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Nov 11-15 Eld 2

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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Kathy Rappaport Week of: Nove 11-15 Course/Grade: ELD 2 Unit Name: Reading Strategies for Informational Texts and Fiction

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: Vocabulary and Strategies Require students to demonstrate understanding of vocabulary Reading Standards for Informational Text Key Ideas and Details Literacy.RI.8.2 Determine a main idea and its relationship to supporting ideas, provide a summary of the text Craft and Structure Literacy. RI.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Integration of knowledge and Ideas Literacy.RI.8.8 Evaluate arguments, recognize evidence Writing Standards Text Types and Purposes Literacy.W.8.1b Support claims with logical reasoning Literacy.w.8.2.b Develop the topic with well-chosen facts Language Goals Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Phonics Review Think/Pair/Share Discussions Read Aloud Writing down ideas

Essential Question(s): How can I make sense of what I read

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Continuation of strategies used in the prior week such as pre-reading strategies: defining tier 2 and tier 3 vocab words before reading the text, predicting main ideas, writing down questions students have about the topic; reading strategies: asking questions as they read, rereading for comprehension, looking for main ideas and supporting ideas; post reading strategies: summarizing a section, writing down the main idea of each section and three supporting details, comparing pre-reading predictions with post

Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): One beginning reader will join a reading buddy to read the story aloud and she can read a sentence or two as she is able.

reading knowledge, answering questions that ask students to recall explicit ideas and infer implicit ideas. Resources/Materials Story about wolves Informational text about wolves Teacher: Students:

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: Do Now checks for understanding of the previous days lesson. Written assignments and quizzes check for understanding of daily lessons. This Week: Students will fill out reading a packet that focus on vocabulary, comprehension, inferring information, identifying and summarizing main ideas and supporting details. Students will have a quiz that covers vocab, finding main ideas, and recalling main ideas from the reading. Unit:

Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetStudents will practice pronouncing Tier II (scholastic but not highly technical) words in the reading and look for phonics patterns as we read the words aloud. Students will show they know the English pronunciation by pronouncing the words aloud correctly Students will brainstorm definitions of words as a class by having a group discussion. Students will apply understanding of vocabulary by using words appropriately in a CLOZE sentence, by sorting vocabulary words into verbs, nouns and adjectives, and by drawing pictures of some of the words that illustrate the definition.

Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) DuePhonics and Worksheet packet due by the end of the period.

TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents will show ability to read new vocabulary by taking turns reading an informational text.

Assignment(s) DueStudents will take a quiz on vocab words. Students will complete comprehension

worksheets. Students will identify main ideas and supporting details by writing them down. Students will show comprehension by answering questions that require recall of information. Students will support an opinion with evidence from the text and show their ability to do this by writing a letter to the editor. Students will identify two sides of an issue: should coyotes be killed to protect farm animals or should they be protected. Then students will write a letter to the editor taking one side of the issue and giving reasons for their opinion.

WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will show understanding of Tier Two vocabulary by listening to/reading a CLOZE reading and filling in the blanks with the correct words. Students will recall information from the text, show understanding of sequence of events and make inferences about the text by answering questions. Students will show understanding of main ideas by drawing two illustrations and summarizing the text.

Assignment(s) Due-

Students will hand in the CLOZE reading. Students will complete worksheets. Students will draw 2 illustrations. Students will pretend they are the main character writing an entry in their journal as they summarize the story.

THURSDAY Assignment(s) DueLearning Target- Students will demonstrate Definitions Worksheet. understanding of vocab by writing definitions f rom Time for Kids in their own words. Prediction Worksheet. Students will make predictions about information in the news articles by looking at headlines and photos and writing them down.

FRIDAY Learning Target- Students will identify main ideas, supporting ideas by writing them down. Students will recall information, make inferences, compare and contrast information, identify problems and solutions and support opinions by answering questions about various news articles.

Assignment(s) DueGraphic organizer for Time for Kids.

Post-Teaching Reflections on Lesson

What went well?

What needs to be improved? Why?

Strategies to consider for improving lesson:

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