Cementum is the calcified avascular mesenchymal tissue that forms the outer covering of the anatomic root . The inorganic content of cementum (hydroxyapatite;) is 45% to 50%, which is less than that of bone (65%), enamel (97%), or dentin (70%).
Organic(50%-55%) Type I Collagen fibers Protein polysaccharides Inorganic(40%-45%) Calcium Phosphorous Traces of Magnesium Fluoride
Collagen Fibers
The two sources of collagen fibers in cementum are; Sharpey's (extrinsic) fibers, which are the embedded portion of the principal fibers of the periodontal ligament and are formed by the fibroblasts, and fibers that belong to the cementum matrix per se (intrinsic) and are produced by the cementoblasts.
Cementoblasts also form the noncollagenous components of the interfibrillar ground substance, such as proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and phosphoproteins.
Physical Properties
It is yellowish in color but lighter than dentin. It is less harder than dentin.(70 KHN) Cementum is permeable, but decreases as age advances
Types of Cementum
Acc to location; a) Coronal Cementum. b) Radicular Cementum.
Acc to Presence or absence of cells; a) Acellular (primary) cementum. b) Cellular (secondary) cementum.
Both consist of a calcified interfibrillar matrix and collagen fibrils
Acc to content of fibrils; a) Fibrillar Cementum. b) Afibrillar Cementum. Acc to Schroeder et .al; Acellular afibrillar cementum (AAC) Acellular extrinsic fiber cementum (AEFC) Cellular mixed stratified cementum (CMSC) Cellular intrinsic fiber cementum (CIFC) Intermediate cementum
Intermediate cementum
It is an ill-defined zone near the cementodentinal junction of certain teeth that appears to contain cellular remnants of Hertwig's sheath embedded in calcified ground substance.
Permeability of Cementum
In very young animals, cellular and acellular cementum are very permeable and permit the diffusion of dyes from the pulp and external root surface. In cellular cementum, the canaliculi in some areas are contiguous with the dentinal tubuli. The permeability of cementum diminishes with age
Cementoenamel Junction
Cementoenamel Junction
Three types of relationships involving the cementum may exist at the cementoenarnel junction. In about 60% to 65% of cases, cementum overlaps the enamel. In about 30% an edge-to-edge butt joint exists; and In 5% to 10% the cementum and enamel fail to meet. In the last instance, gingival recession may result in accentuated sensitivity because the dentin is exposed.
Cementoenamel Junction
Thickness of Cementum
Cementum deposition is a continuous process that proceeds at varying rates throughout life. Cementum formation is most rapid in the apical regions, where it compensates for tooth eruption, which itself compensates for attrition.
Thickness of Cementum
The thickness of cementum on the coronal half of the root varies from 16 to 60micron, or about the thickness of a hair. It attains its greatest thickness (up to 150 to 200) in the apical third and in the furcation areas. It is thicker in distal surfaces than in mesial surfaces, probably because of functional stimulation from mesial drift over time.
Thickness of Cementum
Between the ages of 11 and 70, the average thickness of the cementum increases threefold, with the greatest increase in the apical region. Average thicknesses of 95 at age 20 and 215 at age 60 have been reported.
Thickness of Cementum
Thickest at the apex Thin at the cervical part.
Functions of Cementum.
Primary function is to furnish a medium for attachment of collagen fibers that bind to alveolar bone. Continuous deposition helps to keep the attachment apparatus intact. Root fracture or resorption can be repaired by new cementum deposition Make functional adaptation of tooth possible. (i,edeposition of cementum apically can compensate for loss of tooth substance from occlusal wear&help maintain vertical dimension.)
The term hypercementosis (cementum hyperplasia) refers to a prominent thickening of the cementum. It may be localized to one tooth or affect the entire dentition. Hypercementosis occurs as a generalized thickening of the cementum, with nodular enlargement of the apical third of the root.
The etiology of hypercementosis The spikelike type of hypercementosis generally results from excessive tension from orthodontic appliances or occlusal forces. The generalized type occurs in a variety of circumstances. In teeth without antagonists, hypercementosis is interpreted as an effort to keep pace with excessive tooth eruption.
In teeth subject to low-grade periapical irritation arising from pulp disease, it is considered compensation for the destroyed fibrous attachment to the tooth. The cementum is deposited adjacent to the inflamed periapical tissue. Hypercementosis of the entire dentition may occur in patients with Paget's disease.
Cementicle Globular masses of acellular cementum which form with in the periodontal ligament Types; Free-Lies within the PDL space. Attached-Lies fused to radicular cementum. Interstitial-Incorporated in the cementum.
Cementoma These are masses of cementum generally situated apical to the teeth, to which they may or may not be attached. They are regarded as either odontogenic neoplasms or developmental malformations.
Cementum Resorption
cysts, and tumors; teeth without functional antagonists; embedded teeth; replanted and transplanted teeth; periapical disease; and periodontal disease.
Cementum Resorption
Among the systemic conditions mentioned as predisposing to or inducing cemental resorption are calcium deficiency, hypothyroidism, hereditary fibrous osteodystrophy, and Paget's disease.
Fusion of the cementum and alveolar bone with obliteration of the periodontal ligament is termed ankylosis. Ankylosis occurs in teeth with cemental resorption, which suggests that it may represent a form of abnormal repair. Ankylosis also may develop after chronic periapical inflammation, tooth replantation, and occlusal trauma and around embedded teeth.
Ankylosis results in resorption of the root and its gradual replacement by bone tissue. For this reason, reimplanted teeth that ankylose will lose their roots after 4 to 5 years and exfoliate