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Nanoscale: Paper
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Bio-nanohybrids of quantum dots and photoproteins facilitating strong nonradiative energy transfer
Urartu Ozgur Safak Seker,,*ab Evren Mutlugun,ab Pedro Ludwig HernandezMartinez,ab Vijay K. Sharma,b Vladimir Lesnyak,{c Nikolai Gaponik,c llerc and Hilmi Volkan Demir*ab Alexander Eychmu
Utilization of light is crucial for the life cycle of many organisms. Also, many organisms can create light by utilizing chemical energy emerged from biochemical reactions. Being the most important structural units of the organisms, proteins play a vital role in the formation of light in the form of bioluminescence. Such photoproteins have been isolated and identied for a long time; the exact mechanism of their bioluminescence is well established. Here we show a biomimetic approach to build a photoprotein based excitonic nanoassembly model system using colloidal quantum dots (QDs) for a new bioluminescent couple to be utilized in biotechnological and photonic applications. We concentrated on the formation mechanism of nanohybrids using a kinetic and thermodynamic approach. Finally we propose a biosensing scheme with an ON/OFF switch using the QDGFP hybrid. The QDGFP hybrid system promises strong excitonexciton coupling between the protein and the quantum dot at a high eciency level, possessing enhanced capabilities of light harvesting, which may bring new technological opportunities to mimic biophotonic events.
Received 21st March 2013 Accepted 19th May 2013 DOI: 10.1039/c3nr01417g
Bioluminescence is a biological activity of dierent organisms ranging from bacteria to plants.14 Unlike the photoluminescence and uorescence, bioluminescence is a cold body radiation triggered by a chemical reaction in the biological organism. In bioluminescence, a molecule is produced at the excited state, which nally emits a photon during relaxation. Among those molecules utilized during bioluminescence, the green uorescent protein, a well-characterized photoprotein, which has been widely used in biolabeling, is well known.5,6 GFP and GFP mutants based on F orster-type resonance energy transfer (FRET) were utilized to track a targeted
Luminous! Center of Excellence for Semiconductor Lighting and Displays, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
Department of Physics, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, UNAM Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, TR-06800, Ankara, Turkey. E-mail:;
Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details of the quantum dot characterization, GFP-6X-His purication, raw data of XPS analysis of the nanohybrid and TGA raw data. See DOI: 10.1039/c3nr01417g Present address: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Synthetic Biology Center, 500 Technology Square, NE47-257, Cambridge, MA, USA These authors have contributed equally. { Present address: Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy
biological event within a living cell, where the FRET processes between the GFP and its mutants are utilized as reporters.79 Naturally occurring systems exhibit their own strength by means of physical, mechanical and optical properties. They were formed aer a long evolutionary process, which gave them strength and exibility. Therefore, photoproteins are unique owing to simplicity of their synthesis and optical adjustability through genetic engineering tools. On the other side, technologically improved approaches can solve an actual problem that nature does not necessarily need to deal with. At this stage, nanocrystals were synthesized and being oered for utilization in technological applications.1012 A hybrid of these two components oers new possibilities; by using the unique optical properties of QDs and introducing the exibility, genetic tenability and biocompatibility of GFP, a promising hybrid system for biomedical imaging applications and biochemical applications can be favored. Initial studies have successfully presented a bionanohybrid approach for the assembly of protein/photoproteinQD conjugates.10,1316 However, investigation of the nanohybrid formation mechanism by means of the kinetics and thermodynamics of the interaction of the QDs with proteins will increase the control over the assembly. Such an investigation may contribute to the understanding of molecular interactions for future engineering of the nanohybrid using tools of biochemistry and materials science. In this study we propose a route to QDGFP nanohybrid assembly. Our approach is dierent from the previous studies in that, instead of the uorescence intensity measurements that
Paper need to be normalized regarding the emitting species,17 and therefore can be deceptive without a calibration; a more accurate method, time resolved uorescence spectroscopy, was used to follow emission kinetics of the FRET facilitating species. The FRET process was characterized to determine donor and acceptor lifetimes, regardless of the amounts of the FRET facilitating species. The kinetics and thermodynamics of the formation of the nano-bio hybrid structure was investigated to understand how to control the supramolecular interaction within a nanohybrid. Kinetic investigations also led us to determine the distance between each components of the nanohybrid, which was veried theoretically as well. Not only the kinetic analysis but also X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were carried out to probe the formation of the GFPQD nanocomposites. Functional analysis of the GFPQDs revealed a high FRET eciency of 70%, and we have showed up to 15-fold enhancement in the emission of the GFP when conjugated with QDs due to the strong excitonic interaction possessing the nonradiative energy transfer. Exploiting the strong nonradiative energy transfer within the nanohybrid, a protease sensor working upon a temperature dependent ON/OFF switch was demonstrated as a tool for temperature based protease sensor applications. In this work, a bottom-up approach for the nanohybrid design, which mimics the aequorinGFP pair existing in the jellysh Aequorea victoria, with high controllability and adjustability promising a wide range of applicability, is demonstrated. Isothermal titration calorimetry
Experiments were carried out using Microcal 200 equipment (GE Healthcare, Austria). Quantum dots at 15 mM concentrations were kept in a titration vessel while the 150 mM GFP-6XHistag was injected into the QD colloid. The thermal titration was performed at 25 C and in 0.5 PBS buer at 500 rpm. ITC data were tted to a single interaction function using Origin 7 supplied along with the ITC200. Following the runs, the instrument was automatically and manually cleaned with methanol, detergent and DI water. Time-resolved photoluminescence Experiments were performed using a PicoQuant Fluo Time 200 time-correlated single photon counting system. A laser diode operating at 375 nm has a repetition rate of 80 MHz with 200 ps width. The lifetimes have been extracted using the data acquisition soware PicoHarp 300 with a <10 ps lifetime resolution. Steady-state photoluminescence and absorption A Cary Eclipse uorescence spectrometer and a Cary UV-Vis spectrometer were used in the experiments.
Experimental section
Preparation of nanocrystals ZnCdSe quantum dots have been synthesized according to the previously reported work.18 Expression and purication of GFP-6X-Histag The gfp gene was rst amplied using P1 and P2 primers (see ESI) carrying NcoI and BamHI restriction sites at their 50 ends respectively. The P2 primer also contained sequences encoding for the trypsin protease cleavage site (STRTDEG) and Histag (HHHHHH) at its 30 end. The amplied gene was cloned into a pet11D vector digested with NcoI/BamHI. Escherichia coli BL21 strain was transformed with pet11D encoding engineered gfp. Puried engineered GFP was attached to the QD surface through coordination with Histag. Quartz crystal microbalance-dissipation analysis The interaction of the GFP-6X-His with the QDs was tested using a quartz crystal microbalance Q-Sense E1 (from Q-Sense Company, Frolunda, Sweden). First the surface of the gold QCM-D crystals was activated using cysteamine and then using carbodiimide chemistry, and then QDs were attached to the functionalized sensor surface. Aer ensuring the attachment of the QDs from the observation of frequency change, the GFP-6XHis was own on the surface and the change in the frequency shi at varying GFP concentrations was recorded.
This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
Fig. 1 QCM-D analysis of the binding of QDs and GFP-6X-His in a sequential manner. (a) Frequency shift upon adsorption of quantum dots and GFP-6X-His (blue line) with a viscoelastic model t (red line) and dissipation change upon adsorption of the nonentities and GFP on a cysteamine modied gold electrode (green line) along with the viscoelastic model t (purple line). (b) Thickness monitoring of the layer-by-layer assembly of the QDs and GFP-6X-His. (c) ITC titration curves of GFP-6X-His onto QDs after each injection. (d) Calculated area under the ITC titration curves and model tting of a single interaction model using the software provided along with the instrument.
QDGFP lm entraps water molecules, preventing the GFP from denaturation upon interaction with the semiconductor surface, which otherwise would lead to improper FRET distance between the QDGFP. Since the nal design of the QDGFP nanohybrids is water dispersible colloidal entities, besides conrming the thickness of GFP and its anity on a solid surface, a solution based biophysical approach, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was employed to probe the strength of the interaction between QDGFP. In the experimental setup GFP-6X-His was injected into the ZnCdSe QD solution placed in a reaction chamber made up of a biologically inert alloy. Aer each injection of the GFP into the reaction chamber of ITC, released energy upon GFP's interaction with QDs was recorded as given in Fig. 1c. Peak areas were calculated and tted to an interaction model supplied by Origin soware, which is shown in Fig. 1d. From the single mode interaction model, the enthalpy of binding for the QDs and GFP-6X-His was calculated to be 82 kcal mol1. Although this is a high amount of energy release, we observed a lower anity desorption constant of 17 mM compared to the QCM-D analysis. This indicates dierent modes of binding in both experimental cases. The dierence in the binding mechanism may arise due to the higher local concentration of QDs in the lm as compared to the solution, and these facts may be facilitated by the interaction of the GFP molecules with the QDs. Additionally, through the interaction of the adjacent protein
molecules, amounts of proteins adsorbed on the QD surface can be increased. Although we have strong evidence of the interactions between GFP-6X-His and ZnCdSe QDs, we further investigated the chemical interactions of the GFP with the QDs at the atomic level using the X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). As presented in XPS data in the ESI, the high resolution C 1s & O 1s spectra of the GFP, ZnCdSe QDs, and the composite were acquired. Due to the changes in the XPS spectrum of the GFP QD mixture and the existence of an additional peak compared to the GFP and QD alone, we suspect that the imidazole ring of the histidine tag at the end of GFP gets in contact with the QDs through supramolecular interactions.
Experimental and theoretical analysis of nonradiative energy transfer in the GFPQD nanohybrid Energy transfer mediated light harvesting was rst performed under steady state conditions. Later, time-resolved photoluminescence measurements were employed to monitor the energy transfer. The steady state measurements demonstrate the eect of the energy transfer from the QDs (D) to GFP (A). As the A/D ratio is increased, we observe a decrease of the emission intensity of the donor QDs, whereas an increase in the acceptor emission is observed as a result of energy feeding from the donor side. A spectral overlap between the emission
Fig. 2 (a) Spectral overlap of ZnCdSe QDs and GFP, the red line shows the absorption spectrum of the GFP and the blue shadowed area represents the emission spectrum of the ZnCdSe QDs. (b) Photoluminescence spectra of the donoracceptor QDGFP system with changing A/D concentration ratio (excitation at 315 nm). (c) Time-resolved photoluminescence decays of the donor, changing with the A/D ratio (at 422 nm). (d) Donor lifetimes, extracted from time-resolved photoluminescence decays, and theoretically predicted, as a function of the A/D ratio. (e) Time-resolved photoluminescence decays of the acceptor changing with the A/D ratio (at 508 nm). (f) Acceptor lifetimes, extracted from time-resolved photoluminescence decays, as a function of the A/D ratio.
of the QDs (with an emission maximum at 422 nm) and the optical absorption of GFP (maxima at 395 nm and 475 nm) was veried to satisfy FRET as presented in Fig. 2a. Steady state uorescence measurements were performed to monitor any changes in the emission of QDs and GFP before their interactions as well the emission of the nanohybrid structure with the excitation monochromator set at 315 nm. The photoluminescence measurements of the quantum dotprotein composite are shown in Fig. 2b. The enhancement of the pure acceptor emission is extracted from the steady state emission data of the GFP in the presence and absence of the donor QDs. To demonstrate the excitation of the GFP well beyond its absorption, we chose the excitation wavelength at 315 nm, in order to satisfy the spectral overlap conditions at the expected maximum eciency (ESI Fig. S5). The enhancement of the acceptor emission was calculated as a function of the acceptor concentration, and presented as the A/D concentration ratio.
Here, IA is the intensity of the acceptor GFP in the absence of the donor QDs and ID A is the intensity of the acceptor in the presence of the donor. The wavelength interval from 480 to 620 nm was chosen since the emission spectrum of GFP lies within this region. Carrying out the analysis, we observed an enhancement of the acceptor photoluminescence of up to 15 fold corresponding to an A/D ratio of $5, which is consistent with the geometrical factors given the size of the GFP and the QDs. As the amount of GFP is further increased, the overall enhancement decreases because the system is converging to the case of acceptor only. Using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy uorescence emission lifetimes of the donor, the acceptor
Nanoscale and the hybrid were monitored at the donor and the acceptor emission wavelengths, 422 and 508 nm, respectively given in Fig. 2cf. A dramatic change in the QD uorescence lifetime was noted while changing the GFP concentration and keeping the QD concentration the same, which points at an ecient nonradiative energy transfer from QDs to GFP. Starting with the A/D concentration ratio of 0.96, we observed the photoluminescence decays getting faster with increasing A/D ratio up to 32.6, where we observed adsorption saturation. The lifetime modication kinetics of both the donor and acceptor with respect to any change of any given FRET pair was found to follow a biexponential behaviour. The lifetime of the donor changes from 10.33 to 2.91 ns as we increase the A/D concentration ratio. Similarly, we carried out the lifetime measurements for the acceptor molecules, where a dramatic increase in the acceptor lifetime was observed because of the energy feeding from the donor to the acceptor. Throughout the A/D ratios we explored, an increase in the acceptor lifetime was observed. We measured lifetime modications ranging from 3.57 to 4.67 ns for the GFP (the bare lifetime of the GFP, 3.11 ns, is shown with the dotted line in Fig. 2f). The trend of the modication of the lifetime is as expected due to the fact that as we increase the acceptor to donor concentration, we decrease the energy transferred per acceptor, thus the system is evolving to acceptor only case, which is in agreement with the experimental observation. The observed FRET eciency due to the dipole interaction of the donoracceptor pairs was calculated using eqn (2) h1 sDA sD (2) One then denes:
D gD DA (gexc + ngtrans)
where gD DA is the donor exciton lifetime in the presence of energy transfer. For the energy transfer rate between ZnCdSe QDs and GFP, 6 R0 D gtrans gexc (6) r where R0 is the F orster radius for the DA pair and r is the separation distance between ZnCdSe QDs and GFP. Therefore eqn (5) is given by 6 ! R0 D D gDA gexc 1 n (7) r In terms of lifetimes, sD DA sD exc 6 R0 1n r (8)
where sDA is the lifetime of the donor in the presence of the acceptor and sD is the bare lifetime of the donor. As a result of the energy transfer, we observed FRET eciencies of up to 70% for our QDGFP complex. In connection with the theoretical model based on the dipoledipole interaction, the eciency levels are in good agreement with the experimentally observed values. In the theoretical approach, we considered energy transfer from ZnCdSe QDs to multiple GFP molecules under excitonexciton interaction. Within the simplest rate model, the number of excitons (Nexc) generated in the QD, under constant illumination (steady-state condition), is given by:22
tot D (gD exc + gtrans)Nexc + ID 0
Here using experimental data, we extracted the eective distance between the QDGFP to be 5.49 nm on average, which is reasonable when compared with the QD diameter of 4 nm and GFP diameter of $3 nm. The enhancement in the FRET eciencies does not directly reect the observed light harvesting enhancement. This is because, as more and more acceptors are introduced, there are more non-radiative channels created for the donor to transfer energy, which results in high FRET eciencies. On the other side, the light harvesting is optimal up to a certain number of acceptors per given donor ($5:1, for our system). When the A/D ratio is further increased, the amount of light harvesting is decreased, since the system is evolving towards an acceptor only system. QDGFP based protease sensor with a thermal ON/OFF switch The well-established FRET process in the GFPQD nanocomposite is utilized as a protease sensor with a ON/OFF state temperature switch as shown in Fig. 3a. As the FRET process strongly depends on the distance between the donor and acceptor species, any modication in the distance between the species will be reected in the lifetime of the donor and acceptor facilitating FRET. In the current QDGFP system, it is suitable to detect trypsin protease available in the reaction medium. The lifetime of FRET facilitating QDs and GFP was modied upon digestion of the linker between the Histag and GFP through protease activation. Changing the enzyme concentration in solution, we observe that the lifetime of the QDGFP complex follows a trend of decreasing back to the initial GFP lifetime, as follows from Fig. 3b and d. This enables us to use the enzymatic activity to increase the distance among the donoracceptor pair and thus control the FRET eciency (Fig. 3a). As the optimum working condition of the trypsin protease is at 37 C, below this point through the deactivation of the protease no modication of the lifetime of the acceptor was
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where ND exc is the number of excitons in the donor, ID is the exciton generation rate due to the light excitation, and gD exc D gD exc,rad + gexc,non-rad is the donor exciton recombination rate in D the absence of the acceptor. gD exc,rad and gexc,non-rad are the radiative and nonradiative decay rates, respectively. gtot trans ngtrans is the total energy transfer rate between the donor and multiple acceptors. n is the number of acceptors and gtrans is the energy transfer between one donor and one acceptor. By substituting into eqn (3), it can be written as:
D ( gD exc + ngtrans)Nexc + ID 0
Fig. 3 (a) Schematic representation of the ON/OFF state sensing of the nanohybrid structure in response to the protease action triggered by temperature. (b) Photoluminescence decays of the GFP only, GFP with FRET, and GFP in the ON state of the enzyme. (c) Photoluminescence decays of the GFP only, GFP with FRET, and GFP in the OFF state. (d) Lifetime modications of the GFP only, GFP with FRET, and GFP after enzyme action.
observed as shown in Fig. 3b. The control experiments were followed in the same manner except for the heat treatment.
We have shown the excitonic composite structures of QDGFP complexes. The FRET-mediated light harvesting in this composite resulted in up to 15-fold enhancement in the emission of the acceptor protein. The lifetime modications of the donor acceptor pair have been supported by the theoretical analysis based on dipoledipole interaction. Furthermore, the trypsin enzyme was implemented for controlling the energy transfer, breaking the bond in between the QDs and the protein, as a promising tool for the development of the next generation nanosensor coupled with functional proteins. This research area is especially important for showing new functionalities and opportunities for protein-QD based assemblies to be utilized in bioimaging and targeted delivery applications in biomedicine. The capability of tuning the QD uorescence using the functionalities of the coupled proteins will be useful not only for targeted drug delivery but also for guided diagnostics-treatment. Cytotoxicity and biological incompatibility are main drawbacks for the utilization of QDs for biological and medical applications.23 Utilization of QD-photoproteins nanohybrids can overcome this problem. QDGFP nanohybrids benet from the biocompatibility of GFP and long uorescent lifetime of QDs. The QDGFP nanohybrid could be a promising tool for bioimaging with enhanced functionality. Additionally, the ease
of tunability of their biochemical and optical properties through protein engineering makes photoproteins better candidates for coupling with QDs compared to currently available synthetic dyes. With the current approach ZnCdSe QDs are also shown to be good candidates for the excitation of the photoproteins. One of the most important contributions was made for replacing chemiluminescence to pump a photoprotein with a QD based FRET system. Considering the strong optical emission properties and uorescence lifetime of QDs, this approach provides an opportunity for a more ecient and exible emission enhancement for photoproteins. However, there are still challenges including potential toxicity risk induced by the QDs to biological systems and the issue of designing better linkers to control the attachment of photoproteins to QDs. Hybridization of the photoprotein or other proteins with the nanostructures may enable opportunities to build functional assemblies. Not only the photoproteins but also many enzymes and proteins involved in photo-activated biological events can be tuned and enhanced by using light harvesting nanoparticles.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Singapore under Grant no. NRF-CRP-6-2010-2 and NRF-RF2009-09 and the Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) SERC under Grant no. 112 120 2009. HVD also gratefully acknowledges ESF EURYI and TUBA.
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