Network Analysis MCQ For Apgenco&aptranco Preparation
Network Analysis MCQ For Apgenco&aptranco Preparation
Network Analysis MCQ For Apgenco&aptranco Preparation
Each Question carries 2 marks.
Choose correct or the best alternative in the following:
Q.1 To calculate Thevenins equivalent value in a circuit
(A) all independent voltage sources are opened and all independent current
sources are short circuited.
(B) both voltage and current sources are open circuited
(C) all voltage and current sources are shorted.
(D) all voltage sources are shorted while current sources are opened.
Ans: D
To calculate Thevenins equivalent impedance value in a circuit, all independent
voltage sources are shorted while all independent current sources are
Q.2 A 26 dBm output in watts equals to
(A) 2.4W. (B) 0.26W.
(C) 0.156W. (D) 0.4W.
Ans: A
A 26dBm output in watts equals to 0.4 W because
Q.3 The Characteristic Impedance of a low pass filter in attenuation Band is
(A) Purely imaginary. (B) Zero.
(C) Complex quantity. (D) Real value.
Ans: A
The characteristic impedance of a low pass filter in attenuation band is purely
Q.4 The real part of the propagation constant shows:
(A) Variation of voltage and current on basic unit.
(B) Variation of phase shift/position of voltage.
(C) Reduction in voltage, current values of signal amplitude.
(D) Reduction of only voltage amplitude.
Ans: C
The real part of the propagation constant shows reduction in voltage, current
values of signal amplitude.
Q.5 The purpose of an Attenuator is to:
(A) increase signal strength. (B) provide impedance matching.
(C) decrease reflections. (D) decrease value of signal
Ans: D
The purpose of an Attenuator is to decrease value of signal strength.
Q.6 In Parallel Resonance of:
R L C circuit having a R L as series branch and C forming parallel branch.
Tick the correct answer only.
(A) Max Impedance and current is at the frequency that of resonance.
(B) Value of max Impedance = L / (CR).
(C) ranch currents are 180 Degree phase shifted with each other.
(D) .
Ans: D
In parallel resonance of R-L-C circuit having a R-L branch and C forming
parallel branch,
Q.7 In a transmission line terminated by characteristic impedance, Z
(A) There is no reflection of the incident wave.
(B) The reflection is maximum due to termination.
(C) There are a large number of maximum and minimum on the line.
(D) The incident current is zero for any applied signal.
Ans: A
In a transmission line terminated by characteristic impedance, Z
there is
no reflection of the incident wave.
Q.8 For a coil with inductance L and resistance R in series with a capacitor C has
(A) Resonance impedance as zero.
(B) Resonance impedance R.
(C) Resonance impedance L/CR.
(D) Resonance impedance as infinity.
Ans: B
For a coil with inductance L and resistance R in series with a capacitor C has a
resonance impedance R.
Q.9 Laplace transform of a unit Impulse function is
(A)s. (B) 0.
(C) . (D) 1.
Ans: D
Laplace transform of a unit Impulse function is 1
Q.10 Millmans theorem is applicable during determination of
(A) Load current in a network of generators and impedances with two
output terminals.
(B) Load conditions for maximum power transfer.
(C) Dual of a network.
(D) Load current in a network with more than one voltage source.
Ans: D
Millman's theorem is applicable during determination of Load current in a
network with more than one voltage source.
Q.11 Asymmetrical two port networks have
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: D
Asymmetrical two port networks have Z
= Z
and Z
= Z
Q.12 An attenuator is a
(A) Rs network. (B) RL network.
(C) RC network. (D) LC network.
Ans: A
An attenuator is a R's network.
Q.13 A pure resistance, when connected at the load end of a loss-less 100 line
produces a VSWR of 2. Then is
(A) 50 only. (B) 200 only.
(C) 50 or 200 . (D) 400 .
Ans: C
A pure resistance, R
when connected at the load end of a loss-less 100 line
produces a VSWR of 2. Then R
is 50 ,,or 200 as follows:
Q.14 The reflection coefficient of a transmission line with a short-circuited load is
(A) 0. (B) .
(C) . (D) .
Ans: A
The reflection coefficient of a transmission line with a short-circuited load is 0.
Q.15 All pass filter
(A) passes whole of the audio band.
(B) passes whole of the radio band.
(C) passes all frequencies with very low attenuation.
(D) passes all frequencies without attenuation but phase is changed.
Ans: D
All pass filters, passes all frequencies without attenuation but phase change.
Q.16 A series resonant circuit is inductive at f = 1000 Hz. The circuit will be capacitive
some where at
(A) f > 1000 Hz.
(B) f < 1000 Hz.
(C) f equal to 1000 Hz and by adding a resistance in series.
(D) f = 1000+ f
( resonance frequency)
Ans: B
A series resonant circuit is inductive at f = 1000 Hz. The circuit will be capacitive
some where at f < 1000 Hz.
Q.17 Compensation theorem is applicable to
(A) non-linear networks. (B) linear networks.
(C) linear and non-linear networks. (D) None of the above.
Ans: C
Compensation theorem is applicable to linear and non-linear networks.
Q.18 Laplace transform of a damped sine wave is
(A) . (B) .
(C) . (D) .
Ans: C
Laplace transform of a damped sine wave e
sin(ut) u (t) is
Q.19 A network function is said to have simple pole or simple zero if
(A) the poles and zeroes are on the real axis.
(B) the poles and zeroes are repetitive.
(C) the poles and zeroes are complex conjugate to each other.
(D) the poles and zeroes are not repeated.
Ans: D
A network function is said to have simple pole or simple zero if the poles and
zeroes are not repeated.
Q.20 Symmetrical attenuators have attenuation given by
(A) (B) .
(C) . (D) .
Ans: D
Symmetrical attenuators have attenuation o given by
Q.21 The velocity factor of a transmission line
(A) is governed by the relative permittivity of the dielectric.
(B) is governed by the skin effect.
(C) is governed by the temperature.
(D) All of the above.
Ans: A
The velocity factor of a transmission line is governed by the relative
permittivity of the dielectric.
Q.22 If is attenuation in nepers then
(A) attenuation in dB = / 0.8686. (B) attenuation in dB = 8.686 .
(C) attenuation in dB = 0.1 . (D) attenuation in dB = 0.01 .
Ans: B
If is attenuation in nepers then attenuation in dB = 8.686 o.
Q.23 For a constant K high pass -filter, characteristic impedance for f < is
(A) resistive. (B) inductive.
(C) capacitive. (D) inductive or capacitive.
Ans: D
For a constant K high pass t-filter, characteristic impedance Z
for f < f
inductive or capacitive.
Q.24 A delta connection contains three impedances of 60 each. The impedances of
equivalent star connection will be
(A) 15 each. (B) 20 each.
(C) 30 each. (D) 40 each.
Ans: B
A delta connection contains three impedances of 60O each. The impedances of
equivalent star connection will be 20O each.
Q.25 Which one of the following is a passive element?
(A) A BJT. (B) An Inductor.
(C) A FET. (D) An Op-amp.
Ans: B
Which one of the following is a passive element? An Inductor
Q.26 Millman theorem yields
(A) equivalent resistance of the circuit.
(B) equivalent voltage source.
(C) equivalent voltage OR current source.
(D) value of current in milli amperes input to a circuit from a voltage
Ans: C
Millman's theorem yields equivalent voltage or current source.
Q.27 The z-parameters of the shown T-network at Fig.1 are given by
(A) 5, 8, 12, 0
(B) 13, 8, 8, 20
(C) 8, 20, 13, 12
(D) 5, 8, 8, 12
Ans: B
The Z parameters of the T - network at Fig 1.1 are given by 13, 8, 8, 20
= Z
+ Z
5 + 8 = 13, Z
= Z
= 8, Z
= Z
= 8, Z
= Z
+ Z
12 + 8 = 20
Q.28 To a highly inductive circuit, a small capacitance is added in series. The angle
between voltage and current will
(A) decrease. (B) increase.
(C) remain nearly the same. (D) become indeterminant.
Ans: C
To a highly inductive circuit, a small capacitance is added in series. The angle
between voltage and current will remain nearly the same.
Q.29 The equivalent inductance of Fig.2 at terminals 1 1 is equal to
Ans: A
The equivalent inductance of Fig 1.2 at terminals 11 is equal to
Q.30 The characteristic impedances of a transmission line is given by, (where R, L,
G, C are the unit length parameters)
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: D
The characteristic impedance Z
of a transmission line given by, ( where
R, L, G, C are the unit length parameters
Q.31 The relation between for the given symmetrical lattice attenuator
shown in Fig.3 is
Ans: B
The relation between R
and R
for the given symmetrical lattice attenuator shown
in Fig 1.3 is
Q.32 If Laplace transform of x(t) = X(s), then Laplace transform of x(t-t
) is given by
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: D
If Laplace transform of x(t) = X(s), then laplace transform of x(t t
) is given
Q.33 The following constitutes a bilateral element
(A) A resistor. (B) FET.
(C) Vacuum tube. (D) metal rectifier.
Ans: A
Q.34 Voltages and in the given circuit are
(A) 20 volts each.
(B) 10 volts each.
(C) 16 volts, 4 volts.
(D) 4 volts, 16 volts.
Ans: B
Voltages v
and v
in the given circuit are
Q.35 Step response of series RC circuit with applied voltage V is of the form
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: Step response of series RC circuit with applied voltage V is of the form
Q.36 In the given circuit switch S is opened at time t=0, then is
(A) volt / sec.
(B) 100 volt / sec.
(C) volt / sec.
(D) 10 volt / sec.
In a given circuit, switch S is opened at time t = 0, then
Q.37 In the circuit shown, maximum power will be transferred when
Ans: B
In the circuit shown, maximum power will be transferred when Z
= (4.5 j
Q.38 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) in terms of reflection coefficient is
given by
(A) . (B) .
(C) . (D) .
Ans: C
Q.39 For a 2-port network, the output short circuit current was measured with a 1V
source at the input. The value of the current gives
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Q.40 When i(t) is the unit step function, the value of v (t) in
the steady state is given by
(A) . (B) 1.
(C) 0. (D) .
Q.41 An RLC series circuit is said to be inductive if
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: A
A RLC series circuit is said to be inductive if eL > 1/eC.
Q.42 Laplace transform of an unit impulse function is given by
(A) 1 (B) -1
(C) (D)
Ans: A
Laplace transform of an unit impulse function is given by 1.
Q.43 A function will have a zero at
(A) s = j4 (B) Anywhere on the s-plane.
(C) On the imaginary axis. (D) On the origin.
Ans: D
A function H(s) = 2s/(s
+ 8) will have a zero at the origin.
Q.44 For a two port reciprocal network, the three transmission parameters are given by
A = 4, B = 7 and C = 5. The value of D is equal to
(A) 8.5 (B) 9
(C) 9.5 (D) 8
Ans: B
For a two port reciprocal network, the three transmission parameters are given by
A = 4, B = 7 and C = 5. The value of D is equal to 9.
AD BC = 1 4D = 1+ 35 = 36 D = 36/4 = 9
Q.45 Higher the value of Q of a series circuit
(A) Sharper is its resonance. (B) Greater is its bandwidth.
(C) Broader is its resonant curve. (D) Narrower is its bandwidth.
Ans: D
Higher the value of Q of a series circuit, narrower is its pass band.
Q.46 An ideal filter should have
(A) Zero attenuation in the pass band.
(B) Zero attenuation in the attenuation band.
(C) Infinite attenuation in the pass band.
(D) Infinite attenuation in the attenuation band.
Ans: A
An ideal filter should have Zero attenuation in the pass band.
Q.47 For an m-derived high pass filter, the cut off frequency is 4KHz and the filter has an
infinite attenuation at 3.6 KHz, the value of m is
(A) 0.436 (B) 4.36
(C) 0.34 (D) 0.6
Ans: A
For an m-derived high pass filter, the cut off frequency is 4KHz and the filter has
an infinite attenuation at 3.6KHz, the value of m is 0.436
Q.48 If and , the characteristic impedance is
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: B
If Z
= and Z 120
= 30 , the characteristic impedance is 60.
Q.49 The reflection coefficient of a line is . The line is
(A) Open circuited. (B) Short circuited.
(C) Terminated in . (D) Of infinite length.
Ans: A
The reflection coefficient of a line is 1. The line is open circuited.
Q.50 If a transmission line of length less than is short circuited, it behaves as
(A) Pure capacitive reactance. (B) Series resonant circuit.
(C) Parallel resonant circuit. (D) Pure inductive reactance.
Ans: D
If a transmission line of length less than /4 is short circuited, it behaves as pure
inductive reactance.
Q.51 A line becomes distortion less if
(A) It is properly matched (B) It is terminated into Zo
(C) LG = CR (D) LR = GC
Ans: C
A line becomes distortion less if LG = CR
Q.52 Double stub matching eliminates standing waves on the
(A) Source side of the left stub (B) Load side of the right stub
(C) Both sides of the stub (D) In between the two stubs
Ans: A
Double stub matching eliminates standing waves on the Source side of the left
Q.53 If and , the characteristic impedance is
(A) 400 (B) 60
(C) 80 (D) 170
Ans: (C)
If Z
= 100 and Z
= 64 the characteristic impedance is , 80
Q.54 The final value of f (t) for a given
(A) Zero (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: (A)
The final value of f(t) for a given is Zero.
Q.55 If the given network is reciprocal, then according to the reciprocity theorem
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans: A
If the given network is reciprocal, then according to the reciprocity theorem y
Q.56 The frequency of infinite attenuation of a low pass m-derived section is
(A) Equal to cut off frequency of the filter.
(B) .
(C) Close to but greater than the of the filter.
(D) Close to but less than the of the filter.
Ans: C
The frequency of infinite attenuation (f