Harry Potter Lesson Plan
Harry Potter Lesson Plan
Harry Potter Lesson Plan
HARRY POTTER LESSON PLAN Unit Objectives: Harry Potter Aims (TEKS) 1) Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to adjust fluency when reading aloud grade-level text based on the reading purpose and the nature of the text. (2) Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. Students are expected to: (A) Determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes; (B) Use context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or ambiguous words or words with novel meanings; (D) Identify common words or word parts from other languages that are used in written English (e.g., phenomenon, charisma, chorus, pass, flora, fauna); and (E) Use a dictionary, a glossary, or a thesaurus (printed or electronic) to determine the meanings, syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words. (10) Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: (A) Summarize the main ideas, supporting details, and relationships among ideas in text succinctly in ways that maintain meaning and logical order; (B) Distinguish factual claims from commonplace assertions and opinions and evaluate inferences from their logic in text; (C) Make subtle inferences and draw complex conclusions about the ideas in text and their organizational patterns; and (D) Synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres and support those findings with textual evidence. (14) Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to: (A) plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea; (B) Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing;
(C) revise drafts to ensure precise word choice and vivid images; consistent point of view; use of simple, compound, and complex sentences; internal and external coherence; and the use of effective transitions after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed; (D) Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling; and (E) Revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences.
Level: pre intermediate and above Introduction: Through reading and discussing Harry Potter, students will preliminarily gain a better understanding of the themes of belonging and not belonging. Students are also encouraged to consider such themes as bravery, revenge, courage, family values, friendship, greed, and loyalty. They are strongly encouraged to study the book carefully but also simply to enjoy it. 1. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the text on four levels: factual, interpretive, critical, and personal. 2. Students will define and express their own viewpoints on the aforementioned themes. 3. Students will be exposed to several different points of view and will learn something about standing up for ones principles and being true to oneself and to others. 4. Students will learn about juvenile detention in their town and perhaps in their nation. 5. Students will be given the opportunity to practice reading aloud and silently to improve their skills in each area. They will from time to time receive feedback on their reading ability 6. Students will answer questions to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the main events and characters in Harry Potter as they relate to the authors theme development. 7. Students will enrich their vocabularies and improve their understanding of the novel through the vocabulary lessons prepared for use in conjunction with the novel. 8. The writing assignments in this unit are geared to several purposes: A. To have students demonstrate their ability to write clearly and effectively in a variety of ways. Note: Students will necessarily use a variety of rhetorical devices in order to complete their writing assignments. If you like, you may mention on their writing that they have effectively used narrative, comparison/contrast, or whatever, even though they might not have been directed to use these particular devices in any given assignments. B. To check the students reading comprehension. C. To make students think about the ideas presented by the novel. D. To encourage logical thinking.
The vocabulary work is intended to enrich students vocabularies as well as to aid in their understanding of the novel. Prior to each reading assignment, students will complete a two-part worksheet for a number of vocabulary words in the upcoming reading assignment. Part I focuses on students use of general knowledge and contextual clues by giving the sentence in which the word appears in the text. Students may then write down what they think the words mean based on their usage. Part II nails down the definitions of the words by giving students dictionary definitions of them and having students match the words to the correct definitions based on the words contextual usage. Students should then have an understanding of the words when they meet them in the text. There are a total of 104 vocabulary words for the whole book. After each reading assignment, students will go back and formulate answers for the study guide questions. Discussion of these questions will serve as a Review of the most important events and ideas presented in the reading assignments. There are three Writing assignments in this unit. Through the writing assignments, students will become familiar with a variety of ways of organizing and expressing their thoughts. The first writing assignment, introduced in Lesson Six, is to inform/explain, but students will also have a discussion about not belonging. The second assignment, introduced in Lesson Ten, is to write a news story ostensibly based on the book. The third and final writing assignment, introduced in Lesson Twenty, gives students a choice of six different topics on which to write from personal opinion. By the time that they are in Lesson Twenty, they should have a thorough understanding of Harry Potter and be able to write a satisfactory paper from their own personal viewpoint. The Study guide questions are fact based: students can find their answers right in the text. The questions come in two formats: short answer or multiple choices. The best use of these materials is probably to use the short answer version of the questions as study guides for students (since answers will be more complete) and to use the multiple choice version for occasional quizzes. After students complete extra discussion questions, there is a vocabulary review lesson which pulls together all of the fragmented vocabulary lists for the reading assignments and gives students a review of all of the words they have studied. (Note: Although Harry Potter is a very popular, interesting, and entertaining book, its vocabulary is relatively easy to read and understandable. Depending on your students skills level, the words might prove not to be especially challenging to them. Should that be the case, you might like to use some of the vocabulary time having students come up with synonyms and antonyms for the vocabulary words. Maybe students could even play with using all vocabulary words from one reading assignment in a sentence. These sentences some of them perhaps written mostly for fun could be put on the board prior to class.) The Unit test comes in three types: short answer, advanced short answer (more critical thinking), and multiple choice. Altogether there are five unit tests.