Analog and Digital Communication MCQ LMS
Analog and Digital Communication MCQ LMS
Analog and Digital Communication MCQ LMS
A. 1 10 kHz
B. 2 15 KHz
C. 3 5 KHz
D. Both (a) and (c)
F M frequency band is
A. 88 to 108 MHz
B. 89 to 109 MHz
C. 108 to 110 MHz
D. None of above
The very high frequency range extends from
A. 3-30 MHz
B. 30-300 MHz
C. 3 - 30 KHz
D. None of above
Example of tranducer is
A. microphone
B. heater
C. loud speaker
D. none of above
The DSC -SC full form is
A. Double side band suppressed carrier
B. Double side band
C. Double side alternate carrier
D. None of above
Communication is a process
A. keeping in touch
B. to modulated information
C. Demodulation
D. exchanging the information
Recovering information from a carrier is Known as
A. Demultiplexing
B. Modulation
C. Detection
D. Caeeier recovery
The communication medium causes the signal to be
A. Amplified
B. modulated
C. attenuated
D. interferred with
The process of transmitting two or more information signals simultaneously over the
same channel is called
A. telemetry
B. modulation
C. detection
D. multiplexing
The function of the input transducer in a communication system is
A. to tranmit the message signal
B. to modulated the message signal
C. to convert message sound signal into electrical signal
D. none of the above