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Yii 1.0 Cheatsheet PDF

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Yii (extends YiiBase)

app() /*gets the application instance */ t($category, $message, $params=array ( ), $source=NULL, $language=NULL); import(string $alias, boolean $forceInclude=false); log($msg, $level='info', $category='application');

API 1.0.8 http://www.yiiframework.com

Static Methods

baseUrl, browser, cookies, hostInfo, isAjaxRequest, isPostRequest, isSecureConnection, pathInfo, preferredLanguage, queryString, requestUri, serverName, serverPort, url, urlReferrer, userAgent, userHost, userHostAddress sendFile($fn, $c, $mime=NULL, $t=true);

CHttpRequest Properties

CHtml is a static class that provides a collection of helper methods for creating HTML views. View API for more information and optional method parameters) For CActiveRecords: activeCheckbox($m, $a); activeCheckboxList($m, $a, $data); activeDropDownList($m, $a, $data); activeFileField($m, $a); activeHiddenField($m, $a); activeId($m, $a); activeLabel($m, $a); activeLabelEx($m, $a); activeListBox($m, $a, $data); activePasswordField($m, $a); activeRadioButton($m, $a); activeRadioButtonList($m, $a, $data); activeTextArea($m, $a); activeTextField($m, $a);


Static Methods


CWebApplication (extends CApplication)

errorHandler, securityManager, statePersister, cache, messages, coreMessages cache, charset, components, db, language, locale, name, modules, securityManager, sourceLanguage getNumberFormatter(); getDateFormatter();

Core application components Properties Methods

attributes, errors, isNewRecord, primaryKey, scenario model($className='CActiveRecord');

CActiveRecord Properties

Static Methods

Public Methods

controller, id, owner, viewPath

CWidget (extends CBaseController) Properties Methods

init(); run(); render($view, $data=NULL, $return=false);

action, defaultAction, id, layout, module, pageTitle actions(); /*list of external actions*/ beginClip($id, $properties=array ( )); endClip($idclip=); beginWidget($className, $properties=array ( )); endWidget(string $id=''); missingAction(string $actionID); redirect($url, $terminate=true, $statusCode=302); refresh($terminate=true,$anchor=''); render($view, $data=NULL, $return=false); renderPartial($v, $d=NULL,$r=false, $processOutput=false); widget( $className, $properties=array ( ));

CController (extends CBaseController) Properties Methods

count($c=, $p=array ( )); onAfterDelete($e); delete(); onAfterInsert($e); deleteAll($c='', $p=array ( )); onAfterSave($e); nd($c='', $p=array ( )); onAfterValidate($e); ndAll($c='', $p=array ( )); onBeforeDelete($e); ndBySql($sql, $p=array ( )); onBeforeSave($e); hasErrors($a); onBeforeValidate($e); update($a=NULL); updateAll($a, $c='', $p=array ( )); updateByPk($pk, $a, $c='', $p=array ( )); validate();


For CForm checkbox($n, $v); checkboxList($n, $v, $data); dropDownList($n, $c, $data); leField($n, $v); hiddenField($n, $v); label($n, $v); listBox($n, $v, $data); passwordField($n, $v); radioButton($n, $c); radioButtonList($n, $m, $data); textArea($n, $v); textField($n, $v);

attributes, errors, safeAttributeNames, scenario, validators

CFormModel Properties

Public Methods

connection, text

CDbCommand Properties
bindParam($n, $v, $dt=NULL, $length=NULL); bindValue($n, $v, $dataType=NULL); execute(); query(); queryAll($fetchAssociative=true); queryColumn(); queryRow($fetchAssociative=true); queryScalar();

addError($a, $error); afterValidate($scenario); attributeLabels(); beforeValidate($scenario); hasErrors($a); rules(); validate($s='', $a=NULL);

onAfterValidate($e); onBeforeValidate($e);


Public Methods

CDbConnection Properties Public Methods

active, autoCommit, autoConnect, charset, commandBuilder, connectionStatus, connectionString, currentTransaction, lastInsertId, password, schema, schemaCachingDuration, timeout, username quoteColumnName($name); quoteTableName($name); quoteValue($name);

beginTransaction(); createCommand($sql); open(); close(); init();

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