A Natural Tutorial: Adabas and Natural Developer Community
A Natural Tutorial: Adabas and Natural Developer Community
A Natural Tutorial: Adabas and Natural Developer Community
What is Natural?
Natural is a programming language designed to simplify the implementation of business solutions. It takes a very pragmatic and non-theoretical approach to common programming tasks such as database access. Natural is similar to JAVA in that it is an interpreted language; during execution Natural source programs are dynamically compiled into a platform independent byte code (object) format which is then executed in a platform dependent environment. While originally developed for mainframe computers, Natural has been available on Windows and UNIX platforms for several years.
Install Natural
Download the package, unzip it and choose setup.exe in the folder where you unpacked it to. Once installation begins you will be asked to choose which Natural products you wish to install. Simply choose Natural. Please refer to Figure 1.
Next, you will see a couple of questions regarding the Terms of Agreement. You may accept or reject them as you wish; however, if you reject them the installation will terminate!! Then you will be asked to supply a license key. Use the license file you were given when you downloaded the Natural Community Edition (this is an xml file). Then choose Standard when asked what type of Natural installation you want. After this, simply accept all the defaults that the installation provides. The Natural installation placed some icons on your desktop. One is labelled Natural (the Natural Developer Studio), plus one for the Natural Configuration Utility and one for the Natural Component Browser.
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Configure Natural
Before we start the Natural Studio we need to do some configuration to make life a little easier for us. Natural distinguishes between two programming modes Reporting and Structured mode. All of our examples will use structured mode. In order to enable this permanently we need to start the Natural Configuration Utility by clicking on its icon. Open the trees Natural Parameter Files and NATPARM by clicking on the + signs in front of the text. Then click on the + signs in front of Natural Development Environment and Compiler Options. Next, click the box to check Structured Mode on the menu on the right hand side of the window. Please refer to Figure 2.
While you are here you can also check the Generate symbol tables box. This is not absolutely necessary but it makes debugging a little easier. See Figure 2. Go to the menu options along the top, click on File, save these settings and exit the Configuration Utility.
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Now there is only one thing left for us to do. I find it is sometimes useful to have the Natural command line available. You can view this by selecting View on the top menu bar and then checking the Command Line option. You have now configured Natural. So lets get on with Adabas.
Install Adabas
After downloading and unzipping the package, again simply choose setup.exe. After this, simply accept all the defaults that the installation provides. The Adabas installation placed an icon for the Adabas DBA workbench under Start>All Programs->Software AG Adabas v6.1.n on your machine. You may also want to place a short cut to this on your desktop because we will need it later.
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When you want to terminate the database simply select Database and Stop. You will then be asked how you want to terminate the database. Choose option Shutdown. Congratulations! You have now successfully installed Natural and Adabas!! Take a break, youve earned it, and then well get onto writing a simple Natural program.
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Figure 5 - Typical Natural Studio Screen showing the Library Workspace panel
You can see that there are different types of libraries shown in the workspace but the ones you need to know about are: System Libraries: These contain the Natural objects required to run Natural tools and utilities. System libraries always start with SYS and are reserved for Software AG. Please do not modify their contents and do not use them to store your own objects. User Libraries: A user library contains all the objects which make up a user application. Typical object types are programs, classes, subprograms, data areas, etc. We will see later how you create and use these items. User libraries are the libraries we will be concerned with in this tutorial, so now lets look at how to set up your own user library.
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Select the node named "User Libraries" in the library workspace view and then from the Library menu, choose New, Figure 6. Alternatively, you can invoke the context menu (right mouse click) and choose New from the drop down menu.
A new library with the default name "USRNEW" is created and is shown in the User Libraries tree. The default name is selected so that you can immediately enter a new name by simply overwriting the default. Lets call our library TUTORIAL.
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Now you can input your Natural statements, so enter the following code:
* The "Hello world!" example in Natural. * WRITE "Hello world!" END /* End of program
Comment lines start with an asterisk (*) in the first column followed by at least one blank or a second asterisk. When you forget to enter the blank or second asterisk, Natural assumes that you have specified a system variable; this will result in an error. You can also insert comments at the end of a statement line. In this case, the comment starts with a slash followed by an asterisk (/*). The text that is to be shown in the output is defined with the WRITE statement. It is enclosed in quotation marks. The END statement is used to mark the physical end of a Natural program. Each program must end with END. Now we want to see if we have made any typing errors and, if there arent any, run our program. For this we can use the system command RUN. This automatically first invokes the system command CHECK which checks the program code for errors and, if no error is found, the program is then compiled on the fly and executed. See Figure 8.
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You invoke the RUN command by selecting Object and Run or by simply choosing the RUN icon on the program toolbar (Figure 8). The Natural program is started and the output is displayed in a terminal emulation screen, Figure 9.
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Now press Enter to return to the program editor. Finally we want to save our program. We have seen that Natural is an interpretive language, so you can run the source you typed in directly without having to go through a compile stage as you would with, for example Cobol or C. So we can now simply save the program by choosing Object and Save As.
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The Save As command pops up a window to ask us for a name for our program, lets be inventive and call it HELLO. See Figure 10.
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You will now see an icon labelled HELLO representing your program under the user library TUTORIAL in the left hand Library Workspace window, Figure 11 (click on TUTORIAL, then Programs).
You can now use the execute command, again either from the program menu or from the drop down command option list, to run your program. The results should be exactly as before. This two stage process of saving and then cataloguing a program can be a bit tedious so Natural also provides a function to do everything in one step. This is the STOW command; this saves our program but also invokes the CHECK command before saving the program and the CAT command afterwards. The STOW icon is located on the program toolbar and the command is also offered on the drop down menus. From now on we will use this more convenient method of saving our programs. Thats it. You have now successfully created and run your first Natural program. That wasnt too difficult was it?
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Now you can import the fields, including the required format and length definitions, from the DDM into the program editor. To do this you simply place the cursor in the line below LOCAL and from the Program menu, choose Import. See Figure 12.
The Library field is automatically filled to the current library, but we know the DDM we want to use is in SYSEXDDM. So in the drop-down list box, select SYSEXDDM. Now select the DDM option button and all defined DDMs are shown in the Object list box.
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Select the sample DDM with the name "EMPLOYEES". See Figure 13.
The importable data fields are now shown at the bottom of the dialog box, Figure 14.
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Choose the Import button. The View Definition dialog box appears and by default the name of the DDM is proposed as the view name. You can specify any other name; we want to call our view "EMPLOYEES-VIEW". Choose the OK button. The Cancel button in the Import Data Field dialog box has now been changed to Quit. So choose the Quit button to close the Import Data Field dialog box.
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The following code should have been inserted in the program editor:
The first line contains the name of your view and the name of the database file from which the fields have been taken. This is always defined on level 1. The level is indicated at the beginning of the line. The names of the database fields from the DDM are defined at levels 2 and 3. Levels are used in conjunction with field grouping. Fields assigned a level number of 2 or greater are considered to be a part of the immediately preceding group which has been assigned a lower level number. You can also see a little on data definitions in Natural, the format and length of each field is indicated in parentheses, A stands for alphanumeric, and N stands for numeric. Now that you have defined the required data, you will need to add a READ loop. This reads the data from the database file using the defined view. With each loop, one employee is read from the database file. Name, department and remaining days of vacation for this employee are displayed. Data are read until all employees have been displayed. So insert the following code below END-DEFINE:
READ EMPLOYEES-VIEW BY NAME * DISPLAY NAME 3X DEPT 3X LEAVE-DUE * END-READ BY NAME indicates that the data which is read from the database is to be sorted
alphabetically by name. The DISPLAY statement arranges the output in column format. A column is created for each specified field and a header is placed over the column. 3X means that 3 spaces are to be inserted between the columns.
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This is all you need. Before you run your program, make sure the Adabas database we created has been started (it needs to be active) and you started Natural in Structure Mode. Now, if you run your program the following output will appear, Figure 15:
As a result of the DISPLAY statement, the column headers (which are taken from the DDM) are underlined and one blank line is inserted between the underlining and the data. Each column has the same width as defined in the DEFINE DATA block (that is: as defined in the view). The title at the top of each page, which contains the page number, date and time, is also caused by the DISPLAY statement. Press ENTER repeatedly to display all pages, or press Esc to return to the program editor. Now save this program with the STOW command; lets call it PGM1. You will have noticed that the previous output was very long and it would be a good idea if we could restrict it so that only the data for a range of values is displayed. So we will now only display names with values starting with "Adkinson" and ending with "Bennett". I happen to know that these names are defined in the demo database. Unlike, for example PHP or Ruby, Natural is a strictly typed language and performs type checking to ensure that variables are used consistently. So before you can use new variables, you have to define them. Therefore, insert the following below LOCAL:
These are user-defined variables; they are not defined in demo database. Note that we use the hash (#) at the beginning of the name just to distinguish the user-defined variables from the fields defined in the demo database. It is not required.
INIT defines the default value for the field and the default value must be specified
in pointed brackets and quotation marks. Now insert the following below the READ statement:
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Now run this and scroll through the output by hitting Enter. You will notice that the Program displays output up to the name Bennett, Figure 16.
We now have the basics of a database search program. What is missing is how to prompt the user for data, i.e., get the starting and ending name dynamically via screen input. We modify your program so that input fields for the starting name and ending name will be shown in the output screen. This is done using the INPUT statement. So insert the following below END-DEFINE:
INPUT (AD=MT) "Start:" #NAME-START / "End: " #NAME-END
The session parameter AD stands for "attribute definition", its value M stands for "modifiable output field", and the value T stands for "translate lowercase to uppercase". Modifiable output field means that the default values defined with INIT (that is: "ADKINSON" and "BENNETT") will be shown in the input fields. Different values may be entered by the user. When the M value is omitted, the input fields will be empty even though default values have been defined.
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Translate lowercase to uppercase means that all lowercase input is translated to uppercase before further processing. This is important since the names in the demo database file have been defined completely in uppercase letters. When the T value is omitted, you have to enter all names completely in uppercase letters. Otherwise, the specified name will not be found.
"Start:" and "End:" are text fields (labels). They are specified in quotation marks.
The user enters the desired starting name and ending name directly into the #NAMESTART and #NAME-END data fields. The slash (/) means that the subsequent fields are to be shown in a new line. If you now run this program you will be asked for some input, Figure 17:
Simply press ENTER and you will get the same behavior as before. As it is now, the program terminates after it has shown the requested list of employees. If the user wants a new selection he has to re-start the program.
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What we want to do now is allow the user to display a new employees list immediately, without restarting the program. We do this by putting the existing program code into a REPEAT loop. Insert the following below END-DEFINE:
REPEAT REPEAT defines the start of the repeat loop.
Define the end of the repeat loop by inserting the following before the END statement:
We now also have to allow the user to terminate the program; we do this by checking for a dot (.) in the input field and, while we are here, we will also allow the user to just input a single value. So insert the following below the INPUT statement:
The first IF statement, which must be ended with END-IF, checks the content of the #NAME-START field. When a dot (.) is entered in this field, the ESCAPE BOTTOM statement is used to leave the loop. Processing will continue with the first statement following the loop (which is END in our case). The second IF statement checks if the ending value is empty and if so simply moves the start value to the end value field. Now run the program. In the resulting output, enter "JONES" in the start field and clear the end field, then press ENTER. In the resulting list, just the employees with the name Jones are shown. Press ENTER. Due to the REPEAT loop, the input screen is shown again and you can also see that "JONES" has been entered as the ending name. To leave the program, enter a dot (.) in the field which prompts for a starting name and press ENTER. Do not forget to delete the remaining characters of the name which is still shown in this field.
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Stow the program; you will also see that a green dot appears in the icon, indicating that the program has been stowed. Our program is looking quite good now, but what happens if there are no database records returned? We will now define the message that is to be displayed when the user enters a starting name which cannot be found in the database. Add the label RD1. to the line containing the READ statement so that it looks as follows:
To check the number of records found in the READ loop, the system variable *COUNTER is used. If its contents equal 0 (that is: an employee with the specified name has not been found), the message defined with the REINPUT statement is displayed at the bottom of the screen. To identify the READ loop, you assign a label to it (here RD1.). Since a complex database access program can contain many loops, you have to specify the loop to which you refer.
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Run the program. In the resulting screen, enter a starting name which is not defined in the demo database (for example, "XYZ") and press ENTER.
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The message should now appear at the bottom of the screen, Figure 18.
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