Marketing Research Is
Marketing Research Is
Marketing Research Is
information information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, and communicates the findings and their implications."[1] Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about issues relating to marketing products and services. The goal of marketing research is to identify and assess how changing elements of the marketing mix impacts customer behavior. The term is commonly interchanged with market research; however, expert practitioners may wish to draw a distinction, in that market research is concerned specifically with markets, while marketing research is concerned specifically about marketing processes.[2] Marketing research is often partitioned into two sets of categorical pairs, either by target market:
Consumer marketing research is a form of applied sociology that concentrates on understanding the preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers in a market-based economy, and it aims to understand the effects and comparative success of marketing campaigns. The field of consumer marketing research as a statistical science was pioneered by Arthur Nielsen with the founding of the ACNielsen Company in 1923.[3] Thus, marketing research may also be described as the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, and dissemination of information for the purpose of assisting management in decision making related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in marketing.[4]
1 Role of marketing research (MR) 2 Marketing research characteristics 3 Comparison with other forms of business research 4 Classification of marketing research 5 Types of marketing research 6 Marketing research methods 7 Business to business market research 8 Marketing research in small businesses and nonprofit organizations
9 International Marketing Research plan 10 Commonly used marketing research terms 11 Selecting a research supplier 12 Careers in marketing research 13 See also 14 Notes 15 References 16 External links
Identify the best alternative D Develop and implement a marketing plan E Evaluate the decision and the decision process The DECIDE model conceptualizes managerial decision making as a series of six steps. The decision process begins by precisely defining the problem or opportunity, along with the objectives and constraints.[5] Next, the possible decision factors that make up the alternative courses of action (controllable factors) and uncertainties (uncontrollable factors) are enumerated. Then, relevant information on the alternatives and possible outcomes is collected. The next step is to select the best alternative based on chosen criteria or measures of success. Then a detailed plan to implement the alternative selected is developed and put into effect. Last, the outcome of the decision and the decision process itself are evaluated.
Market research Only queers tend to develop an interest in this subject. Marketing Communications is a lot better, as Dave is great. It asks questions about competitors, market structure, government regulations, economic trends, technological advances, and numerous other factors that make up the business environment (see environmental scanning). Sometimes the term refers more particularly to the financial analysis of companies, industries, or sectors. In this case, financial analysts usually carry out the research and provide the results to investment advisors and potential investors. Product research - This looks at what products can be produced with available technology, and what new product innovations near-future technology can develop (see new product development).
Advertising research - is a specialized form of marketing research conducted to improve the efficacy of advertising. Copy testing, also known as "pre-testing," is a form of customized research that predicts in-market performance of an ad before it airs, by analyzing audience levels of attention, brand linkage, motivation, entertainment, and communication, as well as breaking down the ads flow of attention and flow of emotion. Pre-testing is also used on ads still in rough (ripomatic or animatic) form. (Young, p. 213)
Customized services offer a wide variety of marketing research services customized to suit a client's specific needs. Each marketing research project is treated uniquely. Limited-service suppliers specialize in one or a few phases of the marketing research project. Services offered by such suppliers are classified as field services, coding and data entry, data analysis, analytical services, and branded products. Field services collect data through mail, personal, or telephone interviewing, and firms that specialize in interviewing are called field service organizations. These organizations may range from small proprietary organizations which operate locally to large multinational organizations with WATS line interviewing facilities. Some organizations maintain extensive interviewing facilities across the country for interviewing shoppers in malls. Coding and data entry services include editing completed questionnaires, developing a coding scheme, and transcribing the data on to diskettes or magnetic tapes for input into the computer. NRC Data Systems provides such services. Analytical services include designing and pretesting questionnaires, determining the best means of collecting data, designing sampling plans, and other aspects of the research
design. Some complex marketing research projects require knowledge of sophisticated procedures, including specialized experimental designs, and analytical techniques such as conjoint analysis and multidimensional scaling. This kind of expertise can be obtained from firms and consultants specializing in analytical services. Data analysis services are offered by firms, also known as tab houses, that specialize in computer analysis of quantitative data such as those obtained in large surveys. Initially most data analysis firms supplied only tabulations (frequency counts) and cross tabulations (frequency counts that describe two or more variables simultaneously). With the proliferation of software, many firms now have the capability to analyze their own data, but, data analysis firms are still in demand. Branded marketing research products and services are specialized data collection and analysis procedures developed to address specific types of marketing research problems. These procedures are patented, given brand names, and marketed like any other branded product.
Ad Tracking periodic or continuous in-market research to monitor a brands performance using measures such as brand awareness, brand preference, and product usage. (Young, 2005) Advertising Research used to predict copy testing or track the efficacy of advertisements for any medium, measured by the ads ability to get attention (measured with AttentionTracking), communicate the message, build the brands image, and motivate the consumer to purchase the product or service. (Young, 2005) Brand equity research - how favorably do consumers view the brand? Brand association research - what do consumers associate with the brand? Brand attribute research - what are the key traits that describe the brand promise? Brand name testing - what do consumers feel about the names of the products? Commercial eye tracking research - examine advertisements, package designs, websites, etc. by analyzing visual behavior of the consumer Concept testing - to test the acceptance of a concept by target consumers Coolhunting - to make observations and predictions in changes of new or existing cultural trends in areas such as fashion, music, films, television, youth culture and lifestyle Buyer decision processes research - to determine what motivates people to buy and what decision-making process they use Copy testing predicts in-market performance of an ad before it airs by analyzing audience levels of attention, brand linkage, motivation, entertainment, and communication, as well as breaking down the ads flow of attention and flow of emotion. (Young, p 213) Customer satisfaction research - quantitative or qualitative studies that yields an understanding of a customer's of satisfaction with a transaction Demand estimation - to determine the approximate level of demand for the product
Distribution channel audits - to assess distributors and retailers attitudes toward a product, brand, or company Internet strategic intelligence - searching for customer opinions in the Internet: chats, forums, web pages, blogs... where people express freely about their experiences with products, becoming strong "opinion formers" Marketing effectiveness and analytics - Building models and measuring results to determine the effectiveness of individual marketing activities. Mystery Consumer or Mystery shopping - An employee or representative of the market research firm anonymously contacts a salesperson and indicates he or she is shopping for a product. The shopper then records the entire experience. This method is often used for quality control or for researching competitors' products. Positioning research - how does the target market see the brand relative to competitors? - what does the brand stand for? Price elasticity testing - to determine how sensitive customers are to price changes Sales forecasting - to determine the expected level of sales given the level of demand. With respect to other factors like Advertising expenditure, sales promotion etc. Segmentation research - to determine the demographic, psychographic, and behavioural characteristics of potential buyers Online panel - a group of individual who accepted to respond to marketing research online Store audit - to measure the sales of a product or product line at a statistically selected store sample in order to determine market share, or to determine whether a retail store provides adequate service Test marketing - a small-scale product launch used to determine the likely acceptance of the product when it is introduced into a wider market Viral Marketing Research - refers to marketing research designed to estimate the probability that specific communications will be transmitted throughout an individual's Social Network. Estimates of Social Networking Potential (SNP) are combined with estimates of selling effectiveness to estimate ROI on specific combinations of messages and media.
All of these forms of marketing research can be classified as either problem-identification research or as problem-solving research. There are two main sources of data - primary and secondary. Primary research is conducted from scratch. It is original and collected to solve the problem in hand. Secondary research already exists since it has been collected for other purposes. It is conducted on data published previously and usually by someone else. Secondary research costs far less than primary research, but seldom comes in a form that exactly meets the needs of the researcher. A similar distinction exists between exploratory research and conclusive research. Exploratory research provides insights into and comprehension of an issue or situation. It should draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution. Conclusive research draws conclusions: the results of the study can be generalized to the whole population.
Exploratory research is conducted to explore a problem to get some basic idea about the solution at the preliminary stages of research. It may serve as the input to conclusive research. Exploratory research information is collected by focus group interviews, reviewing literature or books, discussing with experts, etc. This is unstructured and qualitative in nature. If a secondary source of data is unable to serve the purpose, a convenience sample of small size can be collected. Conclusive research is conducted to draw some conclusion about the problem. It is essentially, structured and quantitative research, and the output of this research is the input to management information systems (MIS). Exploratory research is also conducted to simplify the findings of the conclusive or descriptive research, if the findings are very hard to interpret for the marketing managers.
Qualitative marketing research - generally used for exploratory purposes small number of respondents - not generalizable to the whole population statistical significance and confidence not calculated - examples include focus groups, in-depth interviews, and projective techniques Quantitative marketing research - generally used to draw conclusions - tests a specific hypothesis - uses random sampling techniques so as to infer from the sample to the population - involves a large number of respondents - examples include surveys and questionnaires. Techniques include choice modelling, maximum difference preference scaling, and covariance analysis.
Based on observations:
Ethnographic studies -, by nature qualitative, the researcher observes social phenomena in their natural setting - observations can occur cross-sectionally (observations made at one time) or longitudinally (observations occur over several time-periods) - examples include product-use analysis and computer cookie traces. See also Ethnography and Observational techniques. Experimental techniques -, by nature quantitative, the researcher creates a quasiartificial environment to try to control spurious factors, then manipulates at least one of the variables - examples include purchase laboratories and test markets
Researchers often use more than one research design. They may start with secondary research to get background information, then conduct a focus group (qualitative research design) to explore the issues. Finally they might do a full nation-wide survey (quantitative research design) in order to devise specific recommendations for the client.
Business to business (B2B) research is inevitably more complicated than consumer research. The researchers need to know what type of multi-faceted approach will answer the objectives, since seldom is it possible to find the answers using just one method. Finding the right respondents is crucial in B2B research since they are often busy, and may not want to participate. Encouraging them to open up is yet another skill required of the B2B researcher. Last, but not least, most business research leads to strategic decisions and this means that the business researcher must have expertise in developing strategies that are strongly rooted in the research findings and acceptable to the client. There are four key factors that make B2B market research special and different to consumer markets:[7]
The decision making unit is far more complex in B2B markets than in consumer markets B2B products and their applications are more complex than consumer products B2B marketers address a much smaller number of customers who are very much larger in their consumption of products than is the case in consumer markets Personal relationships are of critical importance in B2B markets.
6. Formulating market strategy & also investigating the possibility of partnership/ collaboration (e.g. Profiling & SWOT analysis of potential partners, evaluating business partnership.) 7. Combine those analysis with the SME's business plan/ business model analysis (e.g. Business description, Business process, Business strategy, Revenue model, Business expansion, Return of Investment, Financial analysis (Company History, Financial assumption, Cost/Benefit Analysis, Projected profit & Loss, Cashflow, Balance sheet & business Ratio,etc.). Note as important : Overall analysis is should be based on 6W+1H (What, When, Where, Which, Who, Why and How)question.
Applied research sets out to prove a specific hypothesis of value to the clients paying for the research. For example, a cigarette company might commission research that attempts to show that cigarettes are good for one's health. Many researchers have ethical misgivings about doing applied research. Sugging (from "SUG", for selling under the guise of market research) forms a sales technique in which sales people pretend to conduct marketing research, but with the real purpose of obtaining buyer motivation and buyer decision-making information to be used in a subsequent sales call. Frugging comprises the practice of soliciting funds under the pretense of being a research organization.
A small number of business schools also offer a more specialized Master of Marketing Research (MMR) degree. An MMR typically prepares students for a wide range of research methodologies and focuses on learning both in the classroom and the field. The typical entry-level position in a business firm would be junior research analyst (for BBAs) or research analyst (for MBAs or MMRs). The junior analyst and the research analyst learn about the particular industry and receive training from a senior staff member, usually the marketing research manager. The junior analyst position includes a training program to prepare individuals for the responsibilities of a research analyst, including coordinating with the marketing department and sales force to develop goals for product exposure. The research analyst responsibilities include checking all data for accuracy, comparing and contrasting new research with established norms, and analyzing primary and secondary data for the purpose of market forecasting. As these job titles indicate, people with a variety of backgrounds and skills are needed in marketing research. Technical specialists such as statisticians obviously need strong backgrounds in statistics and data analysis. Other positions, such as research director, call for managing the work of others and require more general skills. To prepare for a career in marketing research, students usually:
Take all the marketing courses. Take courses in statistics and quantitative methods. Acquire computer skills. Take courses in psychology and consumer behavior. Acquire effective written and verbal communication skills. Think creatively.[10]
Career ladder in marketing research: 1. Vice-President of Marketing Research: This is the senior position in marketing research. The VP is responsible for the entire marketing research operation of the company and serves on the top management team. Sets the objectives and goals of the marketing, research department. 2. Research Director: Also a senior position, the director has the overall responsibility for the development and execution of all the marketing research projects. 3. Assistant Director of Research: Serves as an administrative assistant to the director and supervises some of the other marketing research staff members. 4. (Senior) Project Manager: Has overall responsibility for design, implementation, and management of research projects. 5. Statistician/Data Processing Specialist: Serves as an expert on theory and application of statistical techniques. Responsibilities include experimental design, data processing, and analysis. 6. Senior Analyst: Participates in the development of projects and directs the operational execution of the assigned projects. Works closely with the analyst, junior analyst, and other personnel in developing the research design and data collection. Prepares the final
report. The primary responsibility for meeting time and cost constraints rests with the senior analyst. 7. Analyst: Handles the details involved in executing the project. Designs and pretests the questionnaires and conducts a preliminary analysis of the data. 8. Junior Analyst: Handles routine assignments such as secondary data analysis, editing and coding of questionnaires, and simple statistical analysis. 9. Field Work Director: Responsible for the selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of interviewers and other field workers.[11]
Ad Tracking A/B testing Advertising Research AttentionTracking Commercial eye tracking Copy testing Experimental techniques Enterprise Feedback Management (EFM) Global Marketing Industry or market research Integrated Marketing Communications Knowledge management List of marketing research firms Marketing Marketing Research Association Research Methods Institute Marketing research mix Marketing research process Master of Marketing Research mTAB Observational techniques Propaganda Quantitative marketing research Qualitative marketing research Worrell
[edit] Notes
1. ^ The Definition of Marketing. American Marketing Association. Retrieved 2011-04-04. Approved by the AMA Board of Directors in October 2007, the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) endorses this definition as part of its ongoing Common Language: Marketing Activities and Metrics Project.
2. ^ McDonald, Malcolm (2007), Marketing Plans (6th ed.), Oxford, England: ButterworthHeinemann, ISBN 978-0750683869 3. ^ [1] 4. ^ Malhotra, Naresha K. (2002), Basic Marketing Research: A Decision-Making Approach, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, ISBN 0133768562 9780133768565 0130090484 9780130090485 5. ^ a b Twedt, Dick Warren (1983), 1983 Survey of Marketing Research, Chicago: American Marketing Association 6. ^ Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation 2006 (5th Edition) by Naresh Malhotra. ISBN 0132221179 7. ^ Business-to-Business Marketing By Paul Hague, Nick Hague and Matt Harrison (undated) accessed October 9, 2006 8. ^ Wibowo Martino, Marketing Management for Small Medium Enterprises, Jakarta,Indonesia, 2008, unpublished material 9. ^ a b c Glazer, Rashi (October 1991), Marketing in an Information-Intensive Environment: Strategic Implications of Knowledge as an Asset, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Journal of Marketing, pp. 119 10. ^ a b c Boudreaux, Michael (March 1984), "Prepare for Your Future in Marketing, Your Interviews, and Something 'Extra'", Student Edition Marketing News (2): 34 11. ^ Kinnear, Thomas C.; Root, Ann R. (1988), 1988 Survey of Marketing Research, Chicago: American Marketing Association