Pvt.Ltd Armour Software Technologies Pvt.Ltd Artech Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. Aryans Communication Link Pvt. Ltd. 200,668 200,106 104,010 200,983 200,578 Fourth and Fivth Floor, Tower -A, Presidency,351/2, Mehurali Road, Basement, GF, FF and SF, C-13, Site IV, Ground Floor 29-3/1, Old Palasia 29-3/1, Old Palasia A4 and A5, Sector-16 Second Floor, JMD Regent Square, V-8 (2nd Floor) 208, N S I C - S T P Complex, E - 325, Greater Kailash Part 1, D - 71, Amar Colony Lajpat Nagar - IV Sector-14, Plot No. 418-419, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar Sahibabad Industrial Area, Beema Nagar Beema Nagar Logix Park Gurgaon Gurgaon Ghaziabad Indore Indore Noida 4th Floor, Tower-B, Presidency Gurgoan 5th Floor, Tower-B, Presidency Gurgoan Gurgoan

Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Green Park Main Okhla Industrial Estate,

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Ascent Software Services ASD India (P) Ltd. Ash Van Technologies Asha Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Electronic City Electronic City

Plot No.17, Sector-18 Plot No.17, Sector-18 Plot No.17, Sector-18 Plot No.17, Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18 Phase-IV, Sector - 18

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015

Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma

0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666 0124-2346666

122,015 122,015 122,015

Electronic City Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No.-5 and 6, Electronic City Plot No. 31, (2nd and 3rd floor) Plot No. 314, Udyog Vihar 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg,Connaught Place, 5, Jain Mandir Marg ( Annexe) 169 Kailash Hills 153 153 A-2, 1st Floor New Bridge Corporate Park (Behind Manipal Centre) V-8 (2nd Floor) 208, N S I C - S T P Complex, E- 325 Greater Kailash Part 1, D - 71, Amar Colony


122,015 122,015

122,015 122,015

New Delhi 110,001 New Delhi 110,001 New Delhi 110,001 New Delhi 110,001 New Delhi 110,001 New Delhi 110,001 Connaught Place, East of Kailash Kanchan Bag Kanchan Bag Okhla Industrial Area, PhaseNew Delhi New Delhi Indore Indore New Delhi 110,001 110,065 452,001 452,001 110,020

Dharmender Verma

Dharmender Verma

Dharmender Verma

Dharmender Verma

Dharmender Verma

Dharmender Verma Dharmender Verma Bharat Mangalani Ashish Kanoongd Ashish Kanoongd Atul Verma 0731-2527051 0731-2527051 0120-2516950-59 234 66666

122,001 122,001 201,010 452,001 452,001 201,301

40 Ulsoor Road Green Park Main Okhla Industrial Estate,

Bangalore New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 560,042 110,016 110,020 110,048 110,024

Vikash Mohan Singh Parveen Gulati Amit Mittal Ajay Kaul

0124-4051064 011-41755595, 265664 011-26920910 46,566,338 011-26219869

122,016 110,016 110,020 110,048 110,024

Lajpat Nagar - IV

New Delhi

9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627

dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.hns.com dhverma@hss.nns.com






9,899,112,627 9,899,112,627 dharmender.verma@flextronicssoftware

veenar@armoursoftware.com veenar@armoursoftware.com averma@artechinfo.in

info@aryanscomlink.com 9,899,046,835 9891185564, 9 mohan@ascenttelecom.com parveen@asdintl.com amit.mittal@ashvantech.com ajaykaul@yahoo.com

9,873,182,636 9,313,370,118

Ashish Enterprises STPi 200,598 200,496 200,556 200,457 Asian Outsourcing Solutions ASP Research Service Pvt. Ltd. Aspen Communications Pvt. Ltd. Assign Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Associated Transcription Co. Pvt. Ltd. 200,394 Asterix IT Consulting (I) Private Limited 201,180 200,366 200,688 200,376 100,004 100,004 100,004 200,308 200,430 108,497 109,401 109,401 109,401 109,401 ASTRA Business Services pvt Ltd Astra Business Services Pvt. Ltd. (unit - III) Astranet Contact Centre AT Karney India Pvt. Ltd. AT Karney India Pvt. Ltd. AT Karney India Pvt. Ltd. A-Tecture ATHDL Design Automation (India) Pvt.Ltd. Atomnia Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd. Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd. Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd. Atrenta (India) Pvt.Ltd. ATS Services Pvt.Ltd 109,370 201,004 200,820 200,895 200,894 200,484 200,742 201,079 201,114 200,157 200,753 200,754 201,172 200,441 200,679 Audio Technologies & Codecs (India) Pvt. Ltd. Auqual Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Auxicogent BPO Solutions P Ltd. Auxicogent BPO Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Avake Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd. Avake Technology India Pvt. Ltd. Avalon Information Systems (P) Ltd. Avalon Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Avery Publishing Solutions Avery Weigh - Tronix Avery Weigh - Tronix Pvt. Ltd. Avinish Kumar Avoncore Teleconnect Pvt. Ltd. Axalto Cards and Terminals India Ltd.

B-27, Ground Floor, Mezzanine Floor, Flatted Flactories Complex C - 13, Nehru Colony B-6/24(LGF), Safdarjung Enclave 803, Tower - B A - 72, Ground Floor H-9/1, 2nd Floor, Block B-1


New Delhi Dehradun New Delhi

Millenium Plaza, DLF, Phase - IV Sector-64 Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road

Gurgaon Noida New Delhi

Khasara No. 25/1, Badarpur, Near Sethi Mathura Road, Restaurant, Building Block II, Zone 6, House Building Society Doon Express Business Park, Building - I, 16, Apsara, IInd Floor addition of 165.16 Sq.ft., 14th Floor, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mezzinane Floor 179.38 Sq.Ft. (Marked in Pink Colour), 14th Floor B-1/46, III Floor Logix Park Business Center 403 - B, Electronic City Ground,First, Second and Terrance Floors A-9 Basement, A-6, 2nd Floor, A - 10 A-30 Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate 209, 2nd Floor, Block - 4, 12/6, First Floor, Plot No. 267, 2nd Floor, Udyog Vihar Plot No. 267, 2nd Floor, Udyog Vihar C-1/2, Sector-31 B - 8, Sector - 59 C - 9/9642, Vasant Kunj C-9/9642, Vasant Kunj Basement, Ground, 1st and 2nd Floor, B-54, First Floor, Tower - B, First Floor, Tower - B, Flat No. 13, Promise Apartment, Flat No. 715, Vishwa Sadan A - 4 and 5, Logix Park Sector-2, Plot No. 5, Sector -127 Plot No. 5, Sector -127 F-Block, Vikaspuri, Plot No. - 9, Distt. Centre Janak Puri Sector - 16, DLF Qutab Enclave Subash Nagar, Opp. Transport Nagar, Housing Society, NDSE, Part-I Global Business Park, Tower-D, 1, Mansingh Road Tower-D, Global Business Park Malviya Nagar A-4, Sector-16 Sector-18 A-9, Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector - 9 Mathura Road STPI, Sector - 29, Mathura Road Phase-II Phase-II

New Delhi Gurgaon Dehradun New Delhi Gurgoan New Delhi Gurgoan New Delhi Noida Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida NOIDA New Delhi Noida Faridabad Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Noida

B-27, Flatted Factories Complex 110,055 248,001 110,029 122,002 201,301 C - 13, Nehru Colony 3, Lucknow Road B 100, Phase - VIII


New Delhi Dehradun Delhi 110,055 248,001 110,029 160,059 110,092

Ashish Sharma Amarjeet Singh J. N. Gupta Daniel Mattson Dhruv Batra Rajeev Gupta 110,044 1,123,517,475 0135-5533386 011-51653236-8 0124-5049432 011-22371065 26991160, 26991163

SAS Nagar

Mohali Delhi New Delhi

46, Pushpanjali Vikas Marg Extn. H-9/1, 2nd Floor, Block B- Mohan Co-operative Industrial 1 Estate, Mathura Road Khasara No. 25/1, Badarpur, Near Sethi Restaurant, 1463 A, First Floor 1463-A, First Floor, Wazir Nagar, Flat No.5, First Floor 14th FLoor, Tower- D

110,044 Mathura Road, Wazir Nagar Kotla Mubarakupur Sector-6 Market , R.K.Puram Global Business PArk, Gurgaon Global Business PArk, Gurgaon Global Business PArk, Gurgaon Malviya Nagar Sectir-14, Rohini Sector-18 Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector-4 Sector-4 Mathura Road Prerna Society, Dwarka, Pitampura Sarvodaya Enclave Sarvodaya Enclave East of Kailash East of Kailash New Delhi

Shishir Sharma 110,044 110,003 110,003 110,022 122,002 122,002 122,002 110,017 110,085 Mukul C. Agarwal Mukul C Agarwal K.N.Agrawal Sanjeev Jha Sanjeev Jha Sanjeev Jha Anil Mishra Rajinder Kumar Gu Mahesh Kumar 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 K. Nagarajan K. Nagarajan K. Nagarajan K. Nagarajan Raveesh Bhatia 110,044 Deepan Sinha 110,032 110,017 110,017 110,065 110,065 110,070 110,070 110,033 110,002 110,002 110,018 110,045 110,065 Anuj Mehra Raj Kumar Raj Kumar Arun Kumar Anuj Kanish Arun Kaporia Arun Kapuria Rahul Roy Alok Mathur Alok Mathur Avinish Kumar Amar Malik R K Paul

0135-2757671, 011-26 0124-5100980

110,044 122,022 248,001 110,049

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

011-23026150 011-23026150 011-23026150 011-26684825, 26676623 0120-2517690-99 011-25731778 0120-2547342-43 0120-2547342-43 0120-2547342-43 0120-2547342-43 011-41678933 0120-2451962 0129-4131666


14th FLoor, Tower- D 14th FLoor, Tower- D

110,017 201,301

B-1/46, III Floor Plot No.3 403 - B, Electronic City A-9,


110,044 201,301 121,003 122,015 122,015 201,301 201,307 110,070 110,070 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,018 110,058 201,301

A-9, A-9, A-9, A-30, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate B - 103, Sector - 10, Plot No. 13, SP - 67, Maurya Enclave B-84, Second Floor, B-84, Second Floor, 21/3, Amrit Puri - B, Garhi 21/3, Amrit Puri - B, Garhi, C- 9/9642, Vasant Kunj C-9/9642, Vasant Kunj C - 37 A, Street No. 3 1, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, 1, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, Flat No. 13, Promise Apartment, F-Block B - 44, Dashrath Puri Fourth Floor, Lotus Tower,

0120-3956690 916-939-0196, 0120-3956690 42,147,391 011-42147391-392 0120-3052351

Mahendru Enclave

Delhi New Delhi New Delhi



New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

011-55454349 0120-3052080

ashishenterprises11@gmail.com 9,810,068,484 9,837,028,508 asianoutsourcingsolutions@rediffmail.co jngupta@aspservice.net info@aspenindia.com 9,810,513,760 dbatra@assigncorp.com

sharmashishir@gmail.com 9,899,803,477 9,810,092,430 91-11-981011 9,811,226,906 9,899,169,000 9,899,169,000 9,899,169,000 sanjeev.jha@atkearney.com sanjeev.jha@atkearney.com sanjeev.jha@atkearney.com structure_online@spectranet.com 9,899,708,674 9,810,084,798 9,810,088,770 9,810,088,770 9,810,088,770 9,810,088,770 maheshk@nda.vsnl.net.in nagi@noida.atrenta.com nagi@noida.atrenta.com nagi@noida.atrenta.com nagi@noida.atrenta.com rbhatia@servicesats.com sinha@atc-labs.com 9,871,766,718 a.mehra@augual.com raj.kumar@quatrro.com raj.kumar@quatrro.com 9,810,813,197 aboutus@avake.com aboutus@avake.com info@avaloninfosys.com info@avaloninfosys.com rroy@averyps.com amathur@averindia.net amathur@averindia.net avinish@designpresentation.com connect@avoncore.com rpaul@axalto.com mukul.agarwal@astraglobal.com 2mukul.agarwal@astraglobal.com

4825, 26676623

196, 0120-3956690 9,810,020,979 9,810,020,979 9,810,042,485 9,810,050,920 9,810,050,920 9,810,338,611 9,818,997,375 9,811,559,416

STPi 200,937 200,806 200,576 104,005 104,005 200,281 200,281 100,023 200,261 200,361 109,053

Axelerant India AXELERANT-INDIA Axind Software Development Services Pvt. Ltd. AXIND Software Pvt. Ltd. Axis Computers (India) Pvt. Ltd. Axis Computers (India) Pvt. Ltd. Axis Computers (India) Pvt.Ltd. (NOIDA) Axis Computers (India) Pvt.Ltd. (NOIDA) Axis Telecom Inc. AXIS-IT&T Limited Ayantr e-Services Pvt.Ltd. B.K.Infotech Pvt. Ltd. BA Continuum Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

251, Sarja Market Complex 251, Saria Market Complex A - 26/12 B, DLF Phase - I, A-26/12B, DLF Phase-I Suite-1003, Tower-B Suite No.1003 Tower- B D-30 Basement and Mezzanine Floor 879, Udyog Vihar D - 30 B-87 A-12, Westend DLF Infinity Towers, Third and Fourth Floors, Tower -B 4th Floor at Tower- C, Infinity Towers,Phase - II, 15th floor towerc unitech wporld sector39

Phase-II, Sec-7 Phase-II, Sec-7, Rohini

Rohini Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

Millenium Plaza, Sector27 Unitech Millennium Plaza, Sector-27 Sector -3 D-30, Sector-3 Phase - V Sector - 3 Sector-60

Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Gurgaon Noida Noida New Delhi Gurgaon

200,638 BA Continuum Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 200,638 BA Continuum Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 200,638 Bahri Outsourcing Services & Solutions(Unit of Bahri Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd.) Bain Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. Bain Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. C- 24-25, Preet Vihar 5th Floor, Tower A, Building No-8 Regus Cyber City, 12th Floor, Tower-C, C-64, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase--I Logix Infotech Park C-28 and 29, Logix Cyber Park D-77, Defence Colony Plot No. 190, Sec-VI Global Business Park 109, Phase-IV IMT Manesar Tower D, 3rd Floor, MG Road Udyog Vihar Opp. Hotel Grace, Near Capt. Roop Singh Stadium Janakpuri DLF Cyber City, Plot No. - 78, Sector-18 Plot No. 78, Sector-18 M G Road, 8/2, Old Palasia DLF Cyber City, Phase-II Building No-8, DLF Cyber City, Phase-II Phase--I 2nd Floor, D-5, Sec-59 Sector-62 New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon noida noida DLF City, Phase - V, Gurgaon

200,428 200,413 200,413

Bar Code India Ltd. 200,359 200,963 201,185 200,295 201,061 200,492 200,492 Barclays Shared Services Pvt. Ltd(Noida). Barclays Shared Services Pvt. Ltd. Base 77 Batia Software Technologies Baxy Infosol(Division of Continental Engines Ltd.) Baxy Infosol(Division of Continental Engines Ltd.) BBNISYS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,594 109,236 201,033 200,032 200,032 200,864 200,902 BenXL Technologies Bertelsmann Marketing Serivces India (P) Ltd. Bertelsmann Marketing Services India Pvt.Ltd. Bertelsmann Marketing Services India Pvt.Ltd. Beryl Infosol Pvt. Ltd. Beyond Key Systems Pvt. Ltd. (INDORE)

New Delhi Noida Noida New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan

4, Nath Kripa, Jhansi Road C-1/133, First Floor, 15th Floor, Tower C, Building No. 8, 1st Floor, Jagatjit Centre 1st Floor, Jagajit Centre Senior Plaza, 339/2, Fourth Floor 317-318, Rafael Towers,

Gwalior New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Indore

110,085 110,085 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 201,301

251, Sarja Market Complex 251, Saria Market Complex E - 51, Panchsheel Park, E-51, Panchsheel Park, Suit No. 1003 Tower B Suit No. 1003 Tower B Ground Floor, D-30 Ground Floor, D-30

Phase-II, Sec-7 Phase-II, Sec-7, Rohini

Rohini Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,085 110,085 110,017 110,017 122,002 122,002 201,301 201,301 122,001 110,020 208,002 110,021

Ankur Gupta Ankur Gupta Sanjoy Sahgal Sanjoy Sahgal Manoj Bhargava Manoj Bhargava Manoj Bhargava Manoj Bhargava Harkesh Kumar All Neha guha Hemant Sharma Kamini Gangwal Ashven Datla


91-124-5103092 0124-4278464 0124-2806140-141, 50 0124-2806140-141, 50 0120-2442920 0120-2442920 0124-4002275 2,442,920

Unitech Millennium Plaza, Sector-27 Unitech Millennium Plaza, Sector-27 Sector -3 Sector -3 Phase - V Phase - III Swaroop Nagar

Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi Kanpur New Delhi Hyderabad

122,001 201,301 201,301 110,021



879, Udyog Vihar 48, Okhla Industria Estate 113/58 B Shiva Apartment A-12, Westend Building No.5, Mind Space, Raheja IT Park, Madhapur Building No.5, Mind Space, Raheja IT Park, Madhapur Building No.5, Mind Space, Raheja IT Park, Madhapur C-25, Preet Vihar

4,676,648 9140 23145005

500,081 Hyderabad 500,081 Hyderabad 500,081 New Delhi 110,092 Sector-56 Sector-56 Gurgaon Gurgaon 122,003 122,003 Vineet Sachdev Amit Bedi Amit Bedi 011-23714953 0124-4541800 0124-4541800 Ashven Datla 9140 23145005 Ashven Datla 9140 23145005

110,092 122,002 C - 102, GAIL House Society C - 102, GAIL House Society C-64, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase--I Ramon House, HT Parekh Marg Plot CST No. 1406A/28, D-77, Defence Colony B - 92, Mayapuri Indl. Area, Phase - I 22, Commercial Complex 22, Commercial Complex 4, Nath Kripa, Jhansi Road C-1/133, First Floor, 301, World Trade Tower, 301, World Trade Tower, 301, World Trade Tower, 130, Vaishali, Pitampura, 317-318, Rafael Towers,

Phase--I 169, Backbay Reclamation Malad (West)

New Delhi 110,020 Mumbai Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi 400,001 400,090 110,024 110,064 110,021 110,021

Ashish Bhutani Kruti Avlani Capt. Rajeev Kapu Nishi Kant Chando Dolly Bhatia Sachin Gupta Sachin Gupta



201,301 110,024

0120-4080600 011-24601320 011-28117545 0124-5107050 0124-5107050

120,002 120,002

Malcha Marg, Chankya Puri Malcha Marg, Chankya Puri

New Delhi New Delhi

Opp. Hotel Grace, Near Capt. Roop Gwalior Singh Stadium Janakpuri Barakhamba Lane, Hotel Intercontinental Grand Comp, Barakhamba Lane Hotel Intercontinental Grand Comp, Barakhamba Lane New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 8/2, Old Palasia Indore 474,002 110,058 110,001 110,001 110,001 110,088 452,017

Sajal Agarwal Geetu Chopra Debasish Roy Radha Bhatia Radha Bhatia Rohit Kohar Piyush Goel

0751-5010134 011-26151796 0124-244339055 011-23418199 011-23418199

474,002 110,058 122,001

122,001 452,017




9,810,726,569 9,810,726,569 9,811,110,968 9,811,110,968 9,811,110,968 9,811,110,968 9,871,393,130 9,811,403,745

sanjoy.sahgal@axind.com sanjoy.sahgal@axind.com bhargavam@axisindia.com bhargavam@axisindia.com manoj.bhargava@axisitt.com manoj.bhargava@axisitt.com harkesha@axistelecominc.com neha.guha@ittglobal.com



contact@bahriservices.com 9,811,018,854 9,818,025,337 9,818,025,337 amit.bedi@bain.com amit.bedi@bain.com

9,999,343,434 9,811,051,539 9,818,820,709

rajeev_k@intelenetglobal.com chandok@base77.com dollybhatia2k@gmail.com baxy@baxy.com baxy@baxy.com

sajal@bbnisys.com 9,425,111,758 9,811,235,200 gchopra1@yahoo.com roy.debasish@arvatoindia.com

9,818,260,505 9,302,556,783

rohitkohar@rediffmail.com piyush@beyondkey.com

STPi 109,079 108,672 108,672 200,936 108,351 108,427

Bharatiya Global Infomedia Ltd. Bharti Enterprises Bharti Telesoft Ltd. Bharti Telesoft Ltd. Bhartiya Global Infomedia Limited Bhilwara Infotech Ltd. Bhilwara Scribe Pvt. Ltd. Bhilwara Scribe Pvt. Ltd.

1522, Devika Tower R-89, 4th Floor F-89/6, Okhla Indl Area F - 13, Okhla Industrial Area 1522, Devika Tower Bhiilwara Towers, A-12 Bhilwara Towers 4th Floor, Kwality Globus

Nehru Place, Greater Kailash - I Phase - I Phase-I Nehru Place Sector-1 A-12, Sector-1 Permali Wollace Compound, Opp.RBI Honganghabad Rd, A-12, Sector-1 DLF City Signature Towers Electronic City 581/5, M.G. Road Bansi Trade Centre, 581/5, M. G. Road Mahipal pur Ext. Udyog Vihar, Phase - III Connaught Place

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Bhopal

108,427 Bhilwara Scribe Pvt. Ltd. - Unit - II 200,456 108,289 108,289 108,466 109,234 109,234 201,155 200,512 200,553 BIDM Asia Pacific System Pvt. Ltd. BIDM Asia Pacific System Pvt. Ltd. Binary Semantics Ltd.(Sec - 38 Gurgaon) Binary Software Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Binary Software Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Bird Information Systems Private Limited Bird Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Bird Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. Unit - II Birlasoft India Limited 200,335 200,841 109,288 109,288 200,103 200,400 Birlasoft India Limited (Unit IV) Birlasoft India Ltd. Birlasoft India Ltd. Bizibi Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Bizzsource Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Bluestar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 200,865 200,266 200,928 200,388 200,466 109,402 109,402 BMB Softech BNK Infotech (P) Ltd. BOSS Computec Pvt. Ltd. BPO India Brain Roots Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Brain Roots Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Brainamass Information Systems Pvt.Ltd. BrickRed Technologies Pvt.Ltd Brightsun Travel Pvt. Ltd. Brinda Impex Pvt. Ltd. BTN Access India Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Floor, City Center A-213 (Basement) B-5, Sector-2 515, STPI X-17, 1st Floor A-27/A, 1st Floor A-5, C.L.Park, First Floor. Main Nazaf Garh Road B - 25, Sector - 58 The Galaxy, 32 Milestone 205, Palmohan Mansion Floor-13, Mohan Dev Building H - 9, Sector - 63 Ganga Shopping Complex, BlockIII 3rd, Floor D 195, 1st Floor, Apoorti Bhawan 30-A, 1st Floor Third Floor, Vardhman Market Plaza, 7416, Phase-IV Tower B, Unit 1205 Plot No. - 38, Sector - 18 101, Bansi Trade Centre 101-102, 1st Floor 3rd Floor, A-219, Road No. 6, G. F., 422 2nd Floor, E - 9, Connaught House D-13 Bhilwara Towers

Noida Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgaon Indore Indore New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi


Noida Noida

Sector-29 Sec-63 STPI Building, KASUMPTI Hauz Khas Village Plot No. 30, Community Centre, Rani Bagh, Road No. 44 56, Rajpur Road Shivalik UPSIDC Complex, Lakhan Pur Hauz Khas Hauz Khas Opp. Kirti Nagar Post Office

Noida Noida Shimla New Delhi Pitampura Dehradun New Delhi Noida Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida

200,134 200,177 200,480 200,083 200,317

226-228, 1st Floor, Sector15, Part - II 26/34 East Patel Nagar Tolstoy Marg

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

110,019 110,048 110,020 110,020 110,019 201,301 201,301

601-623 B, Devika Tower R-89, 4th Floor F 89/6, Okhla Indl. Area F 89/6, Okhla Indl. Area 601-623B, Devika Tower Bhiilwara Towers, A12 Bhilwara Towers Bhilwara Towers Bhilwara Bhawan, 4041 Community Center

Nehru Place Greater Kailash - I Phase - I Phase - I Nehru Place Sector-1 A-12, Sector-1 A-12, Sector-1

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida

110,019 110,048 110,020 110,020 110,019 201,301 201,301

Rajeev Kumar R. K. Goel Rajiv Warrier Rajiv Warrier Sumit Jain Rajeev Kachhal Arvind Poddar Arvind Poddar

011-30888867 011-26474300 011-51611666 011-51611666

0120-2545843 120-2541810 120-2541810

201,301 New Friends Colony Vasant Kunj Vasant Kunj Electronic City Bansi Trade Centre, 581/5, M. G. Road Bansi Trade Centre, 581/5, M. G. Road connaught Place Connaught Place New delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Indore Indore New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,070 110,070 122,015 452,001 452,001 110,001 110,001 110,001 Arvind Poddar Vinod Mehta Vinod Mehta Y. P. Manchanda Prashant Waiker Prashant Waiker Mr. Vindo Pasreeja Vinod Pasrija Vinod kumar Pasrij 011-23411155 011-23418199 120-2541810 0124-40751412 0124-40751412 0124-2397660 0731-5032275-76 0731-5032275-76

201,301 12,202 B-2/2302 B-2/2302 122,015 452,001 452,001 110,037 Plot No. - 38, Sector 18 102, 1st Floor 102, 1st Floor E-9, Connaught House, E - 9, Connaught House E - 9, Connaught place 10th Floor, Prakashdeep Building Birla Tower, Eight Floor, STPI, Ganga Shoping Complex STPI, Ganga Shoping Complex 1st Floor, Apoorti Bhawan B-78, 2nd Floor Third Floor, Vardhman Market Plaza, 2nd Floor, City Center A-213 (Basement) Z-36, Sarojini Nagar B - 26, Sarvodaya Nagar X-17, 1st Floor X-17, 1st Floor A-5, C.L.Park, First Floor, Main Nazaf Garh Road A - 14, Prehlad Market 204-206, Siddharth Chambers 205, Palmohan Mansion Floor-13, Mohan Dev Building


7, Tolstoy Marg 25 Barakhamba Road, Block - III, 3rd Floor, Sec-29 Block - III, 3rd Floor, Sec-29 STPI Building, KASUMPTI Defence Colony Plot No. 30, Community Centre, Rani Bagh, Road No. 44 56, Rajpur Road Shivalik

New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Shimla New Delhi Pitampura 110,034 Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,015 New Delhi New Delhi New Dehli New Delhi 110,005 110,016 110,005 110,001 248,001 110,017 110,023 208,024 110,016 110,016 110,024 110,001 201,303 201,303

K. S. Ananthanaray Capt. Vinay Khetra Pooja Pooja R.S. Bhadwal Manish Khatri Shyam Sunder Tal Ashutosh Agarwal Col. Rakesh Kapoo Ghanshyam Pande Sonam Saxena Ruchira Sharma Ruchira Sharma Manoj Kumar Ahuj Udist Jha Sandeep Arora Sudhir Malik Deepak Sahai 6,629,000 91-120-2472000/2586115 0120-2450784 0120-2450784 91-177227975 011-51650350-351 011-45576474 0135 2432733 011-418815245 0120-4320061 0512-2219834 011-42654668 011-42654668 a 5,924,906

201,301 201,301 201,301 201,303


110,034 248,001 110,017 201,301 208,024 110,016 110,016

Hauz Khas Hauz Khas Opp. Kirti Nagar Post Office D. B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh Adz. Azad Appartments, Hauz Khas 26/34 East Patel Nagar Tolstoy Marg

110,015 201,301

120-4324555-59 0124-4163000 5,710,138 91-51522888

110,008 110,001

9,350,251,054 9,811,025,792 9,810,901,862 9,810,901,862

ragarwal@bgilinfo.com rajindergoel@e-bharti.com rajiv.warrier@bhartitelsoft.com rajiv.warrier@bhartitelsoft.com

9,810,000,530 9,818,086,863

rajeev.kachhal@bhilwarainfo.com arvindpoddar@Injbhilwara.com arvindpoddar@Injbhilwara.com

9,818,086,863 arvindpoddar@injbhilwara.com vinod@baps.co.in vinod@baps.co.in 9,810,045,977 ypmanchanda@bslindia.com prashantw@yash.com prashantw@yash.com 9,810,706,460 9,810,706,460 vinod.pasrija@thebirdgroup.com ab@bird.in

ks.ananth@india.birlasoft.com vinay.khetrapal@india.birlasoft.com pooja.bakshi@india.birlasoft.com pooja.bakshi@india.birlasoft.com 9,816,068,679 9,891,919,600 bizibishimla@hotmail.com contact@tekksource.com shyamtalwar@expugn.net 9,810,026,993 9,897,077,161 9,810,845,835 9,838,645,664 9,910,032,931 9,910,032,931 ashuagga@sareharnet.in


ghan@bossintl.com info@bpoindiaonline.com ruchira.sharma@brainroots.com ruchira.sharma@brainroots.com

9,811,554,843 9,810,161,123 9,213,417,465 udistj@brickred.com sandeep.arora@Brightsun.co.in



Business Engineering & Software Technologies Ltd. 108,655 200,737 200,173 200,777 200,328 201,135 200,414 200,105 200,569 200,224 200,402 200,402 200,402 200,707 200,137 200,137 200,137 200,137 200,137 108,270 200,866 200,505 200,201 200,243 109,343 200,489 200,147 200,564 201,093 200,995 200,362 200,362 200,534 200,534 201,164 200,874 C K International C.P.Services Cadtrium Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Calance Software Private Limited Calance Software Pvt. Limited Calibrated Healthcare Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Call Center Consulting & Training Solution P. Ltd. Call Tech Inc Callshift Business Process Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd. Calypto Design Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Calypto Design Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Calypto Design Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Campus EAI (India) Pvt. Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Caneum India Pvt.Ltd. Canon India Ltd. CanvasM Technologies Ltd. Cashedge India Pvt Ltd Casio India Co.Pvt. Ltd. C-Cube Worldwide Infotech Pvt. Ltd. CDG Publications Pvt. Ltd. Celestial Systems Pvt. Ltd Cellnext Solutions Ltd. Central Business Solutions Chakadola Technology Cherish Services Cherry E-Commerce Services Pvt. Ltd. Cherry E-Commerce Services Pvt. Ltd. Chetu (India) Pvt. Ltd. Chetu (India) Pvt. Ltd. Chiasma Management Private Limited Chily Softech Pvt. Ltd.

Lower Gr.Floor, Gr.Floor, 1st and 2nd Floor V-10/26 DLF, Phase - III, Gr.Floor, E-94, Masjid Moth 305, Qutub Plaza, Suit No. 802, Tower B 201, 203, 204, 205 Greenwood Plaza Plot No. 516 Mez. Floor, 18, Community Center 6th Floor, UPSIDC Complex 5, Sirmour Marg 3rd Floor, Som Datt Tower Business Center No. 8-9 4th Floor, Som Datt Tower 75-C, Sec - 18 another 800 Sqft. at C-12-C, Super Mart-I 2nd Floor, C-022-C, Super Mart-1 C-12-B, Super Mart-1 C-12-C, Super Mart-I 1st Floor, FCS House, A wing, ground floor, 276, Udyog Vihar 217 - A, Okhla Industrial Estate Suite 102, Princess Green View 407 Red Rose Building B - 23, Sector-1 A-186, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA STPI Complex, Mangal Bhawan B-61, Second Floor, C - 566, Defence Colony, A-72 Coranation Hotel Basement, Grnd , First and Second Floor Basement Ground First and Second Floor 208, Surya Kiran, 19, 705, Ashok Bhawan

A-84, Sector-58

Noida Gurgaon

GK-III DLF Phase - I, Millenium Plaza, Sushant Lok Greenwood City, Sector45 Udyog Vihar, Phase - III New Friends Colony A - 114, Lakhanpur Kaulagarh K-2, Sector-18 Logix Park, A - 4-5, Sector-16 K-2, Sector-18

New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Kanpur Dehradun Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon

C-12-C, Super Mart-1, DLF DLF, Phase-IV DLF Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF Phase-IV A-86, Sec - 57 A - 20, Sector - 60 Phase - IV Phase - III 5/3, New Palasia 49-50 Nehru Place

Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi Indore New Delhi Noida

PHASE-I Nehru Nagar Sector-65

NEW DELH Bhilai Noida New Delhi Noida Nainital Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Sector-2 Malital, Nainital B-112 Sector-63 at B-112 Sector-4 Noida Kasturba Gandhi Marg 93, Nehru Place


110,048 122,002

122,002 122,015 110,065 208,024 248,001

Lower Gr.Floor, Gr.Floor, 1st and 2nd Floor V-10/26 DLF, Phase III, E-94, Masjid Moth 146, Sector - 1, Pocket - 2 Rama Farms, Manglapuri C 142 East of Kailash Penta House, 7 West Tower 18, Community Center H.No.-322, Kazi Khera 5, Sirmour Marg C-47, Friends Colony East C-47, Friends Colony East C-47, Friends Colony East 16 A/13, WEA, Karol Bagh, C-12-C, Super Mart-I C-12-C, Super Mart-I C-12-C, Super Mart-I C-12-C, Super Mart-I C-12-C, Super Mart-I Neela Gagan, Mandi Road Oberio Gardens Estate Chanivli G - 24, Jangpura Extn 217 - A, Okhla Industrial Estate 5/3, New Palasia 407 Red Rose Building 101, Highland Apartments A-186, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA 22, Vivekanand Nagar E-24, Sector-55, C - 566, Defence Colony, 8, Coronation Building 8, Coronation Building 27 - C, Pocket - A 27 - C, Pocket - A

A-84, Sector-58

Noida 201,301 Gurgaon

Shashi raman Shas Raju Sharma 110,048 110,075 110,030 110,065 110,001 110,065 208,007 248,001 110,065 110,065 110,065 110,005 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 110,030 400,072 110,014 110,020 452,001 110,019 110,096 110,020 49,020 201,307 Rakesh Khanna Sanjay Kumar Pan Atin Tandon Akash Mitta Atul Tewari Kapil Modi Paritosh Agarwal Updesh Singh Sorabh Gupta Sorabh Gupta Sorabh Gupta Radhika Malhotra K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal Pooja Alimchandan Debashish Chatterj Arun Sachdeva A. K. Andhare Mahesh Lalwani Pankaj Arora Ganapati Hegde Yudhistar Lall Anjul Kumar Katare Shaleen Vajpayee Rahul Puri Saurabh Dadu Saurabh Dadu Sachin Sachin Suren Singh Anil Verma

0120-3964210 0124-4069158

GK-III Dwarka Near Sector - D1, Vasant Kunj

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

0124-5054862 0124-4047951 1,244,047,951 9,818,970,791 011-26923827 0512-2402403 0135-2759035, 2751662 0120-4255213 0120-4255213 0120-4255213 0120-4100720 011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216 011-30821659, 308216 1,244,160,000 120-4037200 0124-4568000 011-41054321 731-5069455 011-26284578, 26404664 011-22627733 26,818,446 0788-5040326 0120-4257297

Hotel Le Meridiean, Windser Place New Friends Colony Lalbangla Kaulagarh

New Delhi New Delhi Kanpur Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

201,301 201,301

DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV DLF, Phase-IV Mehrauli off. Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E)

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Mumbai New Delhi


122,002 122,002

201,301 122,016 110,020 452,001 110,019 301,201 110,020 49,020 201,301

Phase - III Suite 102 49-50 Nehru Place Plot No. - 8 PHASE-I

New Delhi Indore New Delhi Delhi NEW DELHI Chhatisg Gar Noida New Delhi

Fatehpuri, Chandni Chowk Fatehpuri, Chandni Chowk Vikas Puri Vikas Puri Connaught Place Shalimar Bagh

Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Delhi

110,006 110,006 110,018 110,018 110,001 110,088


0120-532 3340 0120-532 3340 26,831,080 91-11-26466576

110,001 110,019

M-38/1 Middle Circle AJ - 41 B, First Floor,

best@best-india.com 9,312,371,796 9,871,298,537 rk@ckinternational.in

9,873,151,160 9,811,344,431 9,899,116,977

sanjaypandey_00@yahoo.com atin@calance.com akash@calance.com atewari@calibratedgroup.com

9,811,058,636 9,935,327,676

kapil.modi@inlight.us calltech-icsi@yahoo.co.in updesh@callshift.com sgupta@calypto.com sgupta@calypto.com sgupta@calypto.com

9035, 2751662

9,810,715,622 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906

Radhika_Malhotra@campuseai.org kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com Pooja.Alimchandani@cano.co.in debasish.chatterjee@techmahindra.co asachdeva@cashedge.com

9,810,188,287 9,893,269,455

anilkc@casioindiacompany.com malawani@ccube.com cdg@spectranet.com

4578, 26404664 9,810,146,687

hegde@celestialsys.com s_dash@cellnext.com anjul@e-bizsolve.com

9,818,040,470 9,871,329,832

shaleenvajpayee@hotmail.com puri.rahul@pespl.com

9,871,451,948 9,871,451,948

atalb@chetu.com atalb@chetu.com



200,663 200,185 200,178 200,890 200,889 200,301

Ciena India Pvt. Ltd. Cila Resources Cincom Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Cipher Dynamics IT Services Cipher Dynamics IT Services Pvt Ltd Citation Infowares Limited

Plot No. 14, Echelon Institutional, 1107, Galleria 1207, Kailash Building 11/25 East Patel Nagar Ground Floor, 11/25 East Patel Nagar Times Square, B-Block A-16, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate

Sector - 32 DLF Phase-4 26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg

Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Sushant Lok-I


Citixsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,107 Citixsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,107 200,809 200,395 200,574 200,487 200,897 200,367 200,367 108,736 200,645 200,128 200,383 200,336 200,336 200,336 200,164 200,888 200,348 200,348 100,008 cKlear Software Pvt. Ltd. Clairsol Systems Pvt.Ltd. CLASSIC INFORMATCS (P) LTD. Clearpath Technology Clearpath Technology (Unit II) ClearTrail Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ClearTrail Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Cleave Global e-Services Ltd. CNS Comnet Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Codex Software Pvt.Ltd. Cogent E-Services Pvt.Ltd. Colt Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Colt Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Colt Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Colwell and Salmon Commuications (India) Ltd. Colwell and Salmon Communications (I) Limited Combine Resources Combine Resources Compact Disc India Pvt. Ltd. Compare Infobase Ltd. 201,048 108,400 200,377 200,605 109,278 109,191 109,191 200,595 200,595 Competent Software Pvt. Ltd. (Unit 1) Competent Software Pvt. Ltd.(UnitII) Competent Software Pvt.Ltd. (Unit III) Compro Technologies Pvt.Ltd. Computer Partner Computer Partner Computer Science Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit - 1) Computer Science Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit - 1)

Mathura Road, NH-2

New Delhi

Gr-3rd Floor, A-24/5, B - 119, Ashok Nagar, C-12, Aruna Park 303 IInd Floor Mamchand Estate OS-2, Odean Plaza, 2nd Floor 2nd and 3rd Floor, Anshul Plaza Upper Ground Floor, Industry House 104, Sarda House D 180, Sector 63 301, Second Floor, Krishna Complex Ground Floor, Enkay Tower SB-183, Shastri Nagar 202.28 Sq.Mtr at Ground Floor Tower-B Tower-B, Unitech Business Park Ground Floor, Unitech Business Park, Tower-B, 1st Floor A-17, Sec-58, Basement and First Floor First,Second and Third Floor D-24/1, Ground Floor C - 11, Janak Cinema Complex, Janakpuri, B-26, First Floor, Okla Industrial Area Ph-1 C-56/23 Polt No.-470 2 L S C, Uday Park 311, 3rd Floor, Block-4 311, Block - IV, 3rd Floor Lower Gr to 5th flr Blk-A, Gr to 4th flr at Blk-B Basement,Gr.,1st and IInd Floor, C-53

M.C.I.E., NH-2

New Delhi Ghaziabad

Laxmi Nagar Saidulajab, Opp. Saket (DBlock) M.B. Road Central Market, Sector-6, Dwaraka Plot No. 8, M. L. U., Sec10 15, Palasia, A.B.Road 24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road Noida Najafgarh B-B1, Vinijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar, Phase-VI Unitech Business Park, South City-1 4th to 5th Floor, South City-I Gr.-5th Floor, South City-1 C-39, Sector-58

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Dwarka Indore INDORE Noida New Delhi Gurgoan Ghaziabad Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Noida Noida

D-24/1, Gautam Nagar Gautam Nagar

New Delhi New Delhi

New Delhi New Delhi Sector-62 Udyog Vihar-III Khel Gaon Marg GSC, Sector-29, Ganga Shoppin Complex, Sector - 29 Gr, 4th and 5th floors Blk E, A-44-45, Sec-62, Sector-58 Noida Gurgaon New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida

122,016 122,002 110,001 110,008 110,008 122,009

E - 514, Greater Kailash - II, 1107, Galleria K-1, Plot No. 412 11/25 East Patel Nagar 11/25 East Patel Nagar 37, Shakesphere Sarani A-16, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate A-16, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate 1C/13, Rajnigandha Building, C-12, Aruna Park 303 IInd Floor Mamchand Estate OS-2, Odean Plaza, 2nd Floor OS-2, Odean Plaza 104, Sarda House

New Delhi DLF Phase-4 Sector-14, Gurgaon-Mehrauli Road Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi 4th Floor Kolkata

110,048 122,002 122,001 110,008 110,008 700,017

Manoj S Pandya Sharat Chandra Sik Sangeeta Kapur M. L. Wadhwani M. L. Wadhwani Tarun Choudgary

0124-4340500 0124-2806021-24 011-23737590-92 011-25883521 011-25883521 91-24629878

Mathura Road, NH-2

New Delhi 110,044

Kamal Karmakar



Mathura Road, NH-2 New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh Laxmi Nagar Saidulajab, Opp. Saket (DBlock) M.B. Road Central Market, Sector-6, Dwaraka II Floor, Centra Market, Sec-6 24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road 24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road 4 Rajendra Place Bazar Sita Ram, Pocket B, Vasant Kunj

New Delhi 110,044 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi INDORE INDORE New Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Ahmedabad New Delhi New Delhi Null Pl. Enter New Delhi 110,058 New Delhi 110,017 110,017 110,005 110,092 110,030 110,075 110,075 452,001 452,001 110,008 110,006 110,070 110,019 110,001 110,001 110,001 201,301 380,009 110,049 110,049

Kamal Karmakar Samir Gupta Shaleen Vajpayee Rajiv Mehta Deepak Bansal DEEPAK BANSAL Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agarwal Rohit Jain Kiran Mehta Satish Pujari Pranjal Kumar Ajay Kapoor Ajay Kapoor Ajay Kapoor Nimit Kalsi Nitin Kaushik Dinesh Mittal Dinesh Mittal NullPl.Enter Sharad Poddar Virendra S Negi V.S.Negi Virendra Singh Neg 110,049 201,301 201,301 452,010 452,010 Virender S. Bisht Vikas Sharma Vikas Sharma Ramachandran Ramachandran

011-51678500 91-120-4105172 0120-4257297 011-51671140, 295313 011-25082102 011-28080250 0731-5065215 0731-5065215 011-25765820-23 011-23237636

201,002 110,092 110,030 110,075 110,075


104, Sarda House 505-507, Vikrant Tower 503, Kucha Pati Ram, Flat No.1244, SectorA J-36, Saket 103, Ashoka Estate 103, Ashoka Estate 103, Ashoka Estate


201,002 122,002 122,002

Barakhamba Road Barakhamba Road Barakhamba Road C-39, Sector-58 Near Navrangpura Bus Stand, Navrangpura, Gautam Nagar Gautam Nagar

0124-4157755 0124-4157755 0124-4157755 2,589,910 0120-2589901 011-26965625,2651628 011-26965625,2651628

201,301 201,301 110,049

1st Floor GHCL House, Opp. Punjabi Hall, D-24/1, Ground Floor D-24/1, Ground Floor Null Pl. Enter C - 62, Janak Cinema Complex, Janakpuri, 840, Chirag Delhi 840 840, Chirag Delhi

110,058 110,020 201,301

25,542,045 011-29258738 011-29258738 011-29258738 011-26858049 0120-2454153 0120-2454153 0120-2582323 0120-2582323

Chirag Delhi

New Delhi New Delhi


201,301 201,301

2 LSC, Uday park 311, Block - IV, 3rd Floor 311, Block - IV, 3rd Floor Electronics Complex Electronics Complex

Khel Gaon Marg Ganga Shoppin Complex, Sector - 29 Ganga Shoppin Complex, Sector - 29

New Delhi Noida Noida Indore Indore

9,810,899,274 9,811,152,086

mpandya@ciena.com sharats@cilaresources.com skapur@cincom.com wadhwanim@hotmail.com wadhwanim@hotmail.com

9,810,534,041 9,810,534,041 9,811,418,887

kamal@citixsys.com.com 9,810,071,346 kamal@citixsys.com.com 9,810,071,346 9,818,580,554 9,818,040,470 9,818,147,466 9,871,084,488 9,871,084,488 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,811,406,332 9,312,831,985 samir.gupta@cklear.com shaleen@clairsol.com rajiv@classicinformatics.com info@clearpathtechnology.com info@clearpathtechnology.com sanjeev@clear-trail.com sanjeev@clear-trail.com rohit@cleaveglobal.com manilal@del3.vsnl.net.in

ajay.kapoor@colt.net ajay.kapoor@colt.net ajay.kapoor@colt.net 9,958,836,111 nimit.kalsi@colwell-salmon.com

9,811,277,988 9,811,277,988

ceo@combineresources.com ceo@combineresources.com

sharad@infobase.in 9,871,399,009 virendran@competentsoftware.com virendran@competentsoftware.com virendran@competentsoftware.com

9,911,443,220 9,911,443,220

vikas0013@yahoo.com vikas0013@yahoo.com rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com

200,595 200,595 200,595 106,001 106,001

Computer Science Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit - 1) Computer Science Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit - 1) Computer Science Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.(Unit - 1) Computer Sciences Corporation (I) P. Ltd. (Indore) Computer Sciences Corporation (I) P. Ltd. (Indore) Computer Sciences Corporation (I) P. Ltd. (Indore) Computer Sciences Corporation (I) P. Ltd. (Noida) Computer Sciences Corporation (I) P. Ltd. (Noida) Computer Sciences Corporation India Pvt.Ltd. Computer Sciences Corporation India Pvt.Ltd. Computer Sciences Corporation India Pvt.Ltd. Computer Sciences Corporation India Pvt.Ltd. Comsat Max Limited-Export Division Conexant Systems Private Limited Conexant Systems Private Limited Conexant Systems Private Limited Conexant Systems Private Limited Conexant Systems Private Limited Conexant Systems Private Limited (Unit-II) Conexant Systems Private Limited [unit-III] Conexant Systems Private Limited [unit-III]

Basement,Gr.,1st - 3rd Floor, C49 Basement,Gr.,1st and 2nd Floor, A-91 2nd Floor Electronic Complex, 5396 Sq.2nd Floor, existing location and C-24 C - 24-25 Basement, Gr.,1st,IInd and IIIrd Floor A - 47, 2nd Floor (242.20 Sq.Mt.) Basement, First and Second Floor, A-14, A-26/1, Mohan Co-operative Area 9th Floor, Express Trade Towers, F C - 2 - 4, Sector - 16 A 2nd Floor, Express Trade Tower F C - 2, 4 D-5, First Floor

Sector-57 B-15, Sector-58 Sector-2 Electronics Complex

Noida Noida Noida Indore Indore

1st and 2nd Floor, Service Block, Electronic Comp. Sector - 58 Sector-58 C-29, Sector-58 Sector - 58 A-14, Sector-57 Sector-57 Mathura Road Plot No.15 and 16, Sector16A

Indore NOIDA Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delh Noida Noida

106,001 108,727 108,727 200,235 200,235 200,235 200,235 200,346 108,231 108,231 108,231 108,231 108,231 200,729

Plot No.15 and 16, Sector16A Sector - 16 A Sector-10

Noida Noida Noida Noida


Plot No.5, Sector - 127 Third Floor, Block C, Logix Techno Park, Business Centre No. 1,2 and 8, Ground Tower - B, Logix Techno Floor Park, Plot No. 5, Sector 127 4th Floor, Tower - C, Logix Plot No.5, Sector-127 Techno Park B-25, 1st Floor, Okhla B-25, Okhla Phase-1 B-25 A - 528 A, Sector - 19 Phase-I First Floor Okhla Phase-I


Noida New Delhi New Dlehi New Delhi Noida

200,750 200,149 200,149 200,149 200,544 108,104 100,026 200,260 200,260 200,260 108,775 109,279 109,170 201,066 109,415

Confidign Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Confidign Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Confidign Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Consimpex Consulting Engineering Sevices (India) Ltd. Contact sync Pvt. Ltd. Contata Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Contata Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Contata Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Continental Automation System Pvt Ltd Convergelabs Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Convergent Technologies Convergys India Services Private Limited Convergys India Services Pvt. Ltd.

A - 20 Ground Floor, A-20 Basement, Ground and 1st Floor, A-37 234, Anshal Chamber-II 14th Floor, Signatures Tower G-45, Lajpat Nagar - III, Vipul Agora, 4th Floor, Sec-28 8th and 9th Floor, Orchid Square

Sector - 2 Sector-2 Sector-4 6, Bhikaji Cama Palace South City-1

Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi

Chakarpur Block B, Sushant Lok-I

Gurgaon Gurgaon


Electronics Complex Electronics Complex Electronics Complex

Indore Indore Indore Indore Indore

452,010 452,010 452,010 452,010 452,010

Ramachandran Ramachandran Ramachandran Samir Sabharwal Samir Sabharwal

0120-2582323 0120-2582323 0120-2582323 0731-2570717 0731-2570717

452,010 452,010

Electronic Complex, Electronic Complex,

Electronic Complex, C - 24-25 201,301 C - 24-25 A - 47, 201,301 A - 47, A - 47, A - 47, 110,044 A-26/1, Mohan Cooperative Area F C - 2 - 4, Sector - 16 A F C - 2 - 4, Sector - 16 A F C - 2 - 4, Sector - 16 A F C - 2 - 4, Sector - 16 A F C - 2 - 4, Sector - 16 A Sucheta Bhawan, Lok Kalyan Samiti D - 3, Mariner Block, Venenburg IT Park, Madhapur D - 3, Mariner Block, Venenburg IT Park, Madhapur 191 DSIDC Complex 191 DSIDC Complex 191 DSIDC Complex 109, Kushal Bazar 57, Vth Floor Manjusha Building 104,leela palace F-63 B, Gangotri Enclave F-63 B, Gangotri Enclave F-63 B, Gangotri Enclave 234, Anshal ChamberII 14th Floor, Signatures Tower C-9/9855, Vasant Kunj P-22, First Floor, South Extension P-22, 1st Floor Sector-58, Sector-58, Sector -58 Sector -58 Sector -58 Sector -58 Mathura Road

Indore 452,010 Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Vishnu Digamber Marg New Delhi 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,044 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301

Samir Sabharwal R Ramachandran R Ramachandran Neeraj Mittal Neeraj Mittal Neeraj Mittal Neeraj Mittal Paramjit Singh Jitender Pruthee Jitender Pruthee Jitender Pruthee Jitender Pruthee Jitender Pruthee Vidya Raman

0731-2570717 0120-2582323 0120-2582323 0120-2582323 0120-2582323 0120-2582323 0120-2582323 26,991,001 0120-2512833-836 0120-2512833-836 0120-2512833-836 0120-2512833-836 0120-2512833-836 91-124-2512833




Hyderabad 500,081 Hyderabad Okhla Indl. Area Phase-I Okhla Indl. Area Phase-I Okhla Indl. Area Phase-I 32-33, Nehru Place Nehru Place 7/85, tilak nagar Alaknanda Alaknanda Alaknanda 6, Bhikaji Cama Palace South City-1 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi kanpur New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Part-II, South Extn., Part-II New Delhi New Delhi 500,081 110,020 110,020 110,020 10,019 110,019 208,002 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,066 122,002 110,070 110,049 110,049

Sanjai Saxena



Sanjai Saxena Rajiv Malhotra Rajiv Malhotra Rajiv Malhotra B. K. Singh A. K. Ghose NullPl.Enter Dheeraj Jain Dheeraj Jain Dheeraj Jain Lt. Col. Mehar Sing Mange jain Anoop Raizada Sandeep Singh Pawan Tayla

0120-2512833-36 011-26817550 011-26817550 011-26817550 0120-2539714, 2440778 011-26926901 512-548428 0120-2540435 0120-2540435 0120-2540435 011-26182778, 261902 95-124-5083249 0124-5043528/628 0124-2813156 0124-2813150

201,301 110,020 110,020 201,301


201,301 110,066 122,002 110,024


rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com 9,893,120,125 9,893,120,125 rbaja3@csc.com rbaja3@csc.com

rbaja3@csc.com 9,893,120,125 9,810,037,221 9,810,037,221 9,810,858,555 9,810,858,555 9,810,858,555 9,810,858,555 rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com rramach2@csc.com

jitender.pruthee@conexant.com jitender.pruthee@conexant.com jitender.pruthee@conexant.com jitender.pruthee@conexant.com jitender.pruthee@conexant.com Noida-PL@conexant.com


Sanjai.saxena@conexant.com 9,810,333,148 9,810,333,148 9,810,333,148 rajiv.malhotra@ideafarms.com rajiv.malhotra@ideafarms.com rajiv.malhotra@ideafarms.com consimpex@vsnl.com ites@cesinter.com

9714, 2440778

dheerajj@contata.co.in dheerajj@contata.co.in dheerajj@contata.co.in 20,057,032 casl@del3.vsnl.net.in mangej@convergelabs.com 9,891,242,424 9,811,920,222 9,811,510,100 anoop.raizada@convergenttec.com sandeep.singh.finance@convergys.com pawan.tayla@convergys.com

Convergys India Services Pvt. Ltd. 109,415 109,415 109,415 109,415 109,415 200,459 200,459 200,965 200,785 200,097 200,863 200,429 200,429 200,429 108,385 Convergys India Services Pvt. Ltd. Convergys India Services Pvt. Ltd. Convergys India Services Pvt. Ltd. Convergys India Services Pvt. Ltd. Copal Research India Pvt Ltd (6 Floor, DLF ) Copal Research India Pvt Ltd (6 Floor, DLF ) Copal Research India Pvt. Ltd. (Unit II) (3 Floor, Sushant Lok) Core BPO (India) Pvt. Ltd. Core3 India Pvt.Ltd. Coreobjects India Pvt. Ltd. Corporate Executive Board India Pvt.Ltd. Corporate Executive Board India Pvt.Ltd. Corporate Executive Board India Pvt.Ltd. Cosmic Softech Ltd.

1st and 2nd Floor D L F- Atria, Jacaranda Marg 6th to 9th Floor, Orchid Square DLF Gymkhana Club Building Unitech Trade Center, 2nd Floor 5th Floor, Vatika Triangle 6th Floor, DLF Golf Course Road Vatika Triangle, 3rd Floor Sushant Lok, 238, Udyog Vihar - IV IIIrd Floor, 77-B, IFFCO Road The Corenthum , Plot No, A-41, 5th Floor 204, Tower B 1st and 3rd Floor, 4th Floor, Paras Downtown Centre B1/ E-11, Mohan Co-operative Indl Estate Second Floor, Tower B, Logix Techno Park, A-7, Sector-58 A - 94, First Floor, Amritpuri A-127, 2nd Floor A-57 788, Phase-V 238, Udyog Vihar Basement, Ground and Ist Floor 2, Survey Chowk Plot No.387 389, Udyog Vihar 398, Udyog Vihar, A-4, LGF, Pamposh Enclave IInd Floor, The Vatika Triangle 11th floor of Building No 9 DLF Cyber City 11th Floor of Building No.9 610, Vishwadeep, 4 District Centre Janakpuri Fifth Floor, Tower - C, Building No.8 C - 50 Omdeep Building Plot No.5, Tower B, 5th Floor B-35, Sector-32 801, 8th Floor, STPI, J - 1916, Chittranjan Park,

A-25, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate D L F City, Phase- I I Block-B, Sushant Lok-I DLF City, Phase-I, (Near Bristol Hotel) Sector-43, Block-C, Sushant Lok-I Block - A, Sushant Lok 1, MG Road Vatika Atrium, Sector-53 Mehrauli, Gurgaon Road,

New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgoan New Delhi

Sector-18 Sector-62 Global Business Park Augusta Point, Sector-53 Sector-53 Mathura Road

CoWare India Pvt. Ltd. 200,660 200,158 200,804 200,560 108,975 100,022 100,022 100,022 200,269 100,066 100,066 200,793 200,318 200,332 200,332 200,332 Craftech Software Technologies Pvt.Ltd. Cramster Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Credence e-Services (P) Ltd. Cresco Technology Pvt. Ltd. CRM Digital Synergies Pvt.Ltd CRM Digital Synergies Pvt.Ltd CRM Digital Synergies Pvt.Ltd CRM Network Technologies CRM Services India Pvt. Ltd. CRM Services India Pvt. Ltd. CRM Services India Pvt. Ltd. (unit II) CRYSTAL HUES LIMITED CSAV Group (India) Pvt. Ltd. CSAV Group (India) Pvt. Ltd. CSAV Group (India) Pvt. Ltd. CTech InfoSolutions Pvt. Ltd. 108,072 200,873 200,172 108,477 108,477 200,408 201,101 200,739 Cvent India Pvt. Ltd. Cyber Dyne Pvt.Ltd. Cyber G India Pvt. Ltd. Cyber G India Pvt. Ltd. Cyber Media (India) Ltd. Cybernet InfosolutionsLimited CyberQ Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

Sector - 127 Gautam Budh Nagar East of Kailash, Sec-63 Sector-16 Udyog Vihar Phase-IV 238, Udyog Vihar, PhaseIV

Noida Noida New Delhi Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Dehradun

Udyog Vihar, Phase- I I Phase-III Phase - III

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi

Block-A, Sushant Lok

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon

DLF Cyber City Janakpuri DLF Cyber City Sector - 2 A-11, Sector-9, Logix, Techno Park, Sector-127

A-1/4 UPSIDC Complex, Lakhanpur,

Kanpur New Delhi

P-22, 1st Floor 110,044 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,001 P-22, 1st Floor P-22, 1st Floor P-22, 1st Floor P-22, 1st Floor D-16/D(LGF) D-16/D(LGF) 122,002 122,016 122,015 201,301 122,002 122,002 122,002 110,044 D - 33, East of Kailash, E-5/1, Malviya Nagar IIIrd Floor, 77-B, IFFCO Road 50, Brigade MLR Centre, 204, Tower B 204, Tower B 204, Tower B B1/E-11, Mohan CoOper.Indl. Estate Flat No.142, Abhinav Apartments, Vasundhara Enclave, A-2, G.K. Enclave -I G - 68, Fround Floor, C - 597, 1st Floor J-2, Green Park 788, Phase-V 788, Phase-V 788, Phase-V 25D, Harish Mukherjee Road Plot No.387 Plot No.387 S - 454, Greater Kailash, A-4, LGF, Pamposh Enclave C-215 C-215 C-215 610, Vishwadeep, 4 District Centre Janakpuri H - 89, Naraina Vihar, AF - 1/11, IMLAK II Omdeep Building Omdeep Building D-74, Panchsheel Enclave 117/M/115, Kakadeo Ramlala Marg J - 1917, Chittranjan Park,

South Extn., Part-II South Extn., Part-II South Extn., Part-II South Extn., Part-II South Extn., Part-II Hauz Khas Hauz Khas

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Bangalore Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgoan New Delhi 110,049 110,049 110,049 110,049 110,049 110,016 110,016 110,065

Pawan Tayla Pawan Tayla Pawan Tayla Pawan Tayla Pawan Tayla Joel Perlman Joel Perlman Joel Perlman Vinay Garg J. Gopalakrishan Vishalp Nidhi Oberoi Nidhi Oberoi Nidhi Oberoi Rajesh Srivastava

0124-2813150 0124-2813150 0124-2813150 0124-2813150 0124-2813150 0124-4160534 0124-4160534 0124-4160534 91-124-4160700 0124-5015511 91-120-4019000 0124-4178500 0124-4178500 0124-4178500 011-51679103

Sector-18 Vani Vilas Road, Basavangudi, Global Business Park Global Business Park Global Business Park Mathura Road

122,015 560,004 122,002 122,002 122,002 110,044

New Delhi 110,096 New Delhi East of Kailash New Sabzi Mandi, Azadpur Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar New Delhi Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Kolkata Udyog Vihar, Phase- I I Udyog Vihar, Phase- I I Part - II, Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Defence Colony Defence Colony Defence Colony Janakpuri New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,058 New Delhi Nadesar A-11, Sector-9, A-11, Sector-9, Varanasi Noida Noida New Delhi Kanpur New Delhi 110,028 221,002 201,301 201,301 110,017 208,019 110,019 110,065 110,033 110,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 700,025

Alok Kumar Suraj Prakash Bhanu Pratap Mish Monica S Kumar Manisha Jain Rishmi Jain Rishmi Jain Rishmi Jain Mahesh Kumar Ag A. S. Gopalan A. S. Gopalan Sanjay metha Sunil Panda R P Sodani R P Sodani R P Sodani Mary George Varun sareen Nishant Mehrotra Joseph M. Pyloth Joseph M. Pyloth Madan Mohan Sing Gopal Trivedi Rajiv Nag

0120 - 4366110

201,301 201,307 110,065 122,016 201,301 122,016 122,016

91-11-46571200 0124-5002271-75 0120-2515137-39 0124-5160600 0124-5160600 0124-5160600 135-2713401 0124-2439955 0124-2439955 91-124-2439955/62 011-26448105-08 0124-5197005 0124-5197005 0124-5197005 011-25624249 0124-4263651 2,518,331 0120-42499467 0120-42499467 0124-5031234 0512-2556645 011-41603597

248,001 122,016 122,016 110,048

11,048 110,048 110,024 110,024 110,024


110,058 122,002 201,307 201,301 201,301 122,002 208,024 110,019

pawan.tayla@convergys.com 9,811,510,100 9,811,510,100 9,811,510,100 9,811,510,100 9,811,510,100 9,899,705,644 9,899,705,644 9,899,705,644 9,810,712,307 pawan.tayla@convergys.com pawan.tayla@convergys.com pawan.tayla@convergys.com pawan.tayla@convergys.com joel_perlman@copalpartners.com joel_perlman@copalpartners.com joel_perlman@copalpartners.com vinay.garg@corebpo.com gapala.krishan@core3india.com

9,980,015,290 noberoi@executiveboard.com noberoi@executiveboard.com noberoi@executiveboard.com

alokk@coware.com 9,811,159,979


bhanu@cramster.com kumarmonicas@rediffmail.com manisha@crescotec.com info@digitalsynergies.com info@digitalsynergies.com info@digitalsynergies.com

9,810,100,107 9,810,100,107 9,810,350,855 9,810,722,292 9,818,739,070 9,818,739,070 9,818,739,070

asgopalan@teleperformanceusa.com asgopalan@teleperformanceusa.com sanjay.mehta@teleperformanceusa.co sudheen@crystalhues.com rsodani@csavgroup.com rsodani@csavgroup.com rsodani@csavgroup.com

9,899,967,097 9,868,041,391 9,811,599,277 9,810,427,951 9,810,427,951 Vsareen@cvent.com contact@cyber-dyne.biz jpyloth@cygrp.com jpyloth@cygrp.com

9,839,086,401 9,810,030,462

gopal.trivedi@cil.co.in cyberq@ndf.vsnlnet.com

108,841 108,841 108,841 109,227 109,227

Cyberspace Netcom Pvt. Ltd. Cyberspace Netcom Pvt. Ltd. Cyberspace Netcom Pvt. Ltd. Cybersys Infotech Ltd. Cybersys Infotech Ltd.

L - 1/14, Gr. Floor Ground and 3rd Floor, NR-2 NR-2, Nathupur Road, IInd Floor 243, Udyog Vihar Storage Tank Area Basement, Gr., Mezzanine,1st,2nd and 3rd Floor 9-A Block A-12/ S-1 205,2nd Floor, Enkay Tower, Vanijya Nikunj, 802, SAHYOG BUILDING Plot No. 11, Sector-33, Opposite Info City-II Plot No. 11, Sector-33, Opposite Info City-II 108,2nd floor,HSIDC iNDUSTRIAL Estate, 108, First Floor, Plot no. 108, HSIDC Industrial Complex M - 116, South City - I E - 540, 3rd Floor B-23 C-69, 238.24 sq.ft 6th Old Havells Compound 6, Old Havells Compound Seat No. 1, Incubation Center Incubation Center, STP Complex,, Deepika Square Ground Floor (Approx. 6000 sq.ft.), 125 Vikrant Tower , 8th Floor 125, Udyog Vihar DD House, F-1/9 41, P-III A-28, Gulmohar Park B-1/1129-A SCO - 34, Sector - 14 Ground Floor Back side open area B-41, Site - I V Vipul Agora, Fourth Floor, Basement,Gr.,1st,2nd, 3rd and 4th Floor,Tower-A A-10, Sector-9 45-46, Industrial Area

Hauz Khas Enclave, DLF Phase -III DLF, Phase-III, Phase - IV 243, Udyog Vihar, PhaseIV 309-310, Udyog Vihar,phase -4 National Highway-8 Panna Lal Road Dilshad Garden Udyog Vihar, Phase - V 58, NEHRU PLACE Near Hero Honda Chowk, Near Hero Honda Chowk, Sector-31, HSIDC Industrial Estate, Sector-31, Sector-31

New Delhi Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon

Cybizcall(International) Ltd. 108,532 200,385 109,205 CYNETS D.G. Consultants D2 Hawkeye Inc. India Branch Office DAAS Konzern E Services Private Limited Daffodil Software Limited Daffodil Software Limited Damco Solutions (P) Ltd. -Unit II Damco Solutions (P) Ltd. -Unit II Damco Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Darshan Solutions Ltd. Data Armor (India) Pvt. Ltd. Data Nova India Private Limited Data Nova India Private Limited Data Solutions India Data Solutions India Dataman Infotech Services Dataman USA Day Night Integrated Systems Pvt. Ltd. DCM Data Systems (IT Division of DCM Ltd.) DCM Data Systems (IT Division of DCM Ltd.) DCM Technologies (IT Division of DCM Ltd.) DD BPO India (A Division of DD Industries Ltd.) DECIMAL Deepak Gupta Deldam Software Pvt.Ltd. Delhi Call Centres Pvt. Ltd. Delhi Call Centres Pvt. Ltd. Delhi Call Centres Pvt. Ltd. Dell International Services India Pvt. Ltd. Dell International Services India Pvt. Ltd. Delsoft India Pvt.Ltd. Denso Faridabad Pvt. Ltd.

Gurgaon Allahabad New Delhi Gurgaon NEW DELH Gurgaon Gurgaon Faridabad Faridabad Faridabad Gurgaon New Delhi Noida Noida Faridabad Faridabad Kanpur Lucknow Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Ghaziabad Gurgaon

201,057 200,571 201,168 201,167 200,986 200,986 108,346 200,800 200,506 200,237 200,237 200,744 200,744 200,465 200,694 200,278 108,720 108,720 200,280 200,353 200,294 201,122 200,169 109,390 109,390 109,390 200,741

G. K. Part - II Sector - 36 Sector-63 14/3, Mathura Road 14/3, Mathura Road STPI Near Gomti Nagar Barrage, Gomti Nagar 3615, Milestone, NH-8 Udyog Vihar, Phase-I 4, Rajendra Place Phase-I Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I Yamuna Colony Vasant Kunj Delhi Gurgaon Road S.C.O.-34, Sector-14 Sahibabad Industrial Area Mehrauli - Gurgaon Road Vipul Tech Square, Vill.Chakkarpur, Sector-43

Gurgoan Noida Faridabad

200,741 200,391 200,234



127, Pocket- B 127, Pocket- B 127, Pocket- B Plot No-243,Udyog Vihar Plot No-243,Udyog Vihar Basement, Gr., Mezzanine,1st,2nd and 3rd Floor 9-A Block A-12/S-1 23, 2nd Floor, Northwest Avenue Road, D7/7165, M-2, Himland House, M-2, Himland House, E-46/8, Okhla Industrial Area E-46/8, Okhla Industrial Area 634, Sector-28 52, Azad Road, C - 59, Soami Nagar B - 9, H - Block B - 9, H - Block 6, Old Havells Compound 6, Old Havells Compound 25/16, Karachi Khana K 35, Ashiyana, Kanpur Road Deepika Square Vikrant Tower , 8th Floor Vikrant Tower , 8th Floor Kanchanjunga Building DD House, F-1/9 41, P-III A-28 Gulmohar Park B-1/1129-A SCO - 34, Sector - 14 SCO - 34, Sector - 14 SCO - 34, Sector - 14

Sukhdev Vihar Sukhdev Vihar Sukhdev Vihar Phase-IV Phase-IV 309-310,Udyog Vihar,phase 4, National Highway -8 Panna Lal Road Dilshad Garden Punjabi Bagh, Vasant Kunj Karampura Karampura Phase-II Phase-II

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

110,025 110,025 110,025 122,015 122,015

P.K.Jain P.K.Jain P.K.Jain Vineet Kanwar Vineet Kanwar

011-23313486 011-23313486 011-23313486 0124-2348880 0124-2348880

122,015 122,015

Gurgaon Allahabad New Dehli New Delhi 110,026 New Delhi Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Faridabad Bahraich New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Faridabad Faridabad Kanpur Lucknow 110,070 110,015 110,015 110,020 110,020 121,008 271,801 110,017 110,018 110,018 121,003 121,003 208,001 226,012 122,001 110,008 110,008 110,001 110,020 248,001 110,049 110,070 122,001 122,001 122,001 560,036 122,001 211,002 110,095

R. C. Gosain Hari Om Agarwal J.L. Dhawan Prakash Manandha Sudipto Sen Yogesh Agarwal Yogesh Agarwal J. P. Gupta J. P. Gupta Mohit Gupta Praveen Bhaniramk S. K. Bawa Neeti Badhwar Neeti Badhwar Achal Gupta Achal Gupta Kamlesh Kumar Ja Krishna Kumar Shr Satvir Singh Pawan Gupta Pawan Gupta S.S.Sharma Maneesh Singh Amit Bajaj Deepak Gupta M.K.Tiwari Raj Kumar Gupta Raj Kumar Gupta Raj Kumar Gupta Rajiv Kapahi


122,001 211,002 110,095

011-22595601, 225705

122,002 110,019 122,003 122,003

25,221,200 011-26238841 0124-4145800 0124-4145800 41,613,339 41,613,339 0129-2272355 0124-4086643/4116643 011-51748234 0120-30967564 0120-30967564 0129 - 2271091 0129 - 2271091 0512-2317191 91-522-2422985, 0522-2397913 91-124-5031732-33/35 0124-4122805 0124-4122805 124-4122854 26372222-30 135-2530758 011-26899803 0124-5080227-229 0124-5080227-229 0124-5080227-229 080-28419110

121,008 121,008 122,001 110,017 201,303 201,303

Ordinance Appts., Vikas Puri Ordinance Appts., Vikas Puri 14/3, Mathura Road 14/3, Mathura Road

121,003 208,001 226,010 122,001 122,016 110,008 122,016 110,020 248,001 110,049 110,070 122,001

3615, Milestone, NH-8 4, Rajendra Place 4, Rajendra Place 18, Bara Khamba Road Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I Yamuna Colony Vasant Kunj Delhi Gurgaon Road Delhi Gurgaon Road Delhi Gurgaon Road Challagatta, Varthur, Hobli

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Banglore


Divyashree Greens, 12/1,12/2A, 13/1A Divyashree Greens, 12/1,12/2A, 13/1A E-317 The Capital Court, 3rd Floor Left Wing

Challagatta, Varthur, Hobli Greater Kailash - I Olof Palme Marg, Munirka

Banglore New Delhi New Delhi 560,036 110,048 110,067

Rajiv Kapahi Uma Shanker Rakesh Kumar Jha


201,301 121,001


cynetcom@bol.net.in cynetcom@bol.net.in cynetcom@bol.net.in


9,811,600,646 mlohani@d2hawkeye.com 9,818,901,085 ssen@daaskonzern.com 9,971,400,090 9,971,400,090 9,810,149,634 9,810,149,634 9,810,149,634 9,415,054,161 9,810,000,891 9,818,781,113 9,818,781,113 9,810,234,351 9,810,234,351 9,415,128,076 yogesh@daffodilsw.com yogesh@daffodilsw.com damco@damcogroup.com damco@damcogroup.com damco@damcogroup.com praveen@darshansolutions.com surjit.bawa@wiuindia.com hr@datanova.com hr@datanova.com achal@datasolutionsindia.com achal@datasolutionsindia.com sales@datamannet.com contactlko@datamanusa.com info@dnispl.com 9,818,099,908 9,818,099,908 9,810,498,432 pawan.gupta@dcmds.com pawan.gupta@dcmds.com ss.sharma@dcmds.com dd@ddindustries.net 9,412,303,739 9,811,103,184 9,810,010,589 9,810,010,589 9,810,010,589 9,872,996,603 abajajddun@yahoo.co.in dgupta@eurus.net accounts@delhicall.com accounts@delhicall.com accounts@delhicall.com rajiv_kapahi@dell.com

22985, 0522-2397913

rajiv_kapahi@dell.com 9,872,996,603 9,818,151,687 rakesh@denso-fbd.com

109,314 109,033 200,886 109,355 200,248 200,248 100,062 200,728

Desein International Pvt. Ltd DewSoft Dibon Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Digital Dispatch (India) Pvt.Ltd. Digital Hub India Pvt.Ltd. Digital Hub India Pvt.Ltd. Digital Offshore Solution Pvt. Ltd. Digital Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Desein House, 2nd Floor 101, Gagandeep Building Ground Floor, 406, Pace City-2, Sec-37 808, Tower - II Basement, Gr. Floor and Mezanine Floor 1st and 2nd Floor, K-15 F F -305 H, Sushant Shopping Arcade 76 P, lower ground floor,

D L F Centre, Greater Kailash- I I 12, Rajendra Place Near Hero Honda Chowk Signature Tower, South City A-42, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-II Green Park Extension Sushant Lok - 1 Sector -30

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

digiXL 200,892 200,321 digiXL Global Dilithium Software Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Dimension E Services Pvt. Ltd.

FB-03, NSIC-STP, NSIC Bhawan 538, Pocket - E Logix Techno Park, Plot No.-5 M - 9, Old DLF Colony,

Okhla Industrial Estate Mayur Vihar Phase - II 5th Floor, Tower B, Sector 127 Sector - 14

New Delhi Delhi Noida Gurgaon

200,620 200,852

Dimension India Networks (P) Ltd. 200,825 200,923 Dinan Research Services (P) Ltd.

B - 106, Sector - 2 D-3 and 4, 1st Floor, Sec-10

Noida Noida

Directory Details of STP units

109,259 Divas Offshore Software Technologies (P) Ltd. Diverse Lynx Software solutions 200,640 200,458 200,674 200,868 200,132 Diversified Software Consultants Pvt Ltd. Doon Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Doosan Engineering and Services India Pvt. Ltd. DOT SPLASH B-245, Derawal Nagar E - 76, Richmond Park, Third Floor, DLF Building No. 8 1111, 11th Floor, DLF Galleria 2nd Floor DLF IV, DLF City Phase - II DLF Phase-4 Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon D-2/2303 7/19 C Y Chintamani Road, (3 Darbhanga Coloney) Vasant Kunj New Delhi Allahabad

DP Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. 109,289 200,808 200,939 200,399 109,323 108,772 Dr. I T Planets Ltd. Dreamworks Consultants Drishti-Soft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. DSS Mobile Communications Ltd. Dugal Infotech Pvt.Ltd. Plot No. C - 56 A/10-11 Ground Floor, D-45, Sec-11 813, Sector-31 Sector - 62 Noida Noida Gurgaon

386, Sector - A, Pocket - C

Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

E - Com Trade World 200,875 109,257 200,717 109,125 200,666 200,078 E Contact Person Pvt. Ltd. E Fusion IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. East West Softcom Pvt. Ltd. Eastern Horizon Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Ebix Software India Pvt. Ltd.

STPI Incubation Centre, IT Park, C-2, 2nd Floor C - 1/114, Janak Puri, B-46, Room No.6, Kalkaji 9, New Colony, Basement, Ground Floor - Ist Floor,

Sahastradhara Road, Sector-10

Dehradun Noida New Delhi New Delhi Sonepat

B-59A, Sector-60


110,048 110,008 122,002 122,001 110,028

Desein House, 2nd Floor 101, Gagandeep Building 75 Tibri Road, Near SBI 808, Tower - II Ground Floor, K - 15 Ground Floor, K - 15 F F -305 H, Sushant Shopping Arcade H No. 3, Sector - 15, Part - II, N-170, Second Floor, Greater Kailash-I 96, Pocket - E No. 29, Second Floor, Defence colony Market D - 1 - A/64, Janakpuri 1515, First Floor, Bhisham Pitamah Marg, C-1/99, 2nd Floor,

D L F Centre, Greater KailashII 12, Rajendra Place

New Delhi New Delhi Gurdaspur

110,048 110,008 143,521 122,001 110,016 110,016 122,002 122,001

Anant Gupta Rishi Sehdev Satish Chopra Rakesh Gainda G. S. Lau G. S. Lau Vivek Jain Vaibhav Kakkar

011-26453761-65 011-25766743-744 0124-4576457 0124-2581047-48 011-41756667 011-41756667 0124-4048883-84 0124-4039535

Signature Tower, South City Green Park Extension Green Park Extension Sushant Lok - 1 Huda Staff Quarters

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

122,002 122,001

New Delhi Mayur Vihar Phase - II Delhi New Delhi 110,024 New Delhi 110,058 110,048 110,091

Venayak Bhatnaga Anish Tripathy Sanjay Singh Vinay Gupta

011-41829988 011-30940753, 22779483 95-120-2587590 0124-4087218

110,020 110,091

201,301 122,001

Kotla Mubarakpur Opp. Mata Chanan Devi Hospital Vasant Kunj

New Delhi 110,003 Janakpuri 110,058

Pankaj Gupta Mohit Mehta


201,301 201,301


D-2/2303 17/19 C Y Chintamani Road, (3 Darbhanga Coloney) 1167, 3rd loor, Kuchamahajani R - 40, First Floor, NDSE Part II 2A, Second Floor, Lotus Towers, 1111, 11th Floor, DLF Galleria 462,2nd Floor,Aggarwal Chambers-III SCO 61, Sector - 26, Madhya Marg, A-2/402, Glaxo Apartments, SCO-36 C-22, 386, Sector - A, Pocket - C A 3 /306, Kailash Dham Sahakari Awas Samiti, C-2, 2nd Floor BC (West) 82, Shalimar Bagh B-46, Room No.6, Kalkaji G - 2/2, Ground Floor, A - 27 G

New Delhi


Vasanthi Kumar


Allahabad 211,002 Chandni Chowk Delhi New Delhi New Friends Colony DLF Phase-4 New Delhi Gurgaon 110,006 110,019 110,065 122,002

Shudhendra Nath V Shrenik Vora Ms Meeta Wasan K.N. Agarwal Manoj Chauhan 2,460,863 011-23947636 124-5049082 011-46528882/3/4 0124-5050979

211,002 110,009 122,002 122,002 122,002

Vir SavarkarBlock, Shakarpur

New Delhi 110,092 Chandigarh 160,019 110,091 122,001 110,016 110,070

Atul Sharma R.P. kaushik M. M. KAPOOR Debashih Panda S.C. Sethi D. L. Kundra 9,811,198,660 0120-6458306, 645830 0120-3067281 0124-4085120 6859984-85 011-51771263-64

201,301 122,001

Mayur Vihar-I Sector-31 and 32 A Safdarjang Development Area, Richmond Chambers, Vasant Kunj

Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi


E - 10 Sector-10

Noida Noida Delhi New Delhi 201,307 201,301 110,088

Prateek Kumar Shubshant Rattan Yogesh Garg Narinder Bajaj 110,085 201,301 Rajnish Utraja Bharat Kumar 4,545,412 011-41574576 011-26143828 0130-3295900 0120-2510471

248,001 201,301

131,001 201,301

Sector -16, Rohini Sector - 16

Delhi Noida

desein_delhi@vsnl.com 9,891,164,193 0124-4576457 9,810,388,879 9,810,893,504 9,810,893,504 r_sehdev@hotmail.com spnanda@dibon.com rgaind@digital-dispatch.com chani@digitalhubindia.com chani@digitalhubindia.com jain@dospl.com vaibhavkakkar@gmail.com


venayakb@digixl.com 9,873,326,777 anish@digixl.com sanjay.singh@dilithiumnetworks.com 9,818,054,646 9,810,004,227 vinay@dimensionseservices.com

0753, 22779483

pankajg@dimensioni.net 9,810,123,412 9,871,940,198 mmehta@dinancompany.com


vorashrenik@hotmail.com 9,810,012,196 9,811,226,906 9,811,579,701 mwasan@dooncompany.com kn_co@rediffmail.com info@dotsplash.com

atulsharma25@hotmail.com 9,899,391,910 9,810,222,470 9,899,865,065 admin.noida@drit.in mmkapoor@venturistic.net debashish@drishti-soft.com quality@dss.mobilinkmail.com pepe_degal@vsnl.com


9,818,122,227 9,810,064,718 9,891,786,688

reachgirdhar@yahoo.com effusion_corp@yahoo.co.uk ewest_india@vsnl.net

9,896,245,337 9,971,821,117

rajnish@easternhorizon.us bhkumar@ebix.com

200,078 200,770 108,475 200,502 200,502 200,861 109,326 108,824 108,824 109,414 108,041 200,463 200,463 108,232 108,232 200,840 200,409

Ebix Software India Pvt. Ltd. Ebot Technosoft Ltd. eBusiness Dotcom Ltd. Ebusinessware India Pvt Ltd Ebusinessware India Pvt Ltd EC Info Systems India Pvt. Ltd. e-call International Private Limited. EDAG Engg. & Design India Pvt. Ltd. EDAG Engg. & Design India Pvt. Ltd. Edgeware Technologies (India) Pvt.Ltd. Edisphere Software Pvt. Ltd. Efextra eSolutions Pvt. Ltd. Efextra eSolutions Pvt. Ltd. eFunds International India Pvt. Ltd. eFunds International India Pvt. Ltd. eGain Commmunications Pvt. Ltd. Egon Zehnder Information & Research Services (P) Ltd. Eicher Engineering Solutions (A Unit of Eicher Motors Ltd.) Eigen Technical Services (P) Ltd. Eigen Technical Services Pvt. Ltd. Eigen Technical Services Pvt. Ltd. Eigen Technical Services Pvt. Ltd. EKM Cosmic Offshore Accounting Services Pvt. Ltd. EKM Infotech Pvt Ltd El Paso (BPO) India Pvt. Ltd. Elcosoft Pvt. Ltd. EL-DOCS.COM INDIA EL-DOCS.COM INDIA Elin Collectedge(A Division of Elin Electronics Ltd.) ELIXIR Computech Pvt. Ltd. ELIXIR Computech Pvt. Ltd. EMETA Works eMeter India Private Limited eMind Learning Software Services Pvt. Ltd. eMR Technology Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

A - 27 G Bright School Campus, II Floor, 101, Kanchan Vihar SCO - 5, Sector - 14 Level-B, Level-O and Level-1 to Level-5 at SCO-43 12 A - 19, Second Floor, 685/686, Phase - V A-604, 803 Signature Tower A-604, Signature Towers E - 537, G. K. Part - II B-102, Gulmohar Park C - 69, Basement B-11, First Floor 226, Udyog Vihar, Basement and 2nd Floor B-1/E-7, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Area, 16th Floor, Tower - C, 16th Floor, Tower-B, Unitech Cyber Park 1st & 2nd Floor, Plot J - 3/1, B 1, Extension 1st Basement, Vatika Atrium, Tower-B 3rd Floor, Vatika Triangle, Sushant Lok 4th flr-5th Flr, Vatika Atrium Tower-B 302-303, JMD Regent Square, M G Road, 302-303 JMD Regent Square, MG Road, A-32, Sector - 19, Dwarka (Amberhai) Elcome House, A - 6 C-196, Basement,Ground and First Floor, B-96, 1st Floor C - 143, Industrial Area, Site No. 1 Logix Techno Park, Tower-B, 3rd Floor A 4, Sector-16 410, Udyog Vihar C-56/47, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floors 240 (First Floor and Lower Ground floor) 415, Udyog Vihar

Sector - 16 11/2 Ushaganj, Jaora Compound, Kanchan Bagh Old Judicial Complex MMX Mall, Mohan Nagar Udyog Vihar South City South City

Noida Indore Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon Ghaziabad Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

Sector - 30 Sector-30 Phase - I, 226, Udyog Vihar, Phase-I Mathura Road, Unitech Cyber Park

Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi Gurgaon

Sector-39, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate Sector-53, Golf Course Sector Road Phase-I, MehrauliGurgaon Road Sector-53, Golf Course Sector Road

Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi

201,105 201,032 200,299 200,299 200,299 200,878 200,644 200,745 200,540 200,026 200,026 200,543 200,440 200,440 200,467 201,147 200,298 109,244

Infocity, Sector - 34 Phase-II Extension Lajpat Nagar, Part - I, Bullandshahar Road Plot No.5, Sector-127 Logix Park Phase - III Sector-62 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase-III Phase- I I I

Gurgaon Noida New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida Noida Gurgaon Noida New Delhi Gurgaon

EMU Lines (P) Ltd. 201,028 200,435 Enabling Dimensions (India) Pvt. Ltd.

C - 16, Sector - 8, C - 731, Sushant Lok - I

Noida Gurgaon

201,301 452,001 452,001 122,001 122,001 201,007 122,016 122,001

A - 27 G Bright School Campus, II Floor, 101, Kanchan Vihar SCO - 5, Sector - 14 SCO - 5, Sector - 14 AC - 142 B 685/686, Phase - V A-604, 803 Signature Tower A-604, 803 Signature Tower E - 537, G. K. Part - II B-102, Gulmohar Park 44, Gautam Nagar 44, Gautam Nagar 226, Udyog Vihar, 226, Udyog Vihar, S No. 47/1, B O Bhavan B-25, Nirlac Building Eicher House, 12, Commercial Complex

Sector - 16 11/2 Ushaganj, Jaora Compound, Kanchan Bagh

Noida Indore Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Pune New Delhi

201,301 452,001 452,001 122,001 122,001 110,052 122,016 122,001 122,001 110,048 110,049 110,049 110,049 122,016 122,016 411,009 110,016

Bharat Kumar Vijay Kothari Nirmal Iyengar Manoj Kakkar Manoj Kakkar Ashok Pandit Anup Bhasin C. K. Raghu C. K. Raghu Joseph K Puthoora Ajay K. Sanghi Col. S. K. Gupta Col. S. K. Gupta Vikas Sharma Vikas Sharma Manish Stania Gitanjali Gandhiok

0120-2510471 0731-4041113 0731-5068901-903 0124-5081101-05 0124-5081101-05

Shalimar Bagh Udyog Vihar South City South City

0124-5001371 0124-4323232 0124-4323232 011-65633899 011-26512822, 269689 0120-2455566 0120-2455566 0124-2439150 0124-2439150

110,048 110,049 201,303 201,303 122,016 122,016

Phase - I, Phase - I, Pune Satara Road Qutub Institutional Area Greater Kailash-II (Masjid Moth) Safdurjung Development Area Safdarjung Development Area Safdarjung Development Area Safdarjung Development Area

95124-4107910, 47559

New Delhi 110,048 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,016 110,016 110,016 110,016

P. K. Kapse Prageet mathur Prageet Mathur Prageet Mathur Prageet Mathur Avneet Kaur Bajwa 110,055 110,075 H S Malhi Bhupender Singh Sanjay Sahni 110,024 110,024 700,007 110,001 110,001 Sadhana Bhardwaj Sadhana Bhardwaj N. C. Agarwal Preeti Mehrotra Preeti Mehrotra Manav Lohia Rajat Lal Amit Tandon Girish Bhutani

011-41437600 0124-4017470 0124-4017470 0124-4017470 0124-4017470 124-4106852

122,002 110,044 122,001 122,002 122,021 122,002 122,002 110,075 C 4/ 54, Ist Floor, C4/54, 1st Floor C4/54, 1st Floor C4/54, 1st Floor 257, Cycle Market Jhandewalan, 257 DDA Shopping Complex, A-32, Sector - 19, Dwarka (Amberhai) Elcom House, D 222/30 B-96, 1st Floor B-96, 1st Floor 143, Cotton Street 204-206, Tolstoy House 204-206, Tolstoy House 410, Udyog Vihar H-9, Hauz Khas S-354 (SF), Greater Kailash-II 415, Udyog Vihar 205-35 A, Siddharth Chamber - II, Haus Khas, F - 20 A, Hauzkhas Enclave

Jhandewalan Extension,

New Delhi New Delhi

011-28041239 0124-5122222 011-29814070 011-29814070 0120-270151922 9,811,122,484 9,811,122,484 0124-4002765

TTC Industrial Area, MIDC, Nerul Lajpat Nagar, Part - I, Lajpat Nagar, Part - I,

Navi Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi Kolkata New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Ne w Delhi

110,024 201,009 201,301 201,301

15, Tolstoy Marg 15, Tolstoy Marg Phase - III

201,306 110,020 122,016

110,016 110,048 122,016

Phase- I I I



Kalu Sarai,

New Delhi 110,016 New Delhi 110,016

Anil Kumar Mohind Shilpa Uttam

91-11-26537550 0124-5046726

201,301 122,002

9,971,821,117 9,826,171,110

bhkumar@ebix.com vijak@ebotsoft.com ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com

9,899,386,621 9,811,500,041 9,811,613,271 9,811,613,271 9,810,284,528 9,811,711,717 9,313,200,876 9,313,200,876 9,810,149,294 9,810,149,294 9,881,239,708 9,811,142,888

ecinfosystems@yahoo.co.in anup.bhasin@e-callinternational.com ck.raghu@in.edag.com ck.raghu@in.edag.com djp@etipl.com ajayksanghi@abosoftware.com saurabh@efextra.com saurabh@efextra.com vikas.sharma@in.efunds.com vikas.sharma@in.efunds.com adminindia@egain.com gitanjali.gandhiok@ezi.net

reach@eicher.in 9,811,047,430 pmathur@eigen-tech.com pmathur@eigen-tech.com pmathur@eigen-tech.com pmathur@eigen-tech.com 9,810,990,013 9,811,355,821 9,811,211,284 bhupendersingh@elpasoeserve.com contact@elcosoft.com 9,810,135,808 9,810,135,808 eldocs@vsnl.net eldocs@vsnl.net elin-gzb@elinindia.com preeti@elixirct.com preeti@elixirct.com info@emetaworks.com rajat.lal@tekmindz.com info@ekminfo.com

9,811,122,484 9,811,122,484

9,811,197,701 9,811,035,400


anilmohindru@emulines.com 9,818,695,700 9,810,188,826 shilpau@enablingdimensions.com

200,649 200,867 109,366 200,592 200,322 200,322

Enablizer Backoffice Technologies Pvt. Ltd. eNidus ENNOVATION SOFT Ensemble Info Tech Pvt. Ltd. ENTENTE Global Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. ENTENTE Global Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

B-5, Sector - 6 907, Vikrant Towers A-113, Shivalik STPI, Nehru Nagar East 209 and 210, Tribhuvan Complex Room No.205 to 208 and 211 to 214 105 and 106,Tribhuvan Complex, Tenth Milestone, 733, Phase - V Plot No. - 33, Sector - 18 3rd Floor, NSIC-STP Extension 372, Sector - 22 14/145 Commerce Centre 8th floor (Tower B and C), 7th Floor(Tower C), Tower B, 8th Floor, DLF Infinity Towers 3rd Floor, Tower-A, Infinity Tower 3rd Floor, Infinity Tower - A 370-71/2 (Basement ), Sahi Hospital Road, Ericsson Forum, DLF Cyber City 4 - E, Vandana Building, 11 Tolstoy Marg, A - 3/102, 2nd Floor, B-41, Panchsheel Enclave, Ist Floor A-41, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate A-41, Mohan Co-op. Estate C - 34, Sector - 62 A - 119, Sector - 63 IInd Floor, Unitechworld, Vill.Jharsa 401- 406 And 407-412, 4th Floor 3rd and 4th Floor, Tower-B 1001 to 1002, 10th Floor, TowerA 403 at 4th Floor and 502, 503 at 5th Floor 401, 4th Floor, Tower-A 1st Floor, Tower-B, First India Place 1201-1204, 12th Floor District and Tehsil Gurgoan J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Unitechworld Cyberpark, Vill.Jharsa, Signature Towers, south City-I, NH-8 Tower-A, Signature Towers, South City-I, NH8 Signature Towers, South City-I, NH-8 Mehrauli Gurgaon Road JMD Regent Square, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Rajendra Place Malviya Nagar

Noida New Delhi New Delhi Bhilai New Delhi New Delhi

10th Milestone, Mathura Road Tribuvan Complex, Mathura Road

Entente healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 200,607 108,516 200,586 200,404 200,830 201,111 200,582 200,582 200,135 200,135 200,752 200,453 EON Technologies Pvt. Ltd. e-ON(a Division of Continental Infrastructure Ltd) Eperium Business Solutions India (P) Ltd. Epic Technology Epsilonium Software India Pvt. Ltd. Equant Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Equant Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Equinox Global Services Private Ltd. Equinox Global Services Private Ltd. ERA Constructions (India) Ltd. ERICSSON India Pvt Ltd. (Customisation Design Centre) Eros Management Consulting (P) Ltd. 201,063 200,958 200,733 200,277 e-Scapes eSCV Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. e-Solutions Espire Infolabs Pvt. Ltd. 200,029 200,300 200,596 200,641 109,276 109,276 109,276 109,276 Espire Infoserve Pvt. Ltd. Essel Shyam Communication Ltd. Euroinfo Systems Pvt. Ltd. (unit-II) Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd. Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd. Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd. Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd.

Mathura Road Udyog Vihar HSIDC Admin. Block, NTSC Okhla Industrial Estate 9th Floor, Chunniganj Sector-25 Phase-II, DLF Cyber City, Sector-25 DLF Phase II DLF Phase - II Bhogal Jaganpura Sector 25A

New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Kanpur Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon

Cannaught Place, Paschim Vihar

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon

A-30, Sector-34 Mathura Road Mathura Road

Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd. 109,276 109,276 109,276 109,276 Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd. Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd. Evalue Serve.Com Pvt. Ltd.

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon


490,020 110,065

18 A, Nizamuddin West, Second Floor, J - 62, Vikas Puri 32- D, Pocket - A, Flat No. - 208, Mehtab Arcade 209, Tribhuvan Complex 209, Tribhuvan Complex 201, 202 Tribhuvan Complex, Tenth Milestone, Mathura Road 733, Phase - V B - 5/9, Safdarjung Enclave 1111, Antriksh Bhavan 372, Sector - 22 49/63 Nayaganj 24th Floor, Express Towers 24th Floor, Express Towers First India Place, Sushant Lok - I First India Place, Sushant Lok - I 370-71/2, Sahi Hospital Road, Dhaka House, 4th Floor 4 - E, Vandana Building, 11 Tolstoy Marg, A - 3/102, 2nd Floor, D-62, Panchsheel Enclave Ist Floor A-41, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate A-41, Mohan Co-op. Estate C - 138, Naraina Industrial Area 60, Dayanand Marg, Daryaganj, 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor 401- 406 And 407412, 4th Floor

New Delhi New Delhi Siddhartha Extension Tannka Cross Road, Tannaka 10th Milestone, Mathura Road 10th Milestone, Mathura Road New Delhi Hyderabad New Delhi New Delhi

110,013 110,018 110,017 500,017 110,065 110,065

Partha P. Saha Minal Arora Vijay Kumar Zharot Talib Ghaffar Shaik Perwez Perwez

0120-4335047 91-11-42880965 011-26674136 0788-5040326 011-26830758 011-26830758

New Delhi Udyog Vihar Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Kanpur Nariman Point Nariman Point Block - A, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Block - A, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Bhogal Jaganpura 18/17, WEA Pusa Lane Mumbai Mumbai Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi 110,065 122,016 110,029 110,001 122,015 208,001 400,021 400,021 122,002 122,002 110,014 110,005

Sapna Kumar S.C. Jain Ashish Dhuria Anoop srivastava Anil Kumar Gupta Girdhar Arora Sandeep Murgai Sandeep Murgai Janak Raj Madan Janak Raj Madan S V Rao Manas Kumar Jena

011-26344777 011-22370512, 223741 0124-5140000 011-65091495 0124-4300647 0512-2352482, 2353339 0124-4358404 0124-4358404 95-124-4330200 95-124-4330200 011-26234729-31 0124-5151201

110,065 122,016 122,015 110,020 122,015 208,001 122,001 122,002

K. G. Marg

122,002 110,014 122,002

Cannaught Place, Paschim Vihar

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi 110,044 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,044 110,028 110,002 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,001 110,063 110,017 201,301

Swati Gupta ketan Sethi Sachin Vasudeva Kavita Sagar Sandeep Gupta Naresh Kapoor Nemai Chandra Ma Rajnish Garg Ashish Gupta Ashish Gupta Ashish Gupta Ashish Gupta

011-41828992 011 42321545 011-26499111/222

110,001 110,063 110,017 201,301

A-30, Sector-34 Mathura Road Mathura Road Phase - II

011-51520000 91-11-5152-2223 0120-2400780

110,044 110,044 201,307 201,301


J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road J M D Regent Squire, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

0124-5154400 0124-5154400 0124-5154400 0124-5154400

Gurgaon 122,001 Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon 122,001 122,001 122,001

Ashish Gupta Ashish Gupta Ashish Gupta Ashish Gupta

0124-5154400 0124-5154400 0124-5154400 0124-5154400

9,818,317,003 9,811,756,755 9,810,050,018

pps2011@yahoo.co.in minal.arora@enidus.com vijay@ennovationsoft.com stpbhi@stpn.soft.net Qaiser@ucasystems.com Qaiser@ucasystems.com

9,810,734,440 9,810,734,440


eontech@ejbfactory.com info@infinityone.co.in anoop.srivastava@eperiumindia.com

011-31014973 9,910,059,347

2482, 2353339 sandeepkumar.murgai@orange-ftgroup. sandeepkumar.murgai@orange-ftgroup. 9,811,322,778 9,811,322,778 9,312,915,978 jmadan@equinoxco.com jmadan@equinoxco.com svrao@metal.eragroup.co.in

sgupta@operasolutions.com 9,871,694,417 9,811,505,454 9,811,153,837 mail@ketansethi.com sachin@scvasudeva.com


9,811,513,965 9,811,114,433 9,811,016,685 9,811,016,685 9,811,016,685 9,811,016,685


ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com

ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com 9,811,016,685 9,811,016,685 9,811,016,685 9,811,016,685 ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com ashish.gupta@evalueserve.com

201,128 201,128 201,128 201,128 200,175 200,267 200,176 200,599 200,946 200,945 201,112 200,528

Evalueserve.com Private Limited Unit II Evalueserve.com Private Limited Unit II Evalueserve.com Private Limited Unit II Evalueserve.com Private Limited Unit II eXact Outsource Private Limited Excel Software Services Exclusive Transcriptions Exevo India Ltd. Exigent Game Art P. Ltd. Exigent Game Art Pvt. Ltd. exl Service.com India Pvt. Ltd. Expert Component Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. Expertserv Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

1201-1204, 12th floor, floor, JMD Regent Tower, No. 67, Block-A, Sector-63 1st floor, Tower- B, First India Place, Mehrauli, 401-406 AND 407-412, 4TH FLOOR, JMD Regent Squire, STPI Premises 2, Survey Chowk 67/6 G-6/B-1, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Exigent Game Art Private Limited Exigent Game Art Private Limited 3rd Floor, DLF Centre Court, DLF City D - 136, Saket

Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, New Okhla Industrial Development Area

Gurgaon Gautam Budh Nagar Gurgaon

Mehrauli, Gurgaon Road Nehru Nagar (E)

Gurgaon Bhilai Dehradun Bhilai New Delhi Noida Noida Gurgaon New delhi

Nehru Nagar (E)

Hall A, 1st Floor, A-37, Sec-60 Hall A, 1st Floor, A-37, Sec-60 Phase-V, Sector-42

D-34, Sector-33, Infocity 158, Golf Link 414, Paharpur Business Centre, Plaza Cinema 4th Floor, Tower-B, Technopolis Tower, C-102 (First Floor) 47-A, IInd Floor, Pratap Vihar A-86, Sector-57 3rd Floor, A-86, 2nd and 3rd Floor 368, Industrial Area Phase - II, 45, Okhla Estate, First Floor, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Tower-B, Unitech Business Park 9th Floor, D L F Square Ground to 7th Floor, Tower-D 3rd and 4th Floor, Tower-A 9th Floor, D L F Square Ground Floor and 1st Floor, Tower-B, Block-F C -3 D-150, Second Floor 306-A, 3rd Floor, Rectangle -I, Suit 323, Vikas Surya Shopping Mall, 15th Floor, Tower-B, Unitech World (Cyber Park) 4th -5th Floor at Tech Boulevard TowerB, Basement, Gr, 1st, 2nd and Terrace Flr 21, Nehru Place Greens Connaught Place, Golf Course Road, Sec-54 Sector-2 Mayur Vihar, Phase-I

Gurgaon New Delhi Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Delhi Noida Noida Noida Panchkula New Dellhi Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida New Delhi New Delhi

200,633 200,130 200,771 200,027 200,885 200,212 200,212 108,034 108,034 108,034 200,697 200,720 109,372 109,372 109,372 109,372 109,372 109,372 200,133 200,162 200,108 E-Zure Services Pvt. Ltd. F1F9 India Pvt. Ltd. FALCON EXPORTS Fast Booking India Pvt. Ltd. Fast Link Infotech Pvt.Ltd. Fast Link Infotech Pvt.Ltd. FCS Software Solutions Ltd. FCS Software Solutions Ltd. FCS Software Solutions Ltd. FCS Software Solutions Ltd. (unit Panchkula) Fealty Legal Services Pvt. Ltd. Fidelity Business Services India Pvt.Ltd. Fidelity Business Services India Pvt.Ltd. Fidelity Business Services India Pvt.Ltd. Fidelity Business Services India Pvt.Ltd. Fidelity Business Services India Pvt.Ltd. Fidelity Business Services India Pvt.Ltd. Final Quadrant Solutions Limited Fiorano Software (India) Pvt. Ltd. First Country Wide Consultants Pvt. Ltd. FirstDocs Legal Services India Private Limited FirstRain Software Center Private Limited Fiserv India Pvt. Ltd. Fiserv India Pvt. Ltd.

Sector-57 A-86, Sector-57

Phase - III Block-F, Sector-41, South City, Phase-I Jacaranda Marg Unitech World, Sector-39 Unitech World Sector-39 Jacaranada Marg Unitech Business Park, Sector-41, South City-I Sector - 3 East of Kailash D-4, District Centre, Saket Plot 18, Mangalam Place, Sector - 3, Rohini Village Jhasrsa, Sector39, Plot -6, Sector-127 A-94/8, Sector-58

New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida

200,949 201,117 200,087 200,087

701 Guru Apartment Gautam Budh Nagar 701 Guru Apartment 701 Guru Apartment 122,001 490,029 248,001 490,020 110,044 201,301 201,301 122,002 110,017 701 Guru Apartment STPI Premises 25D, Harish Mukherjee Road 67/6 13, Amrita Shergill Marg Flat No. 3E/3F, 3rd Floor Flat No. 3E/3F, 3rd Floor 103 A, Ashoka Estate D - 136, Saket E- 102, DDA (MIG) Flats, Ekta Apartments, Saket, 804,, Bhandari House 8 E, Hansalaya Building, Plaza Cinema Flat No. 206, A-13, 47-A, IInd Floor, Pratap Vihar 47-A, IInd Floor, Pratap Vihar A-86, Sector-57 A-86, Sector-57 A-86, Sector-57 54, EHTP, Sector-34 X-14, FF, Hauz Khas Enclave, 9th Floor, D L F Square 9th Floor, D L F Square 9th Floor, D L F Square 9th Floor, D L F Square 9th Floor, D L F Square 9th Floor, D L F Square C -3, Sector - 3 D-150, Second Floor 118, Shahpur Jat Suit 323, Vikas Surya Shopping Mall, 110,085 B-9, LGF 201,301 C-3, Sector-3 C-3, Sector-3

Sector-14, Sector-14, Sector-14, Sector-14, Nehru Nagar (E) 1E, 1st Floor Nehru Nagar (E)

Rohini Rohini Rohini Rohini Bhilai KOLKATA Bhilai New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,085 110,085 110,085 110,085 490,020 700,025 490,020 110,003 110,008 110,008 110,001 110,017

Karmesh Aggarwal Karmesh Aggarwal Karmesh Aggarwal Karmesh Aggarwal Mahesh Krishna M Banwari Lal Mittal Bhavna Pandey Vivek Sharma Vikram Saxena P. K. Sehgal Raman Bhasin Tanju Pandit

0124-4154000, 412000 0124-4154000, 412000 0124-4154000, 412000 0124-4154000, 412000 91-80-6764835/36 135 2713401 0788-2394093/ 5040330 011-26924692

Gopala Towers, 25, Rajendra Place Gopala Towers, 25, Rajendra Place Barakhamba Road

0120-2445900 011-26865425

New Delhi 110,017 91, Nehru Place, Delhi 110019 15 Barakhamba Road Connaught Place, Kailash Colony, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I Mayur Vihar, Phase-I New Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Delhi Delhi Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi Jacaranda Marg Jacaranda Marg Jacaranda Marg Jacaranda Marg Jacaranda Marg Jacaranda Marg Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida New Delhi New Delhi 110,003 110,001 110,001 110,048 110,091 110,091 201,305 201,305 201,305

Kulinder Srivastava Satinder Nath Nara Shiv Dayal Kavita Papne Ajay Wahi Rita Alfred Rita Alfred Anil Sharma Anil Sharma Anil Sharma Shyam Sunder Sha Subhash Chand Ja H. R. Prashanth H. R. Prashanth H. R. Prashanth H. R. Prashanth H. R. Prashanth H. R. Prashanth Anuj Gupta Dinesh Kumar Ravinder Kaur

0124-4300883 011-26222334-335 011-41207116 011-26526273-75 0124-3075800 0120-4236692, 423669 0120-4236692, 423669 0120-2583703-705 0120-2583703-705 0120-2583703-705 0124-5122854 0120-3211987 8,066,916,563 8,066,916,563 8,066,916,563 8,066,916,563 8,066,916,563 8,066,916,563 0120-2538052 011-26222890-892 011-26496689-90

122,002 110,003 110,019 110,001 122,001 201,301 110,091 201,305

134,113 110,020 122,001 122,001

110,016 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 201,301 110,065 110,049

122,002 122,001 201,301 110,065

East of Kailash 2nd and 3rd Floor, J. P. House Plot 18, Mangalam Place, Sector - 3, New Delhi Rohini Green Park (Main) New Delhi Noida Noida

Achal Madhavan 110,085 110,016 201,301 201,301 Udit Mathur Anurag Sharma Anurag Sharma 46021550-2, 41157590120-2549403 0120-2549403

9,810,000,310 9,810,000,310 9,810,000,310 9,810,000,310 9,845,441,401 135 710618

karmeshu.aggarwal@evalueserve.com karmeshu.aggarwal@evalueserve.com karmeshu.aggarwal@evalueserve.com karmeshu.aggarwal@evalueserve.com admin@exact.outsource.com blmittal@mierosee.co.in bhavanapandey@indiatimes.com vivek.sharma@exevo.com vikram.saxena@exigent3d.com

4093/ 5040330 9,811,203,648 9,910,098,282


raman.bhasin@exlservice.com tanjupandit@hotmail.com

9,810,476,377 9,810,066,803 9,810,713,232 narangsn@ezure.com sdayal@f1f9.com corp@eaglegrp.com awahi@fastbooking.com ralfred@fastlinkinfotech.com ralfred@fastlinkinfotech.com asharma@fcsltd.com asharma@fcsltd.com asharma@fcsltd.com ss.sharma@dcmds.com subhash.jaiswal@rediffmail.com Prashanth.HR@fmr.com Prashanth.HR@fmr.com Prashanth.HR@fmr.com Prashanth.HR@fmr.com Prashanth.HR@fmr.com Prashanth.HR@fmr.com finance@finalquadrant.com dinesh.kumar@in.fiorano.com fcw@spectranet.com

9,810,027,979 9,811,140,653 9,811,140,653 9,899,178,651 9,899,178,651 9,899,178,651 9,810,498,432 9,910,416,104


achalmadhavan@gmail.com 981,162,800 9,818,685,450 9,810,039,498 9,810,039,498 asha@risindia.com asha@risindia.com

Fiserv India Pvt. Ltd. 200,087 200,087 200,087 200,089 200,089 200,089 200,309 200,309 200,309 200,309 200,904 201,019 200,828 109,325 109,325 200,992 200,970 200,969 200,842 108,444 200,775 108,694 200,960 200,536 200,386 200,208 200,650 200,547 Fiserv India Pvt. Ltd. Fiserv India Pvt. Ltd. FL Smidth Infotech Private Limited FL Smidth Infotech Private Limited FL Smidth Infotech Private Limited Freescale Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd. Freescale Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd. Freescale Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd. Freescale Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd. Freescale Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd. (Sec - 16A) (UNIT-II) Fujitsu Consulting India Limited Unit III(Sec 63) Fujitsu Consulting India Ltd. Unit-II (Sec - 57) Fujitsu Consulting India Ltd.(Sec 2) Fujitsu Consulting India Ltd.(Sec 2) Fusions Futerox Interactive Futerox Interactive (H) G S Infocomm Data Pvt. Ltd. G.G. Projects Pvt. Ltd. GAL Knowledge Enabled Services Pvt. Ltd. Garg Data Information Pvt. Ltd Gargi Services Gateway BPO Pvt. Ltd. Gaurav Kumar Verma Gayatri Edutech - Software Division GE India Exports Pvt. Ltd. Gecis Process Services LLC Gecis Process Services LLC (New Delhi) Gemco Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Gemini Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Gemini Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (NEW) Gemini IT Solutions GENBAND Technologies Pvt. Ltd. GENBAND Technologies Pvt. Ltd. General Foods Ltd.

3rd floor, Techboulevard, Plot-6, Tower- Floor, Techboulevard, Plot-6, B and 5th Tower-C, Sec-127 4th and 5th Floor, at Tech Boulevard, Plot-6 Basement, Ground, First and Second floor 2nd Floor, MindMill Corporate Towers Plot No.203, 1st Floor 411, 4th Floor 5th, 6th and 7th Floor 415/2, 2nd and 3rd Floor Plot No.18 4th Floor, Express Trade Tower Plot No. 2 and 3 Basement, Ground Floor & 1st to 3rd Floor at A- 207 B - 31 B-118-119 10214 Sq.ft. at Ground Floor, 1st Floor-2nd Floor A - 130, Vishal Enclave, 2029, Sector - 16, Ground Floor, 2029, Sector - 16, B - 161, Lok Vihar, A-17, Adarsh Nagar C - 20, Gulmohar Shopping Complex, D-21, Gulmohar Park K-4 C, 701-702, 712, Kailash Building Flat No. 34, Pocket-B, SFS DDA Flats Tilak Market Plot No.22, Sector - 18, Udyog Vihar NH - 8, Plot 22A and B Delhi Information Technology Park, CORE BRC, 14/3 W-6, 2nd Floor, West Patel Nagar W - 8, 2nd Floor M-26, Lajpat Nagar-II C-42, Sector-58 1st Floor 101, Mahakosh House Pitampura G. T. Karnal Road Sector - 15 Sector - 127 A-107 B Sector 58 PLot No. 24A, Sec 16A, Okhla Ind. Estate, Phase III Paharpur Business Centre, 21, Nehru Place Plot Nos. 15 and 16, Sector-16A Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Sector-14 Sector-16A Plot No.15-16, Sector-16A Sector-16 A Sector - 63 Sector - 57 Sector-2 B-119, Sector-2

Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Noida Gurgaon Noida Noida NOIDA Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Faridabad Faridabad Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi

Malviya Nagar 26, K. G. Marg Sukhdev Vihar Subash Nagar Near IFFCO Crossing Sector-18, Udyog Vihar 2nd Floor, Shastri park, Adjacent S.P. Depo DMRC Mathura Road West Patel Nagar West Patel Nagar

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi Faridabad New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida NOIDA Indore

200,590 200,099 200,312 200,411 200,545 108,690 108,690 109,011

C-42, Sector - 58 7/5, South Tukoganj

C-3, Sector-3 201,301 C-3, Sector-3 C-3, Sector-3 203, 1st Floor 110,020 203, 1st Floor 203, 1st Floor 415/2, 2nd and 3rd Floor 415/2, 2nd and 3rd Floor 415/2, 2nd and 3rd Floor 415/2, 2nd and 3rd Floor F-40, South Extension Part-I LB - 3/3, Manu Apartment, LB - 3/3, Manu Appartments, B -118 B -118 A - 130, Vishal Enclave, 2029, Sector - 16, 2029, Sector - 16, B - 161, Lok Vihar, A-17, Adarsh Nagar R - 55, First Floor, Greater Kailash - 1, F-II-204, NSIC STP Main Complex L - 44B, Sheikh Sarai, G - 5, Pushpanjali, Bijwasan Flat No. 34, Pocket-B, SFS DDA Flats Tilak Market 42/1 AND 45/14, Electronics City, Plot 22A and B Delhi Information Technology Park, CORE BRC, 14/3 W-6, 2nd Floor, West Patel Nagar W - 8, 2nd Floor M-26, Lajpat Nagar-II C-42, Sector-58 C-42, Sector-58 101, Mahakosh House Pitampura G. T. Karnal Road Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase - III Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase - III Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase - III Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Sector-14 Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Sector-14 Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Sector-14 Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, Sector-14

Noida 201,301 Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Mayur Vihar, Phase - I Mayur Vihar, Phase - I Sector - 2 Sector - 2 Delhi Delhi Noida Noida New Delhi Faridabad Faridabad Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Sukhdev Vihar Subash Nagar New Delhi Dehradun Bangalore Sector-18, Udyog Vihar 2nd Floor, Shastri park, Adjacent S.P. Depo DMRC Mathura Road West Patel Nagar West Patel Nagar Gurgaon Delhi Faridabad New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Indore 110,053 121,003 110,008 110,008 110,024 201,303 201,303 452,001 201,301 201,301 110,020 110,020 110,020 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,049 110,092 110,092 201,301 201,301 110,027 121,002 121,002 110,034 110,033 110,048 110,020 110,017 110,061 110,025 248,002 560,100 122,015

Anurag Sharma Anurag Sharma Anurag Sharma Asheesh Mishra Asheesh Mishra Asheesh Mishra Manish jain Manish jain Manish jain Manish jain Mnaish Jain Lalit Lahoty Lalit Lahoty Anupam Mathur Anupam Mathur Rajesh Malik Pushpak Pushpak Bhatia Gurnam Singh Vinod Gupta Dharmendra Pratap Vinod Suri Vinod Seth Pawan S Jain Gaurav Kumar Verma Himanshu Sharma Harshita Sabharwal Prasad Veerapane Sandeep Bhatia K. N. Agarwal Jason Clemens Rohit Nangia Neha Batra V. Rajan V. Rajan Nirmal Iyengar

0120-2549403 0120-2549403 0120-2549403 0120-461700 0120-461700 0120-461700 0120-4253625 0120-4253625 0120-4253625 0120-4253625 0120-4253000 91-120-3911911 0120-2444725 0120-2444725-726 0120-2444725-726


201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,027 121,002 121,002 110,034 110,033 201,301

0129-4073000 011-27353672 011-27144154-55 011-41634551 011-26931503,2693152 26,602,642 011-23705660-661

Okhla Industrial Area Phase - II

110,017 110,001 110,025 248,002 122,015 122,015


0124-2345312 0124-2345312 011-26681272, 266872

110,053 121,003 110,008 110,008 110,024 201,303 201,301 452,001

011-25876100 011-51724061 0120-2588272 0120-2588272 0731-5068901-903

7/5, South Tukoganj

asha@risindia.com 9,810,039,498 9,810,039,498 9,810,039,498 9,810,894,088 9,810,894,088 9,810,894,088 9,810,243,246 9,810,243,246 9,810,243,246 9,810,243,246 9,810,243,246 9,910,895,000 9,811,502,040 9,811,846,802 9,811,846,802 9,810,890,890 asha@risindia.com asha@risindia.com asheesh.mishra@flsmidth.com asheesh.mishra@flsmidth.com asheesh.mishra@flsmidth.com b09811@freescale.com b09811@freescale.com b09811@freescale.com b09811@freescale.com b09811@freescale.com lalit.lahoty@in.fujitsu.com llahoty@rapidigm.com amathur@rapidigm.com amathur@rapidigm.com fusion.rajesh@gmail.com

9,811,195,449 9,811,322,482 9,811,029,303 9,910,295,203 9,810,145,691 9,810,075,899 9,810,294,433 9,899,202,626

pushpak@futerox.com impextradeagencies@hotmail.com vinod@gopalgroup.com dpsingh@globaladvisors.in vinod@gdiindia.com vinodseth46@yahoo.com info@gatewaybpo.com


harshita.sabharwal@ge.com prasad.veerapaneni@ge.com sandeep.bhatia@gecisglobal.com

9,811,444,606 9,811,226,906




9,810,078,293 9,810,078,293

v.rajan@baypackets.com v.rajan@baypackets.com ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com

200,962 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 108,118 200,903 200,628 200,628 200,628

Genesis Textware (P) Ltd. Genpact India Genpact India Genpact Genpact Genpact Genpact Genpact Genpact India India India India India India

Ghosi Market, Shop No. 3, Plot No. 22 6th Floor, 4A-DLF Corporate Park Plot-21A 1st Floor, Plot No. 22 2nd Floor of Building-B 4th Floor, Plot No.22 Basement, Plot No.22 2nd Floor, Sector Road Block 4A, DLF Corporate Park 4A-DLF Corporate Park (1st Floor) 2nd Floor, 4A D L F Corporate Park Plot No. 90 A, Plot No. 78 Building No. 228 Sector Road, Sector-53 DLF Cyber Greens (18th FloorTower C) 3rdand4th Floor, Delhi Information Technology Park 6th,7th and 8th Floor, Delhi IT Park 5th Floor, Delhi IT Park Delhi Information Technology Park, First Floor, Shastri Park, DMRC, Building No. 4 , R K Building Building PASCOS 4th floor Pascos Building 90B Sector18 C-303, Saransh Apartments, Plot No-34, 312-313, Plot No. - 5, Krishna Mall Flat No.1, Block No.3, 1st Floor D-1,sector -12 C-39, Sector-58, B - 9, Friends Colony West 3rd Floor, Bloack - A, Building 9, 57/1 S, Arya Shopping Complex, B-234 Hari Nagar Basement, Ground Floor, 11 and 12, B Type Sheds 77 - B, I F F C O Road IFFCO Towers, Plot-3 Basement, 77B, IFFCO Road

Sikenderpur, Sector-18 Qutab Plaza Enclave Sector-18, Udyog Vihar Sector-18 Plot No.22, Sector-18 Building-B, Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-53, DLF City, Phase-V Phase - III, DLF Qutab Enclave Qutab Plaza Enclave Qutab Plaza Enclave Sector-18 Sector-18 Udyog Vihar, Phase- I Dlf City, Phase- V Phase-III, DLF Cyber City Shastri Park, DMRC, Shastri Park, DMRC DMRC, Shastri Park

Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Genpact India Genpact India Genpact India Genpact India Genpact India Genpact India Genpact India GENPACT (18TH FLR.-TWR-C) Genpact India - Unit-II Genpact India - Unit-II Genpact India - Unit-II

Genpact India - Unit-II 200,628 200,870 200,871 200,871 Genpact India (unit - III) Genpact India (unit - IV) Genpact India (unit - IV)

New Delhi Phase II, DLF Cyber City Plot No. 90 - B, Sector 18 Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

GENUINEFX 200,372 200,439 109,144 200,009 109,336 200,442 200,699 GenX Info Technologies Pvt. Ltd. GEO Connect Ltd. Get It Developed Pvt. Ltd. GHCL LIMITED - Unit - Icon Data Management Giraphic Media Solutions Gisil Designs Pvt Ltd Global Content Transformation Pvt. Ltd. 200,877 201,110 Global House Global Soft Pvt. Ltd. 108,938 100,047 100,047 100,047 Global Vantedge Pvt. Ltd. Global Vantedge Pvt. Ltd. Global Vantedge Pvt. Ltd.

Patparganj Sector-12, Dwaraka Ansals Trade Square, Vashali , Sahibabad

Delhi New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida Noida New Delhi

DLF Cyber City,


Indira Nagar,

Dehradun New Delhi

Harton Complex, Electronic City, Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-29 Sector-18

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon


Ghosi Market, Shop No. 3, 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A 90 A Delhi Information Technology Park AIFCAS Building, 1 Rafi Marg, AIFCAS Building, 1 Rafi Marg, AIFCAS Building, 1 Rafi Marg, AIFCAS Building, 1 Rafi Marg, Delhi Information Technology Park Delhi Information Technology Park, Delhi Information Technology Park, C-303, Saransh Apartments, Plot No34, 312-313, Plot No. - 5, Krishna Mall Flat No.1, Block No.3, 1st Floor B-54,shashi Garden,lane No-9 C-39, Sector-58, B - 9, Friends Colony West 13, Abul Fazal Road, A - 28, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate B-234 Hari Nagar D-21, Pushpanjali

Sikenderpur, Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18 Shastri Park

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

122,001 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 110,053 110,001 110,001 110,001

Bijeta Thapa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Sumit Pahwa Shiv Singh Mamatha Garwad Mamatha Garwad Mamatha Garwad

91 124 4362286 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779 0124-5024779

122,015 122,015



New Delhi 110,001 Shastri Park Shastri Park Shastri Park Delhi Delhi Delhi 110,053 110,053 110,053

Mamatha Garwad Shiv Singh Shiv Singh Shiv Singh 0124-4025437 0124-4025437 0124-4025437

110,053 122,002 122,002

Patparganj Sector-12, Dwaraka Ansals Trade Square, Vaishali, Sahibabad Patparganj

Delhi 110,092 New Delhi Ghaziabad New Dehli Noida New Delhi 110,075 201,010 110,091 201,301 110,065 110,001

Dhruva Chatterjee Rohit Adya Tarun Katuria Rajeev Marwah Pushkar Anand Rajiv Kumar Seth Sammer kakar 9,818,040,092 011-55185659 95-11-23352063-67 91-11-2795245 2,589,915 011-51629534 0124-4071600

110,092 110,075 201,910 201,301 201,301 110,065

Bengali Market,

New Delhi

Mathura Road

New Delhi New Delhi 110,044 110,064

Sanjay Chadha S. S. Chawala Vivek Gupta 110,061 122,015 122,015 122,015 Maneesh Rai Maneesh Rai Maneesh Rai


248,001 110,064

Bijwasan Sector-18 Sector-18 Sector-18

New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

011-28061191 0124-5195710 0124-5195710 0124-5195710


77 - B, I F F C O Road 77 - B, I F F C O Road


77 - B, I F F C O Road


bijeta.thapa@genesis.be sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com sumit.pahwa@genpact.com shiv.singh@genpact.com

98,114,068,859 9,899,490,989 9,899,490,989 9,899,490,989

9,899,490,989 9,811,406,859 9,811,406,859 9,811,406,859 shiv.singh@genpact.com shiv.singh@genpact.com shiv.singh@genpact.com


rohit.adya@gen-xt.com tkaturia@ansals.com

9,810,077,458 9,958,445,844 9,810,131,828 9,873,251,791

rajiv_marwah@getgroup.com pushkar.anand@colwell-salmon.com ann@giraphic.com sameer.kakar@gisil.com

schadha@techbooks.com 9,810,303,042 9,810,062,556 sschawla@globalhousegroup.net vivek@globalsoft.co.in 9,810,399,097 9,810,798,148 9,810,798,148 9,810,798,148 maneesh.rai@gvedge.com maneesh.rai@gvedge.com maneesh.rai@gvedge.com

109,333 109,333 109,333 109,333 109,333 109,333 200,418 200,418

GlobalLogic India Pvt. Ltd. GlobalLogic India Pvt. Ltd. GlobalLogic India Pvt. Ltd. GlobalLogic India Pvt. Ltd. GlobalLogic India Pvt. Ltd. GlobalLogic India Pvt. Ltd. Globerian India Pvt. Ltd. Globerian India Pvt. Ltd.

Piccadily House, Plot No.276 B-34/2, A-36, Basement, B-23 Ground Floor (2035 sq.ft) at B34/1, B/34/1 Rear portion in basement A-25 Mohan Cooperative A-25, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate 17/198, Mahavir Park, C-17, LGF-6/190, Neelkanth Place, Sant Nagar 2nd and 5th Floor Tower B, 8th and 9th Floor

3 and 4 Floor, Capt, Gaur Marg, Srinivaspuri Sector-59 Ground Floor, Sector-64 Sector-58 Sector-59, Sector-59 Industrial Estate Mathura Road Mathura Road

New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi

GMT Teletech Pvt. Ltd. 200,634 200,938 GO2Web Strategies

Bhadurgargh, Dist. Jajhar Sector-2

Jajhar Noida

Golf Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 201,143

East of Kailash,

New Delhi

Google India Pvt. Ltd. 200,879

Tower 8C, DLF Cyber City Building-8, DLF Cyber City


Google India Pvt. Ltd. 200,879

2nd and 5th at Tower-B 8th-9th Floor, Building-8, Tower8C 80/D-11, Sector-8 Ground and Seventh Floor, Tower D A-37 Ground Floor, 3rd Floor B-148 First Basement, 2nd Floor - 3rd Floor 3 F, N S I C - S T P Exten, Addmin Block E-326 A -15 A - 15, Lower Ground Floor, Ground Gloor Lower Gr.,Ground,First,Second and Terrance Floor B - 1, Sector - 57, B-191, Okhla Industrial Area 1st Floor, Unitech Trade Centre 1st Floor (Unit Nos.101-109), Unitech Trade Centre Dayanand Academy of Advance Studies 2nd Floor, Masterpiece Building


Google India Pvt. Ltd. 200,879 201,094 201,010 108,359 108,359 108,359 108,359 104,008 104,008 104,008 104,008 104,008 200,872 200,019 200,245 200,245 200,242 Goyal Consultancy Services Grail Research India (P) Ltd. Granada Services Pvt. Ltd. Granada Services Pvt. Ltd. Granada Services Pvt. Ltd. Granada Services Pvt. Ltd. Grape City India Pvt.ltd. Grape City India Pvt.ltd. Grape City India Pvt.ltd. Grape City India Pvt.ltd. Grape City India Pvt.ltd. Gravitie Knowledge Services Pvt. Ltd. Great Fortune Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Greenfield Online Pvt. Ltd. Greenfield Online Pvt. Ltd. Growth Solution Ltd. GS Engineering and Construction (I) Pvt. Ltd. 200,925 GS Engineering and Construction India (P) Ltd. 200,952

DLF Cyber City Rohini Logix Techno Park, Plot No. 5, Sector - 127 Sector -60 B-148, Sector-10 Sector-10 B-148, Sector-10 P D T C, Okhla Industrial Estate Nirman Vihar Sector - 62 1st-2nd Floor, Terrace, Sector - 62 A-15, Sector-62

Gurgaon Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida

Phase-1 Sushant Lok, Phase-1 Block-C, Sector-43, Sushantlok, Phase-I 17, New Survey Road DLF Golf Course Road, Sec-54

New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Dehradun


2nd Floor, Masterpiece Building

DLF Golf Course Road, Sector Gurgoan - 54




276 , Piccadily House, 3rd Floor 276 , Piccadily House, 3rd Floor 276 , Piccadily House, 3rd Floor 276 , Piccadily House, 3rd Floor 276 , Piccadily House, 3rd Floor 276 , Piccadily House, 3rd Floor C - 511, Chittranjan Park C - 511, Chittranjan Park R ZG 28, A Devkunj Rajnagar Part II, Palam 9/701, Eastend Appartment LGF-6/190 Neelkanth Place, Sant Nagar Prestige Sigma No. 3, First Floor, Vittal Mallaya Road (Grant Road)

Capt. Gaur Marg, Srniwaspuri Capt. Gaur Marg, Srniwaspuri Capt. Gaur Marg, Srniwaspuri Capt. Gaur Marg, Srniwaspuri Capt. Gaur Marg, Srniwaspuri Capt. Gaur Marg, Srniwaspuri

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,065 110,065 110,065 110,065 110,065 110,065 110,019 110,019

Jay Kumar Jay Kumar Jay Kumar Jay Kumar Jay Kumar Jay Kumar Rahul Khare Rahul Khare

95-120-5342716 95-120-5342716 95-120-5342716 95-120-5342716 95-120-5342716 95-120-5342716 011-30880100 011-30880100

New Delhi Mayur Vihar, Phase-I Delhi 110,096

Naresh Kumar Dahiya Ashish Kumar

124,507 201,301

East of Kailash,

New Delhi 110,065

DS Bedi



Corporate Div. No. 61

Bangalore 560,001



122,002 Prestige Sigma No. 3, First Floor, Vittal Mallaya Road (Grant Road) 122,002 Prestige Sigma No. 3, First Floor, Vittal Mallaya Road (Grant Road) 122,002 110,085 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,019 110,092 201,306 201,301 80/D-11, Sector-8 G - 12, Masjid Modth, B-148, First Floor B-148, First Floor B-148, First Floor B-148, First Floor A-15, Sector-62 A-15, Sector-62 A-15, Sector-62 A-15, Sector-62 A-15, Sector-62 201,301 110,020 D - 49, Sarita Vihar B-191, Okhla Industrial Area 1st Floor, Unitech Trade Centre 1st Floor, Unitech Trade Centre 306, Payal Complex C1/B, First Floor Green Park Extension 122,002 C1/B, First Floor Green Park Extensiosn New Delhi Phase-1 Sushant Lok, Phase-1 Sushant Lok, Phase-1 Opp. M.S. University Ambedkar Road, Sayaji Gunj

Corporate Div. No. 61

Bangalore 560,001



Corporate Div. No. 61 Rohini Greater Kailash - III Sector-10 Sector-10 Sector-10 Sector-10

Bangalore Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Vadodara 560,001 110,085

Giridhar Nitin Goyal Rahul Hingorani Sumit Kaushik Sumit Kaushik Sumit Kaushik Sumit Kaushik H K Choudhary H K Choudhary H K Choudhary H K Choudhary H K Choudhary Sujoy Bhattacharya D. R. Keswani Bhupinder Paul Sin Bhupinder Paul Sin Ramprasas B. Tha

0124-4311111 011-27940097 0120-4257063 0120-2580287 0120-2580287 0120-2580287 0120-2580287 011-2470123 011-2470123 011-2470123 011-2470123 011-2470123

201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,305 201,305 201,305 201,305 201,305 110,076 110,020

011-51611611 0124-4083861 0124-4083861 265-2225888/ 2651027/2710527


New Delhi 110,057

Jong Sik Jung

Jong Sik Jung 110,057


9,810,017,094 9,810,017,094 9,810,017,094 9,810,017,094 9,810,017,094 9,810,017,094 9,810,005,238 9,810,005,238

jay.kumar@induslogic.com jay.kumar@induslogic.com jay.kumar@induslogic.com jay.kumar@induslogic.com jay.kumar@induslogic.com jay.kumar@induslogic.com accounts@globerian.com accounts@globerian.com



giridhar@google.com 9,849,655,044

giridhar@google.com 9,849,655,044

giridhar@google.com 9,849,655,044 9,911,183,815 9,312,268,895 9,811,507,010 9,811,507,010 9,811,507,010 9,811,507,010 9,811,292,640 9,811,292,640 9,811,292,640 9,811,292,640 9,811,292,640 9,871,801,001 9,810,611,577 9,899,809,801 9,899,809,801 ngoyal@vonage.com rhingorani@grailresearch.com sumit.kaushik@ienergizer.com sumit.kaushik@ienergizer.com sumit.kaushik@ienergizer.com sumit.kaushik@ienergizer.com harsh.choudhary@grapecity.com harsh.choudhary@grapecity.com harsh.choudhary@grapecity.com harsh.choudhary@grapecity.com harsh.choudhary@grapecity.com sujoyb@gravitie.com drkeswani@gfinfotech.com bsingh@greenfield.com bsingh@greenfield.com gsl-growth@indiatimes.com

888/ 2651027/2710527

GS Engineering and Construction India (P) Ltd. 200,951 GS Engineering and Construction India Pvt. Ltd. 200,926 GSPANN Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 201,090 200,204 GTA Data Services (India) Pvt. Ltd.

2nd Floor, Masterpiece Building

DLF Golf Course Road, Sector Gurgoan - 54 DLF Golf Course Road, Sec-54 J Block, 3rd floor, Community Centre, Rajouri Garden Orchid Square, B Block, Sushant Lok-1 JMD Pascific Square,

2nd Floor, Masterpiece Building


303, Ansal Classique Tower 5th Floor Unit No.510, 511 and 511 A, Fifth Floor, 301-309/309A, 3rd Floor, Interational Trade Tower 401-404 International Trade Tower

New Delhi Gurgaon

GVK Biosciences Pvt. LTd. 200,667 H and S Software Development and Knowledge Management Centre Pvt.Ltd. H and S Software Development and Knowledge Management Centre Pvt.Ltd. H.K.Infosystems Hay Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. HBA International (India) Pvt.Ltd. 200,230 200,941 200,941 200,941 200,941 108,258 108,258 108,258 108,258 108,258 108,258 108,258 108,258 108,258 200,931 108,758 109,350 109,350 109,350 109,350 109,350 200,392 HCL Comnet Systems & Services Limited HCL Comnet Systems & Services Limited HCL Comnet Systems & Services Limited HCL Comnet Systems & Services Limited HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd. HCL Technologies Ltd (Unit-II) HCL Technologies Ltd. - BPO Services-Unit - I HCL Technologies Ltd. - BPO Services-Unit - I HCL Technologies Ltd. - BPO Services-Unit - I HCL Technologies Ltd. - BPO Services-Unit - I HCL Technologies Ltd. - BPO Services-Unit - I HCL Technologies Ltd. - BPO Services-Unit - II


Nehru Place

New Delhi


Nehru Place

New Delhi

200,198 109,406 201,088

606-607, JMD Pacific Square A-16, IInd Floor Terrace 244 Udyog Vihar First Floor at Plot No. 244 Ground floor Plot no. 244 Udyog Vihar basement Plot no. 244 Udyog Vihar A-9,16,17 and 18 Basement F8-9 F-8-9, 1st Floor A-12, A-2 A-10-11 Basement, Mezzanine Floor, Ground Floor F 8/9 A-11, Ground floor (right wing) 244 Udyog Vihar 445, Udyog Vihar C-23 Basement Floor, C-39 A-104 Ground Floor, C - 39 1st Floor, C-39 B-34/3,

32 Milestone, NH-8 Block-B-1, Mohan Cooperative Indl Estate, Mathura Road Phase-I Udyog Vihar, Phase-I Phase I Phase I Sector-III Sector - 3 Sector-III Sector-III Sector-3 Sector-3 A-10-11, Sector-3 Sector - 3 Sector 3 Phase-I phase - I Sector-58 Sector-59 Sector-58 Sector - 59 Sector-59 Sector-59

Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida NOIDA Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida NOIDA Noida Noida


C1/B, First Floor Green Park Extensiosn C1/B, First Floor Green Park Extension

New Delhi 110,057 New Delhi 110,057

Jong Sik Jung

K.N. Agarwal


122,002 j-5/52-I, 2nd Floor, 110,027 5th Floor 210, 6-3-1192, Kundanbagh, Begumpet, 401-404 International Trade Tower 401-404 International Trade Tower 110,019 117, New Rajdhani Enclave, 14F, Shivam House A-16, IInd Floor 110,044 806, Siddharth 122,016 806, Siddharth 806, Siddharth 806, Siddharth A-10-11 201,303 A-10-11 A-10-11 A-10-11 A-10-11 201,301 201,301 A-10-11 A-10-11 A-10-11 A-10-11 201,301 122,016 806, Siddharth 445, Udyog Vihar A-104 A-104 A-104 A-104 A-104 201,301 806, Sidharth 96, Nehru Place 96, Nehru Place 96, Nehru Place 96, Nehru Place Sector-3 Sector-3 Sector-3 Sector-3 Sector-3 Sector-3 Sector-3 Sector-3 Sector-3 96, Nehru Place phase - I Sector-58 Sector-58 Sector-58 Sector-58 Sector-58 96 Nehru Place New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Vikas Marg New Dehli Orchid Square, B Block, Sushant Lok-1 Gurgaon Rajouri Garden New Delhi

Shubho Sengupta 110,027 Sandeep Batra 0124-5195513-19

Hyderabad 500,016 Nehru Place New Delhi 110,019 Nehru Place New Delhi 110,019 110,092 110,001



Sachidanada Kesh


Sachidanada Kesh Mr.Rajender Singh Srini Srinivasan Naresh Chhabra 110,044 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,019 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,019 122,016 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,019 Shiv Nadar Shiv Nadar Shiv Nadar Shiv Nadar D K Sharma D K Sharma D K Sharma D K Sharma D K Sharma D K Sharma D K Sharma D K Sharma D K Sharma GK Ashokan Pravin Modi Ashok Pathak Ashok Pathak Ashok Pathak Ashok Pathak Ashok Pathak Ashok Pathak

95-124-41494503 9.81E+09 0124-4177400 011-51678698


Connaught Place, New Delhi Block-B-1, Mohan Co- operative Indl New Delhi Estate, Mathura

1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100 1,204,362,100

0124-6345957 0120-2589690 0120-2589690 0120-2589690 0120-2589690 0120-2589690 0120-2589690

20,301 201,301

alliedinfo2001@yahoo.com 9,811,226,906 ssengupta@gspanntechnologies.com 9,810,072,016 9,811,165,483 sandeep.batra@gta-travel.com

venkat.parakala@gvkbio.com 9,908,666,200 skeshwan@heidrick.com 9,818,240,800 skeshwan@heidrick.com 9,818,240,800 hkinfosystems@yahoo.com 9,810,560,652 srini_srinivasan@haygroup.com nareshc@hbaindia.com 9,899,002,844

9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944 9,313,437,944

dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in dk.sharma@hcl.in SanjeevKhu@hcl.in


pravin@ggn.hcltech.com ashok.pathak@hcl.in ashok.pathak@hcl.in ashok.pathak@hcl.in ashok.pathak@hcl.in ashok.pathak@hcl.in ashok.pathak@hcl.in

200,627 200,677 200,792 200,228 200,436 200,325 200,325 108,039 108,039 108,039 108,039 108,039 108,039 108,039 108,039 108,039 108,039 109,422 200,476 200,583 200,583 200,583 200,787 108,266 108,266 108,266 108,266 109,423

HCL Technologies Ltd. - BPO Services-Unit - III HCL Technologies Ltd. (unit - VI) HCL Technologies Ltd. (Unit - VII) HCL Technologies Ltd. (Unit-III) HCL Technologies Ltd.(Unit - V, Noida) HCL Technologies Ltd.-Unit IV HCL Technologies Ltd.-Unit IV HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL.Technologies Ltd.(Unit-I) HCL-HP Ltd. HCN CallCentre & Teleservices Inc. Headstrong Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Uniti - II) Headstrong Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Uniti - II) Headstrong Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Uniti - II) Headstrong Services (India) Pvt. Ltd.(Unit-III) Headstrong Services India Pvt. Ltd. Headstrong Services India Pvt. Ltd. Headstrong Services India Pvt. Ltd. Headstrong Services India Pvt. Ltd. Heartland Delhi Transcription & Services Pvt. Ltd. Heka Support Services Pvt. Ltd.

A-22, Sector-60 Plot No. 1 and 2, Sector - 125 C - 1, Sector - 33 and 34 Plot No. 5, 6 and 7, Phase-IV C - 22A, Sector-57 Plot No. A -8 and 9 1st Floor, A-33,34 Ground Floor (R/W) 3, Udyog Vihar 3 Udyog Vihar 244, Udyog Vihar A-11, 3, Udyog Vihar A-1A A-1C-1D A-10, 11 A- 4 B, A-5, A-5 A, A-5 B B - 1/E - 13, MCIE Basement, A-37 and 38 Gr., 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Terrace Floor C-3, Sector-3 D - 4, Sector - 59 2nd floor, D-4 A - 35, 36, Sector-16 A - 4-5, First Floor-1B A-4 and 5, First Floor, 1B, Plot no.-14, Sagar Towar Sector-16 Phase-3, Sector-16 District Center Janak Puri Plot No. C-4, 5, 6, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, Hazaratganj Sector-59 Phase-III, Sector-60 Sector-11 A-10, 11, Sector-3 Phase- I Phase - I Phase - I Sector-16 Phase-I Sector - 16 Sector-16 Sector-3 Sector-24 Mathura Road Sector-16 A-37, 38, Sector-16 Express Highway, Infocity

Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi

10th Floor, Agrawal Cyber Plaza 105, Ganj Plaza, Naval Kishore Road PT-62/20, Kalkaji Extension DITP-5B, 5th Floor 2nd And 3rd Floor, Palm Court,20/4 1st Floor, Palm Court Building 2nd-3rd Floor, Palm Court Building E-3, Qutab Hotel Complex 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor 408, Soutth Extension Plaza-II,

New Delhi Lucknow New Delhi

201,008 200,762 200,381 200,381 108,356 108,356 108,356 200,423 200,423 200,734 Hepta Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Heritage Websolutions Pvt. Ltd. Heritage Websolutions Pvt. Ltd. Hero Corporate Service Limited Hero Corporate Service Limited Hero Corporate Service Limited Hero Management Services Ltd. Hero Management Services Ltd. Heuristics Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Heuristics Informatics Pvt. Ltd. 200,661 200,837 Hewitt Associates (India) Pvt. Ltd. (unit - ii) Ground, First and Second Floor, Tower - A, Tech Boulevard, Plot No. 6, Sector - 127 Noida

Delhi IT Park, Shastri Park Sukhrali Chowk, 20/4, Sukhrali Chowk 20/4, Sukhrali Chowk, Saheed Jeet Singh Marg Palm Court Building, 20/4, Sukhrali Chowk South Extension, Part - 2

Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi

N - 3/3, Second Floor, DLF City,

Phase -II



122,016 301,201 201,301 201,301 122,016

806, Siddharth, 96 Nehru Place 806, Siddarth, 96 Nehru Place 806, Siddarth, 96 Nehru Place Plot No. 5, 6 and 7, Phase-IV 806, Siddharth 806 Siddarth 806 Siddarth 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar 3, Udyog Vihar Null Pl. Enter B - 1/E - 13, MCIE 103 Ashoka Estate 103 Ashoka Estate 103 Ashoka Estate

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon 96, Nehru Place 96 Nehru Place 96 Nehru Place Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Phase- I Mathura Road Barakhamba Road Barakhamba Road Barakhamba Road New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Null Pl. Enter New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delh Noida Noida Noida Noida District Center Janak Puri New Delhi

110,019 110,049 110,049 122,016 110,019 110,049 110,049 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 110,044 110,001 110,001 110,001 110,001 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,058

Ashok pathak Arvind Mathur Rajesh Oberoi Pravin Modi Arvind Mathur A.Mathur A.Mathur Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha Anshuk Pasricha NullPl.Enter Sumit Nanda Arun Kathpali Arun Kathpali Arun Kathpali Harsh Singh Lohit A.S. Natarajan A.S. Natarajan A.S. Natarajan A.S. Natarajan Saurabh Bali

0120-2589690 91-120-2411205 91-124-2439915 0124-2439922 0120-2515797 0120-2515797 0120-2515797 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 0124-2439922 011-51678147 95-120-2512710 95-120-2512710 95-120-2512710 120-2512707 0120-2512710-12 0120-2512710-12 0120-2512710-12 0120-2512710-12 011-25529180, 255291

201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,044 201,301 201,301

201,301 201,301 201,301

103, Ashoka Estate, Barakhamba Road, A - 35, 36, Sector-16 A - 35, 36, Sector-16 A - 35, 36, Sector-16

201,301 110,058

A - 35, 36, Sector-16 Plot No.-14, Sagar Towar 1568, Churchraod,

Kashmere Gate Hazaratganj Extension Extension Saheed Jeet Singh Saheed Jeet Singh Saheed Jeet Singh

Delhi 110,006 Lucknow New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 226,001 110,019 110,019 110,016 110,016 110,016 110,002 110,002 110,049

Rohit Nath Mirza Mohammed Sanjay Bhati Sanjay Bhati Shankar Krishnamu Shankar Krishnamu Shankar Krishnamu Mukul Goyal Mukul Goyal Arun Khandelia 91-522-2612816 011-42092626 011-42092626 0124-5099000 0124-5099000 0124-5099000 95-124-4099000 95-124-4099000 011-26121908

110,034 226,001 110,019 105, Ganj Plaza, Naval Kishore Road PT-62/9, G G, DDBlock, Kalkaji, PT-62/9, G G, DDBlock, Kalkaji, E-1, Qutab Hotel Complex E-1, Qutab Hotel Complex E-1, Qutab Hotel Complex 2/A, Asaf Ali Road 2/A, Asaf Ali Road 408, Soutth Extension Plaza-II, B - 3/13 C, DDA MIG Flats, Lawrence Road, 710, Ansal Chambers II,



South Extension, Part - 2

New Delhi

New Delhi 110,035 6, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110,066

Alka Goel Sumer Datta


122,002 201,301

ashok.pathak@hcl.in 9,810,499,672 amathur@noida.hcltech.com oberoir@hcl.in 9,810,014,680 9,810,499,672 9,810,499,672 9,810,499,672 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,875,007 9,810,059,609 9,810,077,217 9,810,077,217 9,810,077,217 9,810,032,223 9,810,077,217 9,810,077,217 9,810,077,217 9,810,077,217 9,818,346,415 pravin@ggn.hcltech.com amathur@noida.heltech.com amathur@noida.hcltech.com amathur@noida.hcltech.com anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in anshukp@hcl.in hcn@sunehari.com natu@india.techspan.com natu@india.techspan.com natu@india.techspan.com harsh.lohit@headstrong.com natu@headstrong.com natu@headstrong.com natu@headstrong.com natu@headstrong.com SBali@heartlandis.com

rohit.dutta@syselog.com 9,811,999,310 mmyzaheer@heptasolutions.net 9,810,245,770 9,810,245,770 9,810,113,950 9,810,113,950 9,810,113,950 9,810,113,950 9,810,113,950 9,871,799,881 sanjay@hwssoft.com sanjay@hwssoft.com shankar.krishna@herocorp.com shankar.krishna@herocorp.com shankar.krishna@herocorp.com mukul.goyal@heroites.com mukul.goyal@heroites.com arunkhandelia@ks-ca.com

alka@hiplintranet.com 9,810,046,449 9,810,039,811 sumer.datta@hewitt.com

200,837 200,183 200,183 200,183 200,183 200,183 200,183 200,183 200,183 200,183 200,183

Hewitt Associates (India) Pvt. Ltd. (unit - ii) Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd. Hewitt Associates India Pvt.Ltd.

3rd and 4th floor Tower A Tech 1st and 2nd Floor, DLF Centre Court Ground Floor, Tower-B, 1st Floor, Tower-A, Unitech World, (Cyber Park) 3rd and 4th floors Tower A Tech Boulevard 3rd floor 4th floor Tower A Tech DLF Centre Court 3rd Floor, Tower-A 6th and 7th Floors, Tower A, Unitech World Lower Ground(Part) and 5th Floor, Tower-A 6th Floor, Tower-A, Unitechworld, (Cyber Park), 1st floor, Tower B, Cyber Park, STPI Incubation Centre No. 1, First Floor, Pankaj Tower 51/5 20-A, 7A/1, Mohini Road A - 14, Okhla Industrial Area, B-212, 2nd Floor Pace City - II 1st Floor (5006Sq.ft.) In the same compound adjacent M 31- A, GK Market Part - II, 186, Sector-3 F-38/2, Okhla Industrial Area D-7, Infocity Part of 1st Floor (3775 Sq.ft.) D-8 2nd-3rd Floor, D - 8, Infocity Ground Floor, D-8, Infocity Ground, 1st -2nd Floorat 34 MPD Towers Building, Block - II Ground, 1st - 2nd Floor at 34 34, Udyog Vihar, A, 5 A/159 Janak Puri Plot No-72, Sector-18 Thapar House

Boulevard Plot No 6 Sector 127 Tower-A, Sector-42, DLF City DLF Centre Court, DLF Phase-V Village Jharsa, Distt.and Tehsil Gurgoan Plot No. 6 Sector 127 Boulevard Plot No. 6 Sector127 Tower-A, Sector-42, DLF City DLF Centre Court, DLF Phase-V Cyber Park, Vill.Jharsa, Tech Boulevard Plot No6, Sector-127 Vill.-Jharsa, Unitech World, Vill. Jharsa, Sector -39 Dehradun Mayur Vihar, Phase-I Rajpur Road Teg Bahadur Road Phase - I C.R. Park Sector-36 Sector-36, Pace City-II at Pace City-II,Sector-36,

Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Noida Gurgoan

Hexaware Technologies Ltd. 200,848 200,100 201,194 200,258 108,776 108,776 200,722 200,113 200,324 200,324 200,324 200,653 200,920 200,486 201,095 200,702 200,702 200,702 200,344 200,344 200,687 200,687 200,355 200,549 100,024 Hi Tech Industries Hibicus Software Pvt. Ltd. HIMALAYA CALLS (Unit of Shimlets Infoways Pvt. Ltd.) Himalayan Info Services Himalayan Info Services Hinson IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Hirendra Gupta Honeywell International India Pvt. Ltd. Honeywell International India Pvt. Ltd. Honeywell International India Pvt. Ltd. Horizon E Serve Horizon Physicians Billing Pvt. Ltd. Houston Technologies ltd Hughes Systique India Pvt. Limited Hughes Systique India Pvt.Ltd. Hughes Systique India Pvt.Ltd. Hughes Systique India Pvt.Ltd. Hyper Quality India Pvt. Ltd. Hyper Quality India Pvt. Ltd. Hyper Quality India Pvt. Ltd.(unit -II) Hyper Quality India Pvt. Ltd.(unit -II) I A Informatics I Communicall IBILT Technologies Ltd.

Gurgaon Dehradun Delhi Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon New Delhi IMT Manesar

Phase - II Sector-33 Infocity, Sector-33 Sector -33 Sector-33 Udyog Vihar, Phase 1V Zone 6, DLF Qutub Enclave, Phase - V Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Phase - 4

New delhi Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi

124, Janpath


710, Ansal Chambers II, 710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II

6, Bhikaji Cama Place, 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place Sector - 3, TTC Industrial Area, Mahape Dehradun Mayur Vihar, Phase-I Rajpur Road

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066 110,066

Sumer Datta Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma Puja Sharma 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000 0124-4155000

122,002 122,002

710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II 710, Ansal Chamber-II Bldg ,152, Millennium Business ParK A Block,

Navi Mumbai 400,710 Dehradun Delhi Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,048 110,049 110,020 110,016 110,048 110,048 110,048 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,058 110,060 110,001 248,001 110,091 248,001 248,001 248,001 110,020 110,019

R K Bhalla Sanjay Kumar Day Pankaj Awasthi Shobhit Jain Avinash Saxena Avinash Saxena Meenakshi Kaul Hirendra Gupta Neeraj Dewan Neeraj Dewan Neeraj Dewan Vinod Ahuja Raj Inder Bhalla Sandeep Kalhan Arun Bhardwaj Pranav Roach Pranav Roach Pranav Roach Jai Nand Daftvar Jai Nand Daftvar Jai Nand Daftuar Jai Nand Daftuar Deepak Kumar Sin Anil K. Gupta Dinesh Khetan

0124-6619595 91-135-713401 011-22717036 0135-2651993 0135-2677915 0135-2677915 011-65682536-37 011-251611069 0124-4031772 0124-4031772 0124-4031772 011-29213982 9,811,130,905 011-26384875 1,243,045,400 91-11-26569332 91-11-26569332 91-11-26569332 0124-5058747 0124-5058747 95-124-4300133 95-124-4300133 011-25526246 011-28741922 011-41699348

122,001 248,001 110,091 248,001 248,001 248,001 110,020 110,019 122,004 STPI Incubation Centre A-205, Aashiana Apartments 51/5 7A/1, Mohini Road 7A/1, Mohini Road A - 14, Okhla Industrial Area, B-212, 2nd Floor Suite 1493, ITC Suite 1493, ITC Suite 1493, ITC 110,048 IMT Manesar 110,020 122,001 M 31- A, GK Market Part - II, E-27, South Extension, F-38/2, Okhla Industrial Area 2nd Floor, Nirlac Center W-22, Greater Kailash Part - II W-22, Greater Kailash Part - II W-22, Greater Kailash Part - II 505, Chiranjiv Tower 505, Chiranjiv Tower 505, fifth Floor, Chiranjiv Tower, 505, fifth Floor, Chiranjiv Tower, A, 5 A/159 Janak Puri J-424, 1st Floor Thapar House

Phase - I C.R. Park Maurya Sheraton Hotel Maurya Sheraton Hotel Maurya Sheraton Hotel

Part-II Phase - II B-25, Qutab Institutional Area

New Delhi New delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

122,001 122,016

Nehru Place Nehru Place Nehru Place Nehru Place

Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

122,016 122,002 110,058 110,001

New Rajender Nagar 124, Janpath

New Delhi New Delhi


sumer.datta@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com puja.sharma@hewitt.com

rkbhalla@hexaware.com 9,871,103,378 9,897,048,854 9,867,156,606 9,897,229,708 9,897,212,791 9,897,212,791 9,810,746,833 9,811,067,957 9,818,285,550 9,818,285,550 9,818,285,550 sdsy@usa.net awasthiji@gmail.com shobhit@shimlets.org avisax@gmail.com avisax@gmail.com meenakaul@hotmail.com hirendra.gupta@vsnl.com neeraj.dewan@honeywell.com neeraj.dewan@honeywell.com neeraj.dewan@honeywell.com shyamarora@gmail.com 9,811,130,905 9,811,222,069 9,899,112,627 r.inder@indyasoft.com skalhan@hustontechnologies.com arun.bhardwaj@hsc.com proach@huges-ecomm.com proach@huges-ecomm.com proach@huges-ecomm.com 9,871,092,147 9,871,092,147 9,871,092,147 9,871,092,147 9,810,464,942 9,312,288,648 Jai.daftuar@hyperquality.com Jai.daftuar@hyperquality.com jai.daftuar@hyperquality.com jai.daftuar@hyperquality.com dk@iainformatics.com kanika.malhotra@icommunical.com dinesh.khetan@ibilttechnologies.com

109,404 109,404 109,404 109,404 109,404 109,404 109,404

IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd.

101-104 A, S T P I Building, Electronic City, 9th,10th and 11th Floor, Unitech Cyber Park 4th and 5th Floor, Tower - B, Infinity Tower Building no -8, 4th floor 3rd,4th and 5th Floor, DLF Cyber Greens, Tower-C 186, Phase - I 444, Phase-V

Udyog Vihar, Sector-18 Tower-B, 60 Mtr, Sector Road, Sector-39 DLF Phase-II, DLF Phase-II, Sector25A, DLF Cyberciti, Sec-25A, DLF CIty Phase-III Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar STPI Building, Electronic City, Sector-18 Sector - 18, Udyog Vihar Tower-B, DLF Cyber City, Sector-25A, Phase-III

Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon

First Floor, 101 and 104, Block-A Plot No. 27, Electronic City 9th,11th -12th/14th -15th Floor, DLF Cyber Greens

Gurgaon Gurgaon

109,404 109,404


109,404 5th, 6th, 7th 8th and terrace 3rd and 4th Floor 4th and 5th floor, Tower-B and C, 27 Electronic City, Sec-18 2nd floor (22446 Sq Ft.) 3rd Floor (22123) and 4th Unitech Cyber Park, Tower - c,60 mtr. Road, Sec 39 Gurgaon 444, Phase-V, Udyog Vihar Infinity Tower, DLF City Ph-II, Udyog Vihar Floor (22070) at Plot No 26 Block A, Sector-62 1st Floorand 2nd Floor at Plot No.-19 Block-B, Sec62 Block-A,Sector-62, Gautam Budh Nagar (Dist.) Noida Bl-C,Polt No.-4, Instl. Area, Vasant Kunj,Phase- II DLF City Phase-II DLF City, Phase-II Phase II NH-8, Opp. Milestone 32 Sector-30 DLF Silokhera, N.H.-8M, Opp. 32 Milestone DLF Silokhera Block-A, DLF Cyber City, Phase-II B - 59, Sector - 63 Okhla Industrial Estate Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

109,404 109,404 109,404 108,296 IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt. Ltd. IBM Daksh Business Process Services Pvt.Ltd.-I

IBM India Private Limited (Noida) 201,064


IBM India Private Limited (Noida) 201,064

Still floor, Grnd Floor, Mezzanine Floor,


IBM India Private Limited (Noida) 201,064 IBM India Pvt.Ltd. - N.D. 108,135 108,803 108,803 108,803 108,803 108,803 108,803 108,803 108,803 200,993 104,002 200,685 200,643 200,643 IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) IBM India Pvt.Ltd.(Gurgaon) iBoss Tech Solutions (P) Ltd. ICC India Pvt. Ltd. Icode Customer Management Pvt. Ltd. Icreon Communications Pvt. Ltd. Icreon Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Plot 26, Stilt, Grnd, Mezzamine 1st, 2nd, 3rd flr India Research Lab, Instt. for studies in Indl.Dev 5th Floor, DLF Square 5th Floor, DLF Square 4th 5th floor at DLF Infinity Tower Block A DLF 1st, 2nd, 3rd Floor, DLF Silokhara DLF Silokhera 3rd (Part), 4th - 5th Floors of Building 6th to 7th Floor 4th and 5th Floor, DLF Infinity Tower Hall A, First Floor, 4th Floor, NSIC - STP Complex 657, Udyog Vihar Phase - V, Basement, Ground Floor and 1st Floor Ground Floor, 264B

New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan Noida New Delhi Gurgaon

C - 103, Sector-2 Hauz Rani Market, Saket

Noida New Delhi


186, Phase-1 186, Phase-1 186, Phase-1 186, Phase-1 186, Phase-1

Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016 122,016

Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam

0124-4635100 0124-4635100 0124-4635100 0124-4635100 0124-4635100 0124-4635100 0124-4635100

122,016 122,016

186, Phase-1 186, Phase-1

186, Phase-1 122,016 122,016 186, Phase-1

Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon 122,016 Gurgaon 122,016

Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam

0124-4635100 0124-4635100

186, Phase-1 122,002 186, Phase-1 186, Phase-1 186, Phase-1 122,016 186, Phase-1 No. 12, Subramanya Arcarde, Bannerghatta Main Road, No. 12, Subramanya Arcarde, Bannerghatta Main Road, No. 12, Subramanya Arcarde, Bannerghatta Main Road, 201,307 IBM Solutions Research Centre 110,070 DLF Silokhera DLF Silokhera DLF Silokhera 122,002 122,001 122,001 122,001 DLF Silokhera DLF Silokhera DLF Silokhera DLF Silokhera DLF Silokhera D - 46, Flatted Factory Complex, 4th Floor, NSIC - STP Complex 290, Kapashera 6/10,Sarva Priya Vihar 6/10,Sarva Priya Vihar

Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon 122,016

Haseeb Alam


Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon 122,016 Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon 122,016 122,016 122,016

Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam Haseeb Alam Sunil Budden

0124-4635100 0124-4635100 0124-4635100 0124-2439816-825

Bangalore 560,029

Stanly Sebastian


Bangalore 560,029

Stanly Sebastian


Bangalore 560,029 Block 1, Gr. Floor, IIT, Hauz Khas Sector-30 Sector-30 Sector-30 Sector-30 Sector-30 Sector-30 Sector-30 Sector-30 Jhandewalan, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,016 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,055 110,020 110,037 110,016 110,016

Stanly Sebastian


Sudipta Maitra Stanly Sebastin Stanly Sebastin Stanly Sebastin Stanly Sebastin Stanly Sebastin Stanly Sebastin Stanly Sebastin Stanly Sebastin Emendra Paul Singh Somnath Dutta Sanjit Kumar Singh Deep Kandyal Deep Kandyal

011-26861100 0124-2834506 0124-2834506 0124-2834506 0124-2834506 0124-2834506 0124-2834506 0124-2834506 0124-2834506

201,301 110,020 122,001 201,301


0120-4030000 0120-4030000

9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208

hasealam@in.ibm.com hasealam@in.ibm.com hasealam@in.ibm.com hasealam@in.ibm.com hasealam@in.ibm.com hasealam@in.ibm.com hasealam@in.ibm.com

hasealam@in.ibm.com 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 hasealam@in.ibm.com

hasealam@in.ibm.com 9,818,548,208 hasealam@in.ibm.com 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 9,818,548,208 9,811,266,637 hasealam@in.ibm.com hasealam@in.ibm.com sbudden@daksh.com

stsebast@in.ibm.com 9,818,718,149

stsebast@in.ibm.com 9,818,718,149

stsebast@in.ibm.com 9,818,718,149 smaitra@in.ibm.com 9,818,718,149 9,818,718,149 9,818,718,149 9,818,718,149 9,818,718,149 9,818,718,149 9,818,718,149 9,818,718,149 9,810,009,622 9,810,005,140 9,899,310,061 9,810,469,973 9,810,469,973 stsebast@in.ibm.com stsebast@in.ibm.com stsebast@in.ibm.com stsebast@in.ibm.com stsebast@in.ibm.com stsebast@in.ibm.com stsebast@in.ibm.com stsebast@in.ibm.com epsingh@allstatefs.com sn.dutta@macmillansolutions.com sanjit.singh@icodeind.com

200,996 200,980 200,469 200,469 200,259 200,906 200,483 200,189 200,189 200,189 108,302 108,302 108,302 108,302 200,613 200,613 200,349 200,016

ICS Connect Limited ICS CONNECT LTD. ICS Infotech ICS Infotech Idea Age Business Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Ideavate Solutions (P) Ltd. INDORE IDS Infotech Ltd. Unit - II iGate Global Solutions Limited iGate Global Solutions Limited iGate Global Solutions Limited IGT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. IGT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. IGT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. IGT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. IGT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Unit - II) IGT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Unit - II) iHealthcare Services India (P) Ltd. iHealthcare Solution (p) Ltd IHG IT Serivces (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Unit II)

A-194, Okhla Phase 1 A-194, Okhala, Phase-1 912-A, 9th Floor DD - 8, S/4, Nehru Enclave 189, Anup Nagar 306, Silver Sanchora Castle 202, 2nd Floor C-133B C - 133A, C-133A Global Business Park, 2nd Floor 3rd Floor, Tower-C, Global Business Park 2nd Floor, Tower C Block-2B, DLF Corporate Park Plot No.436, Ground Floor to Fourth Floor, Phsa-IV, 5th and 6th Floor, Plot No.436 Khasra No.163/2, Lower Gr. Floor Khasra No.163/2, Upper Gr. Floor 7th Floor, 771-773, Agarwa Cyber Plaza II Flat No. 806, 808, 8th Floor 701,702, 703, 7 th Floor Agarwal Cyber Plaza

Opp. Okhla Phase 1 Opp. Okhla Phase 1 Chiranjeev Tower, 43, Nehru Place Kalkaji Extension Suite - 201 RNT Marg Orchid Square Sector-2 Sector - 2 Sector - 2 Tower-C, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Global Business Park, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Phase-III, DLF Qutab Enclave Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Udyog Vihar Adj. Saibaba Mandir, Masoodabad, Najafgarh Adj. Saibaba Mandir, Masoodabad, Najafgarh Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura Mercantile House, Kasturba Gandhi Marg Netaji Subhash Place

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi INDORE Indore Gurgaon Noida Noida NOIDA Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan New Delhi New Delhi

Delhi New Delhi Delhi

201,050 200,327 200,327 100,040 200,812 201,173 108,130 IHG IT Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. IHG IT Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. IIS Scientific Computing Ltd.(Unit-ii) IKonix Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ILIN Computers Private Limited Imageware International Imaging Sciences International (India) Pvt. Ltd. Imfinity India (P) Ltd. Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Noida - II) Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd.(Noida) Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd.(Noida) IMSI India Pvt. Ltd. D - 115, First Floor, 93, 3rd Floor, Amrit Puri, H-2, Model Town-III 311 - A and B, Third Floor, Pacific Square, D - 98, Sector - 63 1st and 2nd Floor 101-402, Sangam House,14- B, Basement and 4th Floor, Sarda House 201 to 205, 2nd Floor, Sarda House 301-305, 3rd Floor, Sarda House Ground Floor D-39-40, Sector - 59 D - 27, Sector - 59 Ground, Basement and 2nd Floor (UPS room) Majra, Clement Town D-27, Sector-59 Opp. Transport Nagar, Saharanpur Road D-27, Sector-59 Palasia, A. B. Road, 24-B Palasia, A.B. Road 24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road 24-B, Palasia, A.B. Road Sarda House, 24-B Palasia, A.B.Road Sector - 63 East of Kailash 2nd Floor NH - 8 , Sector - 15 - II, Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Indore Indore Indore Indore Indore Noida Noida Noida Dehradun

200,790 200,989 109,277 109,277 109,277 109,277 109,277 109,277 200,693 200,470 200,470 200,306

110,020 110,020 110,019 110,019 452,001 452,001

A-194, Okhla Phase-I A-194, Okhala, Phase1 C - 11, 2nd Floor C - 11, 2nd Floor 189, Anup Nagar 11 Samwad Nagar SCO 144-145 C - 133A, C - 133A, C - 133A, Global Business Park, 2nd Floor Global Business Park, 2nd Floor Global Business Park, 2nd Floor Global Business Park, 2nd Floor 66, Janpath, 66, Janpath, A-18, Ground Floor Khasra No.163/2, Upper Gr. Floor 701 - 703. 7th Floor, Agarwal Cyber Plaza, 701, 702 , 703, Agarwal Cyber Plaza 701, 702 , 703, Agarwal Cyber Plaza b-202,dps cooperative society E/258, Shastri Nagar, 91, National Park H-2, Model Town-III 311 - A and B, Third Floor, Pacific Square, B - 4/122, Safdarjung Enclave, Sangam House,14- B, Sangam House,14- B, Sangam House,14- B,

Opp. Okhla Phae 1 Opp. Okhla Phase 1 Panchsheel Enclave Panchsheel Enclave Suite - 201 Navalakha Sector-34 A Sector - 2 Sector - 2 Sector - 2 Tower-C, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Tower-C, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Tower-C, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Tower-C, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi INDORE Indore Chandigarh Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,020 110,020 110,017 110,017 452,001 452,001 160,022 201,301 201,301 201,301 122,002 122,002 122,002 122,002 110,001 110,001 110,016 110,043

Devender Kr. Bajaj


Amrinder Singh Sachdev Anil Kumar Anil Kumar UmeshLalwani Avinash Kumar Sanjeev Kumar C.S. Bhandari C.S. Bhandari C.S. Bhandari Arvind Kumar Arvind Kumar Arvind Kumar Arvind Kumar Jayant Kumar Prad Jayant Kumar Prad Kittu Parijaat Kittu Parijaat 011-26781739 011-26781739 731-5069455 0731-4025351 0172-5091737 0120-2548520-528 0120-2548520-528 0120-2548520-528 0124-2356514-16 0124-2356514-16 0124-2356514-16 0124-2356514-16 0124-4352343 0124-4352343 011-26527464 011-26527464

201,301 201,301 122,002 122,002 122,002

110,043 110,043

Mayfair Garden Adj. Saibaba Mandir, Masoodabad, Najafgarh Netaji, Subhash Place, Pitampura Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura Sec 51

Delhi 110,034 New Delhi New Delhi Noida Delhi 110,034 110,034 201,301

Rajni Gupta Rajni Gupta Rajni Gupta NullPl.Enter Gaurav Singhal Vishvendra Singh Rajeev Grover Anubhav Kumar Si 122,001 Prashant Goela 452,001 452,001 452,001 452,001 452,001 452,001 452,001 452,001 452,001 248,001 Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agarwal Sanjeev Agrawal sanjeev Agrawal sanjeev Agrawal Tarit Mohan 0731-5065215 0731-5065215 0731-5065215 0731-5065215 0731-5065215 0731-5065215 0731-4065215 0731-4065215 0731-4065215 42,691,114 011-47091776 011-47091776 4,589,992 91-12-4347274 011-64623093 011-27219646, 27220357 0124-2309432, 420060

110,034 110,001

110,065 110,009

Lajpat Nagar-IV 2nd Floor NH - 8 , Sector - 15 - II,

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi


122,001 201,301

Palasia, A. B. Road, Palasia, A. B. Road, Palasia, A. B. Road, Palasia, A. B. Road, Palasia, A. B. Road, Palasia, A. B. Road, A B Road Palasia Road, A. B. Road Palasia Road, A. B. Road Connaught Place

Indore Indore Indore Indore Indore Indore Indore Indore Indore Dehradun


452,001 452,001

Sangam House,14- B, Sangam House,14- B, Sangam House,14- B,

201,307 201,307


Sangam House, 14 B, Palasia Sangam House, 14 B Sangam House, 14 B 21, Chakrata Road



9,811,703,503 9,811,703,503 9,893,269,455 9,303,277,752 9,811,209,152 9,811,209,152 9,811,209,152

anilsnh@yahoo.com anilsnh@yahoo.com ulalwani@ideaage.com sateesh@ideavate.com Sanjeev@idsil.com chandra.bhandari@igate.com chandra.bhandari@igate.com chandra.bhandari@igate.com arvind.kumar@interglobetechnologies.c arvind.kumar@interglobetechnologies.c arvind.kumar@interglobetechnologies.c arvind.kumar@interglobetechnologies.c

9,810,640,301 9,810,640,301

parijaat@mac.com parijaat@mac.com

rajni.gupta@ihg.com 9,910,163,351 9,810,167,984 9,810,167,984 rajni.gupta@ichotelsgroup.com rajni.gupta@ichotelsgroup.com

9,312,720,294 9,810,042,119

gaurav@ikonixtechnologies.com vishvendra@ilincomputers.com rajeevgrover@imageware.firm.in anubhav.singh@imagingsciences.com

9646, 27220357

9,871,233,708 991,015,650 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 9,425,062,838 sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in sanjeev@impetus.co.in

200,760 201,190 200,715 109,409 108,446 108,446

In Transit Software Inca Informatics Pvt. Ltd. Independent Computer Consulting Company (P) Ltd. Indiafind IT.com IndiaHQ Solutions Pvt. Ltd. IndiaHQ Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Indian Express Multimedia Ltd.

706, T.C. Jaina Tower - I, District Center C-22/21, Basement, Ground and first Floor, 190, Sector 4

Janak Puri Sector-57, IMT Manesar

New Delhi Noida Gurgaon

Basement, C-1/23, Sector-36 D-313, 1st Floor Sector-10 Basement Level 1,2, Ground and 1st to Express Trade Tower, 9th Floor Plot No.15-16, Sector-16A 15-16 , Sector - 16-A STP Complex 295, Tilak Nagar Main, C - 46, Sector - 58 D - 5, Sector - 10 C-56/10, Sector-62 1702, Aryasamaj Road E-150 , 2nd Floor 3rd Floor, Block-A, First India Place Suite No.105 2nd Floor, Vatika Atrium 60 Skylark Building, 7th Floor 60 Skylark Building, 7th Floor Unit No.6, 2nd Floor Unit No.4, 3rd Floor,vardhman Trade Centre Basement,Gr., 1st and IInd Floor, Plot No.749 Karol Bagh Greater Kailash II Sushant Lok, Phase-1, Mehruli Gurgaon Road Paharpur Business Centre, 21, Nehru Place Sector-53, Sector Road Nehru Place, Nehru Place, Vardhman Trade Centre, Nehru Place Greens Plot No.7, 8 Nehru Place Institutional Area Gomti Nagar

Noida Noida Noida Noida Lucknow Indore Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgoan New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

200,354 200,354 200,416 200,664 200,567 200,523 108,087 200,020 104,013 100,056 100,056 100,056 201,176 201,175 109,313 109,313

Indian Express Multimedia Ltd. Inditure Software Pvt. Ltd. Indore Labs indoserve(a division of Indosin Ltd) indoserve(a division of Indosin Ltd) CANCELLED Indosoft Computer International Pvt. Ltd. Indson Infosystems Indsys Computers (P) Ltd. Inductis (India) Pvt. Ltd. Inductis (India) Pvt. Ltd. Inductis (India) Pvt. Ltd. Indus Valley Partners (India) Pvt. Ltd. Indus Valley Partners (India) Pvt. Ltd. Indus Valley Partners (India)Pvt.Ltd Indus Valley Partners (India)Pvt.Ltd

Indya Soft 200,213 Indya Soft 200,213 108,369 200,091 109,304 200,893 200,657 108,100 108,100 108,100 200,984 200,765 108,366 108,366 200,250 100,011 200,526 Infinite Computer Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd. Infoaxon Technologies Ltd. Infobeans Systems India Pvt.Ltd Infobee Global Services (Dehradun) InfoCall Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Infogain India (P) Ltd. Infogain India (P) Ltd. Infogain India (P) Ltd. Infonet Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. Infopro e Worldwide Pvt. Ltd. Infopro India Pvt. Ltd. Infopro India Pvt. Ltd. Inforam Inforev Services Ltd. Inforica India Pvt. Ltd.

Udyog Vihar, Phase-V


F-7, Triveni Commercial Complex UG 7 - 9, Mohta Building, C-45 Shanti Heights No. 2, Vasant VIhar, A - 36, Mohan Coop Ind. Estate, A-14, Sector-57 B-15, Sector-58 A-16 B-1/5A, Janak Puri 8, UGF, Ocean Plaza, First and Second Floors C-4, Sector-58, 2 nd Floor, SCO/F-5,6 and 7

Sheikh Sarai, Phase-I 4, Bhikaji Cama Place, Sector-20 32, South Tukoganj Phase-I, Mathura Road,

New Delhi New Delhi Noida Indore Dehradun New Delhi Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon

Sector-60 P - 5, Sector - 18 C-4, Sector-58 Sector 15 - II

E - 32, 1st Floor

Green Park Main

New Delhi

110,058 201,301 122,050

274, First Floor, 406-407, Arunachal Building C/O N K Bhat and Co, 15 Metro House, A-2, Second Floor, C-1/23, Sector-36 C-1/23, Sector-36 17, Hemkunt Colony

Masjid Moth, NDSE - II 19, Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place Colaba Causeway, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II Ground Floor Ground Floor

New Delhi New Delhi Mumbai New Delhi Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Lucknow Indore New Delhi New Delhi Noida

110,049 110,001 400,001 110,028 201,303 201,303

Lokesh Bhargava Sanjeev Lamba Sanjeev Kaushik Mr. Ajay Kumar Kamakshi Kamakshi Nishit Khandelwal

91-11-41019130 0120-2582857 0124-4540900 98101-54136, 5701111/2222/7777 0120-2502167 - 168 0120-2502167 - 168

201,301 201,301

201,301 452,018 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,005 110,048 122,002 110,019 122,001 110,019 110,019

17, Hemkunt Colony B-51, Sector-B 295, Tilak Nagar Main, 1313, Ansal Tower 1313, Ansal Tower C--56/10, Sector--62 1702, Aryasamaj Road E-150 , 2nd Floor 3rd Floor, Block-A, First India Place 3rd Floor, Block-A, First India Place 3rd Floor, Block-A, First India Place F-9, Jangpura Extn. F-9, Jangpura Extn. Unit No-4, Plot No. 78, 3rd Floor Unit No-4, Plot No. 78, 3rd Floor Basement, Ground, 1st and IInd Floor, 749 Basement, Ground, 1st and IInd Floor, 749


110,048 110,048 226,024 452,018 110,019 110,019 201,301 110,005 110,048 122,002 122,002 122,002

Nishit Khandelwal Sameer kumar Mis Sachin Jain A.. P. Chharia A. P. Chharia Dinesh Gupta Surjit Singh Balagg Rita Jasuja Lalit Wangikar Lalit Wangikar Lalit Wangikar M. P. Kaila M. P. Kaila

56,009,853 56,009,853 0522-3127942, 239791 91 - 731 - 4035786 0120-5326901 0120-3052150-52 0120-2401483 5788400, 5764748 011-29211877 0124-4321700 0124-4321700 0124-4321700 011-26429151 011-26429151 011-26429151 011-26429151

38, Nehru Place 38, Nehru Place

Karol Bagh Greater Kailash II Sushant Lok, Phase-1, Mehruli Gurgaon Road Sushant Lok, Phase-1, Mehruli Gurgaon Road Sushant Lok, Phase-1, Mehruli Gurgaon Road

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi


Vardhman Trade Centre, Nehru Place Greens Vardhman Trade Centre, Nehru Place Greens Udyog Vihar, Ph-V

New Delhi New Delhi

110,019 110,019

M. P. Kaila M. P. Kaila


Raja Inder Bhalla


Udyog Vihar, Ph-V 4, Bhikaji Cama Place, Mayur Vihar, Phase-i Extn. Airport Road Phase-I, Mathura Road,

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Indore Dehradun New Delhi Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Delhi Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi 110,066 110,019 452,005 248,006 110,044 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,058 110,009 201,301 201,301 122,001 122,002 110,016

Raja Inder Bhalla Cmde Navin Chan Deepak Kapoor Avinash Sethi Ms. Sudesh Mehta R K Purohit Vinod Kumar Nand Vinod Kumar Nand Vinod Kumar Nand Kapil Manchanda Ashish Kumar Ashok Bagasi Ashok Bagasi Victor Alexander NullPl.Enter AsheetMathur

011-26014830 011-42930000 011-41315457 0731-2525255, 2410049

110,017 110,066 201,301 452,001 248,006 110,044 201,301 201,301 110,058 201,301 201,301 122,001 UG 7 - 9, Mohta Building, D-10, Vardhaman Apartments 38, Ramchandra Nagar No. 2, Vasant VIhar, A - 36, Mohan Coop Ind. Estate, B-15, Sector-58 B-15, Sector-58 B-15, Sector-58 C1/113, Janak Puri B - 192, Gujrawala Town, C-4, Sector-58, C-4, Sector-58, 2 nd Floor, SCO/F-5,6 and 7 golf view,near golf link club E - 32, 1st Floor

0120-2580154, 2583745 0120-2580154, 2583745 0120-2580154, 2583745 9511-27242601 0120-2586524-529 0120-2586524-529 0124-3090691, 3508196 3310890-95 011-41755569

Sector 15 - II sector road,DLG qutab enclave Green Park Main


91- 989197776 9,971,992,400 9,311,077,775

lokesh.bhargava@gmail.com sanjeev.lamba@incainformatics.com skkaushik@iccg.com info@indiafindit.com kamakshi@eagle.in kamakshi@eagle.in

136, 5701111/2222/7777

9,839,022,377 9,826,246,960 9,868,010,905 9,868,010,905 9,810,223,059

smishra@inditure.com info@indorelabs.com info@indoserve.co.in indosin@vsnl.in dgupta@icipl.com info@indsoninfosystems.com rjasuja@touchtelmedia.net lwangikar@inductis.com lwangikar@inductis.com lwangikar@inductis.com m.p.kalia@ivp.in m.p.kalia@ivp.in m.p.kaila@indusvalleypartners.com m.p.kaila@indusvalleypartners.com

9,811,799,512 9,811,799,512 9,811,799,512 9,811,805,605 9,811,805,605

r.inder@indyasoft.com 9,811,130,905 r.inder@indyasoft.com 9,811,130,905 9,810,063,209 9,810,291,031 navinch@infics.com Deepak.kapoor@alokdeepak.com avinashsethi@infobeans.com 9,212,035,154 9,873,041,719 vinod.nanda@india.infogain.com vinod.nanda@india.infogain.com vinod.nanda@india.infogain.com 9,871,292,520 9,811,129,975 ashish.kumar@infoproworldwide.com abagasi@infoprocorp.com abagasi@infoprocorp.com victoralexander@hotmail.com inforevtech@inforevtech.com amathur@inforica.com sudeshm@gmail.com

5255, 2410049

0154, 2583745 0154, 2583745 0154, 2583745

0691, 3508196

100,037 200,311 200,652 200,834 200,834 201,188 108,217 108,217 109,015 108,473 108,279 108,280

Information systems & solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Inforte India Pvt. Ltd. Infosourcing Corp. Infosys BPO Limited Infosys BPO Limited Infotech Enterprise Limited Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Infotech Global India Ltd. Infotechnics India Pvt. Ltd. INFO-TEK Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Infozech Software Ltd.

C - 266, Nirala Nagar Orchid Square, 4th Floor B - 486, Sector - 19 Basement (442sq.ft.), The Presidency Third Floor, Tower B Basement and Ground Floor B-37, Tele Atlas Tower Tower - A Plot No. 33, Sector-18, M-275, Greater Kailash-ii, 633 A, Udyog Vihar 31-32, Beghumpur Park, Ground Floor at D-45 (GF) Sec 11

Luknow Sushantlok, B-Block

Lucknow Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi

351/2, M.G. Road The Presidency, 351/2, MG Road B-11, Sector-63, Gautam Budh Nagar Sector-1 Second Floor, B-37, Sector-1 Electronic City,

Phase - V Malviya Nagar, Shivalik,

Gurgaon New Delhi

Infrahealth India Pvt. Ltd. 200,665 Infrahealth India Pvt. Ltd. 200,665 200,801 108,086 108,086 108,086 109,360 200,557 ING BPO Services India Pvt. Ltd. Innodata Isogen Pvt. Ltd. Innodata Isogen Pvt. Ltd. Innodata Isogen Pvt. Ltd. Innodata Isogen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Innov8 Solutions

Noida Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I

D-3/3 223/224, Udyog Vihar Phase - I, A-10, A-14/15 A - 14/15 DLF Cyber City, Building - 8, Tower - A, G-16, First Floor, Sec - 6, Charant Singh Complex, K. No.30, Saidulajab,

New Delhi Gurgaon

Sector-16 Sector-16 Sector-16, First Floor, Phase - 2

Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon Noida

Innovative Systems & Computer Inc 109,120 Innovative Systems & Computer Inc 109,120 200,846 Innowave Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Mehrauli Badarpur Road, Opp.D Block, Saket Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road

New Delhi

Ground Floor, A-16 5, Sri Fort Road, Tower-B, 1st / 2nd Floor, Global Business Park Flat No. 208 and 208A, 2nd Floor, Tower-B Plot No. 17, Sector - 16 A, B-1, behind G D Goenka Public School, Masoodpur, Vasant Kunj Logix Park E-1,2nd Floor, Sector-6, C - 82, Hosiery Complex, Vatika Towers - B Block, 2nd Floor, 12, Sector - 125

New Delhi New Delhi

Inox Global Services Ltd 109,385 Inox Global Services Ltd 109,385 200,648 Inox Global Services Ltd.(unit-II)

Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road


Global Business Park, Mehrauli Gurgaon Gurgaon Road Noida

Insight Customer Call Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,612 200,265

New Delhi A 4 - 5, Sector - 16 Noida Noida Phase - 2, Extension, Dist - G B Nagar DLF Golf Cource Road, Sector 54, Noida Gurgaon Noida

Integra Data Services Pvt.Ltd. Integral Fusion e - Services Pvt. Ltd.

200,706 200,797 200,966 201,058 Integrated BPO Services Pvt. Ltd. Integreon Managed Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Intellect HR Services (P) Ltd.


C - 266, Nirala Nagar Orchid Square, 4th Floor B - 486, Sector - 19 No. 26/3, 26/4 and 26/6 No. 26/3, 26/4 and 26/6 4th Floor, A Wing B-37, Tele Atlas Tower B-37, Tele Atlas Tower Plot No. 33, Sector18, M-275, Greater Kailash-ii, D-7 A, D D A Flats 31-32, Begumpur Park, 411- 412, Vishwasadan Building, 411- 412, Vishwasadan Building,

Luknow Sushantlok, B-Block

Lucknow Gurgaon Noida Bangalore Bangalore Hyderabad Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi


Pradeep Mishra Sandip Garg

0522-2789622, 0124-5049217 0120 - 2527266/254626 0124-3922109 0124-3922109

201,301 122,001 122,001 201,301 201,301 201,301

201,301 560,100 560,100 500,081 201,301 201,301

Electronic City, Hosur Road Electronic City, Hosur Road Plot No. 11 Sogtware Units Layout, Infocity Madhapur Sector-1 Sector-1 Electronic City,

G D Awasthi Kiraun B Kiraun B Rajesh Kumar Sehgal Harish Wadhwa Harish Wadhwa Thomas.K.T

0120-2519025-28 0120-2519025-28 080-5539309, 080-553 91-6237044,6463094 011-26171161-63 011-26692784-785


110,048 110,067 110,017

Rajiv Mittal V. K. Jain Sanjeev Goel


Munirka Malviya Nagar, Shivalik,

New Delhi New Delhi

Distt. Centre, Janakpuri

New Delhi 110,058

Manik Agarwal 9,818,290,101 Manik Agarwal 110,058 Karam Daulet Sing 201,301 201,301 201,301 Seema Goel Seema Goel Seema Goel Seema Goel Darshan Bhat 9,818,290,101 91-124-5088003 0120-2510822-823 0120-2510822-823 0120-2510822-823 0124-2562801 011-26513107

Distt. Centre, Janakpuri Near HUDA Gymkhana Club Sector-16, Sector-16, Sector-16, R Block, Dlf City, Phase - 3

New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi

122,002 201,301 201,301 122,002 201,301




122,016 201,301

First Floor, No. 307, Sector - 29 A-14/15 A-14/15 A-14/15 4th Floor, Gateway Tower B - 115, Sarvodaya Enclave Charant Singh Complex, K. No.-30, Saidulajab Charant Singh Complex, K. No.-30, Saidulajab 67, Friends Colony West Tower-B, 1st / 2nd Floor, Global Business Park Tower-B, 1st / 2nd Floor, Global Business Park 612-618, Narain Manzil B-1, behind G D Goenka Public School, Masoodpur, Vasant Kunj E -704, Som Vihar 45 SFS, Rajouri Apartments, Mayapuri T - 210 J, Shahpur Jat


Mehrauli Badarpur Road, Opp.D Block, Saket Mehrauli Badarpur Road, Opp.D Block, Saket

New Delhi 110,030 New Delhi 110,030 New Delhi

Praveen K Joneja

011-26520100, 26525822

Praveen K Joneja

011-26520100, 26525822

Prashant Prakash Sahni

Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road

Gurgaon 122,016

B. C. Jain


Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Sixth Floor, 23 Barakhamba Road

Gurgaon 122,016 New Delhi 110,001

B. C. Jain B. C. Jain

0124-4062370 0120-6583629

New Delhi Sector - 10, R.K.Puram New Delhi New Delhi 110,064 New Delhi Sir M V Road, Andheri East, Mumbai New Delhi 110,049 400,059 110,016 110,070 110,022

C. P. SIngh Rohit Sabherwal Rahul Sethi Prithipal Singh Koc Prashant Chawla Arun Ghai

011-26895716 2,516,871 011-51436917 011-26494519

110,070 201,301


122,002 201,301

4th Floor, B Wing Trade Star Building A - 47, LGF, Hauz Khas

9,839,022,744 9,810,018,406 9,868,240,025

pmishra@issinet.com sandip.garg@inforte.com gda@infosourcing.com Kiraun_b@infosys.com Kiraun_b@infosys.com

9,810,307,166 98,108,982 98,108,982 9,811,208,650 9,811,144,751

rajeshsehgal@infotechsw.com harish.wadhwa@teleatlas.com harish.wadhwa@teleatlas.com thomas@igiindia.com rmittal@infotecnics.com



manik@ihindia.com 9,818,290,101 manik@ihindia.com 9,818,290,101 91-11-23017253 9,810,273,980 9,810,273,980 9,810,273,980 sgoel@innodata-isogen.com sgoel@innodata-isogen.com sgoel@innodata-isogen.com


0100, 26525822


0100, 26525822 9,810,401,967

pjoneja@isc_india.com prashant.p.sahni@gmail.com

bc.jain@inoxgsl.com 9,811,321,992 bc.jain@inoxgsl.com 9,811,321,992 9,811,321,992 bc.jain@inoxgsl.com

cpsingh@atsoftservices.com 9,811,666,365 rohits@sintg.ch rsethi@integralfusion.in 9,891,923,660 9,810,009,653 9,820,404,423 9,899,255,535 prithi@ifrworld.com prashant.chawla@integreon.com ghai_arun@yahoo.com

Intellevate (India) Pvt.Ltd. 200,252 Intellevate (India) Pvt.Ltd. 200,252 200,600 200,810 Intellicus Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Intellirisk Management India Pvt. Ltd. Intellirisk Management India Pvt. Ltd. 200,810 200,724 200,684 200,339 200,357 109,411 108,333 108,333 200,614 200,614 Intelliscript Transcription Intelliware Consulting Interactive Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Intercom Online Pvt. Ltd. InterfaceMax Contacts Pvt.Ltd. Interglobe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Interglobe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Interglobe Technologies Pvt. Ltd.(Unit -II) Interglobe Technologies Pvt. Ltd.(Unit -II) International Academy of Foreign Languages International Data Entry Services Interra Systems India Pvt.ltd. Interra Systems India Pvt.ltd. Interra Systems India Pvt.ltd. Interra Systems India Pvt.ltd. Interra Systems India Pvt.ltd. Intersoft Data Labs Pvt. Ltd. Intersoft Data Labs Pvt. Ltd. Intersolutions Pvt. Ltd. Intrasphere Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ION Trading India Private Limited 201,161 IP Celerate India Pvt. Ltd. 200,681 108,821 108,821 109,301 200,092 200,316 200,316 200,316 108,686 200,973 201,096 IPCS (India) Pvt. Ltd. IPCS (India) Pvt. Ltd. Ipdialog India Private Limited IPSoft India Pvt.Ltd. IQ Resource Pvt. ltd. IQ Resource Pvt. ltd. IQ Resource Pvt. ltd. IRIS Software Pvt. Ltd. Isango India Pvt. Ltd. Isar Technical Support and Services Pvt. Ltd.

Lower Ground, Ground and First Floor

Tower B, Tech Boulevard, Plot Noida No.-6, Sector-127

Basement I and II, A-20 1st Floor, Sarda House Tapasaya Corp Heights First Floor 2nd Flr, Tower C, LogixTechnoPark Plot -5, Sec127 E-12, Naraina Vihar 101, South Park Apartment, 29, Shivaji Marg 112, Trade House Block-2B, DLF Corporate Park 1st Floor, Tower-C Plot No. 436, Fivth and Sixth Floor, 230, Block-A and Block-B HS-27, First Floor, Kailash Colony Market C-78, Ist Floor 2nd Floor, A-10 A-10, To hire basement at A-10, Sector9, Noida Mezzanine Floor Ground Floor, A-10 406, Millennium Plaza 201-203A, Millennium Plaza B - 21, 3rd Floor, Tower-2A 4th Floor, Tower-B, Plot No. C 2829 Suite 9 and 10, Paras Downtown Centre M-1, 2nd Floor R-25, South Extension - II 202, Pal Towers 2nd Floor 311, Block-IV, 3rd Floor Basement and 2nd Floor, 815, Plot No. 82, Second Floor Plot No.815 B-1/G 8, Second Floor 402, 4th Floor, First Floor, Plot No. 434

Sector-2 24-B Palasia, A. B. Road Plot No-5 EFGH, Sector126

Noida Indore Noida

Noida Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 14/3, South Tukoganj DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase- III Global Business Park, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Phase-IV, Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar, Phase-I Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan

B Block, Kalka Ji

New Delhi Kalkaji Sector -9 Sector - 9 New Delhi Noida Noida Noida NOIDA Noida Gurgaon Gurgoan Noida Gurgaon

201,018 109,290 109,219 109,219 109,219 109,219 109,219 200,297 200,297 108,305 200,347

A - 10, Sector - 9 Sector-9 Tower-B, Sector-27 Tower-B, Sector-27 Sector - 58, 1st Floor, DLF Corporate Park, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Logix Cyber Park, Sector62


Sector - 53 South Extension-II 2nd Floor Sikandarpur Post Office DLF City Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector-29 Udyog Vihar, Phase-V Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Udyog Vihar, Phase-V Mohan Co-operative, Industrial Area South City I, D-22, Chatarpur Hills

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgoan New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi


2nd Floor, 1/3 Sirgangaram Hospital Marg 2nd Floor, 1/3 Sirgangaram Hospital Marg 1st Floor, Sarda House B - 92, Ninth Floor, Himalaya House B - 92, Ninth Floor, Himalaya House 411, Gagan Vihar, 101, South Park Apartment, 19/14, East Punjabi Bagh 112, Trade House F-5, Block-2B, DLF Corporate Park Block-2B, DLF Corporate Park 66, Janpath 66, Janpath HS-27, First Floor, Kailash Colony Market

Old Rajinder nagar

New Delhi 110,060

Rajiv Kumar Paras


Old Rajinder nagar 24-B Palasia, A. B. Road 23, K G Marg

New Delhi 110,060 Indore New Delhi 452,001 110,001

Rajiv Kumar Paras Sanjeev Agrawal Saurabh Kaushik

0120-2540432/33 0731-5067669 0120-4024400

23, K G Marg

New Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,001 110,051 110,019 110,026 452,001 110,065 122,002 122,002 110,001 110,001

Saurabh Kaushik Rajiv Agarwal M L Dhigra Sameer Madan Mahesh Singhal Mr.Tarun Jaswani Arvind Kumar Arvind Kumar Dewa Nand Dewa Nand

0120-4024400 011-25778760 011-26474597

201,301 110,028 110,019 110,015 452,001 122,002 122,002

B Block, Kalka Ji

14/3, South Tukoganj East of Kailash DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase- III DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase- III

Indore New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

0731-5046693 6.42E+13 95-124-4312783 95-124-4312783 0124-4352355 0124-4352355

New Delhi Kalkaji Sector - 9 Sector - 9 Sector - 9 Sector - 9 Sector - 9 Tower-B, Sector-27 Tower-B, Sector-27 Sector - 58, 1st Floor, New Friends Colony New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida New Delhi 110,048 110,019 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 122,002 122,002 201,301 110,065

Harish Goyal K. D. Sharma Mahendra Bisht Mahendra Bisht Mahendra Bisht Mahendra Bisht Mahendra Bisht Ravinderjit Singh Ravinderjit Singh Pradyuman Rao Jai Prakash

011-22439419 011-41080118 0120-2442273 - 74 0120-2442273 - 74 0120-2442273 - 74 0120-2442273 - 74 0120-2442273 - 74 0124-4312440 0124-4312440 0120-2585703-705 91-26310170

110,048 110,019 201,301

C-78, Ist Floor A-10, First Floor A-10, First Floor A-10, First Floor A-10, First Floor A-10, First Floor 406, Millennium Plaza 406, Millennium Plaza

201,301 122,002

201,301 122,002

B - 21, D-903 52B, 3rd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, 58, Engineers Estate, 2 IP Extension


New Delhi 110,020

Sanjay Kr. Chikara


Patparganj, 2nd Floor 2nd Floor Sikandarpur Post Office DLF City Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector-29 First Floor First Floor First Floor Jia Sarai

New Delhi 110,092 New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon 110,049 110,049 122,016 201,303 110,003 110,003 110,003 110,016 122,002 110,030

Amit Jain Dimple Dhar Dimple Dhar Rajnish Batta Ravi K Chowdhari Manik Kochhar Manik Kochhar Manik Kochhar Anil Apte Aseem Ashcharyal Jag Mohan Verma

0124-2577733 011-26254252 011-26254252 0124-2565657

110,049 110,049 122,016 201,203 122,016 122,016 110,044 122,002 110,074

R-25, South Extension - II R-25, South Extension - II 202, Pal Towers 2nd Floor 311, Block-IV, 3rd Floor 126, Golf Links 126, Golf Links 126, Golf Links 28, 1st Floor 408, Ivory Tower, South City I, 337, Sector-A, PocketC

0124-4007424 0124-4007424 0124-4007424 011-26855441 91-12-4414817 011-26302620

Vasant Kunj

New Delhi




rajivp@cpaglobal.com sanjeev@intellicus.com



skaushik@irmc.com 9,899,500,972 9,810,400,468 9,899,202,940 rajiv@intelliscript_transcription.com mml_dhingra@yahoo.com

9,899,037,250 9,899,037,250

info@interfacemax.com arvind.kumar@interglobetechnologies.c arvind.kumar@interglobetechnologies.c dewa.nand@interglobe.com dewa.nand@interglobe.com

harish_goyal77@hotmail.com 9,810,781,799 9,810,829,550 9,818,501,553 9,818,501,553 9,818,501,553 9,818,501,553 9,818,501,553 9,818,018,848 9,818,018,848 9,810,203,873 kdsharma@dph-india.com mbisht@interrasystels.com mbisht@interrasystels.com mbisht@interrasystels.com mbisht@interrasystels.com mbisht@interrasystels.com ravinder@intsof.com ravinder@intsof.com prao@intersolutions.stpn.soft.net

s.chikara@iontrading.com 9,810,534,565 amitjain@ipcelerate.com 9,873,437,140 info@ipcsindia.net info@ipcsindia.net 9,810,314,620 rajnish@ipdialog.com

9,873,082,301 9,873,082,301 9,873,082,301

manik.kochhar@iqresource.com manik.kochhar@iqresource.com manik.kochhar@iqresource.com anilapte@irissoftware.com aseem.sadana@isango.com



ISC IT Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,343 200,174 200,174 200,749 200,510 109,265 iServices India (Pvt.) Ltd. iServices India (Pvt.) Ltd. iServices India Pvt. Ltd. (unit -II) Ishir Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Ishiva BackOffice Pvt. Ltd. iSmart Panache (India) Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,636 200,085 200,782 200,527 108,345 108,345 200,076 108,802 200,851 iSoft Technologies Ltd. ISS Software Development Centre Pvt. Ltd. ISTS Infotech Solutions (P) Ltd. IT & T Ltd. IT & T Ltd. IT Factory India PVt.Ltd. IT Progress Solutions IT Wise Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Itaas India Pvt. Ltd. 201,184 200,802 200,802 200,415 108,852 200,503 201,177 200,609 200,608 108,949 200,247 109,410 J K Technosoft Ltd. (unit - II) J K Technosoft Ltd. (unit - II) J. CAT (India) Pvt. Ltd. J.C. Infosoft Technologies Ltd J.Rajarishi & Associates Jagdhamba Information Systems Janasis Infotech Ltd. Janasis Infotech Ltd.(Unit -I) Janki Software & Solutions JAP Info Systems Pvt. Ltd. Japan Bank for International Cooperation Jaya Enterprises 200,740 200,373 200,227 109,318 109,201 109,201 109,201 109,201 108,306 Jayashrima Infotech JCS Managed Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Jil Information Technology Ltd. Jindal Intellicom Pvt Ltd Jindal Intellicom Pvt Ltd Jindal Intellicom Pvt Ltd Jindal Intellicom Pvt Ltd JK Technosoft JLJ Financial & Management Consultants (P) Ltd. JPC Internet Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

A-16, Mohan Co-Operative Industrial Estate, 2nd and 3rd Floor, B-149 B - 26, Sector - 57 D - 10, Sector - 2 A-26, Ground Floor 9th Floor, Tower A, Signature Towers,

Mathura Road Sector-10

New Delhi Noida NOIDA Noida Noida Gurgaon

Sector-59 South City-1, Nh-8 Sector - 32, Institutional Area Peera-garhi U Block, DLF Phase - III Sec - 63 Sector-2 Mathura Road

1st - 2nd Floor, Plot No. - 52 G-13, Udyog Vihar DLF Cyber Greens, Second Floor, Tower C Basement, Ground, Ist Floor C111, C-133A D-30, Sector-3 A - 27, 2nd Floor, MCIE A-135, Shyam Park Extension, P - 484 A-34, 1st Floor, Sector-2 A-60, First Floor, A - 60, Second Floor, 1st Floor, 23 Vasant Lok 13/30, East Patel Nagar C - 69, 1st Floor Flat No. 60, GAIL Apartments 102-103, Udyog Vihar, 102-103, Udyog Vihar, 70/71, Bekunth Dham Colony, 725, Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Sahibabad

Sector - 21

Noida Noida

Sector-2 Sector - 2 Vasant Vihar

Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Sector - 2 Plot No. B-9/1, Sector-62 Phase-IV, Phase-IV, Khajrana Road Phase-V

Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Indore Gurgaon

D - 723, Second Floor, Chitranjan Park, 11 6th Floor, The Vatika Triangle Shed No-3 , 4, 64/4, Site IV 1st and IInd Floor First Floor, 28, Najafgarh Road adjacent to present facility 28, F-3, Sector-3 S. C . F .56-57, Huda Shopping Complex Part - I I C-100 Patel Road Block-A, Sushant Lok, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Sahibabad industrial Area 28, Najafgarh Road 28, Najafgarh Road Najafgarh Road Sec-16 A, Opp Govt, Nehru College Sector-2

New Delhi Dehradun Gurgaon GHAZIABAD New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Faridabad Noida

108,753 200,271

110,044 201,301 201,301


A-16, Mohan CoOperative Industrial Estate, B - 26, Sector - 57 B - 26, Sector - 57 B-44, Malcha Marg, 21 - B/1, Friends Colony West 9th Floor, Tower A, Signature Towers, Plot No.7, Malhotra House, Krishanlal Marwah Rd., Opp. Tata Power 54/2, East Punjabi Bagh 11805, CR Park, Virendrs Agro Farms D-30, Sector-3 D-30, Sector-3 A - 27, 2nd Floor, MCIE A-135, Shyam Park Extension, P - 484 Chandra Mahal, Opp. Bhoiwada Police Station A - 2, Shopping Complex A - 2, Shopping Complex 1st Floor, 23 Vasant Lok 13/30, East Patel Nagar C - 69, 1st Floor Flat No. 60, GAIL Apartments GI-48, G T Karnal Road, Industrial Area GI-48, G T Karnal Road, Industrial Area 70/71, Bekunth Dham Colony, 45/46, Katewa Chamber 3rd Floor, DLF Centre, D - 723, Second Floor, Chitranjan Park,

Mathura Road

New Delhi Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi 110,044 201,301 201,301 110,065 122,001

Praveen Chandan G. D. Mitra G. D. Mitra Sridhar Sundaram Sidharth Swarup Ravinder Agarwal 51,699,033 95-120-2440238 95-120-2440238 95-120- 2440235 0120-3099206-207 0124-2805130

South City-1, Nh-8 Station, off. Saki Vihar Rd., Andheri (East)


Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi 110,026

K. N. Agarwal Rajan Vanjani Ajit Ranjan 122,017 201,301 201,301 110,044 201,005 201,301 Sanjeev Girsa Neha R. Guha Neha R. Guha Manpreet Singh Amit Gupta Avnish Jain Pravir Sangal 400,014 110,048 110,048 110,057 110,008 201,301 201,307 110,033 110,033 452,018 302,016 110,001 RP Srvastava RP Srvastava Shyam Rughwani Ravi Sharma Dr. Jai Singh Shaleen Vajpayee Ashwani Minda Ashwani Minda Kusum Muchhal Arvind Katewa xxx

011-26681272, 266872 5,479,552 0124-4114063 0120-4021400 0120-2442920 0120-2442920 011-41679797 0120-2631571 0120-2546557

122,015 110,041

201,301 201,301 110,044 201,005 201,301

Bajghera, Palam Vihar

Gurgaon Noida Noida New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida Mumbai Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Mathura Road Sahibabad Sector - 21 Near Dadar Courts, Dadar Masjid Moth Masjid Moth Vasant Vihar


0120-2539133 0120-2539133 011-51022075, 51022087 5763002, 5769008, 5744212

110,057 110,008 201,301 201,307 122,015 122,015 452,018 122,016

Sector - 2 Plot No. B-9/1, Sector-62

Noida Noida Delhi Delhi

0120-1237860 95-124-2342140, 2340145 95124-2342140 0731-5062401 0141-2280408 3714362-63, 7090

Khajrana Road Shastri Nagar Sansad Marg

Indore Jaipur New Delhi

New Delhi Patel Road Block-A, Sushant Lok, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Sahibabad industrial Area Dehradun Gurgaon Ghaziabad New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Sec-16 A, Opp Govt, Nehru College Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar Faridabad New Delhi 121,002 110,049 110,015 110,015 110,015 110,015 201,301 110,019 248,001 122,002

Jaya Chakravarty Jaya Singh Atin Arora Anurag Singhal Ajay Bhatia Ajay Bhatia Ajay Bhatia Ajay Bhatia R. P. Srivastava Jasbir Singh Bhalla Darshan Singh Ra


110,019 248,001 122,002 GHAZIABAD

110,015 201,301

121,002 201,301

11 6th Floor, The Vatika Triangle Shed No-3 , 4, 64/4, Site IV 28, Najafgarh Road 28, Najafgarh Road 28, Najafgarh Road 28, Najafgarh Road F-3, Sector-3 S. C . F .56-57, Huda Shopping Complex Part - I I A-39

0124-5046080 0120-2896705 011-42094400/13 011-42094400/13 011-42094400/13 011-42094400/13 0120-2539133-37 0129-2412780, 2283076, 2264037 w0120-4316905

9,811,180,134 9,811,180,134 984,090,288 9,810,019,963 9,811,211,777

gdmitra@iservices.co.in gdmitra@iservices.co.in sridhar@iservices.co.in sswarup@ishir.com ravinder.agarwal@ishiva.com

kn_co@rediffmail.com 9,811,226,906 9,811,500,881 rajan@cbsl-india.com aranjan@issretail.com sanjeevg@ists-inc.com 9,811,403,745 9,811,403,745 neha.guha@axisitt.com neha.guha@axisitt.com manpreet.singh@itfactory.com amitg@itprogress.com 9,911,576,161 avnish.jain@gmail.com pravin.sangal@itaas.com 9,811,603,997 RPS@jktech.com RPS@jktech.com ibsndl@nda.vsnl.net.in info@infosoftech.com 9,891,518,778 9,818,040,470 shaleenvajpayee@hotmail.com sales@janasis.com

2075, 51022087

5769008, 5744212

42140, 2340145






a.arora@jcsindia.com anurag.singhal@jil.co.in

9,811,202,185 9,811,202,185 9,811,202,185 9,811,202,185 9,810,535,217

ajay.bhatia@intellicomcenters.com ajay.bhatia@intellicomcenters.com ajay.bhatia@intellicomcenters.com ajay.bhatia@intellicomcenters.com RPS@jktech.com info@jljwalia.com rawatd@jpc.india.com

2780, 2283076, 2264037 9,811,723,846

200,094 109,083 109,083 200,751 200,572 201,030 200,200 200,507 108,189 108,189 108,189 200,393

JTG Infotech Services (P) Limited JV Info Solutions JV Info Solutions K V Consulting K. L. Transcriptions K. Square Design Kale Consultants Ltd. Kalpataru Computers Kampsax India (P) Limited Kampsax India (P) Limited Kampsax India (P) Limited Kanika Overseas Corporation

D-49, Ground Floor A / 9, Sector-16 A-1a Flat No. 9 B, Block - H, 170A, Sarojini Nagar Mkt. C-58, Manasarover Garden A-4 and A5, 1st Floor, 10 Green Park 803, Phase-V Basement, Ground to 3rd Floor at Plot No. 121 813, Phase-V C-103, Jawahar Park, Devli Road, 4 - First Floor, DDA Market (Near City Apartments) 64, Doctors Apartments 15 Okhla Industrial Estate 15, Okhla Industrial Estate, 3/444, Ground & First Floor at Vishwas Khand S-53, Basement, Greater Kailash - II, C-56/4, Sector-62 Left half of 5th Floor and 3rd Floor Unitech Trade Center, Sector-43 6th Floor, Unitech Trade Center 5th Floor, Unitech Trade Centre T-4, Anupam Plaza 477, First Floor, front portion 23, East Canal Road 217- A, 2nd Floor 60, Okhla Industrial Estate, A - 6, Connaught Place A - 3, Sector - 59. Apt. 2A, B-4/127 First Floor, 143/2, Neb Sarai K - 37-C First Floor Kailash Colony Plot No.- 24 307-309, 205-210 and 513-516 2nd Floor, NSIC Bhawan 228 Tribhuvan Complex, Block II,

Sector - 63

Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi

Sector-16 Saket Sarojini nagar IInd Floor, Logix Park, Sec - 16, South Tukoganj Udyog Vihar Udyog vihar Phase-I Udyog Vihar Khanpur,

Kanors Consultants 200,758 200,123 200,899 200,898 200,813 200,705 201,011 200,211 200,211 200,246 200,246 200,160 200,796 200,509 100,041 100,041 200,515 200,974 200,148 200,727 200,957 108,112 200,437 200,264 200,814 Kanudia Associates Kaplan (I) Privat Limited Kaplan (India) Pvt. Ltd. Karma Karsna Cybertech Pvt. Ltd. Kathuria Information Technology Ltd. Keane India Limited Keane India Limited Keane Worldzen India Pvt. Ltd. Keane Worldzen India Pvt. Ltd. Kernel Infosoft Services Pvt. Ltd. Key IT Services Key West Business Systems Pvt Ltd. Keystroke Pro India Pvt. Ltd. Keystroke Pro India Pvt. Ltd. Kingston Smith Inox-DC Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd. Kirtiman Technologies (P) Ltd. KK5000 Internatioonal KKR Infosolutions Ltd. Klazina Cybersys B.P.O. Services Pvt. Ltd. KLG Systel Ltd. KMG Infotech Pvt. ltd. Knowledge Platform (India) Pvt.Ltd. Knowledgetree Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd.

Vasundhara Enclave Vasundhara Enclave Phase-III Phase-III, Gomti Nagar

Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Lucknow New Delhi Noida

Block-C, Sector-43, Sushant Lok, Phase-I Sushant Lok - I Sector-43, Sushant Lok Phase-1 Sector-43, Sushant Lok, Phase-I 56/1, Kalu Sarai Kohat Enclave, Pitampura,

Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Delhi Dehradun

Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase Iii Phase-III,

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida

Paschim Vihar IGNOU Road

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Sector 18, Electronic City Ansal Towers, 38 Nehru Place Okhla Industrial Estate 6 - 51 Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

201,301 201,301 201,301 110,017 110,023 110,015 201,301 452,001


UGF-7, Mercantile House A / 9, Sector-16 A / 9, Sector-16 Flat No. 9 B, Block H, 170A, Sarojini Nagar Mkt. C-58, Manasarover Garden A-13, 1st Floor 1st Floor, 10 Green Park 809, Phase V, 809, Phase V, 809, Phase V, C-103, Jawahar Park, Devli Road, 4 - First Floor, DDA Market (Near City Apartments) 64, Doctors Apartments 15 Okhla Industrial Estate 15 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III 3/444, Vishwas Khand S-53, Ground Floor, Greater Kailash - II 117, Hargovind Enclave Unitech Trade Center, Sector-43 Unitech Trade Center, Sector-43 6th Floor, Unitech Trade Center 6th Floor, Unitech Trade Center T-4, Anupam Plaza 504, B - 08, GDITL Tower, S - 6, G. K. - I 217- A, 2nd Floor 217- A, 2nd Floor A - 6, Connaught Place H - 347, Raj Nagar Part II, Apt. 2A, B-4/127 37, Shaid Bhagat Singh Marg K - 37-C First Floor Kailash Colony Plot No.- 24 201-202, Vanguard Rise L-67, 228 Tribhuvan Complex, Block - II,

15 K.G.Marg

New Delhi Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi

110,001 201,301 201,301 110,017 110,023 110,015 110,065 452,001 122,016 122,016 122,016 110,062

Manoj Gupta Arvind Gopal Math Arvind Gopal Math Kartik Venkatarama Mukesh Kumar Kunal Sehdev Anil Narang Swapnil Jain Monica Tondon Monica Tondon Monica Tondon Ashok Aggarwal

011-55302229 0120-2513034 0120-2513034 011-41765422 011-24679894 011-25265155 011-51628045 0731-2514343 0124-5092519 0124-5092519 0124-5092519 91-11-26098027

Saket Sarojini Nagar IInd Floor, Friends Colony East South Tukoganj Opp Tcs, Udyog Vihar, Opp Tcs, Udyog Vihar, Opp Tcs, Udyog Vihar, Khanpur,


Vasundhara Enclave Vasundhara Enclave Phase-III New Delhi-110020 Gomti Nagar

Delhi 110,096 Delhi New Delhi Delhi Lucknow New Delhi New Delhi 110,096 110,020 110,020 226,010 110,048 110,092 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,016 110,034 110,048 110,020 110,020 110,001 110,045 110,063 110,001 110,048 122,015

Amit Kanudia S. S. Kanudia Prodeep Ghosh Prodeep Ghosh Gaurav Mehrotra Neelam Johar Tarun Banga Anil Bhargava Anil Bhargava Sanjeev Handa Sanjeev Handa Surya Chakraborty Ashish Jain Anju Chandna Rajeev Ranjan Pra Rajeev Ranjan Pra Deepak Navani Rahul Tripathy Kamal Kapur Sachin Bhatia Saroj Bhayana Sanjay Garg Gautam Vashisht 110,019 110,065 Arun Anand Raghav Gadodia

91-11-22616656 011-22619691 011-30880513 011-30880513 91-522-2308762 011-4163767, 011-41435888

110,096 110,096 110,020 110,020

110,048 201,307

Sushant Lok - I Sushant Lok - I Sector-43, Sushant Lok Phase-1 Sector-43, Sushant Lok Phase-1 56/1, Kalu Sarai Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura,

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

0124-4127000 0124-4127000 0124-5125000 0124-5125000 011-26562888 011-55181749 0135-2710511/533 011-41609032, 269320 011-41609032, 269320 011-23324245/509 0120-4252027 011-25543933 011-29532946 91 011 416357701 0124-2346886/887, 2345962/963 011-51608025-26 011-40518101 91-11-26935709

122,001 122,001 122,001 110,016

248,001 110,020

Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase - III Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase - III

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,001 201,301 110,063 110,030 110,048 122,015 110,019 110,020 110,065

Palam Colony, Paschim Vihar

Sector 18, Electronic City Konena Agrahara, Off Airport Road Kalkaji 6 - 51 Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road

Gurgaon Bangalore New Delhi New Delhi

9,818,324,755 9,811,017,789 9,811,017,789 9,871,079,907 9,810,651,263 98104-54555 9,811,226,212

manoj@jtginfotech.com agopal@jvinfosol.com agopal@jvinfosol.com kartik.venkataraman@gmail.com

kunal@maati.com anil.narang@cognosyscorp.com swapnil@kalpcom.com mak@kampsax.co.in mak@kampsax.co.in mak@kampsax.co.in

9,810,891,820 9,810,891,820 9,810,891,820

91-987148859 9,810,602,922

amit@kanors.com kanudia@bol.net.in prodeep.ghosh@kaplan.com



767, 011-41435888 9,818,082,815 anil_bhargava@keane.com anil_bhargava@keane.com 9,818,212,339 9,818,212,339 sanjeev.handa@keaneworldzen.com sanjeev.handa@keaneworldzen.com schakraborty@kernelinfosift.com ashish@keyitservices.com keywest@adventmatrixinc.com rprasad.sdpl@spectranet.com rprasad.sdpl@spectranet.com

9,313,487,614 9,811,203,968 9,810,337,465 9,810,337,465


tripathyrahul@yahoo.com kk@kurosoft.com kkrinfosolutions@rediffmail.com klazina_cybersys@yahoo.co.in sanjayk@klgsystel.com gautam.vashisht@kmgin.com aanand@knowledgeplateform.com


6886/887, 2345962/963



201,053 200,588 200,619 200,559 200,635 200,807 200,603 200,220 200,220 200,220 200,220 200,718 200,307 200,427 108,676 200,238

Knowledgetree Research Kochhar Lexserve Pvt. ltd Kochhar Lexserve Pvt. Ltd. Kochhar Lexserve Pvt. Ltd.(CANCEL) Kohli Management Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Kolpe Infotech Kring - Tellabs India Pvt. Ltd. Kring Technologies India Pvt.Ltd. Kring Technologies India Pvt.Ltd. Kring Technologies India Pvt.Ltd. Kring Technologies India Pvt.Ltd. Krishna BPO Services KRS Soft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. KSM Software Pvt. Ltd. Kuro Soft Ltd. KVR Infosys Pvt.Ltd.

2nd floor, 223 Tribhuvan Complex, Block 2, S - 454, G. K. - II S-454, G. K. Part - II S - 454, G. K. Part - II Logix Technopark, Tower - B, Third Floor, 39, Vijayshri Nagar 1st Floor, Tower-B 1st Floor (4619 Sq.ft.) Tower - B 204-205, 2nd Floor Unit No. 303, Tower-B 1st Floor (4619 Sq.ft.), Tower-B, 81 Dehradun Road B-18, Basement 204-206, Siddhatrh Chamber 807, Jaina Tower II, District Centre D-67, Ohkla Industrial Area

6-51 Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road,

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Sector - 127, Aerodrome Road Infinity Tower, DLF-II Infinity Tower, DLF City Phase-II Tower-B, Millennium Plaza Millenium Plaza, DLF CityI Infinity Tower, DLF City-II Rishikesh Moti Nagar Near IIT Gate, Hauz Khas Janak Puri Phase-I Design and Engineering Centre, 12/4 Delhi Mathura Road, New Friends Colony Okhla Road Indira Nagar 12/4, Delhi Mathura Road, RISALI

Noida Indore Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgoan Rishikesh New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Delhi

L and T - Sargent and Lundy Ltd. 200,768 200,532 200,532 200,291 200,651 200,196 Lagnam Infotech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Lagnam Infotech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Laitkor InfoSolutions Pvt. Ltd. Larsen and Toubro Ltd. LEELA Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Leeway Hertz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 201,146 200,817 200,474 108,894 100,052 201,069 201,027 200,223 200,303 109,391 200,274 200,139 109,348 201,047 109,380 200,403 200,831 Lepton Software Export and Research Pvt. Ltd. Liberte International Financial Services Libsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Lifetree Convergence Ltd. Lime Spot Technology India Pvt. Limited Lipi International Liqvid eLearning Services Pvt.Ltd. Living Software Systems Pvt. Ltd. Logic Eastern India Pvt. Ltd. Logiciel Logiciel Information Systems Pvt.Ltd. Logicool India Private Limited Logix Infosoft Pvt. Ltd. Logix Soft-Tel Pvt. Ltd. Long Island Dox Services Pvt. Ltd. Ltech India

L and T - Sargent and Lundy Ltd. A - 21, Basement 2/6, Second Floor, Sarai Jullena C-1250 Larsen and Toubro Ltd., Design and Engineering Centre, 28, Dayanagar Suite No. 112, Ansal Majestic Tower F/574 A, Basement, Dewan House 80/1B, Malviya Nagar 1st Floor, 633 A, Udyog Vihar 2nd Floor, Tower A, Building No9 A-4, 2nd floor, Sector-4 144, Naveen Market 59, Mandakini NSIC STP, Adjacent NSIC Bhawan, B-2, Sector-31 5, Nelson Mandela Marg 5, Nelson Mandela Marg A-40, A-6, Sector-16 A4 - A5 608, Mahatta Tower, B Block House No. 38, Jal Vayu Vihar,

Faridabad New Delhi New Delhi Lucknow Faridabad Bhilai

Vikas Puri OPP CNG Gas station, Lado Sarai

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon

DLF Cyber City

Gurgaon Noida Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Lucknow

N.R.I. Colony, G.K.-IV Okhla Ind. Estate

Vasant Kunj Vasant Kunj Sector-26,

Sector - 16 Community Centre, Janak Puri Sector L, Kanpur Road,

110,065 110,048 110,048 110,048

223 Tribhuvan Complex, Block 2, S - 454, G. K. - II S-454, G. K. Part - II S - 454, G. K. Part - II A-10/6, Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar, 39, Vijayshri Nagar 1103,Naurang House 1103, Naurang House 1103, Naurang House

6-51 Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,065 110,048 110,048 110,048 110,057 452,005 110,001 110,001 110,001 110,001 110,001 249,201 110,015 110,016 110,058 110,051

Raghav Gadodia Manish Vig manish Vig Pavan Mehta M K Ghosh Sanjay Kolpe Vikas Arora P. K. Satpathy P. K. Satpathy P. K. Satpathy P. K. Satpathy Sonia Kalra Sandeep Kanwar K. S. Ramamurthi Kamal Kapur Ajay Goel

011-46012104 29,215,477 011-51115222 011-51115222 95-120-4343605 0731-2629765 0124-4174215 011-2806224 011-2806224 011-2806224 011-2806224 24,393,616,263 9,810,156,047 011-51828992-993 011-25543932 011-41709214-17

452,005 122,002

122,002 122,002 249,201 110,015 110,016 110,058 110,020

1103, Naurang House 1103, Naurang House 81 Dehradun Road B-18, Basement 204-206, Siddhatrh Chamber 807, Jaina Tower II, District Centre A-6, East Krishna Nagar L and T House,

Aerodrome Road 21,Kasturba Gandhi Marg,CP 21, K. G. Marg, Cannaught Place 21, K. G. Marg, Cannaught Place 21, K. G. Marg, Cannaught Place 21, K. G. Marg, Cannaught Place Rishikesh Moti Nagar Near IIT Gate, Hauz Khas Janak Puri

Indore New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Rishikesh New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Delhi

Ballard Estate New Friends Colony New Friends Colony Indira Nagar

Mumbai 400,002 New Delhi New Delhi Lucknow Mumbai Bhilai 110,065 110,065 226,016 400,001 490,006

Randip Ghosh Shubh Mangal Shubh Mangal Krishna Kumar Pal Manoj Kumar Singh Rajesh Kumar Nair

0129-2512641 011-26321641 011-26321641 0522-2343191 0129-4291447 91-788-2275779

121,003 110,065 110,025 226,016 121,003 490,006 A - 22, 2nd Floor A - 22, 2nd Floor C-1250 L and T House, Ballard Estate, 28, Dayanagar SUITE No. 112 Ansal Majestic Tower 110,018 110,030 110,017 510, Shanti Vihar Apartments, 80/1B, Malviya Nagar B-2/2080, Vasant Kunj 1C-II , Parkwood Estate S-454, Greater Kailash 144, Naveen Market 59, Mandakini G-15, Pushkar Enclave B-2, Sector-31 5, Nelson Mandela Marg 5, Nelson Mandela Marg 64, 1st Floor D-922, New Friends Colony A4 - A5 8th Floor, Statesman House House No. 38, Jal Vayu Vihar, RaoTularam Marg Part-II Fraser Road, Patna New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi Lucknow


Vikas Puri,

New Delhi 110,018 800,001 110,017 110,067 110,022 110,048 208,001 110,019 110,063 201,301 110,070 110,070 110,003 110,065 201,301 110,001 226,012

Akash Takyar Sonam Saraf Manoj Chauhan Rama Jain Sonal Adlakha Pawan Agrawal Ajay Arora Suresh Jain KK Gupta Satyajit Dalbehera Arun Kapuria Arun Kapuria Suneet Arora Vikram nath Mr. Shakti nath Deepak Kohil Bhaskar Roy 011-29521101, 410065 011-26684460 011-26171161-63 011-26100680/683/684 0124-4236974

201,301 208,001 110,019 110,020 201,301 110,070 110,070 201,301 201,301 201,301

N.R.I. Colony, G.K.-IV Paschim Vihar

0120-2424240 / 242424 120-2516249 0120-2455112-114 011-26123877 011-26123877 0120-2548101 24,366,000 120-251 5915-6 ,120-251 7690-99 011-25517465, 51521888 91-522-2425827

Vasant Kunj Vasant Kunj Khan Market

Sector - 16 Barakhamba Road Sector L, Kanpur Road,


raghavgadodia@gmail.com 9,810,801,779 9,810,801,779 manish.vig@klexserve.com delhi@kochhar.com delhi@kochhar.com mantu.ghosh@km-sol.com kolpe_tech@hotmail.com vikas.arora@tellabs.com pks@kring.com pks@kring.com pks@kring.com pks@kring.com krishnabpo@rediffmail.com ksramamurthi@rediffmail.com 9,810,965,066 9,818,796,994 kk@kurosoft.com ajay@kvrinfosys.com

9,810,782,789 9,826,755,811 9,810,907,036 9,810,543,447 9,810,543,447 9,810,543,447 9,810,543,447 9,412,318,936

rgnl@ltecd.ltindia.com 9,899,604,208 9,871,387,080 9,871,387,080 lagnam@gmail.com lagnam@gmail.com laitkor@yahoo.com manoj_singh@lntenc.com contact@leelasoft.com


akash@leewayhertz.com 9,910,006,581 9,811,579,701 sonam@leptonsoftware.com

sonal@lifetreeindia.com 9,811,661,332 9,839,908,989 9,810,136,051 pawan@limewire.co.in ajay@tdl.co.in suresh.jain@liqvid.com

9,810,020,979 9,810,020,979 9,811,805,771 9,810,005,397

satyajit@logiceastern.com akpuria@logicielinfosys.com akapuria@logicielinfosys.com suneet@logicool.com vikram@logixpark.com

915-6 ,120-251 7690-99 7465, 51521888 91-9810414730

200,218 109,397 201,099

Lucky Digitals Lumenare Networks India Pvt.ltd Luminous Engineering & Technology Services (P) Ltd. Luminous Engineering&Technology Services Pvt.Ltd. M. G. Infocom Pvt. Ltd. M/s Monsoon Multimedia India Ltd. M/s Virtual Office Solutions MA Softech Intrenational Ltd MA Softech Railway Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Macmillan - ICC Publishing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Macmillan - ICC Publishing Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

STPI Premises, 6th Floor B-73 B-29, Sec-63 43, Community Centre, 2nd and 3rd Floor C-22/28, Sec-57 Tower B, Plot No. 5, Sector - 127 Plot No.55 Dynamic Chambers, 241-242

UPSIDC Complex, Lakhanpur Sector-57

Kanpur Noida Noida

Naraina Indl. Area, Phase- I

New Delhi Noida

108,619 200,891 200,656 200,341 106,003 201,136

Third Floor, Sector-34 Zone- I, M. P. Nagar

Noida Gurgaon Bhopal Vaishali

Corporate Space No. 12, 2nd Ansal Plaza, Opposite Floor, Dabur, 2813sq.ft at ground floor, NSIC Bhawan Phase-III Okhla Indl

New Delhi

200,881 Ground Floor, NSIC Bhawan 865, Udyog Vihar Okhla Industrial Estate, PhaseNew Delhi III Phase-V Gurgaon

200,881 201,186 Macmillan India Ltd. Macmillan-ICC Publishing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,882 Macmillan-ICC Publishing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,882 100,038 108,953 201,016 201,021 201,153 200,499 201,157 Macro Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd. Madhya Pradesh Glytchem Industries Ltd Magenta Infosystems (P) Ltd. Magenta Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. Magic Software Private Limited Magic Software Pvt. Ltd. Magic Software Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-III) Magma Design Automation India (P) Ltd. 201,029 200,179 200,167 200,850 200,268 200,396 201,109 201,119 200,375 109,302 109,302 109,302 109,302 Mahaveera IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Malva Systems (A Division of Malva Media AB) Mando Softtech India PVt. Ltd. Mangalam Infotech Services Manik Creative Solutions Mann-India Technologies Private Limited Mann-India Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Mantas India Pvt. Ltd. Mantec Consultants Pvt.Ltd Mantec Consultants Pvt.Ltd Mantec Consultants Pvt.Ltd Mantec Consultants Pvt.Ltd B-1/628, Near Distt. Centre B-71, Paschimi Marg Sixth Floor, MPD Towers, Building 2, Survey Chowk 73A, 2nd Floor B-267A, Greater Kailash-I B-267A, Greater Kailash-I 20/4, 6th Floor, Palm Court Building D- 35-36, 1st Floor Ground Floor First Floor, D-35 2nd Floor,D-35 and Gr.Floor,D-36 JANAKPURI Vasant Vihar Block - II, Zone - 6, DLF Qutab Enclave Phase -V New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Dehradun Hauz Khas Village New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida 1st floor 48 Okhla Industrial Estate Phase III New Delhi

48, Okhla Industrial Estate

IInd Floor, Phase-III

New Delhi

201, Mahakosh House S - 14, Green Park Extn. S - 14, Green Park Extn. 9th Floor, Tower C 9th floor, Tower C, A-28, Lobe No. 3, Tower B, Fifth Floor, The Correnthum,

7/5, South Tukogunj

Indore New Delhi New Delhi

Tech Boulevard, Plot No. 6, Sector-127 Tech Boulevard, Plot no. 6, Sec 127, Sector-57,

Noida Noida Noida

A - 41, Sector - 62,


Opposite Sector-14 Sector-6 D-35, Sector-6 Sector-6 Sector-6

208,024 201,301 201,303

120/112 B-73 WZ 106/10 Mezzanine Floor 43, Community Centre, 2nd and 3rd Floor 98, Shazadabagh Industrial Area Shivam House, 14 - F, Connaught Place, Shed No. 6, Hartron Complex Dynamic Chambers, 241-242 94, Amarpali Aptt. Plot 56 M. S. Complex, 14/45 Dr. Giriappa Road, M. S. Complex, 14/45 Dr. Giriappa Road,

Lajpat Nagar Sector-57 Rajouri Garden

Kanpur Noida Delhi

208,024 201,301 110,027

Bhupesh Bhandari Prachi Sharma Raminder Kohli

2,215,021 0120-2588558 011-25558604/05

Naraina Indl. Area, Phase-I Old Rohtak Road

New Delhi 110,028 Delhi New Delhi 110,035 110,001 122,015 462,011 110,092

Swarup Chakarbart Sanket Gupta Ravinder Nath Anju Jaisingh Prakash Singh Ashu Gupta

011-25896918, 25896895 011-27047132 011- 23313232 0124-5019471 0755-5274211-212 011-43053048

110,028 201,301 201,301 122,016 462,011 201,010

Electronic City, Sector-18 Zone- I, M. P. Nagar I. P. Extension,

Gurgaon Bhopal Delhi

T Nagar,

Chenai 600,017

Rajiv Beri 9,845,000,203 Rajiv Beri 600,017 600,002 Gautam Mukherjee 9,845,000,203 0124-4760002

T Nagar,

Chenai Chennai

110,020 122,016 No. 21, Patullos Road M. S. Complex, 14/45 Dr. Giriappa Road, 110,020 M. S. Complex, 14/45 Dr. Giriappa Road, 203a, Ashok Hotel 201, Mahakosh House E - 2, Green Park Main E - 2, Green Park Main, 1005, Akashdeep Building 1005, Akashdeep Building 1005, Akashdeep Building Prestige Tech Park, Jupiter (2A) Block, 6th Floor, SarjapurB-1/628, Near Distt. Centre 510, Ansal Towers Sixth Floor, MPD Towers, Building 25D, Harish Mukherjee Road 73A, 2nd Floor 80, Sukhdev Vihar, 80, Sukhdev Vihar A-13, Naraina Industrial Area D- 35-36, 1st Floor D- 35-36, 1st Floor D- 35-36, 1st Floor D- 35-36, 1st Floor T Nagar, chanakyapuri 7/5, South Tukogunj Chennai New Dehli Indore New Delhi New Delhi Barakhamba Road Barakhamba Road Barakhamba Road Marathahalli Ring Road, Kadabeesanahalli Village, Varthur Hobli, JANAKPURI 38, Nehru Place Block - II, Zone - 6, DLF Qutab Enclave Phase -V 1E, 1st Floor Hauz Khas Village New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

T Nagar,

Chennai 600,017

Sh. Rajiv Beri


Sh. Rajiv Beri 600,017 110,021 452,001 110,016 110,016 110,001 110,001 110,001 NullPl.Enter Nirmal Iyengar Ashok Sharma Ashok Sharma Vimalendu Verma P. Swaminathan Mr. Vivek Bihani

080-22202901 ################## 0731-5068901-903 26,867,251 26,867,251 011-22757133 0120-3054300 0120-4027600

452,001 110,016 10,016


Bangalore 560,087 New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon KOLKATA New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida 700,025 110,016 110,058 110,019

Ananad Anand Ku Rajiv Kumar Amit Rustagi Jin Kuk Choi Sachin Agarwal Kuldeep Pathak Ganesh Jain Ganesh Jain Manoj Jain Brig. V. M. Mehta R Brig. V. M. Mehta R Brig. V. M. Mehta R Brig. V. M. Mehta R

m91-8040242700 91-25613855 26414944, 26414955 0124-4599399 135-2713401 26,862,048 011-41431069 011-41431069 91-124-5087151 0120-2422850,2422301 0120-2422850,2422301 0120-2422850,2422301 0120-2422850,2422301

201,301 110,058 110,057

248,001 110,016 110,048 110,048 122,001 201,301 201,301

Phase-II Sector-6 Sector-6 Sector-6 Sector-6

110,028 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301

9,839,034,048 9,810,267,788 9,891,154,243

bhupeshbhandari2000@yahoo.com psharma@lumenare.com ramindar@luminousets.com

6918, 25896895 9,910,893,643 9,818,434,567 9,810,879,665

swarup@luminiousets.com sanket@mindgenies.com akjain@hotzinc.com anju@wowcorp.com india@softechglobal.com 9,810,794,266 ashu@softechglobal.com


sn.dutta@macmillansolutions.com 9,899,258,843 g.mukherjee@macmillansolutions.com

sn.dutta@macmillansolutions.com 9,845,000,203 sn.dutta@macmillansolutions.com 9,845,000,203 macsvcs@vsnl.com ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com 9,820,080,633 9,820,080,633 ashok.sharma@magentainfosystems.co ashok.sharma@magentainfosystems.co vimalendu.verma@magicsw.com 9,818,023,115 9,810,246,895 swaminathan@magicsw.com vivek.bihani@magicsw.com

ananda@magma-da.com 9,845,188,972 9,811,604,527 rajiv@mahaveerait.com raghu@malva.se 9,871,607,373 jkchoi@mando.com

9,891,465,874 9,810,143,777 9,810,143,777 9,810,252,425 ganesh@mann-india.com ganesh@mann-india.com manoj.jain@mantas.com mantec@del2.vsnl.net.in mantec@del2.vsnl.net.in mantec@del2.vsnl.net.in mantec@del2.vsnl.net.in

2850,2422301 2850,2422301 2850,2422301 2850,2422301

109,287 200,975 200,976 200,244 200,244 109,285 201,017 200,205 200,205 200,769 109,226 109,299 200,947 109,023 109,225 109,225 109,225 200,552 109,286 201,113 201,031

Mantra Information Systems Mapinfo (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mapinfo India Pvt. Ltd. Maple eSolutions Limited Maple eSolutions Limited Mark Tech (I) Exports marketRx India (P) Ltd. (Unit II) marketRx India Pvt. Ltd. marketRx India Pvt. Ltd. Marvell Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd. Mascomptel (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mascon Global Limited Mascon Global Limited (Unit - 2) Master Informatix System (India) Pvt. Ltd. Max Ateev Ltd. Max Ateev Ltd. Max Ateev Ltd. Maxonic India Pvt. Ltd. Maxtech iSolutions MB BPO Services Pvt. Ltd. MBit Wireless (P) Ltd. MCK Infolink Online Ltd.

F-84, Executive Residency Floor 5th Floor, Tower - B, Plot C - 28 and 29, 2nd Floor Tower D, B - 31 1st Floor, B-31 B-130 14 Floor, Tower C, Building No. 8, 1504, Floor 15th, Tower B 15th floor, Tower-B Plot No. 77 A, IFFCO Road, 1-GF, A.G.C.R. Enclace B 8/10 758, Udyog Vihar, Phase - V D-12, First Floor Basement Floor, A-26/1 A-26/2 1, Dr. Jha Marg, Max House Plot No. 516, Udyog Vihar 2nd Floor, C-69, Sector-58 B-1, B-2 and B-6, Rakeshdeep Building H - 110, IInd and IIIrd Floor, Plot No. 5, NeelKanth Chamber1, 3rd Floor 5th and 9th Floor, DLF Plaza Tower, Ground Mezzanine floor at DLF Plaza Tower 7th and 8th Floor, DLF Plaza Tower Industrial Plot No. 66, 312 A-B, JMD Pacific Square, Sector 15 Part 2, C - 40, Sector - 58 212, Block- IV, STPI 2216 Hardhian Singh Road V-6, Green Park Extn Logix Park, A - 4 and 5 B-135, Sector-6 Building A, Plot No.5 A-4, Sector-10 Ground and Basement Floor 2nd Floor, 461, Udyog Vihar C - 64, First Floor, Palam Vyapar Kendra,

Sushant Lok, phase - II Logix Cyber Park, Sector 62, Logix Techno Park No. 5, Sec-127 Sector - 5 Sector-5 Lajpat Nagar-I Sector - 25, DLF Cyber City, Signature Towers, South City Signature Towers, South City-I Sector - 18 Karkarduma Vasant Vihar

Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgoan New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida New Delhi Noida Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

Kalkaji Mohan Co-operative Industrial Area Mohan Co-operative Indl.Estate 2nd Floor, Block-A, Okhla Phase-III Phase - III Gautam Budh Nagar Gulmohar Enclave Commercial Complex Sector - 63, Saini Enclave L S C, Vikas Marg Extn DLF Phase- I, DLF Phase I DLF Phase-I Sector - 18,

108,309 108,248 108,248 108,248 200,997 McKinsey Knowledge Centre India (P) Ltd. McKinsey Knowledge Centre India (P) Ltd. McKinsey Knowledge Centre India (P) Ltd. MD Synergy India (P) Ltd.

MDboss (India) Pvt. Ltd. 200,698 200,591 200,124 201,013 109,405 200,420 200,159 108,208 108,208 108,208 201,171 MDeverywhere India Pvt. Ltd. Med Vantage Pvt.Ltd. Media East Media Network (India) Pvt. Ltd. Media Tek India Technology Pvt Ltd. MEGAMALL Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt.Ltd. Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt.Ltd. Mentor Graphics (India) Pvt.Ltd. Metacube Software Pvt. Limited

Near 32 Milestone

Gurgaon Noida NOIDA New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon

Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector-29 Karol Bagh

Sector - 16

Sector-127 A-7, Sector-10 Phase-V

METADESIGN Solutions 200,987

Palam Vihar,


122,002 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,024 122,002

Chirag Delhi 709-710, Ansal Chambers II 709-710, Ansal Chambers II B - 31, Sector - 5 B - 31, Sector - 5 B-130 W - 73, W-73

11C &D,2nd Floor,Main Road 6, Bhikaji Cama Place 6, Bhikaji Cama Place

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Dehli New Delhi Chennai New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,017 110,066 110,066 201,301 201,301 110,024 110,048 110,048 110,048 122,001 110,092 110,057 600,006 110,019 110,044 110,044 110,044 110,048 201,301 110,024 110,009

Kanwar Singh Vipin Arora Manish Choudhary Atul Agrawal Atul Agrawal Sanjay Bhalla Biswajit Ghosh Subinder Jeet Sing Subinder Jeet Sing Sridhar Kaip Parag Agnihotri Ashok Aggarwal Nandu N Thondava Gurpreet Singh Bh Subhash Chopra Subhash Chopra Subhash Chopra Nitin Khanna Y. Rajan Anil Varshney Sivakumar Govinda Parun Kalsi

0124-2570022-414539 0120-4026000

Lajpat Nagar-I Greater Kailash Part - I Greater Kailash, Part-I Greater Kailash, Part-I Sector - 18 Karkarduma, Vasant Vihar Greams Road Kalkaji Mohan Co-operative Indl.Estate Mohan Co-operative Indl.Estate Mohan Co-operative Indl.Estate

0120-2423826-827 0120-2423826-827 26310575, 26310585 0124-4160800 0124-5160800 0124-5160800

122,001 122,001 110,092 110,057 122,016 110,019 110,044 110,044 110,020

W-73 Plot No. 77 A, IFFCO Road, 1-GF, AGCR Enclave, B 8/10 Sri Rama Building, 38 (159), 1st Floor D-12, First Floor A-26/2 A-26/2 A-26/2 S - 337, G. K . Part - II

011-22375710 011-26154991-992 0124-4006340-4 011-26443796, 516290 011-26950408 011-26950408 011-26950408 0124-5005506 0120-2585934 0120-4272362 4,224,614 011-30938078 0124-2540601 0124-2540601 0124-2540601 0120-4200484

201,301 110,049 201,301

2nd Floor, C-69, Sector - 58 M-11, Lajpat Nagar 190, Second Floor, Plot No. 5, NeelKanth Chamber-1, 3rd Floor 9th Floor, DLF Plaza Tower, 9th Floor, DLF Plaza Tower, 9th Floor, DLF Plaza Tower, 138, Deshbandhu Apartments, E - 86, Basement, Paschimi Marg Vasant Vihar, C - 40, Sector - 58 212, Block- IV, STPI 2216 Hardhian Singh Road A-154 1568, Church Road B-135, Sector-6 A-4, Sector-10 A-4, Sector-10 A-4, Sector-10 C-97, Ahinsa Circle, Ashok Marg C - 64, First Floor, Palam Vyapar Kendra,

Gautam Budh Nagar Part-III Mukerjeee Nagar Saini Enclave L S C, Vikas Marg Extn. DLF Phase- I, DLF Phase- I, DLF Phase- I, Kalkaji,

Noida New Delhi Delhi Dehli

110,092 122,002 Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi

110,092 122,002 122,002 122,002 110,019 Anant Pandey Anant Pandey Anant Pandey Payal Gupta

122,002 122,001

New Delhi Noida NOIDA New Delhi New Delhi Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Jaipur 110,057 201,301 201,303 110,005 110,065 110,006 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 302,001

Sudhish Srivastava Atul Angrish Hemant Upadayay Sumit Malik Vinita Madhav Nitin Mittal Ravi Choudhury Sreejith Kumar Sreejith Kumar Sreejith Kumar Parijat Agarwal 0120-4322029-32 0120-2454947 011-28750228 011-30953892 95-120-4343900 0120-2422505 0120-2538988, 253900 0120-2538988, 253900 0120-2538988, 253900 0124-3213009

122,001 201,301 201,303 110,005 110,016 201,301 201,301 201,301 122,016

Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector-29 Karol Bagh New Friends Colony Kashmere Gate


Palam Vihar,

Gurgoan 122,017

Sunil Chand Goyal 400,467


2 9871944677 9,810,430,795

kanwar.singh@mantrait.com vipin.arora@mapinfo.com

9,873,222,888 9,873,222,888 9,811,045,083 9,810,738,456 9,810,132,687 9,810,132,687

atul@mapleesolutions.com atul@mapleesolutions.com sbhalla66@hotmail.com bghosh@marketrx.com skhurana@marketrx.com skhurana@marketrx.com ksridhar@marvell.com

9,810,091,113 9,811,283,265

mctindia@mctindia.com ashoka@mascon.co.in


asbs@vsnl.com scchopra@maxateev.com scchopra@maxateev.com scchopra@maxateev.com info@maxonic.com

9,818,005,218 akv@mbbpo.com sgovindassamy@mbitwireless.com parun@mckiol.com anant_pandey@mckinsey.com anant_pandey@mckinsey.com anant_pandey@mckinsey.com 9,313,999,481 pgupta@mdsynergy.com

sudhish.srivastava@mdboss.com 9,899,758,008 9,810,797,778 9,811,101,961 9,810,047,710 9,810,311,668 9,810,147,514 9,810,350,182 9,810,076,237 9,810,076,237 9,810,076,237 9,829,230,793 atul.angirish@mdeverywhere.com hemedvantage@hotmail.com sumit@sumitintercorp.com vinitamadhav@medianetworkindia.com nitin_mittal@pixtelmtk.com ravi@mega-calls.com sreejith_kumar@mentorg.com sreejith_kumar@mentorg.com sreejith_kumar@mentorg.com parijat.agarwal@metacube.com


201,062 109,376 108,250

Metrix Webservices (P) Ltd. Micro Software & Solutions Microgenetics Systems Ltd.

B- 106, 1st Floor C-7, Punchsheel Enclave K-206, Sanik Farms

Sector - 63

Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Midland Calibrated India Pvt.Ltd. 200,610

1st and 2nd floor at 520, Ground Floor, 3rd to 5th Floor at 520, Udyog Vihar

Udyog Vihar, Phase-III,


Midland Calibrated India Pvt.Ltd. 200,610



Plot - 520, Udyog Vihar, Phase- III, Midland Calibrated India Pvt.Ltd. 200,610 200,779 108,378 109,142 200,971 201,026 100,039 200,460 200,478 200,141 200,755 200,755 200,755 200,561 109,368 109,368 200,421 200,285 200,286 201,059 201,159 200,387 109,425 200,508 200,508 Migrare Business Solutions Migs On Software (P) Ltd. MILA International Trading Corporation Millennium Solutions Millennium Solutions (Unit II) Mind Interactive Software solutions India Mindmill, Unit - II Mindsol Information Services Mindzone Technologies & Software Solutions Minecode Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Minecode Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Minecode Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Miyazu Motherson Engineering Design Ltd. MK&K Consultants Pvt.Ltd MK&K Consultants Pvt.Ltd ML Outsourcing Services Pvt. Ltd. Mobile Mantra (India) Software Pvt.Ltd. Mobile Mantra (India) Software Pvt.Ltd. Mobivaz Technologies (P) Ltd. Modulus Systems Mohila Tele Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Momento Creations Morningstar India Private Limited Morningstar India Private Limited Morningstar India Private Limited(Unit-II) 200,710 Morningstar India Private Limited(Unit-III) 201,056 Mosaic ITES Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,692 G - 68, Ground Floor, East of Kailash, New Delhi V-4, Plaza Building, Building No. 16, First Floor, K. P. Block, Community Center, Pitampura New Delhi 725, Udyog Vihar, Phase - V B-3/120, Janak Puri, B-3/8, Kant Enclave 1396, First Floor, 1396 - Ist Floor, 8-A, C-37, No. - 8, Vaishali 6th Floor, STPI Kanpur 813, Ground floor, Second Floor, Udyog Vihar, Ground Floor at Plot No. 813 Lower Ground Floor(Basement) First Floor, B-7 E-48/2, Phase-2 D-12/4, Okhla Industrial Area 101-104, Tower D Logix Park, A-425 Logix Park, A-425 910, 9th Floor, Agarwal Cyber Plaza, E-1, Left Basement A-1/17, 3rd Floor, Prashant Vihar 199, Sukhdev Vihar Vardhaman Charve Plaza, Building - 9 2nd Floor, Building No. 10 Building no.27, First, Second and Third Floor, Gurgaon New Delhi Faridabad Allahabad Allahabad Dehradun Noida Delhi Kanpur Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon

Near Suraj Kund Kidwai Nagar, Allahpur, Kidwai Nagar, Allapur, Bangali Mohalla Road Sector-58 Pitampura UPSIDC Complex Phase - V, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V at Plot No-813, Phase-V, Udyog Vihar, Sec -7, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-II Global Business Park Sector-16 Sector-16 Shubash Place, Pitampura, Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV Rohini

2nd Floor, KP Block, Pitampura KP Block, Pitampura

KP Block, Pitampura

New Delhi

201,307 110,017 110,062

Laxminagar E - 25/B, Jawahar Park C-7, Punchsheel Enclave K-206, W-12, Sanik Farms Pent House 7 West Tower, Hotel Le Meridien, Windsr Place, Pent House 7 West Tower, Hotel Le Meridien, Windsr Place,

Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,092 110,017 110,062

Tej Narain Misra Sachin Srivastva Rajender Arora

4,231,281 011-26495941-942/945 3239563, 4314567/68

New Delhi 110,001

Atul Tewari

New Delhi 110,001

Atul Tewari

122,015 Pent House 7 West Tower, Hotel Le Meridien, Windsr Place, 122,015 110,058 121,003 211,006 211,006 248,001 MS2/501, Kendrya Vihar, B-3/120, Janak Puri, B-3/8, Kant Enclave 1396, First Floor, 1396 - Ist Floor, 8-A, Bangali Mohalla A - 62, Shivalik C - 1/204, Sai Baba Complex 11, P.F.Colony G - 5 A, LGF, Kalkaji, G - 5 A, LGF, Kalkaji, G - 5 A, LGF, Kalkaji, 201,301 110,020 110,020 122,002 201,301 201,301 110,034 110,024 110,085 110,025 110,088 110,088 43, Community Centre E-48/2, Phase-2 E-48/2, Phase-2 D-35, Panchsheel Enclave 165-D, Pocket-IV 165-D, Pocket-IV 910, 9th Floor, Agarwal Cyber Plaza E-1, Left Basement A-1/17, 3rd Floor, Prashant Vihar 199, Sukhdev Vihar Vardhaman Charve Plaza, Building - 9 Vardhaman Charve Plaza, Building - 9 Vardhaman Charve Plaza, Building 9, Second Floor Vardhaman Chavre Plaza, Building No. 9, C - 109, Ground Floor, East of Kailash, 110,065 Bhageria House, New Friends Colony Okhla Industrial Area Okhla Industrial Area Sector - 56,

New Delhi 110,001 Gurgaon New Delhi Faridabad Allahabad Allahabad Dehradun New Delhi Delhi Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,058 121,003 211,006 211,006 248,001 110,017 110,085 208,005 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,065 110,020 110,020 110,017 110,091 110,091 110,034 110,024 110,085 110,025 110,088 110,088

Atul Tewari Subhabrata Bose S.k. Mighlani Anupam Sharan 0124-4006728 91-5591502,5556522 0129-2511515, 251152

Near Suraj Kund Kidwai Nagar, Allahpur, Kidwai Nagar, Allapur Dehradun

Ratnesh Kumar Up 91-532-3291016 Ratnesh Kumar Upadhyay NullPl.Enter 91-135-742414 Sachin Gupta JK Mehta Manish Kumar Siddarth Samal Siddarth Samal Siddarth Samal Rajesh Jain C. S. Kataria C. S. Kataria Rajesh Jain Anil Kumar Anil Kumar Saurabh Mittal Bhupinder Singh S. P. Kapur Nityanand Bansal Achal Madhavan Achal Madhavan 9.11147E+11 011-41623922 55,192,481 011-26318620 011-27310613 011-27310613 011-26683966 011-42988441 295,629 0124-4180200 0124-4180200 0124-4180200 0120-2513276 011-26848865 011-26848865 0124-2803440/443

110,088 208,024 122,016 122,016

Sector-9, Rohini Sarvodaya Nagar

Mayur Vihar, Phase -I Mayur Vihar, Phase -I Subhash Place, Pitampura Amar Colony, Lajpat Nagar-IV Rohini

2nd Floor, KP Block, Pitampura 2nd Floor, KP Block, Pitampura KP Block, Pitampura, 2nd Floor, KP Block, Community Center, Pitampura

New Delhi 110,088 Delhi 110,088 New Delhi 110,065

Achal Rajagopal



Achal Madhvan



Vikas Malhotra



misra_tn@yahoo.com sanjeevsi@milleniumindia.com micro11_acct@hotmail.com

atewari@calibratedgroup.com 9,818,970,791

atewari@calibratedgroup.com 9,818,970,791

atewari@calibratedgroup.com 9,818,970,791 9,811,551,727 9,810,337,522 9,810,006,452 9,335,306,283 ops@migraresolutions.com s.k.mighlani@hotmail.com info@mila.co.in ratnesh@mwfglobal.com naveenji@sancharnet.in

9,868,874,896 9,839,085,512 9,899,499,022 9,899,499,022 9,899,499,022 9,810,148,211 9,810,014,843 9,810,014,843

jkmehta2003@yahoo.com manish_srivastava-99@yahoo.com pk@minecode.com pk@minecode.com pk@minecode.com rajesh.jain@mind-infotech.com sunproduce@hotmail.com sunproduce@hotmail.com rjain@mindlance.com

9,818,857,084 9,213,322,015

sm@mobivaz.com modulssystems@gmail.com


acct@momentoindia.com vedams@vedamsbooks.com vedams@vedamsbooks.com

rajachal@vsnl.com 9,312,959,012 achalmadhavan@gmail.com 9,811,162,800 vikas@mosaic-service.com 9,891,044,406

108,485 108,485 108,485 108,485

Motherson Sumi Infotech & Designs Ltd. Motherson Sumi Infotech & Designs Ltd. Motherson Sumi Infotech & Designs Ltd. Motherson Sumi Infotech & Designs Ltd. Mphasis Limited

C-26, Sector-62 Basement, C-1 B-7, Sector-7 1st Floor Basement at A-14 and Ground Floor at A-13 Ground , First and Second Floor A - 14, Block 3A, DLF Corporate Park Basement, Ground, First, Second Floor at 865, Udyog Vihar C-1, Sector-VI Sector-VI

Noida Noida Noida Noida



201,005 Mphasis Limited 201,005 200,482 MPS Technologies Ltd MPS Technologies Ltd. (Unit-II) 201,120 100,053 100,061 200,037 Mr. EL-DOCS.COM INDIA Mritish Technologies MSPL Softwares Solutions Sector - 64, DLF City Phase-V Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon

604, City Centre 6926, Jaipuria Mills 33, Oak Street (Durga Farmhouse), Jaunapur Village, Mehrauli,

The Mall Subzi Mandi

Kanpur New Delhi

MTECH SOLUTIONS 200,621 200,678 200,345 200,043 201,144 108,330 200,919 105,008 200,109 200,109 200,109 200,109 109,305 108,123 109,214 200,304 200,165 200,493 109,121 200,530 200,531 200,531 108,313 200,716 MTree Software Pvt. Ltd. Multiple Zones India Pvt. Ltd. Multiple Zones India Pvt.Ltd. Muralage N.Y.Dox Services Ltd. Nagarro Software Private Limited (Plot No. 37) Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd. Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-II) Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-II) Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-II) Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-II) Nagpal Electronics Naharwar Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd. Naithani-Today Software Systems Pvt. Ltd. Nanki Systems BPO Pvt. Ltd. Nanz Food Products Ltd. NaviSite India Pvt Ltd NC Infotech NCR Corporation India Pvt Ltd NCR Corporation India Pvt Ltd. NCR Corporation India Pvt Ltd. Nebula Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. NEC HCL System Technologies Ltd. C - 56/31 C-40, Okhla Industrial Area A-186, Okhla Industrial Area B-1/29, Sector-A, 701, 7th Floor, Mahatta Tower 54 B Plot No. 37, Electronics City, 3 B, Sector-18 First and Second Floors, Plot No.36 Basement - Ground Floor Plot No. 15 Plot No. 36, 1st - 2nd Floor 402- B, S T P I, 105, Phase-iv Y-047, Regency Park - II F-3, Maharani Bagh C-3, Ring Road Vipul Orchid Plaza, 1st Floor A-139, D.D.A. Sheds 5th Floor, Orchid Plaza 5th Floor, Vipul Orchid Plaza On the same Floor - 5 Floor, Orchid Plaza, Sector - 62, Phase-II Phase-i Aligant Scheme B Block, Community Centre, Janak Puri Sector-18 Electornic City Electronics City Plot No. 15, Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar Dlf City-4

New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Lucknow New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

Lajpat Nagar - II Golf Course Road, Suncity, Sector - 53 Okhla Indl. Area, Phase-I Village Haiderpur Viran, Tehsil Sun City, Sector-54 Village Haiderpur Viran,

Fourth Floor, Tower B, Logix Techno Park

Plot No. 5, Sector - 127


B-7, Sector-7 B-7, Sector-7 201,301 B-7, Sector-7 B-7, Sector-7 Bagmane Technology Park, Byrasandra, 201,301 Bagmane Technology Park, Byrasandra, 201,301 21, Patullos Road No. 21, Patullos Road 122,016 208,001 110,007 b-96,lajpat nagar 604, City Centre 6926, Jaipuria Mills 33, Oak Street (Durga Farmhouse), Jaunapur Village, Mehrauli, 82 G Pocket - IV C-40, Okhla Industrial Area A-186, Okhla Industrial Area B-1/29, Sector-A, Aligant Scheme 701, 7th Floor, Mahatta Tower 54 B 19/20, East Punjabi Bagh 3 B, Sector-18 Plot No. 15 Plot No. 15 Plot No. 15 Plot No. 15 402- B, S T P I, 122,015 122,002 110,065 110,024 122,002 110,020 105, Phase- I V Y-047, Regency Park II F-3, Maharani Bagh C-3, Ring Road D-903, New Friends Colony 165,Munirka Vihar, National Building, 3rd Floor National Building, 3rd Floor National Building, 3rd Floor Idl. Unit no 41, Electronic City 806, Siddharth, 96 Nehru Place part-I The Mall Subzi Mandi C.V. Raman Nagar

Noida Noida Noida Noida

201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301

Som Dutt Meheta Som Dutt Meheta Som Dutt Meheta Som Dutt Meheta

0120-2423029/3031/ 30 0120-2423029/3031/ 30 0120-2423029/3031/ 30 0120-2423029/3031/ 30

C.V. Raman Nagar

Bangalore 560,093 Bangalore Chennai Chennai New Dehli Kanpur New Dehli 600,002 110,024 208,001 110,007 560,093 600,002

Rahul Bhasin


Rahul Bhasin Lissete Abraham Lissette Abraham NullPl.Enter Deepak Sehgal Ajay Singh

0120-4341400 0124-2704100 0124-2704100 692-3070,mob 98-100-13687 0512-2330212 011-23974386, 268239

New Delhi Mayur Vihar - I Phase-II Phase-i Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Lucknow B Block, Community Centre, Janak Puri New Delhi New Delhi Electornic City Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18 Electronic City, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar Dlf City-4 Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi No. - 11, Palace Road No. - 11, Palace Road No. - 11, Palace Road Sec-18, Udyog Vihar Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore Gurgaon New Delhi 110,019 122,015 122,002 110,065 110,024 110,065 110,066 560,052 560,052 560,052 122,015 110,034 110,034 110,034 110,034 110,047 110,091 110,020 110,020 226,020 110,058

Mangi Lal Agarwal Madhavi Jain Rajendra Kulkarni Manpreet Singh Namit Agrawal Deepak kohli Neeraj Chhiba Neeraj Chhibba Neeraj Chibba Neeraj Chibba Neeraj Chibba Neeraj Chibba Manish Madan Diwash Lohani Ruchi Naithani Joginder Bajaj Vijay Kumar Chhab Archana Agarwal Cmde Navin Chand Naresh Shetty C. V. Ramachandra C. V. Ramachandra Mr. Rakesh Kumar Raghuveer Singh

011-26658700 120-2404356 51,709,424

110,047 201,301 110,020 110,020 226,020 110,058 122,015 122,015

011-25517465-66 0124-2455304 0124-2455301 0124-3048646 0124-3048646 0124-3048646 0124-3048646 0124-6347032, 6347016 0124-2345345 0124-2386876-77 26,836,516 26,359,002 0124-3077713 011-26163188 080-22250160 0124-4353205 0124-4353205 34,043 0120-4366999

122,015 122,015 122,015

Lajpat Nagar - II


9,810,292,965 9,810,292,965 9,810,292,965 9,810,292,965

somdutt.meheta@mind-infotech.com somdutt.meheta@mind-infotech.com somdutt.meheta@mind-infotech.com somdutt.meheta@mind-infotech.com


vadirajarao.b@mphasis.com 9,844,053,424 g.bhalla@mpstechnologies.com r.kathuria@macmillan-india.co.in

mob 98-100-13687 9,811,113,345 deepak@mritishtech.com softace@del2.vsnl.net


madhavikjain@mtree.co.in rajendra@mzi.net

9,839,701,691 deepakkohli@nydoxservices.com 9,811,299,353 9,811,299,353 9,811,299,353 9,811,299,353 9,811,299,353 9,811,299,353 neeraj@nagarro.com neeraj@nagarro.com neeraj@nagarro.com neeraj@nagarro.com neeraj@nagarro.com neeraj@nagarro.com nagpalelectronics@hotmail.com nmspl@vsnl.com 9,811,310,188 9,350,845,466 9,811,821,820 ntss@vsnl.com jbajaj@nankibpo.com office@nanzindia.com aagarwal@navisite.com ncinfo@vsnl.com naresh.shetty@ncr.com rcl85002@ncr.com rcl85002@ncr.com

7032, 6347016

9,810,063,209 9,873,296,042 9,818,947,766 9,818,947,766



200,998 100,065 200,791 109,371 108,316 108,316 108,316 109,369 108,679 200,233 108,437

NeedBeyond Technologies (P) Ltd. NeoMagic Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd. Net Focus Software Pvt. Ltd. Net4 India Ltd. netCustomer India Pvt.Ltd. netCustomer India Pvt.Ltd. netCustomer India Pvt.Ltd. Netedge Computing Global Services Pvt.Ltd Netherlands India Comm. Ent. (P) Ltd. Netlink Digital Engergy Private Limited Netsity Systems Pvt. Ltd.

C - 55, LGF NDSE, Ist Floor, Polyplex Building 2/6, Third Floor, B-4/47 308,309,310,312,314,316,318,32 0,322,324,325, B 34/2, Sector - 59 B-34/2 A-14 E-317, Greater Kailash Part - I Plot No. 571, Udyog Vihar 81, Main Road (Nakul Gali Corner) C/o- IMT Technology Center,(Ground Floor) MDC Building, D-10, Green Park B - 1- C 357,Main Road 2 C, Sector - 126 E-44/13, Ground First Second Terrace Floor First India Place, Tower-C AB - 2, Community Center Basement, Gr. Floor and Mezzanine Floor Basement and Ground Floor, G11, Sector-11 B-52, Okhla Industrial Area Suite No.303, Chintels Technopark, 907, Tower-B, Global Bussiness Park 4th Floor, Building 8, Tower-A additional 7449.62 sq.ft. at 8, Balaji Estate 3rd Floor (Bldg. IV), Basement (Bldg. V) Ground Floor - A-43, Mohan Cooperatives C-125, Okhla Industrial Area A - 43, Ground Floor and 1st Floor Ground Floor, B-234, Okhla Phase-I, A-44, 1st Floor, B-234, Okhla Phase-I First Floor,8 Balaji Estate,

Part - I, B-37,sector1- B West Patel Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave 326,327,328,329 and 330, C-3, Raj Nagar

New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Ghaziabad Noida

Sector-59 Sector-7

Noida Noida New Delhi

Phase-V Vishwas Nagar Institute of Management Technology,Hapur Road, Raj Nagar 2nd Floor Sector 10 Samta Colony

Gurgaon Dehli

Netvantage International Ltd 200,081 108,922 102,003 200,008 200,766 104,017 201,097 Netvantage International Ltd. Network Programs (India) Ltd. New Era Exports New Times Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd. Newgen Software Technologies (P) Ltd. Nexgen Indosys Consulting Pvt. Ltd. NexTag Software and Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,289 108,612 Nextbrick Solutions Ltd.

Ghaziabad New Delhi Noida Raipur Noida New Delhi Gurgaon

Okhla Phase - II Plot No, 486, Udyog Vihar Ground Floor, Sushsant Lok, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Safdarjang Enclave AB-2, Community Centre, Safdarjung Enclave

Gurgaon New Delhi

Nextbrick Solutions Ltd. 108,612 108,612 200,214 200,732 200,138 200,982 200,262 200,262 200,262 200,262 109,267 109,267 109,267 109,267 109,267 Nextbrick Solutions Ltd. NextGen Media Alliances Pvt. Ltd. Nextsource Staffing Pvt. Ltd. NG Techsoft Pvt.Ltd. NGEN Media Services Private Limited NIIT Limited (Unit-IV)(Balaji Estate) NIIT Limited (Unit-IV)(Balaji Estate) NIIT Limited (Unit-IV)(Balaji Estate) NIIT Limited (Unit-IV)(Balaji Estate) NIIT Ltd.(Unit-II)Mohan Co NIIT Ltd.(Unit-II)Mohan Co NIIT Ltd.(Unit-II)Mohan Co NIIT Ltd.(Unit-II)Mohan Co NIIT Ltd.(Unit-II)Mohan Co

New Delhi Noida

Phase - I A-30, Kailash Colony Mehrauli - Gurgaon Road Phase II, DLF Cyber City Kalkaji 8, Balaji Estate, Kalkaji Industrial Area, Phase-I Mohan Co-operatives Indl. Area New Delhi Mohan Co-operative Indl. Area

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi


New Delhi

110,048 201,301 110,008 110,029


110,058 110,048 122,001 110,032

110,016 201,301 492,001

110,020 122,002

C - 55, LGF NDSE, Part - I, Ist Floor, Polyplex Building 2/6, Third Floor, B-4/47 18, Vrindavan Apartments, 18, Vrindavan Apartments, 18, Vrindavan Apartments, 156, First Floor, CBlock E-317, Greater Kailash Part - I Plot No. 571, Udyog Vihar 81, Main Road (Nakul Gali Corner) C/o- IMT Technology Center,(Ground Floor) MDC Buil D-10, Green Park B - 1- C 357,Main Road A - 10 C, Ground Floor, E-44/13, 24/9, Moti Nagar Nishith Desai Associates, Aster Villa

New Delhi B-37,sector1- B West Patel Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave Plot No. 110, I.P. Extn Plot No. 110, I.P. Extn Plot No. 110, I.P. Extn Community Centre, Plot No-32 57, Janakpuri Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Phase-V Vishwas Nagar Institute of Management Technology,Hapur Road, Raj 2nd Floor Sector 10 Samta Colony Mansarovar Garden Okhla Phase - II Gurgaon Dehli

110,048 201,301 110,008 110,029 110,092 110,092 110,092 110,058 110,048 122,001 110,032

Atul Gupta Arun Tripathi Puneet Sachdeva Sandip Ghosh Gaurav Pandey Gaurav Pandey Gaurav Pandey Deepika Saxena G. N. Baba Navtej Matharu Avnish Gupta

011-22751865 0120-2471100/2536208 011-55447596 95-120-4323500 0120-2716423 0120-2716423 0120-2716423 011-25540172 0120-2424266 0124-5017373 011-22392392/396/385

Ghaziabad New Delhi Noida Raipur New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,016 201,301 492,001 110,015 110,020 110,015

Devin Pandya S. S. Biswal B B Gupta Suresh Maghwani Ashish Arora Sumesh Taneja Nagesh Kumar

0120-2706165-167 6,563,803 0120-2536622 0771-5036338 011-25924124 011-26384060, 263841 0124-4362184

The Taj West End, 25 Race Course Raod Safdarjang Enclave

Bangalore 560,001 New Delhi 110,029

Sudhir Talwar S. K. Nair

0124-2325184 0120-4043000

122,022 110,029 AB - 2, Community Center AB - 2, Community Center AB - 2, Community Center 510, Ansal Towers Suite No.303, Chintels Technopark, 211, J.O.P Plaza Delhi Information Technology Park C-125, Okhla Phase-I C-125, Okhla Phase-I C-125, Okhla Phase-I 110,020 110,044 C-125, Okhla Phase-I A-44, A-44, 110,044 A-44, A-44, A-44, Mohan Co-operative Indl. Area Mohan Co-operative Indl. Area Mohan Co-operative Indl. Area Mohan Co-operative Indl. Area Mohan Co-operative Indl.

Safdarjang Enclave Safdarjang Enclave 38, Nehru Place A-30, Kailash Colony P-2, Sector-18 Shastri Park

New Delhi 110,029 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi NOIDA Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,029 110,019 110,048 201,301 110,053 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,044 110,044 110,044 110,044 110,044

S. K. Nair S. K. Nair Amit Rustogi Ram Arikkath Pankaj Gupta Sumit Pahwa K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K M. Garg K M. Garg K M. Garg K M. Garg K M. Garg

0120-4043000 0120-4043000 91-51660441-2 011-41630832 4518160, 2515594, 2515960 0124-4526879 011-26817341 011-26817341 011-26817341 011-26817341 011-51407111 011-51407111 011-51407111 011-51407111 011-51407111


110,020 110,048 122,002 122,002


9,811,636,929 9,811,681,161 9,811,045,213 9,810,266,790 atripathi@neomagic.com puneet@sachdeva.com ghosh.s@net4.in info@netcustomer.net info@netcustomer.net info@netcustomer.net 9,810,003,092 9,811,301,237 9,871,165,024 9,811,085,505 deepika@netedgecomputing.com gnbaba@smtelesys.com netlinkaccounts@netlinkis.com info@netsity.com

devinap@icallindia.net 9,811,755,669 9,810,213,225 9,811,224,016 9,893,038,737 9,899,621,550 9,871,997,254 9,810,611,888 akohli_in@yahoo.com 9,811,026,619 s.nair@nextbrick.com ssbiswal@e-netvantage.co.in bbgupta@networkprograms.com sales@neweraexports.com ashisharora70@yahoo.co.in sumesh.taneja@newgen.co.in

s.nair@nextbrick.com s.nair@nextbrick.com 9,811,938,968 9,871,634,437 amit@nextgma.com rarikkath@nextsouce.com

2515594, 2515960 9,899,020,006 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 sumit.pahwa@genpact.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com

200,044 200,044 200,044 200,044 200,044 200,044 201,072 200,369 200,369 200,369 200,369 200,369 200,369 200,370 109,399 200,826 201,075 109,361 109,361 200,522 200,319 200,254

NIIT SmartServe Limited NIIT SmartServe Limited NIIT SmartServe Limited NIIT SmartServe Limited NIIT SmartServe Limited NIIT SmartServe Limited NIIT Technologies Ltd. NIIT Technologies Ltd. sec-126 NIIT Technologies Ltd. sec-126 NIIT Technologies Ltd. sec-126 NIIT Technologies Ltd. sec-126 NIIT Technologies Ltd. sec-126 NIIT Technologies Ltd. sec-126 NIIT Technologies Ltd., 8 Balaji Estate Niket Data Processing (India) Pvt. Ltd. Nikhil Jain Nikish Computer Systems Pvt. Limited Niksun India Pvt. Ltd. Niksun India Pvt. Ltd. Nippon Data Systems Ltd Nipun Khurana and Associates Niraj Kumar Gupta Nisionz Software Pvt. Ltd.

223, Udyog Vihar 2nd Floor, Block-B 230, Udyog Vihar 230, Udyog Vihar Basement,Ground,1st and 2nd floor Basement,Gr.,1st, IIIrd and IVth Floor, H - 9, Basement, Ground and 1st Floor C-26, Sector-62 Ground Floor at 224 3rd Floor at 224 Tapasya corp Heights, 2nd 3rd and 4th Floor 2nd Floor, 224, Udyog Vihar Ground Floor, 8, Balaji Estate, 8, Balaji Estate, Kalkaji Unit No 3, Plot No 7-8, 3rd Floor House No. 139, D-1/55, Vasant Vihar 2nd and 3rd Floor, S C O-16, Sector-14, Basement and 1st Floor, SCO-16 44, Community Centre 139, Duplex II S-114 E-512, Third Floor, 189, Sector - 14 Logix Techno Park, 3rd Floor B-109, Sector-5 Suite No. 24, U and I, Corporate Centre, E-16, Sector-21 401, Mahakosh House 707, Block B-09, ITL Twin Tower 114-116, 1st Floor, Sushant Plaza B-57, Sector - 57, B-57, Sector-57 301, Ashok Bhawan B-15, Basement, A - 39 33-35, Thyagraj Nagar Market

Phase-I 230, Udyog vihar, PhaseII Phase-I Phase - 1 230 Udyog Vihar, Phase-I 224, Udyog Vihar MCIA, Mathura Road,

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgoan New Delhi Noida

Udyog Vihar udyog vihar Plot No 5EFGH, Sector126 Phase-I Kalkaji

Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

Vardhman Trade Centre, Nehru Place Greens Sector - 15, Part - I,

New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon

Sector-14 Naraina Industrial Area, Phase - 1 Sector - 62 Greater Kailash Part-2 Palam Extn., Sector -7, Dwarka

Gurgaon New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Gurgaon Noida Indore New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida

200,723 200,670 108,438 200,090 200,948 200,111 109,153 108,848 200,446 201,152 201,149 200,726 108,027 108,125 108,125

Nitin Jain North Shore technologies Pvt. Ltd. North Star India Pvt.Ltd. Novus Professional Services Pvt. Ltd. NS Soft (India) Pvt.Ltd. NSIL Infotech Ltd. nSys Design Systems Pvt. Ltd. Nuance BPO Matrix Pvt. Ltd. Nucleus Data Recovery.com (P) Ltd. (Unit II) Nucleus Data Recovery.com Pvt. Ltd (Unit-II) Nucleus Data Recovery.Com Pvt. Ltd. Nucleus Software Engineers( P) Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

Tower-D, Plot No.-5, Sector-127 47, Echelon, Sec-32

7/5, South Tukoganj Netaji Subhash Chandra Place, Pitampura Block - A, Sushant Lok - 1

93, Nehru Place Sector-59, Sector - 62 Near Lodhi Colony

New Delhi Noida NOIDA New Delhi

122,002 122,002


8, Balaji Estate, Second Floor, 8, Balaji Estate, Second Floor, 8, Balaji Estate, Second Floor, 8, Balaji Estate, Second Floor, 8, Balaji Estate, Second Floor, 8, Balaji Estate, Second Floor, C - 125, Okhla Indl. Area, Phase - 1 C-125, Okhla, Phase-I C-125, Okhla, Phase-I C-125, Okhla, Phase-I C-125, Okhla, Phase-I C-125, Okhla, Phase-I C-125, Okhla, Phase-I

Kalkaji Kalkaji Kalkaji Kalkaji Kalkaji Kalkaji

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,019 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,020 110,020 110,020 110,020 110,020 110,020 110,020 110,020 110,019 122,001 110,057 122,001 122,001 110,028 110,009 110,048

K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg Vijay Thadani K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg K. M. Garg Parminder Kaur Nikhil Jain Keshav Garg Vinod Dua Vinod Dua Harish Saraf Nipun Khurana Niraj Kumar Gupta Nishant Mehta

011-51407111 011-51407111 011-51407111 011-51407111 011-51407111 011-51407111

95-124-4293340 95-124-4293340 95-124-4293340 95-124-4293340 95-124-4293340 95-124-4293340 51,407,111 011-26429161 95-124-4033139 011-26143545 0124-2316012, 2316013 0124-2316012, 2316013 011-51411501-503

110,019 110,019 122,001 110,057 122,001

C-125, Okhla, Phase-I Unit No 3, Plot No 7-8, 3rd Floor House No. 139, D-1/55, Vasant Vihar 2nd and 3rd Floor, S C O-16, Sector-14, 2nd and 3rd Floor, S C O-16, Sector-14, 44, Community Centre B-192, Gujran Wala Town S-114 G - 49, Plot No. 31, Suruchi Apartments, Sector - 10 189, Sector - 14 304, Padma Tower II B-109, Sector-5 68, Friends Colony west E-16, Sector-21 401, Mahakosh House 707, Block B-09, ITL Twin Tower 114-116, 1st Floor, Sushant Plaza 301,Ashok Bhawan 301, Ashok Bhawan 301, Ashok Bhawan, B-15, B-12, Sector-59 B-12, Sector-59 Vardhman Trade Centre, Nehru Place Greens Sector - 15, Part - I, Lower Ground Floor (Main Building)

New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

110,028 201,301 110,048

Naraina Industrial Area, Phase -1

New Delhi Delhi

Greater Kailash Part-2 Dwarka

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Noida New Delhi Noida Indore New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida

011-29212073 011-28081400 0124-4082173 0120-4043400 0120-2421848-849 0124-4270501 0120-2519644 0731-5068901-903 9,810,094,889 0124-4049532/33

110,075 122,001 201,301 201,301 122,001 201,301 452,001 110,034

110,075 122,001 110,008 201,301 110,065 201,301 452,001 110,034

22, Rajendra Place

Nitin Jain Sudhir Saxena Narenrda Kumar Monisha Sachdeva Neeraj Kumar Jain Nirmal Iyengar Atul Bhatia Pawan Kumar Mah

7/5, South Tukoganj Netaji Subhash Chandra Place, Pitampura Block - A, Sushant Lok - 1 93, Nehru Place 93, Nehru Place 93, Nehru Place Sector-59,

201,301 201,301 110,019 201,301 201,301 110,003

110,019 110,019 110,019 201,301

Anil Kumar Verma Sandeep Verma Sandeep Verma S. N. Sharma Poonam Bhasin Poonam Bhasin 011-26466576 0120-5313991 4583435/436 2,403,961 2,403,961

9,811,324,124 9,811,324,124 9,811,324,124 9,811,324,124 9,811,324,124 9,811,324,124

kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com

9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124 9,810,314,124

kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com kgarg@niit.com m.p.kaila@indusvallypartners.com

9,818,079,602 9,910,059,382

nikhiljain89@hotmail.com keshav@nikish.net vinoddua@in.niksun.com vinoddua@in.niksun.com harish@nippondata.com

6012, 2316013

6012, 2316013

9,810,100,053 9,810,027,073

nipunkhurana@vsnl.net gupta_niraj@vsnl.com nmehta@nizionz.com

9,899,147,600 9,811,029,339 9,873,346,529 9,810,116,144 9,810,652,060 9,891,217,310

nizjain@gmail.com sudhir@svam.com

msachdev@novuspros.com nsjain2000@yahoo.com ruchiinfotechh@ruchigroup.com atul@nsysinc.com pawam.mahajan@bpomatrix.net

9,810,094,889 9,871,418,418

9,871,436,236 9,871,436,236 9,810,203,836

anil@nucleusdatarecovery.com sandeep@nucleustechnologies.com sn.sharma@nsengg.com poonam@nucleussoftware.com poonam@nucleussoftware.com

108,125 108,125 108,125 200,858 200,462

Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. Nucleus Software Exports Ltd. (unit II) Nutech Information Systems Pvt Ltd. NuWave eSolutions Pvt.Ltd.

B-11 A-39, B-12 A - 39, Sector - 62 201, 2nd Floor, JMD Regent Square 3rd Floor, DDA Buliding, District Center, B-1, 1st Floor, Arjun Nagar W-7 (D), Basement 879, 3rd Floor, Udyog Vihar 94 Old Ishwar, Nagar, Lower Ground Floor, 1st Floor at A-42 A - 42, Sector - 63 Plot No. 109, Block - B, Sector V, 232 A, Okhla Indl. Estate, B-1/H-2, First Floor, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate STP Complex A-207, Right Basement 795, Udyog Vihar STPI complex, Mangal Bhawan 313, Udyog Vihar Plot No. 884 512, Phase- V, IInd Floor, Paras Downtown Centre, C-56/14, Institutional Area 3rd Floor, B-Block, Enkay Towers, No.8, Ring Road Software Technology Park 216 A/13, Gautam Nagar,

Sector-59 Sector-62 Sector-59

Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon

DLF Phase-II, MG Road

Nehru Place Near Green Park Extn. Greater Kailash, Part-II Phase-V, Near Shambu Dayal Park Sector-63 Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, Phase - III Mathura Road Near Gomti Barrage, Gomti Nagar Defence Colony Phase-V Neheru Nagar East Phase - IV Phase-V, Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar Near DLF Golf Course, Sector-53 Sector-62 Vanijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar, Phase-5, Lajpat Nagar - IV Gomti Nagar

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi LUCKNOW New Delhi Gurgaon Bhiali Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon New Delhi Lucknow New Delhi

108,230 108,541 108,315 201,125 201,103 200,794 200,794 201,084 108,658 200,275 200,270 200,188 200,188 200,566 200,477 200,226 109,271 200,915 102,012 200,916 108,096 200,086 200,763 Oasis Software (P) Ltd. Obgenix Software Pvt. Ltd. Objective Systems Integrators India Pvt. Ltd. Ohio Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd. Okaya Infocom Pvt. Ltd. Okaya Infocom Pvt. Ltd. OKS Span Tech (P) Ltd. (Unit - II) OKS-Span Tech Pvt. Ltd. Olive e-Business Pvt. Ltd. OM Solutions OM Tat Sat Solutions Pvt. Ltd. OM Tat Sat Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Omega ITES Solutions Omniglobe Information Technologies(india) Pvt. Ltd. Onkar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. (Unit-II) Open Software Technology (India) Ltd. Open Solutions Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Open Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. Opera Solutions Management Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Optech Solution (P) Ltd. OptelSoft Systems Optimal Designs

Optimal Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 201,065 Optimatech Consultants (P) Ltd. 201,076 109,412 200,829 200,829 201,052 109,044 Optimum InfoSolutions Pvt. Ltd. Orion NSF Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Orion NSF Technologies Pvt. Ltd. OSC Export Services (P) Ltd. OSCO International

Plot No. 1, Second Floor, 103, First Floor, Tower-B Unitech Cyber Park, First Floor, Capital Trust House 2250 sq.ft. at 90, 1st Floor 90, First Floor, Udyog Vihar, 3rd and 4th Floor, Vatika Towers 29/5, South Tukoganj, Street-1 ECS Design Center, 2nd Floor Time Square Bldg.,

Garg Trade Centre,

New Delhi

Sector - 39, 47,community Centre, New Friends Colony Udyog Vihar, Phase-I Phase - I Block - B, DLF Golf Course Road, Sec 54,

Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Indore

Osram India Pvt.LTD. 109,344

B- Block, Sushant Lok-1


201,301 201,301 201,307 122,001

110,019 110,029 110,048 122,002 110,020 201,303 201,303

110,020 110,044 226,005 110,024 490,020 122,016

B-12, Sector-59 B-12, Sector-59 B-12, Sector-59 33-35, Thyag Raj Nagar, Market J - 7/107, Rajouri Garden 3rd Floor, DDA Buliding, District Center, B-1, 1st Floor, Arjun Nagar W-7 (D), Basement SRIT House, 113/1B, ITPL Main Road Magnum Building, 94 Old Ishwar, Nagar, D - 7, Udyog Nagar, D - 7, Udyog Nagar, 220 Okhla Industrial Estate, 232 A, Okhla Indl. Estate, C-649, New Friends Colony 50 - A, B-184, Ist Floor B-184, Ist Floor Shop No. - 515, B Market E - 11, Rajouri Garden Plot No. 884 512, Phase- V, 6/12 Primrose Road, 33/11, Old Rajinder Nagar, A-16/9, Vasant Vihar No.8, Ring Road Software Technology Park 216 A/13, Gautam Nagar, Plot No. 1, Sector Floor, Garg Trade Centre, D - 2, Mariner Block, Vanenburg IT Park, Plot No. - 17, First Floor, Capital Trust House C - 6/61, Safdarjung Development Area, C - 6/61, Safdarjung Development Area, H 9, Hauz Khas 29/5, South Tukoganj, Street-1 ECS Design Center, 2nd Floor Time Square Bldg.,

Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi

110,003 110,027

Poonam Bhasin Poonam Bhasin Poonam Bhasin Poonam Bhasin I. K. Bhargava

2,403,961 2,403,961 2,403,961 91-120-2403961 011-23967304

Nehru Place Near Green Park Extn. Greater Kailash, Part-II Kundalahalli Near Shambu Dayal Park Main Rohtak Road Main Rohtak Road Phase - III Phase - III

New Delhi 110,019 New Delhi New Delhi Bangalore New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,029 110,048

Manish Kumar Shalabh Kumar Gagan Mehta Sreekanth S. Mallia Rajiv Sharma Rajesh Malhotra Rajesh Malhotra Bharat Bhusan Shalini Gupta Bharat Maurya Nitin Tripathi Hemant Madan Hemant Madan Anwar Ali Chishty Capt. Shivinder Ba Kamalpreet Singh R. S. Gupta Anup Haldar M.S. Chandel Swati Gupta Rohit V.k.agarwal Ulka A Ghate

011-26429083 011-26185109, 267115 011-51636305,5163790 0124-3010900 011-26851340 0120-4265285 0120-4265285

110,020 110,041 110,041 110,020 110,020 110,065 226,005 110,024 110,024 490,006 110,027

011-26931613, 269347 011-26991100 2,470,696 51,591,574 51,591,574 0788-5040330 0124-5106664 011-23358133 0124-2345223, 501230 0124-4588126 0120-2401506-510 011-26145222

Krishna Nagar Lajpat Nagar-I Lajpat Nagar-I Sector - 6

Lucknow New Delhi New Delhi Bhilai New Delhi

122,016 122,002 201,304 122,016 110,024

Phase-V, Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon Gurgaon Bangalore New Delhi New Delhi

122,016 560,025 110,060 110,057 110,024

Lajpat Nagar - IV Gomti Nagar

New Delhi Lucknow New Delhi




Sector-11, Rohini

New Delhi 110,085

Priyank Batra



Software Units, Madhapur, 47,community Centre, New Friends Colony

Hydrabad 500,081 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Indore 110,065 110,016 110,016 110,016 452,001

R. K. Malik Neeraj Goel Puneet Mangla Puneet Mangla Wayne Phillips Jayesh Patel 011-51628471, 51628474 0124-2439777 0124-2439777 9.11244E+11 0731-2527133

122,001 110,065 122,016 122,016 122,002 452,001

B- Block, Sushant Lok-1

Gurgaon 122,002

Jayakrishnan A. P.



9,810,601,755 9,899,252,453

poonam@nucleussoftware.com poonam@nucleussoftware.com poonam@nucleussoftware.com poonam@nucleussoftware.com

manish.kumar@nepl.co.in 9,811,677,445 9,811,078,191 9,811,074,684 9,958,211,666 9,891,265,501 9,313,863,710 9,313,863,710 9,911,004,513 011-31079400 9,818,240,271 shalinig@oksgroup.com bharat@oliveglobal.com nitin@reallyics.com 9,811,809,230 9,811,809,230 9,302,832,537 9,811,153,593 hemant@otssolutions.net hemant@otssolutions.net jak27@rediffmail.com shivinder@omniglobeinternational.com navreet@journeybazaar.com rsgupta@open-soft.net anup.halder@opensolutions.com mchandel@opentechindia.com sgupta2@operasolutions.com Info@oasis-mediscript.com gmehta@vsnl.com sreekanth@renaissance-it.com rsharma@smartsolutionsonline.com rmalhotra@okayainfo.com rmalhotra@okayainfo.com

9,818,440,483 9,873,277,475 9,868,224,367 9,871,694,417 9,810,463,680



pbatra@otpl.com.au 9,212,199,669

8471, 51628474 9,810,082,170 9,810,082,170 9,818,588,994

neeraj@theoptimum.net puneet_mangla@orionfashion.com puneet_mangla@orionfashion.com Wayne.phillips@oscest.com mail@osconet.com


Osram India Pvt.LTD. 109,344 200,934 200,932 200,933 200,533 200,533 200,034 OTC Software Private Ltd. OTC Software Pvt. Ltd. OTC Software Pvt. Ltd. Outline Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Outline Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Outsource Methods (India) Pvt. Ltd. Outsource Partners International Private Limited 201,145 200,290 200,290 200,290 200,290 201,070 200,121 Outworks Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Outworks Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Outworks Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Outworks Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Overseas Outsource Solutions (P) Ltd. Oxford Softech Pvt.Ltd. Ozo Management Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,876 109,024 109,024 200,191 200,191 200,772 109,346 200,774 201,042 200,171 P.I. Softek Ltd.(Noida) P.I. Softek Ltd.(Noida) Pacific Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Pacific Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Page Traffic Web Tech Pvt. Ltd. Pagepoint Services (India) Ltd. Pan Business Lists Pvt. Ltd. Pangeaneering Services Paradigm Sourcing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Paragon IT Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,686 108,989 109,395 109,395 109,395 200,579 200,683 108,703 109,061 109,061 109,061 Param Industries Ltd. Paras Calltec Ltd. Paras Calltec Ltd. Paras Calltec Ltd. Parrus IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Parsec Interact Inc. Parsec Technologies Ltd. Patni Computer Systems Ltd(Noida) Patni Computer Systems Ltd(Noida) Patni Computer Systems Ltd(Noida)

2nd Floor, Times Square Building G-17, Ground Floor, G-17, Ground Floor, G-17, Ground Floor, Lower Gr. Floor, Plot No. 113, Institutional Area Suit No. - 24, U and I Corporate Center 307, Block-iv, Stp

Sushant Lok, Phase-I, B- Block Sec-3 Sec-3 Sec-3 Sector-44 47, chelon, Sector - 32 Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector-29

Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida

16th Floor, Unitech Cyber Park, TowerSector-39 C A-57 Basement and Ground Floor, Logix Park A4 Sector 16 Room No. BCN 5-6 and 16, Logix Techno Park Basement and Grd Floor, Ist, IInd, terrace Floor Payal Commercial Complex, 77-B, IFFCO Road OZO Tower Plot No. 71 - A, Udyog Vihar B-4, Sector-59 C-56A/28, Ground Floor D-92, 1st Floor D-92, Sector-63 E - 47/7, Second Floor, Sector-16

Gurgaon Noida Noida

Ground Floor, Sector-127 Plot H - 195, Sector - 63 III Floor, Right Hand Side, Sector - 14, Sector-18

Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi

Sector-62 Sector-63 Basement and Ground Floor Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - II,

E - 31, Sector - 8 W-31, Ist Floor, 131-140, Ansal Chambers-I Sector-11 Bhikaji Cama Place

Noida Noida New Delhi

Third Floor, Bhaskar Bhawan, Behind - South Extension - 1, Kotla H - 58-59 Mubarakpur 101, Mahakosh House 9th Floor (3510sq.ft), Paras Downtown Centre Paras DownTown Centre 8th Floor, Paras Down Town Centre A 4-5, Sector - 16 Basement, Ground Floor, 1st Floor, 3rd-4th Floor 348, Udyog Vihar, A- 4/5 3rd FLoor Logix Park. A-39/40 3rd Floor, A-100, Sector-58 7/5, South Tukoganj, Nath Mandir Road Sector Road, Sector-53 8th Floor, Sector-53, Sector Road Sector Road, Sector-53

New Delhi Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida

Plot No. - 105, Sector-44 Phase- I I, Sector -16 Sector-16, Logix Park

Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida

122,002 201,301 201,301 201,301

ECS Design Center, 2nd Floor Time Square Bldg., A-70, Shankar Garden A-70, Shankar Garden A-70, Shankar Garden W - 73, G. K. Part - 1 W - 73, G. K. Part - 1

B- Block, Sushant Lok-1 Opposite Vikas Puri A Block Opposite Vikas Puri A Block Opposite Vikas Puri A Block

Gurgaon 122,002 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,018 110,018 110,018 110,048 110,048 201,301

Jayakrishnan A. P. Niraj Kumar Niraj Kumar Niraj Kumar Sunit Bansal Sunit Bansal Nitin Gupta


0124-6522788 0124-6522788 4,452,660 080-66207777 95-120-2585261 95-120-2585261 95-120-2585261 95-120-2585261


307, Block-iv, Stp Salarpuria Hallmark, Ground Floor, A block

Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector-29 15/3, 16 Kadubeesanahalli, Outer Ring Road Gara Road Gara Road Gara Road Gara Road Civil Lines Vasant Vihar


Bangalore 560,087 Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Jalandhar Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Delhi 201,307 201,307 144,001 144,001 144,001 144,001 208,001

Suryaprakash Kuky Rajesh Jain Rajesh Jain Rajesh Jain Rajesh Jain Aman Saluja Naresh Kumar Anil Varma Kapil Saraswat Kapil Saraswat Vivek Gaur Vivek Gaur Navneet Kaushal K.N. Agarwal Dhiraj Kumar Sati Jobi Paul Sunil Goel

122,037 201,301 46, Dashmesh Nagar Market 46, Dashmesh Nagar Market 46, Dashmesh Nagar Market 46, Dashmesh Nagar Market 14m Ratan Mahal, 15/197 A-6/3 4D Local Shopping Center, A Block Ring Road Naraina B-4, Sector-59 B-4, Sector-59 D-92, Sector-63 D-92, Sector-63 E - 47/7, Second Floor, M-7, Commercial Complex, A - 37, East of Kailash 206, Laxmi Bhawan 131-140, Ansal Chambers-I Third Floor, Bhaskar Bhawan, Behind - H 58-59 101, Mahakosh House First India Place, 1st Floor, Tower-B First India Place, 1st Floor, Tower-B First India Place, 1st Floor, Tower-B 40-41, Community Centre 348, Udyog Vihar, Phase - II 348, Udyog Vihar, A-39/40 A-39/40 A-39/40

201,301 201,301

122,001 201,307 201,301

Basement and Ground Floor Basement and Ground Floor Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II, Greater Kailash-II,

0120-2582594 0120-2582594 4329901-04 4329901-04 011-55287444 91-6681272,6687273 0120-26222235 0120-4233135 91-26188970


110,020 110,048 110,065 110,019 110,066

201,301 201,301 110,066

72 Nehru Place Bhikaji Cama Place South Extension - 1, Kotla Mubarakpur 7/5, South Tukoganj, Nath Mandir Road A-Block, Sushant Block, M. G. Road A-Block, Sushant Block, M. G. Road A-Block, Sushant Block, M. G. Road New Friends Colony

New Delhi New Delhi

New Delhi 110,049 Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon 122,006 122,016 201,301 201,301 201,301 452,001 122,002 122,002 122,002

Navin Pandey Nirmal Iyengar K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal K. N. Agarwal Manish Bindal Ashwani Dewan Ashwini dewan O. P. Kalra O. P. Kalra O. P. Kalra

011-51647632 0731-5068901-903 011-26681272, 266872 011-26681272, 266872 011-26681272, 266872 0120-2511242, 2511214 0124-2349907-09 0124-2349909 0120-2516880-83 0120-2516880-83 0120-2516880-83

110,049 452,001 122,002 122,002 122,002 201,301 122,016 122,016 201,301 201,301

Phase- I I, Sector-16 Sector-16 Sector-16

Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida


9,811,760,908 9,811,760,908

sunit@outlinesys.com sunit@outlinesys.com

skukyan@opiglobal.com 984,559,898 9,811,138,335 9,811,138,335 9,811,138,335 9,811,138,335 9,910,088,611 9,891,466,600 avarma1971@rediffmail.com 9,910,896,844 skapil@pisoftek.com skapil@pisoftek.com vivek@pacific.co.in vivek@pacific.co.in navneet@pagetraffic.com rajesh.jain@outworx.com rajesh.jain@outworx.com rajesh.jain@outworx.com rajesh.jain@outworx.com asaluja@awi.li

9,810,065,318 9,810,065,318 9,810,178,155

9,810,077,159 9,818,899,821

dksati@panbusiness.de jobi.paul@pangeaneering.com udaysingh@paradigmsourcing.com

info@paragoninfotech.com 9,891,364,100 ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 9,811,226,906 kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com kn_co@rediffmail.com sowinder@parrus-it.com

1242, 2511214

9,810,350,527 op.kalra@patni.com op.kalra@patni.com op.kalra@patni.com

200,824 200,035 200,035 200,035 200,035 200,035 200,406 201,087 200,153 200,287 108,931 200,125 109,358 200,031 200,031 108,092 108,092 108,092 108,092 108,092 201,082 200,542 200,368

Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Gurgaon) Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Unit2) Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Unit2) Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Unit2) Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Unit2) Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Unit2) Paxcel Technologies (P) Ltd. PBC Software Penta Software Pvt. Ltd. Penta Software Pvt. Ltd. (Gurgaon) Perfect Softech (P) Ltd. Perfexa Solutions Private Limited Performance Direct Software Limited Perot Systems TSI (India) Limited Perot Systems TSI (India) Limited Perot Systems TSI (India) Limited (Unit1) Perot Systems TSI (India) Limited (Unit1) Perot Systems TSI (India) Limited (Unit1) Perot Systems TSI (India) Limited (Unit1) Perot Systems TSI (India) Limited (Unit1) Perot Systems TSI (India) Ltd. (Unit III) Perot Systems TSI (India) Ltd.(UnitII) Pinnacle Business Process Outsourcing City Pvt. Ltd. Pinnacle e-Services India Pvt. Ltd.

Sixth Floor, Tower B, Building No. 8, 1st Floor, A-100 2nd Floor at A-100 Basement ground first and second floor Basement, Gr. Floor, A-100 C-28, 64, Hatron Complex 1A, First Floor, 21-22, E-22, 3rd Floor 242-243, Udyog Vihar 1512 A, Chiranjiv Tower 1st Floor, Tower-A N-1, South Extension Part - 1 Plot No.3 B-28/29 Tower - I and II, Plot No. - 3 A10-11 A - 14 B - 31 B - 28 Techboulvard, Tower - B, 6th Floor, Tower - III. Plot No. - 3 33, Second Floor A-43/19, Madhu Vihar Market, IP Extension First Floor , plot no 23 , sector 18 879, Udyog Vihar, A-36, Ground floor U and I Corporate Centre Suit No.-301(TF), 2-6 GF A-152, Sector-63 306, Pratap Chambers Plot-249, Phase - I V B-37, Sector-1 A-1B C-16, Basement D-3 and 4, 1st Floor

DLF Cyber City, Sector-58 Sector-58 at A-100 Sector-58 Sector-58 Sector-58 Electronics City, Sector18 Nehru Place HAUZ KHAS Phase-IV 43 Nehru Place Unitech Business Park, South City-1

Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi

Sector - 125 Sector - 57 Sector-125 Sector-3 Sector - 57 Sector - 57 Sector - 57 Plot No. - 6, Sector - 127, Sector - 125 Sector-18, HSIDC

NOIDA Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon

Patparganj Udyog Vihar Phase-V MCIE, Mathura Road 47, Echelon, Sector-32

Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Noida

200,647 200,495 200,736 200,241 200,491 201,182 108,207 109,363 108,496 200,352 200,352 200,581 Pipal Research Analytics & Info Services (I) P Ltd Pivo Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Planet Outsourcing Parks Pvt.Ltd. Platform One India (Pvt) Ltd. Plus Four Six Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Polar Software Ltd. Polaris Software Lab Ltd.(Gurgaon) Polyplex Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Ponnezhan Equity Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. Ponnezhan Equity Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. Porteck India Infoservices Pvt. Ltd.

Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh Udyog Vihar Gautam Budh Nagar Sector-16 Sector-56 Sector-10

New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida

122,001 201,301 201,301

S - 1 A, F - 1, Irani Market Compound C-28, C-28, C-28, C-28, C-28, A-33, Shivam Appartment 25 Community Center J-10 J-10 1512 A, Chiranjiv Tower 1st Floor, Tower-A N-1, South Extension Part - 1 B-28/29 B-28/29 Tower - I and II, Plot No. - 3 Tower - I and II, Plot No. - 3 Tower - I and II, Plot No. - 3 Tower - I and II, Plot No. - 3 Tower - I and II, Plot No. - 3 103, Ashoka Estate, 103, Ashoka Estate

Yerwada Sector-58 Sector-58 Sector-58 Sector-58 Sector-58 D - Block, Vikas Puri East of kailash Green Park Main Green Park Main 43 Nehru Place Unitech Business Park, South City-1

Pune Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi


O. P. Kalra Vivek tayal Vivek tayal Vivek tayal Vivek tayal Vivek tayal

91120-2516880/1/2/3 0120-3063004 0120-3063004 0120-3063004 0120-3063004 0120-3063004 0124-5053789, 505379 011-46525011 011-26863897 91-2686 3897 011-26432388, 264630 0124-5097700 011-24653774 0120-2432750-764 0120-2432750-764 0120-2432750-64 0120-2432750-64 0120-2432750-64 0120-2432750-64 0120-2432750-64 080-28413000 0120-2432750

110,018 110,065 110,016 110,016 110,019 122,001 110,049 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,001 110,001 110,017

Punit Sindhwani Roopali Shahaney Naresh Kumar Kha Naresh Kumar Kha T. N. Chaturvedi Pradeep Mehta Rajesh Ambwani Ajay diwan Ajay diwan Ajay Diwan Ajay Diwan Ajay Diwan Ajay Diwan Ajay Diwan Suresh Ramachan P. C. Gupta Ajit Sinha

110,019 110,016 122,015 110,019 122,001 110,049 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301

Sector - 57 Sector - 57 Sector-125 Sector-125 Sector-125 Sector-125 Sector-125 Barakhamba Road, Barakhamba Road East of Kailash

Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi


F-83 A-43/19, Madhu Vihar Market, IP Extension

Patparganj 276, Capt. Gaur Marg, Sriniwaspuri

Delhi 110,092 New Delhi New Delhi 110,065 110,068 110,021 122,002 110,017 110,005 122,001 201,301 110,092 110,092 110,048

kapil Rastogi Kanchan taneja Sudhir Goyal K.P. Singh Shamal Nagia Vijay Pal Singh Manoj Kumar Gupt J. P. Gaur Deepak Kapoor Sunil Kr.Gupta Sunil Kr.Gupta Dewan Singh Dardi 91-120-5337910 011-41802041 011-32593331, 324564 011-26950330-32 0124-5067080 011-4227606 011-25785720 0124-2399561 0120-4014406, 407, 408

110,092 3rd Floor, Piccadily House 131, Street 1, Neb Sarai C-117, SF A-55, Belvedere Park 201,307 110,005 122,001 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 M-55 B, Ground Floor 306, Pratap Chambers Plot-249, Phase - I V B-37, Sector-1 4F Neethi Apartments 4F Neethi Apartments Flat No. 12, IInd floor,

122,016 110,044

Anand Niketan DLF, Phase-III Malviya Nagar Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh Udyog Vihar Gautam Budh Nagar 84, I.P.Extension 84, I.P.Extension GK Part-II

New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Patparganj Patparganj New Delhi

op.kalra@patni.com 9,910,349,289 9,910,349,289 9,910,349,289 9,910,349,289 9,910,349,289 9,891,139,066 9,811,046,032 vivek.tayal@patni.com vivek.tayal@patni.com vivek.tayal@patni.com vivek.tayal@patni.com vivek.tayal@patni.com punit@paxcel.net roopali@pbcnet.com nkk48@india.com nkk48@india.com 9,811,065,456 chaturvedi-delhi@mantraonline.com pmehta@perfexa.com performance@vsnl.net 9,810,233,597 9,810,233,597 9,810,233,597 9,810,233,597 9,810,233,597 9,810,233,597 9,810,233,597 9,901,988,044 ajay.diwan@pstsi.com ajay.diwan@pstsi.com ajay.diwan@pstsi.com ajay.diwan@pstsi.com ajay.diwan@pstsi.com ajay.diwan@pstsi.com ajay.diwan@pstsi.com suresh.ramachandra@ps.net



9,810,162,742 9,899,864,439 9,811,170,834 9,810,401,559 9,818,669,991 9,311,111,333 manoj@signdomains.com 9,811,015,757 janardhan.gaur@polaris.co.in dkapoor@polyplex.com 9,811,294,004 9,811,294,004 9,899,852,367 hnanda@porteck.com kanchan.taneja@pipalresearch.com pivotech@gmail.com singh_kp@hotmail.com snagia@platformone.com

4406, 407, 408


Porteck India Infoservices Pvt. Ltd.

D-179, Sector-63 305, Block 4 Ganga Software Technology Complex, C - 116, Okhla Industrial Area 20-21, Press Complex,1st Floor 67, Friends Colony West 78-79, Dsidc, 725, Udyog Vihar, Basement, 1st Floor, Basement, 1st Floor, Plot No. 751, RZ-A1/49 Mahavir Enclave, Enkay Square, 5 and 6 Floor, 448 A Third Floor, Tower B 18-19, Aggarwal Chambers, Veer Savarkar Block 8th KM., Faizabad Road, Senior Plaza,160- A, Gautam Nagar, 2nd Floor, DLF Infinity Tower-A B - 149, Basement 806 B, Signature Tower S - 466, G. K. - II B - 49, 2nd Floor, 205, JMD Pacific Square 214, JMD Pacific Square Wazirpur Indl. Area, Phase - V Plot No. 751, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V 1st Floor,


Potion Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. 200,695 200,514 109,321 200,216 108,754 200,735 201,130 201,118 201,154 Power Tech Solutions PRAN INFOTECH PVT. LTD. PRASHANT P. SAHNI Presla Systems Analysts Pvt. Ltd. Prime Infotech (A unit of Prime Consultants Pvt. Ltd.) Primus Telecommunication (I) Pvt. Ltd. Primus Telecommunication India Pvt. Ltd. Pristine Consulting

Sector - 29 Phase - 1 Behind Dainik Bhaskar, A. B. Road

Noida New Delhi Indore New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi

Prodigii ECall (P) Ltd. 201,071 200,835 200,000 108,337 108,237 108,237 200,538 200,539 100,048 201,020 200,521 200,521 Progeon Ltd. Progressive Intelligence Private Limited Prologix Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Prometric Testing Pvt. Ltd. Prometric Testing Pvt. Ltd. Pronto I Services Pvt. Ltd. Prophecy Technologies Prosoft Inc. Prosoft Services (I) Pvt. Ltd. Protel Infoserve Pvt Ltd Protel Infoserve Pvt Ltd Prothious Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. 201,142 200,929 201,193 200,450 108,849 200,120 200,351 200,351 200,847 200,382 201,192 200,869 100,055 Prudent IT Services Pvt. Ltd. PT Puretesting Software Pvt. Ltd. Purethought Technologies Pyramid IT Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Q2A Media Services Pvt. Ltd. QA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. QA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. QA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. (Unit - II) QAI (India) Limited QCI Technologies Private Limited QL2 Software (India) Pvt. Ltd. Qserv communication Pvt. Ltd.

Udyog Vihar, Phase - V The Presidency, 351/2, MG Road Main Vikas Marg Ismailganj Yusuf Sarai, Behind Indian Oil Bldg., Sector-25, Phase-II, DLF City Sector - 10

Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Lucknow New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon New Delhi Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon

Sector - 59, 32 Mile Stone, N. H - 8, Delhi Jaipur Road 32 Milestone, NH-8, DelhiJaipur Road

89, Amrit Puri, East of Kailash 612, Suneja Tower-2 A-108 B, Sector-58 822, Vikas Deep Building D-26, Sector-63 B-116, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA Basement, B-8 Block - B, Plot - 8, 1st and 2nd Floor A - 19, Sector - 59 1006-09, Ansal Towers D-69, Sector-26 SCO, 5 , 6 and 7, Second Floor, Laxmi Nagar, District Centre PHASE-1 Sector-59 Sector - 59 District Centre, Janakpuri

New Delhi Delhi Noida Delhi Noida New Delhi Noida Noida Noida 38, Nehru Place New Delhi Noida Gurgaon

Sector - 15, Part - II, HUDA


Flat No. 12, IInd floor, A - 3, Cel Apartments B - 14, Vasundhara Enclave, C - 116, Okhla Industrial Area 20-21, Press Complex,1st Floor 67, Friends Colony West 78-79, Dsidc, 228, M G Road

GK Part-II

New Delhi


Dewan Singh Dardi


Delhi 110,096 Phase - 1 Behind Dainik Bhaskar, A. B. Road New Delhi Indore New Delhi Wazirpur Indl. Area, New Dehli Lucknow New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,045 110,020 452,001 110,065 110,052 206,002

Rohit Nath Deepak Kapoor Manish Saxena Prashant P. Sahni Rajive Kumar Jain Vinay Krishna Ragini Lal Mr. Sandeep Singh Amit Wadhwa

0120-4322288-89 011-26817912-13 0731-3094333 91-11-51001962 91-7430807, 7432289 0522-2280486, 228048 0124-4234479

201,303 110,020 452,001 110,065 110,052


122,002 122,001 110,092 226,016 110,049 122,002 201,301 122,001 110,065 201,303

84E, C-6 Lane, Sainki Farm 84E, C-6 Lane, Sainik Farm 1st Floor, RZ-A1/49 Mahavir Enclave, B - 1/144, 3rd Floor, New Kondli Market, Mayur Vihar - III Electronic City, Hosur Road No. 26/3, 26/4 and 26/6 B-18, Swasthya Vihar Vikas Marg 8th KM., Faizabad Road, Senior Plaza,160- A, Gautam Nagar, Senior Plaza,160- A, Gautam Nagar, 44, Malcha marg 806 B, Signature Tower S - 466, G. K. - II 309, Kale Ram Chamber, 613, Laxmideep Building 613, Laxmideep Building C-07, EEC House, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Dalia Ind. Estate, 100, 1st Floor, Anand Vihar 405, Chiranjiv Tower, 43, Nehru Place 822, Vikas Deep Building 325, Tarun Enclave, B-116, OKHLA INDUSTRIAL AREA R-489, New Rajinder Nagar R-489, New Rajinder Nagar R - 489, New Rajinder Nagar, 1013-14A, Ansal Towers DU 101, Pitampura SCO, 5 , 6 and 7, Second Floor, 1612,Sector-28 Ismailganj Yusuf Sarai, Behind Indian Oil Bldg., Yusuf Sarai, Behind Indian Oil Bldg.,

Delhi 110,096 Bangalore New Dehli Lucknow New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi 560,100 110,092 226,016 110,049 110,049

Prakash Srivastava Suniel Virmaani B B Ahuja Vishnu Agarwal Deepak Gupta Deepak Gupta Gaurav Agarwal Ritika Rajeev Kachhal Rajeev Gupta Ritesh Srivastava Ritesh Srivastava 91 - 224 1842, 224 2692 0522-2721387 011-26531324 011-26531324 0120-2442056-57 0124-5072396

122,001 110,065 112,292

2, East Guru Angad Nagar Laxmi Nagar District Center Laxmi Nagar District Center Behind Kuber Bldg., Andheri Link Road, Andheri West Pitampura

0120-4044877 0124-5072260-62 0124-5072260-62

Mumbai 400,053 Delhi New Delhi 110,034 110,019 110,092 110,034 110,020 110,060 110,060 110,060 110,019 110,088 122,001 121,008

Vishvendra Rajeev SIngla Mr. Abhijay Singh Tarun Jain Rajesh Kumar Ritu Kalra Mukesh Sharma Mukesh Sharma Mukesh Sharma Rajat Bhargava Amit Kumar Verma P M Thomas NullPl.Enter 011-41579557 C0120-4621010 011-55793424 0120-4343500 011-41406880-81 95-120-3943157 95-120-3943157 91-120-3943157 26,219,792 0120-4224704 0124-4270447 9,811,161,056

110,065 110,058 201,301 110,092

Laxmi Nagar, District Centre Pitam Pura PHASE-1

Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi


201,301 201,301 110,019

38, Nehru Place

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Haryana


Sector - 15, Part - II, HUDA Faridabad



rohit.nath@gmail.com 9,810,303,522 9,810,060,292 dk@neptuneindia.com manishsaxena@solvcentral.com 9,810,401,967 prashantsahni@hotmail.com

9,335,904,139 9,811,099,448 9,911,529,729 9,999,030,745

vinayk@sancharnet.in rlal@primustel.com


842, 224 2692 9,839,016,846 vishnu@prologixsoft.com deepak.gupta@thomson.com deepak.gupta@thomson.com vikas@iservices.co.in dalg@prophecytech.com



vish@prothious.com 9,810,042,119 9,810,194,929 9,810,689,892 9,811,863,998 9,818,014,163 9,871,088,223 rsingla@prudent.in abhijay.singh@puretesting.com tarunjain79@yahoo.co.in rajesh.kumar@pyramidconsultinginc.co Rituk@q2aindia.com mukesh@qainfotech.net mukesh@qainfotech.net 9,891,644,419 mukesh@gainfotech.net rajatb@qaiindia.com 9,873,944,330 9,810,115,974 amit@quancomm.net thomas689@bol.net.in

200,883 200,942 200,943 108,717 108,717 201,137 200,918 200,978 200,725 201,127 201,060 200,979 200,950 200,115 200,115 200,662 109,392 102,002 102,002 200,798 200,964 109,319 108,206 200,981 100,063 200,953 201,083 200,821 200,994 108,063 108,063 200,746 201,134 200,374 109,275

QSGI Technology Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd. Quadlabs Technologies (P) Ltd. Quadlabs Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Quadrant Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Quadrant Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Qualtech Solutions Private Limited Quantum Coders Limited Quatrro Analytics and Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Quatrro BPO Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Quatrro Finance & Accounting Solutions Private Limited Quatrro Legal Solutions (P) Ltd. Quatrro Mortgage Solutions Private Limited Quest Venture Coordinators Pvt. Ltd. R Systems International Ltd. (Tech Support & BPO) R Systems International Ltd. (Tech Support & BPO) R Systems International Ltd. (unit III) R.B.Solutions R.Systems International Ltd. R.Systems International Ltd. Rahuketu Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Rajratan Infosolutions Limited Ramsa Enterprises Ramtech Corporation Ramtech Software Solutions Private Limited Ramtech Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Rangoli Exim (P) Ltd. Rapid Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Rategain IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. RBS India Development Centre (P) Ltd.(Unit-II) RBS India Development Centre Pvt. Ltd. RBS India Development Centre Pvt. Ltd. Receivable Management Services India Pvt. Ltd. Recover Data Reena BPO Technologies (P) Ltd. Regal Information Technology Pvt. Ltd. Rekha Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

1002 & 1004, 10th Floor, Shopping Complex A-51, D-215, Plot No-27, Sector-18 Basement, Plot No. 27, Electronics City, Sector-18 F-16, Third Floor 501-503, 508, Plot No. 1 Plot No. 267, 3rd Floor, 267, Udyog Vihar, Phase - II Plot No. 267, 5th Floor, Left Bay, Udyog Vihar Plot No. 267, 5th floor, Right Bay, Udyog Vihar Plot No. 267, 4th Floor, Right Bay 804-808, 8th floor,Tower B,Global Business Parks C-40 2nd Floor at C-40, C - 1, Sector -59, 220, 1st Floor First Floor (Mezzanine) C-40 64, Kosabadi 6th, 7th, Floor, Ratan Esquire, 14/138 M-75, D - 4, Okhla Industrial Area Plot No. 23, IT Park, D-4, Ist Floor D - 49, Sector 63, SCO 84-85, IInd Floor B - 15 Lower,Middle,Upper Bsmnt,Gr8th,Terrace Floor, Unitech Business Park 3rd 4th 5th Floor Unitech Business Park 31 A, Sector-18 RZ 223, C/10 GF KH No. 64/17 4262/3, Ansari Road 159, Okhla Industrial Estate

DLF Galleria, DLF PhaseIV Sector-8 Sector-63 Electronic City, Udyog Vihar

Gurgaon Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon

Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I DDA Building, Dist. Centre Janakpuri Udyog Vihar, Phase-II

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

Phase-II Phase - II, Udyog Vihar, Phase-II M. G. Road, Sector-59 Sector-59,

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida

Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase III C-40, Sector-59 Sector-59 Chunniganj Greater Kailash Part- II Phase I

New Delhi Noida Noida Korba Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun

Okhla Industrial Area,phase-1

New Delhi Noida

Sector-16 Sector - 57 Building No. 7B, DLF Cyber City ,Phase - II, Block-F, South City-1, Sector-41 F Block Sector 41 South City I

Faridabad Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

Raj Nagar I, Palam Colony, Palam, Office No. 206, Daryaganj Phase - III

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

IInd Floor at SCF 30 P

Sector - 16 A



201,301 122,015

E-529, Greater Kailash-II 15, Rajmahal Apartments, 15, Rajmahal Apartments, Plot No-27, Sector-18 Plot No-27, Sector-18

New Delhi 43, Rajpur Road, Civil Lines 43, Rajpur Road, Civil Lines Electronic City, Udyog Vihar Electronic City, Udyog Vihar Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I DDA Building, District Centre Janakpuri, Vasant Vihar Delhi Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Sector-59 Sector-59 Noida Noida New Delhi Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase - III Sector-59 Sector-59 14/138, Chunniganj Greater Kailash Part- II Phase I Miller Ganj, Okhla Industrial Area,phase-1 K G Marg, 26, K. G. Marg New Delhi Noida Noida Korba Kanpur New Delhi New Delhi Ludhiana New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Nehru Place 64-65, Nehru Place Phase - III New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,048 110,054 110,054 122,015 122,015 110,020 110,058 110,057 110,017 110,057 110,057 110,057 110,057 201,307 201,307 110,048 110,020 201,301 201,301 495,677 208,001 110,048 110,020 141,003 110,020 110,001 110,001 110,048 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,048 110,019 110,019 110,020

Alka Dhar Gaurav Chiripal Gaurav Chiripal Parveen Sharma Parveen Sharma Ashish Srivastava Rajiv Kohli Raj Kumar Raj Kumar Raj Kumar Raman Roy Rajkumar Kanwar K.S. Janwa Avirag Jain Avirag Jain Satinder Singh Rek Rajan Bhatia Brigade Chona Brigade Chona Rahul Singhal Sunil Khatri Rajni Chaugh Anil Khattar Rajneesh Sanwalka Manish Sanwalka Lokesh Jain Ajay Gupta Pradeep Kumar Ma Vivek Gambhir Rakesh Kumar Rakesh Kumar Anil Kumar Alok Gupta Naresh Kumar Gup Randhir Jain 011-26815840-42 2370 6277 / 6228 0124-4067878 95-120-4303500 95-120-4303500 0120 - 2588190, 0120 - 5303500 011-26836476 95-120-4303500 95-120-4303500 07759-221796 011-41829071 0124-4561000 95124-4561000 0124-4013646-47 0124-4013646-47 011-41601994, 416054 011-25507028

110,020 110,058 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,002 201,307

F-16, Third Floor 501-503,508, Plot No. 1 A-16/9 B-84, Second Floor Sarvodya Enclave A-16/9, Vasant Vihar A - 16/9 Vasant Vihar, A-16/9 Vasant Vihar F-10/1, Vasant Vihar, C-40 C-40

201,307 110,020 201,301 495,677 208,001 110,048 110,020

B - 104A, Greater Kailash Part - I, 220, 1st Floor C-40 C-40 64, Kosabadi 6th Floor, Ratan Esquire M-75, D - 4, Okhla Industrial Area Sanwalka Bhawan, G. T. Road, D-4, Ist Floor UGF - 7, Mercantile House, 707, Kailash Building M - 140, G K , Part II, Unitech Business Park, Block F, Unitech Business Park Unitech Business Park W - 73, Greater Kailash Part - I 407 Siddharth Building, 96 201, Harsh Bhawan 159, Okhla Industrial Estate 834, Veer Apartments Plot No. 28

011-29710515 011-26815840-42


121,003 201,301 122,002 122,001

0120-2587749 4,336,400 0124-2806400 0124-2806400 011-41634951 011-26219296 011-26425974 011-23418091

Sector - 41, South City Phase I, Block-F, South City phase-1, Sector-41 Block-F, South City phase-1, Sector-41

110,045 110,002 110,020

Sector - 13, Rohini

New Delhi 110,085

Vishal Chand Jain




9,811,077,981 9,811,077,981 9,312,959,772 9,899,333,283

pks@quadrantindia.com pks@quadrantindia.com ashish.srivastava@qualtech-consultants rajiv@qclnet.com sunil.gaur@quatrro.com

9,811,228,087 9,811,228,087 9,810,064,539 9,811,228,087

raj.siddharth@gmail.com raj.kumar@quatrro.com raman.roy@quatrro.com

qstvc@vsnl.com avirag.jain@rsystems.com avirag.jain@rsystems.com rsystems.india@india.rsystems.com rajai@vsnl.com vinay.chona@rsystems.com vinay.chona@rsystems.com rahul@rahuketu.co.in

88190, 0120 - 5303500 9,810,013,036 9,971,005,277 9,971,005,277 9,229,107,333

9,818,796,921 9,815,544,095 9,810,070,071 9,810,433,409 9,810,707,685


manish@ramtech-corp.com lokesh_jain@yahoo.com rpspvtltd@gmail.com Pkmaharaj@rategain.com vivek.gambhir@rbs.co.uk rakesh.kumar@churchill.com rakesh.kumar@churchill.com anil.kumar@rmsna.com support@recoverdatatools.com nkg75@rediffmail.com rjain_inc@indiatimes.com

9,818,540,604 9,810,001,039 9,810,001,039 9,810,005,704 9,810,198,881 9,811,114,641 9,313,749,037

darpanjain@rediffmail.com 9,811,679,010

200,222 108,111 108,511 108,019 108,019 200,293 108,267 200,384 108,545 200,988 200,093 200,140

Relsys (India) Pvt. Ltd. Renaissance Informatics Renasonic eSolutions Ltd. Reservation Data Maintenance(I) Pvt. Ltd. Reservation Data Maintenance(I) Pvt. Ltd. Resonance Technology Network Resorsys (I) Pvt. Ltd Reva Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Rico Softech Ltd. RightWave Infosolutions (P) Ltd. Ring India Infotech Pvt. Ltd. (Export Division) RJK Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Logix Park, II Floor 308, Block - I V, Ganga S/W Technology Complex 33, Sector-18 421 453-455, Udyog Vihar Wing No. 6/12/5 A-17/7, Qutub Enclave D-223, Pocket-C 38 K.M. Stone, Village Khandsa C - 75, Ist Floor, Sector - 63 Lower Basement and Basement Floor at 9 A-133, Okhla Industrial Area

Sector-16, Plot No. A-4 and 5 , Sector-29 H S I D C, Maruti Industrial Area Udyog Vihar, Phase - III Phase-III Prem Nagar D L F Phase- I Sidhartha Extension Delhi-Jaipur Highway,

Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Dehradun Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon Noida

Sant nagar Phase-II

New Delhi New Delhi

RJT Compusolutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,708 200,704 200,472 108,052 108,052 108,052 RLE India Pvt. Ltd. RMB Research Solutions Pvt Ltd RMSI Private Limited RMSI Private Limited RMSI Private Limited

736, Udyog Vihar, 2nd Floor at Tower - C Biulding 8, 205, Enkay Towers A-8 A-8, First Floor A-7 & 8 1105, Doon Express Business Park A-1/ E Ground Floor, B and B1, Enkay Towers 6th Floor, Enkay Tower, B and B1 2nd Floor B and B1 Enkay Towers Vanijya Nikunj C - 56A/27, Second Floor II Floor, Logix Park, A-16, Sector-16 E-109, Masjid Moth B-1/G-8, D-10/1, Okhla Industrial Area, 8-A, Garh Road Shed No.52, Hartron Complex, Shed No. 54, HARTRON Complex 207, Kailash Hills 207, Kailash Hills Apeejay Technopark, 40,41,42, Mohan Cooperative, Lower Ground floor Tower-B Millenium Plaza Ltd., First Floor, Tower - B, Logix Infotech Park

Phase - V, DLF Cyber City - II Udyog Vihar, Phase - V Sector-16 Sector-16 Sec-16

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida

RMSI Private Limited (DDN) 201,091 109,331 200,511 200,511 200,511 201,068 200,364 200,364 200,500 200,203 201,040 200,302 109,203 109,203 200,426 200,426 200,426 200,689 200,689 RMSI Private Limited (Unit-II) Roamware (India) Pvt Ltd. Roamware (India) Pvt Ltd. Roamware (India) Pvt Ltd. Roark Consulting Engineers Rocsearch India Pvt. Ltd. Rocsearch India Pvt. Ltd. Root Info Solutions Pvt Ltd Rose I.T. Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Royal Datamatics Pvt. Ltd. RS ITES Private Limited RSB Systems Pvt. Ltd. RSB Systems Pvt. Ltd. RSD Information Systems RSD Information Systems RSD Information Systems RSG Media Systems Pvt. Ltd. RSG Media Systems Pvt. Ltd. RSK Technology Solution Pvt Ltd. Unit - II 200,961

Saharanpur Road Sector-16 Vanijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar, Phase-5 Vanijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar, Phase - V Udyog Vihar Sector - 62 Sector-16 G. K. - III Mohan Co-operative Industrial Area Phase-I

Dehradun Noida Grugaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Meerut Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

Electronic City,sec-18, Electronic City, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar East of Kailash East of Kailash Mathura Road, Millanium Plaza Sector-27 Sushant Lok Global Arcade, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road 3rd Floor, D-5, Sector-59


201,301 201,303 122,015

C-6/6333 305, Basement, Sant Nagar 33, Sector-18 E-9, Connaught House E-9, Connaught House Wing No. 6/12/5 280- Jagriti Enclave D-223, Pocket-C 38 K.M. Stone, Village Khandsa 37/8, Street No. 7, Arya Nagar, F-5, East of Kailash Z-60, Okhla Industrial Area 503-504, Chiranjiv Tower, 43, Nehru Place 1A-1D, Vandhana, 2A-305, Rang Rasayan Appartment MCT House, 3rd Floor, MCT House, 3rd Floor, MCT House, 3rd Floor, MCT House, IInd Floor 1, Okhla Center A-1/ E 7th Floor, Sigma Hirandani Gardens 7th Floor, Sigma Hirandani Gardens 7th Floor, Sigma Hirandani Gardens C - 56A/27, F - 204, Taj Enclave, F - 204, Taj Enclave, E-109, Masjid Moth B-25 D-104, Okhla Industria Area, 13/5, Mohan Puri Shed No.52, Hartron Complex, Shed No.52, Hartron Complex, 207, Kailash Hills 207, Kailash Hills 207, Kailash Hills E 186, Greater Kailash - I, E 186, Greater Kailash - I, Intelenet Global Services Pvt. Ltd.

Vasant Kunj East Of Kailash H S I D C, Maruti Industrial Area Connaught Place Connaught Place Prem Nagar Sidhartha Extension Delhi-Jaipur Highway, Dayanand Vihar, Vikas Marg Extn. IIIrd Floor Phase-II

New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,070 110,065 122,015 110,001 110,001 248,007 110,092 110,014 122,001 110,092 110,065 110,020

Ramesh Chandra Rohit Nath Inderjit Singh Pradeep Maharesh Pradeep Maharesh Vicky Biswas Rajeev Raina Ranga Lakshmi De Sapna Chandna K. C. Khemka M. K. Jaswani K.N. Aggarwal

M0120-2445567 0120-2628039 0124-5015626 0124-5198822 0124-5198822

248,007 110,014 122,001 201,301

0124-26563020 011-26348986 0124-2824303, 2824000 2,513,962 011-26424590, 41014590 011-26681272, 266872


New Delhi 110,019 11, Tolstoy Marg Sector-13, Rohini 1 Okhla Cent. , Block - A, Okhla Institutional Ar 1 Okhla Cent. , Block - A, Okhla Institutional Ar 1 Okhla Cent. , Block - A, Okhla Institutional Ar Okhla Institutional Area Sector-16 Tech Street, Powai Tech Street, Powai Tech Street, Powai Sector - 62 Geeta Colony Geeta Colony G. K. - III Mayfair Garden Phase-I Near Vikas Vihar Electronic City,sec-18, Electronic City,sec-18, East of Kailash East of Kailash East of Kailash New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,001 110,085 110,025 110,025 110,025

Baljit Singh Shoken Harjeet Singh Ajay Haldar Praveen Parmar Praveen Parmar Praveen Parmar

95124-5018175 95-124-4311111 0124-2564653 0120-2511102 0120-2511102 0120-2511102

122,015 122,002 122,016 201,301 201,301 201,301

Delhi Noida Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Noida Delhi Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Meerut Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,025 201,301 400,076 400,076 400,076 201,301 110,031 110,031 110,048 110,016 110,020 250,002 122,015 122,015 110,065 110,065 110,065 110,048 110,048

Sanket Mahajen P.S. Parmar Anju Jaggi Anju Jaggi Anju Jaggi Pankaj Gupta Ashish Sinha Ashish Sinha Indu Chopra U. K. Panda Gunish C. Jain Pradeep Sharma Rupesh Thondapat Rupesh Thondapat Arjun Kakar Arjun Kakar Arjun Kakar Uma Kapur Uma Kapur

0120-2511102 0120-2513305 0124-4625100 0124-4625100 0124-4625100 0120-2400356 0120-4017000 0120-4017000 011-51436701 011-51655879 011-26818549 0121-2764311 0124-2347024 0124-2347024 011-51621132 011-51621132 011-51621132 011-26913098 011-26913098

248,002 201,301 122,016 122,106

201,301 201,301 201,301 110,048 110,044 110,020 250,002 122,015

110,065 110,065

122,002 122,002

Ramon House, HT Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation

Mumbai 400,001

Kruti Avlani

9,818,389,264 9,810,303,522 9,818,592,254 9,810,004,948 9,810,004,948 9,810,311,633 9,899,382,222

rameshm@relsys.net rohit@r-informatics.com renasonicesol@rediffmail.com pmaharesh@rdmindia.com pmaharesh@rdmindia.com

4303, 2824000 9,811,926,427

resorsys@vsnl.com meluri@revasolutions.com sapnachandna@ricocallnet.com kckhemka@rightwave.com jaswani@ringindia.net

4590, 41014590 9,811,226,906


baljitshokeen@yahoo.com harjeet.singh@rle.de

9,810,685,745 9,810,685,745 9,810,685,745

praveen.parmar@rmsi.com praveen.parmar@rmsi.com praveen.parmar@rmsi.com

info@rsmi.com 9,810,304,900 parveen.parmar@rmsi.com anju.jaggi@roamware.com anju.jaggi@roamware.com anju.jaggi@roamware.com 9,811,437,987 9,818,166,565 9,818,166,565 9,810,411,073 9,811,311,722 9,810,250,760 0121-3115149 roark@sol-mail.net ashish.sinha@rocsearch.com ashish.sinha@rocsearch.com nchoprafca@yahoo.com upanda@roseint.com gunishjain@rdpl.com aar-ess-10-02@rediffmail.com rthondapati@rsbsystems.com rthondapati@rsbsystems.com 9,810,107,397 9,810,107,397 9,810,107,397 9,811,934,356 9,811,934,356 arjun.kakar@rsdgroup.com arjun.kakar@rsdgroup.com arjun.kakar@rsdgroup.com umaka@rsgsystems.com umaka@rsgsystems.com

201,024 100,042

RSMS Architects Pvt. Ltd. RT Outsourcing Service Ltd.

69, Nora Niwas, D-3/3 First Floor

Bhawani Kunj, Behind D2, Vasant Kunj Okhla Industrial Area, PH - II Ranipur More, 7/5 South Tukoganj South Tukogunj 7/5 South Tuko Gunj

New Delhi New Delhi

Rubico IT Pvt. Ltd. 201,038 109,138 108,527 109,213 201,055 201,121 200,584 200,857 200,326 200,378 109,310 Ruchi Global Ltd. Ruchi Infotech Ltd. Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd. Rudraksh BPO Rudraksh Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. Rungta Infotech Systems Pvt. Ltd. S M Macario Software Pvt. Ltd. S. B. Associates (STPI Unit) S. Prakash S.R. Solutions (P) Ltd. Sachitel Communications Pvt. Ltd. 200,562 200,940 104,021 104,021 104,021 108,321 109,208 200,225 200,225 200,550 200,444 200,570 200,570 Sachitel-E Technologies (P) Ltd. Safenet Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Safenet Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Safenet Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Sahgal Software Pvt. Ltd. Sai Info Limited Saigun Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Saigun Technologies Pvt. Ltd. SAKSOFT Limited Salesgene Software and Services Pvt. Ltd. Salient Business Solutions Limited Salient Business Solutions Limited

APVC Building, 504, Mohakosh House 301, Royal Estate Building 301, Mahakosh House P3/46, DD Puram STPI Incubation Center, IT Park Rungta Educational Campus 751, Udyog Vihar, W-43, Basement 483, IInd Floor 156, Sector-14 A - 38 / K, Sector - 64 191, Sandhu Centre, Clement Town 5th and 6th Floor, Tower-C, Logix Techno Park Ground Floor, S T P - N S I C 4855 sq. ft. on the 6th Floor, Tower-C S-85, Pansheel Park C-1 Sector-57 Ground, 1st and 2nd Floor A-27/E, Sector-16 B - 35 / 36, Sector - 80 Logix Park 2nd Floor, Vipul Orchid Plaza 1st Floor, Vipul Orchid Plaza 1st Floor,SFS, Block-A, Vipul Orchid Plaza, Suncity, 1st Floor, Vipul Orchid Plaza, Suncity 404, 4th Floor, Qutab Plaza,

Haridwar Indore Indore Indore Breilly Dehradun Bhilai Gurgaon New Delhi Faridabad Sonepat Noida Deheradun

Sahastradhara Road Kohka Road, Kurud Phase - V Greater Kailash-II Sector-16A Sonepat

Plot No. 5, Sector-127 Okhla Industrial Estate Logix Techno Park, Plot No. 5, Sector-127 2nd Floor, A-27/E, Sector-16 Phase - II Sector-16 DLF Sun City DLF Suncity

Noida New Delhi Noida New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon

Salient Financial Solutions Ltd. 201,077 Salient Knowledge Solutions Ltd. 201,078 201,086 Saltmine Software Solutions (India) Pvt. Limited Samsung Engineering India Pvt. Ltd. 200,884 201,179 Samsung Heavy Industries India Private Limited Samsung India Electronics Private Limited Samsung India Electronics Private Limited 200,192 Samsung India Electronics Private Limited 200,192

Sector - 54


Sector - 54 DLF, Phase-I, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, C-28 and 29, Sector-62

Gurgaon Gurgaon

A-32, 1st Floor, Genesis Building Logix Cyber Park, Wing - B, First Floor 2nd and 3rd Floor Tower B Plot No C- 28,29, UPS Room, Front Office, Home Appliances,

New Delhi Noida

Sector-62 Samsung India Ele. Ltd., B-1, Sector-81, Phase-II,


200,192 Noida

Gr. Floor, 1st Floor

D-5, Sector-59


110,070 110,020

69, Nora Niwas, Bhawani Kunj, D-3/3 First Floor Kanu Chamber (first floor),C-2 Sanwal Nagar 504, Mohakosh House 301, Royal Estate Building 301, Mahakosh House P3/46, DD Puram 7, Durga Vihar, Baliwala Chowk Rungta Educational Campus M-17, NDSE - II W-43, Basement 483, IInd Floor 156, Sector-14 117, Andamukhi No Vas, Near Telephone Exchange B-98, IInd Floor, Fateh Nagar Gr. Floor, S T P- N S I C Gr. Floor, S T P- N S I C Gr. Floor, S T P- N S I C S-85, Pansheel Park 7- Jagriti Enclave C 1/2, 1st Floor C 1/2, 1st Floor Shri Ram Nivas, 38 V K Iyer Road 17/97, Subash Nagar Thapar House, 124, Janpath Thapar House, 124, Janpath 1st Floor, Vipul Orchid Plaza, Suncity, 1st Floor, Vipul Orchid Plaza, Suncity

Behind D-2, Vasant Kunj Okhla Industrial Area, PH - II

New Delhi New Delhi

110,070 110,020

Manu Malhotra Sanjeev Kakar

011-26898616 011-51610760-761

Sadiq Nagar 7/5 South Tukoganj South Tukogunj 7/5 South Tuko Gunj

New Delhi 110,049 Indore Indore Indore Bareilly Dehradun 452,001 452,001

Matthew John. Klak Ranveer Chadha Ranveer Chadha Nirmal Iyengar Asit Rastogi Shekhar Chopra 491,001 110,049 110,048 121,006 131,001 Sourabh Rungta R C Kansal Sunder Lal S. Prakash Rajesh Goyal Prateek Kumar 380,015 110,018 110,020 110,020 110,020 110,017 110,092 201,301 201,301 600,028 110,027 110,001 110,001 Prateek Kumar Anand Mohan Grov Anand Mohan Grov Anand Mohan Grov Sanjay Sahgal J. K. Saxena Tushar Bhatia Tushar Bhatia S Sankaran GBS Bindra Ajay Kumar Ajay Kumar

011-41627029 0731-5068901-903 0731-5068901-903 0731-5068901-903 0581-23000335


452,001 452,001


G. E. Road, Durg

Bhilai New Delhi New Delhi Faridabad Sonepat Ahmedabad Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Dehli Noida Noida Chennai New Delhi new delhi new delhi

0788-2329064 011-26250618 011-41639468 2240999, 2218144 0120-2510211

122,016 110,048 121,006 131,001

Greater Kailash-II Sector-16A Sonepat Gulbai Tekra, Ambawadi Near Jail Road, Okhla Indl. Esate Okhla Indl. Esate Okhla Indl. Esate 2nd Floor, Vikas Marg Sector-31 Sector-31 Mandaveli

201,301 248,002 201,301 110,020 201,301 110,017 201,301 201,301 201,305 201,301 122,002 122,002

011-26917538, 263311 011-26917538, 263311 011-26917538, 263311 6,011,868 4,588,995 0120-2510946 0120-2510946 044-24614501 0120-2517690 95-124-4343416 95-124-4343416

Sector - 54,

Gurgaon 122,001

Vivek Kumar Goyal


122,001 Sector - 54, Dwarka Mohan Co-opertive Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, C-28 and 29, Sector-62 Gurgaon

Vivek Kumar Goyal 122,001 110,075 Jai Kumar Misra

0124-2804242 0124-2254790

122,001 122,002 366, Pocket-3, Sector19 A-32, 1st Floor, Genesis Building Logix Cyber Park, Wing - B, First Floor 7 and 8 th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place 7 and 8 th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place 7 and 8 th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place New Delhi

New Delhi 110,044 Noida 201,301

Goan Hee Jang Pradeep Pareek

011-40510703 0120-4686000

110,044 201,301

New Delhi 110,019 New Delhi 110,019 New Delhi 110,019

Sachin Khanna


Sachin Khanna



Sachin Khanna



9,811,199,646 9,810,041,675

malhotra@rsms-arch.com skakar@rteservices.com

matt@rubicoit.com 9,818,303,727 ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com 9,927,025,799 ceo@rudrakshbpo.com

9,425,236,884 9,811,156,897 9,811,021,345 9,416,013,219

ris@rungtablobal.com sc@smgroupindia.com sunder_lal@vsnl.com mukeshgoyal10@rediffmail.com info@sachitelglobal.com

9,810,030,572 9,810,030,572 9,810,030,572 9,810,010,142 9,811,436,003 981,007,983 981,007,983 9,840,825,657 9,818,644,470 9,810,301,570 9,810,301,570

anandg@rainbow.com anandg@rainbow.com anandg@rainbow.com sanjoys@bol.net.in jitendra.saxena@saiinfoglobal.com tbhatia@saigun.com tbhatia@saigun.com sankarans@saksoft.com gbs@salesgene.com akumar@salientbpo.com akumar@salientbpo.com


info@salientbpo.com 9,811,791,209 ba.moitra@samsung.com 9,873,707,194 pradeep.pareek@samsungh.com

s.khanna@samsung.com 9,818,458,608 s.khanna@samsung.com 9,818,458,608 s.khanna@samsung.com 9,818,458,608

Samsung India Electronics Private Limited 200,192 Samsung India Electronics Private Limited 200,192 108,642 200,136 201,162 109,249 Samtech Infonet Ltd. Samtel Display Systems Limited Sana Technologies Sanchar Soft Sand Martin Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 108,362 Sand Martin Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 108,362 200,832 200,602 200,922 Sand Martin Consultants Pvt. Ltd. (Unit - II) Saora Informatics India Pvt. Ltd. Sap India Pvt Ltd

Front Office, Home Appliances, Samsung India

Electronics Ltd., B1,Sector-81, Phase-II,


Front office, Home Appliance, B-1/ E-14, Mohan Co-op. Indl. Estate Ground Floor, 359 1 D/11, B.P.N.I.T.

B-1, Sector-81, Phase -II Mathura Road Udyog Vihar, Phase-II

Noida New Delhi Gurgaon Faridabad

8- A, Kashi House,

Connaught Place,

New Delhi

E-86,Paschimi Marg C - 14 FB - 05, NSIC Bhawan,STP, 2nd Floor, Vatika Towers, BlockA Third Floor, Vatika Atrium, Sector - 53, additional area at 3rd Floor, Vatika Atrium

Vasant Vihar Sector - 7 Okhla, Wing-B, Sec-54, DLF Gold Course, Golf Course Sector Road,

New Delhi Noida New Delhi Gurgaon

SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd. 200,642 SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd. 200,642 SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd. (unit - II) 200,738 SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd. (unit - II) 200,738 SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd. (unit - II) 200,738 201,073 Sapient Corporation (P) Ltd. (Unit II)


Sector-53, Golf Course, Sector Gurgaon Road Sector-54, Golf course Road

2nd Floor, Vatika Towers Fourth Floor, Tower A and B, Vatika Towers


Sector - 54 Sector-54, Golf Course Road Basement, Ground Floor, 1st and 2nd Floor Phase-III, Sector-25A 2-10 Floors, Sector 25 A, DLF City Phase III


3rd Floor, Vatika Towers D - 157, Sector - 63, Sapient Towers D and E, DLF Cyber Greens, DLF City DLF Cyber Greens, Sapient Tower (D and E),

Gurgaon Noida

Sapient Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 108,767 Sapient Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 108,767 Sapient Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 108,767 Sapient Corporation Pvt. Ltd. 108,767 201,124 200,042 109,163 200,565 200,272 200,497 200,497 200,181 200,921 200,788 Sapient Corporation Pvt. Ltd. (UnitIII) Sareen Accounting Services Pvt. Ltd. Sarthak Global Limited Sarv Informatics SAS Webformica IT Services Pvt.Ltd. Satellier India Pvt Ltd Satellier India Pvt Ltd Satellite Office Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Sattellier India Pvt Ltd Satyam Computer Services Ltd. (Gurgaon)



11th to 14th Floor, Tower D, DLF Cyber DLF Phase-III, SectorGreens 25A Motorola Excellence Center, 3 Floor Basement, Ground, First, Floor,Second, Third Floor, 140, D D A Complex 170/10, Film Colony STPI Complex, Mangal Bhawan Nov-67 Mezzanine Floor, G-27, G-27, Sector-6 C-7/1, DLF Qutab Enclave G-13, Sector-6 1st Floor, Khewat No 993/1, Kha No. 1961/2(1-5-0)) 415/2, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Sector-14 H-171,Sector-63 Jhandewalan Extn. R. N. T. Marg Nehru Nagar East Souter Ganj Sector-6 Phase-I


Gurgaon Noida New Delhi Indore Bhilai KANPUR Noida Noida Gurgaon Noida Gurgaon

1962/1(0-3-2), Revenue Estate of vill. Wazirabad

201,305 110,044 122,016

7 and 8 th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place 7 and 8 th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place B-1/ E-4, Mohan Coop. Indl. Estate 359, Ground Floor 543, Sec-15-A B-86, Sector-14 E-86, Basement Floor, Paschimi Marg E-86, Basement Floor, Paschimi Marg

New Delhi 110,019 New Delhi 110,019 Mathura Road Udyog Vihar, Phase-II Faridabad New Delhi Gurgaon Faridabad Noida New Delhi 110,057 Vasant Vihar Vasant Vihar, Siddharth Extension New Delhi 110,057 New Delhi New Delhi Bangalore 110,057 110,014 560,025 110,044 122,016 201,301

Sachin Khanna


Sachin Khanna Sandeep Mittal Ajit Singh Nitish Bhaskar Kanwal Wadhawan Sunil Goel

0120-2568251-54 011-26977641 0124-4002891/92 91-118-4511378-380,4510236 011-41663000

Vasant Vihar


Sunil Goel Sunil Goel Aruna Rohra Suda Venu Madhav Vadl

011-41663000 95-120-4033000,42665 26,345,049 0124-4692000

201,301 110,020 122,002

E - 86, Basement, Paschimi Marg, 86C, Pocket C 7/4, Thapar Niketan, Brunton Road, 138, Export Promotion Industrial Park, 138, Export Promotion Industrial Park, 138, Export Promotion Industrial Park,


Bangalore 560,066

Pradeep K Panicke

91 80 41396795


Bangalore 560,066

Pradeep K Panicke

91 80 41396795


Bangalore 560,066

Pradeep K Panicke


122,002 138, Export Promotion Industrial Park, 120,002 138, Export Promotion Industrial Park, 122,002 201,301 103, Ashoka Estate Barakhamba Road, Sapient Towers D and E, DLF Cyber Greens, DLF City Sapient Towers D and E, DLF Cyber Greens, DLF City Sapient Towers D and E, DLF Cyber Greens, DLF City Sapient Towers D and E, DLF Cyber Greens, DLF City 103 Ashoka Estage Barakhamba Road 140, D D A Complex 170/10, Film Colony 256 / Savarkar Path 11/67, 33, East Nizamuddin 33, East Nizamuddin C-7/1, DLF Qutab Enclave 6, Hailey Road, Mayfair Centre, 1-8303/36 New Delhi Whitefield Bangalore Whitefield Bangalore

Pradeep K Panicke 560,066 Pradeep K Panicke 560,066 110,001 Soumya Banerjee


91-80-4136795 0124-4167000

Phase-III, Sector-25A

Gurgaon 122,002

Raman Nagia



Phase-III, Sector-25A

Gurgaon 122,002

Raman Nagia


Phase-III, Sector-25A

Gurgaon 122,002

Raman Nagia



Phase-III, Sector-25A

Gurgaon 122,002 New Delhi 110,001 110,055 452,001 464,001 208,001

Raman Nagia Mohan Singh Bisht Magipal Gupta Nirmal Iyengar Amit Rao Sanjay Awasthi Sanjeev Kapoor Sanjeev Kapoor Yogesh Bhatt Sanjay Jain Venkata Pakala


201,301 110,055 452,001 490,020 208,001 201,301 122,016 201,301 122,001

Jhandewalan Extn. R. N. T. Marg

New Delhi Indore Vidisha KANPUR New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Secunderaba

011-51540280, 236101 0731-5068901-903 0788-5040330 2,532,320 0120-2423861-865 0120-2423861-865 0124-4051073 0120-2423861 040-55854343

Souter Ganj


122,016 110,001 500,003

S P Road

s.khanna@samsung.com 9,818,458,608 s.khanna@samsung.com 9,818,458,608 9,810,334,060 s.mittal@samtechindia.com ajitsingh@samtelgroup.com

9,313,789,802 9,871,071,283 11378-380,4510236

sgoel@sandmartin.com 9,810,045,959 sgoel@sandmartin.com 9,810,045,959 9,810,045,959 9,871,522,790 9,972,099,886 sgoel@sandmartin.com arohra@saora.com v.vadlamani@sap.com

pradeep.k.panicker@sap.com 9,886,399,999 pradeep.k.panicker@sap.com 9,886,399,999 pradee.k.panicker@sap.com 9,886,399,999 pradee.k.panicker@sap.com 9,886,399,999 pradee.k.panicker@sap.com 9,886,399,999 sbanerjee@sapient.com

rnagia@sapient.com 9,810,888,309 rnagia@sapient.com 9,810,888,309 rnagia@sapient.com 9,810,888,309 rnagia@sapient.com 9,810,888,309 9,999,036,873 9,810,037,390 mbisht@sapient.com sareendelhi1@rediffmail.com ruchiinfotec@ruchigroup.com sarvinformatics@yahoo.com sanjay_awasthi@hotmail.com info@anantastudio.com info@anantastudio.com yogesh.bhatt@satellite-office.co.uk sanjay.jain@satellier.com venkata_pakala@satyam.com

9,827,053,222 9,839,189,185

9,811,360,444 9,811,504,395 9,849,080,150

Satyam Computer Services Ltd. (Gurgaon) 200,788 200,529 200,844 200,452 200,655 108,091 108,091 108,091 200,445 200,773 200,773 201,163 200,380 100,018 Savi Infoservices India Pvt. Ltd. Saviance Technologies Pvt. Ltd. SCA Technologies India Pvt Ltd Scicom Infotech Pvt. Ltd. (unit - II) Scicom Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Scicom Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Scicom Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Scientific Animations and Graphics Pvt. Ltd. SDG Software India Pvt. Ltd. SDG Software India Pvt. Ltd. Search Value Seas Software Services Pvt. Ltd Seasia consulting SECEZ SERVICES 200,696 200,887 200,862 108,865 104,027 Second Foundation India Private Limited Sehgal Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Selectronic Equipment Selectronic Equipment & Services Pvt. Ltd. Selectronic Equipment and Services Pvt. Ltd. SEN Infosoft Pvt. Ltd. Senes Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. Sentinel Support Services Pvt. Ltd. Sequence Design (India) Private Limited Sequence Design (India) Private Limited Serco Global Services Pvt. Ltd. Serco Global Services Pvt. Ltd.

Khewat No 993/1, Khasra No. 1961/2 (1-15-0) and 1962/1(0-32), 491, Udyog Vihar 501, Tower B, Millenium Plaza BCN - 1, A-4, Sector-16 A - 67, (Basement), Sector - 57 A-67, Mezzanine Floor B-64, Sector-57 A-67, First Floor SCO - 70, Huda Market, Sector 40 Basement and Ground Floor A - 10, Sector - 2 D-128, Ganesh Deep, D / 373

revenue estate of village Wazirabad, Tehsil and Dist, Gurgaon Phase - V Sushant Lok - I Logix Park

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Noida


Noida Noida


Noida Gurgaon

A-10, Sector-2

Noida Noida

Sector-49 Anand Vihar

Noida New Delhi

Plot No. 61, Industrial Area Shoghi, Plot No. A-68 H - 5, Model Town III, 106, Phase-VI, Udyog Vihar 106, Phase- VI, Udyog Vihar

Distt. Shimla Sector-57

Shimla Noida Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

108,114 200,432 201,139 200,908 200,221 200,221 200,805 200,805 C/o - Navigant Technologies 1st Floor, Tower-B, Logix Techno Park JIL Tower-II, A-75 Logix Technopark Tower -B Building No-8, 6th Floor, Tower B, Building No. 8, 221, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase - III Sector-127 78, Institutional Area, Sec18 Sector-57 First Floor, Tower B, Plot No. 5, Sector-127 13649(Sq.Ft) DLF Cyber City, Sixth Floor, New Delhi Noida Gurgaon Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon

Servitium IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,711 200,424 200,030 Sharp Solutions Inc. Shebawheels Pvt. Ltd.

1st floor, A-12 B-57, Basement 1-1 B, Mohammadpur

Sector 59 Kalkaji Bhikaji Cama Place Ground Floor at Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad 3rd Floor, Agrasen Chowk

Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Sheela Foam Pvt. Limited 201,089 201,151 200,535 Sheela Woodbridge Urethanes Private Limited Shivam Associates

37/2, Site-IV, 37/2, 3rd Floor, Site-IV, Super Market

Sahibabad Ghaziabad Bilaspur

Mayfair Centre, 1-8303/36 122,001 C - 30, Chirag Enclave B - 10/7388, Vasant Kunj, E-514, Greater Kailash-II N - 156, Panchsheel Park, A-67, Mezzanine Floor A-67, Mezzanine Floor A-67, Mezzanine Floor 122,002 263, MIG Flat C-4/5, Safdarjung Development Area, C-4/5, Safdarjung Development Area, D-128, Sec-49 Ganesh Deep, D / 373 Null Pl. Enter Plot No. 61, Industrial Area Shoghi, 173,219 B-4/47, Safdarjung Enclave 6/41 WEA, Karol Bagh

S P Road

Secunderaba 500,003 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,048 110,070 110,048 110,017 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,005 110,016 110,016 201,301 110,092

Venkata Pakala Anil Kumar Sinha Ritu M Uberoy Ashok Sinha Rakesh Puri Rakesh Puri Rakesh Puri Rakesh Puri Pradeep Syan Pankaj Pankaj Sachin Bansal Prakash Pandey NullPl.Enter Bharat Bhushan Ra 173,219 Col. T. S. Bakshi 110,005 122,001 122,001 Vikas Agarwal Karthik Rao Alka Vijh

040-55854343 0124-5103901 0124-2806181 0124-2381342, 43,44,4 0120-2589992-997 0120-2589992-997 0120-2589992-997 0120-2589992-997 0124-4067385 0120-4014000 0120-4014000

122,002 201,301 201,301 110,020

Sector-57 Sector-57 Sector-57 Prasad Nagar

Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi Null Pl. Enter

201,301 201,301 110,092

Anand Vihar


Distt. Shimla

Shimla Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon


110,009 122,001 122,001

011-65812420 2371396, 2210863 0124-2371396

106, Phase-VI, Udyog Vihar 106, Phase- VI, Udyog Vihar F-3, Shopping commercial I Mansarovar Garden, Complex, 161, Mandakini 711, Mayuresh Cosmos, Plot No. 37 S-22, lower Ground Floor, B-92, Himalaya House B-92, Himalaya House 12 A Suleman Chambers, 12 A Suleman Chambers, 1590, Madarsa Road, Kashmere Gate Alakananda Sector 11, CBD, Belapur, Greater Kailash Part-I 23, Kasturba Gandhi Marg 23, Kasturba Gandhi Marg 4 Battery Street, Apollo Bunder, 4 Battery Street, Apollo Bunder,

New Delhi 110,015 New Delhi Navi Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Mumbai Mumbai 400,614 110,048 110,001 110,001

Alka Renuka Malaker Mainak Hazra PAWAN KR. RUST Manoj Kumar Jena Manoj Kumar Jena Kushal Shankar Ba Kushal Shankar Ba

5154420 / 23, 5154383 011-26270771 0120-4368400 0124-4125400 0120-2490468 0120-2490468 91-22-22821141 91-22-22821141

110,020 201,301 122,001 201,307 201,301

Delhi 98, Nehru Place Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi New Delhi 110,006 110,019 110,066

Amal Monga Rakesh Saraf R.s. Rathore

0120-4089900 011-55605270-271 91-6172346

201,301 110,066 714, Hemkunt Tower 1-1 B, Mohammadpur

C-55, Preet Vihar 201,010 201,010 495,001 C-55, Preet Vihar Super Market

Vikas Marg Vikas Marg 3rd Floor, Agrasen Chowk

Delhi 110,092 Delhi Bilaspur 110,092 495,001

Ravinder Singh Ravinder Singh Rajesh Khandelwal

0120-2775425-26 0120-2775425 07752-500934, 238934

venkata_pakala@satyam.com 9,849,080,150 9,811,703,503 9,810,630,859 9,810,880,266 9,811,231,769 9,811,231,769 9,811,231,769 9,811,231,769 9,810,338,821 9,818,445,678 9,818,445,678 anilsnh@yahoo.com ritu@saviance.com ashok.sinha@sca-tech.com rakesh.puri@scicmp.com rakesh.puri@scicmp.com rakesh.puri@scicmp.com rakesh.puri@scicmp.com pradeep.syan@scientificanimations.com pankaj.sharma2@sdgc.com pankaj.sharma2@sdgc.com sachin@search-value.com pandeyp01@yahoo.com


rainabharat117@yahoo.com 9,318,621,737 9,814,640,611 vikas@skylorduk.com 9,818,041,286 9,810,101,907 kkarthik44@yahoo.co.in alkavijh@selectronics.stpn.soft.net

veers@del2.vsnl.net.in 9,810,636,035 9,810,137,728 9,810,039,690 9,810,302,011 9,810,302,011 9,810,265,460 9,810,265,460 rmalaker@hotmail.com senes@senesindia.com pawan.rustagi@vanguardinfo.com mjena@sequencedesign.com mjena@sequencedesign.com kushal.banerjee@serco.com kushal.banerjee@serco.com

monga@servitium.com 9,818,065,052 9,810,505,272 sharp@infodriveindia.com

contactus@sheelafoam.com 9,810,754,740 9,810,754,740 9,827,167,050 sheelawoodbrkdge@sheelafoam.com shivamassociates@sify.com

200,422 108,379 200,972 108,017 200,170 200,541

Shorelynx Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Shotam Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Shreyas Softech Siemens Information Systems Ltd. Siemens Information Systems Ltd. (Unit-II) Siemens Information Systems Ltd.(Unit-III) Sigma Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

406, 32-33, Kusal Bazar Building D-14/1, Okhla Indl. Area 3/1012 (Duplex), Sector - 3 Tower B , Plot No.6 A 3rd Floor, Plot 6A IFFCO Tower, Ground and 3rd Floor Tribhuvan Complex, Flat No. 108,132,133,134 R/53 IInd Floor Basement, Ground Fllor & 1st Floor at C-110 FF-305-306-D 412, Fourth Floor, DLF Galleria, DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase-IV, 569/23, Mehlana Road, A1-A, Sector-16 1st and 2nd Floor, A-1A Ground Floor, Tower B, DLF Building No. 8 157, Basement, Pocket-I, Jasola 5th Floor, Vatika Tower-B, Sector54 310, Third Floor, Block A 09 2nd Floor at B-63, Sector-65 130, Functional Industries Estate, 14th Floor, Indra Prakash Building A-222, Sushant Lok Logix Park, A-4/A-5 A-4/A 5, D - 1/55, Vasant Vihar 751, Udyog Vihar 304, Global Business Park 12th Fllor at Tower-A, Building No. 9 Upper Ground Floor, Tower-A 3, Chandiwala Estate, Maa nandmai Marg F-7, CSC Kohat Shopping Center The South Mall, Ist Floor HN - 944, Sector - 15,

Commercial Centre, Nehru Place Phase-1 Vasundhra Sec -18, Huda Area Sector-18, HUDA Plot No. - 3, Sector - 29 10th Milestone, Mathura Road, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur Sector - 63 Sushant Arcade, Sushant Lok-1

New Delhi New Delhi Ghaziabad Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

New Delhi New Delhi Noida Gurgaon

200,537 200,548 200,991 200,305

Sigma Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Signature Mediserve Solutions (P) Ltd. Silicon World (STP unit of Silicon Biztech Pvt. Ltd.)

Simplex Software Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 200,604 200,854 200,360 200,360 200,954 201,141 201,080 Sinew Software Systems SiRF Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd. SiRF Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd. Sitel India Limited Siways Microelectronics (P) Ltd. SK E&C India Pvt. Limited

Gurgaon Sonipat Noida Sector-16 DLF City - Phase II Noida Gurgoan New Delhi Gurgaon GD-ITL North Ex. Tower Netaji Subhash Place Pitam Pura Patpar Ganj, Barakhamba Road, Cannaught Place Phase- I, Mehrauli Gurgaon Rd. Sector - 16 Logix Park,, Sector-16

SK Internet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,573 201,140 200,968 200,551 109,367 200,151 200,151 200,593 200,907 200,475 200,475 SKAN DBYDX Software Pvt. Ltd. SKETS Studio Pvt. Ltd. SKH Info Services Pvt. Ltd. Skoch Consulting Pvt. Ltd Skyworks Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Skyworks Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. SM Info Expert Pvt. Ltd. SM Macario Software Pvt. Ltd. (Revised) Smart Analyst (India) Pvt. Ltd. Smart Analyst (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Delhi Noida Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida New Delhi

Phase-V DLF City - 1 DLF Cyber City, DLF City Phase-III Building No. 8, DLF Cyber City, DLF City Phase-II Ashram Marg, Kalkaji Kohat Enclave, Pitampura H-88, South Extn. Part - I Part - II,

Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

Smart Analyst (India) Pvt. Ltd. 200,475 200,464 201,129 200,077 200,839 Smart Cube India Pvt. Ltd. Smart Tech Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. SMG Infotech SMS Infotech

Gurgaon New Delhi Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon

110,019 110,020 201,012 122,015 122,015 122,001

210-211, Vardhman Tower, D 14/1, Okhla Indl. Area, 3/1012 ( Duplex), Sector - 3, Tower B , Plot No.6 A 130 Pandurang Budhkar Marg 130, Pandurang Budhkar Marg Tribhuvan Complex, Flat No. 108,132,133,134 R/53 IInd Floor 207, Kailash Hills, FF-305-306-D 412, Fourth Floor, DLF Galleria, DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase IV,

Commercial Complex, Preet Vihar Phase-1, Vasundhra Sec -18, Huda Area Worli Worli, Mumbai 10th Milestone, Mathura Road, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur East of Kailash, Sushant Arcade, Sushant Lok1

Delhi New Delhi Ghaziabad Gurgaon Mumbai Mumbai

110,092 110,020 201,012 122,015 400,018 400,018

Prabodh Rohatgi R. S. Bedi Shiv Mohan Lal Nig Ankur Saxena Ankur Saxena R. B. Rao

9,818,516,367 011-26385945 0120-2880902 0124-2846482 24,960,238 0124-2349568

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon 110,065 110,092 110,065

Anil Mittal Anil Gupta Karan Kakar Sandeep Bansal


110,065 110,092 201,307


Gurgaon 122,002 Sonipat 2, East Guru Angad Nagar 2, East Guru Angad Nagar Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East) Jasola, Delhi Delhi MUMBAI New Delhi New Delhi GD-ITL North Ex. Tower Netaji Subhash Place Pitam Pura Hauz Khas Vivek Vihar Barakhamba Road, Cannaught Place Phase- I, Mehrauli - Gurgaon Rd. Sector-16 Sector-16 Second Floor 131,001 110,091 110,091 400,072 110,025 110,019

Poonam Sheik Vinod Kumar V. K. Jain V. K. Jain Manoj Deshmukh Mohd. Suhaib Husain U. N. Malik

95-124-5109246 0130-6528741 0120-2510256 0120-2510256

122,002 131,001 201,301 201,301 122,002 110,025 122,002 569/23, Mehlana Road, 304, Kale Ram Chamber 304, Kale Ram Chamber 4 A, Parke Davis Complex, Sakinaka 157, Pocket-I, H-79, Kalkaji, 310, Third Floor, Block A 09 110,034 201,301 110,092 110,001 122,001 201,301 201,301 110,057 122,016 122,002 122,002 D-1/6 Upper Flat C- 329, 14th Floor, Indra Prakash Building A-222, Sushant Lok Logix Park, A-4/A-5 Logix Park, A-4/A-5 D - 1/55, Vasant Vihar M-17, NDSE-II 90/31 B 90/31 B Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar


Delhi Delhi Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,034 110,015 110,095 110,001 122,001 201,301 201,301 110,057 110,049 110,017 110,017

Kunal Bedi Mr. Kapil Tyagi Anil Sharma Parvesh Soni Sameer Kochhar Nitin Agrawal Nitin Agrawal Keshav Garg Ashish Kansal Manu Bammi Manu Bammi

11-27355263 0120-4097000 011-22164304 0129-2247541 0124-4042781 0120-24767705 0120-24767705 011-51325389 011-26254275 0124-4313800 0124-4313800

90/31 B 122,002 110,020 110,034 110,049 122,001 M - 15, M Block Market C-4/10 SDA The South Mall, Ist Floor HN - 944, Sector - 15,

Malviya Nagar G. K. - II Hauz Khas, H-88, South Extn. Part - I Part - II,

New Delhi 110,017 New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon 110,049 122,001 110,048

Manu Bammi Sameer Walia Sushil Mallick Mahipal Gupta Sushil Gupta

0124-4313800 011-51635334

011-23518343-344 0124-4034934

9,818,516,367 9,810,002,224 98,685,155 9,212,373,313 9,212,373,313 9,810,179,690

prabodh.kumar@3spl.com operations@shotam.com sml.nigam@gmail.com saxena.ankur@siemens.com saxena.ankur@siemens.com rb.rao@siemens.com


9,810,107,396 9,818,185,888


poonam.sheikh@simplexsolutions.com 9,896,868,752 9,312,319,143 9,312,319,143 9,821,617,191 vinod@sinew.in vkjain@sirf.com vkjain@sirf.com manoj.deshmukh@sitel-india.com



info@sktechno.net 9,910,196,783 9,810,745,466 9,811,226,906 9,811,089,604 9,811,199,776 9,811,199,776 9,811,062,468 9,810,199,147 kapil.tyagi@dbydx.com anil_kaushik17@rediffmail.com psoni@krishnamaruti.com skoch@skoch.org nitin.agarwal@skyworksinc.com nitin.agarwal@skyworksinc.com abagrg@yahoo.co.in ashish.kansal@smmacario.com mbammi@smartanalyst.com mbammi@smartanalyst.com

mbammi@smartanalyst.com 9,811,104,712 9,910,494,244 9,810,037,390 9,891,550,013 mga21@rediffmail.com smsinfotech@airtelbroadband.in sameer.walia@thesmartcube.com

200,390 200,811 109,303

SMVC Technologies and Exports Pvt. Ltd. SMX iExplore Software Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. SofBlue India pvt. Ltd.

A-9, Sector-4 SMX Tower, 3 Sant Nagar, B-6 / I, Commercial Centre 354, Third Floor, Aggarwal City Plaza, Plot No. 17, Managlam Place, 145, Saket Nagar C-2, STPI 13, Green Park, 413, Block-I, 2nd Floor 99, National Park C-55, Sec - 63 7 Siri Fort Road East of Kailash Safdarjung Enclave

Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Soffpro Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 200,659 200,905 200,249 109,019 200,104 108,085 200,669 200,082 105,007 108,402 109,212 201,023 Sofmen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Indore) SOFT CORE TECH Soft Vision Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. SoftBrands India Pvt. Ltd. Softnet India (P) Ltd. Software Bulls Inc. Software Data (India) Limited Software Services International (P) Ltd.(New) Software Solutions Software Technology Group International Ltd. Solarsys Network (P) Ltd. Solidcore Techsoft Systems India Pvt. Ltd. 200,282 Solidcore Techsoft Systems India Pvt. Ltd. 200,282 Solidcore Techsoft Systems India Pvt. Ltd. (unit - II) 200,845 200,161 Soltius Infotech India Pvt. Ltd. Solutions Information Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Solutions Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. Solutions Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. Sonnet Systems Pvt Ltd Sopra India Pvt Ltd Sopra India Pvt Ltd Source Fuse Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Sourcelogic IT Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,658 Sourcelogic IT Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,658 200,405 200,631 200,236 Spartan Business Solutions Spearhead IT Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Spectrawhiz Consultancy Services

Sector - 3, Rohini,

Delhi Indore

2 Survey Chowk South Tukoganj Ganga Software Tech. Complex, Sector-29 Lajpat Nagar - IV

Dehradun Indore Noida New Delhi Noida New Delhi

C-56/23,Mezzanine floor E-21, Hauz Khas 102, First Floor, X/320, A-16, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate


Noida New Delhi New Delhi

IJS, Palace, Delhi Gate, Asaf Ali Road Mathura Road Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road Block C, Greenwood City, Sector - 45 Phase-IV Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate Nehru Place, Nehru Place

New Delhi

Lower Gr. Floor, A-16

New Delhi

Unitech Crest, Ground Floor, 63, Udyog Vihar A-26/1 (First Floor) 203, Kushal Bazar, 203, Kushal Bazar D-5, Defence Colony A-67, Sector-64 Basement, Second Floor B-50, Sector-59

Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida

200,703 108,233 108,233 108,779 109,246 109,246 201,181

A-107B, Sector-58

Inox General Services Ltd.,

Sikandarpur, Ayanagar Border,


306, Qutab Plaza, DLF Phase-I 6, Community Centre W-16, Greater Kailash -II 3, R.K. Puram A-2B/38-B, Ekta Apartments, Paschim Vihar, 5/198, Sunder Vihar B - 1 / D - 2, MCIE A-38 / B A-100, Amar Colony Paschim Marg Mathura Road Kailash Colony LAJPAT NAGAR-IV East of Kailash

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Indore

A.B. Road

SPG IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,625 100,064 200,587 105,005 200,186 SPG Solutions SPI Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. SQL Star International Ltd. SR CAD Associates

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

201,301 110,065 110,029

D-994, New Friends Colony SMX Tower, 3 Sant Nagar, B-6 / I, Commercial Centre 164, H - 34, Sector 3, Rohini E-3, Saket Nagar, C-2, STPI 13, Green Park, 413, Block-I, 2nd Floor 99, National Park AP - 82 B, Maurya Enclave, 7 Siri Fort Road Shed No 3 And 4 C/66 - B F-35, South Extn. - I 102, First Floor, X/320, A-16, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate A-16, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate A - 16, Mohan Co Operative Ind. Estate Ltd. 63, Udyog Vihar A-265 (Second Floor), Defence Colony A-26/1, Mohan Co-op. Indl. Estate A-26/1, Mohan Co-op. Indl. Estate D-5, Defence Colony 190, SFS 190, SFS C-456, Defence Colony 26 A, Chelmsford Country Club, Club Drive, MG Road, 26 A, Chelmsford Country Club, Club Drive, MG Road, 6, Community Centre D-8, Lajpat Nagar-III 3, R.K. Puram A-2B/38-B, Ekta Apartments, Paschim Vihar, 5/198, Sunder Vihar 150, Needrajapayeer Road A-38 / B A-100, Amar Colony

New Delhi East of Kailash Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi New Delhi

110,065 110,065 110,029

Shakti Nath Amit Mittal Cdr. Praveen Maha

011-26915389 011-41326932 011-26109875, 26168686/306

Delhi 110,085 Indore 2 Survey Chowk South Tukoganj Ganga Software Tech. Complex, Sector-29 Lajpat Nagar - IV Pitampura Dehradun Indore Noida New Delhi Delhi New Delhi Ghaziabad New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 452,018 248,001 452,001 201,303 110,024 110,034 110,049

Arvind Goel Mayank Khandelwa Sanjeev Sharma Tarun Sharma Manoj Kant Jha Jamna Dass G V S S Prasad Monica Wadhera Anurag Singhal Sanjay Garg B. K. Chauhan Amit Misra 0731-4095215 0135-2713401 0731-2523751 011-2450451 011-26223460 011- 27318085 91-6263226 4,777,881 011-26228738, 262176 0124-5100251 011-2254395

110,085 452,018 248,001 452,001 201,303 110,024



64/4,site No 4 Sahidabad Ind. Are Gangotri Enclave, Alaknanda

110,019 110,049 110,002


IJS Palace, Delhi Gate, Asaf Ali Road, Mathura Road

New Delhi 110,044

Varun Joshi



Mathura Road

New Delhi 110,044

Varun Joshi



Mathura Road Phase-IV

Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi 110,024 110,076 122,015

Varun Joshi Neeraj Gupta JD Tripathy 110,044 110,044 110,024 110,016 110,016 110,024 Debesh Datta Debesh Datta Archana Goel Sunil Goyal Sunil Goyal KM Ram

011-30880900 0124-2343572-74

122,001 122,015

110,044 110,019 110,019 110,024 201,307 201,301 Mathura Road Mathura Road New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

42,220,100 011-26284480 011-26284480 011-24655183-185 0120-2589337-338 0120-2589337-338

Hauz Khas Hauz Khas

Club Drive, MG Road, Ghitorni

New Delhi 110,030

Shyam Gupta

011 - 55867611

Club Drive, MG Road, Ghitorni East of Kailash

New Delhi 110,030 New Delhi New Delhi Indore 110,065 110,024 452,008

Shyam Gupta Rohit Kapur Bineeta Choudhary Disha Chhabria

011 - 55867611 011-41625954 017772-422-433 0731-2531053

110,065 110,048 452,008

A.B. Road

New Delhi Paschim Vihar New Delhi Pondichery New Delhi New Delhi 110,063 110,087 605,001 110,048 110,024

Satender K Jain Manish Jain Dr. Nakul Parashar Bijit Basu Rajesh Krishnan 011-30907643 011-29941690 011-26291373, 262240 91-26225204

110,063 110,087 110,044 110,048 110,024

Kailash Colony LAJPAT NAGAR-IV


amitm@smxtech.net praveen@sofblueindia.com

9875, 26168686/306

rajiv@soffpro.com 9,811,125,294 9,301,537,379 3,131,929 kishore.kandelwal@sofmen.com info@softcoretech.net softvision-indore@yahoo.com manoj.jha@softbrands.com

9,810,834,510 9,811,088,384 9,810,534,341



sanjay@competentsoftware.com bkc@stgintl.com amit@solarsysnetwork.com


varun@solidcore.com 9,810,602,705 varun@solidcore.com 9,810,602,705 varun@solidcore.com 9,810,602,705 9,868,316,284 rakesh.jain@sdiindia.com jdtripathy@solutionsny.com 9,873,085,335 9,312,930,569 9,312,930,569 debeshsanchu@rediffmail.com debeshsanchu@rediffmail.com

sunilg@momentum-tech.com sunilg@momentum-tech.com 9,818,170,746 steeve_gupta@hotmail.com

steeve_gupta@hotmail.com 9,810,457,575 Kapur.rohit@gmail.com



manish@spgindia.com 989,198,122 9,811,118,122 manish@spgindia.com n.parashar@spitech.com bijitb@sqlstarintl.com srcadasso@now-india.net.in

9,811,297,914 9,811,233,909

200,323 200,719 200,219 200,799 200,358 200,358 108,269 108,269 108,269 108,269 200,833 200,637 200,310 200,310 200,180 200,180 200,606 200,229 200,210

Sri Technologies Pvt. ltd. Srijan Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Srishti Infotech Pvt. Ltd. SRM Techsol Pvt. Ltd. SSP India Pvt Ltd SSP India Pvt Ltd Staffing Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Staffing Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Staffing Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Staffing Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Staffing Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. (unit - II) Star E-Services Pvt. Ltd. Star Touch India Pvt. Ltd. Star Touch India Pvt. Ltd. Steel CAD Solutions Steel CAD Solutions Steel Resources Stellar Informatics Stellar Information Systems Ltd. Steria (India) Limited

304, Starlit Towers 304, Bakshi House, 40-41 Nehru Place 57 B - 48, Sector - C 4th and 7th Floors at Golf View Corporate Tower-A, 4th, 5th, 7th Floor, Golf View Corporate Tower A 2nd Floor, J.P. House, 118, Shahpur Jat 4th Floor, JP House, 118, Shahpur Jat E-86, Paschimi Marg E-86, Paschimi Marg C -14 C-58, Sector - 58 K-3, 5 th Floor Third Floor, Brahmdatt Tower, C-74 B-45, Sector-39, B-546, First Floor, New Friends Colony, 31B, B.S. Palace C - 051 B, Super Market-I 44467 sq.ft. at Basement,Ground, 1st - 2nd Floor 38 - C/3, Block B, C - 2, Sector 1 Gr.Floor (Entire plot), I To IV, B-39 Ground Floor (Part) M-1 ( G F 2) 701, 7th Floor B-10, Sector -1 Second Floor 7th Floor, Tower-D, Logix Techno Park, Plot No. 5 210, Ocean Plaza F-1, 104, Adj. NSIC, STP Complex C - 56 A/27 C-56A/27, Sector-62 Vatika Tower, First Floor, Block A, 88/3, Gopal Nagar, Plot No.816, Basement C/O Uni Tech World (Cyber Park), 11th Floor, Tower-C 170/10, R. N. T Marg SCO 60, 1st floor, HUDA Market, Sec - 31 302, Vardhaman Times Plaza, Plot No. 13

29, Y.N. Road

Indore New Delhi

Dayanand Marg Aliganj Sector Road, Sector-42, Sector Road, Sector-42 Opposite Asian Games Village Opposite Asian Games Village Vasant Vihar Vasant Vihar Sector - 7

Allahabad Lucknow Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Indore Faridabad

Brahm Dutt Tower, Sector18 Sector-18 Shivalik

Jawalaheri Market, Paschim Vihar DLF Phase-IV 38-C/4, Block-B, Sector57 Sector - 57 Terrace, B-39, Sector-1 Sector-1 2 to 4 Floor, B-38, Sector1 Green Park Ext. Palm Court, Sukhrali Chowk Udyog Marg B-10, Sector-1 Sector-127, Sector-18 Okhla Indl. Estate, Sector-62 Golf Course Road, Sector - 54 Udyog Vihar, Phase - V Ground Floor, Sector - 39 Sector-39 Film Colony

200,713 200,713 108,012 108,012 108,012 108,012 108,501 200,473 109,268 109,268 201,115 109,386 104,020 109,224 109,224 200,855 200,691 200,040 200,757 200,757 109,150 200,714

Steria (India) Limited Steria (India) Limited. Steria (India) Limited. Steria (India) Limited. Steria (India) Limited. Sterlite Software Systems Eou STi Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Stingray Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Stingray Technologies Pvt. Ltd. STMicroelectronics Marketing Private Limited Storage Wave Software (P) Ltd. Stowe Research India (P) Ltd. Structure Online Structure Online Stryker Global Technology Center Pvt. Ltd. Subodh Jain Summit Information Technologies Limited Sun Life India Service Centre Pvt. Ltd. Sun Life India Service Centre Pvt. Ltd. Sunrise Exports SunSoft Technologies

Suntec Web Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,315 Suntec Web Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,315

Community Center, Road No. 44, Pitam Pura Plot - 13, Community Centre, Road No. 44, Pitampura

New Delhi

301, Vardhman Times Plaza


452,001 110,019 211,002 226,020

34, Dwarkapuri Colony 304, Bakshi House, 40-41 Nehru Place 34 B - 48, Sector - C A-149 A-149 E-86, Paschimi Marg E-86, Paschimi Marg E-86, Paschimi Marg E-86, Paschimi Marg E - 86, Basement, Paschimi Marg, A - 679, Sarita Vihar, J-10, Krishna Nagar J-10, Krishna Nagar B-45 B-45 B-546, First Floor, New Friends Colony, 776, CA Apartments B-184 C-2, Sector - 1,

Behind Ganesh Mandir, Sukh Niwas Road

Indore New Delhi

452,009 110,019 211,002 226,020 122,002 122,002 110,057 110,057 110,057 110,057 110,057 110,044 110,051 110,051 201,301 201,301 110,065 110,063 110,024

Shubha Anand A Sen Gupta Abhishek Tandan Navin Agarwal Soumitra Banerji Soumitra Banerji Sunil Goel Sunil Goel Sunil Goel Sunil Goel Sunil Goel Rakhi Luthra Kanwal Wadhawan Kanwal Wadhawan Shirish Gupta Shirish Gupta Puneet Bhatnagar Rajesh Sajdeh Sunil Chandna Syed Waquar

731-5044656 011-26274969 608453, 2600551/581 0522 - 2328654 0120-2547944 0120-2547944 011-41663000 011-41663000 011-41663000 011-41663000 95-120-4033000 011-26341066

M.G. Marg Aliganj Sushant Lok, Phase-I Sushant Lok, Phase-I Vasant Vihar Vasant Vihar Vasant Vihar Vasant Vihar Vasant Vihar,

Allahabad Lucknow Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Delhi Delhi Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida Noida

122,002 110,049 110,049 110,057 110,057 201,301 201,303 201,301 110,017 201,301 110,065 110,063

Sector-39 Sector-39

0120-2579812 0120-2579812 011-55750878 011-25280147 91-29816705 0120-2475241 0120-2475241 95-120-2475241 95-120-2475241 95-120-2475241 95-120-2475241 011-26165081 95-124-4088190/91 0120-2537825-826 0120-2537825-826 0120-4003001 0120-3946717 011-26910770, 263139 011-26676623, 26684825, 51831808 011-26676623, 26684825, 51831808 0124-4628301 95124-5066406 0124-4003051 0124-4565555 0124-4565555 0731-5068901-903 0129-4002551/4045291

Paschim Vihar Lajpat Nagar - I

201,307 201,307 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,016 122,001 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,020 110,062 122,002 122,001 122,016 122,001 122,001 452,001

C-2, Sector - 1, C - 2, Sector 1 C - 2, Sector 1 C - 2, Sector 1 C - 2, Sector 1 M-1 ( G F 2) 150, Suhash Road B-10, Sector -1 B-10, Sector -1 204-206, Tolstoy House 210, Ocean Plaza F-1, 104, Adj. NSIC, STP Complex B-1/46 B-1/46 104, Ashoka Estate, 88/3, Gopal Nagar, Plot No.816, Upper Basement C/O Uni Tech World (Cyber Park), C/O Uni Tech World (Cyber Park), 170/10, R. N. T Marg 570, Sector - 21 C 301, Vardhman Times Plaza Green Park Ext.

201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 201,301 110,016

Syed Waquar Syed Waquar Syed Waquar Syed Waquar Syed Waquar Alok Chadda Manju Jhamb Sunil Pipalwa Sunil Pipalwa Sanjay Khanna Vivek Gupta R.S Tanwar Anil Mishra Anil Mishra Yashdeep Kumar Subodh Jain Navin Kumar Shar Sandeep garg Sandeep garg Nirmal Iyengar Mohit Manoch

New Delhi Dehradun Noida Noida New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Indore Faridabad

Udyog Marg Udyog Marg 15, Tolstoy Marg, Sector-18 Okhla Indl. Estate, Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar Barakhamba Road,

201,301 201,301 110,001 201,301 110,020 110,017 110,017 110,001 122,001 122,016 122,001 122,001 452,001 121,003

Udyog Vihar, Phase - V Ground Floor, Sector - 39 Ground Floor, Sector - 39 Film Colony

Plot - 13, Community Centre, Road No. 44, Pitampura Plot - 13, Community Centre, Road No. 44, Pitampura

Delhi 110,034

Rajesh Bhateja

30944847, 30944248

110,034 301, Vardhman Times Plaza 110,034 Delhi

Rajesh Bhateja 110,034

30944847, 30944248

9,893,044,656 9,818,894,842 9,839,054,494 9,335,231,202 9,313,372,000 9,313,372,000 9,810,045,959 9,810,045,959 9,810,045,959 9,810,045,959 9,810,045,959 9,891,059,937

shubha@sritechnologies.com info@srijan.in abhishek@srishtiinfotech.com pankaj@stpl.biz sumitbanergi@allstatefs.com sumitbanergi@allstatefs.com sgoel@ssipl.com sgoel@ssipl.com sgoel@ssipl.com sgoel@ssipl.com sgoel@ssipl.com

011-31045357 011-31045357 9,811,969,700 9,350,115,466 9,810,057,058

steelcad2003@yahoo.co.in steelcad2003@yahoo.co.in puneet@steelresources.net rajeshs@stellarinformatics.com sunil@stellarinfo.com Syed.Waquar@xansa.com

9,811,429,556 9,811,429,556 9,811,429,556 9,811,429,556 9,811,429,556 9,811,429,556 011-36715466

Syed.Waquar@xansa.com syed.waquar@xansa.com syed.waquar@xansa.com syed.waquar@xansa.com syed.waquar@xansa.com sterlite@vsnl.com manju@sti-inc.com sunil.pipalwa@globalcase.net sunil.pipalwa@globalcase.net

9,811,501,303 9,811,501,303 9,810,106,505 9,810,392,029 011-33031409

vivgupta2000@yahoo.com rstanwar@stoweresearch.com structuresonline@spectranet.com structuresonline@spectranet.com yashdeep.kumar@stryker.com subodhjain87@hotmail.com shray.gupta@summitindia.com

6623, 26684825, 51831808 6623, 26684825, 51831808 9,871,786,817

9,910,393,252 9,910,393,252

sandeep.garg@sunlife.com sandeep.garg@sunlife.com ruchiinfotech@ruchigroup.com mohit@esunsofttechnologies.com


info@suntecindia.com 9,810,162,968 info@suntecindia.com 9,810,162,968

200,431 200,007 200,007 200,195 108,613 108,037 108,010 200,468 200,468 200,371 200,088 200,088 200,088 200,088 109,408 109,408 102,006 200,630 200,956 108,129 200,930 200,127 104,019 104,019 201,100 200,585 200,010 200,700 200,448 200,448

Super Infosoft Pvt. Ltd. Surtel Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Surtel Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Survis Software and Technology (P) Ltd. Surya Consulting Suvi Information Systems(P) Ltd. SVAM Software Ltd. SVM Technologies SVM Technologies Swati Arcon Pvt. Ltd Synapse Communications Pvt. Ltd. Synapse Communications Pvt. Ltd. Synapse Communications Pvt. Ltd. Synapse Communications Pvt. Ltd. Synapsis Software India Pvt.Ltd. Synapsis Software India Pvt.Ltd. Syncata (India) Pvt.Ltd. Synsoft Global Syntel Limited Sys Online (I) Pvt. Ltd. Syselog India Pvt. Ltd. Systech International Pvt. Ltd. Systems America (India) Ltd. Systems America (India) Ltd. Syven Global Services Pvt. Ltd. T. S. Cognition Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. T4t Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Tabaha Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Taj Design Services Pvt Ltd Taj Design Services Pvt Ltd

I - 1796 D, 1st and 2nd Floor 19/1, New Plasia, Silver Arc Plaza, 19/1, Silver Arc Plaza, D-60 First Floor, 144 Labh Ganga 125, Udyog Vihar - 1 703, 7th Floor DD - 8, S/4, Nehru Enclave Plot No. - 3, Sector-27 C 2nd Floor, 391, Zakir Nagar Ground Floor, F-18 additional area at 2nd Floor F-18, Sector-11 C - 56/10, 2nd Floor Plot No. 5, Sector-127 1st Floor, Tower - C 209,City Centre, 570, M G Road Plot No. 21, Sector-18 D-3 10th Floor,Agarwal Cyber Plaza, Plot No.C-4,5,6 H 189, Ground Floor FB-02, NSIC STP Complex FB - 02, NSIC STP Complex 502 Madhuban SCO 28, Sector - 14 52, Community Center A - 64, Lower Ground Floor, 102 NSIC-STP Okhla Industrial Area Estate Room No.-206, NSIC, Software Technology Park Basement, Ground and First Floor, B-57

Nipin Chandra Pal Road 3 Floor, 3rd Floor, New Palasia Anand Niketan Sukhdev Vihar 582, M. G. Road

New Delhi Indore Indore New Delhi New Delhi Indore Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Faridabad New Delhi

DLF Galleria Building, DLF-IV Kalkaji Extension

Sector-11 F-18, Sector-11

Noida Noida Noida

Sector-62 Logix Techno Park, TowerC Plot No.-5, Sector-127

Noida Noida Noida Indore

Electronic City Greater Kailash - II Enclave Netaji Subhash Place Pitampura Sector-63 Okhla Okhla Industrial Area 55 Nehru Place Old Delhi Gurgaon Road East of Kailash, Nizamudin East,

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Okhla Industrial Estate

New Delhi

Tangence Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd. 200,623 Tangence Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd. 200,623 109,297 200,853 201,046 200,818 Tantra Solutions Task Capital Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (Gurgaon - IV)



B-57, Sector-63 SH-1, Building No. 7, Vardhman Grand Plaza A - 1/17, III Floor Plot No. T. C. G. 1/1, Vibhuti Khand, Plot No. 362 - 363, Sector - 3, Distt. Centre, Manglam Palace, Rohini Prashant Vihar Gomtinagar, Phase - IV, Udyog Vihar,

Noida New Delhi Delhi Lucknow Gurgaon


G - 1305, Chittaranjan Park 19/1, Silver Arc Plaza, 19/1, Silver Arc Plaza, D-60 First Floor, 144 Labh Ganga 2nd Floor, 70, Janapath B - 701, Ambience Island B - 701, Ambience Island 183, Sainik Farm B-523, New Friends Colony, B-523, New Friends Colony, B-523, New Friends Colony, B-523, New Friends Colony, C - 56/10, 2nd Floor C - 56/10, 2nd Floor 2nd /3rd Floor, Technip Tower 209,City Centre, 570, M G Road Unit No. 112, SDF IV, SEEPZ D-3 15th Floor, Eros Corporate Tower D-5 FB - 02, NSIC STP Complex FB - 02, NSIC STP Complex 502 Madhuban E - 210, G. K. - I Naimex House,a-8,

New Delhi 3rd Floor, New Palasia 3rd Floor, New Palasia Anand Niketan Sukhdev Vihar 582, M. G. Road Indore Indore New Delhi New Delhi Indore New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Sector-62 Sector-62 A-4, Sector 1 Noida Noida Noida Indore Andheri (EAST) Greater Kailash - II Enclave Nehru Place Sector-10 Okhla Industrial Area Okhla Industrial Area 55 Nehru Place Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,019 269,747 269,747 110,021 110,025 452,001 110,001 122,015 122,015 110,062 110,065 110,065 110,065 110,065

Anjali Roy Chowdh Dilip Surana Dilip Surana D.K. Kapur P.K. Verma Dushyant Pahare Dolly Govil Anil Kumar Sinha Anil Kumar Sinha D. K. Mishra Kapil Gupta Kapil Gupta Kapil Gupta Kapil Gupta Prem Shanker Prem Shanker

011-2627106, 5160507 0731-2565438 0731-2565438 51,661,831 46,080,118 0731-2436611-14 011-42486600 011-26781739 011-26781739 0129-2250185, 2250177 95-120-4330500 95-120-4330500 95-120-4330500 95-120-4330500 0120-2402598 0120-2402598 0120-2536141-5 2433553 , 5070304

452,001 110,021 110,025 452,001

122,002 110,019 121,003 110,025 201,301

N. H. - 8 N. H. - 8 Khanpur

201,301 452,001 400,096 110,048 110,019 201,301 110,020 110,020 110,019 110,048 110,044 110,013 110,075 110,075

Amit Mehra Anjali Surana Thomas Almeida Priyavart Chaudhar Rohit Dutta K.R. Jayaram K.P.Singh K.P.Singh Ramabadhran Gop Abhijit Goswami Dipti Kanta Parhi Ishmael Chawla Gaurav Bhargava Gaurav Bhargava

452,001 122,002 110,048 110,034 201,301 110,020 110,020 110,019 122,001


95-120-4331810 011-26310417 011-26310417 011-26448227 0124-5166400 011-26950130/35 011-51825471 011-26935284 011-26935284


A - 64, Lower Ground Floor, 128, DDA Flats 128, DDA Flats B-1/207, Sunrise Apartments, Sector13, Rohini B-1/207, Sunrise Apartments, Sector13, Rohini 93, Basti Harphool Singh RU - 386, Outer Ring Road, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street

Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Matura Road Nizamudin East, Pocket - 1, Sector - 4, Dwaraka Pocket - 1, Sector - 4, Dwaraka


Delhi 110,085 Delhi 110,085 Sadar Thana Road Pitampura Mumbai, Maharashtra New Dehli Delhi Mumbai Mumbai 110,006 110,088 400,001 400,001

Vishal Manchanda


Vishal Manchanda Mohinder Jain Neeraj Chaudhary

95120-5322533 011-23676875 011-55900241

110,085 110,088

Subramanian Ramadorai S K Nair 011-66506555


9,810,058,610 9,827,035,102 9,827,035,102 9,818,017,510 9,899,245,545

anjaliraaa@yahoo.com surtel@rediffmail.com surtel@rediffmail.com

vermaji@fiorano.com dushyant@suviinfo.com manav@svamsoftware.com anilsnh@yahoo.com anilsnh@yahoo.com swatiind@del2.vsnl.net.in info@synapse.co.in info@synapse.co.in info@synapse.co.in info@synapse.co.in prem@synapsistech.com prem@synapsistech.com

9,811,703,503 9,811,703,503

0185, 2250177






astripathi@websti.com kp.singh@systemsamerica.com kp.singh@systemsamerica.com


ram@syven.com a.goswami@cogtech.com dkparhi@tqmi.com Ishmael@tabaha.com gaurav@tajdesignservices.com gaurav@tajdesignservices.com

9,811,795,905 9,899,596,776 9,312,653,694 9,312,653,694

9,810,003,327 9,354,803,730

mohinderjain2003@yahoo.com umed@taskpbo.com


200,417 201,045 201,107 200,859 100,044 100,044 100,044 108,744 109,242 109,349 200,455 200,455 201,106 200,999 109,115 200,680 200,680 200,680 200,680 108,103 109,375 109,375 109,375 200,152 200,617 109,261 200,329 100,020 200,731

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd. (Gurgaon-III) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (Lucknow) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (Noida)PCMG/06/2027 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.(Gurgaon-V) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.(LUCKNOW) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.(LUCKNOW) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.(LUCKNOW) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.(Noida) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.(NOIDA-II) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Gurgaon-II Tavant Technologies India Pvt Ltd Tavant Technologies India Pvt Ltd Team IT Pvt. Ltd. Tech Blue Softwares (P) Ltd. Tech Drive India Pvt. Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Techbooks Electronic Service (P) Ltd. TechBooks International (P) Ltd. TechBooks International (P) Ltd. TechBooks International (P) Ltd. Techdrive Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Techinfiniti Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. Technica Forts Pvt.Ltd. Technofast Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Technology & Research Technology 9 Labs Technosoft Consultants

249 D-E, Phase-IV Plot No. T. C. G. 1/1, Vibhuti Khand, Plot No. 154-B, Block-A 6th Floor, Tower-B, Building No.8 2nd Floor, Tulsi Ganga Complex Tulsi Ganga Complex 1st Floor, 19C, Vidhan Sabha Marg D-4 A Divison Of Tata Sons Ltd. Plot-447, Phase- V D-5, Ground Floor Ground Floor, A-10 Room No. 2, 1st Floor, Y-3C Basement, Gr, 1st and 2nd Floor, 770, Udyog Vihar, D-999, 2nd Floor A-7 Basement, Ground Floor and 1st Floor at A-6 Premises No. B - 26, Sector - 57 A-20, Sector-60 A-28, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate A-28, Mohan Co-operative Indust. Area B-60, Gr. Floor, Basement and Gr. Floor, B-64 D-999 40, Tagore Villa, Chakrata Road, 5th Floor, Software Tech. Park, A-28, South City-II B-52 C - 6, 6164 G-42, Godavari Apartments, Alaknanda 0140,ews,regency Parks -ii F - 89 / 19, Okhla Industrial Area I, 3rd Floor, A-10 A-10 335, Udyog Vihar, Phase -IV 34 - 36, Okhla Industrial Estate 2nd Floor, 219, Okhla Industrial Estate

Udyog Vihar Gomtinagar, Sector-63, Phase-III, DLF Cyber City 19-C, Vidhan Sabha Marg 3rd - 4th Floor , 19-C, Vidhan Sabha Marg

Gurgaon Lucknow Noida Gurgaon Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow

Sector-3 C-56, Phase- I I Udyog Vihar Logix Techno Park, Sector-59 Sector-9 Loha Mandi Naraina Phase - V, New Friends Colony Sector-64 Sector-64 Dist. - Gautam Budh Nagar

Noida Noida Gurgaon Noida Noida New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Noida Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Okhla Indl. Area, Phase- I Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I New Friends Colony

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Dehradun Kanpur Gurgaon Noida New Delhi New Delhi

UPSIDC Complex, Lakhanpur, Sahna Road Sector-60 Vasant Kunj

201,189 200,021 200,767 100,068 100,068 200,673 100,060 100,060 Techsavvy Consulting Solutions Techsure Online Services Pvt. Ltd. Tecnova India Pvt. Ltd. Tecnova India Pvt. Ltd. Tecnova India Pvt. Ltd. - IT Enabled Services (unit - II) Tecnovate eSolutions Pvt. Ltd. Tecnovate eSolutions Pvt. Ltd. Dlf City, Phase -iv Gurgaon New Delhi Green Park Green Park New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

Phase - III Phase-III



11th Floor, Air India Building Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street Bombay House Tulsi Ganga Complex

Nariman Point Mumbai, Maharashtra

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

400,021 400,001 400,001 400,001 226,001 226,001 226,001

Jyoti Srivastava S. K. Nair Devender S. K. Nair Jayant Krishna Jayant Krishna Jayant Krishna Satish Koshal Gopalan Jyoti Srivastava

0124-4165555/4165510 011-66506555 011-66506555 011-66506555 0522-2237472 0522-2237472 0522-2237472 0120-2531622 95-120-2461020 0124-4165000 0120-5322710 0120-5322710 9,810,892,924 0124-2300309 011-26843498 91-022-56792000 91-022-56792000 91-022-56792000 91-022-56792000 011-41682424 011-41682424 011-41682424 011-41682424 26,843,498 91-135-5543555 0512-3113222

24 Homi Mody Street 3rd - 4th Floor , 19-C, Vidhan Sabha Marg 3rd - 4th Floor , 19-C, Vidhan Sabha Marg 3rd - 4th Floor , 19-C, Vidhan Sabha Marg Sector-3 C-56, Phase- I I Udyog Vihar 1401, Vikram Tower, Rajendra Place 1401, Vikram Tower, Rajendra Place Ashok Vihar Laxmi Garden, Khandsa Road, New Friends Colony

Mumbai Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Noida Noida Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai

226,001 226,001

Tulsi Ganga Complex Tulsi Ganga Complex D-4 A Divison Of Tata Sons Ltd. Plot-447, Phase- V

201,301 201,301 110,028 122,016 110,065 201,301 201,301 201,301

Ms. Arora and Bansal Ms. Arora and Bansal 14, Sri Nagar Colony 191 - D/23, New No. 71/23, D-999, 2nd Floor Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, Gateway Building, Apollo Bunder, A-193, Okhla Industrial Area F-31, Sec -39 F-31, Sec -39 F-31, Sec -39 D-999 40, Tagore Villa, Chakrata Road, 5th Floor, Software Tech. Park, 2/53-B, North Avenue Road B-52 C - 6, 6164 G-42, Godavari Apartments, Alaknanda 0140,ews,regency Parks -ii S - 400 (Basement), Greater Kailash - II, A-10 A-10 A - 10, Green Park, 34 - 36, Okhla Industrial Estate 34 - 36, Okhla Industrial Estate

110,008 110,008 110,052 122,001 110,065 400,001 400,001 400,001 400,001 110,020

Rohit Jain Rohit Jain Amit Aggarwal Sumedh Maite Natasha Bose Vijay Kumar Vijay Kumar Vijay Kumar Vijay Kumar Dinesh Sajwan Dinesh Sajwan Dinesh Sajwan Dinesh Sajwan



New Delhi Noida Noida Noida

110,020 110,020 110,065 248,001 208,024

New Friends Colony

New Delhi Dehradun Kanpur New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi

110,065 248,001 208,024 110,026 201,301 110,070

Natasha Bose Anubha Mittal Vikash Shukla Rajesh Razdan Pooja sharma Fahad Moti Khan K. M. Gupta

UPSIDC Complex, Lakhanpur, Punjabi Bagh Sector-60 Vasant Kunj

201,301 110,070

0120-2586588 91-11-41768400 - 04

110,019 122,001 110,048 110,016 110,016 Dlf City, Phase -iv Gurgaon New Delhi Green Park Green Park New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,019 122,001 110,048 110,016 110,016 110,016 110,020 110,020 NullPl.Enter Ghanasham Kulkar Suman Mishra Suman Mishra N Mohan Rajesh Magow Rajesh Magow 011-41706564 011-26867981 011-26867981 0124-4308251 6011-26332751-59 6011-26332751-59


Phase - III Phase - III

5555/4165510 9,811,195,087 9,891,302,660 9,811,195,087

Jyoti.Srivastava@tcs.com sk.nair@tcs.com devender.s@tcs.com sk.nair@tcs.com jayant.krishna@tcs.co.in jayant.krishna@tcs.co.in jayant.krishna@tcs.co.in satish.koshal@tcs.com 9,811,848,458 r.gopalan@tcs.com jyoti.srivastava@tcs.com rohit.jain@tavant.com rohit.jain@tavant.com 9,810,892,924 9,811,854,143 contactus@teamitservices.com sumedh@rediff.com natasha.bose@techdriveinc.com vijaykr@techmahindra.com vijaykr@techmahindra.com vijaykr@techmahindra.com vijaykr@techmahindra.com dsajwan@techbooks.com john.anthony@aptaracorp.com john.anthony@aptaracorp.com john.anthony@aptaracorp.com natasha.bose@techdriveinc.com 91-9897633903 9,336,113,222 vikas@technicaforts.com

9,999,500,491 9,999,500,491 9,999,500,491 9,999,500,491 9,810,303,042 9,811,265,485 9,811,265,485 9,811,265,485


info@tecresearch.com fmk@t9l.com kalyanmal@gmail.com



techsureonline@gmail.com smishra@tecnovaglobal.com smishra@tecnovaglobal.com nmohan@technovaglobal.com rajesh.magow@tecnovate.co.in rajesh.magow@tecnovate.co.in

9,811,621,750 9,810,291,259 9,810,291,259

100,060 108,200 200,709

Tecnovate eSolutions Pvt. Ltd. Tectura Infotech Pvt Ltd Tekchand Softech India Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No. 219, Basement Floor, Ground Floor and A - 119, Sector - 63 G-19/22, DLF Phase-I,

First Floor, Okhla Indl. Estate, Phase-III

New Delhi Noida Gurgaon

Tekriti Software Pvt. Ltd. 200,730 TEL-ABRIDGE (INTERNATIONAL) LTD. 200,142 108,336 200,827 200,611 Telecom Finance (India) Ltd. Teleinfo Data Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Telematic Solutions Telemune Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 200,618 200,363 201,015 200,554 201,165 201,183 109,295 200,823 200,823 Telequest Systems Tenet Software Consultants Terra Horizon Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. Tetra Information Services Pvt. Ltd. The Asian Miracle Theikos India Technology Pvt. Ltd. Theikos IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Theikos IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

726, Udyog Vihar , Phase - V,


E-42/2, Okhla Industrial Area, R. K. Khanna Tennis Stadium, 110/23, 80, 102, 1st Floor, Dwaraka Building

Phase-II, D L T A Complex, Africa Avenue, Feet Road, Sector-16 Market

New Delhi New Delhi Kanpur Faridabad

A-3/131, Paschim Vihar, H-651 37/15, Mall Road 1 - A, Ring Road, Kilokri 136, Sant Nagar, 1 Factory Road, Ring Road South 7/29, Sham Nagar 1800sq.ft.and 800sq.ft. at 107 107, Udyog Vihar, East of Kailash 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV Phase - IV Ansals Palam Vihar Vasant Kunj

New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon

Think Future Technologies 201,085 200,985 Think3 Designs India Pvt. Ltd.

27, Peach Tree Complex, C - Block, 1st Sushant Lok - 1 Floor 3rd, 4th, 5th Floors, Phase-II 106, Siddharth Chambers, Hauz Khas, F-5, Sector-3 1st and 2nd Floor SCO No. 5 G - 84, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash-III C-46, Sector-10 F-5, Sector-3 Sector-16 345, Udyog Vihar

Gurgoan Gurgaon

Third Vision India Pvt. Ltd. 200,624 109,431 109,431 200,356 108,432 201,108 Thomson Digital - a div of Thomson Pres (Ind)Ltd Thomson Digital - a div of Thomson Pres (Ind)Ltd Thomson Digital - a division of Thomson Press (India) Limited Three-D Solutions Pvt. Ltd. TimeRewards Software Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi Noida Noida Faridabad New Delhi Noida

Tojo - Vikas International Pvt. Ltd. 200,783 200,389 200,849 109,377 200,232 109,076 108,184 108,184 108,611 TouchPoint Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Tower Research India Pvt. Ltd. TQM International (P) Ltd. TRANSCRIPT ASIA Transcriptionists India Transwitch India (P) Ltd. Transwitch India (P) Ltd. Traxon India Pvt, Ltd.

4, Adchini, Mehrauli Road A-1, Sector-30 7-8-9, FF, Augusta Point, DLF Golf Course Road, A-8, Naimax House A-2/108 B-11, Sector-1, A-2/8-9 A-27, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate A-218, Mahipal Pur Ground Floor Sector - 54, Mohan Coop. Indl. Estate, Mathura Road Janakpuri Safdarjung Enclave Mathura road

New Delhi Noida Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,020 201,301 122,002

110,020 110,029 208,012 121,001

110,063 122,017 110,070 110,014 110,058 110,029 110,020 122,016

34 - 36, Okhla Industrial Estate A - 119, Sector - 63 E-122/2, Naraina Vihar 205, Prabhavi Apartments, Plot no. 29 B E-Block, 3rd Floor, International Trade Tower, R. K. Khanna Tennis Stadium, 110/23, 80, 529, Sector-17, Faridabad, 105, H-7, Agarwal Plaza, Netaji Subhash Place, 6075/3, Sector-D-6 462, Sector A, Pocket C 72, Janpath, 2nd Floor 136, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash 1 Factory Road, Ring Road South 7/29, Sham Nagar

Phase - III

New Delhi Noida New Delhi

110,020 201,301

Rajesh Magow Rajnish Garg Vivek Soni

6011-26332751-59 2520414, 2543461 011-51605227

Sector-10, Dwarka

New Delhi 110,075

Gaurav Bhatnagar


Nehru Place D L T A Complex, Africa Avenue, Feet Road,

New Delhi 110,019 New Delhi Kanpur Haryana 110,029 208,012 121,002

K. N. Aggarwal Anil K. Khanna

011-26681272, 266872 91-6176280-84

Surendra Kumar Mishra Simi Agarwal 0129-5071529

Pitampura Vasant Kunj Vasant Kunj

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,034 110,070 110,070 110,001 110,058 110,029 110,020 110,058 110,058

Harish Bansal K.N. Agarwal Jasmeet Singh Sag Sanjay Gautam Deepa Kapil Rupin Dang Naresh Lakhmi Naresh Lakhani Naresh Lakhani


91-11-26893788 011-23711893

2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate

New Delhi New Delhi Delhi Delhi

1,244,109,800 0124-4109800 0124-4109800

Janakpuri C - 2/165, Second Floor, Janakpuri C - 2/165, Second Floor, 1st Modol Colony, Kashipur Road, Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar 132, II Floor, Kantha Court 204-206, Siddharth Chambers, Hauz Khas, F-5, Sector-3 F-5, Sector-3 K-9 Kannaught Circus Lalbagh Road

Rudrapur 263,153 Bangalore 560,027

Rajeev N. Sivaram



New Delhi 110,016 Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 201,301 201,301 110,001 110,048 110,017

Ishann Ganju B. Jagannath B. Jagannath Vinay K. Singh C. S. Bedi Gundeep Sachdev

011-51828994 95-120-2443699/25316 95-120-2443699/25316 2,567,559 011-51638101 -102 0120-3238662

110,016 201,301


110,016 201,301

110,044 110,058 201,301 110,029

G - 84, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash-III B-7/9, Safdarjung Enclave, 3rd Floor, M-61, Swati Apartments, 12, Mother Dairy Road, 32/205, First Floor, Vikram Vihar, 961, First Floor, Sector - 31, A-8, Naimax House A-2/108 B-11, Sector-1, A-2/8-9 A-2/8-9 E-9, Cannaught House

Patparganj, Lajpat Nagar IV

Delhi 110,092 New Delhi Gurgaon 110,024

Sanjeev Rishi R.K. Jain Piyush Shukla 110,044 110,058 201,301 110,029 110,029 110,001 Dipti Kant Parhi Anil Gupta Ashit Kalra Vijay Nagpal Vijay Nagpal Radha Bhatia

011-41629320/21 120-2453548,49,52 0124-4142371 011-26950130/35 91-25433461, 5438200 4441830/1761 011-26165111 011-26165111 011-23418199

Mohan Coop. Indl. Estate, Mathura Road Janakpuri Safdarjung Enclave Safdarjung Enclave Cannaught Place

New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

9,810,291,259 9,811,114,433 9,212,037,726

rajesh.magow@tecnovate.co.in rgarg@euroinfosys.com vsoni@tekchand.com

gaurav@tekritisoftware.com 9,899,223,379 kn_co@rediffmail.com 9,811,226,906 9,810,113,259 9,336,339,756 tfil@del2.vsnl.net.in surendra123in@hotmail.com tele_solutions12@yahoo.com

narender.singhal@telemume.com 9,810,433,234 9,811,226,906 9,871,055,822 9,818,185,832 9,810,527,506 deepa@tetrain.com knco@rediffmail.com jasmeet.singh@tenetsoft.com

9,810,289,335 9,810,289,335 9,810,289,335

naresh@theikos.com naresh@theikos.com naresh@theikos.com

gupta.vk@thinkfuturetech.com 9,810,257,770 9,845,067,843 ram@think3.com

9,818,469,107 9,818,469,107 9,810,111,693 9,810,426,069 9,810,238,570

jagannath.b@thomsondigital.com jagannath.b@thomsondigital.com singh.vk@thomsondigital.com threed@vsnl.com gundeep@timerewards.com

tojo@del3.vsnl.net.in 9,810,019,754 9,810,176,614 support@touchpoint.com piyush@adcoindia.com 9,811,795,905 9,810,341,554 dkparhi@tqmi.com

akalra@mtpostal.com nagpalv@txc.stpn.soft.net nagpalv@txc.stpn.soft.net rb@birt.in

200,786 200,786 200,654 109,012 109,012 109,012 109,012 108,287 108,287 108,287 109,210 201,035 108,326 200,860 200,690 100,000 200,747 109,270 200,461 102,005

Tribal Fusion R and D Pvt. Ltd. Tribal Fusion R and D Pvt. Ltd. Tricore Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Trisoft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Trisoft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Trisoft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Trisoft Systems Pvt. Ltd. Triton Corp. Ltd. Triton Corp. Ltd. Triton Corp. Ltd. TSG Legal Consulting (P) Ltd. TSYS Card Tech Services India (P) Ltd. Tumlare Software Services Ltd. TXG Solutions Pvt. Ltd. U Certify.com U.Y.INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Uday Singh Alliance Consultants Pvt. Ltd. UFLEX LIMITED UG Software Technologies Pvt ltd Ukiah Software Solutions

6th Floor, Tower-C, Plot No.-5 Ground floor Tower-D 507, World Trade Centre, 227, First Floor 1st Floor. A-16 55, Community Center 55, Community Centre UPS Room, 113, Udyog Vihar, 113, Udyog Vihar Ground Floor at 113, Udyog Vihar 40/176 3rd Floor, A - 37 V-11, Green Park Extn, 354, Aggarwal City Plaza, Sector 3 11, Chaitham Lines 7/169 A 23, EC Road A-108, Plot No. - 142, 1st and 2nd Floor 309, Block IV, Ganga Software Technology Complex, 3rd Floor, Anupama Arcade 2nd Floor, F-126 B-94 5th Floor, Unitech World 1st to 4th Floor at Tower-C, Unitech World

Logix Techno Park, Sector-127 Plot No. 5 Logix Techno Park Sector-127 Barakhamba Avenue Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III Sector-6 First Floor, East of Kailash 2nd Floor, East of Kailash Phase - I Phase-1 Phase-I Chittaranjan Park, Sector - 16 Ground Floor Rohini

Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi Allahabad Kanpur Dehradun

Swarup Nagar

Sector-4 Functional Industrial Estate, Patparganj Sector-29

Noida Delhi Noida

UNISOFT 201,133 109,042 108,771 Unitech Software Solutions Ltd. United Infotech UnitedHealth Group Information Services Pvt. Ltd. UnitedHealth Group Information Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,856 UnitedHealth Group Information Services Pvt. Ltd. 200,856 200,276 201,166 201,160 200,490 108,334 200,084 200,084 200,084 200,084 UP Computers & Peripherals US Tech Solutions (P) Ltd. US Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. UStronics.com (India) Pvt. ltd. Utility Automation Pvt. Ltd UTStarcom Inc. (India Branch Office) UTStarcom Inc. (India Branch Office) UTStarcom Inc. (India Branch Office) UTStarcom Inc. (India Branch Office)

7 LSC, Samachar Apartment, Mayur Vihar, Phase- Delhi I Lado Sarai New Delhi Okhala Phase-II New Delhi Sector 39 Gurgaon

200,856 Cyber Park, Sector-39 Unitech World (Cyber Park), Sector - 39 UPSIDC Complex Gurgaon

12th and 14th Floor, Tower B STPI B-41, Sector-63 B-41, Sector-63 (Ground Floor) C-28, Sector-7 A-27/28, 2nd Floor, Sanjay Market 707-708, Signature Towers-B 1004, Signature Tower B 705-708, 7th Floor, 14th Floor (Units No. 1406, 1407 and 1407A)

Gurgaon KANPUR Noida Noida Noida

Sector-2, Rohini South City South City-1 Signature Tower- II, South City - I Signature Towers-II, South City-I

New Delhi Gurgoan Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon


110,001 110,020

110,065 110,065

122,016 110,019 201,301 110,016 110,085 211,002 208,002 248,001 201,301

Plot F2, Block B1, 2nd Floor, Plot F2, Block B1, 2nd Floor, 52 LGF World Trade Centre, 1st - 2nd Floor, 55 Community Centre 1st - 2nd Floor, 55 Community Centre 1st - 2nd Floor, 55 Community Centre 1st - 2nd Floor, 55 Community Centre F-8, Lower Ground Floor, F-8, Lower Ground Floor, F-8, Lower Ground Floor, 40/135 A - 1/219, First Floor, Janak Puri V-11, Green Park Extn, 164, H - 34, Sector -3 11, Chaitham Lines JalaRam Bhawan, 3rd Floor 43, Shanker Vihar, Vikas Marg, A-108, 305, Triveni Complex 309, 2nd Floor, Block 4 259-B, Pocket-I, Ground Floor, 2nd Floor, F-126 B-94 The Forum, Second Floor, Raghuvanshi Mills Compound The Forum, Second Floor, Raghuvanshi Mills Compound The Forum, Second Floor, Raghuvanshi Mills Compound 4th Floor, Gopala Chambers D-282, Vivek Vihar D-282 Vivek Vihar A-88, Defence Colony A-27/28, 2nd Floor, Sanjay Market 705-708, Signature Tower- II 705-708, Signature Tower- II 705-708, Signature Tower- II 705-708, Signature Tower- II

Mohan Co-op Indl. EState, Mathura Road, Mohan Co-op Indl. EState, Mathura Road, Barakhamba Avenue East of Kailash East of Kailash East of Kailash East of Kailash Main Road, Kalkaji Main Road, Kalkaji Main Road, Kalkaji Chittaranjan Park,

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Allahabad Kanpur New Delhi

110,048 110,048 110,015 110,065 110,065 110,065 110,065

Pawan kumar goya Pawan kumar goya Praveen Grover Maneesh Batra Maneesh Batra Maneesh Batra Maneesh Batra Sudhish Kumar Sudhish Kumar Sudhish Kumar

0120-4016300 0120-4016300 011-41008988 011-51621183-85 011-51621183-85 011-51621183-85 011-51621183-85 0124-5007009-10 0124-5007009-10 0124-5007009-10 011-51510331-332 0091-11-22770419 011-26198387-90 011-27946480 0532-440503 0512-2307905-907 0135-3257771 0120-2580500 95120-2621390 0120-2542453

110,019 110,058 110,016 110,085 211,002 208,001 110,092 201,301 110,092 201,303

Koushik Das Alok Bhargava Anurag Mahajan Rajiv Goel Meera Gupta Dipak Kothari Uday Singh Jain G. K. Bhat I. P. Mehra M. S. Dadu

Ground Floor Rohini

24/146 Patkapur


Sector-4 E 10-12, Jawahar Park, Vikas Marg Ganga Software Tech. Comp., Sect-29 Mayur Vihar, Phase-I Lado Sarai Okhala Phase-II 11/12 Senapati Bapat Marg,Mahalaxmi 11/12 Senapati Bapat Marg,Mahalaxmi 11/12 Senapati Bapat Marg,Mahalaxmi 14/123A, Parade

Noida Delhi Noida

Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Mumbai 400,013 Mumbai 400,013 Mumbai 400,013 KANPUR New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 208,001 110,095 110,095 110,024 110,085 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 110,091 110,030 110,020

Praveen Kr. Pande Sushant Chabra Sandeep Chandra Atul Sampat

011-48042090 011-29522606 011-26389595 91-22-24914345-48

110,091 110,030 110,020


Atul Sampat



Atul Sampat Pankaj Mital Rajiv Goel Rajiv Goel Wise Hashimi Upender Kumar Supriya Sharma Supriya Sharma Supriya Sharma Supriya Sharma

91-22-24914345-48 0512-3331616 0120-4315902 0120-4315902 9,871,464,763 011-27522692, 275110 0124-5199320 0124-5199320 0124-5199320 0124-5199320

122,021 208,001 201,301 201,301 201,601 110,085

Sector-2, Rohini South City - I South City - I South City - I South City - I

New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

122,001 122,001

9,871,032,901 9,871,032,901 9,891,753,683

pawan.goyal@exponential.com pawan.goyal@exponential.com pgrover@tricoresolutions.com maneeshb@trisoft.net maneeshb@trisoft.net maneeshb@trisoft.net maneeshb@trisoft.net sk@connectsaffron.com sk@connectsaffron.com sk@connectsaffron.com

9,810,854,050 9,811,131,322 9,810,007,526 9,811,125,294

info@tsgmail.net alok.bhargava@ctl.com anuragma@tumlare.com rajivgoel164@gmail.com


9,810,357,044 9,313,069,934 9,810,256,494

bhatkrish@yahoo.com info@ultraglobal.com ukiah@vsnl.com

9,810,022,198 9,810,010,055 9,810,004,100

sushant@unissl.com cinzano@vsnl.com atul.sampat@aspireglobal.com


atul.sampat@aspireglobal.com 9,415,056,020 9,811,499,933 9,871,464,763 9,891,405,686 9,811,392,033 9,811,392,033 9,811,392,033 9,811,392,033 wise@ustronics.com shelly@nda.vsnl.net.in supriya@utstar.com supriya@utstar.com supriya@utstar.com supriya@utstar.com pmital@rediffmail.com


V. M. Informatics

211-A, Phase IA, Om Vihar 65, Babu Labh Chand Chhajlani Marg 515-516, UPSIDC Complex D-17, Industrial Area 3rd Floor, Tower-D, Logix Park D-21, NDSE STP Complex A-8, Ground Floor, 1st and 2nd Floor H-23 A-8, Sector-9 JIL Tower-II B - 60, Palam Vyapar, Kendra Palam Vihar, Basement Floor at H-39, Basement, Gr. Floor and 1st Floor J - 297, Saket D-26, Sector-2 B-1/G-5 B-1/G-3, Mohan Co-operative Indl. Estate Plot No. G-4, Block B-1 B-1/G-3, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate Mezzanine Floor and First Floor, B1-G5 Mezzanine and 1st Floor, B-1/G-5 B-1/G-6, B - 231, Okhla Industrial Area B - 47, Sector - 63 A - 14/27 B 5th Floor (29724 sq.ft.), Unitechworld

Shiv Shankar Road, Uttam Nagar Naidunia Parisar Lakhanpur Mandeep Plot No. 5, Sector-127 Part - I Gomati Nagar Sector-9 Sec - 63

New Delhi

V.C. Consulting 200,313 200,896 200,118 V2 Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (kanpur) VA Tech Hydro India Pvt.Ltd. Valdel Engineers & Constructors (P) Ltd. 201,006 200,419 200,296 200,145 200,145 200,632 200,240 Value One Infotech Pvt. Ltd. VALUTEL vAngelz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. vAngelz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Vangelz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (unit II) Vanguard Info-Solutions Ltd.

Indore Kanpur Bhopal Noida New Delhi Lucknow Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon

78, Institutional Area, Sector-18

Varite India Pvt.Ltd. 200,675 201,092 200,513 200,513 200,513 109,230 109,230 109,230 109,230 109,230 Vatima Technologies Vcare Call Centers India (P) Ltd. Vcare Call Centers India (P) Ltd. Vcare Call Centers India (P) Ltd. vCustomer Services India Pvt.Ltd. vCustomer Services India Pvt.Ltd. vCustomer Services India Pvt.Ltd. vCustomer Services India Pvt.Ltd. vCustomer Services India Pvt.Ltd.

Gurgaon Sector-27 E-25, Sector-63 Noida Noida New Delhi Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Mohan Co-operative Indl. Estate, Mathura Road Mathura Road Mohan Co-operative Estate Mathura Road Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road Mohan Co-operative Estate Phase - 1

vCustomer Services India Pvt.Ltd. 109,230 109,230 200,589 200,756 200,580 vCustomer Services India Pvt.Ltd. Vee Em Infocentre (P) Ltd. Venera Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Venire IT Ltd. - Global Services Vertex Customer Services India Pvt. Ltd. 200,038 Vertex Customer Services India Pvt. Ltd. 200,038 Vertex Customer Services India Pvt. Ltd. 200,038 Vertex Customer Services India Pvt. Ltd. 200,038 Vertex Customer Services India Pvt. Ltd. 200,038 Vertex Customer Services India Pvt. Ltd. 200,038

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Noida

Sector Road, DLF City Phase - I Sector-39



3rd 4th Floors, DLF Centre Court 5th Floor, Unitechworld, Sector39

Sector-42, Near Ph-V,



5th FLoor, Unitech World,

Sector 39 DLF City Phase-V, Sector42


2nd Floor, DLF Centre Court 29,724 sq.ft. at 5th floorcyber park


unitech world ,sector-39



211-A, Phase IA, Om Vihar 65, Babu Labh Chand Chhajlani Marg 514, Fifth Floor D-17, Industrial Area 9, Maghooth Mansions, Civil Station 22, Vaishali 171-C, Eldeco Greens E-549 (LGF) E-549 (LGF) E-549 (LGF), Greater Kailash-II, JIL Tower - II B - 60, Palam Vyapar, Kendra Palam Vihar,

Shiv Shankar Road, Uttam Nagar Naidunia Parisar UPSIDC Complex, Lakhanpur Mandideep, Karnataka State Pitampura Gomti Nagar Greater Kailash-II Greater Kailash-II

New Delhi


Rajesh Singh Sehg

25,352,358 0731-436611, 3983325

Indore 452,009 Kanpur Bhopal Bangalore New Delhi Lucknow New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon 560,025 110,088 226,010 110,048 110,048 110,048 208,024 462,046

Dushyant Pahare Vivek Kumar Gupta Rahul Saxena Anand Marakur Mr. Lavanya Rasto Vijay Bikram Singh Vivek Singh Vivek Singh Narinder Singh Aza Pawan Kumar Rust

452,009 208,024 462,046

07480-33714-718 080-66282000 011-27315027

201,301 110,049 226,010

0120-5542193-94 0120-5542193-94 95-11-51435590 0124-5125474

201,301 122,001

78, Institutional Area, Sector18

Gurgaon Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 201,301 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,044 110,044 110,044 110,044 110,044

Renu Katyal Abhishek Khanna Sandip Mehra Sandip Mehra Sandip Mehra Satish Sarawagi Satish Sarawagi Satish Sarawagi Satish Sarawagi Satish Sarawagi 14,088,354,234 0120-2556695 120-4320478 120-4320478 120-4320478 011-40530200 011-40530200 011-40530200 011-40530200 011-40530200


H-39, Sector-27 505, Chiranjiv Tower 505, Chiranjiv Tower 505, Chiranjiv Tower B-1/G-6, Mohan Cooperative Indl. B-1/G-6, Mohan Cooperative Indl. B-1/G-6, Mohan Cooperative Indl. B-1/G-6, Mohan Cooperative Indl. B-1/G-6, Mohan Cooperative Indl. B-1/G-6, Mohan Cooperative Indl. B-1/G-6, Mohan Cooperative Indl. B - 231, Okhla Industrial Area M - 3/16, Model Town III A - 14/27 B 3rd and 4th Floor, DLF Centre Court, DLF city

Nehru Place Nehru Place Nehru Place Mathura Road Mathura Road Mathura Road Mathura Road Mathura Road

110,017 110,044 110,044

110,044 110,044

Mathura Road Mathura Road Phase - 1

New Delhi 110,044 New Delhi New Delhi Delhi 110,044 110,020 110,009 122,002

Satish Sarawagi Satish Sarawagi Meenakshi Kaul Shekhar Madnani Chetan Singh

011-40530200 011-40530200 011-26371319 0120-4324869 0124-5051925

110,044 110,044 110,020 201,301 122,002

Sector Road, DLF City Phase I Phase- V, Sector-42


Gurgaon 122,002

J.S. Balaji


121,001 3rd and 4th Floor, DLF Centre Court, DLF city 122,002 3rd and 4th Floor, DLF Centre Court, DLF city 3rd and 4th Floor, DLF Centre Court, DLF city 122,002 3rd and 4th Floor, DLF Centre Court, DLF city 122,002 3rd and 4th Floor, DLF Centre Court, DLF city Phase- V, Sector-42 Gurgaon Phase- V, Sector-42 Gurgaon Phase- V, Sector-42 Gurgaon Phase- V, Sector-42 Gurgaon

J.S. Balaji 122,002 J.S. Balaji 122,002



Phase- V, Sector-42

Gurgaon 122,002

J.S. Balaji


J.S. Balaji 122,002 J.S. Balaji 122,002






cr.subramanya@valdelec.com 98,453,316,456 lavanya@value-one.com 9,839,025,213 info@v-angelz.co.uk info@v-angelz.co.uk



archana@varite.com 9,818,040,001 9,891,107,474 9,891,107,474 9,891,107,474 9,810,603,860 9,810,603,860 9,810,603,860 9,810,603,860 9,810,603,860 abhishekk@vatima.com sandy@callcentersindia.com sandy@callcentersindia.com sandy@callcentersindia.com satish.sarawagi@vcustomer.com satish.sarawagi@vcustomer.com satish.sarawagi@vcustomer.com satish.sarawagi@vcustomer.com satish.sarawagi@vcustomer.com

satish.sarawagi@vcustomer.com 9,810,603,860 9,810,603,860 9,810,746,833 930,857,616 satish.sarawagi@vcustomer.com minakaul@yahoo.com shekhar@venera.co.in corporate.communication@venire.com







200,122 109,403 109,365 201,148 200,340 200,759 200,412 200,944 201,178 200,519 200,517 200,518 200,520 200,516 200,880 200,481 200,822 108,329 200,338 109,047 109,047 109,047 100,058 100,027 108,730 200,331 200,780 200,449 200,202 200,911 200,910 200,913 200,912 100,043 200,721 200,184 200,217 200,525 200,935

Vibgyor Technology Vichara Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd. Vidyatech Solutions Private Limited Vidyatech Solutions Private Limited (Unit-II) Vij & Vij Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Vikalp Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Vikas Books Ltd. Vikas Sethi Vinayak Solutions Private Limited Vinove Software & Services Vinove Software & Services Vinove Software & Services Vinove Software & Services 1 Vinove Software & Services Pvt Ltd. Vinr Corp Vipul Laing O Rourke Pvt. Ltd. Viraat Consultant and Traders Pvt. Ltd. Virage Logic International Virgin Networks /VN FAX Virtual Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. Virtual Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. Virtual Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. Virtual Images Pvt. Ltd. virtual Net Solutions Ltd. Viscus Infotech Ltd Visesh Infotecnics Limited Visnova Solutions Pvt. Ltd. VKG Shanti Software Systems Pvt Ltd VKJ Systems Private Limited VMD CAD & Graphic Technologies Pvt. Limited VMD CAD & Graphic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. VMD CAD & Graphic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. VMD CAD & Graphic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Voice Data Management Pvt. Ltd. Voice Data Management Pvt. Ltd. (unit - II) Void Technologies Pvt.Ltd. Vsoft Business Solutions VSofttech Solutions VYOM Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. W D Partners India Pvt. Ltd.

98A Bharat Nagar F-2/34 A-30, 2nd Floor C-69, First Floor, Sector-58 E-274, Greater Kailash Part-I Ground Floor, Industrial Premises 306, EMCA Chambers, IInd Floor A-3/102, Paschim Vihar 2/6, Basement, West Patel Nagar 8 C, Bigjos Tower 8 C, Bigjos Tower 8 C, Bigjos Tower 8 C, Bigjos Tower F-2 mezzanine and first floor, Udyog nagar 178, Agroha Kunj, Ground Floor, Orchid Plaza C 56/35, Sector - 62 A-75 7, Sector-29 212, 2nd Floor F-1203, Chitraanjan Park B-251 F-33 , Shankar Market

New Friends Colony DLF City, Phase-I Kailash Colony

New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Noida New Delhi

NH-110, Sec 63, 51, Darya Ganj

Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Netaji Subhash Place Netaji Subhash Place Netaji Subhash Place Netaji Subhash Place Rohtak Road Sec-13, Sector-55

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Rohini Gurgaon Noida

Sector-57 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III

Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi

Chitranjan Park Cannaught Place

new delhi New Delhi

31/2 B 20 - 21, Hartron, Electronic City C - 15, Sector - 3 A4, Logix Park Level 1, Chouhan Towers Sun Tower, IInd Floor, Sun Tower, IInd Floor, Sun Tower, IInd Floor, Sun Tower, IInd Floor, 339, Udyog Vihar 358, Udyog Vihar, Phase - IV, C 22/26 139-B, SFS, DDA Flats 1/255, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar Z-1 D-16, Local Shopping Complex, Ring Road,

New Palasia Sector - 18

Indore Gurgaon Noida

Sector-16 G. E. Road M. G. Road, Sukhrali M. G. Road, Sukhrali M. G. Road, Sukhrali M. G. Road, Sukhrali Phase - I V

Noida Bhilai Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Noida Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

Sector - 57 Gulabi Bagh Sector - 6 Sainik Farms Naraina,



98A Bharat Nagar E-186, L G F A-30, 2nd Floor A-30, Second Floor, Kailash Colony, E-167, Greater Kailash Part-I 172, Overseas Apartments, 703, Ashoka Estate A-3/102, Paschim Vihar 21/35, West Patel Nagar 8 C, Bigjos Tower 8 C, Bigjos Tower 8 C, Bigjos Tower 8 C, Bigjos Tower 8 C, Bigjos Tower C-4, Green View Global Business Arcade 256, Blcok 1, Ganga Shopping Complex A-75 7, Sector-29 F-1203, Chitraanjan Park, F-1203, Chitraanjan Park, F-1203, Chitraanjan Park, F-33 , Shankar Market c-7 , maharani bagh 31/2 325, C M H Road A - 10, Green Park Main, 294B, Pocket - 2

New Friends Colony Greater Kailash - 1 Kailash Colony

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,065 110,048 110,048 201,301 110,048

Vipin Bansal Shruti Jain Satish Govind Satish Govind Tilak Vij Amit Gupta

011-26325952 011-26292201-03 011-26474454 0120-4251714 26,282,220 0120-2402571 011-23313486 011-42316544 011-32926907 011-52470567 011-52470567 011-52470567 011-52470567 011-52470567 011-27868013 0124-5108065-66 0120-2451020 0120-2588881-84 120-2453515 011-26275135, 51600318 011-26275135, 51600318 011-26275135, 51600318 3,414,547 6,833,186 0731-2535173 51514552-8 a011-26863576 0120-2517697, 2517471 91-788-5033390/91, 5038062

110,048 201,301 110,048

Sector - 62 24, Barakhamba Road

Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi 110,001 110,063 110,018 110,088 110,088 110,088 110,088 110,088 110,085 120,002 201,303 201,307 201,301 110,019 110,019 110,019 110,001 110,065 452,001 560,038

110,002 110,063 110,008 110,088 110,088 110,088 110,088

Mr. Ravi Jain Vikas Sethi Pooja Juneja Mohit Aggarwal Mohit Aggarwal Mohit Aggarwal Mohit Aggarwal Mohit Aggarwal Ruchi Arabinda Chakrabo Arvind Singh Ragh Sanjevan Negi Devesh Agrawal Anurag Agarwal Anurag Agarwal Anurag Agarwal Aziz Qurashi NullPl.Enter Akshay Jain Karun Jain Suresh Chandra R

Netaji Subhash Place Netaji Subhash Place Netaji Subhash Place Netaji Subhash Place Netaji Subhash Place Sec-9, 3rd Floor, MG Road Sector - 29, Sector-57

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Rohini Gurgaon Noida Noida Noida New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi


201,303 201,307 201,301 110,020 110,019 110,019 110,001 452,001 122,001

Cannaught Place

New Delhi New Delhi Indore Bangalore New Delhi

New Palasia Indiranagar

Mayur Vihar Phase - 1 G. E. Road Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar Malviya Nagar Phase - I V

New Delhi Bhilai New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Ghaziabad Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi

110,092 490,023 110,017 110,017 110,017 110,017 122,015 122,001 201,001 110,007 110,062 110,065

Narinder Singh Vishal Jaiswal Avinish Kumar Avinish Kumar Avinish Kumar Avinish Kumar Sanjay Goyal Malini Gupta Neeraj Chaurasia M.S. Virdi Virendra Singh Neg Mukul Khanna Arun Kanotra

490,023 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,001 122,015 122,001 201,301 110,007 110,062 110,068

201-204, Chouhan Towers 90/31B, 1st Floor, 90/31B, 1st Floor, 90/31B, 1st Floor, 90/31B, 1st Floor, 339, Udyog Vihar 339, Udyog Vihar, Phase - IV, 3A/126, 139-B, SFS, DDA Flats 1/255, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar B-182, First Floor, D-16, Local Shopping Complex, Ring Road,

91-124-2803035/37 91-124-2803035/37 95-124-4001100 91-124-2451180 2,588,820 011-32449555 011-26057223

Nehru Nagar Gulabi Bagh Sector - 6 East of Kailash Naraina,




9,810,157,284 9,811,306,245 9,810,200,709 9,810,200,709 9,811,124,474 9,810,826,135

vipinb@infotronic.net shruti.jain@vichara.com satish@vidyatech.net satish@vidyatech.biz

amit.gupta@vikalpsolutions.com ravijain@ratanprakashan.com

9,811,191,881 9,810,440,608

mail@vikassethi.com pooja@vinsol.com info@vinove.com info@vinove.com info@vinove.com info@vinove.com info@vinove.com


ruchi@vincorp.com achakraborty@vipullaingorourke.com viraat@gmail.com sanjevan.negi@viragelogic.com anurag@vestusa.com anurag@vestusa.com anurag@vestusa.com vipl1@hotmail.com


5135, 51600318

5135, 51600318

5135, 51600318

akshay@vinfotech.com delhi@viseshinfo.com 98101- 91891 srajpal@visnovasolutions.com narinder.singh@beganto.com info@vkjsystems.com avinish@designpresentation.com avinish@designpresentation.com avinish@designpresentation.com avinish@designpresentation.com sgoyal@infovisiongroup.com mala@infovisiongroup.com info@void.co.in manverinder@bsoftbs.com virensnegi@rediffmail.com

7697, 2517471

33390/91, 5038062 9,810,398,611 9,810,398,611 9,810,398,611 9,810,398,611 9,810,730,080 9,810,064,273 2,588,820 9,312,273,953 9,810,383,269


109,168 200,504 201,007 200,154 200,967 200,601 200,231 200,095 108,535 108,372 108,372 108,372 108,372 108,372 200,671

Wadco Infotech (P) Ltd. Wand (India) Pvt. Ltd. WCC Solutions (P) Ltd. Web Information Technology Pvt.Ltd. Webaroo Technology India (P) Ltd. Wellgrow Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Whizlabs Software Pvt. ltd. Wilderness Films India Ltd. Win Focus Pvt. Ltd. Wipro Ltd. (Phase - IV) Wipro Ltd. (Phase - IV) Wipro Ltd. (Phase - IV) Wipro Ltd. (Phase - IV) Wipro Ltd. (Phase - IV) Wipro Ltd. (unit - II) (Phase III)

308, Prakash Deep Bldg A 4, Logix Park 253, Ist Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, 30 C - 16, Second Floor, Safdarjung Development Area, A - 9, Sector - 132 211, Suneja Tower-I 1, Factory Road 41, Ghatparkar Marg Plot No 27-28, Basement, Plot No. 27-28, Plot No.281, Udyog Vihar, Plot No. 27-28, Phase-IV Ground Floor and Mezzanine Floor at Plot No. 27-28 Plot No. 480-481, Phase -III

7, Tolstoy Marg Sector - 16 Phase - III, Ashoka Nagar Commercial Complex,

New Delhi Noida New Delhi INDORE New Delhi Noida

District Center, Janakpuri Ring Road South 2nd Floor, Freeganj Phase-IV, Udyog Vihar, Phase - IV, Udyog Vihar Phase-II Udyog Vihar Phase-IV, Udyog Vihar

New Delhi New Delhi Ujjain Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

Wirkle Technologies Private Limited 201,191 201,158 200,283 200,909 201,003 201,002 200,256 200,256 200,256 200,256 200,256 Wishvita Consultancy Services Wishwa Consultancy Services Wizie.COM India Private Limited WM Netserv WM Netserv Ltd. WNS Global Services Pvt. Ltd. (Unit II) WNS Global Services Pvt. Ltd. (Unit II) WNS Global Services Pvt. Ltd. (Unit II) WNS Global Services Pvt. Ltd. (Unit II) WNS Global Services Pvt. Ltd. (Unit II) WNS Global Services Pvt. Ltd.(Unit- III) 201,054 200,447 200,015 201,150 200,990 100,021 Woodside Infotech (P) Ltd Worldwide Infosystems WOW Global India Pvt. Ltd. wServe Technologies Private Limited WWICS Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Xavient Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd. 200,337

Plot No. 21, 3rd Floor, E-44, West patel Nagar E-44, West Patel Nagar Industrial Plot no 462, 2nd Floor, A Wing, No. 480-481, 2nd Floor, A Wing, No. 480-481, 3rd Floor, EnkayTowers DLF Cyber City, 6th Floor DLF Cyber City, 6th Floor 4th Floor, Enkay Towers 7th Floor, Enkay Towers,

Electronic City, Sector-18

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

Phase 5, Udyog Vihar Udyog Vihar, Phase - 3, Udyog Vihar, Phase - 3, Vanijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V Tower-B, Infinity Towers Tower-B and C, Infinity Towers Udyog Vihar, Phase-V Vanijya Nikunj, Udyog Vihar, Phase-V The Presidency Tower, 46/4, Meharauli-Gurgaon Rd. Udyog Vihar Nizamuddin East Sec-34, District Centre, Janakpuri

GURGAON Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

Ground and First Floor, Tower-B 530, Phase - V B-18 Plot No. 55, Ground Floor 1007-1008, Vishal Tower

Gurgaon Gurgaon New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi

C-124, Phase-II, Extension, Hosiery Complex Noida Noida

110,001 201,301 110,020 452,002 110,016 201,301 110,058 110,029 456,010 122,015

308, Prakash Deep Bldg R - 55, 1st Floor 253, Ist Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, 30 3rd Floor, Unit No. CM - 1, 5948, Room No. - 3 AP-48, Suneja TowerI 1, Factory Road 41, Ghatparkar Marg 480-481, Udyog Vihar, 480-481, Udyog Vihar, 480-481, Udyog Vihar,

7, Tolstoy Marg G. K. Part - I Phase - III, Ashoka Nagar CSRE Building, IIT Bombay, Powai, Basti Harphool Singh Sadar Thana Road, Sadar Bazar District Center, Janakpuri Ring Road South Freeganj Phase-III, Phase-III, Phase-III, Phase-III, Phase-III,

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi INDORE Mumbai Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Ujjain Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Bangalore

110,001 110,048 110,020 452,002 400,076 110,006 110,058 110,029 456,010 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 122,015 560,035

Satyan Wadhwa Harish Sharma Sunil Batra Quaid Joher Saifee Rakesh Mathur Vikas Bajaj Vikas Kaushik Praveen Bhagat Atul Jain Valerian J Fernade Valerian J Fernade Valerian J Fernade Valerian J Fernade Valerian J Fernade Valerian J Fernade

011-23354007-4008 0120-2515915-16 91-11-42094999 2,465,283 25,720,095 011-51661180 41,589,172 011-26198255 0734-554518 080-28440011 080-28440011 080-28440011 080-28440011 080-28440011 080-28440011


480-481, Udyog Vihar, 480-481, Udyog Vihar, Doddakannalli, Sarjapur Road, A-31, Seema Apartment, Plot No. 7

Sector-11, Dwarka

New Delhi 110,075 New Delhi New Delhi 110,008 110,008 110,064 560,035 560,035 110,007 110,007 110,007 110,007 110,007

Lomesh Dutta Rajesh Sharna Rajesh Kumar Sha Manoj Kumar Jha Raja Shekar Jayanta Dey Ankit Goel Ankit Goel Ankit Goel Ankit Goel Ankit Goel

0124-4283544 011 25889922 011-2559922 0124-4110900 28,440,011 080-30297904 95-124-4330000 95-124-4330000 95-124-4330000 95-124-4330000 95-124-4330000

122,001 110,008 110,008 122,001 122,015 122,015 122,016 E-44, West Patel Nagar E-44, West Patel Nagar C- 238, Mig Flats, C/o Wipro Limited, Sy. No. 76P and 80P, 6, Cavalry Lane, Mall Road 6, Cavalry Lane, Mall Road 6, Cavalry Lane, Mall Road 6, Cavalry Lane, Mall Road 6, Cavalry Lane, Mall Road Plot No. 10, Gate No. 4 24/5, Punjabi Bagh Extn. B-18 Plot No. 55, Sec-34 1007-1008, Vishal Tower Null Pl. Enter B-1, Maks Commercial Centre, AA/14, Veera Ind.Estate, Veera Desai Road

Mayapuri Sy. No. 76P and 80P, Sarjapur Road, Sarjapur Road, Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Godrej and Boyce Complex, Projshanagar, Vikhroli (W)

New Delhi Bangalore Bangalore Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi


Mumbai 400,059 New Delhi 110,026 110,013 122,001 110,058

Adil S. Nargolwala Harish Kumar Chha Hamid Hasan Subhash Chander Dalip Singh Manch NullPl.Enter

0124-4330433 0124-55468975 91-11-4352466 0124-4541600 011-41579410

122,001 122,016 110,013 122,001 110,058

Nizamuddin East District Centre, Janakpuri

New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi Null Pl. Enter

Andheri (W)

Mumbai 400,053

Saif Ahmad

0120-246181-83, 120-4

9,811,038,101 9,810,264,448 9,810,422,283

satyan.wadhwa@vsnl.com harishs@wandcorp.com sunil@wccsolutions.com

rakesh@skyblaze.com 9,810,679,092 9,811,263,846 9,810,019,704 9,827,060,587 9,845,349,036 9,845,349,036 9,845,349,036 9,845,349,036 9,845,349,036 9,845,349,036 vksbjj@yahoo.com v.kaushik@whizlabs.com accts@wildfilmsindia.com atulwfpl@sify.com valerian.fernades@wipro.com valerian.fernades@wipro.com valerian.fernades@wipro.com valerian.fernades@wipro.com valerian.fernades@wipro.com fernades@wipro.com

lomesh@wrikle.com 9,818,095,139 9,810,288,796 9,810,288,796 9871995551/ 9 9,845,055,690 rs_sharma@compuserve.com manoj@wizie.com raja.shekar@wipro.com jayanta.dey@wmnetserv.com ankit.goel@india.trinitybpm.com ankit.goel@india.trinitybpm.com ankit.goel@india.trinitybpm.com ankit.goel@india.trinitybpm.com ankit.goel@india.trinitybpm.com

adil.nargolwala@wnsgs.com 9,810,063,448 9,810,352,798 info@wininfisystems.com schander@wowglobal.com info@wserve.co.in

9899020324, 9

sahmad@xavient.com 9,810,325,196

Xavient Information Systems India Pvt. Ltd. 200,337 201,036 201,036 200,815 108,229 200,776 200,776 Xavient Software Solutions India (P) Ltd. Xavient Software Solutions India (P) Ltd. Xceed IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Xchanging Technology Services India Pvt. Ltd. Xebia IT Architects India Pvt. Ltd. Xebia IT Architects India Pvt. Ltd.

C-124, First Floor, Hosiery Complex, Phase-II Extension Second Floor, D-42, Hosiery Complex, First Floor at D-42, Hosiery Complex B-27, Ground and First Floor, 271, Udyog Vihar 303, 3rd Floor, Tower-B 610, 611, 612, 612A and 614 at 6th Floor, 20th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg Phase - II Extension Phase-II Ext, Sector - 63 Phase-II Millennium Plaza BPTP Park Centre, Sector 30, M Block, DLF City, Phase- II Noida Noida Noida Noida Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon

Xerox India Limited 108,035 Xerox India Limited 108,035 200,501 200,155 201,025 200,284 200,284 200,255 200,255 100,070 200,577 200,454 200,843 200,977 108,494 201,098 200,761 201,131 Xevoke Consulting Services XICOM Technologies XL India Business Services (P) Ltd. (Unit II) XL India Business Services Pvt. Ltd. XL India Business Services Pvt. Ltd. XPREZTO (Unit -Xprez Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) XPREZTO (Unit -Xprez Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) Yadu International Ltd. Yamaha Motor Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Yash Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Yashco Systems ( Zansys Technologies (P) Ltd. Zenax Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. Zimbra Technologies Zior Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Zola Bo Designs


B - 53, Okhla Industrial Area O - 12 B, 2nd Floor 512, Mahatta Tower First Floor, Vatika Triangle DLF Building No-8, 5th Floor, Tower - B First Floor, Vatika Triangle, 306, M.S. Chambers, C - 1A, Aruna park Roots Tower, Plot No. 7 24/147 -a ,5 14 Kalpana Plaza 19/6, Ground Floor 205, Bansi Trade Centre 311 - City Centre B - 155, F.F., B-48, Sector-59 SCO 501, 4th Floor 2/22, First Floor, Sarvpriya Vihar 3514, DLF Phase-IV

Phase-I Lajpat Nagar - II Community Centre, BBlock, Janakpuri Sushant Lok DLF Cyber City Sushant Lok, Main Vikas Marg District Centre, Laxmi Nagar Birhana Road Mathura Road 581/5, M. G. Road 570, M G Road Sector - 63, Sector-70

New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi New Delhi Kanpur Faridabad Indore Indore Noida Noida Mohali New Delhi Gurgaon


2nd Floor, 461, Udyog Vihar



B-1, Maks Commercial Centre, AA/14, Veera Ind.Estate, Veera Desai Road 201,305 201,305 201,305 201,301 122,016 J -66, Sector - 41. J -66, Sector - 41. C - 304, Sheikh Sarai 1201-1202, Tower - A 1103, Naurang House 122,002 1103, Naurang House 20th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg 20th Floor, DLF Square, Jacaranda Marg O - 12 B, 2nd Floor 512, Mahatta Tower FF - 101, Ist Floor, Sarine Sonia Sadan, First Floor, Vatika Triangle First Floor, Vatika Triangle 8th Floor, 809, Roots Tower, Plot No-7 8th Floor, 809, Roots Tower, Plot No-7 24/147 -a ,5 14 Kalpana Plaza C-582, 302, Almas Building Alankar Apartment 301, C - 8, GK Enclave 1, B-48, Sector-59 No. 2017, Phase-VII 2/22, First Floor, Sarvpriya Vihar 122A, Hamielton Court, DLF City C-97, Ahinsa Circle, Ashok Marg

Andheri (W)

Mumbai 400,053 Noida Noida 201,301 201,301 110,017 122,001 110,001 110,001

Saif Ahmad Saif Ahmad Saif Ahmad Sabina Kamal Henry Dsouza Anurag Shrivastava Anurag Shrivastava

0120-246181-83, 120-4 91-120-4362500 91-120-4362500 0120-4355886 0124-5080991-94 91-124-4200051 91-124-4200051

Phase - I Signature Tower, South City I 21, K G Marg 21, K G Marg

New Delhi Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi

M Block, DLF City, Phase-II

Gurgaon 122,002

K.R. Bala



M Block, DLF City, Phase-II Lajpat Nagar - II Community Centre, B-Block, Janakpuri Bldg. No. G - 11, Community Centre, Vikas Puri Sushant Lok, 1 MG Road Sushant Lok, 1 MG Road Dist. Centre, Laxminagar Dist. Centre, Laxminagar Birhana Road LGF, DEFENCE COLONY 5 Sanghi Colony 232, Anoop Nagar,

Gurgaon New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Gurgaon Gurgaon Delhi Delhi Kanpur NEW DELHI Indore Indore New Delhi Noida Mohali New Delhi 122,002 110,024 110,058 110,018 122,002 122,002 110,092 110,092 208,001 110,024 452,001 452,008 110,048 201,303 160,055 110,016

K.R. Bala Nimish Gupta Rahul Mahajan Shobhiit Rattan Ga Shobhit Rattan Gan Shobhit Rattan Gan Saurabh Agrawal Saurabh Agrawal Anil Agarwal Amresh Saxena Kirti K. Baheti Sheetal Datta Ravi Raheja Rahul Narayan Chandanjeet Singh Scott Thomson Zio Bharti Gupta

0124-2561930-940 011-46543181 011-25502616 0124-4178000 0124-4178000 0124-4178000 011-22010435 011-22010435 91-512-300810 0120-2350634 0731-2553844 0731-5063509 41,635,931 0120-2588202 0172-5013137 011-26569448

110,020 110,024 110,058 122,002 122,002


208,001 121,006 452,001 452,001 201,301 201,303 160,059 110,016







Parijat Agarwal


sahmad@xavient.com 9,810,325,196 9,810,325,196 9,810,325,196 9,810,750,707 9,811,115,011 9,910,174,582 9,910,174,582 sahmad@xavient.com sahmad@xavient.com sabina.kamal@xceeditsolutions.com henry.dsouza@rebusis.com ashrivastava@xebia.com ashrivastava@xebia.com

kr.bala@ind.xerox.com 9,811,773,947 kr.bala@ind.xerox.com 9,811,773,947 9,811,609,355 9,811,315,656 info@xevoke.com service@xicom.biz shobhitrattan.gandhi@xlgroup.com shobhitrattan.gandhi@xlgroup.com shobhitrattan.gandhi@xlgroup.com 33,479,810 33,479,810 exprezinfo@yahoo.com exprezinfo@yahoo.com yadu@satyam.net.in 9,899,801,541 9,893,023,225 9,827,213,188 9,810,026,829 981,032,323 9,872,141,566 9,810,214,046 9,312,632,144 asaxena@yamaha-motor-india.com kirti@yash.com ambicadatta@yahoo.com raheja@hotmail.com rahul@ideactive.com cj.s.sra@gmail.com scottzior@yahoo.com khergupta@gmail.com



AvayaMr.NitinVashi,HeadCorporateRealEstate&SiteOperations,nvashi@avaya.com,+91-9892505550 AxisBankCaptKamalBajaj,VicePresident&HeadAdministration,Kamal.Bajaj@axisbank.com,+91-9833851967

AegonReligareLifeInsuranceMajRoydenDSouza,Infrastructure&FacilitiesHead,Royden.dsouza@aegonreligare.c ASISMr.AnilJagtap,GeneralManager(West),aniljagtap@asisindia.com,+91-9820039790 ASISMr.ChandanPrasad,GeneralManager,chandankumar@asisindia.com,+91-7303131307 BirlaSunLifeInsuranceMr.GaneshPoojary,SeniorManager,ganesh.poojary@birlasunlife.com,+91-9702025858 BirlaSunLifeInsuranceMr.ARaju,SeniorExecutive,raju.a@birlasunlife.com,+91-9702740555 CiscoMs.DiptiBalan,ManagerGlobalProcurement,dipbalan@cisco.com,+91-9820370462

ComputerLank UK Mr. Nitin Singh, Facilities Manager, +91-9920772559




EssarInvestmentsMr.BasilKeelor,SeniorVicePresident-GroupHeadAdministration,Basil.Keelor@essar.com,+91 EtisalatDBTelecomMr.VinodTiwari,AVPAdministration,vtiwari@etisalat.in,+91-9167835733

FutureGeneraliIndiaLifeInsuranceMr.PrakashPoojary,HeadInfrastructure&Administration,Prakash.Poojary@fu GodrejInterioMr.SeshadriIyer,NationalSalesManager,nsi@godrej.com,+91-9820139515 GlobalInnovSourceMr.AshishSahasrabudhe,VicePresidentIFM,ashishs@globali.in,+91-9930732021 GlobalInnovSourceMr.GaneshIyer,AssociateVicePresident-IFM,ganeshi@globali.in,+91-9833952149


HDFCAssetManagementMr.NadirShah,AssistantManagerAdministration,nadirs@hdfcfund.com,+91-98678627 IDFCColRahulSamuel,DirectorInfrastructure&Facilities,RAHUL.SAMUEL@IDFC.COM,+91-9967580066 IDFCMr.VivekVJalan,DirectorInfrastructureFacilities,vivek.jalan@idfc.com,+91-9004016789





MorganStanleyMr.AnuragTyagi,VicePresident&HeadRealEstate,CorporateServices,Anurag.Tyagi@morganstan Marathon Group - Mr. Mayur Shah, Managing Director, mayor@marathonrealty.com , +91-9821084134



OracleMr.SubhashSharma,ManagerFacilities,subhash.sharma@oracle.com,+91-9920714402 OracleMs.MariahKataria,OfficeServiceManager,mariah.kataria@oracle.com,+91-9819167670 OracleMr.SanjayShukla,FacilitiesSpecialist,sanjay.s.shukla@oracle.com,+91-9769970957

PrinceAlyKhanHospitalMr.AbdulAzeemAbdulMateen,ManagerFacilities,Administration&Maintenance,shaikh.a PeregrineGuardingBrigRajanOberoi,ManagingDirector,rajan.oberoi@peregrineguarding.com,+91-9818670002



SystimeGlobalSolutionsMr.AbhayDeshpande,SeniorManagerFacilities&LogisticsManagement,adeshpande@s Syntel(Ex)BrigAshokDeshpande,DirectorFacilities,deshuashok1950@gmail.com,+91-9820869693 TataConsultancyServicesCdr.SabuMathew,SeniorGeneralManager,sabu.mathew@tcs.com,+91-22-67793807 Tata Consultancy Services - Cdr. Stanley Daniel, Senior General Manager, stanley.daniel@tcs.com , +91-9223313012 Tata Consultancy Services - Cdr. Dipankar Goswami, General Manager, dipankar.goswami@tcs.com, +91-9223100978 Tata Consultancy Services - Cdr. Dinesh Rai, General Manager, dinesh3.r@tcs.com , +91-9223343590 TataConsultancyServicesMr.TPrafulchandran,GeneralManager,t.praful@tcs.com,+91-8976084635 TataConsultancyServicesMr.PKarthikeyan,GeneralManager,p.karthikeyan@tcs.com,+91-9223312995

TenonPropertyServicesMr.RMahenderSingh,VicePresidentNationalOperations,mahender.singh@tenonservice ZentaCaptSudeepGhoshal,VicePresidentInfrastructure,sghoshal@zenta.com,+91-9892288271




























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