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The Divine Principle - September 2013 PDF

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We as a Nation are fast approaching our 50th year of being founded and manifested here in the Earth. Our beginning was established here in Harlem NYC, which we named and recognize as Mecca, where our civilization started. And, during the course of our growth and development, our story as the youngest of nations is both descriptive and illustrative of the coming forth of many great men and women who were/are responsible for the advancement of the human family of the Earth, especially the dumb, deaf, blind and oppressed through the truth of the Supreme Intelligence expressed by Allah - The Fathers Five Percent. The Nation of Gods and Earths. Our predecessors gave all within their abilities to ensure our advancement and respect as teachers and true builders of civilization and architects of a different reality for the social, political, economic, educational, scientific, psychological, and spiritual progress and interrelationship of all the human families of the Earth. We are now a witness to the passing on from this realm of 6, many of our beloved predecessors who were there to be counseled and guided by our Founders, Allah and Justice. Few remain and within the last 3 or so years we have experienced the loss of Gods and Earths whom we loved and respected for their strength of character, discipline, adherence to our principles, and genuine sincerity to our nation and our purpose. This issue of the Divine Principle Newsletter is dedicated to them. Remembering that God Cannot Die, and The Earth Abides Forever. We Carry On. To Teach. Guide. And Protect, The Children. Peace. God Divine Prince Allah Principal Executive / Editor


I strive in every edition of The Divine Principle Newsletter to honor both Allah - The Father and Four Cipher Akbar (Justice C) in some manner to serve as a reminder to all exactly WHOM and WHAT is at the root of our origin and being as a nation. I, 7DPA view this as important now more than ever because we are fast approaching our 50th year of being birthed as a nation(1964 - 2014) and many of our predecessors are no longer with us in physical presence to inform us as to the true history (our story) of our beginnings, purpose and, accomplishments. Many who were associates, and friends of these two men are no longer amongst us or available to impart their own knowledge and understanding of who they were, and to detail their own particular experiences with Allah and Justice. Allah - The Father whom I did not meet or receive the benefit of counsel from and Justice C whom I met and who gave me clarity as to the goals and intentions of our purpose as Five Percents were men who were determined to make a difference in the lives of the children they befriended and the communities of young black men and black women their actions affected. Their leadership came at a time of great historical significance for black youths in the city of New York. The 60s were a time of enormous social, political, economic, educational and psychological as well as spiritual challenge and change in North America. The Vietnam War, the assassinations of US President John F Kennedy and his brother, US Attorney General Robert Kennedy, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and of course, our nations Father and Founder Allah and the many riots and social protests which ensued and threatened to further divide and destroy the constrained (embarrassed) body politic of the major urban centers of this country, in particular those who were entrapped in the poverty and inequalities of Americas ghettoes of hell, should give us all, who were a witness to such events at that time pause to reflect upon the fact that the right men came at the right time to us and that their presence and contributions enriched and gave our lives meaning. Peace And ONE. 7DPA



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It is indeed an honor to present to you this ninth edition of The National Intelligence Journal. I trust that it will be well received as I intend to bring forth clarity to my stance or view of how I see our present situation and condition as a people and as a Nation here in America and throughout the world (that is, all over the Earth). This edition no. 9 is dedicated to Allah The Father and all the predecessors who are responsible for our birth and establishment as a Nation. We, who are the Nation of Gods and Earths and are His (Allahs) Five Percent. All respect and honor to those who laid the foundation for our teachin g and for whom we advocate our cause. It has been 40 years to the date of the release of this ninth edition of The National Intelligence Journal since the assassination of our Father Allah. This current publication which I God have signatured to be the SHOW AND PROVE 2009 edition is intended to honor our great nation and every God and Earth who proclaim to be one with us and advocate for our cause as a people dedicated to building a world of truth and righteousness for the human families of the planet Earth, specifically and especially for the children who are the future and our planets greatest natural resource. I trust that I will do justice in this presentation as I seek to bring forth clarity as to where WE-THE NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS, who are ALLAHS FIVE-PERCENT truly stand here in America (USA) and all over the planet Earth OUR STAND Lofty titles have been assigned to us and our society. By those who would like nothing better than to have us think that we are what we are not. So quickly do they use our Fathers name to advance their agenda. You will hear them say that Allah said this and, the Father said that; I was there when He said what He said. He broke the lessons down like this or, He, Allah never s aid that; He, Allah must have meant to say this, or put it this way. On and on they go and their intentions never lead to understanding. The result is always mis-understanding. Which is why there is always confusion and conflict amongst us. They who would attach beliefs and invented or imagined occurrences to our Father are indeed as problematic to us today as they were yesterday. I am grateful to and grateful for those predecessors who are still amongst us that are willing to give us the truth of who our Father, Allah was and not place Him on the pedestal of idol worship and demagoguery (false reality), or as someone or something other than a man. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the Gods of Mecca and Region One such as Dumar Wade Allah, our National Representative, Allah B, the Director of Programs at our national headquarters The Allah School In Mecca, God Um Allah, the Chairman of The Allah Youth Center In Mecca Inc. and others who come to mind such as Divine Education from Medina, Wise Jamel and Akmin (I hope that I have spelled his name correctly!) from Mecca and Allah Sha Sha from Pelon and others who knew Allah as children. Even Azreal, who was/is the first white Five Percent, that spent time with Allah at Mattawan, and others whom I have had the honor and privilege to meet and converse with and learn from as to whom our Father was and what he stood for firsthand. For they knew Allah, the man, broke bread with Him, were taught and counseled by Him. In other words knew Him and respected Him not only as The Father, yet also as their Father. They who are men today, yet as children were his Five-Percent. So they know. Outside of any speculation and theorized assessment or analysis of who He was and what He stood for, these men knew Him, and are still with us today, 40 years since His assassination and carry within their hearts and minds the remembrance of and true history of our Father. May they continue to be rewarded with longevity of life and purpose as we continue to grow and advance and yes, prosper here in America and all over the Earth by maintaining our integrity and purpose. There are also women such as Earth Cipher, a health and nutrition specialist (if that recognition I have accorded her is proper) and Tawana, known to many as Allahs Most Precious Jewel, who like the men I have mentioned above and whom I hold in high esteem for they knew Allah, the man, our Father and stand in my mind as living testaments of what He stood for and how He viewed Life and Mathematics. Where others can only give limited theories and speculate about who He was and what our Nation is about, what our goals and objectives were and still are. It is apparent to me that for as much as some have gained, so far as social acceptance and financial accomplishment and the achievement of fame and popularity in our name, much of our foundation, our root origin and purpose as a society is being cast aside as the knowledge of other areas of social, political, economic, educational, religious, historical and, scientific concerns are being investigated and embraced by our members. Any nation or group of people which advances beyond the traditions or standards (call them principles if you will) of its foundation and founders must inevitably have to contend with the reality of losing its perspectives and values. That which distinguishes or defines the innate or inherent differences between themselves and others. Indeed for many of us, especially long-term members, whom many like to identify as the Old Gods or Elders such as I, God and others, our identity is being clouded by other areas of interest which we have seen distract and detract from the original teachings of Allah and his first born. It is perhaps our primary concern that this movement not cause a rift amongst us, because the integrity our national identity must remain intact lest we lose sight of our true cause due to the actions of those who say that they are us and do not truly know who we are, are weak in the knowledge, history and understanding of our lessons and the application of Living Mathematics (the science of everything in life), making it difficult to distinguish ourselves from others such as religious people, or gangsters and thugs. And they will be quick to say that they are one of us, and one with us, and that they advocate the Fathers teachings. Yet, for the majority of those who are so quick to try to defend their own self-serving and baseless rhetoric as supreme truth and actual facts the reality is that their egos and misguided half-truths and outright lies have no effect or power to bring forth positive results, because they manifest false teachings in the name of Allah. Peace.



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They can be found on the internet, writing books, granting interviews to journalists and other media persons without any sanction by the recognized leadership of this nation. There is one, contrary to what many may think or want to disavow, there is a respected and set authority. Whether they realize it or not. Whether they like it or not. We have no religion. We are neither anti-white nor are we pro-black. We are not anti-government. We are pro-government. We respect the laws of society, and we respect all people. We talk about no one. We are pro-truth and, pro-righteousness. And it is upon those principles that We Stand. And because that is so, we must out of consideration for, and realization of where we find ourselves here in America, Peace Makers amongst and, in the midst of savages, seeking to secure a future of security and prosperity for our best part, the children. Our goal is to Save The Children. And for this warrior that appears to me to be the point that many have neglected to realize. However, the men and women that I have mentioned above have not in my estimation forgotten that point. And of course, there are others who promote and live by that principle. All honor and repect to Gods Allah Child, Kaseem, Forever, Word-Is-Bond Syncere, Earthly Jewels, Wise Islam, Born Justice, Queen Watesha, Acquasia, Allah Sha, Understanding Allah, Al Jaamaar, God Reality, U Allah, Rahmel Allah, Born Black, Justice Hakim Allah, Natural Tahuti Allah, Earth Raina, Unique Allah, God Mahadi, Father Bushawn, LeAsia Earth, Allah U Justice, Serenity Earth, Divine Allah, and all the Gods and Earths who are connected with the Allah School In Mecca and all those who have contributed to our growth and development throughout the nine (9) regions of our national structure. And if I have not mentioned your name here, know that if you are also a builder then your contribution and teaching no matter how insignificant it may appear to be to others is worthy of respect and also great.. We are all great. There are no big Mes or little Is in this Nation. We all share a part, and we all matter. After all, we are all that we have. Each and every one of us, with all our diversity of thought and manner of teaching are the Nation. Allahs Five Percent The Nation of Gods and Earths. Before I continue, I would also like to acknowledge God Powerful Allah and the G.O.D. (Gods Organized Defense) who are the Nations Security Force that provides the security at our Parliaments and are responsible for keeping order and safety for us at all times. They are also worthy of our recognition and respect. And I know that at times they may feel that their efforts go unnoticed and unappreciated. Yet, I God Divine Prince want them to know that I and others alike I am appreciative and honored by your presence, your courage, and your humble dedication to doing one of the hardest jobs there is in our nation. Your job is not easy. It takes courage, commitment, and a special type of dedication to do it. And do it, you brothers and sisters do well. And I love and honor each and every one of you for it. In my eyes you are true builders and a primary example of what and whom the true and living are. And I would also be remiss in my recognition of sincere Gods and Earths if I did not mention Gods Rasheen Allah and Rasheem Universal Allah who are at every Parliament and most of our events to videotape and record our activities and living history. They are also worthy of our recognition and respect. Peace to you and all the builders. In continuing on I want to make it clear that no one knows God, and no one knows Earth like God and like Earth. There is so much publicity and writing of books and innuendo and assumption and short-sighted fabrication about us that I am compelled to say that they who stand outside our cipher have got it twisted, not us. Or rather, we should recognize that we are in possession of the truth, right and exact as far as our history, our culture and, our true state of condition in this land and throughout the planet Earth is concerned. What we do not have is universal agreement or a consensus of understanding amongst our own people. Black people who are still in this day when the truth of matters as to where they (we) stand in this hostile land, and are at odds with one another over ideologies, methodologies, coupled with egoism, and self-centered, self-serving, self-righteous attitudes which will not allow us to advance in unity or collective effort and purpose. The greatest victims of these self-defeating attitudes and cause-defeating mind games are the children and young adults who have been left in the lurch and are lost, confused and unable to adjust to an acceptance of their own social and cultural responsibility. That responsibility, which I as a young Black man can remember embracing and working for was, and still is to assume the leadership of today and the future for the growth and advancement of our own people. And, outside of the fact, or in spite of the fact that many of the old guard amongst us refused to let go and pass the baton (so to speak) we assumed our roles with pride and determination to bring forth change. I say all this to remind us all that, what worked in the beginning will work now. The children are in need of Fathers. They are bitter, and resentful and have opted to forge their own way by taking an alternate route. Indeed, the time is at hand now where the division of thought and the separation of the young from what I define as our traditional (or long-established) cultural values, where the respect for the principles of family unity and the importance for their continuous social and economic achievement through the advancement of education on a national level is because of the lack of guidance due to the breakdown and purposeful destruction of black family structure. The imposed, poverty and exclusion of our own people from any meaningful advancement and equity (justice afforded to others for their contributions) and the inherent racism woven into the very fabric of this present American political and economic system of government have created a rift in the moral and psychological stability of the majority of our people. The effect being the loss of respect and desire for positive elevation amongst our young people. The hedonism (search for pleasure), materialism and inclination towards criminal activity amongst our young men and women has contributed more to their endangerment than they realize. The apathy (lack of concern or unwillingness to act) of their elders and indifference of our young for respect of the laws of civilized society and their embrace of lawlessness and acts of violence and insensitivity towards spiritual principles of decency and respect for human life has grown in frighteningly epidemic proportions. And now the quest for emancipation from the oppression and manipulation of the forces responsible for their condition is distant and mostly non-existent in their minds and ambition(s). Sadly, for the majority of our young adolescents and adults here in America this has become the rule rather than the exception. And, one needs only to evidence their daily actions to see or witness the disheartening and painful truth of my assessment. There are very few days that can pass when we do not hear, read, or see some young person, especially black young men and women, who are either being killed (murdered) or killing someone, including those whom they are close to such as a friend, parent or other family member, or resident (neighbor) of their community over B.S. They have, for the most part been swayed by their emotions and, other deep-seated resentments and unaddressed issues; i.e. -lack of parental guidance, abandonment, mental-physical-sexual abuse, addictions and latent fears which cause them to act out in anti-social and dangerous ways. Their natural self-centeredness as children coupled with the absence of character-building guidance and the esteem enhancing adult powers-of-example have caused a rift in the ever-widening chasm between reality and fantasy. And, it has reached a level best described as critical-mass where to contain it has grown more difficult, and seemingly impossible to contain. Incarceration and other draconian methods employed (i.e.-institutionalization and medication) are inadequate at resolving the problem and are a contributing factor towards their, and thus, our imminent destruction. Our Children Are Our Future!!, The Babies Are The Greatest It may seem as if these terms or slogans have become clich or rather they are truisms that have become just something to say. Because, the greatness we seek to attribute to our children and their potential and make known to the world is not possible and cannot occur because they are headed along the path of self-destruction. Yet, never forget that we are here to save the babies.

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That above anything else is our objective, our mission and purpose (so to speak). And, unless we put an end to our lofty ambitions, petty disputes amongst each other, goals which are out-of-synch with the reality of who and what we are and, agendas which will fall short of our expectations and have further disastrous effects on the safety and security of our future, our young will not, cannot and, will never achieve true freedom and self-determination for themselves, neither the self-proficiency (adeptness, know-how) to master civilization and create their own new world. A world free of the manipulative, unseen hand of the devils who now rule their present world, and seeks to destroy them. Our true course of action here in America and wherever we find ourselves throughout the planet Earth, is to teach civilization and be as Allah, Fathers to the children. If you know who you are, then be who you are. A God and Earth who are true builders in this nation, Allahs Nation is dedicated and committed to doing Allahs work. We are here to stop crime, and establish a world of peace and happiness. There is no higher love than Gods love. If you know who you are, then be who you are. Dont just express yo ur knowledge of self and those who are alike or un-alike by way of the wisdom of the tongue, yet also by the active wisdom of Living Mathematics. To proclaim that you are the God and the Earth means that what you say and, what you do compliments one another. Yet, it is no simple matter in bringing forth your truth, which is our truth. The competition is fierce and the time is relatively short while the gratitude of the beneficiaries of our work is even more limited as men are prone to short memories and are largely incapacitated by their own egos and short -sightedness. You must therefore stand unique. Yet, I caution you to be selective in your partnerships and relations. Our enemies are all about and are discreet in their cunning, making enemies appear to be as friends and lovers appear to be loyal. Be not nave. Realize that God is One (15 + 14 + 5 = 34 = 7). And so we stand alone. None hold our passion, neither our resolve. You are me, and I am You (25 + !5 + 21 = 61 = 7). We are God. And that is the truth of matters, and where this Nation, Our Nation stands here in America. As I see it. And Yes, I have purposely simplified my view so that even a child can grasp my intention. There is so much debate and I dare say too much conjecture and self-serving rhetoric and misconception as to the truth of matters and the reality of the prevailing condition(s) of the Earths people, and ideas as they relate to their lives and their pursuits. Religion and politics are deadly and misleading. They are crafts, rather than true science. They are tools of the devil(s) and have been effective for centuries in keeping men, societies of men, and entire nations deaf, dumb, and blind to the truth of the true and living God, and the origin, purpose and destiny of civilizations. We, who are coming into knowledge (truth) and gaining power and our rightful authority should stay aware (awake) and stand apart from both religion and politics. They are insidious (fair seeming) traps with limited routes of escape. Beware also of so-called history. Most of it (his-story) is not factual. Both black and white history. It is filled with lies and falsehood(s). Unless you have taken the accounts given through rigorous and unbiased investigation you cannot depend upon their stories and accounts to be reliable. It is best therefore that you shore up your foundation (120 Lessons) and, resolve not to be deceived. Be self-reliant. You and I need the truth to guide us and our children in reality. The ways and actions of our predecessors who carried the knowledge and understanding of our culture of our culture (way of life) are worthy of our consideration and our respect. Think about it! You have been deceived all of your life. By the witting and unwitting pawns, that is the tools and slaves of the devil i.e., our parents, school teachers, church leaders etc. And then, there are the writers, and other personalities who having achieved fame and notoriety promoted falsehoods, half-truths and outright lies to aid their sponsors in keeping us blind, deaf and dumb as to the reality of our condition and our predicament as a powerless and subject collective body of people who have consistently been lead in the wrong direction and set adrift victimized, oppressed, outcasts. By products (made niggers) of a system built on political deception and religious manipulation. I could go on and on detailing for you how and by whom we have been made tools and slaves of the real devil(s). Yet my objective in this edition no. 9 of the National Intelligence Journal is only to inform you of the reality of our situation and our state of being as a people. Each and everyone of us who possess the truth and the knowledge of our true selves are held responsible to bring an end to the devils civilization through our employment of truth and righteousness. As I always am heard to say - I am a soldier and a leader. Yet we are all leaders. We are the Gods and Earths. Unique and powerful. Our power manifests itself through the force of the unity consciousness of our originality and purpose. The National Intelligence Journal and the National Intelligence Communications Network is dedicated to that singular purpose to unify our members in preparation for the task at hand. To elevate our people above and beyond the limitations of the present world and secure a greater tomorrow for our best part. The children. They are the Greatest. Peace and One God Divine Prince Allah

FROM THE EDITOR America. Where Do We Stand?, was first published in the National Intelligence Journal no. 9 in June of 2009. I have reprinted it here in this edition of The Divine Principle Newsletter with updated modifications in wordage and spelling in order that it may be applied to our present situation as a Nation which is experiencing the physical passing of Gods and Earths who were counseled by Allah and Justice C and did their part in bringing our society to its current position of respect and importance not only here in the City of New York (Region 1) yet also throughout this country and the world. They will be missed, and their lack of presence amongst we who remain will be felt by many. And yet, for us, They Live and our building of our nation and the continuance of our national cause continues. Our stand here in America with all of its contradictions and faults remains constant and our work amongst the people cannot and will not end. Their individual legacies and the impacts of their lives upon us should serve as a reminder of Who We Are and What We Will Achieve. And others who are less recognized and did not gain our nations attention yet gave their best to ensure our growth, develop ment, protection and, respect are no less important and are deserving of our remembrance of their contributions. Remember, We are All in All. We All matter. And All of Us are important to the Success of our Goals. No Big Is or, Little Mes. We are One. And as O ne. We Cannot and Will Not. Die. PEACE and ONE. God Divine Prince Allah aka Sambo 7



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One of this nations highest regarded principles is that We Cannot Die. God and Earth are divine beings who are subjected to human experience. So what the unknowing view as death is for us only a passing from this limited realm of three-dimensional reality. We understand that we are infinite Allah and that for us Life and death have no partnership. We are God and Earth manifested in a human form. The Supreme Guidance of the Universal Intelligence and the governance of our being which is KNOWLEDGE BORN ALLAH Supreme Mathematics makes us all ONE with The ONE. Allah who is All in All. We have a glorious history of achievement and an objective for Life. Our cause is to bring forth the elevation of the human family through our teaching of truth, power and, righteousness with our primary interest being the children of the poor and oppressed masses of the Earth. Here in the wilderness of North America, in the City of New York, in the impoverished and neglected communities of the black and brown adolescents and young adults who are seeking to attain a better condition of life and advancement socially and economically is where our Founders first came and taught, counseled, and guided those who would soon be responsible for the uniting of Mecca Harlem) Medina (Brooklyn) Pelan (The Bronx) and The Deserts of Queens and Staten Island as One. And that growth has been continuous in spite of the loss of so many of our beloved and respected predecessors and others who proved themselves to be alike in their sincerity, determination and dedication to the purpose and goals of our society. Some are dignified here, yet trust me the passing on and absence of any true and living God or Earth holds a deep and immeasurable impact upon us all. Remember. We Never Die. We Multiply. And the Evidence of that Fact Cannot and Will Not Be Denied. They Live. Peace and ONE. God Divine Prince Allah

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I can think of very few who were able to express themselves and hold the attention of our audience at our Universal Parliaments and other venues of our Nations concerns as effectively as God Dumar Wade Allah . A great and energetic speaker and a builder who could put into words as few others were qualified, and speak to the people at all levels of society black or white, rich or poor. Rich indeed are my remembrances of how the majesty of His Wisdom and the Power of His Understanding could elevate our passions and our respect for this culture. He stood out, as one of power and we came to recognize him as one of our greatest national representatives. God Dumar Wade Allah served our nation with honor, respect, and dignity. His love for our nation and the children of our communities was unquestionable. To I, Divine Prince Allah, the loss of his presence, and counsel, and his value to me, and others who also knew, loved, and respected this great man, will be greatly missed. The Earth Appreciation Parliament in Mecca, and the Computer Giveaway at The Childrens Parliament in Medina are two of His recognized achievements. The best that we can do in respect for His legacy would be to keep these two events alive, as I am certain that He would assure us that He would expect us to do just that. To the Family, Alikes and Associates who will, I am certain be impacted by the loss of our Brother I encourage you all to remember his power, dignity and integrity, dedication to service and, to principle. Also, let us remember his great sense of humor. He was a Man. He was Real. And, He was Just. One as such who may only come once in a lifetime yet, whose presence in our lives enriches our own experience and dignifies our earthly existence. He Lives. Peace and ONE. God Divine Prince Allah


PROUDLY ANNOUNCES THE NOVEMBER 2013 BOOK RELEASE OF THE LEGACY OF I GOD - BOOK 1 The long-awaited release of : The Legacy of I God - Book One authored by God Divine Prince Allah, a highly respected and long-term national of Allahs Nation of The Gods and Earths. Within this voluminous and important work God Divine Prince has compiled essential writings by Himself and other nationals of his nation and others whom he considers worthy of our respect. Within the pages of this book the reader is given privileged access into the mind and passion of one of our living predecessors. God Divine Prince Allah delivers insight and clarity as to the history, goals and intentions of his nation. A powerful speaker for our cause and a prolific writer whose style and manner of teaching has gained him the notice and respect of conscious persons and governments all over the Earth. Intended by this humble and dedicated warrior for truth and righteousness to be an essential addition to the library of every God and Earth, as well as those who also stand for the bringing forth of a different reality of existence for the human family of the planet Earth, the book will prove t o be a welcome addition to any progressive and open-minded persons storehouse of essential books. Well worth the asking price of $35.00 the almost 500 page text is filled with colorful pictures, articles and essays written by God Divine Prince Allah from past editions of The Divine Principle Newsletter, The National Intelligence Journal, Lessons and other Writings of Conscious Thinkers and Activists covering a wide array of subjects from the New World Order to The Dangers of Vaccines, THE LEGACY OF I GOD - BOOK ONE will prove to be a great literary experience to/for All . Focusing primarily on the Gods and Earths of Region One of the Nations Government this books release will be held at Novembers Universal Parliament in Mecca (Harlem, New York) on Sunday, November 24, 2013. Please contact God Divine Prince Allah for book order information

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