What Is Endevor?
What Is Endevor?
What Is Endevor?
In Endevor, source code and related code objects are known as Elements. An Element
is a partitioned data set member, a CA Panvalet, CA Librarian, sequential data set,
or USS file that has been placed under the control of CA Endevor. An Element is the
smallest object for which the product provides control.
During the software development lifecycle, the user performs Element actions on
Elements such as Add, Update, Move, Delete, Signout, and so on. These functions
can be performed in foreground or batch mode.
Many functions can be executed in foreground, but submitted for batch processing.
All JCL batch functions are described using the Software Control Language (SCL).
SCL is the Endevor freeform language, with English-like statements, that is used for
the batch execution of Endevor.
An Endevor Environment is a phase of the life cycle through which a software change
• System Name
• Subsystem Name
• Type of Inventory
• Element name
Endevor automates and controls the movement of software through your software
lifecycle. A standard software lifecycle consists of the following Stages:
In this lifecycle, new or existing code is developed in the Development library. After
the code has been unit tested by the application developer, the code is added to the
test Stage for unit testing. When the code is ready for system testing, it is moved to
the quality assurance Stage. Finally, when the code is ready to be used by customers,
the code is moved to the production Stage. Any fixes are applied to production code
in the emergency Stage.
Emergency Operations:
When fixes must be applied to production code, Endevor can manage the following
emergency operations:
In this lifecycle, production code is retrieved from the production Stage and is added
back to the emergency Stage. After the fixes are applied to the code in the
emergency Stage, the code is moved back to the production Stage.
Steps involved in Endevor elements update:
If your site requires approvals to move your software code changes through the
lifecycle, Packages, which are used to group Element actions, must be used to
perform the moves.
To retrieve an element from an production to an external (user) data set, you use
the Retrieve Elements action.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
To control and manage a member from an external data set (PDS or PDS/E member,
CA Panvalet, CA Librarian or sequential data set, or load module), you use the Add
Elements action.
Follow the below steps to add an element into endevor entry stage.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
Note: For more information about adding or updating an element with the
Autogen option, see How Generating Elements with Autogen Works.
4. Choose one of the following steps.
1. To add a member, enter the information for the action, enter A in the
Option field, and press Enter.
Note: If you want the element name to be different from the member
name, change the name in the ELEMENT option. In addition, if you are
adding an element for the first time, the comment becomes the element
description in the Master Control File.
2. To add multiple members, leave the Option field blank and press Enter.
The Member Selection List appears. This list appears when the source
data set is a library, you leave the Option field blank, the DISPLAY LIST
option is set to Y, and when both the ELEMENT and MEMBER options are
blank or have a name mask. The ISPF Locate command is supported on
Member Selection lists.
5. (Optional) If the Member Selection List appears, enter A to the left of each
member you want to add and press Enter.
The members are added and you return to the Add/Update Elements panel.
You can browse the listing data set for more information about each selected
To control and manage a member when an element with the same name already
exists in the target entry stage, you use the Update Elements action.
Follow the below steps to update an element into endevor entry stage.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about adding or updating an element with the
Autogen option, see How Generating Elements with Autogen Works.
The Member Selection List appears. This list appears when the source data set
is a library, you leave the Option field blank, the DISPLAY LIST option is set to
Y, and when both the ELEMENT and MEMBER options are blank or have a name
mask. The ISPF Locate command is supported on Member Selection lists.
5. (Optional) If the Member Selection List appears, enter U to the left of each
member you want to update and press Enter.
The members are updated and you return to the Add/Update Elements panel.
You can browse the listing data set for more information about each selected
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
4. Specify the element you want to move, and enter a comment to explain the
5. Complete the following fields:
Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether you want the MOVE action
performed when the base level of the element at the source location is different
from the current level of the element at the target. When you enter Y, the
product creates a "sync" level at the target that reflects the differences
between the base level at the source location and the current level at the
target. The move fails if these levels are different and you have specified SYNC
= N.
With History
Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether you want to move the element with
history. When you move the element without history, the product searches
through the element levels at the source location to find a matching level at
the target location. The product then compares the two, and creates a new
level at the target location that reflects the differences.
Signout To
Enter the TSO userid of the person at the target location for which you want to
sign out the element. If the RETAIN SIGNOUT option is set to Y, you cannot
use this option.
Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether you want the product to delete the
elements at the source location after moving them.
6. Press Enter.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
4. Specify the element you want to delete, enter the additional information for
the action, enter # (pound sign) in the Option field, and press Enter.
Note: If you enter a CCID, it is logged to IBM's System Management Facilities
(SMF), if enabled, and is available to exits in the product.
5. (Optional) If the System Selection List, Subsystem Selection List, and Element
Selection List appears, enter S to the left of the system, subsystem, and
element you want to delete.
The element levels are deleted, and the Master Control File (MCF) is updated.
To create an executable form of an element (that is, outputs: object modules, load
modules, listing, and so forth), use the Generate Elements action (available in
foreground, batch, and in packages).
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
4. Specify the element for which you want to generate an output, enter the
additional information for the action, enter S in the Option field, and press
5. (Optional) If the System Selection List, Subsystem Selection List, and Element
Selection List appears, enter S to the left of the system, subsystem, and
element for which you want to generate an output.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
4. Specify the element you want to sign in and enter the additional information
for the action. Enter SI in the Option field, and press Enter.The following
actions are optional:
Override Signout
Specifies whether element signin is allowed when the element is not currently
signed out to you. Acceptable values are:
Y – Sign in the element even if it is not currently signed out to you.Your site
administrator must set up permission for you to use to specify Y.
N – Default. Do not allow the SIGNIN action unless the element is already
signed out to you.
Signout To
Specifies the user ID that the element will be signed out to after it is signed in.
5. (Optional) If the System Selection List, Subsystem Selection List, and Element
Selection List appears, enter S to the left of the system, subsystem, and
element you want to signin.
The element is signed in. If you entered a user ID in the Signout To field, the
element is signed out to that user ID.
You create a package by first defining the package, and then including SCL in the
package to specify element actions to be performed. Packages can be executed
online or submitted in batch.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
3. Enter a name for the package, type 2 (Create/Modify) in the Option field and
press Enter.
4. Select the package type in the Promotion Package field. Enter Y, if this is a
promotion package, or N if this is not a promotion package.
7. Specify the actions in the Option field to build the package and press Enter.
Note: These actions are placed in the request data set displayed at the bottom
of the page.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
3. Enter the package name, leave the PACKAGE ID field blank to display a
Package Selection List, or enter a name mask. Enter 3 (Cast) in the OPTION
field and press Enter.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
4. If the Package Selection List appears, select the package you want to cast and
press Enter.
5. (Optional) Enter S in the Option field and press Enter to view the package SCL
before you cast the package.
7. If the Cast Package panel appears, enter C in the Option field to cast the
When you cast a package that requires approval, the package status is changed
to In-approval. When you cast a package that does not require approval, the
package status is changed to Approved. After a package has been cast, it can
be approved and then executed.
If one or more approver groups are associated with the inventory areas included in
a package, then the package must be reviewed and approved before it can be
executed. To be approved, the package must be accepted by all of the required
approvers, be accepted by a quorum of approvers, and not be denied by any
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
3. Enter the package name, leave the PACKAGE ID field blank to display a
Package Selection List, or enter a name mask. Enter 4 (Review) and press
The Review Package panel appears or the Package Selection List appears.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
4. If the Package Selection List appears, select the package you want to review
and press Enter.
2. To approve the package, enter A in the Option field and press Enter.
The Package Options menu appears with a message saying that the
package has been approved.
3. To deny the package, enter D in the Option field and press Enter.
The Package Options menu appears with a message saying that the
package has been denied.
4. To view the approver groups for the package, enter L in the Option field
and press Enter.
The Approver Groups panel appears. Press END to return to the Package
Review panel.
The Package Note Text panel appears. Press END to return to the
Package Review panel.
After a package has been approved, you can submit it for execution now or for batch
processing. Before executing the package, the product validates the package to make
sure you have the authority to perform the package's actions, the execution request
is within the execution window, and that no elements have changed since the
package was cast.
1. Start the product using the instructions provided by your site administrator.
Note: For more information about a field or option on the panel, press PF1.
4. Enter the package name, leave the PACKAGE ID field blank to display a
Package Selection List, or enter a name mask, and press Enter.
Note: You can submit the job for batch processing from the Execute/Submit
panel, by entering S in the OPTION field.
Note: For more information about batch submission, see Submit a Package for
Batch Processing.
You can submit a package to be executed in batch. Batch processing lets you request
concurrent action processing.
1. On the Execute/Submit Package panel, type S in the OPTION field and press
Include JCL
Use this field to indicate whether or not you want to use concurrent action
processing. Valid values are Y and N. The default value when you enter the
panel is N. If this feature is not enabled for your site, this option is read-only.
Note: The Concurrent Action Processing facility causes certain element action
requests to be executed concurrently, which reduces the elapsed time it takes
to process multiple actions. Before you can use this facility, it must be enabled
by your CA Endevor SCM administrator.
Concurrent Number
Specify the number of concurrent actions to be processed, if you are using
concurrent action processing. The default is the SPAWNCNT value set in
C1DEFLTS. If you overwrite the default and then decide you want to use the
default, either type in the default value or blank out this field. Valid values are
02 through the Max number shown on the panel. The Max number is the value
of SPAWNMAX specified in the C1DEFLTS.
4. Optional. On the JCL to Be Included with Batch Job panel, enter additional JCL
to be included with the job.
This JCL is included when the job is submitted, if the Include JCL option on this
Submit panel is set to yes.