CAPE Sociology Syllabus
CAPE Sociology Syllabus
CAPE Sociology Syllabus
Sociology as a discipline
Development of sociology as a discipline The development of sociology in the Caribbean Sociology as a science
Concepts: social order (structure, function, power), social change, status and roles, values, norms and sanctions, social group (primary and secondary; in group and out group), socialisation (types and agents - school, family, peer group, mass media, religion)
Positivism and interpretivism Quantitative and qualitative research Surveys, observations, document study Cross sectional and longitudinal studies Sampling - probability and non-probability Ethical issues in research
Elements of culture (material and non material) Characteristics of culture Types of culture change Sub-culture and counter-culture Globalisation and culture Plantation society and culture
Caribbean socio cultural diversity: continuity and change, conflict and assimilation, Creole and plural perspectives
Caribbean popular culture (music, dance art in a historical and social context)
Theoretical perspectives
African and Indian heritage Social pathology Functionalism Feminist perspective Kinship ideology and practice
Rate of marriage and divorce Men and fatherhood Female headed households Single parent households Family breakdown The impact of slavery, indentureship, migration and contemporary factors
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Family and gender (the changing role of women and men) Problems associated with the family
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Christianity Hinduism Islam Rastafarianism Vodun Shango Kumina Pocomania Revivalism Orisha
Theoretical perspectives
Establishment and expansion (post emancipation, post independence) Decolonisation and indigenisation Globalisation
Student delinquency Dropout rates Male academic under achievement Lack of human and material resources
Theoretical perspectives
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Education, equality and social mobility Changing patterns of Caribbean stratification Education and gender
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Comparative male and female enrolment and achievement Feminisation of the teaching profession
MODULE 1: Population Studies
Composition (age, sex, ethnicity, religion, occupation) Trends )migration, urbanisation, age, nutrition and health, natural disasters implications
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Issues of deviance
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Drug abuse Juvenile delinquency Domestic violence White collar crime Corporate crime
Social development
Definition of concepts
Indicators of development
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Problems in defining
People with special needs Elderly woman, children and youth Unemployed Single parent families Indigenous people
Social aspect Poverty alleviation policies ('needs ' and 'rights' based perspectives)